SI littsintrgt Gapth 'PERTINENT ittlo4ll4 , - Af,-cartodis. in the London Judy refire ." senta' Otua in titliguise of a handsome young woman - sitting by Brittania's aide, complaining, while Brother Jonathan, as ugly as he can be, but very natural, stands at a short distance picking his • teeth with his knife. And these verses —arelittsched: - • • ' . • • Hautina, dear. look at that °llona man. ' Do yen thiak I,evsr sonic, t•eur :' notTur the wealth of a Ruuli Ruin . I feel atilt I could tear hmi .Look athls roue, used up sir. And his emoted led bilious features: Ni natters himself.- but / think hltu-there! The naatle“ of all creatures! What - sib his "iptlit" and his nasal twang, And lilt constant exnee , orating. , dtrte hands , arid niST•iutee a-ang, lie's "a thing" I can ' t help bating. • When swirl says "No, " his vanity's such • - That he wielts, and -doStin' t. believe her," ~ Though the paltry,coximin l Pa hurrltle touch Would lend me Late a lever:, rvii told the fellow he needn't come • ' Witii his oghnir sidelong /tannest' •••• Burlie Jays, "Sweet Wei, tne:old‘follts at home , ; severs° to ntl.'.l o . l readvanceio.: , Dollars me, Milan:A - and isiskeldm go • Hie f•tok'uing sue t neat' , • `, With iathing. Pr ay! tell him ne Is de trop .; ' The then. his of almost kill me ••• • Tell hIM-Yets;Led vale, foe' His ill.eimed dam , / to Jlugie. Esi that VveMedenliair this/ be , ,tours only, et, alwaysng Ale. • Bid him "make,trficksl l -It he loves Isis shin: • • Or elm. that papa ffl. l l make hint. wi t hin 'When he sets on bulldog. lloldfast. An anchor Lis ilte to senile him: • • : . PESIISTLYMA. CORBY has lost the small pox. Scauvron has a'new cemetery. Tau Eplicopallats of Mauch Chunk are building a new church. • Tint Insane Asylum„st Harritiburgh has over, three hundred inmates:" AtiOo rna Tag reciter is to get the benefiti`of a piciflb on the 16th and 17th buts. • • A VAIIIIEIt in Sinking Valley, Blair county, caught a snake trying to milk one of his cows. Tan Fire Department of Morristown will make an excursion to Cape May on the let of August. Tag Harrisburg papers think the next census.will show a population of thirty thousand in that city. HAMIIBIIII3IO temperance men are en forcing the law against selling liquor to minors and on Sunday. week a number of 'beardless youths started from Huntinzdon to seek their fortunes in the far west. -THE Ebensburg Alleghenian says that the telegraph from there to Cresson will be completed in three weeks. A LITTLE sort'of H. F. Mundy,- of Wil liamsport, lost an eye on Thursday by the explosion of a fire-cracker. Soma of the boss carpenters oi Allen town have reduced the cadges of their employee twenty-five cents per day. A LAD named Benjamin Young' was placed, under arrest for attempting to lire the Winebrenarian church in Altoona. WILLIAM Looms GEARY ' son of Gov. Geary, has been appointed by the Presi dent to a cadetship at large, at West Point. A.nrrriat boy in Pottstown, recently fell through the hoer of a well twenty six feet in depth, and yet escaped but little hurt. AwraTowit is to have a new Directory, and is connection with the same, a cor rect list of all the farmers in ' Lehigh county. As AN epidemic the scarlet fever is ra. glng near Scranton, Pa, ,Five deaths oc curred at-Hyde Park last from that disease. . ..Lszaviersa Common has; been made the recipient of a municipal gift of • $25,- 000, from Daniel Beaver, Esq., of Dan . Tille,Pa. • Anon , 2,500 tons of bituminous coal are • wed every year 'to supply the Reading gas works, and this is procured from , Pittsburgh. A yousto man in Allentown threw a torpedo at a young lady on the street, for which he was compelled to pay five dollars fine. IT is expected that the Lehigh Valley Railroad will be extended from l'unshan neck to Towanda during the month of August next; • Jmnan, a daughter of Mi. (L. Miller, of Huntingdon. aged 13 years, died sudden ly from the effects of eating cherries to gether with the seeds. A:LITTLE girl named Bulger, of New Hope, Bucks county, was burned to death last week in the modern way—kindling a fire by,the aid of petroleum. nu.... Columbia (Lancaster county) roll ing mill is idle, and it is said the machin-, ery,,ac., are going to decay, owing to no attention -being paid to them. On_ last Sunday evening two dogs came into the enclosure of Mr. John Vanvoor his, of Carroll township, Far tte county, and killed forty-three of his sheep. New York Trainee reporter 'has been doing Scranton. He took notes on all: übjects, but whetber he took pe cuniary notes, has yet to be developed. A LITTLE son of Andrew Boreman, in Lancaster county, had one -of his legs so badly mutilated by a mowing machine, the other day, that it had to be amputated. H,ENIZY F. , DraccEssmintzu, once a prosperous '• carriage numufacturer of Doyiestown, , met with :reverses and hanged himself to a bed post in Philadel phia: G. W. • HAwci, of Johnstown, while driving a large omnibus wittifour horses, for the first time, was thrown from his seat and crushed to death under the wheels. r Vas - VigilanV Fire Company, of Al-. booms, have purchased a lot on the corner of Claudia and Annie street& on which 011Z,ItitglCeieedng an engine houseand ethef necessary buildings. LITTLE girluix years ohloamed Bl lan Donohlw, • residing la rieadifith fell; into a drain near the Mill of Beyfert,' ‘;lit'Mantut , it Co. v in that city, - on Thurso • day last, and vrisdrownedi bbiberatiq, pre,. poses wrigpf,pionn , iluon or, dollars f l ir the iiresent _gubenttorial:mumpaign,, by , issuing twenty-five: cent certificates, to be taken •by all good Democrats.' • Wit Ara the hbree thief, who dimmed frore:the - Cheder county prison , on Wed , nesday last, is at large: His, Jack iliteppakd style:Of esesjie is strong evi 4 /ince-Mit-tau will not soon be Captured. ~ ,, ,Avouirinimedthiargaret Jane Gleaner, 'of' Rictiland , lownshlpi Cambria, county, r,. , while in a field where there weresone horses, was kinked by one of them in tlib back of the neck and *most instiiiisy , MAW.-' - RECENTLY lam Taggart and his Mee, Hannah Horton Tags rt, celebrated th e i r froldenlvedding inNerdititfibirtiand; p a . There were twenty pO oti c . present, united ages amounted . to fifteen hundred years. - _ , A The.VELER in Pennsylvania asked the landlord if they had any cases of sunstroke in that . town. "No air,"-said the landlord. "If a man gets drunk here we say he is drank, and never call it by any 'other ten e s Ai- -' , .0..' -."'" - Tax a , State :Convention of Common School - Superinteztde will meet in Har risburg on Tuesday, Jul} 20th;at 2 o'clock P. 3L, Free return tickets will be issued by the' Pennsylvania railroad to members attending the Convention. ,i -A Aln4on started a fortnigh or so ago, to the effect that the Pennsyl ania, Rail road Company had by larg purphases and transfers of stocks obtain d th con trol of the Reading Rallrd d d r its branches is authoritatively d ed. I . . , Ix York county, the other ay, horse ;hitched to : a mowing machin , took fright and:undertook to run away, but the, ma chine proved. too- much for him and mowed both his `•liind lege below the knees. Of course, the „ hi` had td be killed , Miss ANNIE MILLI/Bs of tp ate ton ~ ,ship, Lancaster county, wasp king cher ries on a tree, a few days since, when the hmbon which ehe was standing broke. antfahe fell to the ground, a distance of aboutlhirty feet, receiving injuries from whichshe died. , Tun railing .sioufid the Mexican mon ument. in s liarrisburgh, is to be of a unique and curious pattern. The posts represent a bundle of arrows surmounted by Roman battle saxes; the uprights are made of condenineitinuskets with bay onets' attached. ' Thu "Centre Turnpike" runs from Northumberland borougb;(formerly from Lewisburg, perhaps,). to Pottsville, and is a very conservative linstittition. John Taggart hasheen its Tretuiurer\for forty vearsL Dr. Priestly, President, ten \ years; Msj. P. Taggart. Secretary, twenty-six years; and its twelve managers have strved,all the way - - from thirty-six years down to one. ' \ OHIO. Tnn new M. B. Church at Belmont was dedicated last Sunday. Wun bathing Charles Weaver was drowhed near Wooster last week. MRS. PETER Huai, of Wayne county, was thrown from her carriage and killed last Friday. 0, THE average price of wool realized, during the past week has been about forty-three and a half cents per pound. PIIILENAS SMITH Of Bath, Summit county, was killed by falling beneath the wheels of his wagon. He was 73 years of age. NATRAn GRISELL of Loydsville, died very suddenly 'on ' Thursday la st of apoplexy. He was an old citizen of the county and a soldier of the war of 1822. THE Akron Beacon congratulates the citizens of that place that their "fine Opera housewith Its seating capacity for over 2,000 perions" will soon be opened. &mu= STENGER, of Kilgore, Carroll county, has sold five hundred Buckeyes. He has sold over thirty machines for this year.; The Buckeye is appreciated in "little Carroll." A nennosu meeting will be hold at Minerva on Friday, July 16, (same day at Waynesburgh,) to open books for the Cincinnati, Salem, Youngstown and Eastern Railway. Trig, law requiTing physicians,. mid wives, !Sextons; 6; , c., to return births and deaths to the Probate Judge has been re pealed,- It is made the.duty of Assessors to return such statistics hereafter. TELE "anti hanging" element in Bel mont county are at work getting up a petition to the Governor, asking him to commute the sentence of Carr, who was found guilty of murder in the first de gree to imprisonment for life. A LITTLE' child, about two years old, the daughter of Thomas Duffey, of Steubenville; fell into the cellar, on Tues, day afternoon of last •week, In which there were some two feet of water, and was drowned • before discovered-- thorough search had been made an hour previous. • • - Tun Coroner's jury in the cased Jno. Fisher, who was killed while peeping into the house of T. P. Pease, in Massillon, Ohio, justified the homicide by a declara tion et "the said Theodora I'. Pease was then and there in the lawful enjoyinent and possession of said premises, andwas then and there ' protecting the same." Ano nineor ten years of age, named Farrell, at Youngstown, was found, 'on Friday morning, drowned in a barrel sunk in the ground, in which was about six inches of water.. It Is supposed that he fell in headforemos and was so stunned that-he was drowned, or else that the smallness of the barrel prevented his ex tricating himself. Trbt, Senatorial ‘.Convention for the counties of Jefferson and Columbiana was held at Wellsville, on Tuesday of last week, and resulted in the nomination of Dunbar, of Steubenville, on the follow. ing vote: _Columbiana county, Dunbar at; Updeeraff 1$: 'Jefferson, Dunbar 15; trgalegraB 14. lfakfng the vote 'stand Dunbar 46; tiviegraff 27: Tun following,is the Republican tit,kut in Carrol County: Representative,'WDL• Adair; Probate Judge, ' Wm. McCoy; Andithr. Wm.McAlister; Treasurer, W. IC.Bucliatuti ,• Sheriff, James , A. George;" Recorder ' James holler; Coun ty Commissioner,Thomas M. Creighton; Intlrmary.Directors, James-Maple, Mrs. bam Adams; 'Coroner, J. J. Blackburne. A MAN 4ear, Maralon had two thou sand bushels or *.heet• for which ; he was offered, three dollars a bushel- ' TO Price was mot high *nough t - so. she -lreOt it un til last week:when he Veined it do and :Mond be had just two'lundied tnifitiels left.' Vhe'Weevil had eldest destrOYed took wilittle had and sold it in. Can ,. ton forone donor ' , Verdict: Bervid hl nt . ' ore' iiiatetdS,) , 'lad, as two lads 'about' twelve,Yel COI whose names are 40 Irpre , la y ing on Licking Creek". near"Zinesv 6, they saw the body boy 'fleeting, down stream, and, awtm a:dugout to it, they brought it, to shore; Aelbe-•body, was , still warm they read& use of thorproper means, and succeeded,; unaided, In effecting the resuscitation. of. the toy, *NO *the' cootie' of siz `bo de • PITTSBURGH ... GAZETTE : ; , . THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1869, NiniiitAre — to,walk to his homl;ainile Tau contract 'for the grading of the tint six miles of the .Marietta*' and Pitts, burgh R. R. was let last Friday, and that Work will be commenced at once and mit through with energy. About one-balf of the first installment of subscripticin for this county has been paid I; and the balance.soon will, be: The early coin; pletion of this road is now reduced to a certainty'. Ox Monday last, two men living near Rock Hill, near St. Clainville, got into an altercation and from words the parties went :further. We - have' not` learned' the name of the party killed, but he is, said to have drawn a knife and made a' demonstration against a man by the .name of --- Parks, who picked up a stone and struck the party, from the effects of which he died on Tuesday morning. They had previously quarreled ON Market street, Steubenville, a strange freak of lightning occurred on Saturday night of last week. Mr. Alien was sit-, ting on a chair slew feet from the door, watching the flood without, when the chimney of the building was struck,- knocking the bricks and mortar r.bont in lively confusion. The electricity follow-' ed the flue leading into Alks. store room where Allen As slai . and struck him upon the right .foot, _tearing the leather off : the top of the boot, loosening the sole, and was gone. ::t • , _ Tut' -Republican State Central Commit tee met recently; and organized by elect ing General J. S. Robinson; .ot Kenton; Chairman; and Captain . Rodney Foos, Secretary. The Committee then selected the following Executive Hon. R. D. Harrison, Chairman; Captain Rod ney Foos, Secretary; Hon. S. S. Warner, Treasurer; ex-Governor Dennison, E. T. Hall, J. 0. Howard and Colonel W. It Thrall, of Columbus. The gentlemen composing tbis committee have had much experience in state politics, and are earn est workers. . A New People Discovered in Arrica—.A. Race Like the Auglo.Saxon or As , c Origin—Their Religion Real ual— Their Governinlent Monarchical. • (Prom the Observer.) In the southwestern portion of Africa is a tract about 300 miles in breadth, from north to south, and between 400 and 600. in length, from east to west, laid down on the , maps as Herero Land or Damara Land: It extends from the Cuene river, on th \e, north, to ,Walfisch Bay, on the south, and from the coast to Lake Nganti, in the interior. Very few'Europeans have visited \it; • three elephant hunters only, between 1857 and 1861. Anderson, whose works on "Lake Ngami," &c, are so well known, Green and Smuts. An derson was so much pleased with the coun try that he purchased \ a \ large tract of land there and raised some thansands of cattle. He died there in the earl) part of the present year. • There are two races inhabiting the country, the Bechuanas, wh2k occupy some kraals or villages in the central and northern part, but who are in a depend ant condition, and the Ovas, of several tribes, (Ovambo, Ovarkereis, Ovamba ' ti. tient, Ovamguari,Otaknenama, Ovam: buere, &c., ) a rerace, with long hair-- curly, but never woolly—regular features l and tine forms. These are~ the ruling -1 race. and exhibit a high degree of intelli gence, and many characteristics which indicate their Asiatic origin. They are governed by a king—Tjtkongo—of Ovambo race, who resides at Ondonga. He is assiste d_ in the government by a Connell, without whose consent he can not execute any measure. Each tribe has its prince and its territory, and the princes , are subject to the king and - council, by which, for any offense against the laws, they may be deposed or put to death. Each principal ity is dividedinto districts, , governed by chiefs, who are amenable to the-princes, but have an appeal to the king and coma cll. Their roads are excellent, and each has an inspector, whose business it is to see that - every person coming into the kingdom is'stopped and entertained until his name and purpose can be forwarded to the king, and permission obtained for him to travel through the country. In the case of explorers and hunters, there is unusu ally little difficulty; but traders are re quired to procure some responsible citi zen of the country, to be their guarantee that they shall deal honorably, and pay all the debts they. contract. The region of the country is, in many respects, so much like that of the Parsees, as to induce the belief that the Ovas be- - long to that race, or have been under Its tuition. They are not idolators, but be. lieve in a Supreme Being, the Creator, who is omnipresent, omnipotent, and om niscient, and whose symbols are the sun and the fire, and to thcsethey pay homage as his representatives, but offer no sacri fices to them. ( They keep the sacred fire constantly burning, and the princea, who are also priestp, entrust to their daughters, and sometimes to their wives, the duty of superintending these sacred fires. The °vas also believe in the existenbe of a very powerful' evil spirit,who is not, how! ever, omniscient nor omnipresent; and 'to his interference they attribute. their misfortunes and accidents, but they offer no sacrifices to him. They are said to be honest, industrious and temperate people, Jar more -regardful of their, word, and more observant of good morals, than moat of the African nation. , Terrible Scene in a Menagerie. travelingmenagerie, situated at one end of a fair held in the neighborhood of Orleans, France, suddenly disappeared in ,the night time, leating' no trace behind. l'The cause was afterwards ascertained to IN as follows:". . "; • The wife of the proprietor, who' was nursing a little girl ',of,tive months, was summoned into the menagerie, by one of the attendants, at abott four lo'cleek the preceding afternoon s :tor , give' directions about the service. , ' in pasingniong out side the cages wherelhe animals were confined her Steep, the hats ofOne . ,v/Itch:contained allon, the , 1 4reclotul, 1 1 1 - stincts of which Wilted: kited by the swell of raw Meaty just brought 111 , for feeding, time and lying at band.. Ihe tutt ing caught kola of the gown ltrittt one psw, and, as the woman turned suddenly round, snatched with the Other the child out of her , arms and dragg4 it within' the cage ' . The poor mother Ned the air with het cries; and even struggled to did; foint','. the jaws of the', beast, but all ' in islift - "mid', when Atindst , ;:. Arrived the child bed ..IPrl'alreedi ;bait devoured, The horror, of , the bus. , ~band, who came in aeon After; Watt rain gled with,rage; and seizing s gun tic shot deadtl . mOon the.-spot. Itnmedie mot after, orders for' littitapt departure wereligued l ' • k Yr r& Y: t• • OAS MXTUIUBEI WAN & ,fit . RiAtigheauers snit Wholesibt Deakin - Lamps, Luterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP COODs. Also, CARBON AND IMBRICATINO AILS. 33E1DIZERE, &o. No. 147 Wood Strebt. eon= Between sth and 6th Avenue.. FRUIT - CAN TOPS. it.:o3traistG-, SED VREIT CAN TOP COLT P S & WRIGHT, 'We ire• , now prepared - to sanply "Planers and Potters. ,11, perfect, Ciente. and as cheap as the pla„Th — top, having the names of the various Fruits stamped upoh..the cover.- radiating from the center. and an Index or pointer stamped upon the tonetthe can. • . . It is Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently .• - • 2411J31ia.331.11). • WC merely piscine the name of the frntt the contains opposite the pointer and sealing in t e ettstomary manner. No preserver of Milt or -any • d housekeeper will use any other after once s t. • PIPES, CHIMNEY. TOPS. &c. 'A TEA PIPES, 081 NNE T TOPS A. large assortment, atiltair Avotine.dear Smithfield St. PROPOSALS. mr,,,...”mm7,....gpm,,,,,w51myyjmumel OPTIch CITY F tintililltet AN SttnVicron, Pittsburgh. July 10. 1889. f NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. A. —Sealed ronossis for liemline, Paving and Curbing YWhiliTY-NINTHSTKEET, from Penn to Smalltime' street 11ULBE11111. AL LEY. Dom 28th t' 29th street, 'viii be rt Caved until MON DAY. July 10th. 1869. Blanks for bidding can be bad at this office. No bias will be considered by the Committee unless mode out on •he proper blanks. The porn en.tfee reserve the right to reject an or all Ulna. Jrl.o:inti• H. J. MOQUE, Cliy Engineer. OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLZROP ALLEGIIKNY COUNT PA.. PIT rEIIUNGII. Ju.y 8 h. 1.60. NOTICE TO CONTBACI'OES. FELLED PROPOSAL'S will be received at this office until SW inst., inclusive, for the erection of a new WOODIN STRUCTURE at the Bridge over street's Run, at Risher's Mill, .on the ElLtabetblown Road. on• the line between Bald win and Mlmin Townships. • Plans and speCilications can be seen on appli- Cation.. Br direction of the County Commissioners.' HENRY LAMBERT, Controller. jy :1.73 4/Sal OFFICZ OF CITY YgGrignin AIM sunvirroe. Pittsburgh. July 8. 1869. '4•OTICE TO CONTELACTORIL-- SFALED PROPintALe for GRADIN9. AXING and CURBING tNe: following stree:s will rec tv. , l at this unttl MONDAY. July 19th. (869: YORISES SfitHET. from Magee to Chestnut street. THIETY.FIRqT STREET. from Liberty street to Alleohrny Valley Railroad. And ibr Creditor and Paving: SNOWDEN ALLEI_," from Hemlock alley to he Allegheny Valley Eallroad.. APPLE ALLSIf from Harlon to Xliteatoetar . itree,t. thwelfivatlons and blanks for bidding can be had atstkls oroce, and no this will be considered by the Committee unless made oo.t on :he p• oper blanks. The Committee reserve the richt to re ject any *elan dale. H. J. MOORS. jytl:l9l 'City Engineer. SOCROELANT TAILORS. VIEGIEL, B 'masa cutter wi No. 33 Smithfle seUnrn NEW SPRING GOODS\ A splendid new stock of CLOTHS,G-188/11ERER, C., Jun reeelved by IFIENIZT IffIAYBR. Pelt Merchant Tailor. TB Smithfield street. ICE: ICE 1 . ' WM. KREBS. - .ICE DEALER, No. 55 Diamond Alley, PITTSBURG'', PA. mar Orders addressed to W. MUMS, Eighth ward. Allegheny. will receive neompt attention. Wagons entitling In Pittsburgh and Allegneny. my/S:110 FLOUR. PEARL MILL FAMILY FLOUR, PEARL MILL Three Btar Green Brand. equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. Title Mont will only oe mint out when ane Want ordered. WWII. MULL BLUE RAND , Equal to best Low. 1 1 16ARVIDILL RED BRAND. Piga tO boat Onto flour. WHITE 001L11 PLUME AND- 00/01 MEAL. B. T..101118ED7 & 88% llefhanv. tieneL H. Me. " pima. Mat. . ' II ROOFING SLATE OF VARIOUS Qualities and • Colors. '' Parfaitlar atiention liven to hying Slate and .Ir m rpattins &Kat rontA tor partlemara and pekes J. & NEWRY/FA no. 43 Ilevelisb Avenue, 5a4713454 •• - PITTSBURGH. PA • TRADE 'RARE • „ IMIDOEI =MEI. isztooir Lamp .; ‘ ‘f ibis war - 61 13 LIIIIEv-rlOO barrels 4,;.7ftei l ia ei bt r n a .7 1 .4!ta 14 ,2 14; )140 DD Patera ..T. IIMASIFIZT•1). DLIC 'CEMENT•••••100 tbbli Uylayale liydrullogazinint. twle 'Foxising,,iss.--So sacks °reale VADiVIZIdi HENRY H. COLLINS, al mi. urgb. ICE. TitIMICINGS, NOTIONS, ecc. SIT3IXEB ,GOODS REDUCED RATES. Would call atter. lion to the large reduction we harems to in Silk Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, SELLING AT RALF PRICE. COTTON KOHERY. LISLE GLON - 78. QhMER UNDER'WEAR, 1' All at Very t.ow Prices. COLORED SIT.K FANS. • SILK BOW-. HOOF SHIRTS, CORSETS, WHITE MARSEILLES. 4.111-R LONER. WHITE GOODS, (orals kinds.) • . • BUTTONS, • EMBROIDERIES MACRUM, GLYDE & - CO, • 78 Sz 80 Market iStieet • • (ARE &T REDUCTIONS Straw and NIT iner-y C2C0.4303:)61. HAIR, GIMP AND BRAID HATS AND BONN b.T.. .• witvica FLuWERS, CRAPES. lux-rosd, • LACES. FRAMES, &c., &c. At Very Low _Prices. SUMMER UNDERWEAR. S.VAR SP S, • sUENDo.RS, .4.ECIE. WEAR. • HOSIERY. LADIES PINE COTTON, BA. - LBSIwt4AN. - LIa.L.E, _ and SIBS nomv. . GENTS SUPERFINE AND FANCY HALF FINE SILK FANS.. PALM LN.D LINEN FANS, TRAVE' ISO ISAT , :ftWL', HOOP SKIRTS. CURSE BOULEVARDE AND WHITE EIEURTS, WHITE WIODS, ZEPHYR KNIT SHAWLS, PIQUE HATS, something new. - EMnROPPERLE.S. LACES, LACE 000ris. LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. New Goods A rriring - Daily. JOSEPH lIORNE lc CO., 77 AND 79 marl= STREET. Nlllll SPRING GOODS MACRITY & CARLISLE'S No. .47 Fifth preu Trizautinge and Buttons. , .11Embroideries and Laces. Riper= and Flowers. • Bata and Bonnets. Glove fitting and Frenelt Corsets. New Styles tineley's Skirts. • • Parasol.—allthe new styles. nn and Bain Umbrellas. • Hosiery—the best lingllsh makes. Agents for "Harris' Seamless Kids." Spring and Summer underwear, Bole Agents oor the Bemis Patent Shape Col lars. "Lockwood's "Irvine," "West End," ac; "Dickens," "Derhy," and other ' Dealers supplied with tae ahosent - • • NUFACTTJRICRS' PRICES. MACRIMII & CARLISLE, NO. 27 . . FIFTH AVENUE. my 4 WALL PAPERS W ALE PALPEB • lal*TX, WINDOW SHADES, . or. • New and Irandsome Designs, NOW OPKIINO AT No. 107 Market Street (NEAR FIFTH AVENUE.) Embracing s lime and stretnily selected stock of the newest designs tom the FINEST STAR r- ` GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer at prices that will pay buyers to exalinei 308. L HUGHES & BRO • mhzhiti WALL "'APRIL TIIII OLD PAPER altiEliN A NEW PLACE, W. P. IMULEIBALL'S NEW • WALL PAPER STORE; 191 4 14bertit Street, anuitiumurra SPRING GOODS ARGMNG DAILY. robe..' SEMET/14138 ANDRAVI"VING. HOLD, HELL di 904 • ANCHOR. COTTON 1-1111 ILLS: •• PW118213131Et44.11. r ILMIDOIOtatofo Of R&M )110/1341, lad LINO • = wKweit earnimpsis Arp iumnso. DRY GOODS. ft la ISt 0 tot C=l re; sp. f 4 l l 4a - ;.• 0 - C I ) t i ; 0 - ri pisw opi ll4l 1:1 -z.,, CdP2 " 5 vs, • 1:4 1:4 o ral C=> ,V• - 414 rffli g=3 . 0 • ISE 4 / ;LI o • z Z gaa E I I ad 0 1 , eti 1, • wed - GI J 413 141 - - , NEW ; SPRING JUST OPENED AT ilitomoar. PIIIII2S, 87 Market Street. Prints, Ruling, — Dress Good Baas, SHAWLS, O"FETLL ToE OF SILK SACQtrES ' Very Che,ap. 87. • MARKET STREET. 8' ap3 rIARI4 bIeCANDLESS A. CO., (Late Wilson. Curd C 0..) WHOLESALE DZALZBB IN Foreign and Doniestie Dry Good No. 94 WOOD STREET. Third door above Diamond al le r. - WINES. LIQUORS, &c. F'RIDA.I inpouutes OP WINES, lIBANDIfS, GIN, it( WHOLESALE DEAL E RS 111 PURE RYE WlllBll.lEi • 409 PENN STILEET. 'rave Removed tc NOS. *B4 AND SSE . PENN, Cor. Eleventh St. 6 (formerly Cana; trBllPl3l-11..FINGH a. - . . Nes. 11115, 157, 189, 191, 193 and 195, 1 112131 wrirszr, rryrsetasoth 111.11177A01411/28 07 , Omer Distilled Pare Bye Ai" dealers La POILXIGIfi ME= and 1. 1 QIIOng HOPS. an. landank GL.ABI3. CHIATA. CIITLERI 100 WOoi, , ArVar. - O,OOBL. . FINE 'VASES, BONENLILN AND CHINA. NEW STYLES Ruizikt SETs, Tlte NES, ; err' . CUPS, SMOKING SETS, • A large stock of SEMI . PLATED NODS:: or all deecriptlaaa. e Call bbe ttZ e .o R. E. BREED & CO.l 100 111'0011) STREET. STONE. WEST COMMON 'Machine-81(mi, WoPke; larthwlnt collier of West Onnßlen Alle 1117.4inrir..S.TVWX 1 E41 & CO. Hage_onband et Erepara on abort notice Het; and Stepp St ones ,' F sera foreniewalks. Brew; Writs; ft. Bead tad Tomb drones. La. 1 ntOloro tlpamMly alramots.l. D/L' ViriZETTIER. coIIiTENITES TO TRICA.T Al private diseases. Syphilis In all mercury 4 n nary diseases, and toe etrecta of 5 COUlp:tetely eradicated; Spermaterchea he, • Weakness and impotency resulting r self-abase or other, and which pro(' mote of the foilorehur effects. at Id otcnes. /11 1 wastages, indigestion. consumption. &veal. Moiety. unmanlimea, dread of future eve lose or meteor'', Indolence. nocturnal emissid and fina lly so prostraUng the sexual system l e reader. =Ma t s misatistactorY. Ana there imprudent, are pernisummly cured. .Persone filmed with these or any other delicate, totriq or long standing constitutional complaint shci give tbe_lloctor a trial: he never relic _ A pima/Mar attention even to Female e plaints, Lettoortheis or Whites. Palling, Ind; matlon or 'Ulceration of the Womb, tivars Anlenerrhoo3ll., Menerrliagia, Dysni nor:hoes. sndloterillty or ilarnimas, ime tr ed with the greatest success. • S It is self-evident that si peystetan who cont :himselfetetolvelytotheatmilmet a cer tain c; af dtseeses and treats thousands of cases e% y_ear mnst'aconhas greater skill in that speck Man °nett gehesal erardicer The !Doctor .publishes a mecum" , mumphie, Ulf Pales Mat eves". MI exposition creels< an private (Meese!, that can be free :do; or>bY•mail ffir tee Stamps. In• sealed envelcd ArerZ sentence contains mum action to the Maw; and enabling them to determine the ; else nataregrAl; "meals/nil. E The ape t,, emaapriaing tea an; is central .. Dien It le not oonvenien; visit a city; the Doctor , * opinion can be label be ving a written statement'or the m and med be forwarded by mail or 4 press._ la sente.lutanmes. however, a peral. exMatuatioll 7s absolutely necessary. 1 others dulling:among 'attention. se refit ired, fbr theaccoinniodetton f *nib Netts the liDirtrnebril connected with the ce that arc ymed with everr mutant, that Calculate; promote reeceery, including medicated baths. All prescriptions are prepared In Doetaies own laboratory. ender his personal , eMlon. Medical pamphlets at mace ice.l ft ro stamps. No Matter who 14 , hilted, read erhat he says. Hours toB :1 Benda Sat. to SP. Y. 41121m,N0. 9WY • thear gehfa Jainiseis ffitniburithge- !MIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers