The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 03, 1869, Image 1

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The Viahutch
lon Ano th er Trip—Ha
- nk.
• rupt viv:dend—Aileged Hone itter
Taken from Jail by a Mob - and Hung
—Return of the 1 ommercial Party—
. • iithocklng-• Accident ,at the She n
notne—lPolsoned by Illittike—A 11 ayy
- Wilt Case. , - -
Etty Te egraph to the Pittsburgh tiarett.3
Cannoo, August 2.—The 'Pei SR
1 Palace: car ‘Wahunclwlettleitileft ew ,
Yoridiet Sidurdia: niniiing'lor, „„)
meets direct. arrived here this morning I
via the Michigan - Central, • enti.,l• thls
afternoonMethti - Northwest • '
tThe Treasurer of Illinois received. on
rlbtirdearhaUlareirbin= '
of Randolph, Wright tft Co., a don
banking firm, who failed maiiyyaa ago
owing the,Mnal'efatillinala land one
r ir
hundred thousand dollars, which they
had received for bonds sold for the State.
Thiele the thirdfdloidendrrecelved, the
thrbeaggr" egatingabeht thirty thousand
Brief mention has_ already been dis
patched of the killing of Deputy Sheriff
- Pratt, of Tazewell , county; illlrons, try a
band of horse thieves, orwhom . he was
in pursuit, and also theivottuding of the
jailer. The following are the particulars
of the killing, the arrest of the supposed.
murderer and whatfolletwedthithdrrests
The horbe thieves had been arrested:
but their attorney succeeded in re
leasing them, on the, ground.. that
there had been - no -warrant. is
seed. Procuring proper papers Deputy
Sherrill : Henry Pt.ilt,t with- th reer-ottilmi,
AMDlig.whonxivaa thajtiler l atartan afteri
the men. This was Friday morning. Bo
lween. nine ,and teft o'clock at night
they natitthree_rdent oalie — rball,rwlio
looked suspicious. Upon their refusal
to halt, the Sheriffand party fired, using
every shot-, When they teased the des
perados fired. The first ;volley killed
'Deputy Sheriff
_Pratt almost instantly.
and l i e riettelt 9 'itureiri /tui 'A i ler; - 1111 e.
'thieves suoceeded hi escaping and - the
'pql•l returned home. When the facto
-were known the-wildest excitement pre-
Irailed at Pekin. On Saturday morning
Marshal Stone, : with arty citizen volun
teers armed to the teeth; eat out to cap
-tare the _villains. They scoared the
: wings country and found idx Men, who
could not give a good account of them
actives. ;Pees :were bpaught. to Pekin
And put In jail. -- Theeireinintein was'now
at fever heat. Men :roman parts of the
country came toottringinto Pekin, swear.
ing ven ce. A mob was soon raised,
corn men,un
hundred _ and embracing leaning
citizens of Pekin and Detlavan. The
throng surrounded the jail and demon&
ed the prisoners. Not getting them they
threatened force. Nothing, however,
was attempted till late xi, night, when
the crowd - inereatied.: The clamor weet
kept up until three o'clock Sunday mor
ning, when the doors were broken down
1 and thernoind_p_dinto thet:jail- build
ing Ind denu tv dated tffeikelif of the cell
wherethe ririilliaderr nat'Berry, was
confined:, The Sheriff refused, when
AAbliffithnitti. wan: protlureti: viditt
beat down the iron door of the iron
cell::: Here a desperate hand toland en-,
couiiterin the dark'
,took - ' place )betufeen ~,
the d
dboinemaiVand...the excited Mob. ,
During the melee three men were stab
bed by Berry, one 'it is...thought fatally.
Shots were tired at Win, 'one passing.
thrOuglrhis bead. He was filially overe?
come and dragged to the.nearest tree
and lynchad,whersi hie bodletunig until
daylight. The excitement is by no means
allayWatittliefopulactin43/11tet Ictr
blood. - Villeete• are dila , iwptirsult of.
_man who Iti suppozed to ..have,
shot Pratt.• 'When he is taken a repeti
tion tf-the above may be expected.,
_7- The - -Chicago -4 commercial: excursion 1
party reached Omaha this morning,
in with hem ests H Choamv
m g tee of t Way as o g '3on he ,wh us fond 1
the party at Promontory. On reaching
°matte, the party. paid a formal visit to
Col. Chas. G. Hammond; the new Super
intendent of the Union - Pacific Railroad.
Col. Hammond wit 'addressed par by m ade
chards;,of tho ty, and
ade re p ly, in which lie said that the
public should have notarise to complain
of the management' ...of the road. The
party leave Omaha to-night and will
reach here to - morrow'afternein. ' - -
At the Sherman House, this afternoon,
Willie P. Vandectieri, aged about eight
years, son of Win. Y. liandeueep, a
banker 6f this city, fell through- a sky
light directly over the main stairway op
posito-the, ladicat , stair way,- striking -Oil
the railing near the ,foot of :the lower
flight, and from there was Ihrewn upon
the marble door; breaking , his Shoulder
and arm, and fracturing his skull in h
fearful. menhir. When taken 'Uri life
was extinct: 'He was a remarkably
bright and beautiful boy, and hie shock
ing tleath caused intense sorrow among
.the Sherman Hobs gabs' tip, With where
he was a great favorite.
A. young man named George Deming,
belonging at South Bend, .was fatally
:poisoned .on Saturday`afternoon ity , ... the
carelessness of a druggist; whew& him
:aconite for brandy_ to relieve hlm of, a
sudden attack of summer complaint.
'Be died at the:Briggs Renee an hOur
after titkidiethitalfekdther l A Cii
- 1 Putt - - dialsl irpai - omJem '.. -- hyttirs.
zwiNewbeiry i widow - qr h 6 . 44 1;e- fit*
=ter letNewberrnwho died in December,
1848, at .seni,-to break the';..will of ::the
'..deceased, on the grotutdOf.lisjuitlioe to
herself -; and 'ldeprirition of • righter ofo
- dower. ' The 'estate_ left 'lt'Aeeemeir.. - ta
now 'valued at three millions- of dollars.
:and by ibdieW of ItielithCcrAdow:tt eo . +
inlaid- tq one-third,:lbstead of thakithe
Will leayea . her ten - Ahousand - dothinta
ter eitillhe hoturivetill.'.'The Casa may
• regarded-as-one .of great mitgnitude.
. ::: -•- 1,.. , :; -- 77 - .., 7 1 4 ew -- .7 - 77.; . t .-
• ClneinnaffTextfierahrte Exposit:tans ,
(Br Te/igratth to the Plttiabarirliesacieul ' •
' 'Clitpliira4:7l; - ' August' 2,—Tlut Textile
..Fabriti: Eirpoaltion_ opens -formally, - to
!morrow at eleven o'clock, In Pike's:Mu
sic Hall-, GeTertior: Stijl', ;Ott. the part
:of the State, and - filaYorrftrrmee,:on. the
Part; or . the 'entkiviit welcome •the Niel
t dee. JudgeSellimy Storer / willdellyer
en address. Samples froM two hundred
ex/Agora hairii'nuived. , AMoitud GOO
gia aremoit largely represented.-There
'tiresome pimples'. iltwa• Bait Whibortain,
but tiktaorthlveat leileast: represented.
The south has.contributed ' lsrgeiy. , •Tra
/. 1 . 1 / a trOne With the . 4 7hldege . - Ooninterelal
plity and tiro Chinamen, will be hereon
Wednesday; whieb will be the great day.
A banquet oloies the affair :on Thursdiw
J,1DA76111 1 .
sloubli Debt istat!meet ler ;Lily —Reline.
Lion of One! 0404 . 0,009 fhlting the
Month and 11 4 3,006;01X1131nee` Pimp
Taw -eerie pf P,treeehtiets Ortileied.
1437 Telegraph tkithePiltrbnrgh eitzette.i'
• - Waittmetavatc Attg. Z, 1869.
.7' ' I. *BAIF B LIC 7 D!!' 11 7,
The following . a_ atuntnaiy of the
public debt statement` *ad - to-day:
Debt bearing interest, lakeotn s'st, is Of
Dent bearing Interest in •
money GLIM 0010
Debt bearing. no _ ez i ernam-11
Debtrilistucti Wawa ba girlarti 4 ';
since . 4.790,0i0
Total debt, lir.nelpal ontstandlad de2,101'404a41711
Accrued t‘terest to.dsta and ton.' • ••:- -
pons due Rot presented for Day- , •
meal l- 8x.718 5e2 C 8
•• - • „t a
eN• -
Alac mount la 7
Coin coetthwers 0
currestin4Mig . - • . ''•-24.115.4641
pew...• .......... .. ,
Waking thud: in U. h. luau, into
eirt - beuosxnd
and. caned- 'Merton X119,3:1470 07
Other coin.. U.- S. interest . • .•
blmis„.:narenated .and. nn4 1 30 4 .1
Intete3Vtlereon Amon, 4u;
8 / 5 3 . 8 56.003
Amount of mans debt, less cash- -. .
in olnkiue rand and purchased
bonds is Tre.sury.arg,tarist,rarb
• Amount of public (lent, ':siesteskatt ,
and single,/ fund in Treason - , '
' .
4g„4 yi
„.r.ece o lso
Decrseae of the palelloelttst.d . „-
toe the pa5t 57,4r.,744
'Decrease since /Luca
The reduction would have beeu larger.
had not the Governineatadvanced to the
Payijic.itallroad luring the _month Inter
est do their Co the amount of I*
53e;861: aid; pnicr on the the
month an undinlitllY large"; number •of
drafts to the, amount of more than
afitit - lielf 'Millions of dollar*
The above idatenicint 'does not ineltide
the amount paid out on accoant of pub
lic debt: Over forirteen million
werepaid out during the month on ac7'
count of interestldone. • • • .
In - consequenne<of the spurious inane
or the ten dollar greenback% Secretary
Boutwell has concluded to have a new
issue of all denominations of greenbacks
from one to the thousanik, dollar. nutria;
The Plates are now being', engraved at
"the Bureau of -- - Etligrairing kruir
Thelieslgns are.onlirely new. No
likeness of any living Mari Will be plictid
on any rote. The engraving of the now
issues and printing of, the'faced and seals
of all the denominations' will be per
fdrined,in the printing ,ami engraving
tureen, while the backnwill be printed
- In New York. IsTeilr'Pos*,
/tibia retakes triTprevent fratida;,,includ.
jug tbe d i r: . y . 4l traitress/one of
electrotype plates. • 4 • •
Avenvorrfpts 4 - vrolntn h. • .
.Superintenileni CiaPP, of the Govern
ment Printing Office, has appointed eight
apprentices, two of whom • are colareth
The warrants drawzr by the - Trail:Miry
dazing July were: War Department,
.7,18.3;604: Navy Department. ;2,066.160:
Interior Department, $1,084,714; htlacel-
Laneocul, .0,202006; total, .16,638,853.
Attack on Puerto IPrinelpe—Great
Dearth of Provistons—Aetivity of the
Insurgents. dre., Av.
Havarea, Ally 31.—1 t is reported that
, two slavers landed in grim
trict, on account of ZuluetaMarino.
On Wednesday last 5,000 negro 'near.
gents attacked Puerta Principe. totaling
, .
a general' raid throughout the city. The
Spanish troops to the number of 3.000
men attacked them .- - ; A severe struggle
ensued, In which ' the ground was con
tested inch by inch, the insurgents re
iring in perfect order, having achieved
be object for which they made the raid.
ey captured and destroyed provisions
led . at 00.000, and made good their
t. The Sniards do not give any
timate of the patriot lass. Thirty-four
unded of their, :limy were taken to
he barracks. .
4,There 1a great dearth of provisions
and consequently great misery.
'At Santiag•> de Cuba, on the 24th. the
Patriots' detachments, which have been
attacking the fortified plantations for
some time past, defeated the Span
ish reinforcements sent to meet, them.
Col. Camaro, commanding the Spanish
forces, was wotuided. • The', expedition
.was compelled to 'retreat to , the city. It ,
is stated that assoon as preparations aro
completed the Patriots will attack San,
Dago'. de Cuba.
The negro militia chit made a raid upon'
Puerto• Principe 'enabled -a number 'of
families to , escape fr_ern ,tbe SPaniards.
'The investment of Tderto Principe Is
expected. .-- - 1
i ldn , Porgtugunlongittipesinied at Man
. cillo, bas obtained his release. , A num
bat et poltiteal primers 101170 . '8bn been
. xeleased. In consequento of certabi cor
respondence having been interestited,
inctre„l ß 3 P ort ilircinu,tiPli IS "P eet '
Th e e sales
ltees ofoon t .
iC ate a d property epteedr ty take
111 eluatamlol-
Mete. gib' istfei
owned b.Y . the Abaco' . h: ora
tmps are demi:ldea' trots thetsterior.
.. , ffbestirgenta areMoresalbg In own= 1
bets and activity. - . .
Irriv Yan.TlC:Auffust 2.—The 'Herald
sap: It has been , romored in Washing.
• ton that belligertmkrighta would be'ac.
..enrded to Cutaax py our Devernment
within ten days, and-Setestch a t, effect
were offered. :TifittUnor,,has nofour4da.
clou t howeier, as Cuban qtrestkreg have
net.. been •- Woe the ' Ca!dr i et f or
St leatt, three weeks. '' ' ' , ;•-•-- • Navarra: AngtO 2.—Mr•lViiik4'lll/a*
ere of the American Consul at Sages La
110 11 02 b (43 lie, Pf: 4 1, 1 1 ,4 4 . 1 1 34 ,. l i an Y t°
. 1 17rotir hundred Ooloreffrooldiers live
left in a Spanish steamer -thr , Neuvitas.
The same men cpmpOsel: ppebon of the
last Spanish expedition -Deexim •
Advloes from Ppprkr - PrhiriPo repre
sent the garrison , libundantly supplied
with `provisions.! SkirmisheS are re.
ported at Santa Eipirtu,' Villa Clara and
Trinidad,. in -which the Ssmilsh:ltoops
'Wert successful. '
• iracm, aw
I _db l ... • . ,
au aces the bunting or toe ship
?snubs David, frOpk-LlTer
• - ...
: , . ;,. . .. .
: 3 1 1C,
. ~
:t o ok , 4
I-. ,'•iikiirif , ' , lti'dtp -- ' T
• feitiitidoCiitio , tramtoiitt Ito. gu
'-',.., . c—World, RanMilian at Landon I
$ Ol=ted, isAhlta:
posed Government Reforms pm France
—dnantaitionil 1%1 1 4 iernoll at,Oloreite
In 1812i—Tfriti ittragglisiti Paraguay ,
. ins —
'i. Still lialatalni Ills 'Millen In
t Neap!' to the Tlttatearia casett e . }
. 1.,6 - 2601E, itlinet a.--A roinimuty fi or- :
4,anizing to lair a telemdt cable &gin"
Scotland, by rs3!..of Orkneys. and-Farmi
islands, to Quebec. When' completed
the whole line will probably be pur
chased by the Postollice Department.
- The Commissioners of the World's
Fair of 10051 have Issued a prospectus for 1
an intermithanalazbibillab,of -time aster , I
indnotrial- and scienti fi c inventions ;lir I
Duunix,,:Auguat, denim;
smitten' lima 'made irr'Litnerfek. ?Felder
day, in behalf of the remaining Fenian
prisoners. Twenty, thousand men
marched in procession with bands and
banners, and an open air meeting was
'held and addressedloy various apeskers.
'A letter to-Mr. Obidsbirie watradopted
demanding the release of the Feniaus
now in prison. The proceedings were
most enthusiastic, but the lone of the
speakers was moderate and there was no
disturbance of the peace.
Loatkon, Angmt 2.—Mr. Gladstone,
whose health is.mnoti. improving, at.
_tended the sitting of the House of Cern
. moos this afternoon and was greeted
with great cheering. -
Mr. Forteacue, Chief Secretary for Ire.
land, informed the House that daring
the recess the Government would coesid
,Ar the desirability of purchasing the
. Irish railrcede.
LONDON, August Z.—Dispatches from
.Bombay report the nephew of Shore All
Amer, of Gibed, hid rebelled on so .
count of certain army regulations. He
was captured, with his two brothers, and
sent to British territory. The Indian
Government will keep them atlapine.
PARIS, Auguet 2.---,The leading provis
ions of the Sen.2ll/.4 Coasatuati now being
prepared by the Government, bid fair to
realize the ideas of the Impellal message
to the 'Corps Legislatif. The right of
Parliamentary initiation will uncon
itionally!, granted. The - power
' of th e
Council Of State4o veto arriendmente to
projects of law will be abolished. The
Senate ,will ePeelfy objections _made
by the ''Corps to clauses - of. a' bill
andatatatbaterms otalt/miiinum Muth
deputy; lk be entitled Act promise the
order ur the; day, ' the, OcriernMent,ve
serving the riklitto 'refer sirqh orders to
a committee. The decree will dwell on
the \ different phases. of transforming a
personal government into a liberal em
pire, and will lay s tress on the principle
ofniinisterial responalbilitk. '
PAWS, August 20-E'vening.—The.
draft of the &sofas Consof tum has
been completed. It . gives the Emperor
and Corps Legislat if the . initlatiye in
making laws. Cabinet ministers can be
members of the Corps Legislatif. The
sittings of the Senate are to be public.
Each oody is to maze its own internal
regulations. The members of both
chambers have the right to address inter
menti to the Government. No amend
to a law is to be adopted unless
it has been previously referred to a Com
mittee charged with the duty of examin
ing the project and of communicating to
the Government. If the latter does not
accept it, the Council of State will advise
the Corps, which`will then pronounce
definitely on the subjept. The Budget is
to be submitted by chapters , and articles.
Modifications of the tariff and postal ser
vice by international treaties are to be
made obligatory - only by laws enacted
for that purpose.
-- - - SOUTH AMERICA. -- -; -'t
LISBON, August 2,-,Tbe .mall steamer
from Rio Janeiro July 9th .has arrived.
The latest news from the seat of war in
Paraguay was interesting. but the opera
tions were indecisive; The -- rear guard
of General Barretz's column were cut
off • some time ago while making
an absortive
.attempt ,to cross the
,Titdotuy and march on Villa Rim, and
it was supposed - they had been airtaken
priseneee by Paraguayans, but the eve
since rat ned tetbe alliedpamp,baying
told only, men. Lopez, DoWSVIK allem
eseled ler vexing a number efnow
1 / 4
combatant . i f!ar4 - inayans -.whom. they
were coateying-Au the Brazilian caarp,
but wail unable.' to, follaw irp.: . 'bia
;IM•success the ellbleni7. The covered
nature he position heldary .Thiiet in
the moulitalns had so - far prevenimithe
allies froth m401)1 a'auceessful:latlon-
imbalance. The,%!: internal strugg,lo: 7 in
Partigut; coatipied. Tee argenefine
Republic has proclainied As neollity
inihe iiArrel.N. .. 1411
..., . "
X i
„f ' A
•OiIMCE• Atria: 2..311 , • . or
tional mzhibitillitte vile .41d a'4ltie tin
1,81241.4 cometamonite the co ~ .'"ion,
to - Mt. Canis ttlrgiel.
MA „,,n---....2-'1.,„„.,1
3,4om t ii,, Au 2,--.Eve.2ng.-liiiirOls
fort mons3", 9 /I0 accou 93 -ago, re.
tifent*Ands 83 3 / 4 ; do. at n --.
at' 88iii. - Eries, 19 3 / 4 ;
Stec' kaffisadyfer ti "_.. 'i. ,
14visexocii.,-Aigust 2.—Cottonde
Lipner; middl uplands. 12;M• -- do.
Orleans 13@:(18 ; alder; of 15,000 bales,
California w
_, wheat 10 .. Bd.: Ten
"Wellol9ll\slAl raitkrwests z pi mirs p how
Ow* 806 'llfr 4 oldioattirlik i
b p
Cate 3...a.1kt. P in t i tAlkP/Ariz - d9(15. Beef*:
Lard 701 s. 'Cheese eft- Macon:o2s. Com-
W in r hrfla ft -4 °9 , - -4 1ifia.,
,O.Jilla l t•
`ben '7 3 / 4 `ff.t ?Alined o: is oam. - •
low an- .Torpentsue , 2714.
Lou/rou e dein:lst 2.......Tana' w 48 8 , R e ,
Mist' Patroleitam le.§}td. Sauer 89s 9d.
hinailll'Autri4,lEL'oecitton itt.rfavre
z l f ltaiiiiii,.irri, - ! - **lll — t - 1 ii-Aikieeo,
Fiveltwenufis closed active at 88k.
Paturiolangttat : 2 4 - -)364nse, buoyant; '
Rmrik-Alliitit 22;41,044,;Veittpu
closed'' at lloif. Aar tun; ordirudeauti ,
/opt, ailtd 156 t. Tor lety:MAddipg. 14km.
3:t.:C47§=1 1 ;, , :ik : - 2 - . 1.569 . .
NEW . \7 1)11 C CITY.
Waist Chid ,
Abox'critrii Cast — Y a tilt
Seized;-. Pardesiok, B enry deers
Legit —Team, s k nitre Attempt to
brow •:...trio, ie. il k , ebliagts It in
Railroad to be geld—.o. tree es Stuiday.
—Tattunany isociets; Ptak rims,
BY Teleffatt tOl hp rntetwro7i,dszetw4
uwd Irsw Yowl; Ang wit 2, 1869,
It is' ported that ' tile rich t Henrietta
, .
was ee l at New: Londbei, Oil Il itzPitdbri
01 1 00 ion with, Cuban filibuster*.
Jams. Carrr•oonvlotekP last 'Winter of.
,inteqt tb :pass I cdunterfelt ; :a,qtely; , • has
heettlicirdonedloy the' Pteald -Itt Abe
recotnenendauserof. the filltddet AtitarbilY
andprx.,,, .} .._:, „„ :.• •- t ~,
tie a 4 - 11' - '
, taticl sdry Iteep left to his wile
add: , 4ablittlq. ' Orb ,-A!_ 1111** 'P r eS ° rtfr'. ,
.yestern stook. ; witht teetreietiess, not to
tell,- that le woeild pay WSW • •thall ART
rother In'idlittneitt tlitakelould beipadk• - '
The ,tittors" strike entOnteets;- the .
manufacturing tailors hays deteriatied
on eliding wlth,the shop, hands.- - Two dr
three Onus were expefted• to yield to the
advanced wagesto-y. .•
One of the rooms. al, Less Branch
Hotel 'was robbed of iift,ooo Worth, at dia
l:bonds on Saturday. The thrOevi were
arrested and the property *created.
PatrialtiliMann tried todmwateyoung
lady named,, bliss Ettie , Wade; while
bathingat 4•Pey Island, on Sunday., be.
cause she repulsed as attempt at Inds !
cent I.llxirtien.., lie was arrested.'
The late .lot(r. A. Reebling's will gives
his buaiseas manager *WOO, the Tren
ton Children's Home ig5,000, the Tren
ton, Widosie. HOMO 145,000, his widow
8100,000 ancf.sach of his children #140.000.
Jacob Wilke, a clerk In Cartuat,.Whit
ford do Co's clothing establlsholesti bed
been committed for trial for melding a
large tjuanUty of gc:ol3.4lcuu his employ.
The Itailtarsand Delaware Bay Rail
road will be 'Sold on :he 4th of Septem
ber at the Manchesteeflapot, on writ
of jleri facia& Issued by the Mort or
Chanoery,att the snit'af Charles 3. Ben
driektion andlitewart Brown, oaratgain
ants, who are holders of mortgages.
The Belford base ball club start, on a
western tour in afetw due.
The anniventaty of the releaSe of the
West' India Islands, was celebrated on
Sunday in the African church, Tenth
street: :-
Thera were two large fires on SOnday.
°neat Shields' tobacco factory, 75 Bow
er,y, caused a loss of $5,000; fully insured.
The other was at '404 First avenue, the
loss amoiontlng .10,000. ehared by
Messrs. Piton, Stearns and Benestelr. •
An attempt was made yesterday hy
her mother to abdrfet it little girl named
Mary Clark, but It was unsuccessful:
Great excitement was oreated, however;
near the Duane street Methodist Church,
froth the Ewa of whine ebcattemptea •
abduction took piece. The child • had ; in charge of its father by the
Court, pending* divorce; and its grand.
parents, - J with - - whom it -had-gone to
church; were shockingly beaten by half
a dozen men who seize d the child while 1
in the church., lkirmliark was arrested.
An immense rums meeting of citizens
was held this - afternoon at Tammany
Rail, under them:witless of the _Tamma
ny, Society, to protest. against the con
duct of the government in failing to af
ford protection ttrArneritian cinema in
falreland and .Cuba. Mayor Hall pre
sided.. Resolutions were - adopted and
addrentes delivered by Richard O'Gor
man, District Attorney Garrin. - and
The explosion - of bolder at Niblel
Theatre, this evening, during the repre
sentation of'. Arra Ne Rogue, created
some excitement, but occiaioned no dant.:
_ -
The Kentucky Etection—Pnanclpation
Day Celebration. - •
air Telegraph to tte Plttsbursh Gazette.)
Loutsvuax., August• 2. 7The election
In this city did not pate offas quietly se
is usually the custom. There were sev.
eral political rows, Whiiiiin: firearnis
were used, but fortUnately ao , life was
sacrificed. Joi.., W. Tato, .Democratic
candidate for State Treasurer; has a ma
jority over his Radical opponent, E.
Ramey Wing, in this city ! of 5.059.,
Tate's majority la.. the State is over.,
wbeludng and will Probably average,
40,000 to 45,000. All the' Democratic
candidates for the Legislature from
Teittlaville and Jefferson county elect
ed by handsome majorities. - - x...
Returns from various sectlone. of the
State Indicate the election 'of a , large
number. of Democratic Legislative can.
didates. There will . but
about fifteens lo - twenty__ltepubllcans
eletred to the Legtelature..
The new charter for the city of .Lonis
vine Wirt berried by 2,885 Majority.': The
peciple alto voted by a' majority of 1,623
to tax themselves 0 2 ,000 towards- the
contraction: of a , railrnad - to .connect
Louisville :.with Shelbyville, and Dan.
ville,,Kentuoky. .
bent; -Air. Kemal Pigg, 'the' ,- piesent it beso t .
; l q,,_melected Tblint: estesibuileti.
er in 1 4.inKt0; TO. PeQO9 ' voted in
"favor ofthe amcrhet asked to aid in buil&
leg the Big Sand l a
. ington and E lise. giurd. t. 7: . a..
l ' The negroes 1 iielebtsted:-ematielbsttoii
30-day-b7-agrand procession of their vs
dons Noisily* through „the _street,. : •At
Jeffersonville; Ind., a negro pateed-Wm.
Bowman , _who.weillegpgall marsh:ll'ol
WP5e14 08 4f4 1 ;4, 1 MR= his : home, ,
isea l
taildetitle ittr. Gitty-- r t9t.
" lv,at 4 . er•O'Or 44'
the difetial
Laid - V tA l i all;Avient: 2, - , :ereitaent
I dianrour'si beevy party 'pmeeedeit, by
td th e restdensier of 'Robert
.'4)ampbbll;Preattlentef BliebehtuutlAbd
ItnprearementiOinnpaay, ar Ihieksbuelt.
Neva-Jamey, Jurhers4 tbs, Peres "ha
accorded: a hearty miaow the CIII•
sjo,llllld, sher..Pirt4iggx cadiattoe
was presented with Any acres ot
which--waa“ timmakfaitaeoelited. 'The*
• roaddeat visite __M& fleahliAge Flab as
MI, home. ii,ltsit =mum in few dam
Aberice procee. the - WWI Moue*
-Wm" an4q",20.10; tteel lY 4l 7ll 36 oo, l M/ "
hArP , • '
.i r reightaxegesseht
• thy Videnisne , sS the indabiarati . oeastui.l
.Btrirsuo, August 2.—There ;frost
irsilgOatidd T p kdrobir the" forward
ers at the of. toile oik me*
Trim' minim "die' carrying grain at so
indob-heidaK what tens will paradt• the
to dud , the-lattirr sre.oom.
, Poned t4i- abandon - Any competition for
eine Aniejm:itzsatilitalYncheroMien
Limo op.
„Collection of the Revenae—Snip es Fire
and Surat,
rßy Telegraph to the Plttstrargfr out tte , l
SEW ORLEtalltS, August, 2—Tbe inter
nal Revenue rekreipta of the First District
for May. June and July show an in-'
crease over the inflections for , the mane
months in '68ion12),000.
The ship Pauline David; from linrr
ppol, took thrt thiasibreboon es theavallse
, wet peso ten. Tile wreckingboat.Osage
antitirgaNnteliiroind • Ferry - *Wed' ker
WiR„,-Wirtermilt, saved the ship. with hut
Aikailt_tZ tia _
_The pargo, however. was
omit tient „damaged!, ebleti,y ',Twitter.
no fire ted ait betireen 'death.
eatme *kiloton. ,
, .
.10,141141101..r0r, *ln MOW..
t nvirzelNpiat,pb eilutiiZittibingitOszetiattl
okrkelisne):Augtist Jae. .
'5l/totack and ataistantsi ilave completed
I theirarrangenents for taking *beer
•vationa QI the refer ectimiton the wreenth
inetaat. - Their .pointe of obearewtiOn•
frill be' Falmouth libelbytela.and Oak
hind, la tide estatat A mtaaber or Mo.
femora anclatealeata at Atm Arbor 113fid-
Miebigetn.will arrive •in day
or twa at Now Albany witty astronomical.
inetramentip batlike obeenatfkraa• °irate
eoliPee at a vino twenty =Oka - beet ,
Now Albany, wbroir is near Ma (*Meal
liner of the tetaiityt
mum - itraxikams._ •
--The village of Moore's Rat,. Nand* ,
county,. tialilbrais..was destroyed by irk.
July 31st. .Loss, ge.a:10,000.
—Rena; Bravos, alias A.. Broughtont•
the express robber. of Paciao City. lowc.
was arrested an Satuzday_amitthas4ool.).
recovered. , -
—Peter Kerr, a member of the- firm oaf
J. t J. Clar,ki & Ca,, manufacturers oft
spool oottois; was drowned estule•hathingi
at Longlhasetkyestordayl'
—DePtitiy'..gherifD::Griggav w
wounded Is altelito.antl-rent trenble
East Golan bizah,4ntw Yortri.diedi - at hiss
realdence at Sand roda, yesterday.
—lt is kno that
.Irantiel/1- notpositively
visit Saratega wn •
6th, a cottage at the-$i pion.
been engaged, ibr lain for Mg - date.
--Ramors of anOther Firnian raid 01)11.
the Canadian frontier are!ctivreut. The+
stacks_ of arms am& cam cf• its , ma-k
.terial about.their" headquarters in New
York give a coloi:of.porelblliky, to the ,
xePori- r_. • • •
.-8812. R. F. Pltitarsairianieraal Eaves
nee collector, orders f,that • la. Insure.
all liquors bmugnt to Memphis-shall be.
reported;to him far inspeetion; and that
it shall not be .dellYered coita!gnpixt
without his orders. - • '
' .. :,,, Toittioonsde§itkoquiihdort. c15.: - 14
acoordiig to 'the'
regular Code; an"..!)rtaii," 1w "_`Thu
'weaPon*Were knives; and thatoteeite was
the the house. ?Both Wen Fel* Wounded,
but not dangerously. • •
—The colored pet:ooa St.:Lttiiiseelo
boated theenntsersart, thoielnan=
lion of slavery in the Itritisis West z
yasterday,, a procession of Idasouir t
and other societies, and made quite, a
creditable appearance..
Cook stabbed and modally
wounded Hubert. .11titit—n Covington,
Ky.. yesterday. Cook was a brakeman
on the Central Railroad, and Runt was
driver of a transfer wagon. Their quar
rel was about a dollar and a halt •
. ,
—john " Johnson, Ibr robbery, John
Henry t for larceny, and Ben Evans, for -
highanty robbery, were yesterday in-'
tented, at Memphis; to the States prison
eaeh for twelve years. Bill Arkina, for
larceny, , was also sent for kik years.
—The funeral - of lion. .Inm Toney
was attended at ids late residence - in
Hartford, Conn. yesterday, the remains
being • afterivards taken to Cedar -Mil
Cemetery , for • . The Mulford
count's , tar attended in a body, and
sinking those present were Gov. Jewell
and ex.Gor English.
—The examination of the renal:nen en.• ,
heap in the:murderous riot On hoard
eamer ' Dubuque. at Hamptod,,on
the Upper Mississippi river, ties com-'
menced at Rock Island. Forty.two
the rioters have been arrested, and ' thus
far twelve of the leading ones have
been recognized and secured.
—The ber of leat the
St.. Louis num Post-Office , tt d ers uritt mail ur th e e
of July, was six hundredund six thous
and live hundrea and fifteen. The num
ber received from other .of and dits.
tr/bated there , was .1,802.186. The
amount of money Orders Issued was $241
219. ' Amount paid orders from 'other
places, 191,612, '
--At the commencement of the Baptist
University at Lewisburg, Pa., last week,
sixteen young ladies ena fifteen ,Young
men graduated, A memorial tablet in
honor of the Alumni who - fell during
war was appropriately delineated - ar the
Alumni:dinner. Addresses were made
by President ; Loomis.; :Professor , Robert
Lowry. Hon. James htoPft or 14out
Taylor, ,of Chicago,. , and
Others. •
, Tilcluv i t * d dispatch .says Giovek
not,„Welk. returned,' diet a tone
IgrO l ethe Hbrtheri( States, 'He tent!
eiVitiltrOlie Animal - Papublicati
'rientlinetiti in 010'N - drib:is *dowse J tcilhe.
11falker-M.ty, and he' hops thin General
Canby will: nor lute 'hb proellianattoh
:atineuncing the result of the elentitut:tm.
LtlCOimgress sail[ Bessie% when,thia mat.
ter can to delayed sod.PsoNed. over, gad
his rkloAde 4W htlMteolect ,
~,- ,A,:dlspittch' (rem.. Joseph Media ; of
the coma ceaussrelal- party. dated 'et
Neatioo.ltall 80th otatoo:iWo_leorlYi.
chianti With ..boTo
~two; wealthy tomes. doing business In San Francieco.
Their names are Slog Nun • Mot Choy
Sue. They witrlipeddiaileek in Chicago
end then pmeeeit to Nett York,. 'Boston,
;Philadelphia and Weed_ peon' add re..
tent via rinabut", and St.
Louis! _Their o4lait is to •
sagualstatioss. , Tiwylpeak, . read And
,Wltte.HVish. •
esestrtati isomer the western
suburbs:of Elk" /Au* Sunday aftentocau .
taking a_driy‘'and. some rowdleiS who
sooloo4fillePoted, tolsksPoossodott of the
Ant osTe4l .. Doing the mtr • Sherman
; thelftgiltniood some Menae
droit_p; and Thurston demanded 'fair.
Me 'was Immediately assault e d;
kniftked. three - et. his sosaibmts
down, when , he was shot, once behind
she earl leafage poltionat the eatewsy,
moo the: 01004
throuidt the mouth, and 90.01 t I slak.VP,
the bullet reactants the bone. His wounds
are not ooteMiered fatal.
—At a meeting of the St. Louis Board
of Trade hot night a report was read and
'adopted to appoint a conituittee of twelve
to raise by subscription one bandred and .
twenty thousand - dollars to bnild an
iron sea-going propeller to inaugu
rate direct trade between' St. Loots '
and foreign , ports, said vessel tiro-
be of one thousand
_tons - cargo ; 3
and not to craw ever *a_feet. 9f
crawl'light The couitaittee was
pointed and will ges to wort at once am,"
endeavor to carry out the, - protect; &-
joint stock company is ki be fomed twat
fhe matter to be. carried out itt-a '
netts-like manner. The 'queotlati of re
pealinw drummersfillienees was also
eustedcbtit referredterasubsestatiat meet-
inglrferfitita action. -
—A special from Muakegan, Michigan r
says tleit on Thiirsdayiast, at !Whitßhally.-
to their comity, Wflair
Am. B' 'Saab; a ,
watchrenher, took a. double barrelled
guts • andlerelhad into the street.
• feeding *few rods he trot Joshua Platt.-
and shotthim dead. Hot ten went to the •
..Iknise of Mr. &bow . noarby6 and threat
!coed to shoot isern, ' bitt Mr. labow
bin temp& Re again werttintb the street.,
'and meeting J. Morse, a hardware met- -
-chant.' threatened to sheet him, bur
hi bac
(destined le do aeon Mr. Morse turning
s k, whit*. Smith. orekeetthim to.
!do. A. little farther on be- Painted his •
gurthrtheetort of Wolf dt %Maud fired.
hitting (f, g; Hopkinti in the arm. Smith ,
•warothen (*Allied and lodged*: JIM lie
; is laboringunder a fit ofinatiey.
—A man lianted Steilhir
brutally murdered on Saturday might at
, Conncilt Bend' 13 Crittenden county,.
Arkansas ; - fifty Mlles below rMemhis.
;by ntigroesled by' a white. aan. He p was ;
`the Owner or a trading boat. The party
:venters board' taii g et fa whlet*...',f4sking . ,
r Sear, the. owner went saandes.
*ken the-pu•ty drew their fit:dole and ,
de mended Ws mosey, trlded.he4aye
[at! once% They then threatened to kilt
; %when he offered everything honed,
d tab they refused to accept. Attempt
to inn, herwas fired upon atakilled. •
negroet,. named John Bryant and
, Arthrir, arrived at' Memphis yes-
Aer day and were arrested sauccessories7
;tot he des& Warrants have been issued'
or, t
rhe aden neet
~ of others lingilnatedin thek '
- •• •
*he Were rimy. •
A. Detzol4 pasersays : • 9a Monday
./adildls.aged•seals and woman•errived in
anci , ,pub up at a hotel^ on Front
-street, paiming - themselvesoffta Man and
?wife. Cm tWedueistay lbervienish bid .oc
'melon to.go oot on the' ikireet. but bad -
not gonalar. beta* she was laid hold of
'by her real. husband, whagagdes in
City, Pennsylvania., andwhad
come La aparolbother, abet having eloped
with'herpaxenx*;:44. l4l * 4lll , o XtemPta •
to-indgea-herld'istunz Watt unavailing,
but Olicarlibetion WWI aent foritoz as rest the-gidlty ;pair, and - lhe :woman
promised to: return hose proVided tbe4;
alrair was.kapt secret,, and- her husband
wteld'aigret2,surfew to refer to
,tiaa esca
pade, andscraarher aiiipit never bad. ts- '
ken place. 11218 oOmplaisant- fellow% gave::
the requitedpromiaaand twostartatii'
for home.
Additional Dtailank . by • *graph. .
Busueddli, Aug- .2.,-Recallm—wh en4
60,000-btu corn .16,,acoinn oat& 4 0 00 buk-
flour 7,000 bb la.
,60,0004 bu. corn 4000 be,oats/4 1 500, 4a.
Cans) freights tottery wbeat
coralOyol, oats 730., freightall
to.Naw -York, wheat 12e, corn 10c,- mita'
10c, malt:B3o. .Flonramadtri salaam:2on,
bbla western bakers Mks* g 7,50; 100.bbla'
white CanadastlB.7s. -.Wheat quiet and
unsettled, closing firm; sales z 2,50,, bn
No. 2 Milwaukee club a% $1,411g1,4.10i
-1,4234f 1,600 be No: 2 Chicago at 11.4 u;
15.000 bu No. 1 Milwaukee' club at 84,13; •
1,600 bu No. 3 Milwaukee club V 1,48,
Own dull; sales 1,800 tau Racinsat 95e;
car lots at ,80®98c.. Oats.dull and lower: ,
sales 400 bu , western at 'No. - Other arti-.
cies dull sad. uncliauged. Park firm at
f3l f heavy. LanixteadY- *lt • 14 0/ 9 54e.
Ellghwines held at shout : $1,7%
• •
New Oaxacan, August 2.--Cottoa
=Mina:, middling 3234c4; mks of Ma
bales., Gold, 135%. Sterling 60. New
York sight .
(02)k, , . per. cent.. premium.
Flour dull; - 10w . grades.scarco: supers
85,75, double , extra , /6,50 i treble satin
10,75. Corn .` dnlll . while' $1,10®1,123.
Oata 710.' Bran' SL,OS. - Bain Prima SS
Pork 133,50. Naomi is retailing at laxio'
160., clear rib 193..i@liktic., dear tides
lii•X@Wic. Lard quiet, tierce 1W ®2040.
keg 213i©23e..,...• Sugar . ..quiet, common e
113ic., prime ; 1.434 c., Molasses nonalnal,
Prima fermenting .83c. Whisky ad.
vanced. western _rectified 41,20042 e,
Coffee dull,'fidr, 143®1.53‘c.,,
. ,
4LBA2m, Anima '2.--Tkis market ibt
beeves is excited IWO the aupplv of cat,
tie numbers fully 2,200:M0rn than last
week 4 The sttefidanoe"of bu yers was
moderate,And the:hblders or heat an.
tufty steers were . obliged to take:B3o
perpound Ilvetweight for stick all 'Were
=perform these which 'brought licasst
week, but choice Womb, declined %WIN
eat *Oat thassine ,declineina maamon
stock. Sheep steady vials stair supPlYt
La m , bpdeclinosui@Xii.,flogs;-recdpi s
light with Mask ,debutod An' brine..
Marketibloyanti 'talerutodsrato or ixte
dlum to tine Illinois at 10®10Me-teavr,
common at .10vcr-
.0 4 4wr00, Angttst, , 2,-;1 1. 1our stetuly;
sales 0f I.9oObbrs,- s7:,26off4) . thr NU.
atilt; t 7,75 **lnaba. 4 1011 15,26R0r
'oddity •• vi ; MOO ,- Tori - dtruble , extra.
:Maw saucemusti Aram.":sispes(aliktfbr
sprlngrsaleof of 12,021),1nd1t No.tilkfit
lastiketvelph to Avg ; f v i m, and 3,4X8
• basket:ober AtichlPa • att..aPat , at 4 43 -
limn firth slid quiet; audel,p,rpar Ws. it
$l,OB fb NO, 2 'kiln , sliced, mid,11,1,2 fi r No., 3. Corn 'Ware - Feet!
steldV; .
Can Preis BNes•
oortalme:to Afekv' York: 'Lakf Imporfs
A:46 , 2ol lbushlihetttatid`9,6oltbush &WC.
Quasi Aa , titiNgt btu& wbuast.'. 1-•
~,,Onmscao,Atr:2,—At opoMxiard very
=Wins dorsi In the grahrftWkatac the
reel were casiseand saltiddlowei; No.
' wheat - 111.2161,84 fr AU.
gust, %%seller Anguat.ang, t o sd
Italseller laitglialt, cib e hi g w
ottur done in the : evening.- • ,
•Naamnzxa, -:Wheat steady
m 2419011.15 for-red; 1 / 1 ,20(§)1,2S ibr
ten, and $1,222)1.20- for-•whitic receipts
imam* l'ltncr s 7 o e l so'.:ftw • • c wt
' , •0, r
alketre • $ 5 0 5 , 6 756-1 -Med zt odes crt
Oka , 0 4 1 9 11 21‘ nark* Aka at. ,
0197001 in• Legalleacialo4l,..l