The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 28, 1869, Image 1

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Resisting the Revennein Geargia,--0041:
terfelt Government Securittes--he'
Mississippi Election—Gen, Sickles' In
struction& ' I
;By Telegraph to the Pittabargh Gazette.] ,/
• • SYSIIINGTON, Ju1y27..1869._
, The enforcement of the revenue laws,
in at /east a portion of the State of:Geor
gia, appears - to belt-matter of - some diffi
culty; if not 'danger. - Three gentlemen
have de
• .• • . • .
olhmti:the.appointment of Asaes=
Km in one district% and abandoned the
- field to disorderlinertles. The district
• atOtnp,lainett:4o,is - known:asithe 'Third
'Georgia 'District, comprising twenty.•ly-three# counties in the central and east
,....eriixar: of the State. Collector -Belcher
bas torwari:losl to Commissioner Delano
4118 1 / I st tipOikniee, Willisto iiayeorit,
- with the statement that -he - (Hays:lord)
found' it - impossible to-'discharatt hlts
duty, owing to threats, intimidations and
actual violence, and that three unsuccess
falattemptS had been made to assess
;property In these counties.. The matter
/ will - iv - brought to the attention of the
President on his return, and-if necessary
the military will be used to aid in the en
forcetnent of the laws.
* tit la-Stetted that there IS inibintation at
She Treasury Department that Counter
%biting of- United- - States Securities in
some European countries is being carried
on to some extent,.tuid banker-4 and oth:
era are warned to take the necessary pier.
• cautlensi - Counterfeit - cciupOns; which
puperted to have been . a one
hubdied dollar Pivi•twenty bond, of the
lantrof'lB62i folirtblieties, vhss received
- by Gen. Splutter to-day. It'Was paid in
New York, and -eame. from Germany.,
- The paper on - which:it-1s printed poOrt '
er in qualitY than thetused by the Gov
ernment, antia cloie examination shows
_ that it is merely a well executed Whit
graph. „ • .
A special says: Judge Dent and Gov
ernor Sharkey have become alarmed at'
General Ames' presence at Long Branch
:and sre about to go there themselves.
%Ley wish'to induce President Grant to
•caution,Anies against influencing the
Missiralppi election' by means of his
military dowers. - •
;t;~ > ';
.~; .
', ~~
'rhe 161p:iamb: I still prevails in. Wash
ington that Moist - vat Sickles has instruc
tions eve to Cuba, which direct hint
in his dealings with the Spanish Court.
Officials at- the ' State Department, and
Cuban agents, however, -decline to say
anything definite about the matter.
. ,
Dr. Culver, of Georgia, left Washing
ton to-night with authority to take pos
session of the Confederate laboratory at .
Macon for the State" Agricultural_ Fair.
After the first of January it is probable
the building will be converted 'into a
hospital for aged and infirm negroes.
PltorotEi) coNOLlp.vizox.
. .
A. memorial bas been prepared mid
willatiott be eirchiated thioughout Wall
ington and Georgetown for signatures, to
be pmeentetteCongreas, asking that the
the two cities be consolidated under one
municipal government,
to be called the
6 4.1 fr of Waabinstton.
The President is expected neZt4Thurs-
Sec retary Rawlins was at the War tie-'
partment to-nay, looking much im
proved in health: 1 •
FALSE - atro:lT.
• The recently published stater ent that
the Se'cretar,y of the Treasury would sell
no more gold and buy no more bonds
was without foundation.
The receipts fram internal revenue from
July Ist to date were $1,786,000.
• , - r — i3 .LOIIISITIT.AVE.. . ..,.._.„,..
- r ..
._1! .
~.4 . 4-7 .
Visit ' ` o f ,t
cap •rigescapa to the rittsbursa Gazt ttC)
LOITISVILW July .2i.' The Gammon
counca or Cincinnati and'au xiliaries,lre
....r. -, numbering in all fitly-eight persons, az
rivnd'at noo n-'to-day, and' were escorted
. . ....
.ilserLlXdsVille.iletel by the Louisville
„Cl:Mimi' in carriages, headed .bv , the E ft-, • _ belstor Silver Band of Cincinnati:. After
•• • , partaking of refreslunents and. res ting a*
•:,. few minutes at • the hotel , the= mem
. blage proceeded to the, Conti House
to view the - statue of • Henry Clay.:
'This: work _.or art . wag. greatly"
- - -.4dmired by. the'xlsitors. . Al grand fire- 1
men's display next took place, after.
which the guests returned to the hotel
2 1 , .• _.
and partook of aluiiiptubusi•repast. A (: :,
<.." ter dinner the officials were placed in
- - .. -carriages and taken to - the . House."of.
! Refuge. After an hispeotion of, this pub.
e ,',4 , , lie inatitutloii, they proceeded to the Ohio'
: - river - briggeiTr o m Unlace te_thensidenCe.
!. 4 ..brs B. . -Wilder:tali:, and from-t4eisce to
theiLtoidartiati, - Whers the: day's enter.
•- tidtinient ', was , concluded W)th-a piing.
.- ':,' • The 'rnireii, of thineianini, Alter 're-.
.; viewing -~ t he • ofroffnustances .: whereby"
- •:~Judge Jr 81 8ia04. - w.144 - arm .crushed;
:-.fssehte two 'Months agec on the., youiiiiitt e •
' • ' • and ,Nashillle RillrOad;iinytn.:..Theitail'
.4 r A ;044•0903p0ny1r PrSntrirte pat; [
I , silt '''oo. expenses . floured- n vestoring
' i . s.'• .-... hie armithe listen g physicians . have:
•fhrtintit '., in it 1 411•,0tA/sp0 Aii Uttar bet?
::,• . - ticatkil t herehiit been no, notion taken.
t . :. !:- *Yet by tits tthreeptifor therrOht4,bOt they;
• rather dadtWat. the itheigelitaexakblant.
I' . '
Latest "front Cuba.'
attil 4: ; reiesneinat tVifitifiiiiiiiiiit i 'vaei t tei;i
r;,!.. ~• ..H.A.vinr,t,' Igly 27.=-4rbe . Govornor of
1-.:- . - , the Jurisdiction of• Trinidad has, hutted'
l'igo w_ Ordere,' obligliig:,alVBpattiaids:-
', een the ages of fifteen and sixty to
~.,410, theavy-dutyln the field or in reserve
-dor , while persons unfit for active ,
#,:e4BOVO Agre...4llkgiug*O.tQYAN-erhoPresif
1•, px t he measure and- dematict that - it
1 •ue e general- in - its appitcation t .
IL It.- -- ttbrolhlhoni. t f t e-•pitiriti-,' '',ii 3r I" '-,-.
,• , 2, - ....,.?111e Unite Sa es ettattimer Tnecaroia,'
is cruising4Uf Havana, and sent in a boat I
•-,, cto day for mails.
. 1 111D.rIGITT.
Civil vs. Ecclesiastical Court—Argument
on the VI Liitehouse.Ctieney Injunction
(By Telegraph to tit e Pittsburgh Gazette.:
CHICAGO,"JuI"' 27.—At ten o'clock this
morning the Superior Court room was
crowded, to
the arguments o
. ; the
the moti on to,dislve lnjittietio
lately Aided byJudge Jamilsoritn arr 1
1 the proceedings In the Ecciesiall
Colin. ccintenedfor the puitiOs -
ReV.Vharres VdViard ' Cheney , of C rtst
Church, for a violation of the church - ma
, (juki filed
-Conth w - dstiAl - arakWiriketiutiv
app sid-fo rtheßcelehYdrt; diiir
Messrs. Fulton, Rich arid Thompson
for Mr. Cheney. M. Railer, on behalf
of,the conipialcUliftitle,l motion for
continuance of the case until a future
day, and based his motion upon the
ground that the - aisswar of the .- raspontt7 the
ents hal:l'6ot ' beeri filed until 'yesterday '
afternoon, and that the answer was ac
companied by an affidavit or Bishop
Whitehouse, all of which, on such short
notice, the c o mplainan t had not had time
to -meet. Mr. Fuller read his own
affidavit, setting out the above
feels, and, also, that the tillegatioas
contained Ii the Anhwei of Rev. Dr.
Chase and others,
,respondents, in some
respects were untrue; that if time was
given him witnesses could be produced
by whom it,could be proved that one of
the defendants who is' ono of the asses
sors in the Ecclesiastical trial, had ex.
Pressed an. Opinion as to the guilt of Mr.
Cheney, which- allegatidn"was expressly
denied in the answer of respondents,
ffied , eusterday. Mr. Fulton further
asked leave of the Court to file a supple
mental and amended' bill.
The Court denied the application for
continuance. On the question of tiling a
supplemental and amended bill, the
Court said that if, after a -hearing upon
the original and anaWer, It was condu
cive- to the - rights of the parties, he
would allow them to 'be Sled;
without • prejuliee ',. to: the injunction.
Judge Jameson also announced that
he had ordered the injunction to
issue upon a reading of the bill and witb
,out.potice, upon representatir made to
hitufthatif the notice was *I en to the
Ecclesiastical Court, such f p oceedings
might hays been bad by tha ely in the
way cf harrying - their trial t a conclu
sion as would be of irreparabl injury to
Mr. Cheney, and the design and effect of
the injunction, evaded.-
' B. Corning Stidd, - in support of the mo
tion for the dissolution of the injunction,
entered into an elaborate technical
argument. Taking up the averments of
the bill, he denied them aerialim. The
averment of material injury, and the al-
!-legations as to the. growth and develop.
fluent of Christ - Church under Mr.
Chtimy's care, the counsel endeavored 1
to , ridicule .by (piloting, the well
knovin' quotation, - as Ate moving ,
cause of averment, “Who so bloweth
not his own horn. the same shall
, not be -,blowed," and affirmed
that - . , blind justice would 'Unsheath
her sword for the humble curate in a
cottage as well as for a , rector' who ex
pands Iffixiielf ,in. a "church" of‘ palatial
proportions." Tile counsel insisted that
af civil court' had:-no. authority to inter
fere with an ecclesiastical tribunal, and
lilt batl;_that the bill was not sufficient
to warrant the present proceedings. He
aleolknfizattiktbat - the 'proceedings were
all regular on theli face; that ample jus
tice had been-dope; that the strictest im
partialitYliad Ellen, snoiwins,Sird leaving
the narrow ground of technical canonical
.r.Mention.-assertedin bread terms that
,whether the proceedings were in fact
canonical or not, the Bishop' had, in his
own person, the inherent right of disci
pline. irrespective, of and above all
canons. ' - •
Before Mr. Judd concluded, the Court
adjourned until two o'clock.
- Attio o'clOck the Court met, and Mr.
Judd, counsel for the.assessors, resumed
his argument and finished at three.
He was followed , by Mr. Thompson, in
behalf of--Mr. Cheney, who spoke for *u
hour and was followed by Mr.,
who had not finished when the Court
adjourned. The arguments will be :on
tinned to-morrow , and will po.ssibly last
nearly all day. ,
.Cli./AR,LESTON, S. C.
Riot Among , Colored Men—Military
C iii.releamoli to ttua Eittasnrat 6azette.3
ega.nwrp.s.,. July 27.—A begro riot;
whieh 'at one tiara' th - roatenedVery seri
:one consequences, olcarred last night on
the occasion of the departure of a visit
fag_ Base Bill Club from Savannah. 'The'
glut! was acoompsnied by a brass band,
composed of - colored men who were said
to-be,p_amocrats. As the Club was leav
ing in procession for the Savannah boat
they, were attacked: with sticks,- stones
and brickbats by a mob of several hun
dred men. Several - shots were fired on
both aideiS. • -
The Mayor of-Pittsbury was .on the
groand, - but-it Is said he was powerless
to quell the riot'sndlyee'Compened to
call on Major Oilesby for' the assistanceof United States troops. Tce Club was
then escorted to the boat between pla
toons_ of the Eighth Infantry, followed
by a large, crowd of yelling and infuriat
ed negroes, throwing stones and com
pelling the soldiers at intervals to face
about and threaten-to Etre. Several per
sons were wounded, • mostly members
of the colored band.' Tee affsir caused
intense indignation among the whites.
American Philological Convention.
icy Telegraph to the Yittsbargh thszette.i , •
PotronualtPoia, July 27.—The.Amerl
can Phlininithint Confection was called to
order. this , afternoon in the Cleavage.
Head ChUlTh. ; Dr: ;Boise' of chicago,
walkhemen temporary Chairman.Coin
mitten were appointed and several mem
bers_ plaints ` tort addresses.
• ThU evening the committee on yer-
Monett OrgimititiOn reported theifol
log: Piesident; Dr. Whitney,. of Yale
mark Vice Presidents. Dr. Harkness.
'of Brown'UniVersity, and' br; Dwight, of
New .1 . Yorki.:Secnitartes, , Prof.
Conikrt. l , of !Allegheny College,
ProZliillbersetlA'ast York; r e p or t
was agreed to.
Dr. lrhitney;AlPPti taking the
Made a short address. He was followed
by Bellootr , L Lanolin; ha' an address of
,welcome t thotoaventlon. •
The Business _ Committee announced
three iwaol*Els i O4l- OrralT-fei the reception
.ancrdiadusslon of. classical papers,- after
whlelkseverial.addneraterleerte , made and
the Convention adjourned until to mor
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FOUR O'CLOCK, a. .m.
NEWS - BY - CAB - U.
[By '4l(gritio to the Pittsbuzaa Gazette.l
`••!- • 4 •Airgirßik. • .
1 7zErma., July 27.—Baron Von Bent
to-dai received the budget of •the CGXG.,
mittee of the Hungarian delegation, and
_wade, atijniportant • ,address. ,eaid
titerilat l i inibetWitei t AitatrilltikilPretice.
had been on the best possible footing
ever since' .Axstrla relinquished the
lan territories, and the Interests - and I„nt
tentiona of the two cou ei ntries som , he
were Wen
thatU moy
kialtrhemotid notinifit blithe Ninme
of. 1887, but leave it to th e . option
of Turkey to follow his counsel
regattligg • onneessiontito.the Christians.
On this point he would bring no pressure
to bearl_Hieelared that- he had hon
eatiti- striven to estaplish
- relations. With Prtiat . effbils 11 1 4.
having:baen'met in a slthilitt
had been unsuccessful. He closed with. .
a strong defense of the general polley'Or
the Imperial government.-.,The Prime
Ministet's speech was received with great
.27.—Henry W. Long•
fellow was yesterday invested with the
honorary degree of.Dcretor of Laws by
Oxford University._ -- •
LONDON', July 27.-=Theleteamers City
of Boston, Hansa and 'Malta, from New
York, Berlin, from Baltimore, and
Hibernia, from Quebec, have arriv ed out.
Lottoox, 274—Evening—Consols
for' money 94 , 1; for - Smolt:2i 93%@93%.
American securities quiet : 5-20 bonds
823;; do. at - Frankfort, 873; Eries, 19:
Illinois, 93 ;.
PAR/B, • ./Ulrk,27. Evening - - Bointsa
'steady: Rentesllf. 95C
LIVERPOOL, July 27. —Evening —Cotton
market steady; middling uplands 12%;
Orleans 123-j ; sales are reported of
10,000 bales.: California white wheat 10s.
Si; red western 9s. 2d. Western flour
235. 6d., Corn : sales at Iles. for old;
295. for new. Oats Ss. 6d. Peas 40s. Pork
100 s. Beef 9 0s. Cheese 61s. Lard 70s.
Bacon 625.
LONDON, 27.-4vening—Tallow
46% §tikiy p 92. Linseed oil £3l.
ANTWERP, July 27 .--Ettening—Petrole.
um, closed at 5030. and quiet.
Eaviin, July 27.—Evening. Cotton
quoted at 150
hiaNcnEsTER, July 27.—Market quie.
but tlein; Linseed oil,•Liyerpool, 433.
Forged Railroad Stock Certlficates—New
Tom; College -Presldeucy--Statement
Denied. .
thr : relerretat to the Pittsburgh ussette.:.
NEW Yong, Ju Y 27. Charles E:Quin
c,y was arrested t day charged with at.
tempdnktnyass wo 'forged certificates
of the Chicago an Rock Island Railroad
Company of oneundred shares each
and of the total value of f. 82,800. Quin
cy,"tilMotrered to selr the forged 'certiti
cotes to Wm. Hatch it Co., was held In
1 05,000 to answer. Thee, certificate pro.
ducted in Court purports to be - of
! the first sei,es No. 10;90, sign
'ed W. F. 'Cooltiaugh, Treasurer, and
John F. Tracy, President. The original
certificate of the same number was long
since cancelled. It Is cot believed a
great amount of spurious stook is out.
Mal. Gen. A. S. Wehtkhas accepted the
Presidency of the ' College or the City of
New Yorks and will enter upon his
duties about the first of August.
The Cuban Junta announce officially
that the report, of dtsseutlons• among its
Members,•and Change In the Presidency,
are false r •
The Pullman palace car Wahsatch is
announced to start. West from the Ilud
mon Riser Depot next. Saturday afternoon
and go through to California without
. - -
Alleged Incendlarism—Exposlti
Textile tiebrlce—Be Ball
. rai'relegniiiii to the PlitcoArzlh lemdri
CINCINNATI, July 27.—The wh esale
cloth house of Alelfanus, Bierman and
Kelly, on Race street, was iliscoiered to
be on tire last night, but it was eatin.
tinguished. /Bichsel Kelly, one of the
firm, was arrested on suspicion of being
the incendiary. •
The work of opening goods for the el=
positioh of tektite faorics has beguff.
Tho d'splay of, cassimeres, tweeds and
jeans is very full.
playedmpire Base Ball Club, of St. Lou
the Buckeyes, of this city, at
Buckeye grounds this afternoon. Score':
Emptre 27, Buckeye 14.
Reunio n of Union and Confederate Arniy
Officers at Gettysburg.
(ST Tillefusph cause; PlttebnpthQuette.i
:- Grei•ri'suritii,c3fily 27.1—The projected
reunion of officers of both Union arid
Confederate - arrtnes who fought the butt.le
of Gettysburg is to be held tho battle ,
field ort Wednesclii, li.utiast 4th. This hi Called by the Gettysburg tdfk
mortal Society for the purpose of pete
,manently locating the position of the
tticrart nieedaridirthe:vddhus stakes af
the battle. A large number of officers
will attend, and Colonel Batchelder, the./
biNtoliSMl4liettyihrhig'; d'ec*panted
by - M es srs. chappel and Walker, the
well known artiats, will also oe presekt.
The oecasian will be one of oonsiderabit
Th A •R
e ntient bitheult. In New Tont.
[Br Telegraph - to the Pittsburgh ciesette. 1
ALHAtfiri JW.l47;,:__Thi a ! , i n th , vitnit cot
ejecet6n against Wilbecii,Ehe East Graft.:
bush and-renter, was boned, Went tO Troy
to nrocuro r warrants .for the arreekk of
Will** and the. parties Implicated In the
assault of yesterday. The wounded iherr
are all ootnfortable, dale:whoa
• &ebb:debilities-drat thkelfrat vitpat, and
that he offered the rent, but • that It vita
refhsed . and he then defended. hla
property.. •
r • ,
Groat Demotbstration at Minim, Mau.
(By Telegram to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
EauWm.'s, July •• 27.—The people of
B with invited guests, are cele-
Urating.the - completion Of the French
- 4thustla caplet. The dLtmer teak place in
a large tent on Abraham's HIM It was
a apl6,ndid affair,_some six hundred per
son* b eing Presept. - Hon. - S.. ft Gifford,
President of the Committee of Arrange
„mootivcaimis theiassetfibly US' older in
fitting teirciarkaitiftoksildch Rai. Jeremy
Moore, - of Duabitryi Offered a lever.
... - Atter the:dinner . was discussint, the'
1016iritigthattle*Egregnnethrongh with:”
First., To she town of Durham Its in..
frietchrOvihilliiihrerd:OlallitaNaty spot the
me& ot our - peculiar and' obis Ameri
can civillzaticsf,4o6ipetha tit ' names
of Ocrlreili , .Wpatate l e r of Standi sh, and
Bradfbrd; of Wit:tattler and Alden—attest ,
their unbroken lineage by extendimr an
enthusiastic welcome to those who have
achieved so magnificent an enterprise in
the interest of the largest material pros
aultY—and oft behalf of-theunity of the
tatiMan race. • .- - - -
- ' - 'liVaiiktile Doodle" VIM playact by the
"Aymouth band and 0.8. Thomas, an old
resident.of lixbtiry, responded, - closing ,
as follows: "Here, theu,standing between '
the grave of Webster and the harbor of -1
the. Pilgrims, we, in the name of the {
American people, extend a cordial wel- '
come to those who have conaamated this
undertaking 'and Offer our heartfelt
wishes that this telegraphic wire p may be.
a bond of perpetual harmony."
Siteond. The State of Massachusetts.
Response by Governor Clailin.
Third. The President of the' United
States. Music "Hall Columbia." Re.
aponse by Judge Russell. • •
Fourth. The city of Boston—among
the first to welcome all measures to
arouse the highest civilization of the
world, she will hall with joy the last of
all the grand agencies to annihilate time
and space, the great obstacles to the pro
gress of nations. Responded to by Mayor
Shurtleff. •
Fifth. His Majesty, the Emperor of the
French. Music "The Marseilles H,ymn." 1
&Oh. Her Majesty, the Queen_of Eng
land. Mush" "God Save the Queen."
Seventh. His Majesty, Victor Emanuel,
Ring of Italy. Response by Mr. Day, of
New York. j
_Eighth—The French Atlantic Cable.
Directly uniting two Continents, may it
be to all time only a medium of good
will and promoter of an international
peace as serene and undisturbed as that
of the still ocean deeps through which it
hold its course. Response by Sir James
Anderson, Managing Director of the
iCoustruction Cotropoy. ' , - _ ,
'Ninth Ltoximerce. In all ages . the
power of a wider civilization. it has in : electric telegraph its most potent and
cunning ally.
Tenth. t3cience. With imperial thought
and invincible power it subdues the wild.
est and most - fearful - elements. Of nature
and binds them to the serviced the com
This closed the regular toast list, but
Mr. C. B. Thomas then offers the fol
lowiogsentiment, sent to him yan old
lady eighty-six years of age, t widow
of a late prominent ship toaster: 4'To the ,
memory of the past generation of ship
masters and ship builders of Duxbury.
May the electric spark now kindled so
animate the coming generation that it
may worthily till the place of the past, is
the wish of an bld settler."
At the conclusion of his address Mayor
Shurtleff Stated he had receivedlthe fol
lowing dispatch from Paris:
"To His Excellency. the Mhyor of
Boston, America: The Prefect of Paris,
rejoicing on this happy occasion of the
mostr union between the two countries,
begs that the Mayor of Boston will ac-
cept his best compliments and good
The Mayor stated he had sent the fol.
lowing in reply :
"Duzbury, Maw., July 27, 1569.—T0
His F..xcelloncy, the Prefect - of Paris, the
Mayor of Boston sends a most hearty
greeting. May the new bond of union
between the two cootioenai be cue of
peace, prosperity and amity. May the
- citizens of thabld and - new worlds re.
joice in_ mutual. coogratulatinis on the
great Bi/entitle icoompllshment."
Sir James Anderson, in his remarks,
disclaimed all honor in the Bootless of the
cable enterprise, - which he thought whol
ly due to the officers of the veetels whi . th
had just.departed. The importance of
the ocean telegraph was alluded to and
h o claimed that to Cyrus W. Field, Moie
than any other man living, was olving the
success of; Atlan tic cables._ Soled heard
tliet`Mr. Field oppozei the,laung of
the French`Cahla, and he would t ink it
strange iflie did not. That gap l emon,
is_largeljtuterested :, in the Cantle
1 Cabre, and. it is - but , natural at ho
shined defend hia interest. Sato hon
orttble opposition' goes, they should not
feel offended at it, forunderlike circum
stances tbey..would de the - Paine thing.
He had alisallmatd thit-tumid- opposition
had been made tothe landingogthe cable,
which might aloe be_due to. Mr. Field
and his celleaguits: but he had no fear
that; any 'influence could flitduce the
American people to; act unjustly and
allow millions of money to-be spent in
laying a cable without havlng,tair . plity.
E. S. Tohey, Lerd Stiekviile; i Geo. B.
Lining and Chßriea Levi .. - -:Yr.oedbury,
made brief siddreases:_and the'compaby
The levee in the—tevenings, at Mr.
Wiight's 'Meese was very quiet. and ex
cluelva. -:
,_..; ,
•.-.;.The British steamer Lord ; Lowell,
whit% ieflataltimore on Fr i day - last for'
Havana,J.siden „heavily weal and
aboUt tilt Ant: hutiftred and fifty empty
anger titigettigids,was overhauled en Sat
ordity_evediegnff_ Cape' Henry by the
,r e v9P_ulk: - .!°utt, 44...act,herqert Av.-order!!
fteta wastungron.pu atiapictoour being
ensiled lararrying%-arraity eta.' to Cuba;
in the interest of the revolutionists. ',At
;44) ritibroVOittookoli AttielOgii released,
nothing being found to,i her seizure.
. 4 ,... 4 ,. :, alogart, the alleged deflull og
r o arthintrllitiffilt attinad, with
J etri el ltiM Pali r s ooo .4r9OvnrAtteint funds
from be paymaster of the receiving ship
,VermonoVat' tha. l 36l l oklyty-intey yard,'
, and, whcrwavarreattfd In To4caa after a
lOng .Ptibsilit by... detectives, , has been
turnedover to tile naval authorities to
bOrded by 6:4olbartba.
til of
..zrt to gintl;lanies C. Taylor, A.
t torney Generareltitt 'Of Virginia - As to be
commissioned by General Canby to fill
that °Mee, the occupant having realgued.
`T• ,
•K, _,._
. .1 : ;
Third Day of the Annual Conference--
The Lyons Cape—Appointment or
Committees—The ...progress of Lib.
ene En urged.
The conferenc met at nine A. M. per
suant to adjournment. Bishop Loguin
in the chair. The devotional ,excercisas
wore conducted by Rev. Win. Johnson,
ot Uniontown. The -reports of the Bab-
With :Schools' were continued which
showed that they were.le- a prOsoerous
.condition. , I •
Cointaittini on_ complaints reported • in,
the' case of the Rey. - Mr." Lyons, that
;Meryl Careful consideration of the case,
and . from t e s timony Platted . In their
hinds, they eonsidi3red thischarge touch
ing his moral charaiter to be groundless, -
and would reccommend. that the Rev.
Mr. Lyons be exonoeated., Motion was
made to adopt the ioport.—
Rev. Dr. Mat thews moved to lay the re
port on the table. - Adopted. - •
Dr. Matthews moved to refer the case of
Mr. Lyons back to the Committee with
direction to make a thorough investiga
tion of the whole case. The• motion was
unanimously adopted.
Bishop Loguln announced the follow.
ing Committees: ,
On Deroticn —Rev. A. Cole, N. H. Wil.
Hams, W. Johnson. •
41,u:owe—N. II Williams, A. Cole, J.
J. Freeman. B. F. Pulpress.
a•edentials of Lay Delegates—Wra.
Hamilton,' N. H. Williams.
Ministerial Studies and Ordination ---W.
Johnson. J. J. Freeman, A. Cole.
Sabbath &hoots—J. J. Freeman, W. T.
Slate of. the Country and the Churches—
W. T. Biddle, J. W. Davis, Prof. H. H.
Garnet; by. request..
-.Temperance-4. Henry, W. Hamilton,
J. F. Lyons.
Education.—Dr. D. B. Matthews, J. J
Freeman, 0. L. C. Hughes.
Laying off Districts.—The whole Con.
Missions among 'Preedmen.—N. H.
Williams, 5. F. Lyons, B. F. Palpress,
Prof. Garnet, honorary member. ,
Apportionment of Bishop's Salary.—
Dr. D. B. Matthews, J. J. Freeman, N. H.
Williams, J. W. DSVIS.
The following new Societies were then
received by the Conference : Recom
mended by Dr. D. 8.: Matthews, Mount
Pleasant, Washington county; by Rev.
N. H. Williams, Gazzam's Hill: by Rev.
J. J. Freeman, Pontiac, Mich.
Conference motet two o'clock, Bishop
Loguin in the Chair. "
Several petitions . from congregations
Aver° receiveb, praying for the re-sp.
pointnierd'of Dastote."
• W'lliiiitaticiti,:FteSident Ottiliet and
ev. Mr. AburßbJer , Af - the A. .E.
Church of Allegheny; •City, briefly ad
dressed the Conference. ,
Mr. George D. Ware was also intro
duced, 'and made a short and telling
The followingpreanable and resolution
was prented by • Dr. N. H. 7 4 Whims
and unathmously adopted
Wstgamas, we are fully evinced
of the power ofthe press i n th e'great poll ti
cal struggle in which we are now en- -
gaged for the promotion oftbe . cause of
Christ, as Well as for the. elevation and
political enfranchisement of our Race.
Therefore, - -
I?esolved by this Conference, in annual
meeting assembled, That the publication
of the Progress of Liberty, a family news
paper, issued weekly at the capital of
our State, and edited by Mr. 0. L. C.
Hughes, meets-with the- entire approba
tion of this Conference; that we hall it
as the able organ of• the colored people,
and the faithful exponent of their rights
and interests;, that we cordially retort'.
mend it to the encouragement and i sm,-
port of•the members of the 4. M. „IL'
Zion Church, and ask for it the patro
:nage of busineis men overywhere,f and
such support from the friends of equal
human rights generally, es may extend
its power for doing good, and give it an
abundance of substantial prosperity.
C'onierence then adjourned to meet this.'
morning at nine o'clOek, . -
A Forlorn 1131 ope. •
Last Satif,:day Charles St. Clair, a
young man, was convicted in
,the Court
of Quarteit Sessions of larceny and sen
tenced to. two years imprisonment in the
Western Penitentiary. ~.Yesterday after
noo, Deputy Sheiff T hos. 8...0in1e
star to with the prisoner from the Coun
ty jail , to lodge him in his future home.
The convict evinced tio
disposition to be
unruly, until the gate - leading into the
Penitentiary yard" wagwheu
J II:lden dash and broke away from,
tspeedocr, and 'started up Ohio street, et
a which angered - well for his agili
ty. The Sheriff immediately called
upon him ;.to ' halt, and when
the command was not • heeded,
drew .• a revolver , :and sent
a bullet flying after him which grazed
the side of his.. head, carrying away a
lock ,of his hair,- but•failing to, arrest his
The of then started in Der
ma, and saw Bt. Clair tutu Into a black
smith shop, and attempt to, getout of a
window In thereat.. • He had got about
half way through, when the blacksmith
recovered from his'astonishment "at the
enddent appearanle; and rightly appro.
elating the situation. quickly seized, and
held him until the officer came up. Hand
cuffs were then brought into requisition
and the chap marched ,off to the atone
house without further; resitance
trouble. •
Forger Arrests'.
Yeaterday a young man, - .residing in s
Lawrenceville, forged his father's name
to a cbett for timed,' handier( dollars on
the —3— r: wr X tt - I " it
011iXtir.. 0- 4 Pl*
which he preenreci The
forKert :was - Het disenVereft the
bank niul.closdit 11)r - the 'day, and then
theithapoinaldnOtblifonnd. edeteotlvet
however; wick put oh guard and sucoeed-'
*Odin anditing him last night between
elerven,andtwnivel O'clock, 'at a lifee9
stable. Mulct bid just returned a horse
and buggy, hired during the afternoon.
When arregetbe had only one }inn.
-dred arid elzty-seven dollars /a pos
sesslim, hiving, in sow e manner disposed
orbne hundred and thirty-three' dollars.
from the ilnaufir gettlnwthe Limner,. In.
the inorblitg. A new Watch and 'chain,.
pocket-book - and through ticket.. to. Ohl.
.eagii, furnished an - e.tplinzation .orthe . '
to *nptutfttyrit. 1101 -
*as Waked up to await a disposition of the
case this rnorning,when it is probable the
affair will be compromised and settled.
The Bagmen* , Greta to be Reerlatitzed
-Meet lug Last
There are trarSew of our readerrwho
are not acquainte d with the itistory of
the Duquesne k!re, Ye, at- one • Lima one of
the best militant,, argerdaations in the
State The c.ortayssey t teeny as honorable
name during , the Ale -lken Tsar, and at
the breaking .opt,of the rebe llion the
._, .., . - ..%
same feelingofpsam-titan !slated among
ite members, who
.. -- tCricietrimt the struggle
anti fought it out seetWThe elm*. • After
the Tar the compuir - *as Mend to be
ranch depleted frotaltAt•losees,ateffered
daring the contest,' aMl'itti-satternpt was
made to recruit ant( - plaint the
organization, until last ( etypXlhg, when
a nomber of thee/v*4A g.ntecr,bers as
sembled at the hall ihtlat iThittrflitional•
Baal building, Wham littrself,,, with
this object- in , 1485r,4, There was
quite a large ' ntitabille'' in attend
ance when:thet: meellithr ' wk. Organ
ized by the desiggett*, kof Capt.- J. B.
?ileum as Chairman, .nelt Mr. .r...T. Al
beitrz, Secretary. -' : - -
Tle , Chairman brieffk stated tile ob
ject of the meeting,. reft rre& 4 4:e the
record of the ..Grays"-sind hothat
some action would ' be- Mikan rd
a permanent organizetlon that the-mena.
ory of the least might be kept inreznetc
trance and the CoMparry prepmed , fbr
service, if unhappily t*sat abould'ever
be required in the future.
Aft4rsome informaltEnetaisiori.-Zessrs..
James Petrie, C. F. Porrai. and =W. Mo.-
Laughlin were appointed. to draft an
ether or procure, the ol& eanstitutain.• for
the government of the meworgamtation.
Theereet. question of uniforms was neat 'con
eid • . ,
Kr. MeClarreri thought - it, would , be
well moot:tab to. have Mrs-matter tvoitati.
gated. Previous to the breaking dur or
the war tbe cotnpany..tzed concluded' to •
purchase unit:mine like:Mode of the fiev
stab New York ..Regiment, but halainot
negotiated before ipeing,callefl upen to.
enter the service. Such. uniforms could.
now be parchased` , at about - forty *Mare
On motion Messrs. W. B. Beeper, ' -‘• ba
hicelarren; and A. W. ..tettits, we aP•
poirited to select uniforms , tuseertal the
coat, aa. and report at. next meeting.
_discussions then ensued ra re
gard to procuring arms. -By - the- old
rt ..e
system the Captain of the Company SVILB
rednlred to give bonds,..fer the value of
the arms, which - were held as secUrity. '
and only suriendere& when the arms
were returned. • • ,
Mr. hfcClarren Stated that ;under the
new law for the orgamizstimi 'of Militia
compacies the system liad been Changed
somewhat, put that ha did notifu)* un
desstand the nature. of ;the change I.
Upon Wei:notion asCommlttenoatliesist
*lff.."3-495Praf A4•Stallanatuter: 'Jean Mc
,Clarreii and J. IX Atoore. was appointed
to investigate the: lacrand report at
the next meeting,. -, t. • ' 7 - -3
A - roll was then Made opt autislgned
by those present; after which tbemeeting -
adjourned, to be reconvened at thb cat:
of the Chairman. , . "..... : - : . ---
Pike Streit Atonement's.
Saturday evenihg,tifi; '
in that festive cooditien .- ustnilly co' nal-
dered as "spoiling fora fight," wendecl
his way to there:Bidet:tee of-a friend, Geo.
Dollson s .Pike street, where he saccilieded
in a_short time in accomplishing his de
signs, rather disastrously, though, to
himself, for, as a result, he found him
self in a short time outside the. house in, -
a completely demoridited condition. and. '
bearing upon various parts of his body,
unpleasant, because somewhat sore and
painful, retnindera of a scene in which,
he r had taken san active < part.
Reflection, and,perhaps a, taint idea.
of revenge induced' him 'to . Alder
man Moraland's office, and impress - upon
that official's mind the importance of
having Ronson arrested as a dangerous
man, evidenced in the fact of_an 'assault
and battery committed upon him.' The
magistrate [toted upon; his, auggwtion
and secured the attendance of Ronson at
the AidermaniO' office, • when the case
cited, in substantiation of his arrest, was
thoroughly investigated, resulting in Ma
discharge from custody, and the payment
of costs by the trpelLftutor.
kept the. *nay.
Yesterday afternoon, Lucretia Rev
nolds made information before; Alder
man Mcliasters, against- Jane Nicholit , ,
fOr larceny as bane% Lucretia is a thirt
maker and pe!n given two dollars
a oustomer'to g'et sortie material for a
pelce of work, Sh'o Went to_thn store of
Mrs.:doWii the
money, at the same : time deslgnatid,g; the
articles she:wished'ln, get, alleges;
however, she got nothing excep an insult
from Mrs Nicholls who coolly put the
money Into the draWer, , remarking that
It would just settle the balance between_
them, and ;then: ordered her to leave.
She did leave, and'made the information
as stated upon which: &:warrant was
issued. • .
Additional Markets by Telegraph.
Oswzoo, July 27.:F10ur in active dc.
stand, with ales 02,000 bbls; closing at
2760 for No, I spr ing ;, 27,75, for amber
Winter; 2A60 for White,'•and 29,00 for
double extra. Wbeat , firtnlactlthelies of
, 7,600 bushels anaber.wiliter . 41456; 1,790
bushels amber winter 421,58, and-No. 2
Milwaukee einbleld 4 2l,6o. Omni' mar
-ket better; Julie tit 0,00(1 bush No; 2 Il
linois at $1,07, and I.6oo.bushels- No. 1
Illinois . at 51,10. Lake 'lmports: 16,500
bushels wheat. 0211111:' exports: 2,209
With wheat, 2,600 bush.corn.
Navy Oiti.Ealts, July 27.:!-Cottonquiet,
middlings 3214 c, sales of 10t) ball's; re
ceipts 1150 bales. ' Oat Was : 7Sterling,
60%. New Tork , *slght, 34'_premium.
Four declined, en.Pacikne , P.N@s.7s;
double extra ik1,28; treble extra 58,65.' Corn tending upwarif f 'whitell.2s. Osta
766)77c. , limn Ilia r.lisYll29 fin prime.
Pork held at 13300. I Bacon firmer., held
at 16N. fbr shduldeinand 1 9®194c. for
sides. Lard unchangetL- 7 Sugar 'nomi
nal. Moleenes win. - Whisky 81,17.
coo° at:changes.
,7, ,
,einQ,koo, julY 27 At Open boird‘No.
wheat chased steadYtt 51,88 seller July,
and 5484 huYarAngtuit.• Corn .qulet at
933 o selber i ugast. In the evening
there murvet little "doing - and 'No. 2
wheat and eorteclessiti tvoininally at the
48491 :0 (8 ..$ 1 4t 1 0. 0 5!e,qoptivyk.
muntyrir.x, July 17.—Cotton Es quiet.
Wheat is quiet, with sales of red at 101.1(li
6 1 . 15 1 and white at 111,2/41.30.