Fy MARKEI. ---- Orrice op Frrrastrada GazErre, .e.fi ~ ( ~, , . , Iderafaxgnat, 2, ;1869. $ 4 . • There was a very full supply of Cattle , on Bale, teday?'something over 800 head, mainly of the lower grades, and with a , i demand restricted almost wholy to su w plying" he wants of of the 'load trade, _ the arketitias a very dull =One. a d n it - . . camp red with last - week, prises ' re from a;}; to: a%- lovier., and eapeci ly was this , truerof the 'commoner. • grades. Prime fat steers sold at about last week's Priaelif,7.l4@7.l aamelew extra at 81. but • the of great ,bulk, thesales were at prires . • , . . raaging.from ,5,4‘ to 7c; end f3y,i, possibly , ld , 6}ilyea p robably a:me:tory near, the ay. ~ , - . eralge price. The impresslonis player strength that cattle will have" to - rule lower, an d t# fac t that pasture I haa b e en, unusually good all summer, has tended• to keep back a good deal of steek - WhiCh; ; w , otherwtaeould long since have been •• • •- • _ . thrown Upon the market. .]: .., ~ , Of tact cattle o n sale today, II cars Were from Chicago; 3„,frora Crestline; 4 from Mansfield; .1 from Marron; 2 fram . Loudenville; 1 from Upper Sandusky; 1 from WOoster; 1 from Salem; 1 from In dianapolis; 3 from ,Caledonia: - 1 • from OrrvillefA *Om Shreve; "4 from Cincin nati; 1 from - Bellair, and 4 from points . we did.not learn. In addition, there were sales , of 162 bead of State Cattle as follows: 45 from Butler county; 17 from Beaver; 60 from Washington and 40 - • from Green, making .in all about 800 head, which, in the absence of an east ' ern demand, was more than was want ed, and, as a -consequence, a dull and hard market was the result, at least all the drovers said ' so. , ' •'-' ' CATTLE. Stakley it Bro; 9 head common steers and heifers, at an average of 5 cents. M Humes 17 had Beaver cotuity steers and heifers, at 5®6 fits. Keefer & Katz 17 head Chicago steers, at 6®7.- L.,ltottichilds 19 Chicago steers, at 6% ,67%,;;12 head Bader • county steers and heifere, at 5®6; 24 left over. 8 Kaufman & DrYfaos 29 head Waeh ington county steers:and heifers, 'at 5 G 13%. ' ' . Isaac Zeigler 20 head Washington county steers and heifers, at 5®6%. Trautman & Lohman 63 Sontnern Ohio steers and heifers:, at'4.3g ®785. Jacob Seedy 63 . 0hi0 steers, at 6(48. • S .53 Drivienstine 20 head Ohio steers, at 16 54.1...'",- ' ' '' • ' - "M. Verner' tkOreen cOunty,Pe., steers. for Fbitifingen, eitlig7y4; 31 head In dianti; mixed stook, tor Frei:fob, at , s®B. , .• Peet' 'sxttaiiin 29 head 'Green' county stock.:_ - r • :,' . John Hyde 23 head to Kraus dr, Hasa, at 6 eta —from Belmont 06. Greenwald, a Kahn 73 bead Ohio stock, at 6®7,U. ;. , -._ • , HaziewoOd &Blaclistock 70 head rat ed Stock, from Ohio, at 4@)7. . MiAluiter 'ahead Ohio steers "and heifers to Halewood it Blackatock, av •eragingl4o2s; at 6;f. S. Marks it Bro. e 0 head Chicago steers, at s®B. • Kraus it Hasa 67 head mixed Ohio Stock, at 534®7., , , ' 'L S J.Shamberg =heed Chicago stock at 5 ®7%; bought 85 head bulls from qv v tt. ' Jas Hanlin 20 head Washington Co., steers and - heifers, at s®B. tiolnies, Lafferty it Co. 54 head lowa steers, at 5}0)7%; 221fead mixed stock, at 4%®6. - - ~ 1 _-- ,_ . - N. Carr 35 ;head 'Ohio steers, - heifers _ and cows. at 6®(4‘. - Smith & Blue 17 hea d Western steers and heifers at 414 ®5%. Hedges & Taylor ''M head. eHSSp ARD yA sli9. There was an unusually large number of Sheep on sale to-day,anout 1,900 head, and with no corresponding improvement in the demand, themarket was, an ex ceedingly hard one, and drovers gener ally are reported as having made no money--aome "of them doubtless lost money. Compared with. last week, prices are considerably lower, particu larly for the commoner kinds, - though the befit grades, ruled lower; there was more stook here than was wanted, and the butchers'sooa _found this out, and drovers'generally were obliged to make concessions in order to effect sales. It is . true, a feir extra : fat sheep -brought 30 cts per Pound, but the, great 5,0 n proporti of the sales were at prices nu:lglus from $2,00®3,00 per head. • Fowler it Walters 400 head; lambs at 50 483,50 f sheep at $1.60@ 4 . .... Flintier & Sheitementle 200; ia mbs at 75®2,25; sheep at 51,25®2,25. • Stskely &Bro. 203; sheep at 32,00(4)4,0 0 ; iamP s at $1,00@3.25., _ 1 M. G. Beighle 50—sheep" at an average ' or 52,000iimbs at 51,25®2at,25. lat- .-- R. Stouffer 60; sheep 32,50; rine at ClarWln & Co. 209abeepand lambs. • john,Yiroung 40 skeep at an average of 31,25. " ''•- • " JOhi Fairley 40 sheep at $B®3 l A. - James Kerr 74 sheep at $2,80®14. : ' ' Ilobeit, Kerr-s6lsheep at 62.00 pe r to 5.30 cts per pound. , -IC•Folland 110 sheep at 205_ 'eta.' per pound, • ' • if.dititSiekert 25 sheep_at 53,50®1 per bead; 50 lambs at A 1,7503,75. .: . D , , John Kerwin & Co. 170 sheep o,oo@ 3,50. - ~., ' : _.• . . • . • Johnithia Davie 40 Sheep' at 12,®3,50. J. F. Neely stlamba at timep, 4o ; 6 5 sheep at - 31.75®3 - I There is tio improvement to note in the demand for this class the of stock; but prices, in sympathy with advance at other. places, are hirr. - We now quote 'stock 'Hogs at 1.0 10M. and fat Hogs at 11 tb 113401.1%. MI 11 ,11 =I MU • • --------_ MAMMY'S BY TELEGRAPH. I . lisar YonicvAtilitillt.2Cot,ton steady; sales of I,2oo•hides at - 2.83 0 for milddling ;.uplands. , Flour; recelpta..:9,ol3s. , bbls.; ' Y l otir quiet and prices' without lany de .**4' ' 'Cided chnbge;•ealekof 6,700 hbhi.' nip 90 ; I'4oo for . superfine; Slate - and ,wenterp, 0.50(§)7,35 for extra 5tate,•16,7 0 @ 7,40 for • -extra we5tern,117,45®7,7 0 for white wheat extr0:56,9567 95 for - It . H. 0 iria B for extra St. Losiar., and .510,50- for good to - choice do. - Rye Flour is quiet at *4,75® . 6,75... 00rotrreal is quiet 4 and sauce, -whisky steady. at 152,80 for western,. and $l,lO for free. Wheat; receipts 15,550 r • .13b15.; Wheat is more active and 2®3e' '. ~better, with an increased export demandy, sales of ,123, - 00 0- bosh. at `51,55®1,56 for ' ~ ITO, 2 spring. 111,51(4)1452 for soft dc h ; 51,61\ 01,62 for NO. 1 Bering; 11,58 for Nos. 1' • 'and . 2 do': mixed. 51,61 for. eWred Ohio, $1,65 fore,d winter western; 11;75 for , whit California; Rye nominal. 'Barley au boll malt noising., „Re. ce i pts O f - corn, 5,_ 50 . hush; tvrn , opened hear" and closed dull 'at 11(g12. , :i lower; saletrof 43,00(ibustirditat 82c@;$1 , for un.• sound new mixed • western; •r)0 4 0 1 ,0 13 for sound do.; '4/i 084 10 1 4 09 %for '. *Morn yellow, and closing i with; no 'buyers' at outside-quqtstiOes. `.,-Brifig 9f-ofttP,7s,-. , 412 9 00 bum , on% mere ve, with , pales ~: of 79,000 bushels at 132 e for •senttertt aftost;', 63®50-itkalitual,lo4"4ptil Soo .Xor ' Vim, "'-ioi grit ef the seasari; 7in ..hi Artier, 11 now; 77c for new :Virginia. Stock of grain in warehouse:- 613,699 bush wheat, ;832,128 bush corn: 75,413 bush oats; 74,- 728 bush rye; 381 bush barley; 106,026 bush malt; 242,268 bush peas. Rice in fair request. with sales of 60 tierces Carolina at 814®9c and 100 , bags of. Rangoon. at Tx@fiC currency. Coffe firm: sales of 3,818 nags Rio on private terms. Sugar firm; sales 800 hhda at 3.1% ti>l3c for Cubit - '4@ ac ,for 'Porto Rico; sales 40t ) bxis,•l3avana at 12301. Molasses nominal, Petroleum quieten d, ATM at 17®17%0 , for crude; 31'x(,®320 far refined. Hope quiet atlo@lbc for Amer ican. _Linseed oil Seedy at 980 M in 'caskS. - Spirits turPentine, quiet at 42® 4214 c. :Pork firmer; . attlest 900 - bbla- at 03,10®33,25 ,for . new mess, closing at 833,25 cash; $33,56(433,75 for old:do; $27,25 d 28,25 for prime; 09,50@30.50 • for prime mess; stook of old and new 38,023 bbls; same date last Month , 44413 bble; last' year 69,600 - bbls. Beef ' qu i ets and - steady; sales 140 bbla at 80(416 tbrtiew Iffaitimess: 812®12y, new extmliietts: stock of old and. new 24,520:pitga; last Month *839 Pkge, • Mast year 20;855 pkgs. - Tierce! Beef nom inal at $20®25 for vrime mess; and s2s® 30 for -lindia mess. Beef Hams m ee ts sales 'Of 80 bblt at $25031: . Cut bleats Steady; sales of 115 ipkgs at 413-X®l4qo -for shoulders, 16%®10e , fo hams; wad dles dull and unchanged: Lard dull;, sales at 17®19,ic, chletlyl9@c, for steam„ 19K®2 0 c for kettle rendered. , er . -steady at 16®32 0 , for Ohio, and 16®3 for State. Cheese quiet at 12®15tc. Freights to Liverpool firmer; shipments of 35,000 bus wheat •at Bt‘d per steam, and 500 bbls flour per sail at is. 9d. -; Latest—Flour a shade firmer. Wheat: I®2c better with a light supply for mod erate export demand. Rye nominal at .81,26®1,27 for . western. Oats :rather heavy at 82c for „old and 80c for new western afloat. Corn dull and heavy at 80c®$1,02 for unsound and 81,04®1, for sound mixed western. Pork qui o6 et at $33,12433,25. Mess Beef quiet and un• changed. Cut meats nominal. Bacon dull and unchanged. Lard dull at 1934 ®19,0 for fair to prime steam., -Eggs quiet and unchanged. , CE3ICA.OO, August 2.—Faster Ex change firmer, at par buying and par to 1-10 premium selling. Flour- firmer, at 85,75®7,3534 for spring- extras. Wheat more active; No. 1 quiet and steady: sales at 843912;1,40; closing unchanged; No. 2 active and 2t4®2y,c higher; sales at 81.35®1,87 cash, $1,33%®1,35 seller -August, $1,115®1',86t4 seller tirst half of August, and 31,2801.,2 9 seller F Septem ber; this afternoon the, market was quiet, at 5t,34t4 for No. 2, seller August. Corn quiet. firmer and 1®241 bight= No. .2 sold at 8 7 34 @89C, -closing 8%13714 ®88c; rejected 8.108534:x no grade 78®8013; this,afternoon No. 2 was'nominally -871.4 c seller August. Oats dull, unsettled and2elower, with sa lcNgw aet ak®no aind rejected 50®51c, ado. Rye dull and , lo lower, with sales No. 2at $l,Ol in store. Barley dull, with sales No. 2 at 51,25, seller last half of August. Highwines steady at 81,04. Sugar easier at 1334®14/c for &unman to prime Cuba. Provisions dullLud and firm: Mess Pork 833,50®33.75. 1814 ®19.31c. Dry salted Shoulders 13% 13 . 74 c. Sweet Pickled Hams 17.1 c. Freights firm at - 4%c for wheat per steam, and Sc for oats p er sail to hours— Buffalo. Receipts for the past orty-eight 3,915 bbls flour, 21,480 bush wheat, 100,- 421 bush corn, 23,676 bush 05t5,1,895 bush bu5h17%4,050 bush barley, 4,168 hogs. Shipments-2,870 bbls flour. 66,541 bush wheat, 98,861 bush corn, 8,298 bush oats. ST. Lei)trlS, August 2.--Tobocco active and strong, but not quotably chao r ied. Cotton nominal at 320. Fiemp, none of fering. Flour dull and about 25c. lower, closing languid and unsettled: supers sold at 84.50®5,35 and 85,25® 0 , XX. 50,2 6 ®7, fancy 07,50®9,2.5. Wheat: receipts very large and all grades below strictly choice declined s®loc.i.prime and strict -1 prim red fall ,14®.1,21. 'choice to st y ri e ctly choice do. ll $1,25®1,45, prime to I fancy white $1,21®1,50. Corn dull, low er and unsettled; mixed.in bulk sold at 82c.. prime and choice mixed 90®9e to 34., Prime to choice yellow 95W7 c., prim fancy white $ 1®1,05. Oats . dill and lower, with sales of new as 52®58c, old at 62®66c., closing at 50®52c. for new and 60®62340. for old.. Barley: small sales of new fall at 51,25. Rye inactive, 90®95c. Whisky steady at $l,lO. tiro cedes quiet and unchanged, at 23@2513: for good fair to choice Rio Coffee, 12%® 1 4%c for Louisiana Sugar. for wawa. for plantation Molasses. _previsions Arm. but business' mall. Pork steady: 134® 24,50. Bacon: Clear sides • sold shoulders held' at 1.51ic: 4 , clear rib sides 183.4®18,1c. sugar cured hams 24®25c.- Lard held 'firmly, With no sales; Re ceipts: 2,850 bble. flour, 10,050 bushels wheat. 17.400 buss :•• corn, 100,000, bushels Cats, 600 bath: tie.. ' -• -' ' , , , - , - . • Cinorseran't, Aug. 2, . Flour firm but quiet; family 16,®8,25. Wheat firm and the demand fair, red $1,20@1.25; white 11,85®1.45, end -very choice 81,50; no old Wheat offering. cord dull and supply better;ear 02®930. Oats r heavy and dower; receipts large, especially -of new, which is dull at 45®50c; no old offering. . Rye dull and lower, closing at 92®95c and the supply increasing. ._Barley nom inally unchanged; fallald bring 11,33. Whisky dull , and. so ldat 81.08, and pot much demand attliat; b spas held more firtnlYand the demand te.light. Mess Pork .$33150®33,75., -thillt. Meats 13%0 14c for -shoulders, and,, 1614®16}4c ,t,br aides. Bacon at 1534 c for shoulders, and 3-86@ilio for sides. ' , Sugar cuiedhams 23 23c. ,Lard held at 19 1 ,4 c, ,but , hal( any. detnand.__B tter Arm at 24(8; -, 3 • I ) te Eggs dull at 13%1 . . Cheese dul tat, 1 ®1313 for Western serve, and 14015 c for factory. Lime° oil dud at - SBc. lard oil, unchanged , d _ quiet.. Gold 1353; OLEYELLND August '2.—Flour:,, city made, - 89 for double extra white, 87.78® 8:00 far double eXtraiamber,‘ $6.7507.00 for double extra red winteri $6 for extra red winter, 88 7b double extra spring: country.rtude,,B7.6o®B,2o for ; double ex tra. white' , $13,26®7,25' for double extra red mid attiber,±46,soo7,oo ofbr.. double extra spriug. L. Wheat; sales of . r . winter, seller Augullt: at , 81,138; salmi 35 cars do. on spot at 181,40; 15 cars new No. 2 do. at 81,85; 3 oats old do. at 51,86. and Et.cars N 0.72. white at $1,40. . Corm , No. 1, -mixed 'midst' 94(41950;" sales of I ear NO. lat-010 , Date held, at 66®670. • Rye held at $1,1001,15 Petroleum; -refined • held 'at ' 28 % @VG , for Auguatt , crude dull at 1..;..T0bnn0, August -.2.-Arletw steady at .1110,25(0 for doubleand2 treble extra city /Mae` Wheat fairly active with prices closing a shade. ower; old , amber 81,4 11 :• N 0.3. red8,30@.411- No, 3 red 11.25:. old white Mic h i g a n ®115 0 ; - N 0 .42 new white 81,42. • LS a shade lower at 920 for No,-.14. 89c for: No. 2; , 8013 for•.,rejeeted, and.. 650 ;for oondeinned. Oats 76c on spot. and 55c sellers Set/tem - .. Per:) , ftVe dull and, no bales. Receipto oo — . AM= 000 bbis, t wheat 82,000, corn I,2bis, • bush. ..Shipments :--_ilour , 1,700 I wheat 22,600i:C0rn 2.070 bush.s,.. - I. MEatTitts, August 2.%.-43totton3iti @32c for middling, receipts were 38 bales, ex ports none.; Flehr dull at '50,50. :wneat at $1,1001,25,' .oorm at' 97tsc®11. - • Oats at 8E082.. 1 Bran • at" s2o.l.'Cortimeal 4 at 84,50®4,76ip5t , .34,50. Lard at 23®21 1 ,4c... . 81199/ 1 , '. #. 11 ; 1 ; ,S4Pliddetts at 15 34 a• mideiat ItINC* 1 , -. i . .' 1 4 L:rII4:=SUE:2." ri wind ili goOffd :Withsidelt Weetern su:' P41 . 41101i15;70 0 . ,24 . 012tr 1tA t46.76442.4 IWO talidlritt g 7,6,50. .1 -., litil „. .0-` p - . t, PITT SBITRGiI # GAZBTIIKI:1 UESITANI AVQ,VSVAI-V"11 --------------- WitAKolltif red 0-,51,6501,63. r Corn/-• white at 51,06@1.08.. Oats at - 44@We. Rye at $1,25. Diets Pork .quiet at 534. Bacon firm, with sales rib sldes at 19c, clear rib at'l9%c,' and sales , at 16c. 13ati.s at 23(4)240. Lard firm at 1934® 20 c. Whisky quiet at $l,lB. - - . PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 2.--Flour dull and quotations barely unchangel; north western extra family 88@6.80; Indiana and Ohio do 57(g;8;, fancy 58,50@l0; SU. perfirle and extra unchanged. Wheat flat; red bid $1,50@1,53. Rye unchan ged. Corn very quiet; -Yellow . 41,14© 4,16; - "mixed western e' 11.12@ 1 . 14 . Oats dull'at 74@755. Provisions until:inked. Whisky held at $1 . ;25. _ Lourivul.F., August 2. --Bagging quiet and firth; ',, two -pound . ,ICentucky 23c.‘ Flourfirm• superfine $4,50(3)4,75.- Grain . L i dr . Wheat; red $1,25. and. white 111,38. Oa Oft. Corn in imille 800.. .R . 90, 1145. . .70Yacee active,' with lialea of 61' h - '15;50(5/12.15. Mesa Pork 163 3 , 75 - B' n; shoulders ,15 3:5 , blear'. rib 19r,. ',clear es 19 c, and" hams 2234 c. Lard ,0 'l9. Whisky firm; raw $1,1001,1. 1 . &Wri ~.,_ •• st/04°m. _July 3L—Flour IP@ 5.8754- '; Wheat 503E4475. Legal 'ren ders 74.Mining_stocks moderately , a - tivtr, Atpha 20, Belcher 22, Bullion , 16, Chollar 23, Confidence 45. Crown Point 39, Empire Mill 57, Gould Curry 1,04, Kate NO/CfOSB 113, Imperial 57, Kentuck 214, Occidental ,18, Ophire 20. Overman 72, Savage 79, Sierra Nevada 10, 'Yellow Jacket 48. , , _ MILWAUKEE, August. 2—Four quiet and unchanged. Wheat firm, l $1,41,‘ for No. 1, and 51,37 q for No.-2. Oats entire ly nominal. Corn dull and unchanged. Rye firm, 51 for No. I. Grain freights firm: 4135 c. to Buffalo and 834 c. to Os wego. _Receipts: 3,000 bbis. bush. flour, Ship bush. wheat, 2:000 oats. ments: 3,000 bbls. flour, 28,000 bushels wheat. ' DETROIT, Aug. 2.—Flour demand firm. Wheat quiet; extra white winter 81,82; No. 1 do. $1,69©1,70: No. 2 do. $1,44. Corn 98c. Oats , drill at 745755. ' Live Stock. Markets. 17nw YORE, August 2. —The Cattle trade is very dull, w it h 4,00 0 head on sale, making tile large total of 7,200 head for the week, and they cannot bedisposed of as prices are gto %c lower on all but the beat. There is a scarcity of prime, but the average quality is much! better than last week, fewer low grades Texans ming on sale; some good Texans, winter ed in Illinois, brought 13c pet pound; or $B4 on each; prices ranged from 10 to 16c, very many going at about 15Xc,' the average being scant 14c. A drove of 108. head Illinois steers, common 6 cwt. brought 13@14c; 210 head of Alexander cattle, good 7 1 4 cwt, averaged nearly 15c; 190 head of fat Texans. 04 cwt, at 13c; a lot, 6 cwt. Missouri steers, at 12%c; 90 goedohio cattle, 7 cwt, at 14@15c; Illi nois gives 4,600 cattle and Kentucky 890, with 167 head each from Ohio and Texas. The total 'receipts of sheep - are 38,000 head, with 9,576 to-day; the prices of sheep are unchanged; but sales are slow. Limbs lower; selling at 7@90, only a small lot of 'sixty pound Canada bring ing 9%c; some 55 pound State lambs brought 9c; a car of 55 pound Canada 'brought Sc; a car of 70 pound Ohio sheep. sold for 50; State sheep of 78 pounds brought 5%c; a oar of. Ohio,Bo pounds, brought 6c, and a few 110 potnds brought 7c; stock not all selling. Hogs steady as 13c; the arrivals to-day , were 82 cars, and ° 0 —,300 head for the wee . 2 cars of Ohio sailers brought 10% - o; alive they weighed 160 pounds. Calcaeo. August 2.—Cattle dull at $4,25@5 for Cows; $6@7,75 for medium to extra choice shipping Beeves. Hogs fairly active and .15@25c lower; sales at $9,6c6.9,65 for fair to medium; 19,754510 for good to choice.. ST. Louts, August 2.—Cattle firm at 3®6yc. for inferior to choice. Hogs firm at 84 2 93.4 c. • • iNYORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBETO9/1. FOIST WATAX . A CM OADO. Ran.tioan. Await 2: , • cars metal, Reese. Graff & Co; 3 do dd, 8 Har baugh, I do do, Everson, Pfestoll CO; 1 do do, Brown & Co; 2do do, 'Nimiok & Co; 2do do, Hallman & Hammett; 200 bbls flour, Schomaker &L; 10 bbla 1- cohol, Schwartz , Haslett; sdo do, a J Adler & Co; 33 bale kips. 3 MotAughlin; 60 green bides, G N Hoffstott; 2 cars old wheels, Brown & Co; 6 bbla lard 011, E Sellers; 82 bdis spokes, T Hare &Bro; R 100 bbis flour, D Wallace; 1 car wheat, J 8 Liggett & Co; 1 do •corn, D Wallace; 100 .bbla flour, T C Jenkins I Bro; 100 do do, Culp it Shepard; 1 car empty oil bbls, 80 do do, M• P Adams: 17 eke rage, IRelfrey & Clark; 9 aka coffeeffitrickiar &W; 1 car stone , 3 , Is Knoz.; , •4 ,:cars:iron ore, 2110enherirer it B; 17 hgs osta, JiGileson; 1 ear beans. J U Bidwell; Ido Ca o brterones, An : - .derson a s; 25 bas cheese, , A Grew; 16 da do, it D Clark; 15 do do, J J- Pettit; 20 do do, F Sellars it Co; 15 do , do, Little di B; ,15 do do, W Miller At Co; 20 do dd, 3 A Graff; 26 do do, W Cooper dr, Co; • 40 do do, N J Braden; 7 do do, Ar ' buckles & Co; 10 reams a paper,: Godfrey it Clark; 20 bas cheese, Atwell & Lae; 59 eke rags, lAcCultough .t. Co; 600 gallons stone ware.. T Welsh it. Bro; 45 bdls green hides;] Hammett & Sona; 36 tcs barns, F Sellers , &.Co; 1 VAT . MOD% J Sinchcliff; 206 aka rags, , Pgh. Paper blfg• Co; S pulley blocks t _j Woodwelt & Coii,2 bin'cheese A & J 'Kerr; 120 do, do, Gra- • &, ham St John. ~ . , , • ‘Or.arnmelni • /MD ZITTINIMIOR 'RAIL-, ROAD. August, 2.-2 cars limestone ore, Husaey; Wells dr Co; 1. do champ ore, Brown:it C0;.2 do limestoneoret• Brady's Ben&lron Co; ,, 7 do gray • warm Me;. boenberger, Blair & Uo; 6 do Milestone' ore, McKnight, Porter at Co; 2 do lumber, • .G A:fitundorft 1- do still & bottom! Mul liis Maloney;sloney; 50 bbls oil, J Spears 1 Car I lath; GW Bttner; 1 du lumber, RP Bur-" , gen; 3 has wales, Adams, McKee & Co; 18 Ws stars Rinehart &It 10 do'cheese,' .1' Danb;‘l.67lbmn, W. E flohmerts &- Co; - .1 Car Mona, Lli Knox; 1 do' grind stones; J Kecrynn : bits cheese, . Watt, Lang & Co; 2 crates Ware, HULA Co; 1 6 bbls oil, Dilworth, px, Co : 6 29 do apPles, Hlies; 6 dir.eggii. 14 do am ple*, Van Gorder &13; 8 bills 011,.A. Tor— . PITI`OBITRGE, 0114/CIVIWATt LOvid Ratratoexh: Angela • 2A-4' bbla' eg; J A Graff; 4do do, hiorrlatid - i&Dt dodo, W H Grafil"lo , skii oide,'''N' 0 Floyd; 16 do do,' W a•.Hagatg 100 bbla 'emir. Shomaker &, V, 7 Ws eggi, .1 A Graff; 1 car feed; El 14 Hendersc , n; : 8 , do lumber, J Odellv 100 bbls Solis, • Dan Wallace; 197 skil rye, JIV Meek; 100 bbls lionr, 30 eke 'feed, G- Ste Wart - 2 ears • bulk wheat 3 8 Liggett; '2 dcr staves , / Wm, Hastings; 24(csids tobacoo,P H Militentlel` 16 do do, Pretzfleld & Bro; , '2B do do, Knox &rr.: • O . • . [ ' ASSAZGEMIT VALthrT kLktralOAD. An .` gust 2:—l. car pig iron, 3 Moorhead; T. do 1 , e l gees, Graff & Dull; 3do wh isk y,' Hen.' derson it Co; outi•half bbl Mc- Kay Bro • s; 3 bap mdse, 'D Gregg; Vein it ;aka tanner scraps, Hooveler, Kciatk;' Ex . poi , ',k Co; 10 bales:yard, MaCrtimi' Clyde &Co; 29 aka oats, W II Kirkpat rick &Co; 1 car lime, Ti t tc 'Roynolds; I 'Oargrain, Mirth!, Brickell &' Co; "1 bbl tipple", 'A'rbuckles & Co; T :pkg. nfisrket toe:- mancinfoliels House; 9 bble.l Vol. iiiileidi dirnere;l . bei scales, p4TW,fflts, eetterffcos., - r' pp macs , alts' Col LE •"gattataioe, Aligust 2.1111 Orli. '014a,, tao,lAtillactip; 15 bbliii'sement, 0 11100014, 'ft hhill - ffL I itg-butt, i p,,e, : cf#lll., 'AblidflaWP, . 1. 15 6111 4' , - .}...:,,t r.... .....3a. Ji ,lj 1 J.s4 .1.-- RIVER The river continuesl to rodeo:le steadily at this point With tour feet six Maims in the Channel by the Monongahela milks list evening. Weather unsettled and warm with slightindicaticms df rain. Merotiry at 4 P. No arrivals to rentra , aside from packets. The Argosy,from Cincinnati is about due. • The Julia returns to Zanesville today, at 4P.K. •-• , • , • The Petrolla for parkerabOrg and New State for Wheeling departed with very slim trips. ' .•• • . -Tho Glendale and Mollie , Ebert, are en route from St. lAMB to Pittsburgh. Business continues -very dull at hind• ing;•-not'a tangle bolt doing anything except- the packete, M es sen ger, and Camelia laid up. —The mother of Capt. H. 13. Hart, of the Lawrence, died in Marietta, Ohio, a few days since. —Capt. McGill. late of the dells Lee, is about to take charge of the Capitol Hotel, at Frankfort,Sy. —The Hercules left Louisuille on Fri day with the tow of the A. J. Baker. The Tiger also left the same day for this port. --:During the past month three steam ers were destroyed by fire, two .aunk, and accidents, happened to five. Only one steamboatrnan died during the same period. . —The firm of Rose & Batchelor, gleam- boat agents, at Cincinna ti, contin b ue has een dis- ed ge M Rose will the business while Mr. Batchelor will en gage ins new business. r —One of Capt. John Woodburn's new Arkansas River Mail Line packets will belaunched from Hambleton's yard, on next Tuesday: Dumont has her mat chinary all ready to go on board. —The Kate Putnam, Pittsburgh to St. Louis, was detained several hours by , government officers, and compelled to take out two licences—one for being an express packet, and one for carrying oil. —The editor of the LaCrosse Repubii. can accompanied Corn. Davidson to the shipyard there a few days since, and is much pleased with the progress making on the Commodore's new steamers for the St. Louis and St. Pant trade. He writes of one, and says nearly all but her hull is of LaCrosse manufacture. She has 4 boilers. Her cylinders are 22 inches in diameter and 7 feet stroke. She will carry about 1,000 tuns. —The Paducah Herald says: Pada-. cab hail a city ordinance to prevent steamboats from whistling while lying at our wharf: but the Ella Hughes has ftnind a means o whistliand also of evading the law. f She ca me downyes terday, landed at the wharf, and .-alter lying for some time she threw off her cables and run slowly up and down in front of the city. whistling all th time and making a most unearthly din e . She did not land again, but kept an her way to Cairo. We hope some of those Cairo muquitoes wits fly away with her whis tle before she fists away fromthere. RIVER PACKETS. eeee PARKERIIIBIIRd. 11110ITTS 011-,sidat A WHEELING • AND PAR KEIMECEG LINIC.—LeavP Comrancta ,Whart Baas. tOO% orvi datly at 12 N.. WED NEscAya awi SATURDAYS , GREY EAGLE. . . ... —.C. L. BumrNaN. Aiagar. Olsten be recaved % . • JAMES CO LLINS Ltss. PLAGE. COLLINGWOODi Agents. spill STBAMSMPS Te LIVERPOOL ANDAD QUEEN iiTOWN. , TUB mum muz. STEAHISIESPI Ntuabtrina 'Mean orst.elass vessels. among mthe catebnlid CITY OP PABIS, , CITY 07 ANTWETP_ CITY OF BO3Ser orgrorsritaNßALTlNOßZ, 15allIns Eviay BATUB/LAY, from rtes 45. 14 ortb haver, Nets York. Yeir n&SISge or farther • Information WAS to WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr. IS3 5111T0TJELD tiTIIII7.Y. Pittsburgh • For er Ague, ikc dity orthe" .I.6mach,. loss of Appetite, Nausea,, Bean-blurt", jdundice, • and • all disernmi z 'from a disordered state of. the Stom'acn; liver or "Lutestines: ' ' ropared by SEWARD. BENTLEY crigsplo Druggists , Dualo. N Y bold bynil Druggisti: Woolesstessotg -EIOB VI/LUTZ s riszr.wrr smini LIMP _ _ CARMiS. , 1111E01 1 ' , SIDLE) '. . RECEIVED dattrat' getSIaIdrACP.III.PRXIS VasUlu ; . h •staudt- Q. .rktvaaar.oatt. market.. rztta bwith,_ sad at LtAlataShllty, emperor llhle d Um s reeds _ , hsd • all nods or MA sttd au, bat,` ad.t Sealt, riodistA • t illitaddout mad NAL ••4&310....iarirs supplies . gr. ; Watt". usu. Arab. Salituaus,, Bass; Sturman; 'starring WA Xxemay Truut, watch enables tit tO sell at • ths_toursit market • wisest ,etWileole er - ~ / W.. thrlle we Loyola ot " 7 . resh rush to glut a calti aud yrs. 711 . 1., mpg • torut a treat. • • • • tau . . issMlSlall yAAnAßSoAl4o.klinail• • - isnAiNo XuArtz :Witt:CVO EIMADACTIZ. SSIIALL'S WILL 13171t1IDTS1MPINA. IifARNICALL"It'SLIXIII "11111. OCIIITM.: IClPACetiflits'esitstl;iEttzfe, sl42oielrttlo. Depot,l3olMosic ot„ street. . low IIALL .4' Co., Drogglfts, Proprietort. Vor wholosile owl Stall,' by OW. A. KELLY. Plasbutsb.- re4osoo.T:Ta ii‘rEssTEß IiTREZICNOtice .' hiret,ii,giVetnthit the, yieNeOre iettait, on eldentne Webbtor steeet; Ctty hie Oeen died Ite tee "District COurt, .nt No; 1581Jniy leiin,.llllSo for c6aar r mccomss, T•-100 bolt LonisTalle Hydraulic Ocounit, emu tryJß. rrydri CanaMllllll.4lo boxes Facto gla osepeoutbimailosbeinu h, at fOr SOU by -X. u. OANIPTIFTT. . . WmAlitllllolllrilllCglititeinor sale A ; (Min m,T.l* ,pwP4•O l ER: Wallia/MR & NOS.' 221% - and 2:23 Liberty Street corner or;ow iirterl.O'she trade st low Prima NeW *Vs* Orleans Sugar aad Porto Rico, Cuba inirltaglisb Island Sagart2 `linedw York, Pialadslphia and Baltimore Jto. do. - - • kiolden,Drins. Doreen" Wangs, .Btuart.44 Adams , and Lasnubland amps. • • • ,91' 1,0 Med. Cuba and UnstlA Island litolaasea. dung Hyson, Japan, Imbetial. 01111Pdwdet and Oolong Teas. • • Carolina and Hangotn Rtes. - • Java, Lagnayra and -.1.0 Coffees. _ _ Toseco, tLard 011. Pish. Nana, bilami" Cototon Yarns. &c., cocusiaraly on hard . • dw.d.,— . Fine Bratidies,Wines and Sagan. llthetdati, 310enlle, and - &Darkling Boot Wines of Banta' & Co.. in bottles. • Johanniii Sparkling Moselle, Scharsbert aid burg, Bookbeltner Burgun dy. - ace. B randenburg & Flue Olive 011. do do Clarets, imported la bottles. do do* 'White Wines, in bottles. M. Wort & Sons' Sparkilng Catawba. 4 Vile old Sherry, Madeira and Port Aloes. Free Old bfonongsnela BYO Whiskies. pure. do Very superior Old Scotch do do. Solerittents fbrlioet & Cliandon , s Grand Via. igrreasy and Bellery Chileet :la w psed • Brandies of our own seit warranted. i dlo•dt3 BIABIeriFID BT & T WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE COIELSSION MERCHANT, RAPE *NARK. ME atc%or stole ! . : I 'a IMMI I ‘.. Y 4 ON VLEIROWTTS A 1430, rgrOliTiitEi or W. N. 001111IiY, No. 271 Liberty Street, orasorvr orr. ELGLIM 1301100 Tr'rer 3131:111A313, P 111.• se :yl5 W. C. ARMSTILONG, succegoor.to Fetzq Ann strong, • No. 133 EISEREE STREET. . 1:11,713 819011 Ca. IVI MOLE & SON, °Corm:Onion -Meretsant.s, AND rousiss ser . .- 011.6-I:Pr. VI3EIMOI. 4110 No. 96 OHIO EtTNZILIt .near Nut commoz6 ALLSONNNY CITY. PL. 7112Z8 Lill. 7. 111WI , IMT. 4,:qa & RITCHART, 14MI3FION iIataELANTS. DZAI.2 IB 111.01T8. OWN, 13112D26 sau. =SD. Mk Sal , /theft, llt ssiLsaasli. -11124 BILANCIW 111) . Wholeitale and itetall grocers, No. 31i15 DPI EMMET. &pIBZ brrriw, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants • Dealers in Produce, Ylonz, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil ifoll Bans trials, Cottozi.ynrn_s_and AtariAligerst gtsl l 3 4 41. 1" and 1 7 4 lONS i. HOUSS..I3)II. 11017112.... AX. H.BOUM 'TORN L 110IISt U eessors to JOHN L HOLM & CO.. Whole. Orocerei and earallg6lllo l l elthlults. Doty tier Of Smithfield and Wife! Stre`Pittstroret. DOHS surrrort .s. fisl . loll o TONlMALlai l l iCE,Wliole• SALE 0 &ODIUM AND PROD DOC DEAL No. 6 ELIT E( SITILEKT. PDA shunt. tam PROFESSIONAL. W. De CAMP,. - ILA • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT i.A9I. - Office. Na UT FOURTH. AVENUE,. Pitts burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Waiter H. LOWli6a will practice ln the U. S. Circuit mid District Courts, in the State Supreme and all tue Courts Of Allegheny °mitt• and make ooUea Uoas 1.0 too , togthe ARCM/WM BLALIUMISX; Zwjp ' • • No. 95 111T11. 51 S 7 " . PTiTSSUROH. P&L sift:olio:a/kV .5.01111041 MOLIBTEIIB,. , NI-ON;Na initial of the Death and Pollth =4o.ceßßlan mum% opposlte e' PITTSIBUINNI, - ; De mm e Bonds . Bonds. Nodose', Acknowledgmdti ow. and all Legal Business *then tp DronlVdnesa JOON A. STRAIN, • AX.rwilitar. . . sx - ori tclo owonXikellr Timms oloras RAM; `tin _r r HATZ.' , Oflee.lls FIFTH tiTHZET, opposite ttie thedral, rittabuzgh, - sc - Do Deednds. ,- Mort. 'rages , Loknowledgments. Depositions and all Lelia Badness executed with nronostaesa and dispatch. • . A JusiO , oftlee-Peace, - , CONVEYANCER; REAL ESTATE LID INSU CAZSON STREET, JUST BM'RIMEL/X. Collection of Rents solicited slap romptly at t ended atil:l6o WI. Be BEEPER, - • . kl.toltßlialq kin Elt-OFFICIO JUST/011 07 THE PY.16.01t. • OFFICE. 89 FIFTH AVENIIii.: Special attention given to • oonveyaritang alsd collections Deeds. Bonds and Mortgage* drawn %Wad atl lepl onsineu attended-to prompt/7 'WALL P.e.PERS.: WALL PAPER. TIM ULD POPE & ITN 113 IN & ALW PIACI NEW, WALL rmit ST 191 zilmntv strew, (NW% XA.BEZT.) spin* GOODS A.TtItnaSWDAILY. tola LITHOGIULPHERS. WON= eurevutlri,..::»...vairze_olalgi lINGEIELLY &CUM/Successors ,to exc. V. BututviStsv, PlLSOilekr. LlTHOeuxorniits. . TS only Steam' ..TAttogroOlgo Irstartlislurtent. - est of Me ifountairui. -Voitoeu _Cads. Letter toors. Label 'ClirtnaZivlinow Cardri MIMS& ogee of , De• Inviairo7-6LrAiw, of , ‘ IFS Imd 1 ,11 'M r& rum,. vlttstlorelk, . , Solicitor. WE. ' • or. F9/4osusitigno' I°Pi T TW/ „ ALLY „ 7 ABBUCK 1' • ' -, 2;.k.Bautolt • tsiockso66 d therroa• Between osspn 121:11 rENNBILTAki. i- , -- - FT- - NIA CENTRAL RAIL AD. On and after JULY Alith.lll6l4 • - will arrive at and demirt from the Union DMA, corner of WaahingWn and Liberty streets. ee follows: \FIF Arrive. ' Drpart. Mall Train.... 1:15 am 'Dag Express.. AIM SS Past Line..." 3.• 46 - am Soutnern Ex.. , 0:50 AS Walla No. 1..6 AO a. 71 Wall'a No. 1. . 6:50a1s BrintonAcc*n. 7:50 am Mall Train 6:16 am Walt's No. 1..31:110 am Braiksie No110:60 sal Cincinnati Ex .9:IQ ani •CincliPti Ex 111:11k pm Johnstown Ao10:35 am WalPsNo. 2..1.1:05 MI Brake Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Pittsb'irti Ex. 1:30 m Praline tie N 02360 pro mia. Expressl:so pin Phila. Express 4:20 pm Wall's No. 3. • .9:sopm all's No. 3..41:50pee Brake Ac N0 . 25:50 pm all's No. 4.. 41:05 ma HomeWoodAc.o:osipin 'Fast Line. T: pm Walls NO. 4. 7:60 pm Boinewood Ao. , Flalm Way Possn , r 10:110 pm WalPs P. 0.5.. 11:00 'These trains make close connection al B bn4l,lOM-4% leitieeWallie Station eves y ,Sundayat , < 9:05 e. vs..- reantazif_riltalauresk at 10:05.46 Be turning. leaves Plltsbergh'st 113:50 p. in. , end , AixlvalleJu Walla Station at 2:10 p. ra. •Ctscinnatt ExT3au leaves dcliv . Southern E.T.MSSleaves d eXeIP/Moltgat . a4c9 ,l !er emu 4latif emzePt daY• - - -I, -,‘ • - ' Jog itirthill inftdinationalirvriv TherswinaTiallroad Cor wilt nott e.. some sniTiak fbrßaggsge, ascii fbr WalMMiap mireland limit theft roissani" ► to Onaßus are. Dollara In value. Baggage exceartmt It amount. 15,..va1ue . yin b• state risk of the in aMill swear. welese tan i contract:gng ni s ylAnp, . r ent alai - _______------.-----------------Elelu Pal SilDerllstand. Pa. Aitoons. W. L ESTE PENNSTI. RIAROAD. - . 0 . tr and'7ifTerritiortl iteltb,l3lBo,the y i ttneAror Trains on itranWertern Pennolvanla e depart from the redenalStreet Depot . Allegiseny-City.as Maws: Aretve. DWart. 13mingd , e No16:40 s m11da11....... 1:00 a Yreepdrt No;113:30 am Freeport No. i 9:oosm Express.-- 10:40s mtSharpb,g No11.11:310 as Sharpies No.11:20 pm EXprelle . . .... . 0:50 put \ Freeport N0.34:00 pm Spgd , e No13:30 pm Nail .... . . 5:60 p m part No.lo, 110 pm Springd 9 e No36:00 I) m DrinidleNoies 3lo prit Aboye beim run daily exce Sunday. The Church Train leaves egheny Junction even aunday.atit4 o a. m., rescuing Allegheny City at 9:60 a. m. Returning, leaves AlleghenT City at 1:30 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny .itnie.• Don at 3:40 p. m. wail COnnerrerson Trentrire-lor sate in at Twentv between Allegheny City Uli - Mtint street. Heir% Bennett, ' Pine Creek.; Etna and Sharp:Mari and _ good only on the trains stopping at Stations spened on Citytlckets. The trains leaving Allegheny.. at 1:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freepori withWal. leer's line of Singes for Butler and Hanna:stain:l. Through tickets may purchased at the 012 m. No. 113t.Clalr stree near the Suspensionßridge. Pittatmzeb, and at e Depot. Agheny, Tor further Informailan pnzlO. JAKIO3.LTS, AMU.. _ Federal Street Depot. The Weetern•Penn.sylvants Railroad will not al same any risk fts, Baggage, except for wearing :Apparel, and Limit their reeponsibility to Ono Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage ex ceeding ttis amount in value willbe at the - risk ef the owner, =Jess taken try_special contract. -EDWARD H. 1711,11.A1iA WS Geneeal Berndt:ter:dent, Altoona. Y l i ttni"77 , 7 " iirilli t aM B. W. and CL1% 1 1.42 ": r ) D I" a PrVr ir rotgra c r e l 3, From May ittlL, 1809._,.trainsorill leave ors and arrive et the tituotaPeDdsc north aide. Pitta. burgh el= ,as tollews: . . Ilrwiet. Chicago Ex ;,.. 8:08 in:IMMO •11x....1.:511 1 a m Erie 4 Ygn Ex.1:11 , 8 am I, Chicago Ex...1e1:03 p et Cl. a Wli . 'g/r111: 18 is ai I Wheeung Ex 10:48 am Chicago Drau:'.o:sll a EIRt. Lents Ex 708 pas Cl. am; Chilro Ex81114:0 13 p re Cl. &Want= B:ol3pm,Cieveland Ex 3:53 p nt Moog.° 8:83 pm 1 Edell Ig•n Fa 5:88p m W it Erie ri ll pu. Cl. 4Whla , Ex0:08Pla .Thlpartfrows AllWomg. 'Airier in 4/lophona Beer Valls Ike. &BB suilLeetsdale Ac..6:58 am Leetsdale • 10:03 Asi t Scier Pans .. stSS ars •• " 11:88 a m New Castle "10:83 an Rochester " . .1:211 pall Enon.. •- . : ",114.1.3 ant Enon ' " .0:158 pre, Leetsd a le ' ''1.:013 put _Leetsdale Ace.B:lB pm pleaV Valls 7•11143 Plit Bell'alaii ".. 61.3 pm, Leetsdale • 4:33 pat • - , •• ' • Leetsdale ••• 10:431tm -- . - • . • I:83 Vs Pair Oaks Bnn- !lints Oaks Sun- • dn. Church. 1:13.p 112 L dal IitIVICII6 9:58 erg Sir 2:23 p. m, Clacago 'Express leaves daily. .. @' 1`I:03 D. re.Ctdca,go Express arrives dally J. M. WALSALL, . a. 11.11 , 01:1LL00 01 . 1 , M 7 yle sang Ticket /went. - - , ,:sezil 1 suptesm, • . . _ V . :INGE OF FAININII TIME. MEWS VALLEY ELAUXOAD. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OM .. REGIONS WITHOUT CHARGE 01111A8S. On and after MONDAY, Jane 14th,18139. TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) : a gvik i.=%,,,. yricht.oriA giyEl.gaz 11110, and all points ut Ottßegions. LILAVS PlTre="3B. ricltitiv T O riTraBFBGE DaEx 8:00 aro iDay Ex.,.... - 5:15 pat Brady'sEr :... 130 pin Night En'. ... 6:30 Ili 13 An 3:05 pmi Brady R . .A.o 19:15.a m Freeport Ac. 9:40 ain Ist sodaWsk et 7:40 a m itd liodaW,lta- 6:40 proprsaavort Ao. 6:15p sa Ist Hinton ... 6:45 a m let 'Sutton.. ROA ain ar 1 Std fru1t0n.....12:00 mSd Holten... St pm 3d Holton... 11:00 pin 341.11n1t0n. .. 1:05 p m Arnold , a Jo. 5:06 p m Pariold , slA.. 'TAO p m • Cnorto train to and from. Soda teats Patibutzit at 1:10 P. Y. :A.rrivo W orks bith. (Sondays,) at 9:50A. 34 _ ___, IMlVeil MUM atop only at .9rozet9 ll POttita• Accommodation rains stop at au stations . .T. 3. LA.WRENtIk Gen , ' tinp , t. THOMAS. M. RIR% 44 13 . MP'S. aria r.ffirsignias• : i-r-i -- 1 - = LOWSII. n 4.IIie.W.LY. s . PAR itANDIX 80T1TE...._,. csamia OIP TlXl6.—On and after ampriDAT,, April Zetn..3.1389, trains will leave and arrive as Ms Union Depot, as follows: , . . necrt• Strrenti Mail . - .... —,.......... • 13 a. ra. 111:12 son. 1 1ata..........'....... 4:43 a. za- 413 p. m I . .... 51:33.p. Tn. 4i:33 a. re: Am ... ...,.... 5:33 a. ns. ledlirp. nk McDonald.. neeln,zio.l.ll:f_S a. in„ 8:18 s. ses .13tenbrarrille keeorenxid,3:sB-p. Ilk. -9:23 2.22 i VSuAnDdoan°lebrur e A'2. N 0.03 p n -, 3;12 at. lish.Tainl NOM= r. it trees leave dell ~• . • 1:13 r. v. train will arrive tl ir: • All other trains will - run daily: Su naals euepte ,ed. i • The 9:03 a. au Train, nukes clone CO 'neettons at Newark -it r' Zanesville: , • _ .... s. 7,1301M.D,, General Ticket W. W. DASD, Bunn.. Steubenville, OtreTds. - EIV IEriUR VIELL4 I latt i ga l -O rgla OAD. • : . On and alai TIDOKDAY; I N.:ZeNbei. 17th. 'DOC Nana wilt ante& at and • part tom vie Depot corner of Grant tad. Water atNatte. as -'art; _• . - Arrives. • NOM to sad front Vida- ,• • z' • • " ''• • town. .. . ....- -. ...... . _1:00 A. N. COO rah IteKNNParr, katomdain ra:00 A. NI- 'MOD r. N. Na.. to and flora Unt*n. 8:00 P. N. 10:10-A. N. West Newton Neeoard , 14.30 r; w.• 835 A.' N. BreAdookle Anoomdtmt. 0: _VI r. x. , 1:110 r. It Night Ac. toldolVer_rtiletwm: lt. 6:N5 A. ati ...Amides Chnrelt==. to ..- • . - , • end N'm West Newton 1100 P.11:101:10 AA . 1 ! 43 F V a " SN-41 4, it. iiLiiiCtini. iiiit -.W. B. STMT. Etaperoldens. nog S---------•BgOKIIE IMALIBIIIiaII IIDWINt. ' • UNION PACIFIC .uitswAr Pultern DiVid.olll. be esostsse &ND. -Kure 1181111.13 A BOUTlttroxot tbeamita al poisda (*Wade ' Calliforida —Cab, " WashLulltOnf _ Stew Iffesicoa 'dab% diErs uileatosl4ll6uMadrisla ot IRV . 145#4_,Ellasok% • bel en et. Joe tram aWt i j a. at Lawrence. Wopetr. allod • W _Late tor all t uotey frit, wi t the Stirrsdlearcenser- coilititS4V-" "J I K 74 Ag e . 3 ? !I # l . AU -Points' Woe Territories, SLadietth aLNDMlNOSisatenvnigEKVat oetatrigrrialt traerti% su, scow azi. _°iTtle4tbir riterle4°,idartlani:ol.:lolll3B 10.0114 t. wi and the amour= _anti mug in 1 11 4 - OverlaitaTilalcilnaglaDlanea th ir ttii waters tembs,sh road _sum over. unequalled feedftle. -Tor VlMm=a= ofPprstrtglegairartyAti sa the Vera tair, iNFON3 liartgagiv gacmg itAmowAy . ;,:easitimitzt NEM , :111 - Y,, • 10. 1,.11 ~Ciazl).ThAt .431 1