Se MM.NIMM‘I4 CM ~., 'Reis.' litinii*Vattahati d tkillier, 4 111MIladesir' , Estisitedeid vitta IL 4,l3lsiir 1 ted...• - ;-. 1...z. ,‘ -1,,...•.-1 lf • ~l, ery - l adipmmil ',.. vs ith prayey T itlyt un 11 two is'id , 9•3l; R., vE. to order at - tell 0101 k`With praYer bY 1 / 2 "t• I' i' 4 la i AttltAkk ' Of teiti pileading ineihifig were then read and-approved. - _.' The Moderater announce d the foliiivr- Mg named;gentlemen as a Committee'to answer the protest entered against the r nn eeti on ingur . by tu ldr; cintahair . Linn: jlev an . d Dr E . i M de o r ., Jno. A. limehaw- 1 Eider Jiwt;•.A.l4unileiii slaked to be ex eased from serving upon the Committee. and on motion his. request ..was 4granted and Elder William - N. Burchfield sp= pointed,hilll6 place; ~ - was The paper was then called for , but s not in Court, having been carried.ont by some of the reportere: - ' - THE MIMI *EPA= EXPL&INEH. The Connittee - dppointetrza take the t - testimony of Mrs...ftvis was called u to most, and presented the ' , ' teatim Mrs. duly qualitied, - tatifted as follows; , -. Winer, do ''. • reside? ••• A. Reside ' with inyinumq4 • el, s tiftptilluff , etre ,it, Pittsburgh.Q. BOY di4/ 0 1.befrefilitia trial? s. I heard of it throngh tne ispatoh.- -: Q. Wadi YOit ki'llktieoun't , of, the f l =tol ti°34 9- A. 08, 11 1=1 - ht U t 141". . , :- •:- ! *;ll,tatei tfrbilltbetsurreaorre ' ";fiththa; ' , Utr. Wks. .Ovettliellt 11 ttox#,AtCt= _ , Ilustolptlit ... r t.., . . . ,„,--„,,,.: . ',tannest - AkawLeetralriffi Anew" ',lliiidt'Yl thi o 1 0 tr 0 r 0 1 1 0$ 1 akm" Be'. ..ssel4o4Areph i ntit Mink Anselbster, of Allegheny. Leitch "No. air,-that is not my name; I den' liver in Allegheny." I 00/llt'Weq, w hat is it, or i way to the depot and asked what s it Awe for tbe 'trate, or somethieg of tha t 4 i kind,,, :Then be ti "1 beg your wdo I mlittobtf tad at, Mae-Anna Foster: .4110Elids.attlitinit teentibletleesit"liftt - mid "good evening'! ansi was Passing on :: when mY husband- caPienp and struck him. 4 There was quite a crowd around ~-ria.; 'II did not settniy-•hi:lithe:4- or hear • (*Wispy anything until -be struck ..air. . Itinn. .243 , tipilbaed wee walking behind ...areftabouttisio piers, Bud not.seeinghim - laupposedhehadgeneutssak trthis board. - ing bouse.--:Herrast • very, sands under the influenissorliewn" at Si time. - - -• Q. Was there anything improper or wreug le Mr:X4rfiesmnOnrd. you that evening': A. Not - in the Wet. - - s Q. and lon any personal annutintance with Mr. Mint., A. I had . not, : never -sew Mr. Liam bads. or. since.. till this - trial.. / my-recognize Mr.-.l.Ami as the HETWAIHOH9Esir who met me - on the - bridge. " - . . . . Q. What wer - Aisi• ' Aliiitlii c fc l iV 'sit;raiLft beret A. I tboughOtanyllutv to eve teatimonylo exeniphir:lsni. QcasAnanibied--Mhusband at that I hoick boagillook ieS, Mr: Wrigley's, on Bea lond street, opposite' the liss Werke. 'lie :WM k OM* iron roller at Everem,Pres ton sh-Colairoa workii. - We 'resided at Shfirrabtirg; . My husband came home - enteritßaturday,might. .:I anl.; a .member -- of .the'. Methamint , Ohnrch at _lronton; O. I left there six years Ago. and' did not bring a certificate.- I. Uhl attend the Methodist Church When at Sharpab urg. . i ci l la i ° 33 9 114.(1.7111th. way Mrs Wall testimony was read and Appriived ..., by winnow - '' ; - ; - . - .... • 'kittr. Cliftrts&lcit BLAHTHIER 'HAMM. --• , 'Aka R. Cittresti.Esq.; sworn.—l reside in Uleveland, Ohio. Am a lawyer. Ibe ' tong to the firm-of Willey A Carey. 1 - have been connected with the Old School Presbyterian church since 1858 or "- UR, up, to the time-Mr.'Una left the • church. .The church: has had foar • pastors r since. its- organization, Bev. st . n. tor.fer Rev. B. P. Linn and - Bev: V.-A..1. The church was brig. i 114 3'. made rip of Imams from other 'churches and front:lid School Presbyte --- riane. - IThe witness ben. objected answer any farther question!' nidearbis testa was r,egorded,3 ..-I friend. ly saltrapported the flretnbW pastors -- otthe (thumb. Dr. Brown was starved ant e! the chureb; Mr../ 10 6 00 was killed _out of it, and Mr. Linn was elanderedqut of it. The first I know of Mr. Linn , - . ; :pageltlng at thatatruntlimisbijarmity, 1864.- He ,had been therLe some 'time praiddretAa :that_ ituiii.-liiter Mr. Rogue left, being one of the trustees, . lAA there beibg a hetsVdaibt,-.1 - : endeav ored to get the debt paid ME I made all ' )L . 11,1001' tdapeatiOns, but could get no Co operation. ' There was a division an to whet pastor they should' have - Mr. - Rog - ats came there with this load of debt on the' church. ' When -Mr. Lion • came thercalentember. the time distinctly) I told him that be would be ruined if he went - into that church unless the debt -TVErliiiir - Tittged uperrittm Minya the debt pattrbeffireate - 2,400.P1Ad the call.* 'Par some months • after: that Mr. Linn ;NWOL-0 0 .4 141 ; and, durioft _that time ire. =ant .o .. nverestlein _Were Ind by Mr. ''''`f.itiii With myself 'ind atitiii4wintro to. paying off the debt.... ..I told Mr. Linfi that. faineant to my original ; promises to him' ;bat 1 would not pay one =dollar toward paying off the debt d! the obtmili, be./ - muse Ibsd already spenthlarge amount, _ of ; maney and;: time. fOr that , Ptir before. Mr. Brown left. The trus tees . alt ' agreed ' that my refusal' was , not • an - unreasonable • otie".'`l' read - that as' soon• =as the ,:debt. . ~:was.,:-paid' that 1. .• . %Veld ~ccooperate with them • to maintain th e church and emigre its welfare. Mr. Rogue _was-allied to the • ehereli,mitb this debt: epon it,, and I told /WA that I feared that he would not '"be sibIVIO atoned ti ;the Otriffitibw',the - ; ^ 'Abu& was in. . My= fatally,. during all. • tatositrie,' and L to some:tent. attended ~.t. the church.: I , Thedebt was partially. paid, . ' befbre Mx: Lhin came. • Bo .favas I gin • - < abletejudgN mind Chink the records of . the Ohurch'Mil. bear evidence, the church • . never Was so* wen . Melded, norther*. .:• pie scsAarnestly -engaged -in. sustaining 49 ..4304-asifeDikg the time Mw-Iden was `nete`Was a revival B uri n ear,:thetime. - . Linn was there.: -.One o my digglitent wee converted join . . she chtllithOPlZ i . 9"mtinned down to A t issui t ntys - lifteedenot.. wier=A the • - Unit ...Were in tlurattureh, Mr;Linn -mellow, ed. to hold the: 'thift,' tegether;,. with the exception,. I Mthk :Of-Aland half a dozen persona. ,••:' 11 l - I- reach: - len it right, - two--familien:-'. /eft, I think doctrinal matterwitere the cite& of difficulty in the church., Teuld fault riot only with Mr. Linh:lith wish Mr. Brown, on account of doe ,• . 11)14:- . &hoed Presbyterianism was certainly unpalatable to many Perlman in the church. • When Mr. Linn came to Cleve ' land he was courted and flattered, parties made for him, and in fact he was the most courted person among the different families of the church, so that it became a rivalry between them that he could not get time to prepare his sermons, the de:, 'mend for his being so great. I warned those very parties that they would torn \ hie beast and make a fool of him. Mr. Wlllloollzieglected some of these per.i ions, .had I can't - express it any' better than ,to say "that Mrs. Jones saw Mr. Linn call on Mrs.. Skit& on the since ether aide ofillsigentpityffitimas , he called_ ..bitattea. loan.. kindil l 'aftr - itrate were as indiscretions, ' e a , . This was thread° Or ti.tittyiMtt Um •thoili O l .antettg" /le oifhtf9tent — . . i I V. 1 21rr i '..ti bbot Vie HM thetionbeth ro 4 -Mies .; B. and , Mr. Lhen.g Mr.l Linn helm* tb; find new sequeintlineee! outside:the chukeht and complaint ~was,' made that`' he did not- Vat lee tomes`; ,n the thatch. Ur.' Lbut :we* t 4 goo t. standing with:•the 1 ministers , of ,: other! &arches when be left Addle tedtty. -, On' th i e m e t lt that this Miss .11---- Mat oct. on in September, 1868, My w ife' had a lest the honse Mr. Lime and mi ss B. were among the 'invited. - I •had noticed hitn -in companrwith her frequently tafore that this evening I notithed-1111‘-Liniflerßking :ithent my grounds with MM. B---7. and,they-were both yery attentive to`each ether. so; much WO that lt_was remarked by the visitors. Boinothinsited been asid - be. fore that about ` the matter. Everything I saw or heard of Mr. Linn was perfectly honortibleitid velar; both at the house and elsewhere, and it was thought their Intetttions were . honorable. - Mr. Lion steernipardedidlie home thstevenL .Ixl4. her beating house, or the family she Witted 'with her mother. Was ft-'. - ‘ le a tidy bf - tmtreseptlonablek charatterint MAI.d and since, and is •Utlatigleterof the Istatiovernor .11- 1 -n Ohio. I know bothiOg more a- what - be cured between adr.fLinn and Miss ' personally, all the rest As tuner. tiltkni. after that evg: - ettmozywarer , &bread' that MtaltMt - Cdtm impnber libel ties with Mier .Ir.