loorr .. , ' leleg.... _...,, - x .' i -- : 1 `1: 1 ' I lei ao • t , , g ,(• ..1 _‘.1 , 1.• ..--o• • ittlitham Young—Another' : . - • Hu :Conversation With ammo •- The correspondent of the San Prancis ..• co Afix - -;Catifornia -gives the following acc r ouit o f the - interview, on the 10th between ;Brigham Young end the , • ' :Chicago coMmercial'parti, which 1 differs Some ieapects fromlhe Erersion Sent to • -L•the Chicago , Tribune: At the interview of the hicago corn , mercial' party with 'Brigham Toning, 4. which- took.placa last Saturday r ,at Salt j.. - aicareity,.heretofcire noticed -briefly by • - the telegtapb,the'llionnon'President in. • •,forined-United States Senator Trumbull 'l - .4hat,ogreatlies” bad been printed*about the'Satter Day:Saints, by, two vile men • • ''ilent out from Washington et Government alpers. "Now," said 'he . - "wb intend to send . 'out some of the. same' sort, and 'when we do, don't believe more& half you ,hear. , have been lied about enough, and Will not stand it any longer. • lithe Government: tends' bad men here we shall just tiolitely) conduct them on a: - ' , "•'.' , llttletrip' ; 'to the boundary line of the 4 -• Tertibiry, and bid them go, ;Laver tow ; t ''.oltiatc n. Mr . t „Voting; , allow mete suggest --oYoti,; that, beforu;you do this, Wore - tea takOsueli . *aided 0,44;40 4 you communicate with -..• :•-PrestdefttArant-*ld-ictilailgui:Of your intentions, ,•::10iniatiefied that tharresi o ;1; dentpwlto bilk good: msB,.e.willAti, you • justice, - ihditivould bebetter first to lay env arievancesyou ma have before hint* • , • youiv-.44yeaF, an& pelbnpa. . the same ' treatment - that we !lit e al ways received Why, lihat 111';;. Douglas do, when King James (Mr. Btu.' chanan) sent him to us at Nauvoo? =He made, as it were, a treaty with us, as the • GOSernment does with-England or any foreign countiv promised, that if we Would go away berm& ieivtlization„ we , fi *odd not be molested. -.:`The result eve we ' re` let upon coming hese; and 5;000 of our men_ forced intii.,alegion of !ma - "ars to fight tbis* - idextetilisand leaps our women and etildreilte'starve, and Bu.. •••• -chinutniaid; 'Let them diet' " T , • Tnutibla.- 11 1rots can iloPood pr,:,4 4 00 g a fair hesringiii Congress." • • Brigham Young:4-,"_Viliatl. take ourpii,•:, pert' and ..throw , them. Under the table.' &ad. 'more' ' -under the table they go." • [This was said with energetie7geeticulk: non.] "As to our institutions, We kaosi , weare right,and. polygamy, 7Aictilrou - :_ipject to, *MI nit ori„pin, allya ot our system, but maa adopted by us as a, items.. ...•• • :sity after we cants here.'l .11 • i!n •••• Senator Trumbpll—"l have- no doubt . that. Coriariglit to legislate Tibet ' the la , r'rleWPai - sal 4 to 'reglaalalt"' BrighariV:yourig why'not reg..i slate : about the. - „ititetcciurse of the (un married) Belmar - a m eb a , went:Off into ,the question of Yelsaery,•asyirig: "Congress ought to have wade a 11#:compelling the..mester to. -.,treat his slaves well, and-then I believe it Tonldfllo - Skilbetter than to abolish it.". Brigham then again stoke .of the men sent out to them, and it was interpreted .thatle allinied_to;Present. officials, but .011:7 1 'Weallligiti we can *take care of • :ourselves; ;Cummings was good enough • .7' in his way; ,for yon know , be-was siniply. Governor of the Territory.velille.J.was and am Go v ernor : of the people." 1 - ;:. 13enat,cir litrittiell:LAilte - Yffung, , I say - toThrirriat_ artbat you - intend, to observer- l ibel-4,4 under the Conititti.' • ' tion?"• - =- tend to."' Y o ung ' ' " 4- • - • 4 120 sikat4•TrU: aliet• — "tatibiaif eaY:to„ ' him that ; ycni.yei dO sot" ; ;t. Brigham YoOug — ,'`Yehi ifs; so far as -• - the lawarire • •-•- Rev. E. B. -Tuttle, Post Chapliddi united - StateC army, - then "Mr. - Young, maylitsk you a griettlinit'• - flesh= Voting "Yes, sit." ; **' Bev Mr. Tuttle-"I wdtild like to know how' you came to settle justliete, and not at tenneotler • Brigharn Young-;-"Well,":48 bleat; -• • just where we were coming to-ben:trews ' came. We hi4h-p -, of It . 003110 Fre:. -• moat's llCCOUntirNi.keret YOP elenDW's he speaks of losing a piece off'- glass bat,of teleseopeTirwasjustback of here,'On miners told us of lt. It ket6going_to - T - ees Island;'we had no. such intention. , We sent a colony in a yessel round to California, with a view to locate there. also. ,But we came here to Mexican ritory, planted the American flag, arid conquered us a home, 'and here we mean to stay." "Sirs," said he, "I expect to - to-see;.the time' we can go back to . Missouri as freely aspnybody and be un disturbed:" -" "-- MI El MS • • • Tbe-New Ten-Donar uounterteits. The following are the rules for detect =26 ingithe dangerous ten-dolbtr countertelti'` , -------4`il'herbordertrofthelimmterfelts _match as well ea thif-borderivf the orizizial. - -The t- 4 engraving of tilt borderisluii as good. if not better , than the engraving on , the , . gennine note. In, the °tights' .the''llliel= t • 6 • inearciund -the '"1p" in the• medallion,. 2,1 d , runs ; r; v , ClOibt4ll; tll.oll4tgatel. the counter-. :felt note this shading,.is picked: up, and - • L , - becomes titans as it•resches the figurer, • , forinlag a - light streak ore, eirculaihszeil :similar to that < about the, moon before ,rain„ •,, the genuine , slight point for detecticia:* A clirer, one is thefitet Stettin the orig. htt:circle run. "•••- trim.' l 'o"lfiere are three - --,multi third dote "'ie."- lobeterfoit+,blP t h e one., third aiit fk-of•Aistbietlinfir found - iniaet,the,' left wing of the "irigje. `ln the genuine . notes are four distinct rows of feathers , 'under, the wing 'in' the aotlijterfeitirtie rows of feathers are undefined; amiltds , „ Aeons tq htt, the, weak spot in -the whole engraving.:: be: dots alter initials of Spinner's name are no surety . '''th °f rbor i rtel k e en its 9l / I t4rihr li re : do l P4 t * Ust sonic have pot., It.„tvould- be att linnet -to Olga on thii • coup- terfeitp.ste. , , 11:ateAtactilthirreit perportedia tube the the new scries,lfo. 53, letteul); but-than rA 7 i , • ilA e- re l.' , 3 letter D = 5 1 " un • , -.The rinist•stlifferetite 7between the 'ttirW . .• ; counterfeit Pons; is: that the , -4 ‘riS'w t z .:De..141-0411fitter Spinner's- hada* an& u • the 1.23P..iia. 1 4 - •1311414 r ,iSrae4;the dfestiiiotiore . et - 'the - Agin t L ifistia sid'Ai !had new notes.. . 1,,Z• , -ifolfidirtattespateirsalssl i The aerate areshtiwitag lkeir Amide - all over Ake Atatet,eneaglkited !WA, aPPlPAniellt of T a ber and : Democratic neurally' who • 'pay no _attention le the - requirements of the Franchise` Law. "They are repudia ting both , the Senter and - Stokes candi dates Mr the Legislatttre, and menbf their own: '-Ther prospect sow is that very, few Republicans of any-kind - will get into the Legislature. There is a good deal et excitement in the city, and the Deniocratin elenialts feel tbat ever,' thing is in their bands. The next muni cipal electron will take piers' in Squeal -100 and they are already loudly boasti ng that they will. not have in office-a Re pub limn:of any kind. Some of the co vative newspapers are endeavoring to re strain their sanguine brethren, but it is like attempting to rule a whirlwind. The rebel , Democracy seems bound once more to have its day." . Another .dispatch says: The feeling against Gov. Sauter ; in ; of the shameful frauds in regiatration is growing more bitter and widespread. Even the Press and Ames, Senter's chief organ; admits that the laws of • the state hive been trampled under foot, and that it' will.be follY to' hold ..a convention for ',the purpose - of;:enfranchising. the bx-reb 'els, as the,y,liave all been , erdtandtisea by -We 4are, 41 1 11, *X, liaUi er t l 4 . Mr` Of Gm Sent AU Beiktb •PW, ;s4,llyTe, miaird.y.:Aarctoform , faitorable Jo.•limtei l -,hpidl; t , useting: secentiv mut , :adopted 'inrcuir iresoluttona , denouncing. - fientetle - violatlobbf theault sandbonstitution, of !thtii'Stit4: and deelitring that - the , onry. course left to thein ie to vtitatinettitttously for, . resolutions are being handed around fOr - Signithires. ;, The . old'ieber tidolerant spirit is rife again: The .Consciousness on the part of ex-rebels :that ;they have received 'Melt icertiticatet.in violation of law: seems to aed•rial-bacitPlkfatanli. 9f theit_, nature,,. .and reports ootrogoA,upo Unio n stert' andbolorid - then in — Naury, -Madison, Dyer • and other bounties are : =numerous; _ Soita remarkable - experinients have been made in France on the relative re. pidity with which•messages pass thriugh -a telegraphic wire and impressions aaree tenveyet through the nerves to ,the brain"; ,and the result established is that - tie eieetrie message travels with a swift ness inlay thousand times greater , than :the physical Sensation which is trans ;matted only at the ra4:9r - thltV : metres AP a . aentmd. , Thus supposing a whale 'thirty metres ' (ebout:Pna .. hntArnd and tbreefeet) in leingt.b.to - beigrounded in the t 1 ,tail i twaecand , mouldf elapse: before the hrilnywoublbe Informed:l;y the nerves ;littlie eventrand atrothstrsecond 7 would expire before the will of the.'brain could be 'conveyed; to the caudal . muscles: and ecticin bctaltee to resent the ipittry, thus. leaving, fa appreciable' internifor - the escape of : the offender:. , This theory is' - strongly opposed by Claude . 33elmard and other eminent phyaiologists, ;who affirm that the:limbs can take re of themselves without instractiorus ftom the brain. Crean Finn Fates.—Very fine sped =ens of - these magnificent insects have recently been 'brought from Cuba to the naturalists _pf: Salem, Massachusetts. .To!se speihnena were,brought alive from Cuba, havingfed - on - 'anger and water. The insects are from an inch and a quar ter to two Inches 'long, of a dark brown, -ecilor, 'end the luminous emenationit issue .fronv4wO spots,.•apparently, Bpon the head, back of-the,eyes,butFreally ted upon the sides of the, t4rax or 'mid. die'section 011ie Way and' npOri th e OW deree. 14--Thilightlll sufficient to allow a Persaa,ti: read wAtfAii,the the, Is held near the printed:page. 3ellitatett that, • tho is SO be/ULU:4 I i tOitriCt 1 4 4/4 ant whams persOwhas looked - at the in. • sect for some , time,,• other and Artificial ligtan'appear of a deep zed. - \ • ' • A. inter:ass in Paris having occiusion for a haircutter, seat for one. ,At the ap. Pointed time an elegallt l 9 attired 'Person ind i the gentleman Ist down be. foie his dressing=csse tn . prepare for the operation. ` The :titan Walked ,ronnd his 4 !client" once or twice, and finally taking his stand at • some , distanee ' attentively scrutinized the gentleman's face with the air of .a ton toissenr looking nt a picture. - :said , the traveler, impatiently '"whenverti going to begin?" "Par, "don me; air, was the polite reply,. "I am not the operative, but the phytnegno. mftt, ' Adolph, " be cried out, and a Sleeved and Aproned barber entered from the hall, "a la Tagil." `With, lids laconic direction as to the model aftr which the gentleman's hair was to be arranged, the artist retired. 'l'4 ,• • • Tax Scotch Antiquarian Society have teat reserveds donation to their museum of two Interesting articles—the see cheat and a caved cocoanut cup which were the T roper* . of. Alexander Selkirk, Alm prototype of "Robinson Croce.", -Thew were with liins in hiX solitarY,residence on Juan`retiiatidez; and :were ibronikt home: Witte r :taken 'oft the ' lsland 'The, chest 15 made ofmahogany. salmi carv ed ..flelklrkal4tielfradillyt. on it. iiiid,ivhit.seetin to hive been hhi; number in the ship. Thelupwes carved byfielkirk while,an the island. , The Sr tides! were., recently- purchased byt,Sir. ;Davidcßtater sndresentedr to' the tov ciety,Oillyihtits other relics of Salkiik ate:known td be 1n eristettce - hib 'coifs- :44',40*.i***14.11iinindlig, stick. ,a:Coilll4lirOispiciiCo4ll6ston Ad. .vertfor Ung;1 • 14 1 / 4 , in the Adl londack-reglon of: NewlYarkm tfgattcy, a. tviilage ;whose Antnates „l 4 : ttd ~paseed.: through the, antl•elseent tlon, - Pie war of rebel/ion, and the itantge: cempaliprie;known, * of the grest.,,sp... Ole of '44le6titl,lhe 'neer , hee; ro ' shy/ ' *brought ) * nclote4 a few• yetrte ,, to - Lont djthe people front m„agie,4 ,aroond• came totheho. tq , efte.,•:# 13 ;411.9 4 40 12 &fer-the Ara time jestheir,4Pc.944Mit face." nO:l6llgeti Award Ott° bhemiste, labratoty that • eletti goidlytliVvean tber OO filoie,iitarcti Ititd i jittpbutiO , t!cidy, Apo' delicio**Fitil 4A ult'OPtel , 1/ e; thslio.::ft*beCCo 6 utt.4 W rer 6r. iCont ,cArog mo xt.thA bi) i -,4 a can •9, i=bat l 4l4-. PI v:f tttroflnter 4s- condition; tut hrfset itberculbema , al!)=l.llmit to thlk 'adalteratiOntt Vitt ifirtutelltgeot tionbist eltetlf”an 1 /P* l 4f! fellow •s( , . t ioniti4ltr il a 410 e,tertlYsoel lspectil4-: :Beid of ` rhos' it :stipe: 'Pr4 fitted; =3lt4 faieluir 6, bat sligze*ZAPV ll l4. ol Oce 4 o 4ll4 lliaotni bEslr sat<* llll6 itabbeittia Ix*lW lamiiihkg UM, J 4 r tilLarettg , , e 0 . a,y , t, ' PIT ISBITEGH GAzErrEi MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1889. :MW,T, 7;1,- ti ._iii %'!•'~" t•,CiZLITif: ell iwrigußOCE . VaspA t O:: : : 01 riZ WORLD, .T;~~,TIQI~AL LYE INSURE COMPINT, or THE I UNITED STATES OF AD -ERICA: Charverid by Special. Mt of Congivin. Gash CaSeta - - $1,009,000. Branch Office, PRILADELPKIL OVVIOSUB. terAgENC2ll.24.K.rillii*lptta , Prettient.' puiumaa , Mambos Wil4llll4 t nh Irk* Pied' MAIMSI.}. :mg: Inlirr:141"141P" Bec " 1117 ‘ moms man, 10 - 11, rtitiOilphliAted= ital DlreCtor. . • Thts Com?sei tutted. te the Ant TB MoNTII3 of is vzbtesee. " 54 9 5:ElnaCIES9 mnranrq MIME - 034;;413; .- 43,c). - .0 Thls Commit* Offers to tto_Poller•lloldemi 'PERFECT , SECURITY Bylta Ciiih paid optoyiltal of One Wilton Dole ' lam aid guarantees to the !netted, by its LOW . BATES OF'PB.p.M.TIThr, , • - R ENDStARSE.DIVI INADVANCE.' Or s Itsvertionary lilytairod or 100 pe% eeflt. by =MN ?REIM GENERAL ACEtiti: E. W. CLARE. * CO., Bankers. !Noy SE. Donee Third Emmet, ..Thiladelplua.meaerra Agents for rennatranla an& S t eamen Seir,lersey4 O. S. •Dessr.W.. Mansni. . - 3 NU' 11110 TAT Alt C 0 .4 • ADrtieenT.:BeeiveriDatier, Mercer and whin/ion comities. AL .11.0EliTSAILE WANTED la every City and •Tawni• and applications from compe tent parties fer such agencies Vtat dOrselSeat, 'Mould tot 14dreseed TO THAI cox- PANDA DESEM.U. AGENTSONLY. tleir respective districts. :7Y2:lrWeat • WINES. LIQUOItI3, Buu , SCHIZIDT & FR.IDI&T; ~~'~,~. WE% 0111 wso dUs EiLitans OVRE wmaEs, 409 PE= i3TREET. Have Removed to MCI NOW lISCAND 3MO PETS; Cos. Eleventh St., (formerly Cam 7.,L. nnamitalr.n.everts DILL NOES k'STETENSON DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure 'aye Whiskies. IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS &Ca. •-: • - - Na. , 87 Second Avenue, sFM -prrnshunon, PA. jO B *P B MCP & Con 'ss; •;m1 ea. tiff, no, mows MI,•• 11:118T STRIKE% YiZ'llißtJ fl. ' • •• - matEmacTemESS OP • 94111" a, WhiSkai 41317-011"- • nal Si 1 I ,131YMMEREESORTS: "Ar.wwwsriowiliANAMPovi~ni ICIIESSQW thustett f oil - the Stun: tin AT 'the littr,oll3lST: 'WM 'A, Souk- NM? ABUYE 1 3 2 LEVEL UV THZ eZ.k. wain. OPeltlif t e r • , eehtion °trete on the late ugly' • The. buil& eonnetted.with the est rlebatent. beliebeei e Mei? tebovited awl newly,tosle4s. kforpl i bigm . vr a auma,,kri'hittolt an its- , Me 4-1100.1 aeP.. .iter'atogrivt m. 'T Is ty - FHENIeH cowAelo-Fok, 114/111Te florienhet IptoTelighei *Orel sk;litrtrt)i.repOitor' ll) -so, . Ciessoulposisittimaryitolori Psi W , CafteMT TA= • - s i• ' -,..- -„, ',..i g iltr- , .. 7-4...zi , 0p e.ri 1 v..c . j;-' , ' ,', , -114 sis Clatter - will ir. , Ifesiinkl:eidsill ':.• ~ WM t,.., . 1 0 'MOS r~e~,~~t rj — lT frAitiP9/ o *, *t i•••• 'l,ll c.- Q 5 OTC CASSIMERMCIIOW; ''l.l • 111:44Ted wirAtXxxx, .z La. tit " C 14144911eltitteiV law f ot.n , 2.•• t `t: Vie . , l, `104,W. TeriNOß : Wiyar it o.. /.... , . 13,u , rite , 1 ‘.0. , ......r.,. ..1'..1' 60: ' ~ i ..': SlitzlToitoirOTNEßWinli , ‘ n1,1:,!1:-' , z c: 7 - F.- , -;:- , ... -..!..,• , :, , :s.. ..,... ,:.-.,-,. i , q 5- :4c!ii , c r t:Orwigunisat -,, ,`,`,-` . l I' 74; I f. 1 ' ki l.: fIosIWILAWINSTOSen; 4,...!..' . 4 ,.1”,t.+4 tx.l r) : :•2,c , A , ' L:17:*2.1.;;; : tiri ‘ `77--7 4 Stiiiiket .. iil 4 .:Voxitittenc . TONIC -- AND MANTfitt n itt . .4 1 21 2 ` " , Coestioption; Liver.CornMaMt , •if taken ecoord.:l Mg he directions., ', - three Who taken at tile gamegme: Meant. the stomach, tip. lazing' liver maples it. work; then the appetite begomee-good; the Awe digests and makes good blood; the patient' begins loArow -in testa the diseased matter -givens into the lungs. and the • Palliint outgrows tot dbease mad' tees well. Thu te she play way axone. consutaption. ~. _TO these threejnedicines Dr. .1 - . 11:5elmerick, of 'Plalidelphla, meet his bitriVaied endless in the treatment of:pulmonary Consump in tion. The Pal moult, diyrnpAilicris:the, , inorildoratter in the m Pings, übra breast% off by an Easy enperictora .tion,- Dm -wheat/La 'phlegm or matter is pe a - slight trontl,will tbromM off, and the patient has rest Mid th e lunge begin to heal. Si do. t Is, the tleswet ii- /mile and Mandrake ' Pins stns,be Melly amid to cleanse the stomach and liver. so that the rulnonac Syrup and the food will make goad blood. - • Schenekia. Mandrake_rills act upon the liver, removing. alivbstructions.xelax tUe (Meteor the gall bladderV;tbabile start*' freely: ' and the liver is soon relieved:Abe= nimbi will 'chow what the Pills can do; nothing has ever, been Invented ex. cept calomel (a. deadly poison oLiCh Li very den. gereee to bee unless with great care.) that will unlock the %bladder any an tert the sem:ions of the liver dchencit's drake Pills. Liver Complaint 14 caw 0 the most prominent causes of Consumption.= -:= ' • - • dchenciiis Seaweed ,Tenieten gentle stinirdant and alterative. 'Ad the altal in the Seaweed, which -Mit preparation - is made M e assists the stomach - tout:ow imt the gaurele Face to dissolve the lboderith the raIMODIC Syrup, and it is made into good blood without fernmatation or souring in the stomaeh. - _ .-- ' ..• ' '... - ' ' The grekt Nista way. jmyszomps do not ease COlllinagre la, they try xo do =. eon =gait they give me ne to stop thaeough, tostop Walls,* stop night - sweats, hUUeMvert mad: by JO doing; they derange the whole digestmeLpowers. lock- I n AP l l ll ll e r: S M l ! , ,,e 3 r .. P iw "Ijitler ; p Dr. Acbesekiitj hie troltuilatt;defee not Mae 1 o.o*ltllMMlle. bigot .fivreatx cams or feeer. , 1 moYetne -1, eine - tiamilL all .etop - of own a .o.ol.3laeseldiA teemed et Consontp.• itigivi t ..',l l =Pla i n.,i l ( 4 ll t r an : Cal atjagreTecsie - • - • --- ' • ' 11, 1- and _ gr ig„„„,„,a",= . ... 1 0:4;_, eit'itonreii the twists wait are i earowtebereles, -abeeliali 'bre 'o l lfrillat uunsuou rdellnu adhella% rot:1110 1 0 1 PP VS ItisSillgt 'and his [ (teeming. ln such cases what meist'llie ne? It 1 is not only the Moo teat are wasting, tdo t rtheWliniebodyd.abe and liver have lost, them power-te make ood out or fo d. Now Die Only Chance ill to. , Dr. bathers three 'medi cines. Widdimm'ftMig - op atone to Mast the stings stilt begin to want lead, itwill o t l es t i easily and make good blood: then ile glee to gala in flesh. and as soon as. %nobody be en' ta 'Won! the- lasme.comnsenee te heal up. sad the patient gets di soy and, well.' this is tae only way to everepeesualpffea. , • = :When *erste , wor s *eesse and only Liver Complaint and Dy dchencre Beaweed Twigs guallegerehe are sufielent, without the Fablillbee_EATllla. , Mike the •Mtintaake - Pile freely in all bawls. comi*ilnts, as therm mem featly harmless'. ' . _ Dr. ' schema.' whe ' has enjoyed uninterrupted healtbformanYlear apeA. and now weighs MIS pounds. was waited away to a mere skeleton, in the very last Mere of Pulmonal - 7'ConsixePtiol., , hi*Pb7sicisinshattrijcpranottneed his ease hope. Id and abandoned Mato his tate. lie was eared bY the aforesaid Mec Mines, slid since las - ream.- suany Oatmeal identierly 'afflicted have used Dr. l -W-b mk t, ittrittieraldoit with the , mine re— markable mean directions .accompany each, mean/ it net absolutelynectesary to per sonaliv. see.DPP &Much, unless-patients wish their bangs and los this _purpose De is prefessioually at ,'Mnclpal Mee, Phliadel ppda, eVery esiterde • where all letters for advice neeirtrbe *Nellie& z ..:Drotera'onally at No. 3$ Bond street. New Tort, every' other. Tuesday, and MN°. 3511am:over 'street, Boston, every'y outer Nlfieisday. • - ble gives sdvite is iZe d but tor a Quayage. exiinlinntton. wit 4 . his , 1, reenter the prbotts 85+ , 9orcitheum at eachtt Dore OA. e he Plansonin t.' Sow p. lei ' • •"; . . i ~.,, t Apenp_asitiAleaweed Tow lc each al.diteper bottle. ur eil.oo a half 'done: Mandrake mu SS admix s erv os . Paz - ade lir . Ver Decant Vreti _. - TIIVOOLII TO =SAT - ALL TILLNA/71. DIBIGAND-S., Tait- nalassoaS alias- of MVO resulting from mil- shun prodnellre manliness, aervous dardlitYr, tit/WAIL% anip* non, mane& amillante. ".111.101 - InAuy potent!; perinnearlit- , nand.. rersons adlicro. la ed Inas Galena Innene 'sad lona Won , lag osanittlionaleoraphainfare politely to call- for 'rearalltatlons. which outs noth Eapertent• thc:bete teachers.. hat e ,111 m to,-perpet remedies at once efficient. Anise permsaest;antarbleh is non ewer eau be net without htneraneeto bnatnestaediciaeir pry non la the - satablishrsen..ar embrilen. dee, reaspikos and wainnf Mao. opardlna eau sleeping apanisente for Pat looms: ilatared= daily personal standdas. • and vapor. an en oaths. thus eoneentratlag i thAdlnineral. sprints. Ponatter who have state you ease. Read what he says in his et of Any' pages, sent;Seliml addreaCtor 0 stunre in ow ed envesipe. ~Thousaan of asses treated anat.- . MM. Med and all over We eeraitt e eollwal. lath* 'lreatlegralfirer 431,3 1 1 1 U ea No. IV Wylie eas Conn noosed bargb4 Pa. • Hours lc-so s sr: Banda. lil 'to toll r. rt. TlMltlin sisaflo say-address !Or MS 114014 t. Tomo _ , wolimu) . rra. This splendid Hair is thelessMille World: the may tees end - IninOali, rear Vs. Instentsneons; • no. Intent si• dlcabne' flats• ; > ill 'feeds bed Dlnvlders_ses and leaves sha l t sae , Dew _ Owes sse looms. Bold andPerinseezes sad app UV. lests Win tactory. Yen. us street. - eir rantAI I ST eilre MOM --ThoeiMailait Mel Meted azo -nestirOol:lpasok DK,c x.. 1 r Lanett*: Rotolokoco um. e ra i u tt a will cox = o ral! buoil t It aW M. D., 38 Great Jolts street, Aow art: Samson the ltaiteltd OP YOUTH and the POT.LIso,OO, AGE.: Ingued. to ISO ,VILS with serous help to r e errthx, fuel en. Dlmens Seetia. sealee inner : env eiopes t tree dr.therill.. ' , Address. LION4111)41.31001 AT Box P. 1016.0'5., u5r4004.117 10313ESSZdAt5rTS; , w.t.t.thigi- T W G Rtflutflt, N oTi pp,,,T he4 l-ossseptisor GULD1.1543 and PANliick _of • HOW! STAlt2tFlinni Bidwell street to Chatters street;' also the eAsitasniene for 3redineitnd nein& of Franklin street. from Sedswlek street to Beaver Wise; are ready for examination and ear.. be seen ht the . citheiof the City will until An o gust 3d, 1869, when they will be oilseed in the hitideisi the City Tkeasurer for collection. • 0111•11,LES — DA.V/5..! • ' CitY Itarineer., CITT Eo rrEstesiv.rics, • rampant:sr curr, PA.; JtaY 23,1869. NOVICE.--TheAsstoments for Grading and Psiv.ng of LINDSEY'S 4ALLEY,A j one 7.edlie 'Vent to lseitson street.' Also the Sisenenient roe tbs . Aiinuling and Pavlng, of 744, 0 4 444/arr..frOm 'Llikeer Tie p rifer, ire, now reidy for; exiunlnatton.' 'ea t n344 Been at the ofliie of theelty Engines! no;!! 140:131' *a, 'oath. whin they; wilt Ike 1111161% tiLtil t i4lllllll:9FVlo,oltyTreieniei oql• ' ' • I DAVIS, A 7201065 ..ictirrizietszEl4l-, OrlitifolcOritiittrstiElia'ainvvrtinxtim4 't e: :!!• 1 . r;11 , . Pitfall:l=M 41147 WhilBB,9: /.• " p. .oTlVE.,aritie.iiissessment tel." ,n-ilztVitnicifilluiiittlFrattivibelfi'llegl l 4 l9 TnaltoyLV.l: . sweirleset for etlibloatkooilar.d :can I,4l.seell ittshirlFantlitTklllkidariV•Alln.o littk irtoutorA ottmellit,.,4be tl r rasuier. .otliee Tor , lepotk. - ' - ,':I. J. PORIr.; - pirbutpap . , 4.-. , - .1 , 7 1 , . K.fi:1-4'olll sector: imiliv Viol** iiiti. iStitlingi o2 4: ~ Cliikk-•-, ranwernan. Julr 23 . /no tor 4VriE" EISITh o t t allanUn d• CtirbOL e rttA. - • ~ .,0 1111. 1 111. ,._ ...)1,&W1,!i_,*:,, r..rmititigi Melina i k.,„rt is --,- W1,.., now. - m , ' •-• dim- DAT.,Auerallt - - MI sobs Ilithfilvddice until? .....,-Dulr.Tmil. tali , ivwin-lietZturPeds.. w ".". .., 414./fra.,..fatko_Uee I}4l,krtioi ititneer. tom It rt, fuj..* In . Int/14,i( ore .titiiiiii lint tiiiinair..t :- ,-,..-••''' " a.titin-Ntitt ',lot.' i 4 42.1 lile,st _1404 . Oliffilositent !or': 7 Ithe .Witon-0 • . ittor Muff sno4rzat Islttletilallt. IMPIN Jr:. • EA' it ill 4 . „ % t hi LI : 4 o ur to • • ei I 1 .17.24111141 _IC. ~ „ ~ , CIO 04:•-••:' 4-t €,,3LlV;ißTimuZus4,..3 rroi; 4.. 4 4 , *fil 0- 49 Tar172C2114 19 -I,ASIAIES AMU 14 , - •vr,:nr: E4P4tittat!,r',.. ' ." - 1 '. - 1•;L:tf .. .. • 0031101138102 U STARragf ftottidtrufilintarklosurif :IC • • ' .Ic . as NAINVISIPUnUngiI. IPA. : I 11111111ff.m4r.r , frr - 4Tfl 1:4,nm , ..t 7 L • • aw.23..v . w0,1•4 t:=71,1;r4t1t:::: owe? ..-lakimAgazizen•L e E an S, 1tU21.2f a lot et ground erow n_gAno t on weberry/Mto running -bank 315 st f • latch[ In rear - 0 wituburp: Jinn , hali7,-1114:11 floeaMett.• r wee Cola stably. and