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Telegraph to dui rit4t;argi, ci,;,ze.tie.; • CHICAGO.. 1 July 28.—The Superior 1 Court Otthis eity,,Jgdge 4 . ,prj*f t pre.. aiding; cbilids-4hlch--theEcciegicuitiesd - injunction case is having a hearing, re assembled at 31,141p',914.0k teerrdlier, and Hon. M. 1 0V: F aller !, resumed 'his ar gument in behalf of Bevi r Mr. Cheney. - He cited• - aninferona autAtorities Jet snp port' of the bill upon whiCh the injunc tion was granted. Ere - dsi l lilt at some length npon.the facts that went to pieve that the' ,Ecclesiastical Court was' im- properly constituted. - ;and laid special 1 stress upon the fact that the law of the laud should be recogelzad in Ecolesiaa, tical Courts. He citeu evidence to prove that ,common 'law principles . have 'alviase and do now hold good in such cases, and he challenged any one to show • a rulo,n line,' oraiword in the canons of the blocese of 'lllinois which was contrary to the application of .connxitin law-lElll2dr courts. ; quentiy the right ot-chaliOngenould nof' be justly refused. -If, as the counsel for the prosec assessors-axe- in point of fact .stesoeilite judges( then' he would refer to Blackstone, which show ed that , the right to challenge judges formerly existed, and et the present day this is replaced by the right for change of venue. The,. ,:,grourid of one of exceptions, made was „One of the, gesessor3;l who was to judge of the law and the feet, and to al that the trial was fairly: condi:eted, had al reedy formed and expressed an opinion. He prebeeded to show that in the law governing Courts Martial the criminal, tor goodand just reaeone, maycballenge after the"jurors have been sworn. The humanity of common law, in the matter'2' of the right Ofehallenge; wee dwelt upon. He next referred to that part of the ar gument of Mr. Judd wherein be corn pared the Ecclesiastical Court to the trial of the President oldie United Staten, and - had said that Senators hi Such cases can be challenged. Mr. Fuller read from volume three of the trial of Mr. Johnson, •• where Senator -Wade was challenged. which . Challenge, however, wearer good reasons withdrawn. He . held that canon twenty really -fintends that the right of challetigeShall be given. In what part of the canon, 'he inquired, is it laid down that the right of. -challenge shall be refased2 They had _chat. lenged Beat. Snyder. and 'have /Wit: nesses to show he was diequalified from aitting,:es-adeesaor. The right of chal lenge was absolutely denied. The twit quettion is the exceptions tiled to the ju risdiction: His Objection to3hetitatlon is that ..it affirmativelYiEscirte Powers .be longing to the Bishop not given him by the canon. . ' • At this point Court adjourned until the afterneen. On the reassembling_of the Court, Mr. Fuller continued his:aeguinent. He claimed the , ' exceptions were such ae should-. have been- sustained, in asnineh :iathey tient.to _the jurisdiction_ . of the Court, and that thie_Coert had the right to examine into lhosa. objections =cl decide, _whether, the Ecclesiastical tribunat:wacc-,proceedlng in conformity , with the laws of the church. It had been charged that, there had been a waiver by -the interposition of a plea; but-this plea had never been delivered, and was re ceivedlby the Member of the Court who was udder the Selig/totem of bias, and in the face'of protest.. - - - - • Mr. Goudy chried the case in an argu ment devoted entirely : to the legal aspect of the cease. Thai complainant' had not denied his guilt, wherefore, ,hia. hands slot being clean, the Court could not in terfere.- He. then • ..revleWed tho steps which:had been taken before the Church Court, contending that appearance before that Court was submission - to the Court; buy he.didnot press the point. . < He then, reviewedthe queostion of temporal inter est, wen which interposition was asked, denyitigalier.e waa.risiat of properly. or. if the salary constituted one, then there was not scifflcient,'showing that the salary would necessarily bestopped, and if it was stopped, the Contract with the church was notsetvp tor theta that if 11- /egal proceedings - were - taken 'he could • still recover under his , contract with the church. - He claimed that the bill also failed to aver fraud; but it does state ir zeparible injury, and the possibility of multiplicity of ;suite..Ho denied the facts; set up in the bill supported either. Nor does the bill show there is no reme dy at law, arid the bill must be dismissed. He then considered the contents . of the which 'he claimed to be an op - plicate:or' to. one . court to enjoin another tribunal'ln - thie ..rmasecution of rightful =the - M1(4164%1, to :the jdirci pline of a tninieter. " He lidd failed to And any authority or- warrant for such inter ference. : A Court of - Equity would not restraihiii prosecution _ at 'law, unless to ', enable the procurement of evidence, Un til at ;least judgment' is taken, 'and= equitable .; defence: may be ,set..up: He concluded-by saying that theproceeding in oriPulielbg the. Ecclesiastical Court, if not 'regular. was the canons,lbo , yond the reach or litvestigatiOnois they did not go. to „Jurisdiction, and claimed t hat there was a compiete'. waiver sin the part of Kr...Cheney btreason of hie hav-, ing excepted to the.presentment. This concludes the ;arguments. The CourtWill.Yerider.itadecielOn on Friday. Aa aceident, which will 'beyond doubt prove fatal.'ocourred tonne of our oldest citizens this, afternoon. I .lllr. Ab noon ' buiren, (it - Insurance Agency, tem oe . s. M. moon Co., - while ,deseending the stairs from the/dd. walk to the saloon of the Briggelionsit; 614 ittlid • 441)ring his head upon the loweretone step, amaihed his skull Ind fearful' Mariner. ;He was to k ertup' and carried, jato the, house) and is still alive, but it is impossible for him to survive. ' Female Suffrage In Vermont. 137 Teternum so the rlttptilell eatette.) MONICRELIEB, 28.—1 n :the Ver tumuli.: Vermeil of. flonsoM, a ',body men :,,etiosen ,•• to Inquire _if • any amendments-are' required to tile Consti . tattoo, ; the State - 211dr. Reed.-of Wash. Ingto*ioanWt-selimit" lo ng report in raver of female suffrage, from the Com mittee on that nu bjeot. THE CAPITAL.- car Telegraph to the Plttsbucclo Gsrette• .J_ 1 11 WASHING h TON, July 28, 9. pu lILIC LANDS DISPOSED OF'. The Commissioner - of the:: c.e eral Land Office has reports showing the dis posal of 47,312 acres of rrablic . lands dur iiig June, at the following localities: Fort Dodge, lowa, 21441 acies; OtagoLi 6lty, Oregon, 913 acres; Olympia, Washington Territory, 9,570 acres; Winnebago City, Minnesota, 7,388 acres. • INDIAN AFFAIRS. Infornatition[thas been received• at the, ddtaratureau, frOm•Yankten - Dakota, agency that the Indians are highly pleas. ed with the manner in which the Great Father proposes to take care of them, and express their intention to live up to the treaty., Tbe pmspept _of isAne,poru crop upon tliev adevadon DC excellent; y • . TREASURY DECISION. The Secretary of the Treasury has de- cided that American steamlxote n vrh‘clt merely touch at ports on lakes and on thecoast, shall not be subject-to entrance and clearance fees. -Itumuz RECEIPTS. ;The internal- revenue receipts to-dai were $947,000. NEW YORK CITY. Bank Officer Decamped—Board of Rh—Tailors' Striae-OpH street. Private Police—Campmecting Folks Chloroformed and Hubned,-- „ (5y Telegraph to the Plttaharge Gazette.l ItitV 1 - 0/Ik, July MC --- One of the officers of a Brooklyn bank, and a son of one of its.ditectorts decamp-, • ed three weeks ago with 140,000 hi cur rency and certified cheeks--He was ar rested in that city last evening , and has returned the botidtklid etieeki ing to 635,000, leaving the institution the loser of about /35,00 D. The names are withheld from, publication.:. The • The B3ard of Health of this city have agreed to prohibit fat boiling below 110th street on and after October Ist. The Board report 40,000 persons have been, vaccinated. durilltgcthe aniittrier. cases °Oman -pea are - now very infre quent and ail tears of an epidemic have uisappeared. • The German, Tailors' have 'agreed to strike for an increase of thirty and thirty-five per cent in wages. The Cuba, ealledto4lay: took no specie. It is stated that Wall street and part of Broadway are to be patroled_ by private Watchmen, many merchants and bank ers having become convinced that thels)- .11ce force is inadeßtiate, Dennis Cummings, a street foot pad, Ives arrested this morning, just after knocking a tnan down and robbing him . of forty licillars. ' It is stated the congregation of the camp meeting collected at Cedar Grove, ,Narragansett - were, robbed of a large amount of money, watches and clothing on ,Sunday night. The occu panta or ten of the tents were -drugcgod, with chloroform. - Nate YORK, July 28.—Some members of a pleasure club, while passing French's hotel this evening, on their return from an. - excursion. 'commenced" letting 'off fireworks, with which the wagon on which they were riding was filled, when an, explosion took. place, Wally injuring Michael Mulcahy aged twelve and another boy named Thomas 'llv.- William lietlean John Hogan. Thomas Maher, Datid Howard and Mi chael Barrett were also seriously burned'. PACIFIC COAST, Reception of W. 11. Seward - at Victoria . Oregon—Vireo in Washing ton Territory,dliaera' Sfrike. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.; SAIr Fru:Nemo, July 26.—William-H.. Seward arrived at Victoria, Vancouver's . island, July 20th. • His reception was enthusiastic. He was escorted to Saint George Hotel, where the principal citi . zens, headed by the Mayor, presented sn address of welcome. Mr. Seward visit ed the acting Governor, and was received Iri a becoming manner. He was•sere naded in the' evening and returned thanks, in the close of his speech ex pressing friendship for Great Britain. After visiting part of Paget - Sound 'he proceeds to Alaska, and returns in about three weeks, A destructive storm passed over Jack sonville,. Oregon, yesterday. -It com menced with thunder and lightning-add , was accompanied by a tornado which leveled fences, sheds and trees. After wards an immense body of water rushed downthe creek g, carrying away bridges, gardens, and in some instances , cattle.. It is supposed a water spout burst west of the place. The fires are still burning in Washing. ton TerritOry. The smoke Is so dense at Monticello that objects fifty yards dig ' tent are hardly discernable. The mernbem of the Miners' Union of Treasure City, Nevada, yesterday visited the principal. mines .of the White Pine 'District and compelled the men working for lees than five dollars a day to stop work ,using violenoe in some Teases. Evenl thosd laboring tridet eontfact Were. 'compelled to desist and 'no one allowed to3vork. Tobacco Sale and Banquet., .f Bt Telegraph to the Pittskratt.fiarette.] EVAN3VILLE July 28.—There Was Big tobacco safe, • by„garttn, G ardner; do .Co:, and' grantlidl banquet herb to-day. - About four hundred planters and buy era were present. Speeches were made by Hon. JotilaJlitw.Geti.! : _,T. M. Shlolelel ford, Ezra Dyer, Hiram E. - Read, and Judge Fulton,- of New Orleans. The. best isespabeaci, aßld for- 78 per ;one: hUudr6tflitrands ilnd raised 'v by' ,N. , 8. Rollins, of Ballard County, Ky. The next best hogshead sold at 4176 per one hundred pounds. Municipal VMtore; tip Telegraph to tl e Pittaburgh Gazette toutsvtl4.E. Ally 28.—At, o'clock Ihl6 morning tbe I Citr,OkilUtili of tlincinUati were placed in Carrie/Oa and • • conireyed to Cave Hill Cemetery to view that lonely city of the dead.. They. next proceeded to the water wmii.s• After theit vaunt to the city they because the guests of Mr. H. D. Newcomb, with Whom they took dinner at hid palatial resithmceon Broad way. At 7r. st.'they proceeded to the new steamer United States and lett for home. PriTsartraß,:ififfit§DAY, JULY -29 z .1869. gCIOII ENTNI FOr 'O'CLOCK a -- al - Nt*gillt;;Witst:'6':',. , , - ;. CDs Te (teach to the l'itterourah easette.l GREAT BRIT4III. ' LONDON, July 28,—1n the.camerae. to-night iiiiiitili i tO.inlzaitari i er Heygute, concernihithe , ;agrari an ; outrages inireland, Mr. Fortesque, Chief Secretary fop et- idajoitia governaiglLsa " " . the auplayselqa, :of -.suchilfthippland would not' shrink "trim -exopturail 4agtelation, if convinced at _dtkllectirafrf..? Slux 'vigilance of the police and .the ac tion of the governliient.prierenitisi much crime. He trusted the absence of any unjustifiable exercise of the right of property, Bucket Caused the late distur bances in Tipperary, argl the , continued exertion to keep down v o sacs and crime., ~, - The billloabolialieapital vunitihreqd, introduced by, Mr. Charles: GU it), Owe up, on Olotionlbr& se6onit ,-an was rejected-58 to 118. LONDON, July 28.—Mr. Gladstone is reported better to-day. The coal miners have held a conference at Manchester atuixesolved to agitate for-, an increase of wages at the end of the month. The Harvard crew were out again this 'Mottling on the Thames at - Putney. TheY went down with the ebb and in re turning made thirty-seven strokes per minute. Their style , was not as good as that displayed , Yesterday, but the rain tell in torrents and prevented any fair estimate. They will take a second trip thikevening. • f • . ;-The News evening.. : that "At a time when the questions between the old and new countries are suspended rather than settled, it Is pleasant to note aow mutual aftinities,make• themselves continually felt in many ways. Whether in brother ly contest on sea or river, or in the ao knowledgment sof reeiproaal obligations. of 'ln exchange of University honors, "the" remind its that blood Is thicker than water, if not more binding than " Ink. •• At Goadwood today the Geodwood stakes were won by Mr. Day's colt Starter by a length and a half, Miss Gratwicko second and Adolphus a bas third. The Linden stakes were won by Burgundy, and the drawing room stakes by Itupert. LONDON, July 27.=T0-day the Harvard crew rowed twice on the river Thames in their American boat and created a favor able impression. The style of rowing was_good, although the pace was consid. ered rather slow. The Oxford crew called upon the Harvards during the day - and fixtuk the race Ifor 43411/4 23d, or on one of the' lbilowlc day!!. The. members of the Harvard crew will prao tice daily until the race comes off. • SPAIN. MADRID, July 2&—lfdluly t pxreste Con tinue dn suspicion of disleyalty. ,At Ciudad Real hundreds of people are so liciting pardon from the Government for complicity in the recent Carnet move inent. They state they were deceived by Carlist leaders. A sharp street fight occurred. yester day, at LaMancha between Cantata and Government forces. The Carlisle were crereated and tied to the mountains. There have been several arrests of °or nate at Cienea. The insurgents at that place released the prisoners confined in jail. • • GERIIANY, BREST, Ju1y.28.--Yesterdaz the grand fete took place in honor of the memory of Alexander Von Humboldt, and the day WfU3Dbserved as a holiday.,-, In the eve- Mug a public banquet was given and an immense torch light procession passed through the streets. The Provisional Correspondence new.k_ paper expresses astonishment at BitrOn Van Baest'eassertlcifis - aboat Pinssfit , his recent speecn to the Hungarian Com mittee. It denies thatisbyanvances have been Made by Austria, and says if she deifies to establish a true and - solid friendship, Prtissia is quite ready to meet her. SWITZFALAND BERNE. July 28.—Mr.Goo. Harrington, late American Minister, to-day took hia_leava of' the President of the Swiss Confederation, and introduced ha anon censor, Mr. Panicle, who presented his credentials and.was received as Minister Resident of the States. JAPAN:'. Hor:o Koxo,-July 7, via Landon; July, 28.—Advicea from Japan •report the. finances of the country Id a very4lsor- - ganized condition. Parr Money , was forced upon therpeople on pain or death t. and trade was paralyzed. „SOtrill AMERICA. LONVO*, 330,3 , from, Aeounsioa to : 17th ebttki via 'Rip, state thae:tbree„Me re the„ Provisioned Otivernampt nave' ~beeu, elected by a poi:Tier vote. • - r ii;Wi l 4 -x+ , • .., -..•---,: --. P.tuis,'. Jul 28.— The, _Nesse .asserts. that errellgerueuts'ar'eAlow nearly corn:: plete forltvint , luillmitated leavh , ut eh; sauce to-; the ; soldiers _Fhose furlough s 'will soorEexpliii: ! . ;*1 , 1,: FINANCIAL AN D 9991 IdEBCIAL. LONDON, July 28.—Ccgasols, 93;it Five. Twenty Bonds Orin attl'Avdo. at Frank fort, 8734 t-Erle.-.10; 'nude* sit Atlediddi and Great Western: 28. Stocks, steady. LIVERPOOL, "July 28.:-:Catton-'market a shadefirmer, middling uplands. 12,94d.td0l Orlean sl2o.- 40110 t 12,000 balsa..Bresdataffe , ,and , steady. California white'wheat 10;,7d.itied-west ern 9s. 1d.1595.21L West rn Flour 235. ad. Onny No. - Mita rilarlOrbitr, and 29a; for now, Oats „Zees 40rw Posit 100 a. Beet 90s. Lard 70s. Cheese 61s. 6d. ' Bacon MO. - LONDON, July 28.--Tallow peed 011, Bt . pounds lib. Turmoil:to 26 ,. gd. sugar ' 395. 9d. Petroleum at Antwerp &qtr. and r IL VBE, JalY 28.—Cotton 161;if. -FRANICFORT, July 28--.Beening.—Flye. twenties closed at 873g(4873. • Jaly 28: —lkninse buoyant. Renter 721. 16c. CUBAN REVOLIITYDN • the I ur i ctlit • Kituition- _Favorable —lPar , • • Conch:len* - En,t.gestleista • troulflit —Successful Lao Qr. Mu ;'•;;llitiviia, and Mtn M t nlfro>etbe Val Leg', Siates. TotVcraVßl 44 , iltQ rlttebureb Gazenk .3 ' , • l Wasi4ne'rort,,' Only, az-lotted; faun . Cabs, received here, contain intelligence to the 20th. Gem ettenadii -- ..fiad des; , , troyed .two , important bridges'.'On the , railroad from"'Nuervitas to -Puerta - , 4 Principe, cutting '..efreclatintmicatere between thmeettlea:`• all :the interrtnd Mg country is held by she Cuban .forces.: TnoBPsnisir troOpS are now confined it 'Woke, citier;tuul ,are: medbriarg severely . from d ' , arst want or supplies . , .13ev-: mil% &been roadefroseNtkeyitint,' Ls" 'akin - . ' ..instanee the troppe.WsN, .41rIvenbitokwititisever. e.fties; , ' ". Gdn. (biefuillWhgui At large' 'timber of, asp/Wish Prisoners, Wadi 'be 'le bolding as hostages ibr- the - propeettestment of his men in the bands of theldpithish cord =laden:pi 4 Amortise= ere amuse= of prominent eitmnument oft:lone; ,;-, The lettere.stats . .the cnbarr forces have • " •-•••• on or the - ponntry front Dluevitas ,to_Pperto'Prinoips;, with . . several points . io she coast,`which - gives thetti direCt emnutunicatiort with -the. United States. ".-0 It is reported thisteheirerhaVis been two importanteugsuereental one near Bene4. dios and the othet.st_blaguia 'La- Grande. The Spanish troops ettautred She Cubans' in foroo at Sentedloat Min, Spsniards were drivenoir mitt L che losentoee hen teed and' fittY kllied,,itrennnottenoiPriol oners. At Saga* the; fight, *lasi! seven hours, the_ Spanisit force numbering, over fi ft een hundred, *me that of - the Cubans was less than one thousand effective men: -- The — Spablitlby Were finally compelled r.to retreat, with thtti lessOf over 300, while that of theCnbans was less than ,1211 1 ., *The result of the_ battles has inspired the Cubans wlth re newed courage, -and theY have tielidubt ' of their , ability to maintain tbel!ilaiiliviiii against the forces 1101, in ,the field op. posing them. _ . . A large supply of, arms and: surinund tion. including a battery of artillerY,, and 3,600 men from the United States, aucessfttlly landed bear linevitaii au4stro now a part of Gen. Quesades forces. The sickness is reported abating; and' Gene. @netted& and Jourdan eipect aeon, to take the field offensively with a force more than - equal to that of . their op . Correspondence by t;Sble(Oetwee4Sapor Icon she President Gnisit. By telegraph to tsle Plitatnirgh GaFettet] / %l Ew Tcduki JULY 2 8.—The following is furnished us by tne Franklin line of tel. eicraPh• _ , Paris, July 23-43:45 retary Of* State;Waithington. The, z Em peror oftheTrencli. - "to thi President of . the - United States, Washington: I am biguly gratified to inaugurate the new line of telegraph which. oonnects France with the 'UniVd States, by sending to you the expression' of my good wishes for you and for the .prosperity of the United States. (Signedi APOLEON. Washington, C. July 28.- I The Presi dent of the United States to the Emperor of the 'French: I cordially reciprocate your good wishes attd trust that the lib eral policy of the Milted States, pursuant to which this cable has been landed, may result in many such means of com munication, especially. between this country and its earliest ally and friend. [Signed] , • U. IS,-,Gitax.r. BOSTOTC, July, 28.—The Board of Di rectors of the French cable have sent to Sir James Anderson, the commander of the expedition which has just - laid the 'French cable, the , following dispatch: 'Tlease,offer to the inhabitants of Dix. bury, Mus.i and to the people of the United States generally, our most cor dial thanks for their very friendly recap• tion of the cable, which we trust may unite the three greatest nations still more closely In amicable bonds." Serious Railroad Accident. Teiegraoh to tbo Pittsburgh (Lisette Loutsvita.g, July 2B:—An occident cc .tharren early this,morningbn the Mem phis and Louisville Railroad. The up, bound Express train from New Orleans ran through a trestle at Rnedd's creek, about eight miles below Clarksville, kill ing three and woundingseven persons. The engine, baggage car and two coaches went down. The three cars were burned entirely up. This is the second time this trestle work. h,ts .gone dorwn in the last three years, Later—A. special train arr!ved here at live o'clock this' evening froth Clarks: ville, bringing the passengers that were saved and many of those that were Wounded andable to travel. The ft:Row ing badly wounded were taken to St. Joseph's Infirmary , where they ere re ..heiving every attention: Mrs. H. Mc- Call, New Orleans: IL Sage, Fulton, New York; William McCall, New Or "llians; W. U. Shepard, New Orleans. - ..7.:, , The accident mill not deter 'the corn piny from running tralnavegularly. It as been arranged, undl the .damsge is repaireditoTun night trainsof-Memphis :and Louisville .Railroad via.. Nashville, over the Northweitem Railroad. and day -trains on.thelegalsr track, transferring. , 41 - assentpos. and-, fr6ight• - at 4the point laehere tha.disasteraccurredf 011ie American, Philological Convention. ity teleati ch hithe Vlttsbutith Guette.) ' ~..-1. Potrottirenfrain i ,Tuly 28. - .A.bonttstren..' more delegates arriVed'tii-dayto ' at- * tend • th% - Philological '' Ci s laVentlotti . , Mapera were read ' upon 'the • prOper pro. 'the latin and Greek am! upon.' 'the proper mode of teaching the "ancient ;language% \ Tonierruw it;noon the don- L i vention Wil adjourn' - sine ! die, 'and then will 00C0i-t e drat ' .reeetbignfthe'Xtrie mean Philo cal- ,Aksociation. 'Whit% ;was originated tio-day, and proVided' with 'a GonstitUtlon. Among the papers read to•night'Oras -one ty-Vraf.' Dw ight on thorough claisle study; -• • - ' . CouientiOn of Railroad Managers. Agy,Telegraiat to the eitteherib Gazette.] SAUATOGA, 2.8:--4-• meeting of 'rallroad,managere Arai held here toadaY to arrange regarding through , freight. The foilow ‘ l vi iil n gentlemen..were present:Oka ._ of Boston and Albany __ :Itapeoad Vanderbilt,. of Hudson River 'and New. York Central I'lalIroad; W''lllawf. :Buffalo , and Erie Eau road; esprii. Phillips and Mayeraux, of Lake li/iota and, Michigan and Southern Rellroads; Mr. Drummond. -of, - Toledo and Wabash Railroad: B. F. Smith. of Bed Line, - and Geo. Darling, of the White Line. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. i , —President Grant left New ).171,:d %att., evening; for tirtugaington, _ —A itmten - bank on 'l'nesdiy Paid , 56,009 on a forged . &neck, purporting to 'be signed 1 - .? y Brewster, Sweet a cc... . .The match factory of, Thai. Bucler, a Kendall fags, Me., was desuosed by Sip yesterday, with all its contests - , 'Teti loss weerf,Boo; insarance PAW., —At is rumored, in ; Washington tbat, ,Gatertil Canby is to besent to tdississl2 r pl to superintend the' election, anti thee •Generid, ligaDo, well is: tteattteeeed tbinx tir .Y111#213,. • • . . . lifoiltaia, who . Was ar rested a fel - days since for comalittitinigra apeion a Ltisi l eignt iyeszirfold;!se Me hie, , `,was Itiddd and senteuteet , ro twtTty rearain pariltent." - Letalimig' Indiana,n Tam& .y rt4;mark:ling,•daripgr.he progre. f a trial 1- &materna,. the , lightning littiuck Jame s. Salmon and a-ipan , rif borserynear whidh lse wasateading, killl rig them. ' • .4—Hon. Diann' . -31'.1fiersibd,, Oak u Unilled States House Representatives; and, pephew, were among tim_gamengers on sMamsirlp Leirigjar Soalhanaptcal and Itremea, yesterday afterriodn. rglCeurcente conelaire of the . order Of ;fib len Wleti Morello sessictiblf'Plithr ilelphis. altos the election' of officinii Tor the ensuing years mad tho adeptiotililf ne*cottetitutione'ao,ourneidtckadoet neat, July! et 13*Ititabre., —The.- Virginia , State Trimmer :will continence the pagntent r one .per.anot. on the January interest.of the Statso.reg tittered bonds on Anig#l , stb t aodas sotSt thereafter as pdealble MeV paymentsA the natrlonslaqba•made. . .....,The.qrand 'Lodge of, the ICl:labia ar Pythias, 'of' Pennsylvania cornasenied their amitiarasiatombi'Pnilefleitth*yva. terday. - The session is &private one- and last" two • ' There - •itrw loth's Warm twinstyielgiit.-tbattaand elgbt lora- Arad matabareingsiod standing.... . • been 'rectified at the General : Lan& Ogice-I allowing 'ltiiii2ersi pleAop,Of Abe survey of twanty ad& lion- - 1 Aragps, - lying between -thor„Salins' and otnon. forks .of f 1 the • Kansas river s , . embracing an aggregate area of roar hundred and sixty,thour*id Acres. --4)Efon a Aaguettia n prat:rb:tont , lawyer Beaten, and member • aCtbet, State Lettiskihrbe aril" `-,was : conveyed to an blunts asyittm - Yesterday. lie manifested siiniptoris of , insanity at.'the_ -Duxbury - eibte celebration and seittriely stabbed en officer whiirWris called totake charge of : ! • .ft --Letterifhtivn been:rettelvddTioni the ltlortherrt7, - Paoltict Railroad- 'esplortrig party, dated at Georgetown, on , the Red - river, north of Fort Abikrune,e. Jugt,ty 20th,, state -that lbe:Orty were in n 6 e ' - portion pushing to the miatiouri, and the other returning to St. Patti —lt was not Charles Quincy who was arrested in New Yorii; on Thursday, for passing forged rallwaycortilleates op VVth. Heath it Co Mr.ttlniney is caah ler of the latter 'firm; -and was mainly instrumental in causing the arrest of the real forger, 'whose name is Geo. A. Ab bott. This correction is due to Mr. Quincy, whose standing and reputation ill Wall street 'sof thehighest character. Anti-Re.uters Arrested. Me Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.? 'Arm ANY, July. 28 —Sergeants - Gujan and Kerke, of the TrOy. Division of the Capital Police, to-day arrested on war nuns the Anti-Renters who made the,as =nit upon Deputy ,Sherifr Griggs and posse on Monday list, in . Rauselair oonnty, - . while' serving:a civil lirocess. They werezt , allowed to go' on their own parole to appear and answer on Friday morning. Deputy Sheriff Griggs was re ported to:have been in a dying condition last night. The other parties wounded are in fair way of iecovery. • Addltlqual blarKeui by Telegraph. BUFFALO. ' July 23.--Flour quiet - and firm, salon , of 500 • bble. city ground spring at 50,50©7. - Rye Flour nominally $5,75. Wheat opened dull, declined,' but closed firm at the quotations given salon in the morning -20,000 bush. No. 2 Mil waukee club 5i,42.51,4.3; 6,000 bush. No. 3 at $1,34©1.35, and in. the aiternoon -35,000 bush. No. 2 Milwaukee at sl,4ogk 1,41; 7,500 bush. No. .2 Chicago at 51;59; 15,000 bnetif No. 2' Milwaukee club at close, $1,42%,.with a tendency upward. Corn steady with moderate enquiry, sales of 21,000 bush. No. 2' western at 81,05; 25,000 huah.marin at 950; 8,000 kJ. kiln dried at 81;05..Date quiet and un changed. Pork held at 833,50d34. Lard 19®19)4c., Higltwines selling in retail lots at 51,07... . _ _ Ni OIf,,LEKNS,JELIy 23.—Cotton steady; middlii3ga 3234 c; sales of 140 bales; re ceipts 26 bales'. Gold. 135%. Sterling,• 150. 'New ,York Bight , •340 premium. Flour firm; sales of superfine at, $5,00. double extra at 38,50, and treble extra 'al 18,713. Corn is held. at $1,25' for white. ,Bran 31,05: HeY is held at 129 for piline.' 'Pork is held, at $38,50.: _Batson , isltlrrn at 1530 for shoulders and 19©19Wo' for sides. Lard; tierce is held st ,19%®21c, and keg at 2134@22c. Sugar Is stiffer. With sales iffeonunon at, I.9Nol.l}ic s end pscinae - at 14e. Molessee nominal, with sales, of prime. fertuenlisist-at_63®B4c. Whisky,, $1,17,4. Coffee dull. with sales. affair at 1534 c, and , ique at,16)40170,... ,CswEao. lily; 243--.-FlOur active. ; tales ; MOO barrels' atil,to.lor 110, /, Awing; 17,7.5 for amber 'whiter; 1K241' ler white ; , .39 for deuhle extra. -- :WheelfirM but iiii• °hanged; sales 9,500" bushels prithe White, ()wade at 148734; 4060 , Umbels fair dcf.'• at 44.8214;„4000 bushels 'choice `110:" at` ', ;1,95; 2,ooo.busitela No.l white Michigan ,at 11,80; 1,200 busheicamber Michigan at .111,00; 4004 bUshellaro. 2 , l l s.llwatikeecitio at $1,59. ; corn held At 'l l .4.olfac Na. , .. . . . . ...,, CilloA6o. July 28.--In the, afternoon wheat was ..9 0 4Ye ;and 43 - 144;higher; opening sates-No. *wore at,,IIAB , !seller for the .tdonth, , 11 clesing Jim, . r ior, August; active at 1,33g@ii,00, 2. for o. A li Corn quiet at 916 2 seller r' all August; 1 9734 c seller for last' half. ' In . the evening Woo were' light, . " Wit' the' market was firm; No. ,2 ,.'corn,)selltir August. sold at 92ci do. seller last half 93c: No. 2*heat Jinn at 11,88 seller, Atlitlet. . ' •. i 11 AM:rift/MA; July 28.--Cotton market= quiet; low - middling at.llo;ict good, 'ordi nary 51,203443. 1 Wheat; redid 8 1 4 10 01.15 c• rue r-fitdkolat and white at ®l 4 BO. Flour St Wr.07,50 for extra:tinnily. - _,. • .. . . IST. Louis, Jelly , V5.,11-Totateco less , ac- IY - 4 but unchanged. ~.ecitii3OP; nothing cling. - . I ' HAVANA, July 20.—Sugars slow of Bales, but prices unaltered. N UMBER 171. AnlT3lf. M. E. CHURCH. Fourth 11. n - a AllegUesy Annual. Couferenee--Fluvher of the Lyoud Case—Ctroerirelf Reports keel. the C trurehes--Lentr Ito tite..Bisle.rp.' Conference .:EcerlC : 1 o'clock, Bishop Lcii.ain to the atur2T,•ancl °penal:3ln the coctor.nar:i manner :••• • Rev. Mr. Gray appesredio thtr howse, and was introduced to the - etatfiteents. ' A tuestlon was raiseti vs to tlle•legi of J. F. Lyons' ordination as - an Eidex•. The matter underwent a tboroteg i tvalfilmr .in a running discussion between- Eider • Biddle and XT./Mathews: The followim lathe repott of the Committee ofitivetni4- gstion itothe ease of Lyons Pt improper conduct m his ministerial capacity:- .= t' We, yourCessanittee, have lave attgiA-T- -s; f ado .the case of -Elder Loner,: and dad• nothing kierimisate him ' :Though it.n" a small amount, yet.it has beta' given•by liberal hearts cud willing ' hauls. Wa are few and weak, and there- 'loleYour,rapausere limited. We du net tearable tosendmonr,now, bat as:ityou to-accept the-widow's rhite, in the fond ; - trope that Prasay•go far toward spreading the gospel of our dens Itord end- Savior Chriet We, aro strivirg, to lead our little tibak!“tothetock that le-higher than I." The children, of the Sabbath School ail jobame heartily ix" love to yet' 'and the bretaren of the Conference, and we most slnserely to reirem ber us and ourdear little-flock when you approach' the, Throne of Grace. for fear that we ma:y.l2ot meet again. I will not Weary your Itaitlettce: Yenr's trulyin the Lord, ' Etta..Yrinkiltattarr, Superit!Ohndent of Sunday School. Rev. John Peck. was introduced to the Cimference and invited to a seat within , the bar. The baLauco-cif 'the afttirrioon , s session was occupied. with Ekler. Lyon's case, whose conduct made him so ,otinozious. to the people of Bridgewate- that they not only refusect.:to receive him, bus clo.sed the doors .of the church -against Adjourned wail 9 riclaekthislithrztitig- Masonic Saving's . Deposit Company. This newly chartered banking swede= ion baring a capital stock of $lOO.OOO, with privilege to increase it to ?1300,000, have opcneds, neat and handsome count ing room at lib. 131 Smiihrlaid street, and are nowready for, business. "...The Com pany embrace many of our Jeading and most responsible brusiness.' gentleman, anti promises to draw a large share off patronage. Nioney will he loaned on , mortgages. :National or State bonds, and other forms of securityoind interest will be paid on all time: deposits, and .com pounded. An important feature of the charter - is that married women and minors can.deposit money in their own names, which will he sultject , to their checks only, and not 'bible to attachment for husband's or parent's indebtedness. This is a;_very , wise feature which will strongly commend itself to these classes of depositors. The bank is presided over by Charles W. Batohelor, Esq., President. and Geo. C. McLean,Esq.,has beenelected Cashier. We earnestly recommend the institution to our readers, and bespw3ak for it a full measure of public confidence , anciTatrona: e. St. Nayalni ATtulemy. ..This pyttisworthy bolgcling _school un der_oharge or the Sisters 'of Mercy, and ;delightfully located near ..Latiolo,. eliOrtly reoneri for the „fall and - Winker. scsaion. ;Itwill be' rentemliekee i that — . tame time ago, -the colb3ga' , -bttilditiga* :Were destroyed by fire, entailing largo ; pecnniary loss and embarrassment to the -, good Sisters. Since theiehotiFevier; near. :1 J 3 legant and:: ••(!CklilPlQo,l , 4os buildinga pave ;been erected :which . will .00mpare , favorably with tiny in the country. fine ou:cation imparted et the Aeadefify , fs such as Ate ,young ladies : for walk in 'llfe,; l being practical and plain as, well 95 `ornamental and Poilehed, While 'exceed IngWood.care is, taken :hat moral:min (Apia's are inculcated and. tbn a gninds of the scholar s and itibned* the ~,; , proper:direction. We can , stoxnuntoxot , 'St :Xikyiats. and, the,. agootoP4Ood tap' in charge as eminently worthy tee" OoOdence of thostieliargedWith'theira- PPrtanti 'PoP9nelbilitY , , of ' educating eatighters or wards. 16tassAtegation,—The, members in thilfi vicinity of the graduating class of 1859, iJefferson College. held a meeting at the °thee of N -W.= Shafer, 't'sq.. , yesterday .morning, and made , the preliminary ar . 'mogul:Lento for attending the commence- Meet exercises of the College, • which age place, at_ Washington; - August sth. They wilt meet again August 4th, at the irultdn IlOtlee, to decide upoin a formal 'meeting of the chits either at 'Washing. • ton or Canonsburg, pursuant to an agree• ment made at the time of graduating 1311