Q . ~. $• - . .t,t e li z a.. 1. ;, e tt o .ttv ' ':: 'II -.. - ).“'‘ , fo . .- .'.•.',.\ \ .i . ]• . 7 ' -!.:' TUE AITING. Pv.a . mrair YROM, • 'Di IRWA.e.I7I7G'. • BCE ILLEE. • ' Flo I not hear the gate turning ? Was It the latch that then fell? No! the zephyr murmur[ yarning Though this Quiet poplar deli. ' Silence l the hedge•rovr was parted, Itust'ing while one through it crept. No a frightened bird then 4 ant d 'From the copse, and onwardswept, A volcivilth the ggll air is blehidl g, Softly, in whispers fond ? No! the circling swan.ls sending. Ripples o'er the silver poud. Hear I not feet lightly moving tiver the gravel strewn path ? No! tne falling fruit is proving Ripenete from the weight it Ma. Dot not see a whlte shimm"ring. Shining with &ha's sheeny till? No! tee pillar th, re is glitum'ring 'Gainst toe shadowed yew en wall. And soft, while from heaven's elearnep ; The moments all happy descend. Neigh the came. unseen. In ner nearness, And wakened with kisses her friend. EPILEMEIMS. horses have -Vanderbilt , at Sara- toga. ; • —The New York tornado did consider able damage. —Susan Galton's company Meets with succes,*l3oo=4 • —Mark Twain Is in Buffalo.' He will lecture in Pittsburgh next wintery —Miasloirei the spiritualist, l l ec,tured in Harrisburg yesterday afternoon. De Lialiens, the great canal engi neer, be made Duke of Suez by .Na poleon. --Cincinnati has bad ; two sudden deaths in onelxonae not, from Cholera, but from whisky. • -There 'were nearly one hundred deaths :helix' cholera; infaxttum, in trook . lyn, last week. —Lager beer is rapidly becoming the national beverage. 1 Massachusetts dis criminates in its favdr. " —The new ' Mercantile Library build ing of Thilisdelphia, a very finerticture, has just been inauguTed. \ . —Senator Grimes, now in Paris, \for . \ the benefit of his health , is not much un-, proved hi physicafeendition, . ~ —Pittsburgh is about to . organize -a Choral Union under the patronage of our very hest and most *fined and cultivated citizens, —Five thousand - salmon, two and a half inches long, have recently been placed' in the Penunigewasset river, New I Hampshire. —The "Rid Stockings" of Cincinnati came to grief at Louisillie last week, the Eagle base%bail Clublaying them out in handsothe style. ••• —Walker, the newly elected Governor of Virginia is a kingly specimen of . a man, standing over six feet three, and built in `proportion. -A-The Brooklyn City Park has become a public nuisance since .the Ovedo murder; It istsaid to be a resort for thieves, gam blers and proidtutes. , • —Seven cases of sunstroke occurred in New 'York; on Saturday. :Three deaths from the same cause` are reported from St. Louis on "the Slone day. —Help us, cash us, or we sink, were the words used by-the Democray ap. pealing to 'Packet..., Be helped, but' did not save them from Peryshing. —Humbug Gran is working up some new foreign'sensational company, with -' which to again sweep through our country and drain away a part of its gold. Asa Packer as a packer 'down of money, is a success. He is worth twenty odd millions with which he could pack two hundred Democratic Cnoveutions. —A Covington youth has received in. telligence that he Nis fallen heir-to many millions of , an estate in England, and has employed lawyer in London to look after his interest; —Feteeter, the English actor, is com ing to America: Let him • have the same tribute paid to his genius as England paid to that . of Joe, Jefferson. The tribute will be cheap. , —An eighty:six year old spiritualist of Adrian, Mich., dressed ldniself in his best clothes and, jumped out of a third story windew to:put an end to his existence. He succeeded ; , • —A new blast furnace and rolling mill is to be established in Terre Haute. The {'stock will be 414400, of which Mrs. Crawford takes half, and gives the estab lishment her name. • • - -;Dr. Leavitt; .a,Politicial economist : of fonieville, has written s work on finance which lie cannot get PUblislied; and ar t . ,Pqrili to the public for • help. He cannot afford to leave it alone. t.- ~—Miss _Selina Ingersoll ) pr incipal , of 10000 1- 100040 0 % 400fau f 4- dfauspolie; ;has ,been:i - made . a Master (or Mistress?) of Arta *Abe Triiidees of the -1914Pit,C1diatiiiit,,0011eger ai,.breron; . --=Prof:•l:l4attin; late Ptesiderit of the 3tOithweide4 trilvetitty of Wat 4 flown, has accepted the Professorship of the GermanLabonige and Literature, in the Fiitisyilsiitttoll44Of Dettyaberg, Pa, • =6-Daring the recent freshet in Conner; klYttglAiri e1' , 14 01 telegraFhed an other at the scene oof antltin: , . 4 4l3end me hill partial* of the! fiohd." 'The dui, viler cale,Yroiimiu tad them iIZ Gun. ads." 1 --An interesting case is before the cOliriti of Louisville . , Thiring,l4 war a en listed in•the army, land the Mayor of that city, intend of paiing'the f bouitty to 14m, Wive it to his". master. Hence, the:suit against the municipality for the amount. -Henry Mink,' Of Louisville • went' to St. Louis for the pleasnre of putting w. end to' his existence away from home: '*" pistol, bullet through his forehead did Ae, business. He was twenty-four years of age, and destroyed himselr,mbile labor .. ing under business dejection. • Milton Bradley of Richmond, Gulf Prairie, has preached during the past twenty-five yeirs more than three thou. sand sermons, has averaged three Bei. , vices a week, has married one hundred and seventy couples, and preached nearly thrse4tundred funeral sermons. —One of the oldest and most respected citizens of New York, Mr. Jacob Cram, I died suddenlY on TuesdaY•Air! Cram was born at Ertel., NO( H ampshire, in 1783; was a classmate of iittniel Webster and Lewis Cass . ittkte Ex4er Academy, and became a very successful merchant. He was a brotherlavi of General James Watson Webb. \ — 7 Some exhumers at work\digging out the corpses , in in, abandoned cemetery of Dubuque, lowa, came across a \ coffin containing some jewelry, a lively scuffle for the prize•took - place, and the bonea'of ' Or the departed were used as drum sticks kis beat each other over the head, and the skull was burled wickedly 'after the vic tor of the contest. Moral: Don't bury the dead with jewelry. —There are in the United States 1,370 banks:representing a capital of little less than $500,000,000—t493,000,000; while the railroads in operation (44,000 miles) represent a capital of nearly two thou sand millions of dollars—$1,800;000,0 00 . The earnings of the banks maybe esti mated at from fifty to sixty millions of dolltirs annually ; while the earnings of the railroads of New York alone last year .were $49,861,000, and of the whole Uni ted States $400,000,000. z--It appears Abet all , copies of foreign paintings are not executed for the Amer ican imarket. A. Mr. Constable, son of the celebrated English artist of that name, writes to the Illustrated London News to wart Picture -buyers that there is a menu= factor* somewhere of paintings sold as worksiof his eminent father; works made. up - from mezzotints . of genuine pictures, but done by people who forget that Con stable could draw, and was also a colorist. He has seen such things in gentlemen'a .houses and elsewhere. ‘X—The New York subscribers to the 'Humboldt monument fund held a meeting at Delraonico's, on Thursday last. The bronze bust, which is to be placed in the Central Park, and Inaugurated on Sep tember 14th;the centennial of Humboldt's birthday, has been finished by the Berlin artist; Prof. Blae'ser, and is highly spoken of by all who have‘seen it. Most of the time of the meeting was taken up by two individuals, one ot whom, wanted to sell out the bust and raise money for a statue, and the other to erect a sort \ of monument inclosing the bust, and sunnOunted by 'a globe, like those used :in the public schools. The discussion - ot'thitNatter project was carried on in German. \Gn the question of selling out the bust four voted in the negative and three in the affirmative. A gentleman requested per. mission for the Germans of Pittsburgh to obtain a duplicate of the bust, which was granted on condition that they pay half the cost of the model. The Wedding Nuisance. Y. Correapondence tAnclanati Commercial. 1 want to say a few words on the in decorous - - publicity given of late to fash ionabln . weddings suppose that society had made up' its mind to abandon all sense of proprieth and set up opposition to the sensational and partially nude drama. For weeks, sometimes months before-hand, weddings are announced to come off. From that moment every step in the preparation is the subject of newspaper paragraphs, and the gentle, modest, shrinking bride shares her trembling hopes with about two hundred and twenty-seven thousand people, who read the liew, York dailies. As a general thing, the fewer claims the parties have to distinction in society, the greater is the noise they make, and for the simple reason that the poor fools think it is, getting into society to "do up" this manner of thing splendidly. 'A fashionable preacher is bespoken for the nuptial cere mony, a failionable church is secured for the theatre of the show, a stunning , organist is hired for the occasion, gor geous array is provided;an array of mil liners are employed, business , at Ball & Black's. and Tiffany's is made lively, a platoon of bridesmaids is secured, prepa ration for a bridal (Weisner a la fourchette at one house, and &grand reception - at another is made—all the fannies, of all the tribes connected with the high con tracting parties are laid under contribu tion for bridal presents; •all, these things are done with lavish expenditure, and alt these thingtv:are ' , daily paraded in: the columns of the Glait ofFashion and the Eoening Reflector.: 'When' the 'eventful dai!kirfves,:the sliiinklng bride passes inappation under the Bre,Of *mit one to two thOusand'paita of eyes, the .whole af- fair is transacted corans papa°, and the city papera are straightway. filled with a full, trim andliarticularaccount ofthede tails; of , the • snobbishness display ed, the • vulgaritrz - and plutocracy of the pedestalled; -• Whit the` elide wore, bow the :bridesmaids" were dressed—the moire, antique'and diamonds of the bride's mother-4he - black'satin and pearls of the bridegroom's sister, the diamonds of 'Mrs,' A;,, the dintlioridi of Mrs. B.; the dlamorids of Mrs. . Ci the di &mond% of, Mrs. D., the ,Cherk n o presented by the bride's father; tke ) 03 44. 10. logue, of wedding ,presenta, sad' so 04 anus ad • nauseam. , And. raw,. having , feasted .so long on such nelightftu details as these, the jaded appetite of an entniSr• omit Publid begins to require Some stlmu isstOind so a new feature is introduced, a oJaxming feature, a delicate feature. ' It • la`tha desqlp#Ort of the bricle'i; troarisati„. ItWiy 4ppests to methere Is only one, m ore, step to take—but I return to the trosuau. One of our dailyi p a p er g,,,thi f r morning,. announces that "metropolitan society" is'sooll 50 1 enjoy "a genuine sense ' tion" in the wedding of Baron Land Miss T. Tbe Baron, you,niOst know,laa young_ , gentleman of.wealth and, 'Ash aocial po. start , and culture, who, Mae this: country a y ears , ago, on ,a plealure= trip ) , "accompanied by two friendsigandhurn-, num-hum, 'two or three servants," hum- PITTSBURGH GAZETTE': M0ND.0,4131:1 19, 1869. hum-insen,Dining- his , travels,- we are . furthi*lnfeinied. "he visited Newport at* Saratm Awe.," hin-huni4nina., Only think—him—of his -self-danial in 'con- Edith* to shroud the effulgence of his hum-bum-hum baron's title • under the shadow of plidn Kr. ! I But my business just now is not with'a man. • The men sational'artiele I refer o, which is headed, nTii"The Flutter of ion," .plunges at once, with panting haste, into the trous, seau, and with proper and refined delf cacy starts off with the information that "four dozen pieces are included in the lin „Feria &pertinent, each article _of under clothingbeingexquisitelyembroidered and trimmed entire withied lace. Some of the underskirts are trimmed with lace and embroidery almost (don't you like ,al most?') to the waist.” But my pen re fuses to proceed; and I stop to revel in the exquisite picture 'presented. To be told that such things exist is nothing. We know that already. But to be told that they are made for and to be worn by Mrs. Baron so.and•so. nee Bessie Throck. morton. is something delighted. Years ago I heard an indiscreet girl boasting to a companion: "Sister Sal is going to be \ married and has a • dozen of everything made up." A dozen of everything was a stunner for that little companion; but four`dozen of everything! The imagina tion almost fails to take it in: But that is not all. The young lady, this lucky Bessie, slicing all women blessed, has "sleeves, collars, lace, chemisettea, cufN handkerchiefs' and bows in the lgeatest and most extravagant profnelon." Eight pairs of 'shoes, richly . orna mented with rosettes, „six pairs of beautiful kid slippersts five round or jocky hate trimmed with feathers or birds, costing frotn fr2o to $4O apiece; alx lace parasols, each over a diffelent colored silk, and one of them with a gentilie coral handle, valued at $150; two sea=side um• brellas; six stylish breakfast sacki, \ the description, of , which would drive you crazy; blonde lace, white lace, laCe striped with gold. lama lace shawls, sacks and mantillas. Surely the possessor of all these lovely things need never want to go to heaven. Into this description of • the dresses I dare not venture. "That way lies madness. Let me not forget the statement that "stockinge, garters, &c. ' - are in profusion. Stockings and and garters I have some misty pet ception of, but I should feel that I do myself an injury were Ito iudulge in any vain attempt to fathom the mysteries of that etc. With a consideration for which we snould be grateful, the reporter does not "anticipate the magnificence of the bridal robe, but" reserves it "for his ac count of the Wedding." We may sleep more soundly for the information that "the trousseau is insured." The article closes with the perfectly delicious an nouncement "that owing to the recent death in their fluidly, the wedding is to be private, but will be followed by a grand dejeuner and reception, to which a number of distinguished people have been invited." A sacred thing is , grief. "In weight she might have turned, when well conditioned, nine hundred and fifty pounds. In color she was a dark chestnut, will a velvety - depth, and soft look about the hair indescribably rich and elegant. Many a time bevel heard ladies dispute the shade and hue of her plush like-coat as they ran their white, jewelled fingers through her silken hair. Her body was round in the barrel, and perfectly ,symmetrical. -4 ),She...was wide-. in the haunches, without projection of the hip banes, upon which the shorter ribs seem ed to,lap. High in tfie withers as she was, the line of her back and' neck perfectly uurved;'while her deep, oblique shoulders and long- Thick fore-arm, rigidy with swelling sinews, suggesting the perfection of stride and power. Her knees across the pan were wide. the cannon-bone be low ,them abort and thin; the pasterns long and sloping; her hoofs round, dark, shiny and well set or. Her mane was a shade darker than her coat, fine and thin, as a thorough.bred's always is whose blood is without taint or cross. Her ear was thin, sharply pointed, deli cately curved, nearly black around the borders, and as tremulous as the leaves of an aspen. Her neck rose from the with ers to the head in perfect curvature, hard, devoid of fat, and well cut up under the chaps. Her nostrils were full, very full, and thin almost as parchment. The eyes, from which tears might fall or fire flash, were well brought out, soft as a gazelle's almost human in their intelligence, while over the small bony head, over neck' tad shoulders, yea, over the whole body and clean down to the hoofs, the veins stood out as if the skin were but tissue paper against which the warm blood pressed, and which it might at any moment burst asunder. 'A perfect animal,' I said to myself, as I lay looking her over—'an animal which might have been born frcm the wind and the sunshine, so cheerful and so swift she seems; an animal which a man would present as his choicest gift to the woman he loved, and yet one which that woman, wife or lady-love, would give him to ride when honor and life de % pended on bottom and. speed.' "—Atlan tic Monthly.' , One might almost Bow the Chinamen are Sworn In Amerl. The trial of Ah Choy and Ala Sam, now going on in the District Court, for `the murder of. Ali Son, says . the Silver City (I. T.) Tidal . Wave, is creating a greeter interest that any trial that has ever occurred here,- on account of the novelty of the method of swearing- wit. nesses. A- rooster's head is hacked off with s knife, a saucer broken, The oath -written on yelloW paper, burned,'and the smoke, an which is. supposed to be ' the spirit of, the burned, oath, blown up to heaven:An each case. The prosecution and defense each, swore five witnesses, killed five . chickens, broke five saucers, ! burned five pieces of caper, &c.. After killing the chickens they are thrown away by - the` Chintuien intreontidered unfit'for use; but having-had their throats cut,' nicely bled, , the Ainericatr heathen consider thud none thewoise for having, been - sworn by, anawe Confess to having been guilty, of the sacrilege 91. assisting to devour a:portion that -wits Jollity fat,. tender and goodie our unsanctilled palate.- A Perfect Horse. can Courts. • A YEW dayraince, a man well known , infleti York society—not young, windd who'could hot 'dance, 'was sitting party, pear a young - lady, and watching the maze of the "Qerman." He turned to her, knowing her well, and said, "I wish : do ' would let me put 'my arm * around, your ' Waist." Of course she looked, .at : him amazement. ' "Oh," Bala toll, know ' scan dame,et. bat a l don't 8043 . that difference. thew/. young men have Abair arms' about :the girls' waists, and whyrshauld not I hoe the same privilege, thought I sit still ?" That man's head is level. I think so. GAS FIXTURES WELDON - is , KE4 , lr, ilasakasers*liliolegile Deers ffi Lamps; Lanteres, Chandelles, AND LAMP GOODS. Alec; 0121102 i AND LUBRICATING OURS. BENZINE. eke. N 0.147 Wood Street. seani2l t Between artp sad MIL Affleaus, FRUIT 04N TOPS. , , SELF _LAB:IC:1,11N p ~ , .. Fill 119 1 -C A li Tri IP. 6OLL.rNS, ..t. - WitIGIIT. • prrrsjsiTßGlT,-pii, arße e now prtpared to supply 'Miners and Potters,- It le perMt, the m nam es theheap as the plain top, having names of various Pratt' stamped upon the rover:radiating from the center. and an ladei or Whit& stamped upon the top of the east. • It Is Clearly, Illstlnctly and Penmen' tly , . by fneiel~yy plkine the name of tbe fruit the tan contatoSopPoalte the pointer andeeelles In the customary manner. 'No preserver of troll or IrOOO housekeeper will use say ethers:taro= seeing I. , . 1ub215 PIPES, CHIMNEY _ TOPS. &c. WATER PIPES, OEUISRET TOPS ♦ large assortalest, WSW= H. COLLINS, 5p14:b717 Sd Avenae.nesr Smtth fleld Et PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO ENGINE BUILD•• irats.—€Pated Proooaals will be received at toe office of CITY Wiar U Woulcr, up to Au. gust (ith.1869, for ONEIoTEAIif CYLINDER inches, diameter and 13 foot. stroke. on ponIP AO inches, diameter foot stroke Engine and pump to be erected and put In successful operation inihe engine house at the Lever Ruin. Bedford avenue. Jyl7 JOSEPH FRENCH, Superi-tentlent. 'OFFICE OF THY CONTHOLLMR OF ALLECMILVY C. LT:NTT PA., VITISECROII, July 151 h, 1969. 77 , rIaROPOSALS FOR WRITING. —SEALED PHOrlitiAi.S will ba receletri at office unto the RUM inyt. littlish*, for eon!. lag 1.1145 or Reentered Voters complied by As-. sensors under pmvisions of the Registry Law. , rumples of itntr can be rp..n on ap..licatton.. Bids to be so much toe running line , complete, to Include compactor. Tne correttnPre of the work musibe-wrilled be atlidavit before warrants are orawn,fOr pay ment. By direction of County Commissioners \. ' ,ILENRY LAMBERT:\ --,- Controller. \ jy16.0324 OFFICE OF THE • COFTROLLER TOBLIK ALLERI3ET COUNTY.P 69. A.. PIUH. Jn y h. is , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSAL, will be received at this office until Ind inst., Inclusive. for the erection of a new WOUDkN STRUCTURE at the Bridge over Street's Rain. at Risher's Mill, on the Elizabethtown Road, on the line between Bald win and Mifflin Townships. Plans and specidcations can be seen on appli cation.' By direction or the County Commlulonere. HENRY LAMBERT, jy :153 d&Ti Controller OFFICE OF CITY F.EOINXITIt ANTOTIETNYOE. I Pittsburgh. Juirb. 1869. toTtcr, TO CONTRACTORiir SEALED PROPOSALs for GRADINts. AVING and CC/RBI: 1 0 tie following siree.s 'Neill be rec iced at this billet until MONDAY. July 19th: 18697._ _ _ 'FORBES STREET, from Magee to Chestnut street. WILLOW STREET, from Fortieth to Forty fourth street. ' THIRTY-FIRqT STREET. from Liberty street to Alicia heny Valle ,. Railroad. And for Bradlee and Paving: SNOWDEN ALLEY. from Remits& alley to the Allegheny Vallev Railroad. APPLE ALLEY from Marion to Miltenberger street. Specifications and blank. for bidding can be bad at this office, and no tilde will be considered by the Committee mil• se made 0..1 on the p oper blanks. The Committee reserve the rube to re— ject ant* or all aide. 11..1. Markt& jyß:l9i OPTICS CITY YEMENITE AND e'VETZTOII, Pittsburgn, Juiy 10. 1869. t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. —Sealed ropo.als for Oesdintr,_ waving and Ourolng TWENTY-NINTH STREET, from Penn to amallman street MULBERRY AL LEY. from 219th t,.. E9tti street. will be received until MONDAY. July 19th 1569. Blanks for bidding can be ba.l at this deice. No bloc will be considered be the Committee unless made out on , b.. pauper blanks. The rem mli,t.ee:t nrae se . rve t H e . J. kOOKX e . C 1 lan Engineer PROFESSIONAL. W. De CAMP, G. ATTORNEY ANO.COUNSELLOR AT LAW. (Mee, Ho. 137 FOUltrti AVEICUE, Pitts burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon Walter H. Lowrie,) Courts.actice la the U. S. Circuit and DistrLA In the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny county, and make collie. lions in most of theadJacent counties. }a 23:d73 AIICIMLMD BLAKELEY, AT'rOltPrE"l".4l.T-1...AW, No. 98 FIFTH STBENT, ir4l:l29o:dthr DIMION, A. lirtistice of the Peace, ANCER,RANu REAL Marl ESTATE AND INSU. SON STREET, Ban BIRMINGHAM. MOD of Rents aolleltad and proptly at. mvarradm CONVEY Coli c C cooed WM. B. NWIEB, ALDERMAN AND EE-OFFICIO JUSTICE 07 THE PEACE. - OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVEI4UH. 15pkv,111 intention given -to couveyeacsni add coljeutlons Deed. Fonda add Mortgages drawl up, dad A legal ousißaff Iddded PrSdr!Rtil and aced.ratAtx. . geotrusi. BicRIASTEM4 Az.romumArT Svetelo Janice Of the Pelltatut Polleedisw rte. (Mee, kiDAST STRe&e.T, opposite- ua Cathedtaai PITTeBv}O3I3, 'Pei • • Deeds, Deeds, M erwagesi Acknowledgments, Depositions, end - begs] • Buslisess eveetdad was promptness and dispatch. male JOHN A. STRAIN, • . ci • A:LiDEltafarg• . • • it2-017/010 dantig °P IT newielib FOLIOS MA6IS ilitlee4.lll FIFTH avillEirlYupposlut tss os. Ousting. PlUsburight -Peele, s• Neel, AokuowleagmeSte, Deposittoni and - Legs Buoness iftecated Vith 'ortliattaesr an dtsustah. TaXEIONALIg i r ils=oßfK InIEGEL; o,,wa Cutts with W. MapesUMW) '1531514 4 65Wir r r TAXI,OIg. Mo. 83 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh OP G GOODS. 'A iNenditi neli 'tots of ‘eo:' of J11.4i°00."41 by kIgZIIIT , N I O /Ir g t , l4 liestd!int, Tallot, 13 tizatthisedil mom • 1111 M 3' 186 9. SPECIAL SALE OF o:.q R IPA t S. We offer at Its tall, far THIRTY DAYS ONLY, a line ut New and Choice Patterns Tali&by', 'Brdssels, Ingraini • and.Uther CtupetB, AT. LESS THAN COST OF IMPORTATION. and our entire-stock at prices winch make ft an object to bur this mono], as these goo.s have never Dern offered so low. Our Store will close at 5 P. at. until September NePARLAND & COLLINS. No. 71 and 73 FIFTiI AVENUE, 379:diT C' 70.7. : R - rE, TS; Floor 04:cloths, Aceoxinrormaros, iVindow Shadev, AT L,OW VRrggisS We offer many of our goods mueb below last Spring's' bikes. Those needing goods - in air Luc can says money by buying atones. BOYAR D, ROSE it CO., FIETH ,714:dar NEW CARPETS! •Twri.e, 11369., We are now opening 11,12 assortment unparalleled in'thia city of 'FINEST VELVETS BRUSSELS THEE-PUS Of our own recent import:Won and selecte&finza eastern mannfacturOs. MEDIC I. AND LOW' PRICED INGRAIN!,. • QUALITY AND COLORS. An Extra Quality of Rag Carpet. • We art now sialtientaby of-tbc above at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. iro. 51 ritrit arE.rrnE, 7e12 - °LITER M'CLINTOCK CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE SELECTION . OF BRITSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS TECREE PLY AND . INGRAIN CARPETS. THE LAMEST AssouviraT OF WHITE, CHECK & FANCY 31ATTPHAS, FOR SUMMER 'WEAR, IN TICE CITY. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Az , - OLIVER 111e,CLOTOCII & CO'S 23 FIFTH ,VENUE. PITTI.BTINGH. PA WINDOW SI-lADESI No. 107 , Nlarket Street anuanirrit Zakbothlair $ line =A comma, oo _looseO:oiool of the newest 4feahrhatolh FINP.T.P.o4fT , : in GOLD to the caLkrzem 41011413 lump; so the trade. all of wide/p.m offer at prices that wall pt 7 otisPOsVoozominlo.:i ; 7 e...; dr. 1 liviiitura . • • WALL PAPER. • ' - , ill OLD PAIIII,BTORE IN &OM' * BM AUX 74EW.;iWALL. 1911, HAM ANV,PERPIThugaZ:, Iwo pz6k, 011itADIIENTAC: luau WPM.= AND PERribiZa.' ifo. • Turd street, sear IStaltblein.-Pittabargb..: Always Juana, x i = auoftscest ei • lie o dirA 05.,./34 . !,14 utlemen s Wl464gab. . Wi g +. /lir Price is cub win be d oes for aLw , _. _ ' Ladies and Oecumenic tic& MIMIC 'Sone is tes beaten munch =2 sli CARPETS IScoemd Flood The Very Newest Hedges, VERY SUPERIOR 1111111011 BROS., WALL PAPERS W ALL PAPER AND OF New and liandsone Dea4lNat NOW OPP4II* Liberty &reef,: - .C. 5 5 'MUM KABZIEriI . .. 13/4124.4060' 111 4.: in P 91 il ,b2 -r•• ,-, Qt., m = 14 1.4 to co 73 m 1 4 t' j gl - a ;02 , W i r t a fcC - ; Ea i g t : IV WO l e P 4 CD 0 Z rf i a d I=l -17-1 0 - ‘ 4l pi 1 Ewa ' l ' 4 s I l i 54 I =1 is ' w In ci NEW EMW:trO GOODS JUST OPENED, ' • ORE P., PHILLIPS', 67 Market Street. Nallins, Dress Goods, MSS, SlitillirLS. VITLL LINE 01/: SILK S A dQUESt. Very Cheap. , • • ST. ILIRRET STREET. ST. sp3 . • McCANDLESS & CO" %.1 (Late Wilson, Carr & C 0..) • •• WHOLIINALLS• DEAXIIIN IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No.. On WOOD STBEIrt. Third door above Diamond seer. errrammes. WINES. Licittolts, &e. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, UFJPORTESS OP WIVES; ` BRANDIES, &IN,, WHIDLESIXLE DEALERS XII PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET. Have Beinoved to NOR. 384 AND 386 PENN, CM-. 'EdeTerith St., (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH 8. FLNCH & CO., • Nos. 185, 187, 189. 191.193 and 196, PI3 1' eTRZET, PITTECELTEkaI. 1111413 - PACII7II2IIB OP Cupper Distilled Pure Rye Whisitey. Also. deileis FOUEION WINES Iliad LI. Q 1 W( HOPS; , rohm.nan GLASS. CHINA.. CUTLERY. 100 *®OD STREET. . NEW GOODS.- _ FINE VASES, 110KIKKLIAIV Ak11) CELEMA• NEW STTLESa._ DLNNMA SETS • TIM SMTS, OPT CUPS. SMOKING SETS. • large stout of I gIITEB PLATED BOORS of all deferlptlOnfl.- Call and examine onr , goods, and we feel sanelled no one need fall to be suited. R. E. BREED •SE, CO. 100 .WOOD. STIIEET. STONE. • WEST COMMON • •• Mctchdtae.Stone Work,s, - ;, Wortloreat corner of Wear. Common Aliened,. . ' FICICIPAC. ATVATIM Ai CO. ail' on band Or •rei:issi on abort, notice Beargi eat Execi , f3zones. - Pada do Sidewalks, Brewer? itanita. :Head udl: Womb Swart,, -do. :ru 's IsTOWITtIy PHA/. T.A.SOII , SM. nr QNTIEIVITES T TIO -TREAT ALL private ffilisisil. aroldPs in all its forms, all' diametal:6 tap *Mem* wr mercury are eoluPLatel erad i cated ; ISMMatorchra or eemf. , , nal weakness and impotency resuming from • self-abliss or other causes, and *bleb produce* acme of. the following eillieta. biota de:. today oesi feu . isiddimioni,Soustunllon. ay.r.lon to *ode r, - tinmanlva o thuire even% ' lostetniereicep: Ind alcietartial: and finally so promoting t sealialgetelsi ml render manioc tins itiatacitoi„ sa a tderef imprudent, lie pintdaktat), tared. - rereons Of vele* with these at anicutes. in dielleate,' inn i at or long stalidiai consitins oral soolavit ,pee ite Doctor *triad; be never falls: A fartletiar atteardoultven to ail Pinhole aim. MOM* IsfiOvorrAellor , Wllltes. ailing. loam! _ muslni .or 1:11ter:li e lof the V emb, Litsfitlsi , , prtintit, Omenorrh Sf 'enonitasta. 'vr=e* nallene =trate tp Or VarredineWare-tlia, 4 !data): ti 111SatesVi —kwes:l4 It IS I* [4l,laenttlutt phyllefin into confute • bloweirearebastvely to the study or Aderani clam, of Osman and treat* thonimajos oreaPes „ever 7 ye:W..lllllst JiCqatre greeter .1111 Lb :LUZ gpECLida thanon. , In general prattle*. '• ' The Doctor publishes a medical pamphlet or Af.p pageguilis roes it MU expiation of venereal . : and private diseases. Nat eon be bed free' at Moe er by mail for two stamps, In Waled envelopes. ETerriaMtlitis contains palp,nettOU ; to the ,fined,._ enahline them te_illnorlfllvi the pr* elle nature or their tonitlleintA 'Thee testabilahmeat, Caaltirttakll tea" arePAl rOcenhaeentral. When it is not nouvenlent to visit the oil!, the Doctor's opinion can be taint e tinttelta a written statement of the eave snf Manes can he ftrrwarded by mall or ems prem., In Wats Instaneell. however. a personal examination is: atiolately- numilsam while In • ciliate the aconnincidatwtt C en c t l i A o h n is lV c ea n tst r n , e n re 8011rUckez.ts connected with Una Mee that ar. • T id e d w i th every requisite that lb caicel to inmate recover/. including" medics:en vapor All pftaar lotions are Pres:area in the tor , s own laboratory, tinder his personal an. oerosloon. Medico :pamphlets at oMce free, or j byri; for, two stamps. No matter who have fat U. read what he says. Nonni 'V s.. at. 1, ,, A41',11 ~ en ays 19 v. to VP. w. utnee t _leo. wams nTAVET, (near Court, •' • I ,