The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 21, 1869, Image 1

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nivs BY •CABLE.
Harvard University Boat Crew in Lon._
don--Uneasiness 10 ',Blain Over the
Carnet Demonstrations.
(By Tuesnrat tope Pittsburgh Gazette.)
LoNnoN, July 20.—The steamer City of
Paris, wtiose arrival
. ueeustown was
announced yesterdmi; b'roughtas passea
gars the ffarvard.-Unirepity letvi who
are to row an International witch with
the Oxford meth They reached this
city to•dax in excellent condition, and
will:immediately go latli''tfraining fbr
their work. The 81st of August has
been agreed toes the day for the match.
The l' c in an, articleenitho
1. Irish Church bill, urge s
, that the motives
which have hithertoinspirecithe House
of Lords to Secure the utmost for their
friends in Ireland.. *Mitt influence them
to adblit The present' bill,'rather than erg
than ge,it for terms inevitably, worse.
t SPAIN. ,
MADRID, July Lersundi, for
merly Captain General of Cuba, hits re
ceived overtures from partisans of Queen
Isabella, but reftses to espouse their
cause. - The threatening attitude of the
Carlist'Party causes much uneasiness.
SouTmosprow, July 20.—The steamer
Bavaria, from New "York, has arrived.
LONDON, 4:30, P. M., July 20.—Consnla
for money-at 93g, on account. 933i@e3g..
American isecnnties are:tinker.' .Five.
Twenty bonds at London, E2.3i, do., at
Frankfort, 137%@87%. Eries at 19g,
Illinois at 9113‘,,,Atlantic & Great West
erne at 24.
LivEaroor, july 20.—The Cotton mar.
kens quiet; sales middling uplands at
123rd. do. New Orleans; at 13d; sales or
8,000 bales. California white wheat at
10s 4d, red western "No. 2 at 8s 11d.
Western Flout°. at 235. Corn; No. 2
mixed at 29s- 6d for old, 28s 6d for new.
Oats at 89,6 d. >Peaa at 38a 6d. Pork at
99a. Beef at 90s. Lard at 70s. Cheese
at 625. 'Bacon at 625. Spirits Petroleum
at 7d, refined do. at la 6d. Tallow 45s
3d. Turpentite at '27s. Linseed Oil at
32s 10d. Linseed Cakes at .£lO ss.
Paws, July 20. Bourse strong.
Rentes 70f 75e.
PicArittronr, , July 20—Eveaing.—PivaR,
Twent* closetirg 97X__
HAVRE,Iy '2o= Awning. —Cotton
closed heavy on spot and to arrive.
LCINDON, July -21:i—Tallow 458 6d.
Sperin 011 81ac Sugar _ 385 , 9 d. Whale
011 408. Calcutta , Linseed 62a. Spirits
Petroleum 1034 d. Linseed 3181 b& Pe
'troleum at Antwerp 493 T.
Karim, Jttly 20.—Cotton 149Xf.
Hostilities Practically Suspended—Sue
cessfat Landing of Arms Kea Ammons
tiots--Suppuea etappea from Baltimore.
OW Telegraph touts Phuntiran ttaskstc,)
NEW Yoak, July 20.—Private letters
from well informed sources in Cuba re•
iterate the staterneilt that - hostilities are
practically et an end for She present, ow
ing to the nievalenee of cholera and yel
low fever.
A Havana letter in the 2 ribune, dated
the 13th, says:' . A stOrybas reached here
from SagnaLachia that some eight bun
dred men, coming from Charleston, had
landecilihere, well armed, and Villaniel
had united, hie fbrods with them. is
also stated that won after this the insur
gent troops were a ttached by troops and
badly beaten. 'she , ; losses of the latter
were very large. -
Recently a bark left Baltimore with
twenty-four thousand stand of arms and
one hundred and seventy thousand
rounds of ammunition for Cuba. She
got off without trouble, professing to be
leaded with hay, and reached her deed
nataon auccessfußv. It is understood
- - another-vessel-is-11kely-to furshe
same port similitighted.
HAvass, July 20.—The-Spanish bank
- by shoat to hew- Sofia fe a - second sicfv
ernment loan. The journals are engaged
in discussing the Arteriole situation.
Captain General De Bodes, in view of
the prompt action of the United States
authorities in. arresting filibuster*, has
issued a decipeartioulling article seseath
of prookunation oftbepth 'wit.; vela
tiyearnisere to
search .1-aftklW ist„Niritters near
3.117` r egt,
• Diugtootitry Coneys. Centennial. -
Tokarate to-4 Pittanetat elesette.
• Hilumen, FL.; JulyOlL—Dartmouth
College etdebtatee Centeetnial tomier
row, and this: usuallynalet village is id
.. reatiy erowded;to Aver/lowing with the
Alumni of the , lnstitatint: Anatag the
distingulshen, men present,,gradnates ,of
the College,' Chief Chase,-Sen
ator Pasteriern. of 'IC._ H., Hon.' aim
Went pf,11141.,' General • Edweird
2 ' 46. * 4' 11 004 Zan. Harvey
• ell, Of Miley, .. - Judge Cutting of Maine,.
Hon. Ira Pony, Chief Juitioe of N: H.,
Free. Breum. of Hamilton Colkee, N. Y.
Gen. Gilmatillaraton, of this State; Hon.
E. A. Solline. If.reContmisitioner of In
• ternal , Revenue, and Walbridge Field.
ssistaat mated 'sten Attorney.
• General Sherman and Aianghter are'also
hare. 7 0 ailte 'of • Senator Paterson.
There is- ti Seam ,Ithpe that Psaakdeut
G ran t lei Amor the oeession with"bis
liYeastMe, Vat It hi uld he Us stated posh.! ,
• • lively he shalllicif,be here,
pni s tait i t Oreit Len, Oranett,
Teltkrlolllo PntibllrStt Ossetic) ~..
- Limn JulY x 0 t~tiast.
• dent 011ibtthlit:1 40 PAIVYnk 'a stroll
eking the besebillfter Senator
Thomas Murphy sent Ids team for the
• rteeldehtll illf2alt Whit. llo e9lited4 and
• is
long drive taken, gime the Sea shorik .
Bitt ,vim fevr, perms 4900E424‘. the
President, be- Amlng 111 0 0; law after.
,toou au, exeursipn party fora Newar k
ipai t ftintpekt IlhehgliaPente.
There are gaits a number of visitor.
here Ill) Pratientjand „este:Alva_ prepara.
bona a being Grant rece p .
tion tO be given on Monday ereni .g
. .
, next, '
.1. :
NEW Yortir.
Fi[limiter PrisontrArri 1 of
Harvard University Crew 1n don
_The Fenian rands—Usury C s—,
Ship Burned at Sea—Revenue amp (
ay Telegraph to the Plttstpurgh-Gazette.
NEW Yong, July 20, 1869.
After a consultation with Marihal Bar
_low in relation to the Cuban prisoners,
now in Ft. Lafayette, Diitrict Attorney
Pierrepoint visited the F'ort, and will con
sult with the Secretary of State, W o is
nowhere,-as hero, as to what disposition s Ibe
made •of- them. ; They _ will .probab y he
4 1
discharged upon giving assurance Of re
training from future violation of the neu
trality laws. , , , .
A special dispatch from queefitslown
announces the arrival of the Harvard
crew in:the city railiOtterirpletuiant
passage:.:. They are:4l
The snit of Col. John O'llifahcind against
A.;_tgust Belmont and others, forposses-
Sion of $20,000 in gold, belonging to the
Fenian- organization, came up again
today in the Supreme Court, special
Aermcbefore,Judge McGann., The - Court
finally made an orde; dirdoting the Pay-'
ment of the money Id . Thotnits J. Barr.
who bad been appointed Receiver. and a
'Check was drawn fur the amount.
Farther proceedings were adjourned
until the 27th..
Emanuel Knight and Messrs. Watts &
Mair, indicted for usury, plead guilty to
day before Judge Cardoso. '
'Mail advices from England give the de
tails of the kias of the British ship Blue
Jacket, burned at sea in Marcb last,
while on her way from New . Zealind
to Englanp: "Sent ofild-rty-nitie •persous
on board -only eighV•ars known 'to ,be
Paul Bernath, Achille Patsy,_
Frank, -John:4. Mayan*); litid. - Xaolas
P. Larson, charged with being concerned
In making, , . selling and using counter
feit revenue stamps, were brought before
Commissioner Shields for an examina
tion too-day. Bernon admitted making
the platee,sind WU held in
Ouo'baiNfbr the action of the grand jury.
Patsy, Frank, and Chavane all waived
an examination, and were held in default
of 155,00 u bail for the action of the grand
jury. Larson demanded an examination,
which resulted in a similar dispositioia of
his case.
At an Wertiew to-day with the report-,
er of the Times, at the Fifth Avenue ho
tel, Boupmpsohap, Importer of
nese Coolies; stated that itwashiCin
tention to import one hundred thousand
of these men during the coming year
and hire them out at-from eight to
twelve dollArs . per month and their
Dcattt of an Express CashterWite
liarder• .on¢; Balaton-I%W Love
Drownl4 Cases—The %Beadier. •, -
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaaette•l
CINOINNAT,I. July 20.—John Owin,
Cashier of the tfnilk
. Sta(es Express
Company here, 'died tide' morning at
Florence, Ky.
John Meagher, 'en. express wagon
driver, this morning at daylight, with an
axe, struck bis wits on the lead two or
threetimes, onstieg oil' one ear addlrao-
Writ* her ;skull. 'l3uPposing 4het dead,
he rushed to the river and drowned him
seif. Meagher flad beeri married fifteen
years. Of /ate he was very intemperate
and disagreed with -his with. She' will
scarcely recover.Thery , ere several
children fri tee
Last night Antig Girroiski called on
girl who bad disiippointed him in . s a lore
atfldr; 'and bade her goOd-bve-foreser., itilitabangtun
Park and shot himseif thrthikh thebead
with a chstpl,lfrom whiebbe died.instant
ly.• He weal° barkeeper., and. hhd been
in the oity four years.-- Since love asap
pointasent.,n moms& . -
A man gm drowned opposite Neirport
today. A, sail boat,, in which he was
riding, capsized. ; • ' .
Ben. Hasway, ecnifectionef; at Law
renceburg„ Ind., was -drowned in the
Ohio river, while bathkig;lith night.
Weather pleasant, emi• breeze; =emu
ry Kid noon. • •
latllf3trittik, - KY.
, ,: .:
Drowning Acilaent—ltallro . sul Ciril En.
ginner Amanita! atd Beaten—Freight
Ttriff--Atiray Between Brottions.
Inv elegrapnto the Pittsburgh_Eietettefi"
Lerma:4LE, ,Tnly2o.—James Krippen
, •lit4lbaott-vf-ttia4ircipabetof„,of
the Dad/ Vo - WNW, Ihne - ellgaging in
,frint a ski ff scold entally fell over
boatitinOtagidirliOt . r ../E9! h I SPY has
not been recovers
Gen. J. M. St., Aden. late engineer of
the Cinclunati 'ME Biellroadi
was, assmalted and badly. 'beaten by, a
railroad contraCtor natiled,Rl3oCiOelZanor,o
of some.disagreemesr. concerning a con =
A meeting of the leading wholesale
mention", of,Ais
_city was
_held this
eveiziag at the rddi .- Trade, th.ebnsid
er the beat method of securing nni
formitrallreight tarigs froth Me east.
It was agreed to , eioltloy iSgents .as New
York and Boston, w ose duty it shall be
to superintend the stip' meat. of ell mer
chandise this pchot ,`•
John' and ThommYtankin, framer%
bad an altercation on ILaritet ,street this
evening, daring which John drew a pie.,
tol and heed at 'Thomas. indicting a
slight moved upon him. A fend *,as es
isted between them fordwome Niiiaa. Both
:parties hese been arrested.
Polities Iti Teathesiee.
e l fg9! I w. the Pt tio lo 4o G agfik e-1
&yawn:4,l4'lW §enter, Re
-publicaturnossinated, 110433 r..
dates to represent "thmolotaity-ftijita-i
lae. for Senator; R. H. Harrison: p.
reseetailyesa,Vf.-1 1 ., Treasere ppd. ebts•
lAndaley—all Itadical;-.tbat itr faxier
.ratooyfxigAMpoptical disabilities of the
Ti el newly aPPaintetf Registers are.
inbrealdng thOppaber cPperstall
admitted to the ballot boi. In Rata Ten
aanlakthiP- givas,*aah offense to 80.
publicans opposed to entruchtsemebt;
l aud tomb's* are aPPrehended fit the
polls on election day.
at eitiationliiizooto
,ralLLAlgypam., July t—Khe collier
litgett i ef the 61.)Itikelkeet r rthti ,s .Tewleb
Canitregatlop,', .fttod' Of:abe leni t V was
laid 41;111, 0140,i0001, on. Breed street,
'rub appropriate ceremonies; 'The build
ing..whhen aornPleteti will be one of the
largest Jewish Temps in thie oonntry;
TITTSALTAOH, :WE I NERD •Y; si'ULY 21, 1869.
"n 6.l ' , of. ati
Alleged y Xrginia'EledlOutiriltdl4l/0*
trine #l4l.4Enstlilery Seiznies in ti9rtit:
Carollna--Deatn of an Editor—flen.
Wade—New Fractional Currency.
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgb Gazette.)
WASHINGTON. July 20, 1869.
Colonel Whitt.lesey- and a' number of
Virginia Radicals are now here getting
Asp documents to prove that the election
-41"Virkiinis was carried by fiend. ADl
daviti are - tieing ;ROWS& Vier wilr,be
placed=before the Itecodstriumilini Com;
mittee at the meeting of Congress. It is_
hoped by this to have the 'election *set
aside, or else have en investlgiitliin s hold,
and thus delay the admission of the State.
- The trial , of Millie Gaines, colored, for
the murder, of James C. Ingle c a
man, Watchman' in the Interior Depart
ment, in March last, terminated to-daY.
According to her Own story;she hen
been on terms of improper intimacy with
the deceased, with , the %prospect of, be
coming a mother. "She had threatened
to kid Ingle and a lady whom be had
Antoortea to the inauguration reception.
Minnie was subsequently interrogated
by him, when she repeated the threat,
whereupon he drew a pistol and placed
it to her head, but could not discharge
it. The accused had asked him for. mo
ney, in view of her anticipated offspring,
when he repulsed her. A short time af
ter this - loans she . : :took advantage of his
lying on a lounge at the boarding house
in which she was a servant, and killed
him with a axe or hatchet. The counsel
for the defense set up the plea of insan
ity, and numerous witnesses were exam
ined on this pOnt. The father, of the
pritiOner showed that from the 'time of
her great"gralici-parents to'-the present
period insanltyhag been a ruling sidle
,tion,,of—thEinkmll7;The Juiy, atter au
absence of two mtrinftia, returned with a
verdict of not guilty. Sixjurora were
white and the other six colored. This is
thetzstinurder trial in the District of
volumbia in which the latter race served
as jurors.
Col. L. A. Whitely of Kentucky, died
here this evening of consumption. Col.
Whitely was associate editor of the
Louisville Journal during the rise. Tri
omphe' and fall of tbs. Knew-Nothing
party of Kentucky, and for many years
controlled the Baltimore Clipper. Sub
sequently be had charge of the Wash
ington bureau of the New York iterate,
and during the past lbw years had tilled
a prominent position on the National in
tgencer, of this city.
The Intermit Revenue Bureau has re
ceived Information of the seizure of eight
tatilleries in Watt county, North
Carotins. There are tWerity-five or tn.;
ty more distilleries In that section. The
Collector says the whisky is consumed
buthe vicinity of the distilleries.
Ben Wade is here. .He highly lands
Secretary Boutwell's policy; is sore over
thit result of the Virginiallection; thinks
we ought to enter a wedge for the Sepa
ration of• Cuba from - Spanish rule, and
says be will probably stump Ohio for
srew cusiztricy
The Treasurer has issued fifty thou
sanditollars' worth of new ten-cent and
sigkileezt.thoutiand dollars' worth of new
fifteen-cent fractional currency. The
new twenty-five and fifty-bent notes will
not probably be issued before the Ist of
The Conservative tiegroerfare 'raising a
suorritition to defray the exienses of in
dicting Cochran, a radical negro, for mot..
Add ttukn, and inciting to riot, at the
recent election in this city.
Captairt Bhirly, .who recently visited
Sgitdge 3. S. Black,. at York, Pa., says the
latter is rapidly recovering from his re !
• eerrtirlarkartry - a-railroad-acoideot mar
, , .
murderer Killed by Negroes—Wherf
Mat" eisink—Cheertug Crap ACCQU nus—
kes Telfsysekto tiisjiipssro
lifrimarts.k.Tily2W=Mheigiiel Ott:Ur
sine Colßer is in thepossession of the .
(sigmas *to arealbi Pursuit of the,ssur
darer of Haynes. The .apposition
that be had been ettptianikargi killed by
tdiem. • , •
44 : 1 O 4 Wheerboge*PrrawDematianteesnk
ac commehei-14404 - PqsittgerclAy•
-. News from ecery quartidgives cheer
ing tieecitroteof *hewn' eteicotton crop&
Thoniteloo6eacd, 00110$Y Trusee. bag .
beep sentedeeid to the penitentiary for
five yektyrettill eltne.lnglteted of MOO.
it tempo= Convent/Is.
y:poi tow Pitt iiistotto.l '
Ainkolt, J'atit .110.—The Sate Probibt:
and alter a tree 4102 morion of opinion
voted unininiotualy 'to hold S • Delegate,
State Tempertill Spettr
on tbe 17th of August, next: I'h Piet
or obi todimittoniwiti e"upoi
O a W il eY l 9 o .? 54 0 0 0 4 thl 4 4 1 Caln.
* C. G. flalbaiondLapiolatadGen
/rat esOeflUSObdontog t ie " la* "O M°
ItallroadiAtecopaia ass pcialtlon oh:Condit
-Pacific .11alkoad be compromised, so as
to admit of &ow smarea to;thElf - P9b 1143
jtnd fair mt.& The Cornpanlea ave
Wl'ewto eart' s freight to .New York as
'49 goPtakiter PonfldryroB44ol. l lllo4 oo
arranejorinitailnic teldnatatiarstirovb•
New York or nit* dollars' and from Cid
thfrar.sight dollars.
,TIP 7
4atizotoze. et the' colony of South
end tabeillYntgathirwiato went
to Bruen to mstSPysh themselve
turned to New Yin* 'Ott %Biondi?. `,:-They,
are theronthly disgusted with that ad-.
vetiktrs,end s i very impecunious
&mullion; ;/“' • • • -
PEI:9O2 4 IAL.
—Tti; official ma . jority: for It'alker,
,Governor elect of Virginia, is now given
AL -18,g02. ' "
—The steamers Foisatia,, froth ; gam
'burg, Fniton, from Copenhagen Idaho
and City of London, from Liver Pool, ar
-ritted at New York yesterday. ' •• ;
. .
—A umber of leMing citi4nti of San
Fianci co have organizpa a 'sberet,y' for
l i e
the p tection of Chinese fom abuse by
lawles white men arid bo s. ' \
—P f. Morse. the disti griished tele.
graphe ,Instained ircom and 'fracture'
of th e by a fall, at - his esidenee near.
Point! eepsfe, New:!brk, liaturday even
ink .., _
--Mrs. Emily Fillton,, wife of C. C.
Fulton, proprietor - of thez- Baltimore
Anierieen, died at Philadelphit, yeater ,
day, after a short illnessovhileon a visit
to a relatire. --- . ''' °-.. • •
—A. train on the Union•Paciflo Railroad
tau off the track, thirty •miles frPo2
Promontory, breaking thrOngba geet,le-.
The engineer, fireman and bc.o e43lkB:lt
ger were killed. • ,
, —Several parties who. Were arres a
St. Paul, Minn., for complleitY in the .
Fourth of July riot. were yeatercley held
to bail in two thousand dollars - each to
answer the charge of emelt with in
tent to kill.
"—Near. Eaton, Ohio, two brothers by
'the name of Wysong got into a difficulty
in the harvest field. One struck the
-other with a stone and he tiled three
hours afterward. Both have faMilies.
The murderer Bed. .
- , A
large grindstone 'bursted at H.
Green it Sons' spring works, in North
Troy, N. Y. yesterday noon. One large
piece went through the south wall of the
building and another piece struck a 'nen
named Michael Finn, fatally injuring
—Count Eugene - .de St. Clair. third
'Baron de they of France,. was married
at Jefferson Market Police Court. New
York, on Monday, to .Miss Fanny Alba.
Sher. of Houston. After the cerimony
the Count lied' from hie 'blushing brlde,
who did not trouble herself much about
—George Peabody, Esq., 'arrived at
New York, on Monday, from Newport,
R. 1., and left for White Sulphur
Springs, Va., yesterday. While in New
York be spent some time in selecting opt
the various securities. composing the
81,000400 donation recently promised by
him to the Trustees o; the Southern
Educational Fund, consisting mostly
`State and railroad coupon bonds. The
package, when made upi . fdled a tin box
of the size of a. small traveling trunk;
and a carriage was called' in requisition
to, carry it to its destination. •
—A Leavenworth dispatch says the
Evening Call, of last Saturday, has an sr , :
tide in. which: it is stated the old Indian.
Ring has transferred its . operations from
the Indian 'Bureau to the • military. It
claims that at the recent letting, at,the
District Headquarters. at. Chicago, ef a
contract to supply the Indians of Dakota
with beef, Mr. Fenton, the partner of ex-
GOvernor Carney was awarded the con
tract at 54 45, when at; the Call claims,
Mr. Mathew Ryan, of St. Louis, had a bid
in at 52 75, and, D. H. Mitchell at 53 29
per hundred - Pounds. The Call also
claims that littr'fßyan, as an inducement
not to take the contract at 52 75, wan
taken in as a partner by Carney, I). H.
Mitchell& Co., and was paid eight thou
sand dollars to secure the saute, object..
Fenton, Carisey's partner, of coarse. got
the contract. The article excited consid
erable comment. '
—A Quincy, Illinois, dispatch says:
The late rains here so damaged the Han
nibal and- St. Joseph Railroad, between
Hannibal am) Palmyra, That toins have
ceased running between tho se texts at
Present. Between this place and Pal-
myra a large part of the country is inun
dated, and railroad trains run with • diffi
culty. The Toledo, Wabash and Western
Railroad is much damaged. No trains
left Monday morning, and no trains ar
rived from Friday night till Sunday
night. Ow thirty feet of the Chicago,
Burlington and Quincy _Railroad has
been washed away pear Augusta. On
Saturday night the passenger train nar
rowly escaped running Into the break
where the water poured through like 'a
river. 'A large quantity of wheat in
shock has been carried away by. high
maks in Adams county. South Hanni
bal is inundated, and over sixty thou
sand feet of lumber haye been washed
CCO/WING to observations snide by
G. Davidson, Astronemer United States
Coast Survey. on the night of the 28th of
February, 1889, at. San Francisco, Cali
fornia, on a loop of telegraphic wire ex
tending thence to Cambridge, lfasitachu•
.an returning to ,San Francisco, the
return signals being received on a chro
nograph near that rezeiving the outgoing
signal, it was found•that the total interval
of time betweenthe two sigrult amounted
to eight-tenths of one second, The entire
wire was divided into_aleven portions, of
about 650 miles each, and connected by
repeaters, which sent front one - portionio
the next *knew electric innent, having a
/maw' gMed than the - oriene one would
have haa •if continued `lxiimid the' first
reach of 630 miles. be seen that
the actual rate of transmission of each
cutest over 650 miles tannet be deduced
from these data by ikvid ll 4 . the whole
time by 11,, but we are tour*, that
practical sp eed of a aeries of currents Com:
blued by relays* at, the rate of 7,200
miles ilitCOPfa second. ' •
Mn. MIUGUT, at the Telliir Ronan din.
Ear in London Abe other day, say* :the
New, York Time, said in congratuMtion,
that the-common* of,Engifuld waft before
that of ,any other: nation*-esstal • to. that
of all the world. - Strange. that.: With all ,
this -oommesoist..increase, the pauper
population of ,the island should have
doubledyithin the last „ten
,yeass—as waa
hiteiahOgi* a London Poorlaw union
meeting. retards I.olalld=tharOthVr _OM 4 the Xiii,gdOaillol7l. SKr
emit; ins letter to. a ,Chicago de
clar4thei the islindko gif, desolate beyond
,eopoepiton:P Tb4kmavriercial glory of
Zughkad is evidently no test - of her c ivil
izationi and some of th#greatest English l
men have dedouneed dohoneree - as a de.
moralization, muhtining merely the luxe
ry. of the tipper • cisme& In\ this respect;
we might pundy: the words of. Ciold.
-ni Eves tbe to lmisib.Citlet p r ier;
Where im fp, oucummatte luta nett der.....
MB. SEDLEY goes with the :Round
Table to the, Citizen.
I:imam POWERS has just sent home a
new bust of Rev. Dr. W. Bellows.
EAsTstArr JouNsTox, the artist, has
married Miss Elizabeth W. Buckley of
Adelaide Phillips
have been visiting , Speaker Blaine, at
Augusta. ir
HORACE, GRERLET denies having sent
a congratulatory. dispatch to Governor
JUROR BLAcs has so far recovered as
.tote able to be moved from Louisville
to bis home at York, Pa. s' _
.A• Jana B. Govan is one of :the-Worces
ter the Young Men's, Chris
Association Conve ntion. • '
flirts. Ei A. Por t uuto is, no in, New
York, where, it is said i sh w' e
is prosecute
ing a suit for a divoreit froni her husband.
' Dn. HAVEN has resigned the Presidency ,
of:the University of Michigan, because
the; institution did not give btu :sufficient
• . • • ;
GILMORE'S band serenaded the Execu-,
titre Committee the other Eight in Boston,
and afterwards 'serenaded their 'o W n
P.. 8. G. - • - ,
Areatrw '.7613480N is announced to
make a speech at Carthage,- where some
body saystbe modem IttariuS can survey
his own ,ruins.
47.103 Y R. Warms. widow of the late
Geh. L. D. Watkins, and daughter of the
late Gen. Lovell' H. 'Rousseau, died on the
Bth inst. at St. Pahl, Minn. -
REV. T. ilri.unt;pf thiPortsinonth
H.,) Chronicle, waa connected - fifty
years ago with a Boston paper, of which
J. Q. Bennett was book-keeper.
tbi dist,ingidsliea 'foreigners to
whom rumor attributes a purPosP3 of vis
iting the United States, are the tenor
Wachte), and , tile,mpress,Rugenle.
•• • •
Pu'rutt Commies, of Tooswtkoda, N.
Y., the oldest driver.on the Erie, canal,
Was lately drowned ist :MI Waters sitPr
forty-four years‘ of senriCe along ite banks.
BAYARD TAILOR'S translation of
"Fansf,'Fwhich will appear in another
year, will contain one line—tnat the last
—which hasnevOr betbretteen translated
into Englipb, • " • ,: •
Tnoires ' E. nerd, late a county
treasurer in lowa, sues ' the Davenport
DemoCra; for libel, claiirdig $15,000 dam
ages. The Defiocrat charged him with a
deficit in thetreasu.ry. I •
SoJounsiner, at Saratoga are Millard
Fillmore and pile, ,Popellua.Nanderbilt ?
Thurlow .37e4 Gmrge OptlYkeindreol.
Provost. of Waibingtoh.
chronicle the presence there, es at •,,Long
Branch t of a large . Jewish element: •
Mn. JAMES B. Deourrix, Ja., pub=
Hebert a card denying that be was ever in
the employ of the Custom house;" that he
was-ever guilty of fraud or tried for - fraud,
and that the Jarries,R. Doolittle ,referred
to by the prints is a different breed of
Doolittles. • • • •..
Mum MoxK, who drove Mr. , Greeley
so *idly and jokingly down. the 11101231-
tain - descent into Placerville as to coerce
the'most . vigorons Salon out of the month
of thephilosopher, and to make hh howl
in sincerity "just once" for "protection,"
still lives to tell the story, which he does
to every casual traveler. -
Tirr: yOnngest child of the Emperor of
Austria Is to be brought up an English
PrincesS. Her mother has appointed an
English ,unmarried "bidy 'to be head of
her household (which is to be composed
of English people); her nurse has been
English: and the' first tongue she learns is
to be English. It is . quite likely the
child is to be trained up to bethe wife of
an English Prince. , -
WHF.,aq Marshal Serrano was inducted
into office as Regent. of. Spain, four maces
preceded him, arrayed m all , the glory of
robes of crimson velvet. artistically dec
orated with crowns and dthefinsignia of
royalty in gold, with red velvet ca s, sur
mounted by enormous ostrich of
snowy white. These marched solemnly
in front, and it the stem of the platform
dividea, froatmg the. Regent. ,
THE New 'York. Sun learns that- the
important office of editor of. the, New
York Times has been offered to the Hon.
John Bigelow, and that heholds theoffer
under consideration: The attractions are
said to consist of aiudaty of $lO,OOO a
year,•witha large interest in the proprie.
lorshipcf •the paper on ., very favorable
terns. As Mr. Bigelow had just com
pleted his arrangements .fora protracted
residence in Europe, he niturally, heal.
tatee to change his plane.
Postal Changes la Pennsylvania.
Barehaville.. Beaver county-4.
R. Wil
son.vice-B. F." Reed, resigned:
E4u Clalre,'Butier county—ino. Blair,
vicel. - Hamilton, resigned.
Crawford county-M.
Merchant, vice T. A- Gale,. resigned.
Oil Creek, Crawford:county—D. W.
HarfOlin, vice Peter Ross,' resigned.
f'• Moon', Allegheny county-11Q' Johns-
Acim , vice T. Adana. iedgried- 1, •
- West Finley. • Watidluitcnr; county,—
lamnel (kiln, vice:John Burae,.resigned.
Farnassnsi Westmoreland , county—:J.
'F. Bider, vice W. B. Logan; resigned. •
, Tut consumption-.of beat. Id: m an ia
d throughout all .Thurarialszomeglioir
wonderful; • It is 'emphatically :the us
tionsl • beverage, 4unploying something.
like sin thousand - - eltainishnseats;.lwhich
e over , an - rtundred gtdlens :
every -yea; f Sudi !though. ; lightly taxed',
the moons tram aditsourcepaid into the
Treasury' in more t thatt_one.balt of the
entire mellesi-of 'this' prosperous King.
-dour::. Thebankts z of the Main , produce
good wines, but beer is the universal'
gins to, the; %mew and to Wit
dreslusn,theirmarliest infang almost,
and druniannesa consequently Is _of rare
~ i ,:+immannearn yon Eltnceetzerin imam.
niout papele, which are said to -contalnt
mattrezeeedluglv. valuables and intereat
lug essays, will be vubltabed next year,
by Cott*, of Stuttgart.. ,
The Mast Hope Disaster—The Engineer
of the Freight Train In Jalb—What-He
has to Say—Funeral of the Vyfttotir.
James Griffin, the engineer who;.lt.
averred,:. by his own carelessness sent
eight or more souls into eternity by the
horrible dliaster, at Mast HOpe, Penns.,:
was arrested, aslennounced in the city
papers, at Salanianca. A detective. at
that place took him to Great Bered,Perma.,- - '
where a warrant from the autherities was
issued, and he , wa s s arrested and placed in
charge of ocers until the arrlyakOf pp
lice from Fort Jervis and .constable from
Pike county,Avho put him on : board 'the
first train east, arriving , in. Port Jervis
Friday at noo n.. Upon.. the "arrival of
the. ' train carriages -were. in waiting.' •• -
end he *as. quietly condi:lite& to - one of -
them, and immediately started -for Mil
ford, the county seat Of PtlM'cotffity . ,, A. '
crawd had congregated at the depOtto
a glimpse of the prisoner; but- e railway
ffieials manaied,the affair , so suledy that
he was on his way Jail,ere his`filends
or the curious could „catch a glimpse of,
-him.. At Milford lie 'wail given hid:mite—
of .Sheriff Cornelin son, IMO - Planed him s
in- jail. We understand an effort
be made to secure his release:. on,
bail. The prisoner states that he was
asleep at. - the , time of the accident,:
and pulled the throttle' of his en--
line' while in a dreamy and half
unconscious state., .He says is •
extremely sorry, but •that he ought not . •
to be punished severely. He confesies .
that he was to blame in allowing himielf
to go to sleep, but thinks his fireman - was
asleep also, .and stye that he depended on --
his fireman.' He adds that he means to -
tell the whole truth,, and that no man
ever worked herder for 'promotion and
the interests of the - ibitd than he. - ;He', -
states that after the-accident he went to i-
Lackawaxen, by.the ,advice_..oWoodst
and then to his. home. IrtifioaqttAlMinoa._ .
Having a sister • near &laments. .
his wife and friends •viied anditrned •
him to' fid
- stay with his elate until theieffair --
had blown over,: and he .could return Irk
safety - , He did not mean to . run, away.
The prisoner is . small in ilater‘.and
seems reconciled to his - arreskinit seems
j semeivhat fearful that he will be rigoroult
ly dealt'
The bodies of the victims of the disas-
ter, ytho have not been identified, were
placed in neat cot:tits, and on Friday were' .
interred in Laurel - Grove Cemetery, in :I
one grave, side by side. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. Messrs.
Mansfield, Botsford, arid Vaticleve: A
large concourse of citizens' followed the
funeral cortege to the cemetery. Monday
afternoon.the .ftineral` of David Baer, the.
Germawwho watailled tutdburned, took
place from the German LuttuirariPhtu
Ms rema i ths were iptenedlitlii att*tilt.
The Cornier Wending le New park. •
The wedding of the Baron Lenime and, l
Miss Ellen 'W. Throckmort.ori t ,,of. X,ew
York, recently referred to is the Howie
Journa/;_will be 'mien:ultra& titr Wedneti-:'
day, the 21st inst., at noon, - at: Abe Mai- '1
deuce of Mitts Thnickmorton's uncle, Mr.
Conklin& =Fifth ayetute. Tt,was orig
inally intended that the wedding • should
be celebrated in grand' style, at Christ -
church, and arrangements /were made
accordingly, portions of the bride's. troa.
scan having been , imported,from
Paris; bnt a recent bereavement
in the young lady's family neces
sitates a private anoPrather nidet mar.:
riage. Miss will be mar,
ried in a • simple silk traveling suit,. and
will be attended by. MisaCheever, of'
Boston, as ,bridesmaid. A Youtag Ger
man gentleti:tin 'of wealth and title will
officiate as the baron's "beat man" tingle
occasion. - At the •COBO.O the ceremony
the groom will give a &I:fennel% and at ita
conclusion will start with his' .brideler.
Saratoga, where aparttiteiats have teen
secured at a leading hotel. -The couple
will visit" =my of the watering Pieces
this summer, and in Augnst , they con
template , sailing for, Europe. Miss
Threekniorton has already been the re
of many handsope wedding gifts,
Some of which, sent from abroad, are par
ticularly elegant. Although, .114 q in the
season tor weddings, this apnitaching
hymenial event' is exciting 'the' fihation-.
able world, and *lll - most undoubtedly
create a great social sensatianit) .
-- .........
THE Treasury Department Yeateidey
issued the Apt bistalment, of the 'new
fractional criirency, - 01 1- thnderieinination
'of - ten' ants. Other .'denominitdonamill
be out by the ist of.A.ugust c: ,Tw4P.
nettes of the new Currency aieliot to
contain the liteneis of any livingperion.
On the-left of the ten cent note ts e-vig
nette of a girl, while on the right is
- sear of the Treasury, and the back. is en
dorsed the same as the notes of the'old
issue, . Ttie fifteen Cent notes Will bear a
iepreientation of 'the dome of Shecapitol s
'sad the head of-Washington is ntilnititu
ted for that of ;.kft.z.Fessenden on, the
twenty•five cent notes, while.)lx. *Lin
coln's face' will replace thatl' :Clare gpin
riernn lie fifty cent ' notes.' - 'The paper
for theta totes is •nrperior torttiatiof _the
murency nowiD.prie t andalto _ their
execution is an improvement bron
zing on the old .notes is" repl ay` the
red' seal on tht near ones.
Orta of tha „am%*oo6tra, brigands
Who infest Southirn Italy was fortnetly a
Capuchin - friar; = Re tint Whist *Ater
in Rome under-the-pintettion of the Pa
le - illovernateret, and; _on the Muni of
1 114 112 g) !be . 11 ePeared once„ -.Pen 131 .. the
.eleetitelne Calithrii, where ' lie a wn.
gaished' himself by iheidarizii in told
'blood four peasanta and , a. youth only
,twelve t years old. eThis- religious , brig
and_ promises tp,sannes is cruelty the
famotm .
czarrwait, Alma; of is ..Adirst.class”
coneervealsxlll l :. Wb*ltt <f a" • !•<beer •
,jer,kers" do abound;
t ile Bilit • hryrs are
asOpeillv Violated iflarf :a athrtg,
especial •y in the Act ty isf the - mit after
nightfall, are the resort of :seamen of
questionable reputatiot a ; and 10111011, the
city seems to be toward a de
gree (if degeneracy misting - to con-
NOT only is the tg o t in Adair
in receipt of an income of 111,000 a day,
but - his bridelis'a tea' minims' heiress.