::~ STEEL. WORKS. DUQUEISNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RA3M & CO., lissuaiset=ers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS ! , invionn4 1. X earn 3117NIATAt Juin) AND 81113 r4RE 130.11. ARM. AND HE AND TADI ANS IRON. N _ Matt and DROITAT.,,RARA luTvut RANO.. tAtu1t 213 { 4 . 26 BAIL for OW Roads. .ND CULTIVATOR AN MOULD! , eut to pattern. STEEL INIANTINS, A. B. _ ' and 'WAGON 13PNEN615 and MMES. ! USW& First Olge and Wanwited. OFFICES AND WORKS. • liistseuth Street sad Alllghsuy Riser, sad 71 Water Strict. Pittsburgh. SHETFIELD STEEL 'WORKS. gaidni max & co., fl=to,unast. re.. litseefeetevere of every desezipdon of CAST AN9 GER3IAN ' STEEL, swim ste.amos. iLi jo e t tWV.TYO.I OIB P IIII ac n e IfirehOuSee 88 Water andloo Ffrst Sta. titll.l.lM, HAIM & PAILILIN. W. PA l M i l a le. 314 VasclAs Pautsaura-126 M. SIBS. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, Offleo, No. 339 Liberty St, PA. OKH:del - • B ukcs. Dumoril) =EL WORKS. rum BROTH :BB & CO., . , . • afaantsetto 4 en of all Oeseriptions of • -- • ME_and 'Warehouse. THIEtTI I OIII. THIRTY MET sad fiAlLisOds, IRON WORKS. 16ymenza. Preet.....w. P. roma. Dart. rairrowiten. FORGE AND IRON co., DiGtSOTACTINUMB 01P • Bar Iran; - Ballroom:1 NUB Bars arid Bolts; • Mansard Car Awles Boiled; Railroad Car Axles Ihuaareeed; Letwarotiva Frames; iswessative Frame Shapes; Side Bads: Taira, Strati% Iphitait Heads; SterWsboat Khans; • eseausboaS Cranks; IPlstra Bads, Wrists; Pitman Jaws,' collars, Pte. 10111540, No. 177 PENN wrairmr, ILLESIIMISEN PROEBSS. Te Trainees are now orepared .to grant been the !Or im of the ELLEBSEUXIITS PRP- The Superior quallty • imparted to Rood Iron, do great Improvement in inferior Iron. and the 'reduced cost, commend It to ah manufacturers of Pinnies wishing to luny. can obtain Menses by JAMES. P. SPEER Attorney for the Trustees, _BOONS 1 aid A. 'English's BUI/diil. INSM raid* avenue. 0 • raysks intereAted_are Invited the 'te yid% the Cie I - nice militr moorla sacees•lalooeratloo.. tee:da jr,MOOP. I, glayskori & to , Pennsylvania Iron Works, inTaVormale 4 .lril.:: ls. nan 4,24;de _ BRASS FOUNDERS. scam .. . ... . . AJOHN' Ili. COOPER & CO., • Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS smut TBO3TPTLY TO OBOES. Mailable mg Grey Iron . Fittin; s, _ GAS PIPE AND TUBING, lIIROTTLEAKEETY AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTEBAT. Intl (kV . 'COCAIELS; Mass Work of ensm, dawVpflon for • Sten% Wfaser'And,Ull. 316DiIITACTURKES OF JAL COOPEIB , II Asplu,e4.—Balauge.Wkeel Stew ..Pump. Agents for Dr e~ Patent Ott— ers, the - best:in the market. Ogee and Works., Coiner Ildrfeentla and Pike • -- ; I 44, NOVELTY WORKS. FITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS. naindell'A. D. 11183. ADjuis. itrir.zz it, Co. luavraarmune g o BA NXBRAT XliT) PLATFORM Also COONTXR SCALES. d issulfaced rim Rao awl rim PIO Ooffetuiol,/,_4(1.: UM= OP MIT 1.171111103 i aid Ida Pilftebsilv rf 4 • r iLROEUTEOTEL , : B'i`g MOSEB, lion , How=ma9crumcar stustOrea. I. a and Sato ebb street. Plttabotinh, Pa. Megan latim, to ttot itodirobil sad OUR anitalt MUM BOILERS, &c HUGH 11. BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St, OMAR itts POTErt,) ,'/Engine Builders, Foundera and illackinigla, • Ifenifietare STEAMBOAT =GMH end STA TIONARY EGNEA, of align& ELWIN Attention invited to our new STATION IL WELL =MBE AND PORTABLE BOILEE. Ilitarielpower. • • -- OAs _ElS k of evkind made to oaderatour Foundry on on THIRD below Market. RIGS for , Oil Wells, SRA 41, PULLEYS, HANGNg_USEandTOBACROSOBEWS and IRON TOBAuwPRBIRERS. on Land and made to _ INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Plellth/ S aft - the Agigheill tone, neer tbiPoltd, • PITTSBURGH. PA. MP All orders witmptiv ailed. TRY M. PITT BMB, STILL AND ?Au KLIWIVICTI7II.I I33S OP - TUBULAR, DOUBLE4FIXED TIIBULAN, YLKE-BOX AND °MIND= STICAU BOLE, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS. 01111KNEYB, BENSCHENO AND ASH PANS. SETTLING ENSFIRB3_ PANS,BALT PANS AND CON STEAM PIPES, GAISOKECTEBB AND IKON BIUDGEEI• num( DOOllB AND COAL MUTES °Wee and Warehouse. earner Second, Third. Short. and Liberty Streets, • lir Orders sent tb the above address will be oranrotly attended to. mh7:189 HANNBILL & CO., • BOILER MASERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, 3011. 1111. Ili AND MI PENN ST. Haying secured a large yard and furnhihed It wan the meat encored machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every descrlpoon of Bffll.- ZlllO In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimney., Breeching, Fire Beds. Eke= Pipes, Locomotive Boners, Condensers, Salt Pans. Tanks. 011 Stahl. Agita tors.l3.estling Pans. Bailer Iron.JlrldriLs. Sugar Pana,and sole manufacturers of Bambi ni's Pat ent mien. done on shortest notice. ialkcild JAMES N. WOK 55 enitt 56 - Water ENresei, PITTSBURGH§ PA., arrsorA t oroluts or IRON OIL TANKS, EITTLING no% °arras BT MU PEE% ROLLIE 9 mLL ESTACEI4 Ana EMCEE? IBON Tor Steamboats. -Pi'I9'RBIIRtiH. JARED M. 38138:11...•............11211VRD D. SUM J IBED IL BRUSH & SON, XASO7.IICTURIIIII OP Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. MEET MON WORE, 40. 61 Penn Street, Pittaburght Pa. 'iIi.ISRADLEY tt C 0. ,. NO. 80 WOOD STREET , gLannflicturers of the greatest variety of Cook; Pailei. and Heating Stoves, TO BE POUND. . . . • In our assortment will be found all theLATEI3T PAT? AND USIPUOVisktBr. Tu. and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in Want of a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would cell particular attention to our new VoLCAN.. isTOVE. tor churches. halls and stores. Over StIO sold in three montas. Intended for with or with out casing. AU who have used them pronounce them superior to {►ny other and-far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price - List. cBO lIMMOUSt 0081 11111131 07 . 119113 T /ABM= 0/ BOSTON COOKING RANGE, 'TSB FIERY FURNACE," WASSRGHIB:LI' kM;MI. THE NZW._ AIPIT.DIMT OGGICIHO STOVE. ••REGTILATOR. , * coLunsis COOKATO_ VAN'S Wisugansti Patterp) POHTAB RANGE CAST IRON MASI TLEs. REPLEOTORATEIkfree from snit cliff; MIER PRA). FINDER% ich. 200, =lB'2oB Liberty Street, 5e23.717 PITTSBURGH. PA. coOli. STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL! dia CO: TRIUMPH. 'OR 81T171111210 US GOAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as nil as any other Stove in the Union. . BEIIELL & .00., No. 285 Liberty Street. ilastA i lt ra ianot saie. Trafi c iPTIITI A 724 - D 4p00111149 91113,Zre: O BUILDERS! T 900.000 feet Dry Plne Board'. 1.513.000 feet Da such Clear Plank; $3.000 feet Iss Inca Common Plank; 26..000 feet Dry 1 and NI lien Oak: "°,I)UtI ft. )1, I. 1)s. $1 and 3 lnell Poplar: 10.000 jam.-Dry Poplar Scantling; 10.000 feet Dry Yellow Plus Boards; 100.000 feet BetolockSeantllng. 303. 00 feet No. 1 181neh baeldll l ll s 300,000 No. 116.1nch Shinkles. 'awed; 80,000 No. 110-lneb Shingles, salved; 00.000 Flee Thick; 1,000 Ylre 'rile. 118/ Tons Lumber. Alto, Saw Mlll Locust and Was Posts. and In the live on band and for we by AL Dint PATTIMUN, Yards— No. 103 Rebecca street and corner of Melo and Juniata streets. nlxtb ward.Allegbeny. late bor on& of Manchester. arid; 101 ai vcii:/..1 01 44; #3/11 - 41 421 pir &LYON, , • Serum : of Weights and Measure% Ito. i letlarli 16.F#211T. • lastiMaia,S4,:!ll,l!rl7,7sl".. seisetied oft c WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, PITTSBURGH. Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, 843. LUMBER. , PITTgAUTQL OrgmE; JULY .17„ 1869. "Eit=s3l - `idaksaml. KNIP FORT PIN FOUNDRY COIPANY OFFICE AND Woks% TWELFT4. STREET, ETTT1310:111.1311, REL gines,;ollingll:ill Ma c ry, Nail Machines, Be rta, and Castings generally. ATIONAL FOUND= AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and nmallesan IMeNKih (NINTH WARD.) MO WILLIAM _SMITH, Manufootnret of tlJ:* ,I • :J.) :.I' 4 S-, I FOR GAB LSD WATER WORE& My Pines are all east Invarlablyit Pits, in dry sand. and MI feet lengths. Also, fell assortment of generaL, • Castinav for Gas and - Water Worts. I would also eall the attention of Bn_pitrintend• eau of Elaa Works to my make of ItEruititt. DUQUESNE. FORGE. 1111=11, (successor to JOS. HAIGIi - k C 0.,) Has. htetlities eo-extensiv,e with the, leading Forges in the East, and Is prepared td promptly and satlstactordy All all orders Tor STEAMBOAT SHAM, CRANKS. PISTON ROD", Lz'll ENS, PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAME'S, _tegether with every description Of BliAlrE WORE. Mace and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street,' apl4:h4o ROBINSON, BEA b. CO., Buccesisors to Relntrsow. Mime JI /tht.112114 WASHINGTON 11TOILIKS, FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTS,PITISBUR6H, Esaufactinere of Boat. and Etationary Steam En agin s, Blast Engines. Kin tUng, Castings of aU descriptions: OUT ma and Stins, EC:Me? and Sheet Iron Work. Mee, No. 116. corner Pint and Smithfield 11%MM.. EnAgeeding nts for Boil GIPPARD , I3 PATENT INJEfa Utre OTOR seers. tt 11110MA13 CABLITI & CO., Youth Ward Foundry and Machine Verb, ulameacY ST.. ALLEGHENY cm, Nghtifamixera of Stith:4El7y and Portable Steam angina., gm Yttaaca, ruiloya, Shafting, Griot and Haw Atm WBark W ork; Boiling Mill and Machine Castings, (irate eights, Wagon Boxes, ice. Bond to order and have on hand Engines of ail sizes. , - mallon6 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Stree i t y BOLLIUN, BOYD & BAGm . Chll Molls. Mill Osattnis, 801 l L•thes, me. DIAMOND , out, WORKS, . H.M. Loma & C 0. ,. Ontee. DALY:7OZ 81M415113. fen Duquesne WIT. Pittsburgh. Ps. 11117'41111111E;I K,1:1114;1, TV atiIIIIISS/011 Nerehanta lizoims to Petroleum and Ito Produote, DALZELL% BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, 111/I•APWRIKLA ADDREBB, Boom 17i Chamber of Commerce, - 133 8011111 SEOOND STREET. aplo TACK IMOTHIEBS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . AND DEALiftB Petroleum and ita Products, r it g b o t rt h ug re r Fhluidelphis Offloe—MlT WALMIT spl:w3o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. amnia w. Timm, 31.41057ACT11M1R OP 1 Lubricating & High Test Burning Olis.l Selipaa Railroad Axle 00 Stands at beat wfthotit change• remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Opecial Oil for • tropical climates or hot weather. Looomotiro, Zaplust Slashlas Shop, Will cat Screws. SawAILU and Phistail dl3l Qua. Adapted lorhlgb_speed. 'ajpenolle 011. WeelineasbUSht 011, usl. Tanners' tniniT• i Hengelo, Inn &Finishing Ofisliassolinevi /I assess 011. ipsurranliseh Work VARNISH,. to preserre_ liriettt Iron Work and Aftchintry nom trust. - These products are manniketured under Dr. Twaddle , a patent by Superheated Stearn in Vac. cno. be Imbricating Oils are almost odorless, perfectly pure uniform, and mostly - light col ored. stand a {111(n temperature ranch d. and remain pld dunes extreme Cold. The Railroad Oils are unequalled - , and ate In constant use on many of Plc principal Railroads. ' Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STaßEir. Works at tibarpsburg Bridge. S SISTIN GS AND BATTING. HOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. IPVTIE'OM;UMaii. giiiiilictuerita MUT! =DM aiIidLIGHT 11101(111411/11 ill! BILOXI/Lai . , iiirtgifritclo 4112i.&1211101. EL P. OILS. tisrciAt. FIFTH AVENUE . BANK • Of Pittsburgh , Is now open for Discount, Deposit and General Banking Business, at 19$ FIFTH AVENUE. Any sum received prom One Dollar upwards, Interest, at the rate of six per cent. paid on time deposits. DIRECTORS: I F.D. DITHRIDGE, .W. E. WISYMAIT, W. B. KM. FRANK *IEBERT, W. C. ROREETSON, MC% HY MEYER, DAN. KINZER. L' POIRSTEL. . 3f. ARMOR. EMI ED. DIVIRIDGE, President. • F. F. SCHEIIPCK, Cashier. jy10:198 • AMERICAN BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE,- . rrnstoman. CASH CAPITAL • • - - • 18200.000 Stockholders - Individually Liable. ' BANK OF DISIMITNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, Presides . , Cashier. '-' RECTORS. Thos. M.' Marsha 4. ! RAM M. Mpytiand, Writ. T. Shannon, . Archibald Wa.tlace, James W. Arrott, I ' Jas. 1). Kelly, Chas. B. f ,I Wm. Floyd. ' l '_ This Bane is now fully organized and pr arid ' to j Ao o NtetatTal Banking btuaness. • 11ART, CAUGHEN & CO., , BANKERS AND BROKERS , Corner Third and Wood Streets, PTTTErßrimaii, vs., usooorszose TO HANNA, HART a 00..1 - ' 4 DIAL= De Exchange, Coin, .Coupons, And particular attention pa id to the ptcrehase sale o GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on London. WAWA . lle' HOMES & SONS, .A.l • 57 Market Street, PITT'I`BBIiH. PA: Collections made on all the principal points of the United dudes and Canadas. Stechs,Bonds and other Securities SODOM AND BOLD ON OONKINSION. Particular attention paid to tiurpureltasa sad we o: • 'United States Securities. mow_ JAY COOVS. & CO„, Samara, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and so'd. • Special attention given to the purchase and isle of Government Securities. mh3o CITY- BANK. • • 112 Fifth Slxeetirittsbargh, Pa. CA.PIT.II6 9100.000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIN% FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bonet and sold, and when 'desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on alt the'principal Dolma of the United States and Canada. DOMINIC* ilimßEr. President. J.i.xSCßoCAlirt. rice President. Josh B. tionstrATJ Cashier. DIRSCTOILB. D. Mason. . James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, • - John Savage, J. Dunlevy, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane,. James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr, H.A.Freyrogle, Jno.Jos.liennann. - Thomas Barnes. ktugh Keeling. , jelath PROPOSALS. . . ..A.I.V.N•WOVNIWIP:6OO,IIn."I, ..- . - . oF Fl r' E-0 E r HI.T i 1 00,1ThOLL.1110 1, ALLEGHENY Cc ITSTY ], PA., til - renunoit. July 1021.1080. . ROPOSALS FOR WRITING. SEALED PROPOSALS will be reteived - at . tis office until the 20th Init. leclusive,forcOOY r log ilsts of Registered Voters compiled by. As. scissors under provisions of•the Registry La*. rumples of ilstr can be ettu on ap..ncation. Bide to be so much the running, line complete. to Include compering. ~ Tire correctness of the work most belrf.riffed by affidavit bertne warrants are orsw n for pay merit. By direction of County Commissioners. . .-- , BERRY LAMBERT. jyl6:m24 Controller. OP ?ICE OP THE • CONTEOLLES Or ALLEGHENY COUNTY.PA.. Party:maim. July 8 G. 1569. VOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. eiCALND PROPOSAL'S will be received at this office until MU inst., inclusive, for the erection of a new WOODS N IiTROCTORE at the Bridge over. Streeoe Thin. at Rithera AWL on the Eliaabethiowa Road. on the line between Bald; win and SfifilinTownships. Plans and specifications can be seen on appli cation. EY dlreetiOn of the Cohnty Commissioners. HENRY LAMBERT. :193 d&TI - . Controller._ OFPICZ oT cITY ENGINE= AND SortraltOn, Pittsburg:, July te, 1809. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.- SEALED PROPOSAL% for GRADINes, AVIND and CURBING. tie following streets w ill be ree teed et this 'office until MuND&Y. July 19th. 114139 FURSES BfREET, from•Magte to Chestnut street. • WILLOW STREET, from Fortieth to Forty fourth street• THIRTY.FM 4 T STREET. from Liberty street to Alls.•heny Valle.: Railroad. Mid for Oradlnr and Paving: SNOWDEN ALLEY, from Hemlock alley to the Allegheny Vallee Zellroae. APPLE ALLEY from Harlem to Miltenberger street. - - linecidratione and blanks for bidding can be had at this othee, and no tide wiU be considered by the COM nilttee tint. as Made oat on :he p oper blaats, The Committee reftirre th lr aht to-- Joel &DI Pr all aids" • - • OORg.. Ming • City, tngineer• Cit F WTI Nguema AND Piin ll3l4 l'it tannkki July 10. 1880. wancE TO CONTRACTORS. AN —Sealed ropostis 'for tosSing, amt 'Outing TWbriwy.lgum bTK J from Penn to. Amstimsa ' , street. - MULBERiIy AL. LEY.ltam L oBth. to Seth&trte_t, beret:sped ustU mONuAY. July 10th. 1080. n /Eka tor MMus on tomoat this office. No blar wtli be donsbtereir Dr 1. .4: 7 22rdtter Weis =kr oat *hirer bah r fl fl= uowshor 1 1 5 4 1 7 1411 1. OWais 1.28/SeVo FINANCIAL. ®Ln, • SILVER • AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker Con Wood and Fifth Stmts. mph JANES T. Bey &Cal, emooeroora oat. JONES s 00.4 Cotner Fourth and Wood Sts., 3E1.416.1V Mr.. 333 3E 2 1. 63 s BRE AND BILL ALL MINDS OF GOTERSMINT SECURITIES, BOLD, SILVER AND COUPON% ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. (tom' Interest Allowed on Deposits: lo mszyneL= . on Government Bonds at mar Order s exceeded for the Pnrehaser and Sale of STOOKS,' BONDS and VOLD. , • • JAMES T. BRADY & CO. GOVERNMENT BONDS ! We will register all kinds of Government Bonds freeof charge. Tile gives the holder ab solute security against theft,loss. or destruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in , Government Bbnds, OOR. FOQRTs & WOOD STS. mv12.1126 tAjt Rittontto Gairtte. Ea FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE Or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, t ' FRIDAY. July 16, 1869. A decline of one quarter per cent. of our governmint bonds at , London de• pressed the market here over half per cent. on the average, and gave gold, which was barely sustained, a . firmer tone, when bonus recovered part of the decline, and further information being obtained from London, the price of gold steadily declined from 130% to 135%, with a rather bearish feeling for the moment. The temper of the gold room does not, however, admit of any wide fluctuation. especially as regards a further decline below present quota tions, and it is most likely that beibre next Thursday. the market will . have •reached as high a quotation. as it did since the first of July. Government bonds, lifter selling down-to ii9g, recovered to 120%@120%. The lower gold quotations, however, are not very favorable for any further rise now; also, larger amounts are offered on the market than for a long time since. StoCks are dull, and have all declined except the New York roads. About Cleveland and Pittsburgh nothing re liable can be ascertained concerning the reported scrip dividend. Express stocks are weak, without any special yielding. Money easy. 'Large amounts of cur rency are shipped for the East. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz Gold, 185%; Silver, 128; Eighty one's, 120%; Five . Twenties, 1862, 123%; do - 1864; 121%; do 1865, 121%; do 1865, Consols, 120%; do 1867, 1203!,; do Is6B, /20y,; Ten Forties, 110%; New York Central, 209%; Erie, —; Reading, 93%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne tt Chicago Railroad, 53; Ohio Misisidppi, 82%; Michigan Southern, 106%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, -107%; Chidago & Rock Is/and, 17%; Chicago ft North Western, 80%; Chicago a North Western Preferred, 94%3 Adams Express Com pany, 59%; Merchants Union Express, 6; Pacific Mail, 88%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 36%;, Am. W. Ex press, 41. ' sacw.eridE, Large. _Small. London, per £ 0,16 0,85 Paris, per franc 273(, 2834 Berlin. thaler 9934 1,0035 Frankfort, form= 58 '59Yi —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady &. Co. Gold, 136%; United States Sixes, 1881, 120%; Five• Twenties; 1862, 123%; do. 1864, 121%; do. 1865, 121%; Ten-Forties, 110%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, /865, 120%; do. do. 1867, 12U34; do. do. 1868, 120': Due Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 90; Central do. do.. 99; Cy. Facades, 10734; Lake Superior 9fl. (By reiegistai to the Pittsburgh 9fteetteo NEW Yong; July 16,1879. Money easy at 6@7—inside rate on Goveinments. Sterling quiet and firm at 9%@10%. Gold lawer, 'opening at 186%, and closing at 185%©186. There were rumors this afternoon. that the shipments to-morrow will be light, and . that the. Treasurer will sell three mil lions gold next week. Governments opened dull and lower, but closed firmer. Closing prices: Coupons 'Bl, 120% do. '62, 123%; do. '64, 121%; do. '65, 121%; new do., 120%; do. '67, 120%; do. '6B, 120%; 10.40'e, 110% Pacifica, 107%. _ State bonds steady and quiet. Tonnes sees, 56g; Virginias, 61%; Georgian 82; North Carohnas, 46; MiesonrU, 87%; South Carolinas, 66%. Express stocks dull. Railways lower, the Vanderbilt stocks declining 408 per cent. It is stated that the stocks are under the control of a clique, ontaiders• having but Little to do with them. Bidding Aiwa at 5:84e Canton, 60 , k : Cumberland, 3134; Western Union Tel egraph; 36%; Q,uickeilver, 15; Mari posa,Bl3 8% Boston ; do. preferred Wat e , rP 14%; Pacif ic ower, 16; Mail, ; Wells Express, 21%t. Adams 69%; Ameriesan, 4134 u ; Unite States, 72 ; Mee. el:nuns, oth; N. Y. Central. 209%; Has% lens, 14%; Hodson, 180g:gteadhlf, 93‘; ;4114 26%; lillokntrol, 1,W,, * I . BoMMus / 05 3.0 Lim= 0441114.-1414 P11114)1110,1;Nortliliatem, 110%. do. prelbrred. 94%-1 Hock Islandi 1163 i; St. Pan), 77: do. preferred, 83%; Web ash, 7434; Ft. Wayne, 103; Terre Haute, 34; do. preferred, 58; Chicago and Alton, 13834; Ohio and Mississippi, 3234; S. Jo seph, 129. . _ Coin disbursements, 5706,440 Treas. .ury receipts, 5942,684; payments, $l,- 192,931; balance, $90,600. _ Mining stocks at Boston; Copper Falls , 734: Franklin, 12; Hecht. 80; Haneock,_.4 htinnesota, 2; Quincy, 23. PITTISBURGH DLtEtKETI‘ Oaths OF Pripasumais GAIDITTR, FRIDAY. July 16. 1869.: • Speculators continue to keep Flour and Grain up in Chicago and New York, in face of the line harvest weather for , several days, peat and the almost cer tainty that all the small grains will be secured-In go'd condition, and that the yield will be considerably above an av erage. The reports from nearly every quarter are very favorable—in many sections the Wheat crop his already been safely housed, and the only com plaint noticeable/is that here and there it has been knocked down, requiring the 1, - Sickle to cut it. A miller from an adjoining county, Who was in the 'city the othei day, says ; that her 'expects to ,buy Wheat at his mill at $l,OO pei bushel; another `miller from the Eastern part of the State, 're- ,! ports that he expects to buy in his neigh- i . borhood at from 90 cts to $l,OO, and we are cogniiant of one of our city millers who declined to' offer above $1,25 for new Wheat,or future delivery. It is f true, millers are usually bearish, as, they like to euy Wheat as low as possfble, but the above figures show that they. ' l l have no idea that the prices which are ' . now preVailing can long besustained. ' APPLES—SaIes of new crop at pi i per bbl. , BUTTER—Is dull notwithstanding :h supply is light and prices are,barely stll3- tained-20®25e for fair to choice. BEANS—DuII at $1,75®2. BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. 5 $6,50; No. 446; No. 3 Ip, No. 2. plain, $4,50, and market firm. , CHEESE—SaIes Western Reserve, at 15; Hamburg, at 16; Factory, atl7;, and Goshen, at 18. . CARBON OIL—Is quiet, and demand. as usually the case Oh this season of- the ; year, light. DRIED FRUIT—DuII. Peaches nom inal at 9@lo for quarters; 12@14 for . mixed, and 16 for prime halves. Apples 10®13 ets. • EGGS—DuII at 20@21c. FEATHERS— Supply in hands of l commission men almost exhausted., Live I. i geese may be quoted at 55@90, to the ; trade; and IR in a retail way. . 1 FlSH—Quoted as follows: No.:1 Mack eral, $l4 per half bbl; No. 2, $10,50; No. 3 large (full) $7,50; do short, 16,75; Balti more Herring ra per bbl do Shad. $8,50. ! Lake Herring, $3,25 - per' half bbly and '-' White Fish, $B. i FLOU.ft—Continues firm, but the de mend is only moderate, and prices are unchanged. We continue to quote 1, Western Flours at $8,50®7 for Spring i Wheat brands, tuid.47®725 for Winter Wheat. • • -GRAlN—Wheat is very scarce, and -; . prime to choice. Red.on spot, would still f bring $1,35®1,40, but these figures could not be realized for future dellyery. .; Oats held firmly in expectation - of an advancb, but at present the demand is light; sales on track at 66,. and, in store 1, at 68@70. Rye is in steady demand at $1,25, and but little coming - ilti. Corti is i scareecand firm, but unchanged, 78®80 °, for mixed, and 53®85 for prime Yellow. HAY—Baled le being sold.to the trade at $2.5®28, for good to strictly prime Timothy. • * HEMP—Last sales at $203. BUSKS—Bales at 2%(418 eueper pound. LlME—Cleveland Lime is quoted :at $2,50, per bbl, and Common White :at t 11,75. , _ : LARD OlL—Sales of No. 2 at t1,18(4 1,18 ad No. 1 at 1,48(441,48 ! POULTRY—SaIes of spring chick ens, births coop, at 85@700 per pair. POTATOES—DuII; sales of new crop at 42,00@2,50 per bbl I PROVISIONS—Market firmer, and Sugar Cured lianas have advanced. - bhouldeni, 14,4©18 for Plain, and . 47 for Sugar Cured; Ribbed Sides, 173; and Clear do, 18%;• Plain Ilim, 18%, and Sugar Cured do, 22@22%. Lard in tier ces. 2036©20% in-half bole and 21@213; in kegs. Dried.. Beef, Mess Park PEANUTS—t3inall sales at 12. • SALT—Allegheny Riper' brands are quoted, by the car load, at ‘1,75©1,80. - , PITTSBURGH •IRON'IIi/EET.; OF u oi?lserritalt GAzyrrx, • FEWAT, July 16, 1869.. i The metal market presents but little = that is new or important. There is con siderable inquiry for desirable brands of foundry irons, and not mach of this Par tfcular kind to be had in this market; at least. As a matter of course,there is not much doing in mill irons, ;although-_ we 5 understand some of the mill men have been feeling around this week, to see what they could bay at for future deliv ery; this, of course, has imparted a better feeling, but it is not likely that there I will be much done for a week or two. The receipts from all quarters continue meagre, and the stoclii . in yard are by no means large. " In regard to bar iron and . nail tied% there are no new or important 'features worthy of special notice. The few Mille that have not stopped are . : mining on orders. and the stock!, of manufactured iron, as well as nails, are very :Much re-4 ` dneed. 50 tons No. 3 Anthracite' $38.004 mos 10 tons No. Found* , 143.50 4 mos erruzinvous COAL SMELTED IiItOE.LAKE sureition.- oRE. 63 tons Mixture mixed= with Native ore • 3850 5 ,mos 65 •► Mixture mixed with Cold .. .. 37.50 6 mos 130 " Med. Grey Forge 35,50 . 6 mos 100 " Close Grey Forge 33,506 mos 75 " Open Gier F0rir,e.....k37.50 4 os 300 14 ' - 37,Z5 5 :n raos "oxisIMOAL. , 20 tons Extreqmilig•-..k.556,00 cash 50 tt Extra Form, 1 51 , 004 mos 370 " Commits 42,00 _rash 50' 14 34.1 x. No's. Forg,e- -. 43,00 6 mos 20 " Cold Blast Teneesioe . • Forge " "- 49,004 mos 120 - 411 Irondale IA•on ' • 61,504 mos 036.00-4' mon 20 tons Inferior 20 di hiaramee (fd0.).....' ;00 —4 mos cirtomm. Ads , N.—Valle dull &id 10 . 0150 10werat$34 1 4047S30010100 to good cows and steel& • 11.4 'Atm and gtesdr - td tladdiutg, said P I MA•• pool Saiikelett;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers