The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 05, 1869, Image 1

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The Yew Coutiter4liCAeenYaCks - --YV es;
Association—Tobacco Stamps.
(By Telegraph to tie rittsliirgli Gazette.]
ara. l
tally concerning the spurious ten dollar ,
greenbacks. Two, peidn_ ITZ I 3, TIMAYed
today bear ` witness - tha t rule new
issues, for all the defects , previously
re -
ferred3otilive -fettipTed, and tlie
general•appearance of the notes so ex
actly corresponds with - Me
,gennine that
it almost defines , detection by. profes
sional experts. '
The report of the Board of Visitors to
West Point Military Academy, received
at the War Department, states, among
other things," that - although the Institu
tion has effected much good, it does not
meet the requirements of thepresent day,
and should therefore. be raised to a ard, ulisarpassed abroad. They room
naMbittr - pupils nnoreal seai
The Untomic r strPrisoners' Association
held a tegefar meeting last evening, thid
the Committee naving charge of the
erection of a monument in this city to
this memory of thoseiiho died in south
ern prisons reported the iedicat ions from
ail pastelef the country ; most- cheering,-
anitas.indiatlng a: substantial response
in hid of the project and a most•enthu
siastic endorsement of .it, "-r
The Commiseloner of the General Land
Office has received a letter from the Bur
. veypr of the boundmy line between Cal
ifornia Arid "-Oregon; announcing the As
tablishment of the line as far as the 191st
mile. The work will. lirebtibly be Com
pleted 'during the preSent-month.
The Revenue Bureau has ordered a
Change of the 'sinalLtObaeco stamps lor
two ounce packages of class No. 16, for a
stripstatnp. The new series of tobacco
atat4s . regigered;Will soon be ready for
issue. The unregistered stamps are
promised in ten days.
ascrsius zEpErers.
Tire internal ReYeittie 'icieelpta to-daj ,
were $874,000.
Selz,ncre orApithlth Gunbo,sts—Stamp Der,
ittandiral. ennith6ll,.: , . - •
bakkorZer- t -Protest A nst the Pro.
ppsen Purniniin or th e cor,Caba.
. ~ ~ - , • ...,
tHilleseish to ,the PUlStolpfli tkazilit.) '
- ' NAW Yor*-Angusr4;lBo9:
The selziire of-the: Sisantsh gunboats
stiLl e attracts attention. „Mr. Delamater
hail an interview with - Matstud Barkiw
this afternoon lelittive.. to the ultimate
course to be pursued by theboiernment
abotlt the 41Pania Itunbcflite. :It" is tut:
delitood t he Marshal Informed liltiChe
ishoultirlgidly obeyithe:Liftits. - dir the
Govisrument for the suppresaiOn 'of Wl
buingkwhitther by Cabana or Span
iards,and that the vessels will be held
until, their,- -release ordered by
the - atttlittritiet • - 'Washington. It
is - stated:Mr. Delamater contracted to
dbliver Spettlehgevernment-witir•
out thit`Krthamentsfor 150,000 each, while
per contra the : : Marshal:ls said to have
. inforthattotrth each vessel Was to carry
a ene,ihttndred pound swivel- gun. The
Manufacture ot thole and other necesia:
ry munitions of war had been contracted
for with Kimball's Works, at Cold
Springs, -Measures have , been taken by
t 'Marshal to prevent , the Aeliveryof
the armament to the Spanish govern.
, Five.personis, mined McCartney, Car-
Toil; Harrison. Byrnes and Praltz4 wero
arrested to-day by. United States detec.
titwa r anarged• with defraud lug tha.Gov--
ernment by the revamping of cancelled
stamps and selling 'the same for new
ones at less than Government price,
Sir Jam(4ti Anderson and Bishop Bay
ley, of Newark. were ;:passengers' per
China today for
• 168,064 iramigants have arrived at this
port this year to date , an increase of 34 •
Q() -Compered Witsthe correspondhut
period Of last year. "`
The steamship, China sailed- this noon
f9r England. Among the passengers
Was P. b. Gilmore, the America Maestro,
who goes to Europe for three months. A
late number or Mends 'and musicians
rescorted.hini to the steamer.
- "The - Cuban - Junta' toiday • fOrwarded- - a
p r otesk.torthe - jPregisilpantli':Beeretary
Flab.aashiet,the prp,posed purchase of
•Cubafrorri the' Spaniel!' gOverninent; al4
bilging that: two-thieds, of the Island Is
IWned by-native Cubans.- • ,
- owned
Costa; one - Of the .C . Eibitis pa
triots, was arrested -to day on a charge
attettiptll23-40%pas9 forged check for
The "larder of Mrs. , Dr Hobbs — ?b!
-•-• Murderer.
!8f tel~jrs
B to the FlttotTlit Goiette.l
..Bearaw, August , 4.4. An.. limuest is to
beheld to-morrow relative tothe nmrdei
4:if MI% Dr. Sabha. ' , Theinarderer Maj.
*kite, came from Now s ee gi e . • B e
studied lawin thiscityund:w e e a d m i tte d
to•practice. Whenlitalwar commenced
hoonllsted in tkagth Massachusetts reg
iment as d:erisfstth ilinafferved with- die%
'thiction. _ was 'lwrrerely , wounded at
rredericksburg;.luid subsequently
voted to the:rank of -Major or gallantry.
Of late he has resided,in Mbisissippl, And
was a delegate from that State to the Chi.
mifto Convention of 1888, and • since has
acted as a registry officer, a position se.
tared for his friend Gen. Dent.
He came to Boston About two weeks ago
tram - Mississippi, surf:rind from; a pal.
monary, complaint, and having been an
Intimate friend ofii.Dr.Hobto and wife,
trim taken into - their family' for - medical
treatmeM,, It is Asserted that he was In
101 with.l!dra. ifot:o, add liefact 11 300 d.
ozalidea in his devotion.
Base Bail—Exposition of Textile Fab
. ries—Tobacco Association.
Bp Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6agette.l
Citrons - mar, August • 4.—The game of
base ball between the Red Stockings and
Central City Club, of Syracuse, N. V.,
came off at Union Grounds this after*
noott, and_ resulted in a victory,, to the
former. Two
_thousand persona were
preimit. The day was very tine s but
the playing'indifferetit There- will 'be'
another game between these clubs to
7 - The "extichsition of textile fabries grows
In magnitude and importance. -Good
judges place the number visiting the
rooms to-day at not-lees than twenty
thousand persons. The indications are
that thlire...81111•1410-117 th-tnorrolt.
All day the fine, spacious gore
rooms in which it is held were
packed . .' with enthusiastic, spectators.:,
The rooms are very wide, well lighted,
and have an aggregate length of seven
hundred and fifty feet. The spectators
are startled and gratified with this evi- -
donee of the extent and perfection of the
manttfactnres of textile goods in the
Wed. ;Eight -new boxet of goods arl'
rived today. The total number •of ,en
tries is twelve hundred and eighty-faur:
Among the arrivals to-day was one pox-
of cassimeres, kerseys and jeans from
Brigham Yclutig. salt" Lake City, from'
Deseret Mills. The receipt was acknowl
edged by telegraph. There were very
many ladies among the visitors to-day.
Looms from Lawrerieeburg and New
Albany, Indiana, „toad from Fairmount and Cincinnati; Ohio; fenr nmxitier,
were in operation all day in weavingcas
simeres, jeans and bagging., Manufao.
turers of machinery from all parts of the
East - -bade speohnens on •• exhibition,.
Everybody regrets that it is to close so
soon., The management feels that the
'most'sarignine hopes have been more
than realized and that the display emi
nently deserves its name. "great exposi
tion." -
,The representation the
press-limn ail '-parta .of the country:this
increased since yesterday.
Awarding Committees were appointed
to-day. Sixty=five premiums are to be
awarded; one of one hundred dollars for
fancy cassimeres, ditto for bale of cotton,
eight of fifty , dollars each, and the re-'
mainder twenty•five doll ars each: • Other
awards, not on the fist, will ba given.
Thirty carriage loads of exhibitors, ao
oottipanied by citizens, were drawn to
Spring Grove Cemetery . and Clifton to
day, visiting illso.the hospital and work
The Celestials expected failed to put in
an appearance to-day, but are expected
to-night certainly.
The rooms hate been open only clueing,
the day, but many requests are coming
in to open them at nignt to afford oppor
tunity to the many who can't come by
day. It is now not improbable that the
time will be extended one day longer.
.at nine' o'elcirik there will
be a meeting of the Wool Growers and
Woolen M.anufacturein"r Association of
the Northwest atthe rooms of the Expo
sition. - • • -
The National Convention to complete
the organization of the National Tobacco
Association, commenced at a convention
held in Washington January 27th last.
held its second' meeting at the' EMMA;
House last night. W, E. Lawrence, of
New York, was chosen Presfdent. Let:
tors froth be Forcland•Gaid, of Batilmore,
•Weyman, of Patsburgh. Tilton ; of Bos
ton,- Lorillard; McAlpine and Hall, of
'New York, City were read, •, Frazier, of
Richmond, Virginia, McGinty, of Detroit,
Gallagher:of New Haven, Haleand Vas
roll,Ne w York, and other representatives
from Ohio, Indiana add Rentticky'were
present, making the whole rturnber, Wert
ty-fonr. The ostensible objects of the as
sociation are self-protection againit
friendly litigation and unfavorable dis
crimination in decisions upon the reve
nue law:and; the general advancement of
their mutual interests. A resolution
was passed continuing the 'preset:4'Es.
ecutive committee in power to January
27, 1870,and enabling it to add to itsnuni
ber, so that States should be represented
according to their interest in the trade.
Discussion was had as to the • conditions
of membership, and it vas agreed to ad
mit all the various branchetfof the tralc.
Messrs. L. • Frazier, of Richmond, D.
H. McAlpine, of New York, W. D. Mad
dox, of Cleyeland, and Mr. Campbell, of
NeW Jersey,were appointed a Commit tee
to draft a constitution and by-laws.
IProposed , Am:nation •of the , . British
. - Pacific Colonies to the United:States.)
[By Telegraph to the Pittstrargh Gazette.]
Nnw YOWL, Auguat'.l.—A London let
ter says: A meeting was lately heldin
Londotr, Consisting, of all titermostCmi
nent representatives of . thel'aciflo Colo
nies,_ and presided over
_by one of the
most eminent, if not - the ost = eminent,
of Colonial Governors. At this gather
ing deep and general dissatisfaction was
.expre.ssed"with"lhe political - 'and moral'
relations of _their important and growing
countries with the parent State, and all
,letteeetlat colonies,,presteit, ,repre 7 ::
serelegon - reek "all the important inter-,
eats of their respective settlements, joined
in the expression;. of -8,, determination
to require of Great Britain some recon
mimed= other colonial empire, which
shodid - aftbrd 'item - a 'Marmites 'that
the Interests of the various colonies
should receive dEfiradd prompt alien
tion....lnAlw event,of this , being totand
impracticable, And the sense Oftlieldest:
ing was decided so that it would be so
found, -It . was declared by,all -present
that they should use all their . intinence,
with their respective settlements to leave
theißritish allegiance, pad seeirtnripmer
kir= ' .the prolecterate iof tbe! - liiiifaa
States, or at all events, to becomein such
a - manner as may be decided member"
of the system of the Great Republic. / The'
meeting was not publitt, but Sts results
are iliWyto be 19:iciwn at en early day.
• " The Coal Supply at Buffalo.
'Br Telegraph to tne Pittsburgh Gazette. 3_ ;;
81727AL0, August 3.--A large'and en
thusiastic meeting of Citizens took place
at the Court House this evening to form
an •Inualadation to procure a supply of
coal. Coal monopolies and combinations
were denounced In•the mostr intlkinitut
terms as robbers - and plunderers of the
poOr. The , most prominent citizona of
this Pao, are engaged:ld 't movement,
and a determination is manifested to
make the moveniest.permanent and to
agitate State and Congressional aid to
break down the coal combinations neap
in existence. Committeemak aupobit,
ed to draft "itrticks of organization and
intorPoratlett ,
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AtEttt - iiir
tagretegragh to the Pittsburgh nagette.3
Ltmoort, August the 'HOT4re,of
Commons to-day Mr. Otway,- Underikku
retary of.Forsigh,Affitits; asidtheleiteeds
of the British goreriiiiinentSteirit making
every effort to obtain amen to.the,Engt ,
,lialunen now held qaptive
ThelaSt intelligence received , in regard
to'tinna.grais fm•no,heo loytwouinsericarr,
navel officers, and Tratithattilefflvetlittai
v.__ ng
well, but still restrained of their -Ilocr
.by-commantrof Prod n
Viscount Melton - asked. If sins Govern
went could Inform the House •what pro.
gross had been made in theßan Juan
boundary negotiations, and whatithe ex
pense of holding possesaiontif the island
had been., -
Mr: Otwayrepliedtbaruseeir
stiii -.existed' with rhellinitSClSteres pn
the question, Her Majesty's Government
was unable to flingeh any information
or laysny correspondence on the table.
The Government 0f11360 had submitted
to the House what information it thought.
-At. ILLordMilton*as able to add any:
thing to that; the Gcivernment - wottid
glad to hear from hltn. IL wastimpovi.
ble at such short notice to say what the
cost of the, ..bccupation of the
amounted to. „
The- Harvard • ere* wars Ottt again
lon the Thames to day and.-showed
a better form. They were visited to.dayi
by Shaw, coxswain of tho Oxford btsW
A portion of the London Matilapolibile
Fire Brigade propose to visit New Y
Lonnorr, August 4..—The Greek firm ot/
Franghaidldt Rhodso" onachi, New York'
branch, which failed this week, has in*:
.ended_ payment here.
The 'Harvard Creel.; made two practice.
trips on the The weatito!
er was rainylnd otherwise nolievorablei.
but the men.} exhibited a decided ins-1
provement, theirrowing. Their dip ia
'not' so deep as bere and they take
longer strokes.
Losuon, August 'Vivian bat
gained her snit foP4divorea against the
Marquis of - Waterford, with costs.
DuntastrAug. 4.. 1 .The Irish Bishops
met in private conference in this citYl9=
day to consider thegeorgaolzation of
Irish Church.
Mr. Risdors, a Ctinservative, has been
elected Mayor of Dahlia but-the Litter-.
als have a uthjority:in
PARIS, August is asserted the
Government will BW:wily call out the
Reserves. It is reported a formidable
uprising/1f earlleie has °mined. An
Ca To
rosa "NAIL 'Ofacial Ardvioes ;Un-:
tradlefthe atateniont' thitt — two'
prisoners were shot by order of the
council of war. •
PARIS; August - 4.—The Empress En.
genie is expected to visit Constantinople
in September. Preparations on a most
extensive scale have already hien com
menced there for her reception.
Among the clauses of the Sencitue"Cbn
sultum is one providing that on demand
of five members the Senate may resolve
itself into secret Committee. The rela
tions of the Senate and Corps. L4ol'lBlll
with the Emperor, and with one another.
will hereafter be regulated by Imperial
The Journal Des Debata thinks the
reforms now proposed will not disap
point the hopes raised by the Imperial
message to the Corps Legislatif.
BERLIN, August 4.—The,Borsen Zei
eung, discussing the possibllity of the im
position by Congress of a tax on the cou
pons of United States bonds, expresses
confidence•that Me &publicans will re
main faithful to the programme in which
they Orniouhded Anergetioally against
repudiation. The Zeitung declared the
current rumors to the effect that such as
tax hi (you te co plated are Mitre mauoeuverit
of the stock Exchange.
CorisTAxmlxort.g, August 4.—An Aide
de Camp of the Grand- Vizier is about to
leave tbr Egypt, bearings letter to the
Vicetoy, which, after recounting the
grievances of the Sublime Porte, con
cludes with the intimation that In case
no satisfactory explanations are given
the Porte will withdraw the privilege ac•
corded by the Firman of 1841. -
MADRID, August 4.—The truth of the
report that Spain has opened negotiations
with the United States, looking to the
independence of Cuba. Is
,positively de
..PARTS, Angitat 4:—The La Prance
newspaper reports that Queen Isabella is
disposed to abdicate the throne of Spain
in, favor of ihe Prince of.Aattplas.
QUEENSTOWN, August 4.--Ther steam
ship France, from New , York, arrivod
to day.
LIVERPOOL, August 4.—The steamship
City of London, I= arrived.
LoNikott,-Angtust 4—Evtaing.--Consols
for money, 911 x. ilve.t,went,y bonds,
839{, and guita r and, steady.- Efartkrofts
88,0,Ei 1e5. 19 X;1111n010,,843., G x
LIVERPOOL, August 2.—Cotton market .
firm; middling uplaudk, 12jd.; do.
orleanti.l3ol3%4 lodes 0f.12 1
. I)9¢ , Pals&
California white wheat 105. sti.; red
wasterrr - Om - Bft- westein 24a.
Com 2811. --Mdtoniant data itstcl,-.Peas 411:1
Pork 1001. Beef9os. Lard7os."94. Chased
625. Baron Tallosf . ." 470:'turpen
tine 275. 64.; liituseed
gili - tCalentts linseed els.-91-.,A'reMleiltzt
at Antwerp 451%f. Cotton at t llayreliWit
on spot. t:
PARIS, August. 4 .—Bourse • tra s 9N , /:
ftentdif72l:7 -
Too Altoona
(87 Tek~RraDh to toe*nsoliiati
Arerodrta; August 4.-:-The
a new trial of incendiaries - &aloe 'and
Duke, - after obi& arguantak.; . was o ver.
ruled, and' She oftotiont aentenoodt
Beale" to ten year' and. Duke to :five
yea .and six onths, In the-Westiiin
re= M
DAY;_. AUGUST" s' . 1869
7. Is • .- ' 7, ) -. 3 • .' , -
,r., —,...:._.-
l'he Whlielintise=Clitney Imbroglio —Ar
rival of - Two -- orrnesir — Tirel•ch a nte—
Speech In .11EIngibti; by One' or 3 hem—
The Congressional Ways alio ,Means.
COminittee—licaurinee Company p.all.
y ~~ T / [ 7 y f~.}~ri~
or Telegratth to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) •
CinceGo, August .4.—The Ecolielesti
cal Court for the trial of Rev. Charles E.
,Cheney, iteCtoi of. Christ Church, met
- to-day and adjourned over , until , tamer;
Tow; without taking
.any *action, on the
!lase. Atthat time a protest against th&
recent ac tions; the Superior court will;
l!el)Mented, aa Well as an answer to the
objections and exceptions raised-on the
trial , by the counsel ibi 7 tliti'd e
,Alie'Caie- Will be citrilea to the Sttpreitif
so`that it may lort er
thi) next term. . _ not ititeti4 0
; 1 .1
,Illehop ;Whitehouse ~to_tlet the, shatterdrop, but he will pursue.lSMathoerid •
On Sunday next the litie over ~ t he Pa
oithillailroacl from this city to lian-Pran
ciao Will be one hundred: . and thittt.
dollars; a roduation of twenty-three do -
Jars.. The emigrant fare Is red uce d
*sixty dollars.' -• • • • - •
.1- Sing Munn and Choy Chew the two
Chinese merchants from San • Francisco
who accompanied the Chicago 'conimert.
dal party, visited the Board of Trade to
day. They were accompanied by Hon.
D. 'Kel, of Pennsylvania, Hon,:.
Juries Brooks, of New 'York, and Hen.
S. S. Marshall, of Illinois'. members of ;
the • House Committee of Ways `'nd
Means. When they appeared on the
platform they were - greeted with round
after round of applause! Judge Kelly
made some appropriate remarks, after
which Chsy Chew read the following
speech in English:
"Mr. President and gentlemen of the
Board of Trade: We, thank you most
alacerely for your kind and courteous
grketing. Our purpose in viaiting this
section.' of- the -_United States is in the
main to interns ourselves by persdnal
observations how and in what manner
we can ptomote commercial intercourse
between our own country and the other
side a the Paciflo and the great cities of
the Rocky Mountains. Oar , houses, in
Satirrancleco, two of which we have the,
hotter JO rdpresent, ' desire to learn the
character and op portunities of trade in.
such Wittiest as 'Chicago ' believing that`
with the facilities now afforded by the
Pacitlo ;Railroad there, is rapidly ap.--
preaching a new - era of prosperity for the
whole of this great_' western wort&
You- will not expect us to. make
a ju s t at this time., for, we have
onlyarrived, and as yet knew nctti-•
ing of that we seeklfikriow. Suffice it,
- then, to say now, wo have had a delight.
fut trip across the continent and ham
been treated by your comma/dal excur
sionists, and indeed by all see. beVe Met
etude leaving home, with almost'over
whelming generosity. The ;Union Pa.
• J
cilia` Railroad wonderfni work.' and
-wesay•allhoner to the:Anammicut people.]
for building it. Once agatni*gentlarmati..
we thank you; and - beg to express the
hope that we may Clad our acquaintanins.
formed under such pleasant 'auspices.
mutually agreeable sad advantageous."
This speech *as loudly applanded.
was followed by Messrs. Brooks and
Marshall, of the Ways and Means Com
mittee. The two Chinese gentlemen
were introduced individually'to a large
number of Chicago merchants.
The Committee of• Ways and _Means,
appointed by . Conan, to inspect the
Piscine States and T e rritories, arrived in
Chirago last night. The following are
the names: 'Hon. &meal Hooper, Bea
ton, Hon. W. B. Allison, lowa, Hon. '
Horace Maynard;' Tennemee, Hon. Aus
tin Blair, Michigad, 'Hon. Dennis Mc
Carty, New York, W. D. Kelly, Phila.
delphia, J. Brooks, Pew •York, and 8.8.
Marshall, of Illinois. The Committee I
visited all the intermediate points on the
Pacific Railroad and the mines on the
western slopes, and also all tba interest
ins points in Oregon and Washington
and up the ' Oregon and Wilmette
rivers, and*also - Paget'alScrand and Van
houverrir Island. - During this visit they
made a thorough investigation of the en
tire"revenue heridea of the Pacific
coast. the' condition' of the Mint and
Sub -Treasury at San PrtUibbseq, investi
gated to a considerable extent the class;
tion of Chineee immig ration and obtain
ed a large ainbiiiirlif lnforinittlon upon
other matters Which ere to beeolllo hub
jects of legislation 'ELLS:deem. They;
are enthuslastie .in" their praise of• the
hospitalitiva - extended • to. them every
where on the 'Pacific coast that theY visi
ted, and; express - the opinion that the
Union and Central ..Pacitia railroads are
excellently managed and are the amooth-.
est and best new roads that they have
ever traveled over. Th e Committee will
assemble in Boston on October 20th, to
centinue their investigations and perfect
bills for the revision Of the tariffand the
bonded warehouse system to he Teported
to Congresses its next session. • . • .
.Tbe l'eoria, ILL Fire and Marine Insu
rance Co, has failed, not ,being able. to
comply -with the new State , insurance
laws,. " The dispatch announcing the fails
ure says the liabilities-aro heavy:, assent
nothing.' It cannot xeinsure a dollar.
The .
tur Velevira to the us:tette:3
• lidxstrxrxs , August t --Considerable si
eatetnent exists In the elebtion
tc..morrow. Extra precautions have been
token by the aathoritiestto 'prevent :dls.
!turbanees at the polls, Ivaere for tbstirat
time whiteand black . wilt have, tb„ vote'
together, an separate Pbtla haTO ao been
'established asneretotere.
N'esztvu.r.r.,. August ` public
interest In the ,eltlott to.morrclice
does- not , ; abate. T he 'aupportdis
both Stokes
and Sauter .arel :Vary"' ati
titre. Stakes lila:Wen steadily iptinilig
' thopaht two weeks, but thesis EWA".
Fiona raketion. irbo.Federal,olsoe-hold.
WI in . O
ibis h vouerittY Einn .
. tnlr
are now with ono exception
.stippost, Mg ;
stokes,. but their eiwge• .;of
comes too tate: The prospect contitigee
favorable for Seater and a liberal Legisl
ItattresdiAccigeirtt.Thres Nen" Italie&
ritiMektEnal tlithefttibUtikeizette4
arntia4, Qum; Aug-AL...Yesterday
morning tbb %realism:irk au the Fishkill
-404 Providence Sallmoh- oboist Asur,
4 1131 ,4** - Ig! .vi wiw pi
two or oar dirt cam wi th seven W o lk n
it, pitching the'itersahoutlitty feet. ;Cone:
was " instantly , 'A carpanteri,
thunidlubik, and 0' man named !telly,
lived Montt luillen holm Alititother - b
not expected to live. The relt-ere' not
dangerously Injured.
•. •
Extraordinary Vire—bonded
house Destroyed, Together • With
40,000 Barrels of Whiskey—lm
meow Loss--Fire Department g Ref
. fled 'in their Efrorts by the Buritieg
lirblikef—Loss of Life. [87
TelesTaDA, to tho-Pittabureti Gazette:l
PapAntihrizia, August 4.-10 P. td.„,—
.filincie 7 e'ojeck this evening an immense
,fire has been raging in the . U. S. Bonded
. •
Warehouse on the Lombard street wharf.
The building-koritained thirty thousand
barrels Whiski,,wideh will be totally
;destroyed.Thelon hill probably reach
twp,and a half - millions of dollars. The
fire was ceased by the explosion of a
holler. - thought the engineer and
'.watchman ha're perished •"-in the 'thaws.
1 Further particulars-Will be fortrarded as
! 400 n as.they can be , obtained. The tire
is port', apreedinglrightfallyi, -" - , z •
ittiLarApf.Psia, August
r-The fire is still raging, with little pros
pect of belng,Hubdued till morning. The
tire depart:lml" la, on .the .itround,,but,
:froattne dbfriblistlble nature of - the -Pee.-
tents..fs linable to'do more. than prevent
the further spreading of the flames.
Irtreditelt PARTICULARS,
, PHILADELPHIA; August 4-=.4"termeon.
- -, -The United States bonded warehouse
on Lombard:street wharf, better known
as`Battlesonts-storehottse; a Six story
brit* building. 350 feet -by ~150 feet, and
containing 1- forty • thousand barrels
of whisky: j ai:id. other goods,. valued
at ten or, eleven million dollars. took
.fire at seven - o'clock , this evening, and ,
to this hour his "defied - the, efforts of
the firemee to ‘ subdne the flames. The
burnintr, "liquor running through the
streets -likeritiere destroys thi3 hose,thus
interfering with the work of- the fireineti. -
•It is impossible ' state how far tbe fire
will extend. - •
havelarge, number of; minor Canaltjell
have occurred,„but no, lives are known
to have been; ost, except those °ilium
children who ,weni lulled bY falling
bricks..: . ' -
The orinof thefire it AS fOl/01SA e
immense w eight of whisky stored in the
south end of the Winding, directly over
theMigine room; caused the upper parts
of the building to give way; thus letting
the whisky down into the engine room.
In an instant the fire epread throughout
the six stories.
The firemen directed 'their efforts to
the'keiving the surrounding property,
it k•eing• impoisible to*do anything with
the warehouse. • Most of the whisky was
that on which - duty had been paid under
'the extension eat of Congress.
This fire . is the most destructive ]
which has oecurea in this city since the”
great fire of 1554. The principal losers,
are the Eaneys, Catherwood, and Jehn
Glbsons Sons. •At this hour it trowel
bid to state the amount of insurance-
Latest-.1:15 3t.—A,, heavy thunder
storm init"set in, whicb will aid
duciug the fire, but it is still burning-an
eheetted. The great beat prevents dose'
approach britscertain minor +particulars,
,but the streets are fhll 0/rumors of lives
lost by falling walls.
The stores destroyed were considered
to be entirely fire proof, having iron
doors and shutters. There were eighteen
inch wails between each of the eight
The. burning" 'whisky ran into the
sewers, causing explosions- _and great
panto among spectators, which was not
lessened by reports that •ths.building
contained powderosaltpetre. do.
These buildings were erected some fif
teen years ago, and were considered .
among apeenistora the first of the kind
in the country; They were fornimly
used by - the Government for storing
sugars, cigars, - do., but recently were
entirely devoted to the storage of whisky,
in bond.' - -
LB) , Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guette.3
ElolVrooStinty; Ala., August 4.—The
election news is - meagre. As far -as
heard from tile Tote is' leo than last year.
The probilallitiei are in favor of the elec.
tion of Parkinsep, Democrat, in th e third
dtstrict, - by a handsome majority. The
contest between* Warthy, Democrat, and
Mickley, Republican; In the second dis
trict, will be much closer then was ex
pseted, Timlattelistrleeds are fearful of
unfdefela on account of the great &Ulu%
off in the negro' VW, -
Montie, August 4 .—ManrOs majority'.
in Mobile, oOttntk, as far as heard from,
!51,459. Several precincts are to bo
heard from. The otunaty will probably
give 1,800 majority for Mann,
.Advlces from, Court Muse, Baldwin
county, state a negro mob .took. pollees.
eion'ef the Pelle, beat one white man,
and prevented Democratic, negro
from voting.
_They were very riotous,
and the Sheriff Could not control them.
That precinct gives Iltickley 2,200 Ma-
Egcanbla - county gives Mann 109.
Clairborne; Monroe county.- at' fent'
o'clock P. at., had • polled 8115, all-for
Mann. The indicationsiare that Mann is
elected •bv 2 , B oo.majority.-.1._. •
-MOBILE August. private tele
ffatn 49tzl MentilemerY...addr eased to it
oVerument Officer in Waahington a says
Thichley„ of, .the lionticomery. district,
13nek,of the Mobile district, and
Radicat;arti'elected : •Cotheress,; ' The
Third Dbitrictlre don titre!.
maneMbilnibtalaid Talladega Ootintiesi •
give .Rennblienutanajorinew The all re.
turns from Lee coot tykare eotyet teen:
:reeelvell.:Asslatsteheard.fromilaukin- .
6 9.1 0- P0 02 !?0r4tih 48 . 1 109%.440.zitY..-...,
..tatuirroonttav i . A 1.4 .0 .d.ngttie 4 .
ttittureneturii have been recelied,ltu
delta! election 'or )11446,
Ditheirre by milteral hundred ms{o
in she Tfi t4f Distrier: Reekleyy Radi
is Chided in:thisdletrlet:
.11allrosef Stock Szettintent.,-;:,
soy Telt vim to die tutelage tiosotto:t
Ammtir; Anatial4.--Mnbhintritenieni
exist, here emseerning the eleetion or 1)1..:
n a n o of the Stuiquehanns Itaiimpat Jul
September, There ere two puttee •seekt,
mg to ,oo 4troLAtt end **oh lc alter Monk
to owl an extestt guttit luta appreciated
one • hundred :par cent. *fla n a week.
it utiderstwd thbtriti . naliroad dire°,
tore *ant control o fthe road. Mr. Rain=
eay hie enjoined the transferor the Mock'
of•the town of Omuta, on the avottnd
that it had boon sold=at lea ;ban - par;
on /lart.9 claim they have-.secured
the aasjtrat Mesta*, while Mr. Ram*
mythaMte Pe.has It. • ,
, _ •
.L—Tbe toin 'of Gene, In Sweden; waa
ohnOte royed by file July 10tb,
fleVenlarldr ad tenements were burned.
SAlO`potooni rendored honiselost *
lois of 1;2,500,000 netalned. •
--Env McCappen nas been nominat
ed by the Democrats for Mayer of San
-- . ,
A large number of strangersare ar.
riving, at InuisylllA.ln order to:- - altnesit- -
thti solar eclipse. •
—California has twelyemillion ,
in gold looked' up in the United States
.Treasury at San Francisca. • '1 •
—The 824,008 wbloh mysteriously dis-
appeared from the , antenat at rhiladel-
Phia was found enneealad in ;the ground.
—Farrel, a dealer dry a:Kids in JeS
ersonville, Ind. mystetionelydleappear
ed a day or tempi:nee, iftilVingobligaticons
behind to the of shoat 11,800.
—At Phi ladelpisht;Yesterday, y,'
_the aho
cased! George .11..-lintis,-* IiVer"WILM S.S; -
ta blishment; was .:brOkezi open _end A.
large amount of inalitab.le ieTelry,abt_
stragted:' ' • ' •
Therhiek drivozoof Torentoi.
are ma a strike. Not a eahhas Wen seen
on the" streets of the city for two time-
A .new "b-Y•law regulating' fares; is . the
cause of.the difflenhy. • • -
—The Aim. 'Wooster, •sailed yea-
terday f rom Button, fO7 Constantinople,
with a cargo of 79,760. muskets fur the
"Turkish .Governmeot. A 'similar cargo
was shipped three weeksago.,
—The Coroner of San Franciseodcring
the last twelvemonths held two hundred
and foitylthree inquests, three of which'
were on pezzona Who had committed std. •
tide, eleven murdered. zmd : eighty 7 • 3 .1
two aceidentally
Milton for-miriy-Yeatirk
prominent politiolats of Indiana, one time Mayor of Zdadison, died ands
veston, Texas, on Monday . .. He was Col::
•leoteworinternal I:Wien:me in that fEitat*F
dming - Johnson's administrationi -
L-A land slide at. Stuckport, piluzabbi,
- county, New York, on.Monday', carried
- away about three sere, Of - ah_un: -
dred ket deep. Mud& eoreileniens anion= -1
townspeople was- caused. thereby k 4d4 7 ,
Ing an earithqualiSlad visited'kheplitee.
lettei froni St.' POteitiburestatera
that Iratestatirom the *mum stemmed.'
the Step( the, czar, didzoot 4:egad& put,
eldic bid - was murdered by being hinged
in his own house, and several- persons , •
hive been arrested se nem:lmprimis:ln tile % c
—The American Dental Aintraohatioci
held two sessions at Saratoga yesterday:
Dr. Patmer matte a lePort OA O'Seratior-
Dentistur, which was demonstssted
well executed drawings - and niodels of
teeth. The discussion -:on - Dental- Piith-fa•
ology and .11!ysiology
,_was they wain",
ned. The - session will close pu Frid ay?
-;4At•ii meeting recently bilidtar.
Land League, ; - on, the Kanea neutral- ;
lands, speeches:were panda by on.
neyelarkeiandothers. Reabbittons were . -
passed unanimously denouncing Jtunair--3!
F. Joy, and United States Serm= Ansa . ,
and romeroy, asking
_them to resign
their-seats, cutting loose froicithalite9W
Ifean party and forming a new. and inns. ,
pendent State Central
ator Pomeroy was - burned. effigy.
—Governor Smith; of Alabama; his l ;e
-sued a vlgorcrus proclamation 'against
lawlessness in Madison county, -cop se,
count of information that citizens aro
whipped and otherwise outraged,- and. '
even Innrdered by disguised men:: and.. e'•
that neither citizens.nor officers seem to -
take steps to have the offenders arrested:l
- Governor directs the Sheriff to pro--
aced immediately with a possa /*swats§
and by calling upon the military to arrest •
the offenders and assure ample protection - '
—yieePresident Colfax and-party,witL, -
lei*. Chicago' this morning at nine
o'clock for tbe Piicific Coast via Nelda
railroad.: The party will consist of Mr.
Colfax and wife, Miss Marcia Wade, sis. .
ter of Mrs.. Col fax, Lieutenant Governor
Press, Miss ' , Jessie "Bross, Mr. Calhoun:
of the New York. .Triluneitind„they,wiLL,
be Joined at Cheyenne hr Samuel BowAtilit4
and wlfe, - who are' now in Denver.' • Their
go in one of euilmati's mostinagnlficent'-'
cars. .The Duty beiabsent from two, -
to three months. and Atirlng atk, s .
Bence' they visit' Yosemite Valley
the Geysers, 'Puget's Sound, Or_egob,Pli
humble river idaho,
Addittonal Markets by Telegraph:"
Bil Onto, - August 4.--Recelpts were
flour 6,000 bblis.. wheat 253,000 bush., corn ' .
80.000 bush. • Shipments: wheat 39,00 k.
.iig..,,eakil2s,ooo!Mh, Frelabia firm; ,
wheat to NeWYork, 13c., corn 11c., oats
734 c. Flour quiet; sales 200 bbls. No. 2 :
city. apring at 1it3,75.: Wheat dull and
easier; sales 38,000 bush No. 2hlilwankse
Club:part on private terms and part at
$1,42h; No, 2,Chicago, nominally at 51,14: •
corn 41n11: sales car lots at 9.5@)980„ o, 4 ta I .
dull and lower; sales 11,000' bush. west
era at 65c ..: - R • mina! at 91,20 for '
western. Bar - and Seeds nominalt:
Pork fi rm. ~ steady at /9(19303.. 7
. 111gliwines Mn;n3; sales 50 bbli. at . ;1.08.'
ToMmo, - August 4.--le/our quiet :
Wheat 2c better, and active ' for- alllbet. 4 ,
at •5_1046&111,47 -for new; f 1 ,47@1.4.8if0r .
old No 1. red, 81,46% No 2. red,' 51.42@. -
1,40 for NO2 and 1 1 ,441g1,411 - for No.-12
red, seller the month; No 13. r d 1,30'; No
2.,white41,47; rejected Spring 9 7. W. Cora:.
better and quiet; No 1. 93c;No 2.. 9043; con. .
denszted &ie. Oate quiek - mactiongediNo"
14 eld:7oet new seller September 30 0.3 ayel
dull. none oiferln.. , ltec*ipt.t-900 flour -
is - tI.
4,iogtinsh wheat, 100 - bb coin: Kap-,
Lien 000 'this - flour , 14400 -both;
wbE s a4 M9.9-bWMAIRMIAOO9 both mite, •"J
NAW OnLkews, August 4.—Cotton lirM. :
with sales of 250 Wee. Gold 31315'3 . i.
Sterling (Oki- y NctiioTrirk: Sighti,t
cent. .premkun. -.l2ouri dnll .:ItoPerittomE
15475,, double - extra_ 66.37, treble_ extrar
PIN. Corn; white llilC - Olts'7oo. tar
,Seard e l p r itioel 2 D®3l.—Tretll3s42& l ßee
com : llll3 ieforshotildara,susd2lQttforedell.a
with kretalktraVi e ly. ; ;Lardt 20 0 81: 14f i l r cj I
fortlerte; and' for keg—
comm.:it', Lige; intealifcci - Nolaram e nt
We Ate primefezimr,,- -3V311/*FINTI.I
Cabe; 1aii1.6015 c prime 113ii® 6Acc.,
Caws:MN' An 4 4Ar opek*liid Ur
the a ft ernoon the grain market was Old-
efld eeltede ender ' , Wheetaio...2 ening
sold, at 41,343i® !
,1,34%, seller , for . the
Month, god Meant with btlyerag thelno
aide figure. • eonlouteft.'ittrflhe, seller) ~
list half, and 8.8 ,413. seller for i -thq,
month for No. 2.' vlOonsaild freights
neglected. In the - ' - evenitig-Iliere' was;
- .
nothingdone.• , ,:- , 3.: ~/S.
°filmic', August 4.--Flour..ateady an ds '
annpanged. Wheat firm and unlit; Nor,
1 - 51ilwankee Cluh 81, - 58, - Ifite2 do 51i57. 4 i.-7--•r
cam quiet,.. , Ne. .1 4 ktlEtribied->beldrstrr •
41.05, canal freights .to., Nair. ,T4F,IC:t
wbedi SXO, and corn 733 c. I.4kelniports:
58,800.13 us wheat. - sand bit ports: 7i4011 (
hut wheat, 8,000 bus corn.