NEW ADVERSISEINEENTS pity , p u LI NEETING.-ALL citizens in favor of the proposed • • Humboldt Centenial Celebration, Are invited to men on MONDAY EVENIIS44. at Ai o'cl Ariz. at TITENE •t'S thsth ave. ntte to retelve the report of the. Committee on p ro :m.. 7 mm.. appointed - at a preliminary meet ing, and to eIN et a permanent orgsmi tat on. stated /II , the public press. It Is th a design to have a general celebratton, confined to no class or nationality. livery one Willing to h onor the memory of the greatest of modern tole Inc men la earnestly urged to attend. On behalf of the Committee: 7y19:=0 . JOSEPH- ABEL, Chairman. 11111 EG A AV INSTITUTA 1427 , 311 stirt 1540 SPOOL'S isTRIDE't Philadelphia. Pa. T.NOL-Itli AND FRENCH. For Feting Ladies and Mears, Boarding and Day Pupils, via reopen on— MONDAY Elep'eq ber O. is th e laugnage:dthe funny, and 10 onnstantly mien in the institute. 1 Principal. jyL9:TrEIS EXECLITOWS NOTICE. ..etters teatementary upon the will of .IZA. BETH. BLACK, late of Pittsburgti, deeesamt, having be. n Issued 'to the understaneo, al! per sons Ind .toted are required to make payment, and alt hav en E g claims will present them to Gttittia W. CUIFFIti, Kxeentor. Iyl9iml2 'No. 49 -Water street, P.ttsburgth "VALUABLE STOCIASPiItts. , v BURGH SAVINGS, as., LITTLE SLW .11. LL HUN G. R. , _ - TUESDAY EVE 'clock . , will be sold on second doer of Lommercial Sales Booms, 108 Smithfield street; 543 sit st , sExchs oge.N ational Bank: 49 shares M. A M. National Bang: i shares eittsuargn r.avings Bank: __l.4 shares Litt', eaw Mill Run Railroad. 15 , 49 A. MeILtWALNE, Auctiodeer. .. THE DISTRICT- COURT OF I THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE WEST ariN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. SAMUEL HIRSH, a Bankrupt. under the act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, havtng applied for a dischaue from all his debts, and other cialms provable under said Act, by order of, the Court notice is hereby given to all cred. Ifors who have proved their debts, and other AUGUSTtereted, to appear on the 3d day of 1869. at 10 o'clock A. M.. before SAMUEL ciARPER, Esq.,Register to Bank ruptcy, at his omce , Nu. 93 Diamond en ts.'t. Pittsctirgh. Pa., to show cause, If asy they bare, why a discharge should not be'granted to the said bankrupt. B. C. MCCANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. Dlitrict Court fur said District. 3719:=11•8 1 - IISBOLUTION.--The firm of SMIIH & CO.. Brewers, was dissolved by mutual consent July 17th, 1869. THOMAS BROWN' retiring. ,The business of the late firm will .be Settled up by the undersigned, who will atilt continue at: the old stand, under the same name. Mr. B SOWN'S receipt. Is good In settle ment of accounts due by the fate firm. TEIOMA B !OTB 1 /. A. YOUNG. Iu retiring from the noose firm, I would cordi ally recommend my succeasors to my Mends and the publtc generally. They will continue the business at the old stand. and will, as la tretofore, Burnish the best quality of Ale. jyl9:mB3 THOMAS BROWN. QEC Ullt ITT AND COMFORT for the traveling community.. J. B. H tUa= Safely Fite Jacket, Car Heater and JIODERATOR. FO7 Smoke and Hot Air Fines, dispensing with the Ilse of stoves anu tire* In or about the Pa-sen ger or Baggage Cara, with the attachment to graduate the beat to any temperature that may be desired without toe possibility of tiring sue car or cars to which the Jacket may be atta bed. Having obtained of the United states Letters Patent .f..r a statety Jacket which is warranted to resist the mos intense heat that Ms) , be ap plied to it in tae position and purpose for whisk it is intended. It is a cure-protection from accidents by fire, originating. from "defective flues or where iron pipes are used as conductors for smoke or heat: It is applicable to all piping that may become overheated, and is warranted to give perfect sat isfaction where wood or other combustible mate riel may be placed in close proximity thereto, I so now ready to apply my invention to stores, dwellings, factories, shins , steamboats. ratiroad care. ac. • Wherev.r 'pipes as conductors are made dangerous hy being overheated and secu rity desired, I will send on application right to taanunicture or use •the above invention. Also Territorial rights to such as may wish to in privileges either ay nate or county. 410 1 0111 re at the —NE PLUS 'ULTRA. PAINT WORKS.'• corner of Morris etreeeand the Alle gheny Valley itaolroad, :twelfth ward. Pitts burgs, P a. Jyl6:tna J. L. .........A.'. 13211V1ABON - DI LLINGE & STEVENSON DISTILLERS AND DEALERS It/ Pure Rye Whiskies; ThirOBTRBEI OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 , Second Aveimie, PITTSBURGH, PA.. I B. 111. IieCOWAN & co,, Boulevard Pavers, 0111 m, No. 65 OHIO ST., ALLEOIIkiY. Orders left at Gszerrkorgiva, Pittsburgh. promptly atte , 'ned t . Pere Sidewalks, Cellars, =stale Yards, Drives. 4 0. Warraittut against chinges of heat and cold. Bargitrigi Es Mo.rhead, Lyon & ohorb. Roily Parrerron: Vern. Park, sines N. Long & Son. 'Hartley t McKee, Anderson's & Maxwell, Aiken & Campoell. Isaac Craig. FOR SALE. tall. assortment or BLANK BOOKS, _ . Suitable for Counting Homes, Iron *Dosses, In all their various business departments. Can be bad at the Stationery and Printing establish ment of W. S. HAVEN & CO., Cot. Wood $l. and Third Avenue. J717.1=4 . O. Z. SWiNT K. Baer, SVFEITT is, WATT, isoarrscriva4r. AND ORNAMENTAL- CARVERS; No. 6 Bandusky Ltiegkeny, tllaake, ref s :Z i nn of XZWEL. POtatit t r e d 4,sent, do:7 °' and. Ems" ' A "‘ CLOVER norm -v. 100 boxes Pajette county new honey. Jeat re ceived lir prime order *n. fur Ws by the. boa at lowest price., at the PamLiy Orocery etore of - JNO. A. RENSILA W. .Iyl4 Corner Literiy - and. Ninth streets. • II fJ B. yovNesoN ts Co., • • rabor ()Lis stmcgay, oorrinsonoNAßT lov, Of: LEAN and DiNlNti SALOON. 433 Smithfield, street, 00111er of Diamond alley,' rirtaburgh. AP Parties awl familiem enoplied with Ica Cream and Cakes onithort notice - gERIP.-12, bales. Kentucky fforib, to arrive on steamer Kate ratnam, r by ' - • DAUM DICKEY & CO. MAPLE SE - GAltr--10 barrels on evasiga merit at WATT. LAN( i & COT, sad 174 Wood Meet. • egeIUEDIT-100 bble Louisville alarta4b3"sllnt, for rue guegge.-40_ boxe d doss Iv Cheese 6,llBlKrzes Gomm do. - for sale ay J. s. dAriszazal NEW run' , - Dress Goods, Tarlatans, BATES & BELL'S. Jyll:mw, GREAT REDUCTIONS HAIR, GIMP AND BRAID HATS AND BONN kVA. FRENCH FLOWERS, CRAMS. ILLII-lOwd, LACES, FRAMES, Ar.., Ac. At Very -Low Prices. SUMMER UNDERWEAR, STAR SHIRTS, bUSPEN DIMS, ARM/ WFAR. • HOSIERY,_ LADIES FINE COTTON, • BALBRI.**O AN. LISLE, and SILK HOSIC. GENTS. SUPERFINE AND FANCY HALF HOSE. FINE SILK FANS, _ ~PALM AND LINEN FANS, TRAVELING SATCHELS, HOOP SKIRTS CORSE*_,S BOULEVARD`* AND WHITE SKIRTS, WHITE GOODS, ZEPHYR KNIT BRAWLS,. PIQUE HATS, something new.. ERSRODIERiES. LACES, LACE GOODS. LINEN CULLMIS AND CUFFS. . New Goods. Arriving Daily. JOSEPH lIORNE ct CO., 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. arm J. 8. ILNIEUS. S11:111.1EUEB GOODS AT • REDUCED RATEI). Would call attention to the large redaction we have made to Silk Parasols and Sun Umbrellas; BELLING LT UM PRICE. COTTON HOSIF.IIT, LISLE GLOVES. WOMB UNDESWEAS. All at Very Low Prices. COLORED 811.1 E PAM, ' BILK BOW- - ROOF' sinrn3; CORSETS, WHITE MARSEILLES, IRIe•li LINEN. • WHITE 6041P5, ntivaus, (of all kluds.) • BUTTONS. EMBROIDERIES. MACRUM. GLYDE & CO, 78 & 80 Market Sized. 1910 J. a. .11L'HOWN. NACRITI& GAMBLE'S Dress Trimminas and Buttons. Zinbrolderies and Lama Ribbons and Plionni. Rut, and Bonneti4 Glove Siting and Preach Corset!. New Styles itridteyss LikLets. Parasola—all the new styles. Sun snd Rain ll:libretti& • froderY—the best English railtee. Agents for "Rants* Seamless Rids. oi Spring and Summer tniderwear, • 001 + tatt le trv. A.: "Dickens,' tre ' rby ro and ether Dealers supplied with the above at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. MAORTPAI & CARLISLE, FIFTH AVENUE. my 4 acosAxximuut4 ks PURWI TEM , BLOOD. POil t awe BY. lIIIWOOPint MERIIMIULL 607001EWP ". Silk Mantles, Ladies lindergarments, Lace Curtains, JEtpanese Silks, Organdies, Lawns, Marseilles, White Goods, Striped Dimities, Parasols, LOW, PRICES. Straw and Millinery 4o.c>colams. NW SIMMER GOODS No: 27:'(fah Avesue, NO. 27 Pmpultp.H__,G4mTs)ll,wAy, JULY 19 , Ny NEW' ADVERTISEMEN DRY GOODS NVH4.3 , I_,V.S.A3LOE. Wholesale Cash Bliyers WILL FIND FALL ASS(MMUINTS OF Bleached and Unbleached Muslim. MEDIUM, DIRE AND SHIRTING PRINTF, GIN(-HAMS. Tickitsgs, Checks, Drilling's, LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. JEANS, CASSIMERIiS, Cotton Pant Goods. 3Dreems Goodas - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SEICHINGS, GLOVES, HLNDIERCRIEFS, &c., . & C., &c. At the leery Lowest Prices. - STOCK DAILY REPLENISHED With drew Goods WILLIAM. SEMPLE'S, No. 180, and 132 Federal Street, ALLEGaE'SY CITY HEADQUARTERS • FOB DIEN 8, BOY'S CLOTHING,' GRAY at, LOGAN, NO. 47 SIXTH STREET, Are now offering a complete stock of Buttoner Clothing of medium and due goods at the Teri lowest prices. Children's Cassimera Linen and Suits. Youths' Cassimere and Linen Snits, Boys' Cassimere and Linen Suits. Gents' Blue Flannel Sails - . Gents' Alpaca Sacks ; Gents' White and Brown Duet Suits. Gents' Scotch Chevoit Business and Walking Suits. CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS AT GRAY. & LOGAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH 'STREET, LAZE ST,CLATEL jy.1.:130 Wralela & CO., Noi. 221 . and 223 Liberty Street. - . Comer of Irons, now offer to the trade it low figures, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. • • Porto Rico, Cubs and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re lined do. (*Olden HMIs, Lovering., Brualls, Stuart's, Adams , and Long Island nimbi. cOtto Rico, Cubs and English Island Molasses. ouug Hyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Cartillna and Bangota Java,Laguayra and lo Coffees. Tobacco,.Lard Oil. Flab. Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Vrus, ac., constantly on hand. .LSO. • IMPORTERS OF Fine grandies,Wines and Seger& Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock Wines of Hinael 1 Co., in bottles. Sparkling Moselle, &harsher, and Johannis berg, Hookbelmer, Burgundy, At!. Brandenburg*, Freres , Fine Olive 011. do do Clarets, Imported In bottles. _ do - do White Wines, in bottles. Id. Work 1 Sons' SparkilagOstawba. ° Fine old Snerry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Mononganeia Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old Scotch ao • Sole . ente for Mon a Otuumioa's Grand Via. ImperiM. Versenay and Sellery Champagne. Braadies of our owa selection and Warranted. 110 d~B WOOD. TURNING, OIL SAWING, /NG ..A3llll 1114313711 Done promptly to order at lea Lacsihk streoe.4l/. 1ee1et17,01.7. • P, LuszEr-TzEt & The best attention will be given to all who want anything to our line. We always keep s large lot, or turned work, such as Balusters. Newt Posts, Hubs, se. Also, a good stook of dry Walnut, Cherry and other lumber on hand. wear P. LBBZELTER L CO• ROCK THE BABIt - ' EARNEST'S PATENTORIB. BCd.O ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. Practical Farnltore lasundictrers, LIS Wol7Wril A:V=4IM. {Rhea Wlitngen " i Z irutr 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted by smolt a llearga, THE IvErns rsorpr. I.IIIISY striMlts PltteSziths Pa Ida „..,' ai ria NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW DRESS GOODS. Grey Mixed Poplins At Cents. GREY MITPD POPLINS At 30 Cents. STRIPED . POPLINS At 20 Cents. CHECK GRENADA At 'lB 3-4 Cent- FINE DOUBLE WIDTH A At 25 Cents. FAST COLORED LAWNS At 12;1-2 Cents. The above, and many other De sirable Dress Goods are . Entirely New and Fresh, having just been received EU WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY HOIITZBLAN & WIEDERHOL.D. • No. 100 Third Avenue, Opholiters and Pealen in Curtain: Goods, Direct the attention of their friends and the public to their finely assorted stook of Lace and Nottingham cart - alas Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps. Ferry's genii= cloth, Satin, Delanes, 011 t Cornices, Ofit and Walnut Mouldingi, Spring Beds of superior make, Hatt liatrasses (pure whttehatr.)Plllowa. Bolsters. and everything pert , inins to a drat-class bed. The Latest Paris and Berlin designs:or Draperies &Übe inspection or their customers. Pure whi to IS. astern Show Feathers always on hand. HOLTR/LAN & WIEDERHOLD., NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. musses CHERRY SEEDER. CECERRY SEEDER. . Every tunny ming f berries, whether for pies. earirdng or drYing, should have one of these valu able machines.- It not only saves time and tenor.. but will more Alien pay 'far Use the seeding one bushel of cherries. The bladdrie Is - cheap, simple, durable and handsome. The hopper is adlttsttble, thereby adapting It to ell sires of cherries. RETAIL PRICE • • - • • 82.00. FOR SALE BY - ' • 4IASIIIES SOWN N 0.186 WOOD STREET. ,Jeuwrils PEARL ELL FAMILY ROIL PEARL KILL Throe Star Green Brand. agog to TRENCH FAMILY' ,FLOUR. This Moor will only oe 'eat out when est* oiaied. P l iiri d tt BILL BLEE BRAND, i at e Bs. PEARL . REM Drßiarl, WHITE COBSPLO%AVI#S4 N. T. KENNEDY & BEN attesheny. Sept. 9. 1888. htn.L. 1R.111 , 11.43 - VALIL. H. HIOBY & CO. Have removed their stock of China, Clan and Queensware from No. Wit Wood street to the spacious warehouse r • 189 LIBERTYSTREET, A few doors above SIXTH', Cate Et. Clair 8t.,) where they wiLt pleeaeu to show . their Old Vienna and the POlle the elegant stock of new goods jutc now opening, • jel7 GRAMS FEBRIr , raUratifil WORIPii Cs, •E;IRP4 3 : I N,§ O No opunnrecrparm or Ptak mad Colorrit ?rinting . k liithegraphie isms, VAIIMSBES, &a. Grape Fern Seed and 384 Street, emeef. . XRESH SHAD RECEIVED Stand, No. Diamond Market, Pitts. burgh, and_st the Vilgr, Alletheity City, corner °rent° and Ifederst streets, oe had all kinds , of' Bea and Lake - AWN , Baninst, Shad. Beak tiodilshz Haddock and — Aely £laN, large supalecof White, Lake Alsb,, esslamoz, Br. Sturgeon. Herring and Matthew Trout, which enables ns to sell at tne lowest utarket prices t wholesale or retail. We invite all lovers of Fresh Flth to give as usll, and we will Insur them s treat. telSs KEYSTONE POTTERY. S M. KIER -& C 0.,•• Manntattnrero o ciamaraw'mui..smaarroz. wan* as. Mixt asid.Warehouge. aaa ILIBMETY OTIAZET AlOrAll orders promptly attended to. 008 OIL :CLOTHS, " FHBEEN OIL CLOTH FOB WINDOW SHADES. • ' TA E U OIL CLOTHS if,VI S RX ,I S. PBILLIPS. - 28 and SIR SIVA WHITE LIME.--100 barrels Cleveland Whits Lime; SOO bbis " Iter / 1 do., for sale by ATDRATILIC CEMENT.--4011 bl4s Itosisyme.sidruisc cisteAtpr Asti' 7 - • . - . .1.41 Willlf/IgL/1..., PrNOTICES--"To-Let," "For Sate," "Lost," "Wants," "Found," "Boarding," &c.,` not exceeding FOUR LINES, win be inserted in these cotton= 'once fcr TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional tine FIVE °ENT& WANTED-SITUATIONS. WANTED.-OTITATIONITy a , Young Girl to do light, housework in a i small finally, In or out, of the elty. Wanted, more fora home than anything else. Address A. D., PAZWITI 01,1104.. WANTED. --A SITVATIOIir ae TEACHER by one who hall- h" afteen years experience in teachinsr, and wholists been three 'years County enperussendent Os 'clisstoh schools. Address, .1. B. C., GAZETTE OTVICT. WANTED-BOA WANTED. S. ANTED•.-- BOARDER gentleman and his Wile, or a few single' gentlemen, can obtain pleasant rooms andgood board by applying soon at 71Liberty street, pitta-, burgh. References exchanged. WANTED-ROOMS WANI'ED. - A FURNEDIED BLEEPING sooll,within twenty minutes walk Of Pittsburgh Postonlee. Address. ststis g . terms and Gezarrs an.ricn, Pittsburgh. WANTED--HELP. WANTED.GrUILe-•••A GOOD -.- GIRL to do general housework for a small famhy. Apply at No. 6) BEAVER ST., Allegheny. WAN'I'ED---HELPe-=AT PLOYMENT OFFICE_ N0..1 dt. elan Street. BOYS and ditterem kinds of employment. Persons iwantingg belt of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. PACAS WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED. ---A GE NTE6—$75 tO Introduces2l onth - everywhere. male and female. to the OENULVE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING. MA CHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck. quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, lu a most superior manner. Price Fully warranted tor Ave years. We will pay $l,OOO for any machine that will• sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more eluttc seam than .oars. It makes the "Elastic Lock NtitCh. Every second stitch can be withoutd still the clot, can not 0 pulled apart tearing it. We pay ageati froms7s to 'pourer month and expenses, or a Commission front which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB dt t.. 0. Pittsburgh, Pa.. St. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Malls. CAD 110 • —Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast iron'machtnes, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the onlygenuine and really practical cheat) machine manufactured. YANTED —AGENTei.--T, o•sell the American Knitting Kachine_, Price . The simplest. cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented.. knit o,oot, stitches per minute. Liberal inducements k CO.a.`sottoT,EarttlgA-...'orillti.ll2t,6sfltAr. PERSONAL . R. W. M. BURNS, Proprietoi of the popular Eating House, corner of sixth avenue and. Smithfield. streets, begs leave to announce to his numerous friends that none but the male sex will be allowed to dine at his tables he having tlarown 'his entire rooms into one. ,Dinner. Supper And Breakfast .aerved at ibis house lower than at any other house of its reputation In ale city. Call at' Barrie - and get plenty to eat . for a small amount of money. , TitLE4.-nOO3lB. on Second, or, with Boarding. Location the moat desirable in the eirv,.with the con,enlences of bath rooms. the comforts of &private 1•T family, as rew Awarder* are kept. 18orth Avenue, Al legheny City. rro-LET.VEIRY' PLEASANT A„ROOMS, In suites Or nixie, for lodent. 'with or wisbout. board, at \ 78 FOURTH AVE- T OLIEIN—Boom On 3d . Boor _Planate& Bulldtnic,— llery. Rent very tow for bal- En anc quirese of ye !. Potonraplt Gaar. tiaa. water and atPlapata atlonary Stand. TO -LET.--11001118.-- Two tine ROOMS In 041ZETTIS BUILDING:, Apply onntlng Booms. St an 4 55 IPUth avenue. MR SALE 1 0 L I TERILE CITY PROPERTY No. 1. WARE HOITSE AND LOT. No. 95 Water street. 30feet front on Water street, tending back 159 feet to Prot street. Occupied by Messrs. Calhoun I thin. . No. WAREHOUSE AND • LOT. NS, 203 Liberty street. SO feet front on Liberty. ex tend log back lAD feet. OccopLed by3Lr.Hcswlggta. No. R'QlOhle-balf of WARTHOITSZ AND LOT, No. 337"Ccontnerelat Row, Ltoerty street. No. 4. LOT No. 92 It Carling's Plan of Lots, fronting 40 feet on Dlnwidole street. xo S.,JACITB Nos. 111,1, 83, 84,83 and 881 n Wray a ktor.veller's rain ot.r.otsi Bis ,„ A: considerable portion . of Oa puretuuse money to remain on interest. . . . Fo r fort hee.oftirmatlon apply to DR. R. VTR ta, 1911 - Webster Meet.. or ~ t a WRAY & ROTRE.R3 S 9 shAl 31 Itwititreet. oI.W • FOR SALE. 3 lota In Mansfield. 00x120 each. 21 &sib of land. grapery, pew hes and ronau fruit. goad reel,water. :og house, itet. price -low. 70 urea, Emnomy township, heaver Co: price 475 per acre; good orchard of 300 bearing fruit trees. House of 7 rooms, tulles from Econo my station. 1,100 scres,uhroore Co.„Wegt VIA good soll,well timbered and watered: price 14 per acre. 203 acres t same 'county. good home and orobard; price err acre. 1.940 acres. Braxton : Co. West a; rich soil andwell tirti beret': price # 4 3.50 per acre. Bonds and ortgages wanted by -THOS. SIMPSON & & M. HOLLAND 89 GRANT STREET uMoe, back room. FARM FOB SALE. • A G 9013 FARM. In Weil Deer township, Al. legbeny county, 10 miles from Sherpeburx.. A FRAME TWO STUIt MARIE,. of Mx rooms,. CELLAR under all toht se; also, a LAME FR A2dE EARS, 58x38 feet, and -other enttnellalnen. A Young Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees, &c: For partletliaill call on the nremlaes, or at ;Olin W. BRYSON'S. 349.1.1bertv street, or 11414" . 841 W ILLIAM BRYBON, Rural Ridge P. 0., Allegheny county,- Pa, - - • - )y10:17: 43r MIL MI "Mk R 333 DRY• a j ~F,_~~, ~; Y i _._,s>~._ MARKET ;STET. FILL AND IS IV To be Cloa - • -THE -FIRST-- SALES ITO :Pa7 ,O By Order , - I ISM TO LET. `= A t AT vim pkt I - B-Ai R nag ■ ''ZN) L THE ENTIRE 4 FOR SALE Oil SA LE.—The BAR of the :ialoou. No. 3 WYLIE STREET. Will lease the House for any Dumber of years. Mrs. oAzzot.o.. FOR BALE.—A. light and profit: ABLE Mildness. No opbosition. capita reqnired, 49.900. Vim or two men going- intr. the business can clear over 99;000 peryear. ' in quire of St , Clung qt Rainbow, - Beat Estate Agents. 195. 191 and 199 Centre avenue. IWOR SALE:-LOOK HERE!- J; Fl.R3l.—The cheapest farm In Armstrong county,- Pa.; 100 acres .for 114,000 on easy terms. Splendid buildings and orchard. No. 1 land, ell Ole. The improvements are worth .the price or the. entire 'toroperty. There Swat least 6500 of a .bast.inlo It at the above price. We have seen t __he pproppeerty and know it. Apply :to CROFT & P , Neal &state Agents, No. 139 Fourth swoop. i t OR SALEr*ANeVran' diProfit. J.! tiLE ake.elirtntlnr.: catt haven° oopo.i.- 1‘ im- covered by paten t:, now is tocce.eful op &Alton. Will take in exenange tor the one halt, boo , . laod; balance in case; Wbole price ,t. r over 68.000. gessoes for selling. thtowner wist es to leave the city. For particulars. en of E. W. 2fieGINNISS. No. 1 Liberty street. near Fifth avenue. FOB BALE.—New Brick Best- DENCE: built by days work, having eight rooms, gas, hot and cold water throughout. mar- We mantles and wash .stanch, a bath room and Watts. Lot 1510X140 feet. delightfully located In tne beautitul town of Alliance, Oblo, having 8,000 inhabitants and noted ,for Its toting . % rapid growth. enterprise and mantilketories. mites from Pittsburgh and 38 from Cleveland Junctlon,'Pittsburgh. - Pt. Wayne and Chicago, and the rievrland and Pittsburgh :Hallways, Ad dress toserk Box 80. •Alliance.O. WOE. BALE.-SALT' WORSE DWELLINGS 'AND Filial, ACRES OE LAND Or. WET PENNA. R. R.—The works are nnw In successful operation. The land is un aefald with coal. now open ancl4olued. and would make a splendid vfaeyard: best of salt water at the works. There is money in this property. The owner woald not sell were he able to stl.end to tt. Railroad rams through the land. Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS. Real Es tate Agents, No. 139/rourth avenue. FOR SALE-I.3OI7NTRICHOME. —A. beautiful relddence and arty three. acres ut choice land, on eerrysville Plank Road. The house has eleven rooms, is built and tubbed in modern style, with All necessary outbuildings, abundance of choice fruit, and intact everyth to make it pleasant and comfortable. Will be sold as a whole or divined to stilt purchasers. Apply to . CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real estate Agents. N0..139 Fourth Avenue. ' F OR SALE.-VALUABLE CITY NCE.—HOUNE AND LOT, No. 74 Washingtontreet. Allegheny City. The lot is 02 feet on Washington - street. extending back 460 feet. nn which it erected a double two story brickdwelling. having' all modarn improvements Also brick stable and !r carriage room. with ger , ants room. attached, all In tint rat. °lgen Ts these wane ttie a.comfortable home, this propeiti is recomm ndtd. ragtime on the premises, 'pi toBOBERT DALZaLL, , ' 012:ms 1 49 Stockton Avenue. ",sia;IBIIRG-A 2 story Brick Rause.2 rooms. SO by ISO. - - GREENSBURG—A Lot 62 by 82, opposite freight depot. . 31cEER,PGR7=4 Lots and 2 story Brick Hou.e. with Tsveristilf.V.R. It. passing through the propertlN rhEitY STFRET, Allegheny-2 story frame hens.. 20 by 91. - • . ELIZABEIHTOWN-4 Lots, 9S by SO, with three frames and a Imo story Brick house. • • sEthnitt ,A VAN I.IE—A 8 story Brink mouse, 9' OEM Tar. AV EWE-AA House. For pUtirulsra enquire et 87 pram street. jem TUSTIN & KLEE. FOR_ • .• • 3 STILLS, each 9 feet diameter end 163 feet long, with about 300 feet condensing pipe. from 41hch doWn to klh.inch gas pipe to each still, for $9OO &mete. 2 BOILERS, each 39-inch diameter and 14 feet long, with chimney bridging, steam dram, stand pipe, 6c., for $590. 9 KEYSTONE STEAM OIIMEE!Si each 12 inch steam cylinder, 'I-inch water , cylinder and 1.11. Inch stroke, for s3oo . iiptee . e. 1 IRON AGITATOR. 16 feet diaineter and 16 feet deep, with east iron bottom forlsoq.‘ 700 feet SlX—lnch RAqPIPEstt !Ric per foot. Apply io ERNI% dea1331A73-4 , 00., at works, near Sharnabtirg Bridge. 48.17 e FOR SALE:. House and Lot on Sandusky street; House and Lot on Bovle, street; Houses to Ward; 3 Farms- it Onio; Farm, itv Sewickley T,ownsb lot. 10 acres atFlenunißtation. P, Ft. W. 4 . C. K. B.; Farm near Perrysville; House and.,l4 a cres , at Glendale Station,,P., Ft. 11 C. .. B.: A Farms in towel tot on Locust street (Manchester); Vargnin Westmereland county; 7 Houses and Lots in Spring Garden avenue; House and Lean of(Middlti itriti4;:Honia and 4 Lots 4.. Spring HULIth We,*i pther:go6l3l3 and Lots in good location. Inquire of • \ 111.111M1TBSORE, Beal Estate and ISsurance Agent, corner Ohio • and Sandusky streeti.sAllesrhenv. jyl7 'Fog !WILK. -Mood 6 roomed brims 011 centre avenue and large lot-$4 500. ••• Good 0 rooms frame house with all improve inentsi lot 613 by 0-44.000. • Frame house, A looms; lot 04- byloo-$l. 000. Two well fattened 'press brick houses and large lot-only 16.000.7 Two 6 roomed houses on Felton street-411.500 tine lot 04 by - 109. feet on Reed street —sspo. Plot of ground on Mt. Washington- AO acres on Panhandle Rallrotd, 4 miles frets the -city: ; • - - 30' acres on Western Pa: Railroad,- 4. miles from the city. 2115. acres good improved land La' Mlsmatri. Wilt be divided to ant tirtirchasers. -20 lots on Centre avenue-4300 to $1,500 el cash.. Inquire McCLTII4O ,t sancuovr, --, • Real Estate and taco ranee Agents, 'l3l N 05495, 107 angjop perqps avenue. ALI:A*IILE crrt PROPERTY' V FOR eALE. —the heirs of toe late ALEX ANDER CAMERON, deceMsed, offer the follow log ileektenlit and cone.entenily located property for sale: 'three Story triek * Der;lling House, fronting on West Common. Allegheny. No. 26 Sherman avenue: Also, 'tiro story Erick Dwel ling, fronting on East Common, N 0.16 Union. arc nne. Also, three stontiltrnik 6tiiirpiponi. No. 104 Federal Street, Allegheny, now occupied gy 'East as ' , oak Blom = Allot the above is of fered on I eascamble terp344 . , in order to facilitate the. settlement Of the , eitate:'-Fartlei wanting information willapply to the undersigned* of gee of the PerinSylyaniar Intniranee Company, 1611% Wood street, ,Fittsourgh. WEL- Timm. i• • i zjoast. —t N ito 4cl Nii BM ti001118"OF - :- .n„ . •.',.LZ:1-AA. , . , K E 'S' ==l :11 - - :'• . _i.:; , ;---!,7- --:',,,,-.,--:, - -;?-y.i - _,:7- :,, .ST,-CIAAL% 4,TEET ,...,.'• --, '' -.,•,'.,, . i, .- MEM r . _ 5, STOCK 'OF ELL, INISETOt in GOODS, -Pd- Out by 414E 4 11/GATAIZEL.-- ,•- COMM :NW '444%1a Act;.? it b. ar -Ey 3c.,. J. W. BAR r., - 3 44 • imfi l thottratorga Q WOE =EI El REM