The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 31, 1869, Image 1

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The Mississippi Election--Judge Dent
311.01 , 160 t ,- Deel.Lee--Correspendetme
Concerning '_the Pseark Cable—•rip.•
' pointments—Revenue Decision—Bre.
kersPTaa its Bela •Teric.
car Telearob Fittatinm'dituste.i •
WASHINGTON, July 80, 1369.
The recent statement that Commis
sioner Delaep hadirecentlyziven orders
to stop the diatiliatimi of spirits' in New
York until further ordeis, is pronounced
Untrue at--theßevermer Bureau. It is
believed the recent activity of officers iii
New York in ferreting out frauds led
the offenders against the law to make
the report. -. •
. .
Nothing has occurred to show that the
Presidebt,will ire nterfe in' the coming
electlot Missiesippi; but' he to ex
pressed his debirtnination that there shall
be a fair one. The District. commander
will accordingly appoint in each county
of the State a• Board of - Registers, cum;
posed of ontillidleal on - - each, a Repub.
/lean, and one army s - •
„A: tomtlerrian just ftomidisilisitiA-reh
resentetliat theNationalOr Conservative
Republicans, similar to the Walker party
s in Virginbs,tare:making accessions,. from
the tittittneßadlealwing.--
Bev. James Lynch, a colored minister
',that Mississippi, as be says, had a most
cordial -interview •With" President - Grant
this afternoon, in which he assured the
Iszeivident.thet the -colored people 0f4,49
MAO rapidly improving in all , that
constitutes useful citizens; ' that theylook
to the Republican party as the fountain
and burwark'ni their recently conferred
rights, and therefore they would sustain
it, and that all daises In Mississippi re-,
sponded heartily to his famous words;
ttletzta: have • neace.7- President Arent
"exPreated his gratiflisitlen in learning
that the colored people wore improving,
and ..saitt they ' about!' -;.vote - •toriri the ,
promptings of good judgment. He inti
mated a great desire tehave the Fifteenth
Amendment ratified.
.=2l'.fitua DENT .richa NoT DECLINE.; • •
The following correspondence took
pl 'to day: - _ 2 • . 7 •
Wozahisuptcin, Slily . 30, 1609.=Hen. Liwis;
Dent—Dear Sir: Having seen certain
dispatclms to the NOW''Tork press, re
newin the re rt that you would do.
4310vehtifir 'P r. r
Mississippi On the National Union Re-'
publican ticket, we desire to know
whethiA,lori--gdhprePtCl Yent-Proviou33Y
. expre datejrndhstienoh that
su bject.
Fort e purpose of putting this matter
finally at rest, we trust you will - favor Us
• • iiitletutearly reboittigl
Very respectfully,
. • ; • - Ix-grippe
TRU/di:o* -July
your; t9,11369:=42hrftm
atEN repitte - F orirmmication,
I best leave to say that while "I cannot de
-efine.what, bar not 'been; formally prof
!erred me, you are at liberty - to' any to
the NatkinslTltlioltßeptddicsriparty,and
the people te - fdifessipPli• generally, that
in tAsevgidg,
fertalltigflPAAt• ii-hatt"l"e*
f e ria t person .0 'say I would de
elf tiejlteminatkotti iftealsredirie by the
National lanrofißepublkan party of Mitt
itlislool.-and stain assure you ply, , ptu..
' potielb tbat'ettd - remillui 'fixed and dn.
alterable. I desire "the restoration of the,
State, 'vita 'embititulittribin.larid laws
that will effectually secure the civil and
:politicalvightriefall persons,, ,
= - -Vert ,
_ 22 Y; t
Louis DENT.
• The following correspondence hp just
been lade
Washington,: July -16th, 1869.—51 r: I
have the honor to address you on behalf
-.of the Societe 41y. Cable trans-Attuntique
.Franeistis, Whose Interests 1.-represent in
-the United States. Having been informed,
in the first instance by Mr. Thornton,
• .Ff• B. Msjesty'p Mtnister f and afterwards
• by Count de Flourney, the French
Charge' d'Affsirs, of the views of the
..-UnitedStatce. Government as to Its _
t her' ty and duty regarding the proposed
undertaking; I have lost no time in cond.. ,
ing to Washington. in order to. confer
with you upon the * itilbject, and as the
result =of 'the interview which I
had the honor of having with you this
morning,- in company with. Count de_
Flourney, I beg to assure you that the
`Fzenth Cable Company agree to accept,
Wilke basis upon which their operations
are to be conducted, the provisions of the
bill of which a copy , wasenclosed in your
letter to Count de Flournoy, or of snot
other enactment as may be passed during
tbaaPpreitching Weston of Congrees,with
a view to regulating the operation of hit
` egraptdreable companisa connecting the
Vnitedfitateirwithloreign etinotries. The
. . .
# o adattiegide lygna-Atkiptique meat:.
will, moreover. 4 - o their - utmost to !mince
•the government' of Flia.Majesty. tint Etn:‘
peter - orthe,Fnmett, - so • far 'to modify)
the condession under which the. Company
luts been established as 'to permit the
lending tipc , n,Freneh - soil of any cable=
belonging toanynompany Incorporated
by authority of the United States,' or of
any State in.the Union; .Azad they further
agree on their Own part .not to oppose
the establishment of any such cable be
. ionen4 to any company incorporated by
the antnoritv,of the United Staten or any
Btate IntbillTalon:' • •
I have the honor to be; Sir, your obel :
dient servant, ' •
mammon' Fish, , Secretary of
State.- ' The Assistait Secretary Of. State re
- plied as follows: • e •
DOG 6 tinent /Rage, ',lraihispten:
23, it389".4111; T have the honor .to
knowledge the receipt of Year letter of
trilL4 6 thlo , ttte,Boafetas7 of State, as.
e g him that the, Snide du (tete
TranslAtlantigttt to _Which you
• -represent; accerit t as thi basis on which
oferatioitsatoto .4 30 00 ttattoted,"the ,
Provisions . o f : the„hill j„Which Passed
tbe Senate c' -, : tof the United , - States'
last 'aintori.;::ne'o;
' etch other en.
"aettnent as may -be passed = during
the approaching - 7session' of Oorgress
on connecting ;the - Zoned States ,with
foreigtt countriei, and farther informing
him thal;the .6bciete would do their
most to induce the — Goiernment of His
Mojesty, the Emperor of the French,so to
modify the c incessione under which the
Company , is established as a permit the
laying upon French soil of any cable be
longing to any company incorporated by
the authority of the United States, er au
thority of any state in the Union, and
agreeing on the part of the Societe that
they will not oppose the Ostiiblialuntio
of any such - cable. - In reply - I have
say, in accordance with the verbal assur
ances already given yon by the Secretary
of State, that Aliving_recelyed_ anch rep
resentations and ,assnranNa trpm you.
no opposition will be made on the part of
the Government of the United States to
the landing and working of the cable
before the meeting of Congress in the
approaching session.
Ithavalhettsmor to . „tfestraong (*Fr
dieriradMfnt. 0---
[Signed.] J. C. B. Dims,
To L. G. Watson, Acting
Acting Secretary.
; Agent of the
ciete du Cable trans•Atlantique Fran-
AZP 61 . 1 7 11 ,,EM.
kfilfPriaidefif itpfiatifeir iv. - IV
'Gray. Collector of Internal Revenue for
the Tweritieth District of Pennsylvania.
The following Consular appointments
were made to-day: William Spenee Ver
main, of New York; Consul at Ling Rl
ang: ,Edward P. Getty, of New • Nork,
at Gaspe,. Basin; 'Jacob 3. Gamper; of
Perievlithia,' at Ghent; and James M.
Peebles, of Michigan, at Tresibond.
The President has appointed Gilbert
Roberteori,'Jr.Anseasor of Internal Rev—,
enue for the Fifteenth District, vice Phil.
ip H. Nebr, suspended; Pulver Heath,
Assessor . for . the Eighteenth District.
vice Alfred B. Palmer suspended, and
John S. Masters, Collector of the Fif
teenth District, of - New - York, vice James
Forsyth, suspen ded. There were no
etlinetligairtst" Pia" suSpendedjpiidni;
men, but" If was thoughtvelange would
be promotive of public: interests.
Thsitnat clerk in- the
Treasury 'Di3perthintil; WWI t6-iday ap.
pointed by the President Collector of In
ternal Revenue Irene District of Co
ltimhta, in,placa of *Mr, .Flint,Acceased.
ititimntkeinctstos • -
Alexander Fulton, Supervisor of Inter
nal Revextuoat , Baltimore * ,rites to the
Internal' Iteientfe` Blareau, statingthat
parties in his district are engaged in pur
chasing from packifilrand dealers bulk
meats or bacon and pork, which are
merelywked.iasalti,but trot, titneked,
"alsittendared lard irra crude-state;-that
they have taken the bacon or pork from
the original packages, smoked it and re
packed 14 Arnpa with their' own trade
mark and some Without it, in Which con
dition it is sold, and some of the pork,
after smoking,, they sell without packing,
Supervisor wants to kbow
whether _such parties are liable to tax
under section 4 - of - tile act of March
31st, 18E41,,
• The Comintiiiithini'dtlana such parties
are engiutedlii'ttiiritieNnitfon• of lard
and baoon for sale, and they put up these
articles forsale inpackages with their
names ,atid %mac, marks on meth.
and are therefore liable to the tax
posed by the section to which reference
is made, •
• - 4rAi. os DRONERS.,
Commissioner Delano today receiviad
Ltetegram from J. F. Batley, collectv
of Internal Revenue for the "ThirtV-sec
ond-District of New York, stating that
all assessments — ailllnst bankers and
hrokep, as a tax upon the capital em
ployed by Mein in their buSinesl,-bsd
been collected except twenty out of two
hundred and eighty, and these twenty
do not exceed ;eta dollar:manta in amount.
RETURNED To Dirro - nn.a . treat.
president Grant, accompanied by Gen.
Yertbr, left „Washington .to-nigbt on his
'rattan td Ung Branch.' -- •
The Inter,nak Revenue ,seeeipta .to-clay
were over onokullikkii detlare.!
Particulars • of - the - Steamboat Riot—
. Six Men Kilted.
[By Telegraph to the jlttsburgh BaZette.)
Ciiicaoo, July 30.—The following are
the particularaof. the. bloody riot which
occurred on board theptiamerDubtiqaci,
on the Misifsappl river. One hundred
and fifty raftsineu came aboard the boat at
Davenport. and the , clerk ordered two
negro dockhands to stand guard at the
gangway, and not let any one pass with
out his permission, • One of the raftsmen
tried to pass this guard and mike his
~way - tile' :cabin. : when the .deck
hands drdered bird back vntil'his ticket
was examined by the clerk. He not
liking this,. commenced to pitch iutp
the decktuti*vitio got th e -best oftim,
when • the ra ft smen; to the Imbiber
of over, hundred, came to the
resede, stabbing and beating the two
. deiikhanda till about dead, then--throw
ing think intolha rye?. They than inside
an assault on the rest of the deck crew,
succeeding in killing three more of them
and throwing their bodies into .the river.
One of the raftsmen was also killed,
making six killed - .all. As soon as
Hampton, Mo., was reached; Captain
Rhodes landed the boat. when the rafts.
men drove the deck crew ashore, Injuring
several of them with atones. As soon as
nits was over they went aboard the boat
and ordered the Captain to proceed up the
river ortbey would burn his boat. He
being In their power, and fearing they
would earry - their threat into execution,
headed the boat. up stream and
In the meantime telegraphed
to they- Alberni' of- -Rock la4nd,
who - ()bartered •an extra train , and
left with a large force of men well armed.
They overtook the boat at Clinton and
took possession itf ber and. started for
Rficic Island: "On thillr 'arrival - at Rock
Island there were over 5,000 people on the
bank, together - withthe crew who were
driven otf the boat. and with th m
eir ist
alleti tha,ystmaeoded inrecoguJJzltfg forty.
two of the men. who tvere 'taken to jail
under a strong guard. A large police
force is pqsted -about. Abe PIK, and no
farther r trouble la extiected. .Reak Island
is full bfraftemen, who came ashoriii
lint an extra force of policemen has been
At*trinfechrbotit;thh city, aPil ttiffught
that'll will be quiet for the night.
EBY TelegraTitt to thf!Pittlburirh tiazotte.,l
HAVANA, J'utlBo:-.LA. meeting of the
stockholders of the Havana Railway lc
to he held hem mit week to.deside upon
the Attire° nitudt Meet of loc t oor
Advictis MarAi , Tutfis'rb - pOrt =the
garrison there suffering from want o:
proyisions and anxiously looking f '
mayor ( •ith happ,ltee - t lforn Puerto de
Padre. he insurgents are comrnittin •
great depredations In -the Bardiago, Pu t
Ono Princimand Ttinidattjmisdiction.
Latest from Cuba.
SOB illitH.
ifficiook; -- 4k
rzwsjtir con.
CBliaiisplp tothe PituNulrtrOsu
LIVERPoOLaxiIy 30. The Cotton Sup-
Piy Association have a4opted a
_resolu 7
Iran lookiiig to the speedy* development
°Nut zsiliveleof Italia Ifs order lafaell=
ate the exportatldaWdettOW &Om that
Vhls ortlfts is taken is coned:
qUetloB,of ttie insulfluiene7 of the supply
fnini- the 'Unite& Stites: The Meek of
Ariztrieek cotton iicadt"
leiciP the 'Mils of LiiiMatditi fully en
Lownon. So-liicteight.,ln the
House of Commenal&night, Mi. Bruce,
the Home Secretary, in reply to an in
quiry, said Her Majesty's Governznent
intended to intro:loes a bill concerning
naturalization and allegiance at the next
Sessic!m_ -
ter VeneraVreplisa to a question of Mr:,
-8 19 03'9.04 the nublact or cheap, postage ,
loilVireen limiland and Ameirica "would ba
brought under the notice of the GoTern
meet as soon as public business per
The Howie of Lords have dismissed
the appeal of Miss Shedden, with a de
cision againgtAtik ap*B,,") -2
James G. Barnett. Jr., has been nomi
nated a member of the Royal Yacht Club.
SOUTH ADlEftici.
LONDON, July 30.--Oflicial dispatches
fro* On 0114 atmk,,lu • Paraguay
been received at Rto Janeiro, stating that
the final , attack, upon Asura, the
hold of Lopez Iti j•the mountai ns, had
been retarded by heavy rains. The Pro
visional government for Paraguay had
been completed and installed at Amur
' - Reports from Paraguayan sources state
that the Brazilians, during their recent
advance,. regeiyed a serious check and
were throirn batik upon their base, and
that during their retreat their rear guard
WWI defeated. It is also asserted that
Lopez holds a strong potation, and that
Count D'Eu,Commander-in.Chletor the
allies, had been belled. in every attempt
to ma ke' a satisfactory reconnoisance of
of his forces.
Braman, Jury 30.—The Carlist move
ment may be reported as having died ont.
'Update! Sickles twogone 'to range
40 present bit! ciedentials' as inited
States Minister to Marshal Serrano. John
P. Iltde leaves for America, on Monday.
- ,
. .
rAnnioltdy is reported the Ens.
petorwill issue a general *moiety for
political offences on, the 16th of Angina.
Quits:snow:a, July 30.—Tbe Ateamers
,England ScOtbi;; from New York,
have-Arrived, - •
• ,
LoanOsr, July 80.+--Consols ftir money,
93%/o.‘ Five-twenty bonds quiet at 83%;
Frankfort, 814 i; Eriesi 19N; .UlWeis iii;
Atlantic and tireat Western, 23.•
LIVERPOOL, July 30 7-Cottoti; sales du
ring the week, 101,000 balea,4including
16,600 bales for export and 18,000 on specu
laden.; Stock on band; 315,000 bales, in
cluding 167,000 balesofatmerleatu. Quan
tity at sea: 650,000 bales, only 28,000 of
which are American. {{Market a shade
firmer; middling uplands 13,4 d; Orleans
12,(®13d; sales of 12,000 hales. Califor
nal white wheat 105 6d; red western 9a
3d@9s 4d. Flour 23s 9d. Corn, mixed,
30s tor old, and 293 for new. 04ta 3s 66.
Wait 41s. Pork lOas. -Beef 935. Lard
70a. Cheese 62a. Bacon 625. Spirits Pe
troleum 7d.; refined /a 66. Tallow 47a.
Turpentine 117 s. Linaend oil 33419;1.
Lornorr a - July 30.—Tailow 46r. Sugar
398 lid. Linseed cakes .ZlO ss. Calcutta
Linseed 61s 96. Petroleum at Antwerp
5034 f. IjaVre 15135 f. Manches
ter market quiet and firm.
The Cheney.Wgittehouse Injunction—
Return or an Excursion- Party—Gold
meg Ordered.
ey Telegraph to the Pittsburgh oggette.!,
Jt*iy 30.--Irt the Ruptirlor
Court this morning Judge....lauasson in
fOrmcd Counsel in thillhenon -tarsus
BishoP , VirhitehOnae injunction case, `
he should not be able to tender idirdecis
, •
ion her* the early part of negt . sreek;
plobablY on Tuesday. The Ecohurfasti,
cal Conti have Consequently adlourned
until that datti. - f
• The'..rarry R. Smith excursiontrtal
*hicirleft this city about:live wig ago
for a trip to California and the Yosemite
Valley. }'eturned to-day to Chicago. Trio
trip ont.svas made AA the Ohloago and
Northwestern. Railroad, but thqsoo . . In
from , Omaha..f*as Ina elhiftgoock
Island: S nd Ncillo ( Railroad. l.llke all
othents,,ivho the fiknon Gliteithey
pronounce the trip one of Aare pt! re. .
iBecretary Bantwell hatenthorizid the
C i olleOtor of Obartems of this parasol'
gold In the ittplted Bides D tory'
bore tgjmporters, in such. am es
they may require to naydutice; - at the
Ottrrltratett-4„tfiNew York on that dey of.
Sale. Conseturmtly parties trootafter .
Pa On g clotiettleill ascertain the' amount.
or gold requipki and purchase of the'
cashier of Ulf D.pository a gold cortitt:
sate for that atunao=z, c9rAl4Ol"
will'beitteeltted fro t.
gemoval or the itiOnit'Capltal. Y '
zlitilef4dAelPstsktoPte 4.4l'skAs=vt4„.4
Louie, July 8 0.—Quite'an entuu ,
elastic meeting Of citisetta was held_ ot the*
SOutbere , :Motol;""tolnlibit ' to consider
Ilitiiiibtaiutaalieguoving th e.
Capital te Lout& 14 wirmy gapeech.,
big 34,06= made and yarions propositions
AbcCusseila butt no dellulteactionmas ta•
;ken, ;tither then ibstracting the (glair-,
man to request the tlityoouncili County
Court, Merchants' Erchatige and Board
Of Trade td call a mast meeting of citl l
sena generally_ to .deviser the boat means
to carry ; out cno Piteers
Hon. Asa. Parker% Litter Aciepting the
Hemuctatic Nomittation—Aue Judge
PersttingPs. 1' •
(By Telerrseh to the it tsburgti Gut tte. j
ParLADALPHIA, July . 3u6—Hon. Asa
Packer has addressed the following letter
t 6 the gommittee appointed to inforttr
him of his - rionamation , for Governor of
pain:owl rattle: . •
Getaffernen: At. the find conVerdent
moment / - reply to your,communication
infortning my nomination by - the
.lietnocratio' tateiftnvention of the 4th
lust. for the ollidtf of Governor oftrenn
ajtivatils. ,
edgment fer hie -high &Went& otitis
;esteem and endsblp of- my lelltiw-cdtl
wins, and to lay that Isem* the mini
rstion.tenderedatee::,Havialgat timbal/04
nation 0f , , , a9 Irietidei.swith nnfedgned,
rslilgSasser *len • , * I E I OO tO Permit As.
usa ~of my ; name . for " HoHilnatiGa.:
mqy 'isoceptteicarlieootees it
counts, if net '6faktltyittatil
with a detlyrieniti'of the'reepottelbilty;
lessened that 'inj• reliance fn. accepting'
theyp6sitionofcandidater,andin agreeing
to perform 'executive service S:fr-ane Pm-
Pte. is not alone upo n- my own , strength: or good intentions, but. mainly upon the
popular , indulgence and generong sup
port, and.. . upond
ins Providence which, inn bless the
labOr , of publie - men:* If ' shalt
be' piseed - by' the Votes - of the
people.; ha the gobernatinial , *hair, I'
shalt ettdaw/or toifteet the expeotatioitiv
of friends and allitho have at heart the -
true interests of-our , Commonwealth.
To this, end I shall tabor 'to secure them
objects in which we feel a common
Interest and _concern, and widen
are; the presentation of the State,
credit; a reductiOn' oi the expenses
of 'the' State 'to their -lowed predict'
able gain t,t thereby lessening the blirden
and.taxstion ;off. the people; thoencattr.
ages:mutt, of dk tsbertal^system ot. im4
provententsfOr interooureeentltrade.
order, that :twecluction inky In
increased. ilahar more amply ref
warded, , ;and: general' .nreappritY sa
cured`; 'a ' • just ' execution 'of ; ;be
lawn- involving cautiOM:and Spar: ,
lug use of the power to. Ratlelon3if.
Caldera . , so %het good flab &ail Ase. kept
among the people and =crime be r °Onto:
•d;. promotion rat the education of our
yenta by. tliegeneral aystemoforganized
sobOols.. mind -by "epeeist . institutions
of learning, po knowledge and. ,virtue
shall tfeconie mote and, wore the solid
roundattolui of qur Treepolitical system;
sad lastly; the regtorationcif: purity and
character to sour Government by the put
ting down or preventing , Of. special and
centuptlegniatien end aillinproner nag*
or inanagementi of thepu blip furids; -To
tbeseageneXid.tobjoetw:bowsver, ahonld
banddolitscarsittlaltention locate Goit
ers:meat to theinteresta of :labor, - Ray
ing , earned- - • my bread by the later of
my bands ' during many, . and I
may add the happiest• years of 'my
life, and 'owing whatever /possess under
the PrOvidence of Gqd to- patient and
boned toll. Ican never be nuttfindful of
the interests of those with whom my
entire IllirtuarlAW'rtmoclateti.- Inas
much ea tnypnrstdts and training have
not qualified Me. los s apeeghr making; or
fur til9 solicitation Of Notes,. it will not
be expected I shall - undertake the M
in:mance of active .dutlas in top
ehtlYetet - About' 'to begin... But my
lire, (fondue(' add Character are - bek•
fore my fhilow Citizens tbr examination,
and they will attar& thein better means
of judging of toy fitness as .a candidate
ibr popular support than anything :I
-could now say:
I am,- gentlemen, verY nwPectfidly
yours, , Asa. Pacium.
• PhifatielphM,July _
Judge Pershing has sent the following
letter accepting the nomination for Judge
'of the Supreme Conrt: ' •
Philadelphia t July , 11359:, To 'Hon.
Charles R. tinekilew, Lewis Cuddy.
Esq., and R. E. Monahan, Esq., Commit
tee--Gentlemett: Your note or the 21St
inst. has-been received: informing tne of
my nomination.= the Democratic candi
date fur .ludga Of the Supreme Vonrt by
the State Convention ..This distinguished
honor is the more valued as it has been
conferred without solicitation. I accept
the nomination, and should, the action of
the Conventionjm ratified bythe people,
shall endeavor to discherge the responsi
ble duties of the position, with impartial
ity and fidelity., .
[Signed.] , ernus . L. PERSHING.
illlatn Michler, of Easton, has been
appointed Chairmen of the State Dem.
ocratic Cominittee of Pennsylvania.
ty 're:egret' :alba Pittaburiak Gazette.) .
NNW Nntrit, July 30;1869.
The .brokess , who" recently pleaded
guilty of usnrrxdre to. be sentenced An.
gust tech,: • '
Tb Wes l 3ll44ll , :train..due bero at 5
P. At.. ran off the tracks, mile south of
the Netirark.Depot. ',The oareWere badly
Smashed and the track torn tinier 'BOO2 a
distant*. The'mall Agora was seriously
injured. No ogettare k"own•to - 1:4)
Gen, Butler anti lila; Virginia Tett Oath.
Rtenalmin, Jitiy4lo,.—The Sioie Jour
nal publishes ¢ letter from Gen. F.. F.
Batter to a eltisin or Virginia about re.
airing a test. oath 'of members - of the
ion therefore would be, ae4l:lb that I tee
quite °leer, that it Is within the power of
the r Gwent:neat, ,sand „within the re
quirements. of the ?laws of .Congress,: if
administerr4i Abel: integrity, to set
aside those men w>ao cannot take
the oath hewtaa of
flop in the "rolll,ton and, that men
who ”did net. ad 'parAQlPate;" and 4 "lest
their votes of l etirefore bippie of their
ikiherefiee id the lahlOW; abotild ' bead-,
mined to their setts iis being the -vhoiee,
, of the only ineavoting arts) did not , pre.
ter a traitor to the tiovernment to a loyal'
man for his Reprosentatit , e."
ler adds:- . 0 0onwnwie-is-the- only power'
which ten tenforatlienMsisity or taking
thelre!t glad Petit."..l; ,s. 1". ;
. .
''. ... V '`i .1' L....,:'4.1.1*. : 1 . -
4' 11 .4tYPT4 1 4. 11 ilbdi.fkiiibieediairs:
or. ate = dttepP . .1,4'90 mr- Eugene
'under4nral „ eieriey, r.ll;
Thursday a need," hi broad Akey,light:
lle'irati'driiineek_nif . 4 .the read in - his,
carriage , ' kilietClikey ' stopped bfm,'
preastdedevhaornt hits , head and de
manded his miner. They then attempt:
°dila escape. but were subsaquer.tly ,
arrested,:.. .. • -
4 4
--Reports from all sections of 'Georgia
giro voryfavoroblo accounts of the cut.:
ton crop. '
01110 riRESBIT.
Trial of Rev. S. P. LtnnThe Testimony
' Par the ttespondent-His Protest-. 1 he
Cleveland Stinders.• Hetuted—The
Brio ge Affair -mptalned.
FOTJWTR Dkr:—Mortstrto smstorr.r
Preabyterr =lroned at half paid nine
o'olock.and was opened with prayer by
the Moderator.
Mr. Beacom stated that:he desired to
makes atatennuit to the .Presbytety be
fore entering:.4PGG, the , PieeeeChelfe of:
the 1 4 0111 4 2 8-
In Ae nee ßeel;eeotiluifi disdr4exhik
iced yesteday, htkirutdd Mere th at .:t h e.
remaining'. ono of the -- (l43hrt
,eret, admitting only trf addition to- the'
!members, the Corresponding nnunheily
t old Theritparters; • tr.r.) .
•: The motion was 'net :,tuscondedi-•:i
The minutes' of the preceding meet
ing not having Imett wwnt at the
hkg gibe &ode; end hayjoil since been
I l re PiM*-IfeFe , residt., x '
THX",..tutoosth waencf....
Mr; illeElividu *objected to - the wore
ihg otthe inetlint or resolution closing•
the prosecution. :RV Baia li the matter ,
now appeared- bn , the. radorin-it would
tusem as though the imitated- compelled .
the bring the case to a
close_ which, WM the Act.; • •
thought it should be do warded as to-ea
press the factiln the. Case, that the pros
ectititui had signified th4r (FLeagthem to
Bei. Mi. hieKidg also offered Ohj i iettona
to the wording of the resblation. z Rev. Mr. Carnahan-offered:the follow
ing as amendatory to thandmitest. •
The prosecution here :stated that. they
had exhausted their _testimony. Mil. ea
=lined all the witpeasasttccemaide, ip is
therefore resolved , by the could, that , the
prosecution close and the 4ifenBP Pe PeF
niltted to proceed; " -
..=Dr/ McKinney objected to the amend-
Meng on the ground .that it was a raise
statetrunit and did not -extiromt the facts
in the case, and offered *An . ' amendment
theobject of which appeared to be to leave
-the latpriartiou that if, they Could
have beau , permitted ttring
in. certain ; testiomuY .
Peen ' excluded ' , 'the - court;' the
result, woOld helm beep' "dlifahrit,
and intimating that the 'court bad arrest=
ed the. prosecution. - 1 .
•- Mr. 'Lion 'objected, tai the Passage of
Dr. Ideliinutv'e athendnuitit.
'Rev., McKaig had:no objection' to
Dr. McKinney% amendment if he: wtmld
dull that the_ PreeeOhtierthe.d. not asked
the Presbytery .. to , adjourn to hear - the
withethes. • „
After Wine: dlathiston,' Mr.!Beaconi
moved to lay all the, exuendidenta,on the
`tibia. • Aileioted. • • o
Izremßili rd f."3 iar lr.licititig moved to amend the
i hawse 14 • J 1
.prosecuting committee having sig
nified that :they bare no further, testi
away .04. w. etc,. • •
MaXinney amended hy
ad, fir, tut ,witmuns were In court; AM
that there vetis a num** of import:int
witnesee abserd-' '''
Rev: Mr. again objectedmxleab
Dr. McKinney would'add that the proem.
cation had not 48311641 the VOtutt to hear
thed!o. witrunsoo.
The Clerk here •rose:toe pant .of order.
He held that the court rlightto
alter It*, Preeee4b l ße - fert:her. tkiett co
amend . th em wherein filet lePre Ittioor
rect.' That` the mil:inlet; tQt oro be
niade - to correspond With the ptweed Mgt.
Mr. Linn at this - ptdet"arose and-ob
jected to- the action -et Dr. McKinney;
who west:indent - oaring te amitggle through
a resolution whii3h-had been voted down.
The Moderatos called dir.:Linnto order.
Rev. :Eels mid tact-.the Court, had a
right to amend its unnittes.., De'4'ecrib-
Ming of the Clerk Was net, the ,record of
'the Court.
Sdme further amendments Were Made
-by tor. Mollinneyi and Rev. Mr: INfellalg,
after which, on motion' of Dr. liticKirin
-the whole matter of amending the thin.
utea was laid on the table. •<
. The letoderator then stateattudif there
was no objection: the minutes wcarhl
stand approved. - • " • _
Rev. Mr. Reis obJected, - and -Dr. Mc-
Kinney moved to actopt "the. . minutes as
read. Thorned= was lost Jiy--a Tpte of
seven to al*.
Mr. Linn moved that' the tnintiteite
so amended as to read •IThe p_ros" eentiOn
having closed their testimony-in Chief,
the defence was allowed tixproceed.”
Dr. Jennings, one. of the persecutor%
desired to amend as. folkvs: "for, the
reason that the prosecution:could - not get
into Court at ibis time witnesses that
they expected to eve present. '? • , -
Mr. Beacom objected to - the amend.
meat If , the record ; with' that emend
went went before J.Syiioil;, the; 'body
Would return the case meth° ground that
Presbytery had not 1 etimpleted'lhe case.
Mr. Linn objeeted, because , it' did not
present the facts iti.theease. •
Rev. Mr. Ee15.....A.11 three Amendments
are.out ofsorder.::, The, Court valid aid
no new, matter, but 'only ;clemand such
matter se was decided by the body to be
Iticerrectly "recorded. „ •
Mr. Carnahan called the quiis
tion. Not entertained.
After some thrther disenssion - end' ex
planatlons, Mr. rieticorremornd that the
amendments to the minutes be laid bn
the tableii Adopteu.i :
Dr. htatehall then offered en explana.
Wry neolutiOn to, the minutes which.was
adapted, "The minutes as amended were .
tmlotded.• - ' hit. Ilfeliwata , • • • b*,
r off : negn' torn, offered • the telloirlng resolu tion • '
• Resolved, that Preabytertr
_will now
edjourn ftttrther hearing in'thia ease
ttnlii —klay, and- that the f ten — mlittee•
4tre authorised to Lind ;•otheeleritnesses.
and ',to cita..again - those vittnettlett who
ave n
hot appeared.t , .
Moderator decldedthat: the pm:.
lution, could not be euterti4e4tyithoiat
;the rese/444 4f:YP*SI.44
reicit Dr. fi on citti2l7
Osradderable a tecttasietCwillifisit• op
•thaqueettod of feeosaideratiOW ''- •
Mr. Min made ill fOralbleitppeaLlo the
'-'UourgikslLlnin a flothilrormtlatianoe,
DC. ••••10ratilley3hest desised.totitattl t on
Volk OMNI be W to 041 Witnellaes,
:and was perifiltled,,by,thip Court to retail
tho eaafidarduireliartheforeihe
He had_prooeededllo ' tithe
tristio'.ktr::Lirralltbire - to apo tof order.
alinstreft sOnsithoseseandaloas
Impatatio a spinal his chireeter.
• htoderatot+What is your point - of or
der, Air- bloat•' • •
Mr p._ protest ' against these falso
and alande;ons accusations.
Moderator—You most take- your seat,
Mr. LthriLMr; Moderatoi;' I vpw.
from your decision. (Applause by the.
audience.] . •
- Moderator—Von must take your seat.
.. Order was here restored*
After some further discuseion, Dr. Mcc--
Kinney proposed to proceed with read
ing ths alandere egainirMr. Linn, which
action Mr. lifeKaig protested against.
' - Dr. Marshall 'thought it was strange
that Dr. efenittney did 'not object to the
matters now at issue when the resolution`:'
was ant introditced, - . and =he regretted
that the good Doctor , woold insist Wpm
retailing these scandaluland.intimating
that he could .proVePfßliiraitaleat the
accused whlth be haft"-not
,Proven• -Re
would theridennioiethet,tlia Motion
laidreconsider the:“.attlett: of yesterday De:
laid on the tablet. - - '''.
• This motion was-101%6 1 A: '' '' - - •
.-.--.1- . ,
• Linn run nisilmoso.' :'
-"Mr. , in a' fewreitiarkkoffered Um'
proteK againstbialeg qrled• on • • the
sentscant-preferredlagainathitts, which;
paper had. been presented et the opening=
of she case; but ruled ant by, the;Doom;
. Mit. tdoeattauM sOzoßrtrinitturrt. The.
accused- has not ,objecteci,end- does not
now object , to a fair and ; proper lay-esti
. gatiou of:his conduit: f ee, It:. Minister' ot
Chriat, by'your body. ;of which he Wu:
member, but he does most'earnestly, soli.'
emniypristest against beitiirtried on the'
presentment submitted iby , the prosectsa
tins ooinmittee.i .1 ~-.. .i,,,1. ~ i ., r ,
First. Because.tbe presentment now
before-the Presbytery , la . different from
the Mut. ordereti to be protented GT the.
Presbytery, at, their. last ,meeting. (a)
Thenemea or lenv:Wlineased are attacb:,
ed, costar y tattle Book of Dhscipllne; ch.'
IV,•isect. 7: . (ey'• One of the "witnesses
(lor: -Jacobits)has- been- , dropped; • (cY
The: wording of.theprestentmenr-is in
some instances , chongett--;; ,, df , Die., ch. ,
CO4. Decant; the charge-,,tintairt
isteriat' conduct'' , and - i'indiecreet-. and
hi/Melia Cosidnct,. are vague andimiei
termituite4eppftling:, to ftopure imeght,
lugs and ' exti‘its.', 'CM ` pr., 5.
Bairtitst Digest,. ' .1".11;ix - 13 . 7: , '
' • Third, The preeint ant fit {indrawn as
to deprive the theadainitagen
of a.deftense - - to the •!Wok of
Discipline.. (A..] MI tiamesof thewit;
amass are. not appended faeace.. - chargm
See B. on* TV,.• !. 5 . Thaanatekof the leit•
noisea to the accututtipn(
Specification 2, theme.l4 are not given all.' 'Book Mali. w.., - 5,...5. 'mita are
no sPiiiiications ofr e thatelle e e and_clA
cunastintecti" - M•.retinired- by , the beck,
Chsp.:lV.Voactien 8, sectd the itilloilhg
Itenutin - -therpPeOnitthenti , ym • Charge
1., specidtatthm .1, items I; 2,8;4, : 5,6, &
Item'ves only the place. _ Charge IL:
9 10 eIneation'Ic,Iteme .1,: 2,' 3.. Specifics
nom; 2,lltines• 1, ..2 .. and Bitlye wo• tin" '
and Item 4 nO time or place. ,Spepilica,-
lion 3,
-Or- atl ori
;.Flinsttce; It&Stetribnt.3huoAug,tteaccesedindeitend *We b N
rziLybdertti Thefhesientineittie so drawn
as to beau argumestit•lnsteadote charge,
worded . in week qualifying' ternut sad
Phraafeh.alr tO auggeet..the greatest: of-
Settees snraiest the lasi of. chastity;: Putt
stY . and venteiliy j Atet,itt 0194 to pre*
3 4dsj:.* the *bole, cfser *I; okarge..lLD
worm „ ftdlowrnggoonunet,; . also hems t!,
8 and it,,-.'n4a et aßeatitn. 2, - Chafgel.,
specification *2; c s , A,'and alaa lie*
4. etienithattleti Noi• ittnitt,' '- -
Pilta. Because the" presto:Relent : file
-Taigas . pets- beyond'- theltuladictitni • rif -
this.Preabytery.a In: canvassing the con
duet of:the accuse} bandeteranonsisthig
et trfyiatimpoitwhen they ea:lured and
`charged to • hays; taken ::pla ce la four, dif
ferent'Pritsbyteries.lii "'three "differ
ent stiods. - duriniC de .yettre. - IBOolt.
dt Discipline. Chapter , ( sections 3 atilt:
-- chapter X•, , sections 1. , and - 2,ll , lgesh
•Bobk, sedition 53. ,Ittignotitiglindtatitnis
, of thae r chapter Xl4 - s,:likkota _Book - 111,
ifention Sit.., Inciting Vitnenetn, front be
yond the jurisdiction- . ,thls, body, con
trary, to the Book of 1). ficipline, chapter
V, Beaten •3 ■ slid chapte r X, .sections I.
and 2, in Instances `as follows::., _
From the Preebytery ,-,5r Western: )le
aerVer,' - Synod nt littbduititY, •Oitio - on
'charge Liitems.l, 24'; 0 and 8 in Part;
ion charge IV, spechicaticinl, items land.
8; on charge IL; - seal abettors - ,2, ' items-1
:and, 2. From : the , Prosbytery of Red
-.atone, Synod of.. Pittsburgh, . charge L,
.item 7, in par 4. From the Presbytery of
AneghenV taitylaYliod,ot Allegheny,_ on .
4arge in, sPerridoadon, 1, item 2 ; „on
same charge, spechicaticn 2, items 3 and
"km] tame charge. specification 3,. item
3, beside others which be located
-at all.. ~, z- • - • ' - • • ' ' '
-* '.Sixth. The presentnient is ingittatterurt,
as appears by the admission ofthe prose
cuting committees tirsvreport, in which
they:admit that little Was said in Frisby
terY. concerning the accused when the
committee was appointed, and that little
-was kflown by the majority of the coat
tuittee against the accused when they be. inquire' Into. his ;cotaltict; all of
which Is contrary to 'the instructions of
the book chap. - ITT'. v. 5,) and'
the decisions of thelighest • church—Dl
gent book ITV section- 162. 1 - 1 - '
SegenTh+r-Ttimrespondent farthei
tests because the specifications have;been
.introduced_into the( wesentmeinvvitune
in cortalikiadiea are nuinninned_aa hav
ing been aggrieved by ) the amused;
yet tipisAlacties have, war', been wenn
walted'epon; nor:alt Ark)7tulle norm
any way consulted' reference to
this trial by die -- priesecuttog
Enrra. The reepondentlartttnr
testa beeause the-pretiehtheint eeeme' to
him to bobasedtonnfalso issue; Lsad-
Ing members of this Indica:fry; ham so
pronOnticed it; the 7 ;geperatpubliersolte r - .
gard it. the oFillesititd94 , o ,be, (locurnit
teo of Inquiry And Pram:gallon does dis
countenance the inference. avi the: first
and`iihoottcl raiiiigatY4-141.6°90Cid.'
For thine reasons, Ind Oat,* whieh.
the 'winged does not wish to enumerate,
:he respertfullr , protestn -against being
put an itrial on the 4wesinti twain.
f , the reasons herein- stated are, (teemed
bylPorJx4iyiittaciegpate to .bar pro cee d.
asks that . the MU*, 4.e: Vaned
on revert.
roti . felAd*iire64 Ws '" •
Mr: Eintrmoved that She mien Inion
teredetrri *Cord preceding -i theldee 'of
4 lir. Bic inneyrinrvidin strike Andithe
latter (portbm.of the motion.
'Aftetaome disottagon Ihp , aultter Rea
sitillite4l.o.PetritSit ent,erod
upon the f records'• Ahsr-ozOletAtion
that 'g had been off 4t - this upe,ninn of
the'pokeiiditigs and ruled
After some introductory remarke,'ln
which the line of defense was stated-As
read &letter from a Alm - Davis, the lady
alleged to have been linoulbid on theft.
Clair -street bridge, and m oved th at a
committee be appointed to taktiher tes
timony. The motion wsa. adopted and
(Coialate "ighthPage.)