NEIr ADVER ir ts " D GIRLS, read the , new paver just published, ‘•THE YOUTH. , CABINET," listed raonthlyat Wants ver year. Contains Stories, thatches. Poetry. Aneedov a, Letters, *c. do. Emelt:lon nan b rs can be ob tained at 39 Sixth avenue, 5 centaeach, or :sent by mail on receipt of two blue stamps.. Address, E. L. CUTHBERT. 39 Strth avtada suansithlT ERNSTLVANIA • . . MILITARY ACADEMY,. At CHESTER. - DELAWARE Co,. - (For Boarder& only. ) The eight!' tannil • session commences •1 ... hursilay„ gateman, ad. Ti e h.lidizni are new saa vary complete In all their appointment's Very • thbrorrgh' instruction In Bnall.h. - ancient and. modern tannage& Two graduates, of timeni Statet Military.Aeademy devote their xe - naively to the deDartMen to or Matted:Mies ant aliainetrlng Careful at ention is Oven to the mo,al and :rellitiona cal turd of wet,. cirettLize may h., pawned of C. B. PAULfRYff. Zed., Mo. 40 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, prof . • • • COL. THEODORE HOYATT.I Frealdent OT' P. M. Academy, Chester, Pa. - An a WC. - • STATEMENT OF THE AF• FAISS.OF THE _ • ', ALLEC ENY: 'CEMETERY • El, 1869. - DE To amount received to e lota wilase ip479,147 To amount rec e iv ed o on 'Wow mop; und - ' 8,80000 To ',want reetelvedlieom salts o f • . . o _rubbery to date ' 7,8321,19 To amount received from inter- merits and improvement of lots. 99,218 09 smountrresived for interest, etc A 3,803,80 CO I By amount paid for Cemetery . grounds to dist. • • •,' 4/48,41yi 83 By an oant paid- for stock - and tools to date 7,949 07 By amount paid for permanent awf improvements......... .. . ... . ..... a1vf..p4_ , ..! . By amount paid fur Mansnicum. vs.!. 1U By Amount invested In U. b. -ponds and bond mortgages 111,89E2 45 By amount d tie on bills receivable. ' „ &,. • • 41,582 00 Br amount paid for ator to date..• 142,347 43 Byamountpaid for expenses. sal- , lutes. de., to dir .112;988 29 By amount dtte MM . nude, so. _ollllnll • 7,56 s 59 sy,bstanee In bank and In hand.;“ 4,545133 6399.4:24 68 •u 9 m 97 ' STATEMEIit OF :TEE :. CONDITION OP` PEOPLES'. -S AVINGS • b1i.30t,i4 - 111 1 4 186. '• Published b7Oider OfttielOmid of Truiees In • • Kezar mock. with Bectionl3 of the Clarter. csalion hands • t•.• .4 33491 7 17.9 S N.:ponies sad fin:Olcure 2,107.00 Bodds. - Mortgans. andotater _ _ • • .- . .. 020,52.30 " Re..l Estate , —••• . 804_ 83 44.011 . 0?2 . 7 9 Capital Stock anthorized,33oo.o9t/i 4.:oll.4lascocir,lßatilmenks cantd • • and paid. .—..— ... 737,900.00 , Prenilunisina Interest • • - 20,339 .5111 Dividends .. .. . , 30.910 pepoeds secoant .". ' 973,733.07 . t 511050,0021.79 & F. VAN BOMIORe, Sworn to and subscribed bellwe me. Witness my band and Notarial Seal this 30th A.ay ordain a..1).1 /SOS. ta irci ß G E w miTRpHY, lioury Pubuc. : L'erittlif . CO. ' S Weelityßegieter of New Tne_tidler. Book ofloeedlework. lac n , inr:Xestneddem-Altsdning: - . Ks ILI log; ( • . • firuSellat. at4., suns sd..T43r . -ibur new $7 50 suns in c. tors— Cyelopoe4ict reteneeintnpliend. by J. PePow Pe r . I :TVFO7 / 1 ‘ 1 , 3 1 1 / o, ' 6 0 9 en " 4so grints carlyte's't.ife of nobl.ler.-1 vol. a v 0..... 375 Ptiera-Wordsof 0.6 a post4e6.-1:sol. Sea.. 3 ou 61.einingS ISOM ?ranch Gsruens. eom pillion an &necklet of snob festive* f 7..,).7l`reneliflcostiodinr..O .; , .-?.. ll ?'liSclust v ,yr9; l 4Y . a 00 - ... .............. .... _ Harvey's 'Brilbssis eeehes, Piper 76 - -- -50 Dismenzle s Dittoes P[Scotland Lis. don's Osfor,S. Un!reF sl ,;l,• 1 5 0 11111 W edfi '- • - . . ... . . ... 50 Ext lo 4 l 4ttituW4 4 #`stPil is t - Ars 000suomety - , „ First Love and Ais; f 3 0 00 Dublin Repository =rids -packet o L. p s 100 London Merchants, a book for -. • •\ .. .1:00 on Site Conies- - D sion of;41 , 11 r 1 15 4 -ail:tents of Socud Sante • The Z.betsro - PocketComnsnion , . _*:_vsp Appletonss Short -Ilts ti Europe ... sly Ybuips , niptartiatiss. - 1* - -_ X 5 ' Ctpstem =manna I/ dome_ If.svastan.. T w o :Lima Women . lavas-4 enau . . .... op sold. Town vow: ny_ Ides. Stowe ..,TneEsdgnstiontif:Womeni.byJatka Stuart 31 , 00 - 'door below /inn st-nne. NOTICE.—By iatatual consent the Co parr:at:shill ; of 'PARK; Bic:CURDY Jet 7 : IPAVID E. PARR. • . , • ' mccuaroy. _ . • - _ _ JAMES PARK. DAVID PAII3I and JAMES .P purchased :the Oatereit t :, or Mr. JOHN ]44Ctrittilr In tho tato continue: the thisliess or • Me,nufact*iiing Copper, Under We name and stllevf ..'''. - ..`0 - 41i,*'-;_';',..84 - : . .):0..:0: In retiring-froni tlitabti-ffiess I take pleasure in recommending ibe new Armor PARK A CO. to the confldenci of thiipiablic: tr:,.TisLY Sink-1889, j..• - • , . - ;•44ij:'i!pii,c . ,;.-.....'‘0.f19 •FOB SALE. - one of the longerVestablisheil, iiiid most com plete Job Printing offices in she city. la oilfired ior sale on the MOSII/VOTilbte - it embraces ' • ail the mach nary and typerneoeiVary for Bout , -find Job Printing In all branches. - There are four steam 'power Dresses; Steam ,engine and bonm: POster. card and book Meet and a catepieteGer man Job , • reu the •inaterlais. for which are al , maxi ,new. The (nce is complete , In macrY•re• wet, and has a large and' profitable Millness. The esiaelishment wIII-be stsidentoargain. !or further. particulars Apply at the COMNBIWIAL Vir7SCR., or address Snit 31! Pittahensh, Pa.. pßociuouvrioN. 1 1§e5ualified voters of the Fleet ward, City .4, of Allegheny Will meet, at: thO - to oatlime and -•I Piatitiqof ho ding eleetlo a. on TUESDAY, Au: yntst • . !ttli ttie unexpife4l 4 iiirm of Sainuelii.,HOWnwi MR:. Select- Clounellman. feeiiro' ed. Also, ONE YEBSOif to till the cues plied toile of Henry M. Contelltniiii resigned ". ' liIMON Daini, Mayor. ; , „O ia rre .ti cy s ALLzdArrizrri June 23. Igo --(IIIEGABAT INSTITUTE, 1627 ?4,.1 umikeP,RINK FUSED Yhttade pl 3. itnes-and flt?" For:Young reo_Pon • .on-7-;:asugDatt, pleipT)eaTbgliPAlA. , - IPEENCn. Is arm isonsare oc the tau" * ii " cOgNilartlY'svoken theltstgene, Y' ant iv , • IfrIA.UAWL . . Principal. toNop-lir - Wood, 1,10 o 14:Ung • srolg I 4 ssl{4, ? - • • ~. , ; 14 4;*.W 7', 101,1 F r " 112ASitEt 7 1P. , AFon - iitestaitArkety. for rgiedripl7 ol ,.. ;. •- • wolisiLlAß - start; VIIN be 'QUI 161 r meta:it-awl:4. 1111CCI. NE • „ ADVERTISEMENTS. HO E° & CO. SUMMER STOCK Greatly Reduced frices. •ROOM .. FOR .FALL.....IEiRCILMS. Merino Shirts, 50 cents anti up. 'jean Drawers, 75 cents and up. Gents' Linen Collars; 8114htly Saledsheaf Price, Beck ries and Bows di in ?Wit less than cost. 6609,426 66 Ladies' Hem med Handker chiefs, 10 cents. Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs. 8 Cents and up. . Shear - Limn Lawn Handker chiefs, 80 cents--un Extra Bar, gain. Gents' German Linen Hand kerchiefs, 25 ten's and up, Piques, SWlll.96B§Jaconets. Ifainsaoks,,,Barred and /lain, AT. A GMT ..REDUCTION• 3EICOSSX3I3IIFICV. Plain and Ribbed Cotton. Lisle,' Bilk and llctibriggan Ho siery. . Genie Merino,Super Stout and rine Cotton Half Hose. TBEARTBER. AT :TOE VERY: PRICES, IC LIDGrI-LAWES. A latgo assort anent of ALI XANDRE, and other eading makes in the Wide Ruffled Linen Coaars and Cuffs. Colored 2Wmmed Linen sets. Handsomt fiqsh Ribbons, plain and fitful/. Boui and Narrow Ribbons. .Zadies' 2ireek Ties and Scarfs, much less than cost. _ Corsets, of best French make, greachfredueed. Hooik Skirls, a new: iot Just re extravaisteatul A good assortment of Travel ing Satchels. Silk at u Alpaca Umbrellas. Pongee Silk Parasols. and Linen Fans: Dress Trinzminga and Fringes. Buttons, Ornaments, de.,. OFFERED VERY- CHEAP. An InimenN Reduction , JOHN McCURDY. IL OW 000D5,,, HATS, BONNETS, , Sec., 'At-Half the 'Former Rita 3y31 MO I ' - 1, -• WILL BICCEME ON " NIODIDAY, sAiigust 2d, 1 1 1710LEflag'..,DEPARTII:PT. Our Steck In thts iteputmept mlit be round complete ID ; _ DOESTICHASO.:STRii,...MOOL. suspesders • -• • 'Hosiery, •., Handkerchiefs, • Iferino Underwear, Braids, `Combs, Buttons, - • Spool Cotton, • PE.per Collars;and Cntrs, • _Soaps, Perforner/es, IND ETERYTIIING IN . NOTIO2iII, Al THE 77 AND . „ 79 MARKET OFFER THE BALANCE OF THIR MI TO MAKE /1/LNDHEELCHIEFS. WHITE. GOODS. DESIRABLE' SHADES. =ENE c d'lZZtitolf> LINA) OF .HAO.BORS:.:.E..M.BIiOJPERTS•.J.. Loweit 11arket Xttet3;. IRE ,4 PITTSBURGH GA ZETTE:i TUESDAY i ; AUGITST 3;711369 NEW ADVER a rinErlo7 HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS VERY LOW PRICES ! asoMml' Sheeting Pillow Case Muslin, Fine Unbleached Muslin, Bleached' Muslin, Table Linens, all kinds, Towellings, Towels, &C., White Marseilles Quilts, White Allendale Quilts, White Honeycomb Quilts, Heavy Colored Quilts, Flannels, all colors, White Country Blankets, Fhte Eastern Blankets, Grey Blankets, &c., '&c. LARGE ADDITIONS W GI- 00 31E) S dust been. Received. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENTS Well Suppled with DESIRABLE ROODS TO CASH BUYERS, Prices as Low and Lower PRESENT EASTERN PRICES, Wi SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. KISHOCOQUILLAS „ FOR BOTH SEXES. This Ltustltutiolt isail44 . 4lo . Ao.hif;3ltiflal Tat. ley of litshonoquillas.ln the midat of an Intel/I/ed. and highly mothlphople. Ilurromniga by monntaln cethdigotod aeppiled with' arp.ibstitilinsee of 4pire water and of ttlefre..hert monntalnair thelocation is niriaaled for: health and ibr tins !learning and refining Iniluences of natural scenery. CorPs of instructor* In ivert . departmeni exponent:en SSICI competent. Rey t 8. McDonald. :ibnherly tutor In PrlncetOrt. College, N. J.. of large and siccessfin esperlenceln teichlui. has charge of Ancient Langnageir and, higher libithem._atiell• A m - from arisacbusetts. of pos101(1.111=8 will teach Ultima 16114 filiMing;Wbraglati French and Ger man, sof. . ithomosetr. of Philadelphia. Is engaged to give lessons in Elocution during toe Milt term. }Lisa E. It. Elghask from :Wash ' 'Arlon county. Pa.. has charge of instrumental music. hoholastlo Year opens 4th of August. EZNIIISV-Tallall and board Macs:. $ 2100 . 13 °' ror'tkeratogue, addrelia MARTIN MOHLKR, A. M., Principal, sisilOcoquiLLAß, murLIN, Co., Pa. . , Betas lO Ret_.o.9. Kceleatt, Lewleown,Pa.. and liOn. 8. &woods, Lewistown, Pa. eublolO.TAT vOTICE—This h to -certify Lf that the made!. htnedliaa ceased to bay catty sransaotiottinuttilohn:thtarmalreri Davidool - B o w Noah. Isaac Ter. and others.. as larortner I to so-calle d tqaor League or the old Filth wardll'ltt amt tisa to W s hest the matter i a ja l =thr . Bn, itraisep ot Ll.l-'atlirtrir/Vtibe League. whaiallic i at o rlntee, Peed me ss as Igi. s tri nie sils ft!? their ova poonata 11, bawds. • _ • - .1; =SI SINE AT or HAVE ALL OFFERED .AT TUAS En =CAS ANOTHER INVOICE OF Fine Black, Royal ( Standard ALPACAS, Fine 13Iack`'Grain ALP.ACAS. POPULAR BARGAINS Still Continned ! TWELVE YARDS Fast Colored Dark Calicos FOR 0.4" E DOLLeIR. TWELVE YABDS BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR ONE DOLLAR. At 12 1-2 Cenis. YARDWIDE BLEACHED 1111SL1N, Best Offered this Season. At 12 1-2 Cents% 0008 BARK DINGRAXS. At 12 1-2 Cents. BED At 12 1-2 Cents, CANTON FLANNEL. At 6 1-4 Cents. 1P110411,:101138:1H:1184 At 12 1-2 Cents, HANDSOME NEW STYLES BEST CALICOS. Good Bargains Daily Opening LE WM. MPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. FOR SALE.. - Good 6 roomed brick house on Centre avenue and large lot-11,/300. Good U roamed frame house with all Improve ments: lot 6E by 110-61.000. Prime bons°. se looms; I°ol4 by 100-.1,000. Two well finished press brick houses and large lot-on/y.6,000. o • wroomed houses on Eulton. Week-{6,600 - each. One 101114 by 190 feet on Reed street-9500. Plot of ground on htt..Wasbington. AO acres on Panhandle Rallread, • miles from 30 sores on Weitein, nanford, IL idles , from the city. 1195 acres good leogroood ansiggizi. Will be divided to suit purchasers. _ .AO lore on ye:3p avenue-1300 tg, ues "ire • .11eCL17190 S 11911980 W - ass] , Estate and lisarusee Agents,. 1710 , N 014.190, 197 and 199 Centrosvenue. R. W. . . . ... lt; , B. M. iIfcCOWAR ht 49 Boulevard hvera, ,oatees No. 65 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. .Orders left .at GAZICrX/5.0,12101. primput attended to. indewaLlto, Oallarstlxudda Taxa a, Drives. se. Warranted against chlngea of heat and cold. Yd—Sfax. No.rhead. Lyon I abort), Rody rtitettollt.Wm. Park. lame. N. Long I Son. fronton , it McKee, An/3.11 0 w' Is Maxwell, Aiken a Campbell. lease Onits. jalo:m23 vition OIL ()tarns, GREEN OIL °LORD ~POS NUNDO_WAMADICS. TRA plesPAHr WINDOW sHADDI • 17; PODZiIITDD • 6 INDENr EI tADIETY. itstaltrigandaces Wimp= stow PAPERS fo Arai rwastwifie. ASSEEMEE NTS. , -....„„ _ .. , CITY ENGINICER'S 4:1171C8 . ,, i ' , ALLEGMLNY crrr, PA.. . olir 98, Leo?. , . t ? . . : NIITICZ-6-The 'assespinent for GRADING and PAVING of HAMLIN itTBEET from Bidwell street to Chartlers street; so the assessment for Grading and Paving of rant lin street, from Sedgreek street to Beaver avenue, are now ready ferexamination and can be seen at the office of the CltY Engineer mill August 3d, .1869, when' they will he placed In the hands of the City Treasurer for collection. Ciiii*LES 188.11111, Ir° 63 ' . City •Rnaineer. CITY ESOINICSIVII CE. ALyEGIIIVIT CITY. Pa., July 23.111169. OTICE.—The Atusesaments for N ending midi Par ng -of - LiIWBEY I B ALLEN, from Ledlle . street to Jaskson street. Also the assessment for the Grading and Paving of BLAIR ALLEY, from . Lindsey's alley to Ramage alley, are now ready for examination, and ran be seen at the ofl,e of the City Engineer until AUGUST 2d, 1E69, when they will be placed In the hands of the City Treasurer for col. lection. CHARLES DA'S% CITY ENGINEER. 1y241m55 OFFICE OF CITY ENGIbrEnIt SIIBTETOR, PITTSBURGH, :august ad, Ibo 9. - VOTicE.—The assessment for j. thiCinalseiG.of Verylie street extension. Gm Crawford to Iliekt..trick street, is now ready for examtnati P,_antt- tle seen at Cita office until TIIIIIISDAY. August it Isla be returned to the City Treasurer's once co lection. ant :in93 • H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. $ non or CDT Egarinteit AND Strarzros, Pittsburgh. July 516. 1869. from Butler str.-t t to cue Allegheny Valley R.N.. is now ready for examination. awl can be seen at this Wiles until THURSDAY, August sth, when it will be returned to the City °Mee for collection. H. J. wowitz, City Engineer. OPTICS OP CITY ENGINEER 'AND REGIVRTOR, PITTSBURGH, July 93, 1869. NOTICE.—The assessment for Gracing. _Paving and Curbing MILTEN 13G NH :STREET, from St. Patrick's Alley to Bind street. IS now ready fbr examination, and can be seen atthis office until TUESDAY: /ingest 3d, when it will be returned to the City Treas. office for collection. .If= H. J. mooRE, City Engineer. UPPICI Or CITY Emit:grin AND Strain. Yon. t Pittsburgh. Jill/ 5 11 3 d. 1860 . i NpOTICE.--The Assessment for the partial Grading of Bluff street. front er to P. lde street, is now ready for exami nation, and can be seen at this odlee until TUES. DAY. Augui t 31, When it will. be returned to We City nessurer's omee far collection. jrZniiio H. J. MOOltlt. City Niteineer. • -LATE-LATEST OIL STRIKE. ST i LIBERTY! ECONOMY: • • AND FREE TRADE: To secure even banded Juxrtan. just come and see what splendid bargains are uttered In the gor geous stock of Spring and Summer Clothes just prepared and exhibited to th TIIAIIS e public by S. C. EXAN. The fullest Linearlt to be enjoyed wnen the man who enjoys it Is neatly dressed In a suit of new tnnimer Clothes whlchilt Elms° comfoirtablv &snot to abridge the freedom of bismotions. Such cl .thes aro to be bad at 8. C. TR/MERMAN'S. To practice EcogOET, don't spend vast sums of m ,ney where extortionate people charge fancy prices for unsatisfactory clothing, bat come SRA get the wor. h of every dollar you sperm, at S. C. TR•DERMAN'S. FREE TRADE of the freest sort, practiced every day, and alt day at the nig No. 11 Clothing Hall. There th e people bring their cash. and there they get their clothes. Every man free to buy at all theca. Trade tremewions just now at 3.i0. 11 Clothing Hall. _ . • LOOK AT THE PRICES Cocoa nut suits f's $7 worth eta. Spanish suits for *9 worth 010. Skating pat lc suits for $79 worth $25. 300 sults, linen, at $7l 50 each worth t 5. Black sults fatale worth .20. Boys' sults for $ worth $lO. ' And a great many Moretoo numerous to men , ton." Call early and secure your bargains. as we base but a few days to sell. llemember Big No. 115:3.112 street. , 2 . 1nt.M2131111, ROBERT PATTEBSON & CO,, COZIMMI. OF Seventh Avenge and Liberty St., ,PrrTssernatt, PA. Will on Saturday. July 31st, 11369. and on: each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction lass of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, . And ecerythingangenainlag t vibe Horse. • Yarnell des! tag to soli WLI please leaye their notice of consigement on or before Thursday of each week in order fer'advertisleg. Prompt et. tentlon and good care will begiven . all Stoca left fersale. JOHN-IL STE WART* Actetjoneen MO LUMBER DEA LEDA AND CABPEWIEEZ.—I am now in receipt of ONE MILLION • Beat A No. 1 Saginaw Shingles, rom the c.lebrated Michigan Ltunter Regions direct. width L can sell to the at low enures either by car load or in qoantltlee to suit vim eters. ALEX. PATTERSOY,' , - Oor. Juniata and Preble streets, Math ward; and No. 487 nebectm street. opposite the Has Works, Allegheny Oily. .1129tm7C ABARE CHANCE IS - NOW offerel to those who wish to invest In Profit wee Beal 'Estate We 21.Y0 for sa:e **our Brick and one Itrama Tway; Bosses. with lot of ground 31) feet front by 9i) deep: also a lot 30 by 6 feet, Ironting on strawberry allay, oppo site Academy of Music aad sear. Abe corner of Liberty str, et. For farther information. Wily to • .B. OUTHBKNT tt BONS. ata • 39 Blath avenue. EMPALME FREE—CoaI ?diners.' and persons desiring a Western cone, and others,can have y a byne d yW e , es m ly e Paper P RES off P oe t 'A M r XON oGARDNER ing JUUMNAL Gat deer, llUAols. jr.Thisthis W. BAR EI MARKE sac::),coczoc, TEN ..DAys STILL GREATER " RED Many Gooda attired The they can be bought for in present time. Winter Geods as rr 131 . NUSt. .44 VirNOTICES—.6To.Let" "Fa Salevw "Lod," " Wants," "Pound," igtoarding," dc., not exceeding FOUR will 6e inserted in these colttnieu t" owe for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional. line FIVE CENT& NTEDith It .1' At :lAA ,ATEmr... PLOYMENT OFFICA,_ No. 1 tit. Clair Street, /101a1118LEI and ter dine:eat kinds of employment. Persomtwattlus of all kinds eau be supplied on sbort notice. WANTED.—A good GARDEN .. go to the country. who can drive and *i n k with horses; must be sober. honest and Industrious. To snob an cue a good home and fst► wadea will be elven. Call at or address JOHN J. I. YOUNG. Trutt and Conreetlones, No. 63 NUM Avenue Itztensuns, for further In formation. WANTS. TITANTED.-A S WALL HOUSE, ir of three rooms. In ster'or law rrneevllle. Also. a eITITATION lit e_ekotbilic store ss saiesmau.• Good eiterencei giv.z. -Ad dress W.P.-BRANDON. Pittsburgh Penance. WANTED.-- TEACEIERS.- , In - ljnion towintap, FIVX TYAOHERd. Applicants will meet It Sto at Pima., reboot Monte on SAIIIRDAY.-AolloolVik, et 3 o'clock By order of the Board. , STRAYED. STRAIVED FROM :THE BERM. MENDE of the eubirrlber. on Toleday lae Devi AND WHITE COW.. Any De/son log or Wing Informstfon 'where she may found, will be rewarded. WILL MILLION Cotil 0-LET.-SCITOOL 11063113... Prof. H. 1. Gourley by discontinue!. e rooms lately occupied by him In "Phelan' t re J r Buildings." 22 and 2* 'Btu Avenue. will b for rent, together with all the school furn , tur complete. For turtheriparticulars Inquire of JAMAN PHELAN, Ito . 1* Filth Avenue. 910-MET.--A furnished FRONT L. ROOM, with Gm. In old sixth ward: rent molerate. Ebnquire of S. 957 Libel ty street. ri t lO-LET. ROOMS, Two fine BOOMS in GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at minting Rooms. R 4 and SG Fifth avenue. rpO-LET.—A HOUSE of Ten Rooms, newly refitted; In a most b^antlfal. dy and Central loettlon. on Eighth (Hatutocka !met, near Penn. Also anothtr with Mx roomr- Apply at ill 7 Penn streets TO•LET.-IFIVE NEW HOUSES of SIX ROOMS each on Jigs ppa street, Era ward, Allegheny, near Allegheny Avenue, one square from Manchester str,et. ears. Enquire of T. M. !MOLES. 89 'federal street. corner Stock ton avenue, or CHARLES I"..STBIORT. Mfg North *Venue. corner Webster street. yo-LET.—nooms. on Second ? um, with Boarding. Location the. most mixable inthe city,oltb the conveniences ce bath roma: the_comforts apritrate badly, as few boarders are kept. 191 Forth Avenue, AL legheng Citv. POR SALE. ookreennowsre.Ainnow.e.r.e. nov FOR SALE.—About 120 acres! of land in the best situation for ecoß seats: only 2 miles hom the West Pittsb Ferry Landing. Will be sold altogether or pieces to snit 'purchasers. En s ire of F. C once NkeOrr. at th e sontlien of the Monett gabela bridge. • jelaeriltr F OR SALE.-VALUABLE CITY RISIDENCE.—HOUSE AND LOT. No. 7$ F OB street. Allegheny City. The lot' Is 62 feet on Wssbington-etrevt. extending beet 960 feet, On whfeh is erected a double two story brick dwelling. having all modorn Improvements. Also brick stable and carrlsge room. with see. vants room attached. all In6mtrateorder. Ta these wanting a comfortable home; this property Is recommended. Enquire on the Premlsea, m to 01JBEET DA - LEA LI.. 1y12:m8 . 49 Stockton Avenue. FOR SALE. • --- - , .. . . , WALT 4BI7IIG—A 2 story Erick Bonse,9 room. SO by 180. ', ORE'S:NOM:MG—A. Lot GRI, by 8% opposite to fight &pot. MCHEFe.PORT-9 Lots 11114 2 story Brick. lion.e. *wit h Tavern; 31.. V. Ti. M. pasting thrum the property, PERRY STREET, Allegheny-95ton frame hone.. AO by 91. ___ ELIE ABE I HIVWN-4 Lots. 23 by 60, wtik threelrames and a two story Brick house. tigtii IND Aviraq UE—A 3 story BO* &oust. 9 MOMS. CENTRE AVICNIIE—Ji. 2 story Brick Rouse. For particulars enquire .2 87 (irsnt street. jria TUSTEN' *. KLEE.. FUR SALE-BESIIIAINCE. he elegant new two story, pressed brick front. at present occupied by S. „Bell, reach street, Second ward, egheny. The house contains 11 rooms, with attic, wash house with station ary tubs. stab:e and, coach houae, side yard and garden: z She house is nished in the very best yle, with inside shutters f marble mantles and hearths, marble wash stands, Graff, Hutists £ Co's furnace, Cindinnati range In .kitohen„ speaking tubes; pantries, and every convenience smellier) ibr a first-class residence. For terms apply to jr3l:m9o • Bates E Bell's, or OE the premise.. FOR 84161 1 P. ouse and Lot on Sandusky street; Rouse and Lot on Boyle street) S Houses in the Eighth Ward; 3 Farms In Okla; Farm in Sewickley Township; 10 acres at Inemrng Station. P.. rt. W. • C. li. B.; 7arm near Perrysville; Howie and 13fi acres at Glendale Station. P.. Ft. W. A 0. B. B.; 11 Parma 'alma; Lot on Locust street (Manchester); Farm in West nc.reland county; Houses and Lots In Spring Oarden avenue; House and Lease on Ididdls street; House and * Lots on Spring Bill. 7th ward. • Other Houses and Lots in good location. Inquire of : ~MOVECITMOII.Ir,, Ikal Estate and insurance Agent, corner Ott* and tiscaduikystieets. Mies/item ‘, iy7/ FOB MALE. 3 STILLS. each 0 feet diameter and IBM feet long. with &bent 300 feet condensing pipe. from 4 inch down to 5113 j-inch lac pipe to cub AWL for 11000 'New. ' • 0 BOILERS, each 32-Inch diameter and 14 feet /Ong. with chimney bridging, Magi drum. stas d pipe, ac., fbr 4300. 0 KEYSTONE STEAM 111312PES each lit inek steam cylinder. 7-fifeh water cylinder and 13- Inch stroke, for $3OO apiece. - 1 IRON AGITATOR, 10 feet diameter and le feet deep, , with cut 11'011 'bottom for $5OO. 700 feet 236-ineh ClAq Eli% at 40a per loot. Apply to ERN f. JAGE3LAN & 011, at Worts. near Bliarnsbarg Bridge. . 75LIM _ir.Z;4i . &-7:,_:.0...Ci; T STREET. czo3rtke. 1:7#61c:•4c1/., - - LONGER!' '.4" =CZ UCTION f IN tirCES ! nty-five per cent, less F than the Eastern Markets at the well as- Sumner lUMMETV I I - 4 0 IN: losed• -Out! =NEM fL ' W. I- BARKER t 4If El J. IL BELL, BE