EI tin Fit istargt &Ott. IN ''''....S:neiti*** - . ''''''' CAMBRlktpellti;fil to put up a $49,000 gao)lt y.; • Kracttncounty gaol is empty of Pris oners. Bganks, the Altoona incendiary, was co Ticted of, arson last week. continued wet weather is threaten in to destroy the . crops in Lawrence Tn3Hrie and• Pittsburgh Railroad Com pany is' building a substantial new bridge over the river at Sharon. LYDIA IDA DAIIIIIMPERIE, 'aged five years, and living in President township, Yenango county, recently fell from a log on which she was trying to cross Hemlock creek; and was drowned. TEE Waynesburg Ilepubliesn says a colored- man named Coston was killed at Gray's Landing, Saturday :last. He Wag driving a team, which ran off, and threw him in some way to cause his death. . Lev on Wednesday night a eailor, , named Cook, stepped - off the Philadel phia and Erie - dock, at - Erie, and was drowned: - In attempting another sailor:got in and Was 'with diffi culty rescued. _ • Tye Pennayliania Railroad and :the Western Union Telpgraph Company are atiout to construct a line of- telegraph from Blairsville: -to Indiana, which will doubtless be .a great convenience to the people of that vection. ,florairtori's circtrs troupe drove into Brookville, on Sunday, the 18th ult.,, and Put .up at , the hotels en gaged'for. them. On Monday they were arrested and fined for breaking tbe Sab bath by traveling on that day. . BliiOP KIiRFOOT, on 29th of July, consecrated St. Patd's,. (Episcopal) Church, Erie. _ PIC was assisted by a score of oleigymesilfrom this and neighboring dioceses, „including - Reve. Messrs. Seer• borough,'Egar and Hartman, from Pitts burgh,- \ A POE of William Risher, of Middlesex, aged-about fifteen, was killed in the old Ree4 ) }:kank on the 17th . inst. Young Risherdriving a mule, hitched to a Ip ls car in th bank, and the mule ran - away, throw' the car from the track and run. ning it : : '. st one of the props, which wasicno :4- . down, and a portion'of the roof fell on he young man crushing him to death..tatererice.rounta. ' . , A. Stamm drinking , fountain has been Wlaced in frcult of the- Court House at est Chester, at which the wayfarer may slake Ilia thirst, withoutmoney and with out price.l For this . great improvement the citizens of tiff - town are indebted to that noble woman, Mrs' John Hickman, she having' suggested the same, and col lected the neceassry means to pay for ft. HOw.many thirsty ones will say: "God bless the woman for this act." • OHIO. A BI3aINESS COLLSGZ is about to be ea. tabliabed at Circleville. • Tim police of Urbana. are attively en; gaged in wart= against thii city bagraos. Tnn peopl e: of Ashland have taken steps to repair sand beautify their cane TEE CormMull:mars of Tascarawas county offer a reward of ; $l,OOO (or the arrest and, wiivialan of the • parties en gaged:Art.4w attempt to rob - the Treasury of that county. THE Democracy of Efeerison county hold their Dirtikty 'Nominating Carmen tion:on _ , -Monday, -August 16th. The to arneldp meetings are to be held on the Tat socking Malley llortlealtnral sociation propose to have a picnic at the &Soria Farm on' the 26th of - August next, when.they expect to entertain the Ohio Grape Growers' AssoCiation. Two 'moatAsr, who had" just landed , in this country, put up fur the night at a hotel.: The weather was.very warm and sultry,. and on retiring for, the night, they left the bed•roam..window open; and for some reason they left their light burning. As a consequence, the room was soon full of mosquitoes, and the little "varmints" bit the Irishmen - unniercitully.*: By-the by, we believe `this biting folks is natural' with the mosquitoi so they -are not to blame. Well, the 4rishnliin endured It until forbearance ceased to be a virtue, and then got np and showed . fight., Their noise attracted the attention of the landlord, who, went into, the .room and asked them: what they were doing. - They told him that the "little bugs" - bit them so that they couldn't sleep. • He saw that the light had attracted the musquitocs, so that they literally swarmed the room, and put it> out aid told them to,'so to bed. The landlord left the rooni, said; instead of gettingiantobed,they.prated themselves one in 'each corner of the room "Now," nays,one, "we'll desave the little divile; whe they tome to the bed they'll not find us thae; sure." ` A few moments patOuo in silence, when in few a lightning -bug; to the'wonder and astonishment of *lrishmen, who, had never seen one before; and as he merit Acting about the.room, one of them-whis pered out:'' . , "Whist, Pat, the little divil has been and gots lantern." History doesn't state whether or not the "little Civil" endOeded biding the MEI Fiummt4Alt Trope's- to, do pray 4114 the 101 1 Sackee of,Yreial . Palnt;in &OH— iimPt by m 044 dethisive,Panttato ja shops or factories; sellipg Mourne by user • yartishdpostlngit on irsibiLlika paper. •gii40,114 Iltrprersil It o IL- pitiolos;•the qavontor, soesdilt on eass,'foiming tblut* Smooth - grottnh 011 *dot 141031116" or coital eigt.Ori :plata Or. efflanketittgi.,mr imils or : After ; drl:ing; the sortaiiiis , Imaished, sod the.tpii ,wltlt. it*.tpni 401 ZOOvOlfrOni the Ow, WiseAf res4iy for hsogiogithawsll orsalepos to jrCdecorat., od INCormed. Bouutriter•ProOPPli d p ul obehisibirterhkso cut P. , the ilesiblkfo4 to. /0 ow fate irrsguktritisoft we won Atoouldinge without,orsokingTheidot NM I. ; • Dranwo the reap- freshet on he night - .o he PM. tiree;vra n . nearXigean - 01;eak , Pike - malty,- were, ,motitd out of , the , theme and carne off by the raging stmarm , Thee along tenacity to floating wood, and 'finally lodged tin wale , drillwood,:wheie they remained till. "vnezt ummlag, 4 the eldest o theath a dadyisholearia,r, 4,1 r vi• , drglp: the • - ' ta-1. • Washington !tem& It is under stood thst,Glineng Sherman has instructed General "Canhylhat 'he is ,to lake nottedisi in thernaller of:admin. littering the' irm.clatt ..test4 , ..oash l 4o the' memberaitlect of Legfidature 'until the Matter shall have been! =o9ludli;:, eied in the Cabinet,' f,.?' It is predicted that the publto debt state-. meat for the month of July will show a decrease in the public debt of about $9, 000,000 since March 4. The remainder of the year will reap very little more rev._ enue than will carry along the current ex penses, but is'belleved that the debt will Awl-reduced•s4s9ol%ooo,Ami the year, March 4, 1870. Senator 3lorton will renew his finan cial bill next session, aid will also sup port a measure of universal amnesty the moment the Fifteenth iunendmentos a fixed fact. Much spedulation is indulged in con cerning the visit of. Horace Greeley to the White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia. The Radicals are apparently distrustful of hiin, and would not be surprised to see•him taking prominent part with the Conservatives. .-Some think he is in con sultation with Southern Conservative pol iticianir;•and laying plans for a movement • looking`to the elevation of Judge Chase to the Prebidency, on a platform of gen eral amnesty'and universal'suffrage. , Col John W. Jenkins, ',Chairman of the Wells wing of.the_Republican State Central Committee of •VirginiN has writ ten a long letter to Dr. Gilmer. Chdrman of the Walker Wing, which he reviews the, course . of political action in Virginia for the last three or four months, that there was no essential differeice in theininciples supported by -Walker. and the.nuijority of the Wells :men,-:and says that the division in the partywas on men rather than anything else. He concludes as follows: "As a Virginian•my highest ambition is to see Virginia prosper, and acting upon grave considerations of pub.' lic policy, I take .this early opportunity to communicate with you upon the pro. priety of uniting the two wings of the Republican party, and • establishing a lib eral Republican organizatiOn, in whose ranks all who really love the Union may join, whether they may have been but toned in-gray or blue, and thus create .a permanent, powerful and lasting party. which shall secure the permanent pros perity of the State." • - Virginia P Jno. W. Jenkins, ` Chain= of the State Central Committee, of the - Wells I wing of the Republican party, having written a letter to Dr. Gilmer, Maiman of the Central Cotamittee of the Walker wing of the Republican party, urging that the two shall reunite for carrying out the Republican principles in this State, the latter writes a letter in reply, saying that the 'Walker Republicans left the Wells party because the, latter was forced to do so or oppose the policy of the President. After alluding to the al most unanimous endorsement of Repub. lican principles by the white men of the State, and as - -sating that the coiored peo ple, who were misled by the Wells lead ers, ere now flocking by httndreds to the Grant-Walker standard," he concludes as follows :" "Yon " ask for a militia' of the two wing; of the Republican party. I cannot admit that the party is divided. On the contrary, I claim 'the Grant- Welke party is the National Republican party of Virginia; representing the policy 1 of the President and of Congress, and as such has no diviaion to heal. To the hite Wells party I have only to say, we shall gladly welcome them to our ranks, for we are unwilling, to deprive any class of citizens of the innumerable bleisings that must flow to Virginia from an run eqpivoc9l enforcement of those national principles of which President Grant and Congress are the head and front." Letters from Havana represent the Captain 'General' as being greatly dis pleased with the course whfch affairs are taking In the interior, and also that he apprehends some -opposition to the de parture of Espiritu on the part of the volunteers.. In 'consequence of the un ceasing eflorts of the Ameticlux Consul, several American citizens who have been imprisoned at Havana, since January- last, have been releasod. =• The reports from the interior are gen erally favorable for the revolution,. and' one "Sfestish Officer gives it'as his opinion that one hundred thousand more troops from Spain willbe required to conquer the !eland. The cholera Is making fear ful' havoc at Nuevitaisi t*ro hundred of the troops there are dying daily of the e. - Colonels Ryan and Currier, of the late Cuban cavalry, are at Clifton Canada, where they attract much attention. They appear to be in no wise dispirited at the recent turn of affairs in New York. They look upon the reported discussions in the Junta as more calculated to injure the members individually concerned in them than to prove detrimental to the cause of Chinn independence. Ifitti the Suntri properli sustained the Gardner's Island expedition, they allege that they would have long ago reached Cuba with the forces they were recently. compelled to abdadon in . New York. THE wonder of the White Mountains this:season is the = Mount. Washington Railway. This -work is now entirely finished `and In; operation' from the base of the mountain 'to the Tip-Top House. The station at the base of the mountain is'elz 'miles froth the F_lften_plete, or seven piles !rem ' the W h ite 'MoUntidst . Anse.; ,Thtittilread ascends the inautt-; inalehtrablyalrilght Ovrse, 110 w its the generilline of the old Esimur, zbildlepatk.: The upper, depot. is 2,085! . feet. above the lerei .of the sea, or 1,117: • feet above - the • Whiho Mountain- House. This leaves a grade , of a;soo , feet to' "tee overdone% as the height of the 'mtilintain ,is 0,285 feet-above - the level , of the sea., ;The length of the road isEtWo miles 'arid, Ihirteen.idxteentlut.' The harried 'grade Is 'thirteen' inches . toeo,e' yikr4 tad the ' 1 1044t; three Inc es. , : . :ItEgir4ma.the Empress: : uggaie; , *isci :is fond of all art. - .oftexPeairltsit , bee health. (width she thinks is wretched ibttermined to- send los DrriCliatiphrai "homeopath*. physician of. sonntettdnence: He came. The Empress eiplaititd)Vdiat thsr wished? and added by -way of tow' "But t ; to avoid " an leen 11 14:inY attendant' p hy sician; 'yore would greatly Oblige tfie;:it yen - would . 41 0 Veit pens staifeise." Ttri Charge rePitedi:,„ , l: catitiot accept _this ;Charge: ,replied Myself :care,- bat . I seapot accePt)kfer the make or the setionj to which I belong 'lwill rcome _openly bythe litatepitaircue, ara.must decline the honor lb- attend your Majesty." , , The art pewit relined to IttSC9Pt:l l 4 eO llB 4 1 P14 4siidife Egli PrrISEURGH GAZETTE: „wgsixsx, AUGUST 3, ISt, IM Cuban , Analri New : Ankradvadent of the i ,....... , -4totpa Chfi=xt ivritAß a ap103e;1f,,.. Orleans • 12* Dived ctrßrolo Uelal tothat paper cartage 8 or, iblllitilte°ll* "" - hleh 'We OUP """e Mari •ara,ifrotrkll latots • ; mate •the ,___ canning illiou.ll_, led, it is also 1":37, ...bi.emewhebtauthe Irma* mar to a certain degree o f t a PCtrtit)n. of - lb. ? sitly Kg and Might till trade; tr it is: . • ere "The 'grain speculator' is-.a , rakish looking chap, anywhere from twenty-Ave to fifty, wears the 'tightest and must striped breeches, mounts a nobby tile and sports the gayest necEtie out, drives a team, very natty and last always--(who ever saw a grain spec ulator on foot?) 1 tools' down in the morning WAN!, 'Board,' and 'tools' p in the evening to hear 'Molly' twank on the piano, lunches at Delmonico's, and after dark —let me whisper it very low--isseen going into' the 'European with , Molly' on his . arm —('another bottle for 6')—or is seen coming down stairs very late from the neighorhood of 'Aiken's,' muttering something about his great leak of ibre sight in not 'coppering' for that there '"Whence comes the 'grain spectaator L ', and whither he goes when he has played himself out, no mortal man knows. He appears suddenly, resplendent in jewels and striped shirts, and like - a comet, dashes across the horizon of the ,grain market, and disappears es rapidly, after a short and sometimes brilliant eareer, as he cam& The 'grain speculator' is, in deed a wonderful man. His rooms:•are magnificent, and are always plied with mirrors and tobacco smoke. lie loves with stove that is more • than'io'ae, all games of chance, ami no one. ever, need spoil for a bet while the grain speculator liveth, as he will etake his bottom dollar whereVer he has one chance In fifty. He;his travelled this -wide world o'er, done everything for a living, always hats .money and a diainotid pin, and wouldn't be a child of nature for any consideration. he Is first seen seated in an - office in the 'rear of the Chamber of Commerce, with a wonderful" It slim announcing to the ignorant public that his name is Smith, and that he is prepared to buy any amount of grain, make ruinous adyances, sell and buy on any terms, and at the shortest notice. Byll a.. si,helemerges from his office, and joins a group of ten or a dozen other 'grain speculators,' and talks with an astonishing Volubility of 'shorts' and 'longs,' 'seller July,' August,' etc. Pretty soon Brown comes along. Brown wants to bny. Smith wants to sell. Smith by the way, has not abtishel of grain in the world; he has Gray a handful in a little box on his office desk. Brown wants. 20,000 bush els of wheat by theist day of August, at sixty cents. Smith agrees to deliver 20. 000 bushels at that price, and on that day. Bargain closed. Smith and Brown, like two gamecocks about to light, eye an imagininary 'grain of corn'—that's the fluctuation of the market—and when the lst day of August , comes along, if grain can be bought at any figure below sixty cent', Smith buys - and delivers 20, 000 bushels and pockets the difference. Should grain go up and be worth seventy cents. Smith don't buy and don't deliver. He only 'busts' Mho haslicifund to com promise with Brown. its all profit to Brown, who takes his chances too); and gets put off the - "board. In plain Eng "flab, Smith beta Brown that grain will be less than sixty cents on August 1, and Brown bets ( it will, be, more, heads I win, tails you lose." • Postotrice Changes in Pennsylvania. Dunningsville, Washington county— John gned T. Sunny, vice •T. H. Long, re si. Beallsville, Washington county—A. Odbert, vice T. H. Hill, resigned. • Red Bank Furnace, Armstrong coun ty—David Gaunt, vice H. Hepler, re signed. Wilkins, Allegheny coup William W. Burchfield,vice 3; E. Rogers, re signed. • Dtincansville, Blair county—Miss A. Gibliony, vice 3.11." fliblany, resigned. Rivera% from the Japanese colony in Eldorado county, California. are favora ble. Colonists have been sick with the acclitnatiti4 fever but have now • re covered.. The tea nuts which •they planted are up a finger's height. They are all tea grower s , and tea makers, and mural to make tea.the specialty. There is no doubt of their success. They also planted mulberry treeai on all of which, varieties will be grafted from Japan next :year. Rice will also be 'planted. The colonists are delighted with their location, :and write letters to • Japan earnestly en treating, their friends to come to this country., Tan .ToPeka Commtnwecath tells the following: L certain prominent legal gen tleman of Leavenworth, who has a fond ness for the populargame of "pitch„' heti been recently elevated to a distinguished position in the Episcopal Church. One of his principal duties Is to pass the con tribution basket.:.. few Sundays since this gentleman came along with his bas ket to a pew filled with "pitch" croaks, and shaking the receptacle enticingly be• fore them said, "Throw in your game, boys, throw in' your game!" They did throw. in, and the finances of the church were considerably "set up." Toe Maine, State prison, at Thomaston, has received the addition of a new granite wing, enlarging its capacity seventy-five per cent. ; About forty-five men are now at work in the shoe shop, and about $9,000 worth of boots are ready' or• the market. Work is brisk . In the write shop, and the 'busineas of this department Is In trussing every year:_ : 1 The extreme Pun ishment inflicted upon rPfractery prison ers le confinement , the darts cells nu,s bread4nd. water diet. ~ . These- cells have no bed; bencn or seat in them—nothing but-the bare walleandlioor--and are per ,fectly dark; • - Bit areeent artMetnint' between the French Jihdater orrdUcl 43410 au `thOrities'Of terugtiVpipuift tett' rep lar exchaige of Germanan nch. stn . deiteuitralning for prorsibrimo atpublic suhnursAilllentefortii_tskeV4cb 4 oe9 l the:two countries.. ' .While theG.ermans Afar ignistlon.l.bicei,.ivith regard to Frenchint French seminar* the young French. students .are to, be • ad mitted' free of all expense , to the benefits :of German-. colleges fora certain number *. :ROSE lime* who is coming: to this "WOOL "inl Pneepa's ., Engliih ttim Troupe, 'will rake her debut in "rnriainionla:" ''Stin is to' hives4C,/,0 week, to goads ettlisr traveling e*penses encl.& inivittn.oarriage. e She is NW to be young end beautiful) , and brillleat vo. 4 11, 8 01 4 Mr. i fT :Nonni-et Kideliehould receive the meat 'United BLOW Jiidgeship Mali% Gov. Chamberittiuhsvilll be .ahe relay United , Stateeleasstir. •:Others Think tbitt Eteak. er Blaine is the 4rattit' ihr , that Wait/014 11" GAS FIXTURES. WELDON a - AWILLis • 11aiiptitdaitt nand Incelessle Dealers ft Law, . Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. 411X4 CARBON AND LIIBRIdATINe OUA 'ELEPir7a-ev N 0.147 Wood Street. 0e9:n22 a Between sth and tlin eviaack, M7r,cAN TOPS. - - SELF ,Z 1 B ENG Fit Yi'- Tfw COLTJNS Sr. IA"? IGHT, PITTSBURGH, PA: We: are • now prepared to. Ripply Mumps and Potters. It is perfect, simple. and as cheap as the .plainttop. hating; the names of Um various Fruits stamped upon the cover. radlattngg front the center. and an fader. or Water upon . the top of the Can. , • . , It is Clearly, Distinctly and r ennanently _ 1 4 4L1M.T. - VTJoi . . by merely opposit e ename of the frsdt the can contains t h e poin t er and Sealing in the customary manner. fio preserverot.anit or good housekeeper will use any °thereafter °nee seeing t. , • - to= PIPES.: CHIMNEY _ ac. WATER PIPES, - -• CRIRWEIT TOPS ♦ large uaoriaseat. EiIINET H. COI.LIVS, aplithr? fM Avenutimeir Staftbfleld et. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS. SUMMER GOODS REDUCED RATES. Would call attention to the large reduction we have made in Silk Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, SELLING AT RALF PRIM COTTON H T I LE Y. OLVIrB7 zlin UNDERWEAR, All at. Very Low Prices. COLORED SILK PANS, - SILK. BOW.. HOOP Sims, comatzTs, WHITE MARSEILLES. IRIPH LINEN. WHITE GOODS, (of ail kinds.) pitmen, BUTTONS, • ratIIItOIDKRIZS. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO, 78 & 80 Market Street. 010 MN:SD IR GOODS IEOE4 311CRLII & CARLISLE'S No. 27 _Fifth Avenue, Dress Trimmings and Buttons. Embroideries sad Laces. , Elboonsand Plower*. • • Hats and Bonnets. Wove 111,th:wand French Corsets. New Styles 'treater s skirts. • Parasol. -+&1 the new styles. • Pun and Rain Umbrella*. HenderY — the best English makes. 'Menlo ibr-"Harris" Seamless Kids." Spring and Bummer underwesr„ Sole Agents for the Bemis Patent Shape Col lars. "Lockwood's "Irving," —West End," "Elite." act "Dickens," "Lierbyoyand other styles. Dealers supplied with the above at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. MACRUM & CARLISLE, NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE. zny4 ...it it fa?' .jal , • zg . ;01 gi. 03 ei •0::. Q . t ri g a - -. i1 4 -- t• -- . • .-!. `:. - ,:;:...- 5f,1,44,..,-) , .„-1 , -- J.l • la . 2I IRE riASISOReeIIiWOURIS* 0 9;II 4/4ta:Wilsos• Oarr. My.) r lO / 411 4 3 32 . 4 1 01 Thantitle Dag;Go" NO. it ui Va Itlrel dearsatort sus w is Alt. CNN _ PECK. ORNABIENTAIL w i r t iq ua .alajei t ed g r• 41 " ott flora iiiittrtzwint .677.1,3 i=t -a ms GaSUEdtit • WM =EI ar lax. -sr. lees). C'A R P."E'T'S; We offer at Retail, for THIRTY DAYS ONLY, a line of New and Choice Patterns :Rag TaPesPil:_ --Brabeeiss- /BMW§ and utner Carpets, AT. LESS THAN COST OF LISPURTATION, and our entire ecock at prices which make It an object to buy_ this month, as these donde have never oven offered Below. . _ Oar Store will close at SP. until September fret. jy9oditT tgA:Ri . ...p...: - .E.i...T . ,! .- 0 - Floor Oil Cloths, 311L4LrIur Ot G 113, AT LOW PRICES. We - offer rrusoy. of onr goods mach below last Bprfng.s prices. Those needing goods in one line eau Mae money by buying at once. BOVA), ROSE CO., FIFTH AVENUE. 41:441T . , - - NEW CARPETS! 312.33. e, issee.; in W t e hu ar ceitri o nt r T an worUsent unparalleled WETS BRUSSELS TRREE-PLYS, The Very Newest !Magus, Of our own r+ernt Ithoonatldfl and velectedfrom eastern tuthufactorern. MEDIUM AND LOW PRICED VERY BUPBRIOR . • QUALITY AND COLORS. An Extra Quality of Rag Carpet. We arc now selling razz, of the above at OREATLI REDUCED PRICES. I'CILLE'd -BROS.. • .ro. 51 FIFTH 4 PE,Jr/IF., 3e22 • - • 'OLIVER M'CLINOCII ti CO. RAPE.MST RECINVEDA ' FINE gr.T.FICTION OF B.IIIIIIMIEZI, , TAPESTRY BRUSSELS MELEE Frit MCP INGRAIN , CARPETS. TUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT-OF WHITE, CILECK & FANCY EL&TTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, Eli TUE CITY : STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OLIVER McCIDITOCK le, CO'S. OAL! COAL!! COAL!!! ' DICKSON, STEWART Having rumored their (Moe to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lull Flcntr ht 111) &SWIM 3100011. • Irl s amt sliaitrid to itulttrli M/GRID' DX butar imt CULL O bi ILLOIG at ttit All or t— leS . Ta thelicdtioe; or itddirtsed to them• i thrt i lisk the 'mil, will be ettesded to CI e ili ICI: ":e Via)t: prints disseilesterphilla Itiall Us fOnns4` ll Menem Jan titestreets of niercan are eomlteir ciolito; lirleintsiorrtea or smi. nal mimes, and - impotency. resulting from 'elf se crofter mums. sad which produces ems or ne owing eihtmiens Mottoes. bear meekness. In Ulm ooWmption. cyaga losesodn e. u drew of Mare of memosvi indobsaast nocturnal mitiasiorni. 44 d IMO/ ga OX°ll= MN alma stem as ao rends: marrismi lactsrY. thereon imprudent, an perintemtn enred. 6r. lined with thus or any other deltik inu. or lOntstannan sonstltggonal orkinpWo "Wan gm toe Doctor • trial; nenever MIL ' . A, dm sonli a Mistsc a : Plaints. 14114ITAta QZ.7(111 tell, 7 motion or ulceration of the Womb. brazitis, Plurgitrisadr lienorringles prunes. non an blernity or Eternalness , arlutrest ed wax icremestauCcess. -• , - - - - _ It irselfesv ident that Aversions who. ones Wendt eneinsively to the study of 6 certain ease of diseases and treats thousands , ammo- even vier MGM Idelniirt great MOM laticildir man one in gane ~ The Doctor publishes a medical panitilet 'Of lifll Pligell . ..thattitelli b /allAtpostri g tvoa tenal 't e for Mro stattn i sealei r rnn i Urs. senteneeliontaiss metnetist - so the at. S ir ridsublinit Mitin.to deterante the pm. A 'AVM ,tnetr maplainta. - -, . .4,,, - estmennmest, , com Prising ' ten =pm nosup s i oral l: , Maw* is not tionvetdfttm Molt cin, the. Doctor's. opistion can noon. mine tor airint • Written statement °Ube cane. and UWAIMI coirebi , lb:Warded by , milt or ex. Pres& !S i am* inatinela. honorer. * Personal examine n All aMoluullf . moon" . stillerla othen y pommy attention is regimen, end hir the ILIMOMMOdatiOn r MUM patients Man nri sperwents otomecto4 WM me 0 1 1 Mlitt imam. VIM wtth every requMite that iit minim% to - tenon moven. mandinif medicated Tam' ' the. 611 prescriptions are prepared in Me Doctor's own laboraton. mitter u ld u yonal 1111. on. Medical pamiritels at. o .I , fee, of Milt• s on nit two ("MST `No ` t mwwho - hays Tailed. reed what be taw aeon 9 AIM. 10111-15,16 iinonert lit es. todrirql• tlano,Eio. 9 MIST. (near Vt lionsed rirtibunVga CARPETS, aroma. SALE Or 31cFAIMilrn & WIBM. No. 71 and 73 FIFTH AVENDX. (Second Floor) Window Shadeti, I^El FIFTH AVENUE. COAL AND COND. INSURANCE. STATEMENT OF Wig - BEN FRANKLIN INSIIIIANCE CQ j •. Of Alieghenlik Pa.,. FOR M YEAR ENDING IGNE 300.,1869. CAPITA L A ETS. .100, 000. 0 $ 0- BS • :743; 6 8,. _00099 80 . 00 . . • .... 0.036 - 403.00 4109. L 34 RECEIPTS. - • • • ---- • ...... •• •• $ 15.720 aT, .• O. 783 41 - - Stock N0te5.... ....... bonds and Motgages BOls Becelveble Office Zurailure CAS/ 3 On hUpd Prem iCIA illtereat• • • a _ - 318.50534 1 8_, Dl.l3l7ltekEllitENT. Dividends 5.00'0.30 Lpsses pain - • - - 3..1. '7 0 9 Ott Ocoee pense.taxes and 'tamps C 036.94 Commissions • 381.71 Return premiums and rtincu ..... ..t. ` .-- ••I1 569.94 Amount of outstanding ri5k5,61,a49,E1G1.01.1 jor' :msCrworrnB 777 - 1 - 7 •%* r.,,•. Tifg.,Ml 7p4tx::„:,'„':., "MEAL- 11111 -.-. INSURANCE -.•.6. Of. Pennsylvania. Office, 75 yede7alSt., Allegfieny . City. . . M.ULECTOMBi Hon. JAMES t GRAHAM, Bev. J. B.; CLARK.. D. D. - Capt. R. ROBINSON, - Rev. A. R. BELL, D.D Be?. S.E. NEoBIT, D.D., W. A. REED. Caattler Allegheny Tree% CO. JACOB RUSH, Real Estate Agent, BIHON DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny. C. W. BENN Y. Hatter, A. B.- BELL,__Attorney.at-Law, D. L. PATTERSON: Lumber Metc.bart, D. MORELS. Insuriusee Avail!". Capt. ROUT. RORINIROBIt President. Rev. 4, R B. CLARK, D. D., Vice President, JACOB USH, Secretary • C. W. BENNY. Treasurer.. - M. W. WHlTE'ldrances AMISS& . DANIEL SWOOKI4 Win Agent. This Is a home company. conducted on the mutual principle, each policy holder receiving an equal share of the profits of the- Company. - Ponder will be teemed on all the different plane of Lite Insurance, and being conducted on an economi— cal Muds will afford a safe investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money st. home to encourage home induatrv. mh2O:g/13 BEN FILUirELLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ALUMNI, PA.` OFFICE. IN nwria..rx asvurst sews.. BIILLDLNGS, • . Bro. 4.1 ,Obio • Ifite l ,',4l.llpieserrY. HOICIL COMPANT, mound bY Direcuml. WeD lcuown to the community, WllO trust by fair deallue to merit a ItliPb of your patrot ate. D. RIDDLIG DIRECTORS 1 'Henry Irwin, D. L. Pattersa, Wm, Coo= @to. IS. Biddle, ,Jscob Prams, Gottlelb Simon Dram, J. B. Smith. . Jacob Bush, W. M. Stewart; i Ch. P. Whist On. Joseph Craig. Jor.. Lauther, 33. J. Ziokano. rprp. Wnbey. - R. E. EtERON. GRITERAL 41.6/ENT. apio:o3S • • - _ • 0" . • INSURANCE COMPANY. rinstiews DIN G. No. 251 Fifth Avelasus. Second Floor, PITTSSO ROB, re. Capital All Pahl Up. DIRECTORS. N. J. B_Wer. .H.W.oEver,jr, Capt.la.Ballen Diann wailace, .S. H. Hartman, lA. Chambers, Jake Hill, .8. Ji , Cinekan. Jas. H. Thomas Smith, iJne.S. ROBEHTI4. Slb6 President. JNO. F. JENNINGS, Vice President. JOS. 7'. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. B. J. GRACE. Oen , l Agent. Inures on Liberal Terms on all Fire and Marine 11126E4 ap7:go7 NATIONAL • ' - INSURANCE .COMPANY. Cor. Federal R. and Diamonds. Allegheny; in the SECOND NATIONAL BANE BULLUING. JOHN BROWN. Js., Vice Preiliient; JAMES E. tiTYVENSON. Secretary. mar.GTOws::• John A. Myler.Jas. Loctliart,Jos. Myers. Ja&L.Graliam.. , Rotert.Les, C. Bowie. pEivig9i7.vAraA, • INSURANCE COMPANY ,OF PITITSBUR6Ri OPFIOE. No.IBIK WOOD 13THEET, Or CODINERCE.BM.DLEIO. - This is a Koine Coraininy..,and luny* a n nalist 100 by lire exclusively. LCItK.O ON P ,BRZT-PL A WE, AICITeKEe P T r ,R e r P s e i r n d e s e s n ide . r n . t . 21t B 11 MARLERNI # ets. • DiniCrons: L eo nard waiter, lieorg. Winer. C. C. Bevie, bee. W. a. .. . . Bo Pa t rick, J. C. Lappt, Jacob Painter, J. C. Plelner, Josiah King, • Jobn Voeguey, Lag. H. Bohm% A. Armor.. . Henry Sproul. 334: pEM : EIP INSVRANCE CON. ()MHZ. Id. L. I:SOHNISH*OOD a FIFTH BTE. ♦ Boum C•OPl•7.lakisiglire sad lQa=ice Math Drumm; Wm. 142111 pa, John Wan, JobaParkAy. Capt. James Wm. Vas Sick, lameaD. Verner wx. "13 s. • Joay Nve.=, • WAPs, .F *AN. R( -4 atm -4.• 41•r f d AGAINST LOSS BY FIRS. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPNIA. OrTICIMii!Iit•ATTLESTNIIT UT..ztar wascrose. M u lt r aittr kB4l ' 16.2r3.k.u-sin eimue Una .-,t - ;' ,kosoLo utr plant& 4- , , isaward C. r u e ; .0636 e. pre =4l, 16 ; - . ' C. l .pf nos t.,, . , ,-S i lip .. North Wen corner sad Wood Wens: ablkorn .4 -- -. A • .r. ~ '..-.-• : : -.- , - • .!, ~. , , , . , . 9, :ieftikr.*„4..........initivaiNcie,colt `7s4l-LitiMlDlCE—Preaddest. - : • :Wli,tarligitrigfrrkeissi. . - Ili ater •street, -1 1Peura up stairs, Pittab ,i, . - 1 .t, • , 1 1. 1 = InAre• swans% ail ldnds.ot rtre sad .Ms, rine Mesta. ' litiantelneUtuttonoususeed Market *taw , 1 ' , to taw robuisunity, Peouirusra Oa hays sud Mier to m ay a ter *deb ussurtteett'at es the best pso••• GO SO awe Mater.ft7l • , • ORA R. er . , t ‘, ,.....146.,,.. Et r„im 'Re7roer -,. eat, t ., :m. , ..„„...... ~ E.' 36: . _ _,...., 1: A 4 ,14141 4 6 ~ 1....: - .1.1!: ",' 4 ..- , : .1. -•- " ; O• ME LLE GAMS Ir"DirStraarcE COMPAITY.H. ' A =SO.. irtal 5 .w , w,BamirßLOMit. ...,.....tuimilksgaMml SI. ands..of , Mr,: IMO 11mtaii 1 1 !"""jogslog, lg. - reeitetept: • - T. a i rtui3 . 110 zit prawn . t„ • Eji.M3l. 3 L at nita lAcrifiieif. r CA:RW: I 1 ' . '17c71444;a1 1 1; , - e l ma m m Ho& Cairn, J. T. tiocici6e. CIO» Wm. Dear., .1';'11. - .WIrrir.. •• .. II 442.91 Capt. John L. Rhoads, 'Samuel P. Shriven' Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush e , Wm F. Lan Samuel MeMiekert sident. - President. Secrete g. Y. ituonerei Arent. •