The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 03, 1869, Image 7

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- 71 h
,tl4 -
vmh fiewfx - •_l,‘:lio,g!inopN
. .
ronuno Oatatip.—Onsi -bushel. ripe to
matoes —boll until soft—ytqueeze through
. a seive, and add'one quart -Vinegar, half
pint salt, one oz. cloves, one oz. allspice,
:. half oz. cayenne pepperiltio oz. mustard
-,. seed, and boil the whole three hears.
Chopped Piekles.—One gallon green
- , r tomatoes chopped•fine—four green pep
pars—tree onions—handful of salt krin
aled over them. Dattlielii stand six hours
,--draio off the liquor and add one table
, spoonful of ground pepper, one of all
spice, one of made mustard, one•half pint
; mustersimed, three pints vinegar. - •
, .
GraTiam Bread.)—Two cups sweet milk,
two' cups sour milk - or buttermilk, one
: half cup molasses, one teaspoenful soda,
with unbolted . wheat meal to make a stiff
batter. This can not be beaten for bread.
Baked /adieu Pedliziji.—Scald a %ear.
of milk. Wet up a teacup orlntan rabid
and three teaimoonfuls wheat fie in cold
milk; stir it into the boiling milk.' Then
add a teacup °flinger, teaspoon cinnamon
andimil teaspoon salt.' -POUT the batter
into a tWo.oartdishattit fill:1100th told
=U. Bkiminilk triakek thebest podding:
aiewn Ciikei.=Onts...potind 'of ' flour,
half a pound of butter, masons pint of
boilingwater pour the Water boiling' hot
on the buttes,anklitrt it, over the fire,
Ai seetrai it begins to bOil stir in the
tionr, ' when , cool add nine "eggi, well
beaten. • Bake them &sin the 'next 're.
• (lastatelafer the Above.—Take a pint of
rich cream, and add us it three eggs, well
beaten, and a little tour; sweeten and
flavor to the taste, and put it oeto_..:lseil.
When the cakes are baked, open the
crashs at the sides and fill with the custard.
. ,
To Keep Tomatoes.—Cut the tomatoes
into an earthen pan; sprinkle „them with
salt and allow them to imbitielifur twelve
or fifteen hours. After this-lime drain
thet cerefilly, then press them through
a colander of middle fineness,-. in such a
• manner as to produce a pulp having
'„: neither , seeds nor bits of skin; lint lids
pulp into a towel with the, corners tied,
turn up- the towel and let all the liquid
, part drain away,' When it Ma no long
er, put what remains in latteglasta
. ! leaving an inch space at the top, level the
.. tomato, filithespaise - with good olive
: •••: then close-with, parehrnPat.., Tha r tomato
; this pulp keeps veil - well in:tmanner, and
• in •winter replaces perfectly the fresh
: tomato, whose full arema, lively colOr
• other-qualities it preserves. No prepare
',- tion of the tomato is "easier to make, none
is cheaner. and none insures better results.
i' t.. Blaekberr ordiaL—The followins,
• said to be not C
only an excellent bevegir
• • . age, but a cure for .diarrhoea: To hell, a
! • bushel of blackberries, well mashed. add
.4 : half a pound of alspice, two ounces cin
'r .. namon, three ounces cloves. Pulverize
2'. ; well, mix. and boll - slowly till properly
~ done. Tnen strain or squeeze the juice
•- -, through_ homespun or flannel, and add to
~ • - each pint' of juice one pound of loaf
sugar. — Boil again - for some time, take it
off, and while cooling add a nal' gallon
' of the best cegpac brandy. Dose for an
• allidt, half - agV to a gill; fora child; half
.., ' , a teaspoonful or more, acceidlng to age.
• -' lilzekberig Wine.—eather when ripe
' on a dry day. Pat into a vessel with the
• head out,
,and a tap fitted near , the bot- .
, ~ tom; ..pour On tbetn.beilling Walt:Site oo.Yer .
- ; them. Mash the berries with your hands,
. •_ and let them Stand covered till the pulp
rises to the top, and fonts a exustin three
or four days. Then draw off the fluid
~ • into another vessel, and , to every. gallon
• add one sugar; mix well; and
.• - I
put into a cask• to work for *week or ten
" das, and throw off any remaining lees,
1 ke y epinrthe cask 'well ' filled,' 'patients:Ay
' '• •at the !commencement. , ,Nirken , working
• .Ihas ceased, bang it dOWn; after six or
• twelve months it may be bottled: 1 -•-.
. a
• ,
Blackberry Wine and Cordica.—To
• ; make a wine equal in value to port, take
• 1 ripe blickberries or dewberries and press
-- i them; let the jai( e stand thirty - six hours
.. 1 to ferment; skim off whatever rises to the
top, then , to every gallon of the juice add
7, a quart of water - and' three' pounds of
1 - ! sugar, (brown sugar will do;) let this
stand in open vessels for twenty-four
hours, skim and strain it, then barrel it
until March, when it should be carefully
~ racked off Mid bottled. • Blackberry tor
, dial is made by adding one pound of I
t, whitesugar to three pounds of ripe black
. ` berries, allowing them to stand twelve
, ..; hoars;ltlien pressing out the juice, strain
, ing it, adding one-third spirit ; and pia
i ling a teaspoontul .of finely povidered
alapice in every quart of the cordial, it is
, . at once fit for use. This wine and cordial
I are very valuable medicines in the treat.
;• ` 1 ment of weaknese of stomach and bowels,
and are especially valuable in the trimmer
i i complaints of children. •
Another Recipe for Making Blackberry.
• • i Wine.—The following recipe for making
• ' blackberry wine is-given by the Rich.
• niTind'Anteritan:' Neasure"your berries
. .
, , • and bruise than; to- every gallon adding
' •. , a guartof bollmg•water. _Let the mix
ture , Stand tWenty•feui houid,*sttrring oc
casionally. then strain off the liquor info
. ,
a cask, - toev s crY,_ : annuli .; •. adding two
pounds of - sugar; cork "tight, and let it
• stand till the following October, and you
:, ; ••', have wine ready for use witheut farther
:,.. ,•, boiling or straining, that will make your
; • lips smack as ihey never smteked before
under such iuflaetices. , „, ,
. . ,-, r
• '• B/ackberry r ildni. .i..Gathei , , , the -fruit in
,• ' dry weather;„ snowball a,ppund of good
• ' • brown sugar to every pound of fruit;
• . ''':
'— - boil the whole gently together for an
: -47 (
.. . ' hoar, or until the .blickbendes are soft.
:' , - Mining and mashing ,them. well. Pre
r. serve ft like anyhtlfeijaitilanif it will be
found .very useful in families, indica
, ' .. larly for childrenreitulating their bow
' • els and enabling you to dispense with cal
thartics It may be spread on bread, or
on rddinsitlitiett4 of butterc - ond even
.• •, : When the - tilackbikires are' botibt - it - iti
~. •,• • ' cheaper than butter.
Canning prititeel•Aa the-fruit, canning
. .
'season le upon us, the following from hire.
;, • .., .-iissuPaannineesallaryrpublishisti,•in,the
Hearth and .goniProinalhe best agncul
tural paper in • the :tinned States, .may
. •
• prove useful as wellilaililareistfr4. o aihe
•' . makes tyre .neighboxsat her, household
,club tell Jot how Vie I , bll4g_3 ll4 one:
• ' Mrs tend —AVill Mri. , Field Imagine
' - . herself r witli ii.pOn - of Ignii, "ba r ber lap, and
- .•, "
tell us jusittir•sh,.e.ppieoile from begin
ning to end? •`, ` ,',. , ,; • ,' • .
, Mee. Fieldr4 first . Prepere..the fruit by
' picking'over; Iseeling; or wlieteyet ii re.
, . quireclf, place it in the jesein nice tlayers,
' • , neatly arranged; then releriint so thole.
cipe far the particular k i n d of fruit lam
, . ..
putting tip s , as -certain hose•mothitugar .
should be used to the V L
lA*: ' Diasolve
, ,
thongs: in Myst* IndqlSont , 4Pover
the MIL ,tiltinitcareto It inttf,'t
minitheleatied *lair till"
jar Is full;aildaPplyike 7 cavvi staPper
lightly. ' :444 - fet the, lain latii 'a boiler
of *ism' water, on'the . bottom ,
strips of wood ate pitfall; bring the wa
ter to the boiling point, mid let it continue
there, as long as is required tot that kind
of fruit. Hemove the jars from the bog.
er;' loosen the caps for a few minutes to
let gout theistead and hot air; screw them
down spin. ' ' set the jars in-a cool place,
but not ill adraft, and when the fruit is
nearly •cold• screw the covers down as
tight as I can, and set away In a dry, cool
place. Here is a tabular statement of the
time for boiling fruits, with the quantity
of sugar required to 'the quart. Mrs. Lee
is very successful in canning corn, beans
and peas—l presume she will tell us just
how it is done
Time qe tunny of sugar
of bolting, to the 111111,Lt.
Cherries . . -5 minutes.. 6 ounces.
Raspberries . 6 ' 1 ; 4 ' 1
Blackberries . . 6 " 6 "
Plums. . .. 10 11 8 . 1 '
Whortleberries . 5 " 4
Peaches, whole .15 " .4 . "
Peaches, halved. 0 , 4 1 !
Pears, halved " 6 '`'l
Pears, Whole • . 80,' , : " " I
Pineapple, Sliced 15 " • "
- Ripe Ourrtiints (11` ' " is
Grapes 18 . I ," 8 "
Tomatoes. 10 "' none " '
Gooseberries: . 8 " 8 , "
Quin e-ei Sliced. 10, . ,ls',
• Direk-I , W—I always: use glass.. Jarsv
finding them cheaper aratmore • conven
rent than tin cans. My rale for corn, is
as folio gsr• Take •sweet ..corni ripe but
'not hard: cut it from the cob,fill my cans
full and press down, but do . not and
water. Then lay the enure on loosly,
and set the cans Into my wash boiler,
with sticks in the bottom for the cans to
rest on, and , With water enough :in the
boiler to comehalf way up 'the sides,of
the can. -Cover up tight, and boil brik
ly three hotirs. Then take out the cans,
and screw the covers on tight. I pro
ceed precisely in the same way with
green peas and beans.
Eradicating Sprouts—Girdle the tree
about one foot above the ground, any
time when the bark will strip, but during
the hot weather in August is pest. t3cpa •
rate the bark from the body of the tree
down to the ground, and as far along the
roots as cantle done without splitting, ex
cept a little at the , top, just enough to let
it stand out and form scup, Fill the cup ,
with salt and the tree will die to the ut
most extremities of ink roots, involving
in its death every sprout, Cherry trees
can be killed as readily. •At present I am
killing burdock, without fall, by cutting
even with the grountri then split the root
down the midde and put a tablespoonful
of salt on the cut surface-, and the
work is done: In two :or three • cases,
where' he dock was growing in the midst
of a currant bush it killed currants and all.
Other correspondents write as follows :
Girdling a tree will kill it and the main
roots, but not the rootlets near the sur
face. From these, sprouts will grow the
next year. Cut these off with a scythe
close to the ground about the Ist of Au
gust, and their roots will die.
In regard to deadenfnir trees, the best
time is in the dark of the moon, in Au
gust. A few years ago I killed a lot of
yellow willow trees by girdling them in
the dark of the moon, in August, and it
'killed them so effectually that not one of
them ever tried to put out a shoot, again.
, The yellow willows generally not very
easily killed, but this was effectual.
Vine ieaces—their, uses.*,,From experi
ments which I have made I find that, on
being dried,,which done in the
shade; and infused in a teapot, the leaves
Of the vine'make - an'excellent stibstittite
for tee. I have also-found that,, on being
cut small, braised and put into l n vat or
mashltiib, and boiling water poured on
them in the same way as done in malt,
the prtUunp of the vine produce liquor
ora.tnevinousquality, which, on being
fermented, makes a very fine beverage,
either strong or weak, as you please; and,
on being distilled, produces an excellent
spirit of the nature of brandy. In the
course of my experienbe I found that the
fermented liquor from the - prunings, par
ticularly the tendrils, when allowed to
pass the vinons and to run into the ace
tons fermentation, makes uncommonly
fine vinegar.—Phslosophieza. Magazine.
Toads, 6.c., in the Garderi.—"Carry all
the toads you may find to your gardens.
They will devour immense numbers of
bugs. A toad will swallow the largest
specimen of the tomato worm though
sometimes he will have a hard dine of it.
Snakes, hens, wasps, spiders, are all de.
vourers of your enemies. A common
duck will go up and down rows of toma
to and potato vines, and pick off the
large worm-usually found on such vines,
as fast ns it can see them; and they will
see a half' a dozen when a man would not
see one. Young turkeys will do the
same service, though they are , not so
easily controlled and, guided. . All fallen
fruit into be picked up tEvice a day—et
any rate one time -boiled, and then given
to your cattle to be, devoured., By doing
this it will pay ten times over and the re
sult of it will be that next year you will
not have insects."
, •
- Tits Chicago papers are comnlaining
that the hinds of Northwestern lowa are
made the means of sWindllng even the
sfirewd brokers of that city.... The .Tri
buns, .aiter Dinning some instances of
;fraud, Bert' • _'_i_......0 •
; These swindling gurawons 'lave not
here is
_been , vandried to Chicago, - T
every reason to believe .that ' duplicates'of
these abstracts haVe not only been used
in the principal-Western_citlea, but as fin
East as New Yorit.- -, -There is no eating
'tug : the ''number' of times-,that these
NorthWesteret IOW& lands may have been
,sold and resold, or the haffiba of 'people
`that trays -teen sivlndled ,hat: .of their
mUney,l4 the transfers . - Already parties
In Detroit; Northern Michigan • andp . M ae
are writing on here to:find out
what father ..deveiopments . have - = been
made. No arresur-lave as yet been
attempted,. because ofi-'tlie exceeding
difficalty,-there would •be. in proving a
case of trend. - As' a -Metter of law, no
party can be charged' criminally' in these
transactions wherri it appears he has a
color of,, title .learrent. - ,The abstracts,
which %retitled lierh' bY'the pretended
agents .of ,
the -prirendiA . owners of the
landg,Sra peilecgi'4eiltimita on their
,r a co - ki 1 0d, wbitever climb:l4llV there is
in ille hustings CillAailly be shifted upon
tile-aitmty. officers of . localities In lowa
where these lands ore said to be situated.
OFFICIAL hiformation has been re
by G -0
en. Of. Howard regarding
tie .condition or affairs in Texae,'.from
'which it 'appears that - 15;00 0 freejiuen
bevel:seen rendered - destitute by me. re-
Ant 13 oode. •
. • .
rNOTICIC.i:f.P /: :ix ,;i,."f It 13.11. tr.% :.
-!.:- . •.. . LITAITTISBUROV 9 .., ..
,P/Wsutriten. Jul all. 1 ."
1 - A anseting af tbe•stoolbolaere of the aelOwlll
be held sa,' the Banlk, II 41.1131 roithheittirfreet.
1 oo TAIOXWAT. Atoestst sui. at 4. o'etak r. x..
for the oar pos. of cou.iderla if Increase of osPitel.
By °rear of the Board. ,
_-_- -• • _ •
,112s!mbl ti. C. moLEAV. I.:ashler.
Omen * Ccoinma.sirrixtll:ll CO., I
Px.rtusuariu. iul7 ll thb / 0 09*
Eits.—Nouce.ti beretry given tat e
on No. SO. Turtle Creek. Division Honda. du
August Ist next, will be paid on ant
atter that
,data on eresentation and delltery &Vibe V
lifational Bank of.rittsburgb. •
Irl4 JOYINI H a nd •
Secretary T o reasu P re
The Tempe•ance Alen of 'Allegheny eounty
(and those Jrlendly, l to the elute, art rcqueited
to meet at their (event' Osicte of Pleettan On
SATURDAY AFTERSjON,' July' 31, and vote
for two (9) d 1.5! tes to me •t in Convention en
WEDNESDAY APTEENO(4I7. August 4th, at
51 o'clock. In the (7.9IJRT i OIiSE„ to nominate
a candidate for County Couniassiotier.
By order, GEOESE
• Cbitrmiin-Connty Executive Committee, ri•
A" for the traveling bottitourilty, - •
. ••; r•.;•:1; ..- • - . •s. .
• J. H & R - -
Safety Fitntiacket, Car, .4 ter and
: ArODERJT(Iit."
For Smoke and nit Sines, 'dispensing with
the use B aggage ve and Pre. in or about the Patienv
ger or ' Cali, with tbe astaCtimen t to
=Ousts the teat to any tempedsture that may
be desired without toe possibility of tiring the •
ear or cars to which the Jegket may be attached.
Hiving obtained of; the ignited States Setters
Patent foir•
for ith Jacket, which is witranted -
to resis t the mos,. intense Deatihatmay biLlgt
plied to it in zee position and puropee tQr w.gicP
it is intended. • • . . • •
It le a louse prolleetiOtilrOM'aoeldontlbY Sta.
originating from ,defective flues or where . won
pipes . ate userrairconductors for smoke or beat.
It is applicable - .to all piping that may become .
overheated, and is warranted to ONO perfect sat
isfaction ;there wood or Other combustible mate
:tau may be placed , In close proximity thereto.
I lin pour ready to : apply my Invention to Mores.
aWellitUr factories ., , steamboats, railrath
cars. - . • Wherter.r pipes ma conductors are
made dangerous by being overheated and seen.
rity desired. 1-will• send on application right_to
manufacture or use the abovelnvention. Also
lecithin`rritorial rights to such as may wish to engage
rivileges either ay State or minty.
ir i tT Ed.' corner s
of Morri PLUb s
Yet iin l tl A th P e a h i lle r -
I gheny Valley Railroad, :twelfth wara • Pitts
burg's. Pa._ • -. jyleiral
5cR034.01. -
Aturp. matru)iNG
fe aul l To c tfe T tlGto order at 161 Larock etreat.4ll.
The beet attention will bestren to all who went
anything in our Itne. We always keep • large
lot of turned work. anal as Babuiters. Newl
Poste, Hubs, &c. Also, s good lams of dry
Walnut, ".Cherry and other Lumber on band.
my11:17 P. LitBZEI.IKR & CO.
rtocx BA-B
Pradieal Putnam* litaindbetiml/2 has
11.8 .A.V.EavlDru.
where may' fotada fall assortment. ot Psi%
tor. Clamber *Asa Kitchen turnitsze. da2s
("41111111PS . FIETBRI
PR114130 INK WORE&
Black and Colortd Printing& iithogriikie
Gray's Forri . , Road and SBd Rtnnits
fe26:erk . PHILA. DELPTILk.
Importer and retail dealer in
CABO sigoasmucia,
Orde.ri by mail receive prompt attention. Send
for sample a.
1.033 Chestutst St., PAHA;
raTC:rn•TREI&T •
Clothier w offering a complete stock of Summer
of medium and se roods at the very
lowest prices. Cblldren's Gault:lmre Linen and
Onus: lona* , Casstmere and Lawn tune; Boys ,
Casstmere Linen Sultrt *Onto' Blue Flannel
Packs; Gents` Alpaca Hacks; Bents , White and
Brown Duet State; dents' Scotian Chevy% Olaf'
mess and Wiuklng tufts. C.otlaln g of ail kindest
GRAY & •LOGAN , t,
Jy3o No. 47 Sixth street. (late St Clair.)
J SWINT J. If. Bnallr;
QWller k BRATT•
I "' •
lindtilay St: illegketiy ?
BALIAMESS coutantty on bond. TURD Tho
of-alt rlosrliTr , no. Anne .."0".54
—TUIRitiAT RYLNIS 0, 'August 30. st
o'clock, will bt sold on second' door of Oosnmer
-nisi Hales 111:100fraltailslo sttlets • •
4, shares ttir4 Nationill Hank: • , .
• 10 shins eystuns Strings Bank;
au shares German Insurance co, - •
its shares liens:as Insnranee Co.;
• • • hares Riflery Or Insuranc , q 40 .-
SS 000 Allegheny :Valley Railroad I 3.10
Fleet Mortgage bcHin.
- aO2 • • • • A. lial.wsuar.. Auctioneer.
s EL-11111CR- &ANN, z
• i . 7 Maantassasra 0:. Z. -, •
evirarAswann, inerroL wins am
aloe andtWsreholue;;Beil LIBRIITIPSTIMIT
iff"11,11 orders Dramatis attended tn
W °()l ' ; '
100,060 Poundg of Wool Wanted..b
: - aiwyrit4,
int o24l „,: '
• „Sap
FOTierisigi' . "wife . - MATtee
,riiliaraW.ltsving law my bad ' and 'board
hereby ,tli ev en tot mimic or pleyoclitleti. petite is
even , to all potions not to tt not ber o
my: ieeeebtsea (mill m Pal no debtoOf ;loon
-4 thin data .
trsc 4 ii i ii —°-,' -• ' .'
• Itillle SEILICS
i vrantlin townsbip
a ,Alleuneny count.. rii.
PITTS4WItOnuIy• 111 V, ago 30m,
. j 785
{ICILYS -, —.. , . ...
for Lemoas.
..:-... ' Mar:MOIC . II4uOAito
for into at' the Paul IV GroCerY
Yoi maksiiii Litaonsde; in eicillent nab/411,0t.
st o r e -of.' JOHN A. RENSHAW.
.:-.),94., - - Runivr Liberty emilvilitb airqe.te.
8P GI Ncrnasso. .
por.„.stimestir CONIC.
Lim Complaint and DM*litist If taken
lug to directitma. -They ate all Wad i° be taken
at the earns time. They cleanse - the stomach,
lel UM liver and put tetoworki then the sopettte
beconset rani; the thud digests and makes good
blood; the patient begisusto grow la desh; the,
diseased Matter ripens Into the lungs, and the
patient oetgrimrs the disease and gets waif: This
is the only way tosurrioonsumption.,__ •
To these three medicines Dr. J. 11.1Scheresk. of •
'PhiladelphiM'awes his unrivaled =tees. in the
treatment of pulmonary(kuummdCon. The pet.
monis Syrup ripens the inorh matter In the .
lungs, allure :throws It off by an easy expectora
tion. fbr when the phlegm. or matter is ripe a
slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin to heal.
T. do this, the Seaweed lonic end Mandrake
Pills mutt be treely used to cleanse the stomach
and liver. so that the Pulmonic Syrup, and the
food will matte good blood.
Schenek's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver,
rem bladder obstructions. relax the ducts of the
El l oiaev e t r t i lli z : v r rll i Tifi
Pillscan do; not alias ever been invented ex
cept calomel (1 deadly tad ton wActi la very dan
gerous to use unless with great care,l that will
unlock the gall bladder and start the secretioas
of the liver like tftheockM Mandrake Pills.
:Liver Complaint la one of the most prominent
causesc of Consumption.
Schenks Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimulant
and alt tiv,e. and the alkali In the Seaweed,
which le preparation is made ot, assists the
stomach to torow wattle gastric Juice to dissolve
the food with the Pulmonie Syrup, and it is made
into good b:ootil without fermentation or souring
In the stomach.
The great moon why physiciaes do rot core
Consumption is, they try to .do too much; they
give medleineto atop the cough, to stop chille,to
atop night tweatsanctlc fever and by so doing
they derange the whole digestivkpowers , loa
f/Iqt the secret. One; and eventutm the patient
sinks and dies. ; • ;
Dr,,Bchenek. le his treatMent,. does not try to
stop &coign, night sweats, chills or fever. Me
move the cause aid limy will ail stog i = s ir
own accord. No one ern be cured of
Bon, , Liver . Complaint. DPePeesla. (blur
CawLer IliceratedTbroat, 'unless the liver an '
stomach are made healthy. • • -
If a person- has consumption, .of course the
ones In some way are dimmed; either tubercles,
abeesses. bronchial Irritation, pleura adhesion,
or the lungs are a man of Inflammation and Bust
decaying. in such cases what mast be done? It
la not onlythe Imre teal arc wasting. but it.
the whole body . The stomach
and liver have lost
their power to Make blood out df fo d. Now the
only chance is to tate Dr. ficheners three meat.
p e al!eine, which will bring up stone to 'twillmach;
the ent will begin to want fbod, digest
easily and make good blood ; then the patient be
gins to gain in flesh, and as soon se the body be
gin*. to • grow, the lungs commence to beat up.
and the patient gets de shy and Well. This Is the
only way to care Consumption.
When there Se no lung disease and only Liver
Complaint and, Dysp_epsta, Schenck's Seaweed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, without
the Pninionic Syrup. Take the Mandrake
freely luta billions complaints, as their are her
teetlybershless. , •
Dr. Schebek, who has enjoyed lininterruPted
healthier many years put. and now weighs **s
pomade. was waited away to a mem skeleton, in
the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumptioo
his physicians havin pronounced his case hope
less and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured
by the aforesaid ace lanes and since recove
niti? rilu Itteu
Ur. Vcekgerai VI te same
markable' tuccess. Full directions accompany
each, making It not absolutely necessary to Per.'
110111111, see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish
their lungs examined; and for this purpose he Is
yrofeasitatally at Ids Principal Mice, Philadei..
We. every Saturdayorhere all letters for advice
'nestle addressed. He is also profess'onally at
No. 311 Bond street. - New. York. every other
Tuesday', and at No. ITS RIMOVer street, Boston,
etery other Wednesday. He gives advice free,
but Ins a thorotigh examination with his Itespl
rometer the price MSS. Came hours at each city
from 9 a. st. to 3 r. x.
Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton
le each 111.50 per bottle. er $1.50 a nail done.
Mandrake rule lib omits a box. For sale by all
112110050. mvi9:lsld&F
DISEASE*. That numerous came of cases
resulting from self - abuse, producing un
manliness, . nervous • debility. erup
tloll4. seminal emissions, and finally txn
potency, permanently Cured. • Persons aglict
ed with oelicate. intricate and long stand
ing constitutional complaints are politelyinvited
to call for consultation, - which costa . nothing.
Experience. the best of teachers. has enalSed
him to perfect remedies at once eZnent, safe,
permanent, and which in most eases cm be used
without hindrance to business. • Medicates pew
pared intim establishment, which embraces of
fee, reception and waiting rooms: abio, ooardint
and sleeping apartments for patients requi ri ng
daily personal attention, and vapor and chemi
cal baths , thus concentrating the famed mineral
springs. No matter who have failed, Maui your
case. Read what be rays in his pamphlet of lifty
Pages, sent to say address for two stamps in seal
ed cave npe. Thousands of cases treated annu
ally, at °Moe and all over the country. Consul
tation tree, erminally or by mail. Mee No. 9
Wylie stree t,Omar Court House) Pittsburgh.
Pa. Hoare as. to 9 P. X. Eutulays lii w.
to SI P. Pamphlet sent to any address tbr two
oratTc*wzoit , piiion DYE.
This splendid Hair Dye la tbe beatln the wield:
tole only trite and perfect Dye; harmless, rata
D le, instantaneous; no diaappointment: no 21.
afraid= ittaa; remedies 11l effects of bad
_• intliposatea and • leaves the Hair 0011. and
bestowal. atm* or Want. Bold by all Druggists
and Perftustersl and properly appuea at Batch
loomsNfla Rectory. Fr. 16 Deed street. K_ew
Tort. - , ' mrmairtr.
p•-• •:'ll
.—Those having friends alleted are ear
nestly solicited to send for a Circular Letter of
References and Testimonials. which will con
vince the most skeptical of the eurabfilty_qt the
dfasass. Address VAN BUREN LOOKROW.
P. 36 Great Jones street. New Yort.
'Sums on Ole ERRORS OF TOOTH, and
the FOLLIES OF AGE, to regard to SOCIAL
EVILS. with certain help for tlas erriug and un
fottenate. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, tree
of ebarze. Address:HOWAßD AS4OCIATIoN.
Box r, - " ralladelptiLs. Ya. marR:l637dAY
arca:Tans or/
ikI,ES / GIN, '- &C
409 IbitSN STREET.
'lave Bemoved to
. .
NOS. 35411 AND BS4 PENN,"
. .
Cor. 13.1everab St.. (foriner/y. Canal.
J. L. onassara•-• - • • s• 15TUT3TMON
Pure Rye 'Whiskies.
udrounats OP
No. 87 SeCona Avenue,
Isow nos 19 7 , # O l 4 /9/.39115141,5,
' "MST - 8TaZZT:211111CB1114311; '
Copper. DMAilea: Pon , -
Auch dotttla POILICI6I 1 1471308 and •
IREIORB. Mira** •
Rolv.r. Be PATTERSON - 1r CO«,
xxvEnv. SA 7.E AND
••• st ~• ~• • • •, •
4v 2c.b, . • .
polß„ilukirlrl.....t., ~0 ~..„ ..,.,, ~
of ground frosilog 3.313 fret t in galtAt r rf7Arla w t:
running beet Salt het lota in tear or
Pittabureb; Alt.-lien, and ilisneites Passim
g r.litsl way. Co's on the line of the
of the Cleve and and Pit burgh Bads soi Coni..
Palk , . &Olsten; to,tlxv Ohio eires. on.which is
Of three rooms each; WM:: good stAbltng and
Out nouses complete. hls property is well
*ditto:ad for lambi. r crr coke Warn.... there being
Slresdr erectea thereon eight co kewith
___,,, ovens W
all the . necessary appliances for carryall; on that
business.. . ,
.. . - ... _
_,. . .
Al•ro. for rent ot lease.' a entownTable TRAM:
Ho USE of three toms, le a good locaaim within -
live minutes walk of Wood• Ban Station. F. n.
v.& c. B. 8 .. ti 11/111"Iti theta is attaelaW about
ball an acre of ground. This property wi I be ,
rented low .fora term of years to a good tenant.
Inquire of ,
. .
Lumber Yard opener Preble and'Juniata streets,
Works, No. trf-Rebecca street, opposite the Oa.
Works, Allegbeny City. irnan: 7
An elegant, new Brink Dwelling, 1 rooms, at.
tic and wash room.
House of 4 rooms, A lots, 16th ward, $l,BOO
House of 4 :owns, 1 lot, 16th ward. 0.500.
House of '4 reams, A lots, 11th ward. $3, 8 00.
House of 4 rooms, 1 lot. 17th
_ward, 69,400.
House of 4. rosins, 1 lot, ward, $2,600.
House of * room, 1 lot. 16t1t Ward. $6OO.
10 lotti,t3tebett WAllania , plan,sl,oo to 1600.
Aleut, ' 44th street, 63;200 each. , •
4 lots, 45th stieet,'Sl,oo o each:
3 lots, Hatfield street, $BO O
1 lot,*Sherman street, $1,50.
lots.4ilith Streit, R0X66 0 .4/ 0 C 000 •
lot's, Antler street, 84;000; .•• •
• Lots 20:131 ft4r4ll6oot . ten' Tears to pay. 'A
house cost $600: Interest ott both. Oa year.
Many pay 6140 year rent: Al. Bloitinfleld'yus;
weuld save $ll4 a year and your boUse and lot
In' less than 10 - Chu:reheat 'and sehoolg
30 acres wf•lind, a . mile '.from 6barpabnrst,,
$6,000; 115 sires of It. 43. 500 ..
Ness Geborn'll.tatton , on tie Pituborgit
Ft. Wayne and Chicago FA Uroaa,
Containing About Two Acres Mu
f)..latasic ou •
195 - Liberty Street.
AND, on the Allegheny River. and now
need for gardening purposes; well improved and
in stash slaw of - cultivation; containing ca
pO gores now offered at; bargain. Call soon.
Also, other Farms in good locaufons. Woolen
Factory. two Bowes. and twenty acres of land
on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots Yoe
Bale and inquir e in both - elides. rat itirther par.
tiesaars of • • WILLIAM WARD.
fa% - TSB Grant street. immune Oatbsdrau
V --Sitnated fa nilettienylownablp, West.'
moreland county. /O-nlininca walk n --3111-
Keane atation. =the AllenbenyValleY siaPread;
Contains 104 acres. CO or wbkh are cleared; all
under fence: balance valuable timber wide?'
lay= with coal. 4 foot vele. Hewed, Loy House
and Barn; an orchard of 140 trees, Cad: Sae
Waco la well watered sad Ina good ne hoorhood.
'For price and terms apply to B. licL & CO..
No. 'lo* Year= avenue.
PLICATIuN of "The Hopevrell Old 'School
Presbyterian Chorea. of Yindlty Township,
Allegheny county, Pennsylvania" - , for a Charter
of Ineorporation, al No. MK Sep'ember Terri,
Notice is hereby given that the "HOPEWELL
Findley Township, Allegheny county, ra...s,
have made application to the Court of Common.
Pleas for a
And that the same will be granted at the next
term of Court, unless andlcient reason should be
shown to the conolary. ' ' • .
au2 3.1 H. WALTER, Prothonotary.
j. PLEAS, of Allegheny County, lie. 447 of
neotember Term, 1869: In the matter of the
Incorporation of "THE AKTISANS: BUILD-
titiEHY CITY. PA." . • •
Notice t hereby given that on the Hut day of
July, 1889, apolleationxas made to said Court
to grant a Charter of Intorobration to mid Meer
elation; a nd that if .no shown
to the contrars, the same wilt be granted at the
next term of gala Court.
- • D. W. a A. S. - DELL;
I • -Attorneys for Petitioners.
JCI:f 10. 1869 , jy2o:m3s
lAi ters or Administration on the Estate of
• QUINN. Esq.. late of the city of Pitts.
burgh, deceased,' having 0 en granted to the un
dersigned. all persona Indebted to th Estate will
please, make pumps pay wept... and those basing
claims against theAarce
willpresent them Imme
diately t..? MARY Sig_
. • 0 , to - OHMS. B. KENNY - , _ •
Attorney at Law. 89 Grant St.
NOTICE.-41TotiCe . is . hereby
'Oren to all whom tt maw aliment, that an
leation•has be madeln the Court of Com
mon Plea. for AlleabenT county fur the_grantlna
of a CHANTER ult . INCORPORATIoN to the
ARSOCIATi 4 /N OF. RI , MINHHAIt and if no
suthelent reason be shown to the contrary. the
same will be graded at the nest term of Court.
BY 1115 COURT.
JACOB H WALItE, Prothonotary.
- ITI8:m1B-T
Icaricg.—Whereas. - letters of
administration rum testament° annexe 'on
e estate 01. JAMES BABB, Si., later of the
Borougo of 13111111110111133. Allegheny county. de
ceased hat* been grent:d t . the undersigned.
all ueisona indebted to saidettaie are renaested
to make immediate tarment, and those having
claims against, the estate of said decedent
make known the same without delay to
19 mat - iIINBLIJ. Adniinisuator.
JeAIT • • 81.1.1usgiond• stroet,- Pittsburgh
le ) FEC:I: - .V) i'flirseity in 33 :111
NEW 11001111.
NONIZNIAN' AND c..uspirs.
NSW wrsrt...)l6. • ,
plicitimun ive,
. pfd curs,
all ' • ' 3
' stock of
su t Argit,.,giATED 9001)8
. .... , -.. ..
3 r li .:r
- • . ; .-; I In: :3t
.Roofitio• 'S.Vittti titiks :-' .
.-.. .... ~.., ..,:,Colors.
•QualitieS , -artd ,-
Particular - Etsmtloir gtven so Isiing Elate and
r i issalnng p.aScrools. or ps.r.lcusars ao4 rakes
'' 'J. 11.11ZWINTERI :- ,
1 ... -,:, - ._-. , . - Pidg. 43 , 19evnash-Avenine,
i ELUL •, • .. r'.; , . PITTSBURGH: PA
Stio- Liberty _etaileV. Dm.,
• and Pam% ssidleWein , - yam
• _
eau - sad ezilailimilear e'0101: Sad 'are •
akell*Adied 110014sikeeaftAk!PloslilAad.
s wo o p ! 4.,..-{joirirs
i ~ j~ i'Y! ~ i>'
No. 65 fifth avenue; Opposite the Opagi.
Houk, Pittsburgh. Pa., la the caked lad tact'
desirable place of resorte. Liquors can be had
at this place Pure and Rood. The Billiard Rooms
are on the ground fic;or in the rear.
TbeSEtrEft COALIIIBI3ION- al the City of Al
legheny are prepared to reeelve proposals for
the follow ing newer's, with their appurtenances,
inters, mannoles, etc.:
ciatTraor:rm,, l,
Comprqdn g about LOOO feet of 4-feet circular
ILKIsoy it, from Pasture Lane to junction
of Montgomery ,ayenne seater, Attrough West
CONTRACT .1110;. 2.
• . .
Citalp SEWE R 6SO av e nue , -ineh eirmilir'
PIPEoiI Badge, from a point
ZOO feet n orth fro m the intersection of Beoeeea
street to Belmont street sewer., . • .
. . - .. .
. . .•CONTI24OT NO. 3,
cow:misuse about 534 feet of IS.BUiI.CIBCC
LAB PIPE SEWER on Pitt alley..froas Btraig
berry alley to Montgomery avenue and sewer.
' OONTI3.IIOT - prot. - 4,--..-..
co.„. to g about i,330 • feet , of ifi , lincth "CIR
CULAR. PIPS. SEWEIt .on liortleaventie. from -
Boyle street to Palo Alto street, • . •
CONTRAtrr .210.5. '- '
Comprising about 400 feet of 151-inch CIECTi- -
LaVWE SEWER onlifoutgomery alleyarom
the.tine . of Mrs - . Wallace's' ',open,' terißorit
gomery avenue sewer. . , . • i seen
Drawings and bpeeitiestsons can be as the ,
City Engineer's once,City Ball: Bids must
state the kind or seweprOposed to befurnhibed.
(cement or. vitrified pia pipe> sad mast oq ear.
dorsed "Sewer Proposals. , , , Contract yro 1 (or -
Si ite.; as r the ease may beatintrdelivesed on ar
before 3 P.. 14. :E.UetiUbT Dtbi 1889. :Iv= or
proposals. en which forms alone bids will be re;
eeived, will be runiited 'Mille CRY Engineer"'
office. 'i be Commission do riot Mid themselves
to accept the lowest or any bid.
By order of the Commission..
. , • - .! •
• BEALIF.D PROPOSALS addressed to Vie nodes-
slgned',will be yeeelvei4 until AXIOM= 881.
1889, for the. ,
Clradialioni.llagonri and' Ballasting,.
Or use frrestern - Penn Ifti R.
Extending from Freeport:-Armetroog bounty: to
Butler, Butler county. Pa., a distance ofTWEE
TY-ONE MILLE. Profiles andepeedestionsessi
be seen at toe Ingitieer 4 b office. Ilitiesiort,:Arin
strong county: Pa., on and aftir Jelly
. 1131. 11.,110113ESTRit
Orricn CITY I netifeina AND Stravrron,
Pittsburgh, Ju.Dr 30.1889. ff
N. .
—Sealed Proposals for the construction of
a Public Sewer on Forty-Second street, from
Butler street to the Allegheny river. Also, for
one on Bleventb street, bum like foot of Wash
ington street to the Allegheny river. Also. for
Grading. Paving .and Curbing of Porty•second
street, from Butler street to the Allegheny Val
ley BAHrOlid, and for Gri,dilig sad Paving Pleas
ant Alley, from, Forty'-thlrA Fc;rtv_l o urt h
street,, will he received,* °
this Mee un til
zo. , •
• THURSDAY, 1130IIST 570.
Specifications and blanks Poi biding ein be had
at this otace./So bids 'Considered nnleu made
ont on the / proper blanks. ; Atie•tenOmittet re
serve the right to rfjeet any of
H. J. Amour.; Crwi !manta..
. .
EBB. 2 —seged Provos:ate •
be seceived at,
the office of CITY WAVLE* WOR.EN ‘ nti to Au
gust 6th, for ONE ET/Pad - CYLINDER
26 inches dlarneterandfeet stroke:one pump
IC inches dianietter Pet;lit,rohe•-_ Engine
and pump to ha , ereeted and put in successful
operation in ihe engine house at the 1401ter
Bedford avenue.
ALSO-Plans will be received by ; the Water
Committee for improvetr.elass of pumping en
gines, to squat the caticihrotti steam C 3 adder,
20 inches in diaMeter, pump Tel inches
eter, with a pressure of 10 'notinde on steam
- JOSEPH FRENCH, Superietendent.
4 1 - BEITLDTKO. — Seale d Proposalsfor the erec
tisti of a BRICK. Sckioph,liovsz, in and fo:
the Borough of 31111vi1e." wtllbe ieceived until
TUESDAY. AUGUST - 10TH, 11389, at 4 r. x.
Bids for the:whole yob. or separate bids for the
excavation and stonework, brick and carpenter
work, plastering and palatine-will be consid
Plans and specifications maybe examined at
office of Millvale Iron Works, I3entiett Station.
West Penna. R. B. --* -
Toe Board of Directors reserve the right to re
ject any or all the bids. -BY oßer of the Board
Jy3itmB9 C. At RIIREDWo, see,.
- •
JULY St. f"
SEALED PROPOSALS wilbbe received. et the
Harrisburg Gas Works until 'the 151 b DAT OF
AUGUST, for the delivery of Oasuoalto nsed
dining. the next year uP to SePteMber 14 1810.
The coal must be of the very .btst quality,for the
manufacture of gas and dedVered at the works
All communications shoutd Cead/Immo to the
undersigned. who will give fMrther informa
-1 lion on• the "V e ""
Gionez Br.g6ftilill4 SeeretarT
jy.9mi7e - • , -
Is INT WRZATo—We , aret now'readying a
a parent of tholes TENIMSSISIGNZW ANII,III.
mad ,Weirrit WES S.T, 'which .ere. are mixing
with ote Old"Pitiest in inichL.prOportions as to
wake . an attteio of Family Vicar &turf!' not su
perior to any in the market. • ...., , , . -
The merits we elem for thtsTlotir are that of
Hein manufacturedfrom striettrebotee number
Rae Southern Amber and Whiter Wit eat. with Sae
oat. approved inschtnerg. hy ,enliariePlititi. tug
lers. star Braude Ire! _,
• ?MOM *TAW PHAltr.-eltlnfhP 1311/END,
made fmnrChotte W bite Wheat, naturpassad is
FDA= 1101 U• )
-- Twtt ' Writ/ Vointt ...zitilli.; t tl y z
BRAND. from selected Waite andianber Wheat,
unsurpassed as a Familrisiour.
[ RIS.ARL RED_ 1311 AND tram /ejected amber
ana'beitttradeiPor Illedlilflatet. 4, ,'
To unwen!. fraud in rti We USW lacks we Ow
seal them with dateßt, isaupsc . kare. . . ,
R. T. 15,RBINBIDY 11t. BRO..
imeirl Busy' Iffll.-Lrieittieray.
• • S A r ‘, 4l*
miNNitacerrirMouts FLOURS.
480 al.& Leger Neuder, 3ST b eHaHs- 367
elms Ermine,. NM • WU- tiuseeiltMille__SlO bide
3V/liona,C9!•,Eltiktoble.,ted:Eiver, bhliMity
Day. •• • " • - '
• CHOICE •WISC . • •
, toeu Ativertide ,WAIL, Star. WO
Ulm vinotie Wendt i . l7Myr w bearTiotir.• • • •
City Mill of epriVd. Ohio, Pride of the
Wei& „Depot Mille, ellon.44teogoit AEU*
Hingiesder zed Cro , etoldoe eteemus.•
w„t or , sale loirer-thsn. atilt Ilke2hANta elittlrore the
, -.Wje.rr. Li CV, •
' OM AT% Wocoostreett
11,012211101,1 5 Fr•
• , -.;! -1'72
'l44l of ne 'BOO O 1, 0 1 . -
. sorturesteireei . I gWeit ! icheipece, illeatintY
4 variant 11. 1 1 ( Volialila lee 130. q -
Hue ost Wad or loners
of Vacs &RR Head a for Bid
. Isranito
Varna. sc. and Tomb
Orders ntozotil eneetkteS4 WieZetesesabls
city Engineer.
ciirtv zivatwavt.