.. fi E t tgj " i••ro Itt 5D s - Tile Pluez Canal—What Is lit The ;progress of the great work of - the uez 1 Canal under the charge of M. de esseps, naturally attracts a large share public attention; and an intere sting irvey of the enterprise, by E. Hepple all, has just beenpnblisbed • the,illus ated supplement of • : Journal, •/euranil 5., which we take the most ,prominent cts: The Canal itself is a vast! ditch, one ,indred miles in length, three hundred et, wide at the top, from one hundred to aebundred and fifty feet wide at the ittom,viith an average depth of twenty ur feet, connecting,four natural flakes, hich are situated at distances from ten fifteen miles from escitother, and die, lamina at either end into a great 'lila - ld a. Stupendous \ difficulties attended the ninstruction of the work, and threatened make it, when finished, of no perms,- I tett utility. I , Prominent among these ere the sand storms of the desert, which ould fill up the ditch, and deposits of the ile, which would obstruct the entrance ith bars. To \ avoid damage from the .nd storms, grt barriers of sand fifty et high have b6ettraised - on either side. : the canal. To provide against the lidtuil: accumulation: of bars, two enor ousetties- o breakwaters j ; have been 1 . . . trried out into the Mediterranean, one _7O thousand y rds andibe other two °wand sevenhundred yards•in length. he mechanical appliances, excavaors, edging, %maims, &e., &c., required for ese operations, were erected on the ost 'Colossal scale and at a vast expendi re of money. i - • No locks are required along the line om one end to the other, the wide area the Bitter lakes, which are- estimated contain.nine hundred million tons of ater. sufficing - to break the current and gulate the now of water from sea to sea. Port Said on the Mediterranean, and iez on, the Red Sea, are the termini o f e canal. Although the Tinal opening of e work for ships of the largest class wa it. take place for more than twelve onthe from the present time, the formal ,emony for the wedding . of the oceans it be celebrated with Oriental pomp on .':,l3th of October of the current ,year. :, 1 , .... tents, gay with the flags of all ta hi* will be pitched under the shadow the Pyramids, and all the crowned ads of Europe have been,invited to ace the august occasion wi their prea- After ail, grand as the work Is, and pithy of the nineteenth century { the nal is yet an experiment, audit remains be seen whether or not it will fully , stify the prophesies of ,its originators in yolutionizing the commerce of the rld. It has been the result of French 'nine and enterprise. and if it prove a )nmercial success the pecuniary returns 11 , be chiefly from British pockets. A “Muncnausen ,, Gun. fine Des Moines ( Iowa) Begister, says: X.gentkman from Adair county passed rough that town a few days since on his ty to Washington, to obtain a patent A on . )nnon that a 'imam laboring on 3 farm, had invented, which he says will ,r 1 a ball .of death and destruction the 3tance.of fourteen, miles.. We cannot nctly explain the Principle, for he didn't :actly tell ns; but as near as we can . then it, the wonderful btdl of this won ' I rful gun is to be of seven parts, with me - six fuses. The power of the nit= sends the ball humming '4) miles from the muzzle, lighting ae No. 1, which burns to the powder in e.bull in the time the ball travels two • :les, when an explosion takes place • :Itch sends the bell two miles further, ien fuse No. 3 does its duty and propels hallow miler-further, and. so .:an- to • end of the fuses and the fourteen .lea. Tne inventoi, wbo, as we have fore said, ,is a common laborer 'on the •to,'Unvetsed in war, clainis that his in- ration has no humbug about it,,that it 11 Jo what he says it willoind perhaps tter. Tne gentleman who has - gone to 'are the,patent torhim Is authorized to `1 the-right to the ,Govertunent for one ,lion dollars." This beats the gun which was once in nted to shoot round a corner. 'Horace Greeley°, in one of his recent ?aye on . Protecticin to American Indus givPs an. account. of the-early legis ion on this subject, and says of the fff bill reported by Kr. 'Lowndes, of uth Carolina: .."One of its most salient '..)viSions was thit which 'established a Jairnuns of twenty-five cents per square !rd• for cotton labrics—_tbat is ta'say, duties on cotton arid on it - POI - len tab s being alike. fixed at. twenty-five per ht.. it was provided that all - cotton lab s invoiced as costing less than:twenty e cents per • square •yard should =ue ereed to have cost That sum, and sub -..teci to duty accordingly. The effect, course, was to make the amount actu y assessed on theap, • coarse • cotton ods equal to an ad va/orum impost of ;y to one hupdped per ,cenl.."': The me principle has since been extended ;'tile d.ntles payable, on:. other . articles, d the present liw imposes on woollen • siery costing $l,BO, gold, a dozen, no a than 132 per cent., and on silk hosiery sting $24 a dozen, only 80 per cent. ad Passe copies of,old letters or mann cipt can be taken it is said, by . pressin a pages on the diunilettedlnilier the ual way, and then applying the vapor -Alttionglr'stO pear to-, folrovr,the::first operatibli,:nie a assured that atter the second the Jet-, it will appear distilling; On the damp • ed, blotting ! pap= ?mother ingthod twists in' dampening 'the 'manuscript th a solution of sugar, honey, or mu egenous matter, and then applying the inpened paper as heretofore.' In this Se the sugar is applied to the paper in -61 of boi.pg:zh44 OrStiOgslY thit k as is donelnone form or other with nary,- MPYin6ioB. COMPRESSED FLOUR. —The Emperor 4) 01 e 0 4.1, 1 1 11t islattedttinving ribserv the iireat space occupied by flour in ks,„ dirtcted that, experiment! should 'made to tesethe practicability of pack k the rations, of *be ,French soldiers in, sale 3 (Milt, so ataciilie ` rendered' Wore !y of transportatiOP. These •exPerie ;nts proyed successful,. and thc-flour is w subjected to powerful hydraulic: smite . , and after having been packed in • tin'easeti - served out to the differ. regiments. The 'flour is' also protee- - 1 from the (limpness of the atmosphere thus is-lese become,mouldy, - - ‘-'7; ^42 :1"; , :"..r'..„. DIMING a recent trip tol3leiliges, Capt. Wm. M. • Clement, of.Gloncester, Mass., caught a skate fish, with the initials L M. K., 1854, cut on his back, showing very plainly that this was not the first time his skateship had been drawn ont of his native element. He was evidently an old settler. , • Tan old "Temple Farm," near York town, Va. upon which Lord Co rn wallis surrendered his forces and sinned the aril- I des of capitulation, has just been sold by public auction. It contains from. four; to five hundred acres, and is said to be e7e of the best cultivated farms inthat porti n of the State. It brought $BOOO. AT NEWPORT the fashionable pro gramme at the hotels is to rise at nine, or thereabouts, as the previdus night's' oc cupation will allow. After breakfasting, a drive is taken to the bea44 a bath is indulged in, and the ladies go down to shop. After an elaborate toilet they dine, then dress tOr a drive on the avenue or wherever fashion may- dictate, and at night they'are at hope, parties and various ways to pass away the evening, even to the wee small hour& The ~intervals are filled up, with dressing and Undressing, flirtations, conic's, promenades; etc. Minimums. Tan water of a cistern neat Nashville ;miring acquired a singular• flavor, some of it was analyzed by two Young physi clans 'who gave it as flies opinion that a stream of pute chalybeite water had burst through the' wills of the cistern, and changed the taste of its contents. All the satisfiedn that neighborhood were well as to the decision, and continued using it. Recently the cistern was cleaned out, and the chalybeate was found to come from dead, cats. The people have not now as much' confidence as they had in:the "science" of the young students. COMMON STEF.I. may, it is claimed, be endowed with the properties of the finest cast metal, and 'when burned be brought back to its original condition, by the use of a tempering liquid invented by a French locksmith. His bath is prepared by adding two pounds of hydrocholic acid, three hundred grains of nitric acid (specific gravity 1,334), three hundred and twenty-five graitis of sulphate of zinc and about three ounces of tripolito about four gallo - ns of water. A piece of cast iron weighing about three ounces is to be placed in this liquid and allowed to remain twenty-four hours, when it is ready for I use. - • • ACCORDIRG•to the Paris Tamps, oa the day when Victor Hago's new novel, "L'Homme qui Rit," 'was published in Paris, the following translations appeared: Three, in English, viz : one in London, one in Lepsic and the other in New York ; one in German, at Berlin ; four in Span ish, viz.: two in Madrid, one at Havana, and one in Paris ; two in Portuguese, viz.: one in Lisbon and the other at Rto Janeiro ; one in Russian, at St. Peters burgh ; one in Polish, at Warsaw ; one in Dutch, at Rotterdam ; two in Greek, viz.: one at Athens and the other at Con stantinople :one in Hungarian, at Path; one in Swedish, at Stockholm, and one in the Czech language at Prague. A 'nw test of the diamond, which may be considered somewhat in the light of a "kill-or-cure," consists in plied - lig the stone to be tested in a platinum crucible, with pulverized flour.sper, and :scarring upon it concentrated sulphuric acid. it is then to be heated for a time, until all the fames evolved pass off, and the cruci4 ble is then allowed to cool; should the stone be a real diamond it will be found unaffected, whereas an imitation will dis appear.entirely, or else be so corroded as tote materially reduced in size. A better test than thl4- however, consists in the use at hydrofluoric acid itself, which, when applied in the fbrm of a single drop to the surface of the stone, will almost immediately act upon an imitation, but I will leave a true diamond untouched. A eON, of William Collier, of Crab Orchard, Kentucky, aged sixteen years, was mowing a meadow with a common t wo-horse mowing-machine, and on reach ing a rather ragged point the , machine came near turning over,' when, to save hirnself,•the young man jumped, and un fortunately: became entangled in ,the sickle. The horses became frightened and ran, horribly cutting and mangling both the legs of he youth, and literally s3vering both heela from the other portion of the feet, leaving Wem in the shoes. Several physicians were ; summoned, but aMputation was not performed until over &gilt hours after the injury was received. Tee great loss of blood before amputation, added to the shock of the injury and ope ration, caused his death the same evening. True is the way the big . brick six story hotel at Pelham in Bestows being moved, to widen Boylston street. Eighteen trayerses have been constructed under the building, each forming a tramway. • All are equal to the best , foundation Each of them is thus built: A trench is dug from the foundation's-westward four teen feet in length. The trench is filled in its whole length with: immense blocks of granite. On these a brick wall is built of the strongest 'cement, two feet wide, one or two feet high and fourteen feet long. Along the top of this wall run several rails an inch or two apart. 'These rails are made of flat, thick iron. , From under every one of the six walls that run from Boylston street to" the back of the building these taverns of stone, brick and iron go fourteen feet westward in We direction that the building is to go. The building will roll on small iron rollers or I round bars, which roll - on the flat iron rails along the traverses. ' Tint Kansas City, rinses of the 22d re ports thelolloWing case of 'snake-bite and . cure: "While mowing- ilk a meadow last ;Tuesday, two miles south-east of West port, a man named James Scroggin was bitten. on the left leg, five inches shovel 'the ankle, by a large prairie rattlesnake. Ligaments were at once' bound tightly above and below the wound: !A'plece of 'stick was Alien ' Inserted between • the thongd and the ficsh, until by twisting tlie - stick round the ligature' was ao:CentraCted as to suspend circulation in the bitten part. '; , WhistY was then . given at intervals and in copious • doses. •In the meantime the flesh arveen the ligatures had become so numbed - that it was almost dead to feeling, when% it was excoriated around the poisoned mark and ' allpwed to bleed as freely as it would. , stupor - at . fltatidenied to come. over Mr: "Scroggin, and he begged W be permitted X 0 sleet)jag, a little'while. There lay the danger, however. Tlie-pois' on was doing its work bravely, and fighting the alcohol with 'some show of success; 4 but More whisky was given, and Scroggin kept at exercise tor several hours: "'Atter - that he began to recover, and , by Wednesday morning he.feit Lut few bad eflOtt from , -the bite.;; Scarcely any swelling extmst.d.i -', t 7 Pll'- 111 'PH CZ4 • _ * 1,-,-TIiVRSII•4y y . )9 • v'T;17; 7 :71 Oriq - cx Mtg. & COitIrkLIATILVIVI..If, CO.. I. • Prrranusion. nnov• ' WNO'TICIS BONDUOLD Mt.—Notice is nerebreiven that Con. yon O. Turtle Creek. DivPdou Sends, due August 1•t next, will be paid on and after that date en presentation and delivery at the/n: l3 National Bank of Pittsburgh. JOHN H. PAGE , Jg. Secretary and Treasurer. Iyl4 TPST arNOTICE. • *. CITY TAXESIB69. - ! In accordance with Section 6th, Fade 99 8 of City Digest, NOTICE IS NINMIT GIVEN _ T() THE CITIZENS OF PITTSBURGH, That 'the nr6e . ssmetis for :$69 of City. City Building, . Yoor, Business. City School and Ward School Taxes and City Water _Bents have teen returned to me fin collection. The above taxes are subject to a DEDUCTION CF FIVE PEE CENTUAL If paid on or before the Pivot Dayof August, - sad TWO FEE CENT Uli if paid between the FIRST DAY OF 'AUGUST. "alb Tam FIFTEENTH= DAY OF • 1 SEPTEMBER. 'AWN* deduction Will be allowed on tame. paid 111 7dritt be cfr a dv we p Oct . ° ,ri r be ar itii : to 02198160oto e ber first, and an additional Ave per- eentum will' be .added to all teats re-. Maiming unpaid on, November first. • A. .I COCHRAN, • CITY.TR'EAI3I7RILM, 4th AVENUE. P/T2BlrlanoB. July 14. 1889. : • elitleg ICE FOR SALE. BY TUE TON OR OTUERWISE, IN ARBUCKLE ALLEY Between ',stock street sod the Bathosd. jy2.7:m52 ICE! ICE! ICE! WM. :KREBS, ICE DE*LER, No. 55 Diaanoxicl • • P1TT81317111311, PAL ;17.1110;nrgerentartri4reueltetibilitrqbetralitse%411.71-..hthe TCE CHEAPER TRAN EVER. aving been appointed sole ►gent for this city for the sate of • • C7Ututauqua County (Yew York) WOKE ICE, • I am now prfpared to furnish ft daily in car loads at depot to dealers at low rates. - . Parties desiring to purchase or mak, arrange- Meta s to get It will please leare lbelr o . ders two days before requiring. - JOHN WHITE, Jr., jT7.l:to#l I,to 31 apt yllog_ll fr,s) BTIEGEL, 'mateCasterwithW. B e peahelde.S DEERCEL&Pirr TAILOR, No. 53 Smithfield Street s Pittaburgh. 5e213:92/ NE'W SPRING GOODS. • A relandld new steel of GOTHS, GASStArEILES, ac., Jost received by HENRY BLICYMIZ. ,rl4: Meraluint Taflar. Ira ISintibtlebi street. SUMMER RESORTS. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CRESbON SPRINGS. rids Favorite Summer Resort, Situated on the Summit of the ALLEGHENY ItoPNTALNS, RAUH FRET LEVEL OFwUI be oprn fo • caption of guests cm the 15th day ofJ U NE. The buildings connected with the establishment have been entirely renovated and newly furnish ed. Excursion Ti• tett told by the Pennsylvania - Railroad. at Philsdelptila, Harrisburg and Pitts burgh, good fur th , season. All trains stop at, .:reason. T 0 F eRN isH Ell COTTAGES FOR RENT. For further intormattorn address . GEO W. MULLIN. Proprieor. CI esson Springs, Calabria county. Pa. jy5:167 LIVERY STABLIDS. 301111 11. iTSWAST ... .1/013T. 11.44.TTZBEION. Roux% a. p 4 trr' ..- EasoN & co., LIVELIVY• SALE AND COMMISSION STABLES COL SEVENTII AVENUE & LIBERTY BT., PITTSBIIIIGII, Pd av 26: 7 M 7 1 AN ORDINANCE Authorising Hussey. Wells & Co, to throsigretat Iron-Clitd Additions to their Prexent it °rho. -- ditcrion 1. Bs U ordained and niadfd by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and (7017411%011 Cava. efts assembled, and it.ts hsrebYordoin l4 2.7na enacted try the authority cif the same., That Bin. sey, Wells' .f.; Co on cud tbey'are hereby author. teed to construct iron clad additions to ititir , preterit - aorta, as follows: One addition to rear of mill on 'corner 14th' and Yam streets, alone Mulberry alley. 66 by 55 feet. Alio, all addi tion to suop fronting on Aerobia street. running towards 17th street 113 , by 11)0 feet: also to re build store room on 171 b intent. N 6 feet SSC. A. That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with l lbn passage of this ordi nance at the present' time , be and the'came is hereuy repealed so far as the, same arrepta this cc dinante. Ordained and enacted Into a law in t ctitliXils, this 118th . day of June.lB69. , • • _ en JAMILP MCAULEY. ' Yresi Attest E. C. idOnnow il , t°r . "661 " ")""U.. • - Clerk of select W. A. TOMLIMBON: , president of or common council. Attest :E. MC/ A , Tkk. • • •• Cleric of Oommon Connell. ' hooFlNG"stAtil OF:tehkg Qualitiet and. Colors. Pante eitsgtento.s tnaThand - 1 " 1 " ° T • . :11. 8. NEWIWii, No: lieVeFish Ave n ue, sato . lllo6 PITT:if/TINGE. PA CEMENT. -100 Obis Louisville Mll4 . 1110 Cement.' for soli 'I. H ". PiPigitE i. • 'Factorf criew4:oi#l.),?Xec v lstieu t do.: for Hada .mss:..-~~ ICE JOSEPH JOHNSTON. 336 PENN STRUT. ES= SCHENCK'S ‘ POILMONIC AND MA..wriiiiVlEußas EA ZII cl 6 re' Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepala,,i th f taken accord ing to directions . They are all ree to be taken at the same time. They cleanse the stomacb, re lax the liver and put it to work; then the appetite becomes good; the fowl digests end makes good blood; the patient begins to grow in flesh; the diseased matter ripens into the lungs, and the patient outgrows toe disease and gets well. This is the only way to cure consumption. • • To these three medicines Dr. J. IL Schenck, of Philadelphia. owes his unrivaled success in the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. - The Pal. =onto Syrup ripens the morbid' matter in the lungs, nature throws it off by au easy expectora tion, for when the phieem, or matter IS ripe a slight cough will throw it rig. and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. _ T., do this, the Seaweed 'Joule. and Mandrake, Pills must be ireely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. so that the Pulmonte Syrup and the food will make good blood. Schenck's Mandrake Pills set upon the liver, ' removing all obstructions. relax the ducts of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver Is soon relieved; the stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing has ever been invented ex cept calomel (a deadly poison wtich Is very dan gerous to use unless with great care,) that will unlock the gall bla dder and start the secretions of the liver like tebenck"s Mandrake Pills. Liver Complain is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Tonle is a gentle stimulant and alterative. and the alkali In the Seaweed, which this preparation is made 01. assists the stomach to Pirow out the gastric juice to dissolve the food with the Putmonle Syrup, and it is made into good hood without fermentation or souring in the stomach. .. the great reason why physiclises do not cure 1 Consumption is, they try to do too much: they give medicine to step the cough. to stop chills,to stop night sweats, hectic fever and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers. lock lug np thesecret.ons. and eventually the patient sinks and dies. „ . , , , • . • Dr. Schenek, in lets trestment, does not try stopstop a cough, night sweats, chills or fever.• Ne move the cause, and taey will all Mop - of . their owe accord, No one can be cured of_Consump., tion, Liver CoMplaint,' DrPepsia, extant, Canters - Ulcerated Throati:uMees the neer- and stotatecn grenade healthy. • • . .. .' ..' • If a person 'has consum p tion , of coarse me nags in some way _are diseased; Muter tubercles, abcesses, bronchial Irritation. pleura adhesion. or the lungs are a mass of Inflammation and fest decaying. In such cases what must be done?' It is not only the lungs ;nu are wasting: but it is the whole body.,Tbe stomach and liver have lost their power topake blood out of fo d. Now the only chance is to tate Dr. ftehencr's three medi. eines, which will bring op a tone to the stomach, ' the patient will begin to want food, itwill digest easily and make good blood; then the patienCbe. gins to gain in flesh. and as soon as the body be gins to grow. the lungs commence to heal up. and the patient gets fleshy and well. This is tne only way to cure Consumption. When there is no lung mutae and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, iicitienck's Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake Pllig are sufficient, without the •Pulmonle Syrup. Take the Manci rake Pills freely in ad billions complaints. as they are Der fectly harmless. Dr. Schenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past, and now weighs Slais pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary ConsumpUoo hi. pbit, ideas having prouonneed his case hope less and abandoned him to his fate. He was cared by the aforesaid met Mines, and since bla recove ry many thousands similarly afflicted have used Dr. ischencit's preparation with the same re rearkab e success.. Pull directions accompany each, m king it not absolutely necessary. to per sonator Dr. •Sebenet, unless patients wish their la lun gs examined, and tor this purpose be is 1.,, profess) wally at his Principal °M oe , philsdel. 1 pots, ev !Saturday. where all letters for advice must be dressed. He Is also profese'onally at No. 38 Bond street. New York. every other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover street, Beaten, every other Wednesday, lie gives advice tree, but for • thorougb examinstion with his .Itespi rometer the price laid. ,13.1.ce hours at each city from 9 a. u. to 3 r. at. .... 4 ._ Price of the Pulmoniti Syrup and Seaweed Mon. ic each gLSOI per bottle. or e1f.50 a half dtwen. Mandrake Ms sib cents a box. For sale by all ArvTErtnetp. .- ' mvl9:lsl.dBt" DOCTOR WHITTIER CON TINUES TO - TILEAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That numerous class of WWI running from self-abuse, producing un manliness, nervous debhtty. irritability, erup tions. seminal emissions, and finally Im potency, permanently oared • Persons afflict ed will aelleate. intricate and long +tand tug coiistitutionalcoraplaints are politely Invited to call for consultation, which costs nothing. Experience. the best or teachers. has nudged him to perfect remedies at once efficient, s permanent, and which In most cases cut be t il l e a without hindrance to business. Medicines pre , pared to the establishment.. which embraces Of- See, reception and waiting rooms; also, warding anu sleeping apartments for pai.lents requiring daily personal attention, and vapor and chmi.. cal baths. thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. No matter who have failed, staxe your case. Head what he says In his pamphlet of fifty rages. seat to sot address for two stampstn seal. allnve pre. Thouaands of cases treated nu. at office and all over the country, Consul tation free, personally or by mall. _Office No. 9 Wylie street, (near Court House), Pittsburgh. Pa. Hours 9 A. )1. to S P. m. - Sundays 19 it. to 2 P. 2, .pamplget sent to any address for two stamps. WELECTRICITY AS A CUBA.. TIVE.—Dr. A. B. STEVENS has been Ming Electricity as a Sl'LniAl. RZitiLDY 111 curing Chronic u well as acute conditions WITUORT MSDICIIIIX for more la an TEN Yrdillk,wtitt un bounded success'. A rsa4TULIT. inefuding alt parmulars, with certidcates and reliable refer. aloes, will be sent to any Inquirer. - A few furnish. d rooms vacant. for boardlne Pa. tients in the Doctor's family. if applied for soon. (Mice and residenee, 9,n1 ARCH SrREET, PHILADELPHIA. wiellie/2 IarIi t &TCRELOWS HA*PIE. This splendid Hair Dye Is the best In the world: the only true and perfect Met-harmless, rens pie, Instantaneous: no diaappoiutznentt no ll dieulotut tints; remedies the 111. effects of bad dyes; initeroranes and leave* the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Bold by all Druggists lid Perftunen; and properly. applUed Batche r, Wit /oratory; Fro. 16 Bond street. S lew Tork. Iar'EPILEPSY CAN BE COILED • —Those having friends afflicted are ear• nestly solicited to send for a Circular Letter of References and Testlmonlails. ~settich will cone Mace the most skeptical of the curability of Ai, diatom. Address VAP BUREN LOCKROW, )1.1i., 36 Great Jones street, New York. ofhls:o3 . .d&F • ' arTHE MARRIAGE Essays on the 'ERWI end OH and the VOLLIRS OF AGE, la to SOCIAL E V ILS, with certain hel p for the erring and un fOrtunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD AMOOLATION, Box P,Thiladelplxia, Ya.. nay2l:lB3-d&F WINES. LIQ ORS, &c. SCHMIDT IMPORT OF WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &O, WHOLESALE I)F.ILSBS 13 PURE nRYE 409 PENN sTREET. UsVe Removed to NOS. BSI AND 386 PENN, Cor. (farroisrly Canal. J. 1.. roma .S. S. wrlniallioy DI LLINGER & STEVENSON DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whiskies. * IMPORTEIII43,O9 BRANDIES I WINESI*GINS, No. 87 Second Avenue, TOSEPH S FINCH . , , Nos. ISA, #l4, / 110 11 1 N,Ualsima / 911 9 • !I/UM - 0 2 7 12 4 T. ,rlTTFOßinguii. leper Distilled tare Rye loildriltep Also:cleats:li int IPO gutißic,linPg. VIM"! FiSlol:4lootenzac'Shad In half barrels: Pototeae' Hernuk In bar rel: Mackerel Ne.'l, 9,and 3 'hi urines sized natant; White Pleb.: Lake /terrier. rut sale ;ow t' the trade by, WiI,27,LA-Nti I CO., 17* act 17* Wood street. - - AN ORDINANCE =MEI • G anting Certain Privileges to the Piitsburgh and Connellsvilleßail road Company. SaCTION 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pituburgh. in select and Common Coun cils assemb!ed, and Ii is hereby ordained and en acted by the authority of the same, That it shell be lawful for the Pittsburgh and Coon ells ville Railroad Com Dan, to enter upon the streets and wharves of the tety or Pittsburgh and COx: street a branch of their railroad of single track from their depot on Grant street alongthe outside or southern edge of Water s reet to the point, *lrving from the line of Water street at or near the point to I)egliesse Way and tiro Allegheny 'Wharf. and k eerhug alone alad Wh hrf aa close as practicable to the northern line of Duquesne War, under the St. Clair street and Hand street Bridges, to such point at or near the Railroad Fridge as will • liable said Company to make a practicable workit. g w h i ch alo with any railroad now constructed or may hereafter be con structed to tile same pcont. And it Company further lawful for said Railroad to construct as approach from the tracks above Mentlol/ ed across the 'wham to any railroad bridge . which may hereaf ter be erected across the 'Monongahela or Allegheny river, at or near the point, for the nee .of paid railroad; provided: nowever, that said approach shall be constructed in such place and in such manner as.-may bis agreed between , said Company and the proper Wharf Committee. See. R. Said t ompany shall, in the construe• lion of laid trick, nib rails of a pattern to be sp. proved bathe Mr. et Committee, and shall eon form to the gran eof the streets and wharves Upon which they may,be laid. unless tile Street Com mittee and proper Wharf Committee ahall con ; sent to rues alteration Of grade as said Company may desire to make. Sac. Whenever.saidCompanyistiall desire to lay any Dolt( if of the track hereby rilithot teed, they sthill , nOtife the Engineer of .shy city, who, Under the directs in of the Street Committee .:nd PrOper.Whart Committee, luconneetion with tbe - .engineer of said COMparty. shall ..detertnitie the exact location Of maid tricks ni.Clt the same cattle Mond atm indicate the grade them Eigc. 4. Said track 011111m - 11dd Ind all pave- meats which may be displaced lelsid under .the • euperinidence and sublect AO the ariProval of the Cit y Engineer. and all ex False attending the same s the pld by said Company. who shall thereafter keep the same in goon repair and con ?Alen between the rails and, three feet on each side thereof. and 'said Company ehall place iron culverts under mild rallrointraek and across Wa... ter Street and Dligneane Way. whenever required by the Street Committee. or a pattern t o 'ap proved by said Committee. Sac. 5. 1 I anv change shall be, made .to the streets or wharves, said Company sail! pay all damages which maybe occasioned thereby. Inge. 6. Said Company shall not • traverse the streets and wharves of iiicleity vrithtnt ir tAves and cars at a greater rate of spee d Manion? miles per hour; shall rot nee bituminous coal or wood m their locomotires; shad cause a watch man to precede each' and every train or locomotive as it passes along said b. anat.' a fecien.iy . far In advance to Suture sate.' tv to persons pas.iilr over the, same: shall In all respects conform to the oroinances of the city now itt force for the regulation of Tali roads, and be subject at a I times hereafter to such proper rules regulating the use of said track ai may ins round nedessary for the protection of the p and property oi tit ell Lens of Pitts burs h. r • • Sac 5. That the grant contained in thla ortd . nance shall not re construed to confer any fur ther or greater right than may be lawfinly gran ted by the Councils of the city ol Pittsburgn, and is -Wen upon the express condition theistic( track shall be laid and but In operation within one year from the date of itspaesage exc. S. This oidiaance 'had not be published or recorded until. the sal a Company shad, by es• caution of its gt , ard of Directors. accept the same, which shall be done within thirty days. snl authorise the proper ofecersof said Company to enter into a contract to fulfill the Conditions thereof. A .111 said Company shall not be author ized to do anything , un..er. this.ordinance until such contract shalt have been Aligned and filed with the City Controller. • Laid over until next meeting and ordered to be piloted once In the papers authorised to do the eltrprinting. A SUPPLEMENT To an Ordioance 'Entitled "An Or dinance Providing for the Issue of Bonds Aixtounting : to tbe Sum of $250 000 of the vilaier Loaned• thorized by the Act, App February 8, 1868," Passed June 15, 1869. SucitoN 1. •Be 11 on:allied and enacted by the City t.l Piatourgt4 in Se.lect sad CORY mon Councils assembled, and' it fe hereby ordained and enacted by eke authorffy of the same, That the aer oud section of theordlnance entitled, **An Ordinance providlns fur tne Issue of bonds amounting to the sum of $950,000 of • the Water Loan authorized by the Art approved February 8. 1868," passed :Runs 15. 1860? be and is follows:mended 'so that the *sane shall read as Mid bonds ►Shall be made payable VI bearer when semi-annual coupons attached: they shalt be sums of ohe hundred. two hen• Bred, five hundred sad one thousand dollars. 111 such proportion as the'Finance Committee may determine: they shall bear interest at the rate of seven per centnm per annum. and o-hall be payable iti.twentr.ave mars from the nest day of April, A. 1868: which: shall be the date cf said bonds: the principal and interest shall be payaole at the office of tine City Treasurer, in the City of Pittsburgh: .They We ansh lie signed by the Mayor. countersigned by City ...onuolbr, anu shall be sealed oy the Mayor with the cor porate seal of said city. • SZt. Si.. The sewed acct.:at of the I.IILIVC., men. t toned ordinance hereby enpplied, la hereby re pealed. Sze. 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the patinae ef this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and. - enacted into a law in. Councils, this ABth day. oi July. A. 1.). 1860... IIILL Butcvrni, • - rt..6l , lent: pro tem of Select Council. Atteit: I. S. .11contoow. Clerk of :tenet Cednrit , • • - ' 30118 BARTOW. President pro tem of Common Council. Attest: ii. DICJIdSTEn. - - Clerk of Common council. ow A SUP t , LENIENT iran Ordinance, 'Entitled "An Or-. dinaoce Authorizing the Issue cf Bonds ror the PurpOscipf Redeem ing Matured and Maturing In debtedness of the City,".Passedthe 15th Day of June, 4. D. 1868. shCrioN 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City 4/ Pittetreirgh, in lialect and Common' Conn. cite - assembled. and' it is /weft ordained and enacted by tan aarkeeity to Jams. That the' second section of an ordinance entitled An vrdinanc• authorizina the tune of Bonds - for the purpose or, redeeming matured' and maturing - in. debtedness of the City," passed Juno 15 1860, Isbell be and is hereby amended so that the same read as follows': -said bonds shall be lb sums of , fice honored Sind 'one thousand dollars each, In such proportions as the Finance Conunittee may direct, pay &hie in forty years aft,r date, wind; pal au d interest payable at thitoelse of the City Treasurer- in rittsourgh„ except the Coupon 'bonds, which shall be payable. principal ant in ter. at, At the Bank of America, in toe City of New York. butte of New •York. arid said nonds shall , each bear date the first day of,Juiy, A. D., ails A, vise •sscond section of 'said , ordinanoi of -tune 15 1.8811, which is .hereby supplied. is hereby repeatect ; dt:C. 3. That any ordinsueS or p art' or call- Hance conflicting onth she - pa use •or this ordl. Oils le at the present time, be and - the same is hereby repealed, .so far as the same affectsthis • rdained and enacted into a law this 117ttr day of July. A. a• : , 1668. . RILL k•realdent'nro tem of Select Council. Atter. ,F. s. mounow. .• • . 7 dolma Council. JORII:I3ARTOI 4 .. Prestdr.nt pro tern of Common Council. Attest,3lASTage, • t • ' . _ a:bllnnaon cenncif. jit2. AN ORDINANCE rioviding fora Better Supply Water in Certain Portions of the City of Pitteburgh. BrMo4l. Be it Orditnidi'did enarti' d bli the of Pittetntegh, Select and Consoles unix.' cite aseerabkd, mad et ti t ave,. erskitatsiz enacted by' the authorttyhe:earns. Thar the Wane: Committee ue authorized /tad einPowefed` to erect On the Allettheny Mireuat orals: tottp.: fourth .strest. in the &vet Month ward. and-114 Haaltwood tn the Twenl7.l.lllSel ward. rbuipinis Itnalnes atulistand Plots: tobt east to clown six .016,500) dollars each. • see. 11. bat anY Ordinance VT Part et Le. cu with -the pigoire of ibis nweee at the, pzesent time:. be auft:the:.esets.. hereby, repot. ed 10 43 ,, , as 141'natne, affimteug. Or , dinaucti. . Ord .1 , 4a and Only:led 'into's' , law' In 'Cotutells this 15th day of Jude, A D. 1889. . .1111.4 HU President pro tem of feleet Connell: Attest:' 1.; Monttow t _ ..: • . , • „ . , perk of•-nelort JOHN skifTO Prestdent_pro vein of Common Council.' Attest: B. MOM • 811,31: ' ; - - -Clerk comrgaii Caunc4l M=VME! ,wEsT RANIMIIIi ' - --. ' . . -Arachini, :geone W o rks , ~ zeo-ribweisoratauswtesCOlDl9ol:i AU11t16127. • IntiCti 7 P—` s 4.l , VlCtir. l l,d l ea.• Have al bud at spare' ti sport tanlae NeartJi. tad Stelawatai. a Igreadewldka. Brewer' au lac. 4 Hand lamb atone% 'OP i; ,?/ at ": DlPatiptia aztar.tod.. ildc,ad-fiAdoudlah' , 1 I , ..,%,: 0... :1 -. .".. -'. • ''''' '''''' '. • EIdSrIIIII2WIS and L =I .~.r.+::x-,w.:.r ME _ L__ STONE, - AVIERIIIIE No. 85 nab. avenue, °pro:oBßa the °Rees Bouse.l'lltaburgb. Pa., Is the coolest and most desirable piaci' of rezone. Liquors can be had- at Vila place Pure and klood. The 111.111ard Boom are on the ground floor In the rear LEGAL. "RPHANS 9 COURT BALE By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny counts , . I wilt offer at Public :sale as the COURT littUeE, Su the elty of Fittabit rah on TUEStrAIi, the Stith day of July. 1869, at 10 o'clock A 11., alt the estate, rigot. title. in terest and claim of JAMES GRADY, deceased, at the time of his destb,of. in and to all that cer tain LOT OF GeOU N I situate in the village of Wilktnehurg, Allegheny county, said lot being marked and numtered 1051 n J ames NAly's gen eral plan of the village of WilkinMurt and bounded and described wi follows. to .tht: Begin ning on Main street. sat feet from the south west owne de gree s and Main streets, and run xeng S. 67 EO6 feet along Main street: thence song tine of lot N 0.106 N. 23 degrees 264 feet to Wallace street: thence along W tare street N. 67 ingress W. 66 feet to lot No. 104: and thence along said lot parallel With Coal street S. 213 degrees W. 964 feet to the place of beginning.. . • WARD, Adm•tr of the estate itif James' GracY, deed. jeC.A:k99-TH N THE COURT -Or COMMON I'PLE.I9, of All e iheny County; Igo. 4141 Of oentember Term, 18419. the matter of the Incorporation of ••THE , AvalliiiNS• BUILD 'NG AND LOA dedOCIAT!t4i- 6.1.4,7.• lIHILNY CITY, Pa. , ' Notice fa hereby given that on .the 'Mb nay of July, 1868, application was made to ealit-Oonet, to grant a Charter of Incorporation to IMd 'Mier elation ; • an that If no sulfide nt reason tre shown to the Poo trar. 4 - the same Wilt be granted at the next term of esla Conn. •• - • • D • W. 4. - • Attorneys for petitioners. ..JOLT 19, 1869. .• • --3.M11121' WESTERN DISTRICT OF 'Pennsylvania 143. At Pittsburgh, the 512 d day. Of Ittly, D. IBMS. 'rtie undersigned hereby gives notice *thirst,. nointment "as Assignee oe EMERY and XDSON EMkEY, of Pittsburgh; In the county of Allegheny. and btaitti of eennsylvanta• within t aid District, who helve been adjudged bankrupts upon their own petition, py, the 'Dis trict Court of said District. • JOHN H. BAILEY. Assignee. jy2"..nn4bru Attorner•at.Law. Grant street. 40 111INISTRATOWS NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby ittven that:letters of ad m nlstrataon. have been granted to the under signed on thelesi ate of :MIN beIiIIELES,Iate or Pittsburgh. deceased. , All persons-Indebted to said estate will make Suanedlate ;moment. and those having claims against slid estate,. wt'l pre sent them properly anthen -Mated :for-settlement to AlderManlaylor. 428 ?elm street. 1 7 L0131.$ SOWELL& An n dnlstrator. • 144:k10e•orns ITOPKINS STREEZ—Notice is hereby given that on the 110th day of July. Mitt. 'at `June' Term, 1880, Quarter 'Sessions Court, srpetitlon' f.a. -vacation of' s portion of Hopkins street. City of. Allegheny. was-present ed and ordered to be, fled, and into granted to show rause why a portton of said street shonld not be closed up sno vacated. - " • Joinr,6. IgcCOAIBS. Attorney.for Pendant ra. jyl2:mr•]lT ASSESSDIEIiTEL C 1 ENGL.:CHEWS OTEICS, • ALLEGUE3iY MTV, rA., dtai 44p..ibt39. 5 NOTICE,-Thepis***ent:for S.Dr-qG and PAVING - lof meinaw 13TREET from Bidwell street to dlutrtieis street: /also the assessment forGradlnif and Pairing of Franklin street, from eledgwick street to Beaver avenue, are now reads Mr e x amination - Slid can be seen'at the office of the. City rmsitneer until August 3d, 1809, when they will be placed In the betide of the City Treasurerfor collection. clissLm City.Entlneer. jr_l:mul , CITY EPGINILIERMOTHICIL ALLEGHENY CITY, Pa.. July 93, 1869. NASSeSSUIERHI for -1-N Grading and P1117.11g of- LINDSEY'S ALLEY, from Ledße street to ;salmon street. Also the assessment for the Grading and Paving of BLAIR ALLEY. - trona. Lindeers alley to Plmage alley. are now ready-fors emanation: and can be seen at the otlke of the City Engineer until AUGUST Ed. 1869, ishen they, will be placed in the hands of , the,Oity.Treasurer for col. icction. CHARLES DAVIS, J724:ra55 . • - OTT/CZ OT C/TT EITGINTLICAITD eStraVNTO/t. FlTTSbUrirli. July, E8..1869. f ASSESSIIIeIIt for tfradfi4 and' ravinir AL - 3101Rn :ALLEY. na'Burter street to toe Allegheny - Valle2rlt. fa nor'..'ready for examination.; lied can, tie, sees_ at tine office until' 7111.TRSIKAY, .Atumt.' MA, when tVerillt be retarned• to tluillfiThasuter 9 S Office for collection. IL J. WORE. - City Engineer. • °FAROS OF CITY ENGLIaIsa , ANDSVEVEYOu, •-• • - g - P -T P URG k 1 J nl yP4. - "! )- - * ITOTICE.—?Thee-iivaessol r ienzto Gradne, Paving and Curbing HILTEN HU SR 'STREET,' from St. PAtna'SAllerto Bind street, is now ready for txandnaldOn; and can be teen itthicothe....untll THOMAS:. August. 3d, when It wilt be returned to the pity ;regal nrers, office for nollealons • • -• • • jy= • r . H. J. •10001114 -City Urrica • OP Crrr ENGINE= AIM) t • rittstiragn,duly - 23 d. 11169. •OTICE...Jrhe: AssesEnbellt for • the partial Grading of Bluff street—Thom Cooper to P ide Met t. Is nonsready tor exami mitiom.and can be seen at this °dice 'SUM DAY, Augnit'3l, - When . It ntili'be returned to - the IttorreasurePeonlee fureolleetton , 'l323:niid H. .3. 1100Eita, City -Engineer. PROPOSI IS. . , , TO CONTRA ;TORS. ; SEALED glior , . oiiALs addreesed to the under- - bigned - will be received until AUGUST att. '1869, for the Graduation, Baionry ,and Ballasting, OF THE/2111'M BRANCH of she o'clizein Penn. !IL R., • • . Exteriding !Toni Free Ont. Arinstrozg 'county. to, Butlef. Butler eoilnty, PA i s elLstonee of T7CILIS— TY-9NE Pro Oles and ineotOstionseati: be seen ;it Uie Engle 'es' Y;ieeOri," Axm otrotai cellos!. rit., OR - and after Jnlj Jy22:mll rr .... `. ~~~ , ~T EAR': MILL FLOVlrraltal nEvi , aisr• stow 'recoil/les 's and or oboIt•orieNNESSIXBICW and eT., with* we Omer with on Old Wheatin seek Otoimitiena at to make an articleoflramitg'Mar meal StnOt periorto any in the market. • .1 • , _ . .The - merits we claim. for 'this rioup or ere that beinrinanufsetured from etriellteholet number one eou them amber and White with the most, approved my chic, ry. byy expertensed mll— lam tiurittandsare: - , • THEME - trrAR j341.1f1). Trade from Cholee vie hlte Wheat, utitinmessed as* ;Pastry inour, •• __ • • • >TWI.I tsTA.R. DOUFILS Matta. AWL BRAND; from selected White and e.mber Wheat, 'unsurpassed as rPamt rs letoar ^• -• . • PitAßLlltD from selected ,amber ►g ra nd best ea Of lied 'Winter. • • • •To eleven - fraudin ratting ouriieks we now read them with date Of manufactutml. • R. T. KENNEDT-iit*lto.: I'eprl ie m ilI Alle bC 7. ozonV WALL PAPERS.-; wu. PAPER. , " TEE OLD PAPER STORE IA A RAW, PLACE • : NEW WALL PAP=IstoRE, 191"Libertit'Strest' awDt3 . A/ 1 1 1 11YLKI DAILY. =be SE Mt= I=9 6. N'4II9BIERIIB,_ C HIBF , ENGINEER..