84, CITY AND AMMAN. . pll3 ciAZETTIII Arnighai tn the cit y days OM, week tor eerue per week; by mail, fflper annum 3 mai., V. A Grand Social Picnic is to be held.lin McFarlandeet,Groye on Thursday, July 29th. The --4&angements are upon the midst liberal abate, and, we anticipate a large attendance. Gun Shop Entered.—At an early hour last unday morning the gun shop of J. H. ohnston, on. Wayne street near Li rty, was entered by burglars /who car ed' off a number of powder Ilseks and other articles, amounting - in value to . $ 00. They escaped with their bixity and left no clue. 1 Desertion.—Mrs. Ann McGinnis made information yesterday before Alderman Donaldson against her husband, Andrew A. McGinnis, for desertion. Subsequent ly the difficulty was arranged by the de linquent benedict returning to his dwel ling, and pledging himself to better con duct in the future. - , Belling Liquor on Sunday.—Mra. Lu•! . cinda M. Blood, who, it is ascertained, Is acting in the interests of the i*informers," yesterday made information before Al dorman Neoper, charging - Henry Etch. nor, a druggist, with selling liquor on Sunday; The case will 4ome up for a hearingethia morning. Kept the Furniture.-:-Robert H. Hirt ley made information before Alderman McMaster% ,yeaterdayi , against J. O. P. Smith for larceny as bailee. The accused, according to the allegations, rented ah office from Hirtley, on Fourth avenue, containing a quantity of furniture, for which he was to pay a certain price. He tailed, however, it is said, in his agree ment and still refu - ses to give up the fur niture, hence.the information. The ac cused was arrested and gave' bail for a hearing. • Alleged False • Pretense. Carl F. .Frasch made information before Justice Ammon, of East Birmingham, yester day, agabist , a young business man of that borough, Charging him with cheat ing by false pretenses. It is alleged by the prosecutor.that the awaited' in pay ment of a bal, gave him a check on the Workingmen's savings Bank of. Alle gheny for 130, and that when he pr4ent ed the check, he was informed that the defendant hae no, Money on deposit • there. A warrant was issued. • - A Bill of Grocertio.—Jonh Kitchell proprietor of a grocery store on Fourth avenue, alleges that Jolla: Fritzler ob. tamed from him grooeries. amounting in value to.twentyAhree dollars and sixteen cenb3, by representing that he was a contractor, and thats et the time he had a contract inth the COnneibtville Karl road Company, to remove debris from a land elide. which would net bim anon. siderabla profit, representations which, subsequeuly were found: to be uutrne. Officer(Blondin arrested Fritstler tin h e dwelling, at Wood's run. He was held for a bearing. ' ' MaiatdUNl a r.caip.lt). John N. = Jar r rett, nonetaile of. East Birmlngham, yesterday liiusie .infortna tion Wore . Justice Helsel, charging Robert Tippert with assault and battery. ft appears that Ti ppert's sister.in.law 'resided with' him, and a' feW evenings since quarrelaiwith her sister, the wife of the tiefendlint, whereupon he. the de fendant. knocked her_ down and threw her out. of the door, down a pair of steps seriously injttritig her. A warrant was fasts:4.lor his arrest. Aseantted'at a Plc.Nio. ASew days ago a pic-nic was held-at - a . - grnve near , Elhtupstefig, which numbered amongits attendants Adam Becker and Frederlak Gwen. In the course of the beg - titles something occurred to mar the good feeling previously existing be. tWeen Adam and Fred, when the latter. it Is alleged, -- ssatailted - httreppOnent and knockedlllm Anivn. Adam let the in -r suit pass at the time., but.entesequently niade complaint ' before Alaerman Thomas against hisassailant, which caused Ms arrest. After a hearing he was reguired to give bail for Court. Alsitautt and Battery. J. P. c.r ehan made information before Justice Autmon, of East Birmingham, yesterday, charging* Terrence and Cath erine Seely with assault and battery. It . appears that the parties had been httend ing a pion* where a difficulty occurred between them, but was temporarily set tled. On-their way borne they were talking Ma matter over, and' another difficulty Waned, when. as is alleged by the, prosecutor, the defendants beat and abused him. They were arrested and, after a hearing, held to bail for their ap pearance at toturt. In order to be even with Kreban, Ter, Mace Seely made information before Justice Helsel, charginchitn with as eault and battery. , Fireball was arrested and held for a hearing. Air 10=0 Custodian. A fie' days ago, so runs the intermit: tion, James Camp, in an excigss of oonfl. donee, entruated to the, care of a boon companion, Tames ruiguson, eight dol. ' • ars for'safe keeping until the next day. At the designated time he asked for the funds, but, according 'his. statement, reoeiyed but two dollars,the remainder being kept in the hands of Furguson,who tieremptorilv refused to hand the totnie over tb their owner. Finding expostula tions and entreaties;of no avail, Camp acquainted his wife with the circum stance, and she, with that ingenuity , for which,woman la proVertdal,` quickly in stituted mesinires ion the return of the trees W or getting justice, by calling upon Berman.! Thomas and lodging an information for invent as bailee ageless 'Ferguson. Upon this Ferguson was ar rested, Mid in default of bail ottuunitted for trial.. Atelmtptler Von Shosboldt. • mileatiliolf the leading flaxen citi • mix of 00 oly:Wea hehl at Tattier Ray, 131xth *venues /sit , oveilog, to makeats iiigentekitti foi; the celebration of the cen tenzdalatoili of the With of Alex . vader Von Humboldt, which occurs on 1418' 1 4 th :, 4itkijOilitig " iniMang . wee nailed Warder by mr. BawW_On mhos. Moil,* Dr. JoSeph won - 011idd to the chair. .and Capt. - Adios hiontsitelmer elected Secretary. The Chairman stated the oldect of the meeting, whieh was merely preliminary. in Order miSht co ht action' tyl l / 4 11 1 pirOis laterigSl4l in the matter „ - • - • ! n f mticat, r tinrinibittit' named gett;:. stiemen were appointed ASOmtnittee to ,prepare a vognunron Dr 'Jcisoph Abel, Th.? hierts,CJtttitul liontzbeimere H. Hooted, O. ren, J. Pohl. Dr.P.li.itrdto! meyer of,s43lengel Mid Mtn 1403. trAti /MOO* then adjourned Meet tiAtte.o l 4' o : theehigraimi at-Turner's `may MESE= =I THE cbum. Quarter Stlaions—Judge Stenett. WEDNIZDAY, July 14.—Stewart Sanar son, indicted for aggravated assault and battery, was placed on trial and the jury returned a verdict of guilty. 'The next case taken up was that of the Cornmonwealth vs. John McKirdy, in dicted for embezzlement. The defend ant was Secretary of the National Refin ing and Storing Company, which Com pany, it appears, had sold to John Thomu. son 5,000 barrels of oil, to be delivered at a future time, and when the time arrived the Company could not deliver the oil, and the Secretary, contrary to tbe in siructionr, as it is alleged, of the Board of Directors, drew a check in favor of Thompson for Alto damages alleged to have been sustained by the latter. The Commonwealth was represented by Messrs. Marshall and Brown, and Messrs. Woods and Geyer appNired for the defendant. the Commonwealth proved the appropriation or conversion of the money to the use of John Thomp son, and that the Secretary.had been noti fied not to pay.the debt. The defense offered to prove the debt a just and legal one, in order to rebut the presumption of fraud, which necessarily implied a ventilation of the entire trans. action upon which the debt was based. The prosecution objected. holding that the payment of the money was fraudu lent whether the debt was legal or not: The Court overruled the objection and admitted the evidence. On trial. TRIAL LIES FOR THURSDAY. 4401 Com. vs. Wm. H. Parsons: 423. 11 B. Hartman. 424. " Wm. Parviance. 434. Thomas Gur.r.bert. 488. " Solin Anderson. 222. ' " John Ryland. 4 228. " Stephen. Roffman. John McDonald. Fatil Accident—Coroner's Inquest. Coroner Clawson held an inquest last evening on the body of tireorge Berry, a resident of Newark, N. J., who died atithe Homeopathic Hospital, on Second avenue, about half-past two o'clock. It appears. that Berry, in company with Louis Armstrong, also a resident of Newark, having been at Newport, Ken. tacky, were on their•way home, and be ing out of money were "stealing transpor tation." They were put off from two trains between; Cincinnati and Cadiz Junction, but still persevered. At the latter place, it seems, they climbed to the top of one of the cars of the South ern Express train. Nothing was seen of them until the train ,was approaching Bulger's station, at six o'clock yesterday morning. A. freight train hzd switched off there to await the passing of the ex press, and as the latter went Eby, the men on the freight saw -Armstrong holding Berry on the ear. Berry was lying with his body half over the edge of the,,root, and his companion was using every ex ertion to keep him front fallingoff. The engineer of the express vat; signal ed and stopped , the train, and tha _two Men were , taken down. Berry was in sensible, and Resented a ghastly spec tacle. His skull waa crushed, his face smashed, and one of his -eyes knocked completely out of , its soCket. The only explanation Armstang could give of the matter was, that he was lying asleep on the :roof, and was- awakened by Berry falling over him. He supposes .that he was standing up, - and struck his bead against a bridge or tunnel. The injured man was placed with his -companion in the express car and brought; to the city. Dr. Hamilton visited him but stated that, there was no hope for him Lieutenant Wooldridge had the unfortunate man conveyed, with the utmost car e to Homeopathic Hospital on - Secoffd where - kW tiled as stated. The jury re turned a -verdict_ in accordance with the facts. • A flail That Was To Be A ,larse-,putuber; of '‘inymphs" and youtiga scatrips were slightly disap pointed last evening, and made to real im the truth of the adage s „ "Theti'a many a slip T• Ist the cup and tlia 111." A ball bad been arranged to take place at the Continental Hotel, which for some time past has . been unoccupied, and those of our readers that remember the very disgraceful scenes enacted there last winter. can easily imagine - *hat class of individuals the gathering would be composed of. The arragements- had, as was supposed' by the invited guests, all been completed, and a grand' affair, of its character, was anticipated. At an. early hunt.. ln the evening, the "nymphs du pave" end others of Lisa public fame turned' their faces toward the Continental in high glee, in anticipa tstion of the fon. Imagine their chag rin and disappointeneht when arriving at the place a their destination, at finn ing the doors securely nailed, and all dark within. Mr. Anderson owner of the property, it appears got Wind of the • affair and ma a stop to the% proceedings by nailing the doors and windows so securely as to prevent the revelers front gaining admission. ;;. : With sad hearts and solemn tread relieved by numerous curses upon the person who bad thus Wed them dldf. a night of pleasure, they returned to their dens. „ Sunday *Vomit Anniverati”. The Thirty• Second Anniversary of the Sunday School connected with the First Christian Church, corner Ot Beaver street and Montgomery avenue, Alla. ebeny r Josepti.Kinat Pastor,was held oa Tiiesday%everilliirof this week. Toe exp. citcleeli'Veie of an ititerostlng character, consisting of singing by the • children, the presentation of priata to 'different classes and scholars, and also the pre. munition of a very beautiful banner to that class, (Wm. E. Graham, teacher,) which Is to be known for six months to come as the banner' clans. The hanger was one of the post - beautiful we over saw. The material of:Which it is wade is' silt; on one aide the: name ,of . the Sunday' •§_dhool, and beneath this Words; , . *leans our Captain , " On the 1 other aide the b%ide Solomon; "Be. member cow thy Orestor - in the days of, !NY youth," and under this the motto; to t egt i i: , 1 1 1 14 . 71::::: of life, fully! give : z •_ - The Sunday soboacculnOet4wlth tbd -above Tiamtd ' chit rair is'in' prosperous condition. The g :I s r ri tiorintendente J. E. 0 2 - l ittliq ited.leach re are faithful, d o . vov sr, axed are dOitIK a Food work - in behalf of the young." The Park-Foutitidna.:: _ Theleighen.Y Park donloalleiosi have decided to name the apace on Ohto ltreet, between Ilnion apu cedar even• use,lor, occupation by elarge fount_ i alii which will be so oonatrueted as to stgord facilities lbr watering horeawand cattle passing by t _thus sieving the double par :ptakt 'df bean* Ind +MU". • The. Davis !drinking _fountain, in the Second' Ward Square, has proved eo popular that it is : . proposed to Phu* ft number of others atloatkventent points throughout rhergrounds. for, the score*. indintilon protnetniderg , These ,will ,01 1 1: 11 4P0* tP.I ASO th.slo. provement of the ground.prOgreaseeb rmlsitußmLo - iartt; ritußsaiY, JULY JO, J 869. ' _ „A ;twain° Tont, (layer two since &little Italian girls" aged &milt twelve years; and residing in the upper portion of the city, developed thieving propensities of an advanced order, which would have caused her, In other oirsumatance.s, to"gain much favor in the eyes of the great master Fagin himself. She did it in, this wise: Hap pening to be in aneighltor's house, and in the room with the mis tress of the man.' eon, she observed the lady open a bureau drawer, deposit therein a pocket book and gold watch, then close end lock the drawer and put the key in another drawer in the same piece of furniture - 7 The witness of these acOons made careful observations of everything, while seem ingly paying no attent t lon. A short time afterward the lady we t out of the house upon an errand, and, suspecting nothing, left the little girl in the room. When she returned the visitor was gone, and 'an examination of the drawer revealed the absence of the money which had been in the pocket-book, twenty-one dollars in all. The pocket-book and gold watch remained exactly.as they bad been left, and to alt appearances seemed as if they had not been touched. There was also a roll of money in another part of the drawer which could as easily have been taken, but the thief apparently had but one objective ,polut, the money in the . &kat. book. - The lady informed her. -band of the. affair, but nothing was said and the two Went to work quietly to develop the affair. They succeeded in getting a clue to the gtrPs operations, from a companion who said she , had been exhibiting a quantity of money a short time before, and had 'been very liberal in furnishinv ref::.;:, ents mates. it wag also diseovered ft& - She had bought a new suit of clothes for her little brother, and a new hat for a sister besides making sundry other purchases which ' were easily traced. Finally the little Italian, who had been suspected, was brought in and charged with the theft. At first, 'of course, she denied everything, but final ly confessed she had taken it tmtnedi ately after the departure of the lady from the room, and had endeavored to ward off suspic ion by leaving everything as she had found them, even putting the key with which she unlocked the drawer back into its place. Part of the money hod been divided with a compan ion. The parents of the two were in formed of the affair, and to save further trouble at once made up the amount stolen. The affair, for one so young, was managed with a degree of shrewdness, except in the matter of displaying the spoils, worthy of an older head and a better businese. • Tuesday night about eleven o'clock, and at two o'clock yesterday morning, Mrs. Mullen, wife of Hugh Mullen, re . siditig oh - Penn street in the Tenth Ward, attempted twice to end her earthly cares, by taking a lean into the mystic future. It appears that her husband is a worth less creature, and abuses her when he gets drunk, which is whenever he has money to buy whisky. Monday night he beat her and was at her request ar rested and taken to the lock-up, where he remained over night. The nest morning he was discharged on the pay ment of a small fine,,and Tuesday even ing be returned home drunk as usual, and again abused his wife, after which he left the premises. Shortly after, be had taken his departure, she sent her only child, a little girl about eight yeant of age, out of the house on some pretext. when she took her-apron - strings and torWArig_ them - around her neck, had stunt shOceeded in strangling herself when the mild returned. Finditig her mother, as she suppfted, dying she ran out and gave the alarm, when some of of the neighbors ran In, removed the strings from her neck, and toy the aid of the - ' proper remit; dies restored her.: to conscionstiese. On being interrogated as to why she attempted so rah an act, she replied that sloe' hinftio peace On earth and had no do sire to live longer. , She was properly oared for, and some of .the neighbors re mained in the house pith her. About ten o'clock in the morning her watchers, anticipating no further trouble. went to sleep, and the woman got up, secured a vial of laudanum, which she must have purchased some, time' r ,prevlously, and 'swallowed the contents. - luckily, how ever, the dose proved to great and caused her to vomit. profusely.: A physician Was summoned, who administered the proper antidotes. and she is now doing . well. It is said that she still expresses a determination to destroy, hereelf. Efardscrabble'seems destined - to be one of othe few. the immortal names that were not born to die," in pollee circles at loot. ,Yestsirday is was the scene of an other interesting and exciting episode, which necessitated the subsequent .apa t penance of the principals:engaged, Mrs. Rosanna wing and . Michael - Brett, at the office of Alderman Mcidasters. The circumstances were then fully detailed. Rosanna and Michael are neighbors, but their relations for some time hey° not. been of the moat amicable character; •iri fact a feud exists between theta which is being contintudly manifested in sundry annoying methods. The latest waa that of yesterday.t Rosanna had just finished washing a quantity of fine linen, and bad hung it on a line to dry, when Brett, th 11 ° 1 ° 01 /Ye e say/ , seized the opi.; city to spitefully use her; by cutting 'the end dinning the' linen to Aileen the ground. which effiripelleft her to pup it through a second washing to re store its whiteness. Incensed beyond measure at this piece of meanness she forthwith called at the magletrate'eoMbe and lodged complaint against the often. der for malicious mitichief, hence the air. :Petunnce of thwtWalgi before the Alder- Man. After a bearing and an examination into the circumstances of the 'ante, the ottloial dismissed Michael .witha severe r - eprimand. and imposed upon bitalhe payment of the costs incurred. This as perfectly satisfied Rosanna and quiet once more reigned in Hardscrabble. , , ; • void - atregh4l. • Yesterday morning, a short time be. fore dAY•break, a ootipleef bUtglare,with musks covering their faces, boldly en. tared a house its.. Bolduc:It tettoshiPl 00 - " 011 0 34 kfan ,, aged couple,`. mut Walking up to Money bedside cooky* deizfended all , the and valuables about the Premises. They accompanied IMO deb _mend with tieroe threats and actions, which so, intimidated the aged. couple that th4i fbrthwith handed over what desired, copulating of about 01017• 0 41 111 dollere Au coin end green- Mks'illd twig& sgalintimies- watch Paving accomplished - their purpose' the 'ltnuiPutxillelos ;retired without` die: tur'bieg eitythiugtorthet about ' As they were masked and departed l~vrno obtatned in reference' to them. They_ were, however. 'evidehtly ,acqualuteil )10.1 , 1 1 1 0V n intnntek. rutd iftidarstma Wr-i) 0. it le a great sa le, Tired of Life. A MiHague Eitatt. New Odd Venoire Hall at' 'rareotam— Corner stone Laying FooDay • Odd Fellowship in Tarentutn, 'as in every 'other place, seems to flourish finely and admirably sustains its dignity and importance. An evidence of its pop pularity and success is apparent in the fact that it has succeeded in making all the necessary arrangements, and secur ing the funds, for the erection of a com modious hall, the corner stone of which will be laid today with appropriate cer emonies. The building is of the most 'substantial design. and when completed will be one of the finest specimens of ar chitecture in the vicinity, an honor and credit to the Order, and a noticeablo or. natnent to the town. The work has thus far progressed very satisfactorily and will be punned - forward as rapidly as possible, in order that the Hall may be devoted to the purposes for which it is erected at the earliest possible moment. The ceremonies today will be under the supervision.of Grand Secre tary Nicholson, who will deliver the ora tion and conduct the exercises in detail, In accordance with the beautiful routine adopted by the Order on such occasions. A general invitation was issued to the members in this vicinity to be present, on the occasion if possible, and in compli ance therewith a large number left last evening, to be followed by others this morning. .The affair promises to be one of great interest, and will doubtless be largely attended by brother Odd Fellows outside of Pittsburgh and the immediate locality where it will tile place. Surcesatta and Populars If Bilotti:SA be tllB test of merit, and It cer. taiply is, then the Directors, stockholders and friends of the "National," of Alle gheny, have reason to be proud of the standing and position of thetr company In the community to-day. for there is no organization which enjoys a higher or more satisfactory reputation. This is not, however, a cause of wonder, when the fact is remembered and attested, by all its patrons that its business has been and is conducted, in even the smallest particulars, on equitable and honorable principles, every patron having the full advantage of prompt and fair dealing. Thus a rea son is found why its Directors can de clartrsuch handsome dividends as that just made, two dollars and fifty cents per share, payable forthwith to the stockholders. Evidences of success such as these are eminently satisfactory, and reflect credit In the highest degree upon its managers and Directors, who are,thorough going and well known bust. nein men, and the Secretary. James E Stevenson, as genial and clevera gentle man as ever handled ar, pen. In every respect the “National" Is- a successful and consPquently popular institution, worthy the fullest confidence of a j udi eons public. A Generous Offer. We stated a few days since that the Germans hereabouts were debating the jeasibility of erecting a memorial in honor of Humboldt, and that the Alle gheny Park Commission had offered them a site in the Park. Since then tne Commission have made a more encour aging offer, and now propose to donate the groupds and build the foundation for the monument free of charge. This is pertainly a yery generous offer. and one which every lover of the great man's memory; cannot but earnestly hope will be accepted. In this connection may it not be appro. piste to suggest to our Scottish friends and admirers of that wonderful child of genius—Burns— a similar manifesta tion of their appreciation of his worth sad memory. lkatalnly.there Are num bers here who reverhis name and would assist in such a noble enterprise. Who , will set tha ball rolling. . An trnpralltabhp Visitor. . Te.terday, Hugh Mason wee enjoying the luxury of a comfortable after-dinner nap, at his boarding housein the Seventit ward, when he was visited' by an quaintance. Arthur. Goodwin. Upon en tering the bed-room and ending his Mend In the land of dreams, Arthur, it is said, amused himaelf by ransacking the apartment. 'Coming across Hugh's pantaloons in the course of his examina tion. he abstracted therefrom, so it is ,stated,- a , pocketbook' containing about seventeen dollars, with which - he disap peared hastily. Hogh awoke soon after, quickly discovered his loss, made inqui ry and found he had- been visited by Ar thur Which fact, together with Arthur'. mysterious disappearance, caused him to suspect who was :the thief. Accord ingly, information - was made before Al derman Thomas ittlenediately and a war rant_forothe arrest - of Arthur was issued. At last accounts he had not been found. First-Class Estabitstiment.-aro get the latest style and s Superior piece of goods we recommend,. air, 8.-Tleigel, ,Merchant Tailor. No. 53 lalinitheeld street, near Fourth avenue. lir. T. is too well known. to require any recommendation, as he hes been connected as cutter with one of the moat fashionable establish. meats in this city. His goods have all ;been selected.by tilmaelf.!.atid we of the very best patterns. Ho keeps trail as. sortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods. Give him a call. • Marsta's Na is9l Liberty street.. Mafia -Wholegaleaaliargetails. TAIL: Dress Goods, ebeap, at •Bates t Bell's. . • • 15 14v,er !Hopi, ist, p. 1 14 41:02 street. To Shoppers aua others.-L. E. Sutton, 88 Market street, ascend story, has se cured the services of some of the best Stencil Cutters in the country, and is prepared to furnish; at short notice; Stencil Plates, Steal Stamp& ac of all description& Ur. S. has gained g an en vMble.reputation far prauesptuew, and for the superior `M 'which - all of his work is performed, We request our .reeders *Mina anrarticle in ints line to examine his patterns. Sliver elating at No. 1 Sixth street. lanWs NMI 9B Libertv 10*. XGMn Wholeadea and Rataii& Caution—lPatsonous Tails ! Powder.— The use of powdoi.. - 41cioine; idd., which cannot help but ruin the skin eventually, titst , i3tqambtitif liatpahleded`bt that new and exquisite:beautifier, Milk of Violate, which is sold by all druggist', and foneY goods dealers. Especially for ancouser use it is dellahtfal. General Anent. V., W. Briuckerhoff, N. Y. Meryla's No. la 01 Liberty street. 'M , 'Marvin Wimbledon and Retails..., ativ.er Pigitlag at No. 1 Sixth street, Constitution Water is a oirtala caroler Pkabotes and all diseases-'of the Kid ney& 'Por silo by ll Drugginia. ress:T. Wohderfut—lfenry' W. Burr. No. 49 West 14th street, while on a visit to the West, was attacked with severe illness from drinking impure -water. Life was despaired o 4 and it was thought that he must die. Hia wife was immediately sent for, and in a day or two was at his bedside. Having herself seen the bene ficial results from the Use Of PL.9.IqTATIGN BITTERS, she insisted upon their being administered to him, which was done, in quantities prescribed by the attending physician. The result was almost as if by magic, and in one-half hour from the time they were given her husband was out of danger, and by a moderate use of them three or four times a day, he was soon able to resume his journey to his home. This is but one case of many thousands that we know of. MAGNOLIA WAT ER. --Siiperior to 'the beat imported German Cologne, and sold at hall the price. Marvin's No. is 91 Liberty street. Marvin Wholesales and Retails. Silver Plating at No. 1 Sixth street For Sale at all Grocery Stores. Marvin's Crackers, Marvin's Jubilee Cakes, Marvin's Milk Biscuits, Marvin's Manilla Jumbles, Marvin's Ginger Cakes, Marvin's Toast Biscuits.' Everything in the bakery line that you want for family use. Ask fOr Marvin's. Marvin's store is No. 91 Liberty street. Wholesale and retail trade , etipplied M the lo west caigl roteq, idarvinks Wo. is 91 Liberty street. Bia,rsda Wholesales and Retails. Lawns, Organdies,- Hermant, Grena dines, at Bates &Bell's.: Silver Plating at No. 1. Sixth street Lama Lace Mantles, in varlet?, at Bates dr - A Beautiful Bouse.—The residence of Mr. G. K. Towers, at Hazlewood, will be sold on Monday next at one o'clock. This property is highly improved and the location is a good one. A neat dwel ling of nine rooms will be sold at the same time. We call attention to the ad vertisement in another column. Waite Bedouins and Summer ShawlB. Bates dr. Boll's. ' Asir Your Grocer for Marvin's Crackers, Biscuits, Bread, Snaps, itc. Everything in his line is kept by all first-class grocery stores, Ask for them and take none other. The place to get White Lime, Cal. tined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. la at Eater d Caakey'a 18 Smithfield street, Marvin's No. is 91 Liberty street. Marvin Wholesales and Retails. Japanese' Slins—Reduced prices, at Bates de Bell's. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Hon. W. H. Seward and party have sailed for Alaska: —Two hsrulred and nine children died in Brooklyn last week. —Col. James B. Latimer. one of the defenders of Baltimoie is /814, died yes terday aged 72. - —The communion service of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, was stolenon Monday evenina by sneak thieves. —British Commissioner Rose left New York for Canada on Tuesday, %to report progress upOn the reciprocity. —Subscriptioneare being made at Q,ne• bec to send west destitute Swedes and Nortavgbms, brought out by ocean steam- —A disease has broken out atnong. the swOruts in California. The largest dealers have lest their first broods of French 'worms. • —Geo. Wygert, baker, of Tarrytown. N. Y., bas been arrested for incendiary. log his bromism, thereby musing the late conflagration there. • —Fulton, of the Paris crew, woi the scull race yesterday, at St. Johns. N. 8., beating Morrie with nearly four minutes to spare. Distance, four miles. —,Benjamin W. Foiter was tried at Splingtield, WSW on Tuesday, and sen tenmi to the State's prison for life for a rape on a'stlrl eleven years of age. --Roonut'are being fitted up in the bUilding adjoining that used by the ar tillery mesa in Dalhousie - Square, Mon treal, for Prince Arthur, during his , stay there. —Clark& Elsor's store, a large barn, Dunn Bro.'s store, sheds and stables. the puma:lce and six !dwellings were burned on Tuesday, in Union village, N. J. Lusa 8 25 •0,0 0 ; —The German Citizen's Rights Society of Boston, have petitioned Governor Clain to stay the enforcement of the prohibitory liquor law until a vote of the people can be takcu. —Mrs: B. A. Ormabee, widow, living in Springfield, - Ohio, was shot deed by a burglar on Wednesday morning. The muderer fired through a window, and was observed, but made his escape. _ Bolton was shot in front of the Vourt House at Memphis yesterday morn ing, by Dr. Dickens. It was a continua. Lion of a family reua of several years du ration, which has already caused the killing and crippling of more than a dozen persons. ' - —A pack between Tom Allen and Chas. C. Gallagher, for a prize &tilt, was ohlsed yesterday, at St. Louis. The-bat tie is to take place on the 17th of•Au¢aet, within fifty miles of St. Data, for 8.500 a side, open for an increase to 11,000 and excursion money. • —The Women's Convention at Barsto. ga, yesterday, adopted a constitution similar to the National Suffrage Associa tion,. and the platform submitted on TUesdey. Addresses Were delivered .by Mrs. Wilbur, Miss Anthony and others, after which they adjourned, —Joseph J. Bates, convicted in the United States District Court at Boston, of manufacturing stills without paying 'tat was sentenced to'one year's iinpHs. onment and a no of 111,000. Bates soidi only old esitia. , - - for illicit distilling; and than infbrmed on the distiller, making money both singe, At an xsdjourued meeting of the American TraetVoliety of Boston, after 0 leaver dismission of propositions to dissolve the :moiety; dividing the assets among the three aeneminatlons Inter. ested,l6 remulte with the New York branch or stadaln its present indepent mice, tabled 'all the propositions and adjohrned. WWII attending: to queries from a confederate, a. thief quietly walked ot with the box of the cashier of-.the - Sea- man's Bank, New York, °armor:deg af ternoon, and both thieves escaped. Bub. segue:Rig the box was found in an entry with $25,000 of bonds not negotiable, while 110,000 In governments and avails. ' ble bonds were gone. Na arrests. I, • —On Monday evening. -:Warren Out burn, Vice President of the Toledb, Wa. bash and Western RallrOadAom_pany, vrasarreEded New• York ' laid alleged violation of an Ihjunttion restraining officers of the Company from using. stock for the completion of the 'road. The violatlonof the injunction recharged to have consisted in the removal'of the Company's transfer books to Toledo. Mr. Colburn was promptly released,on bail. It is said warrants have been issued for ! the arrest of the directors, -- - , Additional Maraets' , by Telegraph. 30 4 3_ A B PFLO, July 14 —Receipts—Flour, 1, bush; wheat, 24,000 bush. ' Shift m Wheat, 140,000 bush; corn, 8,000 bus . Freights, 13c on wheat, 11c on corn and 7yc on oats to New York. Flour very dull, with a retail trade only. Wheat very dull; sale early of 5,500 bush No. 2 Milwaukee at 5L39; in the after noon 7.500 bush No. 2 Chicago were sold at 51,37 and 7,500 bush Milwaukee by sample at $1,38. Corn In demand and steady: sales early of 62,000 bush west ern by sample at 72@)731.6c, 8,000 bush No. Livestern at We, 24,000 bush No. 2 do. at 823ic, and 8,000 bush do. at Sic: in the afternoon 3,000 bash No. 2 western were sold at 8335 c and 8,000 bush at 84c, asking 85c at the close. Oats dull; small lots sold at 75c. Bye steady and nomi nal. Pork dull at $33. Lark dull at 19c. Highwines higher; sales of 100 bbla at 81,00; retailing in 6 and 10 barrel lots at 11,02. . . New Onr.sarrs, July 1 4.--CottonsteadY; middlings 323,c; sales 424 bales; receipts 37 bales; exports, 104 bales. - Gold 137}i Exchange, Sterling 161; New Yorkitight done* ~3i piiatria, -- Flour firm; Super fine $6; treble e .xtras, Karr VOITi, white $1,15. Oats 78c. Bran, $1,05. - Ray, prime, $26. Pork firmer; held at $34,50. Bacon. firmer, asking. 15, 18X. and 19c. Lard, tierce, 19X(42030; keg 21,4®22c. Sugar unchanged. - Molasses nominal. Whisky $1,04@1,10. Coffee dull and nominal. - . CHICAGO, July 14.—1 n the afternoon wheat and corn *ere moderately active, No. 2 spring wheat selling at a range of 1 1 1:0W4,31. ..40t 2 Corn 79%@800 both seller for month. Provisions and freights inactive. In the evening wheat sold at $1,3035 seller the month, closing with sellers at this figure, and buyers at 21,30 X,. No. 2 Corn held at 803ic seller last half. - .• DETROIT, July tou.r unit and unchanged. Wheat is very quiet, with males of No. 1 white at 81,64, and No. 2 do. at 81,37®1,38. NASnvn 14 —Cotton, no sales. Wheat advancing; red 81,1214, amber $1.17M, white $1,22%@1,25. Flour Fr@ 7,50 per bbl. SAN FBACISCO, July 14..—Flonr at $4.62 @5,60. Wheat; choice firm at $1,65@1,70. Legal Tenders at 843 i. DIED: 7k l F—On Wednesday afte , +•coon.l4th I ast.. at -4:30 o'eloet, ELIZ&REIM. widow (..f the late Beary G.,,fr, La the 7Uth year of her age. Funeral from her late resldencp. Wo. 333 Penn street, on FII•DAT Itona7:lc, 10th inst.. at 10 o , cloca. The friends of the forM'y tre re spectfully invited to attend. • ' KIREMATRIC g —On Tnesdar evening. July s3ih, at quarter Last S o'clock, WALlogi youngest inn of Henry and Mary damn Kirkpat rick. aged 5 monthssind 9 tat... , • The funeral Will take place from the residence of the pat'ents, on Welvter avenue. ab,ire Rob erts street . .. Slew tali wird, So DAY, at %o'clock The irltuds of itieftmlly are respectfully invited to attend. • • lIMERTAKIIM.' ALEX. AIKEN UNDER- T LIM% ,No. 168 118TH WREST. A LEX. aPa C 0,17813 Of Irlads,47ll4Pra. G and v ery dssariptdcra at Paursl For. atsbin. foralged. Boxamday sad Waist Illearas. sad carnage. liamtaxmal.-Bwr. Laing Kerr. Dal., teev.M. W. Mik Jsco a s, D. D., ?Stomas Zwiasg. 7W.. /soot% v. PEEHLES lUN. corses p . D 3. 1 941 ) 110 B AJD CIL M I' x 2 thatreDlM BOO= id, tostuv , au slw will real sad Imftstlon so • - and Waling st I mane Russ WO. 80. Tor la anseat. Baines sad Cu dues 4: *Bpi I,l4Buts or Ilioaraing &sods. tt redatnst, Maas oy es Stan Boars. dal Sad sista. • • . - . DICO'4I9, - & 71UST RECEIVED r per steamer u Iist,VSTLA. ' SQUIRE'S CRAB/MAE FDTASSA. 300 tbs. .; bQUIRE'S GRASULA/S-EP:.;Ritogn:cz FO TABSA. 50 tbs. , SQULEIR"3 BEAM/LAS:IODIDE PO TA..III- • SQ.IIIRIC.6 oRASULAB EF. BEOMIDE MoNIUM. SWIM. SQUIRE's GRANULAR ..Er. CITRATE OF IRON AND QU.NINs. AS lbs.- SQ OBANULAE EP. CARBONATE sTEIA, 10 lbs. BROW NEII VALIMOUTNE. is vacs! , r.taws @Kim so P COCKLE'S AN 'I-BILI.•US PILLS. BRAM &MMUS SOD • r 1.1.13. • COLMAN'S MUSTARD. 71.600 Sts. In 34, 1 and .1010. tans, by , SIMON JOHNSTON, SOLE AGEir,X FOE PETER PQIIIRE (Lattdon) SOAP, AJgD Fine Chemical' 'Preparkions. Or. SMITHFIFLD AND 4th AVENIII3. WAIVE:Fa - POIMLAIL THE MOW MOMS WATCH COI KEY PENDANT Ilnilfik • 4V3 ME mal The beat welch matte, and by fez Use most eoo yenlent. Call alld =amine them at s 56 FIFTH AVENUE. onvarz NrAiloslc max. BEERCII44IT's T4ILORB. natal 44. ant" itaitotrANT TAILOR, ,vonteirtsneettulis intbra-tas rinds Gild um nabisagesersuy, thstbta , SPRING STOCK OF 10005 IS _NO _COMPLETE, =stumpage AZ! MELT CALL. Coiner of Penn and Sixth Streets, W HIESPENHEIO a CO., • No. 60 warm rITTINET. 'Oise at. Clair.) have fan received from theleast the best tot of New goods tbr Spring Stilts ever broasht to the market. The arm warrant to cut sad at , and make Clothes cheaper and better than sap trat ,, ws b o i l s is Aka cap. A new and Math. sad alsortment of EINNTLIKINia TUBNIEOI. INS GOODS are at •all times to be found at titit house; Oar Number Is 60 111X133 STNNST,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers