The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 30, 1869, Image 7

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tije,jittanag4 GaistV
Wayrzn. SAVAGE Le...Nnan. A Blogrso
phy. By John Forster. In. eight
boo k s . ::Published, by Fields, Osgood
& Co.. Boston. For sale by B. S. Davis
d Co., Pittsiburgh.
'rho biography of this gifted atitlior,
who bad occupied slick a commanding
position in the literary world, is a rich
storehouse of thought. Linder wa a re
markable man, and possessed rare ) gmfts.
with a temperament, however, of the
mbst singular type, and which was the
cause• of much 'personal unhappiness and
dilquietude to his friends. It is a volume
of singular ability, and gives proof of his
genius, culture, and varied talents. Not
only was he the author of some of the most
exquisite poetry in the English language,
but his prose 'writings show the same
marked e,bility. Mr. Forster has exhibited
much taste in presenting such a faithful!
portraiture of the gifted Lander. The
copious extracts illustrate his singular
versatility and command of the English
language. The work is divided Into
eight books, in which ajnumber of ox
tracts tippets from his published .works.
Its excellencies cannot be.described, and
must be read to understand them.; Lite
rary persons will enjoy the volume , for its
intrinsic merits aside from other conside
rations. No criticism can readily convey
its character, as a literary production, and
no one was so well fitted to prepare it as
Mr. Forster. We should like to give a
fuller synopsis, but space will not per
for Academies and High Schools.
of By
Dias Loam's, LL.D., Professar
Natural Philosophy. and Astronomy in
Yale College, etc. Published by Har
per & Brothers, New York.
Those who have seen Prof, Loomis's
"Treatise on'Astronomy," have an idea
of the character of this work, as it is pre
pared on the same plan, with the omis
sion of the mattiefriatical portion& Tbia
beautiful science is brought within the
range of those who have not mastered the
mole difficult and abstruse problems rn
the'lligher parts of -this study. It will
very materially, persons in obtaining
suitable instruction of an elementary
character, before studying higher •grades
of the science. The ample and excellent
illustrations, and deicriptions, will aid
students very considerably. Its simple,
concise arrangement, facilitates the study
of the science, and we anticipate this
work will be equally as popular as his
former work. Dr. Loomis is an authority
among scientific men, and this work will
add to his good nanie.
MY DaresrrEn Murton. A Novel. 'Pub-
lished by Raper & Brothers,
Complaints are frequently heard of the
dearth of American novel writers. This
remolds assigned for employing English
talent to supply our magazine matter and
works of fiction. But this work is thor
oughly American, and \is quite readable,
and shows the author has •real talent both
in construction anil' Alelineation of the
leading characters. ,
FEDERAOY. By Edward A. Pollard,
author of 4 .The Lost Cause," &a. , Pub
lished by National Publishing Compa
ny, Philadelphia and Chicago.
Thousands will welcome this book; not
from sympathy with the subject or cause.
but to read the views of those who lived
4n the South during the rebellion and
espoused its -cause: The work reveals
many.important facts in the history of the
rebellion and , the course of Davis. It
will serve the purpose, too, of presenting
the rebel side of the war. The author
deals heavy blows on Davis, and pum
mels him with rigid severity. Facts are
brought to light that serve to place certain
public characters in a strange attitude.
Mr. Pollard seems disposed Lobe unbiased
and generous in his views, though the
coloring is the outgrowth of a Southern
mind. The style is florid and yet 'grace!
ful, and we think just, such a work as
agents will find ready sale: 'The manner
in which the Work is gotten up reflects
illsotrOlt upon the publishers. For sale
onlY,by agents, and not in book stores.
The pnblisheraoffer liberal insiticements
to agents. '
ries of Letters from Europe. By
clair Tousiey. Publiehed by the Awed
can-News Company, New York. For
sale by John W. Pidook, Fifth avenue,
• Plttaburgh. • " •
'However beaten the track may be of
familiar routes, a wide awake traveler
viii always find something 'new to Write
about., Fatpillar as the places and the
scenes of. which Mr. Totisay Sscribeswe
---can readily - discover its excellencieS; es.
Pee" hilly in the roatter-of-th.of-rnaniler,
. • which men and things are deacribed,. and
these descriptione,,too, are stripped of the'
.lirolifie -Verbiage• frequently found:
hooka of travel . The anthor reveals a
iriuid trained methodically and Ids' VieWS
are straightforward, as well as interesting..
'lll4q, for ,sale . byW. 11:.' ;. (3111denfesiiiyt
Fifth avenue. -
-W assySittzto Br.cor.;ciersoxs A.SOME:
wirlTl3ulaY LIVE: An Autobibgaphyl
B y John Neal. Published by EGEEITA
"t.'.l3roggara. Bobicat. r, •
Few Arneriesn authors enjoy a
-,:='"rePtitation ttssrafir; Neel. - ii one Of
I ;
the few 10.0 e Old school, like. Bryant..
An antoblegra y 0 800 h a Character,
seventi•-three years 'of age, could not be
Otherwise than full of Incidents of the
most readable land. Hair
• WhO have
admired Mr.,Neal'e versatility - will wet
thewqrk, and those who ,desire to
" read the accouut of a•life of sUCh varied
!. interest, will do well to get this vOlume.
'-'--Hlcassociation -with theybright,Aights in
1 . t
M!!M==m 2 :
the .ltterlirl : world in thls unitary and
Europe,- :wall be enjoyed with great zest
by multitudes. The work is elegantly
.ranted and bound, and is • creditable to
the house.
Being the "programme of a tour
through parts of France, Italy, Aus
tria, Saxony, Prussi the Tyrol, Swit
zerland, Holland, Belgium, England
ByScotland, in the- sumer of 1868..
John II- B. Latrobe. m
.Published by
J. B. Lippincott 4: Co., Philadelphia.
Knowing Mr. Latrobe full well to be
worthy of the utmost confidence, in what
he describes, and capable of doing it well,
we are quite willing to compliment him
for the excellent plan mapped out for
tourists, who may need such information
as he Imparts in this volume. The mod
est preface reveala the culture and breed
ing of a gentleman, and this spirit perm.
meates the' entire narrative. The views of
one so competent, and over a route of Such
interest, and not traveled over with
haste, cannot fail to interest the reader,
and alladrnish something new even in
old traveled rO:ntes. We think its circle
Of -readers Will be a wide and appreciative
one.- ..
MoPst By, Jean Ingelow.
rin FAIRY.
With eight ' cillustrations. Published
by Rohertellrothers, 13gs
erioughiailaY that this taliy story
is one of Kiss Ingelow's creations. It
gives ample evidenciof the glowing style
of this charming writer, arid illustrates a
species of word reveling that charms, as
well as instructs. The story represents
the wandering of a bright lad , in the
realms of fancy, and his rescue of a prin•
cess from her imprisonment and restora
tion to her true loralty. Finally, of
descent from the regions of fancy tofacts.
Young people will enjoy this story, as it
is told by one gifted in this field of
thought. No doubt even men and wo
men will enjoy the reading of this book.
Several lyrics of the most musical cast
may be found in the book now first pub-
lisbed. _
MINISTKY. Published by Warren
Blake' , lee. Boston. For sale by S. A.
Clarke & Co., Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Works of this character serve a double
purpose, by imparting instruction and
illustrating cardinal principles in morals
and religion. "The New Cominand
meat," "that ye love one another," is
here _wrought out in the patience and love
of a little girl hedged about with the
keenest and moat tempting assaults:, and
yet she kept herself "unspotted from the
world." It ought to be a safe book to be
placed in the hands of young people.
This house has a fine reputation for pub
lishing good works.
Resolutions and Row to Reap Them.
By Rev. Z. A. Mudge, author or" The
Fisher Boy," etc. Published by 'War
ren & Biakeilee,ltoston. For sale by
S. A. Clarke & Co., Pittsburgh.
Young people will find this story of
:more than• ordinary interest. Principles
are brought out in bold relief, illus Th trative
of the saving grace of God. e char
acters are cleverly drawn, and show the
author to be well Versed in depleting
scenes of, every day life in large cities.
The reading of this book will also awaken
tender interest in the eventful career of
young John Reeder, ending so auspi
Pxyry GRAY'S JOITR.NEY; From - Boston
to Baltimore. By Caroline H. Dail.
Published by Le_eand Shepard, Boston.
For sale by . A. - Carke & Co. Pitts
_burgh- .
No doubt the good name of Mrs. pall
will attract many to read this work. Des
pite the speciality of the work, picture
life at the South, especially what the col
ored people most need, there is a vein of
racy sketches that will interest young
people. The author understands how. to
write for young minds, rather a rare gift.
This is the first of the series of books for
children by this author. It is easily to be
seen the author is rather liberal in religious
Rev. Edwin Paxton Rood, Minister of
"Queen square Chapel, Brighton."
Author of "Wordsworth; an Asthetic
Biography." Published by M. W.
Dodd, New For sale by It. S.
Davie & Co., 193 Liberty street, Pitts
Titles like the above appear sense.
Atonal, and yet this .book tenet of that
character, though much of the matter is
qnaint, humorous, and bordering on the
ridictilous. It-is a wheaten of lectures
delivered to the students of Spurgeon's
Pastors' College 'by Rev, Mr. Hood.
The discourses are based, on the story of
Gideon, when he divided his men into
three companies, put a trumpet in every
man's right. hand; and' •pitcher , in the
other, and . lunp within: the, pitcher.
The anther-very happily classifies preach
ing and" shows tbat One Class
the intellect, shedding light upon
truths they disensii-:.these are the.lamps.
Another startlesthe,, Consciencef rom,
apathy--,these-tirel the: 'trumpets. li
other soothes end consoles—mn. are the
pitchers. Taking the stork ail".lShole;,
4t,la a remarkable one,, .is
tint substan
aadition to theological literature.'
phases of -mbid,'"charficteristics and peen
'lades of the , palpit time,
here • happily illustrated: Despite—the
_odditifi',ln4qUaintfiess of piittious of the
bookrit clearly , denionstrite the great
talents of many of the ',early; preachers.
"We - aie to have secend, series illustrit-:
ing the modern pulpit. ' ' • '
'ervirgn. eA Romanist.' 'By Jane G,
tin. Pnbilshed by Sheldon &
y o rk, fOr. sale by R. S. Dayis
One of the interesting features of that
capital Magazine, the Galaxy, 'vas
serial,' 'its' it appeared monthly,
which it awakened much interest in-its
reading, as the story progressed from.
month to month. We„nrenut•dfspOsed
to pick flsae in its conatiliagun imaie*:.
taltreffi a
lsoine of Iti ClisricterOn - tOegara•
it "asvery 'creditable Work: dfhe an-
VAIL - Its orramatic force, greuzfulitye , an
the independent coarse of the fair inthor,
commend it to readers of fiction. The
'crowning feature is Its pure and elevated
tone, which - will go far towards extending
its circulation, and increasing the repute.
'eon of the author.
Chartered by ireful Act of cokairross
Cash Capital • - . $1.000,000.
Brahell Office, PHIL DELPHIA
- orricsais.
iItr.NCE H.CLARM,Philadelphia,Freeiderit,
JAY COOKE. Philadelphia. Charm= FirArica
and Executive Committee,
iCENRY D. COOKE. WabhiUßtoal Vice ?rest.
UMERSON W. PEST , ralladelptils, Secretary
mud Actuary.
Flekticr3 G. SMITH. M. D.. Pliiladelpta‘Med
icat Director.
This Company lamed. in the first TEN
SIONTIELS of its existence.
Vito Co=Wu!' offers to Its Yoltaraolders
I lls ..sibuffigindielriLTlttO t ° ll r e
7 48 Z l , l rit i o )o
Or a -Reversionary Dividend of 100 per cent. b,
3 .-vicer.&i.s. & CO.. Bout ers. No. 35 South
Tnird Street, rhillOtlplltiw,kielltrlll Well for
Pennsylvania and noutnetn Sew Jersey. ti• S.
Br sgett„ Manager.
. IRA O. IfieVAT a CO.,
Agents for Allegheny, Hearer, Buller, Mercer
and Washington counties.
carimem, AOHNT'SABE WANTED tit Wren
City and TO1n1; and applications. from compe-.
tent parties for such agencies with suitable en
dorsement, should be addressed T.O THE COld-
respealve districts. , 02:stWair •
iL,4S:ttttg • ,- 711 V ie 201-18 a.
OF TE(11
Between Lteoek eine t and the Rslrma&
vir3c, KREBS,
No. 55 Diarn.on.d. Allev,
Sir Orders addressed LP W. R.REBS, 'Eighth
ward. Allegheny. il
wl receive prompt attention,
Vagons running In L'lttaargh and Allegneny•
svtng been appointed dole agent for tills city
for the sale of
Chautauqua, County (New York)
now prepare to lurnlsh it dilly-lacer loads •
at depot.lo dealers at low rates.
rattles desiring to purchase or tnakv arrange
ments to get It will please leave their o dere two
days berate requillhg-
TIEGII Itelde.
L B , , .
' (Lase Cutter vritti W. Beeper) .
` D R
No. 153 Smlthaela street,,Pittsburgb:
VEIN 'SPRING 16100118.
A liPlaudid new suich of
. '
aLoT4 O, c-is IMsit M; dT.f
Just received by , I'illiralltlf
,»I1 IL
Fent -Idowciiiliand '
..'%-' 151:11AritER :RESORTS.
._,,,,„...,„.... , , ,,„ .....;........... 4,,,„,„
T. , is y *l ooti„som*l; , r , ri' ,.
flibiatrd on the Summit or On illitill _ '-•
LEVEL HP THE cEA. will be Awn; fortbs_
rgnototruag e ol talllautat t ic:
have hewn eatireirtenovinted.ue all Web
ed. Ezeursip i Tb kers told I the Fermate.= .
Railroad, at ilsilelobta, Harrisburg =lre
burgh, good for. tlic lemon. All trains! , s l o t
• Inspissin. ' p r e p o . f Int maw , . conAu
. RICN 'N. - her tatoraiscaoti waren
QIC.O. 31%T.,ItirtiLLItt, Votopiletoi, ~.
1,.;'15.1Er Cresson Bprinirkciansbrliseolieti: in..
'l' BTONE.
- -
v ow< COMMON
liktemtse litiokse- *orbs,
• Allegheny
lioittirio corker /f AstCqu ina . 414
Do Boma
. s ai i m
i t t aa Dtow.. 4 °4l rls4. Are Trim_ It t srtra w a?
vor d ro. so. noad Abi3woe.
bore orouiotlik ... Felon somosattla
igg- ------ "" -------- setirairclinti -, :r trr.atienc
____- -, - SYRUP. -. &HAM =le D TONIC. h.ND
411.&NDB.MCS' PILLS will cure Consnelption,
- Ltvet Complaint and.Dyspernsie, If taken accord
- Ing to directions , 'They are all Dorm to be taken
at same time. The ceanse the etordach,
laze liror awl put It to t
work; the the appetite
becomes pod: the lbu 4 digests end makes - good
bleed:. the patient begins to grow in fleith: the
diseased matter ripens Into the bus, and
'patient outgrows too disease and e.
is the only way to cure tienehhiPti on.
To these three medicines Dr. J H. Sebenck, Of
r hu. delp b 1 s . owes Ids unrivaled success in the
treatment of pelnionary Consumption. The rel.
morale Syrup rite es the morbid matter In the
unes, nature throw ph l e gm ff by au es-y et pectora-
Hon, for whet' the or matter is ripe a
slight cough will throw it od. and the patient has
rest sillthe lunge begin to heal. •
T . do 'this, the eeaweed Tonle and Mandrake
Pets meet be tr, ell u_ed to cleanse the stomach
and liver, so that tbe ruimunic 5 rut and tile
Coed veal make got blood.
Schenck"s - Man rake Pil is set up n the liver,
removing all obs ctions. - relax tb a nd
of the
gan bladder, the bile starts fr , ely. and the liver
is soon relieved; the stools will s ow what the
Pills can do; pothine has ever bee lavented ex
cept calomel (a deadly po'son W. lc la very dan
gerous to use uniess with great c re,l that will
unlock the gall bladder and start he
of the liver lite eehenck's Maids e rillssecretions.
Liver Complaint is one of the st prominent
causes of Consumptiou.
&bench's eeaweed Tonic Is it g Ile stimulant
and alterative. and the alkali in the Seaweed,
which this preparation Is made ot.. aseists - the
stomach to turow out the gastric - Juice to
it Memoir ade
the food with the Pnenonie syrup, and Is m
Into good h cud without fermentation or aourin?
In tbe stomach. • -
great 'reason why physicines do net cure
Consumption is, they try to do too much they
give medicine to stop the cough, to stop ehills,to
stop night sweats, hectte fever, and by so doing
they &range the whole digestive_powers. lock.
log upthesecret.ons. and overarm= the patient
sinks and dies. -
Dr. Schenck, In bid treatment; does not layto
stop.s oath, night s chills orver.. ire.
move the armee pd feetwill all s to p of their
own liccerd. Me one nen be eared of Ceriseing
enta.;elrei&gsFrirAl. i g run t b a l; • tin! usta Li
Sternlie ade health , . ' •
If a p e rson naii consumption: 'of course the
wigs in some way
_arm diseased, earlier tubercles,
adses. g !
are ire
.ltatiOn. Mehra ldbeslen,
or %belling! ate a r inflammation- and fast
delta) hag.- In such cases what meat be tioney It
Is not only the
.u last are wasting, but it In
the whole litely The stomach lied liver have lost
their power toylike bloodont of lo d. w e d
only , chance le Lessee Dr. Schenck's thr'.
tines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach,
the patient will begin to want food. it will digest
easily and make good blood; then t he patient be
gins ttl.gatri in flesh , and as soon as the body be
gis tn grate. the lungs commence to nest up.
and the patient ger , nes= and Wall. Tlll3 is tue
only way to cure Consumption.
Whet , there Is no lung disease and onlv 'ANTI .
Complaint and Dyspepsia, Softeners Beavteao
Tonic and Fill s are sufficient, . bitted
the ruhnonic . Syrup. Take the hisnarake Pitts
freely In a.l Pillions caMplaints, as they am per
fectly harmless.
Dr. Schnuck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health fur many years past, and now weighs 9:115
Denude. was wasted away to a mere skeleton. in
the very last Stage ot PUlttloasry Constanpllo.,
bl. plipletans haring pronounced his case hope
less and sbandoued h.m to andte He was cured
by the aforesaid me. lanes. sin eh is recove
ry many thoussads similarly gfeicted have used
Dr. Schenck 's preparation wink the same re
markable success. Full directions accompany
each, rnallne tt lart atsolutely necessary - to per
armee, tee Dr. Schenck, unless. patients wish
their. lungs examined, and for this purpose be Is
entrant°, ally at his Principal rfiet tn r il i l m a t i y irl.
=giesl,l,ldretauserr.Hwellsersltgiptlfeetalonany eel.
No. 39 Bond street: Now York. every - other,
Tuesday, and at No. 33 Hanover atreet, Boston,
every other Wednesday. tee gives advice i:ree,
but fora thorough examination with his Bespl
rometer the price i 593.. Od.ce bee
from 9 A. B. to 3 P. et . and Seaweed Ton
.Prtee'of the Pelt:tante Syrup
he each $1.60 per bottle. er 91.6 0 a esti dozen.
Mandrake Pins 93 cents a box. For sale by all
truggists. • - mine:lsl-dd le
DI VASES. That - numerous class of cases
resulting from self • abuse producing. un
manliness,- nervous debility. ' irritability, emo
tions. seminal ,- emissions, and finally bri-
Potent'', permsnentrif .- cured. Verl3olll afflict
ed wl.h oelicate. intricate and long ,Stallit
Mg constitutional complaints aro politely invited
to call for consultation. which Costs nothing.
Experience, the best of teachers. has enavied
him to emes at once efficient; safe,
permanent. a nd which lis most cases c twbe used
itticnit 6111fITEIICOAO busin. Medicines
p vr ared in the establi ess
shment, which embraces of
fice. reception and walling rooms; also, aoarding
*nit sleeping apartments for patients reuniting
da'ly personal attention. and vapor and chemi
cal baths. thus concentrating the famed mineral
springs. No matter who have failed. state your
case• need what he rays in his pamphlet of fifty
edges, sent to ant address for tvro Ittanala in seal
ed cave. npe. Thousands of cases mated annu
sliv. at °Mee and 01l over the country, CollSlll.
militia tree, personally or by mail. Onice No. 9
Wylie stree (near Court House) Pittsburgh,'
Pa. flours 9 A. M. to 8 r. x. tundays Ila X.
toll F. Jr. Pam pmet sent to any address for trx
Tbts splendldlialr Dye is the bestln the world:
1110 only tree oUd Penect, Dye: harmless, tells-
bye, Instantaneous: O disappointment; no Ti
dies:loos tints; remedies tbe all e ff ects of bad
dyest baldgoratas and Waves tile Hair soft and
beautlfal. Wool or brows. itold by aUDrogotbsts
and Perfonerstind properly applied at atche-
Urea Wig riiCW7, 1 , ... 16 Band street. wear
Turk. noZiting
-Those having_ friends *Meted are ear
nein], solicited to Isend for a (Amass Letter of
References .and Testinionlals. which will con
vince the shoat sliep_tical of the extrabfilty of Os
Mdeaso. Address V A BUREN LOOKEOW,
M. D.. 35 Great Jones street. hew York.
Ess son tbe FURORS OF YOUTH, and
the FOLLIES OF AGE, in regard to SOCIAL
EVILS, with certain belpior the erring and un
fortunate.. Pent In sealed letter envelopes, free
or charge. Addreas. UOWARD it/C
63-41.1*1 ATOM,
Boa r,-Fidisdelphia. Pa. -----niy2l
xerios: sALIE.—The under. -
signed will offer for sal , a NEW Imo
at =wee. I
eat occupied av a tavern. but D olts an for any
other kind of business. Water and gas nxtureS
slid other emir en tences on the premises. Sites.
led In the iloultsh•ng town or Emit Birmingham
I 'sewn street, Mar iSTWRiI. blZe a Lot xi) Ay
1410 rvet. Sam to take . plsee on SiV UR • AY.
311 st day of July. at • o'clock Conditions
or sale made known on day or sate.
1.28 mt 4 , itIiEDBMCITIAL
_ .
oe..lock. wid bi sold lit Commercial mod Womb
100 sosithileld stre • I. to pay freight an charges
sbe• following Unclaimed freight, stored Vaal
6. 0 Floyd-& Co.. ,by &P. and Plitsburgh.
Port Warne & Chidagoßailroads: 1 4 . Waiters, ti
Stoves: IL A. teat, sti Bed Springs; G. hber.
bars, 3 kegs; T. Adorns. 1 MI in 4 isotsonis; J.
brat; &co; 1 bo AVIS; thlits & Danner. 3 bxs
busy; J. Dickey, box hardwar.. Bnunonds
K. 1 box hisrow I PIT nestock; /Mere & Cu. .
1 bbi ritilmeeyst .-Sterauson,. Agent. 1 box pie
-. 1
.IWleVis el ri c e ll! ,2lo , f 111111,rrserr., 4 -t,',%
i t ak
Pas nt 'Median 1 &Abell. *D. a Co.. 1 box
Picks; W. 'Jr. viturston. 1 box and 6 tables:
blOucher, B s & Ci d er Milts; IC , Icklet'box
Seed; Briggs & Bro., Ibex seed,. J. B. Biritett; , .
4 %sox 1104 sad 1. box books J. Toppings, 1-hsr
rel Glas.wsrk Y. Ileazleton, 1. barrel Cut
and Dry; lire. E.. No:Aland. la boxes; H.
W. -King. 1 :box Glassware; J.:8• M..:Ken.
.ney. 3 limb /Whines; Lnih.r Pi ACM 4 Twe,
C. Par/artier Ladder Vo.. ll'ilooble cad.
deers; C. P. Trireme & CO., 1 box. end twit Cast
Haul' W, Byers. 1 box: P. Jicles, 2 bxs. 1
trunk, Ily I Bedding.% T. Pugh, 3 obis paint;
Ainssell &Weiner; bar bbl Alet.4l. W. HOlldel ,
atill.ll bliP asolassest.J../.. liipe. 3. , cask Glow,.
ware; W. Whites', 1 Obi K.ll.Gooi‘s; D Bohm,
hack Bair; J. W. Sidles, 1 tgix hi re;l4 VG. -
'Mew tiso! 1 Box; J. Murray. I pookage Bard.
.:war . ravergion .& Arsold; lktg Wine; Mc-
K t ° 4, co_ di& hhia Silicia; Smith& Hodges,l
baWWOOlBB4ll5lT.'.f. 'Orr.' 1Box; J. B. Lind.
iniy."B boxes, adwilible. l 4 : AnTafs,l plekage,
.6rrew Plaice. Heitowisl2 pieces Baler DOA;
..I.dinn. lb° Plantal/ 11. Ifenderson,l Hone
t F. Alex niter: 1. Piero; W • v,.•Warner. 1
41001 it W.V.: N od
.4 casks Bottles; b
ffeu.her..l le 110p1:11.-t.ofidak, / btil Onion'
J. P. isseith. liat,-Übldeneril;* A.' Wentand, 1
be* Hardwa ; Klebardi aril"! box' GIIPSIVare:
iterervWerw It•& CAt.4.4 Blooms Irerk; Knordis
gisds ;emelt, 2 mos Buie and Pennell: 'U. k rittl%
$lll,Ollll goodng; J.l. Drap±;r & Co.; 1 bor ii.
SarerJ. H. Boyle. • it.o...l.lxisAiloeurwaret O.
Isaggsai, ,i trove.; barre l s rt( H. By
ran •&
.44,,, .111 Bungs t Best a
Wobinsoir: l' no& Sas. r 'Mary , 13nyder.' 1 lot H.
Grods; , W.; laindeobergar, .1. , Otest;, Sif4oll.
.} , bary 4 V 190. , kil *WS Vire Clay; P ittsburgh .
111u1t1.'0.,4 bolt Oa 'keg 'Bolts: W.
Boss. &box
.11erare• , gidilez ,11., Giengwltelt , 11, hair uarrao
unds.. - . S. Je Itr., ibusdle AXelislielltsj /cho•
stun & King, 1 brirrel' Cnilett - •A•ton tt. 'W. &
'eo;i't blll.lF;'"'lLei &In Ila ir bias.;
cot; nril4arimi.4_,bores, &Oat ~10 bold Glass
wale; 62.d0z-n Wrstner gow ers;l patens Gate ;
/ Hay raker 11 Orlinisterres; 3, brelii. awl St bor.
G ;mews , e, 1 box Window Glass: liebect l 1 lieg'
dodo; .1 Wes. if: 009 0 1 1 ; 4/ boxes ; ; 1. box Tobacco;
2 coil& Bop • ; /lid; Din; 1 bdt Ca.thigst 1 box
If. , Worn; 1l bolt Allspice; 1 lot Parole; 1 bbl
. 1110 slog 4 bOktaßrokett Glass; 1 box *hoes;
6 Waron Leavers; liot Barrels:l Box; 1 Orate:
1 bdi Snathre;' SpiedesCes-1 gst 31.0rioLl Box;
4'; Ws Sundries:. S Wis. n !deadliest *Morse.
COnagn S 0110.1'sp-r: 1 bdi Chain lot into.
Buiteds and Pans; IT , nido , 1 keg N i; 'gals 1 bON
Sand ries: 2 bh.s etoneware ; 1 Iron Milt. rie Mow-
Willahina Suites. • ~, ..•
. ~ A. iii'ILWAL;sIC. A.nertorieer.
=M=? ,
Art oungcom
Fixing the Number of City Pc!lice
`4. 4 . AC .1. Be it ordained fend enacted by City
of Pittarurgh. in Saki and ,Cotasson COild
aseemoled, and it 41 hereby °Marne.. an theact
ed by the authority or the earn& Thatal swan
lice ores shall couelet of onts . handte d s t
ty-two men
Sac. ifl .mat - ant' ordlnance,or Part of ord i
nance conflicting wit a
the p.ssage of this oreli
nance at the present time, be :and the same s*
hereby repealed so tar ss the Same affects tbli or
Ordained and enacted We slaw In Conneill ,
this 116,,u day of July, A. D. 1869. -
TV Li. nußOß'ltr.
President pro tem of Select Councl.
Attest: B. te Sionnow ,
Clerk of Select Council. ' '
President pro tem of Common Council.
Attest: 11. 111.chlasT , h ,
Clerk of Common Connell.
A. 011101 NANCE
• ....
Supplementary to an 0 dirance
/or the (=raving and Paving o•
§pruce Alley:
- -
AUCTION 3.13.1ME1.
safieri.lbent,stree%. ier' in Das ,
andresessmtilicina. •
_ ~,,,,,
SICTO .8.! it Ordained and colleted by the
tray of Pittsburgh, to detees and Common COWL.
eats assembled, and it is hereby ord. inert and •
enacted by authority of the same.
That the
City anguteer be and he is be
anahorried end
directed. to .here spruce obey, from ulk-th etreet
to 33th street curbed sawed as a from a. d pacd.
daC. 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance.
the with the passage of this Ordinance at
the present time, be seate eame is hereby re
pealed so far as the same cts this ordinance. .
Ordained and enacted into W law in Councils,
this 116th day of daily, A. D. 1809.
Postident pro tern of belect Council.
Attest: E. $.
4011 lionnoct, • '
Clerk of detect Connell. N.
Presiders pro tem of Common Council. d
Attest: it. hichiarran. •
Clem of Common ummcil. . ha
Opening anti Widening Church
Street, tr. Forty-sixth Stieet.
SECTION 1 Be it ord,siasst and enacted by the
City qf Pittsburgh, to Atified and COlTLui ined fin 011 WOO= d
cite assembled and it 48 hereby o, da
enacted by .tiss authority ritlie same„That the city
Engineer be nands hereby amnorized ant (inert
to to snrrey open nutty-sixth date Church).
agel, front Butter 131Te0f. 10 Dlll4llOO street, in
arcordank u with the plan n the Engineer's of
iice. and to apprilso data iges and assess benefits
9. T. tan Doren, 11. d. Lynch and.* tn. Holmes
are berths "typo rated tu acuuroaoce ode h an . Act
sit Assemb.y asprevea January 6th, 1804
Bac. IL That any ordinamosor partof Grans - ce
the with the passage of this ordinance at
present time, he and the same is hereby. re
.thepeaedf far at the slime affects s in thi ordinance.
_Ordained and enacted into a 1 R Council 6.
Ittis 96th day of J uiy, A. D. Iti69.
President pro tem of Select Council,
Attest: .h. a. Idonnow. - •
Clerk of belect Council.
President pro tem Common Council
Attest: H. Ne.bidiSTZU. ,
.....:__ Clerk of Common Connell.
IE7 an Ordinance Entitled fiAn Or- I
dinance Providing for e
the Issue of
• Bonds Amounting to the Sum a
$250 000 of th 3 vela• er Loan Au
thorized by the Act Approved
F•ebruary 8, I 868," passed June
15, 1869. ' •
t3sclioN.l. lie it ordained and enacted by
Co of Pitteburyh,, in Select and Com
mon Councils assecablW and ft is herthy
ordained and enacted by the authority of the
same. 11 hat th section of Oleo:A . :Lance
enilLied, "An Ordinan c e providina for the issue
or bonds amountiug \ o the sum etiltAsll,ooo of
the Water Loan authorized by the Art approved
tebruary 8. PISS,' ' passed Jaw: 15. 1809: b
and le Denby amended so that the same shall
read as follows.: Said bonds shall be :Dade payable
t i bearer with semmal. coupons attached*.
they shah be in suuis of oLe hundred. two how
tired, dye bundted sad tbonssnii dolise, in
such proportion as tho itinence Committee may
di teimine: they shall bear Interest at the rate
of sevuu p.: r cecium per annum.'
and shall he
payable lit tWeutv-nve yours from the brat day
of Aprll, A. D. 1868. which shalt be the date Lf
said bonds: the principai. and interest shall be
payaole . t the °lncited the City Treasu.rer, in the
City of Pli tsbureh. Tbey shad he signed by ttie
Mayor, countersigned by tie City L ontrolli r
ails ihall be geese' by the Mayor with the cor
porate seal of said city. - -
SEC. 2, Tbeseeo,4lseet.ou o f the above men
tioned ordinance hereby tinpplied. ls hereby tu
ber. S. That any ordinance or parlor ordinance
'zonated:lg with the passage or this ordinance at
-the present time, tre.nn& the gatiaeißberebS re-,
pealed so Ur as the same affectS this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into i
law in Connell!,
this 2 8 ta day of July , A. 1.), 188 . . .
HI.LH. - 11LittOWI S,
Pr e sident tiro Lem of 8 'Act Connell. -
Cleric. S. N ottr.ow ,
k of be' et& Connell ..
President pre tem of Common clutinefl.'
Attest: H. biridante ,
C!ll r- of Common Council.. irbt
To an Ordinance, Entitled "An Or
dinance Auhorizing the Issue r f
Bunds re,r the an
lug . Matured -and Maturing In
debtedness of that:UT," Passed the
15th -Day of JuriE,,'A. D. 1869.
Bscrioar i." Be' it ordained and enacted try Ulf
MI of Pittabtirgh, in and
Select and Common Conn
-eat aesoubtect. and- .it to hereby onto:fined
(nad a! by the authority of rue tame. 'lust the
second section of an ordinance entitled ' •Art
urdinane- authortzins the issue of -Bends for
purpose ot : edeeddny mttured and maturl..g in
debtedness of the City," paised-Jtine 15 1869,
shall be and la beret.. sm.nded so that the same
reo.i as follows : • -raid bora:sob-ail be id ;um' of
live bun- red and one thousand dollars eat!), in
such proportions a+ the Finance Committee may
direct, pat awe in forty years arta date, princl
pat 'and interest payable at the office et the City
Treasurer in Plitaouritio • t scent the h e
bond•. rhich si all be Payable.; principal-len - in
ter st,. at tun Dank 01 Amertca, in tue City of
Vow York. Slob, of New 'Yolk. and ssi.4 bonds
than each bear date the first uay of July, A.D.
11519.'•__, .
1-se SI, Tue second sect.on of add ordinan c e
of -.tine 15 1559, which la hereby gulp:led. le
hereby repeelea ~ , ,
lic. 3. 'Vast asp ordinance or part or ordi
nance coral' cting Arab the pe sage of this oral
nan e at the present time he and the a.Un e M
hereby repealed, *0 CAT as ' the same affects this
t rdinince.
ruatned and enicted _into a law this Stilth daT
or July. A. 1., • IeGO.
President nro teat of lielect Coun,ll.
gTe l l ' a v iinett.
40EIN pkIPCO2:.
iiresident pro tan of .Co ' rnsoon Council.
Atteel , li.
Cleric of_Coulu.on
eloviding for a . Better Supply of
Water in Certain portions of the
City of Pittsburgh.
ST Mewl. ite it ordaineel and enacted the
effl of PO:taboret. fa Select- and Common cocoml._
cite assonbled, cuut it is hereby ordained -an d
enacted 'by the autliorifY rf the arum. That th e .
Water Vommittee ne authorized mid empowered
to etre; On tale Allegheny Myer. at crater Forty.
fourth etre. t., in the bevel teetatt Nerd. and at
lialitwood in the Twenty-third ward.• Yum a
Yneineaand Mend 'elves. Ceb6 hot tCreiCte 0-7.
(16,U11/dOn ve any - ' it f rdi
• oicC. I. ', hat 'any ordinanCe or pa o o -
mince conflicting with:the plumage or this oral..
minaret the t e e ...time. Ira - and the wame- is
hereby Tepee ed so far as the to
affeete this or;
Ord-Ire d attri enacted into ,ft law in ,couaclis:
this lbth day of 411115:AniteseteG _
. WIN;
Pres - ideas pro tan of•belett Connell , .
Attests 3t. r. atonnovr,••• ~• L• - , ~- -, I. ...
ctert. of, „tteleat.oCuortnelle4
- . Preeidentlprci tete oi llostsionConcKlL.
-Attest: C 1 WI -011.87113, ~, ..„-,. , ,: ,
rg Of Conanon'Co CIL l
r , P. lINV,WHFAT:*-Vr !Lim receiving
g omen' of ch_oltuLllinadamit WW' Aldlialt
a ntiW ftl ' W AM • Waial , lirer ,are =Mink
with. ou.:: read Wileatt.faloteitiPfuhOrtitins 'to
mote an article of Family Flour o 4 ,if riotau.
perunlo ` ut eru s Me
ttes. _ 42
1 0 11a1 uterus Me claim inn TOWN 1010 are tbs. ci
being amotafattared front strictly !bole* number
AcHatitra Amber and White Wheat. with too
most approved no ehird ry, earritaaaa tali.
ler*. VutUrlinds tree r 8888 N
TAIRItre. aTial , WRAND,
alade.ftela.. Choice bite Wheat."Mrplieseil
- ti 1.1013110. -EXTRA. 111.1131.
BRAND. fca aTAm
selected Walla 41Tbe, : i
Y oar.
uo‘urpaased ai a
PEARL. itED. fiRAND •from 'sleeted 'amber
and bratjtradeo ot . V. lator. • • - •
To tiered* fraudto rediLine onr'eacts we now
teal them with dote of radnufactore.• •
B Ole 'a, 'ono..
.....reed stew Alleghetif.
10.gg1111tharenne, opposite tha,Opera
B ouse.Pittsburgh. pa.,is the coo:est and moat
detirableplace of resorte: Liquors can be had
at this place Pure and Geod.:The Billiard lloams
I are on the ground door to the rear.
ALLEGHENY CITY, rA., .1 Illy 26. 11)69.
NOTIOE.--The assessment for
G1ta1)1NO and PATLI I / 4 Cr or II ,I.lll.tir
'STREET from Bidwedlstreet to Chl;rtlei , Etreet:
Also the sssessment for Grading and raving of
Frataliriatt eet:from F.elvirlek street to Beayer
' aYenne, are now readiffor examination and 'call
be seen at the office of the City Engineer until
August 3d. 1969, a-hen they will he piaced la
the hands of the City Treasurer for collection.
cIar.LKLEs DBOri,
City 1
1 CITY Es caiman's ltryielg. )
Oily 23..1162. i •
No , llCE.—Tbe sikssessomentsfor
trading and raw ng of LINDSEY'S
ALLEY, from Ledtte street to Jackson street.
/Lisa the assessment flintier Gradlnialtd 'Paving
of BLAIR ALLY,. from LB:blew:re', alley to_
Bimsge ntley.'are- now ; reitdi for extirdnstion ,
and can be seens% the ain.e.of the City Etigineer
until AUGUST 2d, 1E69,• ashen they Asti be
placed in the Windt of the ettyßeisasuleffer col
ernes ow CITY Enetglan AND d1r.11869 TZTOn,
- Pittsburgh. .1 nty SO: . S
ZIOTICP---The Assessairrit for
Grading and raviust ALMON IT ALLEY.
m Butler to the Allegheny Valley 8.n..
is now tend,' for examination. caD be> seen
at this °Mee until TliII1141)SY, August 80..
when It wilt be . returned to the' City Trfssuices
°Dice nir collection. ii. .1. 31t1URE.
ly2titlit Engineer .
. PITTSBURGIL, July fa, 1689. s
. OTICE.—The assessment for
• Grdor, Paving . and Curbtest MILT
41 0 sat DTKEZT, from St. Patrick's .631ey to
Btud street• is now ready for .samination, and
whens at this ae.' until TIT liti. l l.Y. August
.1.4. d, ti will ise returned to the City Treas
urers' office for collection.
Ira . ll ' . j-: 2 -- ------------1 --1
-I°CiRE. City Engineer,
Pittsburgh. July Sad, 1.889. S
OTICE.--The Asseisment for
Ethe partial Gracing of Bluff street. from
rto P hie stre. t. is now ready for exami
nation. and cantle seen at is °nice until 't UES -
I) &Y, Angst t 31. why' Itif 111 be -returned to
the . ity Treasurer,* MOBollection
. WA:OIW .H. " 1 ) ".
psoros Eon
JLLY 27, 1669.
SEALED PROPOSALS witi be .reecived st the
Harrisburg Gas Works until the libet DAYu eeed O
AUGUST. for the deirrely of Gag ',oat to be
during the next year up to September 1, 1810-
The coil must be of the Vtry bra quality for the •
manufacture of ,gas and delivered at the , works.
Alt communications should e addressed to be
undersignd, who will give all further informs- '
Gore eau the subject.
jf 9:m78 ,
_ 1
Ers.—aelited Proposes will be received at
the office of CITY Wof cll AVOREi, up to M
ania 6th,11169, for ONE t•TEAII CYLINDER
96 Inches died:later and 8 feet stroke, one pump
16 inches diameter al.d 8 feet stroke. Engine
' and pump ._b' erected and Mit in E
ng ine
in the engine bore atthe Lew er Basin.
Bedford avenue. -,
ALSO--glaq Will be received by the 'Water
Committee for improved class of Pure Ping en
gines, to equal the capacity of a steam cylinder.
Se Males in clissiteter, pump la inches In diam
eter, with a 'pressure of 10 pounds on steam
J°SZP-a /1/7SChI, Beimidetendent.
irAitmeS -_.
SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to thenuder
signed will be received loan Aretrer 6 at„
1669, for the • • ' •
eradlllllloll9 Masonry and Ballasting . ,
Of the .Tresterat Penn K. R..
Extending ftom Freeport. Armstrong comity, to
Butler. Butler county.' Pa., a distance Of TW EN
TY•ONE 31.11.,A.5. 'Profiles end specifications can.
be seen st Inginrees aim: 7 ret port, -
stxong con.ntr, :r s., on Ana site/July With Arm.
CONThOLTACh'S Orrich. t
CITY 01 ALLEGllirtrr, Ju1513
y , I. 889• s ,
Sealed nronosais will 1.- received at this ()dice.
until 3 o'clock P. DI., ouTilUtibLiAlf , a uly 31/.
113138. for • •
One 15 Ton \Neigh Scale, Complete,
The same to be delivered at the Seiond Ward
W_cigh HOUSP. The mitt le reserved to reject
Uri ur all bids. ;
. .
ckABLEiI. Daus'
ctry collmr.oLtr.R
LEG .Ala
1111111111 _
vember Tenn, 1867 . . ' `Anthony 't oung, now for
use of -John bangwisch vs.Jolnt Buhl. a. non-real-
dent of .gennsylvartle„ —Foreign iiittaaltment to
case. J. Ludwig lioethen, Esq., summoned as-''
garnishee and aflidavit "of claim flied for
$9410.70. Judgment, ‘iy . default of an
enrol as beenente;e 4 end' Cute grante for p the
Prothonotary to assess the:damages. d
hereby given'o the,defendent and all parties In
terested, that , the ProthonOtiry of Allegheny
county will asissiWptaintiff.i damages at the
Prothonotaesi' a office on thel9th DAY or JUNE,
1869, at 10 o'iloar i. k. .'8 '
P.UR , A
.- __L • V 1 NCe.
•-.L'lnTlt : r -----'"eys far
irN;TUE 'COURT OF'-001,111111ON
.',.. L .: ri,EAs,. or Allestiety Collate. No. An. gr
rtreritiobte• :tare...4-1,1813V rag Mg te lt l?le+r:
INO A.Zilr -• LOA & 'Atr4OCIALTION OF A.1.A.T.-
la a Mei CITY, l'A. - .! ?.. ,•• -! , - •' hereby alvtox that ma d e e /2te Co u r t
1889.; application Vila to said
tat it rent • Utelereee or worvorastort 10 sale User
oration; and that if \ no
me reason be shown
to the -contract, the Jame w ent
illberstranted at the
ne/it 1,f11E)!,,,,ht C ? ll lterni, gh A. S. BELL.
.T 19, 11109','##Y-F.,..t it. - • jr,..g.
-1N iragmterswir cOVIIIT OF I
Vag • UNlTETS•lstafflatt; lbt th e Western
strlet of Pecknieso4ll,..,2iiidk.;;4 se d er the t
Aje.VSols' ".1111:411,11.31"ii*hlvintt °P ; 1
p a e g /0/ a dirseFsige men a 9 ..._ geb c = r td o o r ttg e
chat= Vasa) • 110 r "41 A gg. ,Itl =teens who
•• I
Court, *One. is IterebT Pr _ 0 .. P.
"L",4.lloe",nLrore saMusi. tiurff.s..
usTsprovedittravii.inis.2.o,-,Drziteingt,76-t: ' . 1 ,
ICV.o.eloe ill , * - 1% truptcy at his aloe No.
Fg.. Ntltillet" ln I° Sah. Pa st . bolo'
93 • Dimond stttet. Mg. .. 0 s
ui 4 „
cause. It aux to
baseilrerigustssze sbe .
not hoittla u r V '? ' t .r t 8 C * WO 24 DLES.s,
Vest ot C ..11.Coatt fist sold I)lstrLet.
... ...
i_ t ..2.------ - " -- " — ' ------ ILETT
inalEilligAkEßAOF AD
. Iv lingillirßAllt - Mont:be estate otYRANE
-1 IN 4 1, .vilatAhm cm . iiiecti granted to . the
uswndersigr,Detesttl'l'lgailiggr:tet°l4V: '1'1:
Loa . 0010%aring claims against stdd te.seeewill
Vessels, e.ent th _ seine ihr settlement,. p topult
sutb°"""4. rt"___!uleatZek. 2: SAL T.
No 193 13suiltuitY war. suent,Taird. Allegheny
eltl. ..4At