The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 26, 1869, Image 4

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Of 11,4stutit Gait*.
PENNIRAN,REED &00.,Proprietom
Editors and ProprictorE.
Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny avid Alio.
gheny. County.
Terme—Daily. Heatt-Wselay.l , YON' tr.
Ole year...sB,oo One year. 62.60 !Single copy ..11.60
One month 75 81x mos.. 1.63 6 coptes,ench 3 .2 5
By the week 15 Three mos 76 10 - " " 1.15
(from carrier.), and one to Agent.
inoxpity, JULI 2G, ll GA,
' ~TA~'~.
.7bIIN W. GE.4IIi.Y.
lIE.Y.RI - W. .WILLIA 211.5.
WE PRINT on Vie inside pages of
Vas morning's GAsrarrE—Becond page:
Poetry, Ephemeris, Eiscellaineous. Third
•and SIVA pages: Financial, Mercantile
and 'River Betas, lancets, Imports. Sev
enth page: Agricultural Report for June,
General and Miscellaneous Clippings.
PETRoismas at Antwerp, 50-If.
U. S. BONDS ateranktprt; 87 e
GOLD closedia New York on Saturday
at 1304€4136i.
. ,
safely landed and will go into regular use
to-day. _
TIE, Republican State Central Commit
tee holds its first'•meeting at Philadelphia
on Wedn4day next.
A MAUCH for eell deposits is now, in.
progress in the Conneaut' Valley around
Dickonburg, Pa., by parties from the She
nango, region, who have taken large leases
of the territory.
majority, of the delegates to the late
Democratic City Convention at Philadel-
phia publish a card in the Age of the 24th,
protesting against its proceedings, and
demsuading an immeoiate re-assemblage
of the Convention. -In the same_ journal
appears the card of Jos. N. PXERSOL,
backed by a half column of affidavits
from individual delegates to the same
Convention, which, says Mr. P., is "but
a few of the many at his command, show
ing the seen manner in which the
Convention was managed, with its un
blushing frauds and violations of the
rules." The - Age prints these dam
aging statements in its advertising•
columns, without a word of edito
rial comment. The ' specific facts
proved by the protestants, reveal the
grossest and most impudent trickery
and violence-rquite enough to condemn
the Philadelphia Democracy beyond any
possible defense. The Packer folks have
got a very sick man on their hands in
that part of the Commonwealth, without
a%ope for saving the patient, except by
the most liberal drafts unon the Nabob's
coffers. What a nice set, of people they
are, to prate about the corruption of the
THE COOLIE immigration business has of
late assumed vast proportions, and it has
hardly occurred to the thinking public
that the various gigantic schemes for the
introduction of celestials into the labor
markets of the country is "but a new
modification of the slave trade." As
such it is termed by the Secretary of the
Treasury, and, when we consider the cir
cumstances attending the wholesale im
pOrtation of the Chinese to our shores, we
incline te . the opinion that /he is right.
The business of bringing laborers to the
country to supply plantatiOns and to
build railroads and operate mines, largely
pays the contractors, but how these peo
p!e are gathered together In. their native
!arid and persuaded to leave their homes
and kinsfolks, for the uncertainties of an
unknown country to them, has never been
developed, nor have the conditions on
which they enter the compact to emi-
KAM, ft. any compact -be made, ever
trensp3fad, They are brought here like
0e ,4 4142, sposed of by those instrumental
king)ns Mem out, stul must riecessa-
ITMabe h long Whitt ]moment of the
,frywAwans 14.44 its issys under whlsh .
they may unconsciously be leading the
lives of saaves. The subject is worthy
attention and invetigation, and we are
glad it has found notice at Washington.
It would be partidularly humiliating to
every patriotic American to discover the A
slavery has again been revived in 'die
country in a form hardly less degra' h ng
than that which nearly ruined our coun
try to forever abolish.
ing the qualification of mer i t ,b emelect
to the Virginia Legislature,
as strictly a sound one by t' 912091, emi
nent lawyers of that State, ezed undoubt
edly also by Attorney Gel Ara l HoAn, It
is intimated that the Cor Tzervative mem
bers will absent ahem mit if such a
step is found requlff ,t e to counteract a
Radical majority, w 1 yen .a quorum of lore
Legislature assenabl
An influential E astern journal "fails to
see the wisdora (.of General CANny's de
cision." It ad is: "We cannot see the
necessity o i l imposing exactions in this
case that T;ere not thought needful for
Louisiana ." There can be no question
either of the wisdom or of the necessity
thus innxached, when we remember that
the Ge.,ieral has no discretion whatever
in the premises; he simply obeys
the positive requirements of the law
of July 11, 18436, which, in view
of the Louisiana experience, providei ad
ditional safeguards to insure a loyal Leg
islature for Virginia. Clothed with no
discretion by that statute, Gen. CANEY'S
true wisdom has been exhibited in the
faithful execution of its letter and spirit—
a duty from which he has not teen de
terred by the remarkable criticisms of the
New 'York Republican press and in
which we rely upon his being sustained
by the cordial support of the Federal Ad
ministration.' If this course shall ".drive
loyal Virginians into opposition," it will
be a proof that their loyalty is like the
old qualification of color, but skin deep.
For our own part, we frankly deny the
wisdom of any journalist who recom
mends to any officer the evasion or the
disregard of a solitary letter of those laws
which it is his sworn duty to execute.
One of the most difficult problems in
social science, which the philanthropist
and moral reformer have attempted to
solve, is the treatment of rime and crim
inals, so as to preveht the one and re
strain the other. In ancient times, and
up even to a comparatively recent period,
criminals were incarcerated merely as a
punishment for their crimes, without any
regard whatever to the reformation of
their lives and character. Even .in this
advanced age in the world's history there
are many good meaning people, who be
lieve that this should be the only object
in the imprisonment of offenders against
criminal statuteS. There are not a few
who look upon the inmates of county and
State prisons as utterly irreclaimable to
virtue, honesty and integrity, and deem
every-effort made for their reformation as
absolutely hopeless. If they are correct
in their judgment, then the sooner all in
stitutions of moral . and religious reform
are abandoned, the better. It is useless
waste of time, money and labor to keep
their complicated machinery in operation.
The pulpits of the land should be vacated
at once, and. missionaries recalled from
'the scenes of their self-sacrificing labors.
It is admitted on all hands that it is
difficult to reform old and confirmed de
linquentii---pen who have grown gray
in crime. But it is a .rare thing to find a
man so utterly .debased that no impression
for good can'be made upon him.- Many,
it is true, die as they lire—in a state of
absolute debasement; - but-it may be in
quired, Have the necessary \means been
employed . , to rcclaim and reform them?
We know that in all cases they hairetot.
Why then should society complain,
when no effort has been made to 'im-
prove their character, and reform their
lives, if culprits return to it from the
cells of a jail or penitentiary, "twofold"
or tenfold "more the children of hell",
than they were before.
We are indebted to Rev. E. C. Wmas,
D. D., Corresponding, Secretary of the
Prison(' Association of New York, for the
twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Ex
ecutive Committee of that Institution,
with accompanying documents, for 1868,
in which the whole subject of prison dis.
.. and reform is discussed with
marked ability. The document consists
of six hundred and seventy-two pages,
and contains the most exhaustive discus
of the subject we have met with.
Although not so old as "The Philadelphia
Society for alleviating the miseries of pub.
lic prisons," which was instituted in 1787,
and has done much to awaken public at.
tentkm to the amelioration of the condi
tion of criminals, the New York Associa
tion his accomplished a great work, and
through its noble, humane and persever
ingtr later won the admiration of phil
anthropis and the friends of prison, re
' form both in Euiope and America. The
report which is now before us, and which,
notwithstanding its voluminousness, we
have read throng out, we earnestly com
mend to the stud ous attention of all who
take an interest in he improvement both by
the moral and physical condition of unfor
tunate convicts, The accompanying doc
uments, furnished by the Corresponding
Secretary and distinguished penologists
in insular and Continental Europe, coninin
many hints and suggest many reforms ..
which - are worthy the most weep wen-
It woTzld be impossible, in an article
Like this, to present, even In the most
car .densed form, all the matters discussed
Or referred to in the report. The best
hat we can, do is to call the attention of
our reader.„ in a general way, to a few of
the subjects, with the view of inducing
theca to give them that careful and pro
found. consideration which their impor
tancrJ demands.
The leading objects of the Society are.
The amelioration of the condition of
prisoners, whether held in custody for
trial, as witnesses, or convicts; and the
improvement of prison discipline and the
government of prisons, which it holds,
and we are far from denying, are as much
in need of reform as the inmates them
selves. Indeed, it will be a useless work
to 'reform prisoners until most of our
prisons and reformatories 'undergo a
thorough and radical change. As at
organized and administered, most
al them are nothing better than high
schools of crime.
It might be interesting if we. were to
trace the history of prisons from the days
of Joseph and Jeremiah down through
the penal annals of Greece and Rome; or
recount !be labors and services of Row
others. But our limits prevent us from
entering upon a field so extensive, how-.
ever interesting its survey might be. -
We are not certainly of the opinion
that •jails and penitentiaries, or even
housnof reform, should be made luxur
ioult4Aes. We do not think they should
be furnished as superbly, or appointed as
completely as the parlor or drawing
room of a law abiding millionaire. They
should not, by any means, be surround
ed with all the comforts of, a peaceful
and virtuous home. If they were, a pre
mium would thereby be offered to crime,
and our prisons would beceme an incen
tive rather than a preventive to the
commission of flagitious deeds. The
prisoner should be made to feel, from the
surroundings of his confinement, that he
is being punished and not rewarded for
his crimes. Still, a due regard should be
harto the sanitary condition of the pri
son house, so that, as the true idea of
imprisonment is reformation and not
destruction, he may be restored to society
and the industrial pursuits of life, with
his physical energies unimpaired.
Until within a comparatively recent
period, greater sympathy has,been shown
to the physical than the moral condition of
convicts. When Jon:: HOWARD visited
Rome he Lund the following
in one of the apartments of a prison there:
"It is of little use to restrain the bad bypun
ishment, unless you reform them - by dis
cipline." That sentence, said the great
and immortal philanthropist, whd let in
the pure and health giving light of heaven
into many a dank and dingy cell, and or
namented their walls with the cheerful
colors of moral cleanliness, contains "the
grand purpose of all civil policy." It is all
to no purpose to improve the sanitary
condition of the prison whilst the charac
ter of its inmates is unchanged. They
remain criminals still, and contaminate
all with whom they come in contact.
Many a young inert, who in his youth
ful indiscretion yielded unthinkingly to
temptation, and found a hard bed in a
prison house in consequence, has re
turned to society a confirmed criminal,
although only a -novice in crime when lie
first entered. Indoctrinated in vice
through the evil teachings of his guilty
comranions in confinement, and deprived
of the restraining influences of morality,
his very soul became inlaid with a lust
for crime, and he is thrown .back upon
society a fiend incarnate. Reformation of ,
the criminal, then, should be the prime
object of every one into whose custody
he is committed.
One of the greatest barriers in the way
of reforming criminals is the facility with
which pardons are obtained. " Execn
tive clemency," in these days, is a pro
litlc source of evil.. " The probability o
At is often discussed on the way to the
Prison ; it is the theme of nine-tenths f
the letters written, and of the person I
interviews friends ; and it prey& upo
them night and day." The hope indulged
In by the crim i nal, or inspired by anxious
friends of the interposition of executive
clemency, prevents S him from availing
himself of the means of ieformation. So
long as the faintest hope ota pardon re-
mains, the healthy influences of aefortri
ing morality are despised. The eaecu
tives of the different States, as weiliis
he 'United States, have greatly obstructed
the reformation of criminals by the fiber
MAY with which they have dispensed par
Another fruitful source of crime is ig
norance. Returns from several State
prisons show that the largest proportion
of crime is committed by the ignorant, or
"totally illiterate." From these it appears
hat- twenty:five per cent., on an aver-
age, of those who were imprisoned could
not read at the time of their committal,
and the proportion in common jails ex-
ceeda even that. To prevent crime, let
a sound and healthy literature be diffused
among the masses; to reform the criminal,
let him be instructed intellectually, mo•
rally and religiously. With this view, a
system of secular and Sabbath School in
struction has been introduced into several
prison houses, and the results have
proied most beneficial
The great hope of . the ,country
9 the young.: But . the statistics of
uvenile depravity must fill the mind
of every true , patriot mdth alarm
It is estimated that in the year
1867, the number!•of convicts in the
different State prisons in the . United
States amounted to 15,340; of these about
one•fourth, or 3,68; had not attained
their majority at .the date of their com
mittal. In some places the proportion was
nearly one-half, and in others about one
third. These statistics are appalling.
But still there is hope. Since the opening
of the different juvenile reformatories of
the country, it is ascertained that 16,000,
or about three-fourths of the whole num
ber committed, have been "permanently
reformed, and are now leading upright
and respectable lives."
From all the facts before us, we are led
to the conclusion that the "Irish," or
"Crofton" system of prix n discipline,
which, "while it throws n false guise
over crime, has no expressio of revenge,"
is one of the best, if not the best, for the
reformation of criminals that has yet been
devised. ._
COmmu,ation laws, wherever they have
been carried out, have been productive of
satisfactory results. It is to be wished that
the commutation law passed in our State
in 1861, but pronounced unconstitional
on some legal technicality, might soon be
re-enacted in such form as to obviate all
There die some chapters in the report,
relating tolthe bribery and corruption re
sorted I
e to to procure positions in prisons
in the State of New York, that are of the
most melancholy interest, and the more
so, because The state of things which they
reveal is not peculiar, we are well as
sured, to that State, to which we would
like to refer. • We would like also to pre
sent a few thoughts in relation to "con
vict labor," which is now being agitated
quite extensively in New York. But
these, with other Matters which have a
most important bearing on prison disci
pline and reform, we must pass over, at
least for the present, as we have already
exceeded our limits. But lei cannot con
clude without' expressing the hope that
the most able report before us shall have
an extensive circulation, and meet with
that careful consideration which the im
portance of the subject, which it discusses
with such clearness and at such great
length, demands
Under the Constitution, as amended by
the XVth Article Maryland; Kentucky
and probably Dela Ware will not continue
quite as Democratic as they have been.
The Maryland Republicans are already
preparing for co-operation with the col
, ored element, which they will secure in
ample force to carry the State, ensuring
not only a healthier Federal position, but
applying the true remedy to the inequali.
ties which at present disfigure the local
distribution of State authority. In Ken
tucky, the opposition, wiser in
.. their per
ception of the situation than
,are their
friends in Pennsylvania, are already dis
cussing the expediency of concili
ating and if possible securing the
colored vote. The Louisville Journal,
always partisan but often shrewd, as
sures the people of that State that negro
suffrage is to be a fixed- fact, and admon
ishes them to make the preparations
which shall turn the new s tuation to
Democratic account. There is vastly
more of practical good sense in this, than
was exhibited in the late Democratic ful
mination from Harrisburg, by which our
stiff-necked Bourbons reiterated their im
placable hostility to a class of citizens who,
in October, 1870, will cast more than eight
thousand votes in our Commonwealth.
Upon this point, a few data may not
be without interest to the reader. There
are about four and a half millions of col
ored people within those States. Of
these, three and one-half millions dwell
in. States where their vote is already
legalized, leaving less than one million
yet to be enfranchised, of whom 330,447
are in the four States of Delaware, Ken
tucky, Maryland and Missouri, and only
250,000 in the remaining thirteen States,
calling themselves always free, of which
Pennsylvania, as one, has about 57,000.
Estimating one vote for each seven per
sons, this computation will leave •about
'B,OOO votes in this State, about 35,000
votes in all the thirteen States last re
ferred Ate, and about 80,000 votes in the
four formerly slave-holding border States.
Of the entire colored .vote, 631,000 of
the thirty-seven States under the XVth
Article, over 500,000 are voters already,
and only about 125,000 are to be elevated
thereby in political rights.' Five-sixths
of the race is thus enfranchised now, and
it is-to exclude the other .oneeixth part,
and to prevent the 8,000 colored men of
Pennsylvania from voting the Republi
ticket that our Harrisburg fanatics
still keep up their unprofitable clamor.
The truth is that the opposition party
had all the -brains beaten out of it
by the disastrcius issue or its four
years' armed rebellion; its phy
sique survives, but mentally it is no longer
anything but idiotic. Coniinning thus to
cry "nig-nig•nlg-nigger," they remind.
one of the lunatic who fancies himself a
clock and ..stands in a corner- all . day,
swinging his arm like a pedulum and
audibly ticking at each stroke. Perhaps
they would be cured of their delusion, if
they could invent some way for the color
ed man to vote on forged nitaralizatick
papers, or otherwise to make himself
useful in elucidating Democratic ideas of
a pure suffrage.
—A dispatch from Omaha says James
W. Davis and associate sub.contractora
have brought suit in the State District
Court against °aver Ames and others,
contractors of the 11. P. R. R.; for six
hundred and four thousand dollars, the
amount claimed duo for work performed,
Money expended and breach of contract
of defendants. It is alleged tba the
claimants are already overpaid by ft
seven thousand dollars on the am ant
of work - peril: mind and material fur
EDITORS GAZETTE : I beg leave to sub
mit for.the consideration of the Soldiers'
Monumental Association, the following
suggestions, viz.:
. First—The Association shall announce
through the city Press that they will up to
a certain date receive nominations from
localities and parties of sites for the Mon
ument, together with any donation, the
Society or party may desire to make to
the Monumental fund, the payment of the
donation to be secured as the Association
shall direct in case the site is selected as
hereinafter provided.
' &con d —The.Association shall, after the
time fired for closing the nominations,
give,notice through the City Press of the
sites nominated and donations offered.
Third—The Associaton shall then give
notice that an election for the location of
Monument will be held at the City Hall,
in the City of Pittsburgh, commencing
and closing at certain times, anti votes,
at which election all pczrionS, men,
Men and children interested - in the loca
tion of said Monument shall be entitled .
to cast in printed ballot designating one
of the sites named uoon payment of the
sum of twenty•five cents.
Fourth—The location receiving a plu
rality of votes shall be the site selected.
W ashington Items.
It is understood. that Secretary Cox has
been tendered the new Judgeship in Ohio,
but it is believed he will decline the hon
or. Many of, his friends urge him to ac
Ex-Secretary Stanton has been advised
by his physician to; leave Washington and
spend some weeks upon the Rocky 3loun
tains. Mr. S. expects to leave early. in
August, if able to travel, and go to Lara
mie Station, on the Union pacific Rail
The intended.departure from this city
of Secretary Boutwell, in a few days, for
an absence of some weeks; is construed
by politicians as an evidence that no effort
will be made in Cabinet, where he is the
k ading spirit of the working Radicals, to
enforce a new election/in Virginia in
certain districts where the successful can
didates are unable to take the iron-clad
A delegation of Radical Republicans
from Mississippi are here urging the Ad
ministration to aid them in the approach
ing canvass. They state that the Conser
vative papers throughout the whole State
are making the importation of coolie
labor into the State, a political question,
and are filled with threats that if the freed
men do not vote as their employers direct
they will be supplanted by Chinese.
Hon. Benjamin Wadeldoes not believe
Rosecrans will accept the Democratic
nomination of Ohio, and, if he does, he
will be beaten by a very large majority,;
as Gov. Hayes is very strong with the
Republicans, and will poll as large, if not
a larger vote than Grant, while there arg
thousands of peace Democrats who will
not. ote for Rosecrans.
The Anthracite Nabob.
The fact that Asa Packer is a man of
high personal character is not a mantle
wide enough to hide the disaffection and
profligacy of the Democratic leaders who
nominated him for Governor.
Wbile the Democrats of Maryland and
Kentucky are preparing to show the freed
men that they have always been their
friends, in order to get their votes, the
Democrats of Pennsylvania are preparing
to show the colored people of this State
that they have always been their enemies,•
and intend to remain so to the end.
The Harrisburg Telegraph attributes the
nomination of Asa Packer for Governor,
to the wire pulling of "Brick" Pomeroy
and the expenditure of $lOO,OOO. The
sum mentioned is not extraordinary from
a Democratic standpoint; but that "Brick"
Pomeroy should secure the nomination of
anybody is a disgrace from which anybody
ought not to be expected'to recover. The
chap who was kicked to death by a jack
ass bad abundant reason to be thankful
that matters were not worse; but the man
who is helped by "Brick" Pomeroy has
no ',excuse for not killing himself in the
most expeditious manner possible. We
'have some little respect for Asa Packer,
but if he was nominated by "Brick'
Pomeroy, and consents to. live in full
view of the melancholy fact, his friends
will consult.their own interests, and his,
by shooting him on sight.
Plerrenont stated to-day that the United
States Government has been for some
time negotiating with Spain for the inde
pendence of Cuba, and that dispatches
had been eyed from the Spanish Gov
ernment giving assurance that all blood
shed in Cuba will -be stopped in a few
days, and indicating that the independ
ence of that island will be conceded im
A receiver will Kobably be appointed
in the law suit between Trinity Church
Corporation and the heirs of Anneke
Jam. The property in dispute is almost
sixty million dollars.
The basis of settlement between the lit
igants in the management of the Toledo
and Wabash Railroad Company, which
we have already announced as having
been accomplished, comprises the follow
ing points: The Erie party are to with
draw atl suits; the company to issue•
$1,000,000 new stock, to be evenly divid
ed between the two parties to the contro
versy; the Alton and Toledo Road, one
hundred miles in length, is to be cora
mencesl within two months and finished
within eight months; the Decatur and
East St. Louis Road, now being built, is
to be completed and consolidated with tht
Toledo and Wabash Company, upon
terms agreed on some time ago; the Erie
party are to have three directors, out of
fifteen, in the Toledo and Wabash man
OREGON LIIktDRIL—The lumber re
sources of the State of Oregon are abun
dant. Dense forests of the finest fir,
spruce and cedar grow from the coast
range and along the banks of the Comm
biariver and its tributaries as far up as
the Danes. There is an inexhaustible
supply of the finest and beat quality of
timber at the mouth of the Columbia
river, and back of the town of Astoria is
the most magnificent forest of spruce and
yellow fir that is to be found anywhere
on the Pacific coast. Nature has done
everything to, make the forest, of
timber along the Columbia river a
source of great profit to the lum
berman; the finest of timber being
handy to shipping, and as there is fine
water power on all the streams emptying
into the Columbia, lumber can be manu
factured very cheap. The bottom lands
along the river are ilso covered with a
thick grOwth of, vine, • maple, alder ; ce
dar, ash and cottonwood.-41fa Cal.
The Instruments for the French Cable.
The Boston Journal says: "Through
the kindness of Mr. Moses G. Farmer, the
well-known electridan, at No. 2.i Con
gress street, we have been able to see the
workings of the instruments by which
messages are sent throng% the Franco-
American cable,whose arrival at Duxbury
is expected-very soon. The instrument
is wonderful, more for its simplicity than
for anything else, and is substantially the
same as that now used in transmitting
messages over the Atlantic cable. It was
found too slow a process to use the com
mon relay instrument used in land lines .
as it required a current of too great pow
er, and also consumed too much time,.
only about three or four words being sent
per minute. By the present instrument
about a dozen can be sent.
Without going into scientific details,.
the instrument is briefly this: A small
tube about four inches long, like a small
telescope, an inch in diameter. Midway
in this tube is hung transversely, by a
delicate silk fibre, a circular piece of mir
ror, across which is a fine magnetic
needle. Around the tube is coiled the
fine wire through which the magnetic
current is sent—in this case a coil con
taining twenty thousand circles, forming
a wheel, if it may be so called, of about
three inches in diameter. There are
two keys, and when one is touched
it eauses the; needle to swerve to
the east, mid when the other is
touched it causes it to turn to the west.
Of course in this motion the ;mirror is '
turned with it. Now, facing the mirror;
and two or three feet from it, is a box con
taining a brighs light, with a_mouth like a
photographer's - camera, direet toward the
mirror. The light is then thrown upon
the mirror, and reflected from that upon
a wall upon which there is a perpendicu
lar black mark. Upon this mark, wheiz
the instrument is not in operation, the
perPendicular line of light from the mirror
rests perfectly still.
When one of the keys is touched, and
the magnetic needle is moved, it of course
moves the mirror with it, and the reflect
ed line of light upon the wall is moved to
the right or left of the black mark. One
of the keys deflects it to the right and the
other to the left. The Morse alphabet is
used, omitting the spaced letters,
or those where two dots or two
dashes come together. A movement of
the light once to the right of the black
mark is a dash, and the one to the left a
dot. This is the whole of the machinery
by which messages are sent across the At
lantic. 'Only this and nothing more.'
The tattery required is very small, and a
thimbleful of acid and metal - will work
it. When one of the keys shall be touched
at Dnxbury, the little line of -light will
move within about two-tenths of a sec
at Brest, and the first message will
have begun.
The scientific details connected with
the theoretical part of the thing are nu
merous enough; and the field, as Mr. Far
mer opened it to a number of gentlemen
connected with the press of the city of
New York in his office, is a broad and
attractive one indeed. The instruments
to be used for the French cable have be n
tested by Mr. Farmer, and were sent
down to Duxburylastnight. It requires
two men to receive a message—one to
watch the light in a darkened room and
announce 'dot' or 'dash,' as the light is,
moved, to' a clerk.
The remarkable cure of Mies Fisher. of Beaver
county. Is one worthi, of more than s passing
notice, especially whea l
CO many persons are suf.
tering not only with diseases -of the eyes, and
partial or total blindness, but lliceurlse with other
chronic ailments whlch•Dr. Keyser has treated
with such tutouudlng success
The lady concerned was doomed to perpetual
blibdness, which through Dr. Keyser's skill was
uoMp'etely removed. the tiuth or which has been'
rrouched far by, a sufficient number of witnesses'
to establish the fact beyond all cavil. The sub,
Joined letter from the young lady's brother
speaks for Itself
DR. KEYszn—This is the Cst of names that I
have to toe cure of my sister. Christiana Fisher.
They were all willieg to putthelr names down,
and were very much, astonished to see that you
brooch; her sight , so soon. My into her sends her
thanks to you:, she says "you are one of the creat
e.; men in _the world." She says if we had not
come across you shy believes her child would not
be living at thi. , time. We ail join lb sending
our love and respects to you. I
North Sewickley.
We, the underggned, know of the' cure of
Miss Fisher, and bear walling soestinuiny to the
fact above stated.
Sligo • P. 71.411kR4 ( brothel.)
Psylor ay. nue. Allegheny.
GINZ 31c0Articst.
LOtiltia Fisßan, Aber neiee.)
8. H. Brown. Philip Friday Rachel Friday,
ji. N Teckte. A. H. Carroll, Win. Jenkins,
E. W. Leven. Mit haul Harris, J. A. Fleming, •
dotter, S taws Lemma', gliza Hyde,
CS. ciwineburg BlizaLevendor. T. L. Young,
Wm. Alison, ter, A.. Leven.
J. Levendorfer, J. F. Mitchell. dotter,.
A. liardner. ti. LeVendorler, J. F. Morrison,
A. M. Morrison Rota Manead,ir'. Mahead,
Isabella Dobbs, N. Punkhouser , D. Fisher,
- o.lelsber Aber) Li zzield ahead, Tillie Mali Pad,
T. M. Mahead, Thoa. as ahead, Leon Albano.
Mary J. brown, Jane A. Morton J. C. Wrilel,
Mary J.Weiler, N. H. Rerun, MaryH.Mor ton
wm. Hadorton hzra Hazen, Jennie Wilson , .
C. M. Wilson. /nary RAVII.on Mary Patten.
Jennie Patten, Mantis P.tten, dames Patten,
Sadie E.Dobbs, Jennieg.Dobbs J. W. Dobbs,
I. Dobbs. Wm. R. Pence, .. C. Fisher,
Williamlna Planer. Aber mother.)
Deafness. Hard Hearing, Discharges from the
Ear, Polypus of the Ear, Catarrh, Ozena, Blind
.1. yes, Inflamed E. es,-and evety'species 01 Sore
Eyes and ars Rupture. Variococele. Enlarg
Limbs Bruken Veins, Ulcetatisu Legs and the
various diseases of the skin and hair successfully
tr. ated.
Dlt. KEYSER, may be consu•ted every day
until 12 o'c.ock. ist his si ore. 167 Liberty Ftren.
and from 1 to 5 to`crock. at ills °glee, No. 120
Penn street.
The human stomach has been a shamefully per.
aecuted organ. There was a time When for every
aereliciion of duty lc was punished with huge
doses ofthe most disgusting 'and nauseous drugs.
In vain it rejected thein, ant (literally) returned
than upon the binds of thopi who admlsilste'red
them. They were furred upon nasal's and again,.
until its solvent power was thoroughly drenched
out of it.
The world Is wiser now than It was In that dras
tic era, when, furious purgatio n _ And u treurial
salwetion were whit A rtemus Ward would have
catled the "main holy' ol tee facially, sn cases Of
dyspepsia and liver complaint.
lic great mod. ra temedy for Ineiggstlon and
hihiousness Is HUSTItTTSCItt& bI.OMACti &IT
& preparation which has the merit of come
bluing a palatsbie ilsvor with such tont: &pens
ell. and - antibillons propertlrs. as were beset
heretofore united In Inc ineuicine.
It has been discovered, at last, tinted: people
are not I ke the bilged Titans, who haulm pros
tration so refreshing. that when knocked clown,"
they rose Irom the. earth twice as vigorous as be
fore. VI hen all Invalid Is pro• traten by powerful
depleting drugs. he Is ap. to stay prostrated ;and
the debilitated beiog. aware of the Pet, prefers
the building up to the knocking down system of
trestment. .
• • .
lIUSTET/1511 , zt BITTERS meets the require
ments or the rational medical philosophy which
at present prevails. It Is a , nerfectly pure 'Vege
table remedy, embr.cfng the three Imp-runt
propertie. 01 a preventive. a tonic , and en alter
ative. /t fortftles the body adainst dihehte, In •
vigor.tes and re-vitalize. the torpid !dowser'
and liver, and ttecta a Meat tatntary change In
the entire msteui, when In a 33:10 , b1d
In summer. when the tnfeebling temperature
renders the human organization particularly tug.
ceptlide to un onIOIIIIUMIS ZUSKISPLIerie InnUtaCell,
the Bitters should be taken as aprOtectiOu antdhaT,
epidemic discs/le.