The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 19, 1869, Image 7

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orresponpuce of the Plttstairgb Gazette.)
BM/NEW/Cif, ME., July 14,1869.
,plaCe is all a stir to-day, all is
ustle And activity. Tickete to thochnrcb,.
iving one an ; entrance to, church- before
procession, are tagerlytotight Only
limiteds:ski:ibex are is - sued ;tiindreds
land -waiting at the church door till the
rroceasion_ has entered;:*hen. every
eat tui,d isle is filled, .
Ile precession under the charge , of
marshal. proceeded* Gilmore's famous
iand,' forms at the chapel. The Presi
lent hashis flowing silk robe, such of the
-radnates as choose to wear gowns do so.
;I the commencement exercises I will not
peak this evening. A word on the mill
ary display and grounds.
, ThesO two points in the commencement
f thd Weitern VniVersity were kindly
riticizedttiy one of the religloui papers
-military display and, gowns worn by
he students, Are a matter. of Aaste.", A
ierson whommy -never have: seen- a mar
.hal on such an occasion; may 'think it
mid, but we do not see how hv possibly
an regard it otherviiise thin eminently •
'roper, and - essential 'to the order "of the .
,cession, I certainly: hope tbi„esieeMed,
notobject , to our,:rfiost Werthy. -
?rofeeior of Military Science, detailed to
is in accordance with an act of.Coneress,
I.,ccupying a seat with the Faculty. , Now
ire have never known a commencment •
,f a college without' , its procession and'
Manitil.'' We have been = honored in.
°ruler years by suck 4ettlemen as Gems.
Segley and Sweitzer; and 'on -socca
, don we don" 1, possibly seeltow i we could
'lave made A better choke —Co u ld - hive se
.ected one who Wetild have appeared or
lone - better. We • - snotice that ••=atill at
Harvard; as in yeartspatking.the memory
)f Men, the „National Lancer's escort.the
3overnor and Staffirom•Boston to. Cam.
Jridge, and then the prii!tession is formed
with a Marshal of experiende, which-pro
.leeds in due lorm tethe - thurch. 'This,
00, is in old Harvard, what they are'not
atErally snePected of t a too rigid sate
ence, to monastic 'fornis dr' „middle-age
:eremoniee, but where thev4rid , RI so,free
.o think, that:, every. form:;of heresy is
supposed to originate thus.. The gowns
we l have been accustomed see in most
3f our best:colleges ••all our lives, there-
Fore they did not strike usAir"ludicrous."
'They are net so fegardedite-liaisiard and
• :,Neiv York, At 'the recent commence- '
„ , ,ment of the University York,
:',: . Chancellor Ferris wore.A....,perple velvet
'xford cape, and, -0401FaCtilty , All, wore.
O '''robes. ; The,Facultyof the Western Uni
versity represent ten ,diliferent institu
dons. in this and other .countries
they ' unanimously
. tirtd heart
dy approve of - the rifles for
::students; and would' have .adopted them
• sometime sincifor: themielves .hat not
the expense 'prevented. This objection
we hope: ill be 'obviated hereafter, and
our Bev. friend will have an crppor tu
' nity :to see. a more ridiculous sight—a
graduating class and the Faculty , all in
, robes. ' A few years ago it was consider . -
ed "ludicrous” and sillier to surmount
the spire Of a Pratestanr Ohnrch with a
cross,'now it is not. So was it regarded
to preach from notes or. to have an organ
In a Presbyterian church:: but these fool
v.ish objections 'me disappeared:. ; We , are,
• , all creatnrea of circumstances. . more Or
' less, what we have been accustomed to
; to see appears well t .wietteverle new may
•••• seem desirable or ludicrous. S.
The Poor Men , or'New ,York.
Hiving shown those,most noticeable
and most prospeious.eitong-our
do or wealthy classes 14/0 contribute so
largely to the support of the Government,
we now descend to the other end of the
scale and presenr the ritfires of the Poor
Men of New York who don'tpay any'
taxes at all.
The publication ef" inc.ime lists not
only furnishes food ter tne curious, but it
disabuses the poblic,ntind about , the in
comes of functionaries in and about; the
, City. Hall. It has heretofore been the
. popular belief that the poorest member
of tlietaiiiiiiirAldirnierrina• - 30: ittleair
$50.000 per"annum from lila' position,
through street contracts held by relatives,
and other little .i.`jobstlwell known to our
. citizens who suffer by tliem. • The income
list completely explodes this . idea, - and
vindicates the purity of our City Govern
ment. We .notice thatour . - Ceroners,
,though they bold meirly"'criests.' don't
male:any money. winch - we ',very inuffh,
regret, as their official duties heMe
ceedingly unpleasant: Bat Qve mtist be
permitted to express our EktpTaise ,at the
fact of their small fees, as an ex -Corober
in whom we 'hake ,nineh confidence
makes the grim statement that the custom
heretofore has been (end New York City
officiabrereapt improve-upon--money
getting customs) that Wlle&Cor.ener No. 1
finds a body in tne riv,er, holds #o4:prett
upon it, and sends it ailing to' No!.`2,'`ind .
so it goes on through the whole list of
Coroners.• -When •finally 4 .`ssirtiponj'
must be, as„liir. Alantilini would express
it, "a' demnitionT "diiagreeable
body."„ 43inee t we baye,,,pithlishedAte_
• nameifot•nearly-forty:Ahimsan&eitizens ,
of New .York and,xicmity whohave each
returned a taxab ` 4ineumet;lck 419 yeat
• 1868, it,seemis no more than fair and lust
'• to name - nextiifereef-tbef
who had no income to return for that
year. , , 7: 1 3.
We have a gentleman living...pp town
. in a splendid Pifth avenue house who
haryfelervtol4:l-dobtrottsrdiletad . •
Bel - swears: that ni 44145; 0 0 0
'‘ rent forlds house;
,tlut be VII,MIX on e :
and one quarter itifllicieellarif, k tioatr
•- in real state; Oat' bereerrtg,Year
$9,000 from retits,'and pal t 1" 7,00
tor taxes and $6,000 interest on mort
gages; that 'it cestehirti.about` 8.0,000
per annual to live, arid that he obtains
the necessary fends by 'the occasional
sale of Alftlef ViD i rd4 $ll 04!;*,Dieb he
owned preilims . efositelage of "tiieln
come „He skvers that he does
not.belieVe;;the zinfichne
stitnuonal, and would therefore justify
cape .its provisions. He is a red:hot
4 Dettu;Kmg, yptagenatteesototttsppsaranw.
Ili the heat'ta
many Ball' canvasser of elections atid
give hfirufida. T tB L i sßoa hi is if]
• egediaglY suave, aniiiMa*YeP qttPtlbne:
hp, Wpver prying, .With , st JeadureM that
ci'fr!Pleteiy th royys Its. questioner to us
• He never abate temper 'to
beccichiruftled;'eldeitV Whin he` spalns
*Pith -honest - indlgnati6n the slightest
• • insinuation against his ,-- patriotism- ,
These '-s busts :14 are ,genenilly;-,..fa1..
lowedby a, -melancholy obroitillg
of the ,head as, down-caf.t and
sorrowful eyes, luillitidores in .broken
Voice the sad state of his beloved coun
try.. Recovering - from ther , effect of his
overwrought feelingso he takes up the
pep and dashes off a bold signature to the
affidavit, in which he swears be is, too
'poor to pay to his "beloved country" any
income tax. He is, as polite as a dancing
master; as wordy as the dictionary, and in
figuring down his income to "nothing
tax ble" can, distance the Arithmetic Man
of h e World in his happiFst flights at
ev v ine Democratic victories
out of fig
ur which to the common mind represent
Democratic disaster. • . . •
erther lap town =we find one of the
City Fathers of Alde.rmanic Boole-ring
fame. In 1862; when he was first elected
Alderman of the r ---'ward, he was
worth about $6,000. To day'the records
of . e Registei's - office show thathe bolas
no less than $BOO,OOO worth of solid
estate in this city; yet he 'has never
returned in any one year since the In.
come law took effect more than $6OO tax
able income. 'Poor fellow! to have the
care of so much property and receive so
little benefit from it!
Then ,*e have an ei-Idayor, who is
reputed to be the Unfortunate owner of
more than one million dollars worth of
real estate, some of:Which is leased to the
city at, exceedingly . remunerative prices.
But the poor man , never profile, by it, for
he,ver had a single - dollar of taxa
ble ineome. " ' - :'
. In an up4wil mansion ,liVes one of our
Supervise w ho formalY,realded'in true
'Tenth war d, :but came originally from
"north of the Twee 4,7 as may, be seen
by the coat-Of-tinos: engraved uPOili cer
tain silver-ware presented by ithe Ameri
can Club. In IMO he could, hardly pay
the rent of the very plain-housein which
he lived. Since then he has-been . en
gaged in the . business - of ruining' the
Tammany, . Hall' Machine; together with
the offices:of "Senator;SuPervieor, Depu
, ty Street Commissioner, and 'other pleas
ant positionbtoo, numerous ; to mention.
According to. the returns. which, he has
made-to the Assessor since 1862,1 m is in
point of income still a very poor man. It
is uau ceiunaireo,ridatlweyoorenraipoefortLf
the past year he has '. purchased over
with all this, property, the 'unfortunate
owner hat,no taxable income for the Past
year.L gentle Man living in. Voity-ninth
street. reputed to be worth half a ,million
in real estite and living in a mouse worth
$60,0014 has not•been able to pay•any in
come tax, during , Ithe : past • two. years.
•Since 1.€82 no class :pr mehhre supposed
toiliese been More geneially successful
than builders and specOthis inreal es
tate, yet many of 'the malt prominent of
these return no income, which proves, of
the inquisitive public greatly
the Wealth and profits of
their neighbors.=New; York Tribune.
Washington Items.
The District Attorney and the Marshal
of_New Ycirt have severally been in
structeiltit any and all hazards-to enforce
the nentrality . laws, and to break up.ex
peclitions ag.amst Cuba. For this pur
pose they have' been empowered by a
commission from the President, under;
.the great seal, to call upon General Mc.'
Dowell for such troops as they may re
quire, and upon the Admifal in command
of the Navy Yard. for.sttch vessels and
forces as• their may. deem necessary
prevent,the departure of .any hostile ex
pedition, and they , are also directed to •
pursue any such expedition and capture
it on the high seas, %if. necessary. Gen.
McDowell and the Admiral have each 're
ceived Orders to respond to any call that
may be'made upon themli pursuance of
the powers so conferred.
• It is well understood here 'that• the
friends of Chase were much exercised
over the idea of Gen. Hancock receiving
the Democratic nomination for Governor
'Of Pennsylvania.:' For weeks the Chase
'men and Gov... Hoffman's friends have
been straining every nerve to ~ prevent
Hancock's candidacy. They feared it
might make the General too formidable a
rival for the next Presidency. The Chase
party, avow that they `would rather see
Geary elected than Hancock put in the
field. ThenoMination of Packer insures
a Republiean victory., Hoffman is be
lieved to he .1111ing to take the second:' ,
place on the. Chase programme for 1872.
It has transpired that the Dentoczacy of
Virginia are developing a movement to
secure the election of the Hon. Gilbert C.
Walker, Gevernor elect, as United States
Senator from that State. ' This motive is
to secure the control 'of local affairs by
displacing Walker from the. Governor
ship, because they fear that he will oppose
'their political as well. as railroad schemes;
and because they imagine they can.more
easily manage Lieutenant Governor
Lewis. In short, they being to find that
they have caught a Tarter in the election
of Governor 'Walker, and propose to re
move him from his position .of direct in
fluenus over 'the affairs . of the State.
- They will probably elect him to the long,
- More than ten days ago the Washing-.
;ton correspondent of the Charleston
.... , Courier, "Leo." wrote from; tisis city as
I learn that Chief -Justice Chase has
been approached by some of the first
...lawyers and jurists In the South, with
• entirp,regard for his • pOsitiOn and defer
ence to his views, on-zthe subject of the
,centinuatioirof Martial - law and and mil
itary commissions in 'the South, 'Judge
CUase, as I learn, had' no hesitation. in
Asa9l4e. that in the aid Yergei,
Mississippi; he should, If;ito were military tributisi. grant a „Wilt; ,of
habeas corpus ,upo,n. eppliamicp
'Thin course would remit :the accused: to
theproper orga tlzed civil tribunal..: • •
viAlecta=4l4 tteimt*,, , ,
. , .
We do not wish to bellsXS that , the
Catholic 'rellii6fi its to . put itself into an
tagonism to educatioz„ yet,the r folltrOUg
frlbii-0 2 e.,,abeillbat; ',0a0 0 40. 2450.4.0 ,
would•seem to, indicate .101i110; 4 „,,,i ,v,
timilibe tkgloriousdaY.; for Catiktogs.
in -this country .. ..w ben, • under -'he blows of
justice wnd !morality, bur vohool Iv .241 31
wilt be,shitfered • to pieces; until'. tbda•
ninderiel l aglitism Will uliirstph; ,
of this the Cjeveland Herald says'
' AV!,,, lutvp,„uo destra f.ii,lh av a a reli gi ous
element enter into the Statepsnvosth but
in view of such sentiments uttered by the
reputed brgah'of a Rothati ()obtain bishop
in this stute,.andof thdrelatiptis by blood
034;tiA0000etbagbit*,_eilalliat b le h OP
and, the Depuoinntie. inmiee, for pelt
embt; we as6l - 01; Ytlll'A'lllei 'IOW PiVoli be
avoldr.d.v A WSilisillititivlt b'Y • 01 - 41' 901001
system against all assaults. I from , what
ever quartes:they may:come.
A nrsernin soCietrbad under comsid
eraticte,the cinestioni- •"Is it 3070nrc=t0
cheat a lawyer?" The decision = arrived
at w41_4.,nN0 but immisaible.", fa
FlTTsßvßoli , lsittl" I -19, -186 A-7
TIM MOST sucussra
Chartered' by Special Act Oft Congress.
C 41314 °IV" $1400,000.
Di.K.V.ENCEH.Cll.B32,Philsdelphts , fredelent.
:JAY COWER, .Philadelphia, ClAlntiail: Firati2ci
'and ItzecusVre Comaiittec'' ''
, . .
HENRY D. c'ODIC.E, yashington; Viet rtr.4.
EMERSON W. 123 T, Pillikleiplals, Ber.se_tsiy.
and Actuarf.
FRANCIS O. SMITH. M. D., ' Pldladelbbtaßed
ical Director. ,' ,
.. •
.• •
This Company lessed, the first TEN
MONTHS of its existence.
3 395 roLiclig%
Taia Company c treys to Ita Policy-Holders
1 1 t3 C , " a l sin td uptiglrOl:lire(l)2ugLlll4olt!)°l.
LOW' RATESOIi ritzmrvm;
fir s a Reversionary Dividend -or 100 per cent. b
COCO.,"Bankers. o. 35 South
Third Suet%
an Pldiadelptin, General Agents for
, , .
Pentisylvaid and Southern Kew Jerder. B. S.
111:113131.1.14 Nfanager. •
IRA B. MeVAT dic CO .
errata for Allegheny, Beaver. Butler. !tarter
and Wealthiest.* Counties , ;
' City and Town; and applications from compe
tent partied for such agencies with suitable en
dorsement. should be addressed Tes THE, COM.
respective didtricts. jy2:loVal,
An elegant new Brick Dwelling,' 1 rooms, At
tie and wash , strom. • ,
House of 4 rooms , A lots. 26th ward, 61,1100.
House of 4, rooms, 1 lot, 16th ward, 0.500.
House of 4 moils, A lots, 17th ward. 0,1100.
HOllllB of 4 roinns. 1 lot, 17th ward, $2,400.
House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, 04600.
Finnic ot 9 rooms,•l lot. 15th ward. $6OO.
•10 luts.Blebert&Wlll lame Plan.slo o to $BOO.
ti lots, 44th street; 41,200 each. • .
•_l4 lots, 45th street. $l,OOO each. ..
S lots, Hatfield street, $BOO each
1 lot, Sherman street, $1.50. . .
5 lota, 40tn street, 80x$1110. $12,000.
4 lots, Butler stress, $4,000.
Lots2oxl3l. - fAet. 4000; ten years to pay. A
Louse cost SSOU: Interest on both, 460 • yelir.
Many pay 01E0 year rent. At Bloomfield yOll
wt aid save $ll4 a year and your bonne. Loa lot .
In lee& than 10 years. Churchee and schools
; 30 metes of. land, a mite from .34arosburgt,
/10,000; II acres of at. 03.601:). •
D. is: WILLIAM, 17th ward:
914 SALE.
• Near Osborn Station. an' the Plttsburgb
Ft. Wayne and Chicago Itallroad.
. About Two Acres 'Eaolt,!
195 Liberty Street.
Tale beatittral situation cannot surpassed
residences/for Vitiate residences in any disco ton, so ease
to both cltleis," being only eight miles UV the
.Westers renteiyivatita Railroad. Any person de.
Airing inibrinitiensbout this property can obtain
it by calling At the office of the IRON CITY MU.
Itederral street; Allegheny. ' Lott from dne.lia
sore TA' ASV serer: also. • email 10.8.40 onSlur
enuers. There is a good location fbr is mambo
taring establishment, betrietitherliallitsid an
Alletthen river. yalith4ll
fiefelEtliENE TAKEptOICICE.'
AD; 'on ' the Allegheny Myer.' and - now
used for gardening purposestmell hiniteeed can
in a high state of cultivation:. containing 40 or
50 acres, now offered et a Intrasin. ,Call soon.
A. so, other farms lit'grkld locatlone. Woolen'
lactory.. two. oases, andtwenty arres,of land
calla Central Railroad: , 11011Sel and 'Late For
'bale sif•Toreet 1a boils -cities.' roe _fartaer p,
ticulars inquire of WIIMAX WASD. 'ar.
l'esi s - • - •; llll.treissat 'affect. oncoelte
.. - -
• i-Piteated" In • 'Allegheny .- township.. MAID:
tocueleaCtuantV. 10 minutes ,we t l fr auk r ,ft,.
KWIS etat._ o ll, ou)br Alleoluvillrativtevitrala_
,Conteiglat. lia 2. - 60 or emu* are tt area; au •
'under t peer:balance valuable' Weber; Ainder . .., l
tisote4lorpacoa. 4 foot vela, tlew.ed.LortOotoa 1
an kleVot an orchard Ot 140 'vital' graneatAs -
I plAte , ti wall watered - attain g eat* tottebaoVPoM: ,
1 ,Y2TAtIr4 Von notartaAcKetwt4l l- .llcAbr ,
MC 'IIIECOND. , ; - *IFIP" "
l'lrt i llitt i •pa:;:yl FUR lbALlltainutelt:
; ,telyilideltDweltlatt • Boasts. W. II tut,tlapt e ßeXv!;
Return •if arra 11l ns• bell, tea moths, laud. uer,
lurile . tettf.
_Mit by Elikdtvgi. • •it 0, , *l,OO 'tory ,
Brstiousoubs Huti.e. , A - 0. le tioconeuriesnte&
I hoiliCaa. , °ape awl eeili . Atop, j 4 &land. :
gro!I ayeaue. tare.- story Vila Wink of Will,
*lntl EVIS4 00.1.1a1. - . ,- ; , .., I.
..,,, it i , f ,,
, .5...'- - V CUTLIBERT4 SVltigi'
~. 04 i'1., , ? ~ •,. ' 1 , 4
)1 16 ''' , .' , - '•;.-.' ' • 39 - 10244 A ebbe.
arl e ff*SECHANlCEtltotPi ON `
Ai, if r ON wul psi divtigiAror Iraaat
($) Praelr,re.,,,,ate of taxes,:on itua JiAy
13th 1284., JNO. NA8,218.
iy2:Bth r...
IDEA SUTIP-7300 sacks in storey
foristelby • IdeaAA:DICKEY a co:,
FEAVigr,lOl;-40sneks instate,.
tor mate br 16 : 41 4 ,11 P.1tc1x , Y CY:
ROAD CO." . _ . _ -
Pii,LADILPUII.. 'PA., April 9, 1869,
AU Stock olden, as registered on the Books of
1 this Company on the 30th Mit of April. 1889.
will be entitled to subscribe for TWENTY-FINE
\PER CENT. of their sespecilue,interests ln NeW
Stock, at par. as follows;
Figs*. Fifty per ceat. et the time Of imbiretip
tion,between' the 15th • day of Meg, 1869, and •
' the 3011 , day or June, 1809.• • • - -
lith - d .-
- , Secon4. \ fi ft y per, cent. between the ay
of November. /869, and tie 31st day 6f 'beam!
beri 1069; or. Stockholders should "trete' the,
whole amount ma3r,.be paid up at the time of.anh
sc.rlptl On. and eact(lkstalmeut so paid upita4bg,
entitled to a pro rete.olthe HiCdeud that May
be - declared Vn 101 l shares.
Third; That eterY 'l3trickh lder holding less
than folic share. shalt „he it titled to sohseribe
for one share; aid, those ho ding more than a
mutt 'pie or . four shires shill be entitled to ditt ,
scribe for'ari adclltioni.l Aire. , \\,, i • .. . ,
1. -Iburth. All shares whichinstatment4 ar e
yet, to be paid nrider:Besolutiait of Aity 13,
1888, will be entitled to their lavtmentnithe •
•Twent tl -ffive - Per cent. at Parc - ai though . they
d In full.
-mSl:l9B' THOMAS T. FIRTH. Tr e asurer.
. •
h IgrNOTICE: -
. .!
VIT 18,69
• ' ' • y
It se.;ordi.nce with Sonic% attic:Tate 9915 0 f
Is signet GIVEN
TO tgla
That the isseassients 11189 of City. -City
Building, Special. Poor, Business. City &hoot
and Ward School Taxes and City Water 'Bents
have been returned to me for collection ,
The above taxes are subject Au a DEDUCTION
CF FIVE . BEM. CENTUId if paid .on or before the
First Day of 4wud,
and TWO PER CENTUN If Pahl between the
pretzEsTE tigt 'or szrTENBER.
, - 1/71-NOCleduction will be allosied on taxes Data
bet weetreeptember dlteentb arid October Greg(
An addition of Ave pa , centunt will be Made
to all taxes unpaid October fizst.and ariadditional
lire per centum will be added to, aD taxeir
rosining unpaid on - November Ilrati'
t- CITY TREAt3IIRES, 403.&vEstrr..
Pr:veal:awe. July X.. 1869 ..
OPTIct or treois CO'iTON Mitt CO..
, . Plprent/nOrt, July 1&. 1569.
!rod% of this Company havellits day de;
'eland & dividend of THREE 1113t..001abarta
per k hare. out of Ihe profits of 'be,isst alx
months, 'payable In club, at the otheeof thet.:ont
nanycon and after the *lat. inat,.•
Jyt):111.8' A. O. 3114. 1i CE. ' Treasurer.
, .
OrPips oil 7111, PITTSBURGH 9A CO.,
- • • July 1869.
The Trustees , or the Pittsburgh Gas Company
have this day dielaied's dividend of TWO DOL.
LaRS AND PUTT CENTS per share of the
Capital Suelt.lisyable on' demand at the - office
of the Company. • '
J3l3:mio W. , H. NeCLELLAWG. Treas'r.
TORS of the NATIONAL iNtugAricz
COMPA.NY. „No. 23 Diamond, Allegheny, have
declared ,s div:dend of TWO DOLLARS AND
pENTS,pes there. ,ont of the milts of
the las: etz months, payable on and After thelsth
j92nico :JAS. E. STEVENSON, Secrets.ry
- _
PlTTentrucl.. July .Is 1569. F- )
Company have this day dettareet a divi
dend of .1"0131t DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS
per share( out 'Or the groats ot•the Isit • six
month*, tot* credited an tee stock rates.
1112;mie Z. O.•COYFIN,, SeeretsYy:
jarniVDEND., . : The Boird of
Man age re of the 110.1:014 GAME IA 1. AV
GATION'CQMPANT have We day declared a
alvtderid of TIME& DuLLAR.3 a abarer.on the
stock or Bind Company, payable fo•thwltb to the
stbelthotders or their legal represeetatieef, tt
the vatnee- of eatd .Ceinpasy..No. - 04•DIAldoND
15 TREAT. eittebbleb. Immo= the boas of 10
WtLLiAM"RAK! 'liven/Ter.
PITTSBURGH, Jury Stb. 1869. 1y9:194
• ovirlet DP
Nu. 41 Oulu Street.
T 'ALLEM:MY. Pe.; Ju:y 6th, 11369.
PANT hsvetbliday declared a Dividend of ONE
out of the grouts of the list six nicinths. pa , able
IT , cash on and after WEDNEt•DAY:, July 14th,
1869. , eEuoiz , LE.
!MINT . Seezetary.
•: 'SiT arid Difeetors ef the: 51RIKING.
'HAM and .1414051.1110 H firtIDOIL CO: have
deelar.d • a Divldeuct, of Ohill DOLLAR , and
j eIFTY CENT'S per share out of the earnings of
I Ole past six menthe, t,avtable forstivrit.b.
• • ED VVJattD- s ldoYE,...Treasurer,
J3 - 7:103 155 " l iberty street.
ExcllexTB * AtAxtry.ogrubzies NAT. HANK,
, .1"111T;111111G11, 6th. 1h69.
IVI .0 EN D.—The Direc-
TO o 8 of t his Bank have tlt Is day deelated
a dlvide..d of FIVE PEE .CENT. on'tbe l'apltal
Stock. on; of tne profits of the liet. Aix month%
p•rtble forthwith. free of all taxes.
Jy7:170 JOHN SCOTT. fR.,, ftootiter.
uptlps OF 7UI - CASH IxsurtArict bp„'t
PITTSBURGH. July 9. 1860.
IgrDIVIDEND.—The Board of.
nirec °rail this Company 'Hive talcday
declared a dividend of THREE DOLLARS Pr
,SHARE cant °Cilia profits of_i he last six moa ts, ,
payabie demandi-fre JOHN STONGent tar:,
.1.7:tt3 .31.13EL'H T. S,Ctelarra,
iy - 811, 1 XL-R awBoll a, "
• - Ju.
far THIEI t BOARD or, odkiore-
Tomottble Baulk base this day arelsred
seati-ininual dtvidesto %• PER CENT.,
payable •to thi'sstS;sholdetts forthwith . Irse of
all taxes. •••0 it. W. Mat . ..Kb:Y.
f 6 : 160 • • • • •_•,
• N.ollorrAs? Courixr, -
hto 423 rend street
NiLlsve declared* Dlylftend of 1 . 13 7 )r , •
YE.R. eµt, of the. hr3hte _et the 14it.,.414,
moat isayatiV oh or after the 11th teat... , nee
of fiovendhentax _;• ,•••• 3 :Jt
. .)76 r,• • •ri ALORT. J. 011133. Cathie?,
arqrstritEnty , DivinEND,
pA.. (iris PittaburgbArustA.omp tar.)
The Eliretiors,of rota rook have. this dar 4e
scllared alltvident Of IfilifsE - rEtt CNOT. 4 on
the .ththoei, oLoat v out,of the,,prollokskt *helot
)three' 'mon th s. OnfableforttiCth, free - Of':rite
'and PoonjgOth&7l2. ' - -.
, 1 t): littri;LT4tAliver.
D. U 691 44. , - .4 4 - .4 4-4‘ t; tylkler-
--- •
trrrBßrigaf.,:l U l 7 1 0 , 1 1,V.P I
lartirkit r a tp : B:l o l l . o. 00 1t°11i
pai4l "
11,144e0-9!%.PY/t1,"4 4ZIZT on
grat i ' lla " "`"
s eltat ts
-D :4713 Rt r itirjAMY.W. 44;e:
! 100 1 714E liglettritlVF - THIN
Any, da
depd'ol T 1 BE 3, PER. omit: out of
pZipti:47t the lan. 074 45 )11 0 11 j:04ga? -01 a" 3 "
taau 4 ; AV; 8 1111.._ • ,- -
=Ott aresteiczyk, peirciaiy,
()rises A.I4,EGIUMT n eRIDOII
PITTSBIIR rJuir Its , , IEIO9 s
15 DIVIDEND. The Pretii
martatmanares , . Conshanys fhr
ereatihpsbEhlicoverohe Alteobsny stp•
El l4l 11099 h. ovlay ur Allegheny,
h Ash's' ay d eiarvi`a dividend or ONE DULs
AFL ; AND SIIVIENTIrstiVE (,'ENTe on: estn
share of.the caoltat stash .ut tar Company. hAsps
Nitta sitmlarolderstir their legal rtYrslsllua`l ll
y the Treashser lortbinte.
inagt,WDl. Trews ter..
. 7.1
'sp.~lolll2+ NOTICE
MANDltaloffi gams will cure Corummption,
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, Ittaken accord
iniltb 011 ectlons. They are all three to be taken
at the same time. They cleanselhe stomach, re
lax the dyer and put isle work; theo the appetite
becomes good: the !boo digests and makes good
blood; the patient begins to grow in Ceehl the
diseased matter ripens into the lungs, and the
patient outgrows tee disease and gets well. Thin
is the only way to cure eoneutoption. •
To these three medicdnes Dr. J. H. Schenck. of
Philadelphia. owes his unrivaled success in the
treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Pei
toonic Syrup ripens the , =orbits matter In the
lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expecto
Lion. for when the. phlegm or matter is pe a
slight (wish will throw it off. and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin to heal. • •
T I do this, we teawetd %oak. and Man drake
'Tills must be ire ely used to cleanse the stomach
and li ver , so that the Fulmonlc Syrup and the
food will make good blood.
Schenck Mandrake Pills act union the liver,
removing all obstructions. relax the dome of the
galt hladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver
Cs loon'relleved; 'the Stools will show what the
Pills can do; nething has ever been Invented ex
cep; calome l (a deadly poison wtich is very don
gereusto use unless with great care.) that will,
unloc gall bladder and start the secretions
Liver of the live r like Schenek's Mandrake Pills.
Complaint is one of the. most , prominent
Causes - Of Cimanntption. •
dcheackle Ses,weed Tonic is gentle 'stimulant
a'nd alterative.and the alkaliin' . the Seaweed,
which this preparati on is made tit; assists the
'0412110b - te %prow duthe gastric 'nice to dissolve
the food .with the Pdimonic Syrup, and it is made ,
Into good b ood without fermentation or souring.
In the stomach. •
give The great reason why physielaos do not cure
sumption is, they
the: u gh ,too much* they
medicine to stop to stop flalls,to
stop`nlght sweats, beetle fever, and 'by o doing
fieyds-range the whole. digestire_powers , lock,
up eTsg secreCOns , and eventually the patient'
„stoop Schmitt, In tment, does not try
es. a cotothildght sw eat s , chills or fever , Me.
Move the cause, and tney will all stop of t heir
awnaccordNerone Mite eared of Consntn
Con, Liver ..ComOdnt.. Dycpepsia, - Catarrh.,
Caniter,'Yllbedated Throat, , ezdess ttarilyty - an '
stoMaerrire nuide-tiadthy. • , •
it 0.• Person: sag consumedion. - ' of tonne the
zings In adme way diseased, tubercles,;
&houses bronch ialLeritatlOlU 13 - ellrei adhesion , .
or theltAgs are a mass of Intamratition and fast
decay ing. : In such cases what must be.dotter• It
istiot oury the lungs Cut are wasting. but it Is
the whole body. 'The stomach atidliVer have lost.:
their PoWer to make blood out of f0 , z1.: -2 Now tee. ,
only chance is to tette Dr. Schenck , s three medi
cites, which will bring ep slim to the stomach,
the patient will begin to want otatidiskill digest
molly and make good blood; t en the patient he
gine to gain !hilt*. and as ls:Ion as -thett:Ay be.:
gins to, grow. Abe lungs commence to nealap.
and the patient getslitanT and well. This L tae
only way to cure Consumption.
When therein no lung disease and Only Liver
'Complaint 'and -Dyspepils. nclienck , s Seaweed"
Tonic and Mandrake Fills are sufficient, without
the Pulmenie Sgrup. Take the. ,Hanctrake Pins
freely in al complaints, as they are,per
feetlyb .
Dr. Schenck:who has enjoyed uninte.Yrripted.
health for many years past, and now weighs *Se i
pounds. was wasted away to a mere Skeleton, to
the very last'• stage of Pulmonary Consumption,
hie physicians having prosonneed' hopes
lets and abandoned h.m to his tate. Be Welebred •
by the aforesaid met Imes. and since his recover'
g manythenutedosindiarly - idatcted .have Wed!
DR. Scattier , * preparation wish ; the. same re,
markable success. Full directions accompany
each, making it not absolutely necessary , to per
sonally see Dr. Schenck,- -unless patients wish
their lungs examined, and for this purpose he is
prefessio,. ally at his 'Principal Office, Philadel
phie, _every Saturday ,_where all lettere lor advice
Intuit be addressed. He is also profeseonally at
33 - Bona Street. New' York, every. other
Tuesday ~and at 35 Hanover street, Boston,
every OIMe Wedftesday.: glvei advice free,
but tor a thorough ,examinatton with his Hopi-.
ronieteY the - price is Ogace hours at each cite
Priee of the PulttionieSyruand SeaWeed-Ton
ic each 11.5_Ppet bottle. ur 0 . 60 a self dozen.
Mandrake PUl(lls.centsitbef. For sale br all
oeuggists. - •. • thy19:181-dair
. • • TOMES ..I . o, , ==titATte , ,ALL. .PILIVATE. ,
DISEASES. That, numerous class of eases 1
resulting ' from self— abuse; Producing "
manliness, tiOrrollt debility, irritability, erup. •
uons.• seminil . emissions, And ;
potency, , permanently cured. persons
ed wiar• oelicate. intricate and long *nand.
Mg constitutional complaints Ire politelylnvited
to call for consultation, which costs nothing.
Exberience, the best of teachers. has enabled
him to perfect remedies at onte eriment, safe,
permanent, and which in most cases can be used
without hindrance to business. Medicines Pre'
pared in the establishment, which embraces al
ike, reception and waiting rooms; also, soardhir
and sleeping *pertinent' for patients requiring
• eereonal attention, and vapor and chew,.
cal baths, thus concentrating the famed mineral
springs. -No matter who have fettled. Mitt ' , oar
case. Head whatte says in his pamphlet of SAY
rages, sent to ads -address for two stamps in'seei
ed enve_epe. Thousands, of cues treated WW2.
• ar office and all over the eountry,
utlon tree,personally or, try 'mall: oMce En. 9
Wylie stree (ztear Court. Howe); rituiburgh.
Pa. Hours A. X. to . B P. M. Sundays IM.
tO $i P. x.Vamphiet sent to any address for hoe
03" 1- ZLIECTRICITY AA A cues-.
• Trois. -A. ‘H. STEVENS 'has been
sling Electricity as &Spiv/an - RIM= In curing
chronto as well as -acute. conditions WITIIOITt
',34EDICINS for more than Tarr TEAM with un
bounded tuners'. A PAISPIILiT, Inch:idle, all
particulars. with certiticatco and reliable refer
ences, will be sent to any inquirer.
A few furnish , d rooms vacant. for boarding-PA
fients In the Doctor's terol_q - e it applied for soon.
Deice and resldenee, 74.09.1 ARCH &MEET,
rIDLADELpiIIe:. - 13021
iiivrclulLoWs HAIR
Tata splendid RaIT Dye b the bestin the world:
the ally true aid pet Dye; haradess, - relit•
ble, tuatantaneour4, no dlesppoilitotent; no rl
dieulour tints' remedies the 111 effects of bad
dYes:lxtrisoratea end leaves the ,Hair 'oft and
beautiful. lack or brown. !Sold by
_all Druggisu
and Port:intern WO properly gaped at Sable
1/acWry. Fru , atreea.• Xew
lark. . ' zus2l:jsz
—These Itavitit friends adilded are ett.-
neatly solicited to , sen d for &Circular Letter of
.Iteferences and Testimonials, which will, con
vince the mod 00004 of the eurnettittisf tee
diaecutt. •• Address VAN BUREN LOC=I: OW,
M. D... 36 Great Jones street, New Y X.
Essays on th e EILRORd OP YoUTEI,..azd.,
the FOLLIES OF AGE, In, regard to socuu;
Evrca. with certain helolor the erriog 'and tin.
..thrtnnete. dent in . sealed letter envelopes free
of charge. Address, HOWARD Ati-oclaTioN s .
Box IN Philadelphia, Fe e , mr.1:783-dltF
CITY EporgEtive'owricE, 22
Al.l.noustar CITY, PA., July. Abel).
NOTICE.—The Assessments for
Grading and Paving of. ALLEGHENY,
AVENUE, from Western to eolith Avenues.
Also the . assessment tor Grading of "FRAZ lER
STREET: from Western, to Ohio Alrenues, are.
now ready for exansination, and cais be seen at
the effl-e of the City Engis:aeer. until July %fhb,
1589. when tbey will be placed in the Lauda of
the City Treasurer for collection. • '
Ji13;13115 L .
Van PINO , IiIX.F.
011101 OP Crrn•letreintireit men ntratriertm4
etunburth..inly 1809. - I
4 - 41TIC,E.—.:The Assessment, for
...the Boardwalk on:ElolAtteetiEll t rAdj
. foto Main street the Ponnsylrannt
la now SOP. examination . trd' ca n seen
°tact 0;11 ;Wir,inctinD43(;• Juts Slat,
; when It 'tail be retained. to
. the Trvointet'p
office fOr collection. • IV J. MOORE; - •
ly10:n12 , • city Itrigineer. r•-• 1
" Prrra tiC11013,17 tat 3. -1659'.",`'
FiTICE.—The assessment 'far .
Graalur, wad ALLEY.
om Butler street Br , the totßegbelarVidley
.rord o is , tow ready for ..xuralustitip, sad eau be
seen.itt Sittibtrietaditsl WODBBSDAY. July-14r,
*4ll"Ynn ilteV/1P%41.13,4.,(Ary 'fressurer%
itibq J 111.1,1.,a0QttvcitrEsnntizt:B
Ur/Idt art'CirtloomirsitWontstmarrest.
441119„/IL.,0 1109 ; .
sue , 114iretliniis • • - oaCikkendaeptind Latina ,
lilmvlCloinovc ready lot exam , nation.
open' at' this' omee untlloo.l4ll/11'.;1my
18691 when .1v *UV bf-TtVargeolttcr . tuei l ii
Trtaintro'.o l 7loA tv&v91.430011in•••1 •
,11; J. MIMI; ' •
Is1t1;11 '" ' • 4 ; Int* Pntlietere
gaRt•CeA :; - - CtStEttr" — • Sati4
Ls hg tr.tin4erslirard.,f4k,
putt tttrTlekert• to 'twig immarts**rd bent=
for -opening Netkco 'last* I:..''lrlrstsesad. Anew
SlXoV.7.•troln to loderal street. =yeti
on tau prtmlst4 W attend to'dtitles of IT-.
Pcitimpent` on i tMl),l43seDkY; Jelly SW. aSew` •
MAt MALL. • •
SleDl zwi K.' writlarl%-7-aft
.undtrsigned. appointed to arreg dot
sod benvlitr for opening t3eAgeSSICk btfitlt'
riard.l47y of Allrgneny. nirtikoa tito nme tc Wi
hrs . on FBA OAT. July 33d.1509. at,* 04 ,
r,at.. to attend to duties of their' appototinent.
i1e;;1 6 5 ' . TliOiLao
ENDERS •411110THIggs
tiste l. rd kagritY26:ditreeclitmD64ltri ,Drs
Ige'4 .lll ST - ANNCII. PIC MC
Or THE ,
MOHO Y. LOWE, . No 29,
• -.
Faulk's Grove, Wednesday July
T7CP.1.T9,d0 cents: • '
Comisorrxx.-6. .Ifaulk: tObillst.•Jer.Xel*A 4 ma •
Ander, X. sebeadq. gatatia, Soo.
Rosenberger. - • -
• 'tiplendla motto will be In sitendaneo,:audtto •
best of order wdl b* preserved:--- 1117:m=
- 65 Fifth avenue. opposite theOpers ,
Holm, l'lttobandu Pa:, le the coolest - Ind most -
aisirebleplace or retorte. Liquors can be Mud„ .
at ttli place Pure anciiii;od: the 41111iikBoolus
arion the ground floor in thereat.*•
CRESSON , ::SPaiIiar;
- • LAB JittiPPlX.:B4lo4, • t
. ,
Situated ou the Summit of,aht_ALLEGIIISITY
_5l_,XOO FitET A.I3I):SE, TB*
LEVEL; Or TIRE eES: - . 4l tfil ad - mew Ibt use reo ,, ;
cool: or guilt. op shs . ,lllth;day.ot 41,721X.,-t '
.The till 411 re a coanecte 0- w 4.11 th e. &MI • tun e -
)4ave egeotirejtrenarrgteaandbewlg •
ed. Excanlott.Tg tete Iblg-biltoreggsrliorilig •
Ballrood. al 1%11.41010. aarrifirurg.and Pitts
burgh, good for th 4 season. , attlesSet "
11SNT. !or farther information, sddras •
N e,r.
kies . ioo - ifp.tingi, - buotiveiw*/
STOCE.TOI4 -,, Z 1,4;
:- ---
4. ,
' • 2 • ;: • ti
Oit,C: 2 l l 4S - of JCn
tas AIM ;iThis'
hotel e voked ni hte t e put year.
fords ample Jac militia:twit fo iestit one thou
and guests and is furnishede3Linrte'liiitkethe
4e:siding hotels in , the ilstitecTSW4s.,
For terms, ae.;'nntif,o4sl.74,4 o lioin;: -
prvea GODpiati Probileic6,,"
‘i4c) 391.WILIfinfitrOt
'`lentkito•lms • •:): V” . O •
,trlitiTEDiffrA.llo.l l , ll
Will be owned for. Aittsesson tw a t tltsy ,
519th.`"Itrsli litSt - eleSsosp eats; 'equal
Ong d ye; allordtair toanitil comforts
:of 4 home. President Went ...expecte- to - visit .
Cape tbil sesacts; anir4lll. 4t. Pe !...97111MC• .
tits • Address, —;
m 'Alt% 3 AAR4OrlitUalii PrOPriettA.
At IE I JCTIOR EFAILSrer 41118na.-.
BAN BE ADENOwiI- , AND ; -111711.DtgfolI'
Esslevrood.: MONDAYI , -.1n1y39k.. 4, i;
at' I o'clock. wall be, aold,oeftbonk geberve, ^ t
,lightfut home; Polo iistiog of 'a new liOttse 'og
eleven',sosums. , tastefully bunt verandu, ,
narchee.ite..:sntrOnlided With. , Frult Tema
iltrubbery of .thelmst ee.ectlona.. Thel'renitgea,
comprise 'sheet 'earn and 'one.balf acres - or
ground of excellent • aolL. , Withl well' ot - good -41
water. • never-falling spring,* atone -
house. and an acre dr - coat strealiv"opened far '
use. Also, a comfortable Prime Rouse of nine
'OM, with Orchard of rl'etabs Apple.. Pear., -zr
Plum, and Quince Trees. comprising, about
three • acres. with irell'.of , water at the-door. •
There Is - also a kalttable , atone: quarks , ,On. the
premises. else. twelve building lots AS by-100
feet. The telguborbood le remarkable for health.
and beauty. of reentrir. The Ina toe is , only four .;
miles from _the - city. anda good aide-walls leads
from the 64114101110 the pre l misea., Title indtspe-..
TERMS cash; balance in two yearlg •
H. B. SIIIT GROH; - clioneer; or ,
•N. B.—Trains per_ Connellavillr H . leave
corner Grant and Water streete at 7
*7l-C 11.1iN onovmo.
§c ).RENT
tar* PiLNING . .46II3O: I I:et ecroloow.
1,111 be told oneeeondaoorol Conitnerctol Bales - -
Booms, JOS hmttbdeid street:* po i; &etuslArcnot.,,t;
rent of $11.50 per saniatt on 6, lauststte ,
Eta/ding Lot, Wood street below ourth avenue,:
A. IieILWAINI4 Auctioneer. •
- col:niter Wm. JohnotonEkp., xeciNb. exec,
'it - tors - of Andrew Johnißog d
Orphans , coart,iNo.lnis . 1.• tern*, '1568
And now, to-ssIS„ , arite)lo4:lP9. She Court.
on , motion of levils. &Atom:illy; for e=cept- ,
ant.: appoint `. W: lISAWS,listi: Esq., •
Auditor. tuAndlt the acconittotCa on tke rum- - t
Mos and make dlstrihntion of .the balsa •e In tile.
hands of sr rotmtants. fry ,
From the Itecordr- - -
A. ITILANDs, Clerk.
The Auditor a'hovanamedsalll meet the parties
.InSerestod for they urpolies of his appointment.
st his ottlee,-Nv. -- 58 siranrstreet. Pittabtrgir; on
the 6th Asy of AUGUSt E,.11 o'clockP. Yr. '.
. •W. G. asypse, And,or•
Jcia- 20.11199. • Pr=o it
r ti ii.. tfi•Nr
Lloritiss EITILEVEVA-Motice . is •
_b lathy Men thateirtherleih slay of
at. June ,Werm, • 1$41(1. , 9uartar, nessions
Court` i - porititin f4r vacation, dr - a - portfun of
Hopkins street. City oP ilethetrh linisPresent
est and .ordered to bet awkind sale cranord to L.
show cause why. a PO rtiOllker said strer.S . should
not be closed up and via •
Jyl2:ms-scrst Alto •ay for Petition. re.
that THOMAS TA sera tins
foli6 7 ftiabtf3 f 3iti nine tcertromat T.
11e*16H,'it'146,•131 , 1 Terbi;lll369.:l3lllii
Vomit . W . Conn:ion Tleid§4
4eito.t. 7,1 at, 4
cn 2., 10E1.: 1CE.11 ... , - • • ,
O we "' - ,fide •
JXII. • XL Za .11401 • 4 ,
; Lr't
'llTTEatintinli c rel;
± - 1! •;. ,• •;, • •-•-•
ps MSC's 'adOisstaito Viidtß2l33. Etch* 2. •
watch. Adlegben7.l‘4l
t , tAl / 1
reedit- Dpompt &Matta*. -
Watotitentnalnirin n. 1 1 11 4 44/4 ° 147:• •
, mptfellto • • • ~ - , • •
, , 'A.
AII4MQN'Mg#/Efr!:r: - ",
3 .:'.;:i...TA t
t r ifs o -.1.1c.71 "f'77
a WARTIt.-.Goita.lartzttos.
.. .Z 1, is
t.'.1.!t1`.?, 11 . 47' -- ;•••V • .1:
COIL 1131321WAT113 141 11 1BUt
' • 4.1:
r .
O :I I I. 4W I T EUP4
• ti A
T. .......04 0.• • ...• ~...7 .. ...... , -,i41 .. ' •'/.. ..!•• %'.' 7 •!7.
:0 tATIVIEVIIIIII*ItiANT-4,1101“:.4.,
. ,i!)Cfergia", .1 ;t1.., . ~,t1 ! s., 4•!titi•St? ,,,
WNW SentaleleAnitentallMarik"!
' • aI . V 7 IL f jr , Ar.. V -- .13; , .. r.::::i 'to trtr..),l 0 , 1 6
pp e er e t,' I4IB4II MIAN FO " Y !! IRORW :!
02,4 i
• ik`!.. 41, ~: ..
.e;:1....,.1 ,
. MP, s ;,.. ,4_ , ,, r r
„i v , .. Tnixyibiy t
fiek -_ _ .-'t,tw - AI A
A. .rrifteklePt
bitaW'MVMS4lOllOr. 11Poir tit itZ.!A
infonasgonsostivto ' ciq IA 2.;!lrcre 1) ,
• , VW. fIVA Ara 4
; .o) l Tk i nt 01 1 4n144, - , ~ - •!,,,
. - J,..:,:itiojittN•pos •. ) 0 0citt.ste* L
j . • ' ••>.:4 'F ' e ta
. _
o, foot° 440, 4 41 A 0
, s sAiigo., • " , , , ,.4 1 41 14 1r•t o t o
41.4qp..144 mg('
i tit-616: 3 0 taito ,
w i st,"
Mims. Ils'ailina4.4
impiossasePartratit t -win%
_Est De.,
Da ds... "musk% tar,ll4/41. os. VII
tbird-mets. 'Milburn. • - • ,
I ' , :.7. ;!
; •1 1
~ t'
I Or
rialc , ,tv,;m-
MAIP3 _ 19