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NEWS PROM CUBA. , Advises received in this city from lead ers in the Cuban army to the 15th state that on,the 13th and -14th the troops of Quesada,stitioned between .Pa-• erto Principe - snit Nuevltas, were at tacked by General Letona, and in both I instances were repulsed, on the first day with a loss of fifty killed and wounded, . and on the second with over one hun dred. The Cubans retain their position in the siege before Puerto Principe. The troops under Gen. Faguerro, of Gen. Jor dan's command,' occupying a position some forty miles from St. Jago de Cuba, were attacked on the 12th by Spanish forces of over 1,200, and said to have been commanded ny Gen. inVelma se(' a person. After three hours' fight ing the Spaniards were compelled to give up the attack. Next day, having been rein2orced. the Spanish General renewed the attack with great vigor. Three assaulhs were:made on theCnban position, but in each the Spaniards , were repulsed. In the last , attack• their loss was so great that they were compelled to precipitate a retreat. Gen. Jordan participated in ' the second day's . tight. The loss of Cu. bane is set down at sixty-two killed and - wounded. Among the killed were two ' officers. The Spanish loss is reported to have been- over three hundred. They media good their retreat to St. Jago. The - Cubans are in good spirits and affected but little by, the cholera and vomit() so prevalent among the Spanish troops. DECISION BY THE TREASURER. E. The Secretary of the Treasury to-day decided to permit the substitution of ten-forties for five-twenties. or the ex change of any gold bearing bonds now held as security for circulating notes on 1 , the basis hitherto adopted, the ten-forties to be received at eighty-five per cent. of their par value, and all other gold bear ing bonds at ninety per cent. Six per cent. currency bonds issued by the United States to the Pacific Railroad will not be rimived as security for the cirou .l lation of national banks, and the, ex change of the gold bearing bonds is sub ject hereafter to revision, if it shall be found,: that such exchanges are so fre quent'an to become onerous to De partment. PENLiai: HATTERS. 1.--4-Colimetataii4Bl4l4-yßi2 4 4ilaympon. • _ Secrebiry COX and 'Posbnaster General Creswell, and-had a talk 'with them about Fenian matters. • The Colonel has now seen every member of the Cabinet ex cept Secretary Rawlins:, and has found -I them all favorable except Attorney General Hoar. Be believes that some ; decided action, one. way or the other, must be soon taken by the Administra tion on the subject, and from the opin ions expressed by, different Cabinet members lit seems that he expects the action will be favorable to the rights of ; naturalized citizens. / GOLD SALES. • The Secretary of the Treasury, on be ing questioned on the subject, replied that he had no intention at present of selling gold, and that he did not expect to sell any while the premium was at the present figure. The impression at the. Treasury is that it will go lower. This seems to be founded on the fact that United States bonds have advanced in 'Europe in consequence of - the favor able exhibit of Secretary Boutwell's financial management, and that by the time there is a demand for the shipment of gold the crops will be ready to bring into market. REVENUE SEIZURES. • ' The officer in charge of the Richmond. Virginia,Revenue District has reported to the Internal Revenue Bureau the sei zure of rectifying establishments valued at ten thousand dollars, for violation of the revenue laws of the United States. BOUTWELL'S POLICY. A letter received here from an Ameri - can gentleman traveling in Europe, alludes in warm languase to the benefi cial effect of Secretary Boutwell's policy in strengthening the credit of our Gov ernment abroad. _ REVENUE DECISION. The Commissioner of Revenue decides no tax can be levied upon sales of loan of building associations. Ntlw CURIMNCY. One hundred and: twenty thousand dol . Lars In new ten and fifteen cent currency have' been issued. PERSONA.T. E. 31. Stanton bad a-lOn¢ Interview with Secretary BOntwell to-day. NEW} YORK CITY: (By Telegraphta the PlttstetrEh essetted NEsir Youit -July 23, . 1869. , The two cholera cases reported yester day turn out to be simple diarrhma. ' AR the prlsoneis confined at Fort ta t, layette, charged with being concerned in i the Cabin expedition, have been ' ; re f leased. No particulars are gmen, but it I t is supposed they were released on their own recognisance& • John Howard, sentenced to flue years' imprisoriment for _being concerned in a robbery at the Den of Reddy, the black smith, some time since, has been par ' (Zoned by Goy. Hoffman. . Caterpillar lti the cotton. EBY Telegraph to taell'ltulotraa nazetta.i fintate., Ala., July 2.1..---The Daily Times of this morning contains the fol lowing, which confirms the report con cerning the caterpillar: We \ learn from . Messrs , . Hardie and Robinson, cotton factors in this city, who have taken great pains to investigate the subject, that the caterpillar has made. its appearance i t , the black hands cane region in the wist. erti part of this county. Declines the Chairmktistilp. LHi'f to. the Plttstmrgh Gazette.] , ETUE, PA., July 23.—Hon. Wm. A. Galbraith, of this city, has declined the Chairmanship. of the Democratic State Central Committee of Penna. Trial of Rev. Cheney Deferred—The Civil • E EMMX:.. Court Injunction—Protest Againbt Ju.• • rlsdictiou. CHURCH COURT, Ry Telegraph to the Pltuburgh Gazette.l Cuicaoo, July 23.—The Ecclesiastical Court for the trial of Rev. Charles Ed ward Cheney reassembled at the Cathe dral of Saints Peter and Paul this after noon at two o'clock, pursuant to adjourn ment. Bishop Whitehouse arose and said: May it please your very reverend Court, having received from you a com munication requesting a postponement for a definite time, therein named, of- the farther proceedings on this trial, I have prepared an answer thereto, which I beg to present to your body, and request that both may be publicly read. The President then read the communi cations, as follows: Cathidral,of Sta. Peter and Paid, Chica. go, July 23, 1869.—T0 the Right Reverend Bishop of Illinois: The undersigned members of and composing an Ecclesi astical Court for the trial of the Rev. Chas.-Edward Cheney. Rector of Christs Church, Chicago, in the matter of the presentment of P.ev. Geo. F. Cushman, D.D., Rev. Richard Sweet, D.D., and Hon. L. B. Otis against him, having been served with a writ of injunction, emanating from the Superior Court of the city of Chicago, forbidding all further proceedings in the matter of said presentment until the further order of such Court in the premises, which writ was served , during the actual pto grass Of'said trial ron tae 22d inst., thus intetfering by civil mandate with the rights and prerogatives of this spiritual triuunal, therefore, we, solemnly pro: testing against the assumed jurisdiction of such civil Court in the matter, but at the same time wishing respectfully to submit to the :cotistitw.ed authorities of the State, beg leave to request that the trial of the said Rev. Charles E. Cheney be postponed until Thursday, the 29th day of July, at two o'clock, P. M., under the authority of the canon law of the Diocese, vested in yonifsell: • - Respectfully submitted, Salaam B. ilizta.sx, President of the Court, HENRY M. PIERCE, 'lirosias N. BENEDICT, JOHN BENSON, ,A. W. SNYDER. The reply is as follows: Dioeeae of DU noia: Whereas. The counsel for ttie re spondent in the Ecclesiastical trial of Rev. Charles E. Cheney, Rector of Christ. Church, Chicago, have applied to the Superior Court in Chancery for an injunction to stay any farther firodeed logs on such trial, and on saute-bill of complaint on injunction has'. been granted by His Honor, John A. Jameson,` ona .of Blantiragg—audges of such Court of Chancery, fund summons hav ing been served by tho officer on the members of the Ecclesiastical Conn while proceeding with the trial, Sitting as assessors duly qualified, therefore, fn pursuance of law and order, but deny ing that the said honorable CouttoPLa - w and Equity has any jurisdiction In the matter, and protesting against the claim of the civil tribunal to interfere, either by equity proceedings or in any other manner of supervision and'control in the administering of the ecclesiastical disci pline of the church in the .trial of its ministers, yet the Bishop of the Dio cese of Illinois, acting in accordance with the express request of the assessors; and under the provisions of section second of the canon df the Dio cese of Illinois, I do hereby postpone the Court for the trial of Rev. Otitis. E. Cheney. till Thursday the 29tht day of July, 1899, at the usual place of conven ing, to wit, the Chapel of the Cathedral, at two o'clock in the afternoon. “Salec I:celesta." • - , Given under my official seal and sig nature, tnis the 22d day of July, A. D., 1869, in the eighteenth year of my conse cration. HENRY J. WiirrmiOns.n, _ . Bishop of Illinois. In accordance with the document just now read, the Court is hereby postponed to the, time indicated therein, the 29th day of J uly, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The counsel for the prosecution bave been-promised a hearing before the Su perior, Court of Chicago, with a view to ii the re oval of the injunction, on Mon day r ' Tuesday next. The or der o ' proceedings on that occa sion Will be, first, a motion. from the counsel for the prosecution fora removal of the injunction; second, argument by the counsel of Rev. Mr. Cheney, 811d taining the injunction; closing with an argument by the counsel for the prose- cution. Messrs. Fuller and Thompson. coun sel for Rev. Mr. Cheney, occupied seats with the audience, bat the reyerend gentleman himself was not in atten dance. After the adjournment the Bishop of the. Diocese, the assessors and the counsel for the prosecution, occupied some time in secret consultation. , This morning, in answer to a telegram from Judge Otis, Bon. S. Corning, Judge Of Lewiston, 111., arrived in town and will conduct the case for the prosecution, as Jude Otis is about to leave for the east. Cable Celebration Proposed. igy Telegraph to ti e Pittsburgh eazetle 3.. • Boarisw,`.Tuly 28.—At a* meeting of Council last night, on the recommenda tion of the Mayor, an order was adopted providing for the proper- ceiebratkm on the part orthe city of the successful lay ing of-the French - Cabie." A Committee was appointed to arrange the details. •. _Two British steamers with the French cable were signalled from High land Light. Cape Cod, at' sun rise this morning. They are bound into the bay for Duxbriry, Where the shore end of the cable will bo launched. They will reach their destination to•day. •••• Jul" 23---1116 FrenAh cable expedition arrived o 1 Dabitry noon to-day. The shore end will be laid to- PLYMOUTH, July 28.—The steamers Chiltern and Beat aerie, with the French cable, came to anchor this afternoon off Duxbury. Their arrival ao, soon was quite unexpected. but It is thottght that arrangements will be perfected fat land ing the shore end to-morrow. The land line to Boston is not yet completed, but an office will be opened to-night at Rings- ton. about six milea from-Dtixbury: The advent of the expedition causes much pxcltement Dux bury and the surfotind ing towns, Inds public celebration'ofthe event will take place tomorrow or Mon day. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, JULY 24; 1869. rag R CLOCK, 4. J 4. N WS BY CABLE. The Compromise on the Irish Church MR Agreed to by the Commons—The Colliery Disaster—Advice, hem South Atuerlea—Spanish Officers Exiled for Fomenting Insurrection. - (By Telenabb to Um Milburn' easetto.l GREAT BRITAIN. LONDof, July 22.—The compromise on the Irish Church bill was the result- of fear on the part of the Peers of the °tinge quences threatened by a collision of the two Houses of Parliament. Last night the Tory Lords held a large meeting at a private residence, and resolved to re pudiate the Marquis of Salisbury, and put themselves under the lead of Lord Cairns. The latter was 'authorized to make peace with the Ministry and ex press the willln guess of the Peers toyield. To-day Lord Cairns sought an inter view with Earl Granville, and gave In the submission of the Peers, whereupon the Cabinet agreed to the compromise an nounced to-night- The prompt and loud expressions of popular indignation terri fied the Lords, and thus has been post poned for a while the threatened agita lion. LONDON, July 23.—There was a full at tendance of members and spectators in the House of Commons this evening. When Mr. Gladstone rose to speak he was greeted with great cheering. Un der a heavy sense of responsibility, but with profound isatislactioa, he moved that the House agree to the amendments inserted yesterday, without exception or reservation. He called attention to the excision from the preamble of the words specifying the appropriation of surplus, but as the point was better indicated in the bill he thought it would be invidi- Os and unnecessary to require a theo retical and abstract declaration in the preamble. The reinsertion Or date of 1871 was not a token of vic tory, but an indication of the joint and (harmonious working of the Houses. He reviewed the other amendments which had met with objection, and said the sub stance of the Government proposals had remained Virtually unaltered. He asked the Henget° discard every word that might have been uttered tending to em bitter the questiomand he apologized for any warmth of feeling that he might have shown. He congratulated the House on_the satisfabtory settlement which had baerkarrived at and pralaed thiiihility and moderation with Which the'debatea had been_tonducted /*I Granville and radreetelitit''''"'"T Sir Roundell Palmer,` - tiltintbp r for Richmond, approved , t he course vdkich had been taken. It was honorable and , fair to both sides. The point agreed upon was one which all must accept. In case of an adverse decision we must bow to the superior force of those who con trol events, and when that time hascome it is folly not to see and acknowledge the fact. He thought the compromise was substantially a concession to the Church, and concluded his speech with * com pliment to Mr. Gladstone on the tone and temper of the debate. Right Hon. Mr. `D'lsraeli said that when the difference between the Houses was only a matter of detail, he felt that a delay in the settlement was only of doubtful advantage, and might result in disasters and difficulties of ad inconsid erable kind. The compromise was not an unconditional surrender. The most essential points in the amendmenti had been assented , to, and be , thought that the House and the country would deem the compromise fair and just. He hoped that the present would be the last occasion when political circumstances would be dealt with by abstract principles. We bad been on the eve of a collision, occasioned by a mis understanding tween the two Houses, at a time when each had deported itself in a manner to show the possession of the confidence and satisfaction of the country. Surely all would hall with satisfaction and ratify with pleasure the settlement arrived at as satisfactory and sta:estiaanlike. After the conclusion of Mr. D'lsmell'a speech, the arrangements were agreed to without division. The result was re ceived with great cheering. LONDON, July 23.—A telegram from Bombay, dated July 20, has the following: It is reported that the Kingheses have risen against the Russian authority. All Turkestan is disturbed. • LONDON, July 23.—One of the provis ions of the telegraph bill, now. before Parliament, binds the Postoffice Depart ment to collect and distribute messages by sub-marine cables. LIVREPOOL, July 23.—The loss of life by the exploalOn at St. Helen's Colliery yes terdav, was greater than &St reported. Flfty-eight dead bottles have been taken from the pit. SOUTH ANBRICA. "miaow . , July 28.—The regular mail steamship from Rio .Janeiro arrived here yesterday, bringing dates from the city of Buenos Ayres to the 20th ult. And Montevideo to the 21st. The news was quite important. The rebellion in differ ent parts of Crawley continued, though Montevideo and the country immediately adjacent 'were :'tranquil. , A dispatch from Buenos Ayres announced that' Lopez Was surrounded in - the Cordil leras, as, the Paragnayan rear guard checked two thousand Brazilians who were in pursuit and then crossed the Up per Perim without moleauttion. . • PRANCE. VAR's, July 211.—De Chasseleap Lan-' hot, on ills installatiOn as President of the Council, declared for liberty of -oh, because Ai:dependence was mum of ted perfectly with devotion to the E peror. • I" JLII3r 23.—The Mont/Cur of to , 941sYs *PPari t Y or -tho .Left.,4lteitdY r yeas. warms o division, antagonism a , rivalry between its members, favor-, .grarliamentaA7 gOverntnent and the emootitta. SPAIN. - • • • hfstottri,, , July 28.—The Oenersla and Sher -officers of the army recently ar •stfkl for 'fomenting insurrection, have n exiled to the Canary Islands.' An , ‘er conspiracy was discovered-. toad Irnetrated. The object was the assatisinar BRIEF. TELEGRAMS.' uon of Sonile, the newly appointed Minister of JtuftSce. General Sickles, the American Mb:da ter, has arrived TURKEY. CONSlArPririona, July 23.—The Sul :tan has refused to receive the Viceroy of Egypt. Sarehad Pacha :and ,Flascan Puha have been appointed members of the Grand tkoncii, and Binstaphs a member of the Council of Minister. BELGIIU'IIf. BR:ussras, July W.—Henri Sanford, the retiring American Minister, yester day„had an audience of leave, and Mr. Jones. the new Minister, presented his credentials. MARINE NEWS, LivkarooL, July n--'The steamships Java, Queen, and Silesia from New York, have arrived. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON, July 23 -Evening. -Consols for money 93,; on account 93@).93%. Five-Twenty bonds at London 8.3 and quiet; do. at Frankfort 88X. Eries 19. Illinois 94'. LLYERPOOL, July 23-Eveniwg.--Cot ton; middling uplands 1234 d.; do. Or leans 13d.; sales of 12,000 bales. Cali fornia white wheat 10s. 6d.: red western No. 2 9a. 2d. Western Flour 23e. N. Corn; No. 2 mixed 30s. for old and 29a. for new. Oats 3s. 6d.- Peas 30s. Pork 99a. Beef 90s. Lard 695. 6t1. 1 Cheese 6ls. Bacon 625. Common Rosin 4s. W.; tine do. 158. Spirits Petrolenin 7d.; re- - tined do. la. 6d, Tallow 455, Linseed Cakes, 10 lbs LONDON ' July 23.-Tallow 455. 6d. Sperm Oil 91s. • Sugar 390. 9d., to arrive. Whale Oil 40s. Calcutta Linseed 623. Petroleum at Antwerp 50f. lis.vus, July 23.-Cotton 150 f. THE CUBAN REVOLUTION. (By Telegraph to the Mubarak Gazette.) Hsystie„ July 23.—A report Is in cir culation that the government contem plates embargoing the properties of Jose Baro, a wealthy Cuban, who Is et pres ent absent from the 4.Bltuid. Seven plan . tationa, situated in the midst of the in surrectionary districts are - unhurt. ' The owners of them are suspected of giving money to the rebels to save them from destruction. Advices from Santiago de Cuba to the 16th inst. have been received. The ar rival of the monitor Centuar created quite a sensation. The explanations received by Admiral Hoff from the Spatiish authoritiea relit. live to the "Mention of Arnericalts• are reported as Ugric satisfactory • and the% .SPetgab -itcworl3PelS- 7 1 12, tHist. Its lion. A banquet was tendered the °lacers of -the,'United Stites squadron dn duty at 'Santiago, but it was declined. -Several skirmishes had recently taken place between the troops and insurgents. The insurgents had attacked a number of garrisoned plantations. The steamer Mayer', which arrived at Havana to-day, brought oils nundred and iiity-six sick troops. General Jordan is in the country be tween Santiago de Cuba and 13ayamo. Jordan's forces have been joined to thine of Rustaw. Advices from Kingston to the 6th inst. have been received. Four hundred railroad employes had quelled a negro rising at Old Harbor. Captain General De Hodge has issued a stringent decree with the object of avoiding frauds and simplifying collec tion of customs due. The cargo of the. schooner Grapeshot has been oonfiscated at Jamaica by the British authorities, because of her viola tion of neutrality laws. Owners of plantations within the juris diction of Cienfrde a are arming compa nies to defend the elves. Rebel guerrillas have cut the railroad i t near Santa Dipirit . Sugir—there wasa large bu