.PITTSBURGH LIVE STOCK MAR- EINE 1 ) 1..."PeA CRiCTRAL STOtICADS, wEDNEsDAT,4IIgIIBt, 41689. r (TATTLE. The daily h .l . les from last Wednesday, at noon up unt.ll noon today, were as follows; - Wedneaday, July 28 269 Thursday, , 29 618 Fr4tay, " 30 'Saturday, al 486 Monday, August 2.... Tuesday. aa 3.... 2edneaday,,• ". -* 4...., tai • The market since the date of our last report has been very 'dull, the sales !in the ,aggregate having been compara tively, light, and compared with Mst week, prices. are frqm a quarter to a half cent lower.. The great proportion of the cattle offering thus far this week, have been of the lower grades, the supply of prime shipping steers being unusually light, and there are but very few buyers here for the former grade of stock. While it is true, that all kinds of stock are lowek, yet it is also true that the bet ter grades of stock are bringing •rela tively better prices than`common and in ferior. Last'week, prime shipping steers sold at 73.(08. withsome extra at a frac tion more;Atdsweek., this same class of stock cannot be quoted above . 7X(37%, and some of the Philadelphia buyers Averred that if, they, could not buy good fat cattle at about seven cents, that they would buy none at .all., We are cogni zant of a New York buyer, however, who paid 7)4, and. this, we pre sume, may De regarded as the top of the market. For the commoner grades, however, there seemed to be no . demand, and with. the pens almost full of this , kind Of, trash, it is difficult to con jecture what - the owners will do, unless they ship farther east, and we are in `formed, that the Eastern markets are fully ,as hard for this kind of stock as Pittsburgh. WEDNESDAY) July 28.-Smith & Blue to Graff 38, weighing 35,070, at 5,75; Berry to Evans 18, weighing '20,000, at .6,40; Martin to Rowe 21, - weighing 21,- 750, at 6.00; Windfall to H. hillier 13, weighing 79,829, .at, 7,65; Hollar to IL Miller 15, weighing 19,020, at 8,20; Mc 'Anshan to Knox 23, weighing 17,380, at TatiasnAir, July W.-Hedges & Tay , lor to Huntzberger 31,weighthg 41,010, at 7,50; same to, same 1,- weighing 1,620,, at 6,00; same to same 16, weighing 21,- ~220. at 8,00; same to same 20, weighing 18,050, at 5.75; same to H. Maynes 15, weighing 14,050, at 5,00;-• Ward: to • Thos. Lamb.4s, weighing 63,050, at 7,87; Brown Bing master 20, weighing 19,050, at 7.10; Brown to. Rowe 51, weighing 56,3904 at :7.00: Kaufman to Siemens SO, weighing _417,00, at 7,25; Stewitrtto Such 18, weigh ing 18,600, at 5,75; : Hedmes,• Lafferty & Co. to Bach 34, weighing. 35,140, at 6,25; Holmes, L. Co. to. -Maynes 13, weighing . 9,580, at 4,so;l3hemberir to Yohn & Co. 18, weighing 20,370, at 7,00; Holler to - Kelley 16, weighing 19,340, - at 7,37; Thompson to Lamb 14; weighing - 15,680, at 7,00; Hedges - & Taylor' to Maynes 15, weighing 14,050, at 5,00; 'Dawson to Duffy • 56, weighing 62,420, at 7,26; Orr &`W, to Aull 48, weighing 36,890; at 6,00: Orr & W. to Hickman 21, weighing. 17.370, at 5,25;• Hazelwood & B. to. Kenady 18, weighing 19,550, at 6,90. - FRIDAY,BO.-Holmes, L. .t CO. .to Kelly 108, - weighing 117,260, at 6,00; Holmes,L. & Co. to Woodland 18, weigh ing 19,220. at 6,50; same to B. W. Gellett 82, weighing 38,050, at 7.12; same to same 49, weighing 57,820, at :7.12:. same to Voetter &B. 60; weighing 62,680, at 6,62; same to same 60, weighing 62,340. at 6,97; Jno. Toner to Martin 24. weighing 26,- 120. at 6,75; E. Toner to same 30. weigh ing 31,410, at 6,75; Holmes, L. & Co. to Voetter dt A. 20, weighing 21,940, at 6,75; same to same 105, weighing 92,680, at 5,75, •-•-• • - Moicomr, August 2.-Allen to Beals 56, weighing 59,900 1 at 6,50; Holmes, L. & Co. to Briggs 34 , weighing 37,810, at 6,00; • same to same 87, weighing 38,600, at 6,00; FRIDAY, August 2.-Allen to Beals 56, weighing 59,990, at 6,50; Holmes, L. & Co. ~to - Briggs s'x . 34, weighing 37,810; Holmes, 'L. & Co. to Briggs 37, weighing TIJESD.A.; August 3.-Sloan to Beach & B. 16,. - wheighing 20.700, at 7,37; Robins to Delone 16, weighing ' 18,120, at 6,50; Itobins to Deltme Lwgt. 1240, at 5; Heigh. • launder to Delone 18, weighing 10,100. at 6; Hazslwood &B. to Mines 22 (bulls) • weighing 17,850, at 3,90; Corbit to IBiigirs 16, weighing 18,380, at ,7,25; Holmes, L. 4tr - , Co. to Briggs Lweighing 6,680, at 6,50; WEDNESDAY, August;,4.--Corbit to Graff 15, - weighing 15,41)0, at , 6,62; Har per. &B. to Briggs 64, weighing 84,100, at'7,so; Davis ; o 'Whet 18, weighing 18,- 800, at 6,25;1. C..Davisi to Maynes 19, weighing• 18,786, at 5; Smith .dr B. to Miller 21, weighing 20,220, at 6,00; Moore to Fritz 19, weighing 20,110, at 6; iterges &T. to Briggs 15, weighing 21,- 270, 803,50; 'Holmes, L. & Co.to Graff 3, weighing 3,180, at 5,80; Holmes, L. & Co. to lKelley weighing 1,200, at 5.75: Holines, '& "Co , .tilher 1, weighing 1,130;•at MOOS. The Hog market; Also, has been a little slow-tints far thiffweek, and com• pared with last week, prides are from 2U to. 25 cts. per cwt. lower. We now quote Philadelphia Hogs at. 10y e @l05,; Yorkers at 9g@93/, and Baltimore,. at 93A)10. The arrivals are mei unusually large; but the demand is leas active, and al:Opera will not, at present, buy above our quotations. The'dally sales were as follows: Wednesday, July2B .. .. Thursday, . . 29 Friday - so SO Saturday " 31 Monday, Augutt 2 Tuesday " Total : '...,.;;, SEREP; rThe sheep market, aleo t has been very trall. this week,' 'partiettlarly i ‘ for: the commoner grades, which constituted the great proprotion'of the stipply, - and com pared with int weelti,:prices:arei lower. Primates extra may benuoted at 50)03f; fair to Rood 3340134, and.. scalawags ,234 03; Pidcock, Edema, t Co., report baying, bought some 8,000 bead Awing the week, at prices ranging. from •13% to Sm. The daily sales were as follows:, Wednesday, Slily 6,488 Thursday, 4 . 29 ,A 990 Friday, 44 SO' 1,338 Saturoa.Yo " 31 ' 110 Monday, August 2 599 Tuesday, 3 2,311 Total... MARKET MBLEGaArit. . . _ NEW Ynnx; AUg 4f-7Cottentlilxi; sales 1,500 bales at 3,3Xdfoimiddling uplands, F/our--receipta 8,072 bble, and without . decided owing% eale: 17,400 bbis at 45,90® 0,40 for superthier 'state :western 56 . 75 (i0 7;85; for extra stet:eV:7o6 7 , 4o ; for snare western 87,454317,70i40r white wheat ex. Ua1t50507,6410-It. IL b:'l7®B; for ex. tr alit i / 4 4 16- 4 8 a 10,50 ; - f#li s ts4 ',Choice doy it,i* ,25@5,• Bye,itavir , quiet. twin nkiel; 4*w Wee. 500"bbhi, 0, 25: Tht Western. ~ .Whbilty.lii felr;.roxis , ' ashes 210 ', 1 0j4 1 -Vrtenr Vill19: 1 . . Yliqi! a1,1034@1,11. Wheat—receipts, 4,043 bu, lc better and in moderate export mend; transactions are restricted by the tirmneifs of freights and scarcity of good sound parcels; sales 127,000 bushels at 81,56®1,57 for No. 2 spring; not strictly prime; 81,52 for soft do.; 11,63 for No. 1 spring; 81,55 for inferior winter red west ern; $1,65 for prime do.; 81,69 for new amber Maryland; 81,60 for do. to. arrive, and 81,70®1,75 for new amber Tennes see. ' Rye quiet. Barley I and Barley Malt nominal. Corn; receipts 17,712 bush; prices 2®Se better; sales 'Of 64,000 bash, at 82e®01,04 for unsound new mixed western, fe1,05®1,10 for sound do., and 81,12 for white western.. Oats; receipts 4,304 bush;. prices 2®3c lower; sales of 46,00 i) bush, at 79®60c - for -west ern, closing' at the inside price, and 70® 75c for Jersey new; also, sales of 25.00 bush western at 750, seller all this and next month. Rice firm. Coffee firm; sales of 2,000 bags Rio on private terms. Sugar firm;.sales of 900 hhds, at 11®12c , for Cuba and llfi®l23o for Porto Rico. Molasses dull. Petroletim' Arm at 17y,e for crude and 313.1®32e for refined; Leather; Hemlock sole 30®3/0 for Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande light , and middle weights.. COW unchanged. Wool firm; sales 44:03,000 pounds at 4734® 5335 c for domestic fleece, , 34®35e for un washed, and 44®47 . Ke for pulled. Hops quiet. Linseed 011 steady at 81 in casks. I Spirits Turpentine quiet and unchanged. Sheathing Copr. steady at 32c; Ingot dull at 2134 ®220 for Lake Superior. Pig Iron firm with a little better in quiry at 2.84)42e for . Scotch and Ame rican. Bar dull, at $85®90 for refined . English and American. Sheet • quiet at. 103i®1134e, gold for Russia. Nails dull at $4,70 @7,05 for out, ®6,20®6,25 for clinch, and 26®30c for horse shoe. Pork heavy and a shade lgwer, with sales 600 bbla at e33,50®33,25 for new mese, 832,75 for old do., 127,50®28,50 for prime, and 820® 20,60 for prime mess, Beef steady, with sales 175 bbls at sB®l6 for new plain mess, and sl2@lB for new extra mess. Tierce Beef nominal. Beef Hams quiet, with sales 130 bbls at 26®30e, Cut Meats steady, with sales 130 packages at 14K® 15c for shoulders and 17@19c for hams. Middles_ quiet, with sales 100 ,boxes ice cured at private terms. Lard firm and quiet, with sales 350 tierces at 17g®1930 for steam, - and 193;@20c.f0r , kettle ren dered; also, 500 tierces steam, seller for August, et 1930; also, 250 tierces do., seller for August, at private terms. But - ter quiet et 16®31e for Ohio, and 16@37c for • State. cheese firm at 11®16e. Freights, to Liverpool . quiet and very, firm, with shipinents 7,500 bush wheat at per sail, and per steamer 83id. is offetred and.9d. asked. • Latest—Flaw closed dull and slightly in buyere favor. Wheat is quiet and steady, with a moderate export demand. Rye n'ominal. Oats - dull and heavy at 79e for western afloat. Onn steady at 80e @ll,OO for unsound, and $1,05@1,10 for sound mixed western. Pork dull at $31,50 for mess. Beef quiet and without any decided change. Cut meats quiet and steady. Lard quiet at 19%®193ic for fair to prime steam. Eggs auiet at 21@24c. Sr. Louts, Aug.4.—The market is gen erally steady and ffrea, but corn and oats' are lower and declining. The following now classification of wheat has been adopted by the Merchants Exchange, and went into effect yesterday. All quota tions made according to this classifies. tion are 'to •be known as of bulk fall wheat in elevator. Other quotations will be specified as wheat in sacks: choice white to be bright eound dry plump and well cleaned; pure white winter wheat to weigh at least 62 lbs per measured bush el; No. 1 white to be sound, dry and well cleaned; pure white winter wheat to weigh at least 60 pounds per meas ured bushel ; No. 2 white, to be sound dry white winter wheat; reas onably- cleaned and to weigh not less than 59 pounds per measured bushel; No:1 red to be sound, well cleand, dry red or red and white mixed winter wheat, free from rye, to weigh at least 60 pounds Per :measured bushel; No. 2 red to in clude all , sound, dry, reasonably cleaned red or red and white •mixed, winter wheat, below No. 2 red, and weighing not less than 50 pounds par measured bushel; No. axed to include dry red and white or mixed thin or bleached winter Wheat, free from must and weighing not less than 57 pounds per measured bushel; choice red to - be bright, sound, plump, dry ,and well cleaned red or red , and white mixed winter wheat to -weigh at least 62 pounds per measured, bushel; rejected, ;; all damp, totality.either • -very smutty, unsound wheat of .any .: weight and. all light, traatiy-or dirty thin wheat falling below No. in weight- TobaCco steady_ and unchanged. Cotton nominally 32c. Home quiet and unchanged. „blow firmer and lewirradee in demand; superfine $4.75® 5.25, extra.55,27(345,75, double extra 55,75 ®6,25. treble , extra $6,450®7,00, fancy new 17,00®8,50, old ,88,69®9,50. Wheat active and advanced 5c on all grades; no spring offering; No. 3 red sold at 81,15, No. 2. wbite3l,2s,llrime to low choice red in lecke 81.20®1,85, choice and. fully choice $1,40®1,45, choice and fancy white 81,50®1,60., Corn, dull and 3®50 lower; mixed In bulk 70e, common yellow 72c; comm on white, 756; mixed in sacks, 83c: yellow, 83@85; prime to fancy white, 85®90e. Oats dull and lower; new in buik, 41j1®43e; do. in sacks, 49@53c for mixed, and 54@560 for white old. Oats ranged 58®65e. ' Rye dull and lower at 80®85e. Whisky declined to $1,05®1.07 Groceries quiet and unchanged at 21;40 23e for fair to good Rio coffee; 24625 c for prime to choice; 12;4®14%e for Louisiana sugar, - and 70 and 80c for plantation ruo tassel --Pork quiet and firm, with salet on orders at. 834,50. Dry Salt aleats; loose - shoulders 14e; do. hams' 15,0; packed clear sides 173 i ®lBc. Bacon quiet but firm, witti.no anxiety VI sell round Iota; order sales of shoulders' were made at 15}4c, clear rib sides at ley,c, and clear sides at 19c._ Sugar Cured Hams 24@25c. Lard - quiet„and but little doing at LW® /oc. Itsicelpte-4 . 10nr, 2,200 bush; wheat. 27,500 bash; corn, 12,500 bash; oats, 14.700 bush; rye, 300 bush. ,- Ulllol.Gel. Attired "4:—Money easy at 10 per Cent. Exchange, par to 1-10 per cent. - premium.`- Freights.' firm' and steadyi but not active; engagements Were • meths.at: 4;40, for 'wheat, .4c. for corn and 3 1 ,40. for oats to Buffalo, Flour quiet but firm at previous figures; sales spring extras at 55,50@7,10; do. super fine, 14,25®5,25; white winter 'extra, 85,50. Wheat time - sales No. "1 at 8440® 1,41: No. 2, 81,37®1,374,' closing -steady at /11,37 buying; and 81,3734 selling, in option; sales - were. light at 81,37, seller finst half August; 81,114®1,35; seller' Au gust; during the afternoon sales No. 2 at 11,34yA1,313;, seller Augtist..• Corn quiet at an advanceof I®2e.; sales as 87 408}i0 for No. 2. and 78®796' for no grades, in store; in -the afternotin there were sales at $834®69e. seller last 'half August; 90®910. buyer August; 87®880. seller August: after ''cliange sales were made at 89@89340.' seller last half Au gust. • Oats in good speculative demand and prices 3c. blither, closing at 's6®sBe, In option ; 48341051 c. was paid, sel ler August; • after 'change the mar ket was - quite firm, eikge being bid ;and 51. c. asked, seller 'August. Rye in better demand at , a decline of 363 on, N 0.1.2;. closing with .buyers at 03a. Barley, tind,S 'shade, more active; No, 2instore 'netsuke Illy OA: • seller tor arafre r •Putif-,,9 11 +.-1 3 e8/40 30 4J 1 9 1 41 14 t , VAL *Mr-40018 4 1445 1 0.et wood, end 257 10153 ::::-1,252 :.. 891 ... 746 . 1,698 2,075 1,120 5,68e2 12,8%. . 17: - F . 4 : 'f , ';•! - T •;" • PlTlSkitalaU (GIicrate,,'ITEIVItSDAY. AtrGrtrs'r $40434, iron. Proy,isions firm and trans actionslight,wlth sales 56 tierces Sweet Pickled Hams at 17/0: 100 tierces steamed Lsrd at 183 c, and 40,000 pounds Dry Salted Shoulders at 13 3 / 4 c, loose. Receipts-3,719 bbls flour, 41,050 bush wheat, 89,521 bush corn, 34,847.bt1ah oats, 1,450 bush rye, 440 bush barley, 12,208 hogs. Shipments-6,016 bbls flour, 22,980 bush wheat, 40,290 bush corn, 4,595 bush oats, 2,748 hogs, , r ,: .'• emericavATl, Ang. gat 4 :— Flour ; steady and Infair demand - . Wheat in goOl. de- . mod :' at , fulV -. tateti ; 'red,' 11,20101:2.N ! white, 51.400400. Corn ' firm at -900; - 1 oats 45 to 'soc,for new, and no 'old :.,.Offer- ! lag. Rye dfill at '90®93C.. Rarle.Y . nom- . 1 Inally unchanged . , ' , Tobacee Unchanged: - The great annual falr lri L liew beinit , belif ;snit there is a large crowd in attendance.. - 614' - hogsheads.' and S' boxes are entered,: Which. are now. being Bold. Whisky &111. at 11„08, and one sale was made - 0..340T.. • rovisions firm but , quiet. Mess poet, PUG, I-' Belle Meats,' • 1.4 e 'tor - . - Shoulders - and- 163 C for sides. . ilicoa, - 15M, 'wand - . 19c for ;shoulders, . clear :rib' and clear aides. 'l' Bfigar Cured Laths,24c... ' Lard, 1934 c- i Nothing 'done in iulttit artic le • wor thy of note, and the rates gAYeti are.thOse asked. Butter unchanged, fresh scarce and firm at 26 30c. Raga 140 and thin. .Linseed oil - difil at 98c. ' Lard oil . 11,35® 1;38.: Petroleum steady at 28®300 for re fined. Gold • 1353.4 - buying.... Richange dull .at par buying. •.- • , '•' • '. , - : CLEVELAND,: I August . 4.—FlOuri city .made $9 for treble extra white, $7,75®8 for aduble extra amber, $6,75(47 for double extra red winter, $6 for extra red . ' ,winter, and. 56,75 for double extra spring; . country made 1-7,50®8.26 for double extra ' whit% $6,25®7,25 for double extra red and amber, and $6,50®7 for double - extra 1 1 3 3171- g ;ale7 l l e ,4l .s l i z t o l us ea h o l. N 2 76 white redial $1,46; also 11,000 - bush No. 1 red winter seller August at $1,42; also 23 cars No. 1 red on spot at $1,45, and 2 oars No. 2 do at $1,118.. , Corn; Bales 1 car 170. 1 at 91c; also 1 oar do at • 92c, -and 1,000 bush No. 2 before 'change at 90c. Oats nominal at • 65e. Rye 'held at $1,10®1,15. - Patrolentin :refined - held ' at 28X ®290 for August: crude dull at 86,50. . BALTIMORE, August 4.—Flour dull and scarce; sales of western superfine at $5,75®6,25, extra at 57,25, family at 57,75 . @8.30. - .,- Wheat firm for good to.prime at $1,55®1,65; low grades are neglected. 'Com dull;' sales of 'white at $1,02@1,05, • yellow at $1,08®1,10. Oats firm at 62® 65c. Rye;..salea.of new .at 51,20. Mess Pork firm at $34. - Bacon .active and ad vancingt-rib sides at ' 19c, - clear rib at .19%c, shoulders at 16Xc, hams at 23 ®24c. Lard.firm at 19% ®2oc. Whisky is .very quiet at $1,16. Lottisimr.E, August 4.Flour; A No.' 1 $6,50®6,75. i3scon;.- shoulders 16c, clear aides 19%,. clear rib 19e. Bulk Meats; clear rib. sides 18c, fancy hams Bag 7 22%®2330. - Lard 19,4 ®19,.c. Mess Pork $33,50. Pork 533,75. ng; light .to . heavy 16®23c. , . Whisky , two years old copper, 5 2,75. Tobacco fl m; sales of 105 htuis at $6;20®19,00. Grain steady. Wheat; red $1,10,: white .51,20. Corn in bulk 85 0. . Oats 55c. Rye 85c. Barley $1,15.. •• - -- .. . . Dirraorr, August 4.—Flour; low grades are firm at 55@5,50, choice to fancy white active at sB®9; new flour Is beginning to arrive, and the old stocks are very light. Wheat nominal; sales of extra white at 51,80, No. I do. at 31,70, No. 2 do. at $1,45, No. 1 amber at 51,45. Corn; No. 1 yellow dull at 98c. Oats; sales of No. 1 State old at 65c. Feed le scarce and in good de mand at 516 for.bran, $= for coarse and 526 for tine middlings. PHILADELPHIA, August 4.—Flour dull and weak; spring wheat extra family $6.25@7.60: Ohio $7®7,50.. Wheat dull; old red $1,50®1.53; new $1;55®1,60. Rye dull at $1,20@1,25. Corn unsettled, with yellow_at $1.1011.11. Oats drooping. with wstern at 7 ®7sc. Provisions un changed. Petroleum quiet, / with crude at , 22c, and, refined at .31.!. Whisky scarce at 51,25. , MILWAUKEE. August 4, - --Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat quiet. at 01,42 for No. 1; 51,117% for No. 2. Oats dull, and nominally.at 64c. No 2. • Corn -seminal. Rye and Barley nominally unchanged. Grain freights nominally unchanged. Receipts: 2,000 bbis flour; 29,000 bush wheat; 2.000 bush oats. • Shipments: 5,000 bbla flour, 6,000 bush Wheat. MEMPHIS;Auq. 4.—Cotton quiet, firm and unchanged; receipts of 27 and ex ports of 94 bale& Flour firm but un changed. Wheat 81(41,20. Corn 973i@ 81. Oats at 65c for new, and 75c for Viol. Ray 528. Bran 18(01.9c. Pork 1535®35,50. Lard 20@22c. Bacon firm; shoulders 153;c; sides 19;c. Cinasoo, August 4.—Cattle quiet and steady at $4@4,75 for common to good cows, 1.5.623; ®6,25 for fair to medium, and $(1,3734®7 for good shipping steers, Hogis active at 0,25(0,50 for common. $8.80®8,80 for fair to , medium, and 18,80 @9,25 for. good to choice. • Dry Geode Market. NEw :Yong, August 4.—The Market fir cotton fabrics remains quiet yot Arm. Fancy woolens, adapted, for men's wear, are also quiet, but heavy woolens and repellantsare in good request. Woolen shawls are in more animated demand, as'are Germantown goods, and:hosiery of the low grades, hoods, scarf, nublas, &c. There has been a great decline in western freights from hero and Boston, and this has already a wonderful effect on trade, • IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. Prrrscuntos, POUT WATNE & CHI. opao ItattatoAD. August .4.=1 car iron ore, Shoenberger .k B; 10 cars metal, Nirnick & Co; 2 do do, Loomis Jr Col lard; I do do, Everson.' Preston =R Co; 1 do do, Union Mills; 1 do do, .Bryan ..t Caughey; 3 do do, Hallman & Hammett; 1 do do, Rees, Graff"& 'Dull; 1 do do, Brown dt Co; 1 car middlings, U &hued bach; 2 bbis alcohol, , J Adler & Co; 2 do spirits, G A Kelley; 10 tcs lard, J H Parker: 1 car wheat, J S Liggett cit ., Co; 100 bbls Sour, Seghmyer & Voskamp; 100 eke, 75 bbls do, Culp & Shepard; ,101 sks Oats, McHenry de Hood; - oars Ma chinery, R H,Lecky; .1 car atone,- Miller; has., cheese, 3 , bbls - egg°, Woodworth& Davison; 3 bxe mdle,Harrle & Ewingf3 dodo, J Henderson di Bro; it do do, McClure et 'McKenna; I 'do ;, do, J K Smith; 3 bbls vinegar, G A Martin; 5 do do, H Rea Jr; 2 bail tobacco, C 0 Bauer; 50 bxs cheese, owner; 20 • do do, Knox & Orr: 3 bbis eggs, E Heazleton: 1 car oats, Bricker & Co; 1 car cooperage, M P Adams & Bro. • - OLIMILAND AND PITTELSITEGEr HAIL. ROAD. August 4.-5 cars gray warm ore, Shoenberger. Blair & Co; 3 do limestone Ore, Brady's Bend Iron . Co; 8 dO cbamP ore, Brown & co; 2 do shingles, W W Rigdon & Co; 3 cars lumber, R A Clark dc Co; 1 do do, J McMasters; 1 do do, G A Mundorf; 9 grind stones, F Alder; 40 bbls sand, J Kink , it - Co; 40 do do, Adams dr, Co; 10 do do, J M Keir & Co; 89. bas boots, W E Schmertz; 41 bxs hard ware, Secomb it Co: 21 bra oil, B L Fahneidock it co; 8 bdls copper ore, Pitts & Boston Mfg Co;" 50 bbls oil, J Spear dr. Co; 8 do potatoes, McHenry at Hood; 0 bxs 10 kits pearl Ed Heazleton; 3 bble pearl barloy,_ Strickler & M; 10 , kg;s, 2 bbl pearr barley, Arbuckles& Co; Edo dO, Rinehart & 5; 15'bxs`.., chops°. Day- & Co; 30 pole_. apples,, dO potatoe s.' • H Rea et 11 !! • .4161/I.l%taiarg 'Aug. 4,-,44 t4le le** r 0 1 40 0 011e-1 0 0)) 1211 1 tan A. NV Ball dr, 0o;.28 bale rye, W1X.M1141%;,1 Car lime, D L Reynolds: 19 bgs oats, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 8 bb's eggs, Voigt, MohoOd t Co; 16 bales yarn, lacCrum, Glyde & Co; 50 bbla tar, Lockhart, Frew & Co; 1 car metal. Rees, Graff dc Dull; 25 SKS oats, 10 do wheat, Adams dc Austin; 9 ska rags. McCullough. Smith & Co; 38 do oats, Keil dt Ritchart; 30 do do, sdo rye, 13 do wheat, 27 do corn, Scott & Meal; 50 bbls oil, D Bly - 16 Co; 160 do do, Livingston a Bro; 810 do do. Fisher & Bro; 480 do do, John hinnhall; 83 do do, Pool dr, Bro. ALLEOIMNT STATION, August 4.-3 era iron ore, Superior:lron Co; 5 rolls leather . Graham tit. Spangler; 1 car metal, Spang. Chalfant it Co; Wake rags. J B Jones; r oar stone, P Knox; 2do 'do, Forrmter Megraw; 300 sks oats, R Knox it Son; 1 car wheat, R T Kennedy Bro; 100 green hides, G Wettaeh gin; 100 bbls flour, Ripply. t Beokert; 200 eta eorn,Rose ct Ewing; 200 bp mill feed, lif Steel dr, Son. - , PITTAIIIIRON, CINCINNATI AND Sr. 'LOMB RAILROAD, Anguet . 4.-10 kga white load,. Tucker , a Morgan; 5 tube butter ' Rankin & Bro: 6 bble eggs , W H Graff; 25 WS highwine. Roedlebeim; 25 do do. Little& Diechlieg; 1 car ear corn, D B Herron; 5 tee shoulders, EH 20ers; bble liquor, F Shields; 7 do do, F Has eel; 24 cads tobacco, J Fullerton; 6 do do, Kable it Firkins; 20 kgs do, Arbnekles; 10 tee beef, Gee Mitchel; 15 do hams, .J P Hanna. . ' RIVI;It NEWS. The river continues to recede slowly, with scant three and a half fcet in the channel by the `marks last evening. Weather cloudy bat pleasant with indications of rain. Mercury at 4 P. M. 87. The Argosy from Cincinnati, Belie from Parkersburg, and New State from Wheeling, ate the only arrivals we have to report. The New State deputed as usual, and the Argosy, - it was said would get off again last night. There is no improvement to note in business, nor is it likely that there will be for the next month or two. Freights for all points are very scarce, and even if there was plenty of water, boats would have considerable difficulty in picking up a trip. —The Lorena was at Cairo on Monday, en route from Pittsburgh to St. Louis. —The Glendale and Mollie Ebert, St. Louis to Pittsburgh, were at Lcmlsville on Monday. —The Mollie Habibleton has arrived at Texas, minus ber chimneys, which she lost overboard in crossing, the gulf. —The Madison Courier or Saturday, says: R: Stuart 41 , , CO. closed a con tract, yesterday, with Capt. I. R• Roans for another Red river packet. She is to furnished with engines, boilers and all complete at this city. • . —Captain- W, W. Fenton has sold one-eight to Captain James Kenniti• ton, who takes command for $1,500; also one-eight to Capt. 0. P. Shinkle at the same figures, being at the rate of •12,- 000 for the entire boat. —We take the following paragraph from the Mi3mphis Avalanche of Sunday:. The St. Louis Repnb/ican announces Mr. Harry L. Smith as river editor of the Memphis Appeal. This will be news to Captian English, who has tilled this posi tion for three years, and has no idea of retiring from , the creek department. —The officers of the Peter -Balen, are out in the following card in the St. Louts Republican: In regard to the burning of the ilalen we know nothing, having left on the 6th, on the steamer Andrew Ackley, for Sioux City. Her condition, when we left, was good, being in one of the best harbors on the upper river, and ten or twelve men to take care of her, with plenty of provisions far nine or ten months. —The Cairo Evening Bullelin, of Wed nesday evening, says:- The Monitors at Mound City are rapidly undergoing re pairs necessary to fit them for , voyage to South America. The. ,Tempest, the finest and one of the most formidable of the lot, is now ready. Whether they will go forward singly or in a fleet, we are not advised. The repairs are being made under the skillful superintend ence of Chief Engineer Mortimer Kellog. RIVER PACKETS. PAIZEII&161811IIRO. rITTS 8 ORGltilidgab _WHEELING- . AND P. 4.1- 113BUitti LIIIII.—Leave Comnabra Wharf Holm tont of Wood St eet. daily at is, air.,,vLp- NESDAEB and SETUEDATI ONYX EAGLE - O. L. itiltiritArt, master. - height will be received at all hours by .. : JABIES COI.LIN& • - PLAON & COLLINGWOOD, aplE . . - - • . . Admits. I smilassrps T° • LIVERPOOL ANDania QUEENSTOWN.' , TO'DI INDIAN MAIL- STNANISNIPSI Nambertug atxteen orat,olau veesela, =peg c , .mtke eetebrr:.ed CITY OF PAtoz, OTTY OF iNTWE2 O I CITY OP BOSTO N OF LONDON ,, EFEHY T SATIIEDAY, fAm Pter 46, z..,ra, and; New York. For +mina Or nutter lar , orLaclon Apply to • - - wUJ,t AN RTNAHANI, 'Jr. .1.3 SMITHFIELD STREET. Pittsburgh. , . . . i t t bi .4 1 . h..% ' . ef '-'' 1:1(.fr, 4 ' 1 1., ~,' • 0;',. , :-. - , 11 t ie . C ' : 0 14 41 S3 IT_UtiON i 7tti6... ,olTTt ßst . he e.s' Croll le 01 LC s e A PERFECT. CURE ,' For Dyspepsia, ;Fever; and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Lass of Appeute, Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arisi:l4 from a disordered state of the StOmacn, Liver or Intestine& . . Prepared by SEWARD. BENTLEY CHENEY, Druggists, Buffalo, N Y _S a d, by all Druggists. Wholesale Agents ...SCHWARTZ ,t HAZIATT. . . It'CONV.&N tVICOWtt. 11..111. bIeCOWAN otk COI, Boulefard• Pavers, OMee, No. 65 OHIO' an - ALLEGHENY. Order, left at Gating. OFFICE. Plttsbargb. prntuotitr otte*dod to. • • __ Pave Sidewalks, Ce ll ar., Inside Yards, Warranted against changes of heat and cold. illtrgrtMitaa—blaz. Mo.rbead. Lyon'. bborb. Roily Yatterson,_Wm. Park, James N. Long & Son. Payday' & McKee, AndenoWs Mazirell. Aiken & Campbell. Inez Craig. - .1716:m23 . . ENTER STREET. --Notice ierebl Wen ,tlitt go? Viewers report on wideafaq Webster itieetl Cala AlleghenT, htt boon taedttn , Ott &Atilt% Out. ?lot , bilk Jl4lr Tenn MO. for coutlralotiol.. litto r e“Mp 3raitent 045 18tV COMMISSION bIERCHANTS WILLIAiII Bli= & CO., Now. 221 and 223.1..therty Street. Corner of Irwin, 'now offer to the trade at low agues, strictly • Prime New CroNew Orleans Sugar and Porto Rico, Cuba aid Englishlsland BMW's- New Torii. Philadelphla. and Baltimore Re ined do. Golden Drips, Loverings. Branlis, littaart's, Adams , and Long Island hymns. Porto Rico.. Cuba and English Wand Molasses: ' Young Hyson, Japan, imperial.' ClunPowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina alai Bangoin Rice. Jays, Lagnayra and -lo Coffees. Tobacco, ,Lard Oil. Pish. Nails , Oftss, BoaPsf Cotton Yarns, &c., constantly on haat. Fine Brandies,Wines and Se4ars. mental, Moselle, and Eli:Waling Hoot Wines of tllnkelJt Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Seharsbera and Jolrseinis. burg, Hockheinter Burgandy, Brandenburg 8c s , Vise Olive Oil. do do Clarets, _lmported in borAes. do do White Wives, In bottles. X. Wort I Sons,' Sparkling Catawba:. Pine old sherry, Madeira and Port Vflnes. Free Old Monongahela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very Butrerlor Old Scotch do do. - Aided. _. itolLAlFents for hfoet & Cliantion's urand ge7zrn . sy and Seim , Chasapaspee. Braadles of our owir Gelation and warranted. Jl?da ES:ABl3it !lUD BY A. & T IV. M. OORMLY • WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (D131C13.1r 011 , . EAGLX ElCYrit..) NorrTo3l3 l / 7 11 , 07i. Se MIR W. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to Fetzer & ArmstrOcig, PRODUCE COMMISSION IffERCRLIFE, VA* XABILET STRZET. mut 11111111 ILA 41. 8T102.11. STEIILE & SON, Commission. Mervhants, AND DZALILUS 53 . S I I•011M. GRAIN. Fula E. Dr am. No. 96 OHIO BTBNZI near Moat . COTLISIO4 ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. MISR NIEL a JAS. 7. 31101A.17. KEIL lc RITCH.A.RT, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71.01311..eati11i; SEEDS, ZOLL PIED, 349 I.lberty tit., Pittsburgh, DVSS:big to- L J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, N 0 . 1396 PENN STREET. ap18:329 an TTTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Alerobsats Dealer. In Produce, Yloor, Bacon, Cheese, Eish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron , NMI Mass, Cotton Yarns and all Pqtabargt Mantlitures generally,. WI and ni osiCOND 8 ET, Plttabturgn. +, , JOHN I. 110III3Z..EDR. ItollB/.....1FY. H. HOLISM. JOHN L HOUSE &BROS., Snc eeesors to JOHN I. }loom a CO. Whole. sale Grocers and €0111111.41131011 MerChilltd, COP. ter of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. JOHN SHIFT= A WALIACIL §9I3 . IIIPTON&WALIACE_, Whole. SALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEAL. No. 6 BEFTEISTAMET. Pll4 Olathe antrze • G W. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AWCOUNSELLOR AT LAW. °Mee, No. 137 FOTIRTH AVIENITE,_ Pitte burgh. (formerly occupied:by Hon. Walter H. Lowrie,) will practice in the U. S. Circuit and Minna Courts, la the State Supreme and all tue Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions in most of the adjacent counties. J129:d211 ARCHIR&LIOI IBLAKELEI, .6..wroitzkrr:r-Avr 6 a.A.w, No. 9$ firm EMMET. =I aalhasCdar SAMUEL AIcitIASTEBS,. ,-;• ~ : . ... , . - ,- 41.1:11Eauff..a.N. .. .••_ 111ai, t. Em.ol3lelo Multtee of the . Peace Oa Hair trate. °She. GRA= STREET. oppos a the Cathedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. - - Deeds, Bonds, Mortgagee Acknow gamuts, Dfmositions, -and -all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. : %raw JOHN A. STRAIN, 41LIADVOI,,71VKN, El-011FICIO a uerius or THE ACE Axo POLICE MAGISTRATE.. .. t 04lee,11A TIPTR STREET, oppos e the C thearal, Pittsburgh, Ps. Deeds, Bonds, Mort. gages; Acknowledgments, Depositions - and all Legs Basinful lixecnited with nromntness and disultegh• A ARIIIION, • • • Justice of the Peace, - • CONvEYAICER,R AN REAL ESTATE MID 'NEU CL 1. C1i..501., STREET. EAST BLBSITSGHAN. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly at t ended to. I. M. F NEEPER, • A.LDERM.4 AND EX-OFFICIO J lIBTICE .0) THE PEACE OFFICE.B9 FIFTH AVENUE. Opectal attentlow_given"to conveyancing and collections Deeds. Bond* and Mortgagee drawn tap;. and: AIL legal nuelnees attended to promptly •and accurately. . , WALL PAPER. THE; QLD PAPER F10,11 4 E NEW PUCK, P. KARSHAWS Mr •• "WAIL PAPER.,STORE, 191 igierty fitret • • • MEAN! BABKIET.) BPiIINGIGOODS .A.ItILIVING DAILY. tali! EC ORA TI ONS.i4n Wood, D Marble and'-Fresco Imitations .for -WasLs saw Ceilings of ritnlng Beanie, Halls, as No. 10131orket street. jrZ JOSEPH R. HIJOHES . .t. BRO. STAierr,ED GOLD PAPERS for 'e d 'arlors,.st N 0,107 Market street. , , J4,)tlE:rliL BBOEIES k BRO. eeIVW,P.e.^." //A I.IWWW. °incr. or Crrt Essonszza'Sr•lhravayon, tt , . PirfBllClosll, &WU Ad, nee. f 'xr - OTICE.—The assessment for .12111 the GRADING of Wylie street extenison. s om Crawford to Kirkpatrick , street. la now ready for tkanilnatt noind can be seen at this °Mee until. taulidoey, Anguat whesitt edit be returned to the City Treasurer's °thee for C.l leotion. „. ~ , . au2:n233 H. J. 1100M,`City Zngtneer. ortnci or orrr anonym& AIM Istr — avirf33l, Plttsburth e July ,110, 1859. • rem Assesanient tot rentak en& Pnitne).S.LBIONS ALLIkY, rem Butler street to use AlleelienY YanaLß.S.. 1 9r , resin Sir , examination, and am seen at tuts Mince .ontll I'HUILOO/LX,_ Agana .sth, atm II wilt - U reternekttOttse- vitrrefisielsarla ogles to,r collection, )..(00)11L. LLMlTtuist."- • itty.et. I:43olbltt*ird IMPOWnII.9 OP AND ZOBLAZILIZEI LN PROFESSIONAL. EITTEIBURGH: PA. WALL' PAPERS ASSESSMENTS. =EI MISCELLANEOUS. SECURITY AND COMFORT fur the traveling community, J. B. HARRIS Safety Fire Jacket, Car Beata' and .WODERATOR. For smoke and Hot Air Flues, (livening with the use of stoves and fires to about the Passen ger or Bag Cars , Cars, with the attachment to graduate the eat to any teninerature.that nrst be desired wit out the possibility of firing the car or cars to which the Jacket mar be attached. Having obtained of the United elates Letters Patent for 3.6illety Jacket, which II warranted to resist the most intense bear that may be ap plied to it in toe position and purpose tor which it Is Intended.. , It is a - sure prOtection from accidents by Are, orienting from defective flues or where Iron pipes are used as conductors for smoke or heat. It Is applicable to all-piping- that may become overheated, and Is warranted to give perfect sat- Wanda: where wood or other combustible mate rill! no w be placed in - close proximity thereto, I am nOW ready to apply my inventiontb stores dwellings; factories , shine, steamboats, railroad cars, ac. Wherev.r pipes as conductors - are made dangerous being overheated. and secu rity desired, I will send on application right to manufacture" or use the hboveinvention. Also Territorial rights - , to such as mar savor to-engsge fn prtrUeges either by State or ca mp. - - tee et the 'IFS. PLUSAYLTBA PAINT v, al " l e e rier of Ittper:tl Bsdlroed t w e e tge h t 1:41 the Atle- J7l6:zeer weT; fZil SLATE. BOOFLNG BLATE ,VARIOUS Qualities _and - Coloks. _ Particular attention- ailren'to laying Slate and :repairing 2/ate roofs. for particulars and prlees address NEWIffERs Nob 43 Seventh Avenue, Itgal:ssB WOOD.MMNG, SCEOML SAWING, AND MOULDING PeiTtillioclTtlgoorder *Viet lisrock street, Al , P, LE-InEUMR & CO The best sttentlon will be given to ell who want anythin& In our Hub. always- beep a large lot 'of turned worlt, inch• as. Balusters, Newl Posta, Holm Also,. a good stock of dry Walnut, Cherry and other timber on hand. my11:51 - P. LB BZELTZR & CO• ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD 01317.7, BY TPIMON & PracticalPuraitmiluptacterem 1.1. S IFOITB:1711 &ITEM:TM Where may, be founds fhll assortment of Par lor. Chamber and Kitchen tumid:ire. dela TRADE MARX. , Lamp GRIMY'S. , ••PRETINO '/NIC WORK& 0.E.,,.T.t.!.(2;)F-T,5,0"0- - $.. iILANDTACTINIZIi 01 Black and Colored Printing & Lithographic MEW VAIM1131311S; 4C, 4 grars reit+ Street• felB:e6o • .. D ,_ .. MI Isn'poi7;er and death; <- ' '!li r remsirrA..ruirormax i z . WEDDING, 'VISITING. 'PARTY AND BUSINESS CARD RAIDRAVLNG, MODOGRAMS, ARMS. ILLUMINATING.-de. • Orders by msdt receive prompt *tendon: Bead for samples.. _ • . 1.1 AS Cliestatit St., Ptah', EtiCOSI!UJALIUES PURIFIES THE BLOOD. I , OR. BALE BT pRt1110.153 . 1"4 E.7ll.llY:PfilitiLt. MAIISHALVS- EILTX.W• tiCESUALL , B ELMS Wit.L - Ctrastaaaasolia liassitata. , s Emma WILL Cruz DYSFEreiLt. • MAILEUIOLL'S ELIXIR. WILL , Ctrais .COarrrA. imeS. Pries of Marshall's Eliztr.: ll l,oo per Depot, 1301. Market street. .11. NAESHALL A- Co:, DrUggistS,' Proprietors; . For sale, wholesale and retail, ky GEO. A. :KELLY. Pittsburgh. • - - - - 114:41.9aorvis a . • KEYSTONE POTTERY: s"ztt. HIES & CO., Manufsetrireos o QtrzzinswAnz. issurefroivisz office And Warehouse:- 363 trElllsl7 OWLET QA 11 orders nrouonlv attended so. • locooo WOol' WOW by . : 1114,N011 AT THE,WEITZ .11219 NT, 2291.1bettfitreet, Piitstroigh. Pa. ylsharsit SHAD RECEIVED daily at BENJAMIN ' ?IMPRESS 'popular ' Stand, No. 4.5. Diamond Market. Pitts burgh, and at the Twia City, Allesheny City. - comer of Ohio and Federal sftmts.. -- Cua be haa all kinds of. Sea and Lake AM, Halibut, Shad. Beak. Codfish. Haddock-and Ed. Also, large supplies of White, Lake Flab; Salamori,Uss, Stergeon, Herring and Mama* Trout, whicti enables us to sell at the lowest market .prices, wholesale - or retail. We invite all lovers of Fresh Pleb, to give nau call, and me..wlll !usur y them a treat. J. 2. 22122. . . . 2. - 22 art SWINT it: ' - ' ABOBITECTITIUL AITD • - - ORNAMENTAL 'CARVERS( fiCi: Sandusky St.: illegkent; PL. A large usottalient of NEWEL BOOTS limit BALLOTER'S constants) , on hand. TURFING •of all descrto s tts. dorm, nall'elle V1.01)11 OIL-CLOTH% „A: slums ou,spzrs • ponwiriww-ii z s/mAi w uta i •, OIL stow -k /. ;! ti:.i 90,04.41fiatitrnwirsetr Ikg - APLVe 41iikiaL0;40 ti WMTtIe s ZPF 7 ',WC” °,916 C P=TFIBTIBGH. PA f43xL,O:um.riu. WM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers