Trial of Be*. .E. Cheney, of the, Episcopal Church, at Ceicago, for' 1 . Violation of Churn Rules—The Court Suddenly Interrupted by an 'wont,. On. (ByTelegrupii to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ' emcee°, Julyt—The Eocleshistical Court engaged inihe trial of he Rev. • Charles Edward-Cheney, recto ofchrist Church, for a violation of th canons of • the Protestant 4•Ephicepal/ Church in omitting the • Word "ref; nerate" in the - rite of infant baptism, assembled this morning st , e Cathedral of Salrits Pete/end Pa . .After religious exercises the. Pr nt announced that the exceptions. en yesterday after.' • noon: the ihe I. for the accused, and Which had beW held - Ter' adviseMentlit adjoartimentovere Overruled. hir. Thompson.asked the reason for such decisidn. • • • Mr. Ot 'thought , such a requirement' an null al proceeding, and - on ilia re - quest, t e tkuirtlinSpounded the qiiestion: Re . Charles Cheney, are you ga y or notrillty? • Mr. Thompson—Guilty of what? The Court—Oulity of the charges con • 'Dad in the presentment. - Mr. Thompson—The charges are so in 1, congruOus and imperfect that our client makes no response to this question. • , Mr. Otia--ll'hen, in accordance with the • • proceeding ea laid down in the canons, I would ask that the defendant be con sidered as pleading not guilty, and that ' it be so recorded, ; Mr. Thomps_oti•- - .Then, if the Court detertnined to proceed - with the trial, we - would ask what time the Court will ap point for such trial. He then proceeded to read froskthelanon, - which requires that not less than twenty diyi shall be , allowedfor such eases, and claimed that • • , such would be but a reasonable notice outside the canon. By right and - justice . he held that a time and a place be now axed, not less- than twenty days from • this date. • - Mr. Otis—Our canons provide that "no tics of triid shall be served upon the per ' ' son to be tried with all due haste, and •, .• , we are able to show that proper and re ', attired notice has been given defendant . . . t: •in the present'trial: 'Yf any frtrther time • .1... is required to subpreq witneseas, the • Bishop should liave been applied to before r or at-the opening of the trial. 'I ask that the Court overrule the objections: • .. , • . , . . c. -.;. -'• - ,„T •I, el: ; •0 '..,:. - ~",.1, -• ••• •.-,..,--,.-, ..,, ,v. .. - .7! . ';',,T ' ('':l'.l H"w''',,i' ~! . . . , . . . ' "": • - ..-,-, "zN,'N,,...:::,: , . , .! ~ .Wip,..# .. • .... , . ' .... .-- . . , , , .... ,e ' . • • , '„'.:_. 7. • 4 :. 1 ,5 - .:i:',..,'''. - :. - -- ' -'. : - ";„1,:.:.):' .-:., -J. ' - -i-.... - - 7 ,lkz.'-'•' , •••••• , - 1 ' '• e'‘ ,-.• ~..• ...---" • - ...V.....'::.• ir. 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' . • ' : ~. ..45::', . .T - -, • -•" - '' .4. \''' . . 31••• :; ;‘ )' -a, . , •,fimg, ~.,,,,,.,!: -- -•• . ~....,- ,• - _ . . . . ~. . 1 . • __ . • . . •,. . .--. • •,:.- ' ' • • -' -...-''':' ' :' - .'.. -7, ••-• '.-• --' --. '• ''' -''' - 1- c . - -----47 ......._: .1,-.. r -C - • , ,t..-_: , '' - ''Th 7 4, - . • . . . • ..,. , • . 110,..- ---- = "•--- - - --7-7 ' - :___-.. - -----7- - -' 7 '-' ,. . - - ,7-7 ,A'! . ... .„...,---- ' _:-_L_ • __..... _.,,,,. ,::. .77 ' .-„%:-. ,' • ••• ' -* K-- - --- -- , . .. . -... , .: 2-- -•'.' . /7\ . . . • . .. % .. . , . . . VOLUME LXXXIV. FIRST tDITIIII. IDArICHT. CHURCH COURT. ightly anu Court. We then objected to the specili cationsand charges, in, thp seine good litfaith. each and eaerY case we have been treated with a cold "no:" I wish to ask if we are to he treated with fair ness in this matter? _ Mr." Otis—l mast suggest that tbigen tleman is out of order in aoanalog.the Court of_anhirtlesS, but-the Coln& Is able to defend itself. The Court (after consultation; with assessors) -IThePonft Must defenditself from such language and bill be obliged to call the gentleman to order. Mr. Thompson—May it please the Court, nothing disrespectful was intend ed, and I simply intended to ask a ques tion. - Atter an absenee of ten minutes the Court came in add the President-announ ced that the objections had been over ruled, they beingconsidered insufficient. Mr. Fuller then rose, arid Said: We have, up to this time, presented such ob jections as we had to the jurisdiction and to the various papers that have been laid before you and to the Court of which you. re ,the presiffirig officer, until we have •reaebed this' , point at which we shall go no farther. I - have applied to the Superior- Court of Chicago,for an In jutictiou,;Nrisiolihrts beengranted,against all farther,g, in this case. We havettetermjqd that if our'client was smitten: it;arida not be contrary to law, and we haft bitanctitipelled to purske this coutee.- liniSheritt of Cook county, who is i priseuti . icill serve the gentlemen whom be will titsi named in the writ. . The Sheriff dt‘Cook county, Gustav Fischer, then inteasded to serve :the - writs In due form, his entrance being greeted with loud and continued ap plause by the audience. thus giving un mistakable eildence,tif the sympathies of a large msjorit of it. ; Assam as able to be heard, the nt commanded <miler, and said that if such demonstnie ton should again *cc= he 'would order the house cleared. After the Injunction' bad been served. the Court _retired for consUltation. and on returning, shortly after eleven o'clock, announced 'that an adjourn meat would be had until two o'clock to- morrow, and the Colirt accordingly ad journed. . ' InissistuPPL Tie Verger Trial Conetwlot-lU' Dent cousergatiwe inggesnene. I tits Telegraph tOs be 19524 tie.) =3 • SACKSOS, Juiy,22.7lhetrialtirrarPri botote - the • Military eatambaston ' was voialailigt to dap bat:the irerdletla not Anowit: Aftertlie trial was Coneluded Tenser wail a nnia bc before. Judge MU, of the United , Stitesellettit • Coors on '.*O4ofgo ,c O / 0414 Indio Wa. lisun 'Verger, on benalt . of -tato p s ia oneri tititniittted -* PleN to which, the Jnage449/oeitte, Cot. 'Thos.". Barri flub. nritted ,- •ep return,' and Terser wee rs. - inendeit'te Military Culitod ,3r# the Points involved laving , Nett puma upon- by Jualte Hill with the 'same result. Tho t , eneb s will next be heard / from in the ihz pr m. Court - TAdium: 22. 7 -Vbe Dent move.. ment is supported bY Mitt Rives of tbe . Psceoluackbcrtii reeelhk geliSzt of '-1 ) !et , rmorr: aucurof ail p#:l4.' . ~, p~ ~ "3 N N YORK CITY. --4.-- 1 Insurance Secretary—tfter e—Raltroad Stoat Milieu* 1 d—Fenian W rongs—Roebling, ;.Bridge Engineer, Dead—Fire in ooklyn;r&c. . in t Telegraph to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette.) • / ' NEW YORK, July W., 1869. Defaultip; Plu Sett' the/ Frank W. Ballard, for nearly three yea l l ra Secretity of the Security Insurance Clotiapan,y, is a defaulter to the amount of 863,000. Speculating is Wall street with the company's funds is tine' Cause of the defalcation. It is stated that the Uni ted . States • , steamer &Minnie,' which le ft Norfolk re cently ovt.a,, secret expedition, has beexi, cruisdpg in Ilaytituf•watere-for the dap= ' ti re..of the 'ollayttair privateer Hire,. which has been preying on American commerce in those - waters. Shi is to be captured and taken to Washington. Col. Warner, the Fenian, and J. B. O'Connell waltedonSecretaries Boutwell and /Wiese]] linclAttortsey General Hoar, yesterday, and told them of the wrongs Inflicted upon Fenian prisoners in Eng land. They intend to lay the matter, in dividually before every member of the Cabinet. the Attorney General was not at all gracious to them,'and intimated that the invaders of Canada were a set of thieves and robbers. - The MI». en says' the Toledo and Wabash difficulties have been amicably adjusted and all suits` withdrawn. The Company will only issue one million new stock instead of four millions, this stock to be equally divided between con tending parties , represented by Jay Gould and A. Boody. John A. Roebling. the well-known bridge engineer, died. today from lock jaw. occasioned by his foot being crushed while surveying grounds for the East river bridge, Crabble's Wine Factory, Eagle Lead . Pencil Company's Works and Barnard's Hoop Skirt - Factory, all In one building, in Brooklyn, were burned today. Loss $15,000. Lawrence Conners, hurt by the fall of the arch of a Catholic church in Hhdson, yesterday, died to-day. 11 - . - • D. Bogars, the defaulting Naval Paymaster. arrived to-day from Galves ton in custody. of arMarabal. He will be tried in September. A man named Quinn is now thought to be the murderer of watchunm Lawrence of the Hoboken ferry.. - Quinn has fled. The Cuban,patriota at FoFt Lafayette will probably be released to-morrow. Daniel Kelly luau , been. arrested for killing his father yiniterday, while in dulging in a family quarrel. The emigranithip-Admiral, from Bre ' men,"arrived to-night with &large num ber of cases of email-pox on board. No deaths have yet occurred. - Afire occurred this evening. at No. 75 Mercer street; occupied by M'Balde & Co., dealers in hats, caps and fur goods. and who sustained a lose of $lO,OOO. wasbuilding, OWned hy damaged MOW $ 7 11re *Wand Army ail the Repablio, De partment of New, York, which bas been in ses s ion here for-the past two , days; be ton° teal adjonnnzient this. _afternoon passed resolutkam expressing sympathy with the Ctiban patriots. • CALIFORNIA. fispublican State Ceniietilicin=ainnint-• tlows—litesolationa Adopted. • By Teleigigott totem PAM:lin essiltte.l SAzi r raa,XCISCO. July Repnb• limn State Convention 'nOMlnated Lo renzo Sawyer and 0. C. Pratt for. Judges of Supreme Court. Also adopted resoin tiolU. ' -The first pledges the , sapport of the party to and endories • the acts of urant's administration. The second as serts that the negro question has ceased to be an element of American politica and that the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment sboUld be followed by an act of universal. amnesty and enfran chieement'of the Southern people. The third regards with satisfaction •the in creasediminigration to this State from the Atlantic States and Europe ; but while giving preference to the people of - our own .race, holds inoffensive emi grants lrom China entitled to the cull protection , the law; op poses Chinese suffrage in any form and 'any• change in-the naturalization laws of the' United States. The fourth recognizes the power of the General Gov ernment to restrict or prevent ,Chinese immigration,• by terminating our (sim mercial relations with China; but be- Heves the closing of ourrts at present against the Chinese wou ldbe injurious to the material interests of the c iast, a reproach upon the intelligence of the American people, and contrary to the a.piiit(ot the iige. The fifth apimoveis the 'elglit-tiOtir law. The Stith endorses the action of Congrese rejecting the Ala bama treaty, and considers it the duty of the General Government to demand, full reparation for the injury inflicted by the British Government and people upon our cominerce during the late rebellion. The - seventh &Voris the - equalization of .taxa. lion On all kinds of property in the State. The 'eighth opposes grants of State aid to railroads. . . Legit from Cuba. CBI Ts:seraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] HAVANA, Ally 0107.02111 of the United States, named Puntado' and Ca bles, Orb* have been In priaon sines Feb. ; titiery. and Senor Gutierrez, a Mexlean, have been released .thrMgh the inter-' cession of the Aitneciosti 09UsUlGeneral• The Splendid Abidetnaa k =stilton In ttits plt9, sonascausi by the government, has been turned ,tetq a caafruplopoillem of the volunteers: ' The Tbe total number of estates belonging tO.Yebell *lda hate been ealblirgeett the Government up to the present date Is 4209. &LA o r represent Otst; the 2bp oponefik there.are tow masa' !fin Burrai.o, July 22.—The annual Fen* tealleal di .431Inton forest, tn-dar, was a grand demonstration. ThOmilitary end 0100 orgoliaticur lite ,Bratherigiod n org o tt Oct swot ti,t i hg morning A itb , an& Wine sod'suArnotiense tArolrd WO l, l l l*Ogitigig i tt arvAta the :it t einem', Wiens wit') aide by Mr. Gibbons, of Ilidelph* and 'oro. all the, elevators 11 the _ollY and m eats! other businesses wid e o on/POPded 10 onl ao b niehlo - 0h15971 1 4* Parkt ol o lo ll l 8 .. h• rgloal, PITTSBUROTT, FR SECOND ENTIOL POUR 1 CLOAK, NEWS BY CABiE. The Crisis lb Englazd--Protracited Cabi net Councils Over the .6Dead i Lock" in Parlianient---Farther Consideration of the Irish Church Bill in tee !House of Lords—A Compromise Accepted—The on'ilatrages in llreland—The • Political Sltnatioit lbOrtinee—Uneasi nessin Spala—Anotber Dreaditil Col; Bevy Explosion—Thirty Persons Mille , eti Outright and Slaty Wangled. CHTTelegraila to tbi3Vltfabereallsiette:7 • GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON, July 21.—The Cabinet Council this afternoon was unusually protracted and did not break up untlra' late hour. No definite result was arrived at. The ' final discussion and future course of the Ministry is reserved until to-morrow, when another meeting 'Will be held. . The latest rumors afloat are that the G Government will s nake one list oiler for a con:promise tidbits, it, resorts to ex-. trona° . measures' by The - withdrawal of 'the bill. Lords Clarendon, Granville and 'others, it is said , made earnest ap peals for moderation, urging the rev olutionary sentiment of the , masses. At the present moment, notwithstanding the petitions of the Ministry, a conflict between the Peers and the people is in evitable. The 'crisis wilt be delayed only from knowledge of the momentous ' character of the undertaking. It 'is ru mored a disruption of the Cabinet may ensue. - 3ficinight.—The die is east and the struggle has begun. The Lords and the country have fluidly came to an issue in consequence of the abrupt termination of the debate last night. Internee excite ment prevailed among political circles during the day. =The Cabinet has been in session all afternoon, and a report is afloat that great dissension exists in the Council, . Beasts . Gladstone, Bright .' , Lowe, and all the strongest members insist on the immediate withdrawal of the Irish Church Bill, on the ground of the obsti nate resistance ofj the Peers to the prin ciples, which renders a direct conflict between the.two Houses of Parliament inevitable. Some members of the Cabiret, Lord Clarendon among the number v advised more moderate proceedings, such as let ting the bill take its course, and only abandoning it at the last moment. The insulting laisguage used by Mg. Salis bury towards Mr; Gladstone, joined to the large majoritycast against the preamble, however, shows,that all attepts to ef fact a itininikei are useless. ' - There is dimibt BIM , M.reGladatene swill cinry his gelistolf sett....itsileserbes tise tffilluinte distelyiti. !amid tly a speddradjeektufihnl, tlitebilliffienf an other session in August end creating a large batch of new Peers, sufficient in number to overcome the present Tory majority. Placards' have • been ppstad on , the waUs trsday, beaded the People or the Lords Rule," and calling a mass meeting at Arundel Hall ibr to•morrow. This will be followed by • monsteropen air demonstration. 'A' rumor is" afloat that the Duke of Cambridge has openly expressed his indignation at the radical ism shown by the Ministry, and he hopes that the Queen will refuse tosanctiou the coercion of the Peers. The , present crisis promises well to open the bail to sweeping reforms in England, commencing with the virtual destruction of hereditary legislation. LONDON, July 2•.l.—The Times says the Ministry resolved to preserve the Irish Church bill In 'spite of the majority against it in the House of Lo'rda. The treosion is, the differences te e 311 the Houle ‘a in respect to the preamble and the sixty-eighth clause do not offer in superable obstacles to the passage of the LATER-1 COMPROMISE. LONDON July the House of Lords to-night mere was a full attend ance of Peers and spectators, and many members of the House of Commons were present. The comilderation or the amendments to the. Irish Church Bill was. ;resumed. Earl Granville opened the debate .by= awing that Her Majesty's Ministers regarded the vote of Tuesday night as one of a ve y grave character, but they were unwilling to prevent consideration of the other amendments td the - bill, and were anxious to, conduct the discussion on a spitjt of peace and copeillation., He pro posed to Insert the original date of dlses tablishment, namely, January Ist, 1871, but should_not -insist on a division of the Hone& lf the merlon wee , contrary to the feeling of the House he would withdraw it. Lord Cairns saidlance the adjourn ment be had had a conference iritu Bari Granville. He (Lord Cairns) thought the amendments remaining" tbw and cap able of solution. He,. was to tiud that Earl Granville was actuated by a similar spirit. Nothing , could be more culpable on either aide than to encourage or , protract' the con• troveray on a MOSSuce of this kind, where materials for a solution were at' hand. With that view and that aenti-, znecit eiterighlnit which took at the Conference accorded. He agreed nun the question ot date was of secondary Im portance, and declared that , he was ready to accept the original. 'HO advised' the LOrdd not to Inaba on their aaeitdments in regard to curates, eeeleshistical deuces, or the commutatlon'of annuities. The question with respect to the.. dm* position of the earplug 'thigh; be left over, but power shonki be given to Par 'lament to apply le portien , of :the fund to the alleviation of unavoidable oa. , * sin 4 g 7 ;Did . 94ciagpx, ► ( yagogggir "that tie Anil had strong obfeotlonifto - the bill, but if it was to pass at all, It wad not.lbr the 'intedeiteor "ttierbbublry or. gtkoroh.. to ..a 01 9. 1 %.,14, 1 .0TAWM 1 - 8 4 1- not details., Tbe tad 800. sal otlierleading rar l i_aoogeW the oomProoll3B .11114 Praioed g tlyt fi ao Loral:hart - a Ita` the,present T i r I rk / Poor 49,:votorotoop the ow a date of tonastabiltditaant _wad *treed to, sod otbor;toggidmouto were aulpoood.or sooordiogtomoiminifo!ibe 1 0 1014 01 .0,4K:'0 1 0 5 0 10 $4,1.0k004 1r) , vsal •C DAY,. JULY that none of the surplus shall be ap.olisd wititotit the separate and distinet ti Unc tion of Parliament. The Bit' of Bendon and' tire 'Blair of Torun protested against titer:where ism -Earl; Granville thanked Irord Catena for the trankneior with which he had tered. into. - confidential; communicatVn with'the Government, %order So af the mooth down'the diftleeltlealn the way o Wit " litoniSoN, July 22.—The 'Pharr, alluding, to die *scent agrarian outrages. in Ire. landoltays: siCenturiei of misrule have planted perverse viewain • the Irlh peas ant's breast, which. disappear under • benifitemt and enlightened legislation. Per this reason we trust in such meas. urea :of justical , as the" Irish. Church bill, which should.ot be left unsettled ,a moment lenges . then can. be avoided. Until:lX% settledthere is ;little hope-of tranquility in Ireland, and the gravest, - results are to' be apprehended from :tern. IPorarY:,postponement..; gettYY, indeed, is the responsibility of those who' have poWer to. rescue Ilte 11/ 6 =re 'figni ' de r . . . The ._,Tfarvard . crew, are at Ptitney. They - decline tha,challenge of the Lon. don Oluh. ' - • • Another dreadful 'Cialiery explosion , ocotirft& yeste•rday' RV Helens, a small place east of Liverpool. • Thirty persona were WI led outright and , sixty injured. The itehole sectidu ,of country 18 in mourning. , . , , lEMANCE, ' , Parris, July 22.—The Ministerial Conn 'ell have prepared and presented to the Elnperor the basis of a Elmatua Conant, tun. giving effect_to the political ritterms Proposed . In the. Emperor's message to the Corps Legislatif. Since the proroga don of, the Corps Legislatit the Deputies of the Left have held a meeting to• con sider what action they should take tin der the' clrannistiuMes. M. alters pre sented and explained a protest against the attitude of the Government towards the Chamber. and then proceeded to de velcpe the programme of •palitical,•re form, but his propositions: were consid ered too monarchial by the Delnotrals and were rejected. , M. Julie Fevre• ad vocated silence fig the present, and' of hers favored a dissolution of the Chain her. The meeting adjeurnad without ar riving at - any conclusion. The' cifilcial" newspaper to-day says Victor Doril end Adolpho"Vintry have been appoin ted Senators. • • - Etats, July 22.—The amount of specie in the vaults of the Rank of France has increased 7.000,000 franca since the last `report. _ •- • • SPAIN., Itanntn, July 22!" . .—Tbe entry of Don Carlos in the provinte or Navarre is con firmed. Great precautions are being taken by the Government. B&LtiLUM. • Bnossnr.s, Ju1y . 22.-4. Russell Tories, the near American Minister to Belgium, arrived yesterday. . . . . • WI IV 14 .7 EVir goIOVITAPE.LiZ22,4pIibet abiam Clow- . o_b oskitir 4thiugawiurfai, ed., 1 44,Y.f,!; 7. • - • . PINANCI4I4 AN Deo.ll2lliEliPtilft LONDON, July . 22.—Evening.—Consols for money 93k; ort account 03X. Amer scan securities : 5.20 bonds : . At London quiet and steady at 83X. ' at Frankfort 8734 488: Eriel 19; Illinois 95. LivEnPoor., July 22.--Cottop 'market steady; middling nplanda 12340; Orleans 13d.; sales 10,000 bales. - California white wheat 10s. 6d; red western No: 2N. 10d. Waiter* Flour • 235. Corri-;;No. 2 mixed 40s. for old, and 2916 for new. Oat* 3s. W. Fru Ws. 6d. Pork 995. Beef 905. Lard 69a. 6d. Cheese els. Bacon 625. Spir its Petroleum 7d.; refined Is. 6d. Tallow 45a. 3d. Linseed 041 £33. Linseed oakes .210 58. lOwnow. "July W..— Tallow 45s 6d. Linseed oil £3t Is. Sperm oil Ms. Su gar 39e. ecir spot; afloat tirmer at 283 @2Bs. 3d. Whale oil £4O. Calcutta Linseed 624. Turpentine 283. 3 , 1. Petroleum a t Antwerp 50 f. And easter. Specie in Bank of England 469;000 pounds. FRANILVOUT, July 22.--IL 5. bonds olosei buoyant at gs!./. Yams, July 22.—Bourse strong; Rentes 72 francs. HAVRE, July 22.—Cotton market closed quiet and steady. Dartmouth Colleen Uommencement. Dr Telegraoh to the rittaburgh (iesette.) HaigovEn, July 24.—Commencement Day proper at Dartmouth College was celebrated to day and the exercises hair° passed oil with more than usual eclat. A large meeting of the Alumni was held this morning, at which resolutions were adopted, with a view to obtain 8200,000 for the College. of which 112.5.000 were subscribed on the spat. At the close of the literary exercises, honorary de grees were conferred as ' 4 follows D. D., Rev. Edmund O. Iloviy, of Wabash ‘^'Oollege, Indiana, Rev. D. Hopkins EMerson, of Philadelphia. Rev.- Horan° A. Eaton. / of Palmyra; LL. D., lion. Jim F. Joy,of Detroit, Michtgan, Ron. Henry A. Bellows, of New Hemp shire. Hon. Jonathan E. Sargent. of Mas sachusetts; A. N., Rev. John. W. Allen, of Notthampton, ktassachusetn l / 2 ` ,Oasain Ray. of Lanes:der. New Ilampshire, J. H.' Benton; of Lancaster, New ' Hanipshire, Josiah H. Benton, Jr.. of.Laucaster, N. IL, Gen. John Bar= tell, of Bath; .N.- tr. . Jno.. Ward Dean, - Esq.. of Cambridge. Mast, Dr. Wm: X. hluzzay, of Cinchutati t -0-. Eon. Ryland Fletcher. of Uttvetidielt•Nl. Abort severibundred sat down to dln tier with the invited "guests' and others who increased the number to nearly a thousand. After dinner the company repaired tO the tent. where spembee were to tattoplace.. Judge... Chaim dell' And apeephes were mode by. 00% _ of N. IL. 1r,4611- Sherman, •Tol? nrs of est p mm VtA HOP. . Ilarrty:'lewetl,. pea, er of the So l ute of ItepreM'ptatly of MSS*. ohilllol3. ' • IfOn. Joint WentwOrth, of III:, tanif *metal' Others: A promenade con !esti Was itistea 'Which" was'lttritety at •tendect, • , - -- !i - • , ..•!.., . '74 l azditsaltdvic'en 41 112 th.iltais .0 1 0,79lirlth o .Ttil7 wa s quietly °mem eabY Stdaent . 4meroana. Gov .Rubel Weini'iinwitti, Mot bisSiorstaiy !Awake • the dal - codmediatory Veit to' 'tne 'Attie NM Consul." Vhe tatty seitison had eotntnetthedi The 'Mines Ot °male; °O ohs. and .Veritsno..-Were, yielding large quantifies of silver. , •Clend Vega , is mill • liti,Toplaa tbc_itnext- of, Loud*. It . Is lOWA "v. calk wi ll certqloty , carry- out; his ' p ai t tc: t. th narthwestern . north:oo=V ti a for. Misitits at the farthest. his ' . A t thetlPPo 4l bf , X#4fitalli i ' polo fitiniatototbifi; ' - , ~ . ‘ z. , ..,„ ~...,..., ~..., 0 , -. ;..C)-i''',, 231 MILITARY INTELLI6k,NCE. tHy Telegrtibh to the Pittsburgh Gazette:J . CHICAGO, July 22.—The following formation is obtained from Lieut. Gen. Sheridan's headqqarters: The War Department at ' Washington has issued orders for the transfer of troops from points in the east to various miktary posts near the Upper Missouri riser; along the frontier, which have be_ cock greatly reduced in the numbers of thettoops left there to defend them. The Superintendent of general recruit ing service at Cincinnati is instructed to forward, without delay, all disposablere crafts-At NeWport : Barracks, Kentucky, to reinforce tbe/Sth lnfitut.y.. TheSverintendent of recruiting ser vice at MW York will 'forward all die p.mblerecruits at the depot; to the 13th infantry, one hundred to be serit, via. the Ctunagoand :Northwestern Ran e: to Sionr,Oty, /oway-and Ahem* by bristle' Babird,,,Dakouth e • the balance hot the cheapest Mute to Corinne on the Union Pacific Bkilroad, from which point they Will be 'marched to such' a post occupied hy the ISthlnfentry as may be designat ed by the CommandbuttGeneral. The Superintendent of the mounted recruiting service, at Carlisle Barracks; Pennsylvania, will forward a detatch meat of one hundred recruits to Fort Ellis, Montana Territory, to be assigned to Companies F, G., H, and L, Second United States Cavalry. In each case the Qclattermasteei4 Department will furnish the necessary transportation. , Generals Sherman and Sheridan have telegranhed their congratulations to General E. A. Carr of. the army, on his recent dashing military expectition against hostile Todians of the far wait, General Parker, Co:nmlssioner of Indian: affairs, gives it ass his opinion that the effect of General Carr's recent success over the savages will be to stop the dian raids and outrages on the western frontier. THE CAPITAL. -1 - By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] WAt3HI.3IOITON, 1869. WORLD'S EXPOSITION- . Bleasurea.have been instituted for the organization of a company having in view the holding of a World's ,E,xpord tiOn of manufactures, &o.; in Washing tom a year hence. Nikita proclamation is trade of the recent convention between the. "United States and Pern for the adjustment of claims of the citizens of either Country against the other. They are tf:k sit at Lima. • -Itettirns.from the Land Mike at Salt Lake City show that during the first two weeki. of June last eight hnndted and eighty-three declaratory statements. cov ering ens hundred and forty thoneand acres, were filed In that office under the= preemption act. I L : illi:Eli';:, Y _ Edward MOPhensin •satted for England ozl Wednesday. —The receipts from customs from .3:tify: 10th toJnly 17th were>d3,1003,549. - • —Geo. Peabody lett Baltimore miter-. day for White Suiphar Springs. . - —The - Northern - Pa.atc Railroad ex ploring expedition arrived safely at Fort Abercrombie July 19th. • • • ---Commodo . re 8. 8. Lse, brother of . Gen. IL E. Lee, died at hls home In Stafford county, Va., yesterday. —The damagg done 1:13 , the rains of last week. In Appanoose oiaunty, Inwa;, says the eihrin, will not Till short of 1200,000. : - —An Italian narned , Louis Montt/Ilse baa been arrested at idemphts, and com mitted to jail, for raping a girl eight years of uge. _ • —San Francisco Custorns'officers seized over fifteen thousand dollars' worth of opium on the China steamer. for vio lation of the revenue laws. „ —Prof. Studer. of Newport, Kentaolo% Is in Boone county, digging for mastodon bones for Can/bridge Univeralty.jle has exhumed a large quantity. ", —Commander F. W. Ramsey, of the United States tlavy, was married, re cently, at Buenos Ayrea, to Misa Annie McMahon, a sister or the Minister. --Wm: Edwards, colored, will be hubg in the jail yard, at St. LOlliPi about ! noon today, for killing another tailored man, named Wilson, at a ball last winter. A card, signed by numerous citizens of Crittenden county, Ark., appears in the papers, setting'fOrth that the killing of Cant. Haynes; some days since, was unjustillable. . • —M. A. Galbraith, of Erie, has - been appointed Chairman of the Demoeratie State Executive Committee, by ex Sena.. tor Buckalew, Preaidens of the late ConVention. ; —The eastern bound train-.of the Can• ti al Pacitio-Hoad was delayed five hours Wedniukchty night near Humboldt I.lke bY a wale- spout washing SW/17 a portion of the road bed. - " —Four 412 • . egro men and two women have been arrested at liscoriab Bottom, Tenn.; and lodged In jaltatlfempble on aeharge of murdering a German Wiest some months since. —Among the passengers by theatestne Japan' frourChitii, wnioh arrived at Sad Francisco, were one hundred and twelve Chinese womenesent -there for the put fasaaf,prostitution. .1 • c, as a -eThe first rail on.the along , ()Hy and of tite Dubuque anci Sioux City ; railroad Wal laid on WedlloBoo.;Tae track , will be put 'down at the rate, or one two. :mir e s per day until completed.. '. . The ilpecial (kimmittee of the ii -. 0 . 0 4 • Supervisors of 'Cook chunk% Illinois, appointed to locate the County rroosna Asylum, have decleed the lodation will •be on the farm of D.S. ihnnticind *lteq - —John CtimMin4 - %Wirer* the , Hingsland Iron 'Works, at ilemidolet,, Mn., tell from'the top of an eleritiont 'yesterday, a diattuiceaseventy-tivelbet, and broke his ski/11, him :14- atantlye., • • 7 , • , :.• Lad" - Thursday,- luring a Reda'. thunder shower, two children of M; " , W. Cook, reeldintr:about. nve saes south., ,weal of /ow*, while ala,efdag togetherr ch? Um goer, were * struck emu instantly k lied lfghtnlng.. . —lieutenant Commander H. B;See• 1ey,.0 - 410 'United Stites • ! , teatner-1/4W4 mokhiut , been arrested Portsmouth, • alid held to bail on two Warrants, • PROMULGATED. PUBLIC LANDS. -OLIKUSMMJ NUMBER 160 e.harging him with unwarrabted cruelty to several seamen of that vessel. - . -The Canadian Press Ites6e - lation arr. rived yesterday at Syracian„ New York, and :were entertained by the. Sy . racuse Pre with a reception and dinner. They' proceeded to Owego in a Special train.:„ The excursionists number ene hundred and twenty. —A:dvices from various parts of the west are to the effect that the weather - for the past four days has been favorable to . the ripening of the groitdng grain. .crons. There have been occieumtal :showers at some points, but 7 no, heavy :rains since last Sattirday. —Wednesday eveninethe.prieonergin the jail: at Ohio, knocked -the turnkey down and shell:00d ;irk' releasn iGriffm; who is sentenced - to li6 Inns fat' murder on next Ttairsdity: The alarm *as given and `the pletrbired. Sour of the prisoners who .escaped were rear rested. —Another sum:4l*A trial of. the `laza ship Avttor was made-at San Franotsco. on Wednesday, in thepresence of rnettkr t hereof the press, a perffor ofthe Chlcagio. excursion party, and a: number . of Goal peers. • Several of:the. latter expressed the opinion,that a larger machine, now: under construction; will Ws a success.. —A Buenos Ayrea letterof June 14th, :tikes that Lopez was about - to torture his prisoners in retaliation for the refusal, of the Count D'Eu to prevent the Para guayan: battalion in the allied army_ from carrying the Paraguayan:tang, when - . Mutates. McMahon interfered, and' de-: dared ail under the protection of the- United States: ' ' , • .-The official * , ote of Washington Ter-, sttor3g is fifsy4l4o` that:mild and thirty-' eight; increase in two years sixthotiaand and ninety-eight. iatfieldfs, Republi can, majority I for Congress is one hurt died aim fort y=eight. The.-vote au tuts- State'ConVentiim wits small, being -four hundred for and six hand; est and eighty.. 'eight agalnit. Wednesday. if Beloit, Wis. widla; Deputy Sheriff Johnson and Co nstable. Hawley.were quietly conducting a stran srer, whom they had arrested, to the eal-- aboose, he sriddenly drew areyolver and shot Johnson threngh rho shoulder and; Hawley, in 'the - abdomen. The letter -wound will probibly prove' fatal. - _The prisoner made his escape. •-4%. Kanawha river raftsman; named Burns, very drunk drunk. in.the hotel kept by Ed. L. Quinton, in CLucituzati,.grew bola teronti Wednesday afternoon, and was 20: quested by the landlord to keep quiet- Re refused and stabbed Quintmein Beffirl pl sees when the latter attempted to put him out. Wm. Thomas, who interfered, was cut up badly. The citizens arrested and took • Burns to .the station house:. Quinton is dangerously injured. —lt to reported that the Per. Paths!". McMullin will be appointed administra tor of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Chicago, Bishop Dugyan's restoration to sanity being considered hopeless. Arch-. Bishops Spaulding and Kendrick held a conference with the Roman Catholic &li tho& ce ~, - ,Taeadipetirening, when, it is gated , : . rep clergymen were named fora° tlon , ofAottpgkft&th If; ew - 101 likelybe -appointed. t ru mored that Rey. Father Roles will be re ininated in • fdaT Shriner charge. Father McMullin, daring the contest= between Bishop Daggett and cotainaf hismiergy-: men, maintained a steady opposition to that prelate: • , . , Addlllonal ll:targets by . Telegraph. . . . . Burrxt,o,. Julys 22. 7 -Flour quiet and steadY with sales 275 bbls. city grotuxl. Spring atia;so©6,7s. Bye Flour nomi nal at ; 5,75. Wheat opened with an ad vance =did fair demand, and closed quiet and easy, with tales 8,500 btishels- Green Bay at 7.500 bush. red win 8l 43; 7,500 bush. No. 2 Chicago at $1,39, 7,1100 bush. N0..3 de. at Bi,a2, woo bush:N.6. l Milwaukee at 81,44, 15,000 busif.'No. 2 do, at 11,40, 20.000 bush. No. 2 do. at . Si t - 29;5; 15,00 d. bush. No. 2 Mil waukee rhab at 51,41 to arrive, 7,200.bu5. No. 2 Chicago atvl,4o; and one car white Michigan at 51,70; Chicago and Milwau kee spring. held at $1,40(41,41 at the close. Corn in fair demand, excited and firm At an advance, with - early sales -20,000 bush kiln dried and vacuum cured at 92c and 88c; later sales 8,000 bnah; No. I western: 95c asked ih the afternoon: also sales 8.000 bueb. Nos. l and 2 western. and 8,000 bush. *vacuum cured at 850; No. 2 generally held at 97c at the close. Oats opened easier but closed at 77c,witli early sales 23,000: bush, _western at 75 in the afternoon sales 3,300 bush.- do at 77c. • Rye; smali parcels sell at 81,81). • Pork 533,50: Lard steady at 19c. Freights 12%123130 on Wheat, Ito on coin, and 7.34 e on oats to New York. ReCelpts-10,000 bush: .wheat; corn, none; 30,000 bush. oats; 4.000 bbLs.dour. Shipmentsl-50,000 bush. wheat. . Dewsoo, July22...Flour steady with a demand; sales 1.800-bbls. at $6,75©7 for No. 1 spring; $7,25117.50 for double exti Wheat: ther e . is light demand;„ salts) 9;000 bush. No. 1 MI waukee Club, $1,45; 1,000 bush: do. sold at $ 448; 1,000 bush. amber Mi chigan at $1,54, Cornscame arkd firm; sales 10,000 bush. Ner. 2 Illintda: 90e.; 800 bush. kiln dried at 98e.; it tid• 4,000 bush. No. 1 at 95e. Millteed steady. Shorts 20e. Ship Stuffs 4 23 e.: Middling& $26@28, per- ton. Canal freight*: wheat *are 7 1 fe. to. New :York. dumber 53,50 to Mideon. Railroad fretglats: flour to,BostonBBo., to NeW York; Oa to Al 13aay 50: Lake Imports; 1,188,000 feet of lumber. : . Canal eiTorts: 600 ' Dols. flour, 28.20tbusit; wheat, 5,500 bueb. corn, 2e 000,000 feet ofatimber. ' • • • ' Nit* ti d e s , W Y 2 t — Clittat sow ival; 1t "3230 1 for ' middlings: sales' biles; receipts 11;` '.ex Ny e Gold 111694.,. Exchange—Sterlinit-: 160; New York . Sight 3rprentium. Flour.. Mune?: #inpertitte iti 3 0n16,90; double tra MSS 0f 3 . 50 ; rebte - *Etre 26,78. C o rn :, white oats - 71k. Bran 1405. HIV i2B - 1134,78. dam; shoulder* is o :elear rib sides IllNereleatt aides - Info. tiara: tinny 1234%20er her 22 c.:Sugar nn ,changed : Ittalitaser. no Wait fermenting 'noluttleket-fantd Whlsh7.-1141X Coffee Cluttaaoi July, 22.-7ln the Afteracon Ao. 2 Wheat was a shade higheneloldnit ir,r4ttir, l ;mr a t ii, c, :6 Corn, were made at 900. Atelier 4u net . ' In the evening Wheat sold to a limited extent at the aiming . rateS the ;atternakt board: " Corn quiet awl nobninal. Nothing was done in Lake f eights or Provisions ~ N.k.suvitit,o, July W.—Cotton dull: to* middling,, 8 0 .110, good; , ordinary. iftej Wheat advancing; red ' Slab@ 4 20 ; 1111 Pbeit $ 1 1 20 @t"„ white, 11.2400. rtottr 17110 • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers