6. A7 7- /:DITLIJEMEaWORIES . ___ • gc CO - --11;51 MON; NAILS; STOELV :AXLES AtiD .13P.Rt!ICS, - aratrzenr&-L-jr-Actri-svarwrs , 111.A.T ) D0NOUND • ratio aVastrADP'• ' —/-LUNISIVtfitiV-13 dj rIeigh Vcaßlell,Lnia CQLTIVdTOB TEFL. • - Ans. mOULDS eat to sties. f/HARTINO, A. B. ;/jDllO isitd W ADONI4`RINGI and . • _ AND,IIPLIEES. *l7/1-Prci*li#o .1"(1W.g11111tel • ' OEN AND• WORKS 1413thouth gtrietund Allegheny - - • and 41 Water Street.! Pittsburgh. fiIIi4NTIJELZ , :STEEL WORKS. ENGEfIg, .N1BIM& aO., j4a Caiguthir!ilot 4veit deicripuoziot CAST" AND 'GEE N' STEEL, zumw srairrinc . • Tus e A s irret Brum% t Warehouse, sg Wider and 100 First Eith. lam* . 24 • : • • t• smass. restrxras: IrBEBEF.M I3, WM. 311Malai 11.1104 W. BARB, I Wa Ll bab Mirakr. PASTintal-8. Jai STEEL WORKS,' CRESCENT juw 0106, Rio: 339, itharty Sts XTIVIIIB,IM3H, PA. 113711771 IRMN9IIID, JLP • STEEL; ,NVORICS. - ; C o.,mix, Bum= 'it o ilanditecturets of descriptions of " SEMEPILT"II. • FiEtrif ntotr'wowts. ILBSESBN - I•drhe Truteelnre now Prepared toxientlieen :l•Partor the sirof the Pramw-RILLUMai PBO CHEa.-:;m.! • - The atmarioi onatity .imparted to good Iron, tte i grept Improvement, in fertor.,tron, and the iW.....tooltieomsnend It to all znanafactutera of Portteitiriohtoz to nse tt can obtain ltoenaes by ozypt7tila to • • t SPEEP.. • . - Attorney for the Trastees, ; - ZOOMS 1 Sid S. English's Building, 96% Youlth - avenue. - _.- • • lartlec-haterested ens' Invited is visit the SHOS.ESEBGEN. WORM. where the recess's . saw sueeeistni operation; teB:ds7 --NrEosoN, & co" ennsvivama Iron Wa a. Warehotuse, Nos. 166 and 16T HISST irrEMST. ppos ite Xonongleits 11 on se,_ 13111:111 5024:d6 •- • TTIIH , BRASS FOUNDERS. .38D112f X. COOPZII..• 10,RN'EL COOPER CO, Bell and Bran Founders. BRASS CASTINGS 7ietart: 2E ltt l fErr.o 1 0 ..4 RDBE• Naleable and Grey Iron ,Fitting, GAS PIPS AND TisiNG, MOTTLE, BURY AND DIIECIk VALV ES, ALL 411:1 , 10:17AF :a cc GE E S, lima Work of every deser r iptlon for_ Steam, Water aad_UlL, Yn24:lPAii'' TTniaritfOF J. M. CiiOPER , 3 improved, BalaneerWbeel Steam Pimp. • Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil eye, the. best in the Market. owere.and works. corner Thirteenth end Pike streets. etas N0V441"4"1f WORKS. pIT'TSBITRON NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. MS. ADAnis, .givirsz ar. co. .itirtoraortrozro or- MO • SYB'B6trit STANDLED, "LIMA NM 8 PAT. PLATICAW AAD,COU,IgT II2 . S C AVE . • °- ISA=lPaira Pateat Door Loa. sad Ltd!ea. , - N raint aka Coffee roams= await& !Pittsburgh. P 4511119116 GLAIJUL CHID ~QUAY. 100 WOOD STREET. ' - '...„,XIELINTICCICEDS: I :c- - ":1; FINE VASES, Lcuiw" , NSW DU I.IIEiTY WAR BETS f". T TYA 7. muse 43zTs, - A large stock of r Yom; ,P „MN ;. t g. -of al ileeettptiena. -- • g : f: Cali and examine our vette, and we feel Battened no one need tau to be stated. Au- CO. C ~~ Es 100 WOOD . STREET. LITROGIULPHERS. -311101.74 1 . 1 M 16. aINGERtiMOVEniAUCC eSiOrII to OM 80MICSaas a CO., ratoriatz mifiggivammusr. 'The only. Maw Litawapaai gicaalfiatisat Wed otta• Yonatalxis. stuaness Cara% Letter Beads. ao?iat, Lsbelli Maoism _allow Cud'. invicusas. ..• vaswft. Coruscates of • --L-; tthae r ig h rig" WV 7 BO L ; -,0U,0tt10LE:,•k.:00• , :,. Ccir.Point Alley and Digtuesnate• Ggirrn ses POINT) = 7,Fatioine Eftlititf;PB, 4l a : iind lifack4nists. -• m awinettr o A • TREII and BTA. TIONABP ENO!OWN of 41 sites. fikwha attention 3unto d Co our now STATION ABy OIL WELL RIIKELAND PORTABLE BOILREa_of 11-hona t rer. f ,c,esTatesstmt AtaAs toorder atm: Pottudryt On :;_y[ll.9.oW Disrke BM for Oil Wells, RANGERS, HQI7RICand TOBAOOO rio.l;mwo sun IKON TOBAOOOnEENE, ou lowa lad ;Ude to _ordszotttlut DUSTRIAA. ' WoRKS Irroattas 4::a Alieghora; .11.14er, near tiler:ant, ar Alt orders promvtts 1111 d.. Tat vs. F9IIFr.,P . FrY. , LBOThEil i ANti 1 1 ! . icAitnikr. &SNYDER • TIM/LAX YINGe•BOX, AND CTLINDEN •BTA.Ani • ur• NSA VIM STILLS AND OIL TA3I I / 1 3 GHINEIGETB, BBEEOHINO ANi) ABS PANS., GES/14 P/P Gmoasan AND LBOI%. / . .A.NEI. SALT.PANE AND GUN ala• EITILLN N / rtaffadas marcom. eiroTze. mite and Warehouse, corner nomad, Third, short and Liberty Street*, Air Orders seat to the above address will be promptly attended to. mb7:199 ]W. autratua, & co., OILER MAKERS AND SKEET. , IRON WORKERS, Ha d large yard and furnished 'M the meetnirroica machinery, we are %Te nured to taanufactore every description of BOIL ERS in the'best manner,. arid warran te d equal to any made in the country. 4.Rdameysi Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers Condensers, bait __Tanks, Oil Aglta= tars, Settling rank; Bonaire% j3ridcee, Pane, and solernanntacturers or 3..bmveWir.- ent Boilers. rßsgialrinirdoire an slicatearnOtice.-- jrAillES:44Fraßt , Nos. 55 and 46 Wafer Strain, _ przmasvass, PA . , awfforkorvazo or IRON - OIL - TANKS irrnase rims. °err= sxmAas ram. 11014.010 11ILL MOW. A. 124 MUM 7:PAN WORK. _ • • For Steamboats. przvannvono. „wooY. onusa--.. - D. BEIM _TARED M. EIBTITSH & SON, wiarenrAoruniss or Steam-Boilers, Oil OilMs Tanks. 'swim num worts, &O. 61 kenn. stieeis, Pittebur” Pa. A.IIIIA_DLEIE dio OD., rm. 80 Wool) ) • elantqaotarers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, In oar assortment wilLbe found all the LATEST - PA.TIbIINS AND IMPILOVEMEnTs. and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one ha' Want of a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will he found 'the molt durable skurell to ecowintieg. • Would • call particular attention our new voLD.ANI STOVE, for churches, halls Ina stores. Over 500 sold in three months. Intended for with or with en tgitsing. AIIWIIO Immune:4 thent:Pronounoe them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for eatalo • e and Price List. e 33; HENRY SZE, Me n( 'up 2 icu l i auirmrAcivazasor IViAT r iaPr I CY - cr a Mei - BOilTak RANGE, . • g° THE' FIEBY FURNACE," Fos Wl*XAut Ismizaz`ol6 altoMI: L K ft 131 A COOP IM A M 0 4 F4 Il ean in tag, A . P.MEMB. OBATZA c free trom ac. awl AIM; C t " ..1% n 041 5 /) - -2 , 6 ; and -20 4 44beriti r Street* imaiiyir- • • • - • PITTABURGH, PA, - 000 K STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL at CO.II TRIUMPH; • 108 BETl7.hingo/719 (*AP. iruraidedio Cook, Bake or Boatt l as isg!kap n yPl iter Stele the thdePs BISSELL & 00., 1C0' 7 ,466 ertv Street. Luo on band and for ule. r rlWßl Clfeif ';* ei r s, 4 7 , 000 0 0 I r 3 dr-= 41/111341—MR' TO MILDEW: ' 1 . . foomplieet firvipords. 7. ~ r - r i .. i ~, ' 150.0tiw feet • intim tear Flank; 1e , : ,'l. 2.z.sls;oooldet: OWN ommotaiankf - 06,000 feet MT 1 and a inch Oak: ~ 118,000 n. )4, i, Ilit,o and 3 Mob Poplar: . - - 10,M . L.set Dry Wieder *rig: r 10, lie Cl r ig: • 2 - 100 Ullfreet Mattock So E. - 303:000 feet Norl 'Nine AIifIPIS litilli' 2- • . 06000- ei 116Wn hi i . swireat ethooo No. 110-Inch Shingles? stavea; $0,(100 Fire Brick;i -1' ' ' . • ' ' 1,000 Fire Tlle. • - ---- - '•-• ' - - - " 100 Tone Fire Clay; Also Baw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar .rdita. ' ind.alldrOnlesin Chine° on hand and for No Pr ALiNANDE.E. and corner Yardsi- No. lel Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward, Allegheny, late WM ough of Manchester. apse E[ Ali Litt sfa i eryFl r l i g hts and Measure% NO. il POUP;TEI 4'P4Tl'@lUs6s,:Pi: PITTSBURGH, Pa. NO& SO, SS. SO LSD SO PION BT. STOVES, CASTINGS, o. TO BE POUND Pa al (e):l4ll.lla*Li a _ zU MMSEMIS 'Between Lipenty,finaPiniketrenta l Orden ttwwiDtl7 Wended to: L• a, PITTSBURGH GAZETT E : WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1869. FOUNDI~Rf#~ KNIP-'.. - FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. :OFFICE , INDr.WORKFAs TWELPTH STREEti ' PrlTSEnTheart PA. IFF4igilles , Romnig Inn Ma , ' aallOrYs; Nau Machines, Be' torts, and vastiugs generally. ••o.oliir -ox. iNtritroalr ri 41, 4 P PIPE. WORKS. Omer Carroll 1!, SinalgOtatilltro44ll. tbriNTEI WeSDa - •:, t , . Piwriiiiircriteix, ,PA.. - WILLIAM'S I MITH, : . Ilismufacittarer of • .CAST IRON BOWL PIPE POE eiS LIM SPATES WOliBB. Hy Pines are all east InvarLablrin Pits, in dry smut, and Mt feet lengths. AL/so, full assortment of general Castings for Bas and Water Works. eltra'fit tilsfatistgulltinucaPAMnd• DUQUESNE FORGE. - VMADI (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH" & C 0.,) Has facilities eo-extensiie . 'istiii the leading Forges to the Zast ‘ and to repared to toroniptly SHAFTSgetort Alt all orders tor BTSJOILBOAT CRANKS, PISTON 840D4. I,SVERB., PITMAN' aams,_WRISTS, seneuuslo mans. LOCOMOTWS PH • mwS,, Jimethet with every description of EWE WOR,OilitielssidiOrge. • Corner of Duquesne Way and Pint Street. , . aptChto OBINSON, BEA. & • . .. • sieceigas tißOSlvisor. Mail II Nusll2B. WASIEMIGTONT#OBIIB, FOUNDERS AND, NACHINISTS;PIITSBURON, • • , - • Kannfactnren of Bost and Stationary aceim Ea eatVialrollast Engines, - )1111 Mienlaerh Castings °all et Iron T=LII and ,Botlet and Sheet PAM Office, . /14, conies Itnt and Ssilthlelel puts. Agents for OLIIPABDS PJLTINT INJECTOR fbt teadtay Boilers. lan :on rrwritsts CABLU & Mouth Ward Foundry and Nadine Works, ISANDIISKY BT., .4.I.LZGHLIST CITY. ra., Ilisnntsetarers of El tstion•ry and Portable Steam /:names, tni rresasa, etuieja, dimities, Orbit an 4 Saw. ABU Work, Wei Wagon .qxine Casting ,s - Orate 'Bus,gel Boxes, ge. Build to order Ma gave on band Engines of all sizes. - mTU:4S CE.NTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS sso Penn Street. BOLLILLN; BO IT & BACIALEY. obn mow,MIII ouitius; Lathe% ae. Di AmoND: au ! . ippo*hs, - M. IMI. , LONC & CO, 021.te. DLLZELL BUIT4OI/f l 3. , fel& Duquesne WaT. Pittaburitt. WARING A5O IWI u, • omaussum biaretuata aaa Brows is Petroleum and its Pioduete, DALZELLII BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, nuuunr.rau amass% Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 BORTH SECKMD STREET. &PIO . TACIL 8110111.F.JRN, • COMMISSION BERCIILNTS, Avn vuuras Petroleum and its Products, Pittatrusli oince—_parzrava avu Date. COMM of 7,nquesue will and Irwin streets. PhltaileiptilaWke-4 1 17 W&LNUT n.• ECI,IPSE7- PETROLEUM REFINERY. " W. CO MM U S *#FPrAPITBaut 07 ifitgkipt 1141.14%0115. MU Pia iii.slaroo4.4 l o l , Wit :' • Maude, tEIS beet-wititont , Monte:, violas limpid ateninetaturts., tip•Cisi yu for, • etrogleal arse or bot lutliaule 4 ' ItesSWISti , 4I I22 II I i 6 4 IIIII O. III X,OP:4 I Will iiiieteretrk` l4lnSkid Otis, Va 4 b kr•rot 2111. Tatiness ell t InisliFlol4btatißill. .• • rinAgba•• • • ifetNitif k to :weave* Bright Iran ;. .*•_orit - snd SLUM DOM suet. 'These laminas Ire malinitotttred ander Dr; • Tiredille!ktettentliinpagliested Steam. in dna . Clio. I lie Rubrics t axe almost odorless. perfectly num tut, and Mostly 7101 critic stat d *Wail temperature 'alumest s:qsand real= iris Did dneLt extreme cold. The Oils are unequa, and are in constant use on cunt of tits pri ncip al Railroads.' envies can be examined an orden left at WOOD RiTit tom, Works at tbarnsburg Bridge. p 11 1 i0 10 4 131 EM ar!, Co., ` 'AI4KOW: s COTTOS,MIii,LO MEM ,IPrrTS33I:INtO.I2I HIM "BP'Y t *PMCumnitenT I Ftil,l', C, • . . • .10 4 41 MS =AIM • 1111141M11114 spIagt*GICAXZYB6.7I7.3III. - • OILS. 9:-. - •' 1- 41PFANOL&L. FIFTH AvENuE BANK . Of Pittsburgh; Is now open tbr Discount, Deposit and General Banking Business, at 193 FIFTH AVENUE. Any sum received from One Dollar upwards. Jiaterest at,the rate of six- per cent. paid - on time deyo dts. • , DIRECTORS: DITPIRIDGP., W. P. wslaiklir, W. H. 81Mti.• - FRANK rIEBERT, , 0. ROBERTSON, lia settY , KEYY,II, : DAN. 8i.1,:f1. 3 11 11, , pow liti A d.R*ol‘ . EL . DITHRINIE, President. V. V. sat/rims; • 1y10:198 • nERIOU Bin NO:' 110 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSI3V4I3II3. CASK CAPITAL • • • • • 11200.009 Stockholders Individually , Liable. BASK Of DISCOUNT AND DEIPOISIT. JOEY ?LOYD WM. gLOYD, President. ()saltier. "Thos. M. Marshall, John M. 11nrtlandi Wm. T. Shannon, - Archibald Wallace, Junes W. Arrott,. Jul. 'B. Keay, Chu. B. Leech. ; Wm Ployd. John Floyd, . I This Bank Is now fully e t Flied and prepared tci do el general Banking b eels. }. H ART, CAVGREY IiCO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood qtreets, iwirrissimaxt. OWOCIMOBB TO HINNL, EMIT i C 0..) mama Eiehange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase • • and aale 1)1 GOVERNMENT. BONDS. lingrht Drafts on London. zsyusss - - u9vm.B6 soNO,. 67 Market Street, Collections nada on . ell 401;MA:teal points of ths United States and Canada& Stoelaoonde and other tkenrities BOUGHT •ND Kota ON 13010118810 N. Particular aneatioa paid to the parehass aa4 Ms of inited States Securities. 230 JAY COOKE & CO., 313a33.1i.er5, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, : PHILADELPHIA. 5T00513 and BOND., of ali descriptions bonilitnad soil. fteeild attention given to the Irlfeltan aid saii of Government &Mantles. mhal '' MEI . 111A.NS: 112 Fifth St r eet, Pittsburgh, Pa. ciptria., $194:000. STOCKHOLDRIS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE: IN'TEREST PAIL) ON DEPOSITS. HOREIGN EXCHANGE Boned end wild. and when desired rensitted to Europe. Collections made on all the prinotpal pants of the Halted States aid Canada. . DOXIAML lIIKSEN President. dents lacOnnis. V fce President. Jon B. tiORLIT. Cashier. . DiaLCUMEI. G. Hamsen. JanteslifcCihe, Thomas Rourke. . John Savage, J. liturlory , Jr., Terence Campbell. Patrick ymne, James Phelan Chas. B. Barr, H.A.Freiwogie, Jno.Jos.Hertnann. Thomas Barnes. Gogh Keating. je1:10 UPHOLSTERY. HOLTZIAN & WIEDE.RIEOLD. . . No. 100 Third Avenue, lipholstera and Dealers in Curtain Goads, Direct the attention of their friends and the publie to their finely assorted stock of Lime 'aid - Nottingham narrating Vestibule Lomas, Damask Reps. Perry's Mexican cloth Bain, Delanes, OUt Cornices. Gut and Walnut MOuldings„ spring Beds of superior mate, Hair Marlines (pure white hair.) Pillows . Bolsters. and everything -pert. tang to• a drst•class bed. The latest. Parts and Berlin designator Draperies atthe ineneetion or that - customers. Pun vitt te Eastern thew Feathers arisen on Una.- - • • HOLTZMAN & WIEIDKRHOLD. , ;;NO. •100 THIRD AVENUE. '10,180 , 93 ; , -• ' . - SIIMAILWRESORTS. . , M( NWM!IIII/VI1/N :CRESSON': SPRINGS. summer .. ELISOrtg -tting18114:143:1516004 F of the- tskijn i l l ia LEVEL Or Taal arnis, will be o lr'for the • Vieggifiin x gr:ronlar.MarliabiligA r t have been entirely renovated and newly Vanua ed. - Paeuralon Ustets sold by the Pannsvivania Railroad, at Phil sdelphish Harrisburg and Pitts burgh; good for th• season. : All Maus dors at Cresson. TABU FORNISHED'OOPTAOES FOR BETA. JO, further information, address GEO: w. LLIN, Proprietor , Otesson , Springs, Cambria county, Pa, • • • MERCHANT T.AILORI3. TIEGEL, Cuttei gespenhelde.l • _ rinancitistirr TAILOR, NOi 83 Smith.tield Street,Pittsburgh. • ••, • , 4SPItINti GOOTIEL.' d'"l 4 splendid new stock of , . () F -1141 ' . "larM . SR : 5 3 : 44 " 411 . AIL 21 ibuitrid bi V Int (1 ,1 - : • • PIIVENCT2M ' c3riciazia, SILVER AND. COUPONS Bout-lit at Highest prices. PH. R. ARTZ, Bankr Con Wood and Fifth Streets. ISE T B & AXES _l.' " Co y . (hlocestors 08. JONES 00..)- Corner Fourth and Wood Sts.; , 3EII . ..136.1\T 3EL 3311 3E;S. 63 . 9 BUY £ND SSLL ALL swine or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST TAVORLBLE TERMS. W" Interest Allowed on Deposits. toir ravtoia it o t a a n t g on Government Bonda at Orders exeeuted for She Purchase and Mate- of STOCKS, BONDS and SOLD. • .. 'JAMBS T. BRADT & CO. GOVERMENT BONDS 1 We will register all kinds of Govertunent Bonds free of charge. This g.ives the holder ab solute security against theft,loss. or destruction. JAMBI'. BRADY & CO., Dealers in Government 'Bonds, COB. POSILTES & WOOD STS. arrnl:l2s . .I.i.l i og*gt.,'o4..p. FINANCE *AND' TRADE, Ell (By Tetegisph to the Pittatemb Gasette.l . NEW Yolk. August 2, 1869. . - • . The suspension of the eminent Greek firm of Rhadoconachl & Fratighiadi was reported thii,afternoon and created con • siderable talk. This firm has had its headquarters at London, and branches at New York, Rio de Janiero, Constaati .- nople and other fokeign cities. The house .has always enjoyed very high credit, and passed through a number of financial panics. The , amount of Habil ties is not known. It is reported that the suspension was caused by a rise of gold at Janiero, the firm being short. Money, is moderatley active to-day. Call loans are 7 per cent: on stocks 5(46 on Government. At one time during the.' day, there were some loans made at 4 per cent on Govern mental but these were exceptional. -Dia- • count market dull at " 8 to 10 per cent: Sterling dull at 93 i ®10: a New Orleans house has drawn for 850,000 on the grow ing cotton crop, • Cold opened at 135%, fell to 135%' but rallied to 136 1 4 under purchases of. MO,OOO for the suspended Greek firm, and closed weaker - at 135%., Carrying rates 5%@7. - Clearances 842,- 000,000, It la reported that $500,000 will be exported to-marrow but the story is improbable. • . Governments •• firm; Coupons of '81;• 124%0124X; do. '62, 125©125; .do. '64; 123%€)12113c do '65,-.125 ®123; do.; new, 122y,,4122%; do. '67,122%©112,4'; do. do. • 68, 122®1223(;' 10-40, .1163116%i. 'Pacifies, 111%®111%. • - • State bends dull and lower; Blissofiria 87 1 , 1 1 , 1 * old - Tennessee:: 62%; new 56; old Ttiginfas 58% : new 61; old Note( Caron-, nas 6630 new 51: • • " • : • Stooks dull and light; - the market generally Is steady. • ,Fire.ThirtyPrices: Canton, 59;, Cumber- landAs%;Weatirm Unioti Teleiriph; l 3B%i Qvickdlvek. 1.533.x~; MatiPotia, fiji; ,fittr•P_re= ferred; 16; - Pacific Mail, Si: Adams Ex press, 5814 X; Wells 19%; American, 41%; United' States, 67; Merchanteljtdon, 10: Naw York Central,, 209 X; Harlem,l63%; - Hudson, 185; Reading; 9730 - Erie, - 28%; do: - pref.,6s; Michigan, Central, 132; Mi chigan* lidnthern, - 108: Illinois Central; 141; Pittsburgh,lo6%* Northwestern,B6%; 'doispreferred, 96X, Cleveland, Columbus - and Cincinnati, 7214; Rock Island, 114 to' St. Paul, 79%; do. preferred, 88%; Wabash 73 ; Fort - Wayne, 153;- Terre Haute, 34; do.. preferred, , 58; Chicago and Alton, 165; Ohio and Mississippi, 323; St. Joe, preferred 124; Dubuque and Sioux City, 104%; Hartford and Erle, 21%. Mining shares: Smith and Parmlee, 305; Gregory, 195. • Copper Stocks at Boston—Copper Falls l'.; Franklin 10; Minnesota 111;. • duo-Treasury: Balance, $944,192,874. P.OIL: 0111708 OW PITTSBURGH GAZBTTB, TUESDAY, AtigUS 3, 1869. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135%; Silver, 130; Eighty one's, 124%; Ftvp TWentiesi 1862, 125; do 1864, 123; do 1865, 123%; dO 1865,- Consols, 12235: do 1867, - 1.. V.%; do 1868, 1223.; Ten Forties, 117; New York. Central, 209 y„; Erie,-'-; Residing, 97%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago. Rail 58k, Ohio 3234; Ifichigan Southern, 106%; Cl3Ve.: /*ld ,di Pittsburgh, 10834; Chicago & Moak UMW, • 114 X; -Chicago & North . Western; 88551 Chicago o..Nort.ti z Western Preferred, 9634; Adams F.z;preta. Com pany, MerolUMUU:trnlon - ExPtess, 1034; Piano -Mail, 83' ;Western' Union Turditralih'Cbmiku*l 4B ii; Am. W. Ex- Dres,‘ 413 i. - nzcaAtcoz, 11, Large. &natl. London, per .. . #6,83 Paris. per franc. 44...: ... , ..... 28 Berlin, thater 99 1,005‘ Frankfort. ... . 58 59 • —Chafing . Aucitations received by James Brady - Qt "Co: Gold;, 135%; - United States Sixea,. IEB4 124X;11.ve-Twenties, 1882, 125; do. 1884,123; •do.„1885, 12334; Ten-Forties,r. Five- Twenties. Janu ary and Jul y, 1865.122gi do. do. 186 T, 12234; do. do. 1868, - 122%; Due Com pounds, 119 ; Union pacific Itailroad, ewittimum milu‘si; ~ . • OFFICE OF PITTEBCEOEC .CiALn• r TUESDAY,. &ugust 3,, 1869. The monotony whiutiliae pervaded the oil business for some`time. past: still con tinues, and there . is not much itmoipeet at present of anyjsomediate improve ment:. The , . most encouraging . feature We Wive to notice is the *Mat °rade is .softening a little, and is not held with's° te* l oto,p4ouih,B3iett/pit*iire _OptiCilti4 6 4l ll) :0 1 t040 7- khoie:: %Oils 4311014snoo; Atel/ort-lore = mat - . =IOUS and unless- there ia,a, material, advance in Refined, Crude will nave to decline still tnore; before . manufacturers, as a gen eral thing, will be able to do anything. It is true, Antwerp is reported better, but the ea s t ern markets continue dull; ' and, besides, oil is relatively _ higher herethen in Europe. As has been re• peatedly noted, what is most desired here, is to get prices equalized; Refined must advance, or Crude decline; as a general thing,. it makes no difference which. 0111:7Da. Not a single sale reported—market very dull and weak with a drooping tendency. Spot or seller Anguet offered at 1.43; without finding buyers. Seller all year,freported as having been offered at 14;4 and buyer, all year, nominal at 18- There was a time, wbert oil pro dticera professed to care' very little about Pittsburg]) as an oil , market, alleging that Cleveland was able to pay better prices: that time, according to recen t ad vices, has gone 'by. • REFINED 'But a single sale reported, 1,000 each October . to December at aw, which is a decline of a quarter; compared with yea. terday. Spot quoted at 31@31 1 /,„ and last hale month at 32. Buyer. all year, nominal at 34. LM3SISOLTING 011,13. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse 'Railroad Axle 85e Eclipse Machinery 760 Eclipse Spindle 800 RECEIPTS Op CRUDE OIL. Fisher 41& Bro ' 1,200 bble G. V. Foreman 520 4, Pool Bro 240 G. 8. Thomas 211 ~ D Bly* Total 2.251 bbls OIL SHIPPED F.ABT BY A. V. B. B. 'Standard Cal •Co., 540 bbla refined co Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil 'Works 156 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Lyons & Bro., 370 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. & S. 259 bbls refined to W. P Logan & Brd., Philadelphia. • Forsyth & Bro., 148 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Total Refined 1,681 OIL SHIPMENTS PER WEST PENNA. R R G. W. Holdabip - it Co., 261 bbls refined o Waring, Sing & Co., Philadelphia. PiTTOJRURGM MARKETS Ofmcra OF PrTTEEVEGE GAZETTE, TIGISDA7. August 8, 1869. We concur in the following paragraph, taken from the,Oincinnatd Gazette The accounts that appear from time to time, of damage to the crops, are mostly doc tored. Wheat has undoubtedly • been damaged by excessive rains in some sections, but it is true, nevertheless, that the crop, in the whole country, West, will bp above an average in quantity and quality . . The greatest injury reported has been suffered in Illinois. There is a very large crop of oats, a good crop of barley, an extraordinary yield of early potatoes, and a great abundance of all - kinds of fruit. There , is a large yield of hay, but the quality is - not as good last year. Of all this we may feel assured. Corn, was planted late, but theeeather in July was so favorable that m ch lost I time was made up, and the cropl.on the Ist of August promiseq much better than at the corresponding date last year. • With favorable weathei"this month and the absence of early froits, we may cal culate upon a large 3rleld of corn. These remarks also apply to late potatoes. So far as crops have matured the most in veterate grumbler's cannot gee up a re spectable growl. All that is needed now to 'satisfy the farmers' is a large foreign demand that will - secure a mar ket for surplus products at fair - prices. Of this there is -a goodifrospect. .PPLES—Tfitder the influence of in creased receipnwthe market - is less ac tive:lold Iffiteff inwer l anriging.frem s3@ 44sper bpi. • , UTTER -Iswith a supply about equal to the demand; sales at 20 to BERRIES , -Sales Blackberries at 24,00 . per bushel. and auckelberries at 25 iN)@ 50 , . -5• ' * !BEANS—SaIes at $1;75®2., • . = ' -BROOMS—Quoted a5..153110wa: No. 5 h i $6,50; No. 4 16; No, $ „fi , T., . o p. 2, plain, $4,50, and mirket firm. - CHEESE—SaIes com m Western ' 'Reserve - at 13®14; 'Ohio ' actory and i Hamburg 14@15; and film rt, 0®1613.1 CEMENT—johnstoWu, .Hydrullc. Ce- -: - ment is quoted at $2,25 per mg.' • CARBON 01L-43 dull as usual at this season of the year, and prices are natal- nally .thicharigbd. • , DRIED - F RUIT . 1a yoy dull, and r: likely to:continua Bo nritil- owards Win- ter t as there 'are; man,' o ut er • kinds: of fruits offenng.'' • ' • - ~ , ; EGOS-41211 and cannot be fairly :quoted above '18(g)1.9, although some . 1.,., - saieff were repOrted at ale. - • • ~ FEATHERS - -Dull; quoted at 50{485 cents to the trade'; and the usual advance •-• for small lots in store. , - , - •- e FLOUR—The market is quiet and 5 firm bur unchanged; the arrivals areln- ?. creasing slightly—unduly from9hio and other points this side of Chicago f as the :... price there will not admit - of shipments to this market. We -continue to quote ' Spring Wheat brands at 15,75@7,00, and i Winter Wheat at $7,00ig7,450. Both re- jailers and bakers, as well as consumers, .:. are buying very sparingly. • ORAIS-Spot Wheat is scarce and in steady demand, with sales of prime new -; and old red at 41;40, and choice old , red =. would bring from 3to 5 eta, more. Oats dull and holders, generally; anxious to realize; sale of roar at 68, and 490 bush. In store at 70.. - = Sales slew:crop, to arrive, at 60. Corn is etesdn:with sales of. 2 cars yellow at 51,85, and 4,200 bushels at 81,05(3=1,08, delivered; quotations maybe fairly given at1101,05.0n spot, for 'Mix. • ed to prime yellow.. Rye As quiet end unchanged; /I,23beingregirded as the standard price.... := HAY-.lhe offinings the Alegheny market today were the largest - of the season. ',Shareware sales of 68 loads at eight A. sr. and there -- appeared =to bh :riearlyos 'much more unsold;- as tsOn., sequeAce,iprices ruled lower. Opfton day conning Share:Ewers sales at irons 1118 @t4i - whtle this usorn:lces • ranged .frbmsls(§2o-varygoha sold. at 116 • :HEMP-Very dull; tt2os:. RIISKS-Sales at 2%143 cts per pound. LIME-White Lime is =quoted at 11,50, and Cleveland: 12,50, per LAM/OIL-No. ];.at 143@t45; Nu• Extra, *1,47®1,48; and No: 2, at lil,oB® *l,lO,- =, - . =,• TOTATOEB-111,75@2,00 per hbl.• .POULTRY-Sales- =of - 'spring chick. ens, at 65®70 per pair., , - - - PROVISIONS -Market is firm; prices well sustained; 15@15 ,t; for 6houlders;lB 1)19 for •• Ribbed and " Clear Sides; 19 for Plain. and 23)4(024-for - Sugar Cured Hams l .and 173;®18 tor Breakfast Bacon, Lard, 2oy. in tierces and 203;®21 in half .bbls and keg*. • lima Pork; .S33W i PEACHES-Sales at '.12Q)3 per •boz... :most of the sales at 12@2,50. PEANUTS-Eigher - at .32}4. r="t. • , BALT-Allegheny hive, .branda ate Opted. by the ear -loadA at-11 4 7543N4 - -TALLOW , -Bendered'jtup_ted 17 1.0)4. .TOMATOES--Saleabwpm per babel. it la not , likely - that ^this , rrrice , l44ll , be .austalbedTerylong,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers