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I ),.;`WlL e '-'' .l -- --2 *--' -•— 10 . k. r 3 \ • I ' / , l , t --...., ‘ .. „ . EZ FIRST EDITIOI. .!.11119.117G11T. THE CAPITAL. New Navy Register—Pollucal Situation In Miseassippi—sugar Frauds at New Not Allowed.. Statue -Signatures Not - , (` - .4BitTelesistoblo tiering's:lth euette.r, . ''. Vi r isiiiir&ron; $,11116, 1569. NAVY:DA Z ETTE• Chief Vraj;insler,Asher, of itswnad, formerly Chief Of the'itigideStlng B u reau" ~ cdfravrDepartment, Intip!been ordered ici ''; ~ ..)a-art 18 /04natit YU& 1 The semi-annual navy register h asjust been issued. - "A - notable cbanpte appears —. ( in the list of staff officers, in which Utak ranks of officers-have been 'reduced' bi'. t: : conformity WO the general corder of the Dianariblent; based upon Attorney Gen eral Holirlopiniott'of the 29th of March last.. In the present register , the highest rank heist by any staff officer is that of - Commander, while in the former several of thestaff °Mears rank with with Cap. tains according to the length of service.. The new register contains a list of vessels with.Ahe'.'„ehanged:names and a - list of ten vessels sold since January. . . SUGAR NEW ORLEANS UG FRAUDS. Ex-Gtivernor Hahn, of Louisiana, had an, intervi ew with Secretary Boutwell,_ ' -! ' during which het rtdtarkist -- - that'the an; gar 'frauds at;New Mieanit Were a great injury,to tilt honest importers and plant eeveru,:o4l-bieftit.te, and (*mid therefore be •srelY-pbnishedAtut-that tire people: l .l of New Orleans did not believe the in vestigations would be prosecuted Bud - the criminals brought to , justice, on account of the - high' position of some of the officials implicated.. Sec - imatary'EputytelX replied that theiarties `will lacilkied; - the evidence presented the country, and no corn promise Ude ect; . - even itionlelWofe money be o ff ered than is due the Goverament; that , the suits, civil and funniest, will be pressed with vigor and determination 'and. the ~. guilty parties egtposed;„ tbat Mr. Bar - field, Solicitcir of tbaTreasury,- hits been eent tp New Orleans to aid in the legal . .twactselitapi su&Sthat sife - tigl there As . no conviationit will be owing to the, cor ruption of judge and jury, according to " the present view of the case. ' f • , ' z .111,4 smaroli 4 .. C . ARSSISSIPPI., Rev. James Lynch, colored, of missis. : . eippl, denies r ecently published state ' , tneattat tie has ' , pledged/Judge' Dent the support of the colored people of his , State. r Fieh bas made arrangments for r aeauteew with Gen. Grantand Judge .ileriLotithigtXexf-rat/nntitim • • feather efforts st recbnitriictiist should be based on universal suffrage and uni versal amnesty; ;that the :white people of, Mississippi havens thoroughly abandon & resistance to the'dactrines of the Re publican party as they old to the Govern . t i.• 4 ment:sthe a the - armies of; Lee surrender ed; that they do not feel any interest in common, with the national Democratic , r • party; that the Soritkern white autn con , - cedes tents colored mare equal politleil rights, and there will be no issue be• tureen them; andici create-one will be a . corset° both races. . Mr. Lynch has con ' ferred with many of the leading iadicals. ,„„tunrgrtuz DECISION. . The Com m i s sio n e rr I nternal Revenue , .has decided. that, the use by collectors of tr - ,, 3 tho. the ateile to Impress . their. names 'uponstamp for (flotilla& - spirits - cannot Ise allowed' hereafter. The. regulstions _ require the actual signature of collectors on such stamps;,` This revokes the au ' tliority ;Vivra by the late Oammissioner , Rollins, allowing the practice of fac aimiles of their names. REVENUE RECEIPTS. ~ „ , . . receipts The Internet Bevenue to-day were 8900;000. - - PHIS, Earthquake Shock—Capture of Horse Tblettea7:-Idttrder of a Negro. By Teiegrara to-tae Plttsbnrgh oaze.te.l eg - savele - shock of earthquake was felt 'here this rbornina• at two o'cloCk..:. During the night severbi . large meteors fell: - , The'AMul'ae-Toeet •spec ial says: Messrs. Dickens and Hum; phrey arrived yesterday with the body - Thniart; - theribtfrid - trim and his brothet in a caVeatid in attemptin to arrest them were. compelled -.to kjU James.;- Benderaotii Ails- brother, was wounded and captured. He confessed to belonging to a 'band of: hoist) thieves. • They were concerned in the attemptalo ' assassinate •Dr. Deckers some monthif -„ • :since and had fled from 'here. The Jbektion Whig, of Safurday, relates the murder of a negro, Henry Exhom, Wbile returning from speaking, by two -- 'Men named James. Young and Wm. Igulgarirea.'who rode up to the wagon in which Zahoin , 'and a number of others were; knocked= hit' hat off and on getting, - - - down-after-it be was shut by Young anci killed.r.,Thrtptikkthe,.negligence of the' eitd:lsoroner , the murderers es caped.i Politicshr - Tennessee—,Letter•from Post muter - General Creswell. tßyTelemph txottle - rittstnnwh Otzefte.3 midi, July 26.—Ther6Zafeguarrs-, clot this - afternoon publishes a dispatch dated - 2 4 114 . ,' ineiant t from • Postmaster General , lreli t to W. B. eitokes, zu Willelf - b0 81 311; 44 .Ballevinr you' to be tbet true representative of the Republican party et Tennesztee, l l•earnestly advocate your t lecttam, agd ; trustthit every sound :Republican is your State will. rallyen. , '"tblisitllle# l 7tetYPlirettliport.The Weal/ dent is absent:from the , city. btit I em lenlident tliati declare his opinion." Mr% 'reSietrar, has la .. aued•two- thousand and seven hundred torti li e ges tow:bites' and three thousand ;bbicitiC...The najoiity otoolored voters var. -1 7' 411 ,P r eOeeeSserikk , t rano& CBT.Teliairstkh — eizette.3 • New 1 0SLIWISS.: July 20 .—. Collector C4telyikhavingthe,inimimse al:donuts of seregil Ungar icoredin- the heretofore nn ' 4Xeuttied ?suite ..of the . Custom - EloolicitmilVt,the Treasury, Barfield', ps hero, giving tits • attention to-the sugar . 'rues& • also here. warratitwas issued to day. for the ar. rest of August r cantauri for 'concealing his boOhot p plieof the moat 'Oporto:we to the Reran* ofileetv cannot•he found. THE CUBAN REVOLUTION ]Sy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ' jNEW YORE, Ally 26.-An American, ust returned frOm traveling in"duba, says the revolutionary forces display much more activity than the Spaniards, and are constantly making raids and otherwise harassing the enemy. There is. however, very little disorder' 'Outside ' Of that usually 'connected with military operations, and private individuals tray offrom place to - place without rpolesta tion. Supplies are obtained from the. plantationS, and as the-gotintry 4s very prodriCtlYe, belt parties "Wye an abund ance of provisions. The principal wants of the revolutionlets aroarms, medicines, salt, clothing and shoes. There is 'nix lack of men and the patriots have amnia niticM enottglkto last them-many mouth s. 'They also - have arsenals established for the , manufacture of cartridges and re. pairing arms that may become disabled in action. 9 The patriot loaders state that they do not need any men from abroad, and care tiiiitichliiriy for athltififl dquip "thirlargit'truitiber - Of patriot-volunteers constantly presenting themselves. Great inducements are held out to blockade fanning. 9A fast steamer, such as was employed by the Confederates, would have no - difficulty in landing soar ,go and in addition to her receipts flout., ber regular cargb of arms; would ;make ate immense profit on. Medicines, salt; cotton cloth, rubber goods and shoes,, and would be given, free of charge, se cargo of sugar or, obacco, with which to *turn. HAVANA July 26.—The volunteers from Remedios have surprised a force of 'ribs% at Laguna and .itilted-eighteen of them. A skirmish occurred between Ssgua and Villa-Clara, in which the rebels lost twenty men, including Major ftcerfrobiNaif glee' that two hundred - troops had captured a rebel entrenchment with, considerable loss on both slaw 'A 'Vireo' - of . efftht - hundred rebels had attacked the colored militia guarding the between Nuevitas anti Puerto Princlef., vdthp loss of forty ti.. eSpiniattlask text..l; HAVANA, July 26.—Accordlig to offi cial reports the number of effective regn lar.3rOciot on this island. is, thirty-two thousatd, and of volunteers four thou sand. Tao rebels state that they have Blx thousand well armed men in the field, besides a number of_guerrilLa bands. ,_.`Atilsdnitl,SisrrsinTh has TenfesnUrteder wittiliolattr are Gave - thrift!' Stipend from Jesait College in Havms, owing to thoindlecretlottof-ttie.Directors. NEW YORK CITY. • Atbutte- Cable; Alicsitiens2-11ledar Prif. sentation—Tobacco Cabe. . 3 . (By Teleirraptitii - Uurrlt!ouriza eatints:i tow pany announce their gross receipts from Atlantic cables since the landlifrof the first, one, July ffTth, ' at upwards of six hundred and forty-tivi3 thousand pounds sterling. The number of mes sages,hea steadfty increased from a daily alterage of twenty-trine "under the twenty pound tariff to two hundred and thirty ,during the last month,the first of the two 'pritad rsriffitahild the dart, liverage of dispatches In June, 1889 Is more than double that - of - June, 186 8, under a five pound five shilling tariff. And the daily , averigeof receipts shows, by the same comparison, an rncrease of 'from four hundred and forty-seven pounds in Jime,lB3BB,;o Ave hundred and twenty one,ponridit irrJuila; 1869. The gold medal given' by the Life Saving Benevolent Association was pre sented to Midshipmen Mason. of the Guerriere, by Rev.Hinry Ward Beecter, together with a congratulatory letter I from the Secretary. Mr. Mason, It will be repienitered, saVed thb Rims of two of the crew of the' Guerriere in the har bor of Rio Janeiro in February last. Gem. Sherri - lan and Sheridan left for Long Branch this afternoon to attend the ball to-night in honor of the President. The schooner Ella, from Tampico, lost one of her crew from yellow fever lust as she anchored in U. M. Commissioner Shields, to day, in the case- of L. Jania, charged with not making, entries of tobacco received in Broad street,. and who claimed the omis slob' was oaused by the negligence of his clerk, held the law was imperative and committed him - to await the action of the grand jury. The yacht Sapph6 has 'gene - dciwn the Bay and will sill for Europe oh the firs , favorable wind , A 'Singular Accident (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., Loi:ISVILLB, - Ky., July 28.—A letter from Princeton speaks of a fearful acct . . dent :Vhich oCcurred'pa - ,:the r 72oth. A than 'named Boots lirair - was' 'hauling upon his wagon two immense millitones, one of which weighed 2,850 pounds, and while passing along the side of a high hill the heaviest stone pilled from the wagon and sped down the declivity with earfal 'Velocity. crushing small trees and.shrubbery Its coursj. The house of a farmer named Darnell. vr_ss situated at, the, foot of the hill. The mill stone went crashing through a fence and into. the yard of thefarmer's house, where there were a number of bee hives. In the yard, were playing a bevy or chll • thou. The bee hive; were upset, *0 the bees is their - confusion lighted upon the c'sildren stioging every one of them In ia triglittel) matineri• Iprogress of the -great eforie was not lump clod in the least by its collision with the Idves,and went bounding: into a `Moos; pasture -q beyentLthe house. dashed through a herd of calves Mid horses, killing -two of the former and one of the latter almost instantly. The obit. ciffll 41 the„yarg been completply .Vered r ivithr-the beefy ithdßaoli vrAis stung by them until their person* were covered with white swellings. One of -4hatittlleditellefrt Utile eDbr the terrible occurrence, and two others are entirely speechless and blind. They can hardly' Tr ill > - ,Z* . , • flOur 1111111 Destroyed by Fire. • • - - - (By telegra—kto the Pittsburgh Gazette:o F :- TROY,N. Y. July 26.—A fire brigeint" thlteityrntaps iselthehtore house &reached to Shatrumae In Waterford.- 'The mill and contents were completely *: troyed. LcsVs 1 1 KO th3 4 1 1_4 1 ,- 100 ; 000;covered, bg lusetlrance.7 'wutsorlirln of lbw &els uhkrilairn. 4 Thr thotitand blush els of wheat, five thousand busheler of feed, from twelve to fifteen 'thousand barrels offlourand fbres thousand empty barrels were burned: The mill we-avai l/SS-IWO% • NMI -:** l •4 - 4 OltakeassentMak Muth BeAmite* ~ • , • ' ' llatrtellt 7n T e l fgra 0 1 PATCPM* 11 !VIOIP Franco.. American , Cable- Rumored Treaty Between France, Ainstria and Italy—Coliletoaof Steaasers—Fassen. Bars Lest. '• .„ Fay Telegraptirtce'.tbePlttsiettlittcitikett,t,ll., GRBAITIIeIttTAIN. \ The following dliquitch was received -•.P Over the Franch cable ' rrop .fljeat ;, dpi fit l,Ttertori l Attly , 24th ‘ 6: 1 51 P. N.: A claiite , , 44,./19* POlttFoti t ~ittl 7 4. 'protecting stthmanne. iguadorisoded the shores of thaUaltiefflßlßOOK and binding tharatoffice.4ooollect and die tribute messages. - - After Wednesday's Cabitiet Cam:l44 Lords Granville, Cairns. Mr. Ball widths Irish Attorney-; General met to dies:mak -tba—eorttnratniss- tannic."..Thtrldrerh :iiiaWiindltii&opPealtioif:aciiiiefiki the •oondiftens afteithe Premiers aratepaent, "made yestefdarta• The Irish IChilreis only awaits the Royal assent. Granville Murray was ejected from. t hia club by a vote atone hundred and ninety to ten. Itia , roPerted that new „cable is Pro jested-direct frohl Milford to the Auteri can Continent. Lo port. July 26.—1 t is rumored that a treaty+ has been concluded between France, Anatria and Italy, the latter, in case of war, to support .France with - a contingent of 50,000 men and,ocenpy Vlted-bo. :Iris also rumored ; thitt : Prin. sia offers the Pope 12,000 troop!, if the. French evacuate Rome. The Great Eastern has arrived out. The United States practice ships Macs. donia and Sava n ft have arrived at Portsmouth. Their officers ,visited the government establishments there. Advises froth Constantinople state Egypt, is arming extensively. Loariost, July 26.—1 n the House of lande to-night the Royal suelcatt N94/ .1 given - to the Irish Church bill. " In the course of the evening the Mar.' quite of Clarcarde *led attention to the inefficiency of the police and magistery arrangements in -Ireland for the proven- tionandsletattion of crime. He said the constant recurrence of aggrarian outrages in thatllleatt was a disgrace to the eogn., try, and the. Impunity with.:whlete der maidg.tiltrage,Veltre born ..that the elttieultiiir,weret assassins powerful. •He urged the neck ' sityof havinra more efficient ,corisnabn- Lord Dafferin said Her sfajesty's Gov*. ernment deplored the recent outrages in. Ireland; andiwaa*ready to conaider any . proposal for their repression , It was . now,considering,the desirability of es-. taMisbing secret;poirce force.,' He adds, +Si; no measure had been , neglected to bring the perpetrators. of outrage .to punishment. The House of Lords has passed the Em dowed Schools Bills. In' the . House, of Commons the an nouncement that' •RoYal assent had teen given to the Irlith Church Bill was TO calved with cheers. \ The Telegraph Purchase Bill passed in committee. There was a decided major ity in favor of making a permanent mo nopoly of the telegraph lines. • The interest in the Harvard and Ox ford boat race exceeds that of the at. University contest. The besting is in favor of the °sherds. The ocean ram of the Rval Yorkshire Yacht Club came off Friday. The course was frotn Coen! to Fort Hull roads. The race was won by the Cambria; beating all competitors by ten hours. Limnos, July 26.—The Times today refers to the effect of Disestablistunent as follows: "The Irish Church now knows what it is and what it can do, and for the first timein its history has :a real honest independent character.- SPAIN. MADRID. July 2. —At last the Carllst out=burst, so long expected, has-occur red. Ri ve hundred well drilled troop; under e iommant of General Sabarl gos, have taken the field •near Cindad Real, where they were 'defeated and die: - persad by the national troops commanded by General Tornabeti. The battle took place in the morning, and 'it is reported that the Ugtist party lost fifteen in killed, and a number of others are wounded. Only three officers are reported killed on the aide; of the governor* troops, Neer the` town of Nanzirlos a strong party of the Carliats also nuidea demon stration, and subseptently suoceeded in intercepting the ratiroad trainal=Und cut ting telegraph wirae.,:ff'he latest accounts state that:four thousand Cariboo had ar rlivd In the province of La - Aratioha, and that government IrooPa'` - have been dispatched to the soene of ,antton. The agitation 'general thioughoutihe whole country, akd thepeople are :Vetch excited otter the We news. No fuithOr hostill treirhavetut yet beenleporteValthough i Is feared that a general riling may be expected all throuttkiSpalniiewthat Don dos hltkerossed the fro_ tier; andbas opened cacarourilcatfOrts wltp..his numbr out tiletuttimJnl*26.2an aftietept made brthe Carnets tp take the OW of Pam- Penna. NararrePwas :64,issirated py Os garrison. Seven Adlei add woundeClon both — iddearresta' of Collate %Wane in4fadri.i...4 • - - " ~..:- FRAME. "5 04 "4,,,_ . _ e - "PARUiefj/17 26.—The Tearmo i O f ficial a k i denies at Mr. J. Q. A ..afir*, rren -11 Amer! :Citizen, who wairerresteedur ! I= the ots, received 111.usageoinot 1244 4 asks for nsion of public judgme 10111 190 mill: et, . , i' ;.'. lidsrakill Mel, *etc( , pas or'. dared that the rlinek 4 or cadets adolt..; ztedr,,,,, 1 3 2 iAtu vi f .I*Mikg.titSfillied;,' *_' - . 1 8 _..'"'....._ 14 S _Akio Meta - are .an. nouticsot 7 - awts aileron De Tallityrandi PArrigood'ico Int genstoro , mo-.Bentletti to he. 7. piliagf i NVlE,T c . BON'. 4., 051. 411 , 1 , . . 7 ., ‘,..,; i V 0or! to - ,ThiNiti. , t , , ...... i, -..., fk.:`,, fj.,..1. A i - ... i . , r Vt10..7_4t9 4 2, , P-=Me-jp . nrnai t i lidiat igrattifittes the tOuhtn.fron` the coutp)e• Sloe 'Of thei FratiecNtinerlott *hie.— It says: 6 4'0 new route of ,communication: . now oted 'between ;France, and the - United iiitateillawill hancenntia render our r: MIII:. ; I=l 1 04 . " " rcourionmt riet —eta, - lit#4 . tm tionsmojfi - I #l.ll.otrir elo et wuclits 3l .7 1 10 m I ANP w,tycn ant ant te ,theeocath#s." , i1:1101111C • k net, , ,exciteteilan, WaS created week Otabuw, by the 'liberation etelnitiAidie bid beim coulited in a convent there Rot over twenty years: A popular denaltiMation 'which - .was e;On ttieocciistOil led to *eerie,. of diattrbaneee. Tkie . t4dlWt were- caned old to rattan). order . end' wrote were Made:: The clty hinevr•qulst. • ! 4 men ' ' 'BE ctrnetifbie 3* lte lti o:i : t irbe dnet -18 1 1" n : fb " rrdirng the tesidenoeol-14Instint on the Itelbbs holders:on 'the ground or bbs revolp. tiorsebs **Mans sind tbe duties imposed' •by bitexmocamil.low. , • :- • • -- . • ONIARLIIE7BLEIres.. •Lownotfi July ;'2a.-The daunt* ICS`. ,braaka and thillabase afttvelent. • - Lottnosefaly hei—eatilielo,l2oloClUNlS in the, Baths last pied: weed Vire steamer*, both belonring 114)1..• One of the Nneseses intik, and twenty-three of her passenger' And, crew wero"ftoitited. _ mApicitir. axe colimictit w .. • Loznxi 4 ,, o , 9 UAsicona(. saw P/VtereittiPitadni• 82) Ito. istllatt; ; ls , l Vikri)(l Ede, 19i Illinois'pokr,V _ • Ltrannot, i rr. - Slily' Ii&- ,4 . 13 istaitt0.--Cot- MIS market firmer; - Inlddlfulivirplande 12fr‘d.; da. Orleans mm. 11111245 of 12.000 bales— Itreadatuftil...Californta. what, wheat 10a 744 , re d Western N 0.2 -9s. Zd .r. weacm our : 43.,,..v.. , por. o. 2 mined , 30e t for, old, and .295. for new. _ Cate tii: Peell Ma. ..Portr. 100 s. Beet 901. ;. lar d, Citeeee On t jams .625. jiplrftsPetro m 7d.; roan do'; la. ad.' 'Tallow at 465. =Lt , Bs*. - Lowoott, Ju ly• —Tallow , 456: 3d, Linseed Ott, 111' - Ina..,•Stilar 29a: 9d. Calcutta: ,_: Ca . Petroleum at Antwerp-arm at f., ... .... -:- fiavast. July MSC...._ , FnAtutranz, XilkY i.: 26 . - 7 5 1 4 41 1 • 419 P cis closed - OM. , . . ELkvisz.liale2B.4otibil allisdieitii*.i BRIEF . MINIM'S . ~ —A4ntlrai rsrlianklitt4 - 4 *lt9 iniVad at San rrinerhase last melt • , ' . -.-Chlef.aiditieeilhaed ark &II 6 soitator stmis lie Are etFiPidusritt altteor,k Noii. , —Firecin , die:wood& •In. Washington Territory at'a raging rh.:reeeWed via/. lance. it 14.11. Meeker ,e artist, ell known' :th , toegboqt the. eat, tr'4sl' 1 1 lital 114 s •.f.4.4.4, , ,544ea, ~,, itintstreatt,, - 'liana of , A..'Wolcott, Station Agent at New Hart ford, lowa, aged respectively tiffeen and eleven, were drowned while bathing on Saturday. -, —.Tames W. Dempsey, who lost an arm in tbe engagement between the Hear large turd Alabama, and the last survivor • -of the wounded .among the crew; died Saturday I:sight - at -Boal'on., • —lnstructions have been received from Ottawa, to have the gunboats on the Lake a ready for immediate service. , Rumors of a Fenian movement. are supposed to be the cause of the orders. • • —A severe thunder storm occurred at Dubuque, on Saturday . night. Much damage was done to the lowa division of the 11113301 a Central"Rallroad and the Dubuque and Southwestern Railroad. . -At St. LMils, on Sunday, Dr. P. An derson was dangerously cut with a Mitre in the hands' or an infuriated woman. who accused him of giVing her medicine to cense abortion: 'The doctor denied the charge. - • —A twenty-inch gun, weighing fi fty seven tons and ennoble of throwing a ball weighing: eleven ;hundred pounds, was landed at Fortress Monroe on Satur day. It was oast at the Fort Pitt works, .1"/itsburAh. —Postmaster. General• Cresswell met with an accident on Sunday at his house in Circle county, Maryland. While con versing with friends, .bis.onair broke un• der' him, and falling heavily. he broke and dislocated his left arm. H. Prouhet, the St. Louts jeweler, who was robbed •ot, $B,OOO worth of m diaor.ds. publishes acard offering to give the •robbers one thousand dollars, and askno questions if them willreturn his property, thus offering a premium on * Plover shot and; killed Ernest Kiemier on the street late Sunday night at Eq. Louis. Both were Germans and had been intimate - friend& Improper intimacy between Itielliler and Ploeger's wile is the 'alleged cause 'or the act. ?logger give himself np. —Dr. Peters, of Litchfield Observatory, left 'Utica, N. Y., yesterday for Des Moines, lowa, with a new German apec tramps and other instrument* for ob serving the solar eclipse of August 7th. His aaaociatea are Prof. Rodgers of New Raven; and Frederick Hubbard and Isaac .r t Rail of New York. . -.Vaughan' Lawrence was shot and killed in Edgetield, Tenn, near Nash ville, mi. Saturday night, by a saloon keeper named Cox. Lawrence attempt ed to - stab' Cox with' a knife, when the latter Shot him through the rienk. Law remee lived but a few minutes. • • • - --:Thepituumger train which left Pongh keepsie. N. Y., at '1.30 P. w.iiesterday. 'going North, on the Hudson miser Ran road, ran tote e car loaded. withiron, at •Hodson„ -knocking it.to pieces and strew lng the iron:about the track. ,No damage. waa done to the train other than beviklug the pilot.of the engine. , —The COurt of Amnia of „Marylan d, in.thetaan..ol.4aina„ Ward; a citizen , of Aw. Jersey.•against the ,state, of Mary. lehd,oti appear from theorindnal Court Of Battmore; epitiziedithe judgment of -the - Criminal i.onlit ImpOting .8 line 'of "g4OO and coats.forsi_violitionnf'S State law_ by selling without It liCedeed. —Thb IrgunlentEtcrr f and again st tbe dilution of thit injunction hi the white& hnuantiabitgeY.ohne ixdbre lion, Jack A. Ninny", ! Judge „ Superior' Court, at Corning OrLeeristop t '4lll' apmr for the avimshre, nnet..wm noi - assisted by C-Vangy. ?dr. 'W.rl'ailer _ Will ap pear for mri,,Ofitiney. Bishop White house filed kid reply to the petition of BLY• Ohne, birth° inionottoti and:denies many &this iiiiegasions contained therein. , the htigniginnia set aside the- Ecclesi estiCei• triad proceed on Thursday P 914., y - - EMB:i Bnerlf Arad z Posse . Itestatearo , terrel Iflted.—lrne Alen Wounde*. [syrountratai to , the putoorits Gazette.] ' Arataxr. July 26.—ThisaftemoonDen uty edit Gregg, of Renaael/er ,coUnty,. with a posse numbering twenty men, Went to the residence of 'a farmer named Dennison, in East Cireenburgito let" , °o lds golds for the non•Paytneut;cif rent. On reaching • the place they found gathered about • the - premises about forty men. Not -expecting any I rouble, "tl co. fiherifib._ proceeded in O the - discharge lds duty, ;but was ob. strueted' by the owner of the property. The Eberle' theirialempted to take Den! • , nlson'into , stugody, but theicrowd opened' fire upon the with guns and pistons, when Gregg ' west it in "Allied, and Leonard J.: Wilbreck end /dr nods & seriously , wounded. The &WWI rattektirett unmade tAnt.ltlettent- It - wits reported -- flee Qf t he' passe Were wounded, but the_ abovs are the only 'l2l4l=o:giVenl.". - • MIME =I • ' Crops •in fforthwert. By Telesis,' to the Pittsburgh Eissiette.l . Cite Also, . Stay r ge t tman who ;has been, traveling `-thro ng - .isouth•Of the Ohio and' ' Rail road,.4,6that the Tr/leach/it ic een gat h. weds is In excellent condition. The crop* metual. , fally.:Aouble what it .zsalast,year.7 TbacOrnlooka verY Pro nalaing.and • there seems scarcely any aoobt t hat tha crop will be very large. Oatti;potadoes, sky., are AIL ' that could be &had. - Prom - all parts' of I MSConsin comes the information' that the 'Wheat trumpet:Wee& to bowery heavy.' The bar. aesterill be from tondo" to two weeks -later than must.„the ,crepa look eattfalty,well, except corn, _ which. le a little backward. The , aanie general re ports come from lowa. , rixrx i PsiOtAis EppOo:rms - st.-Tb,e,un• precedented feat , of pooling one hundred -plgeonS la - swmession, ma performed at Dexter ,P a rk Obi - 1:11iVt on Tuesday, by Captain A. The *do were loaleged A. plunge trap, eighteen And eighty yards bonndery, rte tiOe4l4Ele-bunged gun, loading Welweaimi, - - 1 41544 uatd.wB3 a ,trige over two bawls trtacnomplisbtog the :ugdertaklnt:', The match was. mile, tweert hinssOM2difr. Sohn Pirrp*Orth, Pus gent }inn' betting „COCO to that.thltliiittaioililaft be saPoefottilli aim led out. '. • Namelnas county,,lcebraaka,yaed ttija 21tb; bat xubjctrlty, co donate •=O,. - 0041 tri the Lords} trunk and BeownirriHiVElift Maria! gall; - - roilida. - -;4kabTroada will boilGthrau_igh .tho county writ•-yoar:..iaba- tats.Wirt -* * L i n utOnottliegnilinyndarPetnigOtie on Pugh . Tucker, of Elgin,' 111., wa s drowned while bathing in the Fox - river, near that city, on the 24th. - , • Additional Markets by Telegraph. EnPreto, July 26." - --The receipts of grain were not reported correctly to-day.- The ahi pments were 1;000 bushels whea., - • 40,000 bushels corn, and 29;000 buihels: oats. Tie - VW are hold at 12;i ®l27‘cf on wheat, .1034010%c an' corn, and 754 e •on • oats to New 'ltyrk._ Flour i s firmer with sales of 200 barrels ldinnesota spring at 27,50; city' gratind - spring is held 25c •higher. Wheal is excited and Itighei, with a good demand; sales were made of 20 boat loads No. 2 Chicago spring at $1.43©1,44, No. '2 Milwaukee at $1,44® 1,46, do. to arrive at .$1,45@1,48, No. 1 , M ilwaukee at @1,50. No. • 1 Raine at 51,48 and atslsB the close was held at $1 c ,47, and No. 2 Milwaukee at $1,45©1,46. Corn is firmer.. and sound is scarce, with sales 0150.000 bushels by sample, at 950. 10,000 bushels kiln dried at $1.05, 10,000 bushels by sample, at 953 c, and the mar. ket was held at $1,07®1.10 for Nos. 2 and lat the close. Oats firm and are selling at 75c for western. Rye is neglected. Barley nominal. Highsvinesf none of fered; $1,05 was the nominal quotation. ALBANY. July 26.—With a supply of ccittle 2,000 head short of last week, and of average quality no better, if as good, • the market opened strong. and active for extra but rather tame for other grades; for best Kentucky steers 9c plfr lb. live weight, and 51:per head over was real izeo; the top price y„c; good butch ering steers By4f&B4c; medium weights 73.;@8a; Texas 44c; Cherokees The yards were cleared before the close of the day. ' Sheep, receipts Modexale and prices unchanged. Lambs in large supply and market Pali le lower Witli sales of sheep at 434@70, and lambs at. 13@9e. Receipts of Hogs are light and the damand is not large; fair to good Illi nois at 934@10X; sales-of 2.92 head Illi nois at $1,02 per 100 He, averaging 235 pounds. . , . . Os*Eoo, Jane 28.—Fliiur In go de maud and steady, with sales 2,60 bbls. at r for No. 1' spring, 117,50 for amber winter, 118,25 for white, and $9 for double extra. Wheat firm and quiet, with sales -2,500' bush. choiCe - -white • Canada ,at $1,813,, and 1.100 bush. No. 1 Milwaukee club at $455. latter generally held at $1,58. Corn_ ery scarce, with salea 1,800 bush in car lots at Corn Imfal 82,20. per cwt: Mill Feed firm: snorts Qp Ship- stuffs , $230125, middlings $28©30 per ton. Canal Freights to New York-i'—wheat 83.ic, andand= corn 7 1 y,c. Lake imports none. Canal exports 9,400 bush. wheat. No*ORLEAOS. Joly 28.—Cotton; more doing; middlings 82c; salmi of 669 bales. reifelpts. 115 ' bales r exports,' 155 bales! •G01d , 2137,.. Sterling 51X. New York Sight Exchange , 3,4 premium. iFlour easier; euperane 13,74; double extra $8,40; treble, 'extra $8.75.. Corn; whits 10,25., Oats 76®77c. Breit 11,OU. yi plitne SW. ,Pork held, at $ 88 . 00 ... nsconlBli9 19340. Lard; tiercal,9s4o2lcs keg 21y4tv Sogarf "'fair , to common • IOYA prime 1110 1seses , 'firm.2 Whisky and Coffee nominally unchanged. 1 - - • oliteMlo, 3%4 - 28.' 4 " -At Open Board 'this 'afternoon-the Grain - markets were • MirtheOderatel r y saliva and; 'prkes firmer and ,h• -NO:2 WfiestandatAll4Bo9/1334. 4aserroonth p' mpip ,reportsi one lot Aoki: 1 4 ~i seller.. August; , ranged at 11 1 36 @i Corn quiet at 95c.;TorNo: 2 seder - •TO the' evening 'Wheat Sol at ,38* Seller 'itioilth;'• and $1,883 5 ,Atlgust,elOtilmt firm with : l3lo;lre at thew _ . MLLE; Nalnivitta;atily2fl.--tiottoniltill; low middlings Sumo; goOrl' Ordinary 290. Wheat mteady• red 11 1 1 10 @1, 7 / 1 ; white .1.241,80. Flour/7197" -' _ . Bait Faittotaco, Jul!? $. 5 . 0 0 tai37 34 .. Wheat' tirM at. $1,70 ®1,72X. i ••". • A•Beirointion to steam Eeglaes. The Jersey City Vines has a description of a machine, now in operation in that env', which Is destined to work a revolu tion in oneAepartkpent of mechanical industry-7waeiy, - .a new steam engine, which, one-qiuuter-of the weight, and occupying on.p-quartet the space'reliaireci fo; an_ ordinary ten-horse engine, will give the same power, with 25 'per cent. less feel. 1 This little machine seta at defiance all :pee conceived notions on the /subject. Its Motive PoWer is all cootained , within the circumference of a broad, stout wheel, about three feet in diameter,- reviving upon &hollow shaft 'whicli receives the steam and delivers it alteniately Wow° reciprocal cylinders, and fl e 4 bet Ween the center and the periphery; TO Dow er therefore, instead of being at"the ren ter, presents the singular anomaly-of be ing at the eircumferenee Or, lie other words, the true center of gorier laid the periphery of the wheel. To use a Tamil far simile,-the wheel-is like Melia:id or AMID, of a squirrel cage, •in whickl two squirrels were consentaneonaly; one in the usual position the other in, the , oppo site, but ,with head down, and with a motion similar to that of aAy walking on the ceiling—both, of course, in con tinually reversing positions as the wheel_ turns. Isis an application of the simple principle by' which, as,anyone can see, a grindstone may easily be turned by pla cing- the hand "tilion the surface, while only with considerable muscular exertion a man's hand grasping the shaft can , pro duce the same motion. The inventor ' lir. Itiset,'a• French man, resided at Commttnipaw until quite recently,: where he was well known as the anther and patentee of 'sevenil` tfseful minor inventions. The.Tintrif sayit it is expected that. a atock'company will be formed immediately for the manufacture of the Ruses engineorhose value for all uses requiring lightnees of construction. combined With economy of - Mei. may be .seen by the dimple : statement that it will eve ten-horse power with no more fuel , than would be required in 4 caloric engine of two-horse power, occupying one-fourth of thespace,and atlunch . leesthan first cost. And one important feature is, that the same engine can be ‘ nsede.ther to attain a high - rate of speed 'arta do heivihoisting. = ' • AGOose Rate. TiO,P l ?taha Reilublican lies the hrilgw 11.1gtieccouttota : u gooserince'r that • intne '4144 dad - - • "Oyer MOO people gathered on the banks above the Bond; and tilting-the low er end of Farnham street, on- yesterday afternoon, to witness Bob Hart and Sally in their great wash-tub-goose feat. Promptly at the advertised time Hart made his appearance, followed by his Competitor for the golden peanut, offered by Col. Hanford. Each satin an Ordin my wash-tub, to which Vas attached sit pairs of geese. driven:and guided with an ordinary carriage *hip.- The most deafening apphtuse shunts and yells greet- - ed the contestants as they wenrtowed into .the pond. Striking the Farnham street bank both started side by side. talking to and urging on the feathered racers the same as a jockey would do in atrial of speed among horses. Half way across the pond Sully's team switched off and bolted for the weeds, giving Bob the lead by three and a - half lengths. Re covering his course Sully made splendid headway, gaining rapidly on the Hart outfit: One of his geese, however, at tempting to dive, kicked a rear goose in the eye. The kicked bird at once cackled his defiance and soon . demoralized the entire team. to such an extent that victorywas imnossible. • Hart would have come in "0. K:, " only for his • "wheel geese" bau'king badly and upsetting the tub. Sully began laughing at his opponent's disaster, when - his team made a- Sudden right flank movement, which leftthe dri 'ver floundering in the mud. Tifeassem bled m,ultitude yelled the louder at the accidents. Righting their crafts both parties made for shine leading thei r teams. Bob took the prize." . A. wurreu - contri butes the ug to a recent number of Once a Week:4 went into a shop the other day _ ,'mailing, buy ",Nat the 'drapeis call "gents' hese."_. A staging, Young lady was bUhind.the taunter, and when I bad-made an appeal to her .to show ine,sothe soclis t .l was somewhat &WAN' what course eaction I ought to pursue in order to demonstrate to her the length of my foot. As I am not te.,,bntlesque Writer, it was clear that I could"ziot lay My boot on the counter and say "With all my sole; , " nor coull I - Paraphrabe Dib• din's Jack Tar, when he spoke of the dancer who "so daintily bandied her feet" The Tittle woman, how ever, speedily removed my first perplexity, though only to - plunge me' into another. "Will _you," said she, "please to doable up yeur fist and lay it:on the counter?" I .replied that I did not want gloves, but socks. `-'And I want to take your measure," she . said. • i‘But," I urged, "it is the of my foot that you require." , ."Yes," shereplied, "and I can 'get it equally as well-from your hand. Once round your clenched •fist, at the knuckles,-Ye ths length of your foot.' And- she took the meas ure of my - fist, and I took the socks on the faith of the damsel's representation; and, in due Ours; found that she was quite right and had fitted me to a nicety. Arrzn Stonewall Jackson!al death, at • Chaneelloraville, a story became current among the ' Confederate. legions-which the soldiers loved to.repeat overthe fires of . their,bbrmian...that, on eceonnt of his extrerseidetyosehen their famous chief tain fell, *7 detachment . ofangeis left the heaves:llY ego t 4 l- Tiait.thn bettleteld, and ,eacort hero and :to heaven. The celestial squadron Searched. be dos e _ .strewn but: : isithout effect. He whom_they sought ; 'Could not:be found, and. ey returned minimally ; to heaven to report their, want - of scones& , But lo! behold! oniazriving they found,the spirit of the immortal : warrior there ,alrtsdy. Stonsmal .admen had made a flank march, and gotp heav befoia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers