fr • r STEMA WORXI3. • DUttUESNE WORKS. • 001,E AI RAKIA & 00 •114)aufactileeiti of MON,'NAILS,:sTEEL. • AXIMIANCk.stna AN as ,- at QV . IngrEingt.; 1E; t. AND .ivroATA. .. , . . , . . BAT BAR. BOUND AND EIQUaRE]HtON. ND HOOP SHEET AND TANK lEOl. ' ILA?. PL WIWI AND HEADS,i 1 . ' °TIMID IRON num* and.navitTEß BAR% PLAN. easy. ulurrEir, . BART. • , ckIANLER , I N tarli t SLAT RAlL t ior Coal Rods. OW A kaMitDblaS A. HARiti , W TEETH, .:...EINO,PLOWr.NDCULTIVATR STEEL. 4., EL WINOS A N o MOULDS cu t to pattern. EL TInEE; STEEL SHAFT 0, A. E. CH, BUGGY and WAGON SPEIN6I3 and 1 , ,- I, CUT NAILS AND SPIKES . ' 1 Ari6OOds tiisf class and Wirranted. •-- - °FIUME - AND WORES. , , ' - . iz . I alaterath' Street and AllegtkeitY tlrfiri sum 7? Water Street, Pittiantrget. BISEFSIELIP STEEL WORKS. SINGER,: HECK ic 00., PITTSBURG'S. PAL. Manufacturers of ix dpienpuon os CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, XATLW I:MANG% ELLL..:C, AND PLAATORM SPRINGS, AXIABOMEEL T11,14E, Itc.. WarahOubeg 88 Water and 100 Flratits. A NILILLEIti 11,1111111. ?arm= WM. ansvosiri - . ttEXIBEN O. W. BARR, I. CHAS. PARKIII. EivSeiax. PANnum-13.; M. BlEtt. CRESCENT STEEL virortims, ELEA; RUM & PARKIN, orrute, No. 339 Liberty St, • • prema . ittrnet re: BLACIEf'DUJIIOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTH .R & CO., • re vof all Qd priors of EfiX9EXEMA. . - wee. and Warellionse..THllaulm, THIRTY. /EMT and,Oka idTRICETt. IRON WORKS. MIL VARMEM, Wert...—. W. P. Pop.m. Burt. pITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., KASUI'A=IIIINIB OP Bar Iron; Railroad Platt Bars and Bolin Railroad car Aides 'toiled; Railroad ear Axles Hammered' Atteoznotrve Franisid 41OrometivelFrame Slumem Aide Rods . Yokes,litraps; Vision •Read= steamboat Shansi flieminboat Crandon Piston Rode, Wrists; ' lltasan .laws, Collars, • Moe, No. 177 PENN STREET. PITTIMIEGIL.. re: BLLEHRSHAESBN titOCESS. True Trustees are now Tire_piZed to grftllt been - ors for the use of the -7.LLs'lcwid.UdEltf PEP ,IT superior quality" Imparted . to good Iron, Vie Vest improvement in inferior iron. end tee reduced oost.oomzuend it to all Insmufseturers of . .;Zanies nishirur to use it , can obtain licenses by lIRFO In g " • JAMES P, <SPEER Attorney for the 'Trustees, BOOMS 1 and 2, English's Building, 222 Wealth avenue. - Parties interested are , invited to visit the IHOZABEEIIII.B WORKS. where the roeessis Darwin suecessitilOtarssioa, EVIESSON, PRESTON Pennsvlvaniairon Works. tIST 11.1 MT wiLreLtf,s'i4p.'flelto.4l4 l-, 61110, „ e sa2.4:dfl . PITTIIBUROU BRASS FOUNDE R S. .acant m. c0cumue.....z...0 • • Eurr?ng. JOlly E.coorEE - a co„ Bell t. and ifraii Founders. BEARS : CAS o' GS suint:rit6rdiTrir 14.) OBLIZIL Mee* and . Grey Iron Film S, GAB PIPE AND TUBING, taRo r ruksiEETT.IND QIIECLVALIV.ESI eLL °Lodi! - 14Z 4.)TY 4Q(jf:y/Ez , 4 Brass Work of eery deierlpilon for Steam, Water and OIL ,11(0117,11171171{EICS9F J AFOUL% all tram Pump. ,Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil - -ero.,tkebeat &Me Market. (=ea and Works, corner liiirteenia and Ilte Streets. sp2., COAL AND COKE. 71/AL! COAL` ! 'COAL!!! ringq4„ STANIRT & CO L Baying renlovArk4ir ft4v,,e SO. 567 LIBERI7-! .STREET 9 lLately City lirloltit irdIIIASICCOND BLOOM. Are lowt , "pretsted to itotitaLkoc4l(oll6ll.lo , SIM NY LUMP 'lnn COAL OZSLACH: at the lowest market _Pelee. AU orders. Mrs 414 , their Odor, or odoressed - shah theougyo,,lhe.,flop...,srllLbe- ottenileit . promntl9. 41THOGR.A.PagRS. QIN GERL & (MEDI, Successor* sj FM. esounce & - . "'AC /CAL UTILOGRAPIIIESS. i The f.,,,,,, v LithoilrMatatabllahmenl tut opgrAgnsi B e • Cords,LeUef 'Bon , / Ands °Uvular& - thaw Cards, I.llE_ Di t zu tagglo r u siP 6Strktftr ies Z l N amanAltreet, flctbaricia, '- , VII FOUNDERS, MACEINIsTs. RNA? FORT PITT FOUNDRY: COYPANY. OFFICE AND Wong% TWELFTH STREET. PlTTliitittaa PA. larnwinin, Rolling Mils Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Me tert4. and Vaslings generally. NATI08ALT011311111)11.1r, • . - LAND PIPE WORK*. CormsmeiDarroill is% ilismsdlomasi Mereelilis • • • • , (NINTH WARD,3 P r 1TT8.11117103143, .1".011. WILLIAM SltdITH, Iklanufacruirer - oT • OAST IRON BOWL PIPE ?OE GAS AND WATER WORK& My Pines ere all cut Istearliblyln Pita, in 07 sand. and 3$ feet lengths. Also, fuAa.aortment of general ' Castings ter' as iuta Water Works. e;litnrild ai.o aali the attention of • DUQUESNE FORGE. . 'WILLI/UK'KILLER, __ • (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Has facilities etre.xtensive with the leading Forges In the East, And is prepared to propptly. and aulafaetonly.dltallordsrafor STEAstutmx SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON ROI3+,_LANEES, PITMAN JAMS. WRISTS, MAILROAD AXLES, LVQ./.IIOTIVE FRAMES. lodether With every . descylptlun of . SHAPE Wtl.Kra. (Nike and Forge, , Corner of Duquesne Way and First. Street. aplCh4o - , ROBINSON, REAL& CO ., primsuusii. Baccaeors Lo 80130150 X. Mx IS t lezzzsgh WASHENT4TON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND iACGINISTS ' PITTSBURGH' Manufacturers of Boat and Statonary :imam Ea- Blast Enalnea , ] Lill Machinery , 4(AleTiti and ettwa. Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Odtce. No. 11$, corner IPlzst and Err-Unfold SLYez le. • • Agents ftrr OIPPARD93 PATENT INJECTOR for teedrog boilers: fauzer THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Woad Foundry and Machine Works, SANDUSKY BY.. A4atagell3.l;Y CITY. PA., Manclacturera of Btatlonary and Portable/Hearn t, r sway.. &Attica, Unit wad Oars 3WI Work. Bolling *l.lll and Machine i'satturs. orate. Bars., Weights, Wagon Boxes, &^.. Build to order and have on band Enelnes of all alma. - tavico6 ff.NMEML FOUNDItY BOLLILLN, BOYD & BAO4LEY. CDR 1 Rolla. gill Costars, Roll Lutes. ac 117ARIN6 AND RING, Commission lerehints and Brokers Is Petroleum and Its _ Products, DALZELL , S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAYS PRILADELpELIL ADDItZ.I3B. Boom 12", Chamber of Co amerce, 323 SOUTH SECOJD 3TICICZT. &pia ECLIPSE PETROLEUM . REFINERY. ananart wa C. nnatix• IIMittiVA.CTUBER or .Lubrieating & High Test Burning Oils. 'Zs ilroad Azle 011. Buttavveat: heat without"change; remains at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Loeolgionire, Ruglike, 110eldne Shop, Witl cut Screws. Saw *m and Planing Mill ,A-tedirebigitapeed; - •-• ^ Bp e - 011, Wool litead.ll,lgot 011, 011, Tanners , Altnell Weasel., newness till. 11Parnallne. ARMOR to preserve Bright Iron Worksind These p roducts . are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle , s_paten3 Superheated Steam in 'Tae gu°. he Lubrics ng Oils are almost odorless , perSCI ft' Imre, 0134ind' mostg an t col. u rea ; sun d s rugatemperaturw nn d.. and remain llm rld during ex trerue cold. The lroad Ohs are unequaled, and are in constant use on many of toe-principal Railroads Samples can be examined_ -and orders left at 174 WOOD . ISTREST,' works at aliansburg Bridge. TACK BBOTELEUS, ';CO ON. kIIffiCHANTS AND DICALF.RS Petroleum and ' - its Products, ; Tituoargit* OfiIes—DALZELL'S BUILDING. corner os Daquestie-Way and Irwin streets. Phludelphli 0a44-127 WALNUT BT. solzwn . • 0/4D WORKS, /oElce, DLLZELL BUnibiSe. fela ' Duqueine Virir. Pittaburidu Pk. pave MUGU NOVEllit WORKS. 4 , & DAMS. W4= ) & CO. I . IP CEYSTONE STANDARD, geIERA NIS 8 PAT: ENT) i'LATEON#ASD COUNTER S 1. E . iFI 4 9:Air.B(L Word Door,. Lecliksad pateiesi - Plitatesnif Cole* se: • • '3OEIIE2 OP RUT AUTO MUM 8114 ruirbaribillftwes. _Yn"_✓-tY,{3[eNfj"^Ap#'T~Y.>:.j.<S-: *' ~','~~: AND ROLL WORKS - - • . SsO Penn street. OILS. H. M. LONGA CO., „ NOVEIIa'Y WORKS. Founded A. D. 1833. gmaGyk r , 6AzArtitz„narlsrdli,: ENTNIA,IIO,ILERS, &c. _ .11116111. BOLE Beoo,, Con Point Alley and Duquesne St., must eat rots:, ; - • - • Engine Beeilletere Foundere end .11Inciti4iets. Matinfl&nre STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of an Mies.. ASI ENG IN E -ATI* S T R l n i g BOILER, of 15-hbrteepower. ASTlNGS L eteyeay tnd, nude toorder &tour ?caner', on THIRD nTlF t r i raMitat, RIOS mt. 'VS Wells. A BANtIESS,NOISIXaIte__ BAOOOII6REMS2a IRON TOBAOOO wags*, en , nead anol made to order, at the - . • 'INDUSTRIAL WORKS, lyentlng on the Allegheny River. our Mil EMI, ateetaui. rA. Sr All Orden promietly Tay PITT. , BOILER, STILL AND TARE IVOISKS' CARROLL & SNYDER; ktANcr.acTint.ralb 01 TUBULAR, DUUDLE-FLIIED TURDLAR, PIliA-140.E AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL DLL STILLS AND OIL TAKER. ' CHIMNEYS, BREECHINO AND ABA PANG, ARTTLINo PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERA: isTEAnt mita: uAlsoidETZlts AND [RUN PRDION BRID DOORS AND COAL BRIITER OMee and Warehouse. corner Seeond, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, Pa: MP Orders. lent to the above address VII be pounnly attended to. tobt:ltte Wit.BARNHILL & CO., • BOILER MAKERS AND. SKEET IRON 'WORKER& 2f08.10, SS, SO 13111 SO PEN T. Having itellted a largo yard and furnished ft Mtn the _most approved machinell we are pre. paced to manufacture every description of BOIL BES in the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breechlog, Ytre Beds, IStesze Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condenser*. eatt - Pana. Tinta.4/0 atale.•..Airre tors. baturnat.Piuss. Baller isoff,Atlfte.s. nun Pans, and sole manntaetnrers of Barn='s Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. tas:eld JAMES M. ELITES, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, -- irmsnvnes. Rairovicivaiß IRON OIL TANIES, RITTLING PAWL COMM ISTERX ROLLING MILL NTLCIO7. • • RIVISKILMT IRON WORE. For eteszabosts. Jai= Y. 8it17811.... D. 3217111 JARED N. BRUSH & SON, IMEANUTACIVIXELS OP Stearn Boilers. 011 Stills, Tanks. MEET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Z!enn Street, rittsourah, Fa. STOVES. CASTINGS. dco. A. BRADLEY &t CO., 10.30 WOOD STREET, • idatratacturers of tae greatest variety of Cook, - Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE POUND. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PAT Ittiti AND IblritOVeMlitt TS. and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in want of a good article should purchase none but these manufactured by us, as they will be found the most uurabie as well as economical. Wotild call narticular attention to our 'oew• VoLCA No. eTOVP. for churches. hang and inures. Over bite sold In three monies. Intended !or with or with out easing. wll who have used them pronounce tnem superior to any other and far cheaper. bend for Catalogue and Price Get. ello GRAFF HUGUS & CO ,, itaannticrtnuess or ZYZIT '7421277 07 BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "THE MERRY FIIIINACE," Os WARYINO Binztotoe. THZ NEW_ A2PTI-DM OWNING MAPS. •111LOULAToic. ,, 00LuXBIA. COME • Qsriu4TOVI vAN.B 40Incanati Pattern POR T AB LE itRAIV IU WE A g_t__t i I °SATZ I Z mo. T nbw.s =s • 206 and 20S 'Liberty Street, seis:7l7 PITTSBUBOII. PA. cools STOVE& CET, T,HE ['Err. BINS/MLA Ora TRIUMPH, FOB BITUALEN OUS GOAL. Warranted to Cooky Bake or Rossi as cell as other Stove In the ride& BTEISTT.T, & 00, 1 No. 285 Liberty Street. &leo on mina and ior gale. PARIAH TOVIDS, . 174711111 Culte ir re l , . LUMBER. TO BUILDERS 2 . 100.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 160.000 fleet 1M Inch Clear Plant; . 25.000 feet 154 111 CD Common Plank: 98,000 feet Dry 1 avail inch Oak: 95,0191 ft. 9, 1. eh, and 8 Inch Ponbal 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scant_ling: •10,1100 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards: 100,000 feet Hemlock Omani:qt. '1103.000 feet No. 1 18 Luca- klaglnasl Bb l l2-' glee. I/00.000 No. I 18.. inch Shingles, sawed: • 80,000 80,00 U FLr No e 8 118-Ineh Shingles, ensued: 1,000 The rick; 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Loirost and Cedar Posts. and all articles in the line on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Yards— No. 181 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Jtinlata streets, Sixth ware.4llegneny, late bor ough of Manchester. • - • soul r M 7JjJI iq i d&LION, er of 'Weights aad aIISRIIII4 3.liroulintirius:T, • r • ei -; - - • ~ 450v 4 i liti at i stf * Mai PrelMalatiiadieuis ° 41..1 ' ' FiriArrtnAL. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, Is now open for Disconnt. Deposit. and General Basking Businers,,at:l9s FIFTH AVENUR. Any Sum received from One,Voilar upwards. litteres, at the rate id six percent. paid on time deposits. Drnscivas: ED. DITHHIDGE, W. P. WHYDIAN, -W. H. PINS . • FRANK aIEBERT, W. C. RmiguTiaoN. iliso 4 hY MEYER, DAN. KIN ZEN. D. H. ARIdHlt. • • EMIL POILESTEL. ED. DITHIIIDGE, President. F. F. SCHEiCK, Cashier. Jy10:108 • AMERICAN - BANII, NO. 80 FOUETEI AVENUE , PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL • •• • • • 8200.000 StOckboblera individually Liable: • Jo ADI K. (IF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. • JOHN FLOYD • WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. Dingell:dm Tholi. M. Marshall, I Jorn M. Hartland; 'Win. T. Shannon, , Archibald 'Wallace, Janice W. Arndt., ; Jas. O. Kelly, Chas. ii. Latch, ; Wm. Floyd. - . John Floyd. This Rana is now fully organised and prepared to do a general hauling business. jelCiola CAi66111161/ BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streeti, .PrrT19131717.4411, COUCCESSORB TO HANNA, HART'• C 0..) :marmot ur Exchange, Coin, :Coupons,' AEA varticular st al l:12111X to the parasite COVERNMENT BONDS. , . , Blain Draft. Con London. - 1117/:104 N. & MUSES BONS, 57 Market Street* 31PrI"TICS731:711A31 • Oollections made on all tbe principal points of tb,s Milted putes and Canada'. &echoßonds and other Securities BOEIGHT AND SOLD ON. COMMD3I3ION. Particular atteatlon paid to Um parr-ban sad sue of United States SeenritieS. .11180:111 JAY COOKE & CO., 3 3 / 9 4.1335.0113, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. •, STOCES and BONDS of All descriptions bought and sold. Special ittantion'even to the purchase and Ws of Government Seelnittes. rah.% ' CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. 8100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDOILLY 'LIABLE. MEMO PAIR'ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on alt the principal points of the United states and Cauvia. DOMINION lIINSZN President. • JAMES JIMMY/N. V ice President. JOON B. tiOnlist.itY. Cashier. tatteCTOYS. D. Ihmsen. . James liteCabe, Thomas Rourke, - John Savage, J. Linnievy. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane. James Phelan. Ches. B. Barr. . H.A.Prersogle. Jno.Jos.Liermann, Thomas Hugh Rutting jelek3 DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. N0.' 65 TOMZTEI STREET'. . CHARTERED IN 1853. ASSETS . . ' 09,503,43133. Open daily, SA TUR DAY A. V. te R o'clock P. as, and. EVEIkINGS, from May Ist to November lot, from 7to 9 toeloog, and from November let to May Ist, from 6 to 8 o'clock.. - .. . Deposits received 6f all sums . of not less than ONK DOLLAR and a dividend of the routs declared twice . a year. in June and December. Interest has been deelared seml-annually In June and December since the Bank was organised, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, It not drawn out. Is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and, bears the same lot crest from The lit days:of-Jane and December. compounding twice a year, without troubling the depositor to call.or even to present his passbook. At this rate moneywili double In less than twelve years. Books containing the Oharter; By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, - furnished gnus, on applica tion at the race. PAteunerr—GEOßGE ALBREE. VICEPBEI3II:IILNTS: , John.o. Backofen. • R ob er t Pollock, M. D., 'Benj. Y. Pahnestock, ' Hebb. • , James Hardman, John H. ttheenberger, James McAuley, • James IShidle, James B. D. Heeds, - -. ;.'Alexander tipper, Isaac M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. TEUSTISS: « WM. J. Andersen. rilebert 0.-Loomiai .. Calvin Adams. Henry J. Lynch; John. C. Bindle'', I Peter A. Madeira, George Black, I John Marshall, Hill isurgwln. 1, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo 4... Carrier, : I . John B. 11c7adden, Charles A: Colton, 1 Ormsby Phillips, John Evans, 1 HenryL. Ringwalt, John J. GlilesPle, ' - ,' , Wm. E:Pchmerrs WilliaMB. Haven, - `l-• Alekander - Tindle, Peter H. Hunker. , William Van Kirk, Richard Hai s, i Isaac Whittier, James D. KellY. ' I Wm. P. Weyman. .TitICASUIItR—CHARLES A. COLTON. • trucocrsuir— 'MISS 11.13. MiCtE94. HAIR AND . P'EMMymRy. :TORN PECK .O IINAIMENTAL NAIR WOBYEs. AND PERFUMER, No. Ird street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Alwain hand,inerai aseortMent oz La- dies ttit B ANDS, CTRLS: thintlenen 's wtds, [kis. SCALPS, kIARD )HAINE,ildau _ afab. ac._ ,f/...%._ good Prize in cash will be given fro R AW HAIR. Ladies' and tienmemenle NW Ousting done ARCHITECTS. BARR& MOSER, • ?c „ #!. l 1 1 :7 I :VgFiCirril iniumßousx ,sasaiiinemos itirzeres, qikie Street; PlUsbdriii. = 156,1 to the designing and ding of '..1= 1 " IWIXO 441 PUZZP BULLIXEM • FINANCIAL. SILVER AND COUTO;CS Bought at Highest Price 4 Pit. R. MERTZ, Eanke l re CO - r. Wood and Fifth Street/3. m gp. 0 JAMES / I DitADY CPU UN (littocesio nt *l6 ifitiO Corner Fourth and Wood eit, 13 AL IV' Nrii. ID Mt BUT AND MILL ALL, X IN I.)e GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SOLD, SILVER IND • (X)OPONSI, kIOBT FAVORABLE TERM& Air interest Allowed on Deposits. : -.'*ll - Money loaned on Eloyernment. Bonds at jorest market sates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, . BONDS and ' . JAMES T., BRADT & CO . . _ GOVERNMENT BONDS ! We. will register all kinds of tievernment of charge: This gives the holder ab white !'"F i t , allsizat tUell,/oss, or destrnetion. JAMES T. - BRADT& Dealers in Goveininent Bonds, ' COD. FOURTH 8e WOOD STS. mviaozs - Cijs gittsinagij Gr#E. Ea FINANCE AND TRADE, OFT= Or PITTSBURG/1 GAZETTE, WEPNESDAY. July 14._ 1869. Gold Which touched last evening 136 X, openedat MX this morning, de clined to 186;i v atia closed at 137 X,.. The temper Of the gold tooet is' _rather bull.: ish, and a very strong feeling for much higher,pilitat is itianlfested,.,althOugh it is probable that a reaction from pres ent pnces may follow within a day or two, especially in case the goveinment would delay purchasing bonds at ad vanced tigures. The exports of gold are moderate, and below the average calculated upone _dur ing the present month, but unless bonds should advance more in Europe, larger shipments of gold will be necessary. Government bonds advanced about;; per from the quotation of last ev ening, declined X, per cent. at noon, and closed strong at an advance fully equal to the decline of the forenoon. • Stocks are strong, and range higher through tho entire list. Money easy. Quotations as received by Ph. E. Mertz: Gold, 137%; Silver, 128; Eighty one's, 120%; Five Twenties, 1862, 12.3%; do 1864, 121%; - do 1E65, 121%; do 1865, Consols, 120%; do 1867, MO N; - do 1868, 12096; Ten Forties, 110%; New York Central, 102%; Erie, Reading', 94; Pittsburgh,. Fort Wayne it' Chicago Railroad, 50%, Ohio & Misissippl, 82%; Michigan Southern, 106%; Cleve- land & Pittsburgh, 107 Y; Chicago & Rook Island, 17%; Chicago & North Western, 80%; Chicago* North Western Preferred, 94301 'Adams' Express Coin. pane, 59; Merchants Union Express; 5; Pacific 'Mail, 86; Western Union Telegraph ,Company, 87%; Am. -W..E.x- Prem. 42%.' EXCHANGE, Large. London, per fE.., . , ....:..116,78 ' 86,87 Paris. per l:rime 273 4 / 28% 99% 1,00% Frankhiri a florins •••• .• . ••••• 58 59 % —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady -'& 'Co: Gold; 187%:-.United States Sixes. 1881, 120%; Five-Twenties, 1862 r 128Xf do ; 1864.121%; do. 1865, 121%; Tentlforties, 10%; Flve-Twentles, 'Janu ary and July, /865.120%; do. do. 1867, 12034; do. do. 1888, l'aig; Due Com pounds, 119; :Union Pacific Railroad, 90; Central .dO. do., 99; Cy: Pacifies, 107%; Lake Superior' 96: - [3y TelegraDM:tatrMegirrh Guam) bliiw Toni, July 14, 1879. - . Maneyfirmer and active at 7 per cent. currency, and 7por cent. gold. Sterling firm at 9X©lO. - Gold opened at 137%, declined to ass* adeanced to 147, and closed at 187X 8 @137 with light transac tions. Shipments today, 5318,000. tioverntneutsactive and firmer at close. The three millions purchased 'by. the Treasurer to-day cost from 120 15-100. to 120 38-100. Nine millions were offered in`response to'a query that the Secretary of the Treasury declines purchasing any bonds bat 5.205. Most - of the bonds pui chased by the Glovernment were deliv ered to,the Treeaurer. today, thus easing the money market somewhat. Closing Prices: Coupons 'Bl, 1201 i; do. 'B2, 123 g; do. '64, 1213 i; do. 'B5, 1213,1; - new do., 12070 1203,;d0..193, 120%; 10-40's, 110y 4 ; Pacitics, lo7 %. State bonds firm. Tenneasees, 55%; Virginias, 61; Georgias, 83; North Caro linas, 48; Missotals, 81M; South Caro linas. 65X. Egpresi stooks dull. Railroads opened weak, but became firmer, closing strong. - Bidding Prices at - 5:30: Canton, 62-: Cumberland, 32: - Western_ Union Tel egraph. 875;;; Quicksilver, 15; Merl pose, 83i; di.. ureferred, 14%; Pacitic Mail, ; Bostoini Water Power, 15 ; Wells Exprese, 233 i ; Adams 59 ; Amerittan, 42yr, ; United States, 72 ; New York Cential, 206%; -Harlem, 14 4 . 1 4 ; Hudson, 176 ; Reading, 94%-; Michigan Central. 132 M • Michigan Southern;.' ; Minnie Central, ;;144;. Pittsburgh, 10834 ; Northwestern, 88 ; do. preferred. - 94%; Cleveland, Colum-', bus arid • Cincinnati. 7534 ; Rock Island„ 11734 ; St.. Paul, 78% ; do. preferied, 88; Wabash, 77k ; do. preferred. 80% 'Fork WOne,... 1831 Terre Haute, 88_ ;. do. preferred, 88; Chicago an d Alt013;169; do. wellerred, • 180; Ohio- and, Mississippi, B2l‘ et. Joseph, 120. • . Coln disbursements, 181489/..-.. lury receipts, $1,030,240; payments, 11,- 080,711; balance, $04,311,126. Mining stocks at Boston: Copper Falls, 7: Franklin, 12; Hecht. 30: Ransack, 2; 51innesota, 1%. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OP7ICI: 0/ PITTSBURGH I;AZETTX, WE:DNEPSDAY, July 14, 1869. The markets generally continue dull and devoldoravy thing new ottimportant. The demand for almost everythiiii is restricted mainly io supplying immedi ate wsnts, and; as a consequence, the weiorne of busimus is light, while in, re word to I'ol - es,' there are •no important 44.910, The progress a harvesting is being wa4 with great interest by the pub gegotraily, as it is a matter In which *ve,ro44y Is more or less interested. It „genersny ootioededPutt the wheatcrop will 4 , emiiiderahly above an average, cad liii4eptopie who have been predict figs yield would be a coil:Tara tlyft tto/ore, and that high prices -would theorder of the day, are not likely to has* their expectations realized. I Tfur: Noila Tranecripi In speaking of , the, recent excitement in the Chicago gnat) market says: "Orain-bnyers here are looking at Chicago with an evil eye. , The bulls sad bears of the market there, i are "cornering" all the grain and des -1 troying the chances of buyers in as small i a city as Peoria. The prices of corp and 1 wheat In Chicago are within a few cents of what is paid in New Nork city. Of course that is a fictitious market, and in stituted for the purpose of getting - and holding all the grain in. Chicago for the purpose of speculation. ' Somebody may lose money on the- speculation, or he ruaygaln largely, but, whichever way it results, it don't at all please the Peoria dealers." The chances ire that "somebody will lose" on the speculation, but hohlders in the interior havil made much better prices fOr some days past, in 'cone. quenee of the operation, and besides Peoria dealers may yet find a chance to buy at their own figures. • The wheat crop of California will be fully up to the,average of the past two years, and a considerable quantity of the old grain is still in the hands or the growers. The same is true of oats. They have a aurfeit of barley and bay on the Pacific coast. - APPLES—SaIes of new crop at t3@4 per bbl, as to quality. • BUTTER—Continues quiet and un changed: sales of good to vainest 20@25. BEANS—DuII at $1,75®2. BLOOMS—Quoted as follows:No. 5 ?5,50: No. 4 Zen No. 3 455, No. 2, 'plain, $4,50, and market firm. CHEESR—SdIes Western Reserve, at 15; Hamburg, at ,16; Factory, at 17; and Goshen, at IS. CARBON OlL—Quiet; may be 'quoted in a jobbing way-at 29@30, - fur standard brands. DRIED FRUIT—DuII. Peaches nom !! Mal at 9@lO for quarters; 12@14 for mixed, and 16 for prime halves. Apples 10©13 cts. 'EGGS—SaIes at 20®210. FEATHERS Supply in hands of commission men almostexhausted. Live geese may be quoted at 85@90, to the trade, and 11 in a retail way. FlSH—quoted as follows; No.llfack era', $l4 per half bbl; No. 2, $10,50; No. 3 large (full) $7,50; do short, $6,75; Balti more Herring ts per bbl do Shad. $8,50. Lake Herring, 1;3,25 per half bbl, and White Fish, $B. FLOUR—The market is quiet but firm, with only a moderate demand, and no change in prices—dealers here,- under the influencOor a sharp rivalry, are-sel ling -at a very slight advance above Chicago rates. Western 'Flours are , quoted at 16,50®7. for Spring, Wheat brands, and 87 ®7,25 for Winter Wheat. Rye Flour $6,25®6,50. GRAIN—Tne offerings of. Wheat Con tinue light and there ism good milling demand at $1,35®1,40 for good to prime Red. Oats firm' but quiet, and it looks now as if holders are going to have some trouble in forcing tbe , market up; we continue to quote at 66@67 on - track, and 68®70 in store. Small sales of Rye at $1,25 and a round lot would probably command $1,30. Corn quiet and in lim ited supply; we continue to qubte at 78® 80 for mixed, and 83®86 , for prime Yellow.. HAY—Baled is being sold to the trade at 1/25@28 for good to strictly prime Timothy. HEMP—Last sales at 5205. HUSKS—SaIes at 2,X@S cts per pound. LlME—Cleveland Lime is quoted at 52,50, per bbl, and Common White at 51.75. LARD OlL—Sales of No. 2 at sl,lBl@l 1,20 nd No. 1 at $1,48©1;60 - - POULTRY---Bales of spring chick ens, by the coop. 81 . 65@70c per pair. POTATOES—Lower; we now quote at s2,stXp'per bbl, as to 'quality. PROVlSlONS—shoulders 143;)15; Ribbed and Clear Sides, 17360104; Plain. Hams, 1814(4)18/g; Plain Sugar (hired, 20; Canvassed, 2 1340224Thied.„8ee - 421(2134: Lard in tierces 2v, azr:` - tteg add ''Palls 21. Mess Pork n 3,501583,75. PEANUTS--Small sales 'at 12." SALTAlleghen)% River brands are quoted. by the car load, at 11,75©1,80. SEED—There isr some inquiry for Flax seed and none 'in - market. No de mand ibr Clover or Timothy. • Lire : Stock Markets. NEW YoRE, July 14.—Beeves lower, the 1,900 fresh and nearly 200 left - from the last market proving too many for present *ants. Several' small lots un sold; good are selling at 15, common at 12©13; Cattle, 6 cwt., sold at 13o; 75 Tex ans, By, -cm:, same 'price; 45 fat Ken tucky cattle. 734 cwt., 15®16;140 Illinois cattle, pretty good, 7 cwt., at 14%; the decline was greatest on their stock. Fat Sheep and fat Lambs sell quickly at good prices; poor sheep can scarcely be sold; arrivals_nf 1850 head, and not all sold; 2 cars of. Ohio sheep, 76 pounds, brought'43l,c;l ear,1.77 'pounds, brought 4c; 1 car, same weight, * brought , 4%c; 1 car, 100 pounds, brougist 6%c; 1 car Pennsylvania lambs; 59 pounds, brought 9c; 1 car State,- 50'pounds, 10c;: I car '/ot, 52 pounds, 10%c. 80 head otEitate fine, 58 pounds, brought 11340. Hogs; arrivals 0f4.490 head; market firm at'r93l®934-3 forfoe live; dressed sold, at 124'alarnall lot, 17 head Ohio hogs, brought 93;c, alive. ' Cificano, July 14.—Cattle dull, 15(4)25c lower; sales at $4,50@5,00 for cows and heifers; $6,50©7.40 for fair to choice ship- Ding beeves. Hogs quiet 'and closed weak, 88 25@)9 16 for common to choice. ST. 14(17,11S, July 14.—Cattle retail at 4iig6Mo. Hogs sold at 7X@9X6. Dry Goods -Morket. NEW yomr, july 14.—The.Dry Goods market is very quiet, yet steady and - ibm loran staple Cottons. Heavy Brown Sheeting* range at 153,®17, both for Southern and Eastern of best makes; 125i@133f, for Printed' tkilleOes: the fatter rate for new dark Work. Grain Bags are in speculative request, and held with _ much thinneatti Aznasiteng bring 44®45;1 Great Falls, 4734; Stark, 50.. Cotton Yarns In number, 6to 32 -firm at 40%12, and, carpet Wane 423441146. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers