Q litts I I TS fit , 5.,11424 t 4•44 DOIC ' • ;' ' mY 111DWillt ii:!ISSITNII\TotrirSoN. that indeed were facts which seems . . A pleasant universal fiction That , ' daily born of ',onto luedreams, Nor dies of daily eonyediction— 4 0 has s mete, T A ha n t d e co .eg a in rpart etal T064-Plr of li e llr - eri sty hoping .. ,_...,-..,..- 8 dir o o b it l ei: r i v ee co groping. tat , Theita 6 l_ ... , ~,_. ,-,,,„,,, , • , - 'iliiltiie f ri - liketio ri te befitting, I'd Bey; _ ,6 ii,, aphood ealllteS . „ Be T e o corlecr ate to her alone ` - - - Who watts for me, though all unwitting: Who nuts the sigma Of Pain *war. Lest grief too soon her cheek snould furrow: bats temptation bans to-day, , That L may see some glad to-morrow: • ' Who dare notinuolt a. Bower that grows .' Beyond thu path God spreads before per, Nor ever thitic or_ paising those - That • Isbxun beside it to *dole her: Wholfrles tei add a cubit yet " • By mit unto bet %chiral stature— Desmaoal-rleati shouldreepregret -- ;' . At finding lass than mine her nature: Whsdhasdi train min* atratl f ng 7 , 0; Thfit tattle had rudely lent opensh; ' Andind itt tendrils dotty twine.; In t tolds,that pulingyeacsahallchieneltz.:s:::e. . . Wheawataps Mitt We's tatra•alway, • Though psinalialre yrAntdiloiAi fitted !Mq lilutt.-- Whoite • epttle walkilaltb tolitty,l' Boyne: tdtt our beg ary ettirdoroG, r - • r_,..i.ippf,s;jrligeiscas.,, .c . rta 'COn*t-Eseltio Wriitassirats eifo is haveix * paper. litts oriptiiired ?= a jMueicai` Union: ' .% Brnuaaaraw 'came nqtr, electini a calor ed man to coundla. A ram: of 13ethleheetreleared $lO9 on the fruit of two *wry treoe. • GnatiatC*a}li roxittlin =county, to to hate ieVigistat;t w clock. , ALvvallv Otigillar; hat frilShea, a history of TZ4givyte 4 4 6 o 44ng cf ma i mul l" are ark Almlextl; Tassels talk , et'mannlng -One , ol t4c Scranton coal mines wish 9htii*: . • " 4P/P Pra Pla t ers ' =; is aSonCto ,bc Iftt liOnesdale: nuttoldA3tateo• anima it Keiklinle s i built in 3817,= ivieloin 4owiklie,stiiteek; °Tittr.,-34PPoSed':14%de , boy , of WaYnerg) -had.. turned.in Canada— Prrna lifoovnni aged seventy, died last . week at Ms residence in gleartleld ecitintY. Trrirevnts, puta in a elan/ .a place of summer mat. It deserves , reward- IT is said that the potatonrop thinugh out Lemon will' be hittetentip. Ditto in B er k e . r • c • . : Lotus; . kli{4 l 4 Df owhill. - Lehigh recently foland Pr sextuple . head of rye'int one of hliftelds. • • Alllms fight vemml , at Smiddeld, Fayette coentyi•a% tetv(l4B ago Usti rig one houraO`a iitttiter, , , • - . Ettarrinen were injured by a fire damp explosion In the Empire colliery at Wilkesbarre, last week. •• - • ' Gkonoki Bent r, of Adanisburg, Westmoreland County, was - crushed to death4stmeekty.4 lAit- • • ' desumiiEtassa, - Ifftwaohti Boston and_t. l 474ll4un 4.lexanderi• itIL-olff., citizens 14.eicir',. ~ : ._ s 9 W4's 044 resentky THE 4ka.11,..,_b1it0nt , 1 21 746tr takeWtlO*ll. the page#Ql.4llloC;iackets for.Statedffenator but refuse. tochipist that ofiltlx:.Rtllsts,LF , r. • e.. 0. , "n 31 2 :: f rtriK 'd f ! ele*Firg± is Tidal sited. rinstfittibrge jot, meat 3i6t :qA t i VIM 41 i-Aer4.l ll o',:elfF: Mae.-1140iiictucrususw,. relict of• the late-Hon: :Andrew -116c1buian; died `std denly at Wiynesbui g4 On Tuesday of last weekA LAD tamed Mlles had his leg cut off by, a mowing machine, while workbur on mother's-farm,; at Atiles'„Groye,•Erie county. • • JACOB Hartsserrsnr, a citizen of Weisen-berg township, - Lehigh county, committed - suicide on Friday week .by cutting his throat with a rar,or. - AT "MOTCP.T B boy, 41fteen years' old, named Chas. -W.: Arnold, :was killed-by the back stroke of a - sledgeluuntner;with which'a man was driving a post doWn.; Hos. Lase Bain rinks, one, of the Associate Judges of Northumberland county, died at his residence in Point township, on Thursday last. He had an attack of Bpol:dear the night previous, which caused his death. Tn hilidelplde and Reading Ran road .Company are making preparations to lay two extra tnicks theentire distance from PottavilletaPhiladelphia,to accom modate their rapidly increasing business. There is probably no road in the United States of the same , "length' that does the same amount of btudness. - • • Print "Haunt% ' aged about seventy years? in the employ'of David Weidnez, farmer, hvinga.Gradiville, Berke ann.' ty, was:Ms:l4m Tuesday afternoon at that place by the -upsetting of a wagon - of grain, which hnswwlenviedly hauling to I n escape an . aPP R rain The ' inju ricstereceivedifere rinciSlio upcdthe back' dr his 'he ad, e'lliejkpbut fifteen minnta after the:wldent: - - '' • ' Tarr ,Lllentown - Detweiligt - sarii: l At ; I present there ' arehbout ilitt slateViitrii*ft' in dill operation. in 'Le .. :ii nd, li diet; • ampton counlit'T - Rhich;. , ... . . w i t , - year, PrednesP o _„nt tr,9‘.'li ''; '' ',then% sand soups ok siste;"-ptit.oi, :', - 'ac. f i cording tce,the .- . cea ohteinedl irgre re-, alized I _ l )sl . lsoo_,_ laviihos net-pt • of about 41760,000,1 The i Ma .W capital is estimated at sl,lol4ooo,•whicisehdima; , result -AO fifty . per -I wittV profit; 4irit !Litt amennt-iiteestes:, llesideA the iii,Airkleii can' 661 y - f ill dlitiiirliatflhSke ,kirdertt; 'find what they do fill they btigti'maileftinf . del dim= 4112 - PutlFAlnff 4 rt h " au ttette'`ftont ti llid l iTtaf t Ei s t wagefiVirlileirlailt_itikilie immetteuMelteut.ftateis* twill c , cilithgvlolrtraT4 ,, Mitti, it whole -,. .$.; ' . '. f; on the k . ~„ ~ , -6 , • insh4 , , -,. . 1 ,. fft„,4 a . , ei k v all he Mt - , ' ' ,PU In st,iet , ... , I''''P':. 14111ete 7. f: WY, &Wog ,Wel Alit Velligul--.. yowheac put, in here. t PI, bad de keep thenksurind till they dried, auditor teitrifotird -,• , I nevergot a dunce 'or Or d', 4 : 4 1r4 ' shitti ; ire tei isoftthilbavri able tpto tindiesif e9firkeitd def.' I . Ff, ",,fititi,_,_e clothilue en. - I Have hetet 'able wenui. tunes in that time,_ard Lgid ,my pants changed changed arts 0 1 0/ 14 4 tlzae- I Pt l4.o, 2 Vroe.„_hp,mico eorwi, that Islay location tr. During thew/our months I never the handcuffs , off DiP . Lail' OA hour, the only chance or oppor 'unity I got wee at night when I got the , candle I would try and Mon' Os *rase ,out of the seamsofinypants and whetwaer ,fauld get anthem. I could naget Iktthe bOk part of, iiy - pantaltir.theltanduffs4 : the legi.lor the cleans." _ • P r - Thleatateritentlicredited; and It certain' lfloinisreffeshbidereadlnitrrutttgqn thls - nineteenth centurp, of model prisons and -general humanity. OHIO. Thu Opera House at Akron was opened l as t: n i g ht, - Lnuar BARK El 4 Q Copley, hung himself on a ritteiln hid own barn, last Wednesday. - • IT is estimated that abinit 100,0001bs. of wool has been'smdin,Harrison connty this season. •• Prima lave ranged from 40 to 45 cants.- • A. Prerenunon bride on her wedding tur ti 4 AUlesTine) Willa, an overdose of for„the, toothache, and came nigh.] 'Ding 441 , 1944Ma* • woman , from - Norway anTiblith to:ti chilil,on a n emigrant train, Antherin Hindle *II - between NeW.:, ariland ''C - Olimilbii; last• eelf.'"Vothet 80 child are doing, tft o, ll t*Vi '" 1 • - A- -407044 a Ro annoy. the oilier:day-by - bftcimpalthinnete.cow , lingifpnin ail s wagon fin adult* which' wasratoppea :to - unlock: • 'DE poltfett. tared his breast, and was drixen:tentif throniblilifiendWise.' ' ""- • - boy, son ot W.lll.,2(ccak. of Cidiz, was choked to death while eat ing peanuts a few days sinca RIB wind. pipe-was opened as a last resort, but with6ut avail, as pieces of the nut had passed into the bronchial tubes. Tan wife of Rev."Nr. Cheshborough, of the M. M. Church, at Newbury, was dearly bhrued to' death on Batnrday, at. ternoon4oth inst.,. by, the explosion of a caaof ,terottene ; She , undOrtaolx to revivit a smouldering fire by pouring• the 1 . fluid. upon it. . 7 - - c • • Blinn Lewis, livirt'near Mainilield, a rode mule to Petercbmg last' Monday evening, ind it came home the same event dg tuxneil. • li. ; Lewis was found the .next morning nearly Jiff*" ;IP:kn.-the -.road, . the mule baying dragged him In the stirrups about a quarter of mile.: - He died on 'N,mday. ' 'Litt follow ag . adverflseipeet tVb ellTs in the Vremoi4 jici#P9o...::"EzraKijapp,‘ ITY.Purteall , yearil, old, p ad left an gone to work . for X.Phri:JScanion, for _an old fUr cap and fiddle. Bis lather and 'mother are living, and are able to support him. All persons , are requested nut to tketp him overnight or give him anything to eat." • " goon women anived'at Orangeville, a4orktime since, direct , from - the old uonn , ky, accompanied;,by, seireral little chlldren. to meet her husband, who had preceded her some months.: On her ark' riVal she met - with the -crashing Intel!. fence that her htteband; whom she had come's° far to meet, had been accident ally killed in a coal bank but a day or two previous. STr LOUIS: ::: Spicy.Lettertroza• linty (Correspondence of the Ptttebdiiii 6isette.3 ST. LOUTlC,'.ittly - 16, 1869. „ If really 'Mewls if the old.political Is sties wereak. last qvallYci giving up the ghost. A few galvanized dead men still talk about reeonstruction” and negzu suf frage, and 'the' Smith, but I t .is the WM'S' remarkable how little 'space," such . to mica :nil! :Occupy in the press: 'Here in Eit.,loikta our papers are occaploulith. dui subject of- Protect ive Tariffs, direct trade with Europe and outh America, the removal of the Capi tal, and a dozen other—legitimate - themes for political discussion, none of which grow out of the war, unless - remotely, or relate especially'o the condition ot• the This is as it should be. When 'Sec tional differences occupy" less time and spare in our ,public prints, they will die out. Nothing like continual stirring to keep a pool foul; let it alone, and it will settle and become clear of itself. We ate going to • have the Capitol re moved here: 'The Dentherat says so, and the Chicago Tribune is in for`it, for some Mysterious reason. The west is begin.'" ing to clamor for it, and I doubt not they will before many yeara accomplish their, purpose. There is little reverence here for the historical sr:3o6olone which have clustered about the name of Wash- ington. In fact the 'bump of reverence don't predominate in the western cranium. They • even speak' disrespectfully of the 'gather of his country,, 'Whose . effigy, in enduring brass; adorns ' Lafayette Park. They actually . urge thetas an: additional reason for locating the Capital' here, be. cause already ; .;possessing statues of Washington and`, the immortal Benton, tve can afford to leive the statuary embel ?lshii:gaffe' of Washington City 'where they ateJ 7 .Tife "-Jackson; ' in . majestic equipoise, the , Columbis, : with his eye flied ow some' imaginary pins, , antiltia countenance aglow- biz anticiwThin of s . ten-strikei , :sisd rtaiat, i other •Washingtott, aitting*-Otd-likent&itide, - waiting for' his only ihirtnW be - :Wished: 141'3110,e 'could the feitNoTtWoodety, ..ank,(l* 'ad: miriticii,or *bakM1413.10;4440 keepers ; end 1000 zitniPtkiiitio Odont-Rennoll cvaPistaasemilee - ,' •• : _• ---..: .% •. : „: ... 1 •.' pountleestn;general principieia loot -Von geographically • central is -hest :for a 'National Capital, and yet this reason' for removal li aveakereley - year: ` With - in Creasellfaciliffeti for interecunittraileation" the difference, 'tel4oooinifei;;Anany4e. section liebilitinuallY l af.:,"Jela I :inomenV. The fact ii, there ' lirtfenlingheralhaf, tke ; Eisthas ttsijirciet•inatamce.lii:;iitir:: : tics„ _That N OW Nii,rk an4l4 3 ivisilvanifil and 2.l"Tibt Ragland &Laird ", ado: much ,:of our,lesdelation ;for their i: local linterests. , ot iest It4ie tide *bleb atirs:up did iO. Inch' att enterprise as Aber pro ; 1 tind' will insist on . '' Heft jil . file .(filtift ~( C enteloOt. fr i* * .heiell . 4 l l / 4 /?° -0 1 0:44.40 c'il,or i eitlintlitthee: ' - •- ' . , ,',_ ~ ; 'The question pt Chinese twilit:Wein * becoming one gin? Shall we invite ahe ming . .., 4 , 1 1 6 ,30: liffit'seilt 'Bhal'we, 'king ° renew', :and - their Ciiiirzstioif face to' tite !with' .Chttitikaltre ilia Chifstianl'avillistrdiff •in • obe ,of , stoutest ' for. htt nit skit yql • ItsilentheoidVititheitieWilhalir 02 t 44- * 'bar- eolith:tent thtilan taeleld? / ii,, 1 10 1t4V10414 1 t, 40"*00019 1 .e.00. 4p, v , ip:: Yew : )I , ' ' L Th 4iel lit C l i*A l3 l 4 ff /ii it4t: of th4:44.l**inat .101174.., • allabn a attetition:iof , ottri:statgamestiv At may be, t isle;shelliiive. to modify seine of. the anew • 4408piteditheMdesAnatiabr ot: ithjs intjete . :pitted stream of immigrationPadd fiftitiTh: time repel the tide we have hitherto in vited. • Hem ?Liam. PITISB 4irmig *fill_ • . _._.._ it.i 2c toilligks (K )'dispatth . '"si - • • _ ' A - 7.. Ys• &taintamity was startled' anittedni ' mttlesteral by' i'repnrf that - Thee. II; Irvine, a - farmer of this county. and for-many ' , years PrW.dOt - of • the Rich- NtiondStsge Company, had attempted to foree his .daughter,,..n ..handßOMe,-,And. sprightly little girl somefourteen years of age, to marry a young man named Broadwelll Keith, and she persisting in a refusal, he held a ,piatol to - her head and allowed Keith to livish 'caresses on the , unwilling: girl: - - Even thenthe'would not -consent to marry him, and •the father shut her in a room with Keith,' and told hit thati"alle would be d—d - glad to marry, him when, he had gotten through , with , her." Bbe made her escape from the, room, and Keith ran after her and bro ht her back to the house, and Irvine: a t lock her i an-upper room. Her step-, mot el had gone to Mr. Henry .Bow. 'm s,. who fives near by, the escape :1244 - ;husbands rpelty, and the :poor little , , prisonermanaged to send her, by a negro m i a ,wg• the following note;: written Woo, , tilt' on a scrap of paper: , .. a.i. •-. lie ' ei tta7:. or: Mili Me2l -80 P rife cl hod Giml y here; 's'llak f e oc - ra;10 , ,tr ng to Mike Broad =Keith' isleepL . With.' 'fife .'',Vihittlen e arth IN, I' .do?' Please' 3it igta, come or aerie. ' - - ° ile . ivill not let•rhe 'calif)). down stairs. Ohl what will I do? 114 IS the lituidtetOodlintll some onesecenes" to lf,,inei t i. fleake,'Aßl please fetid pnef so e 0 . 0 . A ., 11 011L- .;, Ho ;mil burst Ihg. boll Of On 0; 5 1.11. ? *Vvlfi l ' - ' I ' Boi l , gave the note to Mr. .. m , who immediately went to her rescue s and seeing her,at the wind,* of theroom in which she was Confined;, Plactd.a /ad' der, which happened to be at hand s r and. she came down on it, and thus.t escaped the clutches of her unnatural .Esther and an unscrupuloun few ; _, , i• ,;.• • ~...:4.v. k . :. • Mr. Bowman.itt& herb kiiiital placed her at Opt.rd's, `where she`; found protection and all the sym pa thy and tenderness which kihdhe.arted ,pee; pie would naturally'show to one in , her .. forlorn condition ; ' . .. ' Warrants were issued for the arre st, - of ' tritine and Keith, and they were brought to town, by Deputy . ElheriffiCochrane and Didiake t and the trial set „for yesterday afternoon, but the hearing was postponed till this morning ,at 9 n'clock. • Irvine • wanreleased onball..but- Keith was sent to jai-in default of $5,000 ball. , ,: • I=M=:=M • FeW,Pettldruf in this country, ern aware 'of the number of species of fungi, :•or mushrooms, that are capable of being _ made useful as food, of _for sauces, and of the excellent qualities that many of, them, pre*it. -:One or two species, gathered with..much apprehension, and trownedr npon by most persons, exhaust the ate& of available& is this direotion, - whilit'Our more fortunate or more learned - foreign brethren have at their command varieties that serve to replace nearly every, kind of food. or at least aid in giving to them piquant flavor. One specles, known as " vegetible beefsteak, cut, In slices, stewed for half an hour, and - then fried - with gravy,.would be vadily mistaken, with the eyes shut, for the article the name of which it bears. • The puffballs, pliced, fried with egg and a few bread crumbs and fine herbs, present no distant resemblance tops very line omelette. Another speciesycalled . the "fairy ling mushroom,' which found - on/ every , grass plat , in Europe. wbeic'holled, tin - toast and before tholire Under We cot*. 4 ' lli makes a dish toset before the king.": Another furnishes an excellent. intbStk: tote rob sweet breads. The Englisgh coolt- 7 ery books abound in recipes. for dr -wim. these different-. forms of-fungi, in every imaginable was, A po less -than- a hun4red. recipes being :found in some of. thew It is, ofcourse, well to be careful in regard to the use of mushrooms in this countrt, • and where theris reasonable doubt it rs best to tbstain ffom them altogether. it is said to be perfectly possible by - means Of simple and intelligible instructions' to distinguish between the noxious and nee ful kinds, though we shall not , attempt, here to give the rules which are publish .ed on this subject, lot fear of leading some of our readers into difficulty. We are assured that all the varieties that are known to the French. and English cooks are found in this country, and some species of finer qualities than any that are met with abroad. The total number of species that are merely eatable," but ac tually desirable, as, articles of food, amounts, we believe, to as many as sixty; and It is said that the proportion of the polionous kinds to those that are whole some, is not greater than exists between the wild fruits and berries that aretordina rily met with. The area of London, including the vil lages in the suburbs, amounts to 78,000 acres, or very nearly 122 square miles. This is London as defined by the Regis , . trar 'General of vits,i, statistics, .end in cludes Hampstead,. Fonda" Town and Stoke Newington on the north; Wands worth, Norwood and Sydenham o the south; Bow, Poplar and Greenwich on the east; and Kensington, Hammer,smith end Fulham on the west. On this area, including these Inhurbe, Stand over 400,000 iniuthited botqies,,irith' an ,'ever. age of nearly eight' persons to a house, , giving a mesas deludi,Twat [soy Pereele).l to each' acre. The population.oft London, in 1888, ,is. only, . based on estimates, no *sap baying been taken , I since` 861; but bY, telting the average An"' nual - Inerease Widely prevailed between 1841 and, 1861 i, int believed that the num ber of Inhabitants amounts to 8,12008 ti sonls.n The county'-.-rate .iusamdm -t,,, of 1866 P%Nd th e annual' income ; derived' friplh' P e r t Y tu-Lopaik:** l6,Bo B ,6B6 .' The , pfivistion,or radon ; varies frOm 1 e ietentt*elthU4 Water : Pa* to 42 9 . feet 14 let:nate, iliarkga Sat aPsteal; , • The'popula on resldeasiA a ,meanaltnnt tl°,l4.P.t 8 9.pre--bigh ,wateranerk. '. o4 teciella , mak considerable '4° +- 11 6 1 9 ti load are Shooter's Hine 411 fet'Aunt ifisdenhant:ll, 660 '1 0 , ;above.high 'water Mirk" '" ' :, ' , I , -=J'7.. . - n - r------ , -”srase”---- , -- , -" , —. - 1,. z , Wnsnosci Wonst.Tv'grhe!Arae*S* Ar r icatturist is, t'slalalti t 'aped ' , the• Vi •l4+ ep of eatiblirmervof Maier liPtber• alerelitmdMothf itti hone cif two be; Aix* ig1;011' 41,1 ,elkil` Pa Or ea *Tit' e , gpx sums, *dip ithblesb ei.'" It mMads ~, ,the breakfast should ha tah_en be4fri„gaittg. ;fTdVaKtt - then thifigr rill lymi Weide 041,eda'aftdriedIS the meendtucenth go no bndir 'about the ittUdthobla far Ole , comfort :Pf :the thing/ e ms vote far , early labor. .We ought to say, holVeveri that this is our theory, not. - curpritetytei: ? • --' 3 ---••, ' ''.' K i Tuts: centre li ne ~. ,fai' thenTitst ;tit* ~: dg#rttt Wily, York, Itall', .:' • 1; xsted,, '0 • both eattiwthwriteir. . . ~, - 'Web. ling, the engineer, and material for the abutments Is preparing rapidly. , AZETTE JULY 20, },1869,. Loudon. . : 4~'~r~c~va VOCIONSIC .4 KELLY". sn a insoles:lli too - was ti LamK:i . 4l,anteris, Chandeliers, D LAMP coops. Also, CARBON AND LIIBRICATiNe OMB. w _ _ _ inaZitomirfiirinii. Th lropteienaiirpflraftor road Itoliseteeptir, ;wimp tit Wiesner once PIPEK 'CHIMNEY 1101,13.-Bcei 1 AkTEICIPIPES, 94132515ZT TOPS A large allaorilliera, HENRY H. COLLINS. sioch.si.t _ Ad Avenue, nor 9mlthAel4lst. CHINA. CUTLERY; WO WOOD STREET. • . ?Witir 'GOODS. - . VASES, sdusa IA wan NEW dT DI Y HiIt TEA lirrs. king' T curs, sittipliOntra," • - :A larged _ „ ook • Stifttli . 600DS of on delorlDikozis. asa,exemlne oni pees, and we feel asilellect ao one need Otto Wattled& T.• RIMED Ar• CO. WO WOOD STREET. ,px , Hco.Lsrßßir. ;110 1 1/VIALt WIEDEB4OLD. •2 4 tai:160 Third Avenue, . , Upholiterl -ind Dealer: in Curtain Gtiodi, Ditert L the ,attaation of their friends arid the public to theiciinely 'snorted inset of Luis and Xottinghini es:tains Vestibale Ladr4; DiunlOs . Beim C ornices. _Mil= cloth. estin. Deisissu; Mit Ol4 add :Walnut filiribs Ikeda of Superior mete, Hui Matteis Wire heir.) V ows witaws, , t l laws 'fneS t ig h lll.lllg.7l:44l,:reit iothe ituroecilon or their customers. Pure white itastern dhow IresShers always on nano. I - HOLTZMAN vnzoluoia. N 0.30 0 THIRis • AVENUE. nerB:o3 ?WWI. thlit - 111111 S :1101101 r SLHL KILL FRENCH :FAMILY FLOUR. This Ilour wiU only es sena nut wlOni claim ordered imam. 41 . 44, num =aim PEARL. um, sifillarMt" warn, Qom .T_Atairrtr r MRAL -1 17r#6111111D111111.0” Anewb4Y. Bent. 4 1 . um., raa.. ICE. TCE . ',101E: • Wffi EitEBS,. ICJE ryk AL E , No. 55 Diamond Alley, Prrirsintan. PA. . addresiediont r i3s, wad, AlAllegheny, will rechire.Droutpt attention. Wsgons running in Pli,tsburgh and-Allegneny. myl6:110 • t . • j_ LIVERY:S A - BLES. sonxu.• srmareart • nbir..n.rarneassox. ROBIN IL PATTERSOIV& CO., Z"I'VE ZI V• *4 11-452 4ND wma:Ouotr Jammu lETINTIt 110111,E LIBERTI IT. sos Mite*tit*. Pa. LITTIO4BAP=OI ME uxJ ustaaavv...«..4. 4 c:.ranar clam., QUremattaitsktu.,sueceiso.it .44 wawa' frantaaintivii a 0044 `-,` ~ • t • 11341L147116AVILITIMEdiAl g idgalld r 1 '.". I A, s' tUti'' bthibibeat , ett of ta '- ' dLattu :Brads.. LaNy Olt, 11)1pioutils. , Op i 1.6 sites , tal I C 11." ant . %se firi --lint piteßWllMlMOrighl, .1 ;•,:, i. 1 t.• .-' ,- 1 , ; •„„-,,„, 7 *00;4 * II . • r• memnassinsunrestowases autoulat: ID 1111,101111rik • allgUtiati , , I • Ast i ~. .• I, " l iarri bi li4= "llll44 °IN" WWI tre , d ,- • r; .'r , - - 13liknehlOttniat r iUMP/' ' • 01$ 4101 1 10 6 ,4h4AliViblek egiud_Nadir AtiP. HhOtay Al' !At, • •o=roul , v 4 lv • ; t -mavens • ' 1 11 t4Y 1174 ;ift1 1 !9'11 1 1 Y , ,;,, 14 4 .. , , - i ~. , A q v is i giEavai, co u , l .rt wit- . ettactle. L'= , $4.1.,0is iisSlt.„te„ mil 4 6, '' 4 f lisaufacturew Awl im t'ki,k:B'. QVIBIZOIVAILL IMUSTOL WA31311 doe. Wise sad Warsboass. 303 MIKITY OTBSZT illir AU oaten prootly stte3oo4 to. ICARPETS, jtai zoopt. • CARPETS. ma We otter altßitalkitir THIRTY DAYS ONLY: a line or New and Choice Patterns Ettglish TapesblOrrtissels, Ingrain, and MerTarpets t , . AT LESS TIBLk2T 'COST OF' 1-817011TATION, and our entire stock at prices which make it an object .to buy_ this montu, as these - Epode have pryer oeen offered so low. , September Our Store will close at S r. at. until b first. jy9:MIT Ci..' : l ; :-R4 . :T....,_.. i "AiIC P., Sip AT LOW PRICES'. We Offer many of MU gdods much beim/Oast -Sprtnre ;linen. Those needing goods our Jinn Can says Money by buy pag t at once. BOYARD, ROSE do CO, 21 Fll7ll AMEIU3I. jyl.4:daT NEW CARPETS! aruxke,il.l3o9. We are now opening an assortment unparalleled, far th/a city 'Pr .14.2•11p3T: . ; • - VELVETS ;BRUSSELS THEE-PLYS; - Thek:fery Newest Designs ) • Of our own reCont importation and eielectedinno, eastern manotscrixers. lIEDION AND LOW =PRICED IT'Veriit AIMS, ~,. Q QUALITY AND COLORS. An =Extra Quality 'of Rao Carpet. We are now selling many of the above at GREATLY BEDIJOE.D :TRICES. i'CHUM BROS., fro. • 51. FIFTH FE.NT/E, 01411 1 [1 MOTOCEI HAVE M I ST 2,;9EITED A. FINE; *I4EOTION OF ittrustoatis, TAi ESTRY BRUSSELS num ny AND INGRAIN CARPETS. THE LABGEE1 1- ASSORTIIENT OF WAITE, COCK & FANCY - BUNTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, TIM' CITY. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OMER XeCLINTOOI & ,COll. WINDOW MIADES, s 1. ' New, and ilan*me Designs, No. 107 Stratiket Street (Mil,ratil,JagbnnCs) • 41 1 /14AOMILA ,filtMtols44Wiftgli lideCte t Mar ginitW.V4O. II3 # OI ‘ 49I % .II W ITSMSTAIir. -aw-Wir o IPS* ABTlOLE4mkownr. tkuw,tisp.,:4,4l,9llrktoimacru as pilaw tstaa will INSY 41100.4 3 :4 3 414 14 * - • .1. • i JO& B. OitES & BRO. .- _v:44221101,, t . . W L L" ral "Vim upon Fong A . NEWIIIIO4 • 01 • Pa* " 1 04 ir Alrit ; i g NSW; Mt i leMßE grew, ,~~~: Liberty- Street" 10/‘,..7c , ) ii&i.-sa;.99 11411,1111 1" : d '- litAtiaditteD4gaS l UMOßTV, )— t.QIiNABIENTAL . 11 ;niCgdiatu_ xxti r k urit i: vaeroavummatory iCALI I I3 3 , *WIRD O tial liZe ha star raga la cub will' Kim Lot RAW Ita " r Ladles , ia4 tientlemita'a 111142 game done lies SWAM insanat. at SPEC2III:- SALE Or iIicFAELAN:II•& COLLINS. No'. 71 ;lad 73 FIFTH AVlth 114 (Stoond Floor) Flom' Oil Cloths, Window Shodesi, 1!!!M1 VERY SUPERIOR IMI Sib FITT3 AYRNITE WAM, PAPERS. W P4PEK NO* OPENING AT = DRY GOODS. .a wI F SP. .. CD = 013 - ' 4 ) i6I ' li 0 MI GC .., M s 44 ITS 124-- g _ rd l r" 1 - 1:4 coa ci . . , ti ... © r e riq 0 E-1 . 0 : i -- - 1 - —e; __ =:.....,.,:...... ~,,_.,, , r 2.. ..E... ~..,_ , ,-,..;•". ........ .. • • N..... .. 1 ,N.,...,,-....0.,..[.--.00... JUST OPKNED THEODORE .P. NUMP,r, 87 Market Street, Prints, Iguslins,, Drew; ,Goods, MA SHAWLS• PULL Ll= OP SILK SACQUES. Very Cheap. , 1 • ST. BLIIIBLET pass. PI LANDLESS & CO., Mato Weaon. Carta Ca.) Wai"aal'ag DZALK2O SH FOreigh and Dianestle Dry Meal, \ No. 94 WOOD STIDDIT. Third dam atom Diamond anew. INIFIEIS. LIQUORS, 4C. " SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, impourzon or WIRES, BEISDIES, GIN, .10., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PULE* BYE,-.WiIIISKiES," 409 PENN Have I{emoved to 1108..384 AND 386 PENN, Cor. EleirenthSt., (formerly Canel.),. J. V. mamma.— .... 2. 8221.712n3=. DILLINGEE & STEVENSON DISTILLERS AND DEALERS I# ' Pure Rye Whiskies; 13120.11TEP9 BRANDIES WINES,GINS,&C 1 No. S 7 Second . Avenue, ap33 PITTSBURGH; EA. JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO:; aos. ists. 183.131, iss and 193, rutin MEET. piTTEISUBOH. I[I3I37ICIVILIMUS Capper Distilled Pare Bye William. LlBN_denters In FOREIGN IMES and 1.1. Quo's& BOPS. an. mums, I!CEROELtX7' TAILORS. -pt , TUE GEL, t • , "r` . (Late Cutter wtei W. Hespeohelavil Dirmucuemir TAr.Loa., Stalthileld Streettatittaburgb. 14ZEW SPUIENO-G901113. splendid new Wok of GE027115, GASST3II4II:EX Just neared 117 lILENRY 'alit *eftMint Tanci vo Smithfield Meet. DR. NITHITTEMIZ 11Q7PirlItIltrES TO TELEAT ALL private 'diseases. Byphills hi 1 Its forma..all diseases, sad teeelfectslot:Mercury ire tompiettoyitradlasteel: DperMsterrhes or Srasi. nal Igeanness . and /mPolailet, l rtsiqUalf , Pea self•atniseor Other causes, and whieb. Drogues acme of the following Mete. aap tenes,•beihy weakness, indliresUon. emu= n,amnion to seem, umamiutkees„ooo.ll of 49,4 p! ewe olib. ; l i n g tre mor Indolence norturnin enussibv9. and finally. so .prostratAthe soma eir:rio p emu, I render_ nuirriase" Visa htetorY. en ielone tommm‘oro: petati tty ddre.V. rts at.' Tel Meted with, 92ess ottosir ottlfli della* colt or iong staaaingtemititlitlonst romp tpolat,u site IX* Doctor a mat- lie netts ails.' A parilonlar Sttsiatioisj/(01111.-tosniir ononw Mande. Letteerrlma or ly_hites, 'WO= inatiOn Or , Meoxittion or the WOWS, 411 9 %. • tinmeintittsoAniessoisboss.tkenortassrts., ' Sod olsnltty oriismusonNinssirenobl atli ' gl=:79trilitiii:4llll66lllSieS '' onosou szolestrelyiniUstadrotaktoitibietliss: , or illsesiscand vents amnions I t reff sver7- , , toor 1111131 4tet541191 , 1, 11 04 9 9 , ,,, soon osistorossusw ' ... r Y ' l f Dootoniseitioses-alsoinnsidilet olUi • ,Mi e SigOtoliiiracro orvolmMf` i Sbat mt filijAo .1 4 ' . 11y •nahib Sir soro stamp* 91 1 0 0 14 wv+oll9 l . wAs instmilen; 'Use nt• 119191-11 =4:999i1ii 01 1 •VIVAIS gliD! , • loits iistare , UoicoossO9 l 9 lll . -- - The ,1014 I ,1014 , an** rooms. bi eim opinion can Do ob if, - Lima ere n.written sti t or the ease, artei,es pa be ,forininieellur SUM or 11Z0. , Vass.' n ions ilinaLleef. So f Tpa personal , - SzondiisUots is &Whitely 1 -ns i *Mk to - others nails um= nuonlion , Tared; sad •: irt im u l one noun gatlea p ro. • li it mina! *Mips swot n den witb mit r0n 199 . 481 " 111 el=ti tal ' te ,isevram. 0104 Int :guldi . pp r , , E7._.__. All lereattipttaugr er ranairsd At • the, rees own laboistoty. ids i-i. mai nu. nTn. Medical pamphlets at °me free, or ill ° for two stamps. No matter who bare failed. lend what he says. Hours V A.ate lob P, D, Sundays la ii. to Sr. X. Onof,NO. 9 WTLI, lintilsr. meat Court Henna riiisiariii, rip, U um EM aniiii