The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 04, 1869, Image 7

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    The Petumiyanta Germans.-
[Front the Johnstown (Pa ) Tribal:ie..)
1.• Many of the early settlers of pyLn l yi„
vania and Maryhure were AlettniarDN H.
1 hinders and Swig', Who were, driven by.
religious intolerance in their ownaands ,
to seek new - homes .in :America.,-fru
,William Penn, the • Quakisr: founder 'of
"Penneylvnnia, and - GeOrgtt Callreit; , the
; Catholic faunder,"pPlltaryhtlad, having
; secured guarantfttof 'civil ' and religious
liberty in the charters _of 'their respecti ~ e
1 provinces," the shotetc. of the ' 'Delaware
and Chesapeake•naturally - offered an uy
lum to all who preferred ,tolerance Win.:
tolerance in matters of religion. During
„ I the closing year of the - Seventeenth cen
tury,; and u_p to the commencement of-the 1
American Revolteloti' in - the succeeding
- : century, many .thonfiandS of the people
a e have mentioned crossed the &den and
settled in Eastern ,Penopylyadie. and
iMaryltuid. Some of them pushed ' into
'the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.,..The
Rhenish proyinces,of Germany seem-to
have furnished a large proportion of the
German ; - settlers. - - Rhenish • Eiterari a
(nett), Wurtembing t and k•Baden sent
large numbers of' einigants:•-• Switzerland
sent litany thousands: - There neVer was
' • a ve4 ,-- large emigration of Hollanders to
Pennsylvania, the prows of their vesifele, /
being generally directed to New York. -
" .. In a brief time, the representatives of
the three nationalitiesbeefune SQ fiforough
- ly intermingled, by 'reason" of religious
• ties, intermarriegee, sintilarity,Of custom)
and language, and general :_hatinony of
: • interests; that they formed. one homoge
neous class, by, some called Pennsylvania
Germans,_ and by others -- Pennsylvania
Dutch. - The Swiss settleraceared entire
ly to ,be called Schweizers, or Swise.
. . With the perfect nnionthus established '-
. i and' amiliar intercourse with the English
: sneaking settlers, earns a new. - colloquial
and written language, also.called 'Penn
. : sylvania German, or PennsylvaniaDatch,
• which is still largely spoken, brithotmuch
written, in some sections:of -Pennrylva
t nia, Maryland and - Virginia, and in 'some
portions of the Weitern States, to which
il the deacendants of the Pennsylvania Ger
- 'mane, eraifireted.-_,As a language,-itz must
. 'in time at all points to: thapure :
Eng/igh and German tongues. • Few now
, speak it who dencit also speak' English:
"'• ,ix WI - mainly a compound of the Bavarian. -
: and ; Swiss dialects ortheT German lan
; gnage, with , many . English ;and and 'a few'
Dutch (Holland) ords Added. It , is:
doubtful if a Pennsylvania_Genrian could
• ; , make !himself understood litr.any part of
: Holland, Germany or Switzerland to-day‘ •
; Tee religious belief of Alm early Penn‘
• sylvaniii Germans was -that of the Men
• . nonitelsand German litiPtiataorTtuikera.
• 1 . The Mennonites were the'. first to crime.
Their first settlement in this Country was
,i •,-; made at Giermanteivn In 103; the 'year
after'Penn commenced hie sett lement .at
Ptillidelphia. Those who settled at Ger- ,
- •,:•'. . mantown were Hollanders. The Men
, unites who followed them Caine' front
Holland, 9ennany and Slitzerland. The
1 fi rst Colony of the 'Brethren or Tankers
: • ell also tied at Germantown and its 'dein-
ity i t he year 1719--thirty-sixyeariafter
:; the
, first Mennonite settlement. They
we Germans who had taken refuge from
• ;'?, religiou persecution in. Holland. Other
• -., • 4:1 Tun.kers followed in - 1729,, and during.
succeeding years. America soon'becatie
thattronghold of 'the new religion. Al;
; thongh its:adherents' spread into various
....1 parts of Gerinsny; Holland',ndSwitzer
land, our researches lead - us to conclude
thatgie most of them finally found their •
way,to this country. The Mennonites,
on the other hand,•Are still more unmet
, :•• ous in Europe than in - America, Holland
:: ,i heing ' their stronghold - L - --Here ' their
- i founder Menno Simon,was born in 1505.
Jacob 'Amen, the leading spirit of the
`Ambit* - branch - of• the Mennonite sect,
was a native of. Switzerland. '
1 StrictlY, speaking, the Tankerand Men
, nonite faiths were almost identical at the
; time of which we were writingvdiffering
I only 'in Minor- particulars. Both sects
' ' I
recognized, end still recognize the Dort
reCht Confession of 1632 es their standard
; j theological.hteller ; The 'points .of differ
ence relate chiefly to church g6vernment.
1 andotber'imitward -observances, but even:l
I in these there is a great similarity , of prac- 1
' I lice. .The Mennonites were in existence 1
; long anterior to the Tankers. Memo
'• I Simo, their founder was, a cotemporary-,
.• 1 of Luther in the six teenthcentury, while
. the Tankers did not have a denomina
,; tional existence until the beginning of the,
.;, eighteenth century, their firstehurch hay
`, ing been organized lain at S wartzen au,
in the:,frbtince., - or - Witgenstein. It is
! proper to add that bbth the Tankers and
' I Mennonites claimedto have received their
• religious faith in greet part from the Wel
. 3 dense& and Albigenses, and through them
1 from the primative Christians.
It may be of interest to= the reader to
I learn that Witgenstein 'was formerly a
1 small Stab:sof-about- twenty-fiye-German
square miles.' governed by a. Count, and
- -Ithat half of itaubsequently belonged to
the Dfichy of Nassau and:tudttnithenisir
. I Prussia: Now, since- -Nassau was ab
sorbed by Prussia in 1868, it all belongs
• 1 to the kingdom of Prussia.
Ninety-nine out of every hundred of
I the.,Mennonitestal :r.nnkers ara fainieta
- 1 Their mode of life is simple in ifil ex
treme. They dresi'plainly, live'frugally
••• and practice a very strict code of morals.
Their honestk; tinthfultess and industry:
are proverbial,,- They d 6 not mingle
much with-the...earta,ltit araltaYere at
; home, minding- their own, business, and
minding_ it wen- Poverty ' is almest un
- e nown - munrtheett—Therintraleirur
..„„iittiatußoitheacnst.truis oftheit-ratart,..wid
g: do .not readily adopt innovations
, of any kind. They *err Originally , op;
posed to;the banuncerAchool 'patent. but'
4 now altuost InnufhnouslyfaVot ifft - They
I are opposed to war, and generally settle
disPutefr ' ernai ktttlelUsel*M‘.ll4-tb°nt
going to law. - - ' "; ' '
• We have said that the Mennonites and
; Tunkall WM; %I firiltjoillnifieftislin set
: :' tiers of our State, and to this we now add
thatthey constitnteNidtdaY4, very large
portion-of-outdid Pentisylrenia German
- population, especially in the rural dis
tricts...,..Luthkrat*lMeratians; Atltt-ref
- resentatives of other religious denomine
. .tionsefollotted then irninGenlyiny e A n s,
fild not precede them. Whole sections
of our State ate inhnbiteklby OM, Tki,iy.
early 'spread intntihez•lfeitiTe; ckikiiberland.
Valley, and thence pushed Into Bedford,
Fon:inset and Cambria counties. A few
of,. them crossed , Chestnut Ridge and
Laurel Hill , intoi l ,ireatmoteland,:lndians,
and - other western-counties of - toe' State.
Theft Settlement in Catmints 'county was
made during the clbsing year of the last
centtnyOu and , around Johnstown, in
what was then called:; the t tlConemaugh
country." The portion 01 . .0mb* cAun''
ty thus settled by them was embraced in
2SC ;e
Somerset county nyLto.lBo.7. A very
htrimentgority off all thei , farmers lin the
neighborhood of Johnstown are-14n this
day Mennonites and Tankers; the letter
Istge4-: predominating.: A majority_.of
the whole aretelieved to be of Swiss or'
_44 1 . ..
_ -
Cinders In the Eye. -
The following is from a communica
tion in Hearth and Home by'an eminen t
Called to , prescribe for Mrs. Andrews
Ilinflamed eye ; learned that she had a bit
~ o fclnder in her eye, occurred while tray
eling on'the cars four days ago- - eye very
much inflamed, painful, and '- attended
with severe headache. This. le one',of
hundreds of cases where a, little !mowl
edge would not have been a dange;ons
thing, and would save a , world : of ,pain.
Nothing is more distressing to a traveler
than a piece of cinder in the, -eye. ''.and no
ndisorder is more easily remedied. Call
ing the family • together ' , proceeded to
show them that it was not ah' eye
that Mrs Andrews needed to relieve; 'ter
Auffering, but the removal of the t foreign
substance:, - The cinder will be found
Juin ungePtc344*6 Marilin: csr:the Pat
,where . there is a s ma ll groove i csutter for .
.icirthe flow of tears:to the inner .angl e of , the
eye. Foreign bodies tend : to into this
ve, and If they are angular, like dn
a, they adhere in spite of the current-of 1
Wars•wldoh-nowflow in great abundaticeel
'And soone r or carry, off smooth 'sub.
stancee. Now iif you-raise thetnargin of
the lid and turn itover; , the - cinder , '
or gram of sand willbe ezpotitd, - -. _and"
may mut, hereintived'ivith the feint otA'
pencil, or with the finger ccinred:With a
handkerchief.. I then demonstrated this
simple .9peretiMl oil One Cor gle *Wit/Mai
T . my penal in MY right ; fingers,.
e:- , thumb and first/Inger; of my
left hand I. seized . the .eyeslasheti of the
upper lid, and drawing the lid gently out
from the ball, pressed the point 'of the
pencil downward upon'the upper- Aurfaite
of the lid, about one-fourth of an' inch
, from the Margin, and at the sale' • time
carried. the margin ' , upward over the'Pen
nil by the eye-lashes, wheat the lid - rolled
over the pencil's° as
-to expose : complete
ly the gutter simcribed, I :then: asked one
of the young ladies to perform this opersi'
-tion upon her mother, which; After two
or three Mures; she-accomplished, , and
as I predicted,: .Wnitil anguler, pieces. of
cinder were:found beneath the mlitjin of
the, lid, '' which . Adroitli rime with
the point of the pencil: Mrs: -AndreiVS
expressed`Aininetliate relief. SO . , Mud
interest was felt in this;be i ngrati
that All4it turn performed it;g much.
aided try-requiring: the operated
upon to: look downw • when. the lid
was being everted, and upward when the
operAtorWished to restore the lid:" -
Sun-Printing on Fruit.
Monograms, initial letters, or other
designs, can be printed on such fruit as
- apples, pears,' or peaches by the.attion of
the sun, with very pretty effect, of either
a light or dark color. To do this, draw
the monogram, letter, or design on a pleCe
Of writing paper, and paste it with muci
lage or glue vett the side of the fruit ex
posed to the sun. Just before the fruit
begins to color, and when the fruit, is
ripe, and the paper is removed, the de
, sign will appear in a lighter or different,
color to the rest of the fruit; las for in
stance, .if the experiMent is tried one yel
low-fleshed peach with,a red cheek, the
design will appear in gold, surrounded
with red: If •the opposite effect' is de
sired, take a small oval or:circular piece
of paper, and cut out or pierce the letter
or design in it, and paste it ,on the fruit,
vvhich,-when ripe, will have the design in
high color on a yellow or light-green
ground, of the shape of the piece ofpaper,
and 'this again will be surrounded , by the
brighter color of the rralt.—Heart 3 / 4 and
Cure for Hog Cholera.
A. writer in.,the monthly report of the
Department of Agriculture gives a very
simple remedy kir hog cholera, which he.
says has never failed as apreventive, and
In every instance wherein from neglect
the diseaty!Etade its appearance, he suc
ceeded in curing it in a few days. - Two
or more large barrels are procured and
placed convenient to'the kitchen'. Into
these - deposit " all , th e pot liquor, dish
water and greasy water of any kind, re
fuse piecesuf bacon, and, a few, buckets..
full of soapsuds. Let it-stand a few
days, or until fermentation: begins, then
add to each barrel one bushel of fine
charcoal, a half bushel of corn meal, one
handful of salt, and a half , pound or , cop;
pexas. - 'Let it stand_ a short time , so that
the coal may become thoroughly satura
ted with the li'quid, ',then pour it into the
troughs made for the purpose. One bar
rel thni prepared, he says, if given once
or twice a week, will be sufficient for
forty hogs, and prevent cholera and keep
them in a'healthy condition.
THE new one•dollar greenbacks which
will be out about the &at of September,
will have a' vignette of Washington, and
a representation of the discovery of Am.
erica by Columons, on the face, instead
of the vignette of Chief Justice Chase, on
those now. irt use.:. The new two•dollar
notes will - have a vignette of Jefferson
and a view of the Capitol, instead of. the
vignette of Franklin, 'on the present one.
The plates of these notes have already
been engraved at the Treasury Depart
ment. • • The backs of , .erifionee , still
Minted •by-the Natio =B an k Note Com.
piny: . of INeW York , `41111!. those of the
"twos" by the "Am can , CoMpeay, of
the name - city. The .10 for the new
lives, 16 / 4 ; twenties, , t,ottlefdo6ml4".
tinns ffave not yet "detenigne44*
mom ti,at
Tenn.,- in Dm shape of a- white
-17. 4 g
orthe - Vbester breed, .wit h human:
head .v Lobbing atithat hesde,alptleiroe.'
,i*es'ivbat belleyes to ' belt 'small , yei
.tolarably:"Yielfsliaired litany head.' : Its'
!die, - jaws, nitluth and nose are not n fall,
jof the pig kind, bothkok exactly like
obirt, jaws, montl
_anci,4l9BB, 91 -1 4. 1 241 1 4.
!bel l :1m t; - ,lts bead is shaped like.the AMOR
'head; it „has no eyereand he nostrils are
inside the 'thonth; tendering
dl chit. It had tetts,of With thl , regaletr
and as perfectasttle rota in the twat&
nionth,and,usesiti:fdbAecliks a,htßen
A MIRACULOUS __escape 'oCatirred"
Thantiogton,, CL, last week. ~,Sanford
Ron of that pliceodkile , rnowing, &coy.:
eyed a hand rake standing in front of-his
machine, and - li ft ing-the cutter, reached
doWn ler , 'l'expicite' the'rake, when ha : Ste.
covered ahoy just :beside:it. He carried
the blades averOtikupon ttinting round
tytwhis own boy,, , yews old, asleep
uktbe.graa, ho b ut for the proyideinal
occurrence'of 'the rako, being /visible,
must have met with a horrible death.
$ 11 ,00 7 50n4 1
Chartitred bq Special ;its of -6oagress
aeh? 4. .$.4600
Bran h °filet I'HILIZELPittA.
•• , .
CLARENCE H.DLARX,Philadeloida,Proiltienti
JAY 000E2.; PNiadelphla, Chalrmau 7Ysanfa
and Executive Committee. • •
HENRY D. COOKE, WashinXtofi, ViedPreid-
EMERSON 9r. PIET, Philadelphia, Sicrintary,
and Actuary.
FRANCISN 0. SMITH, N. D., •YhiladelphJa.Med
-• ical Director. • • • •
This Company leaned. in the • 'TEN
ItO.NTEIS of Its ratan:net,' s•
This COutorany offers to Yoitcy-Idoldue!.
• - •- g •
!IY lrrg a lft d.uP ilit , grea f eltatt u ,-tr u f*
zoo' 4,4740; or PRE.42117.114'
-Or a /*versions/7 Dividend of 100 percent: b.l
E. Wi CLARE. .at CO.. Beaten. No. 33 South
• Third Street.. "Philadelpnia. tieneral Ageing loe
Pennsylvania and teatnera - Sew Jersey. B. 8.
. .
' INUL 'lt. ItelirAli
Agents for. Allegheny. • Nearer: Sutler, Mercer
and Washington counties.
City and Town - and .applieartions -from comps
tenkpartles for such agencies with 'unable en
dorsement, should be addressed'Tw TEE COE.
revireedve districts. jyTtRWILT
NJ *AU KO V:11p0 14; oe, oi te
Si sil
la i i
ci .
0 0 oi i
:1 113 F A I ,
0 %3 it v 0 0 1
Nm pc 0 IX I °l., d
ez• g PI .4
it g l i cl as ,f,
tcs 1 tz ‘co m I
CO2 5 pq d
sizil m, . is i n
-wi - .
E.. " Pi
E°4 II
S tat 44 / i
No. 27 Fifth Avenue,
Bret' Trinattang4 arid Buttons.
Bmbrolderles and Laces.
Blloboni and'Flowers. • .
Bata and Bonnets. r •
dlore Sitting and French Corse4,.
New filtyles orsoley's BS:lna
Parasols-4 1 1141e new styles. •
runsind BaisrlOmbrellu.
Boodery.-dOn DOS English assltes.
Agent! for "Harris , beandeu.ll.tds.”. ,
Spring and Bummer underwent, . •• '
' Bole Agents ;or the Bemis Patent Vaal* tel.
him •• •• . . "Wert.' and ,
and ether
easier. • - • -
Dealer npyllectliftb the aboye it
. _ , 1 . f. ,:.
. , .
"hW if Pfr.l.9:li -
'fI:7I.I72VII,ILAr ONftrap!,.!
17. f'4u.,.f.,
:Ire • ' z.° l- -
207110:4.11fir0T ,-..11(11.4111, ;"•;:fii
nafentiTlSl; , i''''''; l '" ?1
..eiesee,Ar.e..?..4......cemeerv'aiii, •%••••••,ole.www.Nr.f
OTIC OT cart aryxg tieparro*"
• rirrestra •41,At s lBO9. '
x O TICE. --- TiNzusgessment for
• , ineoniatimro' ,- ylla itiberettelman.
a . 4 , 111 ,1 1M i te if ilitt i llek,eireej, .4a •now
a 'he /esti at talk
ale/ Glatt' Tina dlr. A_ a " et leittr. whenit
Witt lia'artarned to the City we c antrers °nos yon
a leetloue ; • ~. ~ . .
c aufain 9 3'^ "It . t."'ltOofilt, tlii ifilitieefi ; 6
4527708 OP CITY ZNERA - ND tStr:iirtiir, I
, pitteburt I ?"tifuliiti. 1689. .i
Xelrie ' '
~ 1-t" Assess 'stint for '
fir:alloy an d Pirttem"AL,lloND 4 ALLEY;
roar Butler street( to the Allegheny . idi e r Rap e
le-now; ready. for examignsion,. at .ean baleen
at "lafa OMNI' until THUruiDAT, - imam oth;
'Wien forlfi be retorted to the City Treaaotere
Waco collection. -see-. mouRE.
'. 112611nG/ • .'.. : , - - : City itnaineer.
LEMPreiSUca.4.ll, ,
Sm. making ZonnilM ll43l ; IstOelleaa anbailintel
for Lemont. For sale at 'Me Panoiy Grocery
Store of JOHN A. RE NSILAW; , -
.1424 Corner Liberty ono Ninth streets.
' . , •
- MANDRAKE PILLS will tare COnsuniptioti,
Laver Craindaint and Dyspepsia, if taken accord
lag to dtrectiont. They art all three to be taken
at the sametime. They dean:lathe stomach. re.'
lax the liver and put Itto work; thee makespetite
beeonies good:the Rion digests and good
.blood; the patient begins So 'prow la flesh; the
dandled matter ripe= Into the lungs,. and the
Patient et wreak the disease and gets well. This
as she only way to eure9idurnmption. • ~ • • .. ,
• To these three medicines Dr. 4. R. Schenck, of
Philsdelteds, owe' his uhrlyaled sueeesete the'
Treatment afpnlmonary(lindurtoon The Pule'
'Mania Syrup ripens the morbi m at ter, la the
l triegnt:e'L ° 7l2 , :g i ONlttefl 4 ;iwperai.
, ftbti.tikkwilitht.ritog:Aapitbepstli g is has
rest and lungs begin to heal.
To do ts, the Seaweed Tonle and lifandrake
Pills mast be rreelynied to cleanse the stomach
'and liver, so that - Pulnande 1 97uP end the, :bud will make blood. ,
Schenck , s If drake Pills act upon the Mgr;
removing all obstructions: relax the Pacts of tho.
gall bladder, the hilt starts freely, and the liver
is soon relieved ithe stool Will show what the
Pills ean do; nothing has ever been invented ex-P
cept calomel (a deadly potion weigh Is verydmp.
peretts to nee unless with great care ,) thaf • will
'unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions
of the liver ilke Schenck?. Mandrake Pills.; 'I
Liver Commaintis one
_of.the MOIL Proaththat
causes of Consumption. f
Br-hence' Sea Rollie Is a senile' stimulant
and alterative.. and the alkali Lo• the Seaweed.
-which this learetion. ,made ot assists , the
stomach tot w out the IC juice tedissolve
the food with e PulmOn ISlrup, an tilt Is Made
into good, blood,Withent entallon or sovirny
1 lathe stomach.
The press reason "why hidden* do ind etre'
COnstimption is, they try to do too, they
• give medicine to stop the %hp, to stop cbills,to
stop night sweats, hectic
_. ,rever and by so doing
they derange the whole wigestive powers:lock
ingkomp th
d egcrollons. and eventnel4, the PIISIOaI.
Dr. Schenck. in his treatment, does not tamto
stop a cough; night slime, chills - or fever. Be.
move• the venal, and tsar , Will all stop of their
,own accord. NO one can be cubed of Corm
thi n : I Liver, Clainplaint.:' Dpetepsta.: C
Canitir, llicerated - Throat, unless the Leiria
stomach are made healthy. v..: ,,, -' '
If a , parson . luta consumption..sit ~ course the
engem* some Wsy are diseased, tinier tnberclesi ..
absents. broach ue Urinals:m.ololam adhesion,
Air the bms,re.a mesa of I nAgmmatioa and that
thaYinle , finch oases Whet mast hedge!? "ft
;meanly e z l c ins truna tPe tratthigr bat It is
the whole body; erstoaniclinnd liver tusveiost
their power to e hloodpqt ot 10.41- „Diow,toa
only chance Is to tale Hr.licnenues three medi
cines, which wlit bringrup the st
the patient will bee* Wyatt& food, *swill=
easily and make gebd blood; then the patiene
gins to gaft in Seek. and la soon as th e bodvbee'
gins - to grow, the lange outornepee to bead up,
and the patient gets fleshy and, Well. , This ia tize
Onlv way to cure . Consumption ,
When there is no' tang disea s e and Mgr avail '
Complaint arid. DySmsla, Schenck's. Deaweed:
Tonic and Mandrake Pills are suMident, without
the Pull/teak ltYrup. Take the Mandrake ma
freely in ad !ditto= complaints, U they Irvin,-
fectly haradeas. • • ,_ .
- Dr. Schenck, Rho has enjoyed tininterrnpted
health for many years past, and now weigh, WO
pounds. was wasted away. to a mere skeleton. in
we TerY but inailli Of Pulmonary Constimntlea,
hie phydelans baying pronounced his ease hope
less and abandobed /ant to his fete. He was eared
by the aforesaid met icines s and since his Move-,
n many thousaada similarly atilicted Dave used,
Mr. eelietick's Preparation win( the tame re
markable ellocesS.• /nil directions accompany
each, making it notabsolutelyneoessszy so per.
• sonaliv see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish
their lungs examined, and far this warpage he Is
professionally /weds, Principal (Mee t Philadel
phia. every Satterday,_where all letters for advice
..ladst he addressedi Ile is also protesstiniallv at .
No. 31$ Bond street. New York, every other
Tuesday. and at Nim 35 Hanover street;
every. other Wednesday. be gives advice , rive,
but fere IMMO' examination with his Reap'.
rometer the yrice Isla, . pmts hours abeacb city
from 9 A: x. to a P. 9. -
Price of the Pnlmonic Syrup and., Seaweed Ton
ic each 111. SO per Dottie, br $1.150 a milt doaen,
Mandrake Ma 515 cents a bon. For sale' or all
druginsts. mylB:9l,dall.
D 1891.9195. That, =wrens, ,class :Al cases
resulting from Ulf. abuse. I pradlieltir on.
manliness, • neurons debility, Irritability, mo
tions. seminal emissions, and finally im
potency.. permanently cured. Persons afflict
ed vial cantata. Intricate and long nand.
log constitutional camplabsta are polltelyinvited
to call. tor, consultation,. which costa nothingi
itxperlence, the best o f teachers, his enabled
him to perneet•temedles at once efficient, safe,'
permanent, and which in most cases dun be used
without hindrance to Mutual. Medicines pre-.
pared In the establishment, which embraces of.'
/Ice, reception' and waiting rooms; also, ' cuardlnit
ton sleeping apartments for patients requiting
daily personal attention. and vapor and chem..
cal oaths, thus concentrating the famed mineral'
springs. NO matter who have failed, state your
care. Bead what be lays in his pamphlet of fifty
pages, sent to aay address for two stamps in self•
ed mire Ape. Thousands of cues treated arum.
ally, at office and all over , the conaUy, Constd.
tation Sree, personally or by mall. Vete No. 9:
Wylie street, (near Court House) Pituburgh,
Pa. Holum 9 a. N. to 1 P. 9. Sandman at.
to 9 P. 9. .Pantpldetaent toany address for boa
arnArcarim — wsEtAirtnyr.
This splendid Hair Dye islhe Dalin irmid:
the only MIS and must •mys; Unsagaa mta.,
bit; instantaneous; no dlasppointm_ ent• 170 - n.
diesions tints; remedies we ill entsetS or bad
dyes; invisorates and leases the Hair sort and•
inutile!. tack or Pros. 50/41 aiinrpersts
andPerfamers; and properly app td at Bs he.'
Ler's Wit
Patton: Ha. 25 ad Street. • Eew
port. ~ m
• :112
baring friends .meted are ear.
neatly solicited to send for *Circular Letter of
/inferences and Testimonials. which , con
eicce tbe moat skeptical of the ettrabtelt . gst'the
dteectee. Addreu vAis BURIN LOC LA.WW.
11f. D.. se GreatJattes strut. Newitork.
AGE E r egardUTH, and
EVILS, arltb certab nidn for the exil dx And an:
fortunate. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, tree
of ebarge. Address.. HOWARD 1830C1 ATION;
Box F, Fbllidelptda, Fa.
rttpowinas OF
Have. Removed to.
Nos. 384 AND 386 kris' .
car. (formerly Ca 611.)
t. L. DIZZINGIUt..•... •.i .. . .A. Y. SZIMINIKEIN
krkVbiElo4.: ,
410 - 400 ,AND-EM. f 9 114 2 ;
PUre. Rye,' Alithiskle
),/: "c• • I f +f r,•l " t
; • ; ;:/*
. ,;4";
1.0 r; •i/ 'l/ a ' , 113
JllOO t i Irprzteuxeli.
:108EPB & reitn *00 1
7'Poll• lifir./ 49 * 614 11*
naNt MtkitirA FirreptAtiir °44
agAITFACTUB*I 9, v * "
tileMU 1 47X1111
g efi ; IPPO: d Diatakd Nit a ; itiq ,indiftlte
.1011111. STIVIVAII7. .. e ' ROZIVILTA2II3tWR.
,T 3 • • - viL3 •
3 ,zrylort7r,
tv2B;b4 PriTtunitort, -
AY.arittit - - 'NT
4 1-
A , I
D ' . ' -
BP (;Imp.zia-
I . o.,:•
. 11gy.1tOtiCE.,
• PlTtSilllllGHedhly•littß 1E49.
. meeting of the stockholders of th e Book sill
be "head at the tank, 110. 7811 rmlihneld meet.
on THURSDAY. August Bttasr4 o'clo.k r..m.
for the purpear of constasrhiglncre.nde ofdaldtal:
-;.ny orcer of fhe Board.
" " • E L . C. MeLiti)r.. Cashier.
The Tempezanee Men of,AileghenY 'e°tUitY.„
land those. friendly to the cause/ are retaa,l ll4 *
SO meet at th eir several places of election. on
•BATURD . AY AFTERNOON, 4nly 31, and rote
forNiyo (a) Mier. tea to meet laCoiventionan
NE4DAY AFTERNOON. August fkth, As
111 .- -o•elciek, in the COURT ROT/BE, to nemliyttp
landldateZir comity Oommluioner.
IV Order; OXORGE'IIt3I7It.I::-
Chairman County Ezeintive Committee.
if:tinn7l • - - • '
-figkET_AkTle '. Or ,' PEN,PitiIi7LTANLi;
M ALLs 9 lfEkii:CfsliltiTY. u:
In the Orphans' court; itLand tortlie county
afbresald. , Ia the mater Oethe.siLministration
account of the estate ofJOHN IloAu7,
_oeued. No. 59, June Ternt....3.609;-
Lad, noyr. A4th,;lllll9;
tion of,Jobli Idelion t ,Attorner 11:7 CCemllt&l2l, ,
,the cogri sptioln;lol.ct:TAYLOll44CO.,
tor to make diatslindipa of the Ihnd upountr•
ills bands. kr.asequntr tiled, to and atoong.tbe,
. 9artles.legally entitled tkersto.l . *
(From 44 B.fixir4i) - = -
The i Anditol abcree, osmet : trilliiien6
-dyne! Of hie appointment 'on tVXDNILISDAt•
Apgust 9th. 1869. at 2 o'Opek r. ar - i• e'N ,
Ace, No. 68 (4rantisitiet, qtrif.Plttibtozie..
.47 25 ;t4i7-4 •., •
C. C.' TATitill, 'Auditor.
PLICA.TION of "The iloPetrell Old Sitool
"iv/byte:Nen Chem. of Findley Township,
Allegheny county, Pedittylranla'” tor a Charter
tit Ineorporation. al N 601 P f?eviembtr Term(
Iktoties is hereby friveh that the "HOPIAWiLL
"Indio Town thlp, °Allegheny, county. Pa;."
have.niade application, to•the ConrtOY Cominon
'tleaa fora
1:314.8?ZR OP INCORPORATION: ".• • •
And - that the .same be. granted at the next
:Ural of Court; sinless madden% remould:x.ldd be
ebown to the contrary. > . • -•• • •.1 . .
• J. H. WALTP.2, Prothonotarg.t
irN - ilk""cOVltii et loot — i --- mittet
- PLEAS, of 'Allegheny County ; 'No. 427 of
bentember Term. liffift. In the Matter albe
Incorporation of "THE AosTIHABS BUILD
.F. ALL.E.
once iB hereby elven that on the 17th dot of
JuIY. 180111, application was made to said Conn
to 'rant £ Mane? of Incorporation to said Asso
ciation; and-that
theo niftiest reason be shown
tb the contrary, sante - WIL be granted at the"
next term of &ohs Conn. -...--
D. W. - . 11 d. 8, BELL. -
Attorneys for Petitioners.
- JULY 19,1389, • ' 7y20:=15
Le Lers'of Administration Offthe "route of
1 4 7 4.lolN3l,ziesq., late-of the: elty of Pitts
bench; deceased, having b. en striuned toile un
dersigned. all 'venous indebted to the EatateWill
please. make prompt payment, and shose , bavitlif
claims against the smite will present them Janne
tUately t) MARY QOlNN,',AdtSltrx.„
• - • oto CHAS. B. KERRY, -
Attorney at Law, 89 erant St.
44 I E C 11M)1E0—•
;Whereas- letters testatnentuy on the estate
ou ART ANN , YtiliNtiv deceased, late of int
diens township, Alleghen77. county. ra.,having
been granted to the undersigned by the Register
, Of said county, all persons /wring claims slitalnst
• said estate are sequested , aomresent them duly
authenticated for settlement, and those indebted.
to said estate will mate raiment Immedistely,lo '
• • Itx,entnr.
p• • anarraqu, Jncts U. Seats,.
itiCriff if tteri of A tinas:.
- TILOVONt beol drant.d to the ß*
ersioned ots the- es wet of Jump - sagoneE
-'WOOI4. &ceased, all Asostias Indebted to•sun
estate are hereby nottned to call and settle tbo
serfs, arid those biretta claims against the estate
7sel o d ists e s e Tt thaT, duly auttsehtleated, to me at.
117;1 1 6 "Ijilkagrif. -Adra'r.
VITTERs eTh--------11A11 INISTRA•
TION on . the estate .crt JOHN 4180136 Z
BEN. deceased, haring been Wade , ' grant-,
slepthe undersigned, all pcssons irnowlog e
lodebsed to said estate are requested to
mirforwasd and makalmniedlate payment. and
Maims *against the same should be presented
to me, duly authenticated. • .-
PISANI-11CA omi ts , Admlnistratrix. ,
ir2l:roes '3w No. 146 Thltd'Bt , Alleghen y.
. _
• „
Qualities .And: Zoltits;
Parttcnlarl I'4_
14 'r
sig..oD..irives k So /inns Mate mid<
rpalrince : it i nlvso.. Nor piP.Ars 11 4 1 4P094,
4s.llfeiremed .
JEVA14910144._ .I,wa
2 1 111 , 147- , s l kTEt='TrlticlWr e ,
/ • - ? .1 Tr
Are Aow °NAOS COZOP•etO Ma Or maunder
Clatalogot. zualany kuilltatobadotiirperverf)
Eintrin4outos ,
Ofio)erowia t e
r t A tBl" "ll44ir xppawn%
Brotte e •nele
UMW! wa.kussittsav, ocutniirot sit lona aaid
: 11.111.11111t
isnisT4o, wAitin 4100
oaks sid.l;ll7siaiiinisi.:36ll L
I.IBER ?.TttlC
tiroonntv ittemleo tew
l { POO: itl4l4s oP'Witol'isTatt(4l
TEIE vOiriffPnori,
}ems &A 9 Liberty street ,-4 Pittebbigb. Fe.
65.Flith avenue, opposite the Opera
'House..Putaborgh. Pa., is ute coolest &an 2Nott
desirable place of rezone. Liquors can be had
at thin itace . Pure and Good. The 1311111 Roca
`are on the ground floor to thaisar-
TO . MIT: n
Et CON Rita
IteflEWleit•CO? 'ot the - City of Al.
leghenr are. prepared to recelre proposals for
the following de wen., with their amid oun ees;
1 fete, roannoles, etc.: -- -n
Conaprisingabont 1.000 feet of 4-feet etrcaler
BRICK - 86 WILK, from Pastore Lane to Junction
f Montgomery avenue 'itetrezy.through West
Comprising - about, 650... feet af 18-incheirefilsr.
PIPt: ISENVAR' on Ridge avenue, from t pant'
800 feet north from the interseetlon •ofßeheets
street to Belmont street slum._ _ _
LA mb PIPE - SWaR soon YPaMto4aelialiClY.,
alley. tranalfaralit
berry alley to Montgomery-imams and sewer.
ctOrtlidiaT Mk
comptvivir Otani 'L. 450 fief Itt-tedit =Ott_
014. Mt ri - PX filkWZßrvu. Narth it'vesties LAW: -
•Borle street to Palo Alto street. • •
BY, MX, CQUirt.,
corprizaCT- NO.
Centprisini Stoat- 400 feet of IX-Lneh:ClBolPl - •
La WEB. on Montgomery . oy, groin
Vie' tine. n nr
s.• 'pro t allo
avenue sewer.- - -
and Ithretneetiona maths seen st the
City 'Engineers - of:Mee' City Balt. Bids must'
state ttrcklad *Tie wer'mpoted =to-be ttablatted.' ' 7
leetnent on• vitrified elity Eve) 4ina mass bees-,
stoned, 'Sewer Prowssals,” Connie; Noh s tor
tc:, - att the' case inarbe,) anadeltvered or -
•betbre 3P. 5-UGUeT sth, 1889. tro or
prepouls, c n wideiktorme-alone bids will be re
esived, will be Ilindsbed at the cur Itaitinter's •
ooce. Ibe Connalstion do not bind themselves •
to accept the lowest or toy - ;
Brotder of the Oembaleston, . • . -
ly3o:m , A
sEALED-PROPOSALS siddressed to the under
signed will be received until AUGUST 62.
1869.-Ibr the . • . - ' '
-Giadnation s . Maury ;11a,
.Of the IF - es:tern-Penn- R. le.,
Pxteadlug trOick - Freepo'it, Arrast;oug vanity. to
Butler. Butler coanty, Pa., a dieume of PW.EW :
Ty-ONE MILKS. - Profiles attelipeelfleatkuraelit
be Bee* at tite, Engineer,' eller.PreeportFAxua,
strong county, Pa., on mid after July SWI6 •2 •
OETICh ern thgnettittiLLlth'Strllvkii)/41
- - Pittsburgh; July 30. 1389. 4
—Sealed Proposals for the coristnietiOn Of
a Public Sewer-on Porty-f4iond. street, Croat-
Butleistreet to tile . AllegbenV river. Also; .for
one on Eleventh street. from the foot of Wash.'
Moon street to the Allegheni river. Also., for
Grading. Paving end Curbing of Pony-second '
Altreet, from Butler street to the Allegheny yrit 7
ley Railroad, and for Grading: and Paving F less
ant Alley, from. Forty-lEl . rd to Portv•fonrth,
street, will he reeelved,sit this odee
' TMISDAY Atreffiff STH."
SPecitleatlons and bbodut for 00db:tire/ix be btd.'
attbia office. No bids considered milesictistie
oat on the proper blankr. — Vbe Committee ro
serSe-tbe right to riJect any otill bids.'
irCO:raid moome, cur Enzioei. • ,
XTOTATE '141) Pr
an). —
EsB. Sealed / 1 / 2 1.4 1011 kis . 'firtil - be.reee ' bredat
the of CITY tlfATalt WOBBff, up:to
gust 6th, 1669. for (SNE.CTICA,II CYLINDER
Inches diameter sad 8 feet stroke, one pump
16 Incites diameter sad. 11 feet stroke, Engine
Led bump to be erected aim Ptit,th ittgeetsdat
operation lithe engine house at the Lilt er
Bedford avenue., , .
. •
ALKl — Pliui'wlll be received by, the Water
Committee for Improved chuts cif pumping a
gues. to equal the capactty,of a ideate Cylinder,
26 inches In diameter, pump 16 mehes in Mate.
eter, With a pressure of "JO ponitds cu . Mimi
- •
j7P3:m • JOSEPH FRENCH; Superintendent.
eS ; • -
~417/LDlNG.—Eealpil PropOsala Air theerec
ilea Of a BRICK SCHOOL 110178 E, in and rot
the Borough of Millvale, will be received antil
TUESDAY,Auersr 101'11, 1869, at I
Bids ibr the whole
,job, or pewits bids for the
excavation and atone work, brick and carpenter
work, plastering and painting will be consid
Phu and epeciflcstions nuy be examinet ti
office of 31.11.1va1e Iron Works, Bennett Bteffion.
WeE"Penna. B. R. •
Toe Board of Directors reserve the right tore - ject any or all the bide. By order of the Board:
1Y31:m6 . 3 - O. A. BIIICHOWz. Sec'
_ -
• •
z , _ JULY 517. 2869. .
lIRALED PROPOSALS will be received st.the .
Harrisburg Gas Works' until' the ltith"Ditif OP -
AUGUST, for the delivery of Gas uoalto-bedseet ' •
during the next yearupterSeptember I. 1870.
The coal must be Of the Ten , beet , quality for sta
manufacture Of gas and delivered at the works.
All ClPtninUnlCll.lollllllhollid re address e d t o t e e ;
undersigned, who will give ail furtherinforms
ton on the, subject.
• •
jr9wrest Zuelle, s43erei4in..
. .
: lEARIL .MlLlGlPluzva 14110111•WiIEAT:A-W f i 'are now •ranati> lug
and,mans otasholoa TI NEW , AILEnit,,
WPM= iii_lntakA , "bleb we- we analog :.
with •on 014 tallest' in IDOL toronOrttbnis aa to ,
mike. ad satteleofTamily Flocur equal if-no; ina:'
petty* tont a inibe ntatins, s ,, ~.,.. I •, .
Ma ~ a tatt [Clam ha, this Eloar are tbat of, ,
Dein' tattm actareafront *Mat chola:remain,'
oanaonthertaamber =2 White ' with ;tin
/o9st„Attinoved i la c hiaorli,t 3 7' fixliarktosea , Jalf, ;
Hrs. rlteanda are: "" ~. ~.
THREE itTAR a PHA.ih ' Miner ,BeraliD47
utaae from Cholea.lN bitakagneys., unsurpassed as
Pastry floor— - . ,
TWtt. tiiiitiV .1: 0 01h1LZ ''_ _
,11E-Mtle =all .
ul Itaumfrtatieleeseigun -ancnantibe
loan., . , • ,
14)0 4 1.11e d itt L PIIrt i etift eithie
Akinattrat igra, of Wanton, , v. , rt +. ....-, ..., . a
'._..., - Xe...:lxterett...l , :mud. on,tooksrpmitt
`Flti.":4P l v o'' 1.112 e .j.,lll*AV't ea - :.. • ,1 1 n
-34,.. ai i, 1 ilik Wl' ..1001Killi .0 4111**1.1 ...t
' 1 1:6328 ''':;: : -PeattlitemickllViatqlititing,-r)
41 ... - _Lliftslaso l e t Mraml" - $1. 141
.stolS.,titirig Tenderi 2 di thhc WV
bhli XralbjetlV .t.P._4OIRIMMUI,7O,V
willo” - c9.,-. bba mg r t.oals
Dist':: i,v, i•-•,J • .....; - :Ot 1 ,1 . 4 0. i , s.t. i 1 1
. wevhOl* altersliZAVergsVir ~.0
Ws vartons - brandir brwt heat Our lls . ' .- '
Ala ?WM-eft Vali% RAILILV rl+oll/LV
f toll , ot.M l 4llPel4. 4100,N of the
Weil mem MHO, 4etspoph A. t on =l4
Ring ender raid tirown, 4 ehoot Ike n ~ ,'• LI
sale lower than eanrbotbrgnahlfttndig&
Jl4l xj7* and ITf Woos* bttnett.
.ii , - . .:' ,. - . l'-; IiftTONSIL'
• t -EST
-.. •
Mtleki Ifir4irks
SiOntratent Oninar*:Weit6.
; • rit2Drig 011reitex
CO: "
Wm, tuand-irr mount en alionenottio MANI
and Step Burnes * Vass. the,sideinivintwee!
Varlgn. ete. Read Mid Tani) Stones.
orde., promptly =tented. Prices mammas
~ C ;0rtie.1140r1.110:i. . .:•:,:..`,- , ,!,;,:::1 ' '
Clt7 Engineer