'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ggrALLEGHENY CEMETERY. —The Corporaters and 3lanagers of Al legheny Cemetery are requested to attend their annual meeting at the office of the Corporation cm LTURDAY, the 17th dsy. of July. 1869, at 2 u'emek r. yd. By order of the President, JULY 12t1 Okrcx Prral. .en y given w.. —_. pun No. 20.. Turtle Creek Dlv n ZOttds, clue August Pt next, will en paid on and alter that date on presentation and Ae.iyary at tbe Pim attenal limit of Plttsbui'eh. • JOU% H. PAGE Jr _ 2 Eeetetary and Treasure:. jyl4. TITS? TN THE DISTRICT.COMIT OF THE UNIT.ED STATES FOR THE WEST JAMESTRI A L EXANDERLVS.NIA. _ andL McCONNELL. bansfunts under the. Art of Congress of March 2d, 1887, having applied for a discharge from all their debts, and other claims provable under said •Am. by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all Creditors who nave proved their debts, and other persons interesteti, td &Punr on toe 3Jth day= of JULY,•ISB9, at ID o'clock , A. x. nefore tsAMUEL HARPER, EAT.. Regis ter in Bankruptcy, at his office, No. RR Diamond street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,to show cause, if Inv they nave , why a dischar ge should not be granted to the said bankrupts. • S. C. mccANDLEigs, - Clerk of D. B. Distric. Court for said District. jylls:m2l.Tit AUCTION SALE OF SUBUR BAN RE •ID EN DVS • AND 0 111 ILDIND Hazlewood, MONDAY. July 10th, at 1 O'clock., will be sold. without reserve. a de lignite' home, ronsistlng of a new house 0I eleven rooms, tastefully bunt with verandas. psrchee, &c.,sn.rouuded with Fruit T,ees and thrabbery ottni best se.ectlons. The Premises comprise about seven and cne•balf acres of ground of excellent soil; with well of good water a 'levet . ..Utile& spring, a stone spring bre and an acre of coal &treads opened r use. Also, a - Comfortiible:Prame House of nine r inner with nrchsrd of Peach. Apple, Pear, Plum, cud, Quince Trees. comprising about three acres, with welt of wster at the door. There is also a valuable s.one quarry on the . premises. lso, ilVeiVe building lots 25. by 100 feet The twigs bo rhood Is remai kable tor health and beauty of seen, ry. The Sta lo^ is only four miles from the city, and a good side-walk leads from the station to the premises. Title indispu table. TERMS —lne-third cash; balance In two yearly Installments. H. B. SMITHSON, A - ctloneer, or GEORGE I:.`IrLoNV MRS, Hazelwood. N. B.—Trams per Connellarldr R. R. leave corner Grant and - Wa•er streets at 7 and 11 A.ll. JylMml7 Fig*, ILMBIE lit, READING. . alter Savage Landon A biography by haJ. Forster $3 50 Credo. This volume is devoted to those In. quiries which now agitate tI e - Ju g • . 50 1101111kille Fairy. By :leatiAtigelovr... / .., olig Neal's Autobiography ::.. Si 00 , -Itverley Novels. Libra* edien, 153 vols. green cloth, In case. rice re ducea to • ' 95 00 Thackeras sa es Novels. New editiou t gre.n • clirh. each • i 25 Madame Sherese„ the Couscri.d: Water , loot historical Navels from thirFretiah of Erckmann.Chatraltit rata l 30 Murray's Adventures in the Adirondscks. 1 50 t t On th.. Wing.- A hook for sportsmen la 50 'lFun. Boa and Saddle 51 IW Irt•la on the Rhine, complete • 51 OP An American Woman in Europe. By Mrs. Urbine 1 $0 Lamps, Pitchers and Trumpets I 75 Oldtowu Folks. By Mrs. Stowe i 900 Little Women • * vols.' 1 50 Men of our Times. Narriet Beecher , 350 Beyond the Idlesissipti 4 0u Mane's. Arctic Exploration . New ea. [lion • 50 Priv,. Acres Too Much • 1 50 IThe New West. By Braze 1 75 The Hibermeister, from the German of Schmid 1 50 dare of Audobon, the Naturalist. Belted by his widow ' 2 50 Foster's Mississippi Valley 3 50 Tribune E¢5478. , . • •-• 2 90 Norma n Lesde...e. New York story 1 75 CLARKE t CO., • jylo _ll9 Wood street. - (`MERRY SEEDER: CEMUZY SEEDER. -I , , /very family using Cherries, whether foiples. cam:1111k Or . dirini, "hank have one of these valu able machines. It notimly saves time and lanor. but will more limn pay far !Lae fin seedinsone bushel of cherries. The se achine is cheap, 'ample, durable and handsome. The hopper is adjustib!e. thereby adapting it to all sizes of cherries. RETAIL PRICE - • • 62.00. FOR SALE BY JAMES BOWN, *2 . .H6 WOOD STREET. NFAV BOOKS. Fatty, Gray's Journey from Boston to Bal. timore 6/455 The Bead of Jesus"' 1.26 Behind the Carts= ' 1.25 Credo - 1.60 An American Women In Europe 1.30 Pearl Series for cues, 0 volumes In a box. 3.00 .. B oys , .. ia a.OO The WoodburnSerles, 3 volumes In a box 3.73 Corwin's Best Sexier. 3 voluines in a box. 11.55 Sabbath Songs for Children's Worship. Paper. 40 cents; Board. 50 cents each. (AT THE METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY, 129 Smithfield Street. JOSEPH, BORN•ER, Agent. ino:srts DREKA libirstaand retail deign , In PINE tavi•ATionyzirxr, vrEeame, VISITING:I PARTY AVID BUSINESS CABO iNCIRAYERICI. trONOGEAkS, tint; nammittnumn. ae, Ordors by mall receive prompt attention. Send ter eab2plup. Lehi Chestnut Mt., jEBESH SHAD RECEIVED daily at BENJAMIN PULPHEISS 'popalar •Stand, NO. Twin. City. Alleghen C 45 Diamond Karketk ,e rtts• tru•sh, and at the City corner of Ohio and Federat streets. Van had all kinds of Sea and Lake fish, Halibut, Shad. Seek, Uodrish. Haddock and Nal. Also, large of White, Lake risk. isalsanon, btergeon. Herring and Kretnaw. Trout, which enables us to sell at the lowest market Prices wholesale or retail. ,We hortte all tor en 9i Fresh Fish to give us a Call, and we mill Vier them a treat. . • ego KEYSTONE POTTERY.- AL BIER & COy . . , tiancifeathreri 0 . c4fizsNSW:axis. Batatoz. wain: aka. vile* and Warehouse. 2001 LIBERTY !STREW AIMPAII orders mina • attended to. ivorricE eV 'LOST CIERTIFI— IA cuerg. - -:-NAtice Is hereby given that cei tin tate a nd ye shires stock In Bent Mee etuutta stnntacturats National n at Ptltabtftn, the name el HANNAH. THOSi- SON tint Won lost or destroyed by am sno that, l a yi leate ntesm it tro i r h i: l 7 be uc e er u sti r gr ag e: e me D il e n. ta nk: r, sa lace id If: T u m ult , 1 , . 93 , 1060 . HANNAH THOMSON. T P I,4 t :Kr -ens cr,ovEs s A 4 300 .\boxes 'Payette ockant,i new boo ei. just tr farad:Lin-prime orcterena fr: by the hos at awrat.prleaa, at tee Fatally tirocery btore o r • ' Oftt. iL.•BNeIIHAW. •' 14 • earner tthettvetrot 14tath atreeta. 10Litrait o ft ctoariss, , l e 4: P:F.I I -011.L CLOTH son warsow MIADZEL • ' . TiediStrEaltENT. - • • -.. '. - . . wIIiDoW ali igliti.., : • WAHL tAL N D I/um-214z aviv VARUITT. _ .4.. tr..rsujalli - -- - ,ev-ind XS. SLltte - iftnet .kxmt WM. HAZLILWOOD. ILAZLZWOOD, JS IfAZLEWOOD & BLICKSTOCK, DIALLIIS IX Cataeg Sheep and Hogs, East liberty and Allegheny City, Pa. . Artemis Postoffice, Anent:Pay Co..Ps. Refer to S. W. Allertoa, Rae" Ch esito, Ill.: onick a Cox. tbealooes. Iowa; N. is V. Carter, Hanstleld. Ohio: Henry Downing. Retell:eon. lad : (*donna. s Reynthaller.East Liberty. Pa.: John Aiken. St. LOMB, MO. C. Shoemaker Del moo' county, - ;ti,; James natehiasaa. Coving• air Sales gemianteeil. CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths, 30 0 .1EALITTIEZPWC3,63, Window Shaded, AT LOW PRICES. tWe offer many of our goods much bilow last Spring's prices. Tliose needing goods in our line can save money by buying at once. BOVMW, ROSE & CO, 21 FIFTH AVENUE. .15,14:d&T ILT 3r... "Sr, ZS 43 9. SPECIAL SALE OF CARPETS, We offer at Re WI, t'..r THIRTY DAYS ONLY, a doe of New and4:olreirstue:rns • English T.Ap881471 Brussels , Ingrain, . • and Othtr Carpets, • AT LESS THAN COSE \ OF VIIPttUYATION, and our entire-stock at vices which male It an object to boy tills month, as\these 'goods bare never oeen offered so low. \ Oar Store will close at 5 r. m. until Stpteruber first. • Dic,FARLAND aNB COILL No. El and 13 IPIPTH AVIS • jyti:d AT • Clictond Floors NEW CARPETS f 3.113439. We are now opening an assortment unparalleled in this city 'of PINEST VELVETS BRUSSELS_THREE-PLIS, The Very Newist Design, Of oar own recent importation and seltetedlroM eastern manufactareri. MEDIUM ' .LOW PRIM) 11N431-11LAJENS, • VERY 817PIRIOE QUALITY AND COLORS. An Extra Quality of Rag Carpet. We are now selling many of the above at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. moro. 81 IFIFTEI 4rEJr17,114 Jen, OLIVER ICLINTOei & CO. HAVE JUST 11}XMIUD FINE SELECTION OF lIIMUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS THREE PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. THE LAUER 4SSOIMIENT OF WHITE,CHECK & FANCY YELATTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, tar TUt arr. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS • I AT OLIVER IffeCLINTOCIi & CO'S. 23 FIFTH £V NUB. HOLTZILiN R WIRDERHOLD. So. 100 Th4rd Avenue; Upholsters and Dealers in Curtain Goods, Direct the littenticm of their triends and the public to their dimly ersorted star-got Law and Nottingham earning Vestibule Lace% Damask lbw. iterry4 glezioan - Meth. Satin. Detains, Gilt .oorniges. Gilt. OA Walnut Mouldings. Spring iktiti of Milwrittr Stake, Bay gamma (pure Attire Bolsters. and everything pertaining 'to it tirstrclus bed. The latest Paris and Berlin tiedgns :or Draperies atthe inspection or their customers. Fare will to Baste= Show Feathers al 4 ways on hand. HovrosAN &Imam= NO.IOO THIRD AVENUE. mv8:193 J. X. BIM? J. X. BRIM SWINT & MUTT, , AnllllTzmum AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, h. 61 Sandusky Ste illelkony i Pa. A taro ossosinioni NIIVJEL 'lllMl7slttid BALLIsTAUS oonsanny On Wnd Tumwe o • on lieu:via dos, mown IcikEvovivra 80111311: HAY umlica A Liza* lot Nit reset 4 aid fir oasis lawe Starke , priCe. W. it KNOX, PITTSBURGH . GAZETTE :, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1869. Alilhmtismia:NTs3; =I W]Elti..l4]ESA.l_4lE. Wholesale Cash Buyers ITLS, ASSORTMENTS OF Bleached and :Unbleached Muslim IEDIDIII, -DABS IGrNGITAID-3. Mkiags, Ohec%s, Drillings, LLNEN •AND- WHITE GOODS. t JEANS, CASSINERES, Mress Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. STOCKINGS, GLOVES, EANDEEECIIIEFS, &c., _ At the Very Lowest Prices. STOCK DAILY REPLENISHED WILLIAM SEMPI4E'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, HEADQUARTERS FOB MEN It BOY'S CLOTHING. LOG \ G 1r "O 31047 SIXTH STREET, Are now off s eag a complete stock of Stemmer Clothing oftaidlam sad Cot goods at the very lowest prices. \ Children'sCass)mere Linen and Snits. Youths' Cassimereand Linen hitt. tintffleft Slid \ Stlill. Gents' Blue Flannel Sae .\ State' dlpen laekr. - Gents' !kite and Brown Duet S4ts. Bents' Seoteh Oevoit Business "Ind Wall; Suits. , N CLOTHINC OF ALL KINDS AT GRAY & LOGAN'S, No, 47 SIXTH STREET, ;130 LLTEST. CLAM. WOOD TIURNING, SCROLL SAWING, - ; Ala) 3/01ThaDEWG Pone promptly to order at 281 Lacoth street, Al. lesbedy City. 117 P, LICBZELTRIt & CO. The best attention will beeves to all who want anyttanufn Oar /MIN We always keeps large lot of turned work.• such as Balusters. Newl Posts. Nubs, ac. Also, a good stone; Of dry Walnut, Cherry and other lumber ow hand; InYllll7 P. I.I.BZICLTZII, CO' ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SO= Orrut ar LEMON & WEISE- - Practical atraftlue 311undketanis s /kr* us roursei f in AVENUE. Where ros ts y • IWO & • M I asoottment GS M. for Mamba and Kitchen furniture. den alliArfi FERRY* PRINT4O INS wax& O. E. fLOE.T.NSON, mAnuiracTuass 01 Black and Colored Printing & Lithographic 1/111111, VaitrUSBEIS, &CI. Bray's Ferry Road and 88d Sheet, ammo PHILADELPHIA. IMOVA A. H. & Have removed their stock of Chins. Men and Queensware from No. AA Wood street to the nimbus warehouse. 189 LIBERTY STREET,, k few doors above SIXTH, (late et. Clair 1 1;i h riZi t itiltrir i ou ' Aig u etineltnegm ' Iliree f 4 Roods Just 11011/ opening, lel7 TOUNGSON ar. co., rASCY OMB MAMMY, CONTIECTIONAIIT *MR CREAN find EILIAX.M. 3 rdoltheeld !trees. corner of Diamond slier. • pp antes and famines supplied with lot Cream and Cates on anon nouns.- wee& , , 100,000 - Pounds of Wool Wanted `by Agana a autrut;L: , AT =Emu= mon. - 4010 'Av UlTlatrAtreetsPlitiblitia t Poi • DRY GOODS Da WILL FIND Cotton Pant Goods. Filth Arew Goods 1E323 A.LLEVECENT CITT NEW' 'ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW DRESS GOODS. Grey Mixed Poplins At 22 Cents. GREY =D POPLINS At 30 Cents. STRIPED POPLINS At 20 Centg. • , CREME - GMENADINIES At 18' 3-4 Cents. FINE DOUBLE WIDTH ALPACAS At 2r Cents. FAST COLORED LAWNS • At 111 1-2 Cents. The above, and many other De sirable Dress Goods are. Entirely New and Presh, having just been received Ea VillUM MULE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Streets ALLEGHENY CITY AMUSEMENTS. WI. O. O. F. REBEHAtiI PIC-20C, TO BE FIELD OE Thursday, July 15, at AlcKee's Rodrs, By the Rebekah members of Nst:NCTUESTEE LObo E. No. 4U3. Are Istria InTilillton is ex tended to the I:tempers of the Order and to those trletpily to the cause. The large and commodi ous stealtter Bacelator will Irate the foot of Lc). cust street; llancheater, at 9 o'cloPk A. m. and at I's P. N. Tickets can be procured of the COIMMILtee t.r on the grounds at $l.llO. jylll=l2 lay - FIFTH AVENUE HALL.- O Fifth avenue, opprdto the Opera Bonze, Pate:mil, Pa., Is the eoe.est and moat desirable place of reaorte. 1../qnora can to had at this place Pure and Good. Thr Bill:ard Booms are on the croond !loaf to the real.. • U r ]=Mann fa .co., Nes; - 2.21 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to tba trade at low egures, strictly himN ew Crop_New Orleans Sugar and \ Molasses. Porto Merl, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, litilladelpida and Baltimore Re lined do. Golden Dri ta \ g Loverings. Stuart's, Adams , and island brrorls._ Porto Rico, Cl/ a and Bastian island Molasses. - istauu taverna. .Ounpowder and cerrivarl s tavecia mee t • Java, Lagnayra and -la Coffees. Tobacco, ,Lard OIL run, Nails. GlasS. Soaps, Cotton Yarns, Se., constantly on band. - - . LUPONTSBiI OR \ Fine Brandies,Winee and Segars. libentsb, Yoaelle, and Sparkling Hoeg Wines • or Hamel ik Co.. In bottles. \ Sparkling Moselle, Scltarsberg and Johan:dr burg. Bockbelnier Burgundy, An. ' ' Brandenburg! tat tine Olive Oil. " .do do Clarets , I mported In battle/. do do White Wlnea. In bottles. M. Wort &Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Pine old Snerrt. Madeira and Port Wines. - tree Old Mononganela Bye Whiskies. Pure. • do Very liaberiorol4 Scotch do, do. AXA3O. - 50184r2t/ for Meat Chandon's Grand Tin. Im Ak e rzaiay sad SenerY Champagne. ' Brandies of our own seleeUon and wa rranted. 10.d43 2,000,X:00 ',CB" ? 1 ' 0110fOra LISDBFOR SALE THE Union Pacific Railroad Conipany, ,3415730 LP Drams. Lying swag the line of their road, at $l,OO TOsl4oo PIZA . ACEZ, . And or a ORKDIT OP yrni TZARS. Pot further particalars, maps, &a, Iddreu 30KB P. ibEVEREI72. Land Commissioner, Topeka, Mums, • Or ORAN. B. LAMBORN. Keen sail 9t.7.oolr:Misotru WM. 8. - NEEPEIIi - • ; , ," ALDERMAN AND EX. 01117010 J INTICR 07 • THE PEACE. ' • ; • OFFICE. 89 FIFTH AVENUE. special attention MIMI* to COllllVandint collections Deeds. Bonds sod Mortgages draws up, snit all legal ovalness attended to promptly and accurately. • . SABIVIEL ,NoNIASTEM.I4 ALD,1311.1. Ex-Oilicio Justice of the Peactiuld Police Na - . trate. °Mee, (111 ANT STAZET, opposite the Ostbedrai, PiTTISSIVMA. eds , Bouds, Mo Acknowledgments De, D•cositions, and all Bulges, etecuted with promottieu and dispatch. mhie 14 STRAIN % j ° ,... /IN „, ~ ' • titill, I mx•carrionto rvirruns ns_ PE,ACIC *2W POLIONMMAkgisiaN2: oso . Mahn! -11.1/Tti OTE.my g ,gwi n I lan . thtdral, =7 l6 l ll ...S.,p i ntang wad all L ai rs it itelneu ozscutia — with proaunness 11114 dlostah. • , barireh 'oat " sieratt WATT, LAllie a ape, tad I'l4 gad Meat. - re - NOTICES-" 7b- Let," isAlor. - Sale,n ig1,0 8 421 6410=047 "Found," "Boarding," d.c., not exceeding POUR LINES, will be inserted in these columns once for ,TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional line FIVE CENTS. , WANTED-SITUATIONS. WANTED.--8114JATiON—Ily a Young (Irl to do light housework to a fAni ll 7, iri.or out of the,elty. Wanted more for a hume than athythihg Addre SS D., GAzzgla 081 ICY. WANTED. --A SITUATION as TEACHER try 'one who has hail fllleen years experience In teacalmr. and who bas.been three years County I d eperintendent te , colturlon school*. Address. J. B. C., GAZETTE OFFICZ. WANTED---BOARDEREL TANTED, BOAU DEEM _ gentleman and his Wife, or a few single gentlemen, can Obiain pleasant rooms and good board by a pnlyi rig soon at 71 1.1 be rty street, Ylttg burgb. Heferences exchanged. WANTED--ROOPOI. WANTED. -A FURNISHED t 5 LK EMU. Roo Blowing% t*inity minutes walk of Pittsburgh Metalline. Address, stathig terms and location, J. J. b., CiAzETTC OF.FICI I / 4 Pittsburgh. WANTED---SELF. UTASTED.-GHILLA GOOD G.RL to de' general housework for a man taroliy. Apply at No. 65 BEAVER ST., t Allrgh - ty. ' IwrANTED--HELP.--- ° AT EM. PLOYNENT OFTIO__ No , 1 St., Street, BOYn WEL% and 'KEN. for dltterem kintla of employtnent. Persons wanting belt' of all lands can be supplied on abort notice. WANTED-AGENTS. WA PiTED.--. AGE ATl4—s96, to $2OO per month everywhere, male and female. to introduce the PENIIINIC INPRUIrED COMMON BEEBE FAMILY BEWI.Nte MA; CHINE. This machine will hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, le a most superior mat ner. • Price only alb.) Piny warranted for Eve years. 'We will pay 41,000 for any machine that will MR a stronger, more beauttinl, or more elastic - beam than cm. It makes the ' , Elastic Lock rititch.” Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled amrt without tearing it. Wepay agents from $73 to SOU pwr month and el - relives, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address BECOME a to.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Bt. Louis, Mo., or Bolton, Mug. • CAUTIOa-0o not be imposed open by other parties palming of worthless cut Iron machine*, under the same name or otherwise:7onm fq the only genuine and really print:kat cheap machlne manufactured. iyestrizto- , AGENTS • Bell the American Knitting Machine, Price . The aimpiest. cheapest and bestHnittiv Machine ever invented. Will knit 1110.01 M stitches per minute. Liberal inducements tt agents. Address AMERICAN KNITTlise XL. CHINE Co.. trton, Mus., ur Bt. Louis, Mo. PERSONAL. tAIR. W. M. ILIURNS, Proprietoi of the -popular ratlag House corner of in avenue and Smithfield streetel begs leave to annoince to his numerous friends that none but tte male rex will to allowed to dine at his mules. he having thrown his entire rooms Into one. Dinner. Supper and Breslow served at lids house lower than at any other house of its reeniatunt In In city. Call at Burns and get ol , nly to eat-for a small amount of money. TO LET. TO -LET.-11003161. on Second 11 for, with Boarding. Location the most desirable In the city, with the conveniences of hsfik rooms the comforts of a private family, as few hoarier, are kept. lbl North Avenue, Al legheny Chi • rrio.LF.T.—VElt Y PLEASANT 11 lii/0118.1r4 suites or pngle, for lodging. "ib or without beard, at 75 POIIIITH AVM -OE. tr-LET. Four commdioue i p tnd conveniently !meta, NOWIS. on Fed -01..0 us. rect. Atieelienr. toslt'adJotninte the toll gem. Neut. 812 per month. Apply to JOHN B. AmtVcruitT H. on the premtteit. MO-LEZ—Room on fld floor DispatCh Building. Bent very low tor bal ance of 3 eag. We. water and stationary st.nd. Enquire at Potogranh Usllet y.Lispatcl• fr-LET.,--ROOMEL-I`svo tine ROOMS in GAZETTE BUDLDING. Anal wanting Room. Of and 86 711th Annum. AUCTION SALES. t IUCTION BALE OF LOTS IN 11 i koruhtios TOWNsIiIP, ALLEOHISNY NTY. PA. Will bh sold at • action on the premises, on TH2III, , DaY, JULY 13, at 1 o'clock r. x., 19 A.ittßS Of LaNit,suo-dlvided into one acre totsoittuste On the Mhidierou road, divan: four miles from the Pittsburgh Court House and three miles from the Allegheny Mar ket House: easy of access by Saw asilr Run Ferry .nd Middleton road, by Cork's , Run and Manchester theam Ferry. by Pan oandie Railroad Porn - Nimick's etation, and by Ft. Wayn Chicago And Cleveland Railroad from Woods Run. Fos further , particulars s lithograph hand bills, or enquire - .of .1•3118 MCNIINFIt- GLK. Chanters township, orP. - 41, HOHR3LIII, No. 113 First avenue, FL sanuitt. . J02.2: IiSSIGNEE-41 SALE of 15 Acres, Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite Haar hAT BOAT AFTERNOON, July 17th. at 4 o'clock. will be sold on the prtmisks, by order of John M. Kennedy acid isohn G. MacConnet, signets in liaatnipicy of Mama O'Hara, tint vcams.lepiropvrty in the City of Pittsburgh, for merly I,r_yi townstdp,and fronting on Penn sylvania avenue, oppos to Molfarland's Grove. containing 14 acres and 160 perches, beauti fully located vrnd commanding handsome views of the valtry and surrounding villas. TERNS or Satm—liold subject, to a mortgage of •15.447.98, baiance cash. bin A. MCILWAINE Auctioneer. LIVERY STABLES. JOHN H. ertintAnr ROST: 'LTA le ROM H. PATTERSONi.4. X.ll73Sailr, SAMLIP. AMID - • CO lON STABLES . COL BETENTO ITEM a . Ulla?! 41'n PITTEIBITRea PA. WON EL311620/ 1 EliEl SUMNER A J. W. BAR t3f) MARKET STREET. Font Colored tomrtrir l it Fast Colored Calico Tit lienth • Chinas at 23 ' Poplins as 18% Flee Dress Boods as • • ' Witte Double' Width Dr SHAWLS, CLOAUS, surfs AN Great Barßams in OP. NM" ip ..EL 41qk MARKET STREET. FOR SALE • PIR LE.—A light atid profit. ABLE business. No opposition. Capita, required, $5,500. Qua or two men going lute the bu=iness can clear over mow per year. lis• quire of ."Clang Rainbow, Teat Estate Agents, 195. 197 and 199 Centre avenue. SALIE.=-About acret rclifand mils best situation for central seat.: only S from the West fittaburgl Ferry Landing. Will be sold altogether or la nieces to anit purtbaseTs. : Ali:mules of P. C• Nati/LEY. - office at the south en aof the Honors gahela bri4ge.. Je14.21t.r v on BALE.-LOOK SERE:-' FA/M.—The cheapeit Wm - in Armstrong county, Ye.. 100' Stereo ter .9,000 on easy terms. Splendid tualdings and orchard, No. 1 land. all tllisble. The improvements are worth the prim. of the entire property. There is at lout 9500 ore berg , in In it at the mare price. We here seen the prorty and know it. Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS. heal .hstate Agents. No. 139 Fourth avenue. FG SALLE.--A New knd Profit. ABLE ENTIMPHI2I4 can tome no appeal tutu: covered by a patent; no* In eueee- snit operation. Will take In excnange for the one half, 100 ln.df balance 'cull. Whore .price. t over/0,000. Reasons for selling, the owner islet es to leave the For panienlars. en quire of E. W. 11c01514158. 14/.• 125 Liberty street, near Ptftb avenue.' . FUR SALE.—A New Brick Resi- DENCR. built by dar a . work, ba,viAlr 4 64 rooms, gas, bet and wad water througnout., mar , tde mantles and wash stands, a bath mow and piazza.. Lot 120:140 ,teetoMligutfully located in t.e beautind town-of Aillaneoe. OWN batting 6;000 inhabitants end' n oted Ita t - , rapid growth. enterprise 'and enanufactor'es. SG miles from Pittsburgh and 60 . front.eleveland, Junetton. Pittebutah, Pt. -Wayne and Chicago,. and the t lee. land and Pittabbigh Hallways. Ad•. on, fin 4 illaitro.n. . . "Weilt • SALE.-89LT WORHA IsWELLINGII ANI 'FIFTY ACRES OP LAND MN W.HaT 11. It wort arellowln successful operation. - The land Islip , . der'ald with coal, now open and mined. and would mike a splendid vt..eyar.l; `best of sal; water at the works. There is money in this property. The owner would not sell were be able to ott.md to it. Ilatiread r ns thyougb the land. Apply to CIIIIFT & PHILLIP% BeallEa tate AsOnts, No. 139 'mirth avenue. Fon SAL - COU N T R Y UORIEs . —A beautiful residence an t illity-thtee acres or choice land. on -'errysvitle ant Road. The house Ass eleven rooms. Is bu teed finished in modern 'style, with all _necessary outbuildings. abundance of choice inn, and In fact everything to make it pleasant and condonable. Will be sold as a whole or divi..ed to sultpnrchasers. Apply to SitOPT Al PHILLIPII,'NesI Athlete a gents. No. 139 Nonetit Avenue.' rSALF;.—YALUABLE CITY istaDENCE.—NOU66 AND LOT, No. 74 ashington street, Allegheny City, be lot Is O 2 test - on Washington street, extending hack. 360 feet, on which Is • reeled a double two f tory brick dwWling, having all modern improvements. Also brick suable and carriage room, with sine. Pmts room attached, all in lint ratc"order. To F se wan.ine a comfortable home, thispropeilzK. I recommended. Enquire on the premi.es, or to - mums? DALZaLL. jyi2:mB - 49 Stockton Avenue. • • FOB SALE. - • . , . - , — o4oa 6 roomed brfek bottle on Centre avenue and large 10t—54,500. - Good d roomed Raab bailee with all improve.. menta: lot 89 DX //0—$4;000. Frame home. 111100Mtli 10 1 1 9497909-11/. ite 0. Two well notated-west With houses IWO large lo• —only $6,000. Two° roomed t onset; on rut ten street—#.2,soo each. ...nu lot 24 by 129 feet on Reed atrett —6500. Plot of around on Mt. Washingeon.. 20 acres on Panliandln Railroad., 4.inllea tom the city. • 30 acre 3 on Weiternltelboad, 4 miles from the city. - 225 *errs good Improved land In 31 1ssouzi.. Will be divided to atilt purchasers. 20 lots on a. ea try annue—s3oo to 81,500 CACLI• Inquire of Me.CLIYNO a Itantor. - Real Rotate and Insurance Agents, i3lO Nor. 193, 697 and 199 Centre avenue. Fort SALE. • = • 3 STILLS, each 9 feet diameter and 16}; feet long, with about 300 feet condensing pipe. from 4- inch down to A;4-inch gee pipe to each sin% for $9OO apiece. 2 BerILERS, each 32-Inch diameter and 14 feet long. with chimney bridging, stesna..dr:atn. stand pipe, &c., for 4500 2 M KEYSTONE STEAM UMW, each 12"inett, steam cylinder. 7-hieh water cylinder And 12. inch stroke.' for $340 1 IRON AGITATOR. 16 i feet 'diameter andl6 feet deep, withiaat Iron bottom for sac% 700 feet 2) -Incla OAR Til'E stlitic per foot. Aprdy to ERN Y, J AMMAN & CO., at Rorke,f• near Sharnsburg Bridge. , 28.119 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY r FOR BALE.—TiIe heirs of the late ALEX.. • ANDER CAMERON, deceased, offer the follow:. Ing desirable and coy ', y eniently located property for sale: Three stet Brick Dwe-Iling House. froisting,n West Common, Allegheny. No. 26 Sherman avenue. Alla, two story Brick Dwel. line, fronting on East Common, No. 10 Union avenue. Also, three story Brick:storeroom. No. 104 Federal, treet, Allegheny, now occupied fy J. J. East as Ir ook Store. - All of the above tact fered on seasonable teams, Idprder to facilitate - _ the settlement of the estate. Parties wasting Information will apply to the undersigned at of.. nee of the Pennsylvania Insurance Company, 18834 Wood atieet, Pittabergb. -HUSH EOM. ligN Y. 1191.41 . rig SALE, . . • lA cres of coA.i. LAND. 3 adlestrom Tern. neroncerthe. on the Little Saw Mill Ban. 137 acres near DOutorine,lddions oounty,Po.. on Livermore klitOl4ol4r. B. 8. 1 Ire ,la proved and - - uROI:ME AND LOT OM Market street, Mancberw - 01:11311 AND' L OT on Llberty street. : ritto • burgh. , ' - • - HtrUSE ANDLOTon Fourth avenue. XoOUSES AND L 0751 In 131zoberbtourA we and cheap nonutor Tennessee onit-n05..4 . • -• TUSTIN & KUM, - mgrg • - in • - • olrElranrotroet., • - .voR "Lt. ronerty on Spring HMI, 4th ward. which cam manila dellgt IllArdrof the aunt/ending o try for seystat , 'Mk %mend cetneinsAle lots wit feet front y $l5O feet deep, on which there is about 8601PaPu vines, h oo tfood r re ating order, a feweholoe gear. apple an Ben tes; also a variety of small Mums* stable, good well of water and cistern, aew frame house con taining ik AMonitr.Arlde stab, and cellar; tulle! whole nollaet evert klaft t l ed n rod order. , Also, house and lot on e stree ,t• house two story frame: eontatna b rooms and halt runs' 'thrones to Carroll street. _ , Other beasts and lots in _g_o6d loealltle_s. quire or • ' M. WhITMGEE, , ..2 Beal Estate, General Brokerage and Insurance Agent, corner-OMo and Banchunty streets, Alla- Shear. Jan 1 1:3" er x 4 Da GOODS, T ic.!,,R........4 -- 1 . . : ".c.p.!:44 ST. CLAIR STREET. 121,16 Centel ppr,lll .. std. 9 Cents Per Yerd. Cents per Yard. C4outs ,per Irrrd. 25-'Cents per Yard. *mil Coeds. at S Q Centa. r - D LLCE WI'LES REDUCED. HoisekeeolOg Goods. IiC.IMERL CO., .: - • ..•,:..-. ... .. 20 . .- - : 21 . . , :.;.:- . .- -, ' 1.,:1T'.. S4'l'4 :.....!4-11:.***!,......"-..:. grams ay (n 41114 Q
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