• trjolithiurgli Gitiitte FaSo GOWN t itsp:HOWSitaoP• =ICI I)olthAtte ECONOWL- • dticeu Beat a ` gna ;'. of cream to a troth, aweet.ea with wldte pulverized sugar re- ficientlir, add'a teaspoon of 'eitract of 7 1anilla, ,with, an ounce-of...isinglass ; .melt ed; mix all thoroughly; then take straw berries and lines deep dish and pour the cream in the center. A Nui: Gfake,r-Take 'a half a pound of flour, a half bound of sugar, quarter of a pouid of butter, - three eggs, two tea- spoons of baking powder; mix this well, ?., and then-mix in a -teacup of nntse—hick '• ory nuts ae preferred , bake in a well )- heated ove , I I Cream C ke—Half cup of sour cream, - half a cup of sugar, one cup and a half.of flour,f two eggs,..half- teaspoen of soda , dissolved in cream. ' - • i Puff Cake.—One cup of sugar, one cup and a half of ilofir, - • half a cup of butter, two eggs, one cup ,sweet - milk; three :tea- ' spoons of bitioing_powder. • /' Grape .TelTy. - --Pick the grapes when, they are ripe, boil in halt pint:of water i until soft. then let , theni:4rain through . a ;'shin clothififter the juice+lB drained out, boil again a-teiv - minutes'and then-add sugar—a pound for every pint; the best white sugar, should be , used—boll fifteen 'minutes and pcur in glasses. 1 - Apple Jelly . Fall - Plitin., iapples, are, decidedly the best . , for jelly. To one peck of apples, after they - are pared and quartered, take three' plnts or water and • the juiee of one lemon, with a willittle lemon peel, stew until „sell, then pour into a jelly , bag and let dain; r l,4:every „pint of juice add' annund oft sugar; set it on the fire; take off any scum that arises; let boil twenty or , thirty minutes', trying occasionally with a spoon to seelf it jells. If ready•to put i n glasses the syrup will drop thick. _,• Apple Tarts.—Stew eight tart apples. as t'or , sauce, sweeten and ,'add cinnamon 7.nd a tablespoonful of hatter while hot; khen cord add . half a ' teacppetbread, brunibii, iiidthe'yollii of ' fonr eggs well beaten; with a blip of . sweet- iniiktliake with under crust; when done beat the white of:thisegg and' fonrlarge spoonfuls of white'sugsx, and extract minute taste, beat stiff, pour over the tarts set than in the oven to gain a light brovrii:, • ' Soft iYo-4-Take three pints of milk, Iva eggs, large cup of butter' yeast, half . i :up, make as soft as batter cakes. 1 .: T - tnala Batter'Cakes.==, %ice ripe tcrnia:.' roes,' cover them with batter and fry on , riddle, as any other cakes. Sherry Cobbler.—Fill a quart .Ditcher three '-'•' f full of broken ice, teacup of straw , les, one lemon peel, cup of white au= ' 3ar, fill with sherry. Punch, -- To a quart of . sweet , -milk: hree eggs well beaten, add sugar, nut, . . eg and lemon 'peel; boil this until it . , lhickens, therradda cup or itnn; stir. ail - • the time, Pop-Peer. Cake.-The following is the .- <,.ecelpt for 'making the , justly 'Celebrated iFop.Over .Cake. ' it is said , to be well worth a,triali'_Orinsup of "milk, Cole cup )f•flowence cup:of - egg. Iv... li ttle pinch of '4'l4 Increase in proportion to tte-fathlly. ''' TO GATHER AND PRESERVE i.LANTS. • , r„. . • - •.- •., 1. If possibln.gathex dry plants upon t dry den;tuatttntetli Mani All*-00gbt , ! Ind wind. . ' 2. Plants should:be gatheiVritlien., in • 3. A single should be a per , ect representative of only he flower, but bud, . , fruit or seed, all its . rarious kind of leaves; and, in small dant.s, even the roots. With soute:phtutit hese can all be represented in the same . pecitrun, but With Others it is nebeintary ' o collect specimen! both iloWite anti ;nat. 4..1f the plant be small, dry tin whole,, not, ttalliand flower; if huge, a brattch n flower - should be .preserted; at any , ate a flower with , the leaves should be hied, if possible. • . .• 5. Plants should be thoroughly dried tetweeit sheets of paper—old newspaperb viii answer. Two kinds •of pipes are • seeded in drying theni, namely, folds ~ and *J en' golds are simply pieces of raper folded oneClike a sheet of 'writing: raper, into which the plants to :be dna and pressed are to be put. Dryers are - size sheets of , thick, unsized paper-old: tewspapers will answer--usedrta absorb he moistureet-the plants when' -being tressed, In changing the plants to new tryers4which should be done every other lay—never retnove.them from the folds kntil completely- dried. Le. When the plants. are within. these lryers, pretts them - between hard 'wood 'vards, using for the purpose a weight of !rom,filly to seventy-five pounds. _ 7 - When the:plants are perfectly dried, " • diemthem from the , dryers, and attach hem tee 'Sheets of White paper about 'flevert by sixteen Inches in , size, and grits upon each the scientific and common 'tame, when in flower. where found, soil 314 tltc: 1 , 111 • :plan rl.otrOata - c,t / tti pumice. Thasteam-plough, which has recently , *enintt,oduced into this country, an, Spparitus consisting. oT two locomotive - .nghles,' 'stationed at a given distance :tpart. Leading froth these engines lin about the size of a - man's thninb,; • node of twisted wire, =which is - wound • ound isdrtun fixed on the under side of ,helocomouve, and •as it •unwinds , from nier,--ismirawn round - theurother....-Tidir "vett the Propelling power;lathe plough. lAr oe ploughs are made ' of rijught Iron ntiactituitablelo - 411fferentieldtha orturi. : ow. The plough-bodies and tAnlitehl , ire fixed,on abevel beelin e and byaltering hr.fr. poiltions along the beam t i - either lirection' .. tt Wider 'or itirroitrer fitriow is t ut r atigt;sBnre, at thettametimeretaining• h e.g l i aypr a riveted frame, 'Which ,sitcanull 9,the glarabillty of a stearaigOrT ngimpTeMent. c : • titeanittfititration . this iieeiltirolielipsi n England -stmessfaUy for fore Ord fdeeir.`• rears. • In this conntryi It. is only wledtt . he past threem but.; Yealishiee.theflia: - • ntrodnetionpfLtitetie s machines. : ' ' • Mr. Henry 'Lawrent , e; ,of ' 5. bellsve i the first to Intpo!t, WO ins Medi- AD A PAA.wimi ,ient to a sugar plantation in. lintels* where it has worked welit' Thep; June been but fikrif*P ol lo he Unitedl3hitesi:whllethilvlceroy * 3gypt has now some fop,r hundred in use II his dominions. Tliertave been Intro o . !need,* - gpmaceolusattklNattaaul e. - The last one insporti " I to`the "Inited Slats* was, quite tedfullYilbE o 4 l V. 0. Patterson, of Philailelphfa, sal riaced on his farm at Atison, N. J.,where n experiment was made a few days ago presence of a number of agricultural '; caiti ery.-itl,-.442 , A1z .;.- . lk : A .ff . iia. :j :"~ .r } geatlentettiincludingeolorielllorabetia 4 PrOtii U . ,:".ll::COmminer 'of. Agrical-- tureoihn bai.talten a deep intereetin the, latrodinitl?tt of species oflabor,-sav ing Insitchuiery into, this country . ,Tbe; trialenthts:oceisien was very enceeasK and demortitritted that steam cultivation. can be made-to pay en 'large bodies of land; rticularly in most parts of southl eral 'New Jersey, where thbse lands are no being cultivated to early vegetables, sugar beet, i he plough used on the occasion re ferred to, consisted of a gang of six ploughs, which cut a width of about sev en feet.by one hundred yards long in the space of one minute. The locomotives are rated at fourteen-horse power, and propel them Selves from one point to -an ' other by means of wide treading wheels. —Hearth 4. Home. LOSS IN STACKING HAY. A. farmer (,)f sound judgment and largd . xnerferied in tutting 'and storing hay, , stimates his own; loss in stacking at twentylve per cent. He cuts probably, a hundred tons a year; and sucks-a .fitth part of it formuntof barn-reom. He has very properly made up his mind to build .a new barn.. We , think` his estimate 'ls not wide ftbm"the Mark. There . , hi, A large loss femit itimiding at the bOttoMof the staek, and . ‘old rails, boards, or'straw will not wholly prevent it. ' Then the whole extern 4 surface Or three or four Inches is weather beaten, and• loses much ..of its sweetness; and It'is not insprObable 'that Ole - lass 'of aroma extends - throtigh -the whole slack.! -', , • •• The conviction is- universal among in telligent men that barn-stored hay is worth much more :than that which is taken from the stack. Why then follow this wasteful practice?. Look at the loss of this farmer who cuts one hundred tons of hay, worth_ $2,000. According to his own estimate he pave $lOO a yea, for the privilege of stacking one-fifth of his - crop. This is but a small part of the loss where the hay is fed out at the stack. It "costs at least a third more hay to keep cattle without shelter. These are strong argu ments for more barn-room, —Ex. BEST TIME TO CUT .TIMBER. I have cut timber at all seasons of the year, and noted the results to ascertain its effects upon• its durability.: You may cut pignut or`scaly bark hickory in.winter or early spring; and make up Intl:fide-helves; And worms wlll'eat them tirl,but,,cilt the, ,isame timber', sity from-the first of July .tind as long ,asit.he z barirpontinues to peek,: and' they will remain iound. In proof, I have a windlass,and frame for same, over a'well on my farm, made of pignut hick ory, cut in `July, 4856, which is sound today. The like "effect will be experi enced upon eterYidescriptlOn of timber' cut: as before stated; hence, instead of cattiag timber in winter,' or as soon as the sap begins to run, it thould attain its greatest flow, and • have commenced a de crease in circulation, by which fermenta tion is prevented, andyet the pores of the wood are left full; whilst prior to =that period and fall flow of sap, fermentation sets in, and, in turn, produces worms and the rapid decay of the timber. Whether this theory accounts for the ob- Served results or not, the facts, as before stated, remain. Timber cut in mid-summer and treated • with tar and sand, or charred, will have .many years added to its lasting qualities. For press of time in July, farmers may simply cut the trees and bark them, and work npthe timber in the following fall with the same good results.--Bura/ World. t • Dmrsz WATER IN NEW WELLS. :Many cases of impure water in new. , wells at!) caused by dissolving imporlties from the stones used to wall them. Wells ate often abandoned, the, ater becoming so fetid that no animal, however thirsty, would drink it. When such is , the case, remove all water from the well and clean the bottom from mud and other impuri ties..-:,The.:second filling of .water will be much better, audit" the process be re peated a'-number oftimes, unless the ins pure water . flows (Diva:from the earth; it will become as• wholesome to, :drink from wells riot thus ,prevlously infected. Should it be necessary to dig through a stratum of soil containing partly decayed vegetable Matter, or blue clay, the water of said well will taste Offensive for• dome time; but unless_ the case is an extraordi nary one„.the thorough clearing Orthe well a number of times will ultimately render it pure and wholesome. In walling . a well reject all - stone of a porous nature, such as sand atone, for it is from such that the evil alluded to often has its origin; also entirely, exclude sur face water from the well. , The water is always of better taste when the bottom of the well is of rock founda tion; and to have:it thus, :he cost of dig ging a few feet deeper is of minorimport ance.—Rurat New Yorker.' . Tamp. ,is no promo of working or Washing that; will secure a good article of batter, or that will get all the buttermilk out till it has stood a short time, when it must be worked over the second tithe. af ter which it , will, keep a long time. Bat ter that has, not been worked the'second lime will not kecg more than two or three thiyi in warm d weather. don't care how , - much pains yort•takor with it,,tbe butter milk that is left in, the butterbecoming sour, makes your butter ratieid. A COBELIMPONDENT ,of the Sciantifie 'American gives an ElCCOWitrof arringen. iously extemporized apparatus forremov ing carbonic acid gas from wells tlt was simply-an umbrella letdown-and rapidly hauled uo a numbel times- _ . The effect was' to remlt , the gas n,a few minutes froumwell so foul as to instantly extinguish .a candle,previous to the : use. of" the umbrella.' - t CLoVEx can.be plowed down too often qn loamy soil.; la makes it WO' boat, and the wheat is more easily, frozen out. The surface ghould be , well rolled, in thefo;4 and;' if ' 'the% 'greund is driV enough, it, Should be rolled in the-spring before the' wheat startaninck. e. •••. • Trim New . -ff_ork 2tribune jays A ,farmer in , Ohi6SU a tluifiy orchard w hich bbmsomedfreellbut,boreJae,Ariiitn He. wished twelie of the trees once a week' with etrcmg,soacsandsiand.Fiwas gratified, by ft fair Ii Mai 'subsequent - 80mM lA* Eifgllsh , Attcheii 63 0 let** Ott his'atettitrheaf ielthitteu*st'earp, d _plantlig B piker' atletertllli ; : 15 f a foot glickATOYlPf94o444o4 , b4ol4 l ;_ IA the acre,:s. , ll Dar copperiaL strewed: ilhouLait-Ifelik will inducelhem to leave them and not return. Bo says patkAll has Br the use' of t Mipifit Jpierite - ifwith: in the past tyrebti arl44,,‘Wre 4 .. ican'often do the" ork °Ma men: ' Hr. is a who keepshialluns from running do 'He who -does not do this is a prete farther.. -t•xe ft 'l'6° Tan ine Farmer recommends giving pigs g I • .d rock salt twice a week in their too ITEMS. .4: , r-,,,1iG^444t'4i. -W sAm. 4--rPiwp,,. , , e , -l ~ -,,,t , - s ~ ..: 4 , 7 F . • . i.. tv f_.~ , ~_ fl .c.a .dI~T~'Z'Y~S. -r . MENS IB IO4. .4Pilak. • RAW! . . TREAIRTERIPS IMPARTMENT. • , PglLADsz.rata: PA. APMI TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THR PENH. • SYLVANIA ILAILROAD'OOMPANY. • Ail Stockholders. as resttstered DU the Books of this compiny on the am 4sp, d Aprll./809. will be entitled to subscribe tor.' WILIITY-9199 , rza. CENT. of their respective intexelte ln New SPaca. par.ais follows: FillY per cent. at the time 011mhscrIr trol, between Abe 18th day_ of May, 1889, and the 30th day or June. 1889. • Beeeret SIM' , per cent. between the 111th daf of November. 1909. and the *lst day of Decem ber. 1809; or. if Stockholders should prefer. the whole amount,mal bo paid up at the time of sub =lotion. and each-instalment so paid up shalt be entitled ,to m pre rata of the Dividend tbat may be declaredon lull shares. . , . • '.... Third,. That every , Stockholder-110141 1 g less than tone,spar s; shalt be entitled to subscribe' tor, One {lien - mud those holding. mere then a. multiple of foilt shares shall be entitled to alib- A t e . scribe far . 4 addltiotSsl -share. ' : 1 ": -: ./burfit. - ebarea upon which initatments are yet to. be d' *ith , Resolution , of " Nay' 13; .11313, ;will , led )(Ike _.,e ...oe, 'eh Itl6 n :i to their allutitent orthe Twetltyltilve - tie mut; at par,"as though' thei' 3 Irere'Dald in ruil ) : r : : 'THOMAS T. MTH% Treasiiiee 'lA7Eltne CITY TA4/1". 11.569. . . In accordance with BeCtion 6th, Pale 2919. of City Digest, NOTICE Is acitEnTaptitat TO THE. CITIZENS OF Prritunritti% 'hat Hie assessments fbr 1,969 ...of +City. City Entitling, apecbd, • Poor; Buslnesik_CitY 13ebe and Ward school Taxes alumni water Bent 'have been returnetto me tbr colleclion.. The above saxes are subject. to a DEDUCTION Cl Fly/DYER ONNTUM if paid; n or beibre the First Day-of August, • • 2. and TWO PEE CENT UN if paid between the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST AND THE FIFITENTII ':DAY •or ./firNo deduction will be allowed on taxes paid between eeptember fifteenth and October Ant. • air an addition of Ave pe , centom wilt be made -to I taxes Unpaid October Ant, and an additional Ave per oeutum will be addea to all taxes re znAl2l6lll linliald,on November Ant, • - A. J COCA - HATT, CITY TREASURER. 4th Aliqr PITTSDURGH, July 2. 1869. ed:1033 DIVIDENDS. Orrics OR RA131.8 COTTON 3fir.,x,s CO.. / Prrrssunoli t euly 16. 1800. f . nrrnie *Ginn or Mate- TO etts of thlstonipany have this day de clared a -dbrldend .or T,NE (03) ssOLLsItS per .hare. out of the profits or the last six ruonshs, payable In cash, at the office of the I.:1)m= pally, on and atter the Alto Inst. jyo:tu2B A. 0. PRANCE. Treasurer. igrDIVIDEND. - OPTICS Or THE PlTlll3l77tGit GAS C0.,1 July Ifl%h, Ib6o. The Trustees of the Pittsburgh Has Company have this day declared a dividend of TWO DOL. LARS AND PIPIT CENTS per share of the Capital Stock. payable on , demand at the office of the Company. ' jtui:mto •W. H. 31eCLHLLAND. Tress's. farTillg.l3o.4llll) OF JEOHREC* T 013.9 of the NATIONAL INAUBANCS. COMPANY. No.A3 Dlantond, Allegheny, have declared a dlVlderid of , TWO.DOLLAItn FIFTY CENTS per glare out of the profits of the last alz months. payable on =defter Ole 15th Injt jy12:429 JAS. E. terEVENSON. Secretary. , '--Orricts ARTIZAw'S Insonixns ro.. 1 . • PITTSBURGH, July 7,1809. . IgrTRE DIRECTORS OF THIS Company have this day declared a Mel dend of FOUR DOLIJAED AND TUFTY CENTS per , stare, out of the' pru,nts of the het Mt month t, to be Credited on tax stock rates. ' ` . , I,l2;nnet ' J. D. COPYIN. becretazy: , . DIVIDEND. --The Board of Men este. of the MONAHELA nAV. !CATION cumpA NT_ have this day declared a dtvidend of THREC DuLLAtto a share on the mock or said Company. payable fotenwillttOthe stbckholders or naelr legal , reprevolltaltvet. at tee oMce cried Company. NO. 44 DIAMOND "e'rltEnT, vlttabtvgb, between the haws of 10. A. et. sad 0 P. 'K. • WILLIAM RAN A n' ELL, Treainver. Prrrsnunolr, July Sth, ItMl9. iY9:l94 OFFICE OF THE MIRANSLEY INSURANCS 00wPA1cY. No. 41 Unto fttreet.. ALLEGILZNY. Pa., July 6 th. 1 869. IarTUE.DIRIF.CT O IO I OF TELE BEN FROMM'S LBSURANCE VON. PAN? have/Ms day doctored a Dividend of ON X DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER BEARE oat of the pronto of the lends months. payable in cash on and after WADI; Entla.Y. July 14th, 1869. GEOntIE D. RID LE, - JyBll9o • !Secretary. IarDIVIDEND.—The :presi. DENT and Directors of the BIRMING HAM and • raDisaußetu EWIDGE CO. hare drciarrd a Dividend or ONE DOLLAR and IBTY CENTS per &bare -out of the earnings of themastsixmow he, pavaide for hwitb. • - ED)VAND 310 YE, Treunrer, .177:1 68 ' = 185 Liberty etreet. MzuctrANTB a MANureCTut.E.U' 'NAM. BANE. Ft Uuttott, July Oth. leen.' rgrDIVIDEN Direc• :TUNS of thla Hank have this day deela-ea a dividend of VIVE Picts CENT. on the 1401 Stock. out of tee pronts 'op the Jut els. mouths, p .3? able forthult h frt.« of ill takes. _ - /Y7:170 • :JOHN SCOTT 4 .11 R.. Cushter. Wiles OP IsetBAticiero.. t• - PlvTenuncin.!Julta. 1$ 0. .1 garDIVIDEND , The Basra of 11 rra orsof this Company wave inis day declared a dividend of reticpc. poLL iiB Pi= extol thil pkodis itieriast six months, PalAbla ois dem anit, tree 01 , 61grar gams tax: 405ZPH,T. Jo/Mai/S. tircesiary. : , ALLZ9II/11101C. NATION/11a BANK, t 18810. . larrtit IBOAM) inr SPIIIEC ToE of this 8 nk dime thlf day declared a ierni-odtreal .dtvldecto NMS"PER CENT,. Payable Le the•stocalltddent forSbwitb. • fr.o Of taxel•3ll.oKXY. y5:193 • , ashler rlTTenclleotkJl7LT 3. *. NATIONALVIIIIbI , I3OIII.Aify,t • - • No.. 433 Peen Street. IigrTairDITIEVXORM or !rms. ,NK have eelsreits Dteldetad or FIVE, PER (ANT. out of the moots of trielast six months. payable on 'or afterthe 12111 lest., free of Government lax. ;2,175 . ~ F ORT. J. °Rutz, Csahler. grquALRT Ell LT 11/11111DEN D. FIRSTIrATIONAL BANK PITTNISUE6II. PA. (Late ricrabarsK Truitt tovidared.) *The Plrettord otsblihttank WI this dal on s Didldend of TURES ezfr eff•N'r: on tbd Csoftsf blOek. obi' Of the proutd ot the last ores ntossts.,-Ddysids wsgbwichilallie Of sista and pse!e!prasnf. Te= c . • - D. Refit:Ll': andffel% :ftrf.l •11169., 1 r'''''lliiimeiiiiiiss'N'Aftliiiii-Kiitie,'' ''f " . • „LI 1. :!.riwrshOhoni4fttylst,..F.l36ll. -, s 07 , ENR`--6111,1,4,.1,.. 7 ~._ of s'ilk bare l ihti7dity; onelltredlk dirtbeittrO , kfe 'PO _CliVr. t ipayitble On rftOF Mind. MI OP th.C . `' • " , , r • , . ' , ~, ,jtyliit ',-- 'l2 'oll l lllltt./4114'.7r.;ei*il'1 . :,` • (1 • , kgyinft rfroft4.'llosintAWcz to fie ‘, ~.,„ i .%` 4 - . Yrcranunow, Jane t • flov. rZ: O /1191119 . DIRECTORSOF , or 1. 1 • I' tOidenniitifi 4 dthts t dry,deeinieti ; dlrt;', !sterol of THRICE W , (4) PE CliNT.ohi r . of Chit, -Profits' or the Vast stn,ifflo, i p i ri )if, . oa le. , fund.ltiii ti c u:l ' 'tax. ' - i ip ! 1 ' IYls(4o4YeleLltErt, 'fitiliritary YY tl u,rlCi 2 1 1.1Andlysnr" timbal: COny4 RT. 1. , • , , Prrisnosiotr, Jule lst, , oft g ta rinvinimp.-- The , Paetc • DirriVt i ;Masten and Conipany. , for erectua ll 11 bilag t ff er tfit e &tri l ui l iTr w i r deliqg ' rite ittsbug a ...i i l 4 in sr i den a,, arz oN z g i l f t tee this day WY • t Alt AND 811.VIPITY•IfIVE Olnaishon, /s o share of the esnital stock of me Company, pays „ We to stockholders or their legal representstives y the Treasurer forthwith. . ROW/BURG. 13,203 , Treasurer. P • JITLY 20 1860 DAY, BP~DIdI.-N!DT,IO~. Sc. . or cmorciros, PULDIONIC BYROM. nISAWEND TONIC AND MAN - DRAMS .PILLS will, cure Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia; If taken accord. In tr tO dilutions. They are all, tb ree to be taken at the time. They cleanse the stomach, re. lax the !Ivor and put it to work; then the appetite become good: the food digests and makes good blood; the -patientbegins Ao l igrow in. flesh: the diseased matter ripens into the lunar, aud the patient outgrows tne disease and gets welt. This is the only way to cureconsumption. •,' - • • To these three medicines Dr. J If:Schenck, of Philadelphia. owes his unrivaled success in the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Put. moult Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the' Lungs, nature throws It off by au ea.y expectora tion, foe. when. the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight tough a 11l throw It off. and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. T . do this, the. Seaweed 'ionic and 3andrake Pills must be smell thed to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the foud will snake good blood. • • • • Schenck's Mandrake Pills act anon the liver, removing all obstructions, relax the *wets of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver ,cluz zi relieved : 11 - ' as ' e t ;e wn r i, , e " e jli n e m W v r il it t a e l d e th x ! i ce P e l p s" ll t s econnl ,o, dadi. a Do'3oll WLICIII3 very den. .;orlStli 10 use unless 'with great care,) that will unlock the gall bladder and s rt the secretions Of tholiver like lichenck's M • drake Pills. .• • . Liver Complaint is one of e most prom:lib:vat causes of Consumption :\ lialek;is Seaweed,Tordell a gentle stlaulant `g!!4Pertain. and the alkali la the Seaweed. .which . as preparation 13 made tn. assists . the - stotnacii to tfirtileutit the gastrie-Nice to dissolve ' the food with the trio= Svrup.,and it is made Into ailtiSk• _ood ed o f ft4illikel l ;a l4 94 Ar. roaring; In the atornach . • ', ' Theat reason why 01604 tie liffralre Consumption is, they try to do too much; they give meeine to stop the cough, to aopcbills, to stop night sweite, hectic fever and by • so doing they derange the whole dlgestive• - powers. lock.. teff up,bgaecret:Ons. and eventualW the patient slinks and dies. ~ ~ . s . . , ~. - Dr:Beheneltis itt Ids treatment d oe s fl oe tr y t o stop a istingh, night sWealis4 chil l s or fever. se. move the cause, and , they Will al :stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of Consump tion, Liver Complaint. nyrgiepas. , ' Catarrh, Canker. Uloerated Throat, hales& au ;liver and stonuctrare made healthy. It a • person nea consumption, Or Cease' the tinge In some way are diseased. eltner tubercles, - atomises. bronchial Irritation; pleura .adhealon, or the Dings are a man of inflammation and fest decaying. In such eases what must be donee It Isnot only the bums scat are,wasting.-but It is the whole' body. The stomach and livei have lost ,their power Uptake blood cart of VI d. •• Now the only chence Is to rate Dr. Schenck's three meat tines; which wilt bring llp &Uwe to the stomach. ' the'patient wllLbegin to wantlbod, it will digest easily and mak eo . good blood ; then the patient re. • gins to gela . lii Seat. and as soon as the body be gine td - aro* the lungs commence to heat up, and the patient gets dishy and, well. This lotus only way to cure Consumption. Wheathere 11‘iso iung disease and" only Liver Complaint sad Dyspepsia, -Schenck's Seaweed Tonto and Mandrake is are sufficient, without the , Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Manorake Pitts freely in ad billions complaints, as they are per fectly barmleu. •• -. Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health fur many years past, and now weighs MSS pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton. In the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption,' hi. phyticiaris having pronounced his case hope.. less and abandoned him to his tate. lie was cared by the aforesaid me. Mineh and since his recove ry many thonsaada similarly . afflicted have used Dr. schenck 'it preparation with the same re rearkable • success. Full directions accompany etch, making tt not absolutelynecessary to per sonally see Dr. Schenck, . unless patients wish their lungs examined, and for thisurpose he Is prefessiosalle at his Principal office, Philadel. phis, every Saturday, where *ll letter. laradvice must beaddreised. He is also profess'onady at No. 39 Bond street. Mow — York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 36 Hanover street, Boston, every other Wednesday. 'tie elves advice free, but for a thorough examination with hls Hetet ' rometer the price is IBS. Orme-hours at each city from 9A. It. to 3Y. sa. • _ • _ Price of the Palmonic Syrup_and Seaweed Ton ic eachel.E.Oper bottle,. er ler.lift: a nett dozen. Mandrake rAusSili cents a box. FOr sale by all druggists. • invl9:l3l.d&F Igr DOCTOR WHITTIER CON= TINURB. TO - VIZ/a 414.1..PRIVATE DISEM3Ed. That numerous class of cases resulting from self - abuse producing un manliness. nervous deblitry, , lrritability, erup tions. seminal emissions,_ and.. dually fin. potency, perm a nently cured. Persons afflict._ ed wl.h delicate. intricate and long "tend ing cOnatitutiOnal complaints are nolitelyinviteffi to call for consultation, which -costs nothing. Experienee, the best of teachers. has enaided him to - perfect remedies at once efficient, late, permanent, And which in most cages cm be used without hindrance to business. eledicaies pre pared in the establishment, which embraces of- Bee, reception and waiting rooms; &So, warding anu sleeping apartments for patients requiring da'ty personal attention, and vapor and chemi cal bethi,ltins Concentrating'Phelan:led mineral springs. No matter-who have tilled: dare your case. Read Whatherais in his pamphlet of fifty pages, sent to say address for two stamps In seal ed enve.ope.ds of:cases treated , anima. ally. at office and .Thonwinall over the country. Consul. lotion tree; p ersonally(near or by_gtall. tante No. 9 Wylie etre, • (near Conn Bongo) Pittsburgh; Pa. Roan L to B.ro x. bnadayalliit. to Al'r. Foroyblet ger4 to any address for two . , larztagivnuierne AS A CUBA* , T/VE.—Dr. 41. H. ETENErsid has been' using EleCtricity a SrsCLU. RIALIDT in curing chronic as welt' as acute COUHHIOII9 'WITHOUT KIIMCIA2 for more than TAN 'TZARS, with an pounded success. A RAstratar., including all porgentars; with tertldeates sad reliable refer ences., will be sent to any Usquizer. A few fe 'nub. rooms vacant...for boarding na• Vents itt the Doctor's rsmt applied for soon. Ogles - and residence, - 11,001 y. ARCH STREET, raILADELEquAI. - • rov/3J2,2 agratTcliaoirt DirE. ' This splendid Hair Dye!, the tieet hithe *mid: the on/7 true and *Perste; -Dye; bermienh. ble. Instantaneous: no. dluroolutment; no xi dLeoloaa , Until; remedies' the ill effects of bed beaunvigorates leaves thesoft, Mitt tiful. black or tes. bold by ..ailDriagehita anilrerfaxnerrs; and properly Applied at gateae inr WI: newsy; proper Is Woad =rein: -gen garErriuursir CAN DE CUBED —Those having friendrafilletednre ear twill! solicited to send for a Inmate Letter of I:references ant Tastianoulels, whicit_will• cosi elute the most iikenticel of the cv~titryff_ res Orme,. Address VAA BUREN LOCKEUW, )).. 36 Great donee street. New York.. • • • • arTHE DIARIELLAVE :111CV66--. Essays on the EBBOAd OrYOUTH,,and the VOLTAM OF AGE, In regard to SOCIAL EVIL with certain help for -the errlog and un fortunate. •Peat in nested letter envelopes—free of charge. Address. HOWAItp AS.aOCIATIoN, Box P. Philadelphia", Ye. • mr21:113-d&F • ASSESSMENTS. E=EM==%==l • - erre En tit:lnntt'a nwrlcit. - ALLEGHENY CITY, rd.. JUly 19.=1869. t NOIICE.—The Aosesisonents for Grading and Pay 4 of ALLFUREICY AVENUE, from Western to' 'Bou Ih . 'Avenues. Also the essessinent tor Grading of 7/13.4.E1ER STREET from Western to Ohl° Avenues; - are' now ready for examination, and - cati be seen at' the offl.e of the Clit En gineer.nrittl . Tnly thOth, 1889, when they Wilk be placed in the bands of atie city Treasurer for collection. ; • . . All . la . t S D • LIVLS , A . , . , -• Or 7113:1t16 • ' • ' " CITY ENGIHHER.' Orricii Or Crrr Sitar:rem km dtravrron; 1 _ __ pistaborab. July 10. IEIB9. . f Vm'OTICE.--The Assessment . for. . the Boardwalk ots Elm street tlitoemtleink Hain street to thorenasylysnla Railroad.. to now tenth for examination. teed tam be seen at this Miles until - WitieNiMSDAY. July 'Slat, when ii wilt be retnepeei to ,{be City Tressueeres office for oo ll ection. H. J. name. ' 1710:m2 :- • ' City Engineet:'•- OrTIOn Or CITY Encitiunut aXDthIBVrYOE, t . • • rtrreatlltoll. July. 3, 11189.• • f iI.0•1111)1E.,...-The.assessment prauing and PairlAs •FOlOTkatal-, ALLEY am Butler street to the Allegheny:Valley HOU wad', la now ready for twanunattun. and can be teen-at this onto* until WH1P:4330A1% 4017 1.44 when • It will be retn i nad tpthe.Clty 'A'reasurer, I,lllve for collection: , Jyr, H. J. MOODEN:Ity Enainewq , ' UNIX& or VITT Sr Mtn= AND IstraVaroa. • t• • • rittsburittl.•Jull lit. 1889. Aisesanzent for Va the Boardwalk oa „Boundary and Laurel atetets Is now ready lwrexam.natton. and can be eweit,at. Ole , °ince untilDAT, July. With,' 1889,whelk It will be 'returned to _tile tity Treaeurerioacato tolleistlet ; ' • .A71:1 , 4 : • t l fisfrv :M i °°ctirrirismr; 111111111E4 CA -*wigElk.T.—Netit* 1 ,, h e reby 'lvan that ftwltudendred n otiot r t i gilnl v irt:t.h. 'l ll44" 4 lgll4.l7lllr. stet Man Craig tervadand stmt. williteeett .oti 0. leer to attend to datleaof %W.! itp l 'petn en - bn,Wkip*lkaP f Alr t juirMail.'pow. at'. 'oltlae N'ar. , . - . .;:.-.1. ~, , ~ ~ ; , 1;,...4 (.1.., •1.:.1 • • .. “ 4017: 1 ,114344:EY **LW.MFG t IC If:1 CIEDGEW/Cli SVBEETr"The; andel Igned. appoltded an'aisidri'dirnares and -banana for opening deddaWickitnit.lll,lo4 ward. env at' Allegheny rrlq meetwri tha.nrara , lwa on FRIDAY. ;a1111342 74889.10:4 diclnek V. It.. to attend to oldies or rift tn wline n t. • , - •, ,L T. J. IaPrRNAND - • rmasT.s.,, praard 'TLIONA ,w a ww.L. 011" • t • • PrrrisstritEar.' r leen. v garTilignittelisarics ATAiritost. AL BANK will Day a dl4liendof tliattiv s) PER CENT., free of taxes, on-and after July 13th last. JNO. G. MARTIN, Cashier. -; • • , FOR dALLE Olt BENT. An elegant new Briek.,Dwelfing, I rooms. &t -t tic and wash room. • - . lionse•of 4 rooms, 2 lots.loth' ward, 41.800. Hoare or 4 rooms, 1 lot,l6th ward, 41.500. House of 4rooms, lota, z rith Ward .:,12, 130 2. Honse of 4 rooms, 1 rot, I:7th :wards $2.400. HOuse of 4 rosins, 1 lot, 15th ward; $ll6OO. Hotise of listooms, 1 lot, 15th ward. 41 00 . 10 lots,Blebert ZS Millaxas'olatt.47oo tO 42 00 . lets, 44tb street, 41,200 eses. - • 4 lOts, sth,stree t, 41,000 each. , 3 lots, Thitfield street, 4800 each 1 kit, Bhertaan street, 41,50. . 5 lots, flOttidtreet, 202240, 412,000. 4 lotai.Entler streat; 44,000; BARGAINSIN BLOO3IFIELD. L 0 i 5 •26 x .3.39 feet, • 96oot ten years to pay. A house cost 9500: .Interest on both, UM a year. Mani' pay. 3180 year" relit. At' Bloomfield yeki meld save 9114 a year and your bottle and lot in less- than 90 years. Churches and schools • ' . 30 8c es mile from Sharpsburz, 36,000; , 009cres of It. 33.800.. D. 0:11 11 . 1. ON% 17th third: I HRBOKEN'! - OTAT ON PROPERTY . ''' , ."E'Cig 8 \ .A - L.;;E :,- `,-... -- .! This 'beinintel sitoitioa cnnribt;bei l isiesed sti Ntll for private resldetHeei in In," girth ion; e Own' to both titles, being only ,elghl, _miles lip e Western Yennsyrinin it. s'iilroa. - Ani)SerS On de siring Infortnatlonibout thiairoporty Can arteni It by tin i az at the Vittlit of: tho 111014', tilt kV - ?vet LIFE- iti9tr4vkit.'itciateprt. , 76 Federal street, Allegheny!' ' Lots" - froihi •611 e-ha acre to Ave acres:.alath - small lOW. to suit pur• censers. Tbere lea good location for a manufse taring establlsement, between the BAUM:O an " Anetdieny riven.: , - , - . 1 • - -,- 1: -1815:k46- :roil BALD • A GOOD 7 ARSt. in. West pair it:May.l3'N Al— lePheriL county, 10,mlies from obarpsbure: A FRAME T%Yu,SToRE ItotrsE.. or stx rooms,. CELLAR under all bonne; aIiOALARDE FRAME.. BAILS, 58x38 feet. sod _other Onttroiloliurt. .A" Yonig :Orthaiii of titoiee; Fruit Trees, r' • • • 7.14.7 ' . • t • • . I For. part lonians • ern: ozi.. tin. • brOmises, •or ' sr' JOHN W. lißlbOt. It 449 -Liboriv otreOt. or, address WILLIAM. RRYoUbr,RFIII4,IidEr P G.. Allegheny county , Pa, • •• - • • 4SDENERS:;T&KE NOTICE. 1 y —FOR ,ALL.—The , FOgirrEFi a ldila AND; on - the' Allegheny fiber , a ,now used for gardening toirooseg _ii proved and In a high state of cultivation; containing-50 or, 50 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call soon. toso, other Farms tri - good,locattona.: Woolen Factory, two, Bouses,and twenty acres ofland on the Cetitralitallroad.,.' Rouses and LOU ror, Sale and To-let In both cities, • For higher- par. titulars Luga of . WILIALUI .WAED4 5,45 r* 110 grant greet. (musette cathpdrat, ITALUABLEFABNIIFOitIIAM v --nitaated•44 , Allegheny townebtp, West. moreland 'county, la Wanks walk_ tront• Me. Beans tatma. on the - AllethenyValley o.l4troad. Conudzs 104 acres, GO or which arneleared: all under ranee; balance vatdable 'Umber:: 'ander• layed with coal. 4 fooloreln: llewe4-Log Home er and Barn; an oruharof 140 trees, g rafted: sae place is well watered and In It good nelgit_borbood. Yoe price and terms mm 1721313. /11c1,1111i *CO, No. 10* fourth avenue. . • • • VALUABLE :*:AVE v NITS 1-PSIPP.6.STY... EDE :SALE. , -Thred atury a ßrletg a Vos HOUSE: Wt U bunt and con ve Mewl). d hall, • ten, roonts and cellar;. lot SO feelVous dedpJ - LAIIO,'W elute Beek Dnelllog lioni . e.ino,sBlllecond avennep Jdi. eleven i unma and Cel/41_ a. &Vine: Second avenne;'tbree storr ?ma house col' Sall, - nine roozni.and ce ll s?: _ - " , b , carpfßEßT ft SONS« jyld • ' ' 37, 411,tti Avenne. EtroArts , covivr - 18.11LE.Bir O 'virtue or a4,45t4ir or am Orphans'. Oolitic./ Alleghent coanty, dated Jniie 18, I will expose at , peptic' sale at the ,C . ciart ifetiee in rittsbargh, M.l:o7s2:siatlarla 1100, it 100 , 04i.1,1.,X:.'.1.1•04k - dp'itsin lot or piece of ground sithartilit'the'ltfrai woad of the city of Pilletineni. cOntai aforesaid,. at ;the cor ner of Saikam 'street:anti Banklane, in front on Bank line feet 8 , Inches. and in depth,alongßalkain filmset 63feet. more or lest. on which is erected ' ,& tied sthrj , brick dwelling house. being the real estate ,ot'S, J. Shannon. deeeised. Terms of sale, 'cash. ,TOr farther. information enquire of BROWN,,k LAIfBIE. ittorheys at Law, 114 Itlftk avenhe,'Plttsbtagli,' PA. , JOHN '3IILLILIL • ' _ ' : — ..kdinintstrator of SAMCZ:. Q. Swe.: , :tri; deCease'd:' 2l:h33'r ORPHANS' COURT SALE.- A PINE FAR 1, late the property of HOBERT . GLASS. dec'd comptiaing•l4fr acres; '1 rood and 94 perches, situated on West. Penna. 9.'9.4 two moor. and a half ride from Pntsburgh and within one half mile of either tient Wen or na lena etstlons, together with` Stoe6 LlWelllnff of Twelve Posoms,%wo Frame Tenant Houses. One ,Frame Barn one hundred feet long. _ stone Spring' Bi aelcamith SlintviVro Story Frame rait-' err. Frame Carriage' House.' Frame Hay Rouse, with sheds. elaughter House,rd...rge •Orehtro of ,cholce Frtilt In good, bearing ord. r, Cider Press ant Almada •t of never fstlintreprings 'of Pure Water. To be sot woIiTUEnDAT.7IIII:TENTH DAY ti F , AUO UST. -1669. T osj rsleave Alle gheny City at 7A, at. and arrive at 6 P.' M, For icrtheris.rticutsra inquire oiStri Phelps, corner Cherry alley and .T.Mr4lareariet. J. 41,4 West, °Moe of Cleric tot.. Quarter Sessions. E..'11.. McClure. '370 Pente,street, 85 Yearn,' ave. nue . 't • - skltarrrairc , VISTICE.—Netice is 'hereby .4.1 given to all whims It mro concern. that an ileanom boa been made la tbeCourt of Com. on Plow for Allegheny county& the grata= of a CHARTIDIt irmospe lum to too THIRD , NATIONAL BUILDING AND L lAN AS 4 CIATAVti RI. , MINtAHAbi an 4 ,1f no ,aufdclent ,reAson be atkown, to the contgy. tee epee will be granted at ate nett - term =rt. , • o' , ItY.II3B , CU JAcou;l-1 .0 w..rsti„yr•tputmotiry.• Ittanztl ; • ,r I , BWARD, "8E1407 FINT, Oett "I* " -. . . ARMUAL'S ' diZXIIIL end' , ) A -. . • A A i u i e .6 — X"iiik PI WALL'S , LM Ifks ro AIM . , ~y Azsits4lo4l Insim: WILLI 1r Ctraireool7*' Imo— , , , , , .. ;,. ~ , rrtee'dkiiiitiiatil'Eliztti;;llVO &Ica% • Pitma u litellOultifvate ai A ~Zao, HALL, .Rpo+. rpgglpp,Propriaor..;;4l ireW -r V III fAi . r .- .l , kggretO - V r. TIENDERSON J. & BROTHERS, WA Liberty street, 'Dealers to Drugs, alai and Patantiledlotnea, :.- , ;YZ. 1.1 ,i.;. WIGAL. • 14;;T MR AMUSEMENTS. rarFIRST ANNUAL RIC OF THE ALLEGHENY LODGE, No. 29, RILL BE . 11E.LD . 'AT Faulk's -GlUre, Wednesby, July 2.1. _ , TTCLETS, 50 cents. COltli•Trit&—er. iraulk A Christ. Jeekel, Adam Repler. t. 2.chendel, Dlppel. H. Paulus, Jno. Hosenberiter. , lipienilld cantle will he in a , teAdane., and the best of order will b., preserred. ..417:ns= orrrkrit A.vi-Nur, *ALL.- . . • No. 83 Firth avennek-opposite the Opera House. Pittsburgh. Pe is the , contest and moat dealt-Attila puce of reioT,te..l.lquors can belled at this place Pure and Good. Tile Ropms .aeon the ground floor in the rear. . •." SUIVIMER RESORTS ,cT4§_k:Qa: . ,.i. - sp..#4pi,pr§. Tats itmitite.litSort, Situsii.d do the Surneitt nit ihe.?AttitifittrY MOP/MAIN& 2.200 Li' LET. ILBOYE - WIC LEV-Ej. ppm% ptor UN re ception of gneve on the'lsth eay' or ;UNE. The +(Mange coaneeteoVerithitleestablletteleut have be Moo ttretrrenOvAted jug Ilewly,fignitah ed. Factrreion TTi , ktts kold by the rennexlyapas ,Na road. at phu.dtlphlA, Harrtsborrittd ll Yltts bo*gh, good for tha seasosw,All trains stop at Oressou.. Tie 0 FlJUNlalign COTTAUVURS ' Tor - Fcrrther itgenutioi, - ,scidregto GEO =EI 7 • 0/ eszoil Bpringsi tattlbrlacotinty-,7Pa. 571QQKTON - 7HOTEX.., =ME RELY,N • .. -‘ Wip open on the 24th 0r,311.12t, 1869. This .hotel hiss been ereeted within the -panyearvat-1 , lordit ample scognunodatignlor neavy one thon nnd gnests And In in.rnistied void to : sity of the leading Motets ttin.Vntte4 BLitt& • 27 0 r terms,. 0 0 4 "4/ 6 t 5 . • PETZJI 434..3.PNE041*0_, krietnr. o. 307 Walnut street' Ildisdelph,la. le2:k11-wgx EN u - ffilT STATES HOTEL, ' - 1 , . `CAP S Y . .(.11T14'. N.J.i-; - Will twinmad/in the non/SATURDAY; liar 419th. ''ln-alt Ant class topOlnonents,..44l" to! any and,yet altording to tom files all the comforts of a ' home. PrEstdent-iirantexpects - to ;vim Cape Slay this season and or • a ' l stoO ' U nite d /pates. 9• Address. - uvr2l:l4 AARON' 11ILLy L Totietdr. - ,' .417,0 i iiON': 7,4! AWO; . ..-, .:...:: yAUTABLE `l3 l l*oolo . L.49thi. -BURGH SAVINGS,