El CM= rIZZE rEißoiEiiss ma-um. OrilleffreirPrrnannion . GAZWETZg -Barriaimr,. July Egli 4869. - - I:OCMPILL REVIEW.c The market has .been ...COmparatively quiet during the past week the volume of business 'ltaving , been- :rather light, While. in regard :to price*: there..tove been no important changes.'.. The feeling Suring the 'past three dims' has been ' lather 4eilk — tit:id. both Linde, anal Re = l imed ; are no, shade loiter ' , 'and as, th e . termer is muntridgher,... relatively,. than heatter, It. is: altbgetherfproblble that: ;he s will be a..1u1l while tho, present n tiality in :Priem' , nbutitlizait.! , That: e t .here will have tote yokel:kg° in this re, spect - ifi ariddid,'and the Wiper" the pet ter for.alt concerned:. :" ; Re:oelPtEr c rude this Week, 11,7 38 ',lib* last _week; ',18.306k , from ~January .Ist, to date, -, 4 64179; . same time last yeay, 602,147. Exports hefined,! this week, 18,3`,9 tibia: bat week. 19,032;.,fr0m Jam"... sry Ist tgdatci 285,273; same time last *ear 347,031. Sales this week 61,640; last : Week 57,400..::: . • • :,:. - , CRUDE. The Crude' market notwithstanding it is a shade - lower,. is still nevertheless pretty. stiff. and-therels not much Offer ing.. Sale 1,000 'spot ;at 14 3 / 4 ; 1,000 this water at 14%; and , 1,000 spot at .15. :It is but proper so note that this last sale was. Made to an operator who was "short" ;and it' being the only lot of spot oil effer ing, and the tast day ofgrace,. he was forced to likelt—slid, If he could have. !done ad Utter; ho would lifivie 'paid 16; conselictently;. lb cent& cannot be fairly iregarded as the standard price, as, there -were no other _buyers et anything .over 1.145. i, and :butrvary few :at. that.[ fl tE rp r * : ," . Sale:or two lots:of 1,000 each "Spot at 1 3 / 3 4; and. 1,6014' Spot at - 31 3 / 4 . - August last half, 320,3214; a n d lines for last three, ' ;and fivemonths,B2.lPg3S. As will be spoof idllgt fraction higher than YesterdaY.-Wtdl6 ,"rutufea'!. remain nn 'enangcd, ,; • • - Edipse,Wbaterjoibriaating, ' 40e Eclipse Magma 8.50 lEslipsp ,76e, (Eclipse ....•.. Oa , • • ~ 11Ecreirrs or ciwna • 1,040 bbls. Parker 1,040 "" Pool 8r0.,:- . - 280 4 g•7l • : • L : 7 2. 8 .60 * Ls °/ 1 44 IPTEA. 23 4 IBI : 3 Fr;#•'T.'-ai Leekbarte Pre* &.Co: 585 tibia . : refined to Warden, Prew ofe 'Firtre,Y.th ~Bro.; 257 We i refined to Warden. Frew & Co; Philadelphia. • E. W. Morgan & c0.,.g00 bbls refined to Warden, Frew, Liberty OliWorla,44:brils; ref., 04 tti wat4o, Prow ¢t co.; hila eTphia. Fawcett 71.• &8: 191 bbia refined .to' P Logan it NrontrAeliner. - Koeililei,4 co. Zoohilase f • to l at * arinigilio44P.;PAladolidils• lot Ite MARKETS BVITELEGRAPII. NEW You& 'Tidy 11..:—Cottoit without idecitiad_„Chauge; 1 88141 - of 420 biliea, at . .. . _ 33% ®33,ic tor middling uplands. Flour; receipte.:loll3 bble; market dull and. ~ „. slightly In -, buyers' favor; , salesof 5,800 bbls, at $5,90®8,40 - foi antaii• - fhie State and western, $6,75®7 8 33 for extra State $6,70 @ 7 ,44 for extra: 17640 w, .$1,45®7,70 for white wheat extra, $6,9507,45 for R. IC, 0., 87(40,if0r extra St. Louis, and 5/0® . 10,50T0r good to choice dp. Rye Flour • dull. Corn Vea - .''scarce - and 'quiet. Whisky in moderate request, at $1,75 for western and sl,l6®l.llforfree. Whea.; ; receipts 18,216 bush; market dull and I@ 2c lower; shippers are holding off, while millers and speculatori are not disposed to operate at present; sales 6,800 bush at $1,58 for No. 2 spring; 11,48®1,51 for soil " do; $1,64 fora amber Indiana; 81,70 for • choice new amber' Tennessee and North Carolina; $1,90 for new:white Tennessee. ' Rye quiet. Barley nominal. Barley Malt lower; - 8,500, bush Canada West at $1,80151,90:' Corn &gland 1c lower; receipts' 4,90% 'ealeii'4l,ooo bu shat 88o® $1,04 for unsound new mixed' western; $1,05®1,08 for sound do; 1480 for white and. yellowwestern, and *1,0; kiln dried. Oats firrderandimettled;TeeeiptslB,lB3; saleSsl,ooo basket - 880 for western amid; 75c for new' Maryland, arid 780790 'for new Virginia; ,',Bfce quiet. Coffee quiet. Sugar steady;44oohlidsCutiall§l2c. l!dco• lasses dull,Petrolenni firm; 'crude 1730; 32 e. ferrefiried.:lllops quiet and steady. Coal—domestic firm atV,so®B,7sper ton by cargo; foreign' dull and: nominal. Leather quiet and .:unchanged..- Wool more active; sales 775,000 pounds at 45® 56c for domestic fleece; 8235®85c10r tin ; washed; 42®470 - for , pulled: , 45561)60c for 'combing. Linseed = oil dull at 98g$1 in casks.'' 'Turpentine,' quiet. - Pork quiet . and heavy; salel4s4llibli at $38883,15 for newPless; closing at 18 3 •1 2 34 01 81 :112S1 5 for d id dm $27,25k92/3.25 ear prime; aw , ra-: k goo for prlme Mess. , Beef stead y; sales I 150 bbbiat'ini6 for new plain mese; $l2 . ', ®l9. for 'new extra messi:,-Tierea - beef i dull at $20®26 for prime Mess; $25830 for India mese.: Beet hams steady; saies • 170 bbls et .1211.31. Cut Meats steady: I,saleiilB6pkgs at 133;®14yea for shoulders; 16y,®190 for hams.:-:Middles quiet an steady, With Vales of 80-boxes .. ice Cared at 16®16r,0: ; lard quiet and held more , I firmly, with sales of 480 tierces at 17® i 19,c for *teeth, Ind 10:4)20e.f0r kettle rendered;:alsof.,2s tierces steam, seller 1 Semen:loo4lo 19,gc. "Butter ,quiet' at 10 @We for, Ohilii and 18008 c ,:for State, j 1 Cheese firm at 1101.53fc. Sheathing cop. 1 per Steady atl2cp 'lngot cOpper_quiet at ; 82X ®32X for o asked ; _ - lake. Fig iron quiet and firm at 188042 hrr'Sootoh and ; American. Bar gide: IA 185(090 for 're. i fined English ' and American. :Sheet dull at 10y,,i5t2yergold lbrilussia. Nails quiet and steadyret 44.7034.75 , for:cut, $6,20®6,V6 for clinch, and 26®80c for horeo shoe. Freights to Liverpool firm. r.l'ii)l3:o3ntEt per iateamer. 6 0,00 0 bush ,'h at 8(1: . _, . - • _ - liitrat,4•Flatir" closed du1184.100 lower.; . Wheat very quiet and to lower. . . Rs . A . nominal at 0 1 ,26®L27.f0r western. Oats rather quiet, at 820 Tor western afloat. Corh lower and 'dull at 75c®111,08 for =- sound, and 81,04@.1,07 for sound mixed western. Pork nominally unchanged. Beef quiet Mild steady. Cut Meats firth with, a, moderate demand. Bacon dull and unchariked: Lard dull' at 19;4® 19y,c for good to prime steam. ' Eggs quiet at 23@)24c: - '- • . CiticAeq, July 81.—Eastern Exchange firmsod unchanged. Flour 'oloh - spring extras $5,75®7,50. Wheat quiet and easier; No. 1 - steady. at 11188@t!,40, clos ing Unchanged: •No. 2 in for demand; sales at $1,84®1,25, closing quiet at 51,36X1 this afternoon the market wail in. active at IL32for No. 2, seller Augusta Corn (inlet; sales No. .1 at 87ci Ni*-0 2 at 88®880.and, rejected at 80M t no grade', If at 78®70c,'Cloalog 'atABo34: 870f0r No: 2; this afternooq the'inarket• wio , Inactive at Bpc Air : NF,',' '2; seller ',A.UBnst;.- ` Oats Fist and.latles•were - made 0ffi0.,2 at 68 60c in - atone, and: szt 553 c , seller : rat - jlislt,of Azgust,. or , steady . at as i ol 580 far Sin store. , Rve:q eh old No; 2 lurfe:2o 26 " 4 4' o l4 ' Xhi - Piteliii i i il a i 114 0 , ealeslOLol4 , Nrii. Ititi' , wosl l l o2l In .. . . . , . . 1 4 .. , '...':;.: 7' -, • ',.., ~. ;. , , • i t .. . . ZET II I ) - MON tkitY ' i sA U' -- 21 • im, 1 . :„,,,„,„„,,,,, ~,,,.,,,,....,„,..3 , „„t r„ .,..,„„P=,, 15,...3j..., 1 3...90....,... -,.. j --.0,•,AH,...•„....„—•••:•::::„.:.!:.: 1r ._., ' .„:.. 4. 7 ~..,•,' 1, 17•• !........V.: 6 „0..--112 1,;! " ....,. : 7...„... ~.... store:. ;Barley quiett. sales Of new reject ed 110 c, and no gmde at 50c; High - wines steady and firmer at $1,03. Sugar firm at 13:y9143;c for common to prim° Cuba. Provisions firm. Mess Pork at 03.75: Sweet pickled hams 1730; .dry salted shoulders .133913 1 Xc. Lard at 18%9183;c. Freights unchanged. Re- ceipta for past, twenty-four hours—flour 3,959 bbls, wheat 32,850, corn 119,571, 'oats 28,191, rye 735, barley 1,450 bushels,,: hogs 5,374. Shipments—flour.4,s4s bbls,. wheat 37,427, corn 74,986, oats 2,171 bus, hogs 7,952. • Affernoos.—At open ,Bcard this after noon their° was , very little done in the grain market, and prices were little bet. ter thau:, nominal; .Ho. 2 spring Wheat closed at 41;34@i1,3434 on spot,:itter 11,3214, seller'fir August. Corndu.ll;but firm at 87c, seller forlast half of,A n gitet: In the evening hOthing was Spite ST. Louis, July M.—Tobacco a little higher:on • IoW, grades, lugs selling at $8.50? 8 , 5 0 for common to medium, and leaf B®lo. Cotton is nominal at 32c. Hemp firm and unchanged. Flour dull 'and declined 25c on low grades .and 50c .On medium choice and fancy; superfine sold at 55, 00a5,50,-extra at $5.6295,75, 'double extra at' $6,5096,6234, treble ex tra at $7,0097,75, and :fancy .$6,00®9,75. Wheat not quotably changed; prime Missouri spring sold at $1,15, prime to Strictly prime red fall 51,1591,25, 'Fholce to fancy do: /1,2591,42. ' Corn very, dull arid 598 c lower; mixed in bulk sold at 82985 c, choice white at 900,- Prime• to choice white in sacks ,51,00@1.05: Oats 'dull, drooping, unsettled and lotver; new sold at 56®62c; old at 84®67 - c. - Rye a little firmer; wime new and old 90c; choice old 11. ,Whigky ., steady At 11,19. Groceries' quietand unchanged. ' Provis• ions firm. Pork sold - on orders at 834,25. 'Dry salt shoulders sold for' fee. '=Bacon shoniderei .15y‘c; clear rib sides 18%e; 'clear sides 19c. Lard quiet at 1835919 c for dente; 2034 c for keg. - Cattle in mod erate request at S';( 635 c. Hogs active and firm at 5798,50 for light; s9®lo for heavy, Recelpts-4otir 2,700 bbls., wheat 22,60abn. corn 3,609 bit., oats, 6,700 bu. barley 200 bn., rye 1,000 bu.; hogs 260 ClNctxx. Ala, July 31.-Flour rinchang‘l I ed with a moderate local del:Windt family 5e@6,e2. Wheat closed quiet with less demand but prices unchanpd; new red $1,20®1,25; new, white 51.0®1,50; kiln .11,85.' Corn unchanged with-ear at 94® 960. .bats•dull anddeclining with new at 54®58e; and old 70073c;"supply better and marketclosed heavy. Rye dull at 96®98e': Barley• unchanged and not much! offering; fall in demand at 11,25® 1,30: - Tobacco firm and unchanged in eye*' respect. Whisky' dull. and prices nominal at 51,10; • buyers ;'offer' .1,08. Provbdons firm but quiet!' Mess Pork $33,50.'',8a1k meats 18y.lo for shoulders, 10q®16)ic for ' aides. , • and :16X® 17'.c for clear , rib and clear`-sides. Bacon at 1510 tor shoulders and .183.4® 190 for clear rib and cleai sides; there is not much done, but holders are very firm at these rates. Sugar Cured Hams scarce and held at 24®256.. Lard quiet at.l9!4c. Butter scarce and firm at 24®30c. at 13®14e,"and market dull.' Linsee7l 4 4 +(my dull- at 98c, and •is selling at this 'rata in small way. Lard Want/ at 51. 3 .5 01,4 Petroleum at 22®31c. Sugar and Coffee firm at fall rates, and the demand is good. Gold at 136. „Exchange firm at par, buying. Money market easy. , CLEVELAND, July BL-Flour: the mar ket is steady and .unchanged.. Wheat; market unsettled and- irregular. 1 Corn dull, neglected and,. lower; Noel mixed nominal at 96®97c, No: 2 do.. at -94 c. Oats dull and 'upraised and very irreg. ular; sales were made before 'Change at 76c, and on 'Change at 67c; closing nom inally at 670680 fur No. 1 State. Bye in fair demand and steady at 41,10.. Bar ley; no transactions, and the market is nominal. Petroleum; he market is dull and inactive -and there,sre net, enough transactions in refined to give reliable figures; held at 2935€129c; crude 'dull at Nkw ORLEANS, July St.-Cotton-mid dlings nominal at :8234c; sales 250, re. ceipts 189, exports 1,195 bales. Gold at 135%. Sterling 150. New York sight y, ®w prenilum. Flour dull; superfine $5,70; double extra 56,50; treble- extra $6,75.. Corn-white 11,15®1,20. Oats 72c. Bran .1,05. Hay firm at 130®112. Pork dull: at 125,50. -Bacon-shoulders 153 ®l6c; clear rib /9y,®l93ic; clear sides 19%®20c; hams 23®35c. ,Lard- , tierce: 2034 m, keg 21X ®220. Sugar4common 11 ®l24:4..prime 14c. Molasses,-dull; fer menting 68c.. -Whisky ,11,1734. - ICoffee dull; common 1.5y,0; prime /6;4®163.c. ~ ToZEIRC July 31.-Flour fplie arid steady. Wheat market close and quiet; No. 1 and 2 red lower; -amber, $1,45 for new; old, 52,12; 51,5734 fatold No. h red; 51.44®1•45 for , new;, and • old ; No. g -red 51,39; amber, seller.August.sll39- c'ara,. No. I 8,34 e lower at 73e; No, 2 Sold at 1381i6, - sellerAugast. Oati ' held sit - 78c. with Ont 'buyers. !Rye, no dentind.' Be. cell*: •1;700 bblallour, 86,680bulth wheat, 89,100 bush torn, 8,100 buSh oats. • •.Eildp. manta: 100.bbls flour, 5,900 blish'lWhant, 5,400 Muth corn, 1,400 bnall'Oaia-." " ' t ' . T 11 Msztirars' ; July ',in.-Cotton' fano ge;" middling et_ . BlXc; , low mid dlitlk. at .30Sie; recerptn today, - 77 bales'_ for 'the' ,weelt,, 128 balsa; for the ' rtitmth;9ls halet, ex ports today, 77, bales; for the week litit Wee; - tor the Month; 10385 bales. , . Alai r, firm, sirith `sales medium grades at 4 Pi ®7,58.' Wheat ' .1141,80. Corn. at 9 ' lt. 01.' 'Cats firm at 80®85d. ,' gay scarc e : Bran ! at 5 20, and market ; i nactive. Corn Meal at .4,50(4)4,75. Pork at $34;50. Lard at 20®213fc. Baikal . qtdet; shoulders at isg, and sides at 193fc. ' ' ' ~ • Lot:asylum, July, 81.-Heavy baggin g is very &mat 2403. Flour brae; sales of Superfine at MOO,:Bed, wheat st-.11/,/5, e - d whito. at,1 1 9 20 . • . Conn in . bulk ,at Bbc .. Oats' at 70c. Barley `at 111,15. Leif To bacco steady, with sales of ' 1091ihds. at 15,90®18. : , Provisions are very firm:. Mess Pork at $33,75., Bacon; shoulders at 1534 c ' dear rib at 19o; clear sidei at /934 c., Hams; angar cured at =We. Lard at 1934 c. Whisky steady. Higliwines at, BALTIMORE, July 81.—Flour quiet and low grades firm, withr western superfine. at 15,7566,25; extra $6,5067.25; family 47,7548,50. Wheat firm, with prune at 0,5061,55; choice $1,60P Corn dull.with white at ;1,06461 4 10.' , Oati'Stettdy , at OS@ 67c... 8543 dull- at, 0,2061,25 for . new• - Mess Fork 01. Bacon; , rib, sides 19c; clear rib 193ic; shoulders 16c; hams 236 240. =lard quiet at 19%®20c. -:Whisky firm at 51,19. : , OSWEGO, July 31.—Efour in moderate demand, with sale4.9f / * WO bbis at, ~ 5 7,25 6a 7,50 for No. 1‘ spring;; $7,75: for amber winter; $8,25, for white, and 19,00: fbr ;double extra.' Wheat unchanged, with Baleen!' .8,400 Visit , No. 2 Milwaukee Club at $1,50. Corn held at $l,OB for No. 2,kilhfiried. Canal freights: wheat 834 and corn 73ic to, New York.. Canal ox ,ports, 24,500 bush wheat.. P.nfLADELPHLt, July 3l =Flour steady: northwestern extra family, 26(47,.. Ohio and Indiana, do. ,s® 9 Wheat dull; Old red $1;60@l1;152,. new' $1,55. Ry 6 dull at $1.25.ef Oorn - bas declined 1% sales mixed westermat 11,10®1,12. Oats in limited' demand; _western sold' at; 75@760., • Pro mhdonsimohanzed4 Petroleum. steady; crude 22 3 / 4 0. s;reflued 1113‘._. Whisky Minwatrams; July 81.=-Flour dullend , unchanged. —Wheat ' , steady 11141,401•)11 No. t;;1,853 ?for No. 2.--Oate ' dnll ant .10actiVe at. see Vern' essi6Yirt' too for No. 2. Rye firm at 111,04 fot,lc6l 1. Buley;noniiaal . ( Baia fretghts ' quiet` and Arm.' Receiptl,ooo flour, 48,000 bu wheat. Shipments-3,000: bbla flog; 53,000 bu wheat. DErnorr,_ July 31—Flour quiet and unchanged; stockllght and prices tlrtn. WheatrextWirhite at $1,82; No. 1 do. at 11,70; (M 4446% next week; No. 2. do. at 11,44@1,46; No. 1 amber at 11,44. Oats market declining. with sales btate and western at 77c; offered at 75c seller for , next week. Corn easier, with sales No.. yellow at 11,05. Nesnyinx.E,. July 31.--Cotton :no sales. Wheat active at 111,10® 1 4 5 for rbd, 11,20@1,25 for amber. and 11, 2 5 U 1,30 for white. Flour: 17,00@7,30 for fiztest brands. • • • IMPORTS . RI RAILROAD. PIT. =Bog, "PORT WAT2SR 0111-0Aou: 0Aou: RArraioart. July 30;-4). cars metal; Nlitlick it Co; 3 do. do,':Hallman . it tiazumett;,2 dodo. Loomis & Collard;, 2 do 'do, 'Rees, Graff & Dull; Ido do, llnioh Mills ; 400 bblr. flour, T C Jenkins & Bro; 66 tog hams, F r i3ellers Co; 206 aka rags, Pittaburgh per Manufactur ing Co; 4 - dodo. Godfr y & Clarks 12 bra cheese, A:• & .1' Kerr; 120 do do, Graham & St. John; 40 do do, N J Braden 39 aka. rags, Christy & Benham; 16 • bb ls ferti- - lizer. Seward '& Emerson; 2 bbls eggs, Woodworth & Davison; 2 pkga tobacco, John Fullerton; 25 bbla whisky, Selfnith it Co; 18 bbls highwines, Shipton & Wal lace; 70 cases cement, John Dunlap; 10 do do. J D Thompson; 49 pkga tobacco, W L Jones; S hhda tobacco, W & D Rlnehart; 20 bbla liquor, J Adler ,& Co; 100 tibia flour, Watt, Lang & Co. • OLSVELAND AND . YISTBBUNGH RAIL ROAD, July 31.-1 car stone, J L L Knox; 2 cars limestone ore, Reese, Graff & Dull, 2 do do, Hussey, Wells it Co; 6 do do, Brady's Bend iron Co. 1 car lumber, G A Mundorf,. 1 do do, Hamilton, Algeo, A & Co; 19 masses, 35 bbls copper, Pitts & Boston Mfg Co; 112 cases shoes, W E Schmertz; 3 gime hdls, J Brown; 1 bx, bbl baking • powder, L J Blanchard; 2 has do do; J M Lyth; IC bbls onions, Van .Gorder it S; 10 do. paint, Schwartz it H; 10 cases tobacoo.-fieghmyer it Voskamp; 12 sks rags, Christy & Benham; 2 bbls oat meal. Munhall & McGraw; 29 bbls apples, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 8 do do, W H Graff it Co; 36 bbls apples, 11 Rea Jr; ,11 do do, W UArmstrong. Annzemerr VALIANT aIAILROAD, July 31.-1 car metal, Rees, Graff & Dull; 7 do railroad irori,'Pgh OW it Vol RR; sdo stone, Har;lson it Co; 3 bbls eggs, Brug german & O'Brien; I car lime, D L Rey nolds; 5 hides, Jas Celery; 100 aka oats, Keil & Ritchart; 20 bbls eggs, L J Blanchard; 2 pkga butter, Volgt, Mahood it Co; 5 bbls whisky, McCullough, Smith & Co; 65 eke oats, Scott & Glsal; 280 bbla oil. Waring, King & Co; 1,040 do do,`Fisher it Bro; 1,040 do do, Parker it Thompson. • PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND St: LOUls Remetosn, July 30.-5 bbla eggs, W El Graff; 100 bdls brooms, McElroy & Co; 50 ski meal, J lilcConsel; 704 do rye, W .I„,Meeg; 1 car:corn, D R Herron; 6do wheat, J S Liggett; .1 do corn, Culp & Shepard; 2 do staves, Wm Hastim; 1 do lumher. D Odell; 25 bbls' oil. J F Nevin; 10 hf bbis lard, *Dalzell Jr T; 1 hhd , to bacco, S Shaub; 1 do do, M McMullen: 10 bbla lard oll,J Dickey; 5 do do, Watt, Lang & Co. ALLEGHENY' STATION, July 31.-4 cars limestone, Superior Iron Co; 6 bbls oil, Bradley, ft Son; 6 bdls leather, Moeilbolort o bla farina, Chas Schleeper; sdo do, G W . Piney; .53 bga oats, J C Hammond; 16 hide:3. 3 bills all skins, i3tockrath& Co; 1 car metal, Spang Chal fant & Co: 1 car stone,A Long; 1 car wheat, W McKee At Co; 3 cars metal, Rogers 'it 'Burchfield; 57 bbls apples, Fred Owens. PROFESSIONAL. W. De CAMP, AtT6OIEY AND COUNSELLOR, AT t,ANY, Ogee, Ho. IST 11'01JRTH AVEVire; Pitts. Pauli, (formerly occupied try Hon.'Wa rid lter H. Lowrie.) will ornate. thee U. d..circuit a District Courts, In the State /More= and all We Courts of Allegheny county, and make colt en. Dons inmost of We adjacent bounties. ink dig ARCHIBALD BLAU IrlAlt, AexwrourrE.y-Apr-LEvsr. No. 91 MTN ATUET, , SNI:n10: 4 / 1 / o v unapr, mcitwiTrA -Aianalukuts, . 111-0111eio Justice of the T i v e t.ivl Pollee Yu Oill - trate. eeithallrr 8 , appetite tag Cathedra''PITTSBURGH...• , Deeds, MU* Mort Lageo. Acknowle Drwoaltioaa, and all Legal Bitsiltess Met x ne with promptness and dispatch. ' labia „. _TORN A, STRAIN, ex o pw.*TivAltr, .;11X-OPPICIO JIMITICZ 01 TE MACS AND exams MAGISTR&TZ. Wiles ;11111 Tuns timm, omo:twine Oa. abadral. Pittsburgh. Fa. Deed.. hinds, Mon •- st ab Auknowlsdipneuts, 'Depositions and ail 'Bauhaus siva:dad wi th prolustgen sad . • 4M rlll° X 9 , /rustice of eh. Peace, • CONYEYANCER, REAL _MiTE ifiSU. RANGE 14A.11130N EITREitT. EAST 131311CUIGHAY. • t end `Oolitic:Loa of Rents solicited and o tomntly sto VirMrs B. NEEPIM, • • , • ALDINNAN AND 111.7t01171010 JUSTICE Or „ , TBS. PNAO,C. • . OFFICE, Blit , FIFTH AIiENUE,•' • Spada OFFICE, So .licinei ort Eneink a and. eediee Peeds. Bondi and ages us up. end - al l ten* Dulness atteuded pro 117' and mearatele. • • snmsxisirs. ipivigairom NANDsglib QUEENSTOWN. sss II AN NUM ISTILSOLEIUM , • -• , • . • . Numbice alkteca firstkdarli Taste mood ItwalWO celebrated CITY,OZ CITY BOtrroN cnry.)i sevrimoax, Vl 2 4 (Pr e °2l. EVZit •• TUB AY; •thosi Pier 45, ti QM Met, Ns* York., iOr Dutra 0/11111"2 I.III3.faItITHFILLD fallrEET.,, Pittsburgh. WALL PAa`EIM., WALL . PAPER , • THE OLD TAPER ETORE mi NEW W. P. iffARBILLT.L'S NEW- WALL PAPER STORE, 191 ~ Liberty street • milmimAEME 81%04 EICKIDIS ARMTEK+ DULL nal iarroxaw)mms. mouzicis zunigni.....:. '.:.....rxisxr amh . SIJILVAICLELMftIecemors to zo., zAN kw. ; Z 7 oanzni . ) , CrifFil l k 1 4 1 11 9 6 W / 4 11 *.. 8 Li ~,_ ac •... eiiVa; of De+ So frl ' r ' tro alk‘ft • The river is igalh falling .slowly at this point with five feet.., three inches in the, channel by the Monongahela merit's, The weather yesterday was clondi but plettsant l mercnry at , noon 80 in shade., The Mollie Ebert /eft 13t. Loots for Pittsburgh - on Thursday, with a rather slim trip, 65 tuna metal, and a few-pack. ages and passengers.: Qaat, ,Ebert con templatss placing the Mollie in the Pittsburgh and Si. Luis trade, ThiiAigOiy itnivBd at Cincinnati on Thiarnday. • --It „lc paid teat the _T'orter. 'Wien actu ally 162,000.: --Capt. lobo T. Rhodea was in Cincin nati on Thnisdiy.' . " • THe Belleyernon was loading at St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Thursclay. : f;- -Mr. Ike L.,;Thumpson, clerk of the Edinburg, was thairied at Marietta on Thiarsday to Miss Hattie Kelly. --The Kite Putnam 'from Pittsburgh, left Cincinnati for St. Louis on'Friday with her guards dragging in the water. —The wary 'Davage departed for St. Louis about 8 o'clock on Sunday morn ing with all she could take on the water. --It is said that Captain James Lee, of Memphis. has made arrangements to run the 'Dan Able in the Friar's Point trade during 'the next cotton season. —The Ida Rees'No. 2 arrived at Sioux City on the 24th of July from Grand river, having wade the trip in nine days and twelve hours, the quickest time on record. —Mr. Louis Coons, of Louisville. has been appointed 'United Statys Inspector of Hulls for that port, to till the vacancy occasioned by the removal of Capt. Elias Withers. , —The messenger , from St. Paul arrived at an early hour on Sunday morning, after an absence of - something over 'forty days. • Capt. Jesse Dean and Wm. Goslee piloted her up from Cincinnati. She - would' have been here much sooner had it not been for heavy fogs. —The Glendale left Bt. Louis on Wed nesday for this port with a fair trip In cluding 225 tuns pig iron for Nitnick di Co., Pittsburgh; 22 tuns for New Albany; 700 bbls flour, 385 do shipstuffs for, the B ik 0. Rkilroad at Parkersburg; 130 bales hemp for Lout ille and 130 tuns miscel laueptui. Wm. Ma rahall and Jo. Rut- ledge, pilots. —We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Enquirer of Saturday: Capt. George Wolfe yesterday bought the steamer Armadillo from Captain Ben Laughlin for V 11,500. The boat has just been thoroughly repaired, her dock bill being 12,700. Capt. Wolf will have her repainted and her cabin fitted out hand. somely, and will put her in the Arkan sas river trade. . RIVER PACKETS. 13 ITTS 11.17 R G WHEELING • AND PAR IIESSITRO LLNE.—Leave Cotanknv's Wharf Solt, tont of Wood thr•Pt. daily at Ix X., WED NESDAYS and SATITEDAY • - eItEY EAGLE - C. L. 1311KKRA11. - Master. .. 'VIOL will be receivedat all noon JAMES CO LLINS. • - /MAUS COLLINGWOOD. • api3 Arent,. I'M' , 0 CO.; • as): 4: WILLIAM MILLER t CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty StEeet. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low agates, strictly • Prime NeW Crop_New Orleans Sugar and &Glasses. • Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sagan. 2.1e1r York, Pbtiadelphis. and Baltimore Be etled do. (*olden Drips, Loverirsgs. /trumps, Stuart's, Adams , and Long Island ti - yrups. Porto Rico, Cabs and llth Island Molasses. Young Hisao. Japan, ImperLsl, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. • • Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java. Lagnaym and -to COretl. Tobacco, ,Lard Oil. Irish, Nails, Glut, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, tn.. constantly on hand. PITTSBURGH. P.& Fine Brandies,Wines and.Segars. . _ Rhenish; Moselle. ind llberkling Hock Wines of Hinkel & Co.. In bottle". - 13p*skinic Moselle. Schasiberg and' Tolannis. burg, Hockhelmer. Burgundy... rte , • • • Brandenburg & Freres , Pine'Olivei do . do • -cliiretitavorted In Notting. do do ' White Wines, in bottles. M. Wont & BParkiMßCatswba. Pine old Sherry, M'deirs and Port Wines. Free Old Monongahela Eye Wrdstles. Dorsi do Very Onporlor Old Scotch do do. _ • • " ' Gilt Wilts Mr Moet £ Chandon's Grand Pin. iin liVenzy and gellery ChlimPegee. Brandies of our own selection and warrsnted. 10.d43 • • • . ES:psys is up A. & T w. Die =GOBMAY, vrsoLi*A.L.T: GROCER' N0..271 Liberty Street, (DIBZCTLTOrr. 21.61.11 RMS. ' ) 4.0 iarrTIEUERIWAJEL .134.0 W. C.' A.II4ISPELONG ' - suagesiorwiret.mo-Annxims. . PRODUCE 4XDBUSSION 111ERCRAET; Dia SIS STREET. mine 6121LZ. ' • ' • .3. a: imam M ' STEELE /. -SON lierthantB g , •1: • , thns. idutxes f W3l4olThi e GRAM, IFEUra). dies No. U OEIIO fiTlTl t zear Ifast Canimou„ =NY CITY. PA. ie•ow ~,, a7All• 110811211% TPr & ItITCHAILT, • • CbMMISSIOR ItICRCTIAIIT3 7 , isto iitAires lILOIIB, GRADS. OE&D§, BULL PEILD. den sirs 349 /41)0417 tit., Pittsburgh. litbri BIANC/PLAD , - Wholes* ma &toll (*wen, . . oismea bto. 89e .PENN STREET. . .. , iiiiITTLE, BAIRD & PATTOilir s Wholesale Grocer* ttliniLiiion Merl:tants in Dealer' IrLProdnce. Iglu, -Bacon, Cheese, Pish,Carbon , and Lard - 0 , Iron,• Nails Mass, Cotton .Yaras anda PUtaburs Manta:nes gneraLr h 1171 114 dite()ND B ET, JOKKI. KOMI-raw. 1107811. _TORN I. ROUSE &BROS., Suc- , u mars tc,101127 1. HOME & CO.. Wbole• sato Grocers cwt. Commlsalon Scrawly,. COI. nor ar sti4 Water Btromte. Pittsburgh. roux alumni ' - A WALLAtha, 11/IPTOIMIVAILLACE A Whale. BALE O MEICAMPROD uGE o~talla4ll :, :Maurer.. ORBIWTHEBNk Mme r `RIVER . MWS. FARMERS II Vit4i. ex.so; ,Thu . varzYts„97' INSURANCE. STATUMENT BEN FRANKLIN.INSU ANCE (0., Of Allegheny, Pa', RUB THE YEAR ENDicrJUNEIOO, 1869. CAPITAL . . . ex~Ero. $ rktpplg 10136 84 409.00 I,BBOAM, Sionk Notes - 'vonds and Mortgages -Bllls Receivable....... Entice Furniture.. .... . • Cash tbnpand..., ; A RECEIPT& .e 109. 9 g3L31,4, "" ..... E!MMI! 813.309.73 .• , - -- 7 DTBBUREEKNT. -.' . Dividends , S 3.000.00 Losses Phil,- ' ' ' " 1.709 ID9 om es ex pe use; [nuts a ad; tam ps 4.030.29' Commissions.,, " 381.71 Return premiums AEA mink u• 44-2.91 all ;560.92 Amount of ontstangng Tian, al, 34 9,W:1. 00 ir24:insC-rrna - THE IRON . CITY HEAL LIFE MANCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 *Federal St.; Allegheny. City. DIRECTORS* Hon. JAHES L. (MAHAN, Bev. J. B. CLASH D. D., Capt. 8...6081N50N, Rev. A. B. BELL D.D. Bey. V. R E DoBIIr, ' A,I Cazhier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH' Real Estate Agent, - - SIXON•DRUH, Mayor of Allegheny • C. W. BENNY, Hatter, • A. 8. BELL,Attorney.at-Law, • D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Mereltant . , D. WOOER. Lnin,ranoe Agent. . , Capt. ROBT. ROBINSOIS. President. Rev. J. B. CLAREC,O.D.,VIe* President, JACOB RUSEI, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. W; WHITE, MIDICAL AMISS& - DAnEL - 5W04112, Gen 9 l Agent. This is s acme cOmpany.conducted on the mutual principle,tech policy holder receiving an equal share o f milts of the Company. Policies, will be , issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being etuiducted on an economi• cal basis will afford it safe investment to each policy holder, and thereby retail the money at home to encourage home industry. mhZirmas HOF FRANKLIN ./ • : INSURANCE COMPANY OF autumn, PA.. 071 ICE TRAINTILLth RAVINGS BANS Alni,DniGe, - • No. 41 • 43b10 St., Allegheny. A ilegg CO ANT - tittneged birDiriotore well known to the conuanntty, who tract by detains to merit it share of 'your potronaze. REIM" Q/41, ILIDDLJG . DIJULOTOEB: 1 Mirli rims, lia,lFU'i,9" 47l °? l ' ITote?trier• Simon Dram. - 1 4. B. Smith, • Jaeob...Rusb., W. )f. Stewart , ! (lb. P. Whitton, Joseph Craig, JOC. Lt.litner.. tH. J. Zinksaa„ Jere. "Cohen, , • ' EL E. UERON. . GENERAL AfilLliT. .aDlO:oki INSURANCE COMPANY. • PIXEILAN'S BUILDING. Fifth Aromas:. Second Floor, • .!. PFPTSBURUH, PA. Capital All Paid 17p. DIRECTORS. Meer, :R.W.Cliver, Jr, Capt.M.Baller i Drag Wiulice,,S. 11. Hartman. ,A.:(.9lambers, Jake 9. 3C , Cturksn. :Jaz. M. bailey. Thomas 9mittr. Jno.S. . ROBERT H. KING, President. JNO. P. JENNLNGS. Vice President. JO9. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. ilift&CE,• Gang Arent.- Ensures on Liberal: Terms on all Fire and Maxine Abp. • apt: 07 NATIONAL . INSURANCE COMPANY. Dr. Federal St. and. Diamond, illegheny, (Mee, In the SECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILL)I4SO. W.'W MANTIN, President. JOHN BROWN . _Vice President. ' • JAMES B. ATAVENSON. deeretary. . DLTUCTOI/8{ John A. Myter,iJas. - Local:wt. !Jos. firs, Jas.L.G Tabus, IRObert Lea.: C. Boyle. J'Eo. itrown,Jr. CWors.. lasso.. Jacob ! kopp, O. JUG. Thosspsona. MeNeualiaL" pEIVNinnE*ANIA. ; .1 OOIURANCE•COMPANY OF PITTT3BURCOO:. °mug. 9101131211 Nd 1 DIIMDI 6Y34 WOOND.D giTaZET DANZ 6t amis it a, Dome Company. and Insures Nolan 'Willy Fire exelusitely. - • eo!tßoya yam- dent. 7 ili i lde i g e ttllOld.• Treasurer. V", Secrettty, Leo turd Waiter. sr i: 0. C. „Bale, . • J.Q._ .apiass, Itoberstrist, L • ' .JedoboPsinter, 'Ple er. -J aiah Sins kr J. Vuegthl. Jac , . Hop akaussni,- , /teary Sproul PVI I PMP. 1111811TRAECE .0031• 1 ~' r. oihria. ii:. K. COIPTARWCoOD Al FUME ST& A, Elteke qamsay,taPag lin and Mari n e Mika. . 3 • . : - •,-- • - • DERZOTOne ' may, P13111106' • Capt. John L. Rhoads. John•gatt,'; -, •^ ' - • inunelP. dhrber. - • John T.: Parks, _ Charles Arbuckle, ... cepc„ jamea id3.dar; , , 4.red DlL.Brnati, •' ' Wm. Vans Kirk, Wm L i am ' ' ' T!4l4 4 4 3lNYlk u l f it . i ; ': ''re. - Bi st m l e tt i . :3143 .• • i ,TVEN mATT, • Pr'eardent. P ke I eARD - bi 'Secret& ry. • •!, i el APT. JAS. ROIL ON. Oenersil Arent. liiDEztoriTr FRAIIKLIN 1)1306010E ; CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 0/410F.A.244 Its,r.patailittz HT..near Sett gritted In Banckar, . Mordecai. H. Lonbl Tobtakwarner, ,Davtd S. Brown , Samuel Grant. Was° Lea, Jacob B. Smith. ' ' Ldward Da : e. • oao t isi a te th 1 4 511( 1 1 5 % K iSco p m &Ir. • • RDW. qappALE, Vico President. W. C. STE ELS,Secretarnvo ton. • exrcumort CterFlN. Aditn% North West obrner , Third and Wood Streets. n.h2e: - • WLESTERN EVEIVRAINCE COM• ' PANT OP PITTSBURGH. • • , IeVARDBB NIMICK, President, WM.P. HERBERT.. Secretary. CAPT. OBGEON XENIX, General *gent. , °Mee, 92 Water street. Spans ill 00.'11 Ware* lionsm tittstilm, - Pittsbbrg4.- Will ware against all Kinds of Pith and Ma rine Illsks. A home Institution, managed by Di rectors, who det ermi ned welow p r omptn ess community, and who art by and Myer - c ity to maintain the character which they have assumed, as mitering the beet‘protection to those who death to be Lasund• - , Imam:lrons: 1 Alexmader , Flinickt , II R. McCue. R. Miller : Jr.. - Chet.l. Clarke, ; Juno Mahouts . . 'William Si. Evans, Alexander Speer, Jeers Kirkpatrick, , Andrew Aektesto -.. . phi to Re David David X. Long . - rm. llorrison. AL LEG F EN' T INSIIII . AIiCE COMPANY OP PITTEMBRGH. , '. , _ ICE. No. 3711IPTESTNEET.EAMC-OLOCI. inatrell again all kLtula r tire.. and IlEartne BLit*. JOHN IRWlN....72o..4roslderit. T. I. HOPKINSON, Vito PrObivat. Cri' o . - DONNY.LL.:seeritory t • . , OAP% WM. DIAN Oenesol,Ntonte Len Irv% Jr., ‘ Arianet .. •.c. 4,,, , t_oloOntioos, :'' . /1.- •• ' • ' t . i4 . 4;y 4 4. , 7, •': : • lyr i s t • _ ••' ems:_ ' • Atfieila ilticig ; ,**!- . RAILROADS, rEiIiNSYLY• • NIA CENTRAL AD. On and after WM arrive at and de • corner of W • • • follows: Mall Train.... 12665t0 fast Live 1•!6 r alPs No. 1..6 SO aza drintonAcohl.l:6o am Mall Train.......• 81111 all g i c i l e ig No. 1.. 8:50 am Bra , ksks Noi sUditl a= Intl Ex .9:10 am Vineln'ti Ex LIMO gia Johnstown Ao10:35 am Will , syie„ i.. u v is sa ,Bragra Ao Nol 1:10 pm Johrtown Ac. 3:05 Pitts pia p Ex. 1:30 pm Bra ks Ao Not ra Phila. ressl:so pm Phll Express4:lo pa Wall's o. I. .8:IK: pm Wally No. 1.. .C6ol= Brans..to No 2 5:50 pm Wall's No . 4.. 6:O5mA Homerwood.ia.9:lsataa •Past Lfts..... yaw pia WalPs No. 4. 1:10 pm Homewood Ae. so:50 ps Way Passn'r 10:20 pm WalPs Ao.L. 11:00 , n as trains make dole connection at liartir tbr Baltimore.• -- - . • - .Church Train isaveS Walls iltattottevety p sy at 9:03 a. In:. reaching rirrohorth at' 1 ID: 8 a. m. Re turning; LePittsburin at lii• li th in. and arriVes at Walls Station at Itslo y. m. . •Cinelnuati- Express leans: 4aliv. Southern Express leaves daily except-Holiday. Ali, gust ulnas daily except Boots/. • , - -- . lot further hllbrmalzton ispWW:_,-_L • . W. H. BEC. Atatik, Tire Pennsylvaniallallroad Company will not**. same any Mil foratiOtaire.oxooK for WW III I. II P. Sinmi„and limit their responsibuity to One istu - N Dollars- In value.. All..Baygage.exixtedisk that amount. in value will bs at the risk of U s ewstar. tUfleti Olk EDWARD ti en trakata.treafftratt. ,,,- - - --- • . . WILLIAM% ap2ll' -General litmerlatesdent. Altoona.. • ErESTERNOMMININ PENNSTLVANTA BOAD.—(M and afterAt,ril 25th,11380.010 Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ral , road will arrive at and deEart from the Federal Street Depot, Allegheuyitl.autihilOWM - Arrive. - • ' Depart. Szpringd , rs No 15:40 a m' l Hail. T:00 a ig Freeport No. I 8:20 a m !Freeport No. I 9:2OaM Express 10:40 a ta Sharpie* No111:20 an! Sharple , g Nd.11:all p miExpreu 2:sopm Freeport No. 24100 p m Splingd% No12:30 put Mail 5:50 p m , Freeport N0.15:20 p M Springd , e No 2 8:20 h m; Suringd , e Not 8:30 pia Aboye trains run daily except Sunder. The Church Trail:Cleaves' Allegheny Junction. g t e i rl a ntay &. at u t:4o a. - m.la l ch In e s . titilhear City at 2:20 p. m. and write atriregh — eniNult. tion at 3:40 p. m. - . ComarraMOß Tiggres—For sale in package" Of Twenty, between Allegbeny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Flue Creek. Etna and Sharpsburg and good only on the trains stopping at Stations 'pealed on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at m. make direct connection at Freeport Wa a l..wi kers line of Stages for Butler and Hannah:ate - Ira. Through tickets mai al be purchased at the , OSice. No. ISt. Clair stree near the Sus_ pensionßridge. Pim/harsh, and at e Depot.. Alleithery. Jot further information applyto _ JAKES LWZRTS. Agent. . Federal Street Detrot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not al game any risk for Baggage, except forwearing 'Apparel, and limit their responsibility to Oss Hundred Dollars in value. 2..11' baggage ex. seeding this amount inviting wilibe at the rlsk of the owner, unlesstaken by D special contract. }EDWAR H. General Sunerintenden s, too tateEt,_ _TORT WAYNE & CHICAGO B. W. and CLE • , VBLAND & PITTSBURGH E. From May 9th, 1809, trains .will leave train and arrive at the Union Driest, north aide, Pitt& burgh city time, u tollowt: lh_ea beam Erie o Ygn Ex. T:9Ba & '0,146:13 a mi Chicago Mall-6:513a m; Chicago Ex.,..9:43 a mi Cl. _ 9:o9pmi Chicago Ex Si :23 p m W•e & Erie:Salk:3S pa. Depart/root Attegtunw. Bea'r Falls p5.13:1113 a m Lee . triale • 1 10:03 ism 1:58 a m Itochester." 1:518 grin Enon " .3:56 pm Leetsdale Ac 0.1113 pm Best•rFalla •• .6:13.p m Leetsdale * 6 10:43 pm Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13 p Sir 51:233). m. Chicly air IA:O3D. m.Chica J..M. HIMBALL, Gun Ticket Agent "Triple 4-4 HANGE OF Timz. • EM:MN x vdLLEYEUITLI2OI" THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OM REGIONS WITHOUT MANOR OF DAs4B. • , On and after MONDAY, June Tchasee.Two THROUGH TRAINS , DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburg' Depot, corner of Elev enth satinet, streets, for - Frauldin.ollolW.HuSd Silo, and all points in tie Oil Regions. ISAVZ PITTSSUBGEI. PLARIV PrThiIiIIIMI Day Ex 8:00 a mtDay- 8:15 pip Night, .Igx .... 7:30 pm Night Ex 6:30 an Bradrt BAc 3.05 p m Bradye B Ao 19:15 ant Freeport , Ae 9:40 a m Ist:sod:OM' 'TAO am SodaVrks 6:30 p m Freeport Ad. 6:14 psa ' Ist Holton... 6:45 a m Ist Holton.. , 9:50 a 9 m,2cllThlton... 9.:00 plot' 3d.Hulton... 11:00 pm ; 3d Hutton... 1:05 p Arnold's Ac. 5:00 p M 4Arnold's Ac. 7:40 DU' Churco train to and -front Bode - Works leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. x. Arrive at Pittsburgh. ; (Eundays, )at 9.50 A. )1. • • - - Express trains.. stop . only at principal points. Accommodation rains ;top at all stations. THOMASRENCx. eetal laNe, Assn. Solt. T , ITTSBURGH. WININIK . _ CINCINNATI AXD . LOUIS RAILWAY.. . .. '._ _ __.' PANHANDLE ROUTE. . ' - DRARGE•OF TIML—Oa' and Atter MONDAY,' April. Iletti j 1869, tzslas will leave and. r:175 at lA* Union Depot, as follows: - - - • -- - . . . _ Mal' ' . - .....;..;...».. TO ibETZ m. 116:1.111 fvo ilk Zs —_ __ - ._ _ - Fat Line 71:481. 'Sores& 51:33 p. au 33 &lei Mired 6:38 p. McDonalcPs Acc , n, N 0.11143 tan. 8:13 a. EU Steubenville Accouirood. .31380.111.9:312a.* McDonald's Acton. No. 2 LIMN m.21:111o. lituiday n Chn2ch Tralit.i 19:36 9:sllAnn Ise . - 1171.11:33 3. X. trafamill leivoitsgr." • : • 19:13 P. is. train win SIT/178 61117. All other trains will ran dally.Bnachtis Aressoi ed: The 9:43 a. m. Train makes close cos. :section, at Newark to Zanesville. IL P. SCULL. CieneralTieltetAltents., CW;W. CARD, BtenbenVole4 ono. EnatiTTEMERGH OONNZLIZ V I L OAD. sin anti after TUESDAY,' 1P fiber, DRS, ltiall i .traistsirill arrive at arid depart,tross tka Dvpot: Outer's*" Gault and Water !streets, " • ' I Docrsi. , Mill i° **derv:al:taloa--1 townTsou . A: sr, 6:02 a..• IMO 3[We — export Aecomatnt 12e001. Y. itr. to and from UntM. 3:00 r at. 10:10 v Z Wl:Atlgnarton'keeoni , d 4:80 P.M. BaS yg. Braddoests .aeliomdt , n. 6:15 P. If. T:O9. toMeWsport.3o:3o 6:46 A. K Bundaa Church Train to and bmWest Newton '1:00 P. LIU:0011 • -Tor Aukets *PP' to E. IIf.BATIfONTI. Arent V. B. STOUT. Superintendent. tell - S ni4/ 6110.1 UNION PACIFIC RAlLlikr Eastern Divhti n. The lIEWEVEBT, AIM 31.U82 ILILLI/1111 llfarom ttus Eaa tat) al volate Colorado Nevada* • California trlair; ' Arizonato g New Mexico, .Idaho, Oregon. Two MTrains inds), leave State a LlR. on and of rum J lim Leave:walk from ntustre Lout... and ral Hutt. bat and St. Joe Railroad hoot taltinOlconanliew in' aV•Lawfrenbe. Topeka and Wamego wltit stages for all points In MUMS. Atp i g track west ol i arth veto 17 the STATES LEP 00.11PARY'S zia ri s h LTNE OF UVE AM. ANNA, caimans FOR Alt . Points in the' Territories, o And with BANEIZRBOIOB TRI-WZZZLT LINN COACHZS for Fort llniou s Bent , ' Fort. Pais. Albuquerque. Banta Pe. and all paints 'ln . Ante . zone and New Mexico. With, the recent additions; of roUlnig and e‘jalment, and the engagements with rerponsible Overland Transportation Lmas from its western ternilnu, this road _,ZIOW at= unequalled Iteillties' froe the trans:m=oa au freight to the Kar Nest. Tickets for gait at all the Paineltuil:OZeed the United Mates and Canaan IV - AA D Be sure and ask -or -.J. keg, eta -Till wn ?JSIZ.= Io Bourg—t,N UN. .To's rActric. suoi : ir,; • - - - " " /I.4II,IIIDRAMOJI. eet.tral Bapatateatimi 1;, S. 1141112:11irr211.' El P LT 5115th. Tram from the Union Depot. and i4Urt, Ureeti. u Dysart. Wslre N 0.1.. 6:3osis .;41Irritst. iOldeago Ex... 155 a m ; Chicago Ex..111:03 p ra • ',Wheeling Ex 10:48 St. Louis Ex q:08 p m Ohl , go ExAMl4:Olllp m ; Cleveland Ex 3:53 p m. Erie Sclig.a.F.xs:sSp Cl. 41 1 710 g Ex13:53p15 ; strrfea-iss Allegti.ew Leetsdale Le..s:sSaat Se.a , r Palls " 8:38 sat 7 New Castle "10:23 as MUM " 9:13 am , Leetsdale 1:08 2:43 pm Leetsdale " 4:3Z pat N 1 , 1113 Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 9:58 as Express leaves daily. • • Express arrives daily. J. i.74 , CULLOUGH, Geal Septenn.