The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 31, 1869, Image 3

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    L-_ ~_
' - FRIDAY, 'July 90; 1869. i
The -oil market. continues, quiet and
-rather. dull, and devoid. of . i anything
really ri wor important. As repeatedly
noted, ' C'entiy,.._the trade is net in - es
pros s a condition an. pop' be dp.
pe bi
sired, an d so long .tuithe•present ineqinal
ity in the price of crud6and refined con ,
tinnes,'n irdproveinenecan, reasonably
ne'exfiEi‘ , "i it.''' It is as plain . in, nnything
can - lie; t.- ti K i rs , to44 , be: O . .kAlt
change in l ihkrooDo o 4%sit ill not to
expected that manufactarers, Will enter
into no* negotiations 'with -but little if
any clianie
getting out 'even, and the
probabitity lat cttalliss alinoatr e r
ing*crtainy That they will be both
to atop their Works, just. at thin - partial.
lar time, is conceded, but if they cannot
keep thern.ioperation .tvithont qualain
fag a loxis,lli e isno help for it. . -,-
Private-an • reliable from advices f ro mCleveland, x pert the , trade . . there in
pretty much he same cinidltion . as here
certainly no tter, and in sonifireapects,
if anything, 'even worse. The, same
inequality bir prices exists there;
manufacturers' are money,
incl.''`money matter's are" reported as
Working Very olose.. It is true they ,have
thelion's share oftheWestern trade, blit ,
then it ,would appear that there is no 1
profit'. In it, and some of the refiners, it is •
said, contemplate shipping direct to Liv
erpool on their oWcoun.. •
Refiners di) not complain that Crude is
too 'high; but they 'do 'complain, and
with good , ' reason, too, that it is much
higher relatively than refined. It
Snakes but little difference to"them, as 'a
gettaral-thing, whether crude is 10 or 20
cents, provided there is - a Margin in
flefLuedVand•the sooner the market'gets
into shape to afford the manufacturer a
living. .pront v the better for the entire
trade. , - ,‘ •. •
. - • ' . ORITDE.
' Te'mrket continues - drild weak,
with h offe r s to sell at a slightl an
and even at the decline, buyers' do not
seem numerous. Spot oil was offered at
147, during the-early:Ault of the L day;
imbsegtiently, there' was a s isale. af-1400
btdEi, seller fiftegn dais, at /4%,
- ter that it . was offered. at 14K,- without
finding buyers._ Seller all year. nomi
-is, nal at and buyer all year at= /6
.- • -
Compared - with - yesterday, has •under=
gone no. quotable•, change, I.thottgli • the
market la dull and a `little weak. - Sale
1,00 0 - bbliJUlt,st 813i;last tilt August
82; last Wile months , • /WM; and-'last four
ruonths, 33: • • ' • •" • '
RECIMITg OF clump cm.
Fisher. -Bre " " 720 bble.
Tack.. ... .. .. .. . . 675 -
John Spear:.'..: ' -; 50, gf. •
D Ir &Co sr
• ' 1395', bble
• ; P 32 4 14 4AMLN0. 4 . 5 44 3 ; •
*inte 0h...—. 40C
oindle.... . . 85c
Eclipse 2ar -75 c
-80 e
Lockhart, Frew Lt Co. 998 bbli refined
to Wardeni•Freit-it Co. Philadelphia.' ,
• -Forsyth- it- 8r0..' 316 bbls_ refined 46
Warden,-Fraw-&-Co?, Philadelphia.
& Bro;; 250 'bbla refined- to
Warden, Frew it Co., PhiladelPliiii:
B. W. MorgarrA 00.ia200 bbis - refined
tO.-WarderisiZrevt d 4 Co., Pkiladalp hia: -Liberty Oil€ Work •
300, bola ref:loll to
Warden,-Frew & Co...Pluladelphia.
McKolvy & Bro., 350 bbla. relined: to
W. P. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia.
Fawcett, L. & 5;•250 bbla refined' to W.z -
FLogan & Bro., Philadelphia. • f-t
Liberty Oil Works /54 bbla refined to
Logan dc Bro.. Philadelphia. •
Montzheimer, 'Koehler & Co. 450 bbla ret
to Waring,. Xing dr Co., Philadelphia.
C. Kirkpatrick, 300 bbla refined to
Waring, King de. Co., pniiadelpbia,
Braun it Wagner. 101 bbls refined to
Waring, King& Co., Philadelphia.
, Pennock-d: Kaftan, 60 bbis lubricating
oil, to Wethin,gton it Co., Maysville. •
Total Keened 3,669
• mAßKEii34tir TELEGRAPH.
NEW 'lrons, 7ttly 81—Cotton quiet and
drooping; sales 750 bales at 83%c. for
1J lands.
!diddling p recelp 6,
bbls, .
are 's 6 lo :iintithere
IS - rather , more doing. saieti 9;400
,bbls: at
55,80 6 6 , 40 forattperfino,13tatti and 'west."
enr; 50180(417.10.extra%fitatet,56/70@7,401
extra we5terp:47,56g7,75,.• ;white - wheat
extrig'l7@7,6s 4 R. H. 0.:. s7@B, extra St.
Louis; 18@8,50, good - to choice do.; ipclu
ded in thilosaleaverel.6oo-bbhk - ettras fbr 5 6 .90@7.1br,State =4 , 16,75 for
western. Rye Flour steady;
„sales 250
bbls at 54,75%6,7,5. Cornmeal quiet; sales
200 bbitt2darstes Caloric atikks. Whisky
dull; sae r s 50 bble._Weatern at 51,10 free.
'eclpts;)ll,3B6:buak (4)2c better
and in. fair. export.dentandt sales of 139,-
000 bus at -41,55®454 for, No. a, swim
11,5041,5111;soft $1,57©1,58 for No.
1 - -finctmi t ted spring, 51,59@foll'IorNo;"
1 • Xdr mew reciludiarus;ll.6s:
for alb • " 8 441 f11 65 (g11,66 for amber
Michigan, to.arriversl.72gfOr'white.
State, 51,7. e1,75..f0r white California:
Rye quiet it . for Western. • 'Barley;
nominal. et''Xierley Ma1t. 411104 :11111411.01.560
bus Cana da at $ 1 ,80." • Corn: reestpts•
816 infire.betttry, with pales. of 57,000' but;
at. 8 5 @i160 for-. unsound • new:: Mixed
western,' :$1,97@1,11 fors , . sound ~ .
sl,lo.fOr White western: oatar receipts,
2,611 "bus; irregular and • unsettled,
opening. /leaty and :lower, 'and closing
firm_ erl.the'dtialand: is seem:dative; sales
96,060 , bush at -77 @79e; ter - western
afloat; withbuyers at 81 and sel
lers at 82c. - Rice in fair request, with.
sales 80 tierces Carolina at 8, 1 ‘10.: Codee
arm,,with !WOW) bags Bin at'private •
terms. Sugar fairly active, with :sales'
250 hhds--at - 11M0113 , ter for t'ubs, and
12 @l231c1br FP= Thom 'Molasses dull,
"`- !nth Belot; 80 Wide Mutmovado at' 48®52c.
tHops quiet* 10415 c for ekmerican.
trb/etun fitna atll.7W,®l7Ma for,crude,and -
E 1126 for reaued. : Linseed 011 dull at 97c,
51, in casks. Turpentine quiet at. 42@ @
43C. Pork:heavy.. and a shade lower;
eases of go,bbla. $33©33,25 for new mess,
closing at $33,50 'cash; $32,25%32,50 for
old: ;do, $ 27 ,50028,e0 for prime;
30,50 for prime , mesas 'Tiercebeef
$ 20 (0 23 ter Prime riasta, and #2s@3o'
for...lndia mess. Batifeteady; sales of 275
bbls st- - 5843)16' plain mess; 1 / 124 5r
18 for new extra mesa. Reef hamsquiet;
sales of 130 bbls. at $25e31. Cut meats
firm; sales OK 225 - ' pkgs. at 14%@15e. :
for - shoulders. and 17©190. for
baths; • middles firm, sales of 60
eared at lOyall4c. lard quiet', and
firm; •600 tes at 17@191,1e , for-steam,. and
/ 9 x@2oc for kettle 'reftdered; alto, 250
teesteiun buyer January at 15c. ;.Butter
firm at 16@320 for chio; end 16@37c for
State. '..Cheese firm at 11,516 c. Freights
to' 'Liverpool. more. active and , ..firmsr;, •
Shipments 90;000:•' bush'Wheat at 7(i)7gd
Per mil , -end 7 %@Bd Der !admen Ou J3131s
flour at tid per sail; • • ' • • •
''Lath - Latert . —*lour Plotted a shade itilner
iewilradese with , ;.o2oderitte. &mid& in.
Part for erp,ort. l ', .IVbeat firm - et , 1 1 1. 5 4(§r
rAil ter 'Ne.44 14. 13 41.6“br Z r eqttr
and $lOl6 for norwred Ohio 4Mtit •
Aye acogatirx "Chipirtbk,qtallgottmetit-'i
CiatinwrrierT, July 80.—Flour dull and
demand' light, family 15,90®6,20, some
demand for shipment to Chicago and To.
ledo.. Wheat In good shipping 'demand
and sales of 15,000 buth. newred at 11,20
@1,25; new' white 5 1 40@1,50, the`latter
rate" for, choice Kentucky; no old wheat
offering Corn •classed dull under a bet
ter supp 'y, sales at 92®95c; in the morn.
tug it was held at 98c.®11,00. 'Rye dull
at 96®98c. Oats dul, old -4 70®740; new
58®63c. Barley firm l
.at /1;25. Tobacco
firtn,N sales of 123 - hhd& at 16 to 18,25,
Whisky tlrm t quiet, at /1,10. sales et
small lota at th is rate. Mess Pork arm
but' quiet at 533,50; bulk meats sold at
153ic. for shonlders and.l6Xo. for sides;
bacon held higher,, shoulders at lbw
sides 183 1 ®l9c_for clear rib and clear,
buyers at ;(.3; less: Sugar cured hams 23
@24e. Lard held at 19%c; buyers • offer
190, -Rutter firm at. 24®300, the latter
rate for, choice Western Reserve. Eggs
dull at 13®14c. Linseed oil unchanged
at 98®11. ..Lard oil _firm at 11,35®1,40.
Petroleum 29®310 and in good demand.
Sugar in good, demand; sales 160 Wills.
and 600 bbls. raw at 1234®123‘c; refined
15®16Nc. Coffeelrm at full rates; Sales
430 bags at 22®25c. -- for fair to -prime.
Gold 136 buying. Exchange firm at par
buying, and 50(g1;10 preminM
Money market_cOntinues easy.
Bomb o, July' : 3 0. - -Raoelpte;.; flour
2.090 Oblif. s wheat24.ok bush,. 00rA 38,.
090,1Das habipmentinwheig46 1 000 busks
oats 15, 0 e 0 hush, Freights to New Yor k
are wheat 1 . 2 .N0ir Oora:101/0, og . tg 7%ei;
Flout quiet audst.eady, .i.W.heatt,ipoder
itO4qtdry; 5a1e5.23,000 .
%Alla; 0 1 . 4 2@1e1231; sales 5400
2 apiiwankee club at..51,426)1,43, also 45,-
000, bush. to arrive at. 11443. 4 041 V Wea/C•
OfirA doll indiewer;,smes 10.000 Abash. in
lots, of No. 4- 4 4, ose-twi. - _,024,414, 1 and"
held at 78tr Vat. 'Val %co -, t° 11174 V°1
Rye nom Earle, nominal : - "" Pork
firm at 134. Lard - steady at 10®11.93ic.
High whiera' safer bbls at 1.1,03; an ex
treme?. 1! • -
-.:Bsurrmaes, July firm •at
0,75@0,25 for ;western;_ 1 6 .f , 0®7126 fur
extra;'17,15(34,6C for family .' Wheat
i dell aid toler at111;50@1;55 for
1 1 ,80 , forrehalch; lower gradeslll,2o®l44o. ,
Cora dakkat 11,00(44/0 far prima White.,
4 4(1_111,1Q .AT. Oats , dull and
' "swat "Um. Mess Pork quiet tit'l34. - '
Bacon cietis* end aditiithig
for Irlh Mee: 19 Y491930 far clear rib;'
for 'Shoulders; ham! '2116240 '
lardi4Anlet ' 19 3‘ 0 5200,' ' Whishy • drrrii:
addin good detaand,at
made at for trebte,extra'whlte, 17,7514
S'lor`'dotitile mbar, '111,75(1 for
double extra red Vintet,'.l6. far salsa red
winter, and $0,75 for doUbleextra odium
'catiatri'Made at17.50@8,25 • &Utile
extiralwbite, K 2567,15 for doable extra:
red.and itintiflkand $6,50(07, for dad We,
.extra'apring, 1, red' winter :
held atift,B+3,'and old No. 2 do. at 11.85.
Corn: No `1 mixed' held at 98e;• and No.
3 do:'af 90c: Oats , held at 76@ 7 _70. 11Ye
held at $1,10®1,15. '
TOLEDO, July W.—Flour, hi- steady.
Wheat= 2@3e " better; 'amber 01d11,54®
1,55; lio.:1 -- red 11,45®1,40, N 0.2 red $1;40,
,and. No. 3 red.
,11,25, ..Corn ;lull; No. 1
at 97e:without buyers,2 at 950;
ejected at 866; candetruied at 70c... Oats'
- motet and :nothing , de=
'wand witltmore offering •and quotations
nominal.: Receipts—...lo9,bbis f10ur15.400.
'bus !wheat, 1,200 bus corn, ,Stdrunentar.!.
600ibbls flour, 1,100 bus wheat,./7,200 bus.
00rn,,20,000 bus osisp,...
Lotasvir.r.x, July 80.—Bagging firm
and heavy at 230. Flair Very idiots' . au= perfine 14,60. extra 15,25; :•Grain firm and'
In • good demand; • Wheat •11,16®1;25.
Corn 1/00. • :Oate• 700. !Rye $l. - , -Barley.
, Leif Tobacco in demand and fair
at full prices; sales 119' hilds." at .115,25®
12,75. Highwines haveadvanced to 11,11.
Mew}. Pork $33,50. Bacon shoulders /5Nc;
clear rib 19c; clear sides 1934 c; hams 22 3 f
0230. ''Lard 19%c.
* lifftwA'nken, .30.—Flour quiet
and nhchairgeti. Wheat unsettled' at
$1,40 for No. 1; sli37Rif for No. cats
' 1 .4P 1 at 6 8 al No.. Corn, dull and
inal. Rya firm at 1400 for No. 2 and.
nominal. '. Grath' freights ind ,
.Iteeeltits=i,ooo bole. *ll6iiri
58,000 bu. wheat, '1;000 :btu oats Ship' .
nienti..43 000 bblefkeir;2o,ooolse. Wheat: -
. P* l 4 4) l ll APitilal
andritucliangel,,Wheati held tv RP d
stusom;st,-,,iiv‘,443,gr0 and 41104 ; 104 4,4 0 9.4.cris AY! 414*.sf. iggiq
en/Afloat; Corn dull and heavy, at Ma@
f 1,05. for unsound,
r and ;1,07©1,10 for
souridniixed western. Pork dull with
saletof 250 bblirmess at 43.3.' Beef dull
and unchanged. Bulk meats firm with
fair demand. Bacon quiet* and ftrm.
Laid dart at 19MON3its for fair to prime
steam. :..Eggs quiet and steady.
Sr. Lours, July W.—Tobacco-firm and
the z supply not , equal to • the demand.
Hemp firm, with salei of undressed at
11,15.• Cotton: nothing doing. 'Fleur
dull and weak. and holdenr of, medium
and.choice are now willing-td, make 25c.
concession to effect sales; low grades are
pretty firm,, but becoming easier; 'super
fine. sold .at $5.25©0; 55,75©6; XX
156,25©6,50; XXX fancy new 87,25©7.5u;
do:` old $8,50©9. Wheat declined 205 e.
cinloW•andmediurn- grades. and' s©looi
on best qualities; prime, to strictly prime
rid f01151,1234©1,20; low choice to fancy
/1,2551,47.• Coin - slow and ender; mixed
sold at 96e.; yellow s l ©rl;94 Prime la
UMW white • 5405® 41° - oats dull, . de
clining and' _unsettle' • new" mixed
57(460e; choiceto. 6234©85c.; old Mixed
and white ranged at 65©68c, and closing
dull at anything over 650. Rye opened
at 51 for choice, but fell to 85e at close.
Whisky steady and firm at 111,10. Giro:
eerier quiet andunchanged.. Pork: .firm
at 834,90©34,25. Dry salt meat higher,
with sales of 150,060 :Votirids' shoradef9;
buyers 60 days at St. Joseph, at 14e. Ba
con shoulders' sold at 15c, but held at
close at 15y 4 c. Clear rib sides,lB34©lBKc.
Clear 81416319. Lard dull, with jobbing
sales of• tierce at 19e. and keg at 2034 c.
Receipts: 2,100 bbls flour, 50,700 bush
wheat, 4,700 bush corn, 7,500 bush oats,
1,000 butrn rye, 220 hogs. - •
CrricAoo, Jolylo.-:-.Eastern Exchange
firm at 1.10 premium selling, and 1.10 off
bnyirig. 'Flour 'dull at 55.50©7,25 for
spring extras. Wheat firmer; sales No.
1 at 81,59©1,40, closing - unchanged; sales
No. 2at $1,343:;©1,3534, closing at /1;35
©1,3534; this afternoon No. 2is unset
tled and offered at 111,3434 cash, and sales
1,32 W seller for August. Corn quiet,
and 334©434c. lower; early sales of No. 2
at'B6©B6e., advanced to 87©87340, closing
at 8634©87e; rejected.sold at 814;8234o; no
grade at 75©80e; sales of No. .2 at 87(4tb9c
seller last half of August,. and 80©8734c.
seller August; this afternoon No.-2 sold
at 860, seller August. Oats unsettled and
S®4c.lower, sales of No. 2 at 57©59c, and
rejected at 63©54c; closing nominal at
58@590 for No.. 2. Rye quiet :and
lower. with sales of No. :1 at 11,06, and
No; 2at 51,04. Barley morainal, at• 51,30
for ~N o. .2, seller:;August.; Highwines
quiet • and' lc -lower; sales at 81,01. Sup
gara active at 1351014%c for common to
primearni. Mesa Pork firmly held at
11 3 3,50©33,75.' • -Lard - nominally 18)4o.
Shoulders inactive and nominal at- 1334$
13%o;, ;closing ;with , buyers ~ .at /3340.
Sweet Pickled "Hams firm at 17©1730
Freights.dull, firmer and , 34:c higher at 4c
for corn to Buffalo. Receipts for past
24 hours--4,706"bb1s flour. 48,238 bus
wheat,.91,348 bus corn, 12,791 bus oats,
691 bus - rye, 750. bus barley, 4 , 19 6 hogs.
Shipments-5.211 bbls flour. 71,300 bus
wheat. 68,600 bus corn, 700 bus oats, 3,715
hogs. •t- • . _
0g1.320 Vann dial wad declined; Yellow at
51,15, and mixed western at $1,14. Oats
dull, with sales westera at.74@) 7 60. 4 0 -
visions unchinkreo. Whisky scarce; held
at $ 1 ;2061;25. ' • -:" '
`era's. J_Edy 30.-Cotton dull at SI&
Reoolfito29 bales. -Exports-4 bales.
.389.. Flour active at $ 5 0 0 0 2 . 60 -
Wheat scarce, 'No. 111,25:' Corn active,
shelled-IL Oats quiet at 80 ® 8,2 c.•:IlaY.
none, in the inarket. Bran 520. Corn
Meal Pork quiet at. 132,25. Lard
quiet at 20(i. Bacon stiff, shoulders 15y,
015.,;60; iddesiege.2. -e:
• OSVISIXIi July 150.....Fkitir is active and
unchanged., Wheat firm but quiet; No.
1 Milwaukee Club' held 'at $455; No. 2
do 14 1450; stock very light. ',Corn held.
at 51,10 for Ncs. j /..- ,Canal freights: wheat
83ic, Coin 7,mc to New York.. Lake 'lnl,
korts—twheat 14200, corn 19,800 bushels:
Canal exports .:wheat 14,900 _bushels. ,
.:Daraor4 inly , Bo.,F/our is' quiet but
steady. , „wheat .at' $1.82 for extra white;
No. I do' i,73; No. 2do $1,45; No. 1 am.
befsl,44.• , Oits—euiles of new at 70c; old
at 713©80c. • ; , •
Lloe -Steck Markets,
NEW 'form,lly 80.—Cattle; recelphi
today,-4500, with 300 holding from
Wednesday; trade , very , slow, and prices,
deciiiling,'quite to the injury of owners;
anima Texans which sod on:' Tuesday
at ; each have to .b e resold today, and
will onlY bring 00, as no one wants
them; the quality of the offerings is
poor; there were Bala made at 9@t6c.,
scarcely, anything bringing 16c., and
several lots were held over. Sheep less
firm, with arrivals 5,900; a few extras`
broughtic., while fair 78 pounds Ohio
sheep sold at 6c., and some of 76 pounds
at se. Lambs have declined vary
itig from 734 c. t0.440.,' some Canadas, 66
pounds, bridging the latter price, with a,
car Ohio, 48 pounds, at 7ic. Hogs reach-
ed 13c. for dressed; only 21• cars or 2,290
head arriving to-day; one car Blinn's,
208 pottodas sold at: 110-.-400. Per cwt.
Cuic.acio, July ,, 30.—Cattle dull and
,unchenged; .sales at ;3,75@
4;80 for Texas steers: 114,65@5,60 for fair
to extra 00wa1118.6147,25 for-fair to good
fleshy steers. Hogaactive ,and excited;
prides are 20 @AM:higher: sales at, 8 9 ,40
@9,75 for'oommon; $9,80@9,90 for Lair
. to
medium;.slo@io,l6 for good to ektra.'
ST. Lows,- -.Tidy, 30.—Cattle. dull and
Unchanged. at 314@614c. Hogs in good
defnand and firm at Bs9,;c:
lunrA.M.T4l BY itAILIMAD.
;Prruu3unalt. FORT , WATsuI Cm.
omio RAILROAD. July, 30.-135 bbis
flour, Culp & Shepard; car cooperage,
ht P Adams Bro; 1 da stone, J L L Knox, 7
eke peals, S , H,arbaugb & Co; 1 keg a p . plebutter, H Rea Jr; 10 reams paper
- G ,
odfrey & Clark ;-20 tallow, Reed
& Johnston:- 1 car ice, J White Jr; 21
bbls tallow , 39 green bidesJ Hamnett
t Son: S rolls leather, W Flamm & Son;
5 do do, S Keys; 10 . dila brooms W
Gonni9; /car scrap Iron, Loyd & Black;
1 car oats. W J Meek; 32 aka oats (Little
•& Baird; 50 bbls bighwines, Shipton &
Wallace; 41 cks pearl., •Bakewell, Pears
& Co; 19 hhde tobacco, W & D Rinehart;
100.bbli flour, T C Jenkins & 13ro; 5 bbis
whisky; sdo gin, .T-S Pinch; 200 aka
flour, & Lindsay Jr & Co: 4 bales broom
corn, ft McGrowsn; /0 has cracker.,
Kramer & Bohn; 5 bbis spirits, S H Wat-
Marybum) A Plrrestraszt Reit,
/nun, July 30.-1 ear iron ore, Hallman
& H; -1 car spec wash ore, Bryan 4
Canghey; 2 cars limestone ore; Hussey,
Wells & Co; 3 tionig iron.' Ido billets,
Ximick -&. Co; 100 bbla lime, Fahne
stook;r& C 6; 1 car lumber, P R Mertz;
10 cases tobaeco, E Heazleton; 36 bes
boots; W M Linton; /6)..bdis paper, F
Woods; 5 crates, 50 tali starch, Rinehart
& Stevens; 1 car oats & rye; Keil & Mob
erg; 88 sks oats. Graham & Marshall; 4
bbls ;oat meal, Totten ;& Co; 86 bdls
chairs, 32.d0 seat% ,9 do stock, Bedford
Chair Co; 8 akts' rags, - McCullouh 8 &
Co; 4do do, Godfrey:dt Clark;66 e k e ear
corn, Molten.) & Anjer; •
.34. bbls-apples,
Van Gorder & S; 11 do do, Springer & Co;
24 dO H Rea Jr; 100 bbls Soho
maker; at L; 2 cars .tbillfeed; J -Marring
ton; 20 bbla oil, F Sellers; /6 do vinegar
J Conner.
CD A : D lat.
LOUIS Rattanln, July .30.-6 btds eges,
J A . Graff; Winks oats, W Hagan; BO sks
feed. ,P G Craigheed; 10 firkin's' butter,
2 bblaegtd,-W •'11" - Grain- 29Sks oats, T
Alltehell; - 100.bbla flour, Beg coyer t Co
100 do d 0,2 Q Jenkins; 30 bblanil, aI!
Fahnestoeki I ear' ear'corn; D B Herron;
2 - do staves; 7 Painter; I do do, Lindsey;
Moe; Ido bulk moat& Frank Seller% 1
car Wheat, Scott & Oise); 1.,d0 staves,
Wm Hastings ; 178 'sksiye, 'W .1 Meek.
"AztagertisyVatiiiritiLlutokb., July
29,-3 , ears limestone, Bhoenberger 4
Blair; 5,d0 railroad iron, J B Dorrington;
1 ear metal, Rees; Ortal'42 Dull; 1 - do do,
Meßnight.P.a.Ctivi docks:. John ,:Moor..
bead; 720 lads oil, Fisher Brollkg but
ter, 'Volgtj Mahood'& Co; 6 'Ph pets.
toes,.Votgorder & El li tiparaf pro ps'B - leittiv;
er„, Geo Lining; 1 ear, stone, Harrison
Co;'I do - grain, Masters,:Briekell & &
Co; 3
pkge butter, Bruggerman & O'Brien.
.:Atraunnhrr STATIOn i . July' 29..,,S
carkiron.erei -.Lewis, • Bailey d: .Dalzel/1
1 e4r Wheats J kiLiggett & Co; 4 do do,
Kennedy' Brat 1' ear stoneware, G'A
Diehlinan; 60 bdhr felloei, J Herdinan;
28 bdla,sdodes.F Simpson:, 36 bp, magi
R Kilo:it! Son; 6 bbla tallow, Jag Col
leryill ear shingles,lleyd . & Son; 2' Nati
eggs. iteektledd &Ntehonset / car stones,
T.T 5..13 V R.G p
It 9 aiggrig
. % , AIWD: PAR
BURG LlNE—Learc Comnan,a'll wharf
twat. ia.aor Wood Emmet. dailTat WED- ,
AI L. miutincafr...ufer.'
/freight 1011, be neat red at all aours by,
•• - , IrLsog. * 4 02.1.1N 6 W00D,
Arent!. '
• _
!• r- • anitainiszaft.. ~•
A pi*.EktpooL i
QUEENtiTOWN.• L.,,. ; :
TUE licriaar leen: sTimasilitrpa •
Atin3berthe: elxleeo ' ettelk, 'amoni
• go. meke_sofebetted . • '
Ty' Or
Bailin, EVERY SATURDAY, • from Pier 411 .
erchluver, New York. for nesuge or farther
Inforatosion atoll tO:' •; -. •• , .
r; :19:14411111 - ..RtgiRijk 4r.
iia SNITHF/ELD STERET. rlcteborgh. •
wAti, PAPER.
*; * 4 4 1 3410 1
• 14. ;491 :Aiimirtif. .;
:.; aa E A MAIIKET4 '
sraING OOODS imuvrErs'imair. 'Mk/
"on rot land tt irA ; w ig;
tik,W994 00. elex
The river was - about ' stand here
last evening with five' feet 'three inches
in the channel' by the Monongahela
marks. There has evidently been heavy
rains at the fieildwaters of the Allegheny
again, as it was ropoited =rising at 011
City yeiterday 'with five feet at that
Point. Weather was cloudy last even
ing with indications of ram
The biew.State arrived , and',departed
for.,Wheeling, and the Kenton departed
f,for Fortsmouth. The Kenton had con
siderable Cdficinnati freight:
01ipt.,Bea's -new boat is progressing
finely and will soon be . ready for busi
ness. 'She is 'a very neat - and staunch
looking Craft: • • ' •
T-cspt. Sam Barr" Jr.: /eft Cincinnati
,for this city on Wednesday.
—The Argosy, was to have left Villein
nett for this port on'Thursday.
-The Mollie Ebert and 'Glendale were
advertised to leave St. Louis for Pitts
burgh on Wednesday..,, .:._
—Howard Sheble, an old and well
known eneneer, died at St. Louis last
Saturday.. He was unmarried. •
—Capt. Isaac M. Maion, of the North
ern Line Packet. Company, left. Dubu
que the Other day 10; Brownsville, his
early home.
The" GoVernment- Commissioners
have stopped the work on the bridge at
Bock Island until the contractors con
elude to comply with the law in regard
to the span of the bridge. •
—The St. Louis Republican says: Cap
tain McConnell, clerk of the Arkansas,
arrived in town Monday from Fort Ben
ton. He staged it from Benton to Cor
rinne, a distance of, 600 miles, and as a
consequence, feels rather un-seat-eled.
—the Northern Line packet Kelths
burg, Capt. ' Campbell; made the trip
from Rock' Island to 'Muscatine (32
miles) in 2ho )ra and 7, minutes; to the
city of Relthsburg (66 miles) in 0 hours
and 49 minutes, and to Burlington (92
• miles) in 7 hours and . 10 minutes; ma
king, several landings and taking on
Ward two car-loads of freight on the
trip. This trip is making a good deal of
talk among riv men, arid Is considered,
on all hands, pretty good time for a alow
—Captain H. T. - better, of the Quick
step, ban turned over the command of
that ateamer . at Eva/Amine to CaT, u talP
Jack Graminar. The Courier - of es;
day dayi Captain Dextei doei not pro.
pcNie to be idle.._. 4 •Tbis morning he will
leave for Loulavii/e, t
Cinnati and
Pittsburgh to Contrac for a n
ew boat.
Which Will probably be ptttin the Evans
ville and Memphis trade. At whichever
of the above•named ports he can derive
t the best bargain, he will close the con
ract. • •
—The late conference of river men at
Dubuque was to propare for the transfer
of travel and freight, in case the river
improvements cat them 'off, as is ex-
Posted at CaMpbell's Chain,aboneAugnet
/at. Thla auxin Is about eight miles
above DavenpOrt. The cofibr dam , rests
on, Campbell's Island, and will enclose
the huge mass of soUd, granite known as
as CataPbers m en obstruction well
known to river en: The shore of
Campbell's /island will form one side of
this inclosnre running from „thence out
in the river a bout 1,200' feet,,then down
the river about 1,500 , feet, and thence
back to the Island. The dam will be al
moat similar in shape to that which sur
rounds Sycamore Chain, and will inclose
about thirty-tlve acres of the river bed.
It is intended to blast out the rock and
rothove the dam this.season.
for the traveling community. • •
3. B. 11.18.8173'
Safety • Fire Jacket Car Heater and
For Smoke and Rot r Flees, dispensing with
the use of stoves and fire+ In or about the Pau Ben
ger or Baggage Clark -with the attachme.ut
graduate the heat to any temperature that may
he deified without toe possibility attiring the
car or care to which the Jacket may be attached.
HaVilli obtained of the United Mates Letters
r &tent a Hafety 'Jacket, which Is warranted
to .rellst the mass Interne heat that may he *p
alled to it in tae position and purpose for which
lalntendad., ..
It It a sure protection from accidents by /ire.
ortglnating."trour defective !nes 'or wherelson
pilotp a re pp use catilseted as conductors for smoke or heat.
sli "that , Ma, become
overheated,. and Is warranted to give perfect sat
ilfaCtlen where wobd or other coiabtiatlble rust&
I rtai may be placed In. close proximity th ereto.
as now ready in app l iTtuyineentlon to stores,
dwellings, Ocumlek Ps. steamboats, railroad
car,. hen:drier_ p pet Vr - conduetOrlt are
made danggronc by Patna overheated and seen-
My desired; will send on appplication rube to
mannfactnre or :use..the above inrenUon. Alto
TerrnOrtal tights - 4o such as may wish to engage
/3 . I6III gD ZI TPOieII 0 0 1 4 4 a Y*
___ OZ COUntF•
'. l llMofileti at iiiit A lat - Plititl.ULTllit PatNT
earner of ittorris street anti the Alle.
ear Valley ',Railroad, welfth ward . - Pitts
• , • ,;yistrose
sl. Minn WORKS.
Black aid folortdPrfillith Ligtigraphil
• I*ffk'vitim#Gire,dat.
01117 1!. P° l7 7: ROM and .0 8 d. 'Meth
- •
, !` , "ltapidar andirons dealer 14' 7
Elena: isVAamozorzatlz i • 7
31011001 MS. ARMS ILLIi2dIRANia, Ae,'
Orden b malt reeelreproreptktieniton."!Seed
' ..:I.oBllllCheitnnt
at, PhDs.:: ; ; • .
miNkristzwii.t BAKERS _
4 1 Tender. 347 bbis Re Ha. 367
•.bbis :Nrenitte. aoTO - bbl, !Sammie 311114 $llO bbla
Dinowco., 509 bbls rted Etver . 1 475 bble May
560 bbls Riverside. 405 bbla White Star, 300
bbli various bran da_SringNybeat Flour. •
' iwiNrm WHEAT PA;MILIf •
CHI HUI of 3pritigfield. Üblo. Pride ot_tne
West: Depot ßlassilon k, Paragon Milli
Ringleader and Crown, choice St. Low'. • 1
or sale lo we,r
,1434_can be brongbt from the
West. - rT:TANti & CO..
Jr" •• ' al* and .174 Woos Street.
" 14 E 4 tICkV: 'GAR.
itor&lthile limbnitife; eiccent vita
Mot a e l f .11 446 11xt i bli A.
coratftibeni tad 14 lq,Poy/4:
, :lrgasmaauttmous.,..:
Resto:•es ' gray. and. faded Hair
. . to,; ittl
•OatoiNAL COLOA,,TeITIOVeS Dandruff;
Preirenti BALDNESS, and. makes the hail'
grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant.
.61;00 $1,50 per Bottio. &di h a Eat Prot As.
'it CHENEY % Dnists. Buffalo. Sold
by all Druggist's. • -
Wbotessiemtertti=SCHTtAHTZ tHAZLETT.
Qualities and Colors.
11wl i veno.rt Aa t ?r in g Sl i e r n ire3i g at it .iclrim g antree
J. s. orfr
• Ise. 43 Seventh Avenue,
tattBl:lo6 - r •
R. M. it'COWAir J. He - MiKOWN.
:Bouleiraid Payers
Odic% N0.,65 OHIO M t ALLEGHENY.
Orders left at flixr.rer orpier,'littslittrgh;
prnmptie attended to. • •
Pftvelltdeeralks, Cellars, lasldelrardri
Dirty's, • - ;
'arranted Wagainst chsi r iges of heat and cold.' •
Rxrans.xots —Max. Mourtiesd, LYOn blio,rb.,
Rout Patterson. Wm. Park; tames N. Long *.
Bon. Hanley & McKee, AZldtllloll'll
Aiken & Campbell. Isaac Craig. Jyl6:m=
Done promptly to order at 101 Laroek street., Al.
leghedy city, by . • -
The est attention Willbe given'to all whowant
anything in oar line. We always keep vlarge
turned woric iu each as Balustep. o 4Neg i l
Walnut &L:nw "te. d t E hte LIT; on band
inyll u di • lin ' 4-i P. ZED ZELYEIt *CO'
pitoctxtrAnoN. •
• The qualified voter of the Brit ward, City
of AllegbettY Will• meet at the usial time and
place 'tor holding elections, on THESOAr, Au.
Vat 3d, 1889, •10 ELECT ONE PERSON to
an the unexpired! term of Samuel H. Hartman,
Eeq., Select Cotuicilman..mignett. AIso,,ONE
PERSON to All the unealSYedYxls of Henry / 1 .
Long, Esq., Cowmen Councilman, :Wined.,
ern" orAtitallinii, Jane Xl3. 1869
sou) on: BY
Practical Parana° iflaaufacturers, &e n
jor7 b ot e ln " gr j an b / ftiVe li n t 2
FL I ritt sc re z ." Dt "ar
STA BLi SITED' • 131 E„ &. . T
1 • ,
NO.gin Liberty street,
Wartiris orit. - Edina Horix.,'
rhtaßEAß' >' =SHAD ,' HEMMED
, dall at BENJAMIN EIILPBEthi 'poindar
Snd, • NO. eklVlManland Market, - YltIV
burgh, and at tha•Twln..eltei 4 1 leldieur CUTS'
corner of Ohio aadrederaraeeets. can tes - hae
all kinds, or, Sea -and .I.alte flsb, , BAllhutilibadi
Beak, Cod fi sh. liadt l yt aka - ma. Amo, - large
inpoitea of. White; e. BlabEtlabunos, New
Bter on. Herring an islaclaaw Erma, 'which
snob aria as atilet‘Mie_,lconsetT market 'Mead
wholesale or retail We Melte all lovers of
fresh Nish to 'Amara calf, lad irkfidu Inane
them a treat.
mb.2l .
asitezzes Emus wit.s..oniaHzusscae.•
NARS#44.IO4 cput...oortyl
lee of MarshalllelrUxlr, sl.oombottle.
vet,l3ol Market street.
Co.,•wsruirgists% Proprteters.,,
For sale wholesale and retail; 'toy 6201'A,
HELLY k attaburib. ; • fel WANT:TEC a
WINT & iniATT i#14.71! •
- .4OIII2IibTuR4I.A ID
No. 61 SanituskY Ps:''
' A liniinssortnient of'-2 , IIAVEL POSTS' tad
HALLAM/Z/4S constantly. onband“ XIIRFLI 4 4U
of 411 deserth ins.' .Inn. "4.1•1,11
00,000 Poluids , of • Wool Wanted Lt.
1 0 01 . THE WHITE Piton%
JeSS *SI9 Liberty street, Ptttibtalth. PR.
• .
IN EVERY veßnirr.
, .• , • Ja &H. PIIILL/PR:
516 and MS Sixth Street
*. ,
. . .
kg• Minaketiuisis cr .
Mee and Warehouse, ae4. LIBICRTY STREXT
sarmu orders Tin:lnaptly intended tn.
nEMEDIT-10 0 bble Lo' nirellie
Eyaransle Dement; Pries . l i e . I gA N viiLD
o:s2BgliFw74lo' boxes Factory
11efe:.51 sale 5 bOXes Gosbeu'do.,lor le by
• , - R. pAnnitz.n.
bb,la LoulsylllejUdnalo Cement.' folio.?
• J.:B.CLILN 'arm
J. C 7 Xl2
) i
Of Atighetty,
CAPITAL 000.00
Stock Notes
Ponds and Mortgages....
)3111s Receivable
ittince - Rortature
'Clash , on hand '
Premium $ 15,719 37
.. ; 9.783:4/
Divid 441 - t .s„tion;iia
es•••4 .. • isi• j. 7119 OU
Onoceexpense,taxes andstainps 1,036.9*
Commissions ^ asvirt
Return premiums end reinsu• _-
• i1L569,92
Amount oiontstandLug t1ek5,51,349,882.1.10
.iliMr CITY -
Of Pennsylvania.
Office, '75 redeial Bf, Aiteglieny City.
R a v t .R l.
O CA iRSKS D D.. • • '
Rev. A. R. BELL D.D.
Rec. S. R. blEnialr'l4.ll..
W. A. REED. Cashier Ailegnery Trust CO.
JACOB BUB ,H Real Estate Agent.
SIMON , DRUM..Mayar of•Alleghenn •
C. W. BENNY, Ratter.
A. S. BELLkaorney ,
D. L.
PATT Lumber Merchant;_;
198. lasurabce Agent.
Capt. ROBT. ROBINSON 'President.
Rev. J. B. CLARK, D. D., SS ice President.
JACOB RUtilli Secretary,
C. W. BENNY. Treasurer.
H. W. -WHITE, Ilsoicar, AnrisEn.
DO RI SIVOGER, %not Agent.
This to a some oimpitaiitCmihmitedoti the mutual
Orlnctple, each policy holder receiving an equal
share o Issue d pro4l,BOf the Votapany. Policies
will be on ad.the different plans of Life
Insurance, and being conducted on an economi
cal basis will Ifford-e sans inuestsnent to each
policy holder. and-thereby retain the money at
borne to elconrage htitae Indust/T. niti 23 :tag
. , ,
BEN nwimus
OF giummy r re. • •
No. 41 - Ohio Ailezherrin
A HOME inansgeA *Directors
( 7 known cortoot o nty, who
E tinst
. by fair
QUI. D. RiD.DLE.........—....s.cretwrp.
einibD. li.Par.ersonirra Cooper ,
o. .1 1 Mkte, 'Jacob Frans; eoweib Raj.
Kmoa Dram, J. B. Bialth, Jacob Bush &mart. Wblstcra Jocelia ercle.
Jos. ;actual', • H.J. , Zhalcanc Jere. 'Kaha n
• ' annals, - '
No. 22 i?lftks, Avetatti, ..Second
C71131 4r .1 444" , 7!41111[113..:, - T
N. J. Higley. ..:H.W.Oltver,jr.'Capt.3i,BalieY.
Don Wailace, 'B, J. Hartman, A. Unlimbers.
Jake Hill. .8. M'Clurkan.
Thomas Baal:1,, Jno.S. Willock, I •
___11.12 , 143 ~, P resident.
JNO. JENNINesB, - Tice President.
JOS. T.. ITOHNtrpOß,(Beoretarr•
Capt. R. J. OBACZ, flen'l Agent.
hanirea Liberal - Tonne on all Flre
and.! Ala &
iLiausf7 - - -
Cor. Federal 81. and. Diamond, Allegheny,
. . .
BUILDING. - • • - - •
W. MARTIN, Preeiaen
JOHN BRONIGNI,...,_J.n. Vice .I . resldent,
JAMES EtTalf.ErißON., Secretary.
• , , „Mimic=
JObA A. Miter, flea. Lockbart.lJoe.
Jas.L.Grafiam , robertaaa; • .10.
JD°. Brown,Jr. Geo .Goret, Jacob kop (I.B
PWlCllams Sao: J. bieNanage.
. '
i jr.aa :WAN iI D VOMeM.W; .BAAL.
01411 )7 1s iiome c l i kxr. /Ka *weal spiast,
nil e l
: FONARti WAIIITic Vir.ddents
:.. abßv c. ' BP r-Wila r ar na/44 " r ;
, 4i1314,1 McALELLITY. So 417.
TAXlikird Waligz, •.. fieuruelilUon, , ...
'-'1).- -o.t Bevis, -: , = :- 4itto.t;W. EVan, 4 - -t •
, Robert Patrick. , . •J. C. I..appe.. ~ t ,
Jaeob Painter, • . '• J: o. l nftner. --'
ioslah .ILLue,
.&Out Voegt4y, • .. .
- ' 014 j13% tiOPErri, - ',- 'A:. Ammon..
... geary-SprolU. ,•• r - * -, : i' : '-, ' -, . ills ,
DEOPLEB I !' 121191171WirCEI . ;CON.
NMI", ' - .
Wrl"'lPs R. l» 4; " Q 9 111 W I I I ? • 76.V115133 ••
411ara4Vat‘lil_lagP ."dlP•rl.l3elU4la
.Nint.' Piaui" ktra L. - ftlioa4a,
= r at, ,_..- ~ : : lIIPITI ra lihrriver.;...
. ParkA . .._ _ . tjaar_ea Arbutkl. ,
; • l ima Jamey, I. _ L.11¢04_111.. Bitall,. :, 1 . , 1
u 2. Val Kirk. . Wm F. Lang,
lititkaall. vernal , i- .'- L..exputamccarizt
t ar.,
.• . TretelWA 4 7. 8 41=t,.
W. F. 43A.RD Becretax.y., .
:.: CAPT.,ZAR. ~G eatarai Anent. •.,:.
4. ..f Aiiiri LOS =Bi klut
' _G• .
9meic, 4U & UT 013:Egniln AT., near 41374•
crairiirii or, Buxom:. Mordiai FL 4OuJai
Tablie W 14114; ' • /D /I'vid= 3 * B rOWn, •
Samuel Grant, _
~, Dime LP,
faccth H.
513 ili th. ' ' taWn.:l4)lll4l-
c f r im . E t , _ ch_ epar_.
za tr. BAN u.,. • • ,
Vir. 0. DALE Vice Vice donit.
W. Cl. EITIZELE, secretarr z w i t4 4 - ic; '
__- J. GA Rmilta 0 .
' Nona Wed corner Third and WOod St il i : e ll iTlig: '
mb2B mg.. . .
- .
.N o nsTERN ureviuzap CON•
, AIME& NIMICK, President, '
Whf. P. MERBERT. Secretary.
ct.m. ttlinglin NElOLD,Oemetat Agent. .
Ottme, 9141 Water stree k Bpanp a Co., a Ware.
hoot MO 'Mirk Pittstm .• • -,• - , •
W inzare against All ads of Fire and 'a
rini Maks:: A home 'lnstitution. managed In Di.
rectors who are well known. to the oolnolnuirf.
aka who are determinedkv promptness and liner.
allty to maintain the etuiracter which . they have
assumedi WI offering:bete:et t"
who desire to be hieurett• Protehtton th that"
. Alexander Nindeg,, . Jean IL idecdn,
R. Miller Jr., • - • ' , Chas. J. Clarke,
Janke/ WAtileis . . William S. Evans,
Alexade . rgpeer, - - Joseplt Renner,
Andrew Amen,. . , , , Pniillp Renner, ~. _
David X. Lang, - • W. rtormon; • '-, !
A 401[ 3 :41Mt. •.. • ~ 1 .: .:: .., -.,..‘ "..... --:. nor '
COMPANY OF r.Miligtkl.
arsrpra audnr Bteuri
Ebb*na.mes klals.,.44l:#l,..f.izetlisfts
mug IBWM. BN
T.J. lOSK/SO ft den tEirecatih,
.gent .• :
• A;
Im i t t a so acl.-. 1 .IE6
1.1", f
' Ore SOU,' • 2 • or Win: • A *.
$. 75,000.00
513,890 50
b,236 SRI
•••••••••;' ~ 405.00 , ,