The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 13, 1869, Image 8

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TEE GAZETTE is - furnished in the city
She inz 4aY B of A week, for 16 cents per
week ; f 8 per antium; 3 mos., 62.
For -ale.—lnAllegheny City, a route
that will pay over:l2o per week. Must
be a sorter, energetic man, and:resident
in Allegheny. Apply at GA.Z.F.TTE ORB
Board of Education meets to.
. ."1
Police new on the South Side
edingly dull yesterday.
Was ea
\• The. Allegheny M office
ayor's was dg'.
\yoid of"' terest yeaterday. Quiet reigned-
Arne eather.—The thremometer atod t
at sigh,. ;two in the shade yesterday a t
two elock, P. M.
Delegates to G. A. IL Convention tO be
held. t Altoona, on Wednesday.
leave Mir>. o'clock ,a. M. on that day.
7 ----4. 1 ----
Several of he lea rig Democrats of
this opnty lefeyeaterdayfor Hartisbrirg
rixattend the State = Democratic -Oonvom
tiOn. i „ „.* s . ',.•
,;- , ~ r „ •
Co!aioitted.--Jainer Ferguson • was
wm4ited to jail yeiterday, by Alder-
num Thoracui - ova of,'lareeny',as
. •
- "
recelVetl yesterday ttgebtpseven
tor onr May . - to , be sent, to Pitts
;ere I . psvitist , the city, for`watering
bar . g •
Pia • -
The Germane intend making their in
fon:oolmm against' Sabbath breakerti to
day. We are promised a full list for io
raoFF9,isoit pubhpation.'
. .
~., ..
- , . • :-ialie repairs oii Smitiifield
whicki 4 pia; rap hued bf the
pain Pisger. Railway Cow -
amProgrrig Mow.
area's Illustrated Monthly for
',. with !splendid engravinan, ;pat
the latest styles and excellent lit•
matter; 'jinni published. W.
nfenny, Fifth avenue.
S e Her Ring.'—.George Dearry wag
arreited yesterday by Alderman Ho-
Pdasors; -charged with stilling a ring
valubd.' at ten dollars from Ellen
Flat her. He was held for a hearing.
St r They Come.—The raid against San.
day '*hiskey„:dealers has not abated in
the least._Eight informations were trade
before the Mayor yesterday, charging as
wane different, parties with selling on
An Esther HoYd an Insane wo
sitaz4 aboatfoity years; of age, Was ar
rested-in- the seventh ward yesterday
and brought to the lock 6p.' he will
,prohably be,ffient p0t:443..0V Home this
Periienal.—Capt.Rugh S. Fleming, the
Republican nominee for Sberiff of the
corn Sty. leaves to-day with his family for
St. Vault Minnesota, to spend the sum
mer!: ^We wish the Captain a pleasant
trip; and a safe:return home.
- _
ilegheny Temperance League.—A
lac meeting of the Allegheny Temp
erance League will be. held this (Taos
dap) evenAng, at 73/ o'clock, at Rev.
MielMillan's church, corner of Sandusky
street and Gay alley, Allegheny.
Our Wednesdars (mitten of the
'WI EXL "i" GA ZE TT El can be had at our
counting rootu;, ready for wailing, this
aftdrnoon at 4 o'clock. It gives all the
deithsi 'marriages' and ' , interesting city
ne published in the daily during the
'week.. it is the largest as well as the
ch apest weekly published in the city. ;,
Peathery.---Mrs. Vellbrin and Mrs. Gil
delhad a dispute yesterday in relation
to bag of feathers, the property of Mrs.
Feliban, carried off as was alleged by
M 4. Gilder. The Wending; lady was
.ught to the office of Alderman Strain
an • settled the ,dispute by handing over
ih= downy her property.
Etatal Accident.—A. fatal accident oc
curred at. Middleask, BUtler county,. on
Thjarsday of 'au week, resulting in the
death of Mi. Rippley. a farmer, residing
atlrat place. Mr. R., it appears, was
ea e
ged in making some repairs about
hia• barn, and while working at one of
the doors it fell upon him, killinz him
in' tautly. - , .
ari erens Intentions.—Dr. James Mar
sh , of- the Sixth ward, Allegheny, al
' 1: ed before Alderman Strain yesterday
that William Bartley called at his office
oa Sunday evening, called him to the
dol,or and brandished some death-dealing
weapon,, accompanying this action with
- threats of murder toward him. William
*ps arrested and gave bail for a bearing.
...astallatlon G. A. R.—At a meeting of
p r 3, G. A. R., the following_ officers
w re installed: P. C., .Joseph H. Gray;
S. V. C., John P. Hunter; J. John
McLanahan; P. A., J. S. Haymaker; Q.
Geo. W. Silvey; P. S., J. o..McCand
leks. M.D.; Chaptain. W. H. McClure; 0.
DI, Crosby Gran tr. , G., John Bar* Q.
M. S., W. - J. Ciriswell;* S. 74. =
Stoned,' ILim.--George' Bigger / states
that Win. DfcXeon attacked him,yester
. day, with`two large sdred-pabblestfone of
to feel very sensibly sore tn. the
ighborhood of his.. ribr. :Alderman'
.:(cli , lasters _issued a warrant fer the ar-
Tpst or McKeon; fOr• aggravatbd assault
a l nd batter:,
Taken Down.L—Tbs massive iron cross
which capped the old Spire on the. Cath
edral, was removed yesterday. A tempo
iary scaffolding was constructed through
tie spire, several feet below the base of
e woss, which was then cut into sec-
Vollb and removed to ' 'llitilbsideof the
Spire and then lowered by a rope and
piny. -'Several feetbf the spire was then,
*moved, and it now presents the appear—
ince of having been struck by lightning.
'•, orner Loanig.— i omas Bennett, a
.lored boy. was arrested yesterday by'
cer Garrison.-at the corner of WOO
. d Water streets, for corner loafing.
, 43enileiit it APPeelsi wilkirelluested to
move away from the corner but paid no
attention. tothe,requeet. When the officer
rir him in cboxge end , brought: him to
he Mayor's office, where ho bad a hear
ng, and in default of the pipbent of a
fine of five dollars and costs he WatkoOm
- ~ Ited to jail fqr ten 'days. ,
. _
1.0.1. li=Tballiskittinal picnic , of the
1 lighters of . Rebekah — of Meiieldster
_ge No. 403 1 ., O. 0:1% will be held
ogee's RociPt, ' Tnnxadsy July 16th
• 869. - The afar is•in the hands,Ofsoom.'
- .- mittee of arrangements . composed - of
..1;, iselsT4 Aopatipo z oy:#2o oo,
;-,inothing.nuaoMtbaCl4oll#4 ' 6 t ilie'
t: =interest and enjoymentlif tonal
No intoxicating Honors will to allowed
o t r h , e o grounds, and conseqn ently a day
of- loyed pleasure may be anticipated.
Court of Quarter Sessio'
!cterrett. •
MONDAY, July 12.—1 n the case of
Clarence Bell, indicted for larceny, pre
viously reported, the jury retured a ver
dict. of not guilty.
In the case of the Commonwealth va.
Thomas St. Clair, et al, indicted for as
sault and battery, a none pros, was en
tered and the prosecutor, Thomas
Mulholland, to pay the costs.
The neat case taken up was the Com
monwealth- vs. Mena Minehart, indicted
for assault and battery, Peter Weisen
baugb prosecutor. The offence was COM.
mitted at Sharpsburgh, where the de
fendant keeps a saloon, and it is alleged
that the prosecutor entered the saloon
and behaved:in a disorderly manner,
when the defendant struck him with her
list. Thejury returned a verdict of not
guilty And : : the prosecutor to pay the
The Case of the Commonwealth vs.
Andrew Marks and W illiam l Titus, in
dicted for larceny, Mr. Gibson proseon
tor. It appears that the' prosecutor was
the owner of a 'pet sheep," which was
running loose, in the First ward, Alle.
gheny, which .the defendants, who are
boys, caught atul took home with them
to Sawmill Run.- The prosecutor, hear.
inewherp•his isheeP was, demanded, it
front-tlefetidardi:*ht refuend to - give it
up, unless he,.. Would pay them for
Catchiag it. The defense proved by some
other,party that the sheep belOnged to
him. Jury out.
The neat case taken up was the Com
monwealth vs. John Wallager, indicted
for aggravated • assault and battery,
Amanda Rota, proseentrix. It appears
that the prosecutrix - and the defendant
occupy rooms hi the same building, and
that it was necessary for the prosecntrix
to pass through the apartment occupied
by defendant In order to reach her room.
Ouerribout the I6tb of, June a difficulty
occurred betwnen defendant and} the
prOsecutriz's mother, who resided with
her daughter, and the proftecutrix went
downstairs to ascertain the canto) of the
disturbance, when, it is alleged, Walla
' ger made an assault upon her anti kicked
her upon the nose, breaking She fell
insensible from the force of the kick 4 and
he again kicked her. It was alleged by
the defendant that the proseetdrix was
striking at him with availing or lath, and
that he. in defending himself against the
attack, kicked the stick against her few
and thus indicted the wound. On trial.
234; is cbriatonher Baker.
371. ss Uontiliank.
~, John, XeKirdsis.
383. ' is' Wm.:Mal:mint.
139. ss Andrew Be.rker.
42r. ' " " John Roberts. \
282. " ' Robert Hague.
32?. • " Joseph Stewart. 4
305. - Joseph Cowman et al. •
459. ." Elizabeth Eberlle.
382. " Themes Moore. •
113. " BRIMS J. Hays.
307. " Thorne Morgan.
298. " .Tohn Law (2 cases.)
242:- James Jones.
240. g Thomas tampbelL
142. og John S. Jones.
392. " Wm. Schettler et al.
389. Coro. vs. Stewart Sampson.
321. " Samuel Moore et al. f
76. " Arthur Graham and-. Win.
326. " PatriCk Murphy et al.
356. " -- David Hawthorn et 11.
435.. " Jones Lindsay.
437. • John G.Fredberger et al:
394. " " J. Meyor.
396. 1,4 John _Jo.
413. " B. G. Morrison.
Free Bath.flouse.
We have often advocated, in these col•
umns, the urgent necessity Of 'establish
ing somewhere in the • city- the "free
bath'! system, aaadopted ip some, of our
largei -The ithanieful-exhfbitions
of public bathing in the hot, season, have
become of late' n intolerable nalsanceto
our citizens. And yet we have sympa
thized somewhat with those ,whoni,d3re
necessity compelled to adotrtthlsayitem
of exposed bathing. Rut' we are happy
to state that steps have already been to
to obviate this necessity in the fu
ture. The board of directors of the
"Home for the Destitute," composed of
some of our most philanthropic citizens,
have undertaken and almost completed
the erection of a free bathhouse. It is
being erected on the bank of the river
below the Hand street bridge, and
when completed will be launched in
to the river the proper depth. The
dimensions of the builaing is 3Sx2S feet.
It=is to be divided into eighteen apart
'manta, to be used for droning zooms. It
is proposed to supply those desiring it
with soap and towels at a charge of five
cents each. The city has kindly granted
a site for the establishment free of charge.
We feel'that this is a move in the right
direetion. and worthy. of the highest
commendation. and we hope that our ch
ums wilt always encourage and sustain
the efforts of those gentlemen who are
endeavoring so earnestly to cleanse the
community of its moraNand: physical
filth, and who have done 'so, much to,
wards this end in the past. N
Snakes +About.
mrs,:tytikinson, a colored lady, called
at Aldermen Neely's office-t.yeeterda \ y
and . mine iptrd. the ,Magistrate: with a
singular grievance, which '
at present.
mews tcrtertowily affect her happiness.,
She explained that, one of her. tenants,
Dirs. Eliot 'Williams; also' eolored, had meet her montl4 rental, and
,eotasequeug3Lhad_beenzequeated to.give •
qtporelialon of the prpmiees, This 12,4;
hral aetwatd; under the 'erreutifistanees,
was indignantly rejected by Eliza v ewho
endeavored, it is alleged, tbliaVertitettp.
for the insult 'by putting a number of
reptiles in the well, ftom whichthe water
toed by the Wilkinson fay vies takem
he Alderman, after examining the au.
thorities upon the question; decided that
It was emphatically a case coming under
the provisions of the surety 'Of thepeace
act. and issued his warrant accordingly,
which brought Eliza to" his office. The
Metter was ,thuilly arranged, the prose.
_paying the costa.
fit„e •
'scientific Wozi4er.
1918Wly tiverntid -article ikasjust been
ennigt iiiirrilke one
, .
think ; MPS 3be , _ days of:MOOlfgeolle not
yet gone. It is a Milk whose inleirans.
forms the most deplorable complexion
'one ffig
anitillabaXtetietranagela and to
pleasing whiteness, keeping the skin de•
iightfolly 0;4 guritkitAo; weather. This
exqultitebisitti arts known as "Milk of
Violets," and promises to take the place
of poigolletnertoliet 'powders. , Sold, by all
druggists and fancy goods dealer. V. W.
4400600145. wer4 wont.
Yesterday was the anniversary of , the
Ilittliififtthi V004'4011 *emit families tti
-tmeters - cf Trish - history. In former
'11•• Shilibeeteginfts In 11110
land" taxioessiorkwitwobs*No.• but=
latterly ; these have been discontinue&
pre are ['limbers now living who illreto
leaaant recollections of these miniver's
ries as holidays in thelrjuvenile years.
- •
-7, •
A destructive fire occurred'at Eliza- Mr. Charles F. Good is proprietor of a
F i re et E l i za b e th. - , How it Was Done.
beth about six o'clock Sunday evening,i ealueu in the upper Pfirt of the city. On
by which the extensive planing mill of the Fotirth his house was visited by his
Mears- S. P. &J. 11. Large was totally, brother-in-law and wife,-who called to
destroyed. The flames had gained con- I s nd part of the day with their relatives.
siderable headway before the fire was exchange the civiles df the season and
X. Good Was absent ed the time.venting
discovered, , and notwitbstanding the his patriotic feelings by participating in
efforts of the citizens, who turned out ' but Mrs. Goal was at
home to do the Donors of the occasion.
"that procession,'
en masse to suppress the destructive ele.
.In the course of the day the hospitable
meat. the entire building and contents, entertainer brought forth from among
together with a quantity: of lumber .their store of spirits a bottle of chain
were consumed. , The mill was locate pagne, which was partaken of freely by
on the bank of the Monongahela river, her visitors and:enlivened affairs conaid
and was surrounded by a number of erably. After satisfying hituself fully
sheds and out building, to which the as to the of the article, the broth
flames communicated, and they were er-in-law, who by this time had become
also destroyed. ' slightly ' , under the influence," start-
The residence of Mr. B. P. Large, some ed for : a promenade, when he was
thirty feettfrom the mill, was in imtni- met by a friend who anxiously
nent danger, but was finally saved. The inquired where he had procured
householdfurnit: was greatly dam- the liquor. He explained, but stated
1 1
aged by hasty removal - . The less is that the salami was closed for the
estimat at fro - fift een to twenty day and none could be bought. The in
thousan ' oilers. A large amount of goher tried and fkiled, whereat he be
lumber, rough and finished. was also came exasperated'and informed an "in.
destroys . _ former," who made an information be-
The fir is i supposed to have been the fore an Alderman eigninst Good for
Work -of en incendiary, but as yet no selling liquor on Sunday: , the defend
clue has been obtained which' would ant was arrested and after a hearing,
lead tot ..detection of the Perppraior _ compelled to , pay a fns of fifty dollars,
_of the ac On Friday all the: bel ting in half ,of ~ which, if;',Otirse, wept .to the
l e i:l3
• tbe Mill as cut to pieces ,_ by some 'mil "informer ." This is it was'done,
known ties, -and someixd the he ttiy and is but a fair sample of many of the
Machine ',taken apart. 'lt is sIIPPeOu cases hatched up by these inforeners,who
that theparties Who, committed these devote their tame and talents to their
deprodati ns fired the.premises Sunday . nonoribie profession.
evening. 1
iks- 4 udge
The Grand Concert - at the Blrtainghata
Last night the citizens of Birmingham
who amended the concert a; the Town
'Tall received at the hands of the Inter
national 'Troupe a most decided treat.
The debut of Mr. Lewis, both in this city
and at Birmingham, was a success nn'
poralleled in WS city. His voiceis deep,
frill and of an extraordinary power,' in
tact one of the finest ever beard on a
stage in this city. His songs, "I'm a
Roamer," "ninon, the Cellarer," and
"Will, ok the were the most
1 charming and -piquant we recollect
ever having heard, - Lwyvo Lewis
as an artiste will undoubtedly figure fore
most among , the finest contraltos of the
age. Although young In years, she mas
ters her voice in an admirable style, and
her accomplished deportment and re
fined. ladylike demeanor is noticeable as
a very prominent and distinguishable
feature. Ap Madoc la a magnibiont and
brilliant tenor, who has a voice of won
derfal capacity. full of the finest har
mony and mune. Ile was wildly en-,
cored, and, together with the troupe, was
received with immense applause. We
fully agree with the European and East
ern press in stating tnat the Interna
tional- Troupe is second to none in the
country., and we predict for them im
mense enemas whensoever they return
to our city, which they anticipate doing
in a few , months. •
•Tire police.authorities have been work.
ing arduously for the past two months to
waste the nuisance of street walking,
but, so - far, their efforts have failed to
accomplish the purpose desired. The •
orders herstofore have been to arrest the
"nymphs" when caught standing on the
street talking to men, or when acting in
any way disorderly.. Those orders could
net be carried out strictly without the
officer making the arrestrunning a great
risk„as they had a tendency to cause a
repetition of tie3re.Drake case, which
called forth such a. burst of indignation
from all good citizens. An effort is now
being made. in a different direction,
high we think . will - prove more effec
tual. If it- were not -for the crowd of
I Idle, loailog blackguards who emigre
'gate along the.:.streets. Where the nuts-
I epee is complained of, there ,Would be
no cause of, complaint, and.the attention
of the police is nOW turned to*ard these
;: , Every man of, them who
speaks to a Woman', no matter 'What her
-.cluirecter. May" be; if else 'is conducting
herself properly, is gttilty.of disorderly
conduct and should be arrested. Officer
Gillespie last .evening arrested Charles
Giphust, alias Gardiner, at the Custom
House corner, for: using indecent lan
guage to a woman, and he was locked up
for a hearing this morning.
Considerable interest was manifested
throughout, the city paterday by the
"curious," to know what action had been
or would be taken by the "Liquor
League," relative, to the violation of the
Sunday law, and when it was ascertained
that no informations had been made at
the Mayor's office the general impression
was that they had backed down. 'Such,
however. is not the ease; The Commit
tee appointed to attend to the matter met
yesterday morning at the office of Messrs.
Moore dt Moreland. to arrange their plan
of operatious. We learn that about
thirty informations have been drawn , up,
and the names of thirty more have teen
presented by the Committee. ,The matter
is in the hands of .Messrs. Wore dt
loth; and inconsequence of Mr. Moore's
absente'from tbecity resolved to
postpone operations until his return. •
The parties against whom Informations
will be made first are • the conductors,
brakeinenleptineers, eto., on the steam
cars, who west) employeefori Sunday,and
the conductors and drivers of streetcars.
The Committee laic decided not' to in.
'terfera with newspapers forlbcpresent.
"Some time since Ann , Shoirelin rented
'lll' hot,* op High street,from Susan bean.
*few days. ego Susan had occasion to enter
the prees ?Wien she 'dist:Oared thse.
the water pipe which had conveyed the
water into Ilia' honSei had; all; been re
moved; datoatdngths place to o'mm:int ,
of at least twenty dollars. She Inc/Wren
in rehitlen to.teaffair and was told t by
.her tenant tbstrai ) had been ta en
away by a pinm O said he was c . t,4
tug tinder orders teeploWnist;,Altrs:
Desn'denisdevefiat l l 4 lf tiverrenrsuch'
order, and charied,Mrsi.,lShttfrelin;With
eellinirthe pine ertelfi idtmroatiort•
4313211131Lmb1ch resulted in the appearance
of both women , at Alderman bichisster's
efikei;yesterstto.afternoopt where Mrs,
'bean niede"; „ waitron - shat' her
tenant fir laran . The magistrate had'
- Mit case overlik
.:•-,-.', .f.. 1 -4 1 , lc Paraearet w - :
Ann tiff, congeteren an indietweititr
.fOriellini liquiri okitheitt Ikea.), during
~b.m tipT Fi A A b e Qttrter,,liksaio na
'i ndaentineed to ay a ilia of fliy MN
lars.Vid ;11,601; 4 "Vaidoned hi the
' Gotten= ,and diseAßll3l4 ,ftent:AwleodY , .
.700;037dret. ',Tito:pardon was granted on
the recothhteridattnevet the !Marie; At.
may. The priecner - had riyontig child'
ankfras usa 1i to Wolth2teiat
lineisuo itmes :an Orriluttit her
*Win irelittinerepie tier f t thilt
the pardon was granted, as IV &kid' not
have s urvived In jail during the present
hot weather.
Town Hall.
On Mignt Trace.
The Sunday Question.
Sadie Williams, ' Ellen Keenan and
Kate MiCiUclery were OUt on a breeze yes*
terdny, the , result of which was a term of
ten days each in jail. They heard there
was a picnic at Iron City Park, and with
out waiting for au invitation started out
to enjoy themselves. Before reaching
their destination, however, they visited
several beer salocins and became quite
boisterous. which had the effect or ool
lecting a crowd of young urchins around
them, whom ,the , Inymphs", attempted
to disperse bjetthrowing paving stones.
While thus engaged an officer came
along and attempted to arrest them,
When the three Made ritiombined attack
upon him, whereupon he retreated and
called for reinforcements. When mlls
tance arrived the bellgerent creatures
were captured and taken to the lock-up
where they remained for a few hours,
when, atter a hearing, they were com
mitted for tea days.;,
The Normal School.
— The cagrntnlftee — liiving in - charge the
matter of selecting a location for the pro
posed l'ormal School building, held a
meeting at Curry's Institute, Sixth
street, yesterdsy afternoon. After consid
erable discussion upon the merits of the
several sites, they decided to accept that
offered by, Col. nelley—ten acres of his
property at Wilkinsburg. A committee
consisting of Messrs. Moses Chess, Jas.
B. Lyon, ,and F. C. Negley, was ap
pointed to secure subscriptions and pro
ceed with the tininstrdetim of the build
ing as rapidly as possible. According to
the act authorizing the establishment of
the school, titty thousand dollars must
be secured before the commencement of
the work. It is calculated that one hun
' dred thousand dollars will complete it.
, A Commendable Pr.qjeet.
Our Germin felloweitizens are consid
ering the propriety of erecting a moan
went or statue in memory of their great
countryman, Humboldt. The matter
has been under adillterntmt but a short
time, yet has met with general favor.
Some of the originators of the idea
have been in consultation with the Park
Commission of Allegheny, and haVe
been, we understand, offered any por
tion of tie; Park Grounds they may Fie
lent as s site. It ia proposed t 9 make the
Memorial Of bronr.e,in design to
that in New York'. The project Is': a
noblc one, and If carried out, Would cer
tainly reflect' the higheisr honor 3 and
credit upon those through whoseinstru
„mentality the work had been accean
Cross Suits.
John Schlitter and Philip Hadler, of
Allegheny occupy the respective posi
tions of landlord and tertantlo each other.
They had some diffictelty on Saturds,y
evening, when the tenant ordered the
landlord away from the premises. The
landlord failing to comply, with the re
quest, was, it is alleged,! subjected to a
more 'forcible spal, - and compelled to
depart in haste—the propelling power
being from the pedal extremity of the
tenant. The little unpleasantness occa
sioned two sults. one before Alderman
Bolster, for assault and battery, in which
Radler figures as, prosecutor,. And an
otherbefore AldertitanHumben,wherein
Schlitter appears in that capacity. Be
%lnert the two magistrates as the :peace
maltera, the pair will doubtless get their
rights and peace at the same ',line.
Maori a , Cutting Alfray„ '
Last evening abOut kieven o'dock, ,
number persons were lii
saloon on Diamond aliey, drinking beer;
and erelong the "party were Wm. Har-,
inoriSlßPAdath Ydttlig;whasllvitpnentlf,
were strangers to each other, While .
Young *as engaged in conversation with
Louis Eettleberg, Harmon came up, be
hind hint with s knife in his hand 'and,
*isjust In the`tict of striking hits With.
it when. Kettisberg, seeing him about
strike, struck him with 'hfitTfitt and:
•Icitoekod hinzdown.. At this stage of.
prOunittdint:l4ll44n, Pillespitv -who as
passing the saloo n at the, time, hea ring
the fuss went. , and ' arreatgl. .Elarstion
and oe:dueled him tit," the witch-bousel
where he was tooked up for the night.
..‘ Street Cat °tyro's.
t hitwa of 'ccar-ta f iehatt a liT 4oll .P it i ler
need instruction or ,successors. They -
, nave Belong practicedistopping from ten
to fifteen feet beyond the pliOeteeitiler
that it hss become. chtunic,andinar to
have eon stop at the crossings is the'en4 ,
0 0Pti OP. ladles* *VA to geiohkinto ;the
mud when it would be iblit - ss 00 0 401 0
; h ow o ft
,opos.,l6Olean crossing, and.
though the: oars ar e signalled ii anipie,
time, somebody tiVes'pleiloire Sit itaing
just ,a Am feet beyond • the proper place
to get on 'WO& Thit(may he well to
cnitivate the Cr graces of the few;
;but PIPYO IIO , 4fFir.4•4 o * , !YID.
lance to their So bath stch training. • -
• • ; ilieStO• ' '
Demist Nifleka,coteiStOitod . th hails
log potters' cloy.frofn wisiddt D the-411w:
iheny river, at the fbot of iwlti streak'
luni-hla..arms „ bxititeZate i gHt i l i
peaTs4ll4: Outtaivat is
and hat jkoart for siotA
titiPtenili gt °BlAtt itln g"
It pu l l, " an it . 1 s
-`canslog'hian to OM in *ant
the wheel of fishnet PlisafaigtteAtsug 4
T R AT 1 1)0 1 40 rpr
t er and elbo . e
sea d' ''oftice clf • Tri. avid
Wegner Pedrestreatt, when•Gibs tradture
was rationed, after which be was carried
so his residence in Whitend's alley.
[From tDe Pliesbargei Medical Newa.i., -
Our Managempt atm litacilitter.
Ws wilt hereafter have the asaietance
of Thos. L. .01dahue, 3i. D.who has been
educated to the nrofession under our di.
rection. and graduated at the Pailadel•
phia 'University of Medicine and Surgery.
He will assist in all the varied dutie t s of I
Practice, the - preparation of medicines.
and putting up perescrlptiona.
We' are therefore prepared to give
pronipt itttentiori to those who arrive by
thei 'Miriade or steamboats and wish to
depart the same day.
Persons at a distance wishing to obtain
medicines for their friends, will bring a
specimen of urine for examination, or
have it sent by Express. .
The patiehts will be careful to take the
first urineePassed after a night's rest, spa
In all cases to give their age.
_ This latter Is necesary to a correct diag
nosis as well as to the regulation of the
quantity of medicine prescribed.
•We would like to have the name and
also residence of every patient.
The, advantages of this will be , appa
rent to all, but especially to those who
may wish to send back for a second
course - of medicine.
- - - -
We keep a regular record of each anal
ysis and prescription, by comparison
vrith which we are enabled on auk**•
quent examinations , to.. determine the
improvement in the case, ani make the
requited changes in ~treatm ent. when ne
' The facilities - which Packet Boats and
Extiresr Lines furniah for 'quick trans
portation of Stnall , packages, to and from
every point within five hundred miles of
thiliplace, make it sufficiently conven
ientfor the. treatmentof all arcade die.
sawn:" Infant, this eystem of diagnosis.
conducted upcm s the latest scientitio;prin
ciples of Urino-Pathrilog.y, ie far more
certain and much more lo be depended
on, than the usual "pulse and tongue"
examinations alone.
OLDsztrx, M. D.
Magnificent New Cars.
On Saturday the Erie and Pittsburgh
Railroad put titmzi their train
two magnificent new, passenger cars,
built expreasly for this road,. by Osgood
Bradley, Worcester, Mass. TheVarions
"points" of excellence in the latest make
of passeuger coaches, by the best build
ers, have beenso oftendesoribed, that a
detailed account would seem likes rape.
tition, but suffice it to say that they are
'next in comfort, beauty and finish. to the
celebrated "palace care," and in all .res
pects, so far as construction and the use
of the latest improvements for the
venience and, safety of passengers, - are
equal to them. It is matter of surprise
to casual travelers on this line, and cer
tainly must be one of gratification to the
stockholders, to see the paasenger trains
so well filled. The passenger traffic is
constantly - increasing and so fast as the
earnings of the road have justified it,
better accommodations have been made
for them, until the road is now as well
fitted for their comfort as any other.
Marviz N9bolwilesagd Retails.
Japanese SUlrs—Reduced prices, a
Bates Bell's.
,Sliver Plating at No t ISixth street.
For Sale at all Grocery Stores.
Marvin's Crackers.
Marvin's Jubi Cakes,
Marvin's Milk Biscuits,
Marvin's Manilla Jura?les,
Marvin's Ginger Cakes
Marvin's Toast Biscuits!.
Everything in the bakery line that you
want for family use. Ask for Marvin's.
Marvin's store is No. 91 Liberty street.
Wholesale and retail trade supplied at
the lowestnash rates.
31arviu'e ' 91 Liberii street.
Sliver !Wing at :Co. Sixth street.
Marytn'Wholiattlei and Retails.
Lama Lace Mantles, in variety, at
Bates (V. Bell's.
Opportunity to Mahe Monev.—Twenty
men or ladles, wanted, of good: address,
to canvass for the most popular Sewing
Machine now In use. ' Apply, after three
.o'clock. at Office of Howe Sewing Ma.
N0:.4 Sixth street, late St. Glair.
Marvin Wholesales and Retails.
Silver Plating at No. 1 Sixth street
Constitution Water is a certain cure for
Diabetes and all diseases of the Kid
neys. For sale by all'Drnggists.
Marvibls No. is 91 Liberty street.
Liwne ' Organdiels. `Grena
dines,. at Bates & Beil?s.
At 'Redal. 'modern style Shaving Sa
loon. corner of Ivideral and Isabella
streets, Allegheny, will be found adepts
tit shaving 'heir cetting (for adults and
children) h air dyeing".leecbing, cupping
,and tooth -drawing.' 'Zry and be convin
ced. . • • T
Betters' Patna tOiirts a very agree
able light' untritiveitiOd; lisaperior
for piaildingefiralljelliell, and is highly
reootaraandod• by physicitula for invalids
.and children.', Sold by al/ grocers. 7
- beii - Vo: ill Liberty street:
Mandb!Wholesalea arid Retails:-
• 1 , -.(rf; '—e-- , -- 011 - ----- ' .
, - Waite - 11,ednaina and Sumnier Shaiiils
. •
!Balm do Bell* i.• ; -
.. , .. . . ..
• Ai& Ittiur Gltiodit farAtarchaleratkers,
Itiormlii,"Brbid, Scapa; &c. Etierything
stores. Millar. theta. and take none
tteiniiiioiiiietif",l6(xts,. elks andk
tiopllnd'euitraveol' goodzi catalpas J. M.
•••!alsrilin Wholeaales and Betalbs.
r l - _
Mtinp. .190 redertal . street
Allegheny. %Ind elan - ibr s bixdrieint
bath, for ng, hair dyeing, hair eut.
Ming and W,llll, plainna by curling and
fritrael ci 2 P9lngAktd
• ASts
l'plies. la,cPr pc Wiistr Walk Ml`
l a
ciasilsli_ glio OpapiNt• la IS
/*VA APWII, 8.01604 15 . 1 0 Wig:
"iintitlti?. lila , teal tal)et•
l IliArints' No. WO LAWAY street.
Inv, , • .11,
V r phriluis No: is Oi Liberty sired, • •
Yesterday wasliastarkablrtidiet , We
14114039104.91A5NAP Oie Ft 41310 8. e i
I bees aill4 iietiald:' •id
1 0., ruppi ...i, I. •A+) - ."- ''. ' • i .^:
''T ti Tti retiouGoegto i , toetilkilat , Biterde
y,al , M 1„, 1
Silver Plating at No. 1.131311 'street.
Wonderful.--Henry W. Burr, No.. 41
West 14th street. while on a visit to the
West, was attacked with severe illness.
from drinking impure water. Life was
despaired of, and it Was th(r3ight that he
must die. His wife was immediately
sent for, and in a clay or two was, at his
bedside. Having herself seen the bene
ficial results from the use Of BLSICTATION
BITTERS, she insisted upon their being,
administered to him, which was done,
In goantities prescribed by the attending .
physician. The result was almosi as if
by magic, and in one-half hour fro ba the
time they were given her husband was
out of danger, and by a moderate use of
them three or four times a day, . h,b was
soon able to resume his joulpey m his
home. This is , but one .case of many
thousands that we know, /
Disavows WATlM.—Superior to the
her. imported Gem= Cologne t 'and sold
at hall the price. 18.13.T.F.
THE Erie Dispatch says:- Among the,
acc - i .dents resulting from the use of fire- ,
works is an unprecedented one that hap
pened to a little son of Mr. Getelell,
living about four , miles southeast of- the
city, one day last week. The boy is about
eight yedrs of age. He was holding a
horse by a halter, and wanted to fire off
some firecrackers. To have the use of
his hande4 he tied the halter around \one
of his legs, lit the crackers, and the horse
got freightened and dashed off, dragging
the boy. nearly half a mile, .bumping,
bruisingand gashing him from head . -to, -
heel, the fearful dragging being kept up •
untill the halter broke. . Strange to say, the
boy was not only alive, but not a singl-•
bone was broken, and though he is liter
ally'one mass of bruises ' and the flesh
was worn and torn away by the •friction
over the rough road, the'probabilities are
iu favor of his recovery..
Base Ball at Philadelphia.
CB? Tetegravo to toe Pitubtutto Gazette.]
PHILADELPHIA, July l2.—The_ base
ball match between 'the Atlanties, of
Brooklyn, and the Athletics, of this city,
this afternoon, was witnessed by
about ten thousand persons. The play
ing of both clubs was geierally good.
though the fielding was not what was
expected of first•class clubs. The game,
to the , surpriie of everybody, restated in
favor of the Athletics, by a score of 36
t 0.21.
BESNT—srzEr:—Jr.ii 4ttr; by The Eel , J.
Sehaffer, JAMES W. BENNY to EMMA C
SPEER, all of Allegheny City..
IIeGARR—On Saturday evening. Jul► 10th.
ALICE BLANCHE. asughter cd Frank and the
late Elizabeth licliarr, aged 5 zr.ontlas and 19•
ATAXER. No. 166 . YOuir.TH nary!. ,
tsbarpo, Pa. COP - PINS of all tinds,CRAPPE.
GLOVE`-. and e• ert description of riners3
Wabing !'roods furnished.- LWOW- oper.:-Giq and
ttlebt. Retry , mid Cs.rrlsges faralitedi '
ESPlrtzxcics--Itev. Davis. Burr. 10.0.
W. Jacobus. D. D., Thomas Ewing, Eso.; .It.con
- .
eurnei dANDIISKY STRYMT AND ciiruch
Aueghtn7 cm. where awl' COYFIN
BOOMS a: e constanily supplied wr.A. reel and
imitallan /so elsoud, Mahogunr and Winnt.
Conies, nt prlets %arying from 44 to 80.
dies prepared for IT. rment. Hearses and Cdr.
lieges furnitbed: altar, U lads of Mourning
fiends, if repulsed. dace uten at al: hours. dal
and nirhi.
Vtl f .49‘.°X" * MEL
The bent watch made, and th far the znoa: Con
venient. Call and examine them at
Vould resoeetfully Inform-Ms neads &L 4 .I.ta
public generally, that ata ..1
soucruse AN WILY ULU
Coiner - of Penn_iindSixth Streets,
W HESPENI4EIO . & c 0.,•
No. 50 METH STREET;' (late et.
Clair.) have test received front itiaHasi the best
lot-of New Goods febnprins cvo!_hiTrilbt
to the ileeket. The sna vsnourtorosikoo in •
Lad sine- tiotbes ebeims altilittter ;hal Li,
erstiela4 boase 15 thofelti: 'A aim and Wes.
did assortment of GOTtlibditPli iftiGN - 1511..
1N6,6tt0t4 are s4il tines 010 ietad s!. sou
nue, cm? snow - is $0 Sirtif rovats*.
• KO'
Ctiptsllll646 Per PP. .1* kart CYcers4.
Such aII3ICUb Pittasszlilsts Wt. instil:gen
Let, Satin; Powder..CIVALVAINPitt Clu'ate
auit QuinMes 1 94 5 .1 , r1.4tirket Car . t " me
Utb}o., aC• .alto. 'Wein' Pr, Ap X/ 0 1/ .1 14e4r414
01) - Ottlas !Leap, and„if,reclurt4l zeivion, &In
2 14 11 :'• • j. - 1 „ •-•
:Cern ei 'ot tb Avenue and Watt-
Aelo - 3104 1 1;' •
iliv. 67 *PoOII.3I6%ItNII_E, PITTMr:IIGB.
e; -t „ ,,
- D Irg, age* -
ORIf -DAllX:tlegnit. to -10 , osoct. sad : on
SA gtjmor EvENflick, from 'MO Ist to No
'maim' lot. MO V •tov Wad*. [R&M= No
itmber d
urst to Marlin: fit. 8 o'clock: Merest
*Polit sit t rate ot in% per Oat, free of tax, slid
it. tog ottticdrolit cotopotogost.gettlqattuany._ it.
- Jimu_arl mid July. • Boo_itoofl4 ll . &c.. gar
ll' ihrl "12 °'"' ip-6 :,t, fer ry il l
. 0.4 Of VISO? ea rti.. cadent;
iplikrtfololl...Tsoo.Pati, Jr. t Vio n tif sidetto:
outtitg,igocretarr no tr.,.
' * A.' rodkon 3:1-Vtifoillow.5.114134 Sol Wm. B.
yilVDUrOrlb. V. loam,.
K e g . .tuslode.,irt.tcOlts ttit.tMertz,
Chruituybr Z.,. I : •
Is• W • & a. S. tell, Solicitors,
Illi, iii-17