The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 26, 1869, Image 8

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THE G e.nrrmi is furnished in Me city
- the six days of Me week for 16 cents per
=week; by mail, $8 per annum: 3 mos., $2.
Troy Hal had few visitors yesterday.
As a place of Sunday resort, it is
Councils will meet this afternoOn. It
is thought the Connellsville Railroad
business will come up for action.
The Livery Stable men are having a
lively quarrel and the reAnit so far is the
reductfon,of carriage and buggy hire all
•und. • -
Obitnarg.—Mr. Redmond 'Mlle, a
young gentleman well known and high
ly respected in this city, died yesterday
False.—The alarm of fire struck from
Box 54, Allegheny Fire Alarm,j on Satur
day evening about nine o'clock, proved
to be false. -
Tallow': Tallow::—By reference to
our advertising columns, it will be seen
that Lslab Dickey 6: Co, want 100,000
pounds of tallow.
Discharged.—Three officers were dia.;
charged from the Pittsburgh police force
on Saturday, one for incompetency and
She other two for drunkenness.
Trinity Chapel, in course - of erec
*tion in the rear of the Trinity Church lot.
on Sixth avenue, is being pushed forward
rapidly. Workmen are already engaged
on the roof.
Removed.—All the wooden work of the
spire on St. Paula' Cathedral has been
removed and workmen will this morn
ing commence to tear down a portion of
the brickwork.
• Repidnted.,---The exterior of the Old
'Theatre is hardly recognizable since it
was coated with new paint. The improve
manta on the interior are also of a sub-
Atantial character.
Tile Allegheny lock-up was remark
ably quiet yesterday, not a single arrest
having been made during the day. There
were but half a dozen common cases at
the morning levee.
SWI Another.—John Carr forgot that
the graea and flower beds in the Alleghe
ny Park were not designed as a public
highway. His actions; caused by forget
fulness, cost him five dollars.
Taken Back.—The insane man, picked
up on the streets of. Alleghen,y, Thurs
day night, was taken•back to Rochester
Saturday rnorning,from whence he came.
His friends have not been heard from.
The singloecull contest between Ham
ill and Coulter, which comes off on the
upper Monongahela course next Satur
day week, attracts - attention from our
boating men and citizens in general, as
well as from abroad.
Daylight Dathing.—Several boys were
arrested yesterday for bathing in the Al
legheny river at the foot of Twenty-fifth
street. They were released after a se
vere reprimand by Mayor Brush and
upon promising not to repeat the offense.
The Temperance Movement. The
Court House has been aecurbd for the
Temperance Convention which will be
held in a few days, when a candidate for
County Commissionet will be nominated.
A politician of this city is talked of as
the probable candidate.
Locked Up.—Yesterday, officer Sion
din arrested William Themtron, one of
, the two brothers charged with feloniously
assaulting Cyrus Fitch,' an old man,
about a week ago, in Chartiers townehip.
The prisoner was 'locked up and will
have a hearing before Alderman McMas
tern ttklay-
Ciub • —This fa "
moos musical organization, will start on
their tour today. To-night they sing in
Salem, Ohlo, and to:morrow night at Al
liance. If a varied and excellent musi
cal entertainment is any attraction in
the places visited, the club are certain to
be cordially greeted and meet with grati
fying sticcess.
The Attention of those of our readers
- who are fond of good reading is called
to the advertisement of J. B. Lippin
cott .t Co., Philadelphia. These Pub.
Ushers stand at the head of the list in
:their business, and can be relied on as
tan honest fair dealing firm. We corn
nmendthem to our readers. All orders
- promptly attended to.
The Monongahela Mouse, one of the
largest and finest hotels in Steubenville,
is kept by Thomas Costamagna, thEl
esteemed wife of Thomas Costamagna,
_Esq., business manager of the Steuben.
vile Herald, and at one time associated
with this paper. They extend a warm
word of welcome to all Pittsbarghers
- who stray, into that pretty little city.
Coirected.—Onr article on the "Fatal
ity from Hernia - or Rupture " appeared
in. Saturday's Gazette in a transposed
manner, which_ entirely destroyed its
sense, and hence' we reproduce it this
morning as it was originally written.
It wilt prove instructive and entertain
ing reading matter, especially to those
afflicted with the maladies treated upon.
Where's the Alajor.—lt reaulres all
kinds of people to make a world, which
explains the existence of a female child
in our city, seven years of age, and the
fortunate possessor of twelve we, elev.
en fingere., and one hundred and six
pounds of flesh and bone, fighting weight.
Major Burnell ought to see that child.
His museum contains no creature that
as well can toe the mark or has Baca a
Heavy Damages,—ChristianWidekind,
.a German, while passim along the rdad
through South Pittsburgh, leading to Mt.
Washington, some weeks since, (allover
-.the banister or , railing down arrembank•
meat, sustaining serious Injuries about
the head. He has brought suit against
the.borough authorities, laying the dam
ages:at #lO.OOO. Sheriff Cluley served
the writ upon the Burgess and town
-Council on kisturday.
• .
Hungry Tbieves.—A party of hungry
thieves, not having the fear of the law
.before' their eyes& at an' early hobr on
_Saturday morning broke into the cellar
of Dr. Johneten'irresidence, No. 80 Fed
eral street, and Carried off all the pro.
they decors. - Nothing else
. was disturbed, the depredators evidently
being moved to corn mit the robbery more
bya nealthi
4 ?petite than evil Wowed
f -
ons for plan erlzt—
Conductor a con
4dkiCter on thi Troy:llM Wendt 'Of the
Manchester Psitmenger °Railway, was ar
rEsted by the Allegheny police for Atop
ping his car so as to-obstruct% street
crossing.. There loan ordinance against
this 'practice, but heretofore it has been
4ts a deadletter. The evide n cesll cer
tainly be pleased et tidethat it
is to be enforced hereafter. The conduc
tor gar) bail fir a beating today.
•Teachenrillaected,—The following per
sons have been elected mockers for the
Twentieth Ward, to serve during the en
suing year: Principal—John Cam
eron; Assistants—School House No. 1,
Miss Maggie Cramer and Miss Jennie
Irwin. House No. 2, Miss Alartha D.
Simpson._ House - No:1, Miss 419111 e E.
Hamilton and Miss Anna M. Asper.
Serious FB3E—Saturday afternoon, a
German carpenter, whose tame we could
not learn, fell from the ' roof of -Mr.
Stout's new building in course' of erec
tion at Oakland, Fourteenth Ward. No
bones were broken, but he was very
severely bruised upon various parts of
his body and had to be carried home.
He received medical attention at his resi
Futile Effort.—Alderman Lynch
made another futile attempt on Saturday
to dispose of aecouple of the Snyder
cases, but the exertion was too great for
his official nervea and he was compelled
after getting half way through to post-,I
pone further consideration until today
ci ti
In the meantime,several addition
members of the family have appeared
the tapis, and several new suits a
threatened. ' 1
Body Found.—Friday afternoon the
body of a boy apparently about fourteen
years of age, was found floating in,"the
Ohio river opposite Freedom. It was
without clothing, and looked as thougt
bad been in the water several da y* .
From the description given, Mr. Fl-
bough, of South Pittsburgh, thinks it is
the body of his son who was drowned in
the Monongahela; while bathing, about
ten days aim. He will investigate the
matter, to-day.
Bad Boys.—Saturday morning some
malicious boys filled up the waste pipe of
the drinking fountain it the Allegheny
Park with sticks, stones and dirt, caus
ing the ground in the vicinity to be
flooded with water. The young scamps
escaped detection, but suspicions are en
tertained as to who they are. If .the
mischief is- fastened upon them they - will
be severely dealt with. Such a spirit as
they manifested in the mean business,
augurs badly for their future. ,;
Fall of a Pipe.—Saturday afterno:n,
while workmen were engaged in lower
ing into the trench pepared for it, in Oak
land, Fourteenth ward, a large water
wain, the rope snapped, allowing the
heavy casting to fall upon one of the
workmen in the trench, and severely in
juring him, He was taken out when it
was found that no bones were broken,
although lt is feared his internal injuries
from the accident may result seriously.
He is being,attended by a physician.
Allegheny. Black Mailing Operation.
A few days since a woman appeared be-
fore one of the city Aldermen, and made
infcrmation charging a respectable gen
tleman residing in one of the new wards
of the city with adultery. The offense,
she alleges, was committed with her sis
ter, who is a married wonian, and equally
guilty. The charge was doubtless made
for the purpose of levying black mail,
and we learn that the friends of the gen
tleman intend to prosecute the woman
also. .
We the undersigned desire,Ahrongh
'your valuable journal, to return our
thanks to Dr: Reed, of Dixmont Hos
pital, for thepourteous manner in which
he made us as welcome and showed us
through that excellent institution daring
a late visit to the Hospital. Also to
Mr. Cain and his estimable wife for
their kindness to us.
James K. Speer, Mrs. Speen , George
Cibler, Mrs. Cibler, Joseph Chadwick,
Mrs. Chadwick, Thomas Neely, Mrs.
Kicked by a lierse.—Yesterday after
noon, Mr. John Reefer was watering his
horse at a hydrant on Webster avenue,
when the horse was struck by a stone
thrown by a boy. causing it to wheel sad
denly round and kick Mr. Keefer in the
side, inflicting very serious internal in
juries. He fell to the ground but was
picked up and taken to his residence
near by, where medical attention was
procured. His injuries are of a very se
vere character, and the result is exceed
ingly doubtful. r
To the Penitentiary.-Some months ago
a young man entered a jewelry store on
Smithfield street, with a companion, and
was shown a number of gold rings. He
disappeared without buying, but man
aged somehow to carry with him several
of the rings. The police were notified,
and after about a month's search, Chief
of Police Bowden arrested Charles St.
Clair, a young man, in .Allegheny, for
the theft. He was tried, convicted, and
Saturday taken over to the Penitentiary
by Sheriff Ciuley to till out a sentence
of two years for his crime.
Boy Drowned.—Willie Bu'hisser, u
little boy about nine years of.age, was
drowned in the Allegheny river, at the
foot of Seventeenth street. Saturday. He
resided with his 'parents at No. 16 Eigh
teenth street, in the Tenth ward. and
left home some time' during the after
noon of Saturday. He was not seen by
any of his friends after that until the
body was recovered, about eight o'clock
Saturday evening. Coroner Clawson
was notified and held an inquest yester
day morning, when the jury returned a
verdict of ' , found drowned."
Italy Disturbed.—Last evening a couple
of small Italians engaged in a combat in
an alley off Sixth street, during which
one of them was thrown down and was
about to have his head operated upon
with a huge boulder in the hands of his
excited rival, the result of which would
certainly have been disastrous, when
officer Nenbert observed the movements
of the boys and hastened to quell any
farther anger by arresting them both.
Neither could speak English sufficient to
tell their names or give any information
concerning themselves. They will have
a hearing to-day.
Insane Woman.--Saturday morning, a
domestic in the family of Mr. McSaug•
hers, residing on the hill, at the head of
pederal street Allegheny, suddenly be.
came insane and attacked a. colored man
in the nelgbourhoodi with a knife,
cutting a hole through his vest, but
fortunately not inflicting a vrotind. She
was secured after conskierable,difficulty,
ancriocked up in.the .watch house. "She
itaiEncl friends in this .vicinity, and , had
only been employed with the family
named about three or four weeks. Dur
ing the afternoon an officer conveyed
her to the City Poor Farm.
Manager Bess. of the. Opera House,
Chicago, formerly of this city, le just
now being lionized by the press and peo
ple of that city for having performed a
noble deed of - obarlty. At a late lour
one night last week he found a poor girl
in great distress on the sidewalk. having
been mined out;of the doors of a gilded
palate_ contalignit everything hat charity.
Mr. Hess, who at one time was a pactia
ing physician, attended the girl, had her
removed to his boarding house where
she received all possible attention, and
at last accounts the mother and the street
born infant were doing well and Mr. Hess
wait the Object of the laudations of all
whe could appreciate a n o ble act.
Bort or- welch ca. - • mem statersi '-
For some past a misanderstanding has
existed between the Board of Health
and the Night Soilere of this' city, rela
tive to certain rules and regulations pre
scribed by the Board. The 'question at
issue was a resolution adopted by the
Board in December of last year, requir
ing all persons who follow the vocation
of night Boilers to supply themselves
with a machine, such as is used by Mr.
McCarthy for that purpose, and in ac
cordance with same resolution they re
fused to grant permits to ,persons not
having said machines. Tho matter was
brought before the court and an opinion
delivered by Judge Stowe in the case of
the Board of Health vs. Jacob Smith.
This was an action brought by the
Board of Health against the defendant
for having emptied the contents of a cess
pool without having first obtained a per
mit from the nom°, as provided in, the
6th section of "An act of Assemblyi, ap
proved April, 1862, defining the pow
er &
t. cill
duties, of the Board. The case
w originally brqught before Alderman
DJ rrpw, and judgment rendered against
Smith to the amount of twenty dollars,
the penalty prescribed by law. The
case went up to the Common Pleas on
an appeal 'from the Alderman's decision,
and was intended to teat the right of the
Board to make such regulations as those
under which he had' been convicted.
The ;only question to be determined,
His Honor said, was whether the defen
dant is legally bound to pay the penalty
of twenty dollars for violating the act of
Assembly in question. "The evidence
showed that he dkido that which the
act prohibits, without having a permit,
and therefore subjected himself to the
penalty. There is no escape except by
holding that the law la unconstitutional
and void, which clearly it is not. Judg
ment must be entered in this case for
the plaintiff against the ;defendant for
the sum of twenty dollars and costs,"
Judge Stowe stated that he had been re
quested to give an opinion as to the
legality - of the adopted by the
Board of Health, requiring persons en
gaged in vault cleaning to provide them
selves with steam vacuum carts and
wagons with air tight boxes. He said
that the Court did rot give opinions in
eases not before them, but in this case he
would state, as his individual opinion,
that under the act of April, 1669, the
Board is fully authorized to enforce all
requirements embraced in the resolu
tion referred to. He suggested that the
only proper way to have a decision on
the matter from the Supreme Court,
would be to apply to Court for a mandam
us on the Board to grant a permit or ex
cuse, or both as the case may be. -
Court of Quarter - Sessions—Pull Bench.
SArrntrav,`July 24.—5. D. Rothermel,
Esq., presented a petition signed by a
number of citizens of the Second ward,
Allegheny. asking that the license of
Frederick Benner, proprietor of a drink
ing house at Monterey and Jackson
streets, Allegheny, be revoked. The pe
titioners set forth that drunken men are
in the habit of congregating at the house,
and by their noise and disorderly con
duct cause great annoyance to them and
their families. Other annoyances are
enumerated, such as are suffered by fe
males who are compelled to pass by the
crowds frequenting thel house. _The
Court granted a rule on Benner, return.
able on Saturday next, to show cause
why the prayer should not be granted.
The following prisoners, tried and con
victed during the last term of cowl, were
Charles St. Clair, who plead guilty to
the larceny of jewelry from a jewelry
store on Smithfield street, was sentenced
to pay the costs of prosecution and to un
dergo two years' imprisonment in the
Western Penitentiary. '
Mary Maloney, convicted of larceny,
was sentenced to undergo a further Im
prisonment of ten days in the'connty
John Mulherron, convicted of nnlaw•
fully wounding Thomas St. Clair, was
sentenced to pay a fine of t hirty dollars
and to undergo ten days' imprisonment
in the county jail.
H. C. Matthews, convicted ofanmsault
upon Arthur Marlin, was sentenced to
pay a fine of twenty.tive dollars and the
costs of prosecution. •
Robert Hawthorn; a lad thirteen years
of age, who was charged with larceny,
was sent to the Refuge.
Youthful , . Criminal.
Some weeks ago. Robert Hawthorne,a
lad about eleven years of age, was em.
ployed in the family of Mr. Thomas
Layng as errand boy. He was kindly
cared for, and fired well, until he mani
fested a disposition of ingratitude and
wickedness, quite sad to note in one so
young. Noticing that Mrs. Layng was
in the habit of putting her poeketbook
in a certain drawer, he took adyantage
of the -tact, one night, when all the
family were slumbering, to riae and
ransack ilie — drawer; - securing thareVi
about fifty dollars iu cash. When the
money-was missed next morning he was
suspected, but denied all knowledge of
it: He was then taken before Alderman
Shore upon an information for larceny,
when he confessed the crime, and stated
he had given the money to two compan
ions, the same night, they having been
lying in wait. These boys, giving their
names ais Con. Rodgers and Andy. Har
land, were arrested, and held for a hear
ing, while Hawthrone wits committed to
the House of Refuge, to which he was
taken Saturday.
Much or Law.
Catharine Rees seems to have been on
bad terms with several of her neighbors,
and as a consequence engaged extensive.
ly in law suits on Saturday.' She resides
in the neighborhood of the Copper
Works on Second avenue. Alderman
Thomas was .entrusted with the litiga
tion. The first information was against
Robert Knox, charging him with main
taining a disorderly house in the locality
named. The second set forth that the
prosecutrix had been beaten by Catha
rine Rowland; with wbom'she had a; dis
pute in reference to the occupancy of a
certain yard with a clothes lineoupon
whioh hung her washing. The third
and last was against Miss . Laura Knox,.
who is said to have made dire threats
against Catharine, which caused her to
fear_ bodily harm. Warrants for the ar
rest of the accused were issued in all the
Lig Broken.
Saturday morning a little boy- about
ten years•of age, in attempting to cross
'enntsylyania avenne. in front of a team
loaded Nita lumber, had his leg broken.
It appears he first attempted to cross in
front of the team, but failing in that, en•
deavored to pass' between the front and
bind wheel while the wagon was inmo. ,
doe, when he was knocked down and'
the hind wheel 'passed over •his leg,'
breaking it. Officer Shaffer, at the re•
questof the child's father.who it appears,
did ti ot know how 'the affair happened,
arrested the driver and took him to the
-Mayor's office. When the facts were,
made known the fathet declined to pros.
ecute anoints driver/wit" discharged.
'Mae Salk Guestt—A GaltelrOollit. --
The Baltic Club ( Blue Stockings) of
Wheeling, the Champions of West Vir
gluts, arrived' in this city, Saturday
morning, and put up iat the' Mononga
hela House. The nine is composed of
the following gentlemen : J. Hornbrook,
catcher ; J. A. McCoy. pitcher; Charles
Whitman, short atop; C. E. Osborne, let
base; B. F Kelly, Jr., 2nd base; W. H.
Taney, 3rd base; J. C. Woodward, left
field; E. Hornbrook, centre field; T. S.
Achison, right field. The rain that fell
during the day augured ill for a game
with the Atlantics. However, the Atlan
tic, as well as the visitors, were present
at the Union Park, ready to enter into
a contest. To satisfy the audience pres
ent, one inning was played, which re
sulted in favor of the Atlantics by four
runs to a " whitewash" for their
game je
I S. tween the Olympic and
Baldes will e played this afternoon, at
half past tw o'clock.. at Union Park, -
which willdoubtless be largely attend
ed. Our boys are very much pleased
with the champion club of West Vir
ginia, finding them agreeable and com
panionable, and in-every way worthy
the high honor they enjoy both at home
and abroad. We hope the Wheelingites
may enjoy the excursion, and carry
away with them pleasant recollections
of our city and our athletes.
lremen Troubled.
p Th y e ,
. T o re f nr i y. leg of ho th ny e , H al op nta F ins ire
-8 ,200, and ow to dispose of it 'snow the
subject of a alone consideration by the
members of the organization. Some of
them seem to think that if the Fire De
partment of the city is changed to a paid
system, as proposed, that all the money
will have to be handed over to the city
along with the other effects. For this
reason they are In favor of disposing of
it in some manner more calculated to
yield them pleasure or profit, and
accordingly an excursion, or a
division of the money, are the plans pro
posed. Others of the company contend
that the money is not a part of the city's
property, that it has accumulated,
through several years,out of the pockets
of the individual members, and that
they alone have power to use it, a posi
tion which appears to be perfectly just.
They therefore object to having ft sperm
until the new system is put into opera
tion, and the company thus compelled
to disband and reorganize under the
city authority.
The dispute has caused considerable
excitement among those directly interes
ted, and a meeting has_ been called for
this eveping, at the Engine House, to
have it settled.
Needed a Bath.
On the sixth day of• the present month
the iron doors of Warden Scandrett'a
mansion, on the hill, closed upon the
form of Hughey Freel, who had been
granted a ticket of admission by Mayor
Brush for twenty days. Yesterday
Hughey breathed free air again, and act
ing upon his first impulse, forgetful of
time or place, rushed to the Allegheny
river, disrobed himself quickly and was
soon enjoying the luxury of a cool and
healthful batl2. ' , There is no rose with
out a thorn," hoWever, a truth which was
forcibly impressed upon the mental
perceptions of 'Hughey, who was
suddenly seized' in—the midst of
his pleasures, compelled to don his
garments, and take up a disagreeable
march to the lock-up. The nature of his
offense was explained to him there,
when he strenuously plead for a release,
urging as a reason for his improper con
duct, the fact of his twenty "days' impris
onment and the great need be had for a
bath under the circumstances. Not
withstanding this powerful appeal, how
ever, the officials failed to appreciate its
beauty or logic, and inexorably dis
charged that duty bv locking Hughey in
a cell to await a disposition of his case to
importani to Engineers
United States Local Inspectors of Steam
Vessels for the 7th District, Messrs. Sam
uel Walker and Geo. H. Atkinson, call
the attention of Licensed. Officers of
Steamboats to the following rule, adopt
ed at the last meeting of the United
States Supervising Inspectors# held in
Washington, D. C. Any Engineer fail
ing -to corzply with this rule is liable to
have his License revoked :
" When any Engineer gives up the
charge'of the Engineer's department of
a steamer, by resignation or otherwise,
he shall certify iin writing, as to the
condition of the.sarne said certificate to
be kept on board the steamer, subject
to the inspection of . the United States
inspectors of steamers, and the succeed
ing Chief Engineer. Also, when an En
gineer assumes, the charge of the Engi
neer's department of a vessel, he shall,
examine the same, to see if it is in goodt
order, and in accordance with the spe
cified condition in the certificate given
by his immediate predecessor, and if
not, report the fact to the United States
inspectors of eteamers in the port where
he belongs.
POlisou for Dogs.
The very active Chief of Police, not bay
tog the fear of boarding house sausages
before his eyes, caused last week “but
tons" of poisoned meat to,be;distributed
where dogs do most congregate, for the
purpose of lessening their number. In
asmuch as the practiceis to be continued
during the present week, we would
advise all our friends owning canines to
• keep them within doors or so have them
securely muzzled so that t,tiey may not
fall victims to the humane 'method adop
ted by the municipal authorties to en
force an ordinance whose provissione by
no means warrant such a proceeding.
The officer found distributing such "but
tons" on the public streets and alleys,
should be arrested and punished accord
ing to law, as the instructions given him
higher authority will amount to
little in his defense. There is an ordin
ance on the city code providing for the
curtailment of canines, and instead of
making a short cut to put it into execu
tion, the. Chief of the dog-killers should
go about it in the legitimate manner.
"Arrested Proceu.'
Yesterday afternoon officer Moon ar
rested, on Webster avenue, JOhn Mayer
of Philadelphia, The areal was made on
a process issued from one of the Phila
delphia Courts. It is alleged that Mayer
was eiecretary of a Lodge of Red Met),
.the city named,7arid several week ago
disappeared with the -funds, amount
ing to $3OO. No trace of his whereabouts
could be discovered for. a' time, but a
strict watch was kept upon his wife, who
remained in the city. after his departure. .
&Vend 'days ago he came to . Pitts
burgh, and the detectives, rightly dev
tiling this as an evidence of the' retreat
of their man, [procured the necessary
legal paper, came hero on Saturday and
had the arrest made yesterday. Mayer
was looked up until this morning at two
o'clock, when,' in company with his wife
and an officer, he departed for Phila
' - Irbat market Eloases
MESSRS. EDITORS: "Taxpayer" seems
to have understood the matter of• a
new market house and to have viewed
it in the proper light, with the exception
that the case was hardly represented
strong enough. Not only is a market
needed in'the locality named, but if the
Citizens, and taipayers, to be benefited
thereby, are to have justice rendered
them, it should be built immediately.
As the case now is, having to purchase at
the Diamond,, transport the stuff to
their homes, kites about half a day in
the journey, [for journey it surely lad
ana bear all the trouble and inconveni
ence attending such a mode of procuring
supplies, they lose fully one-half what
they are worth. For this reason a grea.
many are deterred from visiting the Dia
mond market and prefer rather to be de
pendant upon the stores and such places
for their produce and marketing. Were a
market house convenient, however,
things would be different. It would be
patronized and abundantly supported
by these people, and then the city would
secure a new and considerable revenue,
where she now realizes nothing.
As regards the Lyons Lot, recom
mended by the Committee, the strongest
and best argument In its favor is the
fact that the citizens interested heartily
endorse the selection. Easily reached,
ample enough for the purpose, the most
central spot in the section to be bene
fited, and offered on liberal terms, it
seems no surprise that the Committee
viewing the matter deliberately and
looking to the best interest of all con
cerned, from an unbiased standpoint,
unhesitatingly decided - in its favor.
Now that the matter at last has assumed
some shape, it is to be hoped that their
recommendation will be promptly ap
proved by Councils, and the long de
layed market built at once. One
year hence will clearly evince the wis
dom of the choice, or a large number of
people will be greatly disappointed,
amohg whom wilt stand,
The Fatality from Hernia or Rupture.
Hernia or Rupture, although not ordi
narily a fatal malady, is one full of dan
gerous and evil consequences, and we feel
that we confer a _favor on our readers
when we direct their attention to a place
that stands the equal of any in the United
States for the variety and perfectness of
such appliances. Now and then we hear
of deaths from strangulated hernia, and
no one who is threatened in that way can
be too seriously alive to , the important
necessity.of early and appropriate man
agement. The appiler of trusses in a
community as densely populated as that_
of Pittsburgh, is as much entitled to
adequate encouragement as in any
kind of business with which we are
acquainted, especially when the immu
nity from danger, and the - security to
personal safety is afforded at a compara
tivelytriffing cost. No branch of busi
ness is entitled, at our hands, to a higher
regard than that which affects human
life and health; and when we look
around us, and note the fact that one
out of every six of the male popula
tion are so afflicted, no words of warning
can be too forcibly urged nor too fre t
quently reiterated. People do not •al
ways suffer from rupture of the bowels
through open neglect; but often from
want of knowledge. where, and from
whom, to seek the proper remedy.
There are hundreds of persons who
from infancy to boyhood and even man
hood, defer attention in this respect for
want• of a proper appreciation of the se
riousness of the malady of which we
write. DR. KEYSER, at his great medi
cine store and office, No. 1(37 Liberty
street, has qualified himself in a notable
and praiseworthy degree, to meet every
indication of. hernia, besides a
number of other abnormal conditions
which appear to be, and perhaps are,
strictly mechanical as in regard to the
means to be used for their alleviation or
cure. Rupture is one of these conditions,
and one which entitles him to more than
an ordinary share of public patronage—
as well because of his extraordinary
ability as because of the extra advertising
which insures their publicity.
Of the first quality. viz:
Cream Mellow, •
Pine Apple,_
Tolu, -
Imperial and Cough Lozenges,
At prices to compare with any, at 112
Federal street, Allegheny.
lEconomleal, Reliable, the Beet.
It is superior to all others in the market.
Free from any injurious substances, and
so nicely compounded that the contents
of each box will make light, sweet,
healthy biscuits, - rolls, pastry, &c., with
uniform success. Only two teaspoonfuls
to a quart of flour is necessary, while
thole of ordinary manufacture require
from one•third to a half more. Ask
your grocer for Dooloy's Chemical Yeast
'Baking Powder, and take no other. Try
it and be convi nced. . " MW?
Summer silk, Thin Dress Goods, Mar
seilles, cheap, at Bates Jr Bell's, to close
the stock.
Choice Fruit Syrups.—
Sarsapuilla, •
Lemon, I
Pine Apple
and Raspberry. Vinegar,
at the lowest rites. 112 Federal street,
The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver
011 in the world, manufactured from
fresh, healthy livers, upon the sea shore;
it isriectly pure and sweet. Patients
who la ve once taken it can take none
other Ask for "Hazard and CaswelPe
Cod Liver Oil," manufactured by Cas.
well, Hazard & Co., New York Bold by
all druggist&
Bates& Bell are selling Silk Mantles,
Lade Mantles and Linen Goods cheap.
Betice.—Persons indebted to the con
cern of J. W. Barker & Co., are requested
to make immediate payment. Also,
parges having claims against the said
Wm will please render them previous to
the let day of August.
J. W. BAusua, JK.,-
Linen Goods of all leltids at Batas dr.
Only 811 Dar Now.
J. W. Barker at Co., 59 Market and 20
Sixth (late St. Clair) street, must, by or
der of the adminiatrator of the senior--
member of the firm (deceased) close on:
their entire stock of summer. fall and
winter goods in six days. Wholesale
and retail buyers sbould make a note of
tins, as every article has been Marked
down to prices that will secure their sale.
Purchasers should call early in the morn
ing, as the rush during the day is so great
that with their additional hands, they '
find It difficult often to wait upon all.
Let all our readers go to Barker's
lay in their supply of fall and winter
goods at one-half the coat they will be
compelled to pay when the season comes
“Fresh as a Maiden's Blush' , is the
pure peachy Comple.xion which follows
the use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It is
the True Secret of Beauty. Fashionable
Ladies in Society understand this.
The Magnolia Balm changes the rustic
Country Girl into a City Belle more rap
idly than any other one thing.
Redness, Sunburn, Tan, - Freckles,
Blotches and all effects of the Summer
Sun disappear when it is used,- and a
genial, cultivated, fresh expremdon is
obtained '"which rivals the Bloom of
Youth. Beauty is possible to all who
will invest 75 cents at any respectable
store and insist on getting the Magnolia
USE NOTHING but Lyon's Kathairon to
dress the Hair. • zawrF.
Tents for Camp Meetings,—Huntinz
and' Fishing parties; "A," "Wall" and
"Hospital" tents, good as new, at J. H.
Johnston's, 179 Smithfield street, Pitts
burgh. 22:2w
Turman 11.mnoAns.--Letters from
Vienna state that the four principal finan
cial institutions of that capital have united
to take part in the construction of the Ot
toman railways for the execution of
which a capital of 80,000,000 francs is re
quired. Those companies are the Aus
trian Credit Mobilier, the Austro-English
Bank of. Vienna, the Bankverein and the
Austro-Hungarian Bank. Around them
will be grouped the chief credit houses of
Austria and other countries, so that the
capital may be already looked upon as
subscribed. The Austrian market is
ready to provide two-tbtd of it.
COMMODORE Vamtrzutervr, says a New
York letter, buried his wife a few months
since—a noble woman who had been his
companion from early manhood, and to
whom he was indebted for very much of
his success in lite. When he kept a coun
tavern on Staten Islafld I she ran the
house and attended to everything while N. ,
he was absent on his boating expeditions.'
Report has it that the Cortimodcre, who
is now seventy-I:lie years lof age, is to
lead to the hymenial altar in afew days a
blooming maiden of seventeen summers.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 24.—Flour firm
at 1.5@5,8754. Wheat 11,70, with extreme ,
figures for choice. Legal tenders, 70 q:
Mining shares daring the week dull and
closing quiet; Alpha. 22; Belcher. 23;
Bullion, 16; Chollar, 23; Confidence, 42;
Crown Point, 39; Empire MIII, 70; Gould
Curry, 102; Hale, Norcross 102; Imperi
al, 58; Kentucky, 168; O iccidental, 19;
Ophir, 20; Overman. 70; Savage, 80; Si
erra Nevada, 10;' Yellow Jacket, 54.
LEDLIE—On Randal , morning. 26th inst..
RtDMOND G. Lhos..lN, in the .33d lear of
his age.*
Funeral services at St. Past's' Cathedral, .oa
TCTSDAY XOBNING,' 27th Inst. Carriages will
leave the residence of his parents. No 103 Lib
erty street, at 9 o'clock. Friends of the :mi . :air
are respectfully invited to attend.
PORTER—Sibbath evening, my 26th. 1869.
RtifinltT 1.. Infant son of J. W. and Rattle E.
Porter, aged 1 month and 17 days.
Funeral will take place from the residence of
his parents, No.lo Esplanade street, Allegheny,
TO-DAY, 26th Inst., at 3 . •'clot& P.. se. -The
friends of the Ihmlly are respectfully invited to
DAVIS—On Sunday, July 25th. at 5 o'clock
. H•, wife of John Davis, in
the 66th year of her age. -
.Funeral will take place from theresidence of
her he sband, Nei 62 Sandusky str. et, Allegheny,
at 4 o'clock, TIITS (Monday) arranNoi3y. The
friends of the family- are respectfullylnvited :o
f e LEX
usbargta, Pa. COFFINS of all kinds,CRAPFS,
GLOVES. and ery description of Funeral Fur.
nishing Goods furnished. Rooms open bay and
nteht. Tipsy sp and Carriages furnisivad.
Rirmatirrass—Ray. Dania Kerr. D.D., ttev.lL,
W. Jacobus. D. D., Thomas Bring, F.sq., Ja-ob
- Hiller. Zoo.
AVENTI _E. Allegheny City. where their Ct./kin;
ROOMS a, e constantly *applied -
wire reel sad
imitation /to ewood, Mahogany and Walnut
Coffins, at prices s crying from to $lOO. Re •
dies -prepared for in • . rnient. Hearsetand Car
riages Mrnisitod: also, -U lands of Mourn:ng
Goods: If required. OMee open at all hours, 'd ay
end night. .
VirreLkii. EYES:
Persons who are suffering from weak-eyes or ••••,
Wir:Lees of vision can drut nothing better to rt r .
store them to their proper standard than by using
An article we can gurantee to be genuine, and
at such a price th•tt .hey will come within the
iesch of all. ail we ask is for yun tncalt and
examine them. and we will prove their swami-
crity over all others.
JY24 UE. _
Would respectfully in tbrm hla riernds and tlid
public federally. that tad
1301110111% L EARLY VW, .
Corner of Pein and Sixth Streelv,
No. 30 BUT/1 InINOZT., (late
Mir.) have fast received from the Nut the beat
lot of New Gopas fbr aprins Suits ever brwitebi
to the mmket. The Arm warrant to eat and at,
aid maid ' Clotbes 'cheaper and better than caT
Arstrelass Immo ia this City. Anew and avian.
did assortment of GINTLENZI74 TURNI3a.
ING GOODS are at an tlams to be ftwurti at this
house.. Oar NuAliler INk SIZTEL ISTAVie