PETROUBIJIII OFFICE OF PITTSBURG GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY Jul y 14, 1869. 6 •. . • The most important feature we have to notice is an acknowledgement by the Titusville Herald of an error of twenty-. five thousand barrels in regard to the slupments from the oil regions in the month of June. This changes theaspect of the production Materially as instead vztf a decrease of nearly one hundred bar rels compared,' with May, as •the report of thst Herald made it, these addi tional twenty five thousand barrels make an actual increase of between 700 • and 800 bbla. It is also contended, by parties who claim to be posted, that the errors of thel Herald will reach forty thousand barrels, and that statistics will be forth•coming within the next few days to establish this beyond a doubt. Under the influence-of these and other retorts, the market to-day was very dull • ...and tame, and compared with yesterday, prices, have still further declined. 'CRUDE. Sales 3,000 seller July at 14%; 2,000 do at 1434; and a "put" of 5,000 bbls all year at 14, and one thousand dollars. Yesterday July sold at 14%, while this evening, there were but few, if any, buyers even at 14%. REFINED. S i ale 1,000 duly at 31X; 500 do at 31%; and 500 August at 32.34. In the evening, 31% was the best offer for July. I• LUBRICATING OILS. gclipse 'Winter Lubricating oil.. Eclipse Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery Eclipse Spindle • RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. G. S. Thomas 2,000 bbls Flatter & Bro 800 Pool & Bro 240 " John Spear 10 " 0 lc & Thompson 80 • T0ta1.......... - 3,220 bbls. OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. B. B. Citizens Oil Co. 500 bbls refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil Works 500 bbis refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. -200ibbis refined to Warden; Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 100 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. H. W. O. Twaddle. 191 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. & S. 250 bbls refined to W. P Logan- &. Bro., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined ' 1,741 OIL SHIPPED EAST. AT D'UQUESNE DEPOT. _Fleming & Co. 2000 bblsref. oil to Bost wick & Telford, Phil'a. • Brooks Ballentine & Co., 49 bbla ref. to Warden, Frew & Co„ Philadelphia. Total shipments RefinedOlL 2,049 SHIPBEIVr3 PER WEST PENNA. B. . _ G. W. Holdship & Co.. 155 bbls refined to Waring. King & Co., Philadelphia. Ralston & Waring, 255 bbls refined to • Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. ....... ..... 410 Total Refined.- PITTSBURGH LIVE S OCK MAR 4E11.4. PE•c'A CENTRAL STOCK YARDS, WEDNESDAY, July 14, 1869. CATTLE. The market for cattle has been quite 1 ,active thus for this, week ' and, if any thing, the feeling is stronger than last week, and prime to extra steers are a shade higher, though upon the whole there is no material change in prices. There are an unusually laige number of buyers in attendance; Philadelphia and NeV York are largely represented, and there are quite a number of dealers tram Lancaster, Chester and other ad joining counties in the eastern part •of the State. Good to prime shipping steers I may be quoted at 7%@B,land A. Johnston sold a drove of fancy Ohio steers to Henry Miller, at 834, and ,we . are cog nizant of another drove having been sold at 9y,,, delivered in Philadelphia. There is a better demand for stock cat tle than there this been tor • some time, and-we quote thi s s grade of: cattle at 4 ®sg, as to quality and condition. (We take pleasure in calling the atten Sion of stock growers and -, drovers gen erally, to the,card of Messts Hazlewood Blacketock, commission merchants. This is an old firm, well and fa- Nerablyl known to the 'trade. Nr. Haziewood is one of the oldest • dealers lin the business, and _his partner. Mr. Blackstock has been engaged in butch ering and droving , ever since be was able to wai'. The Junior, Hazlewoods have also, had considerable experience in, handling stock; we are of the opinion that firm does not know about the stock business is not worth know ing.) • WEDNESDAY, Jllly 7.--4ShaMbe rg to Hartzel 19, weighing 19,975, at 6g; Han ' dington to Motes 18,4 weighing 21,425, at 6;60; Gartell to Huntsberger 20, weigh , ing 18,650. • 1 - Triunsitat, July 8.-Hazlewood & for O'Donnell to Voter 17,weighing Co:21.- 425, at 7q; Hedges di Taylor for Mtua ball to Martin \ 64, weighing 81,375, at 7%; Harris to Voter 16, weighing 19,450, at 7,35; Welling to same 128,;-weighing . 162,775, at 8; -,Kessenger to Crtirm 16, weighing 18,426, at 7,50; Hedges to T. 1 RI bliurthall tolyoter 42, weighint 36.- 175, at 5; Bortholemow to Voter 78, weighing 83,078. at 6g; same to awe 102, weighing 119,050, at 735; Holmes & Co. fbr Peters to 'Toroth 18, weighing 19,- 100;'Adams to lidcArdle 20, at 5%5,59; Smith & Blue to Landis 51, weighing 59,600, at 7,40; Holmes L. & Co. for 'Brown to Aull 16, Weighing 20,625: Jar rett to Huntzberger 31. weighing 43,825. et 8=416 off; Hedges &'T. for" Eberly to McArdle, 10, • weighing 13,525 at 7'4; Needy to Briggs 81, weighing 42,952; 11 4 roten to Anil 20, weighing 20,600; Mow; to Martin 47, weighing 62,675, at TX; same to same 81, weighing 42,900 at 8. FRIDAY, . July 9.-Tioltnes, & Co.l for Haddon to Miller 62, weighing 6037 5 , at 7,45; Needy to. Niemen 48, weighing 64,475, at 7g-425 oft Holmes, L. tir, Co. for Haden to McMahon 71, areighing '• $1.700, at 7,45; Same for Cochran to Wal lach 20, Weighing 22,350, at 7,20; same for , Abbott to Duffey 58,, weighing 52,550; at 4,90; Evans to Miller 18, weighing 21,875, " , at 7.45; Fairall to McGarveylB, weighing 19,620, at. 7,40; Holmes,' 11..2 Co; to 61105- sellman 101. • TursDAY, July 13-Sedges & Taylor I ,for Stafford to Gillett 69, weighing 66,339, at 7,40; Heskett to Boster 35, weighing ' 42,300, at 7,50; Hedges; &T. for Stafford to Briggs 34, weighing 43,760, at 7;40; same for same to same 33. • weighing 38,- 670, at 7.15; Hazlewood & Blackstock tor Campbell, to O'Donnell 19. - weighing ih 21.- 700; at 6g; Campbell to Briggs 57. we ing 55,8itt, ,----; Downing to O'Donnell 35 weighing 42,090; Taylor to ,Briggs 16, Weighing 20,360. • • - WEtorntrosir Jul! 14.--Enttglo o to - Landis 10, weighing 14,940 V edge s & Taylor for Smith dr. B. to Roth. 4T, .we igh . leg VW% Brown to Fritz .I#o, widltang 65,020, at 7,78; Monroe to. Masselmall 18, weighing 19,000, at 6,90; Hoimps, L. Co. for, Atkinson to Moses 12, weighing 7,670, at 5%; same for amith & R. to Lan- die 17, weighing 17,250,!5ame for Brown to Miller ;18, weighing 19,000, at 7%; same for Marshall to Moses IS, weighing 17,370; same fo Campbell to Miller 35, weighing 40,880; to Briggs 36, weighing 44,650, at 7%; Traurman to Runyon 14, weighing 17,800, at 7%; Aull to Hines 10, weighing 6,880, at 43;; Ha zlewood & B. for Campbell to Lamb 35, weighing 44,790, at 7%and po premium. SHEEP., The Sheep market, partionlarly for the better grades, is considerably stronger than last week, and prices tue fully a.I quarter. perhaps, a half-higher. Both. New York and Philadelphia buyers were anxious to buy, and all the good sheep offered were picked up and that too at the advanced, prices. We now quote fair to good at 3(g34; prime, 43;@5 and extra 5%. As has been the case for some time past. there is little or no demand for low grade sheep, and inferior will scarcely bribg enough to pay feed 4 bills, yarding and.cost of transportation. HOGEL The exceedingly hot weather is oper ating badly on the Hog market, and compared with last week, prices a shade lower. We now quote Philadelphia Hogs at 9®9!, 1, 1, and Yorkers at BWD9c. • MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORE, Jitly 13.—Ashes; pots quiet and 'Steady at $7,87©7,62; pearls nominal. Cotton opened steady with a fair inquiry, and closed drooping; 2,600 bales at 341A,c for uplands. Flour less active and without chauge in price, re ceipts 4,604, sales 810 hbls $5,20©5,60 for State and western; $6,50©6,90 for ex tra State, .16,20@6,90 for extra west ern; $7©7,25 for white wheat extra tra; $6,50(7 for R. H. O.; $7©7,50 for extra St. Louis; sB©lo for choice do, closing quiet; also, last evening 6,000 bbls at $6,25©6,50 for extra western; $6,50©6,75 for extra State, part export and part on speculation; California flour steady. 400 bbls at $6,50©9; Oregon flour quiet at $8©9,50; rye flour firmer; 500 bbls at $6,30©6,60. Whiskey firmer at $2,50 for western, and $1,05 for free. receipts are 173,089 bash, opening heavy and closing more steady, with sales of 135,000 bus at $1,47©1,51 for No. 2 spring, latter an extreme, $1,54©1,55 for No. 1 do , $1,55©1,65 for new amber Southern. $1,45 for Nos. 2 and 3 spring mixed, 11,70 for choice Southern Illinois, $2,00 for new white Southern winter; rod western on private terms. Rye heavy and more active, with sales of 8,000 bus western at $1,25©1,28, and 1,200 bus State St $1,27©1,30. Barley and Barley Malt duff and nominal. Rye Malt; sales of 600 bus at $1,25. Corn. ' , receipts: of ' 23.083 . opened le better and closed dull with the advance lost; sales of 91,000 bus at 72©88c for unsound new mixed west ern, 92©95e for sound do., 93c for kiln dried, 9sc for handsome western yellow. Oats—receipts of 2,095 bus; heavy and declining, with sales of 34,010 bus at 81© 82c for western afloat; closing at inside price. Linsed Oil , quiet at tl,OO. Rice dull. Coffee firm; sales of 1,100 bags on private terms. Sugar firm. with sales of 400 hhds Cuba at 11©12c. Molasses dull. Petroleum firm at l7 l c for crude, and 313 e for refined. Hops quiet at B©lsc for American. Coal; domestic. steady at 17,50©8,00 per ton, by cargo. Leather; Hemlock sole without change at 30©32e for Buenas Ayres and Rio Grande light and middle weights, 20©29.: for heavy do., 30©3134e for Cal ifoknia light and middle weights, and 261.4©28e for heavy do. Wool quiet and steady; Rates of 290.000 pounds at 46©57e for domestic fleece, 42(044c for pulled, 35e for Texas. Provisions; Pork •quiet and lower, with sales of 650 bbls at 882.25©32,45 for new mess, closing at $32,25 cash, $31,75 for old do., $26,50©27 for prime, and $23,50©29 for prime mess. Beef steady; sales of 1,50 biols at s3©l6 for new plain mess, sl2©lB for new extra mess. Tierce Beef nominal at $20C)25 for prime mess, 525©30 for India mess. Beef Hams steady; sales of 370 bbls at $20©21,50©23 for choice. Cat meats quiet; sales of 170 packages at /3%©14e for shoulders, 163.5©17Nc for hams. Mid dles firm and quiet; sales, f 50 box sic cured at 16%e. Lard qt and a Shade firmer; sales 450 tierces at 17+,©19,a: for steam and 19y,©20% for kettle rendered; also, i.. 50 tierces steam, seller fbr July, at 19,, and '250 tierces. seller for ' August, at 20c. Batter quiet. at 16©360 for State. Cheese steady at 11©11%c for common to prime.: Metals--1912eatbing Copper at 82c. Ingot Copper very ;quiet at 22.©22.Xii. Lake Superior Pig Iron quiet and drooping at 88©50e for Scotch, and 36©42 for American. Bar Iron - very dull at $85©90 for refined English and American. Sheet Iron dull at 11©18e, gold, for Russia. Nails quiet clinch, at r s 4, 70© 4,75 for cut, $6,20©6,25 r and 2,6©30c for horse shoe. Freights to LiV erpool heavy and declining; shipments -25,000 bush wheat at iliAd per sail, and 9d per steam. Latest—Flour quiet and without change in price. Wheat steady with a fair ex port detuand at $1,48©1,51 for No.' 1 spring. Rye heavy at $1,26©1,27 for western. Oats dull and heavy at 810 for western afloat. Corn dull at 70©88u for unsound; 50und,,90©9354c. Mess Pork sold for cash and regular. Beef steadY and quiet. Cat Meats firm with a mod erate demand. Bacon dell and nominal. Lard quiet at 1914©19510 for good to prime steam. • Eggs firm at 24©26c. Cuioa.oo, June 14.—Exchange firm at 1-10 premium. Freights quiet and steady; engagements at 5c on wheat to Buffalo. Flour fairly active, partlau lady for low andi Medium grades; sales at $6,3714©8,87Wf0r winter extras,Bs,7s ©6,50 for spring extrai and $4,75©5,25 for spring superfine. Wheat quiet and rather unsettled, Out ut aterial change; sales of No." 1 atwith $1, 0 33© m 1,34 said No. 2 at $1,293,©1,3034, closing at $1,34& for speculative purposes; a tolerably fair inquiry existed at 11,3101,3 3 , seller for August, and SI,BIM, buyer, and 51,29% ©1,30%, seller for July, for No. 2. Corn quiet but firmer; Sales •of No: 1 at 82 @ b3c and No. 2at 7934(4)81e; doffing at © ,8014 p for future delivery; ' liberal sales were made at 83c, seller last half of July, for ; No. 1, and 1301‘©80%cs. seller last half July, 79M©80y,c, 820, buyer July, and 81%©824, seller August," for No. 2; sales since close of 'cliange at 80c, seller July, and 81,‘c, seller,August Oats act lye, closing at 66 y,©67c for No. 2. Rye !More active and firmer; closing at $1,06 for No. 1. Barley: market bare; quota- Lions nominal Highwinas quiet and firm, 'aides at $l. Provisions: buyers and sellers apart; transactions liglit; sales of Mete Pork $33©33,25, closing at the outside. Lard quiet and unchanged; sales' at 17';gb. Sweet •.pickled hams steady at 16 ;c. Dry< salted shoulders at 12%©13e. Receipts-2,547 , .bb:s •f10ur,81,900 bush'wheat, 68,970 bush corn, 22,172 bush oats, 750 bush rye, 7,872 hogs. Shipments--2.755 'tibia flour, 80,753 bush wheat, 68,274 bash corn, 2,984 bush oats, 3,725 hogs. ; • , ST. Louis, July 14.—Tobacco active and, at full prices; lugs at 111,25@8, com mon to tnedinin leaf at 118©10, medium , and good bright Misßouri at $12©25. live ditto at $80©60,• good to fine RemuCity and. Virginia' , do. $2563160.. Cotton 11002 at 82S (388.. Hemp Itult but un ohanged,_,ximar *ob: Puler MOO of weakness, but PriecOM 3 1 10 0 1 4, 0 14 IN* 40e 35c 75c 80c PITTSBURGH JGAZETTE: _ THURSDAY JULY 15 1869 nerfine sold, at 54,90®5,75, extra at s6© 6,50, doable extra at 86,50©6,75, treble extra amber 'at $7©9,50. Wheat steady and firm; choice No. 2 spring sold at $1.22, prime to choice new red fall at $1,35©1,40; choice to fancy white at $1,45 1,50. Corn very firm, mixed in elevator sold at 86, white 92, mixed in sacks 90@ 93, choice yellow 95, prime to choice white 97©51. Oats firm bat slow at 710 'for black; mixed 72c white,72©76o. Rye steady at $1,15©1.18., Whisky quiet and steadt IL Groce usa ries dull and un changy ed a . Rio carols in first hands at 24©2434c for prime; 25©251Ac for choice. Louiidana Sugars rae at 12©14%c. Plantation molasses 70 t, 800. Pork firm at 33©33W; In drysalt meats very little is doing; loose hams sold at 140. Bacon firmer and more doing at 14©14/c for shoulders; clear rib sides 175;c: clear sides 180. Re ipts—flour . 1,600 bbls, wheat 5,000 bp, ' rn 6,900 bu, oats 4,300 bu, rye 500 bal. Re CINCINNATI, ulyll4.=-Flour is scarce firm', lis, with sales of family at s6@ 6,25. Wheat i dull and unchanged, with sales of red at $1,25©1,35. Corn is in better stipp and dull at 77(4)790. Oats firm at 72® sc. Rye is held at 51,15. Cotton is firm at 33c. Tobacco is in good demand, with sales of 123 hhds at $6,20© 17,75. Whisky firm at .$l, with sales of 300 bbls. Provisions are -firmer, though there was not much done. Mess Pork is held at 833, but $32,75 was the best offer made. Bulk meats are firm at IS© 153ic. Bacon generally held W higher, with sales of shoulders at 14 1 4 c; sides held at 17y,©18 1 / 4 c for clear rib and clear. Sugar - cured hams in good demand at 21 ©213.( i 0, now asking 22c; second pickle, 18©200; plain, 1714 c. Lard held at 19c. with no sales. Butter is firm at 24@280. Eggs are held at 17e.. There is no change in Oils; Linseed is held at $1©1,02, and Lard at 51,3501,40. Groceries are un changed and firm. Gold, 136% buying. Exchange is firm, buying at par. The money market is easy at 81510 per cent. elm - maim, July 14:—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat in moderide request; 2©40 higher for No. 1 and lc higher for No. 2 red winter; sales at $1,42©1,44 for No. 1, and $1,32 for No. 2. Corn firm and is higher; No. 1 mixed 84c, No. 2 do 81c. Oats unchanged for parcels on spot; held at 76c for No. 1 on spot, 75c for do to ar rive. Rye quiet and inactive. Barley dull and nominal; no more • receipts, probably; until the new crop comes for ward. 'Petroleum dull and inactive, nominally" unchanged; refined .held at 28%©29W, July and August ; .crude lower, held at 56,60. TOLEDO, July 14.—Recelpts: flour 1,800 bbls, wheat 7,700 bush, corn 9,300 bush, oats 2,700 bush. Shipments: flour 500 WEI, wheat 800 bush, corn 2,6430 bush, oats 4,200 bush. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat lc better and active; amber $1,48 ©1,48%, seller the month and on spot; white Michigan regular at $1,42 for No, 1: white is held at 81,74; No. 1 red, $1,43; No. '2 red is 2c better and sold at $1,39. Corn 2c better-and excited; No. 1 sold at 88c on spot; 89c buyer July and' seller August. Condemned Oats steady at 71c for No. 1 and Michigan. Rye steady at $l,lO for Michigan. PHILADELPHIA, July 14.—Flour un changed.; northwestern extra family, $7,25; Pennsylvania do. $6©6.75: Ohio and Indiana, s7©B, fancy, 59@10,75. Wheat: new crop is arriving more freely and commands $1,50©1,55. Rye un changed. Corn quiet; yellow, $1,15: mixed western, $1,10©1,12. Oats un changed. Provisions unchanged. Pe troleum less strong; crude unchanged; refined 313§©313;0. Whisky unchanged. MILWAUKEE, July 14.—Flotir more ac tive and unchanged. Wheat steady at $1,35 for No. 1; $1,30% for N 0.2. Oats firm at 68c for No. 2. Corn nominal. Rye demand 51,03 for No. 1. Barley in fair at $1®51,04 for common to prime. Grain less firm. Wheat to Buffalo 5%c; to Oswego 9%c. Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 68,000 bn wheat, 3,000 bu oats. Sbipments-4,000., bbls flour, 22,000 nu wheat. Lorismtn, July 14.—Superfine 'lour $7,25. Grain firm. Wheat: red 51,25: white 51,35. Corn in bulk Oats in bulk 70c. Rye $1,20. Leaf Tobacco ac tive; sales of 200 htida at $4,90©11,00. Provisions stronger. Mass Pork $33. Bacon; shoulders 14%c; clear rib 18/o; clear sides 184 c. Hams 20%©21c. Lard 19%c. Highwines $l. MEMPHIS, July 14.--Cotton quiet at 32%,©32%c•' receipts 18, exports 32, stock 502 bales. Flour stiff: fine family s7©B. ,Wheat—new $1,10©1,30. Corn 88690 c. Corn meal $4,25. Oats M. Hay scarce at $25. Bran $22. Pork $34 and dull. Lard 20©21c. Moon inactive; shoulders 14%c; sides 18M0. - . BALTIMORE, July 14.—Flour is not quoted. Wheat firm and advanced sc. Corn firm; white $1,04©1,06, and yellow $1,00: Oats firm at 76780. Messork firm at 534. Bacon © active and pun changed. Lard dull and unchanged. j Whiskey in good demand at $1,04©1,05. ind IMYORTiii BY RAILROAD. Pirriumuciu, FORT WAYNE 1 Cm. came RA k tuaz July 14.-12 rs matal, & Co; 4 Au. do do, Superior ca Mills; 3 dodo, W Smith & Co; 1 do do, Loomis & Collard; 1 do do,• Hallman dt Hammett; 10 bbls flour, Knox & Orr; 200 do do, T C Jenkins & Bro; 25 reams taper, Godfrey & Clark; 2 bbds tallow, Isaiah Dickey & Co; 10 Wes cheese, E H Myers ez Co; 10 bits cheese,'Montgomery I Schlegal; 10 de do, A Kirkpatrick & Co; 60 do do, J Braden; 7 eke rags, 0 Obertraus; 7 hhds tabbacoo, W'dc.D Rinehart; 5 aka wool. Braden & Sharp; 65 pkgs tobacco, Atwell, Lee &Co; 10 do do; TAttle & Baird; 8 bbls eggs, L J Blanchard; 12 bxs cheese, Watt, Lang & Co; 12 do do, McGowan & SonS; 25 do do, Reymer & tiro; 5 bbls oil, W Et Craig; 103 bgs oats,.9 do rye, W J Meek:: 20 bie cheese, E Beazleton; 68 ;bales wool, S Ilarbaugh & Co. CLEVISLAND AND Pirrasunon • R&M. Boat): July. 14;--4 cars limeatone ore, Brown & Co; 1 do shingles, ?I' L RObin son; 1 xio rye. W J Meek; 108 pcs blooms, Nimick & Co; 551 bgs malt 6, Pier; Douala it Co; 276 blooms iron. Park, Knox; Bro's & Co; 1 car Co L 1 do brick, Hussy & Co J ; 163 L mks rags, Bruggerman' & O'Brien; 28 bas hard' ware, Singer, N it Co; 20 hf bbls herring. Allen Kirkpatrick & Co; .4 ske rags, Mc- Cullough, S & Co;106 sits oats, 5 do rye, McHenry & Hood; 6 bbls'oit meal. Seg. myer & Yoakum); 4 do buckwheat flour, Totten & Co; sdo pearl barley, Arbuck les & Co; 12 bdls chairs,' G Et Denier & Son; 12 dodo, 8 Nils rockers, Bedford Cbiar Co; 16. bra cheese,. Day & Co; 81 sks rye, 188 do oats, Graham & M. . . ~, ALLTAHENif VALLEnr IiAJLIIOAD, J u l 14.---800 bblikoil . ;Fisher - "fro; 240 do do, /Pool Bro; 80do'do. Parker & Thompson; 2 bbl eggs,,H Rea Jr. 1 car metal, Rees, Grairdi Dail' car Jr; W Flexions & Son; 4 eke rye. • Dan Wallace; 89 sks oats S Hood; 19 do do. 6 do rye. Bing , ham & Laing; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 5 care !limestone, Sboenberger & Blait; 1 do do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 3do do, 1' Jponbi.niM.P°r4eal; 1 dodo, Rees,' Graff & . , .. ' ALLECIECENY STATION, .f nly 1.4.-1 ear sc rap Iron, Pittsburgh Iron & Forge Co; 1 car gtain, M Steel & Son; 22 bales cotton; A a Chllds-& Co"; :1 car wheat, Kennedy Bro;7 cars cooperage, Ralya ik i Robertson; 1 - do do, --j , id. Hemphill; 8 ;cars wheat, W McKee & Cm, 1 ear :milll ifecoli 613L0W1L111 2 can metal,, Regent & !Burchfield:44 eke wool, FullertonA Go; la bbkrl 1 0 10). - ;.'1C94eF; ,/ , elq , ~,tgP4,41,./PPOri. RIVER NEWS • The river continues to recede steadily with five feet five inches in the channel by the Monongahela marks last evening. Weather continues oppressively hot; mercury at sr. a. 92 in shade. No arrivalssince the date of our last report aside from the packets. The Glendale departed for St. Louis, drawing 5 feet and a barge in tow. Pi lots—Marshall and Bobo. Argosy departed for Cincinnati with a fair trip including 200- tons of metal, which she took on at Manchester. Pilots —Cable and Moore. Lotus No. 3 - departed for New Orleahs. Pilota—Toto Morris and Capt. Sam Dean. -The Bellivernon Aropped down _te( Manchester yesterday to - take on tons of of ralirotul iron, , but will b back at the lauding to-day, and will Positively leave for St.-Louis this evening. The Lorena; Capt. Sam Shuman, will follow the Bellevernon to St.- Louis. New State and Petrolia arrived and departed as usual. —The Glasgow, St. Paul to Pittsburgh, left Cincinnati on Monday. —The Kate Putnam, arrived at Cincin nati on Monday night, 48 hours out from this port. —Capt. Charles Stine is in Louisville for the purpose of contracting for a new packet for the Bed river trade. —The wife of Capt. R. F. Sass, awe) known steamboat agent at St. Louis, died on the night of the 9th inst. The Ironsides, Pittsburgh to St:Louis, passed by `Cincinnati on Monday, mouth p assed barges, loaded with freight for the Northern Line Packet Co. —The Linton has undergone a through overhauling at Evansville, and been put in complete repair. She will re-enter the St. Francis River trade. —Captain J. EL Shnemaker, formerly of the W. F. Curtis, will take command of the towboat H. Clay Wilson, plying between Pomeroy and Louisville. —The Armadillo was crossed out by the Underwriters at Cincinnati on Mon day,.and will have to go on the dock for repairs. She was up for New Orleans. —Died at the Sulphur Springs near Alexandria, Louisiana, on the 25th of June, 1 69,M r. G. H. Finnie aged 58 years. a native of Louisville, Kentucky, for many years a resident of Louisiana, and well known on the river as an engineer, • —The Judge Fletcher lias arrived at Louisville, and will be dismantled and her machinery placed in a new side wheel boat for the lower coast trade. The Fletcher Is owned by Mr. Peterson, a wealthy coal merchant of New Or leans. Vzs 4 ;ix.) :41 3-1# • S imprznierrwstpri. FOR ST. LOUIS, GA-A d dE a t LENA, DUBUQUE AND . ST. AIIL.—The line passenger-packet. J. J.IDARRAGR, JR., Wiltleave for the above and Intermediate ports on THIS DAY, 15t J inst.o , at 4 I'. M. . I). OLLINOWOOD , JOHN FLACE, Agente. t'ABIiEBBBQBfi• FriTtsntrieGli , adre. WHEELING AND FAB KERSBURD LINE.-I...eavP Coninsolv'e Whstf etosu inn; of IN oro Strept. daily al Di Id.. WED NESDAYS and SATURDAYS, IdICS.I' SAWA U. L. BRIINNAIT, asater. Freight will be recei IMS C ved OLL atINSII noun by 4 , • ELA.CE. A COLLINGWOOD , Arcata. ELM Ly4aiAtlO;o4;il TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TOE mMaN DAM STEAMSHIP% Numbering Milieu vends, mem .. rattle celebrated CITY CITY OF PARR'. OFANTWErf, CITY OF BOSTON CITY OF BALTDIORE, OF LONDON, Win" EVER x SATURDAY, from Pier 43, ~vrt.b. River. New York. For outage or fur Ole r Inform:4 , ton &poly to WILDA'S B 1 HA3I. Jr. TO FIFTH STREET. febrocala Betimes. . w•arigr tmormlte Post 'Or«. P.., Om v.?, COMMISSION MIBRCH.A.N J. L. DILLIIt6iB.... ........ Z. lITYYZNIS OII DILLINGER & STIOENSON, - DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whiskies. BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, ardo EVSTABLISBED BY A. & T 0( aIiLIG 18111. W. IL GORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER No. 2in Liberv-streetr WIMILOTLY Prr.11.81311:MG11. re- -• W. C.. AItdSTRONG; ence.e.for w Fitzei &Armstrong, PRODUCE •COBOUSSION .nERCHANTI No, 26 MAILKET STREET , inn§ ismita. .4. bvssus. IVI STEELE & SON ) ..001/171088ios iferchangss AND DIALDILS ERX.AVITEC. ansivr, rrEaßra , . No. OA OE9O STRIEVI, near 'Must Oosemon. • ALLEGEMNIi r CIPT. PA. _ ; , mom 7. WC/WM KEIL & BITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , AAD azissas 31i - MAIIS, GRAIN, SEEDS maz FEED, ac., 349 Liberty St., Pittabprgli. carlf:SVl • " J. BLANCHARD L. Wholesale - and Retall.Oroeers, aplEaxBa 111T'rLE, • -RAMO iv - PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commlsalon Merchants an Dealers to Produce, Inoue, Bacon, Cheese. fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nana Glass , ' Gorton Yarns and all P'lrsburgh ?daunts res generally. U I and 11* oiAOND ST RT. Pittsb ur g h " _—.------------- SOUR alltrToN • wALL•cat. HIPTO_. N &WALLACE , Whole.. &SALE G ROVERS A.ND PROD ME DRAL. No: lISLIETEL ST:REET. Pittsburgh— , , , lathrlal _ otrens war. a. awns, rearr OUNIS NOME /1111110/6 SUOO, LRe to to JOHN I. SOMICI WM., Whole. 1 1 WOW. _ll4 , 601/kM l ' Itikl waya awl Witt rit*uoth TEE IRON CITY, HEAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St.; Allegheny City. untscoroiti. Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM. Rev. J. IL CLARK D. D., Capt. B. ROBINSON _ • • Rev. A. IL BKLL, D .. Rev. Rev. 5.14. NEbISIT D.D., W. A. REED. Cashier AUegheny Trust_CO. JACOB ROBB, Real Estate Aren't" , . SIMON LKU3I. Mayor of Allegheny , C. W. BERN t, Hatter, ' A. S. BELL. D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Nercgard, D. SWOOSH, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROUT. 11013INnOle. President. Rev. J. B. CL&8.11.. B. D. , Vice President. JACOB MIJISH, Secretary, C. W. BEBNY: Treasurer. - 111. W. WRITE. 211IDICAL ADVISEE . DANIEL SWOIJER, Genn Agent. This is g nome company. conducted on the mutual Principe, each policy holder receiving share of the profits or the Company. Policies wit' be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis Will afford a safe investment to each policy holder. and thereby retain the money at home to encourage bogie Bifiuf :l4 vad2 BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ALLEGHENY, PA. .. OFFICE IN FRAMELIN,•SAFINUB BANE BUILDINGS. No. 4.1 Ohio St.. ELUeglsexty. • HONE COMPANY, managed by Directors weil known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. • EM MY IRWIN•—.— ..—....Preideat ONO. Resurtrain. ID. L. Patterson, Wm, Cooper, Geo. R Biddle, ( Jacob P. ranz, Gottlelb Pass Simon Drum, J. B. Hosithi Jacob Rash, Jos Stewsst, Ch. P. Whiston, Josepli Craig, . M. Laniner. B. J. zinkano, Jere. irehee.. R. E. ZIEBON, GENERAL AGENT. Cuss INSURANCE COMPANY, ritELAN'S BUILDING,' • No. as Fifth Avenue. Bectind. Floor, PITTSBURGH, PA.. Capital s It Paid Up. DIRECTORS. N. J. BAgley, IH.W.oliver. Jr, ' Capt.M.Ealley, Urn , ' Wallace, 18 . H. Hartman, A. • Chambers, • Jake IW] ,S. ,Jas. M, hailer., Thomas Smitb, ;Jno.S. Willock, RUHERT H. KING. President. JNO. F. JENNINGS, Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON', Secreiary. Capt. R. J. GRACE, Genn Agent. • - Insures bnLiberal Terms RUM.n o all Fire and Marine IMPORTERS OP 11;MHETIEGEr, PA No. ii 96 PENN WPRZET ESE: CTOB sp10:o85 _ pENNSYLVANLA. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBUREIR;' OPTIC& No. 167)07_00D STREET, RANH OP COAIALERCE BM/WEN°. This is a Some CoMPlini% and. insures sisinst loss try Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOTL.R._Vice President.. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. latili AkELBENY. Beeretary. . t DIRY.Cione: , • \ Leopard waiter, George:Mimi, C. C. fluvle; . beo. - W. Evans. Robert Patrick. ' , J. 0. Lappe, • Jacob ?Linter, J. 0. Rielner, Josiah King, Joln Voegtley, Jas. it. Hopkins, ' A. Ammon. Jas. Sprool, J 74: INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS ET FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA OFFICE,4IIS & 43T CHESTNUT sr., near iTH • DinsCTOl3. Charles Ar. Smacker. - IdorclecatH. Louis - TObilli Wagner, David Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Le% _ Jacob EclwardFciaD CFIAILI T i BArtbs.r.a.l r adent.'" c. DALE, Vice President.. W. G. IVISELEjIe_ cretarysla. J. NEB COFFIr. AGMS?, North West corner ntrd and W ood Streets. ath23:wls N ATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cor. Federal SL and Diamond, Allegheny, Office. In the SECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. W. W. MARTIN ,_ President, JOAN BROWN, JR., Vice President, JA3TES B. bTAWNSON. Secretary. John A. Meier, ids's. Lockhart. Jos. Meet's, Jas.l...Grafiam.' Robert Lea, O. C. Bo,le. • Jno. Brown,Jr.laeorne tient, . Jacob hoPP. PWltUants,Jno.-ThampsoniJ...lllo2,lausber "V ' TOY INSITRANCE CO. PANT 01? PITTSBURG CODs* : SR maws. President. WietrERNES.T. Secretary. • OAPT. GE MUM% General Agent. are Ocoee. 9111 Water street, Span, & Co. ts W house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will innue against all Minds of lire and kW . rine Maks. a r e Mne Institution. managed by Di. rectorl who well known to the community, aid who an dam:lb:led bypromptness and Riper. ality to maintain the character which they have assumed; as of fering the bat pittection to times who desire to be insured. , Alexander MAO; deux R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, Junes McAuley. , - William S. l&Vans, Alexandzirrer. apse& Htrkpatrict. e trew ,4 philupßeymer. . Vivid hi. Lau, 12.027 111) EOPLEEP INSIIRANCE COM* l'A*l. °MON. N. Z. CIONOINNTXPD & ;MN SIM Clime Cleinaly.ta&ing tire sad Karlin Mats Wm. Phillips, Cspi. John L. Rhoads, John Watt.- Samuel F. tibriver. John IC Parks._ OliarleoArbueltle, chips. James Muer.' Jared Id. Brush. Win. Van Kirk. Wm P. Lana. Janes D. Verner Samuel — , Metitrt PHIL dent. JOHN' WATT; lee President. W. P. thtIiDNICH. ISecreta zy. WistDoN. General ArPnt. 4L L E NI ENV ' INSVILINCE coldrANY OP PITTSBURGH. 0 ICE,No. 311PIFTH STRET,BAria BrAcs. Insures Usual all kinds' of Fire. and Karina BUrt. jOHN TRIVTIO. JR.. Presidept: - T. J. HOSKINSON, Vice Prtsideut. C. O..DONIIRL Seeretarf. CAsT. DEAN. General A4lent. DIRROVOiIe: John Iniialf.' B. D. Pahnestook T. J. Hat neon,. W., hi.. Everson, CI. a. Hassel, Itobert Davis, Harvey • Wanda Sellers. Charles Ham ("ant. T. T. Stoclidale. Capt. Wm.-Dean, • T. H. Heyiti.• , • For DY s PCPsitir Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the, Stonuien, Loss 'of... .Appetl Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundiee tt and all diseases prisir.r, from a disordered, stale of,t)ursoinari, Liver or Intestines: Treialma ,BEWAEI). !• BENTLEY it cutaigy hima tyluatglitikr--- t • titsifigrE • PI tItt.IIIGEL_PORT WAYNE & CrilCA 9 O B. W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH From May 9th, 181119,_ traltut will leave freM and arrive at the Union 'Depot, north awe. put,. burgh W ar Arrive;, as foilowe: . • 1 I Chicago Ex....2:08a so 'Chicago E.x....1:58 a ra Erie .t_Ygn Ex.7:Ailla m ! Chicago Ex..11*:03 p M 01. & Wh2g/i1 , 16: 13 a m I Wheeling Ex 10:48 a 31 Chicago Ma11..6:58 a =lSt. Louis Ex 7:08 p Chicago ruiChl , goligiNll4:oBp m et. & Exsl:ollpn. l Cleveland Ex :3:53 p m Chicago Ex.. 11:03 pm .Erie & Yrn Exs:stip m W'e & Erie Ex4:3B 1)=.101. &Wh , g Ex6:s3pra Dspart /roes dikoansg. Arrius Atissaent Bea'r Valls Ac.13:58 a miLeetsdale A0..658 Leqsdale 10:03 a mlllca'r Palls " 8:98 am 11:58 am New Castle "10:93 am Rocheiter" 1:28 pm Enton " 9:13 sin Enon " .3:58 pin Leetsdale " 1:08 pm Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm Bea , rlfalls " 9: 43 pm Rea'rFalls " .0:13 piniLee.teale r 4;33 pm Leetsdale " 10:43 P "1293 pm Fair Oaks•Elun. - Fair Oaks Sun. daily /lay Church. 1:13V In day °buret:: 9ss ger 91:93 p. m. Chlcage Express leavu a to.Chleare Express arrives daily . J.M.. s . ani BALL, ,L.N. Iet'CULLOUGH, Ticket. Astela. fliimVlSapten's. mylo \ affa ig:kli G E OF . ligli TIME. cratior MALLET WkILROAD. THE (INDY DIRECT 134.14 R0U 0E or TE , TO THE OIL REGIONS.WMIT.O OAFS. _ _ On and after MONDAYi'dooe Idith;ls69 TWO • •••• THROUGH TRAINS Dalorlexcept Sunday) will leave Pittsburg Depoti,..corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, for yrsallin, 011 Clty.Bal. filo, and all points Dille 011itegtone.TRIPtr ~ 119 taavx PITTSBUSGM *HMV IN 1111 Day Ex 8:00 a m Day Ex' • 5:15 pto Fight Ex . .. 7:30 pm Night Ex.' .. . 6;30 am Brady's it 'Az 3.05 p m Mradys R ** /11:15 ant Freeport Ac 9:40 am 11t5OdaW'kil 7 1 ' 101 El 11d SodsW , lus 6:30 p lir ee_port Ac. 6:15p at Ist Hylton.- 6:45 a m Ist Hatton:. 11:50 a m 1d Hu1t0n...12:00 m Uld Hniton... 11:011p m ' ad Halton— 1 i :00 pini3d Holton..‘. 1 :05 pm' Arnold's Ac. 5:00 p mlArnold`s .Ic. F:4O . p m Charon and from 'Simla Works leave Pttralturgh at 1:10 r. ts. Attlee at rittabargO. (Sundays,) at 9.50 /.. M. '... ' Express trains stop only .at principal points. Accommodation , rains stop :Ilan stations .1. J. LAWRENCE, cterill Sup`t. THOMAS M. 111310, Assn. ettitn. a1)33 rENNSYLVAt.: r. . .1 - NIA CENTRAL 4 •,•• •••••...• • AD. On and after April 25tb, 11959, Trslnal.r -will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Waohington and I Liberty streets. as •. follows: Arrive. Mail-Train.— 1:25 am •DaYEW...I I : IS am Fast Line-- 1..45 am Boutnern. 0 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 $lO am WalPs No. 1.. 6:30 am BrintonAcc,n. l':50 am Mall Train 9:15 , am Walla No. 2.. 9:50 am How , dAsl9oo.o:2 o am Cincinnati Ex..9:10 am *Cluciniti 25:30 pm Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. 2..11:51 ant llow , d Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown An. 3:05 pm Pittab,ah Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. 3:10 pm Expresll:s o pm Phila. Express I:20 pm s No. 3...9:59 pm Wall , s No. 2..4:50 pm Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm WalPs No. 4•• 6:ospm Roved Ac Nut 9:35 pm 'Fast Line 7:30 pm Walls No. 4. 1:20 pm Holed Ac No 1.220 pm spay l'asgn , r 10:20 pm Wa1P5146.5..' 11:00 nM *These trains make close connection at Harris burg for Baltimore. I The Church Train Ilea eaW a l l aStation even' Bunday at 9:05 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh 1.0:05 a. m. Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh • 12:50 p • m. and arrives at . Valls Station • 2:10 D. •Charinnati Express leavaa daily: All lathe trail' s daily except Sunday.uplv • For !tattle? informataon B a •W. H. ECKWITH, Agent. - The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will not as snore any risk forßag ex gsge, ile for wearin aap parel, arm limit their responsib it, to One Mat dr. Dollars in vrine. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of tha ewnar, unless taken by smulal contract. EDWARD WILLIA3 A a pm General Superintendent, Altoona, l'a. NESTERN- MMAINE PENNSYLVANIA ROAD.—On and after April 511501,1869. the Padserums Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rat, road will arrive at and depart - from ths Feder , 1 Street Depot, Allegheny City,as follows: Arrive. Deport. Springd , e No18:40 a m Mail. 1:0 0 a lit Freeport lgo.18:2 0 a m Freeport No.l 9:2oam rn Express .." •. 10:40 a m filsarpb , g No . e Sharpb' g No.11:20 pm Express ... ... I . 2:sosi p Freeport No. 2 4100 p m Springd , e No 3:30 pm Mail 5:50 p m Freeport No. 1 2 5:20 p m Rpringd , e No 28:20 pm Snringd , e No 2 6;30 p in Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leave') .Allegheny Junction even dunday at 1:40 a. m.. reaching Allegheny Cltl at 0:50 a. M. Returnig, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. in. and arrive at, Allegheny _, Junes Lion at 3:40 p. m. _ Cosortrwrion TICEILTS—Ifor pale in paukagea of Twenty, between Allegteny City Chestnut 'street. Beres, Bennet, Pine Creek: 'Etna gad Be and good o on the trains stopping 'at stations specified on t icker . , • • The trains - leaving Allegny-City at 7:00 it. m. make direct connection at Free iori withWals keris line of Stages Or Butler and own. Through tickets ma, be purchased at the Office. No. t at Clair street, near the BIM. penzianridgs. Pittsburs it, and at, the DePot, Aneliberl. For further information sooty to - JAIDNS LFFRTS, Agent. Federal Street Age nt. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not I. acme any risk for Baggage, exce or wearing flinage l li Dollars u n u i, th.eillnreVld a n rzty s g. I e )a z. k I 'teeding te is amount in value minim at. the risk 61 the owner, unless taken by special contract. - - EDWARD H. WILL.IAL ap2s Eieneml Superintendent. Altoona. KU VITTSBURGII.." *.- ". r. ~, ,I CINCINNATI Aro • • . ,-- ' S . LOUIS RAILWAY. -. PO HANDLE ROUTS: CHANGE OF TIDE.-On and after MO NDAY. ' April 26tb, 1869, trains will leave and arrive In Zs Union Depot, as follows: ' , - Dspart. ' . dflillt. Mail 9OB a. m.1.9:13 Fast Line .... -.......... 9:43 a. m. 1:13 p. m . Express 91 . 33 p. m. 4:33 a. Mi' - ' Mixed Aeen 5:33 a. m. 6:58 p. ma McDonald' s Acein:No.ll.l:4ss. m. 8:18 a.. M. Steubenville Aecommod. Sala p . m. 9:33 son t MeDouald 7 a Asston. No. 2 SAR D. in. iltliit D. in. buriday Mirth Train.. 151:68 p. m. 9;58 a. M. 5P11133 T. x.lrMa will leave 12:13 P. w . train will arrive - dMly All other trains will run daily. liascais esceDte ed. The 9:43 a. m. Train makes close co& sections at Newark %Mr Zane.rrille. - S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Assents' W. W. CARD, Sairt , ” StenbetaMille, Ohio. , • ETTSBURGB & CONNELLB VILL On and' after TWOIDAY, • NOyesaber, lite; Dina: trains will arrivo at and depart from the, Depot. corner of Brant and Water streets , air follows: • Knit° *2dt:tom - MAW ". tOWII 1:00' . .k. sr. 6:00 P. N.. to 11:00A. Y. 51:1.15 P. 14 Ex. to and from 'Untie. 3:00 P. M.lOlO ..i. K. Wert Newton.iantored_ *MO P. 31.-., San e. Ye t * Breddeek,sAccomdt•n. 13:15 P. K. T:5O P. lIC Night ne.'toKeiCwortachao P. Y. 15146 A..1it, , , Sunday Church Train 00 and noon West Renton EOO 7. K. 113:00 A. tfb Tor ticke t ', 6PYI •v S. 31. SAYM01111.: Agent - ' .. W. B. STOUT; enommtendent. . no2o , -- . , SMOKY HILL sovrg. - ram PAOTIC ERMA Eastern Division. Tee SHORTEST. AND Tdltifflr WILIAM JLU U rlktrom Lne ZIA ito DP7r:• Colorado Nevada., California :,;. li,rgaht Arizona New Mexico, Idaho, . , ' Twe'rraine wave State Line and Leavenwcrtif 4111NA"'IT exCePt_eAtion tee arrival oi trawl of c Itai road irom at. Lone. said Bawd. - bat owlet. Joe Railroad nom Wiwi, naluled i- Jar at Lawrence. Topeka and iNarriego with Magas for all potato in Raziess. dt end of track west or iql. T worth Ole ttlirf&D STATES EXPREM- COMPANY'S DerA LIME OF MR BLAND, RAIL L.ND RIF OOLOSZB FOR -- t , reitrivErts star - Lalair-v 4 Alt *obits in the Territorif* Altd with SANDSBSOBIS Tut:WILY Lunt of COACUEB for Fort Baton nent's Fort, Pa M AltuVerilar. ifauts Fe, an d Si..ponds In ANA sons and new Mexico. With 'Abe ,reeen- addltions of- rolling 'to* and equipmnt, and _the, arrangements =ads with responsible Mariana Trsumpottstiou Lmes from its we terminus. Vas road now ones , unequalled litiee for the trilrolfailaon 01l freight to the gag West. ..., ~, 'rickets for sat at an Die" hiqurly. ,, c—cea - the United distes and Caridss , . - . iv Be Jtars and ' aSk , or SI. sets - •tr. TBB elfo MD iIeTTVG ltjirs cFADIVO BAPWA DASTIDS DIVISION NADS 1 1 1 $ 11 0 11 !. - - - : - :414kt.' ' al ai gat deli a - . -.'.. , ' i , •::: , ' ,-- 1 .' v - i s, - . . . • ' - , I. -.T 011111111 taiglit sad voila ' 3. -...- . .. I;)n)art.. • '4l.iivet. VlNishingtont Oregon..!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers