);;.i . .li#4de4titiji . A . *itti THE FASHIONS. VALABLE HINTS TO THE LADIES. A new , style of skirts called the "round" is= now . fashionable. It is a compromise between the short dress and the trained skirt. It bas no ten, but is longer than the walking area. -An.overdress of blue or pink silk, witli short 'sleeves and low, square cut 'corsage, is worn o'er a dress of white nauslin. The overskirt is looped up at the sides with bows of the same color, &splaying lt an elegantly trimmed skirt, ric 1 with embroidery and volantes, or lace inser tion and puffings of the material. The muslin waist is high, and puffed with rows ofinsertion between, and the leeve is miffed to the wrist. • " Ginghams come in very genteel pat terns this ,season and make pretty dresses for home wear or street suits: They are not confined •to little girls, or young ladies either, but are popular among all ages; they wear well and wash well,"and are very - dealrable.for school dresses. Narrowhaii-striped prints are as Pop - nlar as the Scotch ginglisms, sad though not as serviceable, • yet give good wear. They' are made with double skirts, and trimmed with frills, and every possible mean's is taken to aid to the orignal cost and bring them up to a decent figure. The Marie Antonitette fan is among the most expensive of such articles.• These are made of satin, and are trimmed with costly lace. " The sticks are Mother of peal. The price is from fifty to seventy. live dollars. Full dress fans of satin—Sometimes cal:ed the Watteau fan—have handsome flowers painted upon them. They are mounted upon gilt or pearl sticks. The 1 tortoise shell fans are used for lull dress, and are also expensive. (Among the cheaper but very pretty varieties is the black fan, - - which is dec. 'orated'with spangles and edged with gui pure lace. These are mounted upon gilt sticks, and may be had for five dollars. The long-talked of return to classic styles of coiffure has not taken place. Chienons are worn high and quite as high as ever—though in many cases they are composed of long and short curls, which -render theme more graceful than the smooth' or puffed cushions. • To marseilles there is one weighty ob jection÷it.never stops shrinking; anti as children's dresses pay frequent visits to the laundry this is a serious drawback. White pique dresses are generally made = plain, scalloped •and bound with white braid, though we have seen- black- used for this purpose; but it is not in good taste, except for mourning, and then, with the addition of-a black sash, it looks very well and explains itself. Thin , white spotted muslin street dresses are worn over slips of blue,_ oink' or violet, with sashes and ribbons to cor -xespond. This-is in very bad taste; it re quireti,a groundwork of pure white to throaf`'Ont the Color of the trimmings, :and, moreover it always reminds one of She: style of exhibiting these flimsy goods on the counters. • White linen.dresses are trimmed with • black or colored braid; and very cool and pretty they are for "little girla,,or young ladies, either. Artificial etirleorall kinds are, worn. Tho frizzed curls - on "the forehead, the long, heavy curls behind the eat, and the :short or:long OTIS which compose or fall • • over, the chignon. , Indeed, wherever they .can be plaCid, curls are admissible. The high price asked for switches has ..lbrought-Juto,..fthe market. a. , substitute, -which is called -hair gess. These switches .are long, thicii and pliable, and as light as a-feather.-.:llfhen the httir. `is dressed they look quite as well as a switch of real whichweimld cost $.50. INC the light summery colors whit is the favorite for children,. and it is re produced in an infinite variety of inateri .-als, from sheer muslin to heavy marseilles. Iletween these , two • extremes -sre white poplin, alpaeas, linens and piques. CHIT CHAT FOE THE ZIHNTLEMEN. Although the masculine is supposed to be too lofty to stoop to make the mascu line body look its prettiest; we have seen some fashionable gentlemen in course of preparation for their summer holidays .choosing shirts for traveling, of linen - with narroir-lines of Color, with collars ,and cuffs to Match, of course. For, day dress shirts of white linen, with broad plaited - bosoms, were selected, but Aor resplendent evening toilet the bosoms were.required to be embroidered, .and the , more daintily the better. emits a lifted or "robin's egg" die vi, t will do .for boating, bowling and croquet, for dinner, a brown, black or ,colored_ ~ceat mey, _ accompany a "White - gnat, with troVisers of pale gray or lavender; as delicate in color as the taste • of thevoster;„ , , .; For the extreme of neatness. white ,stilts=of ,firtest : cassintere are worn, and are' Pitrlictildrly effected by the brunette , - • ztypesivitit eyes of Ltae prevailing shades of brown. I...',:,:l_!rtif-eib.-I)Weirastiffloui..;.sttibt of dark .er equally thielind cool, are pre ferred as being - more Suited by contrast to bring out those particular shades of drab, ' gray 1413dIndelnoOne color; so often, seen in roti'Mastat Inv blonde. ' For neckties, the same.tender consider fdr possibilities showei There are daihty ties that come by the 4)OX-lor.easto•44 finestlizteatawn,starched and - Moped So shape-, by the laundress, • ' - who never Pikeethectifors. Satin oravatita .solid colors of striped, are alsq,selected, tegether_ with Roman _;.,:sibbens, vogue among the • ladies, -and any of these are suitable to wear with the fuuneral black. , Some slimmer house jackets for SMOIC . jog are made -of what we boldly call " "bahySannel,"lof,pale gray or laVender; ' • they ate very cernfortable,,'. and in 401110 • cases the material seems most appropri Twit rumor that the landing =Of the . shotedusLorthe French"Atiattic Cable at Dusbury, Mass., wilt be prevented does • mot seem to - rest upon any, substintial ha. sie. The' tate of Massachusetts has al zeady gives& permission for the landing of "' the table, and Wit: Clitlin,lt is asserted, has ex p ressed the opinion ttuit the officers of the United States must determine what' action shall be taken. But, admitting • that the previous' consent of the United States is necessary, the landing of the cable has not been forbidden, and itla - very doubtful whether the I.latted States Courts would - issue an injunction, or the law officers would ask.for such process: •A BalloonVoysige. We left Buffalo at 4:15 o'clock P. ae., and ascended, perpendicularly,' about three quarters of a mile, and then drift ed out over the bay and lake. The view of the city and country was grand and beautiful. We exchanged signals with a tug in the lake beneath us. When at an altitude of 3,500 feet we could still see the people in the streets, looking like pigmies, and could also dls tingulah the spray of Niagara Falls with the naked eye. About twelve minutes to five o'clock we cut loose the drag rope which was coiled around the car. It created a fear ful sound, and not being properly secur ed to the car dropped into the lake and was lost. About twenty minutes past five, being calf a mile high, we coin menced descending with great rapidity, and landed in the water in a minute and a half. All seized the rope and" pressed upon the sides of the car. All the provisions got wet and were pelt ally spoiled. Threw out a small quantity of ballast and ascended again.. About twenty minutes to six again de scended with great velocity, and again found ourselves in the lake, but quickly rose again with the loss of a bag of sand. About eight minutes to six had reached a great attitude, and commenced drifting toward the shore. At six o'clock paised over the beach, a good breeze blowing— co'uld see several' villages, and passed Eighteen Mile Creek at ten minutes past "six, traveling, Mr., King thought, thirty miles an hour, at least. In a few mintres,we had reached an al titude of two miles; it became bahy, and we could no longer see Buffalo. At twelve minutes atter six we passed al most over Edenoind heard the people shouting and dogs barking. All hands felt exceedingly jolly. The balloon commenced to descend, and shouts of "Cann down, and we will take you back - to Buffalo," were heard. GaVe three cheers and a tiger for Eden. Rose again and passed lengthwise over a piece of woods. About twenty, min utes to seven we neared the earth, and threw out the anchor and descended into an oat field. The people came out and helped to hold the anchor, and we finally touched the ground in an adjoining corn field. About ten minutes after seven we' rose from Eden, amid the cheer ing of a crowd of about one hundred persons. The ballast was thrown overboard freely, and in two minute's time we rose to the height of one mile and a half. At this height the cold became intense, and' overcoats were brought into requisition. Our course was nearly due south. We passed over Collins and other villages, in several of which displays of fireworks could be seen. At four- minutes past eight the gas - could be seen coming out of the bottom of the balloon, a sign that an elevation of two miles had been reached, and for the first time Mr. King opened the valve. At eight o'clock we passed over Cattarangus Creek. Here we sailed over an enormous tract of woods. Descent on the homeward side was spoken of, butthe aeronaut de cided to sail over them. The balloon de scended very nearly to the tree•tops, but then the last bag of ballast was taken in hand, and judicious use of its contents carried us over. From this point it be gan to grow dark. The country was heavily wooded, and whenever the earth wasspproached the forbidding tree-tops were underneath, and it was necessary to rise again, to accomplish which the boards from the bottom of the car • were ripped up aid thrown overboard. - The course: continued over the inter-' minable forests. of Cattaraugus county, though it was impossible to judge In which direction we were, drifting. Short ly before eleven o'clock we drew sear a mountain top, and not having sufficient buoyancy to clear the tree-tops, went crashing through them in Er miner more dashing than pleasant Mr. King, seeing that a descent was inevitable, as nearly all the ballastwas gone, dropped anchor a few minutes afterward, and at precisely eleven o'clock rebounded, and it caught in what proved to be the top of a pine tree, nearly onehundred feet high. The anchor-rope let down the balloon about fifty feet,' and a line dropped, 'Showed that the party was at that distance from the ground, suspended there be, tween heaven and earth. The hours of night' were watched out, Mid 'shortly after daylight, at twenty minutes past five A. ar., the anchpr-rope was cut and the ' "Hyperion" came down.by therm, land ing the party without a amble; but the balloon was ribbed into shreds by the branches of the pine: _ Investigation showed that the night had, been spent anchored to the tallest tree of Rock Robbie, the highest spur of the Alleghenies, In McKean or Warren county, Pennsylvania, a point about fourteen miles southeast of Warren, and seventy-five miles nearly due south of Buffalo.— Warren (Pa.) Car. Buffalo Courier, July Sunstroke, like hydrophobia, is always a doubtful subject as to what it really is, and how caused. The forms of medical treatment in the case of sunstroke are as varied as the theories advanced of the character of the -rnaladY. In England such cases are considered as arising from direct over heating of the blood, and treated accordingly. At home some doc lora consider it a poisoning of the blood, and follow a treatment analogous to that in snake poisoning. Indian doctors . be lieve that is occasioned by the direct ac tion of the sun's rays 'upon the hair. or perhaps upon the medalla obtorgata. But now is this effect caused? What rays of the sun thus' affect? It cannot be the illuminating rays, nor can it be the heat, for tiremen, puddiere, gless•blOwers, endure; much greater. heat, and at still greater disadvnntage. But in the solar rays we have the • , actinic" or chemical rays, and it Is the actinic which acts most powerfully en organic usuile; and the , actinic rays are surpassingly energetic In the tropics.—Espineering,Jou rani. -The work on the North Ddiesouri Railroad bridge, at tin. Obetiest' which was suspended in -part PY the late high waters.las been resumed, and Is being pushed with force.and vigor. The dam .age.to the work will not ex wea 110. 6 ) 0 1 including the labor that was , employed for about - two weeks in protecting em bankments and keening the Works clear of drift wood that covered the river. The bridge Will be completed within a MEE —ln cmiseqUence of excavations for a new building on Main street, Hartford. COnn., an adjoinisig building, belonging to Ruse dt Tate, fell yesterday afternoon, musing a loss to the owners and occu pants of $15,000 to .20,000. Sufficient warning was given to the inmates to al low there to escape and no one was in. jured. • ,::PITISIIUMerg .GA; MT,;-,,-, far- PENIVISYLVANLI RAUr WAD CO. • ' s • TRZARIIMER'S DEPARTMENT. PHILADELPHIA. PA.. Aurll 2, 1829. TO THR sTOCKFIOLDERS OP TRH VENN• bYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholders, sareirlstered on the Books of this Company o; the 30th day of April. 1889. will be entitled to subscribe for TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. of thtir respective interests in New Stock, at par, as First. Fifty per cent. at ,the time of subscrip- tion, between the 15th daffy of May, 1809, and the 30th day or June, 1869. Second. Fifty fur cent. between the 15th d of November, 1869. and the 31st day of Decem ber. 1889: or. If Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scription. and each Instalment so paid up !hall be entkled to a pro rata of the Dlildend that may be declared on full shares. than four shar. s, shill be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multigle of four shares shall be entitled to sub. scribe for an additional share. Fourth. All shares upon . which instalments are yet to be paid .under Resolution of May 13, 1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the .Twenty-tilve pet cent. 'at par, as though they were paid in full. roy8:191 THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer. 011tilitrOle. NOTICES. . Third. That every Stockholder holding less IWNOTICE. CITY TAXES, 1869. In accordance with Section 6th, Page . A9S of City Digest, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN - TO THE ' - CITIZENS OF PITTSITIJEGII, That thd assessments for 1869 of City. City Building, Special, Poor, Business. City School and Ward School Taxes and City Water Bents have been returned to me fbi collection. The above taxes em subject to a DE I lIICTIoN CF FIVE PEP. CIaNTUM if paid on or before the First Day of August, and TWO PER CENTUM. if paid between the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST AND THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER. beendeduction will be allo O c to b ers paid eeptember fifteenth anfirst hn addition of live pe• cent um will be made to all taxes unpaid Octobe r first.and an additional live per ceutunt will be added to all taxes re. =tiling unpaid on November first. A. „I COCHRAN, , crrY TREASURER, 4th AVENVE. PlTTerantOtt, July A, 11169. - e.3:1.63 DIVIDENDS. arDIVIDEND. OFFICE OF TUE PITTSIOTOCII GAS CO., July 1869. The Trustees of the Pittsburgh OasCompany hare this day declared a dividend of TWO DQL• LABS AND FIFTY CENTS per share of the Cipital Stack. payable on demand at the once of the Company. ,jyl3:inlo W. H. NeCLBLLAND. Tress's.. IIarTHE BOARD OF•DIREC. TORS or the NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 23 Diamond, Allegheny. have declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARts AND PIETY CENTS per share out of the profits of the last *ls months, payable on and after the 15th nat. JyT2nn9 JAS. E. STEVENSON. Secretary OFFICZ A hTIZA:.'S iNSURANCX ro.. 1. • Prrrsistrnos, July 1. IgrTHE DIRECTORS OF THIS Company have this day declared a divi dend of FOUR DOLLARS AHD , FIFTY CENTS per share, out Or the prising of the test six months. to be credited on toe stock rates. 111twal0 - J. G. corium, Secretary. ItarDIVIDENIN--The timid of Managt roof the molgosomis LA. fi.AV• IGATION OUSIPANY have this day declared • dividend of num EKILLAIts • filar. oa the slack or said Company, payabt• forthwith to the sthekhoiders or. their legal representatives. at the °Mee of agai Com Pliny. No. 94 DIAMOND effilEst vittsbargh, between ills hots Of 19 WILLIAM RAKE% ELL, Treasurer. Pirrsuotou. Joy 9th, MAIL jythi94 01 1 7101 Or THE BIN PRANXLIN INSCRANCZ CO +PANT. No. Al Onto Street. ALLICGIIILNY. PA.. July 6th. 1664. arTUE DIOECT O IOI OF THE BEN PRA.NRLIN INSURANCE COSI PANT have this day d.elared &Dividend or oNE DOLLAR AND FLYTY CENTS rat, SHARE out of the props of test atx months. pal able Inc ash on and after IVXDNEeDAY. July 14th, 11184. IiEOoOE D. NILO LE, isltta) . • , Secretary. OrDIVIDENIO.—The . Pred. DENT and Dlreetore of the BINNING. RAM s and raltißUH9lll BRIDGEO. have dreias..d - sk Dividend of ONE DOL LAR and alifTY CENTS per share out.et the earnier of the past blz months, payable for hwitb. ED coatis 3 M OY L i T r e y un ree t. MEI MANI3IACTUI.ER'S NAT. HAxtif -ri IT,I3UXOII. July fith. 1%6U. 1 f orailr 'DEN U.—The Direc• 103 of this Hank have ibis day deela•ed a 41,11184 d of YIVE Plltt CENT. on the eanital .15toca. ottt of tee proett of the last els months. p Y , trls forttvith. free of all taxes. /3 . JOHN . SCOTT JR.. Caabler. UITLCE or SHE CAUL INSURANCE CO PITTSBURGH, July B. ItlB9. IarDIVIDENO.-1 he Board of "1[143 ore of this Company have tot. day declared a dtvideird of l'lsktftlf. DOLGA lita PAX hitAHE nut of theproilts of she last six months, payilthe on demand , free or (lover omen' tax. cream. . . . ALLEGLINST NATIOatI, NA L. 86 RAKN, .. IV. igrTIBE 'BOARD OF DIIREG TUIti of this Bank base tbnaday atelared a seral.annuat ambient. .; gy.X rEB papillae to the stockholders ftortnart.t. .too of all taxes. lt. W. DIALLIB,h,T. Jy6:100 t tablet riprenutton. JULY NATIONAL 'fl lIIST.COUPAN Y. No. 423 rend etreet. farti'llE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK bare declared a Dividend of RIVE . PER fRtN V. but of the pr tSall of toe lut etx mo^ths, paystrtelon or after thelUlth Inet., five of ftoverament tax. /TS SORT. J. GRIER, Cashier. ItarQUARTETIvir DIVIDEND. I /PST NATIONAL BANK PiTTADLOIMII. - 4 PA •lIIIte rlvaborgli Trust t. i The Dire,• tore of thicsiank bow this day de tiered it Dishiend of THIt LE rEit for 00 the Capital rhork. out of the profits of thelait bre. mouth.. parable lorthwith, free *I Mate and Doves meat Tax. J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. AL T 5. IEIB9. • < 115:10°. 1889. "THE METH& NICS NATION AL BAI4II Nlll osy. a dividend of El(111T, (e)rEttOZET.. fres of taxes. on and after July 13th Inst. JNO. G. 11.13:113, Cashier... Tstabersunts Niro:War/Mork. tt rrrrsenadu, July lat, 1869. IarDMDENIX—The Directors or 111112 Bank hare this day declared a dividend of nvir, FEU CSBT;,•plyable OR de• k. need, free sr ail tax. intrat .413YRIWOLkEL Jr., Cadi , . °Tilos /lIIITAARCE PITTSBUKOH,_Juniata , 18119. arTlllll3 D 1 1013101011m1 OF THIN. Comfatil hive this day deelated a Mel* dind of THIIIIS (3) .I'llB - corr.. out of. the prat* of the. test, six Inonths. - 014nbin 0 0 do" mond, free of IJ. tan. - - • " 371:129 • 111.100 110111.1111AY. &metal' • - OrrICK ALGXOURNIC ntnoz - Vome WY, r ) l'rrrinttuun. July lit, 1169.! t, • OrDIVIDENID. -- The' Prole DENT,. Minegoes. , and Company. for. erecting a bridge over the Allegheny rher, on.. ffg e th r l i eV4 h ;Fp ln A t lt h" 4lTaalti g); ).Ali AN el v i Ir•NTV •FIVE CENTS on ma 'hare of the catittal itoolt of the Company. Ways. big to itookholders or their, legit repreitives y the 'Vaulter forthwith. BOWi tr _ 7lz : ; : e ; r . U / lISDAY„ ,15t-;.1.569. BPBOI~+ IQO"tIOFfB "'~ Or" SCIIENCRAII PULDIONIC • SYRUP. SEAWEED. TONIC AND MANDRAKE rILLI4 will cure Consu mption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if taken accord ing to directions. They are ail three to be taken at the same time. They cleanse the thoniach, re issues liver and put it to work; the t the appetite becomes goad; the fart digests and makes goad blood; the patient begins to grow In flesh: the diseased matter ripens into the lungs, and the patient outgrows tae disease and gets web. Tait la the only way to cure consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. ILSehenck, of Philadelphia. owes his unrivaled success in the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Ps monlo Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the Auuss, timure throws it off by au ea ‘y expectora tion, for ,when the phlegm or matter Is ripe a sileht cough will throw It off and tLe patient has rest and the lungs begin to heat. T do this, the Seaweed 'ionic and Mandrake Pills must be ire ely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. so that the 1'111mo:tic Syrup oud the food w,ll make good blood. Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing all obstruetions. relax the °vets of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved; the stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing los ever been invented ex cept calomel (a deadly po'son wi lett Is very den serous to nae uniess with great care,) that will unlock the gall bladder and start tile secretions of the liver like Selteuck's Maddrake Pills. • Liver Complaint 9 one of toe most prominent causes of Consumption. ' Schenck 's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative. and the alkali .n the Seaweed, which this preparation 15 made ist, ass.sts the stomach to turow out the gastric juice to niseolve the food with the Pnimonte, Syrup, and It Is made into good b cal without fermentation or souring in the stomach. %he great reason why physiclaes do not cure Consumption is, they try to do t, much; they give medicine to stop the conga. to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers. Ins up the secret.ons, and eventually the patient sinks and dist Dr. Sehenc4in his treatment, does not try to desks congit,iiight sweats,' chillu or f o ie. Re. move the cause, andquey will all st f their own athord. )S oon cane be cured of Onsump ' Hon, Liver COmp ti lalut, Dy s pepsia, Catarrh, Caner, Ulcerated Throate,-nless the liver and stomach are made healthy. - If a person has consumption, of course the nags in some way are diseased, either tubercles, abcesses, bronchial Irritation, pleura adhesion, or the longs are amass of inflammation and fur decaying. In such cases what must be dose? It le not only the lungs that are wasting, but it is *the whole body. The stomaefillaitUVer ljaye lost their power to make blood out of fo d. klow - tite only Chaffee Is to tage Dr. Schenck's three medi. eines, Watch will bring up a tone to she stomach; thepstient will begin to want food. It will digest emelt,' and make good blood: then the patient rie gine se gain in neat'. and as soon as the body be gins to grow, the lungs commence to neat up, and the patient gets fleetly mid well. This is tue only way to cure Consumption. • When there Is no Ping disease and only Liver Complaint Mondre Pills are sufficient, ehhottt the Pulmonts syrup. Take the Manarake Pitts freely In ad billions complaints, as they are per fectly harmless. Dr. Schenck, who hat enjoyed uninterrupted health fur many years past, and now weighs ASI3 pounds. was warted away to a mere skeleton. in the very last stage of Pulmonary Cormumptio.,, • hi. phy, icons having pronounced his case hope, less and abandoned ban to his late. He was cured by the aforesaid me. Mmes. and since his revive ', many ihuusaiiiis similarly afflicted have used Dr. ticheucta's preparation vet h the same re markable success. full directions isecompsny each, makin r it not absolutely necessary to pe Boesky see Dr. Schenck. unless patients wish their lungs examined. and tor this purpose he is prefessioi ally at his Principal tpace, Philadel. phla, every Saturday. where all letters for advice must be addressed. He Is also prufees'onaily at No. 34 Bond street. New-York, every other Tuesday, and at Nu. 33 Hanover street, Boston, every other Wednesday. lie gives ad" ice free, but for a thuroughosamiaation with his Respl rometer the prior As 05.. 0.4. Ce hours at each city trim 9 a. x. to 3, 1 . Puce of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton. le each e 1.51) per bottle. or $7.50 stall dezen. Mandrake Pills SS cents a box. If or sale by all (misstate. my19:151-d3F Mr DOCTOR WBITTLEJI CON TINUES TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That nuerou , • class , of ca u ses resulting from self - m abuse. s producing n manliness, nervous „debility, Irritability. erup tions. mating 'emissions. and dually im. potency, permanently cured. Persons afflict-, ed wish iselicate. Intricate and long stand ing constitutional complaints are politely Invited to call for. consultation,. which - coma nothing. Experience. the best of teachers. has angled him to perfect remedies at Once efficient, safe, permanent. amt which in most cases e in be used without hindrance to business. Idedic.nes pro pared In tne establishment, which embraces Ol dce, reception and waiting rooms; also. warding and sleeping apartments for patients reuniting da'ly perilousl attention, and xapor and chemi cal baths, thus concentrating she Dirtied mineral spriugs. No matter who have failed. state your case. Read what he says In his pamphlet of My rages, sent to sot address for two stamps in seal ed enve ope. Thousands of cases treated annu ally. at 019041 and all over the country._ Consul. cation free, personally or by mall. Office No. 9 Wylie street, (near Court House) Pittsburgh, Pa. . Noses 9 A. x. to 8 P. ii. Sundays 1.11 x. to it r. a. Pamphlet sent to any address for Imo 'stamp/. . ap2 ga'ELECTRICITY AS A CVRA. TIVIL—Dr. A. H. 91EVEiklit has been saline Electricity sea SPLCIA,L IffiraLZDT In curing chronle as well se acute cowllttons wuruotrr lizolCom for more than Wag' IfLARJ3. with un bounded success. A ReetruLar, Including alt part enteric, *lib certtnestes and reliable refer• emcee, will be sent to any Inquirer. ' 6 few thrash , d roomsYeeanl. fbr boardtun pa tients in the Doctor's Oimpy. if applied for soon. Office and residence, 2,001 ARCH 8 ['REST. PHILADISLPHIA, ; 18321 IarBA.MIELOWS HUB DYE. This splendid Hair Die !i the best la the world: the only Me aud perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble. instantancOns; no disappointment; no ri dienions tints; remedies the iii effects of bad dyes; izeolgefistas and leaves the Hair tuft and bean 1. Wade or Ovens sold In sU Druggists and Perfumers: and properly applied at •Datehe usys wig yeetory, Fn. 14 Send strzat.'- ;Zvi/ York. - Or, EPILEPSY CAN BE CURED —Those having Mends afflicted are ear nestly soliclted'to send for a Circular Letter of References and Testimonials. which 'will con vince the most skep_tleal of the eurabißty_ctf ta• disease. Address Wks' BUREN LOCKEOW. lv., 38 Great Jones street, New Yore. mbni:JrN•dilf OrTHE MARRIAGE Ess lye on the filtlitlita Or YOUTH, and the POLLIKALOP AGE,; 1n regard to SOCIAL X IL& wiih certale,nelo to . f the evri..g and utp. !intonate. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of chars e. Address, lit/W.IIID Ati .110 I aTIQN, Berl P. Philadelphia, Pa. m72d:XtiiiBX .ASSESSPHRINTS. .144. JWIe. CIYY EA GltiltalOS Orme. ) • ALLE611 4 2:47 CITY, PA., July.l9. 1869. I NOTICE.--Tbe Assessments for Grading . • Red Pay ng of ALLYGIIIINY AVENUE, from 'Western to Bomb Arenas's. Also the assessment .tor Grading Lf FBA EMU /STREET from Western to Oblo Avennes, sine now ready for examinatlon, and em be the 091. e of the Oily Engineer. until July 110th, 1869. when they Will be placed to tbe bands of the City Treasurer for collection. cassias DAV 19. CITY ZNGI itEE B. .013:11113 OPTICS OP CrrY limonntrit AND PerAVrenn, t Pitteburin. JelP JU. MI% g NOTICE. --The •Assessin•nil for the .13oarilwallt on urn street (Illuiumnsidy N Main str-et to the rninsylesolit Railroad, to now beady for eitatethittion. std can beseek at , thle•otlice until WHlstsZtlitAY: • July filet. when it wilt be returned to tn. City Tr.seuter , s om'. ibr I:uneaten.. it. .1. 11001tir. jytti:mit Cltyttegineer... OrrICZ Or CITY ENOLSHICIt AND dirliVirfoll, / rirrulnutou. July 3.1859. () 11 7 - OTICE.—The asseasmene .for mulcts "and Paving VI 08 rk lI'S ALLEY. rani Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Hall. rord, Is now ready for • xainination, and can he seen at this Wile. until WICUNt4IIMY. July 14; whin. It will to returned to the Clty Tresoureel ullloe for collection. . .. jvc ~ . H. J. It IJOBE. Oltriguilneech urrics• Of OtTY IerIOINIFSS MrDISITRVIIrrna.. i ,rytyeburgn, July lit. 1889.. * , Ir rAid ilpillr—The Assessment for. the Bwalk on Boundary and Laurel Ite la nor rainy' (or exasnmatlnti, au4ean be "1170,`44'11,P 1 119.1irttggaittu1.14 11 1 1 .1 1 :i Tresaur!rai octlepro clauecgun a .. T. __, _ 3111110 at, , r Mx , VTlrtneor: ' MEM „. lktenlreCCA giTREEIN— N ot bey , siv,en, that Um anderylord. au ye uteri viewers, to *steal aware and benefits fOr:Nelb , o o Attest. -/teat ward. Alla. ililenlf• ?him Craig to *testa street . tneei on the premises tor attend to ddes of theft ay , poInUJAht.ottAVAJJAAADAY, July Slid, abeY.. - Al-fk0' 0 49 4 44'...** • • - *AWAY, Ur Hui ' m: - A. BL. AtAltdalaLL, IMMO Man gEncew a rc,t, , sTREET.4Irhe . unalnilgite • appointed - to' unapt !Intl!! s lindlbenallta lb? oDenninlielrieti : 1 , 1 11`;:gir 0 %4 ClaitlinenYl will Ave at * oloioek too on A . July $14461, ■ . intmen .. it. at., to attenottoduuel . or4 ii. , R , szT b, • ' ' -- I.XoIIARD ALI*. irci THOtaAts ElZtt 7:R.' • - *:l6s Eat t la Orme, t a see pitatberNak maw , POR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT. An elegant new Brick. Dwelling. 7 rooms, at tic and wash room• House of 4 rooms, 2 lots. 18th ward. $1 800. H..use of 4 rooms, 1 lot. 16th ward, $1.500. House of 4 rooms, 2 lots. 17th ward, $2,800. House t.f 4 rooms. / sot, 17th wwd, $2.400. House of 4 roams, 1 lot, 15th ward, 42;800. Rouse of :a rooms. 1 lot, 15th ward, $BOO. I 10 luts.Siebertg.Wllllilllll'plan,s7oo to $BOO. 1 lots, 44th street, $1,200 each. 4 lots, 45th street, $l,OOO eas.h. 3 ldte, Hat field street, $BOO each 1 to', Bherman street. $7. 50 . ' • Slots, 40th aveet, 20x240, $12,000. 4 lots. Butler street. $4,000. RAILGAINSIN BLOO3IFEELD. ' . Lots 20x137 f.e.t. 4600; ten years to piy. A house cost 6500: Interest oh both, $6B a year. Many pay .1.00 year rent. At Bloomfield you wcald save Sit , / 3 year and your house and lot la less than. 10 years. fahurebes and schools near. 30 acres or . land, 'a mile from Eharpacirk. WOW; 25 sc ree of it, 43.500. , D. h. WILLIAM% 17th ward. XTALITAII3LE COAL:LANDS IN v VIRGINIA FOIE SALE clt LEASE.—The undersigned. in pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of tue county of lieurico. In the State of Virginia, made on the 3.1 - dna' or 1860. will receive PROPHSALS IN WRITI .6. either for the PURCHASE OR LEASE., from anal after the 31st DECEMDER.II3I39.for the wileoe, or any, pat, of the COAL LA MOS , equate in Cheatethe d county. Va.. belonging to the Ches terfield Coal and Iron Mining Con/Pony. The lands coat said Company more that( 4000.• 009. The mines .which Cher etantain have been and are now being.profftably worked by the pres ent lessees, and .pe property is cousidercd of great vale for its coat and iron ore. The differrnt tracts are known as follows: "WOOLDRIDGE'S and VA.LLIau.t. ettEEN,•• containing about 'IWO /MADERO A.ND POUR ACRES: .` BLACK BE A.TB, " NINETY - NINE ACRES.; - "RAKEEn and " NINETY-NINE ACitiajt: "HAIiVIR and HARRIS'." TWO HUNERED N T A., TWENY;FoIIas ACRES: . AN SEVENTY-SIX ACRES: _• ' ••MARTIN'S,' • (one ttact,) THIRTY ACRES: _ ''3IA.RI IN's,'" (another tract. T RIME HU fa - DREES AND T WYNTY•SIX ACRVA: SALLET.TS." TWO HTTNORED -ACRES. and a COAL-LIRD and LAND a tachad thersto. on James river opposite t let-Mond, eutttainlng upwar.is of FOLLit ACRES. twofers .and proposals may be addressed to the nudes signed. Yostolitice Box 342, B.lchaton4, Va., until t -e 2Uth day of October. 4.. D... 1.860. ' tie r•eommtendeal that the proposals be made as specific as possib e since the decree requires them P. i.e report , dto tile Court foe Its approval or disappr vat at the next teem, commenelpg on the 29th day of uctober. 1869 • A NIIKEW JOHNST°N. YOWH ATAN ItOBIRTS. t . . epeeist Commtteloo• `HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. This beanEful situation cannot ,be surpassed for pirate resldences in any dire° ton, EO esose to both citiee,• being only eight miles up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any tiers on de. siring in formstion about thls property can obtain It bi calling at the office of the IRON CITY MIT 'MAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ID Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-ha acre to Ave acres: also. small lots to snit pur , chasers. There is a good location for a ins nufac taring establishment, between the Railroad an Allegheny river. - Jel3;1148 Fon. SALE. • • Slots In - Mansfield. 60x120 each. 11aert. of land,grapery, peaches and email fruit. good -spring of waiter..olt house, - &e: price low. TO &tees.. .Economy township. Beaver Bo; price X 75 per acre: sod orchard of 300 bearing fruit trees. tiouse of 7 r00m., -R3 miles from Econo my station. 1,100 acreshinore Co..W est Va.: good solir.well timbered and watetedt price GT per acre. NIU3 .surd, same county. rood twine and orchard: price tB.ner , acre. 1 2*o acre., Braxton Co. v. est Vim rich , soh and well tim bered; priceil.3o per acre. Bonds sad ortgages wanted by ' THOS. SIMPSON & .11. ffi HOLLAND Stkia&SlT STREET Lace, but mom FOB SALE. Near Caboni Station. on the Pittsbnigh Ft. Wayne and Chicago Ea'Mil —TWO LOTS, Containfug . About Two • Ao.reo Had. tIiQMEE OE • W. MACKEOWN & BRO.. 195, Liberty Street. athLS FARM FOB SALE. A GOOD FARM. in WeatDeer townsblp, AL. legbenpp county, 10 miles from Sbarpsnur.,:. A FRAME 'Mu liToßlf HOUSE. of 514_100MS: CELLAR under all house ; also. a LAttO E FRAME BARN, 58x3S feet, and other outbuildings. A Young Orchard of 'Choice trait Trees, itt, For imticulson CIII.on the trenitses, or at JOEIrt W. RRYVON's. 319 Liberty etrce , , or addrres W ILLI tilirztni. 'Rural !Sligo P 0., A glrgh*llT county, Pa. • J.110:"97 grARDENERS TAKE NOTICE. —FOR • SALE.—The FOURTEEN NMI AND, on the Allegheny River. and now used for gardening pniryipieC well Improved and In a high state of cultivation; containing 40.0. MI acres. now °tiered bargain. Call soon. Also:other Perms in godo locations. Wooles Factory. two Houses and twenty acres of land on the Central Rallniad. Houses and Lots For balear.d Ta.:et in both cities. Woe further par tleulats lionise of WILLIAM WARD, fe2S • nu (*rant street. unmans Cathedral. • TALATILEFAIINrou SALE. IT in' Allegheny township, moreland eunnlY. /0 minutes. welt from Mc- Kean% tat on, on the AlleithetyVality dal mad. Contains 101 acres. BO of welch are cleared; all under leocelplaalanee valuable timber; under• lapel' alto coal. di, foot sew. newel I,og , Hoy and Barn; an orchard of 140 trees, grafted; tie plaee , lawell watered audio a goon nAlghborhood. For price and tering apply to B. bIeLAIN CO.* :No. Bei Fourtla.arenua• • lye 81 RAIIOII,E DWLLING . `- DWELLING .HOUSE IN. ALALEteIIENY ,ClTv . , FOE e1,;2."--A` well bull, two story Brick House. of It•li, seven IrOJill , il end cellar; gall and wilier fix tures: tot twenty feet front 13% one hundred and ten deep . t 3 an slay: In rood location. Apply to tl. CUTHBERT & SON& jylo - . . • 39 Mtn Avenue.- SIIMBIERRESORTS. ==:=:2=t=2 CRESS ON SPRINGS. ~ • T. i s FaTorite Susunt Resort,. . . . . Pituat*4 on the Summit or the ALLEGHENY tilln`hTAlNS,._ 2,200 FIVE , AB tVE TrtE. I.E.VEL.OP THE eifoth will at open for the re.. ePPLion ofguest' on the lath say, of JUNE., " he butldlngs conneet.ol withthe e.tablistiment have been 1110 tingly renovated and 011 irly fer.deb. ell.. Excursion Ti. to t*A•old by the Ponnseleania R.Jiroea.at Phibotslphla. arrieburn and-Mils, berth, grxtd tt Mir th. season. All trat , s st o p at i reeson. TN°. I tIGNILeHitro tar/LTAInd irga liniT., for further information, addreis GEO` POpriptor, • ~ Csessaa BlortulPi. coalnla county. Pa. .4 STOCILT.9II , HOTZL, .... • . , N. J Wlll WW, elk t)ut.,*lltlrk or JUKE, 18419. Thle hotelhu beertuuetet.l yrltttlk putr the, Yeuev s ford]. iOuple teantuninistion tor merry one thou• and vest* wadi* thentsbed equal to lltta otthe leuttultltoteleislbellatted Mau& 4 4111 11 1-, _O,. Raul thel• adilre,l4. Proprietor, ttig41(11344,41 Well / 1 E111..4100w lettf ertAvrtaiilarEL, PAPA .T. caTx. Wlll,be opened fa the union SATURD,ILY:Ns7 $9lll. shars Class apnolatmeata, equal 'le any yet aflard 'kg to rambles all filo comforts 'Of. a , a ,me. • Preattleat- Wont expects to visit Cape NAY. tbrovisomutilwAatopotstio "United iSuites. A draw_ tnyll4lll • - A2l . llll.Litlivrt•Opristir. 1. „; ~O~fDIIV' AN OLIDLNANCE To Authorize the availing& and Parlor or that part of Voles' litre wit. in SeV eittu Ward, at prearni opened. Sze. 1. Be it ordained. an 4 enacted by the Select .' ana Common Co - /Incite of the city or zitieyfienili. and it Cs hereby enacted by the authority of the seine. That the Committee on burets be,seci they are hereby authorized and directed to Invite and receive proposals .or the grading Plll4 paving of Union street as afore-aid. and to eantract there- • for with the lowest and best bidder or bidder/. at their discretion. . axe. 2. That for the parpose of =tetras lee the cost-and expenses of the • .0.1.1 hnor.venl,lll, there be and is hereb•,' levied s special tat,. to be ~,,,,,,ii, as ..sse *noon me several lots boar ding and abutting upon the sato Unpin street re spective.y in T•opurtion t the feet front in t hew respectively comprised, dad bounding aad abut ting no amresaid. -. axe: 3. 's hat as soon as the cost and expenses of stl, improvemeat4 shall be fully ascertained. it so Ibe the dun' of the street m Comissioner to assess and apporilou% the same amour ( the" sev eral ...its bounding tend aouttiug. upon said • Unto street respectively. according to the rule above Indicated. and , het...noon proceed to ' 0 ynase &Juana and cod et tile same, according t.. • tee provisions of the Act of the Ueuer‘i Atbem bit' of the Common weviii of Peiansylvanta, cu t tiled —An Act denting the manner of collecting the expenses ,of grad 1.11:f auddiaciug of the streets and alleys on hUCIty 'or Allegheny. curl for other to poses," matted the thirtieth day of March, 851. , axe. 3. That so touch of any ordinance as may conflict with ortint. supp;led •,), the foregoing, be and the same is here ay r-peal-d., • - Ordained and enacted Into,alave this the Bth day of July, a.. 1.i . .. ' • ,.1 • h 00• 31 ' Es 31 BRlke. . • President of. detect Council. Attest: JOSSflt rie .oxi.air, , Clerk of Select Connell; . Attest: PonEUT Dritwowril, . ' • Pie l ; Adenitilro " .2 o7 l l- ZW A'C uu K cil. k orCOmmitosJoutlell , AN:ORD/NANCE To Authorize thellirodttur sail Paving Roes Alloy, trots - Isabella (Street to the giver. 5X.C21:.1; 1. 3e itordatned and ett4de2l by the Rant and flotiimml, Counedie of ths Mt" of A 111- pherty; and it it hereby onialmed and enacted by thet authority: of, thWeamit,' That the Committee on "greets be; and Ellie* are hereby authorized and directed to invite and receive prop,vals for the grading .an , „paving of nice alley, is: .. aforesaid, and:l.contract therefor with the low 6. eat and hest bidder or blddsrs. at their discretion. Sae. 2. That for the purpolte of defraying the cost and expense of said improvements, there De._ au.i is het ebs iceled, a: , special' tax. to be equally a.ceaaed noon the several lots bounding awl abutting I.lp:ai the said Race alley. respectively—in proportion to the feet front In them respectively comprised, and bounding and atuttlr g a. arerssaid. , SEC. 3. That as *OOll ZS the cost and expenses of said imp °cements *hail be fu ly ascertained. it shall be the duty of tualtreet'Commiss over to assets end a,..portion the same !moon the seversl lots pounding. and abutting upon )13111 Bare alley . resnemtvely, according to ,• the rule above indicated: an I thereupon proceed to make demand' and collect the same, amercing to the proviatorill of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of ,Penusylvanla, .entitled "An Act defluturthe manner of co ll ecting the expenses o f grading and -paving of the streets and obeys of the Cit v of Allegn say, and for other_ ' pasted the, thirtieth day. of Starch. nix, 4. That so much of any ordinance as may conflict with, or be supplied by, the foregoing, be and the same Is hereoy relocated. Ordained and enacted into.it:law this the Bth day of July; JANYS 3fCBRIER. President of ate Select Council. Attest: J. R. 'Oxixt". . .- • . • Clerk of the delect Council. • • ALiriEil tILACK, President of the Common Connell Attest: ROBRIIT DILWORTH; : Clerk of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE, To Authorize the Construction Of a LateralbeiyerouNciiitgomery Alley. _ . . . SECITO:vI. We It &dal - Tied and enacted by the Hefect and s..omman (Attache of the City of .Alle gheuv, and 1. is hereby ordained and enacted ny the an.lwrity of tbe same. That the SewerCom mPision be and. they are hereby authorized and Sheeted to invite and receive Pro posals for the construction- of -a Sewer, located as follows •. tln hiontgomem alley its entire length, and to contract , therefor with the lowest and best bidder at bidders, at their discre tion , sic. 2. That as soon as the scost and expenses of said sewer shall be fully ascertalued,tbe same shall be levied, assessed and collected as pro vided lot by an act of Assembly of the Commou w, alth of Pennsylvania. entitled ••a,supplement to a suiiplement of the fourtlt section oi an act. entiti. 4-an *Act relating to Ailegheny City,' ap- . Proved March 24, A. U. 11380 ff : Sac. 4. That so much of any ordinance as may . conti•ct with. or Ise supplied.ky the foregoing. be' and the same is hereby revealed. Ordained and enacted Into a. law this the Bth day of July. Anno DoMint one thousand eight hundred And silty Who,- _ - • - JAME 4 I3IcBRIES, " President or Select Council. ALL O. R. Ontax", Clerk of Select Gotseell. \ ALFRED SLACK. President of Common Council.. Dttdiroltrn.."- • t.lerk of-Gonanson•Conacil. iyil LEGAL: ORPHANS ) ,CO,IIIIT SALE. A FINE FARM. late the:yironerty of RnBERT GLASS. dent., comprising; 1441 - sores, 1 rood an 114 perches; showed on West. Penna. It It.. two 'hours and a half ride from P , ttshurgh ant within one half tulle of either North We 4 or us lens etitious;.together with Stone Dwenng of Twelve Rooms, Tw ',Tram n Tenant Houses, One rrnite Bun onebundrett feet long. Stone Sorlng Haus , . Iliseks mit rhnp.../. WO Story Frame G ran ery, Frame Carriage - House.' Brame. Hay . House. will: shede, -lsush•er House, 'L aws Orehard of choice Fruit in good bearing, Ord.r. Cider Press anunda tof never. failing eprings - of cure Water. To be sold on TIIEnll&Y, Tate TiorTri DAY 'OF 'AUGUST. 416 e, Trains leave Alle gheny City at 7A, N. and arrive at B.e. R. For urther p rticular. nifintre of Mr. - Phelps, corner Cheer:Wiley and Third - avenue J. U. West, (ace of Clerk ot Quarter dogmas, it. D. 318:Clore. 310 Peso Street, 4,0; Wllson, 55 Fourth ave nue - ; -I,M:llB:DrusT ParAI'SIVOIIRT. SAILS. • • By virtue of an order. of the Orphans' Court of Al clammy coatttir, I will offer at Public nsle a , the et HI/Usk. la the city of eict,hrirgli on 'TUESDAY, the 20th dey.of July. 1869, at 10 o'clock A me, alt the estate. right. titte. in terest -and oboist of JAMES ORAA.:I", deceased. at the time of h's de sth ‘ of. in and to all that cenr tale t.t.IT 0P null Ntrottuste In the Nitlage of Witkinaburg. Alieghenv. anrintt,salt .tot being untried and aunt and 103 in Junes hte,ly's gen eral thou of the village of WilklarlOurr. b o uaided.anlreetcribed o. follows, L., Wit: Benue Meg on lia:dn street 201-fret mom the soothe won . ' co•ner of Coat aed* Mate streets, and run. n ug 8 07 dagre.a E.:60 feet elone 'Alain street: th t ore A.unic 'hie of lot Nu. 106 M. 23 degrees 1t..2611 feet to Wallace street: thence .tone Wale Lace at. eet N. GI eel:Tees W. 66 feet to lot No 104: and 'hence alone said lot parallel with Coal etreet 23degrces .14 ; 261 feetto the plate of -beginning. • • • - HUGH WARD. Adm'tr of the estate of James saucy, dec'J. H tIN THE' DISTRICT COURT OF THIt UNITED STATES, for the Webtera Dis ct of Ponasylvanta. Gif.olctiel n, HAYS. a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2 1807; having ap plied for a dlscharge' trent all his. debts. and other clalmeprovable under . said Act. by order of the Court, notlee herebv.glven tu,all creditors who have proved their debts. and Other persons. Interested: to appear - on the lath day of JULY. 11689, at 10 o'clock A. x.. before tsAAI 5.L BAB. PE d., Ken., Register. In Bankrupr , y. at tile Oes at, - Iwo.' 03 - Diamond -street.. 'Pittsburgh. Pa.• to show cense. a atlrth t fave, ;why a &s -ybarite should nO4-441 gran °the said Bank suet. ..lead further 'Wilde' Is erehy g.ven, that the seeoad and 'Third 'ineettnee of Creditors of th. sa d Bankrupt. required. , tht, ATth and 2 eth se.ttous of eald Art.mill be hebabezore the sale Register. 10 the Maine time an Istare• b. C. McOANDLESS. * Dainurnt.t-To s NOTICE:, —Noticels hereby gaal rehat letters of ad. m u straiten bhtec' beret , sranted tb the under. Aired on the eststo et' JOHN 001111,11litit.late or Pittsbnre h. doomed. All persons indebted to said estate mlitMalte - mim•dlata tortment, ant those having elalMt sgalust said ettste_ wig pre sensthens property istVm-iested „we settlement to Aldo, nrsu Tsylor., 438 Penn street., ' • 1.0 31S BentrgLlEß: AassinUtrator. JetyliktCO•sus reiLIINMATILICINTe-rNotice is bereby glieti that on "Hui tOib day of July, at June Tertit..l.slMli , lanarter suasion!' coon, ,f .y.yasstion! porta bl y or Hopkins street . City Aitetheq,y„ ; lraa• present ed and - -ordered so be flied, Wm tole grant.d to shear Rini. %oral,. pontos - Al' sidd street should not be qlosedttn.Slusinutoth• • ..6, 12 „, 54 , er m ‘AUTOTTIST, INT FSSILIOII. TS. I 88 ! ‘ ine . .. . . 2._ twacke Sha d Vet bar' barrel s . Pt . tt l i . ti - nff i n b, r .. re 8 : MlLLlerei. Vali 111 4 4 f a l in 'Tieo is nted p a ckages; Whit* , : Leatioinrerlng. For twin IQ " " l'Oitad,_4ll"WAXT4-Wl# iso., Its ii,,,i •bagge* "- factory • ,plagese;A.pu i ekcitcatien do., 13r 44 , tif ' „ • .• .4. R. - elAvvontri rIEMIM• T-4100 Max 14kuteville gYal'AlthP.Onpi • -- • • 4.-B; igasyuraz SI OE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers