The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 04, 1869, Image 5

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The Triumph of Truth.
Without hesitation we may say that
sooner, or later truth must triumph.
There never was a greater exemplifies.'
Sion of this fact ehan in the •Wooderful
success of Dr. Keyser's Blood Beare*.
It is the remedy of remedieli, 'and is
sure to perform all that t biomises Dr.'
Kayser assures us that, every bOttle of
it is prepared with the greatest care, and
no root or herb of deteriorated quality is
allo ed to enter into, its manufacture.
The cures that it Lula already made have
pla d it in the very acme of public
esti ation, and • theie is no limit to the
or of Dr. Keyser'S Biood Searcher,
the cure of all diseases o£ ihe blood
or in depraved or cachettc habits of the
1. It has cured the worst case of can
2. It has cured the most loathsome
ulcers. -
3, It will render the system proof
against malaria.
4. It has cured erysipelas of twenty
, five years standing.
5. It has cured cases of palsy after
everything else bad failed.
6. It has cured the worst cases of
hroutc 'rheumatism after the joints were
7, It has restored the blind to sight.
8. It has opened the ears of the deaf.,
9. It has cured scrofula when the
whole body was amass of sores.
10. It will purify the blood and en
-able the system to acquire energy and
strength. -
IL It has cured the worst form of
piles. ' •
12. It has cured chronic diarrhea.
13. It has cured hundreds of persons
of dyspepsia. .
It has cured dropsy.
151 It will cure chronic diseases of
the kidneys.
16. It has no equal in the United
States as,a blood medicine, and may be
; taken by the most tender infant with
out harm. - _ .
17.• Be 'lure to get Dr. geyser's Blood
Searcher, and take no other.
We publish -below a letter to Dr.
George H. Keyser, of No. 120 Penn street.
in this city, showing cures of two cases
of 'cancer in England. - The Doc
tor -has the original letters in his ,
possession, which we have seen, and will
be ahown to any Dorton wishing to sat
•-• isty themselves of their genuineness.—
Pittsburgh Gazdte.• . • •
, •
—Dr. Kes set: • I take pleasure in
making this voluntary statement in
favor of your treatment and , medicine.
I suffered for three years with Cancer..
which broke out on ,iny face. I tried
several skillful physicians, but they did
me no good. I was in three hospitals
and was sent out incurable. By Mat
' • time it had eaten my nose entirely of my
face: three pieces of bone had come out of
any forehead. 11 had also eaten the fiesh,
'boll my cheek and , neck. I had given up
all hopes of ever getting cured.'My
daughter sent me a few bottles of your
Medicine. I was very weak when I
commenced taking your medicine, but I
gained strength daily, so I continued to
take it. I have taken, in all, twenty-live
bottles of your medicine, and I am
happy to say lam perfectly cured, and I
have been healthier since than I was
for years. I take pleasure in rec
ommending your treatment to those who
.may - be afflicted as I have been. * * *.
I feel it my duty to recommend it to all
who auffer ft.= Cancer.
ANN. Mososie,
. Wife of. Thomas Morgan,
Blanavan, Monmouthshire, England,
The Wonder of Wonders.
We recently made the broad assertion
that Dr. K.eyser's Blood Searcher "ac
complbihes more good for suffering ho.
inanity than any other medicine now in
nee upon the face of - the earth," and ()or
raborated by the wonderful cure which
we publish - In another COltitUll of's
we'have no Idea of , 'retracting;
The present case is selected from among
. a number at home, the cure of a little
daughter of Mr. Neal McFarland, a well
known citizen of our city. Dr. - Keyser
. /we reiwon to be, }mond of the success
wlich,invariably follows the use of the
Blood - Searcher at • home and abioad.
Here the -suffering, have the advantage
of consulting with Dr. Keyser, who, from
study, expedence and.the regular loves.
ture of the Med!cal Degrees, is recognized
among our most reliable phyaicians, and
is thoroughly acquainted with the anato
my and ilis of mankind. We commend
the certificate published: in another col
. rimn to the attention of our readers,
knowing that it speaks volumes for the
curative powers of Dr. Keyser's Blotki
Twohottles will cure a nursing sore
• ••
iOne to three bottles will_cure the worst
kind of pimples on the face. ' •
Two or three bottles will cure the worst
kind of blies.
Two bottles will cure the worst canker
inthe mouth and stomach.
Three to five bottles will cure the worst
case of erysipelas. •
• • One or two bottles will cure all humor
,r in the eyes.
• Two bottles will cure running of the
--Cara, and blotohes among the hair.
'Four to six- bottles ;will cure corrupt -
and running racers. -
•• One.bottle will cure scaly eruptions of
.Two or three bottles will cure the worst
case of ringworm. - •
, • ; Two or three bottles will Cure the most
• desperate rheumatism.'•••-
' Three tel four bottles Will care. salt
Five to eight bottles will cure the worst
• - - , -'‘Osse of scroNla. • _
lr - -put to three bottles are warranted to
call the- worst base of - DYsPepsia. I.
know from • the experience of thin:wands
• ' , that it hits cured canker in the stomach.
One to two bottles are warranted to
cure sick headache.
One or two bottles are warranted to
regulate a costive state di the bowels.'
• • One to two bottles ,will regulate all de
rangement of the kidneys. •
Four tusix bottles have cured the worst
case of dropsy.
• Six to ten bottles nitve cured the worst
case of piles; a relief is always expo
. xieueed;• what a,. mercy -to get' relief in
Such an excruciating disease. .
To those who are subject to ash* head
ache, one bottle will always cure- it. It
gives great. relief in catarrh and dint
-mess. Soule who have taken it have been
costive for years, and bave been regrets.
tad by it. Where the body is < sound, it
works quite easy, but where there Jenny
derangement of the inactions of 'nature,
it will sometimes cause very singular
feelings ; but you must not be,
theyalways W.seppear in froM four days
' toe week. Therelsriever a bad result
from itl-on tbevontrary, when - that feel
• lug is -gone, you will feel Yourself like
;,new 'person. t I have heard some of the
most extravagant comiums of it that
ever man listened to.
- :A. Wondrous Cure.
_ , . , .7
Da. Rtivsern7 '"write to thank yott.-
fox YOF kindness and selentific,manage%
Ment briny disease ; for:which-r ailed
to consult you. On the first of April,
- In the year 1865; as you will remember,
I was sorely afflicted with the Scrofule,.
. .
and bad gave e up all hopes of ever-having
a cure. I often thought it was impossi
ble that anything_ could be done, for I
had tried nearly.' everYthing that was
Within my reach, and tried seven well
learned doctorsiend failed in. all;:itome
Could relieve me. of myeeful sufferittgs of
Ipaiiithat WAS raging in my body,but there touch toward effecting a cure,
and one day as I was reading over the
list of cures effected by your treatment
of Scrofula. I began to think of the old
saying "that as long as there was life
there was hope." and I would try once
more, for I.knew that I never could get
well doing. nothing; that the disease
;had taken : a.deep_hold 'ln at 3r., body and
was lest devouring the flesh from off my -1
bones, and without some help I must
surely die; and that was a -settled point:
by all who ever saw or were acquainted
with me, for I had running
,sores on my
left shoulder and arm, and they were
filled with proud flesh. I could not use
my arm at all by times, and my right
leg- .was
. . affected from my
_body to the
end of my '
toes, running sores on and
about the knee, and was swelled till I
often thought it would burst. When I
set .my foot on the floor there was no
natural fee;ing in my feet and...legs, by
times,. for the - akin' became-all purple
spotted, and there were days and. weeks
and months that-I contd . not walk a step
without some one's help, or a staff, and-at
last it run all over my head and face.
My face and head were;lsoswollen,und
it affected 'my eyes o that I could
not see to read or work at all.
and there arose large lumps of
humor one after the : other around
my neck and face. Indeed, I suffered
days and nights. I scarcely knew when
I was asleep, and I began to think this
would not do. I made ,-tine more trial.
.I then . presented nlyself before Dr.
Keyser, and he said that a cure was cer
tain, and I' began Immediately to un
dergo his treatment;. and it was light, I
thought, for all other doctors had -bits
tared and cupped 'find poulticed and
caused me pain, but the third night after
1 I began to take Dr. Keyer's medicine I
slept the whole night
,without pain or a
l'groan;•=i4ct the swellings be ga n to disap
pear from all parts of my body, and In
threemo ths I could walk four miles in., - n - d in - six 'Men th e the. awibl
sores wer entirely cured, and in one
year I w perfectly well; have had.better
i i ,
-health't n 'Fever had in - my ,- life ever
since, an I thought - I'd wait long enough
to be dirt id of the truth that I have re
mained h Ithy - and strong ever since;
cart n
a wand thanks- to you. who,
under -th -.providence Ant God, have
cured m-; that He - may . bless the
use of Your medicine to others, as he has
tome, and that his Divine grace may at
tend you, is thiiheartfelt prayer of your
I wish you to publish this, and let all
the world know whit I do about your
medicine; for I consider it my duty to
make my case known to the country for
the benefit of others, who may be suffer
-ing its I was, and do not know the value
of your medicine.
_ -- -
WEST Pony. x, Col. Co., Ohio, /
December 21, 1867. §
We. the undersigned, live in fdadison
township, Columbiana county, Ohio, and
will be pleased to satisfy any one of the
truth of this certificate, which was writ
ten by the patient her;elf. ,
Ds.istEr. Vol:moans.
Tetter, 25 Years.
DRA.R Slit: I havn been, afflicted with
tatter or salt rheum for about thirty
'years. The last ten years it turned to
the erysipelea. It was of the worst kind.
My whole body was covered with it. The
spots over my body were as large as a
copper cent. My face and "eyes were
covered eo with it that I was almost
blind. I lost my hearing so that I could
not hear without speaking very loud to
me. I tried all khulsof ftotors, of every
school of medicine, for Years, without
any benefit, and went to. some a . very
great distance, who:were celebrated as
physiciana. I had to have my hands tied
up, they were so troublesome and cover
ed With disease. I am now well, and
have been cured by taking less -than a
dozen bottles of your Blood Searcher at
a coat of that many dollars, where.l had
spent hundreds before. You may pub
lish this if you wish, for the benefit of
other sufferers.
Minster, Meigs county, phio.
DR KEYSER, at his two Medi
cal Offices, Nos. 167 Liberty and
320 Penn Streets, treats successful
ly every variety of Chronic Disease,
among which are : •
DISCH fie GE •
TI-113 EYE,
_ ASTHMA and
• • - • - CONSUMPTION,
• - 'well as Diseases
• • of the HEART and
'U _ •
• and the various
Diseases of 'the : • -
Proofs of Abaft*.
Paor. DOUCET, M. D.,
Paor. OLDSHUE, M. D. ,
'MEIN P. REED, Esq.,
A. J. SNIVELY, Eaq.,
[From the Pittsburgh Dispatch.]
On our iirat pageto•day will be found
o•Yery interesting article from Dr. Key
ser, on psAm9nary ilis eaves , aocompan,
led by testimonials trent various 'parties/
Who have been snatched ea it'weroi' from
the. grave by his treatment. The Doctor,
owing to the great demand for his ser.
vit^ refinquished aptlYodianage
'lltent Of hitt dna tatablishilgmt on Wood
street to lib; soni add Bastaitice . devoted
himself closely to the — Tegitidiste — ciuties
of his profession, in whiob,he has ac
quired a :reputation' of which he has
every reason to feel proud. The Doctor
is ono of the oldest in the profession we
have in the s city, and we speak from per
sonal knowledge of the fact when we
my there is not among the entire med
ical fraternity a closer or more active
student. His thirst for knowledge In
his profession is such that his mind is
ever at work perfecting -those theories
for the cure of diseases in the applica
tion of which he is so successful, and
hence it is that in cases even where the
patients havoalmost given up all hope,
he almdatalWays succeeds in affording
permanentrelief. - In, diseases Of the
lungs and ailment s arising from an
- pure state of the blood, he has a very
large'expelimke'and 7 a4qh- or our read
era as are afflicted In,lbra7onvi, Would do
well to read this MinthunientiOrt. •
L ont the Steubenville Herald.]
By referends' to an advertisement in
another departmtint of's` Herald,
be seen that our old friend, Dr,'
Keyser,- of Pittsburgh, has opened an
office for the cure of 'Lung and' ether
difficult Chronic diseases, but .more
especially those of the skin, and such as
have their origin to a morbid state of
the blood. We have known Dr. IL
long and well as an honorable man. and
a well edudated physician, who has
shrunk from no labor, or , spared no ex
pense in attaining the eminence he has
so justly earned. -
[Piom the Washington Review.]
In another part of to•day'a Review and
Ezaminer will be found a notice of Dr.
Keyser, of Pittsburgh, in regard to a cure
of deafness effected through his treat
ment, which is well worthy the attention
of those of our readers who may be aim.
ilarly afflicted. For our own part, we
never recommend a man unless we be
lieve him competent, and we regard Dr.
Keyser as one of the ablest, most honor
able, and thorough physicians in his de
partment, to be found in the State, as any
of our readers may discover for, them
selves, should , they have occasion to call
on him.
[From the New Castle Ga2ette.l
The evening was pleasantly passed at
theresidence of our esteemed profession
al Wend. Dr. Gab. B. Keyser. Aside
from being an agreeable.affablecompan
kin socially—which he certainty is—we
regard Dr. Keyser as one et the very best
as well as best 7 establiahed physicians in
the State of Pennsylvania. The number
of .vures.he ban effected-iluringa period
of nearly fertysylitral - prectlee 'truly
astonishing, while some of them appear
little less than miraculous. We would
heartily commend the Doctor but where
he is so well known as he is in this sec
tion of the State, he needs no endorse
&mat. -
Lecky Harper, Esq.
Editor of the Pittsburgh Post, many
years ago. hpeaking of Da. KEYSER'S
PEGTORAL SYRUP, spoke aa follows.
It is as true now as then:
Irzttrusiv z A.—One of the best medicines
for the cure of influenza that can be
found in the country is Dr. Keyser's
Pectoral Syrup. We have tried it, and
take great pleasure in bearing testimony
to its efficacy. There is no humbug
about it. At this season of the year,when
one-half of our citizens are sneezing and
coughing, it should be known that a few
teaspoonsful of this medicine will, in
halt a day, work a perfect cure— Reader,
if you have a cold, takii our advice, and
buy a bottle of Dr. Keyser's Pectoral
linportant4o our Readers.
Injustice to Dr. Keyser, we feel bound
to say he is one of the most Skillful and
successful physicians of the present day.
He has resided in this city for upwards
of twenty years, during which time he
has accomplished many and various as
tonishing cures, and his practice is now
one of the most extensive in the State.—
'Pittsburgh Gbmmercial.
Proof by Cures Blade—furc of
'TURTLE qualm, araxelmory 00UrrlY.
I was , discharged- from ; the United
States army iiiSannary, 1886, on amount
of a wound In' the -head, from a shell,
and a disease which the army_
clans- ''bronottneeft CONSUMPTION.
1 had a terrible cough and fell away in
strength and flesh and was unable to do
anything. Shortly after my return from
the army, I made application to a phy
sician of my neighborhood, and after
wards to another in Pittaburgh of high
reputation, whose remedies I used faith
fully for five months, without any bene
fit whatever, but rather grew worse, and
wasted in flesh and strength every day.
In August. 1866, my mother took me to
DOCTOR KEYSER, of 120 Pe',n street,
whose ,sklll in cases llkia thine haa
been highly spoken, of, and put myself
under his treatment, The doctor examin•
ad my lumte very carefully with his
LUNG SOUND, and told me that my
left lung was badly diseased at: the up.
ner part, but if I was careful he thought
he could cure me by following his di
rections closely, which I did- from that
day to this. I gradually improved un
der Dr. Keyser's medicines from the
first week I commenced to take them,
and my general health has improved,
and my chest, where it was sunken
away, and where it pained me, became
full and strong and free from pain.
can now do a full day's work, and take
great plea Sure in giving my testimony
In favor Of Dr. -geyser's treatment and
Jour; G. WToEtani,
tartle . Creek.
PLTTBDUROII April lltb 1867
Defittieli;` : "-
DatArt.l3zit:,l take ,pleasure in
testimony Co that ~ of °thews in favor
of Dr. Keyser's treatment ofdeafness.
Mysolutiad been afflicted for five years
with deafness, produced from scarlet
fever. At times he could not hear at all;
and could only understand as we would
motion tohim: His speech had. alias be
come affected: Having tried other rem
°dies without receiving any benefit, I,
applied to Dr.- Keyser, mid' under his
;treatment he has entirely recovered, and
can now hear as well as ever he dld.
No. 177 Beaver street, Allegheny.
To Dr. Keyser, 120 Penn street.
I lost my bearing during the last year.
Tart of the tiuio I was totally deaf. 'ln
April of thia.year l'was induced; by, an'
advertisement, to make application to .
Dr. Keyser, 120 Penn street, Pittsburgh
—after having tried various medicines
and doctors without any benefit. I nave
been under Dr. Keyser's treatment now
for nearly two months, and am entirely
restored to my hearing, so that I can hear
a pin drop. JOWS 80ANLAN,
Coal Muff, Washington 00., •Pa.
Mr. Jacob Boobyer, of Green Tree, Al.,
legheny county, who Sr a great many
years has besu , affiloted‘with,nartial deaf
•nefiS, so-that he cofilet not hear the tickl
ing of , al4l..The deafness was oom.
pieta in one ear, i n ' the other only par- ,
flat, with soODUrmal noise likelhat made
by the escaping of steam. Mr. Boobyer
-••••••••••••••.•••••••-,••• r -
planed „himself under Dr- IgeYser's treat.
,znent late in ,T,ply..-And 'go* be is well,
1 1 0 bail been Or , a ilVtith past. The
cure seems •to be thorough, and what
makes it the more remarkable, is the ex.
trome age of the patient. he :being to his
seventy-ninth year. Mr.' Bootryer is a
weirknoirn and reapss - table citizen, and
has a son in this city.
One Of the 'Most AstMinding
Cures Ever Published—At
_ tested „by Over rtft,y. Wit-
The remarkable cure of Miss Fisher,
of Beaver;eaunM ism! worthy of more
than a passhigbotfccespecially when so
many persons are suffering not only
with !diseases qg tjte . 0 1 70 . 8, Epi . partial or
tofar bltrtaness„ but likewise witliother
Chronic fillinents *hidh Dr. ICeYser l ltas
treated with snchastounding success. I
The lady concerned :wasdoom ed,to per
petual blitidnestr, - which, throUgh
Keyser's skill, was completely remedied,
the truth or whicb.bas Inen.vouched for
by a sufficient number orwitnesses to
establish the fact beyond all cavil. The'
subjoined letter from the -young lady's'
brother speaki for 'itself: ,
Ba. KEYSER: This is the list of names
that I have to the cure of my sister,
Christiana Fisher. They , were all will
ing=t b:hut : their babies doWn, and were
very much astonished to see that you
brought her Wane soon. My mother
sends her thanks to you; she says "you
are -one of- the: , greatest men. in the
world." , -She says If we had not come
across you she believes her child would
not be living at this time. We all join
in sending our love and respects to you.
•. /North Sewickley.
We, the undersigned,know of the cure
of Miss Fisher, and bear willing testi
mony to the facts above stated:
SIMON P. Fiswaa, (brother),
• Taylor avenue, Allegheny. ,
LOUISA-FISSIER, (her niece).
S. H:Brown, - Thos. Maheisd,
H. N. Teekle, Jane A. Morton,
E. W. Levendorfer N. H. Hazen,
C. S. Swineburg, Ezra Hazen.
Wm.. AWsiui ' Mary E. Wilson,
J. LevendOrfer. Martha 'Patten,
A. Gardner Jennie E. Dobbs,
A. M. Morrison, Wm. R. Pence,
Isabella-Dobbs, -Rachel Friday,
(1. Fisher, (bro'r) Wm. Jenkins,
T. M. Unbend,' ' J. A. Fleming,
Mary J. Brown, Eliza Hyde,
•Mary J. Weller, • •
.T. L. Young, •
Wm. H, Morton, A. M. Levendorfer,
O. U.
„Wilsob, J F.-Morrlfmni,
Jennie Patten, C. Mahead,
Sadie - E. Dobbs, D. Fisher,
L Dobbs, _ Tilde Mahead,
Philip - Fri day, Leon Allison,
A. H. Carroll, J. C. Weller,
Michael Maniac ' May H Morton,
Susan Lemmax, Jennie Wilson,-
Eliza 'Levendorfer, Mary Patten,
J. F. Mitchell,. . Junes. Patten,
G. I.evendorfer,- W.Robbe,
Robert Mahead, J. C. Fisher,
N. Punktionser, Williamina Fisher,
Lizzie Mahead, (her mother).
Deafness. Hard Hearing. Dischazges
from the Ear, Polypus of the Ear. Ca
tarrh, Ozone, Blind Eves, Inflamed Eyes,
and every species of Sore Eyes and Ears,
Rupture, Varicole, Enlarged Linibs,
Broken Veins, Ulcerated Lags and the
various diseases of the skin and hair suc
cessfully treated.
DR. ItEYSER may be consulted every
day until 12 o'clock, at his store. 101
Liberty street. and from 1 to 5 o'clock
at his office, No. 120 Penn street.
The Fatality from Hernia or
Hernia or Rupture, although not ordi
narily, a fatal malady, is one flail of dan
gerous and evil conseanences, and we
feel that we donfer a favor on our read
ers when we'direct their attention to - a
plaCe that stands the equal of any in thq
United States for the variety and perfect
nessaf anti" appliances. Now and then
we hear, of deaths from strangulated
ber.uitiomd none who are threatened-In
that way can, be too seriously alive to
the importantnecessity of early and ap.
propriate management. Theappller of
trusses in a community as densely
populated as that of Pittsburgh, La as
much entitled ta adequate enconra
ment as in anykind of business with
which we are acquainted espec
ially when the immunity • from
danger and the security to person
al safety is afforded at a comparatively
trilling cost. No 'branch of business is
entitled, at our hands, to a higher regard
than that which affects human life and
health, and when we look around us,
and netb the fact that -one: out of every
six of ttie male population is so afflict
ed, no words of warning can be too forc
ibly urged or too frequently . reiterated.
People do not alwaya aufferfrom rupture
of the bowels through open neglect, but
often from want .of knowledge where,
and from whom, to seek the proper
remedy. There are hundreds of persona
who from their infancy to boyhood, and
even manhood,
_defer attention in this
respect for want of appreciation of the
seriousness of the malady of which we .
write. Dn. Itnyamt,' at his great medi
cal store and - 'office, No. 16T Liberty
etroet, ties qualified himself in a notable
and praiseworthy degree, to meet every
indleatien of hernia, best des a' -number
of abnormal conditions which appear to
be and perhaps are strictly mechanical
in regard to-the means to be used for
their alleviation or cure. Raptnre is
one of these , conditions; and one which
entitles him to more than an ordinary
share of-publio patronageas well be
cause of his extraordinary ability as -be
cause r of. the. extra advertleing...which In
sure-el t heir pubilid tr. • - -1
A Cafe at Five' tears , Standing
Cured' - by Pec-
Unlit Strrnp.
Dn. KEysER: My wife has been afflict.-
ed with a cough and difficulty of breath
ing for Live or six; years, which for sev
eral years back had'gradually bacrateled
igt Aolerk*.- 4 110 ,0 0 taldalatt , itas been
hereditary, and she haat been treated by
several l phvalclaus„without imy villet.
In thla state& her casa_T`procureil some
9A-Yellr PECTOA4 WWI SYRt/g. , I
bought the &Ultima it iseyenty•fite rent
bottle, whiehkeellevetther Very. Much; I
then calleitand 'got a dollin-bettle, Which
cured her entirely, and the has navy no
trace of .the former.diseate, except week
fleas. I would also state that I used the
medicine "myself for a'cold and - cough.
The medicine cured , the by taking one
dose. fl• express my entire satisfaction
, i
with the medicine, and you are at liberty
to publ ic this if you desire to do so.
- ' - - WM. WILSON,
.:`Alderman" Fifth Ward.
Our so , - .TAinti . PitsTrti, Home three
years a 9, was afflicted with consump
tion of t e lungs ,` for - which be was dis
chargedfrom the army. He was eXata
.ined by four army • phypielaus Avho.all,
agreed at- he' Enlist die wlllithe 'dis
ease. e 'brought him to DR, KEY
SER, /40 Wood street, - (now 120 Penn
street), who, atter sounding his lungs,
commenced to treat him, and cured him
sound and 'well. He 'is now well, and
has, been so for the past three years.
Othehttlffiletetrin like manner dun like
wise bitipretli.
' ' 7.l.arge p4rarrent.,—
7 - '1 t --, ` m neArriv - PA.lrrrtin.
Texreaeeicmvxmat, Sept. sth, 1868.
syng , mer Eß s ' or TIRE
lt W '
hereby coiled that a meeting of the Committee
will be betel lathe
• AT at - otopeca
A fail attendance Is TeMested.= , •
, .
Col. OEO. invEoAisr . Secretaries.'
.none - • - • • • • I
iimarx tad IioCANDLESS, Part
ner., as Bailey & kfcCandless, Bankrupts, No.
LOW In Bankruptcy. ,
Western District of Pennsylvania. Sc:
Notice Is hereby given by the nu aeroigned, As
signee of a-id Bankrupts, that the Cot have
Ordered ..tbet_a. second general. m. ethos of the
creditors of said Bankrupts be held at No. 110
Federal street, Allegheny City Penne. said
Dist riet. on the 17th DAY OF ' AUG UnT.A. D.
1869. at 9 o'clock A. ~ at the of
ee of JOHN
N. FURY' &NCH. one of the Registers in Bank
*ruptcv in said. District, for the purposes Earned
in the' trrentrr.ser entn section of the Bankrupt
Lars. of march 2, 1867.
aus•uo ; A.. DEW'S, Assignee.
255 and-267, Penn Street,
Will reopen on MONDAY. SEPT. STH.
Teri:n*44o per session of live months.
No extra charges. except for , If reach and Mn
sic. Applicants to be able To re tid easily.
have been recently enlarged and very much im
proved.- The course of study qualifies for en
trance Into any College. Thorough witching is
given to these studies:also. relating to business,
such as SPELLING. Pg.NMANSRIP, ARITH POSi TION. itc. German Classes
daily. !(he character sr the school is - a. guano
tee for honest, vigorous teaching. The Wachers
- -
The School Rooms for the YOUNG LADIES
ate In No. 255 Penn . street. The Rooms are
spacious and elegant. The Principal ' Mr. J. U.
NEWELL, will be assisted by Miss SPENCER,
Miss E. M. PIGGETT. late of Vassar College.
and Mho WATS:MS, already knowtrln the com
munity as an able teachrr. The two Depart
ments, the Junlorano Senior, embrace the usual
course pursued In such institutions,
the care of Prof. DE HAM and Miss STEBBINS.
Prof. DE RAM's , charges are 3.... per quarter.
and Miss STE *MI NS- 3J3 Der quarter. poth are
known as strictly FIRST-CLASS Teachers of
Music. This LADIES SC/RAM now offers every
advantage can be secured by faithful
teaching and most desirable surroundings.
The Principal may be seen daily at 255 Penn
street, from 0 to is o!clock. , jy4
To amount received for C emetery. _
lam to date' 8470,141 82
To amouac received on indoor
merit Pund 5,800 00 .
To amount received irom Bales of
a...rubbery to date 4,852 19
To:amount received lente inner- -
anent., and itaprovemen: of lots; 92,218 09
To amount received for interest,
3c ...... . .... . ... . 23,905 88
By amount. paid for Cemetery
grounds to du* 8118,412 83
By account paid ror stock and
tools to date 1,949 07
Br amount paid, for permanent
improvements '29.872 57
By amount patd for Mausoleum.. 7 0:11 10
isy amount Invested In U. S.
bonds and bond mory.gages 111,842 45
By automat due on bills receivable,
- /1 , 41,582 00
By amount bald - for labor to date.. 174,347 43
By amount paid for expenses. sal.
aria/. at:... to -1.17,988. 29
'By amouut due fr. 121 sundry ac
&lints ' 7.56% 59
By balance In bank and to band ; .. 9,842 33
ctosrNo OUT SALE
129 Smlthileld Street.
`; .108ErIlfri4ORNElt .4 Agent.
jyZl:ityra 1
•• '4 • •
Boarders only. a. -The eightn annual = session
comet Es •allursday, ,epternber 2nd. Tt.e
build& are new and very,completet in- all their
&PPM ents. Very:thorough Instruction In
nnglish. ancient and modern languages. Two
graduates of the United States Military Academy
devote their time excluStrely to the departments
of Mathematics and nailingering. Careful at
tention Isirtven to the Mont land religious cut
tune at cadets, Circulars may be obtained of C.
H. PAULSON, Esq.. Mo. ; 40 Wow. Street.
Pittsburgh, orof
President' of P. M. Azademy. Chester, Pa. '
Au 3 tins.
One . of the longest established ard Most com
plete Job Printing .othces lit the Mts. is offered
tor falcon the most favorable terms. XL embraces
all the mach nery and types neces ;try for Book
and .lob Piloting In all branches. There are four
steam power uressessatesm engine andtollei:
poster. card and•book type; and &complete Ger
man Job o ,, ee• the materials for which are al
most new. The office is complete In eve•y re•
t e . li a a n tl s h ti ' m s e a n a w r Nb a e n s d olt i lliga ta b b a l r e g b al i n s . l l l3 o s i
further particulars apply at the COXNEECIAL
OFFICE., or addiess Box 317 Pittsberich, Pa.
FOR. SALE.—A Rare Chance
&Ponta a home to the “PITTSBURf-11
ititAL ESTATE BEGISTEIt." aloe No. 139
Foetal. avenue. - :
3.W. BA El.
5.9 MAR KE
.13430,C0 1 C,C, "Vi 7
Many Goods::offered. Twe
they 'oan be 'bought for in
Present time.
Winter Goods as
_:~ .. _..~.. _ ~...:~_ .. A .1 i_;: . 4.[ 'll..
Must - 1 C
- By Order ) .
NEW 4.D1n31!..11:8M3M13
FVOR SALE;;llarga4main-Beal
Botate.ttle `PITTottIINGH T.7..TE }MG/ITER. Pnbltsbrea - utat by' CROFT
& IPHILLIP.I. at No. 139 !Ninth Avenue.
Al'iPrED.=-A good second
-11.4.11D ENtd'lgß ARID BOILER', _ , edgifle
about 7-inelt cylinder: Boller from taileteet.
38 to 46-incb, and tined. Parties having curb
ncicidnerr3o Bell. tdtt please addjeis Box MI.
fatairgb Poatodite, stating- titer. Make and
NOMEQ I—All kinds of Pmeerlioreale to
TER." CROFT PhILLIPEt. Pao hers and
Real Estate Agents: 1c0.439 Fourth *venue.
ERSONALL—Allperseiss seek
• • ma; HOURES;or Inveennanta in Real Ha
ste, will me time, trouble and money by_pro•
Curing a cope of the • .-TlTTABUltelifi-ItEAL
ItsTATE REGISTRIt.” Itleglvenalialeinays
or will be sent by mall num to any relearning It.
feraonseannot tall to get salted °tali, Large
Het It contilns. CROFT hFRILL Pun-
Ushers and Real Estate Agents., No, 139 (mirth
. , ... .
. ,
A. SALE :- Over —Ovei ; 4 4i;00,41)00
worth or Pro_Perty.comprtfulut Farms,Muls,
hotels, Stores, Houses; Lots; City and Subur
ban residences. In math .a vast varlatY. - tbnt the
most fastidious cannot to ttgt salted in a
Lome. Pull particulars of all the above given In
TEE," OROPTAL PO_TELlPlVrtbllsiter); stud
Real Estate Agents, No. l'av Sourthattentte,
Dot`t fall to , getlt.
Under the Care of the Sistera oflerey,
This Institution is situated near the Pennsyl
vania Central Railroad, in a most Deautiftil and
healthy part of Westmoreland county, about
three miles frOm Latrobe. --
The scholastleyear is divided into two sessions,
commencing the. Monday :after tbeitillti Of Au
dut. .
Board and tuition per sessions (WWII? in.
advance) ' Asa, 00
Bed and beddis g per session.. „ A 00
Stationery " 2 00 ,
Doctor's fees- .• . ..... W Tee Modern Languages, Music. Drawing, &c,,
form extra charges. -
AU communications shotild be directed to the
Directress of St. Xavler's Academy, St. - Vin
cent's r. U.; Westmoreland ecronty. - 111.
N. 11.—A . carriage Is in attendance at Beatr's
Station every Wednesday, ro meet themornint
accommodation train from Pittsburgh.
Studies will rommenes - Attenst 231:
Prospectuses can be had on application to the
Directreas of the Academy, f. au4:n4
On the 3a day or Aug nit,' in% at or near the
Union Depot, Pittsburgh, a letter containing
One draYin by WM. PHTLLIPS• to his own
order, endorsed by-IV:nu glinting, Lyon. Shnrb
& C 0.,. War, &Altura 'sad' Miuitetter & Smith,
dated August lit,lBBlr,
:Twelve niontlfs after_ ,date due August 1 and 4,
'Mr dralrybrWM7lll3l.liLlPlrtablutnsm or
der, endorsed by Wm. Phildps. Lyon. Shorb
Co.. Wriar.;Nisnielt and Johns. Dahell, dated
Pittsburgh, April 1, 1E469, , .
, For TweniplirefThoOand - DOLtabh
Pour . months after date due August 4. P
One drawn b. WM. HILLit S• to Ahal'order
of William Phillips, and endorsed by Wm. Phil
lips, dated Pittsbnrstrm March 31, 186% -
• For Teti. Thousand Dollars.
6609,421 66
Four menths steer date. due July 31 and August
3. 1869.
These notes were paid by W.M.
gust 3,, 1889, and all- persons are hereby warned
against purchasing any of said rotes. The above
notes being of no value to any one but the un
dersigned, the lindir whl please return them to
Att tsburgh the office of the Allegheity , Valle 7 Ratiro 3 d An4 ,
660 t 464 66
Law Mantles,
LEm Sacques,
Silly XEmt.lks, „
'Lidless TnaerdOthing,
Table Dalnaskf
Figured Hernani,
Mite Geilds
Lace thirtgia,
ativmwr - • 4.
A....4 . A:•; : . : 4:. - ) . a9 . 4
t ... tit . iiik i f . '..IL',Z '4 . , ...:•‘ . .1 il
• 71..?::: - .1, ••/. ..:••: 1 ,..'...), , fari1: -- • :_i:
:Y: f-' a
my five per eentdeN than
the tastern_Markets at the
well tw Sumner µ
tiii4ii , ithriti : :: :,....7. , ,......,: :: ;-.:, : , : u"...,: ,:. ,..-4, , - .
J.' -BARIAL:44.
7 0. ;