-, ' 'and - ^ th e relttot7 went awing' Mr.' Mufti:- Mends that this .intentions to 'the -lady were .honorable, and herlrequallys.S and that she anteing called upon 1 .6 111 r. Linn hst 'admitted asumebt its d froth the story Onthe other side t the lady In, whose house they boarded had observed; what plebe oar that evening from an upper window, - and - -when Miss. B--- entered . the tem; this bide had accused kik Of what had - occurred outside. and - she - denied - it, - but finally admitted ~the charge, but said that it was agar htir; will, and from that time on Mr. Linn and' Miss B—on one side, denying the charges and the family where she was' boarding - asserting , thetC 'so it be came a Abetter of veracity, not between Mr: iLlan end Miss , 13--- 7 , but, between Mr:Linn Ind the fin2ily IC Which Miss B- boarded. .Ne„person doubted the goopriii:tc ridtiit Miss 'of Mr. Linn's conduct. This 4 1 . hoeittord „Witni 'ir=tofirdell were Merriam or westmin ster Church andwere opponents of Mr. Linn. Miss It-- and her mother, lam latest sures attendedehureb where Mr.' Linos: Mdriebeditlie "art belt addeth ,after this oeourrek I think that theit-' 'tircbtese, between - Mk.l.inti and "Miss 8.... was of the most, honorable oharao ter; and they were very'lntimate and he ' body, selar as I know,. expressed any, opinion to the contrai• for some time after the affair and the church difficalt.r began todevelope. Boon after this Bilas :,-„and ~- h er_ pother; left .off OnrWipg niturch s ltadidaled the ladY'wWWlmm . . . they boarded, and a bitter feeling arose in the churcll.l .- ^ Abitut the" Mb Of, February 1887, I. called upon. Mr. and . Mrs. Bl ackburn, having heard some rumors; we talked thematter over fully and Mra. Black burn and Mr. Bidckburn assured the that 3r. i , dittildiet, - bitiarlitiee - itained tamed the facia, thertireis no intentional impropriety.--[The Moderator here alnltied the witness, Stating that it Was heresy evidence.] ,Hisses from the itzt dii3noe. A member moved that the wit ness be allowed to goon. - - -' The Moderator Would not entertain the motion. He said-that lithe parties were not satisfied they bad-the legal ' reinedy, by taking an appeal. The appeal - wee then taken and the Moderator was sustained. • -Q. What do you know to be the cams of Mr. Blackburn's withdrawal from the church? A. Mr. B. told me he withdrew from the church tbrtwo reasons: because his dimity preferred to. go to the Baptist church, where their companions were. He had a long time been looking for an Opportunity. Another reason was a too , cuniary one . He said at that time that henever did leave or propose to bays on account of Mr., Lincla couduct in his family. ~He said that Mr. Laren wale a boy, a deter fellow l and - that he had nothing against him. ,• - : Q. Can you swear: to .Mr. Blackburn's band-writing? A. Yes. , "A' letter' was ' here : *hewn 'to witness, -which he testified Was In Mr. Black burn's hand.errking. -- ~ , . • The letter wanthen offered in evidence but raledffintby,thabb - iderstor: The examination tli o nzroceeded. ' 4 14 - A r tis therfi*y - too dlinteitY connected with Mr. ait's Leaving the churchly.A. Mr. A. Parish and m ys elf advanced the money to psy Linit!ess. 1 thQ'. What wnas " wh oU i* blweas i n p cu ar a l t O e g d through ttutoanguwatirm ? A. Mr. Par. ish and myself and Others circulated that paper for the purpose of ascertain tog -wasrittiti-, ` majority \ Of , the church wanted done, and we proposed to unite - with any of Mr. Linn's opponents to clr ctdate Menotti:if through the =pegs, -than liwascuttililK whether iboyi dwired Mr. Idnutri remain, agreeing that a ma jority Of :id/..the Members of_ the'church AUthe "ctroAregitiet . thoutd 'decide the matter .J reMberitcess here . related the tv b fact Or ting4he 'petition.] I ad ..trisedblet " 10 - Jaelsn,. Q. ' Did t'T‘t ll ! 4 ,l! ae T4 lfii e si lltutt. l " l ? .41. EhsilltU• - .: ''• . Q 4 What ,'was Pur port of the , react- 1 Mien panedollie meeting, 9f eaesten. etwhic hi the . isidtirtation was preheated? A. The Words of the resolution were as I followe - "itiseived,.Thatlhe resitmetionl &Bev. S. P. Linn be accepted or the reasons a4 S- ward of unanimity intthe ehurth . ; adequate stiPPert. "-, - 3 1 •-• "Q. What was Mr. Lion's general repo-. *out - IfLeikslili,Aligo-• Mr./Asir. was Moldered suable and Oarless preacher. His for Voracity was , good ;and Is ler, ,geod. 'Mr:-Lirl "i4O l , frequently visited Cleveland sincehe lift thentturch. -- , He *mid be ' welomedtotleg, in • any bonen in e l lreland AO WAS fIASIOW. ex. i 'cent: -per pa, by some of those who op. =4lblab,- " The , ':Blackburn , ;end ' ', faMiliett both remained 3:i the church Until after Mk. i1t..., - I ,: - .4 l ltltalninr....g,-, , c hurch. Lima reputstfouont,or t e A. There was eviddetjrbfkopinions. I never beard -gurebox *mints -Mr: Lien, ex bet Trainitle6selybd44o3o l lllo 3 . - - .'. testimony mils. ildr-ssrieStedisla' att rovedby the Witness., '3 T; 1 4 wife. Tatinaiad ' i that the eenn reilsaiss*lgaititico:tAitiggfoUstitiabir, at. Miss Davis, be author tot take tb? testimony Of Mies Varty, _'"Eitenefirt.thit .nieftilteri; deolittOCAo.,loo;rlAben - - the f9i ng .siglifnpentw.7o: t p u teintor, loyrihm.r.. , for vs" liii"r jrl 1 .. 4 a itill'lir.l42ers #1 i ll aniatk i , . .f.! , , . Tor. &oval inoyid,rbettNapitibii, urt adjourned It-be tome% at 1):81), A.lll. tit morrow mollAttigL :: -.L -' ' ".- ','„''- . - '1 he intilli* Was, iiiiiaidzi ;Fielded 7. o'clock.. r a , e ~....., h ree- ; 1 1 ' ''' The tiltihitiettired bn 7i the first me. Lion, which hWas itdefited...... - ,:- : -•'- A member wmtde. o p oun ut ee . appointed tot at -IMU , - erktkle her. ized to take all the , testimony able'poib an this time andtheraeatingorthel so as to expedite' bUsitressil t 'Areebytery adjourned to , meet ; at,i nine, A. le. • 4 mmmbit attalWtAsitms) apisi2vm9. • 16ffiwww ! f i n/4W_ 171;444.."11:iisflisr IA • *1 ;Wan , ;Oreeri'WelaltS3Per' ,Jel yne Otheusiteidneeeieniyfien 1 1 1 " 11 . 1 Poisoned yesteiday < , Pittsburgh • is „erovredz' street walked* of Ws, basest sort. , , _ No Important anent h id beim; wide by our pollee - for a good • whiles. but a good many dogs have been Pc4aobed The Survey Committee' of City Conn ells will meet this inOrnillg jit Lawrence. ville for a tour of street surveying. Propomktg.—Bead the advertisement for sealed propmials for the erection of :a brick school house in 11/0 borough of Ilvale. Abandenment—Jamec Qilinn made in. -formation before Autirs BMW, yodel , . day, charging 'Om, callatutn. Lid somimlaw it'll,* abandoning mid Minh tug to auPPort, ..WaraTit was . .. Diserder*COnduct,—Tsabials W a gnere was arrested on ea 'charge of disorderly rsiied conduct, =Mobster° J z tie Reisiel t et B East irmingham, by . •x) Bitten ger, wbo alleges. Ll* tha.• used abusive : langu a ge: .tosiards --• an ;the street 1/ 1 ' SheS he l t a* b l i P lbr o l l ti larhic• •,' - • . —:..:0 3 ~....-.-,:' -liiititiiide , Ranor.:-.F i beithere- we publish the statement iir ge', - centfiflou of the Peoples Baelmos Bank,,pnldialied. In somidanos - with s 'dower prevision. The laths °nide ,respobslbleand well conducted institutionsare .: in . most healthY condition, as Kik be observed by the reader: -.-L . . ; . , ldn,l l o 09111 0 -2 raelc47 established business Otrin .ar Path.. Macurdy dt Ca, otantreseturers of oc k x ? pi• heft been Ills tdried, Mr. John' wittuiratilxig. -The huffiness hereafter Ilbe conducted by Messrs. D. E. Pak aridgatnes Park, Jr,,, the reutatulna under the -firm name of Park . SID afeeting.—The meeting of the Fire Engine and H u se Comudttee, called for .lasi evening, was , not leld, In conse quence of there not being a quorum of membem present. Thistle the third , at tempt of the Committee to hold a meet ing with the same success.' Another meeting - 1e called for Monday night. Severely; Surto:L-4. Mr& • Evans, re. aiding, on .Ibrty-titit street, near the Ferry Bonk% in the )3esentetsdh ward,. was &Irk:only yes btthsed terday after.: ternoms. - lithe was lathe aet Of kindling a tire, upon 'which she imsuid eome car bowel], •when the oil ignited and the ves sel containing it exploded, netting her clothes on tire. Bat tai3get made-information before Justice Maud, of Eaat Birmingham, yesterday. Spinet Fromy Wagner. Ibr_surety of peace. She alleges that.. Fromy came to her house and attempted to drive her out of it, threatening tq kill her itehe did not, leave. Promit was arrested and held fin a hearing., This Being the Last Day, on whicb five per cent;disoccuit will be allowed on City and School Taxes, City Treasurer Coch ran trill keep lap aloe 'cyan until nine o'clock r. n, - Those having taxesto_paY sib° are un able to cell during the rdiotild avail themselves of lids opportunity Or do' so 8 9er their We no* hrdeet& ._Vacation.—The First MethOdist o ® b i Fifth &Tenney (above 0412661111 be open every Sabbath morn. in and evening during the summer. Vhe Sabbath evening lectures of the pass. tor. Hey. Alex. Mark, are very largely attended. The glacial topic for to.mor• rcivr evening is !gunwales Humanity." The seats are frei in this church. - - gdilWe s BliimerorMuvlisillfiendli of Bev. Father Devlin, of Bt. r anis Oaths ? edral, will:be pleased to learn of his I'S rival brim. yeaterdsy safe, sound and heady, despitivithe -terrible 4 ambient through which • last evening's Mid passed him in Buffalo, breaking his arm and leaving hint tollingernaii Bondi. lion. Ihere *ultra s word of • truth In. H•duetiss in Funeral Cset.-41r.W.'H. DOVargi.the "MU klictwA - PROlrt z akiiri z Zfo• that 104 Grant street. ,arumuneen a ' j• prepared - to supply • carriages fbr city funerals at two dollars - each. He his also made& reduCtlenba all styles` ofeof. fins. Mr. Devore has long held high glide among our leading undertakers and so conducts his business ab to render uni versal satisfaction. In Trauble.—Oilicer Richard Moon yesterday arrested a man on Sixth street who was acting in a disorderly manner, and was conducting him to tho watch house when Frank Cameron] interfered and rescued the prisoner. ,Frank was then taken in charge and conducted to the lock-up, where he„ remained last night and will probably pay twenty-five : t . dollars and mods for his laced ring this morning. ~. • City Feserals.—Mr. Alexand r Aiken, viL undertaker. No. 166 Fourth a nue, has made arrangemet whereby he can henceforward stip lyrearriageit for-city funerals at two do each, an but lit tle additional will be charged for outside districts:: Mr. Aiken. law a lat and "completesstocrof tine roitilnltand eneral , funeral famishing goods, which' e has also reduced , ln„ price. We oonimend this establishment to the patronage of readers.' - • • , Alleged Forgery.-41amull MI Jr. banker, - Made inform _atiott , beforip the Mayor,. yesterday, eharidnir,ZlUnall M. / MAyswitliforgem.k Itla Alleged tth e . limited preeented a tete at ` - ellift aye- "for three hundred della% 4renntin aver .of Tarim hillthell, and porperting be endorsed WM?: ]]ditched and John Dil worth, .ottivthe - lianki*gihause o Si M'Claifilt ,go.,_.''' on the .IPth. inst. The note was cashed tind,wlug(preseta.ed for 'collo:thin it - was,. ascertained to be a lergerY. 111 7 41, 194 11 1~1/14'. 1 crilo up for a hearing. 4.4 ReWin .11ndartalteric ~,.. i 086=:hi 'VVlllisso J. Igo* !i nd Near tuidiz tisiilf4t of W. 4T% 14044, , 4 °:i ,h.*****WattiN o 4 MO k Pisceitt t , hlV ott:iOntiotti bribe . moral, communlti so oatifiaplipshlg and { iit4e4Ouid extakimi, Attildriii YOUng 'an IlAini Ate l a***l:64o - 14 - .4hoIKOMIODO , d c mamas * , :VW 21 tharoutily under- StAnd OW antler In oliuSaionto of their%'`Aegral, -vha kee conotootiy anbaml 4clampsmora4all of ooffinAot All ilsesoindllderlind. ,de seriptUslei wbbihihn? 'sell at the most reasonable Woes.. - Thetis:tin of funerabi are pogopgy and jOrlldatugy• 'attended, :while Abe 4very beat of carriages and beams As, inditilloiy, .111glabed ,et the' lowest Poesible.: Ptloes. WO tiounnend,. this fiA*o.oui iu'ureaderst- bespeak for. slttellitheiAMlthims a witocatilhpt, 410111111annet ,z , , ,, 7 , , ;'..,3 , 14, ME A Model amt:Migraggidueted Drug Few retail dreg holekil lihnir of the •,.„ 5 ^ 9 rnotintoililkare bettex (=ducted - than the 51 3 ,101 . 4-'`lptsaile4togf l SO o of MOolirs ,Zameit'Zl:sartss...t 009;Nerth4setern : o Oriiero Erixtb._(latniit; Clair) and Penn • , streets.. Ito Yaw* aM enter pr i si ng . .prietOrs have succaded id building ualergetratio, seslfhMeghlihe prudent ,hagi.Eneni and fair and liberal dealing which charasterizes them, bid -fair to greatly increase 'it with each returning season. They keep nothing but the very best andpuranof lingo, being estecial ly partioulattlutt no adulterated article enters, into atkypreseriptiontompoirnded -in their pharmaceutical demetment, Which, ‘prealdeti :fiftd• Burns himself, who is one of our very beet and most expert pharmacblogists. , Thetollet department coutalisseverything the most fastidionsleottldi:lSbni for' the chamber roofer, both do And 'foreign mops rations. 'All the famous and , standard perfnmerlea, colognes, etc., will be found. In the approOlite dapartmentast prices very reasonable., - The purestof import ed winos end liquors are oonstantly kept on hand for idoedical purposes.: The store ' Aupplieslittih-oncolAgLavat ,elabck 'rate and beautifalmerble and silver soda water founts in the city. from which is me?! pare, aysainise 404; anti ; draughtSinttluithlnity. - Maas peas•pitAgesaue-autis & Co. is a credit toikat portienbrtlis city containing !timid oftfmk for its pular proprieMrs ,a large dinner pub! ES 'Printing and laiseppg Establislusent. We desire to cat thi attention of pat! ties interssidazalutdativitiiiWtnent of the (3 Prirdiftg ert&Atir Estabilehriielit of 'IC 8. Hki l im C 0.,& 0o t anner 4d Whedstreet atlTblitiavearae, which we -Imblisirs tromother column. This establishment - is one of the fore most, if not it advance,of all others mast of .the tnotuttalna, and they, turn "mit I work equal and In every respect armee or to any of_ tile r great eastern Printing restablishutents; and; tilion the • moo reasonable terms. •In :: . .the mad ufacture of blank " books, 121 I• road tickets, time tables, ))11,1 heads ; etc. W. & 00. have' itti isiroihicooi. They make, it , A . point the very best, material and the work: itt• done in the mostartistic and skillful =men ItMd nem men and others desiring bill heads, I - baldness dards, letter'heeds,. and in fact Widnes!' '`printing of 40 • 'description, will find that tbisestabliahMent have un equaled facilitieVfor - doing, the work, and that they will do it upon the most reasonable -*Orders addressed to lfi r :lirlifill'velitirre . .ZetdiTif -worded street .iinitYttaill4veuno;_4*l3l \tecelve Vir Country Jllerefiinb. Wholesale buyers and country mer chants will Mill theistbek of general dry goods in the jobbing department of Wil liam selnida'iaate mark and well man aged house, NIL 120 'and:_lBsl Pederal street, Allegheny, very large and judi ciously assorted. The linear* domestic and woolen goods ,are! especiallyAttrao tive, and are marked at prices as low, and in many instances lower, than can be' obtained -14 . / the esetl - nr'„Tcar4eta• Thar!) caw Woo &enemy td dealers buy-' ing their l . 4 4 ll 3 abroad. paying equally as large and r prices therefor, the float of travelbig- ther-;luld fudidlto when such seledlon, variety and advantages w offered at Mr, wholesale rooms here at fibrils. ''The retail batons will likewiae find the very beet selection in the noWsmotra constlently arriving and all at the lowest possible prices. Irrepseasible. Edwird Tagus appears to be one of the trrepronliblis. =flans he attendeli the Mayor's levee, at an ex permit and costa, for having on the night preVious struck an old lady, seventy yearanf age an 4 kicked a blind itinitinoueot a hotted r onWebisfet Sire. nue. Last e i vr i ping Uri. Campbell made information net him, before the May or, alleging hat he, in company with' several other roughs, came into her hoot* surto:Odin a dlisorderky,wanner. Ague, , he alook ihraW a w t of hot water upon her and her child. and that in the excitement two five dollar, bills: were .taken out of her hand • by, some one in the party. Tagus was ar rested and locked up'for a hearing this morning; The Mayor will probably con. alder the fifty dollar onilnance in his , Case. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, is no pat ent Medicine husnbug gotten up to dupe the ignorant ami. credulous, nor Is it rep. resented as being “composed of rare and precious substances, brought from the font-corners of the eartb c carried -seven times across the Groat Dasest.ot flabarab nu the bae ka - Of fourteen camels, and ,broustanrcitit th e Atlantic mean on Iwo ships.""lt is tr` matt, - soothing, pleasant.-Remedy, ct, l pefeet • Specific for Chtenio Nish! Catarrh soCold in the head,' and kindred . Matese& The pro neater, R.N. Pierce, M. D., of. Buffalo, N. Y., Offers a reward of 1500 for a ease of Catarrh be_ cannot care, Sent by mail, postpaid, :for sixty cents. Address the propriesor as above. Fins Residence for Dale.- - Mr. J. S. Bell, of the firm or Bates & - Belt, dry goods merchants, Fifth avenue, offers ibr sale the fine residence he now" eempies on Beech street, Eleoand ward, ehany.....Lt 43 anta4n—eiavaii.rooms with -silky wash- hogs. with stationary tube,roach house and stabler and:is sur rounded by yard and garden. - The ; Lute rlor of the house is firdshodin cent 'manner= and is in the very order. Tbe house is supplied with all, the modern minferifennehlbyra iirld•olass 4. 31 UP54-, It 1 4 offeredat SYert rtestir able p rice.' For particulars app van a in'etnises:or, ,Bstes* WWI., Bee the advertisdnient 'ofibriir it ' DV `+ in, another column. <r VeAtit *est Coniteilf-Ltiew allPeri o 4a pz notice that the pats , bitegit Reel Egate Register 00121941111 de. : aoriptlons ot over: litttr.ll2llllon dollma k trof t mertribpladoramash t of Farouk , ,litafav :Acts, ty and &mamma Amu such a vast ,leqtiokildilbe ;nig ruotz 410 .:Artte exp away gratis by the 'publishers Oolltd) 1 $ 1111 ftvN94311 - 2tatrilyavenars' or will be sent by mall free to any one requesting It. Persona seeking !lomat liallikkMaalgiaefait getting it. _ living, late suppers And nob food pro. ov duce ea piddr‘ds& Ittelltle all irddspalhe sktubY, overh e " RPt regi . 1 44 k .i,r )./. keep' It 004 -imitlikud •• . • a Milk of, Violets Tse pr. - .ja _truly 'wthifferritit "Stn , ingitipy, Mil "Yrebte,:*:o4oo' ilegniNl it trq sad, flalft.partiespP fl • ; 101 `.. := ll 'lentl4lood P i Tet 11 •1 lisVCoMitidid4 I v 1:- ' mat . InsarsPee figniaOne:-614141 ets.tape Came. , • The Eaatern companies , recinbe:yott to PRY in edvenee of Milo necessitY. They take , yoiF Money atriit and • entriisrli to • etringerto : ivh*Yeziltiehir - • The Cooperative does e nof reqnizepity ment.untlt the money ity l needed. to , pay the heirs of—it ; keeps the sniping et bottle and rtudtee - actual loatie to int policy holders. - 'Eastern coMpanies make jnnt contract to' pay two or three time* the 'admitted value of ycrnr - insurance, and etre you , the went of the agent that your “disi l . dends",wilt make it all right. / -The ceo.operadve" charges only Abe actual coat of Insurance and ntracta ln the policy to give. the entire surplus to policy holders. • - A young mutual 'le tm~y Weak 'and an excessive mortalitywilideatroy The Hee operative" is as strong in the beginning aka mutual witlt millions of surplus. - - • To live_ thrbugh an epidemic,all other companis -must ro-uoend . busetess and atiii ;The 44 00. operative our Ikeep on the elven tenor of its way, and its pad.= ieleavill command eprem.tutn.• _ All thin and more will be madit plebs' to my one at the Mee of the CO-01m ~ five Life Insunssee Company / US kiesith- Ash, street. OW. and lap ? , . . _ g4.l3D. , * , rittorw,Oitioi***l*. ; °MOO. • -I,OW •TillaHdert, or Couitry rase *the Bbhle. , •By Auerbach. : • • LifeorAadubcau By hisyrklisit, facia. Iluntunlea- -219vele, Household _ lion. / • L Vanity IL V irgiaiana, - TlL'arifavoinea. -" IVI. - Peadamiii. • : - :FL:Eamtnid Little Woreen.7, By l Alcott. Jo, Meg, Beth Ado , . _ In two parts. Each soldkepurate; SLSO. • Mopes, thtt Fairy . 'Eye. Jean Ingelow. Credo. / A ennernattirel book. R.N. It' ti gild that Ihe' preprietors of the cehibrated‘ Pia - Br:AT:fop% >SIMMS rent °dims than nine :pews' from the- differ ent,deutouguations in ErewNork 04 for ell.those or their employes who wilt oc aupy them •regalarin free ,of charge. This certainly praW: 'worthy, end it is t4O&/ 10 1 ) 0, that others who employ a large number of people, Wilt thaw the ufltopie:' The above fed; accompanied with the belief • that firth • who would look so closely aterz the morals and welters= of - their .eniployesi *mid not undertake. to iniptose upon 4lnvpublici has inducedktui to give the.PLArrkeTiort Ortrg4to attW, and having folinct them all &hi:T.4l3re represented we, cordially recommend them as a tonic of rare /pig it,7-Obrerver,' Jay W. i. . • , • hfs.cutorak licreisite.4upettor tb • the bat imported EleinualOilogite, and eold at half the Trus t iie. and The best on .. 0 347. c. wh a c i Phosphorus and CM . ya, known as Caswell, Mask As - tee - Ferro Phospho rated River of Callasya lark, The Iron restores ,color; akihei4co4. the Phospho rus mum thp:nerya tissu the Cillbtaya Mt- . ] i t a=bunmi totone, :the -. • - o thereby curing dyne .; ltei Vatiotts 'fbrnrey Wakehthress, General Debility told , proislon of S.pirtts:) Manu fa ctured only by Onswell, , •k,Uo., New York. Sold by ali druggists. . a Notleee—Persona Ladehted.lo the non emu Or J. W. Porker dt Cp.y are requested to make immediate payment. Also, wiles having elating sipslnst the , said Min will please rendcF: thenlltsivions to theist day or Atygnat. ' • Jr.W. BAIMBII, JR. • , : Adminletratitr., , -- .9pporttadly to Make., Moosy.—Ttresty manor ,ladles wanted, of good address, Ytoq canvass for the most popular Sewing Martine now in nse. Apply atter three IC. o!ol.V at °Mee Of'Howe Sewing =Ma; chine, No. 4 Sixth 'street, late St: Clair: ' • = • :_simtitis *Unitive It atterq meat titbits, a• _test deliettcios of the aeasoni St the 00cm tinental," MA4 avenue, bglagr. t4.P9St , The celebrated Keystone QuienattOeie, from the Keystone Pottery; Messrs. alt. Kier It Co. proprieters;arlgo. 363 Lit*r• ty Street. _ - Lace goods, trim` nill3 ;:''add :fancy dress goods at W. W. Moorhead's, - No. 81 Market street. . We have been advertising tbb A nsma for 'the hair for some ' time,: imd. our Druggists say that it'is ably well, and what is ,better, givosi uni versal-sstlaraction'—better far than any . other Hair _Renewer in use. • pleats at sit-nears, day and, evening, at tile Continental... Fifth avenue. The tables are supplied with the beat the markets afrprti., ellerchants,liiwynis, Phielchtne, Minis tees, Clerks and the community goner. ally are the ,pstrone of the Vontlitental, Filth avenrie, below' the Post Office. _ Pruitt alai of all !kindest the Keystone wry Warehouse, -Mims. MoKler .proptietors,VozBB3.Liberty street.. Biewignothr;:nerw,styles, latest fashions and popular prices at Moorhead's..Bl' Market streett--., Baitnese nten - pod Ibe AM 8110111,11buse, Bost6)4l.lleir uto4,4xinvenlent ,stepplng.: plaat.', Newly fintitehed; with peteeriger ele,alair, este, billiard . halls, Ibr.T.Y.._rc.tTl 113 , eri . ensitei tlifikotelulaintalP!illTan, Ther;toutiaentah:Fifth avenue, below the PosPftleur .1e the (MOM. eanventent restAuglultOf '.*AttkeSs. , itlel4lutigk.f4tY• MEE --,' Kattonkly goootalWirehiti7 118) afrO:IPS. . let;al36stirertk El! "="4"106---"L' /,antes will Anil fmmrplats asitstment of tins pada, trimmings, Ate, .at beatili o 8114arket meet. '1 4. Itlifilzil4lll4ll:tM9Ontbleido.7:3HUl am!;lo9.omr,thelqao,....liee._, P4), , P;1: 41 7 . 164 ! .44 .!a No 62 emtrtifieut tkin,pb - F la soli: , Linen Goods of kkithriCaates 494 ___ , • Irrinied 1144rorariSaollat dos- Ing out UM )01311*. Bachneld ON No: mak mats emu' 4caked . • i Far a..Cood i ;well ; „: .., , imabstiiitiat Maid, tall at . thrr , :f , Dibenthili" ,Flith Avluingis belcor lilt Cateet ,' , ' ,, i i , On , t 6_ , a...... t Itr4 . t s.: :Rll4.4lP:".Par°2/1" tbstvaa lu omPl• - • •.• • • • • ~ • I ... , **thee, rail Li 41:10121k tfltnelibldOgigOi l 4o l :, Wi 44 d ° aith.Oratock Barker. Jr., A egninfOrstor. has bee n authorized tocontinno tbe srorirt daring put aale at the tvereronme Of 7: W. Barker 'at Co., )59 Market etrirb4:;for bit dd373 beforeyendering ids ttotmuktt Zak order to to Ourcliale . ith inxos wlir be reduced sti ll Tower. hianritrtieleit , will be offered at ttrentylitosperouttabla. than they can bepurchasedin theo l ligern: markets at the present time. The ittPck s , which 1111 ST be sold, embroutes deldrable Fad/ and Winter goods, such as Ineisinoesx wool long !shawls, Mankato, dark, and. s medium dressgoods, cloths.-mossimenw: tto.4. dm! Whole and ,rptail buyers/ should by all mms embrace # opporT tunity of replenishing their as thi prices are decidedly low good & mist be closed. out. / &miner Silicr. Thin genies, cheap, at, Bates the stock, _:.• 7/- cobautiato water iB a certain cirobr rolatiecea and all inseam at the Kid. nii il 7‘ , 7F?" B /e = sawn = of dress *milk tuft rilhalunk w 001" goal* chap st J. M. rehtteld do a d ‘=:- • salLtletaXlßlClPl2turodiratity 311 W U at she reabtendeat tlui briawi,sothet by Beiv.,.ratee 6minte4- CULLS* i 11141110 9ftge.i4-WW4.9041,c4 Pi* 0.• •,•• - • • ) I.o 9ng — WoalkrAt tieAAt: o gOti.:ol 'Pm A. A. tfeiti ttt.lEY lt:ifootts eitt Sr..? eitterttreitte,ttite.-' c • IiEGRAW—On rriao thbfalha, 441 .1. 341 4ita Noteue JOSEPH , of t mtli ittlgrliSii 111 2 1. 0.$ Merga.w..4/e ll tiMotatbklinit 1 3 . 4 40-: ..stmarel from the maidertsct . PArezPl tialiertikiliy;neitz Bilwell Orator. mus mum.; duly 31st, at:10 e`eleck; fit•hdiforibe, family are Invited ta attend. • , EIVICErf nnu day. July 29,1989 DA.: YID Bs CKATT„wged 02 years., - - Thefetteral w.II Luke ;plane tom-his ante Ml deuce, 0404,1: or Xiieean4 poeuit stroets,Blxth ward,: SUNDAY 1111011.1fLIV,, at /0, o•olook. The f2r4adi of the funillyare invited toattend. PAISiBir-Ottiliidat renting, Zali 30th. at kom-pott • thtee-ceetoc ; rAlti BY, aged 1 oars Funeral iron the residence of his uncle, Hugh FAISLBF. 229 .iptists street. Ali_edheOrGit'f. ilirs 4.1 . ne5005, At O'clect. 'Toe friends o the higilliare respect uAy invited to attend. ,- * PAGE--At Oak- Lawn. • Itirsday. ' the 29th lust CS! o'n:oeg g•'• DAlSY , =int daux ter VII., end Penny L. Faze. FaithrUFfroii, theresidence of het grind'ather, lona' tr: - Pligei,llr.; Bast' Birmingham, To-DAY; at halt-past two o'clock v. er. Car:legit; will leave' Pahl:aim & Samson's: corner tkoltbbel4 Breit-and Seventh airenne. at's quarter before y 4509,42, • Illt i gartl N ,lCl. n deugniei.i l t iti Willl'ult and Nark liamliton. aged 5 leers and fire mouths. • :Mier , fcaeistwllY take — pliMie Qom therealdance .of iler parents. No.: It Lincoln Avenue. dna aItrI.ATTJUINOON;;Axgust lit, -at 4ip , clock. Nita 'Wends of, LbelatailL are Invl.4d. LO attend. ICKILILDDT—MARY -ANN ERNgrEDY..ivite bf /nines %timed,. tn the - 36th T,., of hcrue. 724 - fluent *in takevlseb from ite riddance of beibeibend. lYp Caniretiviimil - on iftrstokr arniuroon. August Lt. -at 2 o'clocL. - .llie litiagda of the roar .ate napectlitOly invited to attend. ,tMEIJITAKEERS.. . . ..... . ... . . ALEX.. AIRE X ts • MERE .B. it ni al s4 l2 l k V ,. EME: lirn riages :01,0 • sag i N erf desorlyttolk elf iftler 4 rim! nistithig oats furnished, Booms Man d!_" - , 0g.t.. , foralsooo for dm !ilium, 21 ~...4.ronossapilt—..:. jarr.flavid ECM' ea..; lurv:A. .w. Jizotgl iti u. D.11%0 1 112 ZW/Ildt 1.. q.. J ice] (WARIMI4: DEMTAHMES.AND-LIVMAY STABLMA. ram& • =apnea ROOMS =geed with :rad and usitanoi, ittkor.. • xasogany- and Walaft Voaitr. at igloos varying lixan it rgum. • lio• mai tt ybrAnierepent . . , Woks . Car , edi ils or Mourning ilikimilsOr:ll4l4l•44-:=Moset anal dal! • - • 1 ' • ' . . ' 4 4. .. •• ' ': :i -,-. . .:14 . ) ....:1 / Persone mint nrrhillltenntrfroarsres eyes or dimness of vision esnlibett nothiny be rto re . store them to . then proper standard than using THE SCOTCH PEBBLE SPECTACLES As littlelt i p m esa lituatitee table genalse.taad at alien. a. that pier will come withialae teeth - of a .1!01 we ask Is ?far. you abeati aad endatwe'llinrn. sad 11 ,1 1144 1 75 W theltelallwri erlt7 treer,au °tetra. DMISEATH ixzzaur. 14„Fim: min ex:11- iETETIC PREPAIIATIONS. Itabiaspa's Pat. Barley; Parinacemui NONCE.- hop; Wheat; 4. 0401, - yood: wi t f o art wai n, BUM Lipid ''',l.:P* ,. 4*'*o]*)!,o*'ft:i. f;: . 1.;!..g " a . t:: . :.&; '.. ' r:.: - . 1 . 1 ':'.,..• ; r- ' r iki*!EiAE-BY,'i.:a BM= JOHNSTON, Co tvl,lllllljilLiAND-11LViiNit. 4 wilily:. CHANluvAilaits. , a AT %RAW! , .oB,Cla= % l Ail s oR t f'' • ; - +l , -s' alcona ;Zlatd• =Alta , $ ; IPRING,STOCI OFVRDS AtokIPLETE, : -lkotaconssi - m Inn CAW 4 Gibe of -.P fl ettli-Sitetts WNIT HasPeatlititi-,lk, • se,, --- diratifit mum, Oslo Bt. C/Wr . :ri4e 1,114 te, 4 x l .**Att itkobeot ,k 4 Jot .O.NeW eoodt toi S PO; ll4l,e k c iirb*lsht to tho 'maks% ,thot Andlinteliat tosat ogd 'kid Mb! CialittiVasper SIM bettiittuut any - st.dliuts isfao la thiselty.' ll[ 74ew and sslen. d 1 ss oignoritakte rsa 7lnnam. 1 9 0 D! 4 it W stale. to tie *tumid lire tOtaibit 11.10 **ll,l Briakt MEE MB mwEirtos. ME ==ffl OM MIMI II Mar claw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers