NEW - ADVERTISEMENTS, TIFIE VIIIST HODIST Cl.' Cr Lit3l. (Railroad kreetlnear Depot,) NEW lITON. F.IIIIOWTHER, Pastor. PreachingßniG EV w%ltnir BABB/alt. ut % M. and '7 r. M. Public cordially invited. CHRIST" EPISCOPAL Wolf uItCH, ALT:EriHENY.— The Bev. BENJ. Y. BttuUKE. B -etor. will officiate nt di vine service in this Church on TOlntiltßOW , hall"-patt ten o'clock A. 8., and half- .ast se-ten &clock Y. /4' —._ arNOTICE- rTO ne THE PuisLi L t E . —lbe corne sto of JOHN WEA't e 9 A i R O*lckb WSon VArBB nvi 3 tenthcame. Key. Thonins W. Biddle, Dr. lidettLevrp. sod yr. 'Li. Wllliness , and be present. - CHURCH, • comer , slitrd avenue and Grant st ee mg ts. W. N. VAN Dr. MARL Pastor. Preleh every Sunday at 11),CA. x. and 1 F. If. Sabbath 1. hoot at ty !Seats free ouct.a welcome to all. arFIRST ENGLISH EVAN GETAcm, LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sev enth etreet-Ilev. SAMUEL LA.1103, Pastor. ServiceS To-wrmsow (Sunday.) und regularly hereafter, at 11.0,1 A. and 1.4 P. N. Sunday School at 9A. I. FIRST • CIIIIIISTIA .3I CHURCH .OF PITTSBURGH, W. S. Grn, Pastor,- ets statedly in streets. Services corner oftiberty and Fourth streets. Services every Lord's Day at 1.0% A. at. and 7.},i 110 WRELIGIOUS.First .Chris . ...TIAN CHURCH, corner Beaver street and Montkoinery. avenue, Allegheny 'City, Jo- EM( kilNii, Fastor. Public worship To.)11011- .ROW, (Lord's Day.) at I.o)fi In the MonNuso and VI In the.Evsz.lNG. ~... 1 . Free Seats , and a cordial Sal Ration given to al' Banda. :chock at eA. 'M. W.IIIESSIAII ENGLISH EVAN.- GELICAL I.I.ITHER&N CHURCRAGen eraI Synod.l Band Street. below Fenn, Rev. J.H. STUCKENBERG, Pastor. Religtous ser vices reguiarryca SABBATH hereafter.. Sunand dav School A. Preaching , at 10ii A 31. P. 11. erayer Meeting and Lecture Wednes day evenings. Friends of the congregation aua public areuur(____ll. • OFFICZ OF 'EAGLE COTTON DULLS CO.. PITTSISUnGIi, only 16. 1869. 3 THE BOARD OF DIREC . TO hd of this Cotnpsny have this day oe ciared a dividend of TRtL (43) ~tYLL aR$ per hare, out of !he profits of or last m0n3133, payable In cash,. at the oflice o the 3.;om pally, on and alter the Alst inst. . Tres:titer. j 9 1):m28 A. O. FP.ANCE :O—ALLEGHENY CEMETERY. —The CorpOiators and Managers of Al legheny Cemetery are . requested to attend their mating Meeting at the office ot the Corporation on SATURDAY, the 17th day of July, 1859. at ' o'clock r. at. by order of t4e President, SAMUEL Goamt.y. VIS:n It Jtrz.v.l29l, 1889 Omar - Pma:T T a S c Bu oN o N n EL LJuvyiLLaEt R . I R B 6 CO . CO.. .% 10TICE TO BONOHOLD.• Sita.—Notice le hereby Riven that Cou• non No. 20. Turtle Creek Division 'sonde, due August 14, next, will De paid on and alter that date nresentation and deayery at the First Sationalßant. of inttsburch. JOHN H. RAGE Jn , }yNjyxr Ete'retd Treasurer. arFIST ANNUAL PIC MC OF- THE ALLEGHENY LODGE, No. 29, - - 'WILL BE HELD AT • , Faulk's Grove, Wednesday, July 2L TICh.ETS, 50 cents. ositt•Trza—tk. o lilyr ratans. Aeatn liepter, .k. echendel, R l, if . Jno. liosenbe•ger. Splendid music ITIII he In attendance, and the Oen of oider will bop_mafr2em27 W PUB ns Llll favor o MEETING. - roposed—ALL citizef the p 4 Humboldt Centenial Celebration Lie invited to meet on MONDAY E'V at %Teti E .08 HALL, sixth ave nue, to receive the report of the Committe eon Prograinnte Itppoluted al a preliminary meet pig. gnat o peemanent , organization. es stated: in. the public. press, lt ts the design to nationl celebration one , confine io d to no class ordity , Bvery nonor the memory of the Ire. atest of modern .ctenttne men i.e earnestly netted to attend. On ne hall of MeCommittee. jyt7imbo JusEPH ABEL. Chairman. TrALVABLE CITY PROPERTY V Foss tux. No. 11.. WAND3OI7I3S AND LOT. No. O& Water street. 30 feet frdnt on Water btreet, ex tending back 100. feet to First street. Occupied , by Mews. Calhoun & don. 2. WAREHOUSE AND LOT: NS, 05 Liberty fitrcet. 20 feet front on Liberty. ex L e ad. ing back 120 feet. Occupied by Air• eBwlgßtn• No. 3 One•hslf of WA.RPNOUSE /...VD LOT, _No. 3J7 Commercial Row, Liberty street. _ _ LOT No. 22 to Cullers Plan of Lots. ftonttng 20 feet on Dlniriduie street. Ho.; S. LOTS Nos. 82, 83,' 84 88 and 86 in 'Wray Hotvellees Plan 01 Lots, Bll.ollllleld. A. considerable portion of the pnichase money to remain on interest. Vortartberibfonestion apply to DII.. &WRAY. 122 Webster street. or to st r eet . WEAN' & BRO,Taltit , ' 39 and 31 Irwin jy.t7tueS S. A. CLARKE & CO., BOOKSELLERS , No. 119 WOOD STREET. Weekly Register of New Books. •COmmentary 011 the ronfesston of Fetth, by A. AL. Liodge. LLD., of Western Theo. • 73 Seminary $l, OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL BERMS The volumes nwir ready, are: 0.00 Boq_net... peditton. against the Indians in 1141 , 1 If.z Widker's :thinner Athens Co., vii iu...... :6.60 .Clark's Cann:lairs in the titlnols, 1136 V. 2.00 Divorce and Divorce Legislation. by Presi dent Woolsey. of Yale College—% ......... 1.15 .Credo. .book tor thinking readers .....4 2i 00 .... 1.50 Haven's Studies in l'hilotontiv - Lenity's Eliitory of Earopean Morals. ...... B.Lit.) ATCadle, life in tlie 'rot est. ny Cupt.lllVoV. Hoye' artillery. Illustrated , 300 Night Scenes in the Bible . Illustrated.... 3.10 Doctor Chase's BectiPts 1 65 --. . NEW luvErmEs . . Patty Gray's Journey from Boston(to Belli -1.25 , more. Sty Mrs. Dail $ Taunus, the Fa"ry, by Jean Inuelow 1.25 tracle dotin , ft Blower Gatherers 11.50 •Grandfatherls Nell .25 Il 15 Aunt Rattle. $3OO rriZe story , 1.50 Beetle's Bletbasy rresent . Little Rookwoo4 . . ... . ... . ....... . ....... ; ... 9 5 0 limili's Bracelet.— .. . . .... .. ..... . ........ NEW BOOKS. patty °ref.'s Journey froze Boston to Bal. $l,/, Whore , 251 Theffand of Jesus - 4.23 Behind the Curtain 1.23 4.00 Credo An American Woman in 2l,UrObe /1.60 Pearl Series for OirlB;ol . ol4meg' g box; 04 Bop. •1 66 64 3.00 The Woodburn Se ri es, 3 volumes in a,box. 3.35 +Corwin's Nest Serie, 3 volumes In a box, 21.35 Sabbath Pongs fur Children's Worship, paper. +l4O cents; Board, 50 cents each. METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY, 129 Smithfield Street. JOSEPH EtagNER, Agent. jytoyrre CIOOD 7.3‘ MIRO 88. AD IS Dgfat miss. 3M2acrtlrefor Vir,l433"'HEl Bread. Me 'smut enibeet.• The " on evetv ioxt. TRIM none else. pAR onslgomenest WAT T, LANG barrels "ad 11__MI*47"Areet,. , viir;=wd,ccamisrforestvAtiliii) CM NEW AiriiIaTISNIMENTS. -PT- - - °TICE TO ENGINEJIVILD .. Elti.—S.tale4 Prunosals will be received at gustffice of CITY , W ATVS WM:MI. up to Al.- 6th. 1869. for ONE TEAM CYLINDER A 6 inches diameter and A foot stroke, on pumn .110 turbos dismeter.aud 8 foot stroke - , Engine and pump to be erected and put in successful otter Mon in ate ent,inc house at the Lev er Basin. Bedford avenutA 5 7/7 —i.4. --- XTALUABLE ' SECOND AVE v NUE ' FItuFaRTF FOR' BALE.—Tbree - story Brick Dwelling Rouse:well built and con arming. d hall, ten rooms and three story cellar: lot 20 feet font by 80 deep, Also, a Brick. Dwelling liunie. n(.78 Second avenue: hall, eleven looms and cella . alio, 64 'Seco d n Secatid avenue, three story brick fionee'or.hall. nine rooms and ced.r. 0. CUTHBERT & SONS, jylet . 39 Slate Avenue FOR SALE. I BLANK BOOKS, Suitable for 'Counting BOti,es, Iron Solutes, in all their 'nabobs business departments. Can be had at the Stationery and Printing establish- men Vi% S. HAVEN & CO., • Cor. Wood St. and Th ird Avenue. yl7.m2A F°" SALE. House and Lot on t , .tintiusky street; Houseaud Lot on Boyle street; to 'douses in the Eighth Ward; 3 Farms in Onto; Firm in Sewickley Township; 1111 acres at Fleming Station. P.. Ft. R &C. B. B.; Farm near Perrysidlie; House and 1% acres at Glendale Station, I'., Ft. W. Sr. C. R. R.; Farmiln Iowa; Lot on Locust street (Manchester); Varrn la Westaitreland county; Houses and Lot sin Spring Garden avenue; House and Lease on Middle street; House and 16.1-ots on Sprint 11111, 7th ward. Other Houses and Lots in good location. Inquire of NI. WHITMORE, Heal Estate and Insurance Agent,' corner Ohio and (Sandusky streets. Allegheny. iyl7 HOSIERY. SUMMER. HOSIERY, Gloves and Undere'vear Old Stand Stocking Store aFTR'A•VENUE, I N THE ORPHANS' COVRT OF JiLLEGELE tit C9UNTY, PenusTlvania. In• the Matter of the Estate of JOHN BAKER, Deceased. O. 1, June Term, 1869• Writ orPartltion • To Jonathan H. Baker. resident of Shasta county. CaWomb.; George Baker, resident of Youngstown. 'Westmoreland county. Pa.: Eliz abeth, intermarried with Edward H. Pither: /mends* Baker. intermarried with William George: Lavine Edmondson, intermarried with Thomas McGraw; Catherine Baker, intermarried with 11Clatn TuitOnt the last named being resi dents of t.llegheny county. Pa.: John Baker, reatdentofYoungstown.Vestaioreland county. Pa.; Lewi,s Haney, in possession of part of Lot No. 181 Lewis field, in possession of part of lot 1.1. tesidents of McKeesport, Pa. You are hereby nottlied that an appraisement tinder the will of John Baker, deceased, will be held upon the premises, in the On THURSDAY, August 19,1869, Said appralsement to be made by three disinter ested, persons appointed by the court under and by virtue of the Act or Assembly, approved April 17th, 1869. Ssrentrr's Orricz, I PITTSBURGII, Jllly 16, 1869. VII;zI2S s NEW LAW BOOKS. I. ABBOTT'S DIGEST OF THE LdW OF COB- I'OBATI,rbId, presenting the American &vindi cation" upon public and private Corporations of every kind. With a full selection of English cas ce es. 0.00. One ROVIII Octavo. .1.000 pp. Pri $1 LEM 'AT THE ,„,,,„:ffS-BIJIMI'.„,GA:4' glleli.:,'',.,,.s4t*iiy,',:.„MY,::„-,-,17,5,:1869. MEM A full assortment of NEW AND DESIRABLE - In great vsrletT AT SADIES:PUELAWS Borough of McKeesport, AT 10 O,,CLOCK, A. DI.. SAMUEL B. CLULEY, Weir I KNOELL & AMES lIN THE LAW OF PRI VATE LORPORATIONi. , Aggregate. 'Eighth Edition. Revised, corrretednudenlarged. One Vol. Uctsvo. Prkee $7,6u. 111. SVIABSWO,)D-SKciAL ETHICS. "Sea Ed Price IV. ' • ANUELL ON WATER COURSES. A Trea tise on the C Law la t Water courses. Reviosedmmon and Enlargedßelation Edition o . Price 0.50 ' STrifilr of AGENCY. tieverth Edition Revise& and improved with Important and vat noble addltiOnit, pike $7.50. VI. HILLARD ON INTONCTIONS. Second Ed Mon. Sol/teed and Oreatly Enlarged.. Oae Vo Octavo. Yrice 67.50. FOB SAL E BY SAY 4Sc . COMP,ANY, Law 13oolcseiters, No. 65 FOOD DTT ING.) A. H. 11000 WAT(•.. ...... . .......... XOWN. DV 11. • 111. DicCOWIN & .004, Boulevard Pavers,. osea, No. 65 OHIO ST., AILMENT. Orders left at G.II7.E.TTIt OTVICIS, Pittsburgh, promptly sue-dell t.. • PAW, Sidewalks, Cellars, Inelde Verde, Drives. see. Warrentto rigging , clonges of heat and cold - I:Mrs:ass,. rs —Mex.. !do.rhesd, Lvon & ohorh. Row rtterson. Wm. rstk, James N• Long 6: Bon, Eartlev & 31c1C-:e. Anderson's & Illexweli , ?Att.!). & o= mLe Or" le:rn23 SWINT ... . .. tom SWINT & BRATT., AROUTXECTUItAL ,A.ND ORNAMENTAL. CARVERS., No. 61 Sandusky St.. liflegheny, Pa. • L urge assortment of NICWEL t'Sfr.L.JFcs,d AitArrtms.ecaustintlY on ninth *.r UN/ Lel _ti or eleseNO d4)IIP 47.1t11). a VOWNOSON COl •lOR vt! DLIiiNoNITROTION LEM FANCY' OhICE IIAXSB A 8 11,09 N, CREAK 04 " Dianionli,eneff. 83 .Itifteld itrept; por?Ltr. • „ Area aud Cak a e n s d on short 'notice , 'll 4lV mtgli ' monies' mitelleevitii Ica DRY GOODS El 'IiV9fft_IT4E.SAJLAE. Wholesale Cash Buyers WILL FIND rinz. ASSOBTMENTS Or Bleached and Unbleached Muslins MEDIUM, DIRK AND SHIRTING PRINT; GINGHAM& Ticking's. Checks, Drillings LINEN AID WHITE GOODS. JEANS. CASSIMERES, Cotton Pant Goods. 3Dregin Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TOCEINGS, GLOVES, ILINDE.ERCIIIEF &C... At the Very Lowest Prices STOCK DAILY REPLENISHED frith slew Goods sEnrws, No. 180 and 182 F% . 3devtl Street, ALLEGHENY CITY SECIITIITY AND COMFORT fur the traveling COECLInUatr• J. B. HARRIS Safety Fire Jacket, Car Heater an .110DER4TOR. For Smoke and tot Air Flues, dispensing with the use of stoves Carsm in or about the Pa sot ger or Baggage , vette the attachment to graduate. the heat to any temperature Must may e a desired without e pos&lbiltty of Bring tun ear or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United Mates Letters Patent far a ieatety Jacket, which ts warranted to resist tbe Ines intenae heat v bat may be ap plied to it In tae position and purpose tor whi.:h it is intended. It is a .sure protection from accidents by fire. , origtnating from gh fecttve flues or where iron plor s are need as conductors for smoke or heat. It is applicable to all plping that may become overheated. and is wavrant 0 to give perfect sat iiot sfac m n a n tio where aced tn wood or clots cemenstlble mate rr be plts proximity thereto, I am note ready to apply my tnvention to stores. dwellings. - latmories ships, steamboats. so re madea.c. Wherev:r pipes as conductors.are made dangerous 'by being overheated apd rem rity desired. I wilt sent on application right to manufacture or use the above invenUon. Also Territorial. rights to such as may wish to engage in set Privileges either by State or county. J. B. BARRIS. Stir Office at the ••NE PLUS ULTRA. PAINT WhOrRK V"al lcorner l o lr f o M ad o , r i is wetrfeteht and d h e PAitntnsa area, Pi±__.------------ 416tuAti_ HEADQUARTERS mu '& Burs CLOTHING. GRAY & LOGAN, NO. 47 SIXTH. STREET, Are now offering 1 complete stock of Sommer Clotblog of medium and fine goods at the TerY lowest prices. Children's Cassimere Linen and Suits. Youths' Cassiniere and Linen Snits. Boys' Cassimere and linen Suits. _ Gents' Blue Flannel Sacks. Gents' Alpaca Sacks. Gents' White and Brown Duet Suits. Gents' Scotch Chevoiti Business and Walking Suits. F. CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS GRAY & LOGAN'S, 1 No, 47 SIXTH STREET, ljy1:130 LATEST OIL STRIKE. J uriTICE I • ECONOMY I AND • - . ifititE TRADE To sec'ttre even handed ;Maven , just come and see...what olendid borgnins are oneteu in the WT. geous stork of tiering and summer Clothesjust prepared and extdblted to the public by S. C. TiLthounAN. The fullest Linzniv to be enjoyed when the man who enjoys it Is neatly dressed - in a salt of new hummer Clothes which fit Mingo comfortably as not to abridge tbe freedom able motions. Stith To practice lteorrOmottY. StioCin;tTeßpAtUngdnvliatiellm. s colcnithlenseE;Y:lntßeErbelleeTlittlat-do!rtio nate people eharee fancy prices for unsatisfactory clothing, but come lOLA get the worth of every dot; ar yen emend, at 8. C. TRAUSRAIAN`B. VEER TRADE of . the freest sort, practiced every day and all day, at the hie No 111. Clothing Hall. There the people bring their cash. and there they get their clothes, ktvery man Pee to buy Bigl times. Trade tremendous lust now at the No. 11 Clothing il all. .' LOOK. AT TILE l'ltiCli B . Cocos not suite ftr 47 worth 4t5,• • t.panish suits tor $9 worth $2O. - ' Smiting park sults for $1.51 worth $95. . 30sutlllnin:nt ti ie eh worth ss. 4 cuiuiasoiiororth ;l o. boys* suits ;or $5 worth $lO. . And a great many more too numerous to men tion. Call early and secure your bargains. ns r e have but a few days to sell. ilemenaber Big ho. 118Ixth street. S. I. TRAIIEntitN. DREKA virrE ISTArrioNNalt. WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND - BUSINESS ()Alm raiOBAVIBBSI, • . . • , iroiloGB4ol3, ARMS. ILLITAUNATING. ae, Ordeiii?)ll2ka4 fiend - ffatljfeliiitut ' &c. MI FOB L ATIC ST. CI, MB Importer mad retail dealer In N OTICES "Wants," --"To• Let," "For Sale," ~Lost," 'Found. , "Boarding," &c., not exceedingFOUß LINES,. will be insertrd. in these 'cot 1477/113 once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional line FIVE CENTS. WANTED—SITU.ATIo NS. WANTED.—SITUATION---By a Young to do light housework in a ems t family, in or out of the etty. Wanted more for a home than anything else. Addrs as A. D., 01.2STTI OnICE. WANTED.—A SITUATION as TEACHER by one who bas had fifteen leans experience in teacning, and who has been three years County euperintentieni or common schools. Address, J. H. C., GAZETTE OTFICS. , WANTED-BO ARDERS. WBOAUTED. - DERS. —A ,IeNI gentleman and his wire, or a Toy single ge , tlenten. can obtain pleasant roams and good board by apply I n g . so o n at 71Libtrty street, rata. pargh. References exchanged. WANTED ROOMS. WeIgTED.-4 A ' FURNISHED BLEEPIIIGHOOW.arit bin twenty minutes walk of Pittsburgh Postodice. Address.stating terms and location, J. J. N., GAZWITZ ors ;cs, Pittsburgh. WANTED--- 13 ELP. ANTED.--GIDL.-A GOOD WGIRL to do general housework for a rnhy. Jtpply at No. 65 BEAU ER small ta AllPghPny "WANtED--lIELP.--.-ST EN PLOYMENT OFFICE, No.l St. Clan Street. BOTe OIRLS and zar,N, for Mere= kinds of employment. Persons wanting heir of all kinds eau tie supplied on short notice. WANTkrI---AGENTS. WA TED.--A GE NTS.—$l5 to $2OO per month' 4veiv where, male and female, to introduce the srEN DINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWINtiI MA CHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, lu a most superior manner. Price only, Ill& F dliy warranted for dye years. We will Pay - $l,OOO for any machine that will sew a strOnger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It ake the "Elastic Lock intact." Every second stitchm s min be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agent: from 475 to $2OO r-r month and expenses; or a commission from which twice that amount can Ps., made. Address SECOMIS Pittsburgh, Ps., lit. Louis, Mo., or 89340134 318584 CAUJIO h., not be Imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. .Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured, . _ wir ANTED —AGENineTS.—To sell the American Bmitt Machine. Price .25. - The simroest. cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever Invented.'WM knit s&O.00( stitches per minute. Libeval Inducements U . agents. AMERICAN I HiNE CO.. Boston. Mass., or St. Louls. Mo. PERSONAL , ltif R. W. NI. BURNS, Prop rietot of the 'popular Rating House, corner of etxtil avenue and Smithileld streets, begs leave to annonn,ce to bls numerous friends that none but toe male eel will be allowed to dine at ills tables. he having thrown his entire rooms Into one. Dinner. Supper and _Breakfast served at this house lower than at any other house of its reoutatton In the city. amountt BIITIVS' and get plenty meat fora small of money. TO LET• T - -- O.LET.-110011S. on Location Second TO , with Board the most desirable in the city, .Ith the conveniences of bvh rooms, the comforts of a private family, as ievr boareers are kept. Ibl North Avenue, Al legheny City To -LET.-VERY PLEASANT itooms. in suites or single, for lodging. .with or without board. at 75 FOON.TH AVE NUE. T . O-LET.—Boom on ad fool Dlspatcti Buildins, , Rent very'low ror Nit :wit& of year. eat. 'water and stattonztry stntid Enqutre at Potog mph tiatlery,Dlepater - ntlding. _AM tTO-LET.---11001018.---Two tine BOOMS in GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply ,°tinting BOOMS. 84 and tiff Elfin avenue. pi , itipiahvisziovzl FIFTH AVENUE HALL.— FO. cis Fifth &Venue, opposite the Opera Souse, Pittsburgh, Pa., is the coolest and most desirable place or resorte. Liquors can be bad at this place Pure and (load. The 1111 d Rooms are on tbe,ground floor in the rear• 1 17.3031 0047 H. HIGBY & CO. Have removed their stock of China. Glass and Queehsware from 2io. Wit Wood street to. the spacious warehouse. 189 LIBERTY' STREET, A.fewiloors above BLICTIi. (late et. Clair 5t....) where they will he pleased to show their old friends and the public the elegant stook of new goods ow °Denise. iel7 KEYSTONE POTTERY. 0 M. KIER & - • bionorsotorero o GIIZERSWARE. BRISTOL WARE dm office and Warehouse, 363 LIBERTY STREZT QAlt orders nrptnptly attended to - . . . MARSHALVS Earzut. AICIIISITALL'S ELIXIR WILL CUR'S HIADAORIL., 311.11SRALL'S ELIXIR WILL CORE DYSPEPSIA.. MARSILLI.L'S ELIXIR WILL CORE COSTIVE NESS. Price of Marshall's Elixir, ik1...00 per bottle. _Depot,_l3ol Market street. M. EIAiIhHALL & Co. Litugglsts.• Proprietors. For sale, wholesale and retail, by GEO. A. KELLY. Pittsburgh. fe4:d99.2:TE S VEW " 4 " CLOVER ri4irth-sz- 100 boxes Fayette county new honey. just re ceived iu prime osier and for sale by the boa at lowest prices, at the Vomit) , Grocery store 1140. A. ItEr.S Haw, 14 Corner Liner ty and Ninth streets. Or 'EL 30 .111.°30 "EL 3M J. W. BAR 59 MARKET STREET Flue Double Width Dr SHAWLS, CLOAKS, surrs AN • . Great Barg e=sm ar,!. lulu'. 7a I• gricrilEE , • 4 , .44.1 "*. VOR BALE.—The BAH of the _A2 :saloon. No 3'W LIE STREET-. Win lease the H 01169 for any number of years!. Mrs. .111.9 N, GAZZIELO. FOR S &LE.—A light and profit ABLE business. No opposition. Capita. reqnired, 45,5110. One or two men going into the buanees C *l3 clear over $5.000 per year:, quire of "Clung & Rainbow - , Meal Estate Agents. 195. 192 and 199 Centre avenue. Fon SALE.--Abaut 120 acres .of land in the beat altuatlon for countri seat.; only 2 =llea from the Weat Yittaburgi Ferry Landing. Will be sold altogether or la nieces to Nutt pllTCllllBerl. F.nquire of Y. C . N tiG LEY, office at the south end of the airman gabela bridge. 3el4,ray MlOll3. BALE.-LOOK HERE.- cheapett farm in Armstrong courtly, Pa., 1010 acres for $4,000 on easy terms. Splendid - buildings and orchard. No. 1 land, all tillable. The improvements are worth the price of the entire proper here Is at least $5OO of a bare .in in it a the anoverice. We hare seen the property and now it. Apply to CROFT A PHIL LIM Real :tate Agents. No. 130 Fourth tio•nue. • • VOR SALE.—A New and Profit- AISLE EN'rEE.l"nloc.: cau nave nu up yoal. tiun: covered by a patent: now in succe:shil opetation. Will take in exenange for the one half, vood la-d: balance in cash. Whole price Reasons for selling, the owner wishes to leave the city. For pardonlars. en otre of E. W. McGlbibilS§4, No. 1.515 Liberty street. near Fifth avenue. .1 - • VOR SALE. —A New Itrick Real- DENCE, built by days wort, having eight rtnms; gas, hot and cold water throughout, mar- Me mantles and dash Itands: a bath room and piazza. Lot 120x140 feet.. deligntruny located In toe beautnui lor.n , of Alliance, Ohio, having 6,000 inhabitantp and noted' for 16s cniteges, apid growth. cm erpriSe and manufactbries. 04, miles from Pittsburgh and 56 from„gieveland Junction, Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, and the r tev« land and Pittsburgh Railways. Ad dr'oo r."ch Jinx *O. AlltaarP.ll, VOIR SALE.—SaLT WORH:si i,wELLINGs ANn FIFTY ACRE i OP LAND ON WET PENNA. R. R.—The works are now in successftrl operation. The land - is un der' aid witn coal, now open and mined. and would make a splendid vineyard; best of salt water at the works. There is money In this Iproperty. The owner would not sell were he kble to itit , •ud to tt. Railroad r• ns through the land. Apply to CRoFT tb PHILLIPS, Real Es tate Agents,No. 130 Fourth avenue. FOP. SALIC.—COUNTR YD OME. —A. beautiful residence and afty-ee acres ut choice land, on ..errysville Plank Road. The house bus eleven roome,/is built and finished In modern style, with all necessary outbuildings, abundance of choice fruit, and In fact everything to make it pleasant and comfortable. Will be sold " Its a whole" or divh,ed to suit purchasers. Apply to CROVT It PHILLIPS, Real !;state Agents.NO.l39F"rth Avenu e . 'OR SALI.E.--VALUABLE CITY A:•t•IDENCE.—Houss AND LOT. No. 7'4 Washington street. Allegheny City. The lot is 62 fect on Washington street, extending back 260 Peet. oo is erected a double two 'tory brick dwelling. having all modern improvements Also brick sAble end carriage room, with ser• vants room attached, all in first rat, order. Ts those wanting a Comfortable home, this - propel ti Is recommended: Engem on the premiaes. ot to ItioREDT DALZa E.L. ‘,02,,,,3 40 .tnArtin • , r,47,1”0. SALT 411iJRG—A. 2 story Brick House, 9 rooms. 80 by 180. i; REV.:BBI3E6—A Lot 62 by SW, opposite fr3lcK. ight EErrOBT—,I Lots and 2 story Brick House. with Tavern; M.V. passim/through the property, FUREY STREET. Allegheny — ' 3 story fraine bons 20 by .91. ELIE ABE HTO3VNI. Br ick 5 by 60; wills three frames and a-two story house.. rieutiND AVENUE — A 3 story Brick /souse. 9 CENTRE AVENUE—A 2 story Brick House. For particulars enquire 8 . 70. ant str.oc. viS TUSTIN & KLEE. FOS SALE. • 6003 6 rooMed brick house on Centre avenue woe large lot-0,60 0 . Good el roomed frame hou se with all Improve ments: tot 613. uv 110—$1.000. Frame house. 2l'icoma: lot 24 bylollll-41. 1 110,6. Two welt Unlined press brisk houses anu large 10,—001.y $6,060. Two 6 roomed houses on rultou street-0.500 u : 1 4 3 4. e , i l o o t ts 2 . 4 n by t e l:9 re fe a e ye t o n n ue_s ßee a d o s o tre to tt: s s l, o s o 6o . Plot of ground on Mt. 'Washington.' _ 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 miles from. the city. 30 acres on Western Pa. Railroad, 4 miles froin'the city. . - . 225 rcr•a good improved. land in Missouri: Wilt be divided to snit garthasers. _ cacn • Inquire of ! 1 McCLUNG &•RAINBOW. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. WO Nos. 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue. FOB SALE. 3 STILLS, each 9 feet diameter and 1.8 4 ,‘ feet long, with about 300 feet condensing pipe. from +-inch down to 2S-ittch galpipe to each still, for 6900 apiece.- I + BOILERS, each 32-inch .diameter and 14. feet long, with chimney bridging, steam drum. stand pipe, Bc., for POO. lI.EYSTONE stmeadr. FUMPS, eachla: inch ' steam cylinder, 7.4 rich water cylinder and 12- inch stroke, for $3OO aplece,, 1 IRON AGITATOR. 18 feet diameter and 16 feet deep, with cast iron bottom for 6500. 700 feet 2;tt-inch OAR PIPE at 400 per foot. , Apply to ERN f. J&GEDI.A.N a 09., at works, near Sharpsburg Bridge. 3y8:179 VALIIABLIE cent PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The heirs of the late ALEX.', ANDES CAMERON, deceased, offer the follew, Ing desirable and conveniently located property, for sale: nate story Brick Defiling Bottse,', fronting on West Oinsimon, Allegheny, zro,i ggi Sherman avenue. Also,' two story Brick Dint , ling, fronting on East . Common, No. 10 Union 11174 one. Also, tiree story Brick store room. 'No. 101 PederekstreetiAllegbeny, now occupied gy J. J. East se ... ook Store. All of the above As of fered na I essOnabie tetras, in order to facilitate the - settlement or ille 1311tit8. - , Partin 'welding informationiwill apply to the anderslgned at of nre of toe ;:rennsyivanla Iniaranco. C_ompany, 1054 Wood.street, Plttsoargu. tillilnlda Pi:L IMNS% - , ' Wles. SUMMER Vast Colored: Lawns at Fast Colored Calle° et Praneb Chintz at- 25 Waal Poplins at ISX Fine' Dress ponds at FOR. SALE FOR SALE... 11 , . Near Osborn Statton on the Pittsbnrgh Ft. Wayne and Chicago Ba4roaol, TWO LOTS, Contababig About Two Aorta Eaob. F ISAVilal • t • W. MACKEOWN & BRO.. 195 - Liberty Street. mixt! , Xt.Tspl or I.r. 4c, r 4 lail GOODS, .K.E:R.,,:.4.•Qi . ,: . .Q!:,.5..; SCE, ST. CLAIR.STREET. 153% Couto( per,Taill. U Cents Per 'lnn!. Cents . per TarlL Cents per Yard: Cent per Yard. est floods, at SO Cents. D LACE MANTLES REDUCED. HOasekeeping Eto cs, _ . . . CLATIO WE, ai