IN Os lash* it! , Ott DEW rutuAkTtoms. Itarrosio : A Teat-book, designed for use in Schools and Colleges and for Piivatestudy. By . Rev. E. 0. Raven, D. D„ LL._ D. ,Pretsident of the, Dal. ' varsity of Michigan. Pnblisheid by Barrier dr. Brothers, New York. During a recent hurried visit to New York, the enterPriaing publishers put 1 tals book into our hands. After a care- , fa l examination of the mode of treating his interesting subject, we find It the 'best work of the kind we have ever seen. The style is simple and clear, without the' dry details usually found in• class of works. Every part is prese ted, too, rs in terse and vigorous language, and the student . is conducted step by step, accompanied with lucid il lustrations and' , suitable directions, The author's peetdir methodical bent of mina is seen:in the precision and sharp definitions of each part. We anticipate the , work -, will have 'a iwide sale;ns it should: After a briefiatiodtietior t part , lirstlreata of "Wordi end the hteterial og , ExPreehien;" pert second, "Figures of Speed and 1119VAt;'' Ibird, "Compost tion and Style;" fourth, "Invention," and fifth and 'laid part, "Elocution." The' "Index" la fulfand satisfactory. Jztuninerx AND nut L&stENtAafrorrs; with Notes, Critical, Explanatory and Praoticid,' , designed for both pastors and people :: By Rawl Henry cootes, D. D. bilshed by D. Appleton & Co., New York. For sale by • S.A. Clarke &Co., Pittsburgh. In reviewing the volume on Isaiah, ftn rnediately preceding this, we noted par ticularly the stale nbeervel by, he author in treating the •prophesies. Dr. Cowles has prepared his Notes on Jeremiah in the, same manner. The volume opens with a general introduction, embodying tamable • historical facts, and is' admire; bly:suited m a;preparatory chapter to the • study of Jeremiah. Each chapter opens with tta explanation of its contents, very , full when the chapter is an important ate. Thb critical, notes are in sections, dfre intently several Tennis are grouped togeth er,which are often 'Very elaborate and com prehensive. It isan llent work for all classes who desire to study this PrOpbet. 'Much interest is taken in the prOphislea of this noted servant of God, and students will find valuable help in consulting these Notes. The discussion of the "Premellennial Advent of Christ," in -its fnndamental 'principles, will no doubt attract \ the attention of scholars. Dr. Ckterlest announces that his work on Solomon 'will constitutethe next volume. FIVE Aertits ioo - fatten. A.-.truthful elucidation- of the attractions .of the couptry;and a carefurconsideration of the:question of ,profit and loss, as in volved in amateur farming,,vritti much valuable advice aid . -instruction to those aboarpurchasing large or small places in the rural districts. By Rob ert. B. Roosevelt, author of "The Game Fish. of North America," etc.. Pub lished by Harper dr Brothers. New York. For Sale by Henry Miner, Pittabhrgh. - Capital book for summer reading. Just now a good many people are charmed with rural Multitudes are seeking 1 the, Omura of shade and' the onniforta s of the country. After reading this piece of satire,' one would suppose that the' desire to own ,one or five acres would vanish. Mot so, people who read this work will "try it," and realize just such an experience as -the author's, or something like , it. It is coinfortable to thlnk that a considerable sum of money is spent in arnetini farming, though the. product of the outlay may cost ten times more than the same article could be pur chased. Its quaint humnr and rollicking sketches will interest all who read the bnok, and legions will want to buy it. Pirrmairr Mamas or RELIGION. By Rev. Thor", Clark, I). D., Bishop of of the Diocese of,Rhode Island. Pub lished by D. Appleton Ji Coy New York. For sale by S. A. (Mark tit'Co., Pittsburgh. Te objeet of Bishop Clark is happily conceived, namely, to furnish answers of an evangelical type to questions that may arise in an unsettled mind in regard to the fundamental principles of morals and religion. Irrefutable arguments are pre sented to show the divine attributes of . God, his revelations- and control over m,11.• the ingliratiou of the Bible, origin of :Christianity, resurrection of Christ, and the position of Christ in history. These great truths are forcibly presented, ii - terse and vigorous - language, such as might be expected by a Chaste' and schol arly writer.. The book will' do gobd and _ supply a needed want Tax Ortura's FATT. A sequel to 14 The. ,Changed Bather" By. hire. &mut :math. ,Pablishad by T. B. Peterson & .Brotharra, Philadelphia. For sale by W. d. atpr, Pittsburgh. :Such has been the interest felt by those who read "The Changed Brides," that much solicitude was expressed to read the sOlttel. pnblishers did not lteeP the public long_ waiting. It is thought by luny of the admirers of the author that these two are among the most' thrilling sn entwshibigof her numerous publi• /ro 'doubt but thit both will be ettemdtvly Tax DisaGtriei. '4MYstariolls Story. 'By Bentrich Zschokhe. Translated 'flue ttstfirs awl by G. 0. McWhorter, Tag taw liteminerairr. A Novel. By g/ustav Vitaytes., Trmuslated by Mre. Maloop.Pubhabed by D. Appleton & Gai l New York, for rale by S. A. Clarke a Co., Pittsburgh. These two volumes are 7 and 8 of “Ap pletonsa Librazy of Choice Reading,” in ri t paper °preys, cheap d elegantly p n • "v lead' °nest." le-'a thrilling stay. lad will likely 'startle the raider,' though It ends well. Peatare bevel, "Tlie Lost Manuscript," sustains the rep utation he secured by "Debit and Credit," and other stories. University-life in Ger many is admirably portrayed, and the lineaments of characters are strongly and truthfully drawn. The peculiarities of . Gernian life are vividly brought out in the author's happy vein of composition. CoLou. By Madame. M. E. Cave,. Mem ber of the Academy of Fine Arta. of Amsterdam. Published by G. P. Put nam dr, Son, New York: • For sale by R. S. Davis dc Co.;Pittabiligh." - - To have the approval of Delacroix is sufficient to give this - w9rk status. But it embodies In the firm .of letters valuable instruction in vrerything . pertaining to the subject The charming style of these letters make them read like ro. mance, and yet there is velu of practical instruction, running .through them the cannot fail to interest and instruct the reader.. - A &MADDED SHIP. By L. Clarke Day : Published by .G, P. Putnam d: Soul New York. For sale by R. S. Davis Co., Pittsburgh, • I This story Is finnillar to many from the fact that It originally appsared in Put nam'a Magazine. The thread of the-stor is founded upon a meagre plot, but author has admirablY used ,. the It is a story of deoidedinterest and rath , above'the ordinary class of novels. Th who have read the story in aerial fe will *, pleased to have it complete one volume. GOOD MiAsunk. A Story for Boys. By D. S. Erickson. Published by Henry A. Young dc Co., Boston. For sale by J. L. Read it Son, Pittsburgh. 'We are sure that if we can induce youthful routers to read "Good Meas. ure,g they will think Robin and Frank were brave boys, and.well illustrate the truth taught in the volume, that integrity and truth are valuable elements in form. ing character , . It.ii well suited for Sun. day School libraries, and may be read with advantage in any ,family circle. WOMEN'S Surs.aeur. ; The Reform Against Nature. By Dr. Horace Bush nell. Published by Charles Scribner & Co., New York. For sale by R. S. Davis dr.Co., Pittsburgh. • It must be conceded that the question of "Women's Suffrage" in the hands of Buchan able writer as Dr. Bushnell, will be discussed with signal ability, and in a manner \ Mut will command the attention of the thoughtful. The "Acknowledg ment" of his \ estimate of weman is grace ful and in good taste. The opening chap ter is devoted to ti,tement of the ques tion. Dr. Bushnell then takes the ground that there is no right of suffrage absolute in man 2,}' woman and argues that women aTh not created or called to govern. The book throughout is able, but will not satiiify the advsnceff views of the day on this question.. Points are discussed that have longbeen used against women and fail to, Convince able writers. The volume will, however, help to eluci date a question that is likely to receive considerable attention ere _ long. Rights clamored for by female reformers is one thing, and the - rights women are worthy of is quite another. SIGHTS AND SENSATIONS IN FRANCE, Gizustertr AND SWITZERLADD; or, Ex periences of an American Journalist • in Europe. By Edward Gould But _ fnm, author of "Six Months in the Gold Mines," etc. Published by Har per tic Brothers, New York. It is by no means just to condemn new books of travel in Europe because the same scenes are descrlind again, or rather the same route of travel is traversed. A wide awake traveller can always glean something new and interesting. Too many give mere surface observations and consult guide books too much. This work, however, steers clear of both these faults, and is the product of one who lived many years. in Europe, and was gifted as a first class journalist and cor respondent. It will repay reading, and is a capital companion for summer tour ists. The author recently died in Paris, and.the work is edited by his brother. Hiner, has all of Harper's publications. THE STOMACH AND ITS DIFFICULTIES. By Sir James Eyre, M.D., "Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London;" etc. Published by J. B. Lip pincott dt Co., Philadelphia.' This little work of something over one , hundred pages, contains_a vast fund of useful information, on a subject too little considered, and the real cause of many diseases that affect human kind. Diet, dyspepsia, sleep, indigestion, food, habits, exercise, etc., are treated In; a scholarly manner, and witnal, in plain language. The author's views on some things are not invulnerable; but generally accepted. THACIERArB No9sLs. Household Edi tkm. Published by Fields,. Osgood dr. Co., Boston. For , sale by Z. S. Davis dG W., Pittsburgh. We have received "The Virginians," and "Esmond Lovel," second and third volumes of the series. We took occasion la noticing the first volume of this ele gant library edition, to commend it for its excellencies, both as irregards type, paper, binding and convenient Size. It Is • really beautiful edition, and like Wade's Household Edition, will be pop ular and widely circulated. - The merits , of these Iwo volumes are well known by the admirers of 'llackeray. A RAINY DAY AT SCHOOL. Byasems- Publbshed by D. Lath ro p spa, ton. For sale by 13 . 4. cl ot h e d r , c o .. Piftburgh. . Thislittle volume is one of the "Haley Day Stories," that many of the " ,wee, yolk , ' have doubtless Seen. Lesions, use ful and instructive, are to he found in this prettily illustrated book - • Brm Ridge, In., story of $ City Boy, By Olive A. Wadsworth. Paola Dans., sow TO LIGHT; Or A Christmas Carol. and What Cants or It, Pubiished by Warren A Bllkasles,l36ston. For sate by e. A. Clarks& Co" Pittsburgh. The fiat depicts the career 'of one' the lowly walks of soelet,y, sad happily PITTSBURGH ; : GAZETTE : SATITRDAY, JULY 17, . 1869, illustrates clumteristicaihat are worthy of imitation' by young persons in all classes of society. "From Darkness to Light" is a touching story. and reveals au inside picture of human life that will rouse the tenderest sensibilities. HARP= & BROTtprats, New York,have favored us through Miner with "The 13a cristants Household," "Stretton," the second and concluding part of "He Knew that He was Right," and "The Newcomes," and "The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World." The first of these nov els, "The Sacristan's Household," is a story of Lippe-Detmold. It is thorough. ly German, and covers an interesting pe riod in the late 'Prussian war. It is illus trated with much taste, which helps con siderably the.comfort of the reader. Trol lope'4 "He Knew that He was Right fully sustains the large expectations in diicet in the reading of the first part. He has ell established his reputation as a writer of decided merit. "Stretton," by Kingsley, lean English story. ILis read able and spirited. It is a matter of sur prise that theelegent edition of Thacke rari works in paper covers, beautifully illustrated, can be furnished at the low Price of fifty and seventy-five cents. "The Ne*comes" is full four hundred pagett, and all for seventy-five cents' This is one of Thackeray's greatest creations and most popular works. "The Adven, tures of Philip," for fifty cents,is another of Thackeray's great works. ROBERTS BnarnEns, Boston, send us the third and last part of "Villa Eden." They offer to send , a copy of this work, handsomely bound in one volume, cloth, on the receipt of the three parts and fifty cents. The wide spread reputation of Auerbach is well knOwn. For sale by R. S. Davis & Co. A swindle of the first magnitude has just sprung into existence at Philadel phia, and in novelty, at least, has never been equalled in this country; or in any other. Its motto is: "Let us search the world over, sifting the wheat from the chaff,thereby improving the human race." All of this is supposed to mean matri mony, and as the American people are a cold-hearted race, the considerate organ izers of this colossal - fraud propose to found a Matrienonial Department of the First Progressive Church a Philadel phia, through whose instrumentality and for the very moderate consideration of a fee of $5 from every male, and $3 from every woman, husbands may be found for wives, and wives for husbands. Their "sacredly confidential examination circu lar" (as they- call it) informs us of the Tact that these religious swindlers regard matrimony as the "highest and holiest function of the True Church," aid "conduct this department in perfect confidence." The facilities which they have on hand to further the interest and secure the success of this holy enterprise, they tell us, aresgreat. They have a pri vate book of registry, which will contain the name, address, temperament, condi tion of health, circumstances, position, business; age, religious faith, if any (prob ably the,True Church) habits, desires, etc., of each applicant. We - forget to mention that this concern is not without its "conditions" and its share of "ifs," for it is emphatically set forth in italics that the tees must be forwarded with the application for registry, or no notice will be taken of it; and, furthermore, that ev ery subsequent letter of inquiry or busi ness must have a three-penny postage stamp enclosed. This last is very significant It gives us to understand that the matrimonial department of this Trne Church is con ducted on economical principles. Then, lectures being the order of the day—and for this innovation into our customs we may thank a very young Judge of the Court of General Cessions, who relieves himself of three or four every day to poor, God-forsaken wretches—a little advice is given to applicants. They are expected to honestly and candidly give full partic. niers, filling out the blank spaces in truth and sincerity. They threaten to visit a most condign exposure on those who play : false. Reference as regards honesty will be required (is not this heavy ?); but the person referred to will not learn for what purpose such reference is asked. As soon as a case is recorded in a pri vate book of registry, they try to match his or her case. If it is found that they have a congenial, and to all intents a proper one, they forward the man's pho tograph to the woman, and eke vend; that is, if they are not near enough to be personally introduced to each other; for, if they are, then, of course, the parties can settle the matter at once a , . conclude the bargain. The de ant takes many .precautions to kee hinge mum until the grand eruption. or instance, the photographs will be merely numbered, the names Wine kept confidential until they find both applicants pleased. If they are so pleased, and get married, then they are expected' to be candid enough W reveal lo.each 9ther their real =tea and ages. If they cannot agree, then they will try again and again, until they suit the applicant • . . We forgot to mention that if &marriage results from the introduction,'a present Is expected, as the persons identified with this swindle go upon - the principle of thankfully receiving ;meta; even if they chance to be of the amailest possibierkind. If any applicant is very peculiar, or de tires to optain a partner in a hurry, he or ahe may remit an extra sum of money, all the way from .$lO to $lOO, with which they will advertise his or her special awe —without the applicant's name of coon& If a suitable partner is to be found, they will fish him up, without any exposition of the fact, if they have to roam this wide world over in search of him. They con olude ,bysaying: "This is a perfectly hroper and l egit i mate , business of the oliest order. l 0.-Ness York Bun. AT VAS WWI; Ohio, last Thiirsday moraine, a person who was not willing that' bygones ehanld be bygones, deliv= ered a bitter `Cop perhead harangue to a crowd,` eaying,, hurrahed ' for Jeff. David during the war t and since the war," =Mining his bat, added, "If Iwa?t L will hurrsh,tlir ,1/InA now." . 4ret.., eriui " who Wei Wear. _listening, iließedt forward, i and; • placing i s Alt, close to the speaker's nose, saki. - "If yon do, - I will whip you." Id/ wasnot c heered. The Fool Flshei7. GAS MMMIS WELDON & KELLY, lisindketwers and Wholesale Deniers to Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP COOPS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING 0/34, BENZENE. &o. No. 147 Wood Street. eeshn22 , Between Eth and 'llth FRUIT CAN TOPS. sEriF LABELING FR UIT-CAN TOP. COLLINS, & WRIGHT, PITTSBURGH', PA. _ we are DOW prepared to supply Tinners and Potters. It Is perfect, simple. and as cheap as the plain top, having the names of the various Fruits gimped upon the cover. radiating from the center. and anindex or pointer stamped upon the top of th 9 can. It Is Clearly, Distlnetlyand Permanently 1.41,33.1=41310, by merely plant= the name of the fruit the can captains opposite the pointer and sealing in the customary manner. No preserver of MR or good housek c eper use any other after once PIPES, OBEY TOPS. &c, WATER PIPES, OSIBINSS TOPS A large assortment. HENRY H. COLLINS. 2 imiChe : ad Avenue.near Smithfield St. TRINSIINIMI, NOTIONS, &O. .1 Straw and Millinery C3-04003:161. HAIR, GIMP AND BRAID HATE, AND BONN h.T4i. PRENCH BLOWIER/3, CBAPIw LACE 3, I+RAMES, &c., &e. At Very Low Prices. SUMMER UNDERWE.AR, STAR EMI FM, bUSPENDNRS, SECS WFAIL . HOSIERY LADIiS -FINE COTTON, BALBRIHHAN. • and SILK HOSE. GENTS SUPERFINE AND FANCY \ HALF Ho'SE, FINE SILK FANS, PALM AND LINEN FANS, TRAVELING SATOMELs, HOOP SKIRTS. CORSE BOULEVARDE AND WIIITE SKIRTS, WT WOODS E , ZEPHYR KNIT SHAWLS, PIQUE HATS, somettang new. EiftIROIIOERIES. LACES, LACE GOODS. LINEN CULLAES AND CUFFS. New Goods Arriving Daily. JOSEPH lIORNE & CO., j 71 277 AND 79 MARKET STREET. SYMMEB GOODS REDUCED RATES. Would call attention to the large reduction we Lave made in Silk _Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, SELLING AT RALF PRICE. COTTON HOSIERY. LISLE OLOVIFS. OILMEIL UNDERWEAR, All at Very Low Prices. COLORED SITS. FANS, SILK BOW HOOV SKIRTS, cots% MARSEILLES, LE1 , 41 LINEN. WHITE GOODS, FEIN@ES, (of all kinds.) • s BUTTONS, • EMBROIDERIES. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO, 78 & 80 Market Street. NBUT SIMMER GOODS NACRUN do CARLISLE'S No. 27 Fifth AMMO, Erni Trimmings and Button& Embroideries sad Laces. Ribbons and Tkneerio. Rats and Bonnets. . - Glove fitting and Trench 'Corsets. Nesi Styles Bradley's Btlits. Enrasoll the now itTies. Bun and BainLinabellai: liosiert;-the best English makee. 42016 tbr Seamless Eitts,” Bpidtf L And Suanner underwear, Bole eta or the Bemis Patent Ilhipor COD/ lars. " minuend's "Irv_iis," wirest End." "Elite," *C; "Dlehelleo" — Palm" ea other styles. &ways supplied with the &bare et MANUIrACTURICRS' PRICES. MAORITM & OARLITY N0.^27 FIFTH AVENUE. F A ia y:(spl:TI;):1-.11;T:11 ABM= SUFNIUMIN..........nCLUIP 9=B, tobreszuar &claw / ancessoton to to liso. Y. 808 u di I". • rigAtenea4 V iba t a t a ten i MlW il aserits salt •w= tea. rittelmuilk CARPETS. ‘ll . Xa "Sr, 1. ES 9 SPECIAL SALE OF CAR PETS. We offer at lb tall, for THIRTY DAYS ONLY, a ace of New and Choice Patterns • English Tapestry, Brtissehi, Ingrain, and Other Carpets, AT LESS THAN COST OF INPOHTATION. and 'out entire stock st prices which make It an object to buy this mouth, as these `onus have never oeen offered so low. Our Store will close at , 5 P. until September McFAIIIAND & COLLINS. No. Ti and 73 FIFTH AVENUE, jy9:dkt CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths, 34C .A.Trir arz arts, Window Shades, AT. LOW PRICES. We offer ...many of our goods much below last Spring's prices. Those needing goods In our line can save money by buying at once: BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 131 FIFTH AVENUE. j7I4:ILIT NEW CARPETS! •Tiark.e, 1809. We are now opening an assortment unparalleled in this city of YINEST VELVETS. BRUSSELS. THREE-PLY'S, The Very Newest Designs, Of onr own recent Import/110n and eelectedfrom laetern manufacturers. - MEDIUM A!11) LOW PRICED 3T4GtIRA]r:NS, VERY SUPERIOR QUALITY AND COLORS. An . Extra . Quality of Rag Carpet We are now selling many of the above at GREATLY REDUCED 'PRICES. MULLIN BROS., Aro. 51 /FIFTH ettrENUE, Jel2 OLIVER M'CLINTOCI & CO. 1:n141114a: kkl:441:4111 FINE SELECTION OF nurmELs, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS THREE PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. THE LARGER ASSORTHEST OF WHITE,CRECH & FANCY 1114LTTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, IN TEE CITY. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Arr OLIVER, MeCLINTOCH 93 FIFTH AVENUE. WALL PAPERS. WALL PA.PER WINDOW SHADES, New and Handsome Designs, NOW OPENING AT No. 107 Markeit- Street (NAAS FIFTH AVIINT.III.) Embracing s large sad fatefully selected stock of the newest deadens from the 1/1317123T STAMP. ZlPOOLDttothe OffZAPICST ASTIOLZ.Itsown to the trsde. All of which wo odes at prices that will pay balers to examine. Jit i & HIJOHES & BRO. WALL PAPER. TUB OLD PAPER STOU ID A IR PIA W. P. DIARELRALL'S NEW WALL . PAPER STORE, 191 - Liberty area, WEAR Ithillrt) MEM 000E113 ARRIVING DAILY. i n3O AIR - AND'PERFIIMIMY. 010 M 0 ANANIENT All 4 AN .. • UR .19g1471.441 .1. , .• af • ra , re l astiosei . Mantel _acne IA mato, asasum - was va • 12 .P 4 CS toD • . 14 ck3ao A cm - Po 0. ic gal at g GC E 4‘ E g. 4 • v.( b - 1 1 12:1 014 alea (Second Floor). NEW SPRING . (HMS JUST OPENED, THEODORE F PHILLIPS% Prints, inslins, Dress Goods, SILK SA CQUES ! Very Cheap. ST. MARKET STREET. Si'.. run- McCARDLESS & •VI • Moto Wilson. Carr a co.;) WHOIZBALE MOM= rft ' Foreign and DomeEdiellry Goo N% te,,WOOD Mann. , Third door Man IXlsaionalM annien : pt. WINES. LIQUORS, &a. SC#MIDT & FRIDAY, INEVRTIFAS OY WINES, BILINPIES, &G,, WHOLIIBI.I*DES IN PURE RY WHISKIES, 409 PENN !MELEE'''. Have Removed to NOS. 381 AND 388 PERS, Corn Elevellth St, (formerly CsuaL) JOSEPH S. FINCH & Nor. 185. 1137.1.1 h, 191, 101 l and VW, MST ISTBEET, PITTEIBtFBOE, BELNOVACTMIIRS OP Copper Distilled Pure Rye j Whiskey. QIIC AI MAC aI R I .L "BIiaN W 12123 "%hi. GLASS. OmNA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, BOAMN AND CHINA. NICW SYl4ll_, DT lEri an , TNA sham, OLIFT VIM 81510/CMG BMA large itect ai !SILVER PLATED GUMS of all descriptions. • d m e i al a l attidUzz one alne our mo t e d ,:g t ze . R. E. BREED & CO. o ..a 100 WOOD . STREET. COMMON Machine Steno Works, Northwest coral/ °Meet Coltunoa A 1140147. MILIPIC ATITATER & Uwe an bond or wows on abort notice Hearth sad Step Stones, Flags for Sidewalks, Itroirsrp Varna, Ito. Head, and Totob Stones. alt. 0r46111 ormaittlir Omprittorll. Primo rorsaosalii DR. IMIITTIER CONTRIVES TO TREAT ALL atm disease I._ I'oll4l'lu all its:forms, all uWitiTdbleases, ic e effects of mercury are compl taw eredleatedi gpermatorrhea or be t. nal weakness and Impounum, resulting Iran seir.abuse or other causes. and which produces *me of the following *recta. st . blotcues. bodlly wesknals, Ind swims. eonsumption. irtgraion to society. - tiuminlus-as, dread of fetus even% loss of memory. Indolsnee. nocturnal and dually so prostrating the sexual system as to render mar:tails 'use 'shimmy% sad thereto* imprudent, are permanently cured. Persons *f litted with these or ant other delicate, tv= a l or long( ending °Duettist anal cos:Went give the Doctor • trial; he never hlls,. A particular attention liven to all female eing. ideate, Leneorrhea or Whites. Palling, Ingam. melon or Ulceration or the Womb. ovaries, ;prunes. Amenorrhoea. litenorrhagia, Dpmeo. tnorrhoes, and bterilityor liumenteas, WI &cab. ed with the greatest smug. • It is self-evident that a physician who coannes himself exeMattely to the Study of a certain clue of diseases and treats thousands or GUM every than year must acquire general greater pr skill to that specialty ona actice. The Doctor mediae* a medial. pamphlet of ility Paget th* gives lull exposition afire's:mg aim Ornate *masa. that tan be had hee Wadies g 74 nisi! lb? two *amps, in sealed anytime's* Ave scalene. contains Attraction to the ati. and **bliss them to determine the pre. el* estate of en& ecualdsrldw. mine establishote,to e comprising tea ample L central. en tt Ls not convenient to 'moteith the tor's opinion an be ob. Mined Antilles statement or the case. and can be forwarded „by mail °e'en press. Di some hotanties, however. a persona examination is absolutely atiorist7. while others dallypersonal attention imbed. and tbr the angsamoilation t fint i g h ilitlenta there are amwenta connected with the *UM ate . with *pry requisite la tale to . gart_ w eer including sZlie Ailprescriptions are prepared In toe Doctors laboratory. under his edit* pamphlet* at ono .Iniee, or tail itir two stamps. No matter who bate read wan he_says. Hours 9 A.m. w iitar re llib So sr. N. osalfo. tame °Nut Roma moWtWW" DRY GOODS. • w Ca &I a ! 0 tk. m ,s c 4 ' 4 ax 0 .31 § feti E 4 1611 0 S ti a 87 Market Street. SHAWLS. FULL LENZ OF STONE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers