ICI PETROLEUM itIMUMI. OFFICE 0 - PITT3BUF.OU - GAZETTE, t TUESDAY July 13, lfiG9. The market continues quiet and weak, Ind, compared with yeaterilay,• both )rude and Refined. for present as well s future delivery, are fully a quarter ewer. The market is in a very peculiar • ondition, and until there is a change ae way or the other, it is not likely that . ,aere will be lunch done.. It is said that se "bulls" are afraid to talead, being pprehousivelbat if thoyti would corn ' aeries to sell a break would be the re lilt, while the übearsurati timid about ailing •ishort," and, as the saying is, the one is afraid and the other aren't." As already intimated, how ver, thofeeling has been a little bearish )r a couple of days, though as yet, the edible is slight, not exceeding half a cut. "CRUDE. The Clad° market was comparatively ley today, with more of a disposit nanifested to sell, and, compared with •eaterdiiy, prices are a quarter lower. ale of 1,000 spot, at 1454; 500 do spot, at ; 81,000 paid for the privilege of de 4y, ivering 5,000 bbls any time this year at 4; and—last evening-3,000 seller until 'uly 20th,at 1431, There was also a light decline at Oil City, with offers to ell at p)9O. • REFINED• Sale 500 July at 32; and 500 each Au. list to December at 33. The July sale ras made early in the day; in the after oon there were offers to sell at -31%.* pot quoted down to 31 1 / 4E -market weak, Oth a drooping tendency. • LIIBRICIATESI3 OILS. ,c4BB Winter Lubricating oil9oe gclipse Railroad Axle 135 c iclipse Machinery 750 gclipse Spindle 800 . • • 'Romans OF cnunz - & Bro.l 1420 . bbls )wston & Sowers 480 " " 'arker & Thompson. ..... ....... - 980 4. S. Thomas. ' 380 ". " - 'OO/ & Bin Total 2,480 bbls. OIL SHIPPED MST BT A. V. B. B. Montzheimer. Koehler & Co. 500 bbls ref Waring. Sing & Co., Philadelphia. ' StAndard Oil Co., 527 bbls refined to Narden, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Wormser, Myers & Cm, 220 bbls ref. oil o Warden, Frew & Co., PhiladBl ) hie Livingston & Bro., 50 bbls .refined to ,:Garden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. ' . ',I Lyons & Bro., 196 bbls refined to W. ; Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. licKelvy, & Bro., 28L bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Brq., Philadelphia. ' l "..*.qtal shipments Refined 1,77 4 71L SHIPEENTS PEB,WEST 88. G. W. Holdship & Co.. 105 bbls refined 'o Waring, King & Cg. , Philadelphia. , )IL SHIPPED EAST Pitons DIBAHIENIS DEPOT. Fleming & Co. 168 bbls ref. oil to Bost pcich dr. Tilfred, Phil'a. Brooke , Ballentine &.. Co., 94 I ,bble ref. • to Warden, Frew & Co„ Philadelphia. H. W. C. Tweddle 12 bbla lubricating - ;43 W. B.George; P hiladelphia. . Total shipments Refined 274 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. • NEw Yuan, July 13.—Afases; pots Steady at $7,37®7,62; pearls dull and nominal. Cotton - firm• and a fair busi aess doing; sales of 1,600 bales at 34 1 .® '• •;; , 4i• ttplandi. - Flour—receipts, 10,925 Perrels. Flour without change in prices; tales of 13,000 barrels at $5.20©5,60 fer • :••uperfine State and western, $7,50®6,90 • Tor common to choice extra State, $6,20(a . •". 5,90 do. for extra western, $7©7,25 for • '• good to choice white wheat .extra, $6,50 .or common to choice round hoop Ohio, 1i7®7,50 for common to fair extra St. ' Louis, sB®lo for good to choice do.: ' ' Closing quiet; included , in sales are 4,600 •'• ;•- barrels for export at $6,50®6,55 for west- , ; • • ern, $6,60®6,75 for State. California • Flour unchanged; sales of 200 barrels at • $6,40®9. Rye Flour quiet; sales of 300 •• . 'Parreis a t t t14,25®6,40. Cornmeal un -:• changed; dales of 180 barrels of Fairfax nt $5 Whiskey a shade firmer, sales of • • a • 65 barrels of western at $1,0434 free. Grain receipts wheat, 222,199 bushels. Wheat opened about lo better and • closed quiet With the advance lost; 'sales • Of 117,000 bushels at $1,48®1,50 ''for No. 2 spring; $1,55 for No. 1 do; $1,60 01,53 for winter red western; 111.67% for r white Michigan; $1,66®1,'T7 1 4 far whi • •. • 'Cuba. Rye quiet, with sales 4,500u5h b western at $1,27®1,27%. Barley and Bar '. • • :' - ley Malt dull and nominaL Corn—re ceipts 54,402 bush; market opened firm er, •- l3ut closed dull and the advance , lost, . with'sales 82,000 bush at 73®94 for new •; mixed western via • ••• s®as 1 n d 9rl®9esscte fon do..via r ailroad; r yellow; closing lc below these extreme • quotations. Oats—receipts 25,867 bush; -;:• market dull, with sales 26,000 bush at 80c for western in store. and 81®82c for do. afloat. Rice quiet. Coffee dull. Sugar 7.1 steady, with sales 800 hhds Cuba at 11® 12mc. Molasses dull: Petroleum firm at 16%®17c for Crude, and 32 4 /A32%c for refined. Hops steady at,B®lsc for Arnett- I, • 'can. Linseed Oil quiet and steady. Pro. visions—Pork quiet and firm, with sales , 470 bbls 532,25®32,27 for newimess; $31,50 'for old do; $26®27 for prime; $28,25® . 29 for. prime mess. Beef is steady with 'sales ,of 400, barrels et 113®16 for new - plain mess. Tierce Beef nominal at 520 -; ®25 for prime mess, and $25®30 for India mess. Beef Hamaer sales of 125 • .arr,els at $2O®3L Cut Meats are quiet :• and firm, with sales 200 packagei at 133. ®13%0 for shoulders. 16(17 1 %c for hams; • middle! firm and quiet, with sales cf 100 boxes -ice curea at 16y 3 ®16%e. Lard , quiet and firmer, with sales of 400 tierces : '• at 17 ®19,0 for steam, and 19%®20e for kettle rendered. Butter quiet at 16®320 for'Ohio and 18®36c for State. Cheese •• „,ttlet and steady at 11®15Nc. Freights to Liverpool are active and firm, with shipments of 100,000 bushels wheat at Bd. per Sail, and 9®9Xd per steam, and 4,500 barrels flour at 2s 3d per Sal. • ; Lvtest—Flour less active. and a shade -easier for shipping grades. Wheat steady ' 1 with a moderate demand. Rye dull at 1;1,27 for western. Oats dull and heavy i.at 81c for western afloat. ,Corn heavy at ; 89®03c for sound` mixed western via ca nal and railroad. Pork quiet and noml , nallyunchanged. Beef in moderate in uiry at steady prices: Cut meats dull antignchanged. • Bacon dull and' heavy. Lard quiet at 19,4(411.935c for fair to prime steam:. Eggs,quiet and unchanged. Ctreasno, July 13. Exchange is firmer but witneut quotable change.. Freights 1 -in better demand, with engagements at 5c for corn, and Oic for wheat to Buffalo. Flora In good shipping and local de -1 'wand, with sales at $9,00 for white winter extra, $5.00®6,75 for spring ext,ras, $4,62% @OP% - for spring superfine., Wheat— in tolerably, active speculative demand; at the opening' the market was excited d higher; at th dose e close the market' at gav an we and No; 2 spring d. weak I sl, , V)1; Ne. grad 1482ji@1,88%, and. ; N 0. ., B : ffit sip I,BL fairly, fur *meant prices Xo higher than an y ;circles? but at they-aloes' alvioektrosa Mie r East were unfavorable and a portion of the advance was lost; the opening figures for No. 2 were 79%©79, 4 c, and the closing figures 78%©79c; the princi pal demand was by speculators. Oats in good speculative request, with sales of N. 2 in store at 6434 @67c, and 64,,p56614 c, seller month, clos ing at 663,4 c, cash. Rye a shade easier at $1,05®1,06 for No. 1; 51,04 for No. 2, clos ing at $1,05 for former. Barley scarce and without transactions...' Highwines firmer and 1,520 higher, closing steady and firm at V. Provisions firmer: mess pork inactive but held at M. Lard is wanted at 18Nc, but holders refuse to sell at less than 18,•.:c. Swept Pickled Hams firm and steady at $1,06%®1,07. Re ceipts were 5,326 bbls flour, 110,629 bush wheat, 96,206 bush corn, 38,849 bush oats, 1,077 bush rye, 1,613 head of hogs. Ship- . ments were 13,245 bbls fiour,lBl,3lo bush wheat, 124,366 bush corn, 84,884 bush ca 1,133 bush rye,. 2,676 head . of hogs. Louis, July 13.—Tobacco: better demand and more doing, sellers being disposed to let go; prices unchanged. Cotton nominal, 32%©330. Hemp firm, but not much doing; small sales of dressed at 52,35@2,40. Flour: low gra4e4 active add Amerce; super sold at 0,25(4) 5,80; X 56,00@6,35; XX $6,50; XXX 11.7,00@7,50; fancy $8,00@9,50. Wheat: very little spring offering; common to __. choice dry new scarce and find seedy sales . .at 151,40@1,50. Corn very firm, better and slow; white in bulk sold at 87c; good yellow in sacks 92c; fair to choice white 930M1. Oats very firm at 68c in elevator, 70c for black An seeks, 71(g75 for mixed to choice white. Rye advanced to $1,17%. Whisky steady at 51. Groceries quiet and unchanged. Provisions unchanged. Pork sold