The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 05, 1869, Image 5
NEW ADvEVISEDIENTS. rgrLNDEPENrENT TEMPER ANCE CANI`PkTE. FOR Cout.tY COMMISSIONER. isAIAH DICKEY. - viola BALE - CITE II ESIDENC E .A.: :On Cowell BUT , t, one square from strekt c,,rs. The House tuts " ten rooms; hail, 'eood cellars T ressed brick front, gad , and watt-r Ihroughon, WWI room, range In kitchen. and . a pleausnt, nelghoorpuod. Price O'LT 91. t ti4Lslo t s on en.,T terms. Attpl ,, to CROFT A Flit LPs, Real iutate Arias, :70 . 139 Fourth av • ue.. OD ER SON A 1 0 —All p ersjol seek tvti HolllB.o.7,..tureinm-.AU In Neal 2 s- Late, will tare ttu.e. trouble and money by pro outing s' cony of the' PlVrtSßUtill REAL EsTsr " tt E EEolBtlttt.! , egtvenawayausrts or will be rent by mall Fels Many retmestteg I . Venues eatmotAall to get suited out of the large liet It nautilus. CRoFT PRILLIPo. Pun. ilthers and Real Estate Age ats, No. 139 Fourth QTEUTIENVILLE (O.) FEMALE SEMlNARY.—Dellahtfuly' situated on the batiks of Ohio. Forty years in successful opera tion. Unusual adyaniages in 6olld and orna mental branches. Sehoril Year of Forty Weeks begins September 7. 1869. Entire expense about $5.00 a week. Twenty-Aye per cent. dee duction for dauebtere of ministers. heud for Catalogue to REV: CHARLES C. RI. ATTY. D D.. LL.D.. Superintend:mt. or Rt.V. A. M. REID. A. li., Principal. auhrmisernt SCHOOL DESKS. RINILIMS IMPROVED SCHOOL DESK. ADVANTAGES: I. Strongest and Most partyle. 11. Does not require to be. fastened to the toor. - Presents no obstacles to the Broom in Sweeping. IV. IL Is perfect In the ease of ingress and egress. - , . V. It is the Cheape.t. , private and publlc schools iupplied through R. S. DAVIS CO., 192 LIBERTY STREIT; Where a Jladel may be seen and Prlees and ot'acr particulars received. auSaurs nUPHANS" COURT SALE.--By virtue of an order of the. Orphans' Court. of the County of AllegneuY, t will enyose to site at, public Auction, on the premises on PEI . maY s the 27th dap of Angust.lBo9. at o'clock p. all that certain lot or piece of ground •it HMO on the corner 6(Sandusky street, and Gay alley. seurth ward, City of Allegheny. county aforesaid, being part of Lot No. AS In the orig. illai plan of said city, bounded wed described as follows. to•wlr: Beginning on the south-east corner of Sandusky street and trey alley, and running thence south al-me Sandusky street -thift? (30) feet to the corne.r of lot now or sate of Harvey Childs; thence smug the line of same eparallel with (lay alley one hundred feet east , ward'' , (100 i: thence on a line paraliel with Eau ' dusky street northwardly thirty feet (30) to Gay alley: and *Literate alone said (lay alley westwardly one hundred feet (100) to the corner of trencusky . :Street and Hay alley, the place of beglindote, Which tuere Is eree ed a large two s Orr Slick .Dete Bing Bones irouttng on 84tude,ky street.snd a large Stick Stable end carriage House la the ?FRS. Perms—ore-half cash upon the Fate oeing Confirmed. and the lalance In two equal anlll7lll Instalments, with interest, secured by bond and ‘mortg .ge on the premires. LIZZIE E. PERCHMENT, Administratrin of A. Perchment, deceased. TN THE COURT op COMMON PLEA.' of Allegneny county. No. 558. tit:tober Tam. 1865. anmonwealth ex Tel. vs. Andrew Denniston. Commission de In Arle tate Inge trend°. Jury 31, 1869. Account of George Finley, Committee, 111, d. Same day petitios -of George Tinley. Commit tee, tiled, praying for leave to make private saes of certain lots of pound an. • And nvw, to•wit, July 31, 1869. Petition prtsented In open Conn, whereupon the Court &warn a citation as:prayed for, re.utnsble to SATURDAY, the 21st day of August. 1869, at 10 o'clock A- . BY. TIIE COURT. [From the Record.l JACOB tt. WALTER, Protly. notary. To Andrew Dennlston and Jane. lila wife; Lydia A. nutty. Jane M. Bodin. tlwargeC. Den ni.tot. James A. Denniat n,Ziarciy IG. Weirrei. Andrew J. Denvittin, Samuel W. Denniattm and Luther C. Lanni:ion: Yon are hereby notified To appear in Court on SAT") tti3AY. Angtirt 1800. at 10 o'clock e. t.. and snow cause, if any yon.have. - why the- prayer. of the petitioner abourdnot be granted. anS:m , TIIST BERRY SEEDER. - CHERRY SEEDER. - Emery family using Cherries, whether for pies, anning pr dry lug, should have one of these vain able machines. It not only saves time and latar, but will more than pay for itse tin Seeding one bushel of cherrieS. The' is octane 1 *thesp, simple, durable and handsomer The hopper le adinstible, the;otry adaptine it to all sizes of cherries. RETAIL PRICE • • • • • • 82.00. FOR BALK BY • JAMES BOWN,_. No.:186 WOOD STREET. JOB PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE. One of the longest- established and most com plete, Job Printing offices In the airy. is offered for sale on the most favorable terms. It embraoes all the numb nen' sad types neces cry for Book and Job Frio tineln all branches. There are four steam power presses; steam engine and b 0115.,: poster. card and book type: and a complete Ger man Job 4/ se. the materials for which are al most new. The peke Is complete In awry re• sneer., and bas a large and profitable business. fine eat abllshmrntWill be sold at a bargain. For further particulars •pply at the COMMERCIAL ,urricz, or addikss Box 317 Pittsburgh, Ps. -jy2ll:ml3o MBE BEST PEN IN THE WORLD YOU AMID WRITING. - THE INDIA LUBBER PEN, Combining the atuelties of Gold. Steel and Quill rens. This pen Is peculiarly adaptAd to the use of LaWyers, Clergymen. and other professions where the object to be attuned Is rapid and legi ble wpiting. bitch Yen warranted. . , FOB BALE BY KAY & COMPANY, ; 65, WOOD STREET. !Mums pg . EADQUARTEHS FOR 7`' A 'AMN AND BOX% CLOTHIAG. GRAY & LOGAN, Na t 47 SIXTH STREET. - Are now offering a complete stock of Sommer Clothleg of medium and lieu goods at the eery lowettpriceo: Childrea% Caaalmers Linen and Buss; k imam , Casamers and UnenBnlts• casotmere tad Linen tinitc; Meats' Sinn flannel Wks; Gents' Allows Sacks; Ci e nte' te and Brown Duet finum (tents' *Mai Minoan Sufi': =maw Wsuking Oulu. C•othlng of all kindest °RAI 'cit LOGAN'S. No. 47 Sixth street, (late St ClaLr.) ►llO . LUMBER DEALERS* AND CIABPLVILES.—I nut now In rectipt of ONE MILLION ile,st A lie. 1 Saginaw Shingles, ?rein the celebrated Mahlon Lataber Regions direct which s can sell to the trade atiow domes either' by car load or In quantities to fah, par oshasera, ; ~ • • ALEX. PATTREISOY, Cor. &MINIS on 4 Preble sires Stith wa r d. an d .S; 0. uB7 notreceo stte-t, opposite tho poi Works. Allegheny City: iTsomas EIEG 11/11 If INSTITUTE, 132" and 1099 dPRUUB. STREET_, Phlladqubla. a. - ENtil4*.li Ata PRENtin. For Tolling Ladles end xissea, Boarding tine 1113. will reopen , On; MONDAY: beg eo her 20: FRENCH language of the familia mils c°2BYintlYnrYgn In the Instigate. • . lltAtiA3lZ ;FAIsT2IIB t - •- • Print' . - WAIPAIIEtt itstrx—•-colvi Menem- and-pdrsonli ilestrinit West gnor %sae. and otbers.tan W., .ptcy weetikArtum sirm soirsis smogs tiL seadiNt n&we 81,41 Posudgeo &denim OA-IMMO .JOUtfaAly. NEW ;ADVERTISEMENTS; CIIBR NORMA)erdi- The Next Ter LAST Person ente _:STITUTE, ,"will Open on the DAY .OF . AtrelllST. iatin7 anew er. ItPriatar Ciast , ea. and furwer Pupils and Liners queided to j. Senior Class, siOuld apply this w tTlg. A SELECT . SCHOOL FOR HOTS: . Will be opened In connection.witbibis Institu tion, in which they can rske a tuor ngh Bourse In pe I'l n Arlihmetic, Meograpky. History. 'English grammar. Writing and Book keeping, or any of Blew branctes. I A Selett Sebool for Little fl:rlo, Of similar grade, : will also be connected with the ' - Parents wishing to make arranm r send• leg their tons and Daughters, are invited ta p- My this weer:..ans:r 8' ST. XAVIER'S AC DIY, tinder the Cate of the Esters of Mercy, WESTMORELAND CO., PA. This Institution is situate near the Perosyl• Tanta Central Railroad, in a most oeautiful and healthy part of Westmorelan t county, about thr.e tulles frOm Latrobe- ••• • • - The schelastic year is divided Into two sessions, commencing the Monday after the Mb of Ali- B n oar t. d and tuition per session, (payable in 05 advart ceand b ) 195 00 Bed eddis g per session.. . ... • 00 Stalanelp " `• 200 0 Doctor's fees U Tee Modern Lanattages, Music. Drawing, dc,, form extra charges. • All communications should bed rect - d to the Directress of St. Xavier's Academy, Et. Vliw cent's V'. t./.. Wes:morel and toilets'. N. B.—A carriage la in attendance at Beaty 'a Station every Weaneaday, +o meet the morning accommodation train from Pittaborgh. Ptud les will ommenc Attrust 231. Praapectuies can be had on application to the Directress of the Acadettl. aud:nd NEWELL INSTITUTE, 21515 and 267 Penn Street, . , Will re-dean - on MONDAY. SEPT. OTH. Terms $4O per session of live months. No extra charges. - excent for ' French and lu sic. Applicants tette able to re ad easily. THE BOYS' SCHCOL ROOMS, in No. 261, have been recently enlarged and ter - proved. The coarse of study quallacs for en trance into any College.' Thorough teaching' is given in those studies relating to tuaness. such as SPELLING. PIC.NDIANdH IP. A KITH ME TlO, LOA POSui lON. &c. German Classes daily. the character sf the schern Is a guaran tee for. himest. ylgotonateach'ner. __ _The Teachers are Mesfrs. - WFAVELL. MA•iitll3l, BURCH FIELD, SLOANE, rnd MORGAN. -School Booms. for the TUUNG LADIES are In No. 259 Penn atrert. The Booms are spacious ant elegant. The Principal,. Mr. J. B. N &EWELL, wilt ue satiated by Ills. ISPENCER. Mils E. M. - LIGGETT, late of Vaster College, •and Miss WAI NINS, already kremlin the com munity-re en abie'teacher. The two D.-p.rxt. meats Juni4r an a Senior, embrace the usual course onrsuedin such institutions. • 1132MUS10A DEPA KTMENT will be ander thecareoi Prof. DEIIAM and Miss STE GRIN e. Prot' DE HAW'. charges are $23 per quarter. and Mias STE R81:4.41 , 1k per quarter. • °there known as strictly FIPST-CLASS Teachers of Marie. The LADIES" AC LivOL now otters every advantage which can be, secured by faithful te whiny and most desirable so rroundlogn. The Principal may be seen daily at 935 Pena stre•t; hum 9to 12 o'alock. 111141WPX - S, A. CLARKE &. CO.'S Weekly Register of New Books. The Ladles' Book of Needlework, Inc' tid log Embroidery, Braiding, Knitting, • firotcliet, &n., with sixty-four new de signs In c.10ra.... $7 50 Cyclopoedie eclence Simplified, byJ. H. Pepper, profusely Illustrated, 000 en gravings 4 50 rarlyle's LI'S of Scoller. 1 vol. Eivo .. ... .. 3 75 Stler's Words albs A posres, 1 vol. ..... 3 50 Gleanings from French Gareens, con.- Prising an account of such features of French Horticulture as are most worthy of adoption 3 00 Harvey's Fainted Windows td 4 'o Bright's Speeches, paper - 75 IN ~ i tenzle's Hit tory nr Scotland 3 50 Legion's Oxforo University sermons, new edtiloa 1 50 Rdlof, the Russian eabullsi 2 60 Good Society 1 78 First Love and Last Lov 80 Dublin Repository Reposito Tracts—packet of 3000 i pare. . 1 00 Famous London Mei chants, a book for boy! 100 Dr. Hodge 's Commentary ow the Conies slon 0f7.• I. h • ' 1 75 .1 tirnai of Social Science • 1 00 The T. nrist's Pocket Cduiranlon. 1869... 1 00 Aupl, ton's Short-frt. , G. ide is Europe... 2 00 Philips. 8 capture Atlas, 14 colored maps. 115 Cipher. a romance by Jane G. Ana Go 1 00 Little Women. 2 vols. each 1 50 I.ld.'io,n Folks, by Ml's. Stowe 2 00 The Subjection of Womer, by John Stuart Mill 1 00 119 Wood Street., 7' 118 2d door below .1 , lith Av. nue. ST F AZE is tI y EAT OF . THE AF. ALLEGHENY CEMETERY, :Ulw 1. 1869. DR. 'To amount received for Cemetery lots to date... .8479,141 52 To amount received on r-ndow ment gum! - . 0,900 00 To amount received from Wee of e-rubbery to date ' 7,852 19 .To amount received fr.•m inter- - meats and improvtment of lots. 01,1118 09 To amount received for Interest, IC ' 93,805 88 8809,49 a 80 • By. amount paid for Cemetery grounds to ditto ' •••• • - 1118,612 83 By an °ant paid .for stock and tools to date ' 1.949 07 By amount paid for permanent _ lutprovements 29.872 57 By amount loud f.,r Matisoirtm. . 7 091 10 By 'amount Invested in U. S. bonds and bond mortgages 111,842 45 By amount due on bills receivable. ,to - 41, 582 00 By amount paid for labor to date.. 179,347 43 By amount paid for expenses. W ailes. a a., to dive. 112,988 99 By amount duo fn m sundry ac. counts 7,56% 59 By balance in bank and In hand.... 0,542 33 •aut:mit? ROBERT . II, PATTBSON & CO, CORNICE( OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty Et., PITTSEPIRGII. PA. Will on Onturdoi,ly, 31st, 1069, and on each succeeding dos of gyp ' hold an Anation Sate or HORSES, , CARRIAGES, BUGGIES • WAGONS, And everything appertaining tt the Horse. Parties dem leg eclowni please leave - their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each kin order fOr'advertisivg. Prompt at tention iota good cue will be Wen all BLOCK left • - JOHN H. STEWAItTg Auctioneer. ENNSILVANLA. • MILITARY ACADEMY, 'At CITIMPER, 'IIgttAWATIZ CO.. Pe. (ror Boarders only.! - The- elghta annual session commences 1 huredsy. .uptem tier 2nd. T. 0 h :Wilma are new and very complete In all their appointments. V.ry thorough instruction In reugii•b, ancient aud' modern langu.stes. I TWO graduates of the United state. Dilatant Academy devote their time exconlvely to the departments of Diattio-uvies ant en.tneering Camila • at. 'cation IS Oven to the moral and:relisiOuS eat : , Lure of cadets, Circulars may be obtained of C. pAiILSUPT, kfo. 40 Woou Btrieeg: Pittsburgh, or of . Cot.. TAICODOIIZ 1101rATT. President of P. Chester, Pa An up 6. IN THE MATTER OF SAMUEL BAILEY rind Wlf. U. NcOANDLISS. part ik McCandless. Bankrupts, 80. 1.081. In Bankruptcy. . Western District of Pennsylvania, els Ziol lee Is hereby Elven t y the tin nerslgned, *g ig gar e of s Sd IlankruPtc, that the Court have ordered that a-second genera , , aide, of the creditors of said 'Banktuptc be ball at No. Ile re/oral s , rect. Allehhea, Clty t P"ln i, • In said pigsties. on me giro I AV II ADQUOT.J D. 1800 at 9 o'clock A. X at de QOce of JuHN N. IrtIRVI-4.50g. otwoilhe'ltep Wars to Bank ruptcy in said Muriel, for the Darposeitamail . Laile 1,74 i m0 exact alatia'lnePoultrapt or c nay. aol IS' • • • A: wane, Alltirose„ NEW:ADVERTISEMENTS. HEADQUARTERS GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. PUTITAN & ipANS .`'. :...I'ILL ',':tioB2:ll3T7-:At. Greatly Reduced Prices, \ Balsnee of their Extensive Stock of SUMMER GOODS, • CONSISTDIG OF Gauze Cotton Undershrts & Drawers." Gauze Merino Undershirts & Drawers. Gauze Silk Undf rshirts aid Drawers. Lisle Thread Undershirts & Drawers. LINEN, JEAN AND \ MUSLIN DRAWERS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED PATER PANTALOON DMIVERS. AN SENSE STOCK OF LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS At IF ; 'ery Low Prices. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, TIE, ROWS, • SUNDER SCARFS, ALL. REDUCED. ' SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN'S , HALF HOSE. A LARGE LOT OF FANCY SHIRTS To be Closed Out Very Cheap. "QUAKER CITY FINE 'SHIRTS," -• Of which we are the Sole Agents for this City. are unsurpassed in qualitY. style, make and excel lence of fit. It is a make of Shirts that has become Standard, and for which the demand is STEADILY INCREASINC. We have these Shirts in all sizes 11809,424 WS FOR EYELETS AND STUDS, To Open at the Back. FINE DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO OR-DER. Also, Wholesale Agent' for Ceiebrated "NORWICH MOLDED" Linen Collars and Cuffs, SARATOGA, NEWPORT, NIAGARA, . _ Jt Jffanufactierers Prttes. g` ADAIYIS . . • ..-..: ..'l•:Citi . ..;'.,l -- :;` .. . , ;',.':: -...--.: 12•:,.Fiftk : Avenue, ..7, ... , .-±•:-. , :"..;. , ..i..7•.. , ...-.ti-..,:;..*.i , ....:.,. :•. .• . i.‘• 4 ' -O THURSDAY, .A.VOITST 5, ' lara. FOR THE ALSO, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW AimhßßmExurrs. NOS NCARCITY OF GOODS ! PLENTY OF GOOD,[IIARGAINS. TWELVE YARDS Fast. Colored Dark Calico FOR OJk'E GOOD FAST COLORED CALICO At 10 Cents. Best lakes of Calicos At 12 1-2 Cents. HANDSOME NEW 'STYLES. TWELVE YARDS BLEACHED MUSLIN Fort ONE 'DOLLAR. \ - _ TWELVE \ TARDs Fine Unbleacheil Muslin FOR- ONE DOLLAR,. FINE YARD WIDE BLEACHED UNDRESSED MUSLIN At 1f 1.-2, Cents.. Fine Black and Colored DOUBLE WIDTH ALPACAS At 29 Cents. EXTRA, GOOD BARGAINS IN CAS SIIMDEFLES. SHIRTING FLANNELS At 'Very Low Prices. New Bargains Daily Ina WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 ederal Street, FA A:rrikvao44A STATEMENT - OF THE CONDITION OF PEOPLES' SAYINGS BANK, On 30th JuIII,' 1869. Published by order of the Board of Trustees in accor 1111 CO with Section 9 or the Charter. Cash on hands $ 33,937.92 Expenses and Gilles hirnitnre 9,1101.30 !loads. Dior:gamer, a 341 other valld • securities—. 093.4513.36 Real Estate 834.63 _ _54001,009.19 CaplEil litoeiitribor zed, 130motpu. , Capital ismer instalments called in •••' and Pald, .. • ....... Premiums and interest 98,3391311 Dividends unclalmao 30.00 Deposit account 910,13341 , • , . $409,009.19 S. F. VON BONNHORST, • TliaAsuarm. Sworn to and snbseribed beihre me. Witness my band and Notarial beat this 30th t ay of July s At 1).1809. OHOBGE W. MURPHY. : 4211:m92 Notary Penile. SICILY LEMON SUGAR. For making Lemonade; an excellent substitute for Lemons. for sale at- the !family Grocery Store of ' JOHN A. RENSHAW. jr24 Corner Liberty and Nin th streets. W HITE LEEIL-100, re barls eveland White Lttne; AOO bbls Eastern do, for sale by .1 8.041.17F1F.LD. nEMENIT-100 bble Louisville Tea HydrsulOCOorent. for sue br • • • J. H. ClP_Ersaar - 40.. _ boxes Fac ory Tapuhaesetgaivezts - Oosnb.. lbr sife by OANSIST.T. PPAL Atilier2 o aaClio Wet cuunrizia. SPECUL NOTICE TO WHOLESALE AND BETA Buyers of Dry Goods. NOTWITHSTANDING The "Immolly Large DEMAND AND . SALES 13 4D COD S, MI This Establishment DURING THE PAST ii;vv WEEKS, WE AB E Pleased to Inform our Customers, 'AND THE PUBLIcc. That our Stock is Still Sept \ FULL AND COMPLETE, By Large Arrivals Daily OF NEW AD DESIRABLE GOODS, AND That We Have Plenty of im.cocormes AND GOOD BARGAINS To Offer All. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ui WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. HOMES! HOMES! HOMES ! 9011E 4 2—A111[1nd' of Property ter sale In the "PIT TBEUEGH REAL ESTATE BEM TEEL,' CROFT & P'4ILLIPS, Put:Mawr' and heal Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth amine. J. W. BA R • -- 59 • MARKE ifitsco,cocrea. --JEEN - DAYS STILL •GREATER RED Many Goods offered Twe they can be bought for in present time. Winter Goods as 11 I WAL ivit]p., • 3 1 / 1 81t be-C —By Order, ISLIIIE=a= 7 r NOTICES--"To-Let.-" 3, For Sale," "Lost," ")Vants," "Pound," "Boarding," not exceeding FOUR LINES, will be inserted in .these coluinns once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each. addi tional line FIVE .CENTS. WANTED.HELP. ANTED. = TEACHERS,: Jm Union . township. FITZ TILACIIER.I. Applicants will meet at 110 at. Plush School House on SAIURDAY, August T at, at 3 o'clock By order of the Board. • • WANTEDHELI I .--AT PLOYNENT OFIPICB,_ No.l Bt. Clair Btreet, BOW OMB end =B, tor different kinds of employment. , Persona wasting hair of all lands can he stionited on abort flours. WANTED.—A good GARDEN- go to the conntry,whocan drive and wor with horses; must he *obey. honest 2114 Industrious. To such imam a good home and* fat. wages will he given. Call at or address , JoHN J. a • YOUNG. Fruit mid Confectioner, No. 83 Fifth Avenue Extension, for farther in. formation. ' . WANTED.—®. `good second riAND EN4I:NE AND engine shout? Inch cylinder: Boiler from ISt , . 20 ieet, 30 to 46-inch, and lined. Parties having Ruch machinery to cell will please address Bat 884. Pl,tsburgh Posionice. stating sire, make and Price. , . WANTED. -A SMALL HOUSE, of three rooms. In Manchtster or Law renceville' 'Also: a tsITUATIOR lit a clothing store a. salesman. Good r.ference given. Ad dress W.l'. BiIANDON.-.Plttsbnign,Posv,filce. STFLEt.YED. §tTRAVED FROM THE HEN. DENCE the subscriber, on Tuesday last, E.) AND WHITE COW. Any orison find ing or alvint information where she may be found:will be rewarded. WILL MILLER, Coal Hill. TO-LET. —A furnished FRONT ROOM, with Gas. in old sixth ward: reit moderate. Enquire of 13. if. 2157 Libertystreet. rgo-LET.—Rollllo.—Tvir9 tine BOOMS In OAVETTIC BUILDING. Apply at BOOSTS Ronnie. R 4 and 66 Vittb acenne. TaO-LET.--A HOUSE of Ten Rooms, newlyyefitted; in a most boantlful, dy and central Walton, on Eighth (Hancock) & tree t, near Penn. - Also anothiswith six rooms. Apply at 277 Penn street. . , - • tT4:4•LET.--SCHOOL ROOM.- Prof. H. I. Gourley having discontinued rno..iately occupied by him in "Phelan's litA and' 5114 YDttLilvenne.willbe for rent, togethet with all the teltool furntture complete. For Jurther_particulars inquire of Ja.h.f.L.s PHELAN: No 53.4 , /lath Airenne. . TO-LET.OIVE NEW HOUSES of SIX ROOMS each an Jalappsafreet, sth ward. Allegheny, near A llegheny Avenue. one square trona Manehester Street - Aux. Enquire of T. M. bBOLES S 9 Yetferal streeitkonter Stock ton avenue, or CHARLES P. STBIOHT, 171 North avenue. corner Webster street. rllO-LET.ROOMS. 011 Second aNirowltb Boarding. Location the most -desirable;ln - therettvorittr-theetsirventeaces of boat rooms. the comforts of slictrate family, as few boarders are kept. 18/ Borth Avenue, Al. legheny City. F011,,134L1EL orno•••••Mone.e.e., , , "OS BA LE.—Bargains in Beal Route In the ...PITTeIIIIRGH REAL Ee- T.i.TE REGISTER. Publlshea only by CROFT & PHILLIPS. st No. 139 fourth Ayeane. FOR SALSI--.4 .bout 120 acres of land in the hest sitnatfon for countrl seitt: only 2 miles. from the West Flttstmrsi Ferry Landing. Will be sold altogether or Is nieces in east 'purchasers. Inquire of-Yv. C Ns.Giar.Y, °Moe as the south end of the Motion gabela bri"ge. - Jel4-Y&Y. FM B.E. R AtT ;BURG—A 2 story Brick House,9 rooms, SO by 180. 4.1 REENSRURG —A Lot 62 by WS, opposite frdltepot. _ Mc E-YORT-4 Lots and 2 story Brick Ho . wllb Tavern; M.V. RR. Passing through ~ the ompertv, . _ • PhRtLY 'M 'BEET , Allegheny-2 story frame hens*. 30 by 91. • - • • ~ ~ . ELIZ &BE t lITOWN-4 Lo's. 21 by 60, with 1 three frames and a two story. Brick house. bEtailiD AVENUE—A 3 story Brink mouse, 9 8.1*T8.16,--AitSNITZ—A 2 story Brick House. For particulars enquire st 87 ant etreet. Jen . TUSTIN 4t,73-LEE. Ftß SALE.—Over $1,000,000 orth of property,comprlsing - Parms,l4liile, hotels, litotes. Timms. lona, City and bubur ,tout resident:ea In sada - avast antlety. - that the most faAldlons cannot fall to get milted In a home. Pall particulars of all the above given In the "P1TT5913.9.914 Erdlf, :EsT /erg gnus. TED." CROP r do PHILLIFiI. Publishers and Beal \ Estate Agents, No, 139 i onrth avenue, Do Vt. fallto get It. ' = • F ORNSALE-RESIDENCE. The elegant new two story,pressedluick front. at present occupied by 'J. B. Bell, Beset street, Second ward, Allegheny The house contains 11 rooms, with attic, wash house with station ary tubs, stab:e arid coach house, side yard and garden. The house is finished in the very best s'yle, with inside shutters. marble mantles and hearths, mattilewash Ennis Co's furnace, Cincinnati range in kitchen, .stettliitigtubes..patstriets, and *erg convenience necessary for a drat-class residence. For tenet apply to j% 31:m90 Bates Bell's, or on the premise*. FOB SALE. FOB and Lot on Pandnsky street; House and Lot on Boyle street; 53 Houses In the Eighth Ward; 3 Farms in Otto; Vann in fiewlclley Township; 10 acres at Fleming Station. P., Ft. W. & C. B. B.; Farm near Perrysville; Emu and 1% acres at Glendale Station, P., Ft. W. Yams In Iowa; Lot on Locust street (Manchester); Yana in Weskits/dela county; 7 Houses and Lot in Spring Garden avenue; House and Lease on Middle street; House and . I Lots on Spring Hill, 7th ward. Other Houses and Lots in good location. Inquire of M. 'WHITMORE. Heal Estate and Insurance Agent, corner Ohio end Sandusky streets. Allegheny. - .IYI7 IFOR SALE—A Rare Chance to s&cure a borne in the "PITTSBUIV , II SAL SI:STATIC REGLiTICRO , pace Ro. 139 lout tb avenue. • • K E it - iir, ' C O. .STREET _ , T 4., __, ' 1,1 _ _ .4:1.3mb.; 117 - 3tasc•lcia ! LONGIERV - ! UCTION IN PRICESI _ nty-five per cent. less than the Eastern Markets at the well as Summer .- T la VAilaii 4 b4 6 l: . N. 10Sed Oatl_ _ f. :. .. J. 74 1 1.:BARKIM , Jr Jr., Aagntabitt.''' IME Ell WANTS. TO LET. a. ot. =ix