. . ~,.. -' i . 1 - 1--:(1 •r cT "+"1""P‘ T rt. . _ , : , .• 11 11- r : ATI. ~,,,,, . ,,,f err. ,. m .,,,...,,- . ..e,,,,. 7 , 1 m c .,,,,,.aw . ~,,i...44,l=mzzal,,,,„,,,,,,r„;_va)xt.,,yratTrlSlKFlfffing..kirkliMlTE2r:= sAntallitaky;4 ISL-1(..;)Z29'.7:23MR:: - 4. ,,, nz.i . .. -, :<. , ..7:17 ..- .7 , 5..: - . , 5aw..vx.".vz. , z ,, _•-• , v......fw.....4 - 7z. - x - rit',"*.,>.-.47.7."?"-42:2:A.V" .. . . . ) _ = Prrtsnvacn LIVE STOCK MAR . • SET. ' _ PEN 'A CSN ,rB4 STOCI. YARDS, # _ WISDNESDAY, July 2:3, 1869. -- •. The aupPly'of cattte9n, sale this week „ has been unusually large; 'all the , old • pens being fall, to overflowing, and for . thetira . i time; ielletre, Conic: of the . . . new-pens were !occupied. The bulk of the arrivals thug far- have been -of the lower gratteii,''and noriseittimce. COMplOa.:8130: InferiOt Stook de- Clined frost a. quarter-to a half = cent, prime shipping steers in cox:imminence of a scar City, brotight:' last' :Weeka prices; litiiiever • that the market tnaysturblout better before the close of the Weekthan is now eXpected; -there may. be an increasednumber of buyers inct tendance, and with more - buyers, thin: is generally a stronger competition, and While it is not prebable tbakpricea • Will go any.bigher, it is ,possible that a de cline may be averted. As Might be expected, however, with only a moderate demand and., a largely increased supply, the market thus far has lagged, .and at: already intimated the com moner s grades are. lawer, while good ehipping steers are bringing last weeks.prices.. The sales during the' .. week were•as-follows: , • ' Wnorrnsixix, July 24—Holmes, L. & Co. to Moses 18, weighing 18,330, at 6,75: Berry to Lamb 80, 'Weighing .37,330, at 6,12 1 4; Casterline to Ault 19, weighing 20,370, at' - 13,87%; Ward to Endries 18, weighing 21,520, at 7,50; Johnston to - Miller weighing 80,770; Thompson to, Miller 45, weighing 61,880; Bbesubeig to Oiman 28, weighing 36,120, at 7,80; Sham berg to Camay: B,.weighing 9,580, at 7,25. „ VIVIISD/iX, July 22.—Hedges & Taylor to Hunts 88, -weighing 78,760, at 7,37; Warcttol i oungling 17, vreighing 18,330, at -6,90; ;Smith & Blue' to Veetter 15, weighbig'ls,26o. at 6; Smith* Bine to Voeter 22, weighingl9,9lo: at 5; Scott to - McArdle 81; Weighing -2080,, at. 6,25; Scott &K. to MoArdle 8. Weighing 6,550. at 5,25; Hedges & Taylor, to -John ston 19 weighifig,2o,92o, at 6 ,35; Rigan to -Wildrick Weighing 22,500, at 8,37; Holtttes; L. eirOo: to aicArdie 24; weigh-- ing18,770, at 5; Graham to Wilderiok 16, - • -weigbing 20,160, 1it.:7,25; Graham to - •• Wiklerlck 8, weighing 9,000, at 7; 'Gra ham to •Wildericit B,weighing 8,670, at 6,so;.ffedies di Taylor to , Aull 18; Weigh _ ing 17,160; at 5;40; Hodges & Taylor to 'Rambo 19, weighing '19,810, at 8; Holmes L. &-Co- to Anil 16, weighing 17,850, at M,Jotoston tO Huntzberger 18, - .weighing 21,960. at 7,25; Holmes, L.- & Co. to MCArdle 55, weighing 56,190, at 6;-Holmes;Ckz.: to MoArdle 86, Vreighing 40,280, at'6,62; Collin to Briggs 4, weighing 4,850, at 7;' Hedges &Taylor to Hnutzberger 21: 1 / 2 - weighing 21,100, at 6,65; Holmes; ',sk -Co. to M e 8, • ; weighing 9,930, 211.25; Holmes, L. & Co. : to Voelter 118, Weighing 184,600, at 7. Parnme, July, 23.--Lear to Martin 13, weighing 15,380, at 7; Griffin to Landis' 15,'weighing 20,510, at 7,40; Lear to Mar tin -30, weighing 41,530. at 8;30; Holmes," L. a Co. to aline 40, 41,460. at 6,85; Holmes; L. & C0..t0 Black 26; weighing 2.3,170, at 5; 'Holmes, L. & Co. to Voett er 76, weighltiglB,6Bo, at • 4,75; Fulkison to Landis 30, weighing 94,560, at 7,15. ' MONDAY, July 26.-Sloan to,,Groff 18, weighing '18,260, at 7,75; Whitaker to Biller 1, -.weighing_l,o2o, at 7,75; L. Smith to P. Kiemens 96, weighing 134- . 800; at 7,50@9,251 Orr & Williams to ThAonel9, weighing 20,490, at 7,00. A.NS • TODAY,JuIy 27.-Hedges & Taylor to B. W. Gillett & Co. 50, weighleg ß. 82 .- 520, at 7,50; Hedges & Taylor to W. Gillett & Co. 87. weighing 103,460, at 7,30; Whitaker to. Delon° 19, weighing 21,070; Styre to Foataff 2,. weighing 1,770 at 6,00; Orr & Williams to Keller 22, weighing 21,560, at 8,50; Hedges & Taylor to Young 20, weighing 19,870, at 7.00;_.5. Johnson to Jas. NtoCauly 2, weighing 1,850, at 7,00; Holmes, L. & Co.to Landis 7, weighing 8,320, at 6,50 ; "'French to McCanly 4, • vreighing4,o6o, at 6;70; Hoirdes, L. & Co; to Moses :.18,, weighing 18,030, 5,75; Hotmes,.l4. & C0..t0 Jas. Anil 20, weigh ing,ls;2lo, at 4,00; Styre to Brldagan 38. weghing 39;270, at 6,75; Bathe to same 25, weighing 18,000, , at 4,50. • - • WEDNESDAY, July 28i-Haslewoon & B. to Iteshbangb 22,-weighing • 18,760, at 6,50; Hedges dt Xaylor to Moses 20, weighing - ,•*210,* •at : ; 6,25; Hwang to Young Fah. W.: , MACKEOWN BRO.. T 95: Liberty. Street. ..1,1100:0KEN . !..! sl.[oo.N.,,,'eaq.ll.!lTY FOB - This, beroutuut _satiation cannot Abe fPaTpassed foriiiiittnresitVinees initiy Atte* ton, areilose tO -both'eitiee,i.bcdnit Onlv eig4t tip_the western yennsylvania Railroad. Any pe , rAc g,de. airing infbiznitian abouithle property can Obtain it by calling at the office of the IRON CITYMIIr. LIPS-.INSUR.A.NOR COMPANY. 76 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-he sore. to Ave . 'urea:l smolt:lot licit par • ,chasera. There la go location tam/amble, ;mint establishment. tween th 51n Allegheny ricer. . •JelSzli46 . _ FARM FOR SA LE.. . . • Joan R. itte.Cnaa. Chia. J. Clarke, Willl2on S. Evaaa. Joseph itirkpatriolt. W Plump_ReSmer. 1101T11101?, • no.l' A GOODABM, in Weir, Deer township, Al. leXheny county. 10miles from .£lhaansbura.. A VA' ASIE TWo BToRr ROVISE, of nix room s• USLI.A.B under all house; also, aLARGE Frtiala /WM. fitjx3B feet. and other outbuildings. ' • - • - - ' YOnag Orchard of 'Choice Fruit Trter,, For 'particulars cail - on the Dremtiea...-Cor- at 4011 N W. BRYSON'S. 349 Libertv- - strest;_or address WILLIAM.BiIIicON. Aural/t l4ga e. 0., Alleghenrcounty, Pa. A omigr ig, .. . • .... .. ALUDENERS TAKE NOTICE. - -.FOR OALE.—The FOURTEEN -MLR. AND, on the Allegheny Slyer.-and .11,0 w need ter giutlening purposes; well improved and Istahlgh nate of - cultivation; containing ILO or no acres, now offered at *bargain: Call soon. 'Alsoisother Farms In good 'locations. • Woolen IFactory Centr a lHaus and - twenty acre Lou on the . Railroad, ' Mouse* and LU For Bale and To-let in both' cities. 'For further par ' tirnlial Inquire of , . .-- - WILLIAM WAR fe23 110 Grant 'treat. oonostte Cathedra:- IX Tr TILALVAEFAR rett:SILE. • • —tAltuated in Allegheny township, AV#st .moreland county, 10 minutes-walk rerun Mc- Kean'stat.on.- o a the Allegheny - Valley rtaltroad. Contains UK. acres. 80 or welch Kra clearegt. all under' fence; - balance -rateable "tubber- under taped with coal. 4 foot vets.. Hewes: f p* littera and Barn; an orchard or 140 tries, tedt fate ' place Ls well watered and ka a 'moon ghborhood. For price and terms apply to B. MCLAIN & tt.'11.14 Potash avenne. .. L . , . • 'L.,. .1 Nll3ll THIRD-A ; y FNUE,I64Oft &La.—Atarge three story Brick Dwelling " o -or halt. eleyeri.roorda.nnd'biona Boom. cellar. gILS and water fixtures. near th , corner of buitintield Street. Lot HU feet front by EilVdeep. Poseogion will be ateenabdzie mOntbo! notice it desired. or further to apply to _,---... -,,," . i , .! A. copitusluer,a bONli, Ira — - , 39 Shah avenue. ' omt taoitrreriit SIA Menlle'baletit s. eat an4,9audic A l tel . • ~,, .1-re ...f , , FOR ' -4341.1 E. EMIL ASIL-20 sacks or sale J. B. U.I.IIFLELD., 0