P Trz'SBUROB MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, July 23, 1869. littisiness generally, continues quiet, and there are no indications at present of any immediate. improvement. It is +2 l a noticeab e fast that the receipts of flour are r markably small, and at no time, perk ps, within the past twelve months has the supply in this market been eo much reduced as at present. This is owing to the fact that it fa rela tively lower here than in'the . west, most of the dealers ara nearly sold out, and they cannot replace it at present prices. Grain, also, of all kinds is scarce and firm, And provisions continue to tend upward. There Is a continued good de mand for raw sugars, as the time for nutting up small fruits has arrived,.and compared with last week the market is firmer. Apples, Peaches and Berries have commenced to arrive pretty freely. Voigt, Mahood Co., received fbrty two bushels of Blackber„ries - fro , m LOIIiR -villa, Kentucky, and disposed of them readily at $4@4,50 per bushel. The Chicago Tribune slys: There was was a total amount of all kinds of grain in store here at the commencement of business on Monday morning last, of 1,653,740 bushels, against 1,554.844 bush els the correnonding period. last wcek, 1,554,652 bushels two weeks ago, and 1,938,512 bushels one year ago, The re ceipts here exceed the shipment of wheat during the week, by 103,018 bush els, and oats, 17,707 bushels; while the shipments here exceeded the IT 7.eipts of corn by 13,145 bushels, and rye 8,604 bushels. Total increase of the amount in store during the week, 98,186 bushels. APPLES—Scarce and in good demand with sales of fair at $3(44 per bbl, and choice at $4,50@5. BUTTER—Good to prime is selling in a mauler way at 20@25. - BEANS—SaIes at $1,75@2. BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. 5 $6,50; No. 4 $6: No. 3 $5, No. 2, plain, 4;4,50, and market firm. CHEESE—SaIes Western Reserve, at 15; Hamburg, at 16; Factory, at 17; and Goshen, at 18. CARBON OIL—Is dull but unchang ed: sales of 50 or 100 barrel lots, at 27@ 28. and in small' lots. 29@30. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches have still further declined, and holders are anx ious to realize and close out. We now quote at 7@B for quarters ' and 12@13 for prime halves. Apples 10@12e, as to quality. EGGS—Sales 20®21. FLOUR—There is no improvement to note in the demand, and while the mar ket is quiet and firm with an exceedingly _light supply, prices remain unchanged. Sales in store at f6,50@7,00 for Spring Wheat brands, and $7,00 ®7,25 for NV inter Wheat. GRAlN—Wheat on spot is in steady milling demand with'eales at $1,35©1,40. Oats do not go off as readily as dealers generally anticipated, and with a fair supply; and only a moderate demand, prices remain unchanged-68®69, by the car loan, and 70,572 for small lots in store. Corn is firm and very scarce; last sales of mixed at 90 --nrime Yellow quoted at 95. Rye nominal at $1,24@1.25. RAY—Baled is scarce and may be quoted at $25@27, for good to strictly pnnie. HEMP—Last 'sales at 5205. HUSKS—SaIes at 2%@3 cts per pound LlME—Cleveland Lime is quoted a *2,50, per bbl, and Common White at LARD OlL—,Sales of No. 2, at $1,15@ 1,18 and No. .1 At I,4iggisl,4B POULTRY—SaIes or spring chick. ens,bvthe coop, at 60@65c per pair. PPATOES—In good supply and dull —sales at $1,50©2,00 per bbl. PROVISIONS—Market firmer and prices tending upward. Shoulders, lo; Ribbod Sides, 173;@18;, Clear Sides, 19; Plain Hams, 19; Sugar Cured Hams, 22M 4@23; Sugar Cured Shoulders, 17; Dried Beef, 21@22. Lard, 20V t ®20M in tierces and 21 in kegs. Mess Pork, $333. PEANUTS—SmaII sales at 12. SALT—Allegheny River brands are quoted, by the car load, at §1,75©1,80. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. • NEW YORK, July 23.—Cotton lower; sales of 275 bales at 333,M34c for uplands. Flour is 10®15o better and more doing; sales of 14,600 bbls. at 35,35@5,95 for State and western, f 6,3516,90 for extra State. $6,10@7,00 for extra western, 87,05@7,35 fore white wheat extra, $6,50@7,15 for R. H. 04 $7,00@7,50 for common to fair extra St. Louis $8,00(g)10,00 for good to choice do., closing firmfincluded in riles were -4,500 bbls for export and spc :ulation at $6,60®6,80 for extra State, $.6,15@6,50 for extra western: Oregon quiet at $B,OO @MO; California is rather more steady; sales of 350 bbls. at $6,60@9,00; receipts, 6,716 bbia. Rye Flour firm; salca of 45E/ bbls. at _34,50@4,75. Whisky is' firmer, and more active; sales of 600 bbls. western • at 81,0535©1,06 for Irve. Wheat is fairly active and 3@4e better; salco of 133,000 bush. at g,53@1,55 for No. 2 spring, $1,57 11,58 for No. 1 no., 81,55®1,57 for winter red western, $1,55©1,60 for red amber. Delaware, 31.5911,60 for amber lifichigail and State, $1,70 for red amber Tennessee, $1,70@1,75 for white California; receipts, 165,177 bush. Rye quiet. Barley and Barley Malt duff and nominal. Corn; - receipts,.76,4s3 bus.; Corn is without any change; sales of 83,000 bush. at 80@97c, for unsound new - mixed western, 31,03©1,05 for unsound do., $1,06@1,07 for small par cels db.; $1,07@1,68 for western yellow. Receipts of Oats were 26,672 bush.; prices I@2c. better; sales 61,000 bush. at 82@ 83c. for western in store; 84@86e. afloat.. Coffee easier; sales 950 bags Rio on private terms. Sugar firm; sales 180 hhds. at 11%01230. for Cuba; 12©12Mc. for Porto Rico. Molasses steady; sales 110 hhda. Musoovada at 25c. Hops steady at 101 17c. for American.. Petroleum firm at 17c, for, crude; 32e, for refined: Linseed Oil dull at 97c.(01; in casks. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 42@43c. Provisions: Pork quiet and steady; sales 500 blobs. at .$32,75@32,87 for new mess; $32 for old do.; $26,50@)27,75 for prime; $28,5U©29,25 for prime mess. Beef steady, with sales 125 bbls, at sB©l6 for new plain ,mess; $12,00 @lB,OO for new extra mess. Tierce beef nominal at $20,00@25,00 prime mess, and $25@30 India mess. •Beef hams quiet, sales of 80 bbls. at $26,00®30,00. Cut meats dull, sales of 10 pkgs. at 13%@14c. for shoulders and 16@19c. for hams. Middles quiet, sales of 85 boxes ice cured at 16c. Lard heavy and drooping, sales of 350 tierces at 17151930. for steatn and 19%,@19 7 ,40. for kettle rendeied. Butter steady at 16@28e. for Ohio and 16@36c. for State. Cheese steady at 11©15c. Freights .to Liverpool dull and lower. Shipments--7,500 bush. wheat por steam Latest—Flour moderately active and Se better on medium 'and low grades. Wheat &crier, with a fair export de mand, at $1,54@1,55 for No. 2 and $1,58 'for No. 1 spring. Rye dull, - at $1.26@ -1,27 for western; Oats firm, .at . 851g86c for - western afloat.- Cornrather quiet, at 86c®$1,00 fox' unsound ; iWd 81.01®1,05 - , for sound'-mixed western. Pork quiet, at $32,75 for mess. - Beeflttlet - and un changed. Cut Meats steady, with a ..moderate demand. Bacon dull, with prices in buyers' favor. Lard dull, at 19 1 4019%c for good to prime steam. Eggs dull at 23P24c. • CHICAGO, July 23.—Eastern exchange firmer at par selling and 1-10 off buying. Flour in goad demand and firm at $5,75 @7,00 for spring extras. Wheat stronger and I@l ,c higher; sales No. lat $1,36 @1,3834, and No. '2 at $1,343;©/,36, clos ing unchanged for No. 1, and firm at $1.35 for No. 2; this afternoon No. 2 dull at $1.3.5 seller August. Corn excited and No. 2 advanced 2@)3c.; No. 1 inactive and nominal, with sales No. 2 at 89©910. for regular and fresh receipts, 85®88e. for o/d receipts in North Side, and 87@ 89c. for old receipts in South Side houses; rejected sold at 78@82c.; no grade at 75©78c., closing weak at 89e. for No. 2: this afternoon No. 2 was dull. at 90c seller August. Oats firmer and lc higher, with sales of No. 2 at 69@693ic, and rejected at 66@66 1 4c .and closing with buyers at in. side. Rye quiet and firmer, with sales of No. 1 at $l,lO and No. 2 at $1,03®1,08; closing with buyers and no sellers at $1,14 for No. 1. Barley entirely nomi nal for cr:h' lots, with sates of No. 2 at $1,30 seller to 15th September. Highwines firmer at $l,OO. ,Sugarl3;l®l4,l-;c. common to prime Cuba. Mess pork stea dy at $33. Sweet pickled hams quiet at 16c. Lard inactive and nominal at 18X @lBNe for steamed. Dry Falted shoul ders firm at 13c. Freights quiet at 3c On oats. 4c on corn to Buffalo. Receipts for the past 24 hours-2,769 bbls.flour, 28,605 bu. wheat, 24,b00 bu. corn, 14,712 Mi. oats. 400 bu. rye, 6,573 hogs. Shipments-2,885 bbl?'. flour, 46,750 bu. 'wheat, 103,916 bu. corn. 63,275 bu. oats, 370 bu. rye, 8,229 hogs. ST. LOUIS, July 23.—Tobacco; supply nadequate to the demand and pricei are f 1.711. Nothing doing in Cotton. Hemp dull and unchanged. Flour buoyant for low grades, which are scarce and wanted; other qualities quiet; supers old at $5,25 @5,75: extra $6@0,37;4: double• extra $6@6,75; treble extra 7@7,50; fancy $S©9. Wheat; prices fall for choice, but small offerings in other grades; choice spring sold at $1,25; low prime to strictly prime red fall $1,30@1,40; choice to fancy do. $1,42@1,55. Corn firm at 952. for choice yellow; $1 for choice white in bulk; prime to choice yellow in sacks $1,03©1,05; prime to choke white $1,04@1,08. Oats firm, bat buyers stood off; mixed and white told at 68®71e.; fancy white 74® 75c. Rye firm at $1,25. Whisky firm at $1.05. Groceries quiet and unchanged. Provisions firm and advancing; not very active. Pork cold at $33,50(033,75, the latter for extra heavy. Bacon shoulders 14;.5,©1451c.: clear rib sides 184@)1838c.; clear sides 183©183..0.; sugar cured hams 22@23c. Lard dull at 18c. for choice kettle; 21c. for keg. Cattle: more doing, but prices unchanged at 334@)6Mc. Hogs sold at 736©10c., the latter for retail lots. Receipts were flouri.,6oo bbls., wheat 27,- 000 bush., corn 11,00 bush., oats 1,000 bush., hogs 250 head. 'CirrcitiYAmr, July 23.—Flour firm and in demand, with sales family at $ti@6,25.: Wheat firmer and demand good: old at; $1,25©1,30, new at $1,15®1,20, new white. at $1,40; the offerings of are light. corn very scarce, and pricen have ad vanced to 78@80c. Rye firreer, closing. at 95z. Oats firm at 73@76;!. Tobacco in good demand, with F.. 416.9 179 hhds at $5,60@)17,25. Cotton nominally unchang ed. Whisky firm at I. Provisions quiet, but all articlefi are held firmly; sales Mess Pork at $33. Bulk Meats at 13@l3Vc for shoulders, and 15%©16c for sides. Bacon at 14Mig14".0 for shoul ders, 18©183ic far clear rib sides, and 133©1834c for clear do. Sugar Cured Hams at 22@23c. Lard dull at 19;;@19M. Butter unchanged, with sales prime to choice, in gcoct order, at 21@28c.. Eggs dull at 13©14c,shippeis count. No change in Oii. There is a goad demand for Gro ceries at lull rates. Sugar at 131@)153,1 for raw. Coffee at 21®213c. Chcepe dull, with' sales wcstern reserve at 12.@)13c, and factory at 15@145. Gold at 135, buying. Exchange at par and dull. Money market easy. BUFFALO, July 23.—Receipts—w_he .t 20,030 bu.; corn 70,003 bu.; flour 5,003 bbls. :Shipments—wheat 14,000 bu.; corn 32,000 bu.; oats 29,000 bu. Freights 123; (4)13c. on wheat, 11c. on corn and 7%c; on oats to New York. Flour tending up ward; sales 100 bbls. western bakers at 87,25©7,50; no city ground spring; mks 150 obis. white Michigan at • $7,75. 'Wheat in fair demand, arm and held at lc. higher than fall quotation at the close; sales , 50,000 bu. No. 2 Chicago spring at $1,41®1,42; 15,C00 bu. No.' 2 Milwaukee Club at $1,43. sales 15,- 000 bush. do. to arrive at $1,43. Corn ex cited and held firm at the close at 81 for prime parcels; salcs 13,000 bush, No. 2 western at 98c.; sales 18,000 bush. per sample at 95®97c; sales .3,0c3 bush. No. 1 western at $l. Oats firm and selling at 78c. for western. Rye quoted at $1,20 for N0. , 1 western. Barley nominal. Pork steady at 833,50. Lard steady at 19c. Highwinas retail at s©loc. higher, bar rel lots at $1,02. BAraimortn, July 23.—Flour fairly act ive and low and mediuin grades advanced 25 ®soc; Howard St. superfine $5,7,5@6; do. extralog7,so; do. family $7,75@9; city mills Superfine fS@6,so;•de. extra B,o® 7,53; do. familysB®lo,so; western super fine 85,50@0; do. extra 86 ®7; do. family -$7,50©8. Wheat' firmer; prime to choice red 81,60©1,68; white 81,70®1,78. Corn firmer; prime white $1,10@1,12.; yellow "81,08©1,10. Oats dull, 70c1br prime new. Moss pork $34. Bacon active and advan cing. Rib sides 133,ic. Clear rib 19c. Shoulders. 153 i ®ls3‘c. Hams 23® 24c. Lard firm at19(920c. Whisky; stock very, scarce and would probably com mand 81,10. • , Osirtao, julyl23.—Flonr unchanged; sales gr 1,500 bbls. at .$0,75@7 for No. 1 spring, .87,25®7,50 for amber winter, 88®8,25 for white, $8,75g9 for double extra,' Wheat firm" and nominal at'an advance pricer No. 1 Idilwaukee club held ht $1,50. Corn firmer and higher;' sales 3,703 bus. kiln dried at 97c, No. 1' at sl,_ and 8,000, bus. warm at 845 c at the close No. 1 was held higher. dorn Meal at $1,90 per cart. Mill feed steady; shorts it $2O, shipstuffs at 823, middlings at 820®28,per ton. Canal Freights; flour to • Boston 6801 to New York - 58c,1 to Albany 50c. TOLEDO, July 23.—Flour steady and „unchanged at . ®7,bo for X.X. White IWhent 5c better and excited, closingless active; amber 81,50; No. 1 red 15 1 ,383¢; No. 2 red 81,33; No, 2 old 81,36 .51,36: No. 1 white Michigan, 81.65. Corn 5c bet ter and active at Of for NO, 1; 98c for No. 2, and.Boc for rejected, closing weak; no buyers at quotations. Oatslc better and quiet at 76c for No. 1 and Michigan. Rye steady. Barley nominal. Receipts— "flour 1,000 bbls; wheat 6,000; corn 13,400 oats 1,200 bush. Shipments—flour 200 I bbls; corii,l,9oo; oats' 2,000 bush. Cr.:k.vL,IJAND, July 23.—Flour---citi made; 89","f0r treble extra white; 87,750 8, for double extra amber; 86,75®7, for - double 'extra red winter; $6, for extra red Winter; 86,50 for double extra Spring: country made; $7.50®8,25 for double ex tra white; $6.25©7,25 for double extra red and amber; $8,25®6,75 for double extra Spring. VVheat—No. 1 red winter. sold-at 01,43. Corn—sale of one car No. lat $1; 1,200 bush. do. at $l. Oats held at 79c.' Rye—sales of 25 bags at $l,lO. July- 23 .=-Cetten. is:quiet and flrtrilit 820; 'receiptii, 6 bales; exports,: . et bales; the • receipts for the , week ware: 131 bales: , 'extorts, 470 haft- stock; -344 bales. Flour firm; superfine. 85,50. Wheat ; new, 81,25. Corn, 924093 c. PITTSBUR GA GAZETTE : SATURDAY, JULY. 24 1889 Oats, 82©85c. Hay. $27. Bran, $20@21. Cornmeal, $4,25@4,45. Pork, $34,50. Lard, .11:%©213ic. Bacon firm, at 15c for shoulders, and 19c for sides. • PHILADELPHIA, H/LADELPHIA July 23.—Flour inac tive; superfine $5,25 . Other grains un changed. Wheat very quiet; new red $1,50; old $1,40©1,50. Rye $1,35. Corn unsettled and advanced 3c; yellow $1,15 @1,18; mixed western $1,10@1,12. Oats steady; western 77(4)78c. Groceries and provisions unchanged. Petroleum steady at 22 4c for crude; 31;6®31Xc for refined. Whisky firm at $1,05(51,10'. ' LOUISVILLE, July 23.—Flour firm; su perfine $4,25. Grain 'steady. Wheat— sl,2o for red; sl;3o' for white. Corn— shelled in bulk 85c. Oats in bulk 70e.. Rye $1,15. Leaf tobacco steady; sales 105 hhds. at $4,45@23. Provisions very firm. Mess pork $33. Bacon—sboulders 15c.; clear rib sides 1S ;o.; clear sides 19 1 /0: Lard—prime tierce 19%c. fancy la Ins 21j-iic.: extra 2235 c. Whisky Id. MILWAUEEE, July 23.—Flour quiet; c oicelowa and Minnesota $6,25(56,75. hemi quiet at $1,39 ;i for No. 1, and $1,36 f r No; L.' Oats unsettled and higher at 7 c for No. 2. Corn firm at 90c for No. 2. enominal . . Grain freights dull and tt changed. Receipts: 1,000 bbls flour, 34,000 bush wheat. 2,000 bush oats. Ship i merits: 4,000 bbls flour, 16,000 bush wheat. DETROIT, JOIN , 23.—Wheat firm; No. 1 white winter ‘1,68@1,70; No. 1 amber $1.45. Oats 80c. Weather is very favor able. . Dry Goods Market. • NEW YORK, July 23.—Dry goods trade is still inert, but is nevertheless. open ing with a prospect which betokens re newed activity ere long, while in the meantime prices generally are well maintained; new styles of Prints opening at 13:.:c for very fine Merrimacks, Dun nels and Spragues; 13c for American, Richmonds and Aliens, and 1234 c for Oriental and Lancaster. The price of Delaines is now fixed at 20c. All stand ard makes of plain and C 31ored Cottons are steady. Heavy Woolens are iu im proved request,,-but still sell at rather low rates. LIIPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WA.YNE & Cm (ltem RAILROAD, July 22.-4 cars metal, Nitnick & Co; 1 do do, Loomis & Collard; Ido do, Bryan & Caughoy; 26 bales wool, Tuscarawas Wool Mills: 25 bbls oil 15 tcs lard, J H Parker; 300 pigs lead, Excelsior Flint Glass Co; 100 bides, G A M.clltirain; 204 pcs hams, E H Myers & Co; 15 bbls hems, F Sellers & Co: 1 car wheat, Liggett & Co; 100 bbls flour, Jenk ins & Bro; 1 car staves, M P Adams & Bro; 5 bbls oil, Harris & Ewing; 3 bbls eggs, Koppahan & G; 4 tubs butter, W H Graff& Co; 20 bas soap, S Ewart & Co; 11 do do, 25 do candles, Smith, Johnston & Co; 16 do soap, J Sohl; 1 bbls eggs, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 3do do, Day & Co; 15 sks-rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; 2 bbls eggs, J Wilson & Son; 34 bas cheese, Arbuckles & Co; 40 sks oats, J & W Fair ley; 25 bbls oil, Beamer, Bauman & Co; 56 tea hams, J H Parker; 83 bbls bone coal, Seward & Emerson: 10 eases tobac- co, W L Jones; 5 bbls tallow, Duff & Son; 50 bas soap, Little & Baird; 24 do do, H F Bruggerman; 1 car rye, W J Meek; 24 bas cheese, Woodworth & Davison: 31 sks rags, McElroy & CO. CLEVELAND AND 1 - 7TTSBUROR Ali - ROAD, July 23.-1 car rye, W J Meek; 2 cars lumber, A Lewis; 10 cars pig iron, Nituick & Co; 1 car limestone ore,Bryan & Caughey; 3 cars champ ore, rown & Co;jso bbls oil, J Spear & Co; 1 car grind stones, Coleman, Rohm & Co; 100 -- bbls flour, Keil & Ritchart; 50 Ws lime, E H Myers & Co; 20 do do, Wm Cleudening; 9 tibeets iron,,Shoenberger & Co; 10 bbls oat meal, Rinehart! & Stevens; 13 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 19 pails butter. 3 bbls eggs, H Riddle; 50 sks oats, J & W Fair ley; 6 bbls oat meal, J A Renshaw; 7 bas cheese, care W 'McElroy; 16 sks oats, Scott & Gisal; 20 bits cheese, Watt, Lang & Co; 30 bbls apples, H Rea Jr; 5 do do. Springer & Co; 6 do do, T C Jenkins; 50 bbls oil, DBly &CO; 8,000 ft lumber, Cra ham & Lyon. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, July 23.-49 bbls ref oil, E L Goodwin; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 43 pkgs butter arid eggs, owners; 2 cars metal, John Moor head; 3do do, McKnight, P & Co; 1 do stone, Henderson & Co; sdo limestone, Shconberger & Blair; 1 do metal, Brown & Co; 14 sks oats, 2 do rags. Head & Metzger; 70 do oats, Scott & Gisal; 10 do do, J&A Dietz; 47 do corn, Adams & Austin; 31 do oats, R Stewart; 30 do do, Bingham Laing; 66 do do, S Carothers; 1 car lumber. Hamilton & Rankin; 2 pigs butter, Volgt, M & Co. ALLEGHENY STATION, July 23.- 1 car metal, Lindsay & McCutchcon; 1 do wheat, C H Beach; 2 do cooperage, Ralya & Robertson, 1 do wheat, W McKee & Co; Ido lime, J Abdell; 7 do limestone, Superior I-on Co; 2do shing les, J Brunot; 15 doz. brooms, Moou & Bro; 500 pigs lead, Schoonmaker & Son; 1 car lumber, J Nanz; 1 do do, J B Ingham; 1 do wheat, Kennedy Bro; 5 do cinder, Etna Iron Co; 10 bbls apples, F Owens. RIVER. PACKETS - . CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. W l ,Oll CINCINNATI and . Louibvna..E.-Tee atte pas-arigat senv r steamer R. C. GRAY— ........ ...Capt. Win 2Ta ME R. WllLleave for the above and interim-Mate ports on SA'filitDAY..Sibth inst.. giving through re ceipts for Memphis and New ("Heaps. 'F'ur freight or pa.sage'appir on warn or to JOHN ItLAC.ra* er D. COI.LINGWOOD, Agents vprze: diItsSISSIPIPI. - . - pos CAIRO. BT. A gEt LOUIS.. DUBUQUE and ST. PAUL—Tire steamer DATE PUTNAM Capt. G. W. BRED. Wilt leave as above SATURDAY, the `.34th inst. at 4 o'clock P. M. . For freight or passage apply on board or to .1y22 • FLACK ,t, CoLLINGWOOD. Agents. PARKERSBURte 1110111/TTS BUlTlGH,a si gagt A %WHEELING AND rem- KERSBUIiti , LINE. —Leave Coinbauv , a Wharf 1011.1.. tny.t ortvoun Street. daily at 12 M. WED NESDAI3 and SATURDAYS Gete.Y EAGLE. . . .... ..C. L. ARENIPAII, Master. Nrelichr, will be received at all uourd oy • (AMEN COLLINS. FLACK & CULLINGWOOD, Aaents,. CM STEAMSHIPS. • T° LIVERPOOL AND QTJEENSTOWN. Trim lIIDIANr MAR: STEILIISHIPS. No.mbertnx state It ttrottus yediels. among cm. mtte celebrate t d • CITY OF .P.a.r.to, CITY OF ANTIVEre, CITY OF BOSTON, CITY. OF BALTLIIORE, CITY OF LONDON. Sailing EVERY EATURDAY, from Fier 45, .r.mrttt River, .1/evr York. Fur nassage or flintier Information dnnip to WILLIAM BlNfillift. TO 'TITTR STREET, tetiroatute 81/I:4ling. N.arlv onnnatte Peat I Miro• t"h" wooL. 400,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted by MEANOR & HARPER, AT THE WHITE IfRoNT.r , le3/ 329 LibeltY itreet, Pittsburgh, PA. •, eIHICESiEw' , IO 'boxes' ' Factory . ' IL/ Cheese;24l3 boles aosben do., for ea le by J. B. CANFIELD. RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily with scant 6% teat in the channel last evening. Weather yesterday, cloudy and cool—at times threatening rain. Mercury at 4 P. 31. 80 in the shade. The Argosy •from Cincinnati, is the only arrival we have to report. The Kenton departed for Portsmouth as usual. The hull for Capt. Stockdalecs new South America boat, "Barranquilla.' ar rived yesterday. A barge loaded with railroad iron, which was to have been towed to St. Louis by the Lorena, sunk at McKee's Rocks on Thursday. It is thought as the water where the accident ()marred is shallow, that it can be raised without much difficulty. • The R. C. Gray, Capt. Isaac Whittaker is announced for Cincinnati and. Louis ville forthwith. As will be seen by an advertisement, she will receipt freight through to New Orleans. The Kate Putnam. Capt. G. W. Reed, is announced to depart tor St. Louis to day, and passengers should bear this in mind. • It is reported that Capt. W. B. Donald son, late of the Great Republic, con templates building a large stern-wheler. Capt. W. A. Stewart. formerly Local Inspector fer Cincinnati. we regret to announce, is, seriously,"lll at his resi dence in Springfield, Ohio. —The Leonidas, Nfessenger and tow noat Star, were all at Cairo on Wednes day. —The towboats Ajar and Dick Fulton, drrived at Cairo on Wednesday from New Oileans. —The great bridge over the Ohio at the falls will be completed and the ears running over it by the first of Septem ber. • —Captain C, A. Dravo and clerk Geo. L. Reppert, of the Wauanita. left Cincin nati for Pittsburgh by rail, Wednesday evening. —The railroad from Duvall's Bluff to Little Rock has been leased by the Ar kansas River Packet Company for one year, for 425,000. —The Maggie Hays is announced •to make a trip from Cincinnati to St. Louis. In the event of low water, she is to take the place of the Ohio No. 4 in the Cincinnati and Marietta packet trade —The local Inspectors of St. Louis, call attention of all licensed engineers to the following rule, enacted at a meeting of United States Inspectors, at Washing ton, in January last: '•When an engi neer gives up the charge of the engi neer's department of a steamer, by res ignation or otherwise, he shall certify in WAi•iting as to the condition of the same; said certificate to be kept on board the steamer, subject to the inspection of the United States Inspectors of steamers and the succeeding chief engineer. Also, when an engineer assumes the charge of the engineer's department of a vessel, be shall examine the same,! to see if it is in good order, and iri accordance with the specified condition in the certificate given by his:immediate predecessor, and if not, report the facts to the United States Inspectors of steamers in the port where he belongs." MISCELLANEOUS. -HEADQUARTERS FOB MEN 8 BOY'S CLOTHING. GRAY & LOGAN, NO. 47 SIXTH STREET, Are now offering a romp'ete stock of Summer Clothier( of medium and tine gooda at the very lowest prices. Children's Cassimere Linen and Suits, Youths' Cassimere. and Linen Snits. Boys' Cassimere and Linen Suits. 'Cents' Blue Flannel Sacks. Cents' Alpaca Sacks. Gents' White and Brown Duet Snits. - Gents' Scotch Chevoit Business and Walking Suits. CLOTHINC OF ALL KINDS GRAY & LOGAN'S, No, 47' SIXTH STREET, LATE Sr. - CL AIR EIM Restores gray and faded Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR, reniovesDandruir, COIFS ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the hair • grow Soft, Glossy and Lur,uriant. 11.09 and $1,50 per Battle. Each Bottle is a Beat Paper Bor. • 1 Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY 'a CHENEY, Druggists. Buffalo; N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. Wholesale Acento—sCHWAUTZ AZLETT. e -141 , !I s • .41 ROOFING SLATE OF V&RIOCS Qualities and Colors. rt:tirgiTg!atetreolOtriso.n trcepnaggraiitagaSolttperlaeneds a.ldrcio J. S. NEWMYEB, No. 43 Seventh Avenue, PITTFIRTIRGIT, PA EMI TRADE MARK. DITBMGE'S vwmk.raitools , Lamp., CHIMNEYS COMMISSION MERCHANTS WELI.9III WILM. f& CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, ctrietly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. - Porto , Cuba and English Island Sug rs a. New YRorkico, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. Golden Drips, Loverings, Brindle, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island bYTuR,• Porto Rico, Cuba and - Englian Island Molasses. Young Hyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Rangoin Rice. 3ava,•Laguayra and io Coffees. Tooacco .Lard Oil. Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton. Tarns, &c., constantly on hand. ALSO. IMPORTEItS OF Fine Brandies,Wines and ftars. Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock Wines of Hinsel & Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Scharsberg and Johannls. burg, Hockheimer , Burgundy, -- &r. Brandenburg iff, Freres' Fine Olive OR. do do Clarets ' Imported In bottles. do do White Wines. In bottles. I M. Work & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sherry, Madeira and Port Wines. FrE , e, Old Mononganela Rye Whiskies. pure. du Very Superior Old Scotch do ALSO, Sole Agents for lktoet .t Chandon's Grand Vin. Imperial. Verzenay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted. 10.dild E8'61:41Ble LB LI ED BY A. & T itMLw. M. GOR24Y, WBO.LESALE GROCER. No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY OPP. EAGLE HOTEL.) PITTS/31111G IT. PA. W. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to Fetzer &, Armstrong, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, • No. 25 MARKET STREET. . mr 18 M. STKELk. J. A. STUMM. M e STEELE & SON, Commission Merchants, AND DILLLICES IN Caa r tAlN,V - PIT), tea, No. 93 OHIO BTELEI, near Ea ConamOD, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. PETZB SKIL JAB. P. BICHAWP KEEL & RITCHART; COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ♦I2D DnALEns Ili FLOUR, I:MAIN, SEEDS, MILL TEED, ac 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, mn4:127 T• J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, _ No. 395 PENN STREET. ap13:z8.9 . TITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, 'Wholesale Grocers, Cominission Merts Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Flsh. Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails Glass, Cotton Yarns and all - F . ..tsbargh Manuttures generally, 1.12 and 1!4 on.COND ST 'BET, Pittsburgh. JOE LV I. EtOusz..znw. TIOUSE....WM. H. not - 7.83. TOIIN L HOUSE &Rum., sue u censors to JONCommisOUSE & CO., Wbole• sato Grocers and sion Merchants, Cot• ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. .JOlll4 eHIPION A WALLACE. §4IIPTON & WALLACE, Whole- SALE GROCERS AND PROD UGE DEAL.IIS. No. 6 SIXTH STREET. Ptrtsburah. • iamrsa WOOD TURNING, SCROLL SAWING, AND , MOULDING Done promptly to order at 161 Lacock street,A? leeway City, by P 1 LEBZELTER & CO. The best attention will be-given to all who want anything In our line. We always keep large lot of turned work, such as Balusters, Newt Posts, Hubs, dic. Also, a good goes of dry Walnut, Cherry and other lumber on hand. my 1147 F. LEBZELTER t Co• Q. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Pennsylvania, PITTSBURGH, July 20. 1869. THIe IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 12th day of Ju D. 1 869. arrant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the Estate of SOLOMON. e. HESS, of Allegheny City, iu the County of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bank rupt on his own petition: that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to such Bankrupt or to him or for hie use, and the transfer of any property by him are for bidden by law; that a Meeting of the t reuttors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts and willhoos one or more assignees of his Estate, be held at a e:ourt of Bankruptcy to be holden at No. 116 Federal street, Allegheny City Allegheny county, Penusylvanie., before JOHN N. PITH VIANC Esq., Register. on the SIXTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. ID. 1869, at 10 o'clock A. H. A. MURDOCH. ii 22.48 11. S. Marshal. as Messenger. ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY BY : LEMON & WEISE. Practical Etirnitare Manufacturers, &e., 118 FOURTH EL VENUE. Where may be Kitche n Tali assortment od e /dr. Cnuaber and Furniture. M Importer and retail dealer in PINTrs WEDDING, VISITING. _PARTY AND BUSINESS CARD ENGBAN:IIO6, MONOGRAMS, ARMS, ILLUMINATING, &e, Orders by mall receive promptattentlon. Bend for samples. 1.033 Chestnut St., Pol3a, mv1:177.1118&T J. E; SWUM d. M. MUTT QWINT & BRATT, • ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No.-68 Snailugky St- Allegheny, Pa. A large ausorment of NEWEL PO:t-Td and BALLdT94.n conahuttly on hand. Tlilltrniti or all daser.n nu. deep nnta•ogii NEW • CLOVER 1-1.0N.M.Y. 100 boxes. Payette county now honey: jast re celved la ortme order and for sale by the box at lowest prices, at the Fatuity tirocery .tltore J 24 o. A. RE NSECAW. Clornerltberty and Moth streete. WIIITE LEIIIIE.--100, barrels i oi pleveand Lime; 200 bbbs Paotern tate by • nEMEDIT-400 bills Imuisvidlfp N." Hydraulic cement, for we kg • AP LE 1 ISUG —lO barrelsH/wwntg‘AT, LA Nu & CO'd, xiaasie. INSURANCE. THE IRON CITY MURAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS: Hon. JAMES L. BRAHAId, Rev. J. B. CLARK. D. D., Capt. R. ROBINSON, Rev.A. K. BELL,D.D,, Rev. S . H. NEaBIT, D.D., W. A. BRED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH, Real Estate Agent, &MON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNY. Hatter, A. S. BELL: Attorney-at-Law, . D. L. PATTERSON, Limber Merchint, • D. STOOER, Insurance Agent. . Capt. ROUT. 13.01311150 N. President. Rev. CLA RR, D. D., Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNY,. Treasarer. W, WHITE, 31sincAL ADVIStra. DANIEL SWOEIER, Gaul Agent. This Is a nome company. conducted on the mutual Principe, each policy holder receiving an equal share of the profits' of the Company., Policies will be issued on all, the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford a safe investment to eactr policy holder, and thereby retain the money at borne to encourage home Industry. m1229:ga3 BEN FIELANKypi INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE L FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK BUILDINGS, • Pio. 41 Ohio St.. Allegheny. A ROME COMPANY, managed *Directors W known to the community, who trust by fair dealins to merit a share of your Patronage.' HENRY G.0.1L D. RIDDLE --Secretary. - DIRECTORS: Hear? Irwin, ID. L. Patterson, Wm Cooper, I , Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gottoth Face,Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart, rCh. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig, joa. Lautizer, IEL J. Zinltann, .Tere. Enben. R. E. lIERON, GENERAL AGENT. apio-035 CASH INSURANCE COMPANY, PHELAN'S 131TILDINCi, No. 22 Fifth Avenue. Second Floor, PITTSBUROH, PA. Capital All Paid Up. DlBEcTorts. N.J . . Higley, !H.W.ollver,Jr,!Oapt.M.Ballei, H. Hartman, A. Chambers, Jake Hlll. S. ill'Clurken, Jas. lef..valley. Thomas Smith JnO.S. Wlliock, i • ROBERT H. 11 1 / 4 0, President. JNO. F. - JENNINGS, Vice President. JOS. 7'. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. J. GRACE. Gen'l Agent. Inaures on Liberal Terms on all Fire and Marine Risks. • ap2.07 NATIONAL • INSURANCE COMPANY. Cor. Federal St. and . Diamond, Allegheny, Office, In the SECOND NATIONAI, BANE ButhDrsa. W.W. MARTIN, :President. JOHN BROWN, JR., Vice President, JAMES E. STEVENSON. Secretary. • DIRECTORS: John A. Myler, I Jas. Lockhart.' Jai. M_yers, Jas.L•Graham. Robert Lea, 10. C. BoTle, Jno. Brown,Jr. 'George Gent. Jacon holm, 0.11 I' Whilams iJno. 'Thompson J. MeNangher. 04LLEGRENT :INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. . ICE, No. 371117 TH8TREFT.BezrX BLOOX. Tnatuos against all kinds of Fire and Marina BAAL JOHN INWTH. Alt. , President: T. J. HOSKINSON, Vice President. C. G. DONNICLL.S.retary. CAPT. WM. DKAN..General Agent.' • DIZECTOPS: John liwin, Jr.. B. L. Fahnestock T. J. Hoskinson, W. H. Everson. C. 0. Hussey, : Robert FL Davis. Harvey Childs, Francis Sellers, Charles Hays, cant. J. T. Stockdale. Cant. Wni..Dean, T. R. Nevin. WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES, OF New and Handsome Designs, NOW OPENING AT No. 107 Market Street (YE A.TL IFIETH AVENUE, ) Embracing a large and carefully selected stock of the newest de.shrns from the FINEST STAMP— ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer at prices that will pay buyers to examine. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. mhz_34o. LL PAPER. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, INr. P. MARSHALL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street, SPRING 000D8. ARRIVING DAILY. mhe IC, FEVArit: IF} 34 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, somusatieri AND CHINA. NEW STYLES, DINNER SETS, • TEA SET.- . SNORING SETS, GIFT ODES, A large stock of • SUM PLATED , ; GOODS of all dercalptlons. • - • • 'ean and no exam ine ge l d Crl t gibe a gl led. R. E. BREED & CO., 100 WOOD STREET. MERCHANT TAILORS. B 'IIEGEL, .(Late Cutter with W. Restenhelded wzmuci.Ar'r No. 53 Smithse4Sireet;Pittaburgh.. 5e28:v2.1 NW SPRING GOODS. At . splendid ne w . Bloch of ()TEL% GJSSLMEBEJSi,(far , anstreadveabr . gamma( iiiiiirsza• seit Merchant Tailor, 73 Smithfield Med. i El (MCABISARKET,)
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