The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 29, 1869, Image 3

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. • SET. ' _
_ WISDNESDAY, July 2:3, 1869.
-- •.
The aupPly'of cattte9n, sale this week
has been unusually large; 'all the , old
• pens being fall, to overflowing, and for
thetira . i time; ielletre, Conic: of the
. . .
new-pens were !occupied. The bulk of
the arrivals thug far- have been -of the
lower gratteii,''and noriseittimce.
COMplOa.:8130: InferiOt Stook de-
Clined frost a. quarter-to a half = cent,
prime shipping steers in cox:imminence of
a scar City, brotight:' last' :Weeka prices;
litiiiever • that the market
tnaysturblout better before the close of the
Weekthan is now eXpected; -there may.
be an increasednumber of buyers inct
tendance, and with more - buyers, thin:
is generally a stronger competition, and
While it is not prebable tbakpricea • Will
go any.bigher, it is ,possible that a de
cline may be averted.
As Might be expected, however, with
only a moderate demand and., a largely
increased supply, the market thus far
has lagged, .and at: already intimated
the com moner s grades are. lawer, while
good ehipping steers are bringing last
weeks.prices.. The sales during the'
week were•as-follows: , • '
Wnorrnsixix, July 24—Holmes, L. &
Co. to Moses 18, weighing 18,330, at 6,75:
Berry to Lamb 80, 'Weighing .37,330, at
6,12 1 4; Casterline to Ault 19, weighing
20,370, at' - 13,87%; Ward to Endries 18,
weighing 21,520, at 7,50; Johnston to
- Miller weighing 80,770; Thompson to,
Miller 45, weighing 61,880; Bbesubeig to
Oiman 28, weighing 36,120, at 7,80; Sham
berg to Camay: B,.weighing 9,580, at 7,25.
VIVIISD/iX, July 22.—Hedges & Taylor
to Hunts 88, -weighing 78,760, at 7,37;
Warcttol i oungling 17, vreighing 18,330,
at -6,90; ;Smith & Blue' to Veetter 15,
weighbig'ls,26o. at 6; Smith* Bine to
Voeter 22, weighingl9,9lo: at 5; Scott
to - McArdle 81; Weighing -2080,, at.
6,25; Scott &K. to MoArdle 8. Weighing
6,550. at 5,25; Hedges & Taylor, to -John
ston 19 weighifig,2o,92o, at 6 ,35; Rigan
to -Wildrick Weighing 22,500, at 8,37;
Holtttes; L. eirOo: to aicArdie 24; weigh--
ing18,770, at 5; Graham to Wilderiok 16,
- • -weigbing 20,160, 1it.:7,25; Graham to
- •• Wiklerlck 8, weighing 9,000, at 7; 'Gra
ham to •Wildericit B,weighing 8,670, at
6,so;.ffedies di Taylor to , Aull 18; Weigh
_ ing 17,160; at 5;40; Hodges & Taylor to
'Rambo 19, weighing '19,810, at 8; Holmes
L. &-Co- to Anil 16, weighing 17,850, at
M,Jotoston tO Huntzberger 18,
- .weighing 21,960. at 7,25; Holmes, L.- &
Co. to MCArdle 55, weighing 56,190, at
6;-Holmes;Ckz.: to MoArdle 86,
Vreighing 40,280, at'6,62; Collin to Briggs
4, weighing 4,850, at 7;' Hedges &Taylor
to Hnutzberger 21: 1 / 2 - weighing 21,100, at
6,65; Holmes; ',sk -Co. to M e 8,
• ; weighing 9,930, 211.25; Holmes, L. & Co.
: to Voelter 118, Weighing 184,600, at 7.
Parnme, July, 23.--Lear to Martin 13,
weighing 15,380, at 7; Griffin to Landis'
15,'weighing 20,510, at 7,40; Lear to Mar
tin -30, weighing 41,530. at 8;30; Holmes,"
L. a Co. to aline 40, 41,460. at 6,85;
Holmes; L. & C0..t0 Black 26; weighing
2.3,170, at 5; 'Holmes, L. & Co. to Voett er
76, weighltiglB,6Bo, at • 4,75; Fulkison to
Landis 30, weighing 94,560, at 7,15.
' MONDAY, July 26.-Sloan to,,Groff 18,
weighing '18,260, at 7,75; Whitaker to
Biller 1, -.weighing_l,o2o, at 7,75; L.
Smith to P. Kiemens 96, weighing 134-
. 800; at 7,50@9,251 Orr & Williams to
ThAonel9, weighing 20,490, at 7,00.
A.NS •
TODAY,JuIy 27.-Hedges & Taylor
to B. W. Gillett & Co. 50, weighleg ß. 82 .-
520, at 7,50; Hedges & Taylor to W.
Gillett & Co. 87. weighing 103,460, at 7,30;
Whitaker to. Delon° 19, weighing 21,070;
Styre to Foataff 2,. weighing 1,770 at 6,00;
Orr & Williams to Keller 22, weighing
21,560, at 8,50; Hedges & Taylor to Young
20, weighing 19,870, at 7.00;_.5. Johnson
to Jas. NtoCauly 2, weighing 1,850, at 7,00;
Holmes, L. & Landis 7, weighing
8,320, at 6,50 ; "'French to McCanly 4,
• vreighing4,o6o, at 6;70; Hoirdes, L. & Co;
to Moses :.18,, weighing 18,030, 5,75;
Hotmes,.l4. & C0..t0 Jas. Anil 20, weigh
ing,ls;2lo, at 4,00; Styre to Brldagan 38.
weghing 39;270, at 6,75; Bathe to same 25,
weighing 18,000, , at 4,50. • - •
WEDNESDAY, July 28i-Haslewoon &
B. to Iteshbangb 22,-weighing • 18,760, at
6,50; Hedges dt Xaylor to Moses 20,
weighing - ,•*210,* •at : ; 6,25; Hwang to
Young <l9, weighing 18,490,' at 8.751
Holmes; L.•& Oa: 'to .IK , Auts 2, weighing
•' 1,700; Daniels to. avant 19; weighing 22,-
180, at 7,25;-Holmes, L. & Co. to Yottrig,
18, weighlog.l9,l32o; at 7,25; Holines,
eis Co. to Miller 17,' weighing 17,640, at
5,00; same to same 7,, weighing 6.150, at
6,50; same to Landia & M 20, 21,820 at
4,oo:eathe •to Beardsley -102, weighing
121,810, at 7,37; same to Graff 38, weigh-'
ing 41.200,::at -1;25; • Lear to Moses 20,.
weighing , 23,950; , Baziewood & B. to
Briggs 18, 20;1140, at 7.00; same to Haynes '
20, weighing 18,•48( at -3,i!or same to same,
2, weigalitA o 3;77o. at 4,50; same to Briggs
15. weighing',.l7,l3o, at 7,00;. same to'
.'.'Beardely W, Weighing 88,820 , . at 6:62;
Aledges,A . Taylor to , Moses 18, .weighing
17 990 'at .6 25. 'Plitcht,r 'to MeArdle 13, ‘ ,
weighing 14,300; at'7.oo;' same to same 8,
weighing 3,050; at 5,50 r same to same 17.
welghlng 15,400.. at 5,50; Leer to Duffy.l6,
. weighing 23.050;eat 8.00; same. to same 9,
weighing 10,130.'0,5.50; Holmes: L. & Co.
to Graff 8,930; same to Landis 8,
weighing' 21950: - . at . 5,00; Gibbs &A. to
• Wright 44, weighing 33,070. at 4,90;
-Styer to : Yobn 8, weighing 6,230, at 6.30:
Spark° &W, to Briggs 64, weighing 78,-
180, at B,4o;llarita.- to mine 2. weighing
2,940; at 7,00; Scott &K. to Miller & Co.
34, weighing 40,100.
The market for this class is in much the
same. condition it , wap • in, last week.
Trittletit'Sheep are' in active demand,
and eell-readlirratitill — prices, while the•
common, grades continue • dull - And hard
tosell tulle= .verr4 low prima are ao
canted. :Bales' of.. the termer at 5.34 to g' .
"eta? Peri: - Pound, . while ; the commoner
grades maybe quoted from - 4.cta, down
to almost nothing.. Following is .a report
of the" daily sales:: • _
, Wednesday e 2,420
Thursday. • ~, 2,516
Friday., 2,528
Saturday— , .. .. .. ;.. .. .... . 1.. 3n9
7,, Monday 2,862
Tuesday ... .. .. 3,221
Total ; 13,926
With continued 'light receipts and-a*
oiteao 'shipping -demand; the market
,has ruled very drin ", during the past
wsek, and , all the offerings have sold
- .r eadily , and that, ' too, at advanced
prices. .Pbitadelphia Hogs may pow be„
, quoted at 10%®10K, and :Yorkere at 9®
9%. „ Alsdorf 44.Vifarner , sold a bunch of
extra to .day, , , andiWatson real,
• - tzed 10.80 for a drove of fancy.. Fellow
: , ing is a report, of the dallr galas: , •
.Wednesday '• • - B6B
. . . .. .... Z 79,
. 7 726
........ . 1,167
Total.- •
"• ••• • • •• • • es' 000 •s • ... •••••• 00000 _ 5,506
P . wLE,um Iwuun.
WEDNESDAY, Jlllf 2H, 1869.
This was ono of the, if not the dullest
days that has been' experienced In the
oil business for some time, The market
continues dill and Weak, and compared
with yesterday prices have still farther
declined, and even at Ile decline, it , is
said, there were more sellers than buy
ers. It would be s good;move if such .a
thing were pOsaibte, to force crude down
to a point that will give the refiner
margin; an it Is •now, and %at been for
. , •
Some time past, (taking present prices
as a basis,) the;, mann,facgtretr Ass no'
profit whatever, and while: then market
continues in- this Condition; the trade,
cannot be regarded , as being .in a -healthy,
or. satisfactory !state.: ;We• are asittred
from reliable sources that, at present
quotations, it would , actualty cost the
refiner more to. makel . refitted than he
he could realize for it delivered in Phil
adelphia; it Is evidentthat there must.of
sheer neceasify , be a change .some way
or other, and that too before long—oth - -
erwise our refiners will •be obliged to
suspend operations,,'
Not a singlo, sal e reported." Spot or
seller July, / may. be '.quoted at Hg,
against sales yesterday at la, and seller
all year, is reported as having been
offered , freely at 14X, • without finding
buyers. Buyer all year, quoted' at 1634
—the last sale reported having been
made at that figure.
-2 •
But a single sale reported, 500 bbls last
half August at 32 1 4. July quoted at 31/
®513., against a sale of 2,500 bbls on
Tuesday evening at 31%. Last three
months quoted at 33;;,; and last five
mouths at 33.
Eclipse Winter Lubricating qil
Eclipse Rallroad.Axis
Eclipse Machinery
Eclipse Spindle ... . ....
Fisher Bro
T. Wilkins
Pool ..
G. V. Foreman
G. S. Thomas.
Total 3,099 bbla
attIPPED Ha '6r ST h..
Citizens Oil ' Co. 499 bbls .refined to
Tack' & Bro., Phibylelphia.
McKelvy & Bro., 258 t►bls refined to
W. P. - Logan & Bro., Philadelphia..
Thos. Hackett, 148 bbls refined to
Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia.
Forsyth & Bro.. 50 bbis refined to
Warden. F'ew it Co., Philadelphia.
Total Refined 958
G. W. Holdsbip it Co., 55 bbls refined
to Waring, Ring & Cio., Philadelphia:
Brooks . Ballentine & Co., 56 bblit ref.
to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia.
-' Hutchison Oil it Refining Co., 457 bbls
to Warden, Frew & Philadelphia.
Total shipment:3 Refined 513
Nsw Yonx, July W.—Cotton rather
more active, without decided change in
the prices; Baia 1,800 bal. ea at 84c. for
middling uplands. Flour—receipts/2.512
barrels, dull and 10®15c. lower: sales
7,800 barrels at $5,85®8,35 for eniperfine
State western; 56,75 ®7,35 for extra state;
$8,65®7,40 for extra' western; 17,05®7,40
for white wheat extra; t6,95®7,25 for R.
H. 0.; s7®B for extra St. Louis; $8®10,50
for choice do. Rye flour .firm: sales 450
barrels at $4,75®8.75, closing heavy.
Corn meal quiet. Whisky dull; sales 25
barrels western at 51,11 free, Wheat—
receipt's 182,182 . bushels, heavy and 2®3c
lower; sales 11,700 bushels at ;1,50®1,54
for inferior to prime No. 2 spring; $1,58®
1,59 for No. 1 do: $1,60®1,83 for amber
State, the latter price for amen lots; $1,65
for new amber Virginia; $1,75 for white
Virginia;' $1,70 a 1,75 for white Cantor-
nia, and 51,55 for new winter red Ohio to
arrive iwAngust. Rye quiet and firm.
Barley and Barley Malt , norninal. Corn
opened heavy and closed 2®343 lower;
.receipts 573;890, sales 61,000 bush at 88c®
51,00 for unsound new mixed western;
11,1042;1,13 fbr sound do closing at $l,lO
' ®1,11; and $1,14®1,15 ! for western yel
low; also 15,000 mixed western for No.
vember delivery at' 51,05®1,07: "Oats 1
®2c lower; receipts 825, sales 23,900 bus
'at .800 - for western in . store, and .
81c for western afloat, Rice steady;',
40 toe Carblina at 13 1 4@tm& °after quiet: .
Sugar is in fair request; sales of 90 Mids.
at 11%ig11,10 for Cubsi:, 12@12g0 for .
Porto Rico. Molasses • dull. Petroleum
firm at 173;e for crude, and 32%®33e for
refined; Hops ' steady at 10®156. - 'for
American: Opal; domestic arm at' 19,00
net . ton 'by cargo;. foreign 'nominal.
Leather 'iti without•any debided change.
Wool is quiet and firm; .sales 150,000
I pbundVat 41453 c, doinestio fleece et 55c,
combings at 42®44c, pulled' .at 55®58c.
Linseed 011 dull at- 97c®51,00 in' casks. -
If Spirits `Turpentine -dull at. 1 115i5®4230.
Pork firmer with a fairdemend; 881438 900
bbls at' . 539;12®83,25 for new seeker clos
ing: at .133,25, cash; $38,50 . for ..old do;
s.27,2s®2B,so.fbiprime,and 128,75®20,25
for prima meas.. Beef steady, with sales
190 oblsatlB®l6for new plain-mess, and'
sl2®lB for new extra mess. Tierce Beef,
nominal - at - 620 ®2sfor prime 'mess, and
525®30 for India mess. Beef-Hams are
steady, with sales 150 bbls at 25®31c Cut'
Meats firm, with sales 170 package& at
-14q®150 for shoulders, and 17®19d; for
hams. Middles quiet, with sales 80 boxes
icenured at 16X ® itlyic. Lard. firm, with
.sales 400 tierces•at I.7(col9,o; , abietiy 193
for steam, and 19X®20 for kettle• ren
dered; also. sales 250 tierces steam,seller
for July, at 19 1 Mc. - . Batter firmer at 1801)
30c. for Chia, I6®BBe. ,for State. Cheese
:arm at 11®16e.:bibeathing Coppe.r steady.
at 82c., ingot copper dull and drooping at
22e. for Baltimore and 22tio. for Lake Bu
.perior. Pig Iron steady at $37,50(4)40 fur
-Scotch and $89®42 for American; bar
iron dull at.485®90 for refined English.
American 'sheet quiet; 10%®10Kc. gold
for Russia. Nails quiet at $4,70®1,75 for
cut, 143,2006,25 for• clindh. and 26®300.
horse shoe. Freights to Liverpool firm;
engagements of 60,000 bush. wheat by
Mesta at 7tid. . . • ' • -
Latest -Flour closed dull and 10c
lower. Wheat steady, at $1,32®1,33 for.
No. 2 and $1,55®1;59 for 'No. 1 spring.
Bye, nominally unchanged. Oats nomi
nal. at 81c .afloat: - Corn dull and heavy.
'at 95®95c for unsound and $1,09 ©1;10 for
sound 'rnixed 'western. ' Pork quiet; at
582,50®33 1 25 for mess. Beef unchanged.
Cut Meats nominal. Bacon dull and un
changed. • 'Lard' dull ,_at . 1914®19%c for_
fair to prime steam . Eggs firmer, at 23
®2se. . .
‘' Ctttcacto,,Tilly 28.--Eastern Exchange
firm at 1-10 per cent. off, buying, and at
par, selling. Flour lase active and easier
at 55,15P7 for. spring* extras, Wheat
dull and :4.6@ 2 g. 0 14Wer, with sales' No.
1 'at gt;Boy,®l,lll,...dloSing , unchanged;
'N0...4,, quiet,. with sales at $1,8335®1,35;
01.0alag." , at 16113334@P4i: ,
,this, • after
noon,. toe market . . was,- trOaßlar.,
~ I nd.ttiiiifiz. o 4rithr o; 2 #lV 3 4.gash,
, and IL h - S5 toyek, • r • •p m yplCciqiet
1 and .4@rotricraorr ' nchang64l; With
sales at 90% ®920 for regular and fresh re.
eel 61051 filt unChnnged; ‘iejected Bold
at •no grade at 86%®87c; this •*titer
noon there were sales No. 2 at 90e, smiler_
for August. Oats dull and 534@)6e low
er.. with ' sales No.. 2 at . 58©
65c for old and new receipts, closing -at,
62@)65c for old,
58@58e -for new.
Bye quiet. and one cent lower; No. 1 nom
inal at $1,09(211;10: sales.. of No. 2'at $1,05
1,06, closing at $1,05. - Barley nominal.
Highwines unsettled; with sales at $1,04
@1,05.- Sugars firm at -18%@143.,fc for
comninikto prime Cuba. • Mess-Pork in
active and, firmer at 103,50)983,75. ,Lard
firm at -18 y ,e. Dry salted Shoifiders
'firm at . 13%013 3 / 4 o: Freights =if nomi
-1341TS !iXqPr,oorri, and 4c. for wheat to
Buffalo. The ; receipts , the peat
tweiitji-lbiiihOrs were B,7o7bblet tour,'
25,830;bu5h. Wheat.. 313,90$ rogib
20 1 296' bush. o , 375' bush., rye, 120 bash.
barley.: 8,002 ' hogs. Shipments —2,340
.114.956 bush. wheat, 56,991
buzli. corn, 1,325 bush. ,osts*k6. l 7, bogs.
Ctuctrirtxrr, July 28.:—Flour •is ffral.
but quiet, and . sales were made dt family
at $6@6,25; Wheat is 'firni and' fair
demand, with !sales of red at 11,20@1,25,
and wnite at $1,35©1,45. • torn has ad
vanced to 90e for ear, and the supply is
light. Oats advanced to 77@790 for old,
and 65®75c for new: . Rye iseteady at $l.
Whiskey has advanced , to $1.03, and iron
bound sold at $1,10; all kinds were held
•at this rate at the close. Tobacco is .firm
and active, with sales of 194 hogsheads.
at $6©18;75. Provisions are firmer, and
prices are tending upwards: Mess Pork,
183,250 3 3. 50 ; buyers offered $33. Bulk
meats are held at 13%®14c for shoulders,
and 16;i@lfly,c for sides.. Bacon firmer,
with sales of shoulders at 15c, and sides
at 18(018%e. Lard quiet at 19.;(i)1.934e.
Butter is firm at 25®300, Eggs are dull
at 13@14e. Groceries are unchanged and
tirm at full rates, There is no change in
.011 a. Gold, 136 buying. Exchange is
steady at par ,buying. Money market
CLEvELAUD, July 28.—Flour firm and
steady for winter grades; spring grades
scarce and better. Wheat: receipt very ,
good and prices unchanged; the inquiry
for parcels on spot'was light; sales No.
1 red - winter at $1,42: No. 2 do. $1,87; No.
1 red, seller August, 11,37. Corn: receipts
were good and market quiet; sales No. 1
mixed at "990.®51.; No. 2 do. 96e. Oat's '
quiet and - nominally unchanged; No. 1
State is hold at Ho. Rye: not much in
quiry and nominal at 6140@1,15. 'Barley:
none offered and no figures are ' given.
Petroleum quiet and - unchanged for re
fined which is held at 28 4@29e. for July
and 29@)294e for August, for standard
white; crude firm at 56,65.
TOLEDO, July 28.—Flour steady.
Wheat 4@sc lower; amber $1,55 on spot
and seller July; $1,38, seller August; No.
1 red $1,41 on spots and to arrive, and
51,363®1,37, seller August; No. 2 red
$1,34%@1,34;‘,, on spot ; No. 1 white
Michigan old $1,67. Corn I©2o lower;
No. 1 98%c; No. .2 97; ;e on spot and 95e,
seller August. Oats quiet, at 78c for Na.
1 and Michigan. , Receipts-500 barrels
'flour; 9,200 Inuihirliitheat; s,7oobuah. corn;
600 bush. oats:"-Shipments-2,600
lour; 18,500 Acidic - wheat; 8,200 bush corn;
400 bush oats.
1,520 bbLg
... 320 "
... 480 " ,
50 if
MILWAVHBE, July . 28.—Flour is dull
and lower, with sales of choice lowa and
Minnesota -:at ,56,50®11,75. • Wheat is
ateady„at 11,38 X for No. and $1,34%
for 2. Oats firm at 7234 c for No. 2.
Corn hinzsettled at 95c for No. 2. Rye
is firth at 11,05 for No. L Barley is
nominally held 81,20®1,40 for Mir to
good. • Cirainlfrelghts are quiet, firm and
unchanged. .1. Receipts -- 2,000 barrels
flour and 34,000 bushels wheat. Ship
men 4-5,000 barrels • flour and 53,000
bushels wheat.
PHILADELPHIA, July 28.—Flour firm
er and more inquiry for spring wheat;
extra family at e 8 157 .5 0.• Wheat hula/ -
proved in demand and advanced
with sales 3.000 bush red, part new, at
81,55@1,135. Rye uncluinged. Corn less
active, With sales yellow at 51,16@1,17,
and mixed , western at $1,1401,18. Oats
steady, with Sales western at' 75@770.
Provisions held firmly. Petroleum firm:
crude at 22@2234c, and- refined at MX@
32. Whisky scarce; held at .1,20.
BALTIMORE,' July, 28.—Flour in quiet
demand with a light stock; western au
perline 15,50@erextra 56®7; do. family
57,50@8, Wheit heavy, red $1,55©1,65.
Corn, firmer prices,' white 11,10®1,13.
Oats firm at 67®70c. Mesa Pork quiet at.
834; bacon active and firm; rib aides 18%
®19o; clear rib 19q®19,40;• shoulders
15%(017c; hams 28®240. 'lard quiet at
1957®20c. Whisky firm, stock Brame at
MEMPHIS, July 28.—Cotton dull, with
sales of low middlings at 31c; receipts, 17.
bales; exports, none. Flour medium and•
fairly, active at from ifyso to 58.50. Wheat.
In demand at 81,25. , Corn 97c@i$1,00.
Oats 82340. Hay'market bare. 'Bran
-5221n store and dull: Corn mthil *CM@
4,75: , Pork 1134,50®35. Lard. 20@21%c.
Bacon ntiff. Shoulders 1534 c. Sides 1956 c.
Lourrximg, July 28.—Flour
superfine 14,50 J Leaf tobacco steady and.
in fair demand; sales 174 hhde: at 155,90 W
13,75. Grain steady and unchanged;
Provisions huoyant;shouldera 15W.; clear
rib 19c; sides 19;40. Hams, cixtra-sugar ,
- cured, 23c. Lard 193.10. Whisky—raw
advanced to $1,07. ; ,
Sur; Fits:cerise°, July gs.—Flour at
$5@5.8734. WhSat; sales of choice at
81,70©1,721-7:. Legal Tenders at 740.
,Ntw 'Yortir; .TulY 28.—There is :,: little,
but'priees rule steady' and - lirus;,
nevertheless on Minday ;next' ex
pected trade will •open in 'earnest - and
• pod business is anticipated next month,
,Heavy low ,priced. Wooleas, , allele as
Chinchillas.. Beavers, 44. c.. are in goad re
_quest, and Flannels and Blankets are be
ginning to be called for, but otherelasses
of Woolens, such is Cashriagres, are not .
yet winch inquired fQr., Woolen' Shawls
will open. on MondaY'-next at about last
year's' prices, only Misses' 'will open a
little higher, say at from 85c. to 90e.
leiirtfitrittegt, vont virAtss a
OACIO RhatimAto, July ' - .28.-3 'Oars
'ors",tBhoenbertter ,t Blair; earCitiheat;
Kennedy & Bro; 100 bbls Sour, •-Bhointv
ker Itangenheim; 1 ear' corn,. Keil it
Ritehart; 92 - .bdls paperi:tlilostetter
Smith; 4 bbls eggs,
tKoppahan& Geob
ler; 38 bdlaispokes, Hare &, Bro; '269 Nis;
oats, P Duff & Son; 2 bhis tallow, Drape
& Robinson; 15 , bits cheese, NJ.Bradeig'
25 bzeandles, J 8 Dilworth dc Co; 10 do
cheese; F Bellers t& Co; 10 , eaddles to
bacco. Murphy;' , 2•pkips Wood .
worth & Davison; 10 bp - km[4 Christy &
Benham; 1 bbl eggs, A Kirkpatrick do Co;
1 ear wheat, laggett & Co; :58 bbls flour,
!Watt, Lang& eo;s bblrilquor, ItAdier'
it Co; b 0 bbls hlghwines, Little & Meek:-
ling; 8 bbls eggs,t H,Rea 3r; 113ar corn, 0
H Allerton; 1 do staves, Adatns &
Bro;, 400., aks , flour. T C Jenkins; 160
hides, D Chesnut & Co; 2 bbls alcohol,
.Henderson it Pro. .
LOl7lB RAILROAD, •July 28.,3,kgs lard F
G Craighead:s 10 bbls,: 40. eke flour, C
Myers; 2 ale bbls, Spencer & McKay; 200,
bgs bran, MSteeLit Son; 1 car oats, J W
Simpson: 3 cars :staves sT , mastings; 1
do, lumber, .0dell; 2 do ~bulicy:wheate
Ligget & CeLlOO bblis flew, DA ;Wal
lace' sig_d2-1119 ) ::13:"Pizdite,y1 comm.-to -,
beeCo; r llv 'l4 iones; 3,hblL,.sprep
~,,WerSOn ;+ift.Wood* t x',spoWs,4:gle
- Cottoirmill;' 2l . '` xiar, • 26.
bits candles, E 'Zen; 2 ciiiks' n,
sdo beef, E H Myers; 1 do beef, J LIP-
pincott; 25 ban' isonp., D..t t r; 1 'do
Gooks. Rev J ; ead; 5 tcs hams, phr..
her; 60 bbl s highwines, Co.
Bomb. -July bbla oil, J,Sp_ear & Co:
,2 elks, 1 Axil repen - Yitteburgh, Paper Co;
6 bxe cheese, 2, Us hams, Day :& Co; 3
bbls eggs,
• P Duff & ' Son; 6 do apples.
W 0 Gray= ds Co; 345 do' do, 1: du' eggs, 6
bias cheese ; Voigt, M & Co; 6 bbis _ up.
plea; Steel & Bpo; bbis oil, D Big &
Co; 100 bbls'flotiii• ScliOinaker & '
'L; 20
tcs 8C hams;JatLippincott; 25 half bbis
w fish, ii.ebnitkLes,&,Co;,4 cases tobac
co, T J Blackmorol 10-do do; J K Smith
& Co; 5 bbla dour, Hasilage Co: 196
copper, 2 bbls do ore, C Gilangsing & Co..
ALLEGguarr VALLiars .KAumosp. July
28.1 car , metal , McKnight it Co: 2 do
do, Sohn Moorhead; 1 . do dO; H Wood
sides; 5 .do _limestone: ..Shoeuberg. er it
Blair; 42 lOgs oats, W H Kirkpatrick *
1 car' L Reynolds; 2 bbls
eggs, Heil , * -Meth:car; 2 - do 'di); I: J'
Bianchard;:l.bbl eggs, 29 sks Tye, 14 do
oats; W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 74 aka oats,
Scott it . Gisal; I car stone, Harrison & Co;
1;620 bbls oil, Fisher drßro; 729 do 'do;
Jas Wilkins; 50 do do, G S Thomas; 480
do do, G V Foreman; 320 do do Pool Bro.
ALT. 4.1101. STiTION, July 23.-1
ear shingles, • Boyd & Sorg. 1 ear' metal,
Rogerti& Burchfield; 6 do limestone, Su
perior Iron Co; 1 car ,corm M Steel &
Son; 1 car metal, Lindsay & McCutcheon:
29 bdlapaper Frazier &.-Metzgar; 2 dare
iron ore, Lewis, Bglley & Dalzell;, 4 cars
wheat, Kennedy & Bro; 6 do ore, Spang,
Chalfant - & Co; 9 oble potatoes, John
Herbert. •
The river is again falling slowly; with
five - feet two inches in the channel by
the Monongahela marks last evening.
_Weather cloudy and warm, with Indica
tiona of zain.
Business continnei dull at the landing;
freight for all points being very scarce,
and it is not' probable that there will be
any immediate improveffultd.
.•-n-Fort Benton has been madea military
—The Glendale, also, was to have left
St; Louie on MOnday for this port.
—The Kenton from Portsmouth, Is
due to-day, andledl return as usual to
—The Porhelia. "'from Parkersburg, is
thia only arrival and departure we bave
to record, •
—The R. C. Gray s , Capt. Isaac •Whitta
ker, will positively depart, for Cincinna
ti and Louisville -
—The Loren'a, Pittsburgh to St. Lodis,
arrived at Cincinnati on Monday night;
and' would leave there on Tuesday even
—The Messenger from St. Paul arrived
at Cincinnati on Monday, and waindver
tised to leave there on Tuesday. for
Pittsburgh. She has, among other
items, 1..0 tons ore.' • '
The Wail • Duck left St. Louts fOr
Pittsburgh on Saturday, and the Iron
sides with, three" - barges, dontainging
1,500 tons ore, was to have "left Caron
delot on Monday. , .
—The. Nashville &uter. ,of the
says; - Captain lts' new boat, Captain.
Jinks, is About completed. This craft
will be i , ,valuable. acquisition to the
Cumberland River low-water fleet, as we ,
understand that tihe will draw leas than,
one foot watery
--The Allegheny - Belle, at Cincinnati,
- is getting four new boilers, and her mew
chtnery is being altered and renewed.
Strange to say, she - will have a new hull
put under her at ninon. That's what an
exchange says. We suppose her name
won't be changed.
—The Davenport Journal. of Friday
says: - A private caucus of river nabobs
has been held at Dubuque; but.what the
object or result was:. not transported. , '
Rumor has it that a Change is to be made
in the dzspositioriuf packets in-the event --
of navigation being cut• off over the rap.
Ida by the coffer dun. •--.
—Capt. -.lessee Dean, of the Messenger.
informs ns that on her recent downward
trip from . St: Paul the Messenger re-'
calved 6,455 pigs of lead at Galena for St.
Louis, and points on the Ohio River.
This'is the larval 'aingle shipment of
lead from . Galena, „ by. river, in eight
. .
. —The Cincinnati Enqui r er says the
Natchez ivid 'be ready in-abundant time
for.the opening of the- cotton.carrylng
season in the. ,New Orleans and Vicks-:
burg trade ' this . fall, thbre is a strong
force at work on her. The planking is
completed, the' , guard-work is well ad..
vaned, and thejoineis are going ahead
' with her cabin rapidly.
• ' —The St. • Pfnil Press; of three days '
ago said: ,- “The river is Wing now pret
ty rapidly, and with hot, dry weather
must soon reach low'water mark, The
Steamers are already -begfrirditg : to find
shoal water on may :of-the: tbars, wad the
large one Will be compelled -to haul , off
in a few days: Freights - are scarce, and
business is Itmcoraing exceedisiglyly
dull ”. , , 7 T.; -•
• ,ER PACISrSt ,
744311.11NNaTi AND LOIIIISvua.r.:
LOIDSVII4LE.—irbe fiße,9ti.3.7.ompl:mmmo•P,N
A.. SIBAI • ,•.:) qpipt.lWiirrr i ns.e.R„
Will leave fottle above tit,nd prerpaedlote Potts
:ohTH IL DAY, X9th lost • istilbg through re
c!alpt9 Wl'lll=l3l2 .tott New , : ,
• Yor freight or
_lmmo, itmOlv (m' Ward or tO
- • •-•, IFLACK, or
ir"l.• t'•• 'J -D. OODLINDWOOD.'Ageitt!.
• .
- F u T,S. 11 II:P.0; II t j a dße
IczAs - Buff / JIBE :141),v-ft -P LR-.
comn tr)e What
hoot, loot or& nor Strpet. daily et 111 . K., WED
eissz meows. U. L. lip.zinrelt, Mesta.
irrei,ght will be racelvetat zau boula Mr'
. ,
eLittiva ttrert-cliss
I".utaebrUe; '
eidl l 4 BITINVITaganom Vier 48,
ti, rth trAver, New York.,
For .usage or farther
Information soar to •• .„
113 SMITHFIELD STREET. Plttiburgh2
." MAUSIEIA.LIA4' riumurt.
&1A1113111.1.1.`13 ELIXIR. WILL Cana EITSPZI.SIA.
blitit e tutx ,, s ELIXIR WILL COSTIVZ•
lIZS PrIce Of Marshall , e Elliir, $l,OO per
pintot,l3ol l . Market &teem M. N.A.BAHALL
Co., Diugglsts. groprleters.
Foreale,. witelowe and retail, by GT.O.'fl.
TULLY. rittsberab. , ,re4:00•T:711
. Tit i arPAR&NT
P 3,, •
* -1
&BUIS sit ANA 'weal
Ar A PLC': Stl6lllL l -10“
a on eonsignment at WATT, LANti & 00'8,
142 and 174 Wosod &cruet.
O N frO N V 5. 45f . . - I" :d ' rti ti 4l l l l 3 . T Y o 2, l lta ril a i O nl e a lq
Hon. ,1 GRAHAM, !
Rev. J. B. CLARK. D. D.,
• Capt. R. ROBINBCE. • -
Rev. A. K. BELL,D.D, r . •
Rev. S. H. IoReBIT.
W. A. c.RED. Cashier AlleighearTrust
JACOB MISR, Real Estate Agent,
BOSON DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny. .
C. W. BENIN Y. Hatter, • 4
A. S. .11ELL,, -
. D. L. PATT.BO2I; Lumber mere/ant.'
D. BWOBS.R.ansurance Agent. -
Capt. ROUT. itosieton, President*
new. J. B. CLA RH, D.D., Vies President,
JACOB RUSH, Secretary, ,
C. W.I3ENSIT. Treasurer.
scivr. wiirra..asinaciar. Aimmxis:
DARE, 5W041F44 Genq Agent.
This igitipmecompany.ecinduated on the matted
principte, each policy bolder receiving an equal
share of the profits of the Company. Policies*
will be issued on all the different plane of Life
Insurance, and being conducted on an economl. ,
cal basis will afford a safe investment to each
policy , holder. and' thereby retain the money at
home to encourage home industry: mh2P:aat
OF nwainit, PA.
No. 4.1 Ohio St... A/legheny.
• A, HOME COMPANY. managed by Directors
well taiown to the community; who trust by fair
desltnit tome:Bashers of your patronage.
. .
Geary Irwin, D. Patterson, Wm, Cooper,
Geo. B. Biddle, Jacob trans, Gottleib Pima,
Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Bush,
W.M. Stewart; Ch;P. 'Manton', Joeepb Craig,
Jos. Lautzter, H. J. Zambian, :sere. Knhe n.
a010:038 - - • -
CLuni •
No. SG Filth Avolrost—Booorul Floor,
Capitsll'al4ll:Tp. ,
, . .
N. BAtle%
Dsrnil w S. H. Hartman. A. ens:ld:ma,
Jake Hill, le. hPOtarken. IL
Thom ” st.eot. •
JNO. P. JENNINGS, Vice President.
. JOB. JomorroN, Secretary.
, Capt. R. J . GRACE, Heal Agent.
.Insures on Liberal: Terms on Fire
. .
and Spine Risks.
• .
tor. Federal 81. and Diamondolllegiteny,
n e 'BIICOND - .I(ATIONAL wars
A l lot n t i e , th
. ,
• MARTIN'. President, - •
JOHN' BROWN,' JR:,Vlee President,
JAMBS BTAVERBON. Secretary. , '
John - L.•Myler, Jae. Lockhart. Joe. Mere,
Jae. L.G raham. Robdrt Lea, „! C. C. Boyle,
JGrown,Jr. George Gent, Jacob bop
O.H YWHliame olnofThompsoni Xoblaugher.
This Is a Some Company; and Insures . against
loss by Fire exclusively.
LBONABD Th iALTBEt, President. '
C. C. BO 'Vice President.
HOSENT PA RION. Treasurer. ,
ilutia - mczemorr. Secretary.
Lennart! Walter.- • .• HeorlWltscnt.
C. 0. Boyle, Atech• ... Brns.
Hobert Patrick. ' 'J. C. ' _sliPec, • '--,.
Jacob Painter. J. C. Ifleluer.. .
Josiah King, • JobnToegtley,
Henry. Hopkins, • A. Anunon. :
Ityroul, -
OFFICE, bi. Z. comma WOOD & FIFTH trn.
A Houle Campaap,isking?lre and !diem Maka
. _
Wm. PlMllias; ' '.. = MitaCi Capt. John L. Skold%
John Watt, , . Samuel .P. Sluaver,,,
__, , rarte__Attmet.lai, , •
Capt. James MUM, . aredlt,Emalt, . .
Wm. Wm Kirk, • • • mP. Lan - ,
4174...iith i l i ll i t Pief E tran i t.
Ola= W Ica President. •.
•'W..-1 1 % Et • Secretary: • -
ITAPT. JAB. CIOR. ON, General Asitnt.
rawrormr. ,
orincLus a en, omonarr BT. ,near
Draitercas. •
arat i ca,
lalb.litosAr.' Estaker. - Mordecai H. Louis'
Sam Wagner, David 8. Bross•sl4
uel Grant, Isaac Lea,•.,
Jacob .B.._braitla, , Jidwuja Dale,
ItliteLW: Bleb ' George es:
ir,3 G., BAN . P
Ver:•1: 'DALE. Vice President. '.- • :
W.l7ZrX hili retsr l44lll l. ;
• I - -- J. G EB . Atrnsf,
. 't=Wald Domes ,Third and Wc•od B'elis.
I s k v Li ' .
V EX iltittzt briminAtrOt tom-.
• ' , PAW OrxrrnsimiltlEG - • 2 • ,
ANDES 141.11U0E, Rmeideas . b . , • ,
••- WWI.. HERlTEXP.'Elecittarsr.- "✓
IiEORANC 2-31131. D. klenerM Agent%
• OflCe: 931 i
t4l :, ,Li d ium rt..atreet,'& Co.'s Want
!Wise, ups Pittelmrgh:
ot i fs ;
WM Ins - tire "ati 'kinds
-riut home ged•byDt
rectort rector& who are weuu IMo-ft
,to the commu nity, : .,
E d "l 4 'fa d V""taeA b rzir 9 lnPthesallla l rere
tr 0 13 xi the trader whi tee) , wr
assumed, as offering the hen to - t bon
who desire to be Insured. -
;R. 'Miller,: Jr.; -
James McAuley,
t'Alexandera_ peer,
=David Ltmg:!
0 /OZ.No. 21/IFTH BTH3ZT.B.sirs•OLCCIA:
*nerves against all kinds or•Pire and Kama
move • : _
JOHN IHiklir. - JR:. Prest_daiit... "
i l k fel)% B Alittlielge ' ll ' '
CAPT.-W/I. Mi General Agent.
. DLEMOTns..
T. /grit Jr. l ., • B.: L. ratmeatock
J. es asap. W. H. EvLrson, •
C. fi,t He/Sey, . •-Bobart 11. Davit. • -
Harvey =ids, - Francis Sealers,
etazies•usgs. : •,‘ •: , eaut..l. T. Stec/Male.
Capt. Win, Deals. . T. kl.:Nerili-
Restoms gray. and: faded Hair to its
ORIGINAti COLON I;l7lo.Yes Dandruff,
Pre:vnts' Bt.niiiss E , and makes "tilW'lUdt
w f:)II„ Glossy 'and Lkixinlaiit'
'11:16 - ' 11A Isdr Dot&
gtitrAitit" l iithitLET .
:iiiteliENE t
Y,‘Druggleed Itafrale.lCY:Eold.
Wall Druggists.
bolisale Agents—SCHWARTZ b HLZLETT.
An elegant new Brick Dwelling, Z rooms, at
tteiad room:, • ' ' -
Hduse of 4 rooms, 2 lota, 16th ward, 6r.800
House'of 4 rooms, 1 tot, 1622 ward, $1;500.
House of 4 rooms, 2lots, 17th ward, 62,800.
House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 17th ward, 62,400.
House of 4 roensa, ll hit, 13th ward, 62,600.
House of 2 rooms, I lot, 15th - ward, 6800.
10 lots,Stebert&Wimmins , p1an.6700 to 6500.
2 lots, 44th street, 21,200 each: - •
4 lots, 43th street, .41,000 each.
3 lots, HatAeld.street, 4890 each.
1 lot. Sherman street, 47.80.'
3 lots, 40th stieet, 90=440, $12,000.
4 lots, Butler street, 48;000.
.'Lots Wl.t.l3lfret,lB(!el ten years torsi. A.
houn cost n 500; Interest on both. $BO s Year.
Many pay $lBO year rent.: AZ -illocnnAeld yon
*odd Save $ll4 a year and your house and lot
ln-lese than 10 years. _Charches and schools
30 acres of iand, a mile , from . Shirpabore,
80..000:.80iiciee it. $3.800. =
D. 8. WILLIAMS, 17th ward.
3 STILLS, each 9 feet diameter and log,
feet long, with about 300 feet condensing pipe.
from 4-incli 'down tb gaipipe to
still; for 1000 Apiece.
2 'BOILERS, each 32-Inch - diameter and 14
feet long, with- eldniney.tirtdglng; etesm dram.
stand pipe, &c., for POO.
steam cylinder, watei cylinder and 12•
inch stroke, for 3309 - apiece,
1 IRON AGITATOR. 16 feet diameter and 16
feet deep, with emit Iron bottom for 4300.
700 feet 23-Lneb OAR PIPE at 400 per foot.
Apply toEBNY, SA.GEBLAN & CO., at works.
near Shirpsbnrg Bridge.- 336:179
FOR BALE:-The heirs of the late ALEX.'
ANDER CAMERONLdeceased, offer the follow
ing desirable and conveniently located property
for sale: Three story Brick Dw.lling House,
fronting on West Com Mon, Allegheny. No. 16
Sherman avenue. Alio, two story Brick Dwel-
Ling, frontlog on. East Common, No. 16 Union
avenue. Also, three story Brick store room. No.
104 Federal street, Allegheny. now occupied Sy
.J. J. East as kook Store. AU of the above is of
fered on reasonable terms. in order to facilitate
the settlement of the estate. Parties wanting
information will apply to the , undersigned at of
fice of the Pennsylvania-trot:trance Company,
1683 Wood street, Pittsburgh. HUGH Mc EL
HENY. iy9:De
Water street, ao feet front on Water street, ex
tending back 160 feet to rims street. Occupied
by Messrs. Calhoun & ban,- -
No. 2. VAIIIIRoutas LOT. , 111, 205
Liberty street. 20 feet front on Liberty. cx wnd-
Log track 120 feet. Oecnoieo by gr.Kairkggin.
3 . One.half of WARY,HOITSE AND LOT,
No. 337 Commerclakitow. Liberty street.
No. 4..L0T No. 24 in Curling:s Pl a n of Lots,
fronting MO feet on Dlnwidnie street:
. . _
No. 5. LOTB Nos. 83, 83; 81, 85 and. 85 la
•Wray llotvellerte Plate of Lots. Bli.oralleld.
A considerable poition o the purchase money
to reMla.l2 on Intero . _
For farther information - sally to DR. R.WRAY,
1:151 Webster street: - or. to J.' WRAY &
BROTFIREbi SU and 31 Irvtlisstreet. jyrtm2)
Good 0 roomed brick house on Centre avenue
and large lot-54,500:
Good ti roamed' frame bonne with all improve.
meats; lot 131301 1/0744.090.
• Frame house. 2 looms; lot 24 byloo-41,000.
• .I*w/ea./Misted gress brick biasses awl-large
loi Y 19.000. - - •
Two & roomed boluses on Fulton etreet-42.500
One lot 24 by 199 feet on Reed street-8600;
Plot of ground on Mt. Washington;
20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 miles from
the city.
30 acres on Western Pa. Itallrinsd; * miles
from the city. .
225 serer - rtiod iMproVed land in Missouri.
Will tie divided to aultparchasers_. . •
• - 20 iota' on t entre avenue-$3130 to 41,500
each. Inenire of • t • • •
Real Estate and Jason's:ice Agents,
kyle Igoe. 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue.
aLT 4BURG—A SI story Brick aoase,9 rooms.
GREESSUBBII--A:. L 01.651 by. 82, Opposite
freight depot.
ZdcilliE,Poll7-4 Loos and 2 story Brick
liouae, with Tavern; MX. R B. passing through
BillE4T, Allegheny—`Astory Same
house..4o ny •
BLIZ &BE rwrow - N—* Dote. 25" by hu, with
three triunes-and a twaitorplitriek house. •••
AVENUE-4 . 3 story.Brir.t. storm, 9
CEBTRE. story Brici Rots&
For particulars enquire at 87 titan* streeti
, Near Osborn Station. On the rlttibirsti
Bt. Wayne and Chltiagn BMlroad..
COlLtai* 4iptlt _TW4 : *PS> Fah.
T 95: Liberty. Street.
..1,1100:0KEN . !..! sl.[oo.N.,,,'eaq.ll.!lTY
This, beroutuut _satiation cannot Abe fPaTpassed
foriiiiittnresitVinees initiy Atte* ton, areilose
tO -both'eitiee,i.bcdnit Onlv eig4t tip_the
western yennsylvania Railroad. Any pe , rAc g,de.
airing infbiznitian abouithle property can Obtain
it by calling at the office of the IRON CITYMIIr.
Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-he
sore. to Ave . 'urea:l smolt:lot licit par •
,chasera. There la go location tam/amble,
;mint establishment. tween th 51n
Allegheny ricer. . •JelSzli46
. _
FARM FOR SA LE.. . . •
Joan R. itte.Cnaa.
Chia. J. Clarke,
Willl2on S. Evaaa.
Joseph itirkpatriolt.
W Plump_ReSmer.
1101T11101?, •
A GOODABM, in Weir, Deer township, Al.
leXheny county. 10miles from .£lhaansbura.. A
VA' ASIE TWo BToRr ROVISE, of nix room s•
USLI.A.B under all house; also, aLARGE Frtiala
/WM. fitjx3B feet. and other outbuildings.
' • - • - - '
YOnag Orchard of 'Choice Fruit Trter,,
For 'particulars cail - on the Dremtiea...-Cor- at
4011 N W. BRYSON'S. 349 Libertv- - strest;_or
address WILLIAM.BiIIicON. Aural/t l4ga e. 0.,
Alleghenrcounty, Pa. A omigr
ig, .. . • .... ..
AND, on the Allegheny Slyer.-and .11,0 w
need ter giutlening purposes; well improved and
Istahlgh nate of - cultivation; containing ILO or
no acres, now offered at *bargain: Call soon.
'Alsoisother Farms In good 'locations. • Woolen
IFactory Centr a lHaus and - twenty acre Lou
on the . Railroad, ' Mouse* and LU For
Bale and To-let in both' cities. 'For further par
' tirnlial Inquire of , . .-- - WILLIAM WAR
fe23 110 Grant 'treat. oonostte Cathedra:-
• • —tAltuated in Allegheny township, AV#st
.moreland county, 10 minutes-walk rerun Mc-
Kean'stat.on.- o a the Allegheny - Valley rtaltroad.
Contains UK. acres. 80 or welch Kra clearegt. all
under' fence; - balance -rateable "tubber- under
taped with coal. 4 foot vets.. Hewes: f p* littera
and Barn; an orchard or 140 tries, tedt fate
' place Ls well watered and ka a 'moon ghborhood.
For price and terms apply to B. MCLAIN &
tt.'11.14 Potash avenne. .. L . , . • 'L.,.
Nll3ll THIRD-A ; y FNUE,I64Oft
&La.—Atarge three story Brick Dwelling
" o -or halt. eleyeri.roorda.nnd'biona Boom.
cellar. gILS and water fixtures. near th , corner of
buitintield Street. Lot HU feet front by EilVdeep.
Poseogion will be ateenabdzie mOntbo! notice it
desired. or further to apply to
_,---... -,,," . i , .! A. copitusluer,a bONli,
Ira — - , 39 Shah avenue.
' omt
taoitrreriit SIA Menlle'baletit s.
an4,9audic A l tel . • ~,, .1-re ...f , ,
FOR ' -4341.1 E.
EMIL ASIL-20 sacks or sale