NEW IMAMITIEIMIIIMI3. rZALLEGHENYCEMETERY. —The . Corporators and Managers-of Al -ItMheny Cemetery are requested to attend their inimuni meeting at the office of the..Corooration eiaIisTURDAY. the 11th thy of July 1869. at 2 o'clock P. m.. By order of the gresident, SAMUEL- GOILAILY.. , JULY 12th. 1866. , • 3311:all §7l§o N Eat). 16VEZ111 4 HI. July 6 o'clock, wilt be sold on serond Door of Commercial Sales k Booms, 100 Smithfield street ' s be. affil ground 7 rent 01 11.80 'Per &/111U1/1 Ott the "Itusvette Building Lot, rl ood street,boloar Fourto avenue. JTia A. iIIOILW AIME, Anottonter. ...-- ; . OFFIelt OF Tille } CONTROLLICR or ArmsclugNY o(trwrr PA.; l'irrshunati, July 15th. 1869. . I:PROPOSALS ' ,FOR . WRITING. --BRAVED PHOPO B A,.B wit i be received at f , t is office until the 20th Met. !Delusive, for copy. l lug line of !Scattered Voters complied be As . seesorentiderproylsionsof the Registry Law. temples of lists cao oe s.en on sp,dlcation. I Bids to be so much the running line complete, to F include comparloir. • The of the wok must be wrilled by adidiprit. before warrants are unison for pay i meht. By direction of County Commiesicrnere. • HENRY LAMBERT. i916:1 WA FOlt SALE. sALT RiTI7.G—A A story Buck flouse,9 rooms, SO by 180. GititEll39l7BG—A—Lot 62' by SS, opposite fr. Ight drpot. IitiKREA.O9.7-4 Lots and 2. story Brick Rothe, with Taverni M.V. R psisinx through the nr,pertv, PBBBY STREET, Allegheny-2 sto* frame tons-. i.y 91. EILIZABE IiTOWN-4 Los 21 by 60; with three frames and a two stony Brick house; SECOND AV.3III:IE—A 3 story Brick /minis, 9 C227 . 0.F. AVENUE—A 2 story Brick House. For particulars enquiry 27 Giant jvl6 TUSTIN it KLEE. C. H. M'COWAN J \ B. M. McCOWAN & CO 4 5 Bouivard Paversi ofum No. 65 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Orders left et GAZETTE OFFICE, Pittsburgh, I• &tug, Ard t . • P. ve Sidewalks,,Daside Yards, Drily" s. ae. yz Warrant - N • ) s r t . t x g r e i l e o a f d e i l y t c :i n n cold. • z,torb • Roay ratterson. Park, iames Long & Son, "Fr a r tlev & McKee, Anderson's & Ma - amen, Aiken & Campuell, Isaac Craig jvi6•in23 QECURITY AND COMFORT 10 fur the traveling community. M• tir. :H &RILLS Safety Fire Jacket, Car Heater and .110DER.ITOR. Tor Smoke and Fiat air Flues, dispensing with the use of &WWII ODA Or e •in or about the Yu Den* r Baggage _Cars. with the mtacoment to graduate the treat to any temperature thrt may cm desired without toe posalbtlity,of firing the car or cars t" which the Jacket rosy be acts. ned. Maytag ebtsined of the United States Letters Patent f.r a rgatety Jacket, which is warranted to resist the inn*. intenal heat .bat may be ap plied to it in toe position and purpose for which it is intended. It is a from tection from accidentsby fire, originating 'defective liars or where Iton • 'Prise are used as conductors for smoke or heat. It is apreicable to all typing that -may become overheated, and is warrant. 0 to give perfect sat isfactton where wood or other combustible mate raw mar be placed in close. - proxlm.ty thereto, I as now ready to apply my invention to stores, dwellings, factories, ships. steamboats, raitroad cars, da. Wherever pipes as conductors are. made dangerous by being overheated anti sena. rity desired. I will send on application right to matrptactare or use the above invention. Abut Tet rtiOilal rights, to such as may wish to rngge in eel idgikrivileges either by State or county. J. B. EARZUEL • • IGIP• 'Silica at the "NE PLUS 'ULTRA PAINT .•: WORN„.I. II corner of Morris street and the A Ile ' • gheny _Valley Hairoad,• uweifth ward. Pitts= , burghs, Pa. ' j )18:mai - 1 .1 113 T OF ,, LETTERS • IM., IN BUCHANAN rod: . , Harm ..1 - -it -: .11:14.nd J W .. Beggs J !Mod E W •* 1 Barker 0 'Rogan If Bailey If C J ; • J . Beech L , Jones Wm .. Brown Jas , Acmes D, boiler Bishop C 'Jones Joseph Marmot% Win :Jeffrey A • Beare sley kt I K tranksrd A.• I Klages •-• A . Boggs Wm F. ; L • Bailey* AV'. (Lynch It • 1 M • Chaffey W ;Muth Dand F • .- Can•pludi AillilltrrJ Cart/ D ' Matters John . .Ca.stonJobn Morgan MB. Lunninnham ElMetz C • D j Meek Ins S PEd J : Morro E Davisavis.T h. • :meshau.Sas • Dick Ef Murphy P ' Dully L Murphy T Davis L W . Myer.) J 35 Davis John J Morris Jas , DaMs John Mc • t.^Davi . 1 avid Illertunna if) Downs oss , ; la ic cCom bsKain Win . • /6 )...N C •1 Email r U F , Owens... John • , Fenton II 'O I IA neat! K. Et -• I Oraharn 0 ;Page SP titilet J M !Park John Getty Wm F ' ;Palmer 0 111-- rr y Hamilton J jP ' irr Me R Al ; Marthurs 16 I_ B. Bask Ins M :Rees D , ' lyle PALLTP ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. -Pracgeal Flimflams Bliminfacturers, &a n mutisrowirri-x2I.I7ENUE. 1 Where amy be founds fell assortment. of Pere lor;Member and Kitchen Purnitese. deg, • ettA7PS FERRY PRINTLNO INK WORK& 0. E. ROBINSON, ruircovicrm= OP Black and Colored Printing Et Lithographie Mut, v .1 eity's Fern _Road and 88d Street) feiceso H. RIGBY & CO. Have reamed their stock of China, Glass and Queensware from No. 22 Wood street to the spacious warehouse, 189 .LIBERTY STREET, fewidoors above SIXTH. Gate Et. Clair St.,) where they will be pieaseo to show tneir old Menus and the public the elegant stock of new .goods just now opening. tell • KRESS 811 AD RECEIVED' daily at BENJAMIN PULPHEbn 'poipular bland, No. 45 Diamond Market, Pitts burgh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny city. corner of . Ohlo and Federal streets. Can be had all kinds of Bea and Lake Halibut, Shad, m a k. c o dp a h, Haddock and Bal. Also. large supplies of White. Lake. Flab, isslanion, Ba Ittergeon. Herring and Macias,' Trout, which enables as to sell at the lowest market prices. wholesale or retell. We Invite all lovers of , 3 , than Fresh Pasht o give us call, and we will Inoue s t. KEYSTONE POTTERY. 0111!••• SM. BIER & (104. • • mantagetnren .0 4 gazzargwAßE. mularoz. WEML- . dee. Mee and Warehouse. 383 I,lBKir,".lBll4:E'r aIIiPAU Meer* *rowing , strenoolt,, , • • rtilirkillt _FENCE POBllO-1;0d0. la I "' fornie t a DICK:WACO ALM . A.DVERMME/3NTI3. BATES THE WM/NEU STOCK Dress Goods, Lama Lace Mantles, Organdy Lawns, Poplinett Silks, Tarlatan Robes, Silk Mantles, Shetland 'Shawls. Ladies- Undergarments, Controller. iy „,,,&OW PRICES. GREAT REDUCTIONS Straw and Nillinery HAIR, GIMP AND BRAID HATS AND BoNNN.TA. FRENCH PLoWERS, CRAPRS, ILLII-Iovd, LACES, FRAMES,t&e., &e. • • SUMMER. UNDERWEAR, ' STAR SHIM'S, • SUSPEND NM, NECK WFAR, HOSIERY • • LADI63 FINE COTTON. BALBtiloO AN. LISLE, and SILK HOSE. GENTS SUPERFINE AND FANCY HALF HUSE, FINE SILK FANS. • ' PALM AND LINEN FANS, TRAVEI ING SATCHEL', HOOP SKIRTS, CORSE. $,- BOULEVARDE AND WHITE SKIRTS, WI4ITE GOODS, ZEPHYR KNIT SHAWLS, • PIQUE HATS, sometning new. - EMRROIOERIES. LACES, LACE GOODS. LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. New Goods Arriving Daily. JOSEPH HORNE & CO REPPIAIN. 'OFFICE, July Bobinenu B Seed I F 'Robson John Boserclt C , S •math H - jy1277 AND 79 NAHHET STREET. IS., WI IL th.ler K. L bmit - t L F Shalicr L 5117.21111[E1l GOODS AT REDUCED RATES. Would Call attention to the large reduction we have made in -Silk Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, SELLING. AT HALF 'FRIO.' COTTON HOSIERY. ' LLSLE GLOVES. . iiO.2dEER UNDERWEAR, All at Very Low Prices. COLORED SILK FARB, MK BOW -. • HOOP minas,. V. cuWitinkjamrsztt,rasi iftieß • LINEN, • WHITE GOODS. • I/BINGES, (of all Made.) - • BUTTONS. • ' EIREIRDIDEMES. MACRUM. GLYDE & CO,: 78 & 80 Market Stied. - I•Sties pard ;Boon A Smith D thelei on Jas mr•i•ht} Snyder M &molls J F So ttrs F secott J SS Stertmon J C _ T r Tan. John Titus Dr Taylor D Twit A • Thr Williams F Williams W White 11 J Watt M Woods J wright Wm Wallace ti Ward E • , Ward Wm J ' Wise Mrs A. WElisms 8 Yolllllg 'NOW SIMMER GOODS lACRUNdo CARLISLE'S = PHTLADMLPHIA. Dreu Triimnings and Batton. Embroideries sad 'Laces. Ribbons and Flowers. Hats and Bonnets. Glove fitting and Fre:sell Gomm. Hew Wits Bradley's Skirts. Parasols—al the new styles. Ban, and Rain Umbrellas. \ Hosiery—the be'irt English male& \ Attents for "Harris , Seamless Elds: 1 ! Spring and Summer underwear. \ Sole Agent. for the Bends Patent Shaiwi Oa^ by " .Yf e itd End, l e i styles. Dealers eapplied with the above at MANUFACTURERS" PRICES.' MAORIIM & OnLISLE, 'FIFTH AVENUE. IvE4ir mina tft 116 ronsigoineut at Tv cAve . i i pure. 110/11 toe 114. 4%104 EMI'S , ' • FMATHENN.,-00110 i0 161111011,44 g 4 P 144 /111044-MX,1001.• , 4:1'; ,:.• -", ".!, & BELL'S Reduced Prices THE BM G.OOC,X)E3. At. Very Low Prices. , ALT " Aral - 27 :Fifth Avenue, NO. 27 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : FRIDAY, AMY 16, 1869, , AI)VER DRY 'GOODS NVII4I_IDEIS - AILAE. Wholesale Cash B.yers WILL FIND FALL o.soortrlastraito OF Bleached 'and . Unbleadei •Mitslins. MEDIUNDIRE AND SHIR'I'IND:,PEINTS, arINGEIA.M.S. Ticking's, • Checks, Drillings, LIMN ANT WHITE GOODS. JEANS, cASSIMERES, Colton Pant Goods. 7C3 zees ts OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. STOCKINGS, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, &c., &c., &C. At the Yery Lowest Prices. STOCK DAILY REPLENISHED With Mew Coodg WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. HEADQUARTERS !0E MEN tte BOY'S. CLOTHING. GRAY & LOGAN, NO. 47 SIXTH STREET, Are now offering a complete stock Of Summer Clothing of medium and. Sae goods at the very lowest prices. Children's Cassimere Linen and Suits, Youths' Cassimere anll Linen Snits. Bays' Cassimere and Linen Suits. Gents' Blue Flannel Sacks. . Gents' Alpaca Sacks. Gents' White and Brows Dui Suits. Gents' Scotch CheToit Business and Walking Snits. CLOTHINC OF ALL KINDS AT GRAY 4t` LOGAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH STREET, LATE ST. CLUB. jyl:130 • WILLIAM MILLER its. CO., Nos: 221 and 223. Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the tride allow figures, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. P r y York. Philadelphia and lialthnore Re fined do. Golden Drips, Lovering', Smells Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island eyrupt • Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Toting Hy. Japan. Imperial, Gunpowder and .Oolong son Teas. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java, Lagnagra and io Coffees. Tobacco. tLard Oh. Fish. Nalis, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, de., constantly on hand. 4k.3CAKo. IMPORTERS OT Finnßrandlea,Wines and Sagan. . Rhenish. Mselle. and Sparkling Hook Wines of Henkel d CO.. In bottlea Sparkling Moselle, tlekaribenr and Johann's burg: Hockheimer. Burgrdy. Brandenburg Freres Fine Olige 011. do •do . Clarett r imoorted in bottles. do do • W bite Wines. In bottles. $. Work al Sons , Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Snerry; Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Monongsnela 81 , 0 whiskies. pure: do Very Superiorol.l Scotch. do , do. ALSO. /Me *rents tbr Moet chandonos Grand Yin. p u l a r. im -Verranay and BeGary Cbatopagn . e. Brandies or our own selection and warranted. ) , JB. lOUNGION.& CO., CJ • PABOY CAGE RAPIERI. CONFECTION AST ICY: CREAM and DINI.IiII SAIXIDN. 83 Smithfield• street; corner of Diamond alien Pittsburgh. sir Parties and families' annulled • With Ice Cream and Cakes on short notice. woo". 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted by NEANOR & HARPER, AT. THE WHITE PEOIiT. le3o asIB Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. J. IL SWINT N. SLUT? SWINT & . • ARORITECTIDIAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS , No. 0 Sandusky M%.. Allegheny, Pa. & Iwo ammo= et NEWEL POSTS and OALLsTEEs conatantly on hand. TiDor o r p.ll deftest* Up. sloop ne.l.oitA Nlrm CLOVER TIONEa3r. 100 boxes Fayette County ttw'boney, Jan re ceived In .trritne order in 4 for sale by tile box at lowtst PAO'. IPA ad Paths tirvery blore of . • ..• • . 'JNO. S. 3714, ooteetunturtv and Muth streets. Pr o stilL AIEL-8, cask 9 - first sort; ht lido • ' - • - • , • ~-, !MIAMI-Dwarf a am': rAlliirra,4lo*. ,=*.,i - 1 AT .4 lrie3 NEW 'ADVELItT/SEMENTS, NEW DRESS GOODS., Grey lillted At 22 Cents. GOY ?EYED POPLINS At 80 - Cents. STRIPED POPLINS A i 0 Cents. CHECK GRENADINES At 18 3-4 Cents. FINE DOUBLE WIDTH ALPACAS At 25 cent. FAST COLORED LAWNS At 12 1-2 . Cents. The above, and many cther De sirable' Dress Goods are Entirely New and Fresh, having just been received M WILLIAX SEMI'LFS, Na 180 and 182 Federal Street, /iLLY.6IHE'NY CITY. FOR- SALE F OR SALE OR RENT. 4 An elegant new Brick Dwelling, 7 rooms. at. Mend weak room. . House of *Tamil, 2 lots, 10th wird, $l,llOO, House of 4 roome,"l lot, 10th ward, 41,000. House of 4 rooms, 2 lots, 17th ward. $2,4t10. House of 4 Femme, 1 lot. 17th ward, 42,400. House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, $2,600. House of 1$ rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, *BOO. 10 lota,Slebert & Williams , plan, eloo to 4100. lets, 44th'street. 01,200 each. 4 lots, 45th street, $l,OOO each. • , 3 lots, Hatfleldstreet, $BOO each. 1 lot, Shsirman street, 47,80. - i " 5 lots, 40th street, 20i240, 412,000 : 4 lots, Butler street, $4,000. BARGAINS BLA.)O3.IFIELD. Lot! 201(137 faet, $000; ten years to Day. A Anse cost 1400: Interest on both, $6O a year. Many pay $lBO year rent. At Bloom Sela you wield save $ll4 a year and your house and lot In less' thin 10 years. it:harems and schools near. 30 acres of Imid. a male from Obarpslyarir, $6,000; 25 acres of It, $3.500. D h. WILLIAM% 17th ward. VALVABLE COAL LANDS IN VIRGINIA FOR SALE Cit LEASE. —Tbe undersigned, in pursuance of *a decree of the Circuit Court of the county of lien:leo. in the ‘ State of Virginia, made on the 3 day of May, l 1869, will receive PROPOSALE - 1 WRITIA either for the PURCHASE OR LEA 11, from an after lhe 3lst DECEMBER,IB6O f the whole, i lt or any pat,' of the COAL LAEL itaate In Chest el nef d county, Va.. belonging the Ches terfield Coal and Iron Mining Compan , The lands wet said Company more 1 an $300,- 000. The mines which then contain have been and are now beitig profttabiy worked by the pres ent lessees end me property Is causidered of great va le'for Its coal and Iron ore. The differ nt tracts are known as follows: "WOOLDRIDGE'S and PALLING CREEK,. eontelning about 'IWO lIIRUNtisD SIND LOUR ACRES: • BLACK SEATS. I , NINETY - 31;Na "BARKER and BRANCH'S," NINETY-NINE AORKS: _ "HA ItVIR and HARRIS'." TWO HDNERED T WENTY. Ft BUS ACRES: t•CULLIN'S. ,, SEVENTV.SIX ACRES: ' • tam tr act.) THUM F ACRES; "HARI IN's (another tract. ITHREE HUN DRED AND TWENTY-SIX siCREs; ••SALLE PiTS," TWO HUNDRED ACRES, and a COAL-YARD and LAND a ached thereto, on James. river, opposite hictimond. containing upwards of FOUR .ACRES. enquiries and proposals may be addressed to the undersigned, Postoniee Box 3451iiilchniond, Va., until toe 20th day of tictutaar, A. D. IEIB9. t is rrcommended that the proposals be made as apecUla as posilb - e. since the decree, requires them to be report'd to the Court for its approval or dlesppr , val at the next term, commencing on the WSW day oC.October ' . A NilitEW JOnbritnNr. POW HATA N HOW RMS." j 1 SpecislConuntssioni rs. "HOBOKEN , ' STATION PROPERTY FOB BALE. This beautiful situadon Cannot ,be surpassed for privatq realdences in any direct ton, so mow to both cities. being 01117 eight tulles hp the. Western rennsylvattla Itallraad. Any person de , siring information about thisproperty catrobtato it by calling at the office of the IRON CITY ?UAL LIVE iNsincolcs COMP/ZIT. 115 Federal street, Allegheny. 'Lott from one-fie acre to Ave acres; also, small loss to suit pur chasers: ' , There's lagood location ler anu Loathe Luring establishmtnt. betwe 6n the Railroad an Allegheny river. . jelSdlse F OR SALE. Slots In Hanstleld.ooxl2o each. 11 gm, of land, grapery, peaches and matt fruit, good spring of water, sog house, /to; price low. 70 sores, Econotnylownship. Beaver lo; (75 per acre; goad orchard of 300 tor frail House of 7 rooms 1) miles from Econo. my station. 1,100 acres,olnuore Ca.. West Va.; good soll,well tlmbered and iwateredt price per ',ere. IWO acres, saute. county. seod home and• orchard; prlco *8 per acre. 1 2 , 10 scree, Braxton Co. west Va; rich soil and well tim bered; prleet.3o per acre. - • • Bonds and ortgages wanted by • THOS. BI ON & KOLLUD Se GRANT STREET back Mace , room. FOR SALE. ... Neu Osborn Stetson on the l'lttsbuith Wayne and Chicago liallioad. TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each. ENQUIRE, Ort W. MACKEOWN 8i BRO.. 195 Liberty Street. ISH!, Fllllll-rPotomoc Shad stir 1q bait Herrin in Ds:lmes; wan, IdlLLako Herring. for sole limb) the Inds by WATT, 004 MI and /id Wood &Met. CM e r r" . l4llol l ol444ool ll Vii4 Nokdd,; !bum* % mato 0. fc ,. /' :,yafj.peias- li ta • . : Ei'NOTICES—"To-Let," "Firm Sale," ar, oB fp, wantell.FiencnaMilßoalacFing," Sc., not exceeding POUR LIVES, will be incertcd ia — columns once for TWENTY-I:WE CENTS'; each addi tional line FIVE' CENTS. WANTED—SITUATIoNS. • WANTED.--SITVATION—By a Young tiirl to do light, housework to a fITUIY: In Or 014 Of- Me, Winted more fur a home than arrrshinie.lse. D., GAzsrre On ICE. • Address A. VANTED.—A SITIUATION - as ir TEACHER. Iv one who has had fifteen years experience In teacstne, ond who has been three years County Yuperiniendemt, common schools. Address, J. Al. U., GAZETTE (wrier... „. WANTED ,B• ARDERS. WANTED. -- BOALIPDEBB. gentleman and bla wife, or a few single len tlemen, can otbaht pleasant - rooms and good board by applying Boon at 71tiberty street, Pitta burgh. References. exchanged. WANTEDROOMS. - • W . 4 O ANTED. A URN'S . '" ED BLEEPINGIWO Af. wi bin t seen ty Sautes walk of Pittsburgh Postoilice. d.ddress.stati , g terms and location, J. J. N., GAZJETTE orms, WANTED--HELP. 1 11VANTE - 0:--GDZL.-A GOOD GIRL tr) , ao general housework for a small family. Apply at No. 65 BRAVER ST., Allegheny. • NVIANTED--HELP.-AT EM. PLOYMENT OFFICE,7•No. 1 St. Clan Street. BOYb OIELS and ILEN, for ditierein abaft of employment. Persona wanting helj of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTED-AGENTS. VITA 117 TED:— kt GEN Tfil.s7s to V • $2OO per month everywhere. male and female, to Introduce the PENULNE IMP/COVED CtiMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING. MA. CHINE. This machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, iu a most tuperlor mar ner. Price only SIS warranted for dye years. We will pay eii,oeu for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam !bur ours. It makes the 'Mastic Lock .stitch," Everyaecond stitch can be ent, and still-the cloth can' not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $73 , to $2OO per month tuad expenses, or s commission from which twice that - amcntnt . can be made. Address SECOfrell A t,0.. Pittsburgh, Pa., St. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Mass.. 1 , CAU I 0 —Do not be imposed upon by — other pa riles painting off worthless cast iron =lselin es, under the same name or otherwise. Oars is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manathetured. • . ANTED —AGENTS.—To etU yr the American Knitting Price. $ The simplest. cheapest mud best Emitting Machine ever _invented. Will knit i 10.09( stitches per minute: Liberal inducements tt agents. Address AMERICAN liNITTlhe MA, TOM , : CO.. Boston. Maas.. or St. Louts. Mo. PERSONAL. MR. W. 31. BURNS, IPrOprietoi of the popular Eating House, corner of rizih avenue , and Sm Ithfield streets, , begs leave to announce to his •numo-rons friends that none out ti.e male Fait will be allowed to dine at his tables. be having thrown his entire rooms into one. Dinner. Supper and Breakfast served at ibis house lower than at any other house of Ara reputation in he city. Call at Bums , and get plenty to eat for a small amount of money. TO LET. MO-LEL—ROOMS. on Second ~or, with Boaidintr. Location the most desirable In the e1ty...1111 the conveniences of t. h rooms. the comforts of a private fatally, as yew boarAers are kept. -181 Borth Avenue,-Al. legheno Cite. rPO-LET.—vrawr . PLEASANT 2.00m5. la suites or stogie', for lodging. with or without board, at Vi rOURTI4 AVE NUE. • MO-LET.— Four - th commotu A, and conveniently located litat3L3. on re& teal a.reet. Alleaheny. Just adjohting thA toll • gate.' Itene,sl2 nor month. Apply so JOHN S. AsliWOßTti, ou mo-LET.—Boom on 3d floe' A. Dispatch Building s ant very low for bal ance of vend Alas. water and stationary stand. Enquire at Potog rata' ery,Dispatcr rxo-LET.—ROO,IB.-- Two tine BOOM 16 GAZETTE BUILDLNa. ADO, t oanting Rooms. tit and H 6 Fifth avenue. AMUSEMENTS. FIFTH AVENUE HALL.- . No. 85 Fifth avenue, opposite the Opera House, Pittsburgh. Pa., la the coolest and most desirable place of resorte. Liquors can be bad stills Place Pure and Good.' The Billiard Boons are on the ground floor is therear.:..- LEAL CELEBRATED Iiw woßcew. SAUCE, Pronounced b CONNOISEU to - Ids brother TO BE SHE jOlVeSterOßSy, 4 0* Good Sal Lea and Aud nine , that their me Is highly es. Every iftrif ned In India. h. Utley opm thermal pale. as well as . Dls men- whole. tetance that. Is Put free on born or 'Liverpool, In parcels of twentyl___ each case two uozert large , dye d ozen' middle: or ten dozen smelt. Parties who order through us have.ttle advantage r.f a anent), from, our stock until the arrival of direct orders. ' _" / James Heiner d eefebrsted Dundee ?Or mslade. Hobert idledlemazes celebrated Albert Biscuit. J. dG. Cox's Gelatine Crate Blackeinitoudik% nelangrenUtra Honshu= des Arabes:- unlnnesals Stout, BASS -VIA .ABsOpp's Ales. ,Wm.l.Youngers Noluburgh Ales, ant the Wines of Prance, Germany. Spain and Portugal. JOHN DUNCAN'S B.oNti. Union Square apd 48 Beater:duvet, New York. tßae Allmon fbr Llts.l PRAWNS , . jeStkill.WP 4.3VELIM IL IP 3R. 'ML SUMNER J. VV.- BAR MARKET . STREET. =Fa Fast COI Aged Lawns as , Post r;ebsreis 1110ico pt rren thititS.: at 23 . at 18% F /se'' `Orris Goods as /Ups ion le Width Dr SHAS4S s CLOAKS SUITS AN - Gvat 'ikadM in lEtAtit...ra. tIARIKETLOPII EET. - _ , ,4 , . - .re7;..a , :U LOOK SALE.—The IthAR of the 1 Saloon. NO 3 WYLIE STARET: WiII lease the Hone far any number of years. Mn. JeliN+4 , uazzoLo. FFORSA/ E.-=A light and profit ABLE business. No opposition.. caotai required, 0,800. , Ulll Or 4WO men gobag int* the butiness can clear over 465.1 1 00 per year. lai• quire of al 'Clung & 'Renshaw. Beal Eatate *tents. 193. 197 and 199 Centre avenue.. V.OO SAM—Abotit 120 acres jg: of land in the best situation for countrt seats: only 8 rallra from the West Pittsburg& ferry Landing:: Will be sold altogether or in nleeen to suit purebasers. Inquire of Y. C Na 0 (Met as the south end of the Xenon. - . gabela bridge. jel4,rdis Foeti* tit teCoss. HERE.' _A . . FARM.—The cheapest farm In 7 Annstronsell county, Pa., 100 acres f0r44,090 on eas7 , l terms. Splendid buildings and orchard.. No. land, all till Ole. The Improremente are worth the prim. of tha calm :property. _There la At , loast 4300 of a barn ‘in In If at the ;more plied,' W. have seen thopropertf and know It. APIA, oitoPT di PHILLIPS, kcal, somata Agents, . 130 Fourth avenue. I. SALE.--ARew and profit. ABLE ENTERPIILik; can hate no appeal.. two; eovvred by a patent:. MR In ~a ncee, s fla operation. Will take in elenange fortheoue•-:' halt, loot la d: balance In cash. Whole price 1. , t over 10, 000. Bestow fOr selling. the owner wiet ea to leave the city. For pariienlare. en quire of E. W. 31e01:04£18: Nn. 1515 Liberty etrect near Fifth avenue. • ' PitSALE.NeWittrickße r a sex, =-Al bull , by days work, having eight' rooms, gas, hot anelcold water throughout:mars big mantles and leash ,lands.. a bath :room and piazza. Lot 120x140 feet, dell4nt'allr /Orated in tae beautliul •ua n of Alliance, Oblo, having 6,000 inhabitants and noted for its college* rapid growth. enterprise and manufactores. 9* miles from Pittsburgh•and 66 from Cleveland Junction, Pittstuush, Ft. Wayne and Chic ag o. and the ( leveland and Pittsburghltallways. Ad. dr•mi% t.nolr ROT RO. ler2:k23- .1-101 t SALE.-- - -SAILT - WORKS, DWELLINGS ANA FIVTY CE3 OF AND ON W.IIoT. PENNA. R. It.-The works are notrin successful operation. Ihe land is an.. der'aid With coal. now :apes and raised. and would mtke a splendid vtoeyard:' best of salt water st the works. There is money la- this property. The owner 'would no were he able to attend to tt. Railroad r m e th - ongu the land. Apply to CROFT a PHILLIPS, Real Es tate Agents, No. 139 Fourth avenue. . - FOlt SAILIP.—COVNTII IF flows —A beautiful residence and Ifty-three acres of eho eland, on , errysyllle Plank. Boad. The Louse is' eleven rooms, is built and noisheel In mode style, with all necessary outbuildings, r abon auce 01 choice Irult, and in fact eyervtblng ... to make It pleas/Let and comfortable. Will be sold as a whole or dlvl. ed to sult_pnrchas,rs. • Apply to 1,11,01rT At rEarativis, Real hatate agents, No, 130 Fourth Avenue. FOR BALE.-VALUABLE CITY RstiIDENCE.—.IIOUBE AND LOo. VI ashinston street, Aliesbelly Day. helot 00 reit on Wasblngton Street, extending beet. 000 fon which is t reeled a double two e tory brick d ee we t, lling. barium' alLmodarnizotworaments . Also brlck‘Atable end carriage,rottni.:lwith ser vants room attached, all In first rat. order.' To those wanting &comfortable home, Mi. propeity recommended. noire ten 111_0'oc IiORICRT tut 1.25 40 , eto,ktne Avenel.. IC= FOR SALE. ad 0 roomed brick himie on Centre avenue and large 10t—54.500. Good Cr roomed frame house with all lesprOVlS menu: lot 68 by 110-64.000. Frame house. 2 ICOLGIS; lot 24 bylOc-11,000. Two well _notated Dress brit): end large, lo'—only $6,000. Two groomed houses on Fulton street--$2.500 each. vue lot 24 by 199 feet on Reed insect —ssoo. Plot of ground on Mt. Washington. 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad; 4 miles from 30 vies on Westernpe. Railroad, 4 idles from the city. 225 'errs good improved land in Missouri. Wial be dividedlo suit purchasers. 20 lots on ettre avenue-11300 to 8 15 C0 cacti. Inquire of McCLUNG & RAINBOW. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. jylo Nos. 193, 197 and 190 Centre avenue. FOR SALE. 3 STILLS, each 0 feet diameter and 10% - feet long, with shout 300 feet . condensing plpe • from 4- inch down tO2Ag•lnch gas pipe to each, still, for $OOO apleee. 2 BoiLETII4, each Aitametet - And lt feet long, with ehhiney bridging, steam dram.- stied pipe, &c., forssoo, 2 KEYSTONE STEAM trfelPS; each-liii Inch • steam cylinder, 7-inch water cylinder and. 12. inch stroke, for $3OO splecti, . . 1 IRON Alin/atilt. 16 feet diameterand 16 feet deep, with cast Iron bottom for e500:1 TOO- feet 2M-inch 211. q PIPli at 40c per foot. Apply to altNie, JAGE l likki & . CU., at worts, near Sliarosburg Bridge. ,1ig.179" • VALUABLE CITY PBOIP'EIITY FOR nALE.—The heirs of the late ALEX. ANDER CAMERON, deceased,:offei the folio* tel desirable and conveniently focated property for sale: Three story Brick 'laws Ring Boum. fronting on Wed Common, Allegheny. No: R. Sherman avenue. Also, two story Brisk Dixie!. ling, fronting on East. Camino's., No.-16 Union ays nue. Also, three stnry Brick store want. No. 1.04 Federal street, Alielthenf. , now occupied Sr J. J. East as took Store. All of the above iaof feredon ICIIIOIIIIIMI tam!. in order. to . facUltats the settlers:lent Of the estate. ' Parties martini inforruatiOn Will apply to the undersigned , at a lias' of the retmsylvania. Insurance 0 , 1014547. 168% Wood street, Pittsburgh. HUGH MOM. MUM. . Mai). am& of a let from • Medical ttleman at Mad- - B SALE. : • perry on Siring Mil, ftb wird, wbteh cOnt. =tads dellgbtini view of tpd surto/admit e-tak try for sena at miles,. The around ..eontains lats.:ss feet front bY "SOO feet daelt, nn - PIM% there ts about Sl5O gestoellues in good - bearing order, a feentebolou IlearrapPla and Pencil_ also eyes:leer .of small mete • good Stable; ItqUIR welt of_ wiser and cistern; neer frame tour , cellar dep whole noose' eVirfl Bing_ - g lnoOd order.' .... Also, bottle and lot on : lead Ile streett bonne Me story frame,' obtains 5 rooms and ban e^ Idt runs through to Carroll tired. Other blames and. lota .yrood load itien4z goat? of, . 1 whrx m vit -zeal Actiate, :erenerdl reroterme..tod Ins Agent, corner Qhlo sndtiandgelellltftett e Un-\ gbeny, - TrALUA BLS IPARRIEFOR At.F.e Ls Al ben,• . nnorelend U r d ttn /O le + , utes , ,Valk Men ltib- Beans stet on the 'AI enbetryWalley Md. Contains 404 sores, 60 of width are seed; al l . under fence; telanee valuable umber: ruder layed witu co.i. 4 toot vein. Hewed L Tjliowe and Bern; an orchard ur 140 trees. gretied i.lO PIACI! Is well watered and in a iood neigh horbood,,, Poe pp mid terms apply to B. ?dela I ". & No..lo.lkrourtn avenue. '7Gl'l:s,P'' - 40.:i.°X$ 1 ' .1.....1C>M4 GOODS., EM KER&CO'S 2,C0 ST. CLUB .... . I 2 4 CentS Per-Aorta. 9 Cents Per Yard: Cents 'pet Ywrtl Cents per Terd 23 Cents per Yard. e.a Coeds, at SO Contr. D LICE , MANTLES REDUCED. Housekeeping 0004 V NCE.EgaM 41111 AiTIVEE'r, JO*. Niatilß4.:4.:a .Vt+44l. U 44 El FOR SALE.- EN ffilffil UM ===M 1 -116- `~~~ .