The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 13, 1869, Image 7

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. .
Ming Sweet P , Acklit—Tgie menet-.
oni' receipts already' published' o n this
~ ~
eub,lect,. we add the: followingi"'Out the
tomatoesi throug h, or. if large, , ,siice,;in
\_..- .
thiree; let them stand in brinq'tfiler night. quart of yineger three.,piitsde,Of
sugar; in this vinegar: cook-the- . .teanatoes
. .
until& fork can easily be
,passed through
them. As fakt ae,they •are. cooked, take
. it ....
thetnout with fork and lay - them down
in a jar-•-say two or three layers - Of toma
toes; sprinkle ;pulverized •tinnamon.and
cloves, and a thin layer - of• • sugar; then
.. .
alternately tomatoes, spices and sugar,'
. woking all the tomatoes in the ,samevin
ar; If necessary, • add more sugar and .
Seger, - .When the jar is filled, cover
the, tomatoes with good cider vinegar,
cold, throwing away the vinegar in which
the tomatoes • were cooked. Lay some
horseradish root over the top of ' the
- .pickles, and put a weight on to keep them
covered. This recipe is equally goo cl for
ripecucumbers. I have_ tested it forth°
past two years, and found no trouble in
• keeping geed pickles. . . ..
• ' Pere clingstone peaches, just ripe. To: .
4 itis: of fruit allow 3 lbs.' sugar / pint
cider vinegar, 1 - tablespoonful cinnamon,
and lof cloves, tied in 'a thin rag. Use
• e porcelain kettle. Boil the Vinegar, sts.
gar,and spice until the sugar is melted;
then add the fruit and boil until. tender.
- B.+ move the fruit with a skluimer, and '
boil the liquor '.to: a thick syrup;. return
the friiit and simmer until done; pour out
and let stand till tool; then -seal up tight,.
removing the spice. ; If they do not keep
and are not excellent.: it will not be. the
fault - of the_ reCeipe,.. for .I have'hed my
fruit.keeP two years or. more and. be as
good as when first pat up. The same re
ceipe an sw ers for .quinces; pears anticher,
ries—quinces and peers to be first boiled
tenderin water: '' .' ': -
. ... . , _ .
.Tratrilig Tomato„Yilles.—A. neighbor
lady last year .tiained her tomatoes up
small : poles—bean: pokes—over six feet
high, reaching out abeve the poles. This
case io a- practical demonstration of the
success that meyattend this method of
training.. iis had not seen with my own
- eyes I could hardly credit a truthful . ac
count of it. The poles were set before
the plants were;-‘andwhen - the latter be
gan to grow the leading ..shoot was only
retained, all others being kept off through
:the season, As it increased in length, it
was tied to the pole -with common wool
. - twinefrorntimeto-time:u-simplyn -vine
• like a morning glory orAhoneysuckle.
i - The fruit, of course, set first at the lower
i'...., . end of ' the vine, and as the , season ad
renced, higher up, until now there is ,
iSrtilt that bids fsir to ripen at the top of
the poles. There - it hung in beautiful
• • itinsters,,easynccessible, with no otrstnic
, tion whatever, and no fruit rotting under
iiiiiiiiii - Or vines where the sun could not
1 - . .touch it. •_This is all open to the light'and.
• heat of the sun and to the wind. The
• ..plant; in short, has a fair chance given it.
• to develop itself, and it was ready And
- ,glad to 'avail itself of the privilege. If
'there is a worm on the vines, he can not
. - hide away, but can easily be found and
-- rliestroyecir andthe groundcan be.worked
end the weeds ; kept - down AhrOugh the
whole season as. easily as among corn.
. . The grower is oriiistress of the situation,"
• ' and she feels it, and the pleasure and
profit derived are thereby enhanced.
' ._!.. ' The plants may be set in rows four feet
: ' apart In the Tow., , z.,They will . bear to be
set eloserithanthio, but there will be less
r freedom: of. movement s" for, -the - hoeing,
. tying, etc. . . Try Try it reader; it is as cheap
as the com mon trellis—yes, cheaper; it is
1 '
easy, certain, Will ripen fruit some earlier
. -
and give you more of it,'of good quality,
•. from the same areas—in a word, will
, 'pleaselon,4 , Tournts/ of ..4grietatural.-
. - Sheep lifter. Sttearing.—A ft er a sheep
has lost its fleece, the skin 'becomes very
''bensative -- to -- the heat of-the searching
Sun, or the chill of a cold:storm. To be
convinced of this, and the importance of
• making some extra exertion for the coin
fort of the.animals, it is only necessary to
. - visit the.' field where the flock is kept,
when the day is hot or immoderately
. -t• cold, and ' witness the discomfort man
ifested. In either case the sheep
will be found ' seeking shelter, pant
ing or ablitning,-and of .ceurae suffering
severely. '- - •-'•- 1 •• ~ '
• ' Probably the most economical mode of
• L•.prtitecting'ther,flocs 'ism turn-Ahern into
. -me woods, or into a field a part of Which
• - is covered with forest . trees. . here, in a
• . hot' ay theylre shielded front - the sun,
.. • . andln a cold storm get some protection.
'•` It is betterjliciWever,*hen a cold' storm
.approaches to drive the flock up,
Vie keep "them -rig `the , barn until the
weather is suitable for them to go out
. . -it will be - remembered that but a few
years ago,-thonsands of sheep were killed.
i n . liorthern-Ohieli by a cold, storm some
time - in June. ; .Farmers at that time Who
. •,-,-- thoughtful enough to care for their flocks,
...., .savedthens,,..and the :
,lessonn , learned then
P :' . . should:be redieinbere. It I not frequent
that iiiehtive summer storms` severe en
oggh....tpkillAtiC.ektlettright, unless, per
; • haps. It be a few oldnpeltert, "4ertliat
. • . . is no argument ligliiiist givieg them pro
:. tection, for When,tus animal suffers from
any cause, it declines in flesh and strength.
:. - •
At-this season -it is partici - flay ln port
s ant Old sWes.yrkth Ilmtes be, given all the
advantage --- D - adhle, for - they' haft,' two
- - lives to suppOrb i amt the draft upon their
• . , . systems is lietivy.etiough, without being
.. ' • - stibleeted=tnetniuraned-which might, w itti
V e !ear es.. l Mt v0.„.,0 ~ 4-
,1.- 1 - 77 ~. -.
. ,
•Profits.of Farming.—No small expo
,,` •••,• --rience..annsome:observation convinces
me that, Circumstances being equal, (ark.:
1 - ' ''''-' legwill•fetilatin.cempenaation - for labor;
'. '; - :' - as ample",a 'dividend upon capital . fa-
K vested, as it:nom:Min ' tradeti -- width men
i • ._., . , invest in, sad even the ordinary pursuits
rivi _ , s 11469Intiltraljd ..ssoMt lire. ! Of
- 2- thirid. I eleePralf. extr • - iolary - ' mules - -of
i ••' --A.P.-00,f9r o P e • -664alit6at l er 9f gambling
1- • and . sifieeniatio6:. , . The' 'returns ' or, Mit
!. . .cropsstriktionetoinetimes withestont..A,::.
if..,..,orentri,-sisi.aroaltiriftakencas , :abies, lead.
::• . • to Most dnitS#6 . ., speculations: .A. gisliS,
, • . ....••of seed beinetlinesleturns one hundOst.
- . fold! end this belPglintrif 6 lleelptt Yleirt
1 ' - Nvotildperlispit give ten .thousand fold,
.., . ..aqd in on . geometrical ratio. Seventy.
i -
. '
bushels 00,6400.0 1 Wed ivili'lleld four
1f., - . -.'hillidred,-'ortvientrfot,_ one; 64mshel of
n.' •;--. • : Wheat 'Mottrii. will -11814 arty ;; or thirty
• ; '"*' i r - for one; ti, or egtikplpted Will yield,
1, i '. • itXty Itishels, or two hundred and foity
• for one; a-pound - of carrot, -Poot, 'or .ruts
1 --: • ,- bagaiteed will-predtte.64it 10;406 hon
,. - - -.'''..-.4lred-buishels,'.everthisnebtOthV tiellani.
1 ..: ...-.-- The rikeethi:inthese uses. , Seeni Wise
''. '.';. -r • - ! . ...:4zinritiottliiet they 'hre_CluitlOY . t..elai:
AiMhillataN Ats43l44LlVoileiqesatwroke'ffill
paratively small expenin • tik nu 4x
dent conclusions }WAD CO' 4
of the, cola profits of Or PENDIBII46IIIAL
farming are to be dream s a from such re
stilts as these; so many in doll Airenni- Furranataltie,F.A., April 2,1809.
stane,es of abatelhent entarl nto the cost, To THE BTOOKaorAYERS OF THE •FE
that if these were the only elegy UelttS iven
in the cese, the solution Of Ilk 15 Pro blem OXlBtfsekbolders. saregtatered on th e Books of
a.. WO tAmpany ou the ,2.oth da,y 01 April. 1869.
would give the most erroneon "3l and "`"
results. . -wattle entitled fo "wawa* /ar TV.E'NTY - FP 4C.
.111110E2, - T. of theirseftpeotive interests in New
We are not to look to agriCt tilre rk
„toe at par• 5.5 fchlows:
any extmrdinary mr sudden gin whim , too• Fifty per cent. at the tune of subserip
for example, the drawing of avls. trt,a tioa. betweeu the 18th ; say Of XII, 18091 and
lottery, or a shrewd specs lien ste t he -3°1 ' 12 l a ye r . jusl9lll3B9. "' )
wts .With w t .
, ze a l Sgmtd. Fifty per ce nt,:hepteen the 18th d
If we take ten caerch
of caintat, w 4 millthat , lorNovember, two. and the di nl
day of DeCe
pert 1869. or. if BtockholclLra should prefer. the
the end oftwenfy fears the raimershax :e
the greatest increase of ' capital, and thi t " Fb°le ' ira°wlt "y " ' Paid IT
scriptt cm. and adl4.ll.6i,Vhaellt SO paid up shall be
the inetease is more evenly divided!
beilee etaidea to yarn rata ci the Dividend that may
among d
them tha - among the nierchants2/ lered tull shares.
Farming is also fat safer finrEirue eerri I
.Thirri. That every .btockholder holding less
tails to secure B computenly then tuereanJ in tour .oar 13, shall be entitled to s ubscribe
tile pursuits I t t
. yen ure o say wat tvv enn fop l one share; and, those holding more than
ty merchants fad in business to one' far- mirk lisle of four ,haze shalale lbe entitled to sub•
mar, andthis ought to open the eyes of seflb f" an *
Ali sluo s , unon which instalments are
young men with small capital going into
yet , o be paid under Besolation of Nay 13,
business. --Gernwitaton Telegraph. mut Abe entitled to their allotment of the
How to Make Fargang Pay.—We ft iv ii en d r n e lt , pe a r . cell . at par, as though they
the following extract, in lectureL THOUBS T. FIRTH. Treasurer.
by Wm. Cht4 Esq., before the sea- 1a1M 26
chusetts Board ot Agriculture: - Tost ICE.
"If a man wants to succeed table busi
ness he meet have faith in it as a business yi "Mrlne 1 869 a
that will sustain him and provide for his ferry
old age, and afford a comfortable support
for his fatully.'That IS what we want' to
see among fartnert ' When theltuut Who
drives down a titakefeels that it ifr driVen
fpr life, when he feele tits; every tree he
plants la w be a strong bond: to bind him,
to that spot for We, he will ,thrive by
farming; and when flamers do this they
will show to the world that they have
faith in their business, and they will be
ready to make investments he it, lust as
the mtirehant makes. fistseetnWate in his
business. Thetherehent Is not afraid to
make 'Ventures. Wife:the•sees an oppor
tunitY for proliehe isOdyto invest his`
money in order l te sectre•lt. It is not so
with the farmer. Js 'afraid to pat any
money in theOnsienees he under
stands best, and which ,he gpght to make
pay seven per cent. -
Then we ward, not onlklinore faith,
but more knowledge, in order" to make
farming more• profitable. We want a
cheap diffusion of agrlculturalpapers and
books. It may be said that we have
already enough of these---and certainly
the increase of agricultural papers has
been wonderful during, the lest• ten or
fifteen years; and I suppose it may be
said that not one - farmer in ten takes an
agricultural paper, or knows anything of
what is going on intim agricultural world.
The man who takeli an agricultural pivr
knows about the new apples_toad the new
grapes, and the inarlet price Of his , own
products, and it will he difficult to cheat
him. He aul • get, the full value of his
crops, because ho knows what is going on
and what they, are worth. , But, outside
of those who take the papers, and are ,
posted, the great mass do not understand
these things. They have not4hereitaisite
knowledge to dispose of •theircropsto the
best advantage. They do not know how
to raise them at a profit: The great mass
of our farmers keep no farming accounts,
and do not know whether - they are farm
ing at a loss or gain at the end of the
year. They have 'hot their business in
hand as the merchant has. They do not
take an account of sto - Ck once a year, and
they are not able te determine,. when'the
first of January comes, whether their
operations have been profitably , carried
on or carried on at a •loss. I say , that it
the way most farmers hve. They do not
keep accounts.
Watering Manes in Baulk/tr.—lt is not
wise to begin to water Plaits in the gar
den, unless it is intended to follow it up
thoroughly. If plants , An - the, open
ground are Watered; they throw out their
little roots near the surthee in Order to
drink In thenioisfedf, and if vi
the watering be negleeted; thiee . little
fibrous route perferrof lack of. moisture,
and the plant. Eiders.' When they are
not watered at. 7 - the little roots go
down deeper hi seardii of moisture, and
in well cultivated soil, in good condition,
they will uanallyi Mel , enough , to keep
them from suffering, , taless the drouth
continue unusuallylong. If it 'seem ne
cessary to give water,' it should be
given copiously in quintity,',sufficient to
go down to the bottod of the roots; a
sprinkling that'merely wets the .surface Is
worse than none. , Syringing ..the, leaves
to wa4l off the dust, if done In the even
ing after the sun. is down,;Vill improve
the appearance and health of the ple.nta::
—New England Homelfetid.' L ,
To Make : Cuttingt . gr0t0 . .4-I ,used to
have a greet - dad of trouble to make ciii4
rent and gooseberry cuttings br slips
grow, until' I tried the folloWinglihni: , r
boiled some potatoes until they were,
nearly done, and then stunk onend each.
slip and put in 'the ground; Every 'slip
sprouted and.greltrTvielt c all au er, with
but one or two ,e;ceptions. ' T eide.s of
putting the boiled potatoes to e:end lot
the cuttings mat: to . furnish and keep ,
moisture enough. for thew do grow;.nntll
the roots became large enough' to gather
this moisture and substance from tho soil;
I sever treed , it.nn grape nettleget ~ but 4 0
not see auk i
reasonwhy.t - would not do
as well with grape*at
.. 7itgonytbin e.
'To Seep' theißugs ilteasrl....ProtectiOur.
melcia, - squiiiih end encumber vines:Vats: .
Take, sticks foulbrchealong and one-helf
ttih in dituneterr—Plne is test.'Wisp'i
oneinch of one end 1R..11 - 4 , 100 ftrotton„
1 or Linen.. Dip --this in turpentine, and,
l• stick brie di' two In each MA, lastit4 only
the wrapped pmt- aboveground:KaThe,
odor of the turpen4k l AekllPiel?43 lll ess.-
4 g have tried tidefer,l9Aleitty; says a
correspondent 4t, 04 1 / 6 /VeapiedOpper,
Pwlthurdforixostineene.d ,, A .tuviso . 7 )(
• Preserving .425,.—A. Parisiehl;pame.
. to oommoodit to, icOri . tinigtodforre
preservation 4,..eggs: Di it . re tut \
1 ounces of beater*. in eigb ~,,Pl;peeli of ~ ..lnzi
. Wit= olive 6119.4 k dale fekr _,'L I P 0 Pal I " ''' ;Tiltsr.rrtragir,_____mm , i tilt 1 L
finger and annoint ..tberelitat . Mew& "o. l,o lll[EDiggiguriorer , o OF Tnee
The oil will absorbed by 11914,17,7m,.,,,iiiiiittiii ao , ,i ee ti ri i e . l 4iii::
the shell 1 . and the -pone Aalledtitrtt by; the- d i,; 7 l 4 , wv i ggz to i-r E o , LINT. 'eat - of tip,
wait , If kepViirs, cool pia% the- eggcs- 'Ti m & Pr os is,i iii;niotps; payable - out 44. - :
'4l fi erti T ) Yeerei*lr4,9*ipidadlt free i,aiiii, 40 Ot V. o..iii'*,
18,1d,-- ~,., . . - -' -- 4 1 - .'i,. : , at t :its' ',noon liteelitficsirt. 63 o 6 " 7 *
.. , ..i...... 1 : ~,', 5 :', I'' , ' - - .114Y --,
124*E°G; says the 41""ftr4 49",h,,,„,n1t—)jv7""itYrffiltiritsViSraso. ! t „ '
1 _tea like.,* harpso an'ttuani,bl3l .ow lb''''' OrprirlDENM4:a. The - Pres*. , i
the fore leg . -Therelan spot on each leg ; ' •-, —Mt/Mt startavos Th e ' es*
jitiVlielOWi l the?-kneei Inlthe for& Of a er n ,alt:RSigt erre. ANN; orYAileght2Ti:
! p or l 4 YTti n ni g h-tlici the sweittipasliiii off, &via this aarLareiiired *A id l ilt' grin nu ;
Ind It is nine
...41'11M this deinflAb44iigergetiVegratrs.l.Y %at caltosnrualaft,
If,l;,gete e/eftelt 'ail hi 401:40411,110.0 .Abhilicr_giookkplderAMLLteij ieSl4ll34ll94pillyes
the hog will gekalcit;
will appear Agit ;7 !llV,F!".7l r f.,!:•t,"'n7llinsi nos3unep. ' 4l
sod Mitt ,Pedtatld..quielle, let.,gete l pilla s t 1 mgra_oo.,., :—,,,.... ,_ . , 7 rel v rt ''''
'oath, hlm T i , . , - I'
w in g o, barn, . are a
c L1 .J .,.20: —. 1 ) .
jUlitnepett :the pores, This lc 0 4 041 thy Mb, :: ~ , , yi ita , • ..,/ft•alf+V . 0. — , 4 5.:
Ding Wept -with a - . corn cob, and wnalt•eca...A Avesta , .'
log with wartoloter. ti !t 1 .I*.itc ;i=i
~ _. .., •"" `'' ...;,.._,:i ' '
Tres' ilitiiiillAtailit'lllttligiliiiitilt W . ' Ifg uliwihmlint4ll"v"."*CtPiFi.
Impeded bE-120,14.W1.414Aebererti:4 , a rte s
- - pry ,{
. iniw °wit" sad 11!"
•Threei dollariagt day and hcoard'is ofird;, liiiiiitint plicii"oriiiiioJy'tb a ikeetS eeYeet like ,
gasp* fannereerttegAllEA 6 o. ~ T.W At thikeheel gall enigktr a !Pt. W50 1° 1,8
wheat will all be eat ins QV Or „twp., im4,ii t iogthearreanestatectorthisesettle_‘ , . ~.
' ~,- - ----- ,;,o;•:14.) gym , 7,1 .1) iv •g; , .il ..: fOl .14 V.; I ;
... , .
i ,
• Sei Oth, Page 298 of
ieramoretamewtSl‘ , A.
City Digest, i . .„, ,
NOTICE IS 1 / 4 : 13 ,- " .. BY GIVEN'
TO 1
169 f city
That the asseeementa Leo A nese? City ich C o it il
Building; -Special, Poor, Bolt 'ltr Water Bent
and Ward , &Ana Taxes Jong \ • teettoe.
have been returned to me fur eta DEDUCTION
The above taxes are subject to. , nor before the
C.P. nvirrEacsrru - m f.paalla
Fit - si Day of Alga,
• • • • 4 aween the
"pit PEE CENT= if paid, 14
Asp rife . -
will be allowed on tazeara, Lid
between reptember ilitmsulb and October dr-A
'tar A n addttlon or ttve pes centum will be road.
Matt Mzes unpaid October drst.and an add lemmas
fire per aeutum will be added, to all Lases
mitnlng empald on November drst. •
YITTsBnI44.• Jahr L mum . 0:143
TORS or the NATION/41. T".7BI:TRAtSCif.
COMPANY. No. gl3 Diamond,. Allegheny; have
declared a dfy:dend of ;TWO DOLLARS AND
rIPI•4 CESTd out of the'pronts of the last
months; payableoa and aftes , the 15th lost:
jyl2lin9. JAS. R. EkTZVENSON: Secretary.
~...Prtraumitl,oltily T. 18e9.10,
- .
Company have this -day declared - a divi
dead of YOUR DOLlrittid, AND PUTT CENTS
per share. ant , of , the- prodts of the lest six
monthr. to be credited eu tae Mott rates.-
tylihnote J. G. COFFIN, tiecretsry.
DIVIDEND.—The Board of
3Ltnagtrilor the MONONGAHELA NAV-.
lOATION COMPANY lasee 'Old day declared a
atyend of THREE, DuLl.Atta a share on the
'stock or talc' Complay. payable forthwith to the
athekholdera or. Attclr legal reurreeotativeo. at
the race Of said Company. NO. 94 DIAMTINM
tintERT. Ittebtreb. betlieeti:Jha hotra of ILO
A. K. ac d r. ,
‘•, ELL. Treasnra.
. PITTSBURGH. July Bth. 1869. . • 931:194
FitAxicas LNSUILANCii .Ccistr.L'a
• No. 41 Onto Street.
AU:Emu:sr.l'e4; July 6th. 1800.
rANT Wive this day declared arilvidend e ONE
‘DOLTiett e:so-virry OEETS PER BEARE
mit at" the proms of tbn lent MI _menthe; parable
to cash, un sod _niter WELINEsPAY. Jul) 14th,
1860.- VEOItRE 1:1, Jun LE.'
jsittitle t `secretary .
... . . ..
IgY"'DIVIDEN.D.,Tht. Prod/
... _ .
•., ,D.IINT , tad Directors of theIiIRMING
- declared a Dividend eq , ONE DOLLAR and
rIFTY CENTS per there out of the.earangs of
the past all mouths : payable foramitl.
ED dr ARD ,110 YE, Treasurer,
j11:18+3 ' - _. .._—.-A . 45 Lt b " t 6treet,_
ME/kill:4ra & af..t!MPACTUL ER'B VAT. BANK, /
. • Pr 1.7 q1U1.1.011. Ottt. 1%69.
-'DIV 1 DEND.—TheDiree-
TONS oe a his Bank here this day deels. ed
a dividend of FIVE PiLit CENT. on the Capital
Stock. out' of. ttie proflt3 of the !sat six. mouths,
p •gri,ble forthwith. free of all
• .1i7:17 0 . JOHN' SCLYR7P-- 1., Cashier.
OFlitra of , tlAsti ISnctiescz-ro , t
- P.t7sencrlipn. 6. , Ab 6 U•
IarDIVIDEND.-Tilbe Itoord of
, "free gen of tide Somp my lave tot. (ty
dee!' evil a dividend or TR OCR DOLL ettB PAR
SHARE out of the proets'Of the last sts months,
`lmTnnloon demand, Avow' Government. tax.
‘j,ln73 ,J01.1 NSTON. S neetary.
tr_46J,S,V,IIIIIX,a ilAtiffy
July 1809.
,EarI;"TRE.. 110411 D 01 4 -DIREC—
• Tr/rti of this - Utak have this day declared
a aulul-anhual dilideou . f I'E.ll CENT.,
PaYable; to the eV:M*49ISIIOn forthwith. free - of
all . W. 31aligry,
•3:1110 , ' cashier,
2f.twatrAt. CoxpANY,
• • No. caa, eonn Vcrtet•
BANE have'doClATed DlTidezol of FIVE
'RAW 0natT.4,10, , of the' otoots of -the I,Bst Six.
tnor.ths, PITO& on or after the 151Rbloit., free
tot GOVornMent,lll.l.. • ,
• ..IY S , NOWT. J.: OMER, 'Cashier.
• rite`.lt4VN2l9ll;:MV‘Th'7l:7"sp et
etareirw Dividend at 7111312 E rElt U 16 a. oc
• .ositotlaltitock. ovt of 411 s pratts at thq last
three Anoalllll, ,pavabla. ft:City:4 , l4'l2l.e al etat9
I:2o3ovaratarnt Tat. - • "
• L'' z D.:SCULLY. Cashier. •
T /$09.• ' • • • 116:152 ,
':;., • ' ' FLTTINDVILOTIa Jail. 1. 1109.
BAWK;riftlisl •*dlrldettrY bt EIOET
I IS) rmt. [re d ott *fter July
I 3tt ins r. • J. 50. G bIARTID.
r.:lty• • " ' r.a Vedder.
,4411pD t trslietil,syra
ittlzitlt, luly let NATIOXAL H .
180AWK,0. .
Y -
larnivmssulz-The Eiliectiore
• .triobrtBl6 o Babt 118villits' day 4:melt:mid-I
4111080#01 Frgli,Pra , Ql4 , lZlPlY lble Su' 411 ?
,P,4 0 441.A 1 '
Rs 9 trt,i4.llk. 4r:.;Casiae-
samara ion"
;,0•1 rige • I ~1 g , ..:,.. - tr-71 • I • • 1 -- riter
MANDRABB - PIL ,_ LA will ctmezConsumption,
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. if taken accord
in gto directiona. They await three 10 be take
at the aametUne. ,They cleanse the stomach, re '
lan the !Ivor and put it to work; thea the supetit _
becomeagood: theta...l digests and makes go..
blood; the patient begins to ii , row in flesh; th
diseased matter ripenunito the lungs, and ,th •
. patient outgrows tne disease and gets wen. T
is the only way to cure consumption.
To these three medicines Dr. J. IL'Sslieurk, o
Philadelphia. owes Ids unrivaled success in th •
treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Pal
monk iiyrup riptng the morbid matter tothe
lunge.imitate inf.:iv:3'oT by au easy expectora
tion; for when the phlegm or matter i 3 ripe a
slight cough is ilrthrow it off. and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin tri heal., .- • .. _, this, the Seaweed 1 mile and Mandrae
Pi l lsl must be trfeirtnedtcieleanse the-stomach
and liver:. eti that, the.Pulrdenic *lmp at.d , the
food will make good blood. - , .- • • - , ,
Schenclt'a Mandrake piliS act nnOig the liver,
removing all obstructlons..relat the omits of the
gait the bile starts freely. and the liver
Is soon relieved: the stools will show what the
Pills can do; not hint has ever been Invented ex"
cept calomel (a deadly polson_wLich Is very dim
genus to use un.eas with great care.) that will
unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions
of the liver like Scheuck's Mandrake Pills.
Liver Complaint is one of me ,most prominent
causes of Consumption.
Echenck , s Seaweed Tunic Is a gentle 13mi:third
and alterative, and•the alkali" in.:the: desisted,
which this preparation is made ot, assists the
stomach to turow out the gastric lulce to dissolve
the rood with the Pulmonic tiyrtip and it is made
into good b ixur without fermentativuos souring 1
Lt the stomach.
The great reason ,why physic - la.& - tio'not,eitie
Consumption is, they try to db Lin , teach; _they
give medicine tostop tho Cough. to stop
so doing atop night sweats. hectic fever, and by so doing
th i arange the whole digestivepOwers; lock
in , tly secret one, and eventually the patient
Dr. Etchenc.k, to his tre.atment, ding not try_to
stop a cough, night sweats, china or feverlie.
move theater ,e . and - tney 'will all 'goy of their
own accord. ).o one can be cured of Consump
tion, Liver Complaint, 'Dyspepsia. ' thitarrh,
Canker. Ulcerated Throat, unless tne •lire; aI,IO
stamen are Made healthy .: ,• . `-r• , . :
If .a person bas - consumption, Of course the
ungs In tome way are diseased, either tubereles,
aticesees bronchial-4Mitation pleura adhesiouN, _orthe Ininpitire asmalsettinnittilitathin and Cl.!.
decaying. In such easeshat must be done? lt
is not only the longs' that are wasting, but it Is
1 the.whole body., Theututliath and Over have lost
their power tomato blood out of tior ii: 'Now the
only chancel is to tate Ds. aellenckli three *MIA'
tines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach
, the path.= Will begin to want Mod, !twill digest
1, easily and make good blood; then the patient tiO•
gins to gain Inli t tell i and - as soon as the lx4it be.
117 t 11 .• flil;7li gets 'fiTirgylleVelf. ti'll'is is up . ,l
I only way tecareeausiunption:
disease -'1' '- • , L- i- _
When there is .no bang disease an d ; on l y. .
Complaint and DisPettele, lieheners Sesweee
Tonic and Mandrake Pills are atilliolont, without
' the Pnimonte Nyrup. Take the Mandrake Pllls
freely in ad billions c gmpleints; as they are per
fectly hrmless.
Dr. • Schenck. who' has :enjoyed Uninterrupted
health for m'inyyears past. and now weighs 3315
pounds. was wetted awe; the mere , skeleton,,in
the very , last-stage of Pulmonary Consumption,
lii. phyricians haring proutinuced !tie. case hope.
less and abandoae&Km to digitate. He was cured
by the aforesaid men gins 'sod since hisrechre.
U many thousaxds similary amicted . have used
Dr. achenck's preparation wiih the same re
markable success. run - dirtcgons accompany
each, Malin/ It not absolutely necessary to per
sonally see Dr:: lichencki unless patients wish
'their lungs examined, anti ler this
_purpose he Is
, irefessio,ailly at his Principal Dilate, Philadel-
T , ilia, every usturday. where all Letters foriedvice
flu tat be addressed. ; Be lanes* profess'onatly st
No. 3:4 Bond str eet. New -Tors, every other
motherl and at .3 a: 35 Hangover street,Boston,
Wedneeday.:. - Ile .gtres: advice tree,
but, icr a thorough examination with W. Respli
runlet.. r the price iseil. Orr,ce bonrs, itt, each city,
f r om is A. Ir. to 3 Aim. - • " - --' - * -"
• . Pelee o.r the Palmitin* entrusted weed Ton
o t
ic each el .tiiSner nottle.,,,r. tr. half dozen
Mandrake PIUS *Weenies a hox. • stile by all l
druggists. • -. • •• , .: .; -151.41 air
DISEASES. That numerous Maas 'of mitts
resulting from self. aesaSc, producing ,
manliness, nervona ,dettlity. irsMability. erup
tions. seminal eultsslsits. and '• finally Im
potency, permanently eared. Persons sifeliet
ed Wi.l3 pellcate. lntrlante and long staad
lag constitutional complaistta are poliselyinvkted
to call for
ybleb- coats s
E mo e p e r e ct he emed t e ot aronhssfdeene. ad
permanent, and which Intmoat eases elm be ac ed
without hlncrance to latelness. Xedic.hes prw
pared inane establlshmeati ;which.embraces oP.
Eye, reCePtion and waiting, rooms; aise, ooarenust
sun sleeping aparttnentw tor , inclants reouleng
da•ly personal attention. and vapor and chertl
cal baths. thus concentrating thetisaned mineral
springs. No matter wito.have faani, state your
case. Read what he raisin:hie pamphlet of tlfty
Pages. sent to acts suldresu for two stamps in mai
ed cave upe. Thousands of czars treated annu
ally. at oißce anti all pier tha oceinary. COTAILI.
tatlon tree, pe.rsonally or by.tnall. three
Wylie sweet,: (near Owen Souse) Pittsbnlitli.
Pa. Hours 9 A: le. bu At. Sundays 1.21 r.
ttoo 2 P. at. Pantphlot Mott to any aldreaspe tam
_ A. H. ttl EVX.t. et tuts 'been
asina F.lectricityas tO4Y,ACIA2.. itaStanY Wearing
chronic as - srell- es aonte vondilions' wriUlterr
WILOICIAZ fOr 11101 W thus ITS IMAMS, With •Itn
bounde4Loceesa. PA.XlirkiLIT, includLeg sll
port'culari, ?dill certificates and, reliable refer
ences, will-beeent; to any inquirer; .
A few feral:bet d roomsvacant. for boar:nom Po
tientain. the Doctor's 'family. irapplleo fur soon.
Office' and 'resident., 71,411111' -A.8.011' STREET,
Tilts splendid Hair Dye is thetiest in the world:
the only mast and perfect Diet harmless, tells -,
ble, insustaneons; no disappointment; no ri-
Menton." tints; remedies the M afecM of bad
dyturi intsigOrates imd /eaves the Heir sort end
b ees
liked or Ooson. Bold by allDruggUis
and Perfumers; and properly appuad at Batche
lor's Wig Factozi, Fn. 15 Sand, street. Eew
"lark. . .
—Those having friends sainted are ear
neatly Imile-iced to send for a Circular Letter of
References and Ttstlmoniale, which will con
vince the most skeptical of the curability of the
-disease. Address Are BUR LOCKROW,
DI. IL. 30 Great Jones street, New York.
vnbibig2S-ddlr • •
Essays on tbeZREORS OF YOU IV. and
the FOLLIIE OV AQE, to regard td SOCIAL
EVILS, with certate-bt.lp tor the etrlnrend un
fortunate.. ti 41 seAled letter envelopes, free
of charge: AOdress, HOWARD its+tietPrtuN ‘
.Box YPII*4IOIO4O, ,zny4:1%.<13(
sent , . .......^..." ••••74. . ...,.....—.:
Pittibunek. July 19. 1869. f
OTICE.—The Assessment for
the Boardwalk on Elm street (Bloomfield)
from 'Main street to the Pennsylvania Railroad.
is now a emly for examtnntlon. and can bs sees
at this °Mee wall wi;LuorosrosY, July mist,
when It will be retain/0d tO the City_Trecumret , e
onlee for collection. , H. Z. MOL)H.E.
1y10:m: , . 1 City .'llithirer...
, • . • yrrrenuitim July; f
assessment for
NN Pistilli, '4nd raying. Y023110113..A.1.L8Y.
0111 Nutter street to, the Allegheny Vinley Usti.
word, le now reedy for •xfunntatlon.'4 , 64 can be
seen at this *Mee until WrntursDA.T. Jul,' 14.
when it will beseturnsd trim City Trellßlira'a
° Y• eC i t i son r : J. , 11011811; Cite tnitineei.
, .
utlicz CIF tart zrantz7vmmerenyirs. t. , .
• - Pfttsburitn, i 869.
..1. 1 1 the Boardwalk, on Boundary. and Litre!
streets is now ready for eitain , natinn, and cat be
seen at this Whet unIit 3IO.NDAY, Jug , 154th.
reek When 4t,jwill be retniyied ,to the till!
rreasurer . lo office to collection
, _ - • • e .11001 M
. 191:11 , . , City Ignaineer.
rECCA STXCEL i rs—, , NotteiV•
Is herehy given thitt the undersigned. en.'
.vieweretO assess derannicand bantam.
or ,tipetilng, lionree. street.. First ward. Atte.
gheWy,fitur'Oreirto- Vedetel . Meet. will meet'
on the premise* to attend to dudes of their an.
Didritinent. 6n ytEina,tsy.ty, duly2l?id, %Belk
at 4o~btoet r: , • i '
.161 , 1 N RAMiEY, ,
A. - tio tiu_ A rt
- A . • - Vrazt
_, T. —The
, No . un d ers i g ned, itrixdtcu tO issiespStrnaret ,
end berstti for opening itlieWlek ittteti Sixth
werd: Allegseny; mat aiiiho pr e m
• limb ist FBI DA11•47 , /SW.o,tillt O'clock
15..4(...143 &WWI to into or tuptr iiptiointment.
• - "it ItiniNANN.L
.04 V. ,irl
ivail B 4: 34.1115,;
ift •
3, ,
rgt - Icy
NIC:E I:F.L i tk
0. 51 1 1 2. 4 1 1) 'Alley:
, sip °ger* attarthitki w. XREBI I . Ilightb
atasicAlleSirenV4WLit P ra njillti 4ll ‘ .
- W . 2t4, 1 74414 131,1 1 1 .* 4 / 1 4 - A Tr:
t' LARE' .. 4 - NOVA 114 ,
Oa. At. rldrieft 640 liattatieutelties
eimass4l6llo*/Atitilit ti let
• • 441 ,t E
4. ).
, f... _ 4!IAYLIg:AI4IP :LOTS. , ILN;
'V STY. ret... , ' WM be sotAat •aconti en tb,,
premites, on TAU R:j2.l. JULY 1.5, at 1
e'etuak V. 14, 19 A . 49IES. UV L A.Ne). an o,.itelded
Intoonv sere totEettuate On tov 111thhe” n road.
ills. Rut four nate' trona the Pittabnrvb. o.tirt
lioame and three mks from ,he Allegh -ny .114r
ki, t Rouse
_• easy of soceby Saw 11)II Flan
Ferry end 111dtleten road w Cwlt's R ailr oad
Mar' - Steam Perry y Pau vandin
f - i
0 ,
TiIt:ALLA y F.Vnin4l-1, Jtlyl3.ll,stWoclock ,
Ivlri be sold on second floorbt Consinotella Sales
Bonilla,' 100 Smithfield by eet, • •
30 shares Exchange Nat!ooat Barai;
.10 &loxes Bank of MG , burgh:
90 Fhares NI: 1: IA National linnt;;
50 t hafts Columbia, 011 Co. = . ,
jyl2 DIcLLWAINE, Auctlonee;.
InttSbuTgO, Ally 10, 11569.
—Sealed ropoyals fnr GranDa; Paving
and Curbing TW.INTY-NINTH bTKEET, Irom
Penn rimailman 'street 31ULBEKKY AL
LEY. horn tn tiflin street,. will be received
until MONDAY, July 10tb." labs.
.Blank for bidding Gan be had at this oince.
No bids will be considered by the Comt,ittee out Ow he proper blanks. The floia
tiittee retetvrithe right to reject an. or.all blue.
ly10:105, 11.4. ItIOLIESt City 'Engineer.
:birTICLE 01ra_
CoMOLLaa or Ax.ccousxrc:
YITiLIILScu,-4"34/.. 8144,49, f )
7,oyrirtE 79 ii.APIRRAcTO9O
Liat)POSALIWIII be reeelied av this
Oitlic until sA - ci 1n t r tnGlneioe, for p r :4i;ireciion
bra new WOODIV d'itUdTAIRE tiNibe itridge
over Streei , e Ran, at .1/Jahn?' er. NMI, on the
tlliat;erbtoWai ,oh `The line betWeenpald-
Win and Mifflin TM,
_ . _
nuts and' specifications can be-seen on sppli
SY dircetion or t
• laity t.
J::ie3' ~Y tTI
01UM& oY.Ctri; 7N013,14/11 AND EVILY 6 YO 3 ,
'' • Ilttshurah, July. V s 1869.
; LNU amulet:RUING vie following. streets
Igttt b e ,reo Ired .at_thts_odlee uutil HUN PAY.
.. „ ,
;! tt tram Magee to Cuestunt
street. • . - .
WILLOW.OTBZEF, 110111.lotik-th
. 19. Potty.
fourth street.
THINTY.FIR 4 r9T3.F.ST. trots Lauer? Street
to AlleabetryNalley - Rallroad: •
: dud fore, " Mpg sn.l Paving:
SNOWDEN" ALLEY,' ;from kreteloelc: alley ,ta
the Allegherry Rallrotti.
ALLNY froze Ntarkl2 toltilltenbe•ger
etreei. .
Speeifications and blank. tor 'bidding scan be
traorat'this ogee; and no this will be considered
by thoCeer usittce made , out on,the p-oper
'blanks. The Committee reserve the rieht to re
ject any.or J.,i.1110013.t.
jr3:L2l , - City 4ngtneer.
virtne.of entier* tha Orphans , Cdttrtlyf
Allegheny cuuCitY ated 4uhe 19. 1869.1.461
expose at public sale lit the court flotieg In
rittsbareft, on ~SFE- 6 ,tir, , StaAir. JULY 'll . 3fh,
1869.,atil9o'ilock A . 14., 311 that certatti.lit,
Piece of 0u.94 situate ha the First wn d. of the
city of Al;leitae/ay. ebtuaty aforesaid, , at the cor
ner of 3.4k4a . street and BEA lane, containing
in fenut oii Bank: lanel3 'feet 6 ineheil„, and in
depth alorki Balite= street 63 feet. more or less
on width 13 erecteil . s. two story brick dWeblag
home. being the real: estate of S. J. Shannon,
deceased-. •
Terms of sale, ctsh. For firther information
enquire of DROWN Sc LAMBIE. Attorneys at
Law, No. 114 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Administrator of
SANCTI. Q. SFIAYN,ON. diceabed. J 22:1c1ST
W. , 104) CAMP,
Oklce, No. lilt FOURTH AVENUE, Pitts
burgh. (formerly occupied by Hon, Walter H.
Lowrie,) wfif Practice 11l the U. S. Circuit and
District Courts. in Th. - State 'Supreme and all tue
Coasts of Allegbeadr connty. make colleo-
Ilona in most of' the adjacent counties. ja.T:d73
WI. H. xrdErER,
spectil .1444.931t0n gliren.34 conveyanookg and
conectiona Peeds. Bondi and Mortgages drawn
np. and till 'legal pi:Wanes attended to promptly
and tecnrately. - • ' - r
Ex-ORicio J 1151,10.3 of the Peace and Police Map
trate. odice,_DRANT STREET, opposite the
Cathedral, PITTSBURG% PA.
Deeds, Bonds, - Mortgages. AcknowledgMents,
Depositions, an and ' Legal RusinesS executed
with prnmntlVLSs dispatch: mhtli
_ •
()Metal% 1117/1. STREET, opposite the Ca..
thtdral,:rittsborgb, Pa. Deeds, Bowls, Mort.
gages; ACkuurrledge.neurs, Depositions and all
Legs- Odslatss executed wittunrorantaess and
dispatch. - . . •
A AMMON,. " •
Justice of the Peace,
. .
Rom. Amin. • •
Collection of Rotas solicited andpromptty at.
tended to. - mvx:vfx
Office, US Ditltnesul Street,
• • (44 P* 14 t4/119°Ft/I°ftlea
ibit:tA4 - - PITTEUMR . GB. PA
Attemit4lY xiLitifrilLtv t
r , ...ismirourium - sr4thas&iv ,
iwriej oirtor".,
, T.A3xOR%
' -•• .), ;
(Late (lines mita W.. Heapeadde.):\
S?i4llltb!li Street,Pi tt !balFOL
NEw 4k00109,
Aew 11 sWoi of
CLOTHS, 'ti.ISSIMERES, 40 1 Cs s
Just reastioLtl.o,-Ingleirlindirirm. • •
sane ifirSOVnt 41thfleld stre tr
1L P * i ", 1 0 3 3 5 14 4" 8•
% -" +.7 •
aitsoriketeretiatlijiavz XEDIIIk =ORSON/
• ' , •••?f , • wx
131'08 AND sikeigelia%
WHITE itEll)lEr-106 Azgutets
)obrreuuut whoa moo; seO Plutra
,d9r3 PS ,
off. -~r, .
- • .• ,
An elegant new Brtet.D,rellii`g, 7 T . 3 1 1 4 .14-
tte and wash room. ..• •
House of 4'rooms, 2 lots, 16th ward. 11.800 :
Hense of 4 rooms,-11ot, 16tliward,',11,50 0 ,
House of 4 rooms, 2 lots, 17th ward. 22,800.
House of 4 rooms, 1 -en. 17th ward, $21,400:
Howe of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, $2.600,
House of 2 rooms,.l lot, 15th ward,-$20,0.-
10 lots,Slebert& Williams' p1a0,11700 to $BOO. .
late, 4401 street, 111.290 each.. .
4 lots, 45th street, t1,0011, , m0., -
3 lots, Hatfield street, 4800 each
1 lot, ,Sherman street. $7.50.
Slots, 4011 stteetraol24o, . 0 ,12,000.
< , 414tf. - fltltlet.strust,
.Let,,20x1.37 Pet,11100; ten years to pay.' A
hense cost 130 U: Intercst bn both, 465 a year.
bflny 14 , 1'11080 year rent. At 'Bloomfield you.
we old 'save $ll4 a yearand your htinse and lot
Icss than 10,,,yenrs: "-churches :and sehooLS
30 acres of land. , -2- I mile from Sharpsburg t
' $0;000; 1.5 het - CS of it.:44.500. • , •
D. WILLI& S, 1 tit mad.
v ,rOll TALE nit m.AsE.4-The •
nnderstgrted: In pnranance of a decrte of. the
Circuit Court •of the county 'of iterate°. in the
of); road,e on tt e 31t dtot or Shay.
1869, wilt receive PROPOSALS IN WRITIN6.
either for the PURCHASE I.OI.I".EIASE, from and -
after ihe,sio pg.cgassa43.B6o,for, the Thole,
or, any pat t; of - the ' f LAN US situate la
oed belitlgtag to ittocnkiß%..
tall-en-Nal And Ifon Mining ~ :01111m, l 'i - •
Tne lands tort *14 4 04 1 ; 40. 7.1nym0re 'Can S3OO.-
00ti. ".The ro!.nas wnl i c at ia; Ifter A ptintgin Imre: be=
• laid are now,betnit tabir worked the.•prea
,„-vitd k otropetir ler ebasidered of
The differ, tit tracts ate koown as follows: •
• " W OOLDEI DOltiaidoullALLl NO OREEK "
c9ntsining . ..thtut,'l,Wf4ltTf• D FP 4- 4 P4 l ?
ACK' -:11.E,A.T.c„ 'IrINEa".I.-.. NYSE
- C
' ACREs_.• [ r .
• AN.JTWENIY-14 6 1Q_et ACRES._ - •
' "MARTIN , 5, , • (one tract,' THIRTY ACRES:
tridAiLl IN , S,_ , .tariothertract.STßlLEE HUR
''s-fitill_PlTS." 'TWO tiIINDREDACRES.
and ALIYA. Rant:, AN D tt• niched thereto.
[ on Jame, river, opposlieliebtoOndv Contsinirg
upwaria TOIJR AGSER. - • -
inquiries and proposals inarbe addreesect to
. the undersigned. pnatogiercEoz 34.5hRienmpad.
Va., until toe SUM ilayof October. O. 1809. .
.t is rtcoMmende4 that the proposals [be made
as specific as possitiWatuce the decree requires
them Id be reportcd to the Court Co' its - approval •
or tilyippr taint the neat term, cOmmenclr g ott
95th day of October. 1889:
. , • ,
[ rpw.ELATAN 'ROB} RM.
J . • . Fpfela I Commission. rs.
This beautlful,iltuatiOu
_cannot :r!e, surpassed
for Private residences in any direc ion , so ewes(
to both cities, heireditly eight miles up the
Wisterakenitsylvinia Siiiiinsd: Any riersOn de
shingleiblimit!dhisboist tbls t)roperty Can otrttna
it by calling at the ,office of the IRON CITY NU-
Tra.t. -MEM ' rtißUltAltoE' , Itompe..4y.' 73
Federatitreet; Alietiber2y," Vote -from "trite4ra
acre to five acres: also. small lots to ' , suit per
chasers. Miele is a igoli — Tiontitton for a manufae
tering establishment, between. the Railiead
Allegheny liver.
FOR SA.l.**;
?lots In 'lfansileld. - 60x1510'each. a
of land. grapery, peaches and smau fruit. gOOM
spring of water. iogAlumse, price low. 70
aeree.. Ecooomy,towaship. Aseayer 1.1 o; price t 1
user p0 4 1.47 . f1art 0i5706 -
-fr z n i
my station. 1,100 scres t Glauore Co- West Va.,'
good 3010,01 timbered and witteled: price a*
per acre.. 20'6 acres. same county. rood home
and :.mhard: price $8 ter acre. 1240 acres
Braxton Cu. west Vai rich :MU and well tim
bered; price t 1.60 per acre.
Solids and °Linage* wanted by
FOR ,SALE. • .
iv. Near Osborn - Stirlen, on the Pittsburgh ;
I , ayne and Chicago Itallzosul. • I
Containirtg About Two hazes Each.
A. GOOD 'F . ARV. in West Deem township, Ai
lerheny county. 10 miles from bliarpsbner.. A.
PHARE Zr Wu STUBAL HOUSE; of elx rooms•
CELl.Altunderailhouee; edso,uLAtttlE FRAME
-BALM 58.x3S feet, - atut other outbulloines.
Young Ortkard of Choice Fruit 'Trees, Eire .
For paitleulars call on tali premises. or at.
JOHN .W. BRYSON'S: 340 Liberty street, or
adaress %t ILLCAbi RitYWN, 1 ural Kilgo P
Allegheny county. Pa. f • I
ou the Allegheny Liver. - ,
used for gardening purposes: , well improved and
in a high state - tit cultivation: containing 40 or . -
50 acres, now :oflered at a bargain. Call soon.
A•so. - other, yams tu good location& -Wooten
Factriry. two 'Rouses, and twenty acres of land
on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For
Salo and To-let in both- cities. . . Woe forth.? par-
Oculars inquire WILIAM WARD. •
feM; tin Want street. onnosite Cathedral.
—situated lia_dtjleglienY township , s t .
tat on
1 . 0 nitßutes walk from Mc-
Kean& stat on. nu the A Ileaheby Valley dal' road.
Contains 104aq/ea. 00 oit width are cleared; all.
under fence; balance valitable timber: under •
loped will) c0.1.4100t veto .- Hew d Log Boa:n
-and Bunt an orchard 0t . 140 trees. grafted: lie
place Ls well watered and in a goat uelghborbood. .
For price and terms noply to B. McLAIN 5 CO.,
No. 11U4 earth avenue. -
Ho3a3. i ALLEOIiEI 4 IY Pow
ALS.--qt well , bulltl . two story prick' Mouse; of
411, seven r 04.1.8 and cellari Bas and -water fix—
tures; lot twenty teelaiont b , one hundred and.
-ten ddoo to ask alley.l_ insoolloeallon. Apply
to , , BONES.
7710' t:!• - •30 Sixth Avenue.
Relating,to Oil Refineries.
leer arid' Cowmen Carnet/4'4r !he City of
,P0r.c.,.1. Be - irddintl and enacted by the se=
atu. •
(Mena. and it fa hereby macaw; by Ma atdhorner
tl the as er tse pass ige of this or-•
dinettes 41, ittlidiAmliettilettnalawfat. for any Der-
Sop or. nerselirte. erect, pr cause t) tie erected,
'or occupied: atiy , beading or betiding* fOr tee •
Porous-. of meaning isiL or to ,er rot Or construct.
or cause. I o be, tr. cted or construct ed, any tank
or tanks far a °rich - on:or to engage in the bust
nese °treating oil. or, to story, crude 01l in bar
rels f w,thin the (Inv of Allegheny; and each and
evyry person, violation :Otis Ordinanoe, or ea
?loyed in the; errotiotr or ext ninon of attract
ortantsa is bet we *rectified, shall for
feit and pay a fine - not exceeding Oao Hundre*
pol.ars, and for each 'snit every day' thereaftet
that laid V'olavion L.continued. a toe not leas
titan lflltr Dollars; said lees to be reooyerect
snuartartly; and every such butldlue or tint le
hereby, declartd - flees a pilules and common Utd
tit s hgr4ot.
• provis ons of Se I. ct on
appt. to reentries already in °past' n. Pratt
deel, The 'refineries shall , not Let •enlarged nor
: works extended, nor new teaks erected. nor,
Crude ollistpred inherit/es nor new baldinla
tent a erected in cue'ed , destruetlon when such.
Struotiotiabril -exceed 113 per cent. of the
whom valuing% to , be detersalned by the taw
Engineer; in conpection with the•Cownitttee On
Xtudnet =bleat
l o like penartlea as provided la
• er.g. 3. ThationsuchOt any ince as may
and the gala& is hereby - repealed
confect with or he supplied by the fOregoing, be
Ordained Atte enacted Otto!' Isl. this the lath
'D 1
day 01 . . 16 41 —• 4 .- 80 JAMES Mcß l us4a.
I• t 1.-Prveldintor the ;Select lawmen..
~.,itgyietri., J. It. 0 44 44 %
•• 4 'Clem of select Co6taed. • -
• , .• . ALP..EDSLACK. •
- •
p etrident •I lotonzOn,tionne.ll.
Attu!: Itittiltier PILWOWIIt, •
ettrkk , f Comtntti Council.
, 'l, ,
4 . FOB. SALE.:
uffice. - but rOOlll
112:Q131RE of
195 Liberty Street.
„au iszxb a et s w=estars in • Dn,