The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 30, 1869, Image 1

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"London Times on the Chinese Question--
Harvard Boat Crew Practising—Ent"
..Clainnt on Meace— The .Carlist
cutburst., In Spain.--Erenett Govern-.
meat Reforms—Royal Marriage.
•• Llty, ef.etravb taeTittstgratt Gluttle.)
Tao nozv, July 2:fates, to-day
du tiiit ainititigation in
the United States. It thinks the conflict
of raC,98,113 Wci.s!:oT,pannot be solved
by Neayy r ilutiet on lintnigietlon or by
street outrages. It is impossible to sup
pose the Chinese 'Can be kept out .ofl
America. Inheriting an ancient civilt
,-zation and perfect . economic methods,
but destitute of the strength and tough
nests or moral fibre which support au
thority, the Chinese may be welcome as
assistants in colonization, not feared as
a taco likely to the future.
Ltranroor., July 29.—A dispatch
frotb.phester county. thirty-four miles
rout city. contains the following:
taan;bz.tne- unanown, committed
suicide here - tn. Jay by throwing him•
-self under the wheek.: Of it railroad train.
nuntberkor geouritiesoi various kinds
—plrt of the proceeds of 'Ocasn
National Bank robbery at New York
some timea'gwerefetend on Ins body."
In the House of Uotntnons to:nicht Mr.'
Otway, Under Secretary of Foreign
Aditirs, stated the present condition of
the relations between England and Idea.;
100 prevented Her Majesty's government
from officially alding..the holders of Mex
. foan bonds in .the. proaecution of, their
claims, but owing to the importance of
the subject it.would. be- glad to hear of
any satisfactory arratigements for a set
The Harvard crew was out on the
Themes twice to-day. In the morning
they rowed froturPutney to Hammer
smith and back, and - in the. afternoon
they rowed to Mortlake and. returned.
`They have now tiettled down to steady
P.suts, July 29.—The Patrse has reason
to believe the political reforms soon to
be Proposed to the Senate, will be more
libiral than the Emperor's message to
the Corps Legislatif indicated. The
_Patrie intimates , that the right of Parlia
mentary initiative and of preventing the
orders of the day will be granted to the
Corps Legislatif, while alterations, will
be made in the Senate, the sittings of
which will probably beeothe public.
,Rstus, July 29.—k - large number of
military furloughs have been granted or
extended, which, it is esiimated, will be
equivalent Co the Yeductlbri of.the army
by 18,000 men..
.The Ls Liberte reports that the Spanish
Minister here -has reeeiVixi mfdrmation
that the disturbanees In 'Spain have onl r
comereired, not fined, but -the Carlists
is Paris deem their cause lost.
3017 Carlist • agita
tors are desperate. Aplot to assassite
the VAPtidtl,l Tonere'
,of bas
been discovered "and frustrated. The
lOsellst ',Yorces in the- province of
Cindid 'Real -fled the Valley "of
with the:Government troops In
swift pursuit. Several of the" (lariats,
captured with arms in their hands, have
been-ctindenined to death by a Council
of War, but efforts will be made to have
shoji sentences commuted.
Sr. Porsisnono, ' July 29.—The
*past:lave petitioned the Czar for an ex
tension of their rights of religion and
STOCKHOLM, 29. he Prince
Royal of Denmark was married today
to the Princess Lousie of S gads°.
LonnoN, July 29.---Consols..for money
033‘; for a ccount_ ON ®93•3‘. Fiye-
Twenty Bons quiet at 83%; do. at
Frankfort, 87 1‘IgnEt. Stocks quiet: Erie,
16X; Illinois!, 93%. Paris BOUrfilii firm at
,_72f. 270. •
LivnaPoou, July 29.--Cafton market
.a shade firmer; middling uplands, •
32"J‘d.; do. Orleans 12Md.; sales of 10,000
balm. "tfkeadstirife quiet and steady.
California white wheat 103.7 d.; red west
,- ern 90. 2d. Western- Flottr 235.
, -6d. ten; mixed --3aa. for old, and
• :2911.- fr. new. -Oats Ss. 6d. Pork 100 s.
Beefo ks. Lard 70.9. Citsese 6214 Produce
uricha ged. • • •
LO24DON, July 29 -Petroleum' quiet.
SugarL_unchanged. Linseed oil quiet
anctliteadyi Trillo*.4ll.s. Petroleum to
. .. , Antergrp Wt. Banton. In the ';.Bank of
-England has increased .£92,600; in the
• Bank Of France 4t30 0004
Prohibition in sassachusetts.
camtentioa to the puts/J.l4ra ustel.te:l c
Romeo, July 2 9.--A.t It; meeting of the
Executive Committee of the' Massachu
setts State;Temperance alliance,.
refi the
cen vo
t te
the W. B. Spooner r
dgn the .presidency6f the •alliance.
was si tasittlatlalY rescinded. -
A resolution was adopted approving
• . or the ettl by the Prohibitory ftgimlttee
Tor a State Temperance 'Convention, and
Mr.lipooner, Rev. Dr. liderlen and Rev.
!Ir. Slinger were a Coopera-'
:lye 'Committee.
‘- • , -
, ~ . .
...Itev. Mr. Daiger, -of -' the Germ an
Meuse fiat Bpiscoisd Ch saakat BeahM
Bighlapdtt, who Wad present by Invite•. iOn. made an address, -to which he said
.he was opposed to the sale dt• lager beer,
beingiatlaffed that it, was intoxicating
•and Injurious to the German population.
Be• tbonght if a meeting were called of
.the.Gertnans.who fever. the:: present law
much good would result.! . • - .
Prof. Weber of Illinole, said the tem-
perance people were - watching the cause
lti . 11 fassachtisetia with great interest. 1
The Tetnperaned, Association of Illinois
had formed au independent organization
and would standthalr ground, ;mid that
all overthe west they were massing. end,'
,it would be a question of listlettal policy.
01 : 11 D.11 - IGHT
'Fire Insurance Company rallare--.Ra11.-
road _Certificate Vorgery--A Forger
Stirrenderatlimself-113aac Toueey ,03 -
[lty:Xeb zraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.;
' ' Naw Yorni; July 29, 1869.
The Baltic Fire Insurance Company
failed- yesterday. At- commencetj_ busi
ness in'lB64, and has never paid a divi
dend, the e - xpenditures having always
_the receipts. A deficiency in
capital was 'disclosed 'last' winter of
eighty thousand dollars, in consequence
of which the Company has retired from
.• . , .
_'l, I
The United States Assistant Treasurer
will 'corn thence next week. to report re.
' ""
- a t
celpts, payments an balances in gold
and cur-ency separately, •
LJay •Goul.i r James. Flak, Jr.. F. A.
ane, • Williatu=. "wad and Peter B.
Sweeney have purchased a controlling
interest in -the_stock of the First Na
tional Bank, which it Is reported well be
ecne the depository of the Erie Company
and New York city funds.
Mr. Bigelow enters upon his duties as
chief editor of the Times next week.
The three last Cuban prisoners were
releaf..ed froin Fort Lafayette today, on
pledge not to fight against Spain.
Hon. Isaac Toucey Is reported at the
- paint of death at New Haven.
Patrick Joyce surrendered himself to
the police to-day for forging the signa
ture of a man named . Jackson at Louie
vine, lust Not;einber,.to a check f r eight
hundred dollars; ' ' .
I The examination of the case of Cleore
A. Abbott shows that in addition to alb
forgeries of - Rock Island certificates he
had 'altered some Michigan "Central cer
tificates tolarger amounts, which he was
' arrested too soon to attempt to dispcfee
of, -.and . that .he - had ordered
the purchase.z.,of - some' Pacific Mail
for like purpose.
Abbott, es refused ball and committed
for trial. This is one of the greatest
evrindles ever attempted, the amount in.
valved being nearly; f 7,00,000. 4,
Thirteen ot the principal clothing hotisps
, • of theclty haverefUned to pay the incr,ta , o
of thirty-five percent. demanded by em
ploye& Vie latter, numbering 'Mean
hundred': have struck, by order of the
..Tailors.' Cition.
It is annariinsisd the new ilandsorn cabs
will be in readiness for use In large awn
-144s Iry the end of September.
J. Woodruff - Lewis is under Cnest 'at
Hartford, charged with forging a ebidiars
batararcanyicatejEk tb!‘ j•
Blot on Board a Steamboat—Eight Ken
• far Teregrinta tee rutatarib tie.] :
Varcatio, Jly 29.—A terrible riokis
reported to have occurred on board the
steamer. •Dubuque, at liaropto n ,"un the
Miashielppi river. abopt ten, ranee ae
Rook Island. A number of raftsinkii,
who took passage on the boat at Rock Ts
lanikinsisted on being allpwed to occUPV
the 'cabin and - on :being refused corn.
menced a row which became general,.
nok.orily with thiLdrew but thepassen=
s t .e rsi; 4:Bfghttlnen ate reported killed.
The Sheriff of Rock Island was tele•
graphed and he immediately starteiLlor
the scene of the riot with a large polite
Politics In Tenneasee.
4 By te!e irrikkaoabe,ginesorokeazene.;
v / NaaavlUi4 July; th—rthe limiter
Deznocrati today nee:Heated `aiteket to
represent this councy In the Legislature.
For Senator,Henry
,Cooper; for Repro.
senatlves,j,ll. R4es and J. D. Walker,
he e hitter an Indiana man. The Banter
publicans and &Wu" ReitallifealaU Ed'
zurre thkete hi she Rol&
I !nteresting- Letter— At rocity at the Exe
-1 cutlunur Creoles—Tile Infamous Vran
-1 cisco Peres=tl
AcYit), of Insurgents: l
1 By TelegraPb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
WAsnr.NoioN - , July S';) —An interesting
letter relative to the Cuban situation
has come to light. A . Spanish gentle
man went to Cuba several Months ago
to claim.inheritance that bad been led
him. He says that at Nuevitas he learn
ed the f t-,nine , Creolea were going to be
shot. They passed near lain with a firm
step, with head erect, and with a look of
brave determination they arrived at the
fatal spot. They seated themselves
upooa bench already preperedlor...tkuml,
and it'the set:lnd-of tbe' :- voee' Of the
officer who gave the word of lire, (rind,
"Hurrah for Cnba," "Hurrah for Cespe.
des." After they fell, the volunteers
struck bayonets into their bodies.
At Gilbara he saw a . group of armed '
Min itiarching toiiard a house
appearance, and wishing to see what was
about to be done he followed the soldiers,
who arrived before the door and halted
awhile, and three Of the party entered.
The latter cried out at this moment,
"Here is the insorrecto, here is .the
. "What du you wish?" said a
young Man.qf its Ifor whom goat earchi,
I am at your service, but do not:frighten 1
monymy father and mother." Without cere- 1
the volunters seiz)ci . the speak(r
and beat him along the road with the
butts of their muskets until they got close
to the cemetery, and then ran him
through with at least twenty bayonets.
Prom Santiago do Cabe comes news of
,a thousand atrocities committed by the
infamous. Francisco Peres, to whom the
Governor in that part of the island had
entrusted. .the - direction of
.7mtittets in !
Guanatanatno and Baricoa. • Thitr bad ,
man, wanting in every sentiment of hu- 1
Inanity and of every- moral, .principle,
had been robbing and assassinating ,
every Cuban who was believed to be lib-
eral. Wholo families In the vicinity of,
Guantanamo had been murdered by
this bandit. .Young and old persona had
been butchered by beingife and his
companions. Not n
satisfied with
the villainies committed here, he passed
on to Baracoa, where, aided by a few
other assasains they went from house
to house, and hundreds of persons were
in this way murdered, and with Miami
tient and innwledge of the antinnities.
HAVANA, July he ins.irgents aro
quite active iu the central department.
They lately: destroyed a great deal of
property ancint Trinidad. A few days
since a large band of insurgents attacked
Puerto Principe, but afar a short en
gagement they were beaten off with con
siderable loss. Conscription will soon
be put in Cuba.
~,,,, Z igw.YQ/ILIOIT Y.
- -
Return of 'the Preeihient froth Long
Branch—Cabinet Session-4r Dis"
patches from JapanPubli Land
Surveys—The Mississippi Situation.
CaYTelesnmh tel the Pittsburgh easetierl.
Wasursrerrozr, July 29,1868.
Rear Admiral Reign etliiknending
,the Atlantic squadranuirta dispatch. da.r.
ted YokohoMa, Jtine : 23tif, Says tbe - jaP•
aaese Parliament' is yet in session,. but
.not open to foreigners.. -It is reported
that many ittipOrtanttneasnresare under
consideration, mostly relating to fereign
era, foreign interconise and titianee.. It
is probable the rebel threes ars Co the
Island of Yeddo have been captured or
dispersed. Many of the Princes have
surrendered their long cherished -feudal
.rights. for the general good. Already
have the Japanese far ontstrippeds the
Chinese in progress towards eh/lotion
civilization. The Goverumentlas troops
uniformed and armed with the latest
improved breech-loading gun; the naval
vessels are well armed; a hospital s being
bulk at Hiago, is in charge of an i Amer'.
can surgeon, and Is open to foreigners;
lighthouses . are built and lighted,
and a lightship is being equip
ped to be stationed off that point.
The coal mines are auccensfully
worked anti supply one squadros with
coal, while the Chinese rotas° to allow
foreigners to mine coal. The Duke of
Edinburg is expected in the beginning
of August The English Vice /Admiral
says he will be received as Captain of the
Galata. There are now in this port an
iron clad frigate, a linsetbattle ship,
three gun boats and two transports of the
English squadron, one frigate and two'
gun boats of the French, one. Prussian
and one Dutch corvette, the Itionocacy
and the Piscataqua. The health of the
squadron is excellent.
Commander E. P. Williams, command.
ing the United States steamer Oneida,
reports to the Navy Department that on
the morning of the 20th of June the
kado's fleet moved in and attacked the
ships and fortifications of the northern
party under Enomatto, and after an en
gagement of twenty six hours took pos
session of the towns and destroyed the
vessels,Eagle and Emperor, belonging to
the northern party, after having one of
their own vessels blown up by a shell,
which entered the powder magazine. The
forces of Enomatto have possession of
theltamida fort end Fort , .13tInter'and a
line of earthworks extending across the
peninsula. Enomatto has about three
that:foetid men, and the Mikado eight
thousand. The earthworks' and forts
were invested and batteries are being
thrown up preparatory to a regular siege
of all the - Works - held by Enornatto's
The Land Office to-day issued instruc
tions to all the Surveyor Generals of the
United Stites. calling on them for infor
mation concerning surveying .depart
nientm, to the effect, viz: first, the num
ber of acres of agricultural land and: the
comparative areas of agricultural and
Mineral lands; second, the number of
acres of grazing land; third, the same
•covered by private claims; fourth,
the same of reclaimable swamp
landb ; fifth, the same of sterile
lard that may be reclaimed by
irrigation or by other means; sixth, the
number of acres broken mountain
ranges: seventh, the nuwber of acres of
timber land; eighth, what is the number
of cities and towns; and ninth, what. Is
the aggregate length of railroads corn-
Dieted, in progress bf construction and
projected. The fsiegoing Information is
designed to bo embodied in the forth.
cowing report, of the Commissioner.
mu) Alsr iNrgrivrew.
The Radical ilii;sissippi delegation is
reported to have had an interview re
cently with' the President on the Miasis-
Wept question, .and to have tole him
that Judge Dent and his brother-in-law
was.a tool of the old rebels, and , had re.
calved sums of money in time past to in
fluence 'votes in Congress. The President
listened attentively. and agreed the
Could prove their assertions to do MR
pa:l. towards giving the Administration's
E ppo ft 10 the ether candidate. The del
egation an 6 now supplied with proof
which they will lay beforo him.
The Cabinet was in session t r an s thred
of roar hours, engaged In the transactiori
of bushiest! which had acciantilated dar
ing the President's absence.' Many Mr
sons supposed that the subject of the ap
plicationi- of the iron elad,Oath to. the
members of the Virginia_Neglslature
Wolf d come before the Cabinet. but it is
ascertained troth an officlit Source that
the 4 11letitiOn Was 'riot evetimenticrned:'
The Prasident.-several weeks ago, in
re s t ponecjo an inquiry, said itmould be
Stdyteitted]to the Attorney General. •
aoixe ON A TOM
kThe House Cottnnittee on Naval Affair%
Imitation of. She inland excursions of
tr Ways and Means and other Commit
tees, ambles° going MP a jdokeling tour:
They w‘lembark on the titbit:lee culler
Bifehigtmand make a loltfref the Take;,
for the marpose of - itiatultolng what ad.
ditionalitighlatfon, if auyi'llt necessary
(*the na*renforcament ' revenue
latrion , the frontier end for.the Slipprea.
slim snuggling , The CentillikPreclfi4
Opgons,ponzie days.
Commlisioner Delano decides , ch*
when parisigic 'punt:base old rails, ro•rolf
them. and,then._ sell them to Railroad
il ' am PAPielktil_ey ere tftntents and ,
Mirixgos malit iraohirerii of new rails ;sad'
as such liable to the. special tax titwo
dollars upon all such slides In ere ,Of
4420 POr : 9uart(* . ll oo , llonOtt four of
the act ofaaarch ate; nijpg,
tigrtaXast k .
• President Grant returner/ to-Washing
ton- this nidrillrieeeedirosidellhTs
an d . s oo .:
rotary Fish- A sPeclat Cabinet -niewitig
I vePdansion, all the
was held idthe Brent
members being present erciniC Pastiness
ter General crewmen. - The. President
will return, to Long BranctrtehruorrOw.
The COmmlisioner oftletermal Revenue'
Y,. JULY 39, 1869-
to-day awarded to the Townsend When
/adoring Company, of Buffalo. the con
tract for supplyinz its patent loek for
distilletive. The lock•hes a register,. ui
additieu to the seal.
'ate Preeldent to-day appointed Arti4P
I bald Sterling United State. 3 Attorney for*
Maryland. and August Ludlow Case
Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance. Nacyvi
neptutmentr, vice Rear Admiral Datil , I
ggen• resigued.
The Thsdian Bateau has ordered an fu
ming:gloss into the recently reported, L
#ate.outres by Apache .Inclicese in New
14x .! • 7
IL_ were eeitercoi.
The Pinalth3ut and family and stilt&
TWA Baraniga Tuesday. to accept
h eapitisfilltes to be tendered Wee. there.
'., • - strut- -el 11 02a.E.
Postmaster Ger.eral Crewman. is still
Ittliis /Ade near Md.,. suffering
4 ' 01 4 epbsokeq,trcp,
,•• . • cruwasiots stemma.
••Theetnitonis inceipts last week were'•
1.1,4614596.. , .
--In sore eecestia of Georgia no rant
has fallen for filer weeks, while :in others
there hue been too much. • - •
—Mc. A. R. Buren, who wee re
ported, att Injured at the Briggs House.
Chicago, diet( &litte after tea o'clock on
Wednesday night.
—The-ofilcers who went tette scene of
the anti-Rent outrages In New "york;
serve tnarrants, simply toilet the parties.
thatthey wore 'mutat lu Court ou
—Prof. Or:twat:4 or New York. Prot..
Abbe, of , Cincinnati Ooseswatoty, attar
others, hactsletS for Sin: City. to make
obrervatimne of the eclipse on the seventh►
of Au r gast:
4 -. John idin was hung its Hansllto3
Ohio, yesterday, for the murder of.l3lcas
Priakell. Be protested his lotroceneo
to the lasn and charged Joe Kelly wieb
tkoraurder for which. he. himself PAU
—Fredrick Eli, Wednelakty afternoon,
an Maysville, Ky.,- was. fighting .Tiros.
Hughes: lie gin hire down and drew a
knife to stab him, wen Thomas drew a
pistol, and killed .741. Both. are
•seld to be constables.
—A youog margied man namod E.
Sterritt, committed suicide, at St. .Louis,
b y banging. -Doialeatie trouble • and de
pression of mind,_ produced by losing
V 3,000 by the fallure of Jno. T. Darby ..t•
Co, bankers, led to the act.
—There *as a heavy thunder clonal at
Rochester Wednesday afternoon. Con
siderable damage was done to the
groin. Peter 'tatters, of Wayne county,
I New York, was instantly killesiby light/.
n ing•whlleriting , nn a as hay. •
:--It is under.stoOd that the Dlrectors,o.
the 'Leah: title and Nashville Railroad
propose to pa* $4,000 for medical services
rendered Judge J. S. Black; ei Penns7l,
van!, whose arm was broken sometime
since on one of the South bound trains.
—Mr. !Saunders, of Davenpot, lowa.
Chairman of the Committee recently ap
pointed by Mr. Willey, of St. Louie, to
-carry out. the instructions of the New
Orleans Convention, has announced that
Keokuk, lows, , 'has been determined
upon es,the plae thr the f the
next Counnerocial Conventioa, but the
time has not yet been designated.
—The Philological Convention,
at Ponghkeep.sle. New York, ad.
journed eine die yesl,erdity, and the inem•
bera immediately thereafter orgamzed
the American Philological Association,
with the following permanent officers:
President, D. Taylor, of Phillips Acad
emy; bleoretary. professor Slide; Treas
urer. Hon. J. H. Trumbull. Itiorenpon
the association resumed the businesa that
was before.the Convention.
Additional Markets by Teiegraph., July 29.—Ths receipts to
day were 4,000 barrels flour, 46,000 bush
els • wheat,. 56,000 bushels corn. 8,000
bushels rye, and 12,000 bushels oath.
The shipments wore 2.000 bushels
wheat, and 20,000 bushels oats. .Freights
are held at 125400 n wheat. 10Me on corn,
and 73.40 on oats to New York. Flour is
very firtn, at 66,5067 for city ground!
solos of 150 barrels western bakers at
$ 7 , 6 2. 1 467,75. Wheat is dull, drooping
and uneettled, with sales of 45,000 bush.
eta No. 2 Chicago spring - at $1,403401,42;
20,000 bushels No. 2 Milwattkee Club et
V 1,44,01,44, 7,000 taishels No. 1 do. at
8447; 2,000 bushels white Michigan at
51,70,3 be Market closing at the inilde
figfirra. Cora} 14 tied Pail ,unchanged,
with only retail lota reportefirsater or
2,5e0 baehele warm at 95e. Oats firm brit
dull iet 760 for western. Barley is umn
inal. It go frettinal at $1,20. Pork firm
at $Bl., Lars Mille4dy at 19 e. High
wines; there *M onl y fi. rets'l Inesinft
doing. al 81,07. • •• • ' '
••• New tintat'An s, J aii,ift;...Cptitet,34; * ' ;,
for middlings, with saleV,26l tales, cud
reeelpts2B bales. Gold 150-:. Ater/ba,gso.:
Noir York.Blght g per. ~cent. prernititu.
Flour fi rmer,. with:l super fi ne at AV!,
doubliextra 16,59, and treble egtrit ;75.
anti 11,26; Oats • 74@75c., 'Bran 145.
Hay - market . bop,' ;loth' prime at pa
l'orki holders are inking - VW. : Batted
15Ue, forshieuldere, and 1 9tf®19/c; for
sides. lard unchanged.- Saga; ad.,
Yonne. , with common at 11 . 34 e., and ,1
prime 16' 17e. Mot:team . Prime ler. i
month* Whisky 61,17.4 fur weet.l
ern nett ed.' Coffee dull, with, fair at I
/ • 1 / 3 ge , anil l itelgie 163 , f(4)17c. f,
VarEdai . 1441 ,E re. -- 420Wr Steady .and
unchanged. ,
~- • Wheat dull and lowert•
sales 4000 bonikNo. 2 Milwaukee Club
,61,45; sales: laaf *lit , 20 ,000' buah Se. 2
; 4 9 - Illifil WWI' OX'flots No. 1: '123 , 1L54.
Cortrqu et and tildbanged; verve of, u,
I bifilifin dried at' (MAW - Caner' freights
.to - Noel York, -MOM 8310; 'nfitru Tue.
fatilm poits a- wheet-1 1 1;100, corn. 16;100
btiebainur :1,0' , ..0 balk, ( flinal 'atildnet
whilln 4800.. omit' 4 600 :iitihh.' .
, .
.•fes4tenoaniyll3l..ast`t thew open board •
this ariernonn N 0..% Wheat dftd dull
at in,82: 1 - No. 2 Core 8k e
- seller August.
in go mithuing. nothing- •warr, done. and
prices areWominally the' !lame as is the
llama:100m: •, • • ' : ,
• • .' XmiliritAlV July 29.—.Ccittbredull;10w
trilddlifit 110,9ka .stood , 0 ordinfd7 • 29e
W heat—red .10®1.15: ember' $1 .
• 1.25; whitelL23ol,,lo. F ientriP4l77•; 6o Cor
Chicago brands,.
. .
BAN Fmtrivlsso.'.Toly, 2 2,!7.rottic mart:.
.ket quiet and usefitimed; eat, es
choice shipping attc7234. .I.lefrili 0,,,
ders,74. - - •
-----.7---, ---7
Philological Conventions.
... 2k TETe4, rapt to the Phtabergh G.isetl-,T
POU3eIL lEE PSIE, J.tilY 29.—T hl • fare
; „ eau th e . 2, • merican PhilolOgiCal ANSOCI
i. atstn , „,„„,,,,,k 'conveyed to Vassar College in
carriage?, w. 'lore they inspected the vs
! none - dopes's, morns of time institutem,
Thkr , afternoot 1 titiv* visited Eastmazofs
Park, in al , ho iv,'"wh ere the members'
were entertatneti Whiz an open concert
. ,
and collation.
To..fliki i s ril3p ) , A fr. Tra mbult, of Bart- i
ford, Connecrlcut, ant? .1 tsv. Mr. huff-,
burt, of Carrade, m tid papers ore the In.
Alan tangoes": The mmtibers are expe- •
tilting the beehres of OA Aseoeletzlon,
ltopinztoreatell4 fin al adjournment to.
morrows- - •
reorre3onadencetrth e eittsourgh 9szette.l
MerNE, July 29, 1869.
We have already stated some facts, val
uable in our opinion, elicited by the recent
anniversaries of oor schools of leaning.
There is one more, which is of especial
interest to. Pittsburgh. Persons coming
I; to our city ogenspeek with eurprise and
' astornalursent of the lb* knowledge there
is of the Western llbioersity. Where a
college is acrp2ace or interest in yborough
or locality, it: w 41., of co . 4rse, besenerally
j blown. : - : m a large al*. growing cityr
I bewever,
Istlear Orleans Revennerlerionst
CZy T"vraptir to the FletttbiligbGizette* d whare, there are-costly ehtuche9.
x zw _ ona,atze, jao 29 _ ~....,T he itoijamo.. gm numerous. ? and stately edifices for
manufactory of Goareardi ilkEllobeettlev. manufactures and various- kinds oft bust"
Wag aelMd .YeatertiaY Ili Ceneetur Meek. Peaklike ccilltz4 rosy be. ershade d.
tittle for viola:loner thereveade: Wirt , - . Y °V "
leadield returned to It ' ll, ' be un ! l}€4, 4 -16 ' ''' 'l4 _ ‘/Ijaag. off` the.
Washinitota law ebagnA, hiving' coca. people,"even well edneate*men; men dn
*stet' bie-levesnitatkinwthers. ' ' retested in somoiiiiiitutlea, of an in:erio.:-
----- - 4 -mot-o-.0....---...
&meter in ammo.. email place may be i& ,
An Hooest - Nesr-IPork , View or me
vel„foymaide ipit,truni, normal of - the location weber:toter of a
The Nam York..6(e Ma, an able- Dem. college in . their own city. ")the Mill"
a might.
seratle - - 1r ' -.I
—' , -,. in some- places," den:gnate some
aPer• in volong article on "Meet. i n but it would ,be vent. indefinite.
°critic ‘Plinciplese anal' Pracaea," as,: in Pittsburgh. ' .. ,, lio.cailed,gre a t 'maim_
the following remarks epplicable to. the tion in some Noce might' be unnoticedi
and enknown , in yittaburgte and we gre
that mettle eanvention latslee
not an exception in thi s respect..
at liarring : , . ,
if Celt:lnstils College, a Very, wealthy in
' "We held that the) estaiseracy, to' sue , ! stitution in New York city,'ltaa. just held
;ceed„Must discaritord fasces, arid bring its one hundredand sixteenth connence--
itself fairly up to the tines. It hingeless-to , meta, being one of the oldest seats of
auarrel over questions ' that the for:l.4'l leaning in the 'United States,. It has its
Fcircumstances hae-settlet, we cantictue- ' school of lettere and *snienoe, school of
enslave the negro :f we mold ; our Betio, i mines, pekoe! of law andsschoos of medi
-1 era bretiern placed a wlltiplii the heat; cum, It • aturibeas a ling=ual of highly
of our enemies to. drive uanaked thraugh. dish` aamea amongitenumerous,
, the world ; the rebel States of their own. alumni,eB John Jay, Croyeireeur Morris.
; motion 'went out of the Union, and •Iley , B. 8,. Livings:er, Alexander .Elamilton,
had to be brow:Whack by "military des- Witt Clinton, Bishop Ondedon, and
1 potism,." or they never werild have opine' Charles - A.nthoa. Yet, "oldaieit ke; and
back at all. It was to themilltarYtan-.. long and hens
as iethe Bat of slam
ales orßherman,„the vielences of ututi-
.ni„." it is stated to„.be a reiriarkable fact
din, the imposiSions of Ilaneeck,., and that "few people la New Yinalsare aware
the pereistencies. of ' Grant, that we'owe of anything inregard tothe 'college, ex
the reohnition 011ie Union on anyterine cep perfume: Ita' dontinuee" existence,"
"Want - is there in tke Penusybania aad th is ignorance and 'lndifference are
platform? The first three- clauses are ,itete'the teat that CelurabinColhige ex
devoted to the negroons if everybody did bastes only , one ()ICU iestitutioas of a
not kztow that we do not approve cfnegra great commosei a l city a city without ho
'euffrage, but , : that at the same tine we saagenityaad a n d
a 1
cannot help o - arselves, and have to, thank. pride or if we - may use the- term. local
the obstinacy of the former slavettoldene • &sprit de coma. The netirseepers of the
' evo-a after deiteat in arms; for the enforce... • city have been in the hablt. of giving it
aunt ot 'so unwise a principle. • Then. we . - merely: the briefesti'mention, and then
; have a word in favor of reforM 4 and, on- only whenreporting the fact of, i recta
; osier In support of a republican measure,, ?erica of ka,"aunual festivities."'
' is to assist laboring men.. Next, there a : So that.the University innot a solitary
1 denunciation of the last Congeess, which case. In, some respects it bag been more ,
'ls well enough, and certainly fully .11134, faveredthat ColtunhiaCknlego., Forsome,
' fledin the ePinton of tale 'el:lnturY• yeara.pasitit basked fraitnent and favor
: Too, polies a clause forthe-kolßere; Wall Rage
a s in_,t4e prnadamit,
-papers of
not a word 'for the - War- in 'Which" alit'. our city and i commencemests new at
, t . ,
i l fought. After that we -fieali,pttragraP tmct trui houses of our best and moat in- ,
r about foreign nutters, Wlikh means anY- tellipant peepla
thing or nothing; and the ' Whole winds . Tk ere etre t wo more f eats , ooricerratur
up eve with a eeraticiation of the 'Resent the schools la.NeW relighted, which are
rsystem. - deservieg of mention The very, large and
" This is ea - Not , sentence tin the handsome building Ear the Ugh Schad in.
subjectof the Alabama claims or the Cu- .e..--
eurtland, . erected lust before the war,
ban question, or of the tariff that wrongs would now cost at'leaat $125,090.. The
the Poor man to , help the rich: No con. seliciol is' la eters' respect woribir the
den:wallop of the rebellion against which building, and is NI; hello? to the 'city. In
tbe soldiers fought, even, though the sot-' It Earthe - stieena-o all elassea take a deep.
diers are praised-the omission being an'vie t. 'At the re
examination and
insult, if, any reference to the subject - ex hibk th e c i t i se at , ceie of th e fi nest
were proper: No fitting 'expression in edifices ofth kind in our Country, caps
favor of economy in public expertditures; re
of -holding three thousand ,persons,
nothing, in fact, first or last, hut the old was filled day and evenng With ladies
negro question and general abuse, of Re: and gel:Wen:ten the most intelligent and
publicans:- . The self-eame grumbling wealthy in the i 'cit , ,to' listen lathe Perfcr
without proposing an improvement; the man-es: irbe
s hyahiln , „to. i nterest, so
' same 'refusal to' understand the altered_ manif e sted, .to h - halmolS dannot
position of thewhole country, which has- b e - estimated. I yte, - shOtlld not ex
led to defeat so frequently. -The nomi. student ee a want ofinterest in Study fin e ry
-nation of a man with -nothing tort clont-.. students there, and there is B ane.
mend him but the faculty of heaping tIP one
of• the - many' who- were examined
wealth, with no record worth mentioning, from this school to enter the different coi
ned nothing about him in arouse enthu- leg,es, was actin
without conditions
sitism but his money. Not the first sign Both sexes axe anthitious, and are din
of true loyalty, nor the least evidence of tinguished time high order of scholar
devotion to the beet interests of the whole ship, The,on the part of parents
country. ' Under such eircu %stances xce and citizens, thus given to the schools is
do not cvect nor Irish that the Democrats
should carry Penasytiernia. worth more to the youth than thousands
of gold and silver-it cannot he o ne "We donut wish, this simply because.ln Boston recently nearly one thou
it would be a triumph cf the Vallandig- sand of the highest scholars-;in rank,
hams and Pendletons, and the old school
that never learns and never forgetf; the from the different schools in the city, re
ceived each a beautiful bouquet from the
former stave'power toadies, who imag- hand of the zilayor in Music Hall.
ine that slavery was a thng of beauty speeches, were made ,by distinguished
and a joy forever, instead-of being at best gentlemen and music was given: How
'hut a cruel necessity of the Constitution, beautiful, that these-tiowera shenld re.
A. triumph on such principles and, with.wi ve Rowers! •., • , , • S.
such candidates' would only revive the
dead men ot the "North - and 'the Seuth,
-"outrescent kodiee whiCh have been'
smoilieied under 'the loyalty °Oho nation;
the malignant reheis,, whether they regis
ter themselvee as enemies of the nation in
°Wilma% Harrisburg, lir New Orliam
A victory noir weald bring the extrem-'
;eta back to life and power, and with them
&Mid l er *feet In 187 U. Theltapublicans
[-are,. begging. ..e'9/4riglexidtftfitlePiii°nwitharagenogrill
r l vided-their
anxious to re
turn netheir first love; but they will no .
m a tti l rold Democrats ire` t
leave their loyalty'eir aelfrespect behind
Accept a utile 'vaults of the war, exhibit
an toadeeetanding of the altered ptisenf
'thing for..l,,narmony; and the Democracy
eometputi lc matterscoacede , even'settle
lir aeattleto , " carry, the "next national eLet.! .. , l
imam as m a il ou t sun . surd Ohm in sum;
' vio le t l an,,v fall inwhiter. Colittnate ,
l in a er lth a e'eld rat,' ite,,Aw.rfierigillaaelfleaEtLafrel!defrzttrell
and rtiorticiVerw " -of the "people, 'and'
itiereinl- - - '''-' --, l i r n e t ur ea-1
pili We 01
' 64
ter_ y
to pi
,esints .:carrylng iwis persons. ly.
simple , contrivances tbe -mho). front car!
Maims, •wingsand Amber, can bet
*heeld the back:part then forma ai
pretty casior one bores or pony ;The
4313inge 4*; ellbcte4.,therely , by loosening
ndnutee-four screws, 'lnd cut be Managed in a few
a, Chiliad B
s. keentrin knoWe
0 . t 111:4 41 lioa who set 9
ngltans!L,ooo tazihedocfomirrenlitsden,
illtateff her °w
• i t
her oft Pim; "7-Lr
Geasyra Reptibllsgut Claims.
Because helits been! s'filitlifol, efficient
and honest Chief' Idegightrate.• • •
- Because he is the nominee and' repre
sentatite of a plank that stood by the
'country:la the hour of danser,lhd that
stands by the ''principlea of justice and
freedom, upon which, our Goventment is
hased.' - ' "' ' -' - --"
BeeaPie,, bebasbeen tri ed abd not found
wanting,-*eithet lb his - devotion to the
principles-of titieleptiblicanism, nor in
bla integrity in tdbering tnthe strict line
pf titinel I
ple n all his offietialitcla.'
~- Bectuselie is a Win whiisepri rate char
aster is thbleinialied;and .whose habits.
are BUCIC4 tO :.*roar; alit', approval of all
good eitlienk• , • ,- • . .
*cause 'Peiniorivtinia owes it to her
honor,;and fair ' . ntime not to permit:
braveend stplantioldier, who drew his
sword forker,- satU3r - I,iii - the'' hour of her
deadly, ' perit,7 !arid who his r served. her
,folthildly in of"tttke eace, to. be defeated
- 'VW sympathised' 'with her ene
'Woe Viet% tile dark eland of battle low
41reds Ahd,* l l(efee'emiflict for national_
iexistence surted*dmid he: --
~, Becaosil it juit *Ord for the, memory
4 tliek.tnictYr dila,' wbsireinn the he
relc'striaggle for for-
AddS`thelatate to pl' o g - in high official po
eriettifte ,s,t4iiatiiireti with their
. '. ''- wffo ' -'' - •
1 ,:,5 iSecatteithitritniph of the Democratic
1, ,
....,., „ ;•it i dstes lu thitMtate•wbuld Le the trt
cluipt,,, '
of ;,the pr4,e......H4r01e5-lit Free Trade,
.policy of Pro
f *lf. 01§422: P tizt'rkthi''ltiilnatry--a policy
becgti re to.;,;i •,fittirdt'cOni.ofthli Old Key
tit whioh' et,' , d ay been ilefoted. .
stone bare ' iltiinitinint ' - re-election of
Emus(' the ~., - - ottld rejoice the
Governor:Gear" i - N' It - the nation evert , -
orki4 trae ,,,,lfettli 1 .1.. 4 1 " wviald brilksio
where, wail )ithad 1 -. , -, nam t 1 0 ...
into the cssiktiltm --; t'""
si &
t 1*