PETKOLEUDS • ter. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY July 16, 1889. The market was rather quiet to-day, the volume of business baying been tom partively light in the agregate, though as a general thing, sellers were Asking a slight advance over yesterday's quo. Wiens. There has been no life in bus!. nese for two or three dsys, and for some cause m other, operators generally, do not seem inclined to do much, prefeiring tit were, to hold off and await farther evelopementa. The , t shipments of m imed east continue, liberal while the - re• ceipts of crude thus far this week, have been comparatively light. CRUDE. ~ gale 1,000 bbla July at 14%; and 1,000 spct (40 . t0 44) at 14%. • There were but very few buyers at anything over 14%, while holders attempted to i spring a slight advance, asking from 14% to 14%. Sellers option, all year, in absence of sales, may be quoted at 14, and bUyer all year, 1634. REFINED. Sale 1,000 July at 841; 1,000 September, at 33: and 800 each October to December, at 33. Jaly is about 3 higher than yes terday. August, in the absence of sales, may be quoted at 32%. "Linea" for late months, cannot be quoted aboi , e 83. LIIBRIOATERG OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil • 40e Eclipse Railroad Axle 85c Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle SOc OIL SHIPPED Kb ST BY A. V. FL B. Lockhart, Frew Co. 821 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. • H. W. C. Tweddle, 54 bbis refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 400 bbis refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil Works 1501 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner 500 bbla refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. iMontzheimer. Koehler & C0..597 bbls ref to Waring, King dteo., Philadelphia. Citizens Oil Co. 500 bbls refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. ! Thos. Hackett, 100 bbis refined' to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan dr Co., 100 bbis tar to W. G. Laird, Philadelphia. D. Bly, 50 bbls tar, to H. L. Bolden Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined t.yr+~,t: a ~-.:~:r.=~ ~»:;•n xcy s ~ K:.: rw:;:# G. W. Holdship & Co.. 226 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Excelsior Oil Manf. Co.. 100 bbls ref. to Waring, King & Co:, Philadelphia. _ Total Refined 326 BARLEYS BY TELEGRAPH. NEw Youx, Jnlyl6.—Aslies dull. Cot• . Lon unchanged; sales 750 bales at 34V,, ® 34340 for uplands. Flour—receipts 3,675 bbls and dull; sales 6,800 bbls at $5,20® 5.70 for superfine state western; $6,40® 6,90 for extra state;.. $6,15 ®6,90 for do. extra western; $7,25 for good choice white wheat extra; 56,50@7 for R. H. O.; 5 7 @ 7,50 for extra St. Louis; 18@10 for good • choice, and dull. Oregon flour quiet at $8®8,50. California .flour in moderate demand; sales 650 bbls at $7,50 ®9. Rye flour firm at $3®1,50®6,60. Whiskey quiet; western; $1,05®1,07 for free. Wheat—receipts 56476 bush; market in limited supply, with a moderate export demand to fill old freight engagements; prices unchanged; closing heavy, with sales7B,ooo bush at $1,49®1.50 for No. 2 spring; for do; $1,55 for win ter re d 11,65 for` new amber Delaware; $1,65 for inferior white California. Rye quiet. Barley and Barley Malt dull and nominal. Corn—receipts 18,447 bush: market opened firm, bat closed dull and rather heavy. with sales 51,000 bush at 73®890 for unsound new mixed western; 911595 for sound - do; 96®963i for white western. Oats—the market is with out decided . change, with sales 64,000 bush at 80c for western in store, and 80® 81c for do. Omit. Rice firm atBli®9c for Carolina. Coffee:firm; sales of 4,8u0 bags Rio on private terms. Sugar firm; - salea of 200 hhds Cuba at 11®11,4c, and 1,200 `boxes Havana at lac. Molassedquiet; sales of 75 hhds Porto Rico at 5634 ®63c. Petroleum quiet at 16Mc for crude, 'and 3134 c for refined. 'flops quiet at B®lso for American. Linseed 011 dull at 98e® $l,OO. Spirits _Turpentine dull at 42® 42%c. Provisions—pork steady with a fair demand; sales of 700 bbls at $32,37® ®32,50 for new mess, :closing at $32,37 cash, $31,75 - for old do., 126,50® 27,25 for prime, and $28,50®29,00 for prime mess. Beef steady; 175 Wale at sBosl6 for new plain mess; Il2®lB for prime mess; $25®30 for India mess. Beef hams steady; 250 tibia at 125®32,50. Cut meats steady; 20 kegs at, 16y.c for shoulders, and 16y„®19c lbr hatnsiaid dles-quiet and firm; 200 bxs ice cured'on private terms. Lard a shade easierp 470 tcs at 1734 ®l9%c, chiefly 19%@19% for steam, and 194 ® 20%c for kettle render ed. Butter quiet at 16®190 for Ohio, and 113®360 for State. Cheese quiet and heavy at 11®15e. Freights to Liverpool quiet and nominally unchanged. Latent-=Flour dull and 5c lower. Wheat quiet and rather heavy: sales at 51.47®1,50 for N 0.2; $1,53(git,54 for No. 1 • spring. Rye quiet at $1.260)1,28 for west ern. Oats dull at 8034®810 for western afloat. Corn quiet at 92®96e for sound; 72®89c for unsound mixed 'western. Pork quiet and without change. Beef quiet and steady. Cut Meats in moder ate request and unchanged. Bacon dull and slightly in buyers' favor. Lard dull at 1934 ®l9y,c ter fair to prime steam. Eggs quiet and unchanged. ST, Loins, July ie.—Tobacco firm and unchanged. Cotion; no sales; middlings aro worth 32;4®33c. Hemp is firm, but quiet and unchanged. Flour; the de mand has fallen off and prices are leas firm, but not quotably lower, with sales of superfine at. 5,123405,70; double ex tra at $6Q6,60; .fall treble extra at 16,75 Q 7,60, and &nay at gsigio. ' Wheat; spring is unchanged at $1,20 ©1,28 for No. - 2, and $1,25 for No. 1; fall has de clined 5QlOe, and prime to strictly prime new sold at 51,2701,37 M, and choice to fancy new and old at 51,45Q1,65. Corn is very firm at 90Q95c for'yellow and white, the latter for fancy in bulk; 97Q 98e for Mixed in sacks; $1 for yellow, and V.,02Q1,05 for white. Oats opened buoyant and higher, but closed inactive and weak; black and mixed sold at 72® 730, and white at 73®76c. Rye firm and better at , $1,18Q1,20. 'Whisky is held higher at $1,08Q1,05; no sales. Groceries are quiet and unchanged. Provisions are firmer, and some articles are higher. Pork sold at 533,25Q33,50 'for extra heavy. Dry salted• meat sold at 17i4c for clear sides, and 1830 for shoulders, buyer for 15th of August. Bacon is very strong at' 14Mo for shoulders, 17c for rib aides; • 180 far heavy clear sides. 18MQ183eic for clear sides, and 21 @220. forfor canvassed sugar cured hams. Lard nominal at ]B®lB 0 . Cattle are quiet at $ 8,5008,60. - Hogs steady at 57,75® 9,75. Receipts 9,000 barrels flour, 20,700 bushels wheat, 4,000 bushels corn, 4.000 buithela oats, and 1,600 heat' of Clrmacio, July Is,—Eatenk likobalge walk it MS oft 00.2.0,g PliF de ta: MOW* FW:lsklitoS s4®6at for apring • extras. Wheat firm er, quiet and one cent higher, with sales No. 1 at $1.33;4®1,85. and No. 2 $1,31X @1,3234, closing at sl,3i for No. 2; this afternoon No. 2 firmer, with sales at $1,34 seller July. Corn dull; No.l nom inal and inactive; No. 2 quiet at .81@82c for fresh. and 74%@75340 for June re ceipts, closing at 82c for iresh, and 80146 81c for regular, receipts; rejected quiet at 70@70;0; aci grade dull at 67@ 60c; this afternacm market unsettled; No. 2 nominally at 83c, seller. August. Oats dull and Wgilic lower; sales of No. 2 at 6634©67c, closing quiet at 66@)6634c. ,Rye dull and steady at. $1,06 for No. 1, and $1,04 for No. 2 Barley nominal at 61,40@1,50 fbr No. 2ln store. Highwines quiet and firm at 61,00. Provisions dull. Bless Pork at $33@33,25. Lard at 183,gi 190.. Dry Shoulders in fair request at 1234 c. Freights dull and unchanged. Receipts for past twenty-four hours were 2,007 bbls floor , 82.490 bus wheat, 48,895 bus corn, 18,196 bus oats, 2,675 bus rye. Shipments-5,611 bbls flour, 79,556 bu: , wheat, 68,898 bus corn, 1,032 bus rye. CINCINNATI, July. 16.—Flour dull an, demand light; family $6@6.25. Whoa in better supply and dull at $1,25®1,30 mr new white; offered to come in next Week at $1,25. Corn dull With a better supply; ear 75c. Bye declined to $l,lO, and the market dull. Cotton nominally unchanged and very little in the market. Tobacco firm with sale s 130 hhds at $5,75 @20,25. Whisky firm at $l. Provisions firm. Bacon is a shade higher; sales Shoulders at 1414 c, and of Sides at 18c; Ribs are held at 1834 c. Bulk Meats firm at ' l3c for Shoulders, and 153;c for Sides. Lard • 19®193 o and nominal. Mess Pork $33. Butter unchanged with not much demand, owing to the intense heat; fresh 24@28e. Eggs declined to 150 and dull. Cheese dull at 13c for Western Reserve, and 1514@16c for fac tory. Groceries unchanged and quiet. Linseed Oil dull at $l. Lard 011 $1,35@ 1,40. Petroleum 271530 c. Gold 135j4 buying. Exchange firm at par. CLEVELAND, July 16.—Flottr; citj ) made-19 for treble extra white, $7,75© 8 for double extra amber, 18.75 for double extra zed winter, $6 for extra red winter, and 56,50 four double extra spring; coun- try madb-17.50@8,25 for double extra white, $6,25@7,25 for double extra red anti amber, 50,25016,75 for double extra spring. Wheat; No. 2 held at $1,47; sales 1 car No. 2 do. at 51,35. Corn; Sales 2 cars No. 1 at 87o; 1 car N0."2 at 85c; 1 car do, at 860. Oats; sales 2 cars at 72c. Rye; No. 2 held at $l,lO. Petroleum; refined held at 28©2834c, seller for August; crude held at 56,40. BEI PHILADELPHIA, July 16.—Flour less doing and steady; super 5565,37: extras 55,5005,75; new extra family $567,50; low and choice grades Pennsylvania do 5666,75; Ohio and Indiana $768: fancy $9®10,50. Wheat declining; new South ern red $1,4861,50. Rye unchanged. Corn scarce and advanced, with yellow at 51,1561,20, and mixed western $1,126 1,13. Oats steady at 786800. Provisions unchanged. Petroleum moves slowly; crude 22340; refined 311.463134 e. Whis ky unchanged. *MIMI% July 16.—Cotton dull and inactive; middling Sle; good ordinary 30e; receipts, 81 bales; exports, 22 bales. Flour firm and low and medium grades scarce; low superfine 15.0065,50, super line $6,0066,50, and fancy brands $7680. Wheat—sl,lo6l,3s. ,Corn 90e. Corn 80 682 e. hay $25. Bran $2O. Corn Meal 54.25(514,50. Pork dull at $34. .Lard 206 21e. Bacon steady; shoulders 11340, sides 18340. Week's receipts cotton, 264 Dales; exports, 204 bales; stock, 583 bales. TOLEDO, July 16.—Flour inactive. Wheat: amber is a shade lower; sales at 81,48 on spot; $1,48, buyer the month, for No. 1; red le better, 51.44, spot; 01,31, seller, August; No. 2 red, 81,3034. Corn is a shade better, No. 1, 87®88e; No. 2, 83n; rejected at 71c; condemned at 560; Michigan, 82e. Oats to better, closing at 72e for No. 1. Rye steadyat 61,10 for No. 1 and Michigan. Receipts were flour, 700 bbis; wheat, 6,600 bush; corn, 6,100 bush; oats, .600 bush. LotinvirmE, July 16.—Flour active; sales of superfine at 54,25. Grain firm; sales of amber wheat at 5,415, white at $1,20, Mediterranean at $l,lO. Leaf To bacco is a shade weaker,. with sales of 113'hhds at . V 4,70612,25. Provisions are very firm. Mess Pork at 03- Bacon shoulders at 14'3‘0, elear rib at 1834 c, clear sides at 18Xc. Lard at 1934 e. Sugar cured hams at- 20340. Highwines firm at 11,00. MILWAUKEE, 16 . -F lo u r 16.—“ our steady at $11,00®6,75 for spring extras. Wheat unsettled, with sales of 60,000 bus at $1,3034 cash and seller July. for No. 2, and $1,36 for No. 1. Oats - Arm and un-' changed at 680 for No. 2. Corn firm. with sales of No. 2at 76e. Rye nominal at 41,0 for No. L Receipts-1,500 'bbls flour, 60,000 bus wheat. . . Shipments -1,000 bbls flour, 150,000 bus wheat: Baurizonk, July 10,—Flour quiet and low grades firm. Wheat weak and low er; _prime to choice new red $1,50®1,85. Corn advanced; white $l,lO, and yellow $1,10.> Oats firm at 75®800.' Mess Pork quiet at $34. Bacon active and advand lug; rib aides 18%018%c; clear rib 18% @18%o; shoulders 18%©153e; hams 22% @230. Lard dull at 1834@20c. Whisky unchanged. Stocks very scarce. DETROIT, July 16.—Flour dull. Wheat in fair demand, with very little offering; No. 1 white at $1,67, and No. 2 do. at $l,BB. Data; nothing doing; buyers are holding back for new crop. Dry Goods Market. NEw YORK, July 18.—The dry goodei market is comparatively quiet but steady' at 1635®17c for the beat heavy brown sheetings; 13@i8lio for heavy do. skirtings; 13(4)135 o for new styles dark Prints; 17®190 for printing cloths; 21c for new styles printed delaines; 250 for New York tousling, 22350 for Wammutta, 1200 for Tuscarora, 190 for Lonesdale, po for Pepperell; 6.4 sheetings, 80c for , 'Conestoga extra; Ticking, 270 for Ham, ilton regular doe,: 170 for Thorndike do.; 220 for Amoskeag. Stripe% 110 for Pitts. field ; 14c for Boston, Blue Denims, 21;(c for Workingmen's do., and 16c for Pecinot corset jeanii. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTRBDROR. FORT 'WAYNE CEI. DAGO RAILROAD, July 16.-2 cars metal, Bryan & Caughey; 1 do do, Loomis A. Collard; 2 dodo, Everson & Preston; 2 cars shoulders, 50 tea hams, 3' B Parker; 25 bbls 'highwines, R C 1 Lyon; 82 bdls broombandles, El R McClellan; 100 green lidos At Delange; 2 bales broom corn,W Hubbard; 800 bbls flour, T C Jenkins it Bro; 10 tcs hams, F Sellers dr Co; 55 bhlshighwines, Schmidt & Friday; 2 cars rye, W J Meek; 3 bbls potatoes, Woodworth & Davison; 800 pigs lead, Pittsburgh Water Co; 100 'bbls flour, B Heazleton; 1 car , wheat, .7 S Liggett it CO; 8 bbls eggs. Day 4r. Co; bxs cheese, A& J Kerr; 7 do do; W H Kirkpatrick; 7do do, NI Braden; 20 do do, EL Rob ison &Co; 20 do do, S P Shriver it Co; 54 do do, B F Atistip; 100 oil bbls, B D Moore; 9 bag cheese, Volgt, Mahood dr, Co; 1 bbl eggs. A Kirkpatrick A Co; 74 she oat* Graham & M a rshall, . 50 bbls highwlnets ,Littell dt Atechling; 25 casks Peariof ,Bakets• Pearce 4 Co; 50 bbls whi s ky v w, cox &Co; 1 oar feed, 1 do corn,,Roff & Herron; 1 car stone, S A Long, • ounougunpAtisal ;PSTlNlsmies 3Au,. SCUM • 1604.11,centliittat.3= _ KelLnlight,,.l o it; CO; Al do' .PITTSBUItGIi GAZETTE : SATURDAY, J1.71 ! Y 17, 1869.1 Bend Iron Clo; Ido abaci ore,2 do lime atone ore, Hussey, Wells & Co; 2 do lime stone ore, Coleman, Rohm & Co; 1 do . luMber, W W Rigdon & Co; 1 do rye W J Meek; Ido ore, Stroenberger & C o; 6 do blooms, J Moorhead; 3 do do, Nimick & Co; 1 car do, Park, Bro's t Co, 1 do pusher, 0 F Lamm; 20 cases tobacco, Means & Coffin; 7 bits crackers, 138 Mar vin: 30 Wag cheese, 5 bbls apples. T-C Jenkins: 4 liners, Win McKim; 15 bas cheese, Watt, Lang & Co; 35 do do, 32 bbls apples, W H Graff &Co; 4 bbls flour, A Kirkpatrick & Co; 2• do tallow, W Flaccus & Son; 12 bbls apples; 2 kgs but ter, 1 bbl eggs, Head & Metzger; 20 bits cheese, Voikt, Mahoood- & Co; 71 empty oil bbls, D Ely & Co; 14 bbls apples, 11 Riddle; 22 do do,. 16 bbls potatoes, H Rea Jr. ALLEGEENY VALLEY RAILROAD. July 16.-65 bble tar, Pittsburgh Acid Works; 2 care grain, Martin Brickell dt 00; 2 do limMone, 1) L Reynolds; 43 bgs oats, 3 pkgefi,-J ggs, WII Kirkpatrick & Co; 73 h c 4 opts C ShOup; 2 - bis 'butter, L .7 7 131 nehard; 82 bgs oats, Knox di Orr; 1 metal, ft Woodsides; 2 do do, M Keight Porter dr Co; 38 bgs oats, Bingluun & Laing; 720 bbls oil, Fisher Bro; 160 do do, Pool Bro; 78 hides, W C Barbour; 2 cars stone, Harrison & Co, CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD ' July 16.-6 bbls oil, Harris t Ewing; 5 bbls eggs, sdo but ter, W H Graff & Co; 88 bags rye. W J Meek; 50 bbls flour, .W H Rankin it Son; 1 car malt, Darlington & Co; 50 tea hams, J H Parker; 5 tea dry beef, E if Myers it Co; tcs hams, J H Renshaw dr, Co; 200 bbls flour, J Gardner; 5 tcs lard, 5 bbls lard oil, Lippincott. ALLEGHENY STATION, July 16.- 100 bbls flour, G Stewart; 1 car stone, S A Long;: 2do do, Bo ent% & Co; 2 do do, Forrester it Megraw: 3 dodo, Supe rior Iron Co; 1 do do, JP& R H Knox; 1 car cooperage, Ralya & Robertson; 1 car metal, Lindsay it McCutcheon; 2 cars iron ore, Spang & Co. The river is again /king at this point under the influence of the recent heavy rains at the headwaters of the Allegheny, and last evening the Monongahela marks indicated seven feet nine inches. The weather yesterday cloudy and hot, with several showers; mercury at 5 P. at• 89 in the shade. The. Kenton arrived and departed as usnaL The Bellevernon, Capt. J J Darragh, Jr., will positively depart 'for St. Unit; to-day, and passengers and shippers can rely on this announcement. The Lorena, Capt. Sam Shumaa, is now making engagements for St, Louis, and will take her departure early next week. Business continues very dull at the landing, and unless a boat is fortunate enough to fall in with an iron pile, she experiences considerable difficulty in picking up a full trip. —The Kate Putnam left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday, and the Belle was advertised to follow. —Capt.: McCarty sold his interesttin the Armadillo, at Cincinnati, on Wednes day, at the rate of 18.000 for the entire boat. —The Kanawha Republican states that two dredge boats are busily engaged widening and improving the Elk chute, just relow Charleston. —The Leslie Coombs was seized by the United States Marshal yesterday, fur a violation of the Internal Revenue laws in failing to take out the necessary pa pers. Her officers planked down 1:,00. and the Leslie ""lit out" up the river. —.l 4 ymau Bradford, mate of the Emma Floyd,dwas struck in the back of • the head ith a bowlder, and knocked down and robbed of $35, Monday night, on the Cnicinnati wharf, when returning to the boat. His assailants were two. lie was insensible for some time after being struck. —The Mollie Ebert has reached, St. Louis from ,Fort Benton. She' was seventy-three days out from St. Louis, and expertenceitan immense amount of trouble from excessive low water, lack of fuel, &c. She is in good condition, however,• and will not need to be dock ed or repaired. !, —The Louisville Courier-Joan:a/ con tains the following paragraph: , The con stable was hunting the Sam. J. Hale yes terday. On her last trip she refused to ,pay, her wharfage-412; hence the, war• rant. The. officer, however, failed to capture her. The Minneoth, of the same line, Cincinnati and Memphis, failed to pay her wharfage on her last visit, and will find a warrant awaiting her on her arrival at that port. —A Carlo telegraph to the Cincinnati Commercial says: The Baltic has coal and lays over until this morning to clean out boilers; fdture "destinatiOn un certain. She may possibly tow the hull of the Underwriter to Cincinnati. The Ajax has the largest tow ever brought dirwn the river. It consists of 18 coal boats, 8 barges, and 8 fuel boats for her own use, the whole containing over WO.- 000 bushels of coal. John Dougherty and John Stafford are psiots. —The report that the Captain of the Colossal had been stabbed in 3he abdo men by a negro is Incorrect It was Capt. Jim Lockhart, of the Bertha, who was out, while on his steamer et Bionic City. It seems that he had some trouble with his crew, and was compelled to dis charge and order them from the boat, when one of the "roustabouts" turned on him with a knife and gave him'a seri ous out as reported. Pilot Jos. Ohl mann of the Colossal, says that at no timeduring the present seasonthas there bern more than thirty Inches' of water on Dauphin's Rapids. —Sioux City, lowa, advises of the Bth say: Rnports of a small rfse. flata down last night report the Emilie oLa barge end Utab getting along well; The other evening we -bat ten boats here, more, than ever known at anyone time. . The mate of the Peninah fired three pistol shots at a negrof no • blood was shed; be afterwards struck a roustabout on the ,head nearly killing, him. All whisky. The Captain of the Colossal, was• stabbed In the • abdomen, by whom .I don't know. The wound is not serious. All crews struck; And put'a stop to all work. Men itre asking 150 Per. month; laborers 50c per hour. The boats all refuse to pay these rates. The men so far are firm. RIVER PACKETS, OR ST. LOUIS. GA-agiag LENS. DUBUQUE AND ST. ADL.—The tins passenger .packet, BELLICVERNON.,:.C.ipt. J. J. D MIRAGE'. JR., Wilt leave for the &nose and intermediate ports on THIS DAY. 171 n Inst.. at 4 J I). (lOLLINOWOOD. j Hi • JOHN FLACK. Agents. ID IT g 8 UR t ad :ok, wyrovtarso AND - IC.EBBBVBO.I. I IM:TII4svp company , ' What Nut. /onset' wiPatt StriP.f. altlyin.l9 WED' NEBDATO and asivanAys, • outintaelati ~ . . aannwrcVLaistar. ffisoktrßr A rarg—tia&, ,, F.lTs,D7.,; inkfiug:4•9o,Wplq7QoD, I& =I RIVER NEWS. PABILEBSIIIIII6II. 00DiritlistoWN makskscH.ANTS J. L. ........ Z. WITMENBOR• DILLINGER it STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whiskies. IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, sP2O PITTSBURGH. PA. ESTABLISHED BY A. & T:: B W. N. GORILY, WROL.ESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dnizoriy Orr. RAG= Horn,) se :yie W. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to Fetzer & Armstrong, PRODUCE COMMISSION MiRCHANT, Na 2.5 MARKET STREET. mne N. sTErsa. .J. ♦. bTZIILi. STEELE & SON, Commis/40n Merchants, AND DIALNEB IN EMAYDR. GI.R.A.IPT,VEMXIO. ace. No. 96 OHIO STEM, near East. Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. PICT= 1111 . 1 L 4.1k8. T. S=CR MT KEIL & lIITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ♦AD DYLLILAS 1* FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, KILL FEED, 349 Liberty U,, Pittsburgh. 1ay24:b87 L e J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale aad Retail grows, No. WS rENN STRIEZT. 1016:529 liITTLE, BAIRD &. PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants an Dealers In Produce, Ylonr, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard OIL Iron, Nails (flan, Cotton Yarns and all Pntsburgh Manuta c tures generally. 112 and IE4 az:COED ET ET, Pittsburgh. JoRN sErProN A WALLACE. §: UPTON& WALLACE_, Whole. D SALE GROCERS AN PROD GCE DELL. No. 6 SLYTH STREET. PRA etargh. talz:rfA JOHN I. HOIN3I..IDW. B. 441,..681. TORN I. _HOUSE &BROS., gUc- U censors to JOHN I. HOME & CO., Whole. salOOtooert and Commission Merchants, Con ner of Bmithlleld and Water dtreeta. Pittsburgh., PROFESSIONAL. G CAMP, %X. , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT.LAW, °nice. No. 127 FOUBTB AVENUE, Pitts batch, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lowrie") will practice la the U. 8. Circuit and District Courts, In the State Supreme and all t h e Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions In most of theadjacent counties. Ja29:dl3 ARCIMM,D BLAKELEY, 80.'98 Winn 19111ZEIN sadull)fhiiii , A. AMNON, Justice of:the Peace. CONVEYANCER, - REAL . ESTATE AND [HSU. . . RANCE AGSM. CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMISEMIAId. Collection of Rents solicited and promptlrst t ended to. WM. B. NEEPER, ALDEIMAN - AND EX-OFFICIO J USTICE OF • THE- PitACB. • OFFICE. 89 FIFTH AVENIIEj Special attention given to conveyancing Ind collections. Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages drawl up. and an legal business attended to promptly and accurately. • AIIIVEL McMASTERS, S ALLIDEMMAN, Re-Officio Justice_ of the Peace and Police Map taste. Mice, _GRAFT STICK/LT, opposite the Ca thedrak PITTSBURGH, PA. • Deeds, sonde, liortgages, Acknowledgments, DpolitSons, and all Legal Business ex with promptneu and dispatch. mbis JOHN A. STRAIN, bLD - KX-01 1 71C10 JUSTICE OP THt PIIAOI6 AND POLICS MAGISTRATE.. OA:AIMS FITTH STREET, opposite the Ca. thedral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, - Bonds, Non. gages, Acknowledgments, Depolltions and all Legs tch BIIIIIIC4/ executed with pronnitness and dispa. • 4 1ARD.'11,11(Ar ri r ‹c. totifsifiturio dl N CLA.• T 7 t RS 0e51.70 S e • 4 PERPAPT:CURF :For DyspeOsia, Fever and Ague, Ac.i- Aity of the Stomach;- Loss of Apipetite, Nausea,. Heart-burn, Jaundice,'; Arid all diseases arisihr, from a disordered state" .of. the Stomach, Liver or Intestines.. Prepared by • SEWARD, BENTLEY &ENET, Druggists, Blade, N. Y. Bold by All Druggists. • asm o mo. ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY TES Union Pacific Railroad Company, ZABTERN DIVISION, Lying along tea Una of their road. at 01 4 00 T 015,00 PER AMR, Mid on a ORISDIT OlMva IM O& PcM tartbAM pastimilils. maps, Ma. address ' • jeltN P. mcvsszase Liinaaxingsstostez, Topeka, ;sums. .or aLia, s.zikiato!ts, 'sews. ; rant - VIA Lutorke--1 00 ,ffimulren 'Clevelaid lone Lim; 00 NU MONS doylbzeserti , • ' 4 , 111 1 / 4 1 /4 1 4n 1 / 124: " "," 3NSURANOE. THE IRON CITY. MURAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Ff,deral St., Allegheny City. MMOTORS: Bon. JAMES L. GRAHAM. Rev. J. B. CLARK. D. D., Capt. R. ROBINSON. Rev. A. K. BELL D.D. .Rev. S. B. wEbßfr. • W. A. REED., Cashier Allegheny Trust 00. JACOB RUSH, Real Estate Agent, SIMON DRUM. Mayor of. Allegheny. C. W. BE N N YHatter, A. 8. BELL..Anorne, D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. BWOCililt. Insurance Agent. - Capt. ROST. ROBINSON, President., Rev. J . CLiAlt IK, D..Viee President. JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. DENIM. Treasurer. M. W. WRITE, MinicAL ADVISED. SWOUER, (kali Agent. _ This is a home company. conducted on the mutual principte, each policy holder receiving an equal share of theiirolits of the Company. Policies will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford a safe investment to each polio holder. and thereby retain the money at home to encourage home industry. mtiiihrie BEN IFItAiiiiLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEOMY, OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BARK BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohio St., Allegheny. A HONE COMPANY, managed by Manion woo known to the community, who tenet by fair dealina to merit a share of your patronage. . t x l ß i.O A . rign i iic°77— . "'' 7=7.Pressecgauryalt: DIRECTOBB 1 Henry Irwin A 'D. L. Patterson, Wm, Cooper, Sec. B. Eldine, 'Jacob Frans, Gottleib Faas, Simon Drum J. Smi th , Jacob Rush , W. M. Stewart . : P. Whitton , Josepb Craig, J Jos. Lautner, H. J. =Munn, 11 Jere. trnhei l , EL E. - EIIOM GENERAL AGENT. ap10:035 , INSURANCE COMPANY, FILEILAN'S BUILDING, iick. H Filth AVO3III/6 Second Floor, • kirrsausea, Capital All 'raid Up. DIRECTORS. N. J. Wallace,ie7. ;E.'39.ollver, Jr, !Capt.N.Balley, Dran w :S. H. Eastman. lA. Chambers, Jake HUI. :S. ,Jas. M. bailey. Thomas Smith. iJno.S. Willock, ROBERT H. KIN 9, President.. JNO. F. JENNINGS, Vice Preatdent. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. J. GRACE, Genn.Agent. Insures on Liberal . Terms on all Fire and Marine Risks. ap2:gil - pENNSIELVANIAL • INSURANCE COOPARY .OF PIITTSBUR6W . OFFICE. No; 16714 WOOD STREET, BANE 0) COMMERCE B.DINO. This is a Home Company, and insures against loss by Ore exclusively. LEONARDiALTER, President. C. 0. BOYL _Vice President. ROBEET PA RICH, Troasarer. HUGH McILURENY, Secretary. . BLEEMOES; Leonard Walter, . George Wilson, ,C. C. Boyle. Geo. W. Evans. • Robert Patrick, J. 0. Laope, Jacob Painter, J. C. Pithier, Josiah Ring, John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hop kins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, ifiDEMNITT _ AGAINST LOSS BY PIRA FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA, 0FF1CE.434 t 437 CEEMT3II72' BT:.nru Ira. x i Charles JT. Rancher s liordecal R. Lords' Tobias Wagner. David 8. Brown. Samuel Grant. Isaac Lea. Jacob R. Sooslth, Edward - C. Dais, rporge W. Richard George Pales. CHARLES G. BAN Presiders*. RDW. C. DAL'S. Vice President. W. C. BTEELE, Reor/I— T ZAiro tna. J. GARDNER. TIN.-Asisal.. North West earner and Wdod Streets. atis23:wls , IMO NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Car. Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny, office. in Um SECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. • JOHNMARTIN, President, BHOWN,_Jn.,lflee President, JAMES B. bTAVENSON. t3ecretary. Dorscrtnon .. . I John A. Miler, !Jas. Lockhart. Jos. Mem Jas.L.Grabara. Robert : Lea, • • O. C.: Boyle,. Jno Brown„Jr.loeoreetlerst, - Jacob Kopp.. o.dPWllllams Jno.'Stamv4cni J. hiolianiame. P O P N INSINLINVE COIN. EN 11:WIE.' President. : • 0m.1141 . titheral P L I . lila ln retarl. Aden t. c% dig Water streets h 40 011 Pine* house. immure. Pittabarct. • Will tune aspansaltiritds of Ylre sad Ma rine Mids. A home Institution, managed by Di renors who are well knowo to the consmitilty y Di ed who at determined try promptint and litser allty to maintain the character which they have assumed. as offering the hen Protection to WM who desire SO • r Draiirrois: __ _ Alexander Nlmiek, Joan li.menrans, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke. ' James McAuley, William S. Brans, Alexander Spar, Joseph 11.1A,ricli. DAndrew Adrian. PhUllY_ tr. avid M. Long, Wm. X D. mann. • noir pir . zpg INSURANCE CON• onnoa. N. E. CUENS3 WOOD & MYTH WM. • Home Commuintaki ng Fire mid Idattoe Risks pinuronOns: obi W att, "Ptelltisi;lll,"" ohn N. Part . Charles Arbuckle. ' pt. James m. Van Kir Wm .Ir..M au4 James D. Ver ner tv Samuel WII. PHIL sldent. : • , ' JOHN WATT lee President. W.-If. HABDtillOwßeratta iy. OAPT. JAN. mot ON. Remus! Aurae. ALL EGPiIENT INSVRANCE COMPANY:OIP PITTSBURGH. 01C.No. s7lll3Til STENET.B.asi Bt DoW. insures aaslast all kinds of Fire ane, JOHN TRWth. Js.. Preildept. T. J. HossissoN, Nrkoi President. 0. 0. D_O_RNNlA,isecretary. CAPT. General Meat. iscrro ns: Joan Troia.' no im N. L. Irahneatoon J. - fiesjaesen, W. H. li Evsrson. 0. 0. Hum. char Uarv i eY es C r rlaga an. P anCli ant. , OaPt. 17M. wean. T. H. Nevin. STOMTON HOTEL, CAPE MAY, N. J.. Will open on the 114th of JVNIC. 1889. This hotel has been erected. within the put year, af fords ample accommodation tot beery tone thou. and guests and is furnished equal to any of the leading hotels in the United States. For tame, until then, address, PETIta GARDNER, Proprietor. No., 307 Walnut street' Philadelphia. te2;k15.W711 , Iproatirmic CEMENT.--100 Nils Louisville Itydralle Vane zit:" lb, sole 7 - J. II HPlitiab DEIHL ASIL-20 sacks or sale A. .1. A. itIANIPLELD. 111011A111.- Pu 41 14 ,Arst son, Ibr eby • , , we MORIRT * DAIS 111114PL :IL IFORtinirri. . uk Mo ra, ha ,;, - .i• IDICErtiOU. zanscraus. RAILRCULDI3.- 11M14)HL. B. W. and CLE ream. Pll 9 1 poßr B ; lH u ic. B. From May 9th, 1860 trains wi ll leave treat and arrive at the Union anat., north side, Pitaw burgh city time s as follows: ,freaps.... • I Amiss. Chict, Ex. .ts:0114 Chicago Ex...1:5e asa Erie Yirn tic. TOW am, Ex..111:03 m cri. hyR , .111:18a m.wing Ex 10:43 ale Chicago Xa11..6:58 a m :at. Loan Ex 7:08 prat .011101180 a am 11111 , 30 11x4104:08 p NriOg 11:Oat:to:Cleveland Ex 3:53 p m Chicago Ex., 11:013 p m Erie A Yienloxs:sllpm W'e a Erie Exa:3s & Wh'ig Ex6:s3pm Dspartfrom Atka Assay: Arrive Ca Anteing Bear ails Ao.B in Leetsdale A:L.6:55.M Leetsdale 10:03 am Raft Falls " 8:7116 as " • " 11:38 =Mew Castle "10513 sal Rochester 1:251pm Know " 9:L3 mu Enon " .3:sBpm Lansdale • 1:03 pm Leetsdale Aco.5:1101:1•Bels'e Valle " 114_4 Spa Bea'rFalls " • 6:1 p m Lelsdale " 4:ais Leetsdale ** 10:431010 " 7:25 on Fair Oaks Ban. Fair Oaks Mtn . ligGargh. I:l4g c m s _ll i al Walt NAB an Air 1014 ' i). nahicig En/ d ress arrives diUN J. IL KIMBALL. J. N. ICULLOUGEL, llen'l Ticket Agent, Will &Teen% mylo Elll 3 . A. i .FIGE OF i . ;7llDegg.lo — TINE merit Insismiraoten. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OM REOIONS WITHOUT OHANOII OF CAM' On and after MONDAY, June 14th, ne 9. TWO THROUGH TRAINS. DALDY'leXtleptrSunday) will leave PittabUrit D_e_pot, cor ner of Mew enth and Pike ' Meets, Or Wau•hiln.oll Cl9 , ,,Thig..- filo. and all point* in tr e Oil Itegidns.' - • LEAVE PITTSBURGH. rill , ' ittYrrgEßllMlll Day Ex ' 5:00 a m my Ex 5:16 is night Ex ..'... 7:30 OM HOU Ex 6:30 aEI Bradrs B AC 3.05 pto , Bradys B Ao 10:15 an Freeport Ao 0:40 am 'lst,SodaW•Pka 1:40a a iiid tiodaW 'ls 0:30p m Tree_port Ac. 6:15 pin I lid Ist Hutton... 6:45 a m Ist Holton,. 5:50 am 2611111t0n-1g:00 -pi Halton... 9:00 pna ad Holton ....11:01) pm, 3d Hutton... 1:05 pin Arnold's Ac. 5:00 p m . Arnold's-Ac., .5:40 pat Church train to and front Soda Works leave Ptttsborgh .at 1:10 P. 5. Arrive at Pittsburgh. (sunditys,) at 9•50 A, st. ' . Express trains stop -only at 'principal points. Accommodation rainestop at all stations J. J. LAWRENC4,, esn't StnOt. • ' THOMAS M. ILINH, Assn.. bnp't. rAENNSVLV.Aaamm NU CENTRAL nAtjD. On and ile.oll 25th. 1169, Trak* will arrive at and from the Union Depot. corner of . Washin add Liberty streeta. as follows: ArMee.. Depart.. Hail 1:95 en "Dal Express.. Ll 5 am Fast Line..... 1.445 am Southern Ex.. 4:a 0 ant Wai !N0..1. .6 SOani Wan'* No. 1.. 6:30 am Brintoracc'n. 7:30 am Hall. Train..:.. 9:15 ma Wall's No. 2.. 9:50 am Ilow'dAsti:2o saa Cincinnati Ex.91:10 am *Cincin'ti Ex 111:30 yet Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. 2..21:51 am How'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:ospm Pittsb"sli Ni. I:3opm Braddocks Ac. 3:40 pm Phila. Expressl:so pm kiln. Express 4:slopait Wall's No. 3...9:50 pm Wail's No. L. 4:so . cen Braddock Ac.. 5:50 gen Wall'a No. 4.. 6:osmn Hosed AC No 2 9:35 pm *Fast Line 7:30 put Wall's No. 4.. VOW pm 'How'd so No 2.9:90 ma Way PasstOr 10:510 pat Walla No. a.. 11:00 pm "These trains make , close connection at Hants. burg for Baltimore. - The Church Train leaves; Wails Matto@ evert Sunday at 9:05 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh 10:05a. m. Re turning, !ewes Pittsburgh 1.11:1.1p. m. and arrives at Walls Statics A:10 p. m. 'Cincinnati Express leave* daily.. Art min daily except Sunday. For Butner inihrmaticrn aprply to . BECKWITH. Agent., The Pen.nrylvaniallailroadComiany note, sums any risk tbrßaggage, exce for weartunati parel„and limit theft , responsi ß i g tv to One Hum. dre. Dollars in value. All exceeding tbs t amount in value will be aft a l a lrisk or the owner. unless taken iv special contract. . EDWARD H. WiLLT AWN apR General Superintendent, Altoona, Thu mrx lza . lt ...AD.„.andafterAprlßath . m , W m 9.a Ilu v Ps as z ezr wm Trains on the WeMin _ _ Mvanlia 1 Rat arrive at anti -akin , uruni ea Peders I treet Depot, Allegheny tiity,lS fblktwir. • drifts. s . I litair , • Agyart...l igierd'e NO 121:40 a la Taw sit ort No.18:20 s m Freeport No. 1 14:110eze Express 10:40 a in Efitarpti , g finlll:44o am Sharph , g No.11:210 pra !Express .. 9:60 psg, Freeport NO. 14:00 p miSpringd'e Nal 34.30 put Mail—. ... ..... 5:50 p m irrft , port 21 - a.211i110 put 13pringd'e No 2 0:510 o milipringd2eAO2l2:3o psi Aboye trains run daily except The Church. Train leaves. Allegheny'AMMlClt eves) - danday at 7:40 - a.'in., reaching Allegheny City }fl 9:50 a. m. _Returning, leaves Allegh City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Alleghtmy - J, Lion at 3:40 p.m_. - : .. • - i. - COMICIMATION Thems2l2—For sale In packages of Twenty between Allegheny _ City, Cbestust street, Heirs, .Bennett. Pine Creekl4%ns anal Sharpsbura and good only_an the trains stopping , at Stations smelled on tickets. — • ; • , i The trains - leaving Allestudn4 i it 1:0 0 a. mm . make direct connection at hWai. ker , e Line of Stages for Rtitler aud ann torts. Throat ph tickets ma b e ' purchased it tinice.. No. ISt Clair sine near thsiSus . -gonThiViyis Fittabor.h, and at :t e Deo=:. A. 60 0 1.-. For !briber lalbraistion aliniywi_i_ vit. JA*13221.1., Feder/Unreel encl. The Western PennsylVania• Railroad win negt ies same any,risk Or . Baggage, except fbrwearhlC apparel, and' ' limit their - responsiEllty to Was Hundred Dollars in value. ..All: baggage ex. weans tt is amount in value willhe at tite risk fa the owner, tiniest tams by epeeist EDWARD H. sP22 Otnerel Etu peti n .t.. o 4 i n4.-:4.4 (4 F1Pii,. _ L 3 ITTSBVHQK CINMNATI: . LOUIS PAN 'CANDLE SOIPM,, - CHANGE 91 1 ' sad after MODI ILM April 26tk, 1869, trat_gia 11eaye "ALA mita tat Unlisn Depot. aaltaanm , - • \,‘ Hall,' lara. 91. AIM as, Fast Line T:ia p. at • Kneen 113 D TOO. • *Ma.% .Hued Aces • 6;83 lb, to. 6:58 p. a. McDonald's Acen,No.lll:43 a. in. 8:18 a. sa. Btelbenville Accasamod. 3486.1 a. 9;B3 is llaDoaaldls Aerln. 'No: 29:18 com.: 31111 t D. w e bandalebarah TrflDr. 111:68 941846 Ela • Apr No r 1 w. Nom 1111:13 P. x. train 111 anive Altothrs Mins daily. BraiSrn excel* 'ed. The 11 : 43 &Au. Anaklk , close_ ear. sections arliewatkArr Zatlenille.,l,,: •r , S. JP. SCULL, OeneraLTlcker e =l4B W. W. CAB% FlutPtillittabeilills. PINTMITROMEMNIENOM emoncLus v I. tAnzoktr. r • On and after TIIIMAY. lioyenther, :ISt% 1361, trains will arrive at an depart from the D o rt. corner of W Want and - Water' streets. , le .. Doctor. ArtiMS. Kanto andfrom Union- - - • town 7:00 d. at. 6:00 P. W. NeKeeirport Aecomdton REDO A. 3:03 P. Ex. to and from Unt*n. 3:00 P. it. 10:10 Wed Newton Arromtd 4:30 P. M. 6:36 A. ry Braddock , ' Aecomdt , n. 0:111 P. M. 7:50 P. X Hight Ao. toNeliomort4o:3o - 11. 0:15 A. ME Sandia , (Munn TraMlo an d frames Newton 3:00 P:Y.1010€14. for tick ply 11: 1"4 RATEOND. Agaat 3. STOUT . Eirpenntendent. nee al OH Y nowrs. • , • UNION PACIFIC Birraw.4.r Easterii Di~ief n. The BHORIrzeT isD MUST Raw* et. 1 C•010[9110 Necada • California • lU ah, Arizona Ilinkinatin o • Nov, Mexico, Idaho, Omen. No rotas Nan elate Mae sOOLawirehertra Ja1 1 59 ( 1 1 5 . 1212 daTa ezooPtedaock theirral ol maw of r acne Ea ma at. ye tan4.Banalp bat and at. - Joe Kaltroad from to nay, conneetw in. at Lavrenoth Topeka • end IN amego with MIMS lar all Dolnto In Bowen,. At end et %reek vett ._ or a gir p ortli mita the IMMO]) STATZB ZIP p i te.Nl , l3 DAILY LI11.? OVIC Drag V 331114 SAM= - 14As • ics A 171) All Points in the Tetritotiesi Ana with 731.1-1911 IA• 7. 3 : 141101 of COACHES for Yon Bent 7a nom, ram. Ail nquersie, Santa Te x and all, points in nil,. sone and new Relic*. • - • - .With the men addluonn Of rouing "teat and equipnieek -end the srmatemelul mats nun resnonwere Overland Transportatinn Lime tram' Urn western tettninnsi 'Ohs road rune ofese antonneo Owittelte -Ro ti44 , !paw:WV= et Treitht anifitar`Wint. - .• • • • %Ulnas W./ea- V2140411e 11110e1111111 the United Btetessuctlit , Be sue 4 aslt Ai ilet. eta TEE, eMOlrif BO ti n liatt Esourio itrumrsx !-. ' • • - • iLitnintikois tifaiemai - r — Noatatiaaai . • • las ifflgapt!tiel 114 lafflat troittl4 lot Tito
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers