, 6. DUqUESNE *WORKS. 0014 M, ILIIIII & CO., liaindsetureri of IRON, 'N.AILS, •'STEEL, AXLES AND 80 14 114 9 8, ntrgimonni. L a. Ana mnsIATA. FLA'r BA,IIOI72IDAND BQTARE 111 EROS. : 24• 0 D MON DBADAnd DB.OrPEit DAB& 'ZIANDW: Ckfratit BAEtI, .0%1400 W. VAD !LAT BAIL for Coal SIT w BCV&WI.D0118 Hess() TBSTH, I. W A PLOWAND OULTIVATO ;, L WINGS AND MOULDS out torpottern. TUBB,• BTKILL SHAFTING', A. B. WiljE• " ' ' ft, , BUGGY And WAGON BPSINGB and • Mims AND SPIKES. All Goode First-Mass and Warnuited, •opazoa3 MW w6itpcs. Illizteettli Meet mad axid IT Water Streit. Pittabupsh. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORM. MENA 00., b 8428. Pd. lanufsoturortot , every descrlotkra of CAl4 l l' GERMAN STEEL, BLi.Lsr.airros, f,;(. 1.3g13 PLA.TFORIII t 3 PßEFilerts, AZLE/3 i 13 . 112111. TTEI3I, dc.. &a WllrthOtsls62 Wittee and 100 First 1365. McLun4 Amm & Pawm. g~L,..i.13171 , 11811: WM. MMTCULLY., I BB.IIBEN MILLER. ?MO. W..MARE. cmm3. re.I3 , SMY., antigai.MANTirsa-8. M. BUM CRESCENT STEEL "MORNS, lOWA 1 1 .9 01 4 & PARKIN, °ince, No. 339 Liberty St, 1T271 BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL - WORKEL, PARK, IiItO;TIEW & iglamelotureis of all descriptlasiot - SeriMMEMI. Mee . and *sash nen Til:l3l lad BALFEALLP EITBSTIS, __. • - • • PriTSßElgibk• ':IRON'WORKS. ma. vamp', W. P. POSsfB. Bnir L UZIGH FORGE 1.1.141 D IRON CO., XAntIMOZIMUZB Or 411/11 , 11e0m Salbroad' Flab Bars and Salta; Balhosd Cop Aslee Rolled; Sidlrotal Cat Axle! itammoradi Loonsiatiee - irriMeSl Locosiottee Frame lilbalatal • 111delSado • -Yokes, Steam • • • Platen Moan Steamboat .I.lliabea Steamboat Oranlun Midas gods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Volbera, oe. OffWe, Na 177 PENN STREET, 2lTTBinnuan, PA. MUSEUM PROMS. The Trtutteie ate now nrejamed fottwoilleen, lee tor the nee of the lELT.srldifinN The innetter iiutltty Iniearted to stOod the greet tuotovement In Inferior Iron. and the,, eoft.emannead 1110 an matudottarers or Iran. paftlesamemeir to ;welt can obtain liceitses by JADES P. EWEMt Attorney for the Trzutees, HOO/A.l tans, fig Jraffalliftll3lx ding. 98fi - - ... - c1r... , z - • - ?outtalk avenue. •. , 7. -- - Paz la LoirteA are Jutted _go, vlelt the SRO& ME iIU,ICIL yf Ineri Uti ' roofs I) is flow brit operatton: .- '-'- -- - tethdt7 irrszasaproriammx .4. Co., Peasithrttnis Iron Works, usert --- sid 117 rum =Azle% pposlte Monanigwela ap2M:69 • • • „ PirrißUßAH' lIILIMVOTTNDERS.' ' rain( cootliae HENRY MR. JOHN 'COOPER't . CO., Bell and Biais FounderQ "MASS' CASTINGS BUDS PI/OMPTLY TO Oit.DEIC . " Maleable and Grey 'rod "Fittlfig,s, GAS PIPE , AND . TUBING, ' TERRTLE,SATRY AND CHECLVALVES, ALL CIII.OpE 4_)34 Ott.)Clia - S; Brass Work of every deseAlptloe fo'r Steam, Water ant.• manursurtrexisOr ciopeti , s Improved Dalonce-Wheel Steam Pump., Agents for Dregfas , Patent 04- era, the best in the Market . . vri4i,c, T uez, Til* an\dilke' a sou NOV ILTY} WORKE3. pITTSBIEBOH ' , NOVELTY 'WORE& Founded A. D. 1838. ,&DAMS. M'KEE & :00h x•nurAcrinisso or ERYSTORt STANTIARD.Mr*inwiIA" Eip' . AT FRP) PLATFORM AIM pouNTER, - . SCA.ZES lanai Ihmied Paint Thiar::Locits and ratC.illat. Paint and cloPea 11111111, 00R1IlOt, OP lIRST - AI73IIM3B4ORANT EPA, . pittablitreb, penWs. q . 'l" B ARR 4010111 k , . _, ~ , ;..,, s i .• . stt 4z i t50.1 1 1 1 1.00.. t , * hi /* iirrN.C3 t= entton given to the d Ignlng antl isehm a noutousaa rUBLU i '3Drertints, 130 s' 'deo. _ IMONI BOLE Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne Ed.,' cagAr VIZ POEM) . ifttyfine - ThiedeOgi Fug and : jikiejkini44; liannnieture STEAM:I3OAT ENGEN= and MA- I TIONABY nrouNdau sizes. ayriArattievolioa .towiuswilTATlAN. BOlLla r gi or 154i l atiraa - IDBTS CAI 3 4918,0 f every kind nude to order Mont' • Foundry on THIRD g T below Market. Riasdokir.mos, imkrima P HANgI OunzsagmaAsTs . gic t iunN a Z DION TOB 000 MUM, on hand and made to order. at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver. near the Point. ' PITTSBURGH: PA. Alir AU orders bronintl7 Sled. TBT rte, Foin pair WWI I MU An ?ARK WORKS. DARROLL & SNYDER, IgAIMOTINIZItB Or TUBULAR, DOUBLE-BLUED TUBULAR, Eusz-gox AND CYLINDER STEAM BOLL -N R& OIL STILLS AND *IL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, SMIRCHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS• mum mils ; eteisintrarde AND LEON BRIDGESL PRISON DOORS AND COAL MITES Office end Warehouse. corner Sienna, Third, Short add Lilborty Streets, P/TT581713.91i, Pa.: I!` Orden' sent to the above adttrets w!ll be promptly attendwlao mh7:1130 1141EPTILX4' .& CO., BOILER. MAKERS AND SHEET IRON virditiont - NOB. 10, SD, it AND 116 PRIM BT. Having secured a. large yard and thraished' it with •the most approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOLT, .13118 in the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys Breeching, //re Beda , Steam Pipes , Locomot ive Boilers, A:)ondensers, 84t PaanTraaits. - 111 151411Virits tors &Mine Pats, , SollentoLlßriare buzz litht - satitioTe maantsesurerf alum= rat exit Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. .las:al JAME'S Er. BITER, Nos. 115 and 56 Water Stradty rxranintnas, aueorkermaz OP :TAtits, ILITTLING PANG, cerium EITTAX PLTZ, imgazore WIS. MONO, Lad KUL= IBON WOWS. . Tor Stelmlxkotii. /AHED 88111911..“,t.....;....KDKUNDD. matron JARED at,pausH & SON, ILLMITACTUILIMB 07 • atsaulsoilenotrstine, Tanks. swum PURL 117,012/4 di t CL. 6:Penn -lihirost, Nustourfitei-ka. STOVES;` CASTINGS, &o. BRADLEY & CO., NO. BO WOOD 'STREET, Ataanacturera of the gresteot variety of Cook,Parlor and Heating Staves, • 4. - TO BE In our assortment wilibe found all the LATEST PATTARNS AND Ifit PROVnifEr. Tel, and the reputation of our Stove/ is such that any one In . Want oi♦ good eirthile shosild they none but those manufattured by us, as they will be found the moat durable as well ,as economical._ Would call liarilictilar Attention ter oar new VOLcAtfe STOVE. for chlirchei, balls and stores. DverISSO sold In three months. Intended for with or with out casing. •A II wbo have need them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price lit. SeSO sot II _ eirramirma, BOSTON 0 . 001[12T0 RANGE, - • 66 THE MBIY FIIANACE,", el • - • - glaDnijil; ma nova.. "BROSYLATowIt ooLtritail' WOK STOVik, VAN , I3 (Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE BARRE OUT IRON MANTL=, WELLKAWB. IMPLECTOBRAT_IIMaree from dirt and dart GRATE 71130=8. PENDEBB. 40. •fr - rt rf I i Vag° LibeattStreot, 5e23;y27 PITTSBURGH. PA. QOOK STOIIII. atrittlitiiro l :iiiiit.'l C41310il • TRmMPH, FOR Arruarmo ufi' • r • Irokautectsi Co s a, Bakiviitotast ae Tell many other Store - hi the Union. 13T8ErPtT rin No. '285 Liberty Street ALIO 011 kind find for Wes • PARLOR STOVES, HEATING ORAOOO lEWAICITD .1315, ' ars, &e," TO 111714111/41Wg i 100.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. •: 150,000 feet 12,1ncb. clear Plenb ' 26 0 f 2480 ft e grry j l ti ftild ( f 4 lTeritre k ._ ; 115,000 ft„.)4...1, 1.45, 2 and 3 inch roplaef 10,000 feet Dry Priarlscantlingt ,r; 10,000 feet Dry Yel l ow Pane Boards; 100,000 feet Benstock Scantling. Boa.ooo feet No. 1 13 Lien bailillasi Bbill , les. . - Z.• 0fj0 . 000 4 4 /6-lbeirningles, isawedt, slso.aotrio .-1. Minels fibirtglesi - sftsFedi 60,000 Fire Brlal , 1,000 Fire Tile. t : ÜBI. To Fite Cray' • ''''''' Alia; hwfv.L.Ni tturibm'Locustilld. Cedar Pests, and-al l ar tic les in the line on hand and for sale by ALIN tt 3Elb PITTE2BON. trds— No. 157 Bebe states an corner cofiPr• ectit* Juniata streetsi , ft Iva , •Aite g hli t y. is ;. p5 1 00.f.ANT. 12- Icr. ..,.,. awe 1 . : : • ti. tiaier of - Weights and leaifoltiV. No. • louloo oroorr. petiveex Liberty and Perm .trees. Orders promptly attended W. mat • t .-8. 1 .‘• r T •7 , -4. r -4. 7 ; - 111111 i 8611. '141 : 11 -T s "29, '1869- _ _ 111a - 1 -FORT FOUNDRY. COMPANY. : • • wrings AND WOMES, TVVELETH Srl i ttEET, lairrsittractii, PA. • tilr'Engines, Rotting Miu Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re tort% and Castings generally. N . A.Tioxst - rotrsimar . AND PIPE WORKS. Iljoyue!piairoll and fhouffilinaa Susie% • (NINI% WARD.) eri-rsrastazGrat, PAL. • WILLIAM SMITH, tranuraotu.ror of CAST /RON BOWL PIPE 808 GAB A.ND WATER WORE& . , My Pines are all oast layarlablylu Pits , to dry sand, and U feet lengths. Also, full aaaartment of ireueral . ' ; Castings for as and Water Worts,. I would eats of 11,1(.1.t1:441,11:143fataglInTril. DUQUESNE - FORGE. WILLLIIII MILER, (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Flag &Miles co•extenalve with Um lending Forges in the East, and Is prepared to promptly and sattstactortig ell all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON HOD 4 ,_LICTICES, PITMAN JAMS,NALIeiTS, RAILROW AELRII , LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, _together with every description of SHAPE WORN. Once and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way lad Vint. Stree.;•: ••- • • - " • ROBINSON, REA & CO., fluacessors tiliotartiars, Mime a =mal4 WASEEINGTONAVORICII, FOUNDERS ROO MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and SWlonary Bream lfn- Ce e lt s in ßla tasfiVr Ifset ez e iOMfa and Boller and Sheet iron Work. Mice, O. 11, norm First and dralthileld Enron& • - • for Ye e Agents for. BOW IPPABD% PATENT tICTIOTOB ding ler& THOMAS casum & CO., Foarth Ward Foundry and Nadine Works, sia*DUBSY BT., A.LI.BOBEIENT CITY, Ea., Man faetnftre of Stationsi7 and Portable Steam Sngthea, eresmo, rualeys, BharUng, Orin and Saw NM Work, Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, e. Build to order and have on hand - Engines or ail sizes. mvli:eS OF 441 1 "1 " F " 17WILY AND ROLL WORKS - Ski Penn Street. BOLLKAN, 11017) & BAGAIEL ClllllBolli, 31111 Cutlass, 801 l Lathes. ape. LAMOND OIL WORKS, N. M. LONC & CO., Once. DaiLZELL BIII1.1)ThiG, flilll Duquiazie - Way. Pittsburgh. Pa. W.4 4I WW AAP MP% Coslaralssioitleralanta sad Brokers In . Pei roieum • ite Product/4, DALZELLI BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHTLADIiPSIL , ADDBINZ, -7 /Wpm l er 0f . 6;4 zneree, 133 80171118EOODID 31113132..: •°, TACK BROTHERS, , 00 lON rIIIERCHANTS, AND DELLS= IN , Petroleam and its Products, pgrtrare-voLZ FWMG seoog z t A l A eeti. etfil!,m_l4l4l6.sffirelt" VAXaNIP 14'1 ECLIP:47,PV/10ktliti . 4EFiNERY. Wowing c. - Twirrmul, woraTAmplura OP Lubricating & High Test Bunting Oils. lrattpise ;Ipafiroad'Azle OIL , . Eitande , great heat , ilthout change; reinain Ibripidirtiowast temperatures- Special/11pr troidealcilmatas or hot member. . • • Leaolnoilve; Engine, iffoodnina IShOiil,' Wlllcmt Screws.' . : . , , ' • dim lIIM and Planing ltal 011. s. Adapted fur blib_apmd, ' • - ill~lio . OUb , Wooread•UralSO/1. Oili Tanners* Stuff. lieus Ole.• ~ tug& Sliirtntsluis Oh% trialtollne t Iktrtiriseral 01111 '' ' 1 Poirrindnn. 21.2tht04.4411E34t0' preserve Bright iron work and ery Rom Must. - 2 ~ _ . Thole. pr ducts are manufactured under Dr.` tentTweddle•sjia b Superheated Steam In. Vac cur, .1 be hubrica g U ll a are almost odorless, Derfeclly pure, °rm. and mostly Sabi. mei. Oro ,d mu d a big temperattire uncbanged. and. PlalaillfiliDidslur g extreme cold. Theßallroad, Oils .are unequal td, and are In constant use cu many ot the principal Railroads. Sampler can be ,m ined e and orders left at 1141-wOoD Works•at Sbarpsburellridge. ' ' Ig i 23l3.l.wieftootr4i , 44aefl TroutEs, 8E1146Ci.; • l'7 1 . 11 :: j ,'.. L :jC . :", 14:1 2 .';1 :L'i ;Lj 1 :, ,.. ::., : -1 7.. ±i.,.: Pt . .) > ;: i 4 ~ ANCHOR ;COTTO.t.I. L 4OIILLS. errms, islutext. th: ••• t t ( Itsavittoturin? of ELICAVIt .112.DItnit LlEtalt • , ~94$954"IteitilD NAtoirOiXit • e BLS. OILS. smixcmu,. s ji BANK - Of . Pittsbuith I Ia now open for Discount, Deposit and General ißanking Basinesa,,at 4.n1 sum received from One Doßtie upwards. Interest at the_rate of sly. , ,pey cent. paid on Dutscroas: RD. DIVIRIDGE, FRANKRYMAN. W. H. tilidd. lIEBRRT. W. O. R OBERTSON . Ha NUT MEYER. DAN. liloriZElt.' D. M. ARMOR. • Z.MIL I§D.`DITHRIDBE, President. • F. F. SCHENCK, Cashier.. if10:108 A imatican ,DANK. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, ' • PITTSIMpIit. CASH CAPITAL • • '• • • 8200.000. Steekholders Individually Liable. RANK OF DISCOUNT AN D DEPOSIT. JOHN 'FLOYD . WM. PLOYD. President. • Cashier. . D Thos. M. Marsha Job LL. nM. Hartland. • Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace. - Junes W. Arrc't, . Jas. D. Kelly. Chas. B. Leech, Wm. Floyd. John Flovt This Bank Is now fally_ergantzed and prepared to do a general Banking business. Jelok43 HALET, CATIGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Tura and Wood &nata l rinrreuErratian. auoolasoaa TO ELIIINA. EittitT a 00..) DZALII2B Itt Klehangq, Coin, Coupons, tad puttenter attention paid to the pitzehase and sale at COVERNMENT BONDS. Matt Drafts on Landau. sayt:tes ^ N. HOLMES & WU, 57 Market Street, PILTI - raircniciri. PAL: Col Winona made on all the hoinapat ware of the tinned Mates one Omahas: StocksAmds end other Securities BODO= AND BOLD ON CONXISSION, Putlealar attention pald to tie Intrahaos and sale of Vnited States tSeonrifies. Jaacrai JAY COOFV, & CO., * 31Elarilmelfre • 9 i tEr 114 80 77Hi ERDSTREET, PHILADELPEILL STOCKS and 9 et ell 'cleacrlptions bought and aokt. . tt it Speeleisitentle /Mte the purebagn and Mae of tioinsrumat ieauritlea, u3h3o BANK. -- CITY. B . 1 1 2 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. •DA~'III3, 81D0.000. BTOCIBOLDEBE INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEntsmi. 1 1 ." • - FOREIeIk EXalitAlie2 Bonabt andsold. and when eh:aired remitted to Btirope.' Collections made en- all, the principnl points of ther United lattices JanitC.easdak • Domonme inmsEr. reldent. • ' Jaw =CAM Vire President. • JOHN B. UOBMLEY. CaShler . . •• • • B. Eamseek. - intlnCreneJames lefeCabe. Thomas Bourke, John savage, ' J. Dunievy, Jr., Terence Campbell s Patrick Kane. .5. amee'FbOuvi • Chas. B. Barr, MA.lrrerrog es Jno.Joe.liermann. • Thomas thwner: Hutch !leafing. - lei;k3 GLASS. C : 1 14'8.: CUTLERY. too 'vropn sutEET. NEW' GOODS. FINE VASES; • - - 'ANn CH/NA. NEW tfritE% . DINNER SETS, . dETS, • • - • • • orrr Ci7PB - - 491. large stockof • SILVER PLATED / GOODS of sU d*3@crlpttoas. OaU end, examine one goods, end wei feel sstlaned no one need au to be stilted. R. E. BREED CO.I 1 0 0 000, STREET PIMOT:O I 3TEAY. • HOINZIAII & WIEDEHAOLD. 47ttitlAve,iiite, • Upholster:vend Dudes etgaiti. Goods, , r Direct tbe attention 6f their mends and the public tonheir lineltaillorted Mack of Lace and Nottingham curtains, Vestibule Laces; Damidliti &qui t Per* bi Mexican cloth Satin, Helene% _QM oornices. OM and Witinde, 'Mouldings. erring Beds Of superior make.' Hair Heiresses (pure white hair.) =owe. Bolsters ' and everttldhg Tiertstutair to' s.dtut , class Meg. The latest Paris and Berlin designs:or Draperies atthe inumatketor their customers.' Fare white Eastern dhow Feathers always on hand. • • , HOLTMAN & WIEDERHOLD! • • •r. . _ • NO: ioo' AvENIIE. 4 LITEOGRAPHERS. SWAY= eagis. QINGERLY &OLEINI;1111 La ezo. Y. 8013170EXA2 k CQ. „ trilleanalnikila• 4 , 4 . Pe77=1 .. .1. „ • ,7 "; 5 117:17171. • wit • ....ea NOWA' rr : :Vat . 1:4 • :.• .WMl4 tr o ti 2 •jItMU NuL • ItrlMlSalttitinlit. FINANCIAL. • NW,/ <704::01•11:39 - SILVER ABB COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. gi!". B. 2fERTZ, Illailker, my6Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets.' JAMES To 'BRAD — fitti, Olucceisers od. J6NB9 & C.l 1 Corner Fourth and.W ' f-(, ' 33.43.2V3Er.. 3Ell=l. El, . suit AND BELL Ara. D DB or GOVEiiNNENT SECURITIES, BOLD, SILVER AND , COUPONS, ON MOST PAVOBABLB - TEBMS.' wr Interest Allowed on Deposita lo mmone iet vane ra d on Government Bonds it mar Order s executed for the Purehase b and Sale of STOOKS, BONDS.and D. JAMBS T. BRADY, & CO. - GOVERNMENT BONDS We will register all 'Muds Governmeut Bonds free of charge. This givea.be holder ab solute security against Weft, lobs. or destructlbu. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. Dealers in Government Bonds, COR. 017RTEI ik.WOOD STB. mvi3:12.5 'Cljt littsint4 Gaiittt. Ea FINANCE AND TRA.D.III, Oman or•Prmairraaa Gamma, • WerirmsnAT. July 28, 1869. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 18634; Silver, 130; Eighty one's, 121%; Five Twenties, - 1862, 12.3%; do 1884, 122; ,to 1865, 322 g; do 1865, Consols, 120%; do 1467, ; 1203(,;„- do, 1868, 120%; Ten Fortids, :111 . g; 'lie*, York Central, 10%; Erie, '—;..Reading, 98x4 Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, *& Chicago* Railroad, 53; Ohio & • 82%; Michigan Southern, 105.3‘; Cleve land dr. Pittsburgh, 10755; Chicago & Rock. Island, 113%; Chicago & North Western, 79%; Chicago &North Weitern Preferred, 94; Adams Express . Com; pany, 60; Merchants Union Expreds, 11; Pacific Mail, 83%; Wesitara Union . Telegraph Company, 36%; Am. W. Ex- Press, 42. . ExcHayMe, Large. Small. London, per .... . . 116,a5 Paris. - per franc 27' _ 281%% Berlin, thaler 99y, 1,00% Frankfort, florhis .58 5934 —Closing quotatione received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, .136%; United States Sixes, 1881, - 121%; Five-Twenties, 1862, 123%; do. 1864.,, 122 i do. 1865, 122%; Tea-Forties, 111%;: :Five-TWentiei. Janu ary and Ju1y.1865.120%; do. do. 1867, 120%; ,do. do. 1888, 12086;Dne COM& • pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 90; Central do. do., 99; Cy. Pacifica, 108%; Lake Superiors 98. • —ln regard to the prospect ' for a fall businesis,• the New York Financial 'ChOantele says: If our merchants and business men will avoid • speculative itisloaand trust to legitimate operations. they will soon find the country recuper ating and themselves recuperating with it. If, as seems probable , a benefieient Providence gives us a'copiont good hat . vest„year, And , fitonth.,4o shell soon enjOY. more obvious and gen eral-prbeperity, and joy and ;linty* will cheer those sections., of fair , industry where now gloom and depression are but too frequently found. We see no -reason to ; doubt _the: scenrally 'or ',those , ehrewd.farOeding meetbintsibf this city who, from the scarcity of goods in the in terior. theanticipated geqd . 'harvest; and the substantial prosperity of the country, are looking for a lively, fall:trao. • 037 Tele4ripti to the Pltteborgh gazette.J NEw',Yekft, July 22, 1869.. _ ' The money market remains easy, arid the demand on call is freely, met at' 6@7 . per cant., with same exceptions at -5 , per cent. Prime discounts at B®lo per cent. Sterling rather more active and fine at 9',Fif®lo . g. Gold heavy and lower;' the Inarkst *opened, at 136% 3 advanced to' :18.9%, , fell to 135% and olimed at 135%® 1188: Carrying rates, 5®7, per cent. Clear tibees, e103,0o0,000: The estimates of . . *shipment to-morrow vary between 860%- 000. and wocwoo. Governments dull but strong: Cou pods of 'Bl, 122®122%; do. '62, 124® ®124%; 2 d 0... ,'64; ; 32440/1223ii do. '66, ..e22%® L 12%; d 6. 120 @l2l;' '67, lzi(i).MlM; 40,)68, -1q29:1,;©121; 10-40's, 112@112x; Paelticat,"•loB,og)loBX. The Government boug ht 13.4)00.00 0 -. worth of "different issues at 120 * 1-100®120 23:100: State ponds Missouris, 87%; old Tennessees, 63%; new, 56% ; old Virgiri-. fits, 57%; new, 60%; old Nor th Carolinas, ST; new, WM.”' ' • * • ' 'Stook Market active and *exalted dur ing the morning-on Vanderbilt shares, but prices were weekend declining. Cent ral fluctuated bet Ween 217 1 9 ®2u9X; Eud sou between 191g®180% anctßarlemle tween 165® PN.%; the highest prices b&lifg made - 'befbre: liret - call:* Reading active .and fall 8 Ter.:cent; .Ohio A Mississippi and Michigan Southern .were next in ;terist and comparatively steady; the rest of _.thee list , , was dull and sympa-• • thized to - limited extent - with the - course of Vanderblit'a stocks. In the afternoon the market was dull and finetuAted elightly, which was strongly in contrast with---the changes of the morning.; 4. - Vherii.hate been free sales or the Vanderbilt etocks tO•day on the the ors, that tha =MOOS At Saratoga Will itd immedhltely , on , the. consolidation Therewas no . sp@aifl feature Odtaitte* of Vander blit iiitooks.:eiciOt.. a -tittle activity and -a fluctuationOf;l®qitir tent in Reading and*P.acifiel!didk 5-130'.1Wee Canton, ' 61; Cthilbeilarid; 32g; Western Union• Telegraph, 38%;, ._ .. ... ~ :.~,~~. a-. _..., OBSTOR otr . PITTSBURGH GAZETTR, t . - • WEDNESDAY, July 28, 1869. ! Our markets, in a general way, pr'i? sent but little that is really new' or portant. , Thereiastill considerable manifested in flour and grain circles. • although there is not much doing; atockt are much reduced, but the demand if very light and it is not considered ver3 Safe to increase supplies at presen . prices. _The - dispatches both from Chi cago arid New _York, on. Tuesday, indi .. cated weakness, and the. probability of / reaction, and that tco before long, it .growing stronger. Operatora, generally have - little or no faith in present pricet of either flour or grain being sustained but, on the contrary, expect a decline' sooner or. later. • • The , weather • throughout the milli' country has been more favorable lb: harvesting during the past ten days, ant . with a few dart more of the same kind the winter wheat will all.. heve been safely secured, and considerable progreio will have been made in cutting spring. It is probable that later advioes will sham that the reports in regard to the con crop in the west, have been consideraol3 • exaggerated. That it has been consid: erabiy damaged - in certain localities conceded, but that it has been ivjared - g" badly as some correspondents report it, is, to say the least, a little:doubtful. 'imams that we were a little too Sweep, ing in our remarks yesterday in stating that the supply of spring wheat flour it - Shia - market was ' almost eathausted. Ii is true that most of the dealers are about sold out, and that the stock, compare.: tively, is insignificant, also thatti- cannot, .be replaced at present prices; but we are intormed , that there is one firm that had in store on Tuesday, 3,800 bbls o this kind; that is a good deal of . 'flour foi one house to have just at this particulai time, as It was bnightl39l:oo time since will now yield a very handsome profit -Itis a fact, „however,. that - flour, boll winter and spring, is :relatively much • cheaper here than in - the west; choice ; spring wheat- brands; which': are:quotec, at 57(7,25, could not l'e delivered here from Chicago short of Wand good win ter wheat flours - are being offered at the same price of choice spring, - notwith• standing, the fromer has always beet considered worth 25 to 50 cent per bb more than than the latter. APPLES—In steady demand ,and we can report regular sales at $354 per bbl.. 'BUTTER—Is dull notwithstanding the supply: is by - no means large; we cop.:, tinue to quote prime, to choice at 23525. - BEANY—SaIes at $1,75521 BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. i 56,50; No. 4 - 16; No. 3 $5, No. 2, plain $4,50, and market firm. CHEESE—IsNin good supply and ver3 , dull but unchanged-14518, as tt quality. \ , CARBON OlL—ls‘dull - but unchang ed; sales of 50 or 100 barrel lots, at 27@, 28. and in small lots. 29580. DRIED =lTlT—Thedemand.. hat, • almost ceased, and the market is" ;yerj , dull and there are no establaftsd quota_ tions. - - EGOS—DuII with a drooping tend sales. at 18520. - • • • FLOUR—The market is firm but e void of excitement, very reduced - stocks •and very light arrivals. Spring Whew ' brands may-be quoted at 17,00(447,25" *arid Winter Whe at at $7,0057,50. _ _ , GRAIN There is a continued goat; 'milling demand, for. Wheat, and' prim( old Red - sells readily_at $1;40" and we, eat report sales of 400 bushels 'prime net - 5 , at Same figure; - Oats quiet and Unchanged•• -49570 on track, and 72573 in Store Coin in active demand and :scarce; sale 4 cars mixed at 61,00; 1 . car prime:Yellow : : at 11,05; and 1,000 bush - . to arrive, buyei• furnishing sacks, at 93. Rye , may be quoted in the absence of sales at •$1,25. HAY—Sales of new crop at',518524 ai3 'to 'quality. Baled scarce • and firm a HEMP—Last sales at 1205. -HUSKS—SaIes at 2 ®3 is per, pound:; LIME-7CleYelabd Lime, is quated at 82,50; per bbl, and Common White at 61,75 . LARD OLL-No - gi,of: and. No. .1 at 1,40. - : • • . :POTATOES—In .rtither better do. mend - but unchanged 'at' $1,5051,72 pet: • barrel. PEACHES—SaIes at $2,113,60 per'. • box, as to qualify. • - r•" POULTRIZ-45a1i3.4 chiek-; ens, at 65570 per pair, - • PROVISIONS-4-Firmeirand higher. Wei now quote'st-15515X for bhonlciers; 185 i -19 for Ribbed, and- plear*fic4c,ae:;for. Plain and - 244024. for Sugar Curxi: Hams, and 173(418 for Breakfast Lard, 201 i in ,tierces and goyAgt in.ball bbls and kegs. .Mess Pork, .SS3M, _ PEANITIS—SmaIi sales at 12. • . SALT4Allegheny -- River brands are quoted, by the car load, 1, at $1,75580. NEW Your,. dull 28.—With 1)517 fresh -- cattle and 2 1 20 held from Monday, trade is slow and - tax cannot be sold. The deer) markets-IW , full, of-Ma:Mb inef.:'whil . l don't Bell; sides have been mold at 3(4lPEst I pound to-day. There' Is-no life to the trade. Some very fide droves are offer: ing, but none are quotably above 16c. 1 even for extra '.cattle..Good wester n steers are worth 1434@)150 - -corr..; mon • Texans - 141243 ; sales H ; O -pra t. Or good; 7W, . • owt. Illinois ' , steers at".. 14®i5c. The best drove was 15e."- ;choiceHentholty'grade.? Di:whims, scant.• 4: 83 35 c per cwt., sold at 160 on- an aver- age; 50 Canada steers, 536 cwt., at, $7O; a' lot of 7X cwt. Ohio at $7O each: a lot of 7y‘ cwt. Ohio steers at 15q. Sheep are a=.: shade weaker, owing to the heavy re.J celpts of 4.700 yesterday, Only 2.600 ar.• .1 rived to-day and have all beep sold; .5 cars Ohre; gs tooodera, at 63;03 • some, of 438'.i pound State sheep at 54; a lot of fat 60'. pound Canada lambs at 7c; some of . 1 3 5 ; : : :. pounds;at 6340, and a car, of State, `62. - .! pounds, at 9@)o)ic. Hogs advanced •xe' .• today, and dressed selling quickly at:A 12®13c. Receipts, 4,076. - . - ),ttni A o4, July Sit—Cattle" Brill; week .f., and 20(a 25c: lower, at 18 . 450 ® 5 .0(1L)r eciwo t.'.- - aboleteeze: 0 5 . 87 35 1 g 6 x 56 fo r - fiiir.l.o • nte. - • _ditt , nulindsB;7/11g7i25 fbe' good to ethnics :: i - OforriE~MilinezzidOrtenittairg nea 1.--- 940 for 00mm0n,4 9 .15@0,25,40 2 .4tirr 0, mettldnf."hoW 5,+10®9,30 for m i xt: to, choice. Quicksilver, 15M; M a riposa,ai 8%; do. pre ferred; 140; Pacific Mail, •1111 x; Adam Express, 60 Wells and Fargo 221 41 • American 42; United States 69 V; Merchants Union, 111 i Rev York Central, 215 X; Hudson, 185% Reading, 99%; Erie, 29; do. pref., 5534 Michigan Central, 131; Michigan South ern, 105%; Illinois - Central, 141; 'Pitts burgh, 107; Northwestern, 79%• do. pre ferred, 93y,; Cleveland; Coltinibits. ant Cincinnati, 72; Rock Island, 113 V; St Patd, 76%; do. preferred, 88%; Wabaate. 73 1 %; For. Wayne, 153; Terre. Haute, 34 do. preferred, 80: Chicago and Alton, 161 do. pref.;l3l%: Ohioand Misslatdppl, 3235 St. Joseph, 127; do. preferied, , 423. Mining shaies .Copper Stocks at Bostoritlloppeir Fall: 6; Franklin 5; Heels 80: -Hancock 1; 'Min nesot6.l3 . - Apincy ga„..• • RRecelptisub - Treasury,4lo,os6,7BB; pap; meuts, $4,467 f 297; balance, '195,575,625- disbursements coin interesti_BlB3,249; ex ports for the week, 14. 3 44,467. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Live Stock Market. 11